1906 05 21 The Otterbein Weekly

Page 1

Vo1 I. Y.M.C.A.


The A soci_at ion .was addressed T ur day e by r. ard ·on the subj ect, " ducat"ona1 Work in the Eoreign Mission Field. ' Mr. ',, ard has spent severa! years in t,eaching at J affna "Colle:;e at Jaffna, near Ceylon, India. His description_ of his trip around the world and his work in the college at J affna was very instructive and was isten ed to with much pl easure by the men present. Mr. Wang, of Pekin, China, who is attending 0. W. U. at Delaware, and who had been an­ nounced as the speaker for Thurs­ day evening was unable to be present. Mr. Wang will likely be with us later. The Association will be address• T , n: y v ni, g by H-on. Wade H. Elli , Attorney G en ­ eral of Ohio, on the topic, ' 'Law as a Life Work" T he Associa­ tion feels very highly favored to be able to secure Mr. Ellis and it is certain that we will have one of the mo t interesting talks of the year Thursday evening. Ju t now Mr. Ellis is attracting much attention because of' his action against the Standard Oil Co. and we may feel assured that his talk will be a live, up -to-date one, which every mau in school hould hear

News from a Former Student, A letter just received from Clare H. Bell who is now at er ey, Cali ornia, g ives an interesting 11ccount of his expe­ riences at San Francisco, imme­ diately following the earthquake. The cadets at the University of California, where Mr. Bell has been attending, volunteered to do military duty for the state and were detailed to assist in preventing looting and disorder which was so prevalent just after the disaster. He writes that te,1: porary structures are springing up like mushroom and that the work of

rebuilding is well under way. The U ni versity at Berkley has closed on account of the 'quake and wil 11ot p n d ai until the <egular time next fall. Ourinf! this lon-g vacation Mr. Bell will be co nne<>ted with the Pacific Steel & H ardware Co. one of th e larges concerns at 'Frisco and one of the few which escaped injury. We are glad to hear of Clare's good fortune and to know that the 'quake brought him nothing worse than a slight shaking up and a good scare. C. E;

The topic Sun,day evening was ''Lessons from the lives of the erophet Elijah and John the Baptist. The meeting was led by [ r. Co'L. The leader for Sunday evening May 27 will be Miss Belle Sherbondy. Topic J ohn Wil­ liams and Missi o ns to the South Seas. Reference, Psalm 97, I to I 2.

Several from the soc iety here went to Columbus last Sunday evening and assisted Rev. James Haig at the eventh Street Union Mission. Society Notes. The Cleiorhetean Literary So. d its . . consti. t ut10n an d h s revise . h . . b y- I aws an d 1s av1ng copies o f . d pnn . t e d a t th e t he same as revise local printers. They present a very neat ap pearan ce and speak well for the society. The Philomatbean Literary So­ ciety went to Columbus last Wed­ nesday afternoon and had a group picture taken at Baker's Art Gal­ lery. A very jolly time was had on the trip.

Misses Velma Snell, of Kansas City, Kan., and Bess Edmonds, of McLaugh lin, Kan., visited Miss Adrienne Funk a few days last week.

Kline, A. E. Brooks, F . J. A h, I. R. Leibcap, Mr. Ralph Hall, of 'Dayto n, F. 0. VanSickle, L. C. exauer, l>ro her of . and f ry H all , R. 1'. H all , n brot her Ralph , of D ay ton. vi ited here over Sunday . Miss Adrienne Funk en t ertainMiss l\Iioa Belle Mix, da ughter cd at dinner party at Hotel Bien- of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. A. ix, of don Friday eve ning in honor of M t . Vernon, and a student at Misses Suell and '.Edmonds. OU:e rbein co lege, was married Those present were Misses ager, Saturday morning, at th e parson ­ Snell, Edmonds, Baker and Funk age of the Third Street M . E. and Messrs. Funk, Williams, Mc- church, Col umbus, to Dr. Fred­ Donald, Keele and Titus. erick Singley, of Mt. Vernon. Dr. D. K. Flickinger led chapel After Rev. L. S. Sparks had per­ formed the ceremony the couple Thursday morning. left for Chi cago for a wedding B. W. Saul is now working in trip. They will be at home at t he Bell exchange office. 115 East Chestnut street, Mt. L. K. F~nkhouser spent S un­ Vernon. F or the past ten days day with his uncle in Mt . Sterling, the bride has been visiting at the Ohio. home of her uncle and aunt, Dr. F. 0. Clements, '96, of Omaha, and Mrs. H G. Boynton, of East Nebraska, was in town this week Main street, Columbu . 1" 11 ronte for l)av on. r. _Clem­ -E .. is- rea . r rn ents has a position with the track and field meet with Kenyon ational Ca h Register Co., as W edrn;sda v afternoon. A II the head chemist. ''Big Six" events will be run off, T . E. Hughes, '05, visited 111 and a double interest attaches to town last Sunday. this meet since our team com­ Prof. McFadden spent Sunday petes for the first time with a in Dayton. "big six" teai;n in an outdoor T. H. Bradrick, '94, general con test o f thi kind. Many secretary ofY. M. C. A., Piqua, event will be hotly contested Ohio, visited Cornell's last week. and no doubt the winners will Clayton Judy, '03, who fo r the not be known until the last event past three years has been a mis­ i finished. This will be a record sionary in Africa, was in town a breaking day for Otterbein. few days last week. · Everything seems to indicate that M. a large crowd will be out to 1sses owers .a nd Todh untt> r , spent Sunday with the latter' s encourag~ our team. parents at Washington C . H. Misses Latham and Tinnapple, Another Step Toward Improved of Hilllard s, were guests of j. H . Streets. Weaver Saturday. PERSONALS.

Merlin Ditm er, of Potsdam, 0 ., was the guest o f Miss Daisy Clifton Sunday. Mrs. E. A. Bailey entertained the boys of the ''Bailey House" last Friday evening. Ar enj~yable social time was had. Various gameswereengagedinafterwhich refreshments were served. The boys voted Mrs. Bailey a delightful hostess as well as landlady. The following were p res en t:

The contracts for pavi ng Park, Plum and Grove str~ets have been let to Mr. A. J . Stough, of Galion, 0. H ocking brick o f the first grade is provided for in the contn1ct. Bond will be iss ued as follows: For Park street, east and west, $ 15,000; for Plum heet, $7,000; and for Grove street, $8,000. It is not kno\vn yet just how soon work will be commenc­ ed on these streets.



I N w[[ [l KlY Iedof tthe he Presby terian church preachTH [[ oTT ([ RD( D[ ann ual class sermon of t he Published Weekly by the OTTERBEIN PUBLI HI G COMPANY, WESTERVILLE, OH IO. In the Interests of the Students of Otterbein University. L. K. FU NKHOUS ER, Edito r

E. A. LAWRENCE, Asst. Edito r L. M . KELLER, Business Nlanager H. E. YOUNG, Asst. Bus. Manager J. H. KIRKBRIDE, Sub. Agent Address all Mail to OTTERBEIN WEEKLY Lock Box 63, Westerville, Ohio. Subscription Price . Per Year 75c} In Advance Spring Term 25c Application made for Second-class rates.

We5terv ille High School. No even ing s::rvices were held in the other churches. A very large audience listened to an interesting and instructive sermon.

'.Bubbling and Sizzling Ranck's soda fount::1in now running over with good things. Ice Cream, Crushed Fru its, Nut Frappe, Phosphates and everytning in the refreshment line finer than ever.

The J unior class banqueted the Senior class at the- Hotel Blendon last Friday evening. A very Westerville, Ohio. choice menu was served after Yo ur 'PHO TO from Th e O ld 'R ,rliable which the following toasts were L....~-:::::;:~~ Our w ork is given, Miss Mabel St1ahl acting ~~~¥'izlA.~ m o s t d ur­ as toaster istress: Address of wel­ Jpecial ab le. Jtudent.r come, Miss E dith Ben n_ett; re­ P-.......ate.r We excell in .C OLUMBUS.9~ spo nse, John K . Taylor; address, a rtistic pose. Will altvay.s b,r th,r be.st. Prof. J. P . West; pro phecy, Alan Clifton. Voters, Attention. The High School commence­ ment exercises will be held in t he In the interests of clean politics, college chapel Thursday evening, we call your atte nti on to th e pri ­ May 24, at eig ht o' clock. maries next Friday. The Hon . T he fo llo win g is the prog ram: Chas. M. Roger5 of this town , is Music, orchestra; invocation, Rev. an independent candidate for A. A . Sayre; m usic, o rchestra; judge of the common pleas cou rt. Are well built. The name describes " H ow D o Yo u Do," Beatrice Mr. R ogers is well known to the them From facto ·y to you eaves Smith ; "Paul L awren ce Dunbar," citizens of Westerville and i~ a yoa a dollar a pair. Men's only ora Horlocker; '·The Road to trustee of the college. $2.50 and $3.00 I Wealth," Robert Nutt; music, orchestra; ''The A m e r i c a n Tennis Tournament. Athens," May Turner; '•The Red Man's T,ast Roll Call," J oho Tay­ There is considerable discussion lor; "Manual Training," I a about having a ennis tournament. Hutchinson; music, orchestra; The other departments of college L E Y , Pres. J . W . EVRRA"L, Vice "Twilight Brings Out the Stars," athletics are being deve I ope d an d J . W. MARK Pre . c . L . l:lau ~"DAG•. caabler. Maggie James; readini:' - "The tennis should come in for a good THE Outl0ok," (first honor) Myrtle share of attention. The tennis FIRST NATIONAL BANK Yantis; music, orchestra; presen­ courts should be thoroughly gone EST AJ:!LI liED 1905 tation of benedictfon, Dr. Henry over, and placed in the best posWE&TE•vi:LLE, OHIO. Garst. $25,000 sible shape before any tourna- CAPITAL STOCK ment is called. Does a ge neral ba nking busin ess, recei ve• Circus. and loans m o n ey, pays Interes t on ti m e de­ The regular memorial sermon ooslts, -buys nod @ells bonds. Your business Is &o llclted . '£ bis ba nk ts Un der g overnment The town was alive with people will be preached by Rev. L . H. lnspectlo o . BA NKI:-GH O R :SO a .m. to 4p.m. on Monday because it was circus Shane at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning at 10: 15. - DIRECTOHSday. All the little boys and girls l\lar kl ey , J . W . Everal, W. A . Yo ung , ·of the college were there and had The G. A . R. and W. R. C. or­ J , W. W. C. BRl t, • 0. J,Q,ndoo , F . Colv er ganizations here will atte11d in a 0. L . lougbtoo, H P. Beery, . L. Bru ndag e. a heap of fun. The circus was a body. Citizen Phone No. 3, Btll 101. fair exhibition of some few clever l stunts and seemed to delight the The place to l\ lt:et yo ur big crowd. The large menagerie get a q uick was fi lled with glee to hear again lunch or a the echo of th eir primeval sym­ good meal is lectures, etc, phonies in the rendition of a at - -- -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - few college yells.

F. M. Ranck's Up=to=Date Pharmacy,


The time o f vacat ion is slowly d rawing near when t r. e majority of students will return home. I t is qui te t rue t ha t it pays i:o ad­ v ert ise an d a college can be b es t advertised by its st ude nts. T he reader can help the college he loves by letting all h is fr iends know what college he is attend­ ing. Tell of t he goo d t imes and the advan tages of O tt erbei n and this will b e sure to ha ve a great influe nce on those who may be thinkin g o f going somewhere to ;....;;...;....,;.~-,college . D a little active work in beh alf of the college and get some o ne of your friends headed toward Otterbein. You will help the colleg e and especially the prospective student by your in­ terest. Otterbein is on the boom and there is no reason why there should not be six or seven hun­ dred students here during the comin g year. vVith three new buildi ng s in course of co nstruction or pl a nn ed to cost nea rly I 00,000, Otterbein will shortly rank even highe r than she does now in the edu cati o nal wo rld. The to wn is also making progres~ in the line of m,odern rmprovem ents. Westerv·ll i withou t do ubt the bet college town in the sta te. The m oral influences are of the high­ e t quality and hence there need For your b e no hesitation on th e part of Seniors. a nyo ne to send a daughter or son to college here. The commencement invitations L et us all therefore hel p the of this year's class have arrived. go od cau e along and have a ha nd It is understood that no Qne will in m aki ng a Greater Otte rb ein. receive his invitations until all the High School Notes, Seniors have paid. John Funk - has the disposal of the invitations Last S unday eve ning in the in charge and urges all Senion; to college chapel Rev. L . H. Shane pay up as soon as possible.





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Bueball Supplies anJ Sportio1 Good, of all deacriptiona. Pricea the loweat.

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of the year, $83.75. Total receipts for the year, sale of tickets and interest on above sum, $7c1.35. Total cost of talent, including the special lecture and incidental expenses, $690. 50. Total bal­ ance including balance for this year and cash on hand at the be­ ginning of the season, $104.bo. This balance of $104.60 is drawing 4 per cent. interest. We desire to thank the citizens and students for their co operation. N. E. CoRNE;TET, Pres.

Lakeside Student Conference.

Very attractive advance folders announcing the ''Lake Erie Stu dent Conference," have been re­ ceived and can now be had from Mr. Snavely. As previously an ­ nounced the conference will begin June I 5 and continue through Sunday, June 24. Delegates from student associations of Ontario, Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia and Western Pennsylvania will be in attendance. Among the many noted speakers we notice the following: Bishop William F. Mc­ Faculty Reception. Dow::11, D. D., Chicago; Robert E. Speer and Dr. T. H. P. Sailer, of New York City; Prof. John Themembersofthefacultyw'ith McNaughton, Queen's College, their wives were entertained at an Kingston, Ontario, and Rev. H. informal reception given by Presi. M r. A . B . dent and Mrs, Bookwalter at their J. L afl ame, o f I nd 1a. Williams, jr., of Cleveland, will home on North Grove street, preside. Monday evening. The Rev. Mr. Prof. Lucius H. Miller, of Ward, who has been a missioHary Princeton University, will have in Ceylon, India, for the last three charge of the Bible Study work. years, entertained the guests in a Some of the many phases of Asso- delightful manner with a display ciation work which will have di- of Indian curios. After his very rect attention are Mission Study, interesting talk, a buffi-t luncheon home problems, personal work, was served. and life work. Each afternoon at Lakeside is entirely given over to recreation and the folder contains some good hints as to what should be taken along on the trip if one wishes to get the greatest possible enjoyment out of it. If you in­ tend to go do not fail to see Mr. Snavely before June 8. Report of Lecture Course Committee. The report below is one very pleasing to all the patrons of the lecture course for 1905 -o6 and one which already shows the excellent management of the gentlemen in charge. Not only have they provided an extra number, free to season ticket holders, but they have placed a nice balance in the treasury as well. In doing this the standard of the course has been maintained and even raised . Perhaps it would not be too much to say that the best course for years has been given the past season. Cash on hand at the beginnine-


The resignation will be acted up I na tions held on Thutsd ay would on at a council meeting to be Iprevent these six men fr o m taking held Tuesday evening of thi I part in the meet and that they week. / could not co me with a team so Miss Ora Bale has been employ- badly crippled. ed as teacher of the sixth grade in the Milo schools for the com­ ing year. Miss Geneva Cornell '95 who has been taechin g at the same school has been re -employed and promoted to the eighth grade. Miss Ethel Crouse has retumed home from Cleveland where she has been studying as a trained nurse in the Protestant hosp ital. Miss Crouse will become head . nurse at the hospital in a short time. This is a distinct honor inasmuch as she only graduates in June. The responsible position was awarded because of her meri­ torious work in the hospital. HOWE & COLUMBUS, OHIO The atreets of Westerville are in poor condition. A stranger entering town has to look several times before he fully arrives at the Please let the man that conclusion that the streets are put'! his money back in the paved. If the street commis­ college handle your trunks, sioner is so busy that he can not pianos and luggage. take time to remove the dust and dirt, the citizens should have interest enough to do it for him. Bell Phone 27 The nuisance should be abated City Dray, somehow by s o m e o n e. Let everybody get busy with a broom.


Otterbein Students....


The Philophronean Literary Society went to Columbus on last Monday and had their pic­ tures taken at Baker's. It is un­ derstood that the Cleiorhetean Many have asked why the track Literary Society will also have theirs taken in the immediate fu. meet with Wittenberg, arranged for last Saturday, was called off. ture. The reason 2iven by Wittenberg College Avenue Y. W, C, A. was that the failure of six of their athletes to make the necessary One of the most interesting grade in their preliminary examimeetings of the year was the one last Tuesday evening on "Les­ sons from Flowers," led by Miss M:iry Hewitt. The meeting this While arldressing a graduatrng class in Bookkeeping, :,hort week will be lead by Miss Plazza band and k10dn1d subjects, "the trainerl man will make his Mauk. The topic will be "What­ lite felt, while without training thousand s go down on tho sea soever Ye Sow." of luck to one who meets with success. "


Gen. Garfield said



Secure a University Training for Business.

T. H. Bradrick, '94, who is now general .secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at Piqua, spen t a few days at the Cornell home last week.

Dt!partroeot of the OTTERBEIN UNIVERSITY,

Dr. H. L. Smith resigned as councilman last Friday evening.

School of Commerce Addre , DR. LEWIS BOOKWALTER, President. PROF. P, F. WILKINSON, Prin. of School of Oommerce, Send ror College Catalogue,. Prospectue, Terms, bpectal offer and bow to get a obolarsblp FREE .





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fee t from t he recu mben t for m o f A fte r t he liquo r saturated fool. Dutton' •The re were t h r e 15 minutes prc:lim inary arti llery 1 g i1 Is of us . drill shooting at gnats and other 'Beth Gerlaugh is doomed to invisible birds, a consultation of Let's wear clean clot he while we're here. ha ve red hair until she dyes. I war was held and it was decided Dom es ti c or G loss Fin is h Prof. M.-' •What is a right to call on t he Frp zier House for re inforcements. Th e infa ntry pyramid?" having thus been increased, they J . W. P. Hall-"A term used Bell Phone No. 90. thought their forces were strong to run up students." enough to cope successfully wi th C.L. B AI LE Y, Stude n t Represen tative H. J. Davisthe enemy. The signal was giv­ :Yes 'twas he who lost t he race, THE UNI VERSITY OF CH ICAGO And was go in g t o punch Ayer's facC:- en and Anderson shot-his flash­ The Unf'Tersity )'"ear ts dlYl,tt':'d- Into four Quarters, Winter. Staley says he likes all the girls, lig hts on the individual in ques­ !rrtnw, Summe.r, and Autumn. mlHfon f.1 ~ntcd at the openJnr of each, on January 2d, April 2d, June 16th, and tion (Bill Snavely.) Some people the engaged ones, even O:.tober u t. Craduate ln~truc-tioo is offered In the Gradu3to Schools of t Hall-" W ell as I am p residen t hink the joke's on R ay, but A m and Literatures and In die Oadcn (Graduate) 5'-booJ of Scrence. please don ' t let an y one gi ve h im Professional instruction fs otrcrcd in th(' Divinity School, of the class, we will have ano ther th e laug h, he gets so mad. the Law S..hool, Ru.ii Medical COllcirc (affiliated), and the p ush." School of Education. Summer Qmntt'r 1906, J une 16-Septembt:r ,. First Te.rm: F or sale, Rn orig inal an d pol­ I'd like to be II senior, J ane •~July 916; Sec:ond Tcnn: July ,rAUll1Jl l 3,. Registra• tlon Is permitted ((:Ir the entire qtQ..rle.r or fl 'either t~rm. ished, (?) can be use d at d in ne r, And with lbe eniors stand, F ull a nd rcg-u lar credit Is gh't n (or work done. Special A vi r tuous sm ile upon my face c.ou a rc offered for tQchCI"$, Call 0 11 An derson, R. C.



A little u11 ,\ little grief A littl e fan little work And life is done.



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And a po ny in my hand,

D ot- ''Now H icks if you fall A ccording to A nd erson three in the creek and drow n I 'll be k inds of force s. Mental, physi­ mad. " ca l an d police. P rof. S.-(in Eng. Hist. )" What ''On e g ood turn deserv es an - kind of a man was Cornell?" oth er," said th e Italian as he Will b nnl y nm· trnnk. , vnlinPR, Mr,-- ' ' An I rishman, wa~n•t started on his second tune. , he ?" exprcs and freight in our litt lo F rench mny be oburmi11g P ro f. Wagone r : (Looking at 1·ed wagon with proruptne . And Dutrh very well, OHIO. But Greek i outrngeous, Todhunter just a fter Mr. WESTER VI LLE, Miss O m· Ch!lr~e are very modernte. And Latin is well-very hard. Ex. REAR of· HO'J E r, BLEN OON Clymer has atte m pted to elucid­ llO'l'H PHO,NE 15. B. Ha ll- "T hat smooth gentle­ ate). "Yes, Mr. Clymer, I think man o n first base. " I see your point, all right," Flick-"Dr. Buzz Fuzz." Still ,. there is no law compell­ THE



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Snavely-"The Dago."

ing a man to wear those ridicu­ lously long sack coats and dinky Weaver-"J im Phizz." OFFICE ANO RB IDBNC , coll ege hats . vVho said there Du rran t-(to surveyi ng class) 15 E.College Ave., WESTERVILLE , O, " ort heast out t oward the chick- were a ny such:worn at Otterbein?




ens and th at bird's nest."

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Cor. Sr ate 5- Main Bell Phone 66


Mr. Ray mond Leroy Hew it t, a promin en t me,nber of the se nio r cl ass , had palpi tation o f t he kn ees not long since. Upon return ing to hi home about 7:30 in th e evenin g , j ust as the shade s of ni g ht were ge ntly fa llin g ove r the g ree nsward, he s pi ed a stran ge r s1tt1ng upo n his front porch. Thin k in g at once th at either th e strange r or he wa in th e wro ng place, he hurri ed across the street and call ed lo ud ly fo r "Broth er Bob. " Corporal A nd er ·o n hav­ in g secured .. detachm ent of sol­ di ers accompani ed him home with a chest full of safety razors and other terrific instrum ents of mod ern warfan· and after takin g th eir po ition planted their battery 9¼

-Ex. Said the shoe t o the stocking, "I 'll wear a hole in you," Said t he atot king to th e shoe, "I'll be darned if you do."


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R, K. Staley, Supt.

" ~~.,.._,.,.,_,.,.,.._,,._~

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