The Otterbein Weekly May 14, 1906

Page 1

ol I.

Y M. C. A.

The m ting Thur d~ ing was addres,-ed by lr. D. Crac kl e, pr sident the ;; ociati o n B e retaries o f Y M. C. A of merica. M r. Cr ackle has charge of the boys department wo rl< a lev e land , hi o, and hi s t alk Tl ur da y e v n"in g wa lar gely on the ctu a l conditions a n d ee • f boys a m e , ith in he work at Clev land. Hi in te rsting -add r e s ga v e proof that he i in sy mpathy wit11 the boy , and it wa v ery much enjoyed by the eighty men p r nt. fany of the met h ad t he plea ure of a per so na l chat with Mr. Cr ackle after the meeting as ver.

l\Ir. C. C. ' Nang, of P ekin, C hina, will speakat the meeting T ur ve ing of thi week.

- ,Ir \ran is gradu te of a Chin ese college and has b een in thi country two years a a stu • dent at hi We lyan Th ose who h eard r . ang p ak at the Pr esident ' Con f r n e a t . r ecently peak of him as a v e ry forceful s peaker, and one who will inter e t the men here. You will mi one of the most en• joy ble meetings of the term if you mi h aring thi yo:rng man fr o m the far East.

The Y W. C and M. C. held a called joint e ion on last londay night to hear Rev. W. C. Sweare r , a r eturned missiona r y from Corea. Rev. Sweare r has spent eight years in Corea and has accomplished a w o nderful wo rk i n t hat much•talked•o f land H e is now t r aveliug i n th is coun t ry in the interests o f m i sionar y wo r k. He gave a very intere ting talk before the meet i ng Monday evt n • ing, and al o in c-hapel the follow • ing morning on the li fe and cut oms of th e C oreans .

A p art y o f t we n t y yo un g me n fr o m t he Y. M. C A. h e r e we nt t o Col umbu s S und a y e ve nin g a nd a s s is ted Re v . J a s . H a i g in the regul a r Su n day evening s ervice

Y 14, 1906

at the Spring street Union Mis- up to the stand,ird , b1 et1ing two sion. \V. G. Snavely led the nice bingles which he ;pe d thin gs devot i onal x erci es giving a along in nice shape. Morris , left Bible reading on the parable of fielder for E. & J., was the heavy the Wedding Feast, Matt. 22, r - 1 hitter of the game Out of five Rev. Haig is urely carrying 011 a times at bat he secured a single a great work in helping tho e who a ouble and a triple. He also need so much to be helped. scored two runs. Shanahan and


Hollis E. Shi rey and laay friend , of C olumbu , were in town S unday

F. W. 1\lcD011ald spent Sunday at his home in Log an, 0. D. T. 13en11ert, '01, of Liberty, wa in tow11 Saturday t. Japp each got two hits. J ohn Otterbe in U~iv e rsity Board of Hall for Otterbein batted at a 067 Mi Le tha Rowlee entertain,ed Trustees. clip, pulling two singlt> ou t of th t t b t at a ewing party Friday a fter-

Pre ident, F. H. Rike, A. B. D a yto n T he Board of Trust ees of Otterb efo U niversity will m ee t a t We te rville in the Association Building at 2 p. m , onday, June 11.

COMMITTEES, Finance and Badget-Including all matters of finance, ways and m eans, enlargement, field wo rk, alaries, etc. \V R. Funk, di::i1 rman.

ree tmes a a . . . n oon Mi ses Hewitt ""arl<le y The conng tarted 111 the sec• ' ).. • ' d · · l E & J d Bakei: and v einland. Refresh· on mning, w 1en ma e t t ti • · f d bl b _men ts were erved and all enjo ywo a 1es on a pai r o ou es y ed a plea ant afternoon. Japp and Morri , two errors and a stolen base To offi et thi: lead W. · Jamison, of Hamilton, Otter bein mad e a run 111 the third 0., has pur;.cha ed Demuth's bar. on a tolen ba e. by Keller, a sac• ber shop. Mr. emoth ill ri fi ce a nd an erro r. preach at Ostrander.

Faculty Commi ttee-Including Art and Business D partments, Library an r e commendation fo r Tru a t arge . A. :8 . hauck, chair m an.

tudent Bodv CommitteeIncluding athl tics. alt matt e rs concerning student body Build and ground E. Jay R oge rs, chairman .

0. U. forged ahe~d by one in W. R. Funk, o yton, wa the ixth. mith s ingl~d, stole in town a turday His d ug h· econd, sacr ifi ced to third by er dri nn<: accompani d him rin g and cam e home on Flick's home to pend Sunday. s in g le. Flick scored on a hit by Me s rs. Tri mm rs and Hur ner Gra bill and a long fl y by Titu went t Circleville t o spend u11E. & J overcame the lea in <lay. lllr. Burtner poke at a unthe n xt inning T wo sing! s by day ch ol convenlri n in that city. o rris and Henderson, an error Rev .1 • Z. Ro ts, pres i ing and a long fl y brought in two run s. eld e r of andusky confer ence , le d Morris sco r ed in the ninth o n his chapel Thursday mo1 ning own thre e ba gger t o l e ft fi el d and l\Iis e M ar y Allison and Ruth Rollin g'. long fly Otterbein put B ookwalt r and Mes rs. Benne tt thr ee men on ba es in the n in th and Weber enjoyed aturda y W. 0. B'lker, H. Rike Pre-sident. e cr tar y. F. after two were down bu t the n ee- a fternoon along the banks of Big


othing else but bad luck W.\S the cau e of Otterbein' defeat by E. & J. last Saturday. The final core of 5 to 3 tell the story of a close game, fast and at times ex• cit i nfl. I t was hard luck to lose that ga m e, as i t would h ave been a nice plume in 0. U. 's cap to captu r e the big end o f the score from the strong E & J aggregation . Bo th p itc h e r s did excelle n t wo rk. The err o r s we re a b ou t eve n Ja p p s eem ed a trifl e unsteady at tim es but held hi s wn in g ood s hape. Smith pitched a heady game and fielded his positi o n wel l. His batting also w as

essary hit was not forthcoming . W alnu t. They brought home st•,nr nY a la rge me ss of fi s h. Ir.

"T •R rniE1N. A H R u P .O. ~·
, trahl, " • ····-···~ I O I I ti t I Id I fi d •m1th. p ·-········Ii 0 2 1 2 11 1a t 1ey cou on y n one KrhHc Rb·········-···· 4 0 2 2 1 boat. Fll cl<. C - -···· •.'i l I ff l n f'l r nblll. ! •. I n I 0 0 "f<';/, e~~ k············ 1 o o 1 o o E. Bowers , B. 11°11 , ,i;_::-···---··/ J 1h 3 2 tendent of
J. HR!!, cr.._:·::::::.:a o 2 2 o 1 - 8 -· - home at the end - T_o_t,._1._._·-_··_-·_· a _:__.::.ff_:Zl:.:_.:.'.:..4 6 work. '01, uperinin Gahanna, ts of hi year's E • J. AB R H PO. A 1':. 1O1~rl • 1 ·•••• ··,; · 2 R o o o Samuel R. ee , 'oo, pa tor of p " Ina-, m J; 1 I O o 2 "nrrer'i, ' ··- ,; 0 0 1 n ° Park Avenue U. B. church, Johns- ,lr,inn >An 1 .•.. .'i 0 2 12 :l o bender.on, c !I o 1 1 o t p I d I I T ror,~:;:.~~ :1.:_·.-·.-.-.· . -.·: : O O 4 4 J own, a., e c1ape uesday 110 kl'nbl'c k, r - 4 1, morning Japp. P····-····· ..• A I 2 0 8 0 - - A R. Hendrick on, ' r, pa t or Tola I~ ••.••• 5 JO 2; 15 4 of U B. c hurch, Montpelier, ., Bn~ on ed bAII - • J Flick , ttend mltb r wa m town a t Tue day. b~ Jar,p 6. , - orr1H, J•pp'. Three.hoe 11 , lrnoeban P<t,.. Jen Ch I H d · k f D ~&11e..-!lm1th. Kring, O r eblll. Tltn , Kelle r· a r e s en nc s on, o ayi, f orr1 Rolllnir ~. Colb ur n. Douhle pla • ' t · h h. Keller Kring e n d H all l:f tt by ptrche d h;,j o n, I S o me o n I S s umm e r vaca;;:~'. k Time or irame-t::J(!. mpt re Kr&• t ion v J?· Sin g er spent Sunday I Th o ma s Hugh es p ent Sunday with his parents in Dayton. w ith frien ds in 0. U.
aid that the only trouble wa

lHf OTlf RBf INWf fKlY nd and Sizzling

Published Weekly by the OTTERBEh P UBLISH! G COMPANY.


In the Interests o f the Students o f O tterbein University

L. K FUNKHOU ER, Edit o r

E A LAWRENCE , Asst. Editor

L. M. KELLER , Business Manager

H E. YOUNG , Asst. Bus Manager


Address all Mail to OTTERBEIN WEEKLY

Lock Bo x 63 , Westerville , Ohio.

ubscription Price

Pa Year 75c} Spring Term 25c In Advance

Application mRd e fur econd-clasa Tate,. Where council?'>

: ::: ::-) ;; is that "university

It is pleasing to note that the deportment of the gene, al student body during chapel exercises has become better within the last month.

Two good reason are at the bott om of this advancement. A little kindly advice and admonition by the dean has been put into practical effect As good as ad l' ice is at the right time, in this particular case it!'! effect was not as gr eat as another featur e.

ing Pruverb or a news1 ,aper clip - j ping the longer ? Which is more liable to leave a lasting impression ? Is the Bible er a secular book better for buildingcharacter?


It is commonly rumcred about the streets of the town that the electric lig-hts may be turned off on June L How much real truth there is in this rumor is only a matter of conjecture. The po:ssibility of th e lights going off does not sound good, for commencement is only one month off and to have no electri c lights during that week would certainly be inconvenient to say theJeast. The students

Ranck' oda fountRin now running over with good thing . Ice Cream , Crusb.ed Fruits , Nut Frappe , Phosphates and everytning in the refre bmeut line finer than e-,er.

Ranck's Up=to=Date Pharmacy, Westerville, Ohio.

should give due consideration and try to reach an amicable agreement. If the electric light compa11y d oes not offer any proposition which council in obedience to their oaths to protect and foster the best interests of the general community can agree to, the it is up to council to do somed ti 1 h ffiered thing to definitely settle the ques- an 1e townpeop e a,·e su

materially from the shu:ting off of tion and avoid any public inconvenience.

the street lights, but that mconvenience would pale beside the general inconvenience from the total shut down of the electric light plant. A great n :lll Y of the students use electric lights in their room-; and the majority of these are sorely dependent on this means of lig ht A )so ITTa,,y residences of the town are fitted for electric fixtures alone ~id these would of course b:: rendered use I es s. Hence, the inconvenience would become general and the si tuati on would be critic al.

The Katydids were entertai ned a t the Karg home on South State s treet last Friday evening.

EBest 0f Them All I SPARK'S C' • an,ous Railroad Shows

For everal weeks, the student body ha s not been forced to listen to a dry reading of a long portion of some famous man's speech, adsome recent burg laries of a more dre ss, lecture, es say, or etc. The o r less serious nature. Advantage offering of somebody' thoughts, was taken of th e a'::>sence of good a - they may be, o r a wellstreet lights to rob the post office. known as the author may be, Whether lights would hav e prenever , ill take the place of the vented this or not no one can

The town ha s been the scene of

Thi , like all of the other functions of this club, wa a very pnique affair r An air ofm_y tery seems to surround the doings of these ·jolly girls but this much we a re privileged t o say: the a!lair was a "Da rke y Party ,1' and rag time songs and hoe ca ke we r e very much in evidence-whether any "cullud pu sson " were in evide nc e we can not say.

About twelve girls will testify that they "had l ot of fun."

Monday, May 21

Y W. C A.

About sixty girls attended the regular meeting Tuesday evening, which was led by ili s Mamie Grove The leader this Tuesday evening will be Mis Mary Hewitt. Topic, "Le ons from Flowers.'

Scrip_tures. ~h: pu rpo e of tell. One street lig,ht 111 a city is morning wor- h 1p 1s not er ed by worth about six policemen accordany ecular reading. By actual ing to a wellknown statistician. observation, the tu dent body Several residences have been doe not eem to enjoy this entered and other petty thefts are "breaking of the monotony.>' heard of now and then. As a What man (or men) ha ever matter of protection to the life written anything more worthy ol and property of the citizens, the li tening to than the Bible? It electric light problem needs a is weU enough to have a change definite and early solution. once in a while but let it be of a The powers that be, are ihe Lite i a con tant drill for solpertinent nature. ones to settle this question and dier and bank burglars.

It i an old but true expres ion these seem to be the village coun- -

tha we are here in college to cil and the electric lightcompany. Something

New 1

make character However, char- These bodies have bee 11 tryin~ to b

acter cannot e made in a day. solve the problem for se\'eral

It take time. Every tu dent month It ha been discu ed

bas his "up and down," his sea- and discu ·-ed and the people of

ons of encouragemen and dis- the town want a ettlcment one

couragcrnent The best are way or the other. If the electric

tempted to wander. Will the l:ght company offer any re ason- ,

average tudent remember a warn- able proposition , the council

Katydid s Unharmed by Recent Cold Weath er.
'ee the wonderful ducat d ani-
Pins and ouvcnir ornl uctor
poons io true Cardinal a nd Tan
ju l arriv d Known ev rywh re n the btgb-
tnden and alumni lwnld sec th em. e t cla exbibitino of lbe kind in
m tica.
DR. KEEFER, Traveling by own pecial tl'ilin
DRUGS AND HARDWARE. palatial railway car
Flags, tick


J ,1 · GoodQ of a1I deecriptiooe. Pricee the ls>weet, l3ueball Aapplles Rn P"' ng ·

The Columbus Sporting Goods Co.,

2,3,5 North High Street, CoJumbiis, C>.


1church work wi11 meet Thursday, ,..... May 17 at the home of M:rs.

b Reese, on Vine street.

H. L. Smith, o( Greens urg, J>a., is spending the week with Mr. Frank Smith was at ,brother Floyd.

Alexandria Sunday, preaching there in the Congregationalist

Miss Susie Truitt and Mr. Wal church both morning and even- - ter Oldendorf, of Thorntown , l T · ing This is ooe of Rev P. B. , Ind , visited.~ Miss Ethe ru1tt Dunlap's regular appointmentt , last Saturday and Sunday. and Mr. Smith was there in his

Guy R. Taylor~ '03, and wife, stead. of Belle Center, 0 ,are in Wes. terville on a visit.

Rev Bennett, father of P. Bennett, a former student m 0. U., w~s in town Tuesday.

At the regnlar monthly meet' ing of the ·varsity O Association, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, ]. w. Ayer; Vice President, I. L. Clymer; Secretary, L E. Myers; Treasurer, W. D. Kring. The Association contemplates building a straight track of 100 or 1 20 yards just east of the oval. Such a track is much needed for the short runs and would alfow the dash and distance men to train without interfering with one another as is so Qften the case now.

The Otterbein Track Team meets Wittenberg upon our own oval next Saturday at 2 P· m. • for -the first real contest of the season. A goodly number of men hav_e trained consistently under the direction of Captain Ayer in mud, , rain and cold for the past six weeks, and although a large part - of the team is entirely new to such work, there are certain to be not a few old college records broken ext Saturday. \;Vittenberg is :trong and every event will be hotly contested. The managemeRt has been under heavy ex-

Miss Gertrude Scott, who has been attending college in ew York is at home having been compelled to give up her work on account of ill health.

President Bookwalter w i 1I spend a part of this week in attending the fifty -fourth ann ual meeting of tne Congregational association of Ohi o, which meets at Marrieta, May 15 to I 7. On the afternoon of May 16 he will present to the conference the United ' rethern view of "The Effect of Church Union upon Our enomfoational Ideal and Life."

C. 0. Callender, '03, and B. F. Cunningham, '03, spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week with friends in Otterbein. Both were members of this year 's senior class of U. B. Seminary. Mr. Cunningham has accepted an appointment as pastor of the Congretional church, Independence, Kansas, and Mr. Callender will occupy a pulpit in Climax, 0., for the coming year.

Mr. F. C. Tossey , of 0. S. U. law sc h ool, spent Sunday in Westerville

L. C. exauer, of Columbus, was in town Sunday.




)y in its tre atm ent of a sacred theme, and markedly profound in its worshipfulnt"SS.

The ability of the college ch orus has already been demonstrated and it needs no introducti o n. The chorus has been working hard for two m onths under the direction of Prof. Harrington and there is every indication of fine choral work being done

Lay aside twenty -five cents now so that you will be sure to be there. You and your friend will miss something mighty fine if you are not there. Th ink on this.

A ten pound baby can make

DR. A. W. .JONE College Avenue

more noise than a 2 5° pou nd man An elephant CH1-r1e can suppress. let me haul yours.

When you fe el for the poor put your hand into your purse

By giving a free -l unch annex with each library Carneg ie would fill a long -felt want

A woman always looks on the bright side-of a mirror.

Some men are too intellectual to be intelligent.

Mankind is divided into three classes-riders, walkers and strap hangers.

What a happy old world this would be if people who lo e their tempers were unable to find them again.

If people could find money a easy as they find fa'Ult we would all be millionaire in a short time.

E. G. Mc Mahon

The College Expressman Leavo orrl<>1 at the po•t o ffice or crtl I !:Sell Pb one 37.

F. Bookman




f this meet and it is hoped pen e or d 'th friends of the college, alumni and that not only all connecte b wi f citizens of Westerville will be givthe college but a large num er O en the chance to hear what will be

student body, facu lty, citizens will be on hand to see what followers of the ''Cardinal and Tan" can do on the track. without d o ubt, the finest mu ical event of the year. The college cboru will render Gaul's "Holy City" d u r i n g commencement week. The name of this oratorio

For yoar + Pf? tographs • Jnnis

Sp cial Rates t Stu ~nts Q)tt rbein +

High. Rich.

Mi s Blanche Rock who has been confined to her home for two week on account of a sprained ankle is now able to be hould alone be ufficieot to attract a large audience. Thi famou work by one of the world' for Imusical masters i eautiful, state-

.about on crutches.

The \ oman ' s Society

b L tn nk but

c:otlt\ re offered for tea~ F e r fo(qrmatfoo addr

A s h-"! th~>Ught you took that H istor)' la t ye - r."

, Iorri -'·I did, but th l' F.iculty encored me."

BiU bad a billboar dr Bill a l o had a b a rdbill. The bo :lr dbill b q red b ill so that Bill sold th e billboard to p y his b oardb i\1.Ex.

· Hutt e r m il k -goats' rnillrh1 s -a blind ne g ro hunt · ing for a black cat in a dark cellar at midnight.

Otterb in' Match Factories, cl ass ified according to the n1.1mber of hours run each day.

South step of main building. orth s ep of main building.

Entrance t A ssoc iation build· ing.

The old r liable bridge.

xfary h11d a tittle lam b h fe<l i t gasoline, • O ne cloy it w ent too n ea r th e fire, in e t)leu it's not j)enzine.

President McDonald of the senior c)ass, now has a private secretary who i;e oJe duty it is to keep Mack uppli d with notices which read a follows: • ' There will be a me ting o all seni r imlT, diately after chap I."

It is sa id tbat Pr f. Wagon e r ha s a new por h Clym e r.

'•Owed" to ing r.

He w h o turn a u d run · away; Writ run the gam,t l el nother day.

Davi s- ' How h avy is a tw Ive pound h a mm e r?"

Mi s Guit11er- •Th e re are too many active v ice s at the board."

Dai1 1ty m aid with ,.,o ld c 11 lre s , tndi s Latin uch ti r Pouting lips invite uress, Didici sem?- well, l gu

Prof. .-wrapping on de k''Order! Order!"

Sott voce- 11 Ham and eggs, please. ' 1

IcFarren-" Speech i · great, but ilence i grea er."

Pr f. nav ly (in n g li h Hi~tory)-''°V hat kind of a ma11 was ornell ?

l\'[ i s J ssic I.-Wh n I don t get my le son J get o excited I can't recite .''

Pershing, J. H .-

Wo11'l his wife be quite s ur pris ed \ he n a curling iron he spies ? Koehler-

.fp ecial

.ftudent.s R..ate.s

C Rymer ( in Int. a t. Law)-

The con s ul has the power to im• pose a fine of nin ty day or 500

Smith-''Say it' s c olde r than it was thi morning " Staley-"What makes you thinlc o ?

Smith-" l put my 111 the ca h raw~r and I felt the chan ge."

Mowers said he lost a little ground w hen h fell into the creek \

T}1ere are Some gl.rls in school 1


that ar like old muskets, lots of 1 · powd e r that won't go off.

Miss Hansford-"G o o d b-y•e Cy." I

Teach e r-''Wbat tense do I use when I say, "l am beautifu ]?II

'Pupil-"l emote past."

sk the Kadydidnt's how they feel in their brothe1s' cloth s.

It will profit a girl nothing when h e is married if she know all about mu s ic. and knows not how to mal e a good pie cru s t.

Gra. s widow haven't corner d the hay market yet.

Some m n are

enjoy a vacation.

too lazy to

haughty man's dignity is u s ually nine - t enth bluff.

A bad memory often enables us to rememb r the thing we should forget.

Drugstore complexions cover a multitude of freckle

Gen. Garfield said

Wl.i ilo oclclre rng a gnu luat tog cl11 ~ io Bo kk piog, 'bort band noel kmdr d uhjec t ''th e tnlin 11 mitn will mnke bi lite f It, while without training thou 11nd go dow n o n th a of l uck to one wbo moel.8 with uc e "

You should see the Bargains . In Staple and Fancy GROCERIES at freeman's TH E UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO T 1 e t 1 lo f ur Qunrten, Wlot • Srr!nw:. 11 slon 1s tcra.ntetl at th(t openin~ J"'l 4(1, ]IID• 16tli, and Oll<Jt.t!r Gr, fo tht Cr.ulu.a.te School• of Ar h .·1h.l ti ( raduate) Sch04>l ol Sdeoce1 Vrot~s'-lona l histt1 fn the- DJ\1nlty Schobl, t he La .v School. Rw. le •c faifilla.ted}, a,nd th~ SchCIOI of l:iduc.ati n. S~mmer Qusrtt>r J9()6:, June- 16-Scpte.mbc r t, First :re.rm: J ui,• •~July 26; Se,on~ 'l"C<nl : July -r-Aui:u.t 31. Reglstra• t lo n l.s J-t.rmiued fo r tho enth:e (;);uarlcr o r for "el tl)e.r tcnn F ull and reirular credit ts give n fo r wo rk dooe , Spcdal
ILLINOIS X FO'R.1J...T , at Farland's Shoe Store Holmes Block CE
Will b 11111 yom t rn nk , xpre 1rncl fr ig'"lt i11 Olll' r cl wugon with promptn Onr 'h>tr!lt- ufe v t' V 1110d
Franklin Park Floral Company, Leading Florists, C ut Flowers a Specialty .,, "- •"' .$ Fair and Purh Ave., Columbu Hall ,1 quare from Oak St. ear tine , ,t!f W. C. PHINNEY, Dealer In 'Furniture , Window Shades, Picture Frames, Etc. New lin e Pictur e Moul di ng just received Cor, Slate&, Main Bell Phone 66 THE O TT ERBE I 1 WEEKLY LOCALS Your 'PHOTOfrom The Old "Reliable
and I
Fred Longhenry
an. ••High !\luckiest
Will oltvoyJ be fhe beJt.
Our work i most durabl e \ e e.xcell in arti tic po e
well b11ilt. '1'he Ill " lif rrib f & thPm l<'rom facto v 10 o u aves you II dollar a psir 1 ,.' onl $2.50 and $3.00 Chltt 11 "" 11 H,u 1 Building
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable WESTERVILLE, OHIO H ;A R OF 110'! EL l!Lh:N no. BO ' l'U I'll Nit 16. J W M Hi.:t EV, I re J w E,• RAl., Vic l'r •• L ll l<U. llAOlr , a. bl r. FIRST THE NATIONAL K TAl:ILl'IIJJ,JI) 111-~ BANK.
Uo e>< A ,IC'0 rill bnn l<l u g lm In~ • re~ IV nn(l I0AllM Ill 11 y, 1)11.V ll1l resL OIi lllJl (l • ooslt•, buy• iind •ell bo11fl Your b111 lne 1 · bOIICILed. fhlH IJnnl uu(I r g IV rnm llt lo p cllou II .NKJN(;I llUUlt :BO a. m 4 p m. - DIRE TOR J. w ~lltrkley, J. w .Evernl, w YOl\11 w. llnl•, e. D. I,r,odou, 1'' ulver, G. L. Lougbt.on, 1:1 l' lie ry, •. L. Brnudaae. Citizen Phone No .:,.
for Business. X.t the- School of Commerce Departmeot of t h e OTTERB E I IVER lTY, A<l<lre , DR. LE\\l' HOOKWALTER, Pr ideot. PROF. P. F. WILKI O , Pr10. of bool ol Oommerce. To be the chief of all the re t, end ror liege 'a tn logue , , Pro pP tu,, Te rm •. Is wlrnl we know wo uld plea Chim be t. epeCIRI oa r lilld bow t.o II tR cbolarlhlp FREE W E TERVILLE, OHIO
Secure a

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