1906 05 14 The Otterbein Weekly

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RVILLE, 0., M Y 14, 1906 Y. M. C. A.

at the Spring street Union Mission. \V. G. Snavely led the ev 11 devotional exerci. es giving a The m ting Th11r di D. Bible reading on the parable of ing wa~ addres,-ed by Mr. the Wedding Feast, Matt. 22, 1 - r. Crackle, president the Rev. Haig is surely carryrng on a tion B cretades of great vork in helping those who A. of merica. Mr. Crackle bas need so much to be helped. charge of the boys department worl< at leveland, h io, a nd h is talk Tl ursd y eve ning wa largely Otterbein University Board of Trustees. on the ctu al condition s a nd ee f b y a m e 'Ii ith in h e 'President, F . H. Rike, A. B. work at Cleveland. His interDayton. T he Board of Trustees ting addre gave proof that he i in sympat y with the boy , and of Otterbefo University will meet at We terville in the A ssociatjon it wa very much eojoyed by Building at 2 p. m., onday, the eighty men p r nt. fany June 11. of the mer, had t he p lea ure of a CO, foUTTEES. pe rsonal chat with Mr. Crackle Finance and Badget-Including after the meetin g a over. all matters of finance, ways and i.\Ir. C. C. '.Vang, of Pekin, means, enlargement, field work, China, will speak-at the meeting salaries, etc. \V. R . Funk, T ve ing of thi week. • c a1rman . an is gradu te of a Faculty Committee-I ncluding C hinese college and has b een in Art and Business D epartments, thi country two years as a stuLibrary and recommendation for dent at Ohi Weslya n. Th ose Tru t es at Large. A. B. who h eard r. ang p~ak at the hauck, chairman. President ' Con fe( nee at tudent Bodv Committee­ U. recently peak of him as a Includin g athl -tics, alt matter v ery forceful peake r, and one concerning stu dent body. Build ­ who will interest the men h ere . ou will mi s one of the most en­ and g rounds. E. J ay Rogers, joyable meetin gs of the term if cha irm:rn. W. 0. B1ker, ec reta r y. F. you mi hearing thi yo:.ing man H. Rike Pres ident . fro m the far East. . and Y. M . The Y W. C. C. A. held a called joint se ion on last Monday night to hear Rev. W. C. Swearer, a returned missionary from Corea. Rev. Swearer has spent eight years in Corea and has accomplished a wonderful wo rk in that much-talked -of land. He is now traveliug in this country in the interests of mi ionary work. He gave a very interesting talk before the meeting 'londay even­ ing, and also in chapel the follow­ ing morning on the life and cus­ toms of the Coreans. A party o f twenty young men from the Y. M. C. A . here went to Col um bu unday evening and assisted Rev. Jas. Haig in the regular Sunday evening service

Baseball. othing el e but bad luck w;1s the cau e o f Otterbein's defeat by E. & J. last Saturday. The final score of 5 to 3 tell the story of a close game , fast and at tim es ex­ citinir. It was hard luck to lose that game, as it would have been a nice plume in 0. U. 's cap to capture the big end of the score from the strong E . & J . aggrega­ tion . Both pitchers did excellent work. The errors were about even. Japp eemed a trifle un­ steady at time but held his wn in good shape. Smith pitched ~ heady game and fielded his posi­ tion well. His batting also was

up to the stand,ud, i.:> etting two nice bingles \'vhich he;ped thin gs along in nice shape. 1\lorris, left fielder for E. & J., was the heavy hitter of the game. Out of five times at bat he secured a single, a a ouble and a triple . He also scored two runs. Shanahan and JaJil(> each got two hits. John Hall for Otterbein batted at a b67 clip, pulling two single ou t of . t b t three t 1mes a a. . . The scoring tarted tn the sec• . . ond 1nn111g, when E. & J. made . · f d bl b t wo t a II 1es on a pair o ou es y . Japp and Morris, two errors and a stolen base. To off: et this lead Ot erbein made a run in the third on a stolen ba e by 1(eller, a sac­ rifice and an error. 0. U. forged ahe._1d by one in the ixth. m ith s ingl~d, stole . eco 1d, sacrificed to third by nng and came home on Flick's single. Flick scored on a hit by Grabill and a long fly by Titus. E. & J. overcame the lead in the next inning. T wo sing[ s by orris and Hende rson, an error a nd a long Oy brought in two runs. Morris scored in the ninth on his o wn th ree bagger to left field and Railing's long flv . Otterbein put three men on bases in the ninth after two were down bu t the n ec­ essa ry hit was not forthcoming.

PERSONALS. Hollis E. Shirey and lady friend, of Columbu , were in town Sunday. F. w. 1cDo11a!d spent Sunday at his home in Logan, O. D. T. Ben11ert, '01, of Mt. Liberty, wa in town Saturday. 1\li ~etha Rowley ~ntertained at a ew111g party Fnday after. noon :\11 ses Hewitt l'.1arkley B k u ' ~ ' a e · and \:v einland. Refresh.men ts were served and all enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. . Jamison, of Hamilton,

0., has purcha ed Demuth's bar­ ber shop. · Ir. Demuth will preach at Ostrander. W R . .Funk, ·o yton, ~ a in town aturday. His daugh­ ter dri nn~ accomp ni d him home to pend Sunda . Me srs. Trimm ers and Bur ner went to Circleville to spend Sun­ day. 1lr. Burtner poke at a un­ day ch ol cqnven i n in that city. Rev. , . Z. Ro rts, pre iding elder of andusky confer nee, led chapel Thursday morning.

l\Ii ses Mary Allison and Ru th Bookwalter and Mes rs. Bennett a nd Weber enjoyed Saturday afternoon alo11g the banks of Big W alnu t. They brought home a large m ess of fish. Mr. 'vV ber ~'- aid that th e only trouble wa OTrF.lllH:TN, A.H. R. H. P . ;\, .•mllh, trahl, ps .... ....... ·-- - -.. -~ ________ .,5 OJ 02 II 24 ~ th at they could only find one Krlnl( Rb _____ __ ___ ,. .. 4 0 2 2 ~IICI<. C ___ _. _, _____ _..'; ~ boa t. ff 1 rahlll. !_ ______., , ___ I nI 1I :l 0 0 T ,.ttullil, rr•.•••.•••.••..• i n 0 0 o E. V. Bowers, '0 1, uperin­ 1 1, eller. 2h ___________ .1 I n 1 6 0 0 IO 0 8 ten den t of school in Gahanna, is f.- J'..'W· 0 2 2 0 ·----···H 1 h ome at the end of hi year's -Totoi__ __.,____.. • ff 27 H 6 work. S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:___:,_:::._.:..:__: I

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Samuel R. Seese, 'oo, pa tor o f

~ Park Avenue U. B. church, Johnstown, Pa., led chapel Tue day


~i,:,p:.e~~~~~-.~.-:.::~~~:! l ~ ~ ~ b morning. 1

A. R . Hendrickson, '01, pa tor of U. B. church , Mon tpelie r, 0., Hn 1>1111 _ • FIie mltb v wa 111 town last Tue day. b~• • anp 6. Two-hAR8 bltl!-MorrlR, J•pp'. Three-b,..e 1111fo-Morrl , trnoaban . i<tnl n Ch I H d · k f ~fo:-r,!lm1th, Kring. Grllblll, Tito , K lier; ar es en rrc son, o DayRolllne II,<' lburo . Douhle plllv•- ton is h h' Keller. Kring and Hall. Bit by pflched hll'l , ome on 1s summer vaca;;;:~~ck. Time or irame-J:30. mplre Kra-, tion. 10




V. D. Singer spent Sunday Thomas Hughes pent Sunday with his parents in Dayton. with friends in 0. U.



l Hf OTlf RBflN WffKlY Published Weekly by the OTTERBEI PUBLISHING COMPA Y, WESTERVILLE, OHIO. In the Interests of the Students of Otterbein University. L. K. fUNKHOU ER, Edito r E. A. LAWRENCE, Asst. Editor L. M. KELLER, Business Manager H. E. YOUNG, Asst. Bus. Manager J. H. KIRKBRJDE, Sub. Agen Address all Mail to OTTERBEIN WEEKLY Lock Box 63, Westerville, Ohio. ubscription Price _Per Year 7~c} In Advance Spnng Term 2JC Application made for Second-cl&s8 rate,.

Where:: council?''




ing Pruverb or a news1,aper clip ping the longer? Which i more liable to leave a lasting im­ pression? Is the Bible er a secular book better for buildingcharacter?



'Bubbling and Sizzling

Ranck' soda fountRin now running over with good thing . I ce Cr eam, Crusb.ed Fruits , Nut Frappe, P h osphat es and everytning in the refre hment line finer than e,er.

Ranck's Up=to=Date Pharmacy,

It is commonly rumcred about the streets of the town that the

Westerville. Ohio.

electric lij!hts may be turned off should give due consideration and on June I. How much real tru th try to reach an amicable agree• · · h. · only a t h ere 1s 111 t IS rumor is . ment. If the electric light commatter of conjecture. The po:ssi- party does not offer any proposition bility of the lights going ofl does which council in obedience to not sound good, for commence- their oaths to protect and foster ment is only one month off and to the best interests of the general have no electric lights during that community can agree to, the week would certainly be inconven­ it is up to council to do some­ ient to say the least. The students thing to definitely settle the ques­ and the townpeople ha,·e suffered tion and avoid any public inconmaterially from the shu:ting off of venience. the street lights, but that inconvenience would pale beside the Katydids Unharmed by Recent general inconvenience from the Cold Weather. total shut down of the electric light plant. A great 1u.ny Qf the The Katydids were entertained students use electric lights in their room-; and the majority of these a t the Karg home on South State are sorely dependent on this street last Friday evening. means of light. Also 111aPy resi­ Thi , like all of the other funcdences of the town are fitted for tions of this club, wa a very electdc light fixtures alone a.id J}nique affair. An air oLrn.yster;: these would of course be rendered seems to surround the doings of use I es s. Hence, the incon­ these· jolly girls but this much we venience would become general a re privileged to say: the a!lair and the situation would be cri t ical. was a "Darkey Party," and rag The town has been the scene of time songs and hoe cake were some recent burglaries of a more very much in evidence-whether or less serious nature. Advantage any "cullud pussons" were in was taken of the al:>sence of evidence we can not say. street lights to rob the post office. About twelve girls will testify Whether lights would have pre­ that they "had lot of fun." vented this or not, no one can tell. One street light 111 a city is Y. W. C. A. worth about six policemen accord­ ing to a wellknown statistician. About sixty girls attended the Several residences have been regular meeting Tuesday evening, entered and other petty thefts are which was led by Mis Mamie heard of now and then. As a Grove . The leader this Tues­ matter of protection to the life day evening will be Mi 1ary and property of the citizens, the Hewitt. Topic, "Les ons from electric light problem needs a Flowers. ' definite and early solutbn. Lite i a constant drill for ol­ The powers that be, are the one to settle this question and diers and bank burglars. the e seem to be the village coun­ cil and the electric light company. These bodies have bee 11 trying to 'ee the wontlerf( l docal d ani­ solve the problem for several olle e Fla , tick Pins and ouvenir mal ucto1 . months. It has been discu ed poons iu true Cardinal and Tan ha,•e and discu · ed and the people of jn l arrive.d Known ev rywhere a the b10-b­ the town want a settlement one tndent and alumni lwnld sec them. •'>t cla exhibition of the kind in roerica. way or the other. 1f the electric

Best ef Them All I

It is pleasing to note that the deportment of the gene, al stude nt body during chapel exercises has become better within the last month. Two good reason are at the bottom of this advancement. A little kindly advice and admoni­ tion by the dean has been put into practical effect. As good as ad \tice i at the right ti me, in this particular case it effect was not as g1 eat as another feature. For everal week , the student body has not been forced to listen to a dry reading of a long portion of some famous man's speech, ad­ dre ss, lecture, essay, or etc. The offering of somebody' thoughts, good as they may be, or a well­ known as the author may be, never , ill take the place of the Scriptures. The purpose of morning wor hip is not erved by any secular reading. By actual observation, the tudent body doe not eem to enjoy this "breaking of the monotony ." \ hat man (or men) has ever written anything more worthy ol It li tening to than the Bible? is well enough to have a change once in a while but let it be of a pertinent nature. It i an old but true expres ion that we are here in college to make character. However, char­ acter cannot b made in a day. It take time . Every tudent has his "up and down," his sea­ sons of encouragements and di couraJernent. . The best are tempted to w oder. \Vill the light company offer ai:y reason-, average tudent remember a warn- able propositions, the council DRUGS

SPARK'S •C'an,ous Railroad Shows

Monday, May 21

Something N ew


Traveling by own pecial tl'itin HARDWAR E. pahttial railwny car •




a 13a~eoal I napp 11ee Rnu•

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pnrfina.. Good~ oJ all description@.

-~ Prices the l weet.

The Columbus Sporting Goods Co., North High Street, CoJumbus, C>. 1

church work will meet Thursday, May 17 at the home of Mrs. H. L. Smith, of Greensburg, Reese, on Vine street. Pa., is spending the week with M r. Frank Smith was at ,brother Floyd. Alexandria Sunday, preaching Miss Susie Truitt and Mr. Wal there in the Congregationalist · ter Oldendorf, of Thorntown , church · both morning and even­ , Ind., visited.~ Miss Ethel Truitt ing. This is one of Rev. P. B. Dunlap's regular appoin tme ntt , last Saturday and Sunday. and Mr. Smith was there in his Guy R. Taylor., '03, and wife, stead. . of Belle Center, 0., are in Wes­ Miss Gertrude Scott, who has . terville on a visit. been attending college in ew Rev. Bennett, father of P. York is at home having been Bennett, a former student Ill compelled to give up her work on 0. U., w~s in town Tuesday. a ccount of ill health. At the regnlar monthly meet­ President Bookwalter w i 11 ing of the ·varsity O Association, spend a part of this week in at­ the- following officers were elected tending the fifty-fourth annual for the ensuing year: President, meeting of tne Congregational J. w. Ayer; Vice President, I. association of Ohio, which meets L. Clymer; Secretary, L. E. My­ at Marrieta, May 15 to 17. On ers; Treasurer, W• D. Kring. the afternoon of May 16 he will The Association contemplates present to the conference the building a straight track of 100 or United ' rethern view of "The 120 yards just east of the oval. Effect of Church Union upon Our Such a track is much needed for enominational Ideal and Life." the short runs and would alrow C. 0. Callender, '03, and B. F. the dash and distance men to Cunningham , '03, spent Tuesday train withou t interfering with one and Wednesday of last week with . another as is so often the case friends in Otterbein. Both were now. members of this year's senior The Otterbein Track Team class of U. B. Seminary. Mr. meets Wittenberg upon our own Cunningham has accepted an ap­ oval next Saturday at 2 p. m. , for pointment as pastor of the Congre­ 'the first real contest of the season. tional church, Independence, KanA goodly nu mber of men hav_e sas, and Mr. Callender will occu­ trained consistently under the di- py a pulpit in Climax, 0., for the rection of Captain Ayer in mud, coming year. rai n and cold for the pa st six Mr. F. C. Tossey, of 0. S. U. PERSONALS

weeks, and although a large part law school, spent Sunday in Wes•Of the team is entirely new to such terville. work, there are certain to be not L. C. exauer, of Columbus, a few old college records broken was in town Sunday. next Saturday. \Vittenberg is strong and every event will be CONCERT. hotly contested. The managend meRt has been u er heavy exThe student body, faculty, f th ·s . I meet and it is hoped pense or d 'th friends of the college, alumni and that not only all connecte wi citizens of Westerville will be giv­ the college but a large number of en the chance to hear what will be nd citizens will be on ha to see without doubt, the finest mu ical of the ''Cardinal followers What event of the year. The college th and Tan" can do on e track. choru will render Gaul's "Holy Mi s Blanche Rock who has City" during commencement been confined to her home for week. The name of this oratorio two week on account of a hould alone be ufficient to at­ sprained ankle is now ahle to be tract a large audience. Thi £am.about on crutches. ou work by one of the world' The \ oman 's Society for j musical master i eautiful, state-


IS E.Collel?e Ave., WESTERVILLE, O.

ly in its treatment of a sacr~d theme, and marked!)' profound 111 its worshipfulnc:-ss. The ability of the college ch orus has already been demonstrated and it needs no introduction. The chorus has been working hard for two months under the di rec­ tion of Prof. Harrington and there is every ind ication of fine choral work being done. Lay aside twenty -five cents now so that you will be sure to be there. You and your friend will miss something mighty fine if you are not there. Think on this.

DR. A. W. .JONE College Avenue

A ten pound baby can make more noise than a 250 pou nd man An elephant CHITle bi tn nk but can suppress. let me haul yours. When you feel for the poor put your hand into your purse. By giving a free-lunch annex with each library Carnegie would The College Expressman fill a long-felt want.

E. G. Mc Mahon

A woman always looks on the Leavo orri.,, at the pn•t office or bright side-of a mirror. c11ll Hell Ph one 3 7. Some men are too intellectual to be intelligent. Mankind is divided into three classes-riders, walkers and strap hangers. What a happy old world thi. would be if people who lo e their tempers were unable to find them again.

F. Bookman

If people could find money a ea y as they find fault we would all be millionaire in a hort tim e. For your


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pqotograpqs • Jnnis Special Rates t Stu ents


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f Q)tterb in.

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L~~:::'i?-~ Our work

\ orrnan. l\ l uckie ·t Muck." In sh-' 'I th9ught you took that Hi tory lat ye· r." Staple and Fancy 1Iorris-''l did, but th l: Fdcttlty encor d me.'' at Bill had a billboard; Bill a l o had a boardbill. The boardbill bored b ill so that Bill sold th e billboard to pay his boa rdbi \1.­ THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Ex. T ,le.4 I tor: or Qo.a.rten:, WU)t r. · Butter mil k-goat '. n1ilk. S! t ! 1. ,\dq1l si n ts t(rantCd •t the open ttd, April td, J\µJe t6tli, GDd arlrn s · -a blin d neg ro hunt Odu Gr•. 1t te loc;•ru1 io is otfetttl h1 the Cr.tduate Schools of ing for a black cat in a dark c liar Ari,, ud Liter tur an,l ·o the Ogden ( duate) School ot Science. at midnight. l' rof~sc;jonal instr'! Ct\on i.s offered Ip the. Di\'lnlty School, t he La\ School. R~h r.1edt l ,pllcs:e ,affiliated}, &Qd the Otterb in' Match Facto ries, Sch<i.cll o( Educ.ati n. Su1)\mcr Qut1rtt>r J9()6, June 16-Stpte.mbcr s . FlrSt ~erm: cl assified according to the number J uT)..e 16--July 2(); Se1.on~ Terrn: Juiy a,- u.,ust31. Reglstr~• t lon is 1,cr111it1ed fo r the entire quarter or f 'eltl,le.r term. of hours run each day. Full anc;t reg-ular credit ts given for WQrk done . Special course arc offered for teachcr5. outh step of main building. For Inf< 1atlon addres orth ste ps of main building. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHI C AGO • • ILLINOIS Entrance t A sso iation build· ing. D ,,, , f><i I th l!f'e r h.. li ne of The old r liable brid ge.




. •



Your 'PHOTO.from Th• Old 'R•liabl•


You should see the Bargains

;\l n r y h a <;! n li t tle la mb h ft:d it ga&o line, , O ne d a y it w ent t o o near the fire , ince then it's not benzine.


..fpecial ..f tude n t.s ~ates


m o s t dur­ a blc . \ c excell in arti lie po e.

C. Rym e r (in Int. a t. Law) ­ The cons ul has the pow er to im­ pose a fin e of nin ety day or 500. Smith-''Say it' s colder than it was thi morning." Staley-"What makes y ou think o ? Smith-"I put my ha,.d the cash rawa and I felt the change." Mowers said he lost a little ground when h fell into the

SHOES Ar well built. 'flh11 , rn ., dt rribf& thPm !?rom fa c to y to o n aves you a dollar a pair. , ' only

$2.50 and $3.00


\ here are So 1ne g1·r1s in school I Chit! " """ Hmt'l Buil<tiug that ar like old muskets, lots of ,- - -- - -- - -- - - - - - · powd er that won't go off. 1•


Miss H nsford-"G o o d b-y· Cy."

Leading Livery,

Teacher-'' What tense do I u e when I say, "I am beauti­ , at .J:ful?" President McDonald of the senPupil-"Remote past." ior class, now has a private secre­ Ask the Kadydidnt' how they WESTERVILLE. tary who e ol duty it is to keep OHIO. feel in their brothe1 s' clothes. Mack suppli d with notices which 1n; A R OF HU'J l!:L ULt<:N llU s HOTU I'll Nil: 16. read a follow s: " There will be Holmes Block a me ting of all seni rs imff,edi ­ It will profit a girl nothing when she is married if she knows IJ . w . )'. "" 1·" v, Pr · J. w. E v £lt L, V J atel y after chap el." I res. . L . lll<U NIJA O!t, a b ier . THE It is said that Prof. Wagon er all about music. and_ knows not how to make a g ood pie cru t. ha a new porch Clym er. FIRST NATIONAL BANK '•Owed" to Sin r. Gra widows haven't cornered Will bttu yom trn nk !-1 , vuli ce , i,;. TAl:ILl-;HJ~U I •~ He, bo t urn s :rn d ru ns aw a y; the hay market y t. expres$ ttnd fr eig~t in o nr littl I WESTERVIL,l,E, O HlO, Will ru n t he gau ntl et no t her clay. Some men are too lazy to CAPITAL STOCK r eel WU!!OO 1 11b prom 1 t n , . · $25 ,000 Davi s-''How heavy is a twelve enjoy a vacation. Our 'h•U-!!t- 11t·e v rv 11 1vd rnte. pound hamm er?" JJo n i;?eoeml b,rn1, 1og llu Nhl •, rec I ve haughty man's dignity is and tonns m n e y, puy lnl!'re. on llUl d • Mi s Guitn r- '·Th ere are too OOSJl,s, buy a od He llo llou d ' Your bu IQ • Is •ollc lted. Tills bani I uoa r g n· rorn nt many acti, e v ices at the board." usually nine-tenths bluff.

Feed and Sale Stable

McFarlan d's Shoe Store


. RINCE and

F ranklin P ark F loral Company, Leading Florists, Cut Flowers a Specialty $

$ $ Falr and Pugh Ave,, Columbus Half quart from Oak St. tat line.


·--~ W. C. PHINNEY, Dealer In

"Furniture, Window Shades, Picture Frames, Etc. New line Picture Mou ldi ng just rece ived . Cor, Sr ate 5- Main Bell Phone 66

a i11 ty m aiil wilb "'Old c11 lre s , t ud i s Lati11 uch 11, slre s P o ut in lip s inv ite uress, Didici sem ?-well, r ~u ~-

A bad memory often enables us to rememb r the thing we should forget.

Inspection. II

• Kl


' (:I

:SO n. u1. o 4 p , m .


J, w. )Jurkley, J. \V . .Jl:vera l, W. A. Young, w. C. llnlt, •. D. Lnodou, F . ulv r, D rugstore complexions cove r a G. L. tougbtou, U. P . l:le ry, ·. L. Brundage. rof. S.-wrapping- on de k­ mul ti tude of freckles. Citizen Phone No. 3 . Bell 101 . ''0rder! Order!" Sotto voce-"Ham and egg , p)ea e. '' l\IcFarren-' 'Speech is great, Wu ile ncldres ing a grncl na t1og clu~ in Bookk epi ng, 'bort but ilence i greater. " band nnd kindred uhject-. ' the trni n ti rnttn wi ll make bi Prof. navely (in En g li ·h Hi!l­ lite f It, , hile without trai nin!? t bon and go dow n o n tb ea tory)-''\Vhat kind of a man was of luck to ono wbo meet with ucce . " Corn ell?

Gen. Garfield said

Mi~~ Jessie 1\1 .-Wh n l don't et my lesson J get so exc ited I Jtt can' t rec ite.'' Pers hing,


H .-

Won't his w ife be quite s urprised \ hen a curlino- iron she spies?

Koehle r-

Secure a University Training for Business. the-

School ot Commerce De partment of t he OTTERB EI


A<ldre . DR. LEWI ' BOOKWALTER, Pr ideot. PROF. P. F. WILKIN O , Pr 10. of

To be the chief of all the re t, end ror College Cat alogue, , P ro p~ctus, Term@, Ts wh11t w e k no w would please hi m best. ~1)4lclal otrer and bo w to 11 ei a c b olar@hlp FREE.

c bool ol Commerce,



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