Y. M. C. A.
The A sociation was addressed T urday ev by r ard on the subject, ''Educa t ional Work in the ]foreign Mis ion Field. '' Mr. \r ard has spent several years i n t eaching at J affn a Colle :{ e at Jaffoa, near Ceylon, India. His description of his trip around the world and his work in the college at Jaffna was very instructive and w a s listened to with much pl easure by the men present.
Mr. \~/ang, of .Pekin, China, who is at t ending 0. W U. at Delaware, and who had been announced as the speal<er for Thursday evening was unable to be presen t. Mr. Wang will lik ely be with us later.
Th e Associati on will b e address • Th ·r:; y v ni g by H o n Wade H. Elli , Attorney General of Ohio, on the topic, ''Law as a Life Work" The Association feels very highly favored to be able to ecure Mr. Ellis and it is certain that we will have one of the mo t interesting talks of the year Thursday evening. Just now Mr. Ellis is attracting much attention because o f° his action again t the Standard Oil Co and we may feel assured that his talk will be a live, up -to date one, which every man in school hould hear News from a Former Student.
A letter just received fr o m Clare H. Bell who is n ow at Berkey , California , gives an interesti ng 11ccount o f his experience s at S an Franci co, immediately foll o win g the earthquake
The c ade ts at the Univer s ity of California, where Mr. Bell has been attending, volunteered to do military duty for the state and were detailed to assist in preventing looting and disorder which was so prevalent ju t after the disaster.
He writes that te,1 : porary structures are springing up like mushroom and that the work of
Y 21, 1906
r ebu ilding is well unde r way. :a· PERSONALS. Messrs. F A. Kline, A. E. The University at Berkley has Br ooks F. J A b, I. R. Leibcap, closed on account of the ' quake Mr Ralph Hall, of Dayto n, F 0. VanSickle, L. C. exa uer , and w i ll 11ot p n d ai11 u til bro he of 11d ry H aH , R. 1'. 'Hall, n bro her Ralph , of th~ ~egular time next fall. vr ited he re ove r Sund ay D ayton.
Durin g- this long vac ation Mr Miss Adrienne Funk en t ertain - Miss lvfioa Belle Mix, daughter Bell will be c o nneG t ed with the cd at dinner party at Hotel .Blen- of Mr a nd Mrs. J E A. Mix, of Pacific St eel & H ardwa re Co. one don Friday eve ning in honor of Mt Vernon , and a student at of the larg-es c on cerns at 'Frisco Misses Snell and Edmonds Otterb in co Jege, was mar rie d and one of the few which escaped Those present wer e Misses Yager, Saturday m orning , a t t he parsontnJu.ry. Snell, Edmonds, Baker and Funk age of the Third Stre e t M. E.
We are glad to hear ofClares l and Messrs. Funk, Williams, Mc- church, Colµmbus, to Dr Fredgoo~ fortune and to know that Donald, Keele and Titus erick Singl ey , o f Mt. Vernon. the 'qual;<e brought him nothing- Dr. D. K. Flickinger led chapel After Rev. L. S. Spark s h a d per• worse than a slight sh a king up Thursday moming. formed the ceremony the couple and a good scare. left for Chi cago for a wedding
B. W. S a ul is now working in C. E;
The topjc Sunday evening was "Lessons from the lives of the prophet Elijah and John the Baptist. The meeting was led by r. C"
The leader for Sunday evening May 27 will be Miss Belle Sherbondy. Topic J ohn Williams and Missions to the South Seas Reference, Ps a lm 97, I to I 2.
everal from the society here went to Columbus last Sunday evening and assisted Rev. James Haig at the Seventh Street Union Mission.
the Bell exchange office.
L. K. F':1nkhouser spent Sunday with his uncle in M t. Sterling, Ohio
F. 0. Cl emen ts, '96, of Omaha, Nebraska, was in town this week t>n ro11te for T)ay on r. Clements has a position w ith the ational Ca h Register Co., as head chemist.

trip. They will be at home at II 5 East Chestnut street , Mt. Vernon. F or the past ten days th e bride has been visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. H G. Boynton, of East Main s treet , Columbu
E eryti i ., i re · f r n track and field meet with I' en yon Wedne sdav afternoon. All the '' Big Six" events will b e run off, T. E. Hughe , '05, visited 111 and a double intere s t attaches to town last Sun day.
Prof. McFadden this m e et since our team com~ spent Sunday petes for the first time with a in Dayton. "big six" te a m in an outdoor
Society Note s.
The Philom a thean Literary Society went to Columbus last Wednesday afternoon and had a group picture taken at Baker's Art Gallery. A very jolly time was had on the trip.
Misses Velma Snell, of Kansas City, Kan., and Bess Edmonds, of McLaughlin, Kan., visited Miss Adrienne Funk a few days last week.
Misses Latham a nd Tinnapple, of Hilllards, we re guests of j. H Weaver Saturday
Another Step Toward Improved Streets.
T. H. Bradrick, '94, general contest o f thi kind. Man'y secretary ofY M. C. A., Piqua, event will be hotly contested Ohio, visited Cornell's last week. and no d oub t the winners will Clayton Judy, '03, who for the not be kno wn until the last event past three year has been a mis- i finished. This will be a record sionary in Africa, was in town a breaking day for Ottc:rbein. few days last week. · Everything seems to indicate that The Cleiorhetean Literary Sob d d Mi ses owers and Todh un , tn a large crowd will be out to s revise tts const1tut1on an b 1 d h f spent Sunday wit h the latter's encourage: our team. y- aws an 1s av111g copies o parents at Washing ton C. H the s ame as revi sed pnnted at the local print e r s. Th ey present a very n e at appearance and speak well for the society.
Merlin Di tme r, o f Potsdam, 0 , The c o ntract s for paving Par k, was the guest o f Miss Daisy Clif- Plum a nd Grove streets have b ee n ton Sunday. Jet to Mr. A. J Stough, of Gal• Mrs. E. A. Bailey entertained ion, 0 H ocking brick o f the the boys of the' •Bailey House" Jast first grade is provided for in the Friday evenin g An enjoyable contni ct. Bonds will be i sue d as social time was had. Various follows: For Park street, east and games were engaged in after which west, 15 ,ooo; for Plum t1 eet, refreshments were served. The t,7,000; and for Grove s treet, boys voted Mrs. Bailey a de - t,8,ooo. It is not kn bwn y e t just lightful hostess as well as landlady. how soon work will be commcncThe following were p res e n t: ed on these s treet :,
the Presbyterian church preach-
ed the annual class sermon of the
High School. No
s::rvices were held in the
other churches. A very large
audience listened to an int e resting
and instructive s erm o n.
The Juni o r cl ass ban que ted the Senior cla s s at th e H o t el B lendon la s t Frid a y eveni n g. A very choice menu w as se rv e d after which the following toa s ts were g iven , Mi s s M ab el S t rahl a cting as toastrr istress: Address of welcome, Miss Edith Bennett ; response, John K. Taylor; address, Prof. J. P. West; prophecy, Alan Clifton
The High School commencedrawing ne a r when tr.e majority ment exercises will be held in the of students will return home. It college chapel Thursday evening, is quite true that it pays to ad- May 24, at eight o'clock vertise and a college can be beS t The following is the program: adverti s ed by its s tll dents. The Music, orchestra; invocation, Rev. reader can he l p the college he A. A. Sayre; music, orchestra; loves by letting all his friends "How Do You Do," Beatrice know what college he is attend- Smith; "Paul Lawrence Dunbar," ing. Tell of the good times and ora Horlocker; '·The Road to the advantages of Otterbein and Wealth," Robert Nutt; music, this will be sure to have a great orchestra; "The American influence on th ose who may be Athens," May Turner; "The Red thinking of going somewhere to Man's Last Roll Call," John Taycollege. Do~ little active work Ior; "M anual Training," Iv a in behalf of the college and get Hutchinson; music, orchestra; some one of your friends headed "Twilight Brings Out the Stars," toward Otterbein. Y ou will help Maggie James; readinf - "The the college asnd especially the Outleok," (first honor) Myrtle prospective student by your in- Yantis; music, orchestra; presentere st. tation of bencdict-ion, Dr. Henry
Otterbein is on the boom and Garst. there is no reason why there should n o t be six or seven hundred students here during the Circus. comin g year. \.Vith three new
'Bubbling and Sizzling
Ranck' s oda founb1in now running over with good things. Ice Cream, Crusb.ed Fruits, Nut Frappe, Phosphates and everytning in the r efreshment line finer than ever.
Up=to=Date Pharmacy, Westerville, Ohio.
Your 'PHO TO from The Old 'Reliable Voters, Attention.
In the interests of clean politics, we call your attention to the primaries next Friday. The Hon Chas. M. Rogers of this town, is an independent candidate for judge of the common pleas court. Mr. Rogers is well known to the citizens of Westerville and i ~ a trustee of the colle ge. I Tennis Tournament.
Are well built. The name deecribee t hem From facto y to you eaves vou a dollar a pair. Men's only $2.50 and $3.00 athletics are being developed and J. w. MARKLEY, Pres. J w. EV.1!:RA-i., Vice Pres c. L. llRUNDAG•, tennis should come in for a good share of attention. The tennis FIRST courts should be thoroughly gone

There is considerable discussion about having a ennis tournament. The other departments of college
THE NATIONAL E TAllLI HED 1905 BANK over, and placed in the best posWE:ST1t11111vxLLE, ORIO r.ible shape before any tourna- CAPITAL STOCK $2S,000 ment is called.
The regular mt!morial sermon will be preached by Rev. L H. Shane at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning at 10: I 5. The G. A. R. and W. R. C. organizations here will atte11d in a body.
The place to get a quicklunch o r a good meal i at
The town was alive with people buildings in course of construction on Monday because it was circus orplanned tocostnearly 100,000, day. AU the little boys and girls Otterbein will shortly rank even of the college were there and had higher than she does now in the a heap of fun. The circus was a educational world. The town is fair exhibition of some few clever also making progre s in the line stunts and seemed to delight the of modern hnprovements Wes- big crowd. The large menagerie terv lle i \ ith ut doubt the best was filled with glee to hear again college town in the state. The the echo of their primeval symphonies in the rendition of a few college yells. moral influence are of the highe t quality and hence there need be no hesitation on the part of anyone to send a daughter or son to coll e ge here.
Let us all therefore help the good cau e along and have a hand in making a Greater Otterbein.
The commencement invitations of this year's class have arrived. It is understood th:tt no Qne will receive his invitations until all the High School Notes, Seniors have paid. John Funk has the disposal of the invitations
Last Sunday evening in the Iin charge and urges all Senion; to college chapel Rev. L. H. Shane pay up as soon as possible.
.Does a genera.I banking bu lne~e, receive • and loans money, pays Interest on ttme deooslt -buys and sells bond a. Your business ts s ollclted 'J'bls bnnk Is under g vernmen~ lnspectlon.
BANR:l-"U HOO RS :30 a. m to 4 p m - DIRECTORSJ. W .Markley, J. W Evera.l, W. A Young, W. 0 , ll>ll•, • 0. L,tndoo, F. Calver, G L. Stoogbton, 1:1 I? Beery, L. Bn1ndnge. Citizen Phone No 3. Bell 101
t\ket :root: friends there afte r society, lectl(res , etc , Restaurant
For your pqoto11cap~s • ,Jnnis & ui fer 19 9-201 s. High. :J Bet. Town & Rich Special Rates to Stuu nts of Q)tterbein. +
i! ,;} ON THE INSIDE i'~
Bueball Supplies and Sportio1 Good, of all deecriptiooa. Pricea the lowest.
The Columbus Sporting Goods Co.,
23S North High Street, Columbus, 0, Lakeside Student Conference.
Very attractive advance folders announcing the ''Lake Erie Stu dent Conference," have been received and can now be had from Mr. Snavely. As previously announced the conference will begin June I 5 and continue through Sunday, June 24. Delegates from student associations of Ontario, Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia and Western Pennsylvania will be
of the year, $83 75.
Total receipts for the year, sale of ticket and interest on above sum, $7u.3 5.
The res ignation will be acted up I n a tions h e ld on Thut sday would on at a council meetin g t o be prevent th ese six men fr o m taking held Tuesday evening of thi s p a rt in the me e t and that they week. / could not come with a team so
Miss Ora H le has been employ- badly crippled ed as teacher of the sixth grade in the Milo school s for the coming year. Miss Geneva Cornell '95 who has been taechin g at the same school has been re -employed and promoted to the eighth grade.
Miss Ethel Crouse ha s returned home from Cleveland where she has been studying as a trained nurse in the Protestant ho spi tal. Miss Crouse will become head nurse at the hospital in a short time. This is a distinct honor inasmuch as she only graduates in June. The responsible position was awarded because of her meritorious work in the hospital.
interesting talk, a bufff>t luncheon was served.
Total cost of talent, including the special lecture and incidental expenses, $690. 50. Total balance including balance for this year and cash on hand at the beginning of the season, $104.bo. This balance of $104.60 is drawing 4 per cent. interest We desire to thank the citizens and students in attendance. Among the many for their co operation. noted speakers we notice the fol- N. E. CoRNETET, Pres. lowing: Bishop Wj!liam F. McDowell, D. D., Chicago; Robert E. Speer and Dr. T. H. P. Sailer, Faculty Reception. of New York City; Prof. John Themembersofthefacultyw'ith McNaughton, Queen's College, their wives were entertained at an Kingston, Ontario, and Rev. H. informal reception given by PresiJ L fl f I d M A B dent and Mrs, Bookwalter at their a ame, o n 1a. r. Williams, jr., of Cleveland, will home on North Grove street, preside. Monday evening. The Rev. Mr. Prof, Lucius H. Miller, of Ward, who has been a missioflary Princeton University, will have in Ceylon, India, for the last three charge of the Bible Study work. years, entertained the guests in a Some of the many phases of Asso- delightful manner with a display ciation work which will have di- of Indian curios. After his very rect attention arc Mission Study, home problems, personal work, and life work. Each afternoon at Lakeside is entirely given over to recreation and the folder contains some good hints as to what should be taken along on the trip if one wishes to get the greatest possible enjoyment out of it. If you intend to go do not fail to see Mr. Snavely before June 8.
The Philophronean Literary Society went to Columbus on last Monday and had their pictures taken at Baker's. It is understood that the Cleiorhetean Literary Society will also have theirs taken in the immediate fu. Report of Lecture Course Com- ture. mittee.
Y. W, C. A.
The atreets of Westerville are in poor condition. A stranger entering town has to look several times before he fully arrives at the conclusion that the streets are paved. If the street commissioner is so busy that he can not take time to remove the dust and dirt, the citizens should have interest enough to do it for him. The nuisance should be abated somehow by s o m e o n e. Let everybody get busy ~ith a broom.
Otterbein Students ....
Please let the man that putq his money back in the college handle your trunks, pianos and luggage.
City Dray, Bell Phone 27
DR. A. W. JONES College Avenue
The report below is one very One of the most interesting pleasing to all the patrons of the meetings of the year was the one lecture course for 1905 -o6 and one last Tuesday evening on "Leswhich already shows the excellent sons from Flowers," led by Miss management of the gentlemen in M:iry Hewitt. The meeting this charge. Not only have they pro- week will be lead by Miss Plazza vided an extra number, free to IMauk. The topic will be "Whatseason ticket holders, but they soever Ye Sow." have placed a nice balance in the treasury as well. In doin g this PERSONALS. the standard of the course has been maintained and even raised. Perhaps it would not be too much to say that the best course for years has been given the past season.

Cash on hand at the beginnine-
T. H. Bradrick, '94, who is now general ,secretary ot the Y. M C A. at Piqua, spen t a few days at the Cornell home last week.
Dr. H. L. Smith resigned as councilman last Friday evening.
Many have asked why the track meet with Wittenberg, arranged for last Saturday, was called off. The reason ~iven by Wittenberg was that the failure of six of their athletes to make the necessary grade in their preliminary exami-
Gen. Garfield said
While a rl<l re ssing a graduatrng class in Bookk eeping, -,bort band and kmdl'ed suhjocts , "the tl'ained man will make his lite felt, while without training thou sa nd s JYO down on tho sea of luck to one wbo meets with success. "
Secure a University Training for Business.
School of Commerce
The complete li n ea o f pr i n g ui ta, To p Coa te and Rainco a ts (rom
Hart Schaffner & Marx, The Stein-Bloch Co. , The Atterbury System
Are Ready at COLUMBUS
I• 1 Dutton-• The r e were thre e
feet from the recumb en t for m o f the liquor saturated fool. After r 5 min utes preliminary artillery dr ill shoot i ng at gnats and other For the best liltle w o rk ~ i1 ls of us
And life is do ne 'Beth Gerlaugh is doomed
Lel ' we a r c le an c lot hes " hll e w e 're lt e re have red hair until she dye s to invisible birds, a consultation o f 1 war was held and it was decided
Fr ed Lon ghenry
Pro f. M.-"What is a py r amid?" right to ca ll on th e Fr_a z ie r House for reinforcements. Th e infantry having thus b een increased , they thought their forces were strong
J W. P. H a ll-"A t erm used to run up students."
H. J. Davis-
: Yes 'twas he who l o st t he r a ce , - And w as go in g t o pun c h Aye r's facc":Staley says he like all the girls, e ven the engaged ones.
$3.50 for Hall- " W e ll as I am president of the clas s , we will h ave ano ther push."
I'd lih to be II senior, And w i th the seniors stand A virtuous sm ile upon my face Aud a po n y in m y hand.
According to Anderson three kinds of force Mental, physical and police.
"One good turn deserve s other," sa id the Italian as started on his second tune. h e
t'rench may be charmiug
enough to cope successfully wi th the enemy. The signal was given and Anders o n shot-h is flas hlights on the individual in question (Bill Snavely ) Some people think the joke's on Ray , but plea se don't let any one gi ve him The best l ine of Moulding in, the lau g h, he ge t s so mad. the City.
For sale, a n original a nd polished,(?) can b e used at dinner. Call 011 Anderson, R. C.
Dot-''Now Hick s if you fall in the creek and drown I'll be mad."
Prof. S .-( in Eng. Hi s t )" What an - kind of :l man wa s Cornell?"
Mr.-- ' ' An Irishman w:\sn't f • he?"
And Dutch v ery well, But Greek is outra geo us, And Latin is well-very b ard. Ex.
B. Hall-"That smoot h gentlem an o n firs t base "
Flick-"Dr. Buzz Fuzz."
Snavely-' 'The Dago."
Weaver- " J i m Phizz."
the chic k-
Mr Raymond Ler oy Hewitt, a promin e 11t me nber of the se nior class, h a d p a l p it a ti on of the kne e s not lon g s ince Upon returning t o hi home a bout J:30 in th e evening, just as the shades of nig h t were ge ntly falling over the gr e en swa rd, he s pi e d a stranger s1tt111g upon hi s front porch. Thinkin g at once that either the stranger or he wa in the wrong place, he hurried across the street and called loud ly for "Brother B o b." Corporal Ander on having ecured "detachment of soldie rs acco m panied h im home with a ches t fu ll of safety r azors and other terrific instrum e nts o f mod e rn warfart> and aft e r ta k ing t h eir p osition planted t heir bat te ry 9¼

Pr o f Wagoner: (Lo o kin g a t M iss T odhunter just after Mr. Clymer h as attempted to e l ucidate). "Yes, Mr. Clymer, I think I see your point, all right.,.
Still, there is no law compelling a man to wear those ridiculous ly long sack coats and di n ky co ll ege hats Who said there were a n y such : worn at Otterbein?
The Best Things
Commencement pr e e nt or anything e l e in the way of toilet article . writing paper and athleti c good, etc., go to the