Vol I.
"' ESTERVILLI£, TttuQ, l ....__ __ _,. .•• •••••• .. 4
:S O l
Kelle r, 2h •••..•••• •••. 1 tl. .liall, lb-•••.•..... a
'Header from Heidel..berg. On Saturday afternoon Otter• bein repeated the dose oftbe day, before and again defeated Heidel berg by a score of 6 to 3. The weather was ideal and the grounds wexe in exc;ellent condition as the resul t o f a light rain in the m orn• ing. In the early part of the game thi ngs looked a littl e blue tor the 0. U . boys after Heidel· berg throu g h a combination of errors scored one run in the first and two in the second. Up to this time Otterbein had none to their credit. It seemed that Grove for Heidelberg was go ing t o be a stumbling block and this he p,roved to be until the third ~ when the boys started t,he ball ro!l. n~ ~nd co d hre.e tim ed tiein g the score. After the first two bad innings the team tightened up and started in to play ball and Heid elberg could do nothing with Smith's pi tching. Smith was in fine form and pitched great ball. Had it not been for the errors in the first two innings the game wo uld have certainly have been a shut out for Heidelberg as they only got three hits off of Smith' pitching- during the entire game and onty one of tho e was a good cle,. n hit and Heidelberg has a good bunch of . B ovey H a ll p1aye d a h ,tters. · th e fi e Id an d a t neat game b oth 111
O 4 10
l 0
J 0
1 0 ii .. 3
0 0
O l
2 0 12 0
II 0
16 a --------------Two base bit -Hersl:bel" n . .Base o ball
Total •. r •.••• •.• • ...11;;
Bit b.Y'ball-.Bee.r, G-ro...-i, . acrlf!ce hit-Keller. $mltb 6, Grove 3. mplr e-.Baggerty. Time oJ game-J:30.
-'Smith 1, Clro-v 3.
innings and Otterbein won.
What's the matter ·w ith baseball team?
The boys report a fine trip and good t reatment at the hand the Heidelberg boys. B. Hall played a great game. His two stolen runs in Saturd ay's m A I" ....... ~
r.e •
art<: -
t •
~- A -
"-e.' ... r_, 1...::
seen . He is a bold base runner. Titus is the only man that has gotten 3 hits in one ga me so far this year. Only one more g ame this seas, on and that with Ohio Northern University at Ada on June 9. The bo ys arrived back home at 10:30 Saturday night and the college band was th ere to give them a royal reception. Prof. Durrant was there among the people to be among the first to complime.nt the boys on their good werk.
Heidelberg at the early part of the game thought Smith was going to be easy but they chang• b at . H e accept ed every c I1ance . ed their minds. at first and scored three ofthe si x Ask StraLl aod John Hall who their friend from Detroit wa s Stealing in home twice. He also that they met goi ng up. got a pretty acrifice hit. The team was somewhat sh ifted owing to Strahl being laid up with a bad shoulder. He was hit with a ball on Friday and was unable to u~e his arm. Spitler took right field and Grabill went in at third. A.8. Krln£ ab . ••••• ••••. •. .i; mltb, p ..... ......... .. 6 pitier, r ...... .. ....... r, J . Hall, m-·······-···• Grabill, '•--··-·----4 Jl'llcl<, Cl ·--····------"4 OTTERBJ!:J.
R. Ii. P .O. l I 1 0 z 2 u 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 4 0
Now to win the last game of the season trom Ohio orthern.
Titus got a nice 3 base hit, and hy. the way the longest hit of both games, on Friday, but was caught at home. It came within an ace
of being a home run.
A. E. r, 1 4
u 2 2
0 I
0 l 0
n 10 Inning Gg.me Against}:Iei.del berg. Score IO to 6.
B 1:!lllEL1)El1(>
Radcllffe,a ...... "' .. ~ Zt-cblel, u, ............ ~ Ueer,c ..... .. . .... , ... ,1 , 1:1 ershberge~, .r .. ......5 Ad ams, 2•••..•••••••••.•4 Wenner, I. . .... -· ..... 3 Grove, p .. " . .. .. . .•... 2 Kuntz, 1., .... .... . ..... -1. Roehl, s ...•.. ... , . -1.
The batting order was changed a little and had much to do with winning as hits came at the right time.
ltll• ~.' ••• lit't- r, r . __ __
Zl:.k1.U. C,
Mathia', .
For the second time this season Otterbein defeated their old rivals Heibelberg io a fas t a11d snappy ro inning game. 0. U . started the run getting iq the -first. St rah1, first man ~p . was hit with the ball along with a base on ball and an error scored 2 rum,. Heidelberg c·ame back with I run in the same inning t hrough an error, 2 stolen bases, afld a long fly. 0. U. cou ldn 't do anything with them until the fourth inning when three m en were put over t11e home plate by a ba.,e on balls, sacrifice by Stra hl an<l two hits . I11 the third Hei del berg scored 2 ru ns and tied the score by bringne
liet bllerge Adam i:;••. Ruehl '/. .•• Well.ne.r,JJ. '.[ot~l. •
TWO·bll ~
Tbret-,Oase httfl. . ._ truck ou 4; .Ado.1m .J. ~ncrll1t"t! h1t~-.,truhl 2. on bRlls-{;rublll ~; .'\da11i• 4. Wild A dun,.. H It by oltcl.Jer-Adums 3. l,
- hnrb11um. Time-2:00.
The co mmence ment invitations which have arrive.d and are now be ing sent ou ar ,very neat specimens of the eng ravt.rs art. Wjth th€ receipt o( an invitation com es the realizatio n that exan:iinati on s are almost upon u.s d ....__...-~ soon the class bf '06, ill be numin the sixth. 0. U. again took bered with our alu mni . The the lead when Smith 7 0t down on following is the program of •coman e rror and Kring forced him in mencement week: with a niceJ1it. Heidelberg tied Thursday, June l,-Cle iorheth e score in th eir half of th e tean op en se sion, Philalethean nin th but Otterbein should have open session. had th e winniu g run in th e same Frid dy, J une 8, -Philomathean inning o nly for a close decision at open ses ion, Philophronean open home when Smith was called out. e siun. This only put more spirit into th e Saturday, June 9, -President's bo~s and the next inn.ing po~nd• reception. ed 111 4 ru.ns and shuttmg Heidel·, Sunday, June 10,-Baccalaure berg out 111 one-tw~ th ree Of d er. ate sermon, Anniv rsary of ChrisAdams, or Heidelberg was ti n A sociations. wild a t times. Hitting three men Monday Jun e II,-Annual and .givin~ four passes. Hitting meeting the Board ofTru tees, at nght times scored mo_t of Ot· Art reception, Philalethean ban terbein's runs. q uet, Cleiorhetean banquet. Heidelberg also was strong at ·T uesday, June iz, -Annual the bat, out batting our boys but Concert by Conservatory of Mus the hits were scattered and didn't ic, Philophrone;; n banquet, Philcount fo r as much. Otterbe in omathean banquet. fielded fine, most of the errors Wednesday, June 13 ,-Combeing made by wild th r O w s. mencement exercises, Class ad Smith made a nice throw fro m dre s by G eorge Edgar Vincent, center cutting a run off at the Ph. D . , Professor of Sociology plate. University of Chicago, Alumn i IUllXARY . banquet, Reu nion of classes.
A , 8. li. H. P . OU.erbetn traht. 8. ·····-······3 1 0 1 , m!th, m •.••.•. . ••._ 6 1 2 I Krloi,SE . .•.. .••.•. . 5 l 2 1 0 I 0 J . Hall, tr ·············• G rabill, p .•• ...•.•.. ,6 I 0 ~ •·uc 1<, c..... ...... ... .... 4 ij 2 0 I 1 0 'fllo , r. -··········· .. •
Keller, l ............ ..f
A. E .
1 4
0 4
0 3
0 2 0 0 l 0 0
Mr. Arthur Ward, who has been the guest of Dr. Bookwalter for the past week, left Saturday morning.
!or to it by a yard. Tim e, 24 j second This, with first place Published Weekly by the in the 100 yard dash in IO 1-5 OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING COMPA Y, second , showed Libecap to be a Ranck' oda fountAin now runmng over with good WESTER VILLE, OHIO. comer in track athletics. thing . Ice Cream, Crushed Fruits. Nut Frappe, In lh e In terests of the Students of Otterbein Capt~in Ayer met his first de Phosphates a:-id everytniog in the Tefreshme11 line ni ersity. feat in the quarter and hall miJe fin than ever. L. K. FU NKH OU ER, Edito r events, but that is no disgrace f r E. A. LAWRENCE, Asst. Editor Ayer as the winn er, Brown, of L. M. KELLE R, Business Manager Keny on, is the champion of the H. E. YOUN , As.st Bus. Manag-er state in th ese events. As it was J. H. KIRKBRIDE , Sub. Agent Brown only beat hrm by a yard in Starter-E. Roehm . Addr ess all l\'lail to OTTERBEIN WEEKL y the 440 yard dash. Captain Ayer CJerk of course-1.J. G. Snavely. Lock Box 63, Westerv ille, Ohio. is to be cong ratulated on his own T1 mers-Professor McF adden, ub scription Price good work and also on the excel Dr. Gantz, Mr. C. :..ord. Per Year 75c } lent work done by the men who Judges-R. K. Hewitt, A. J. Spri ng Term '25c ln Advance have trained under his direction. Dow, A. P. Rosselot. Appll cnL lon mnde !or econd-cla ss rates. :-o: The following is a complete Official scorer-W. S. Whet summary of the even• s: Track Meet. stone. Are well built. The name describes 1:RA.CK. Announcer- F . 0. VanSickle. Lhem From facto ·:t to ~ou eaves you a dollar a pair. Men's only OTTER. BEIN 6 5¼ , KEN YO 51 ¼ . 100 -yarddash-Libecap,O. U., $2.50 and $3.00 O t terbein defeated Kenyon in first; Taylor, Kenyon, second. PERSONALS. a dual track meet on Wednesday, Time, 10 _1-5 seconds. Mi s Ethel Crouse, of CleveMay 23 , by the score of 65 ¼ to 220 yard dash-Libecap, 0. U., land, is home on a ,·isit. 51 ¼- Otterbei n may co ngratu- first; Taylor, Kenyon , second . ti. M. Williams and Miss late her eJf in defeating Kenyon Time, 24 seconds. Blanche Yager attended a party since Keny on is a member of the 440-yard dash-Brown, Keu last riday ~1ight at the home of "Big Six" and has athletes of no yon, first; Ayer, 0. U., secon d. 1\ iss Orpha White, Columbus. mean a bility. It was a surprise Time, 53 seconds. Mr. and Mrs. Hall, of D ayton, to many t hat Keny on left the fidd Half mile run-Brown, Ken with two events to be comp leted yon, fin;t; Ayer, 0. U., second. visited their son R. P. and daugh ter Mary riday and Saturday. W. M GANTZ, D.D.S., but their action seemed justified Time, 2:02 3-5. OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. in their ow n eyes s ince the y wantOne mile run-Ayer, O. U., Miss Elizabeth Hang~r, of e to m-ake a tram a nd urther, first· IS ey, ., 'ESTfRVl Sommerville, ., pen a they w nted to save all efforts Time, 4:54 4 -5. days with her brother, W. E. possible for the Big Six track Two-mile run-Ressler, 0. U., Hanger, this last week. meet to occur shortly in Colum- first; Weaver, 0. U., second. Gernie Lau ghbaum visited his bu . The chance for a uccess- Time, 11 minutes 4 5 seconds. brother Ray Sunday. 120-yard high hurdles-Crosly, ful ending of the meet even if Addison Krisinger visited his Keny o n remained were in favor Kenyon, first; Funk, 0. U., brother here Sunday. of Otte rbein. The score when and Brown, Kenyon, second. C. M. Bookman, '04, of ewKenyon left stood 52¼ to 51¼ Time, 17 3-5 seconds. ark, Ohio, was in town Sunday. in Otterbein's favor. Kenyon of 220-yard low hurdles-Funk, l>. Ii. Kilbourn, '0 1, student their own will gave Otterbein r 3 0. U., and Crecili us, O. U., first; in medicine, Western Reserve point , the number involved in Time, 29 seconds. University, Cleyeland, was the the two remaining events, the high One mile relay-Otterbein won . ( uccee or t DEMUTH) guest of Mi Ethel Crouse Sun jump and the one mile relay. FIELD. The final core then stood OtterDiscus throw-Axtell, Kenyon, day. Mr. Kilboum's work 111 bein 65 ¼, Kenyon 5 1¼• first, 99 feet 9 inches; Knox, o. school is over for this year. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO The events were closely con- U., econd, 95 feet 11 inches. ·,a11 the t ck Ot B d · T I K y w c A Tt,11: of•~•ity y,ea, 1 dtvldcd Into,. ur Qu.rte. Wl nler, teSt C d , espeC )' ra • ' rOa JU mp- ay Or, enyon, • ~• • Spdog, u1nn1er.aod Aut inn. Adm! Ion 15 1t•an at tbe 0 . eemed weak in the field fi t f t p O u ~~~~. ,'_e h,OD J an u•ry 2d. A;>ril ::d, J ne 161h. a od t er b em , rs , 20 ee ; orter, . ., sec~-= The meeting 1as t Tue day cra11 uatc 1nslnl<tloo • capturin g only two firsts. Ress- ond, 19 feet 7 inches. li il"erc<lln the Gndu.tc 5th ' of d . eY.ell1.J.ll~~li....l!.!:e a d i ½~ b~v....M ~ i,liS :i.,_,.!I..!l u~.p~ ~l•;;;:~ · =:::: Ler. l t : i & " 7. t u : : r:::::; a,,;;:d:-ln::-tb-:•~.;..~ OgdeA (G:..:n~;u• d ;·•):..:h ~ ~ lo -=':::;,:;;;:,;;;;:~.;;,~ ler won in g-ood sty 1e 111 the 2Shot put-C ark, Kenyon, first, White. . Prof A good meeting CS5lonal tD5tnlctlOD 1• Ofl'OT<d In the D hinlty ool mile run by over 100 yards, taking 36:4 ¼ ; Axtell, Kenyon, t'COnd, ~.::i:,~:;1.::,~.ii Medical Coilt&'• (alli11ate<11, • "" u,~ the last lap in a remarkable sprint. 35 .6¾, had. The topic ccnsidered Summer Quarttt •906,Junc 16-s,ptemb<r FlmTcrm: "Whatsoever Ye JW. ,, Junc,6-July "6;Secooa Tcnn:July ,rAUi"Sl 3J . R ¥Stn, His time was 11 minutes 4·5 secPole vault-Coolidge, Kenyon, tlon Is permitted" r the entire quamr or for'eilht:r l m,. . This week the meef10 g ·11 be coF°!::~:eore!:i ~ord•·" b,..ll'_h-e.n for work don • s al onds. Weaver pulled second Brown, Kenyon, 9 feet 3 inches. -. • • ( d wi M • For information add place out of the fire by a couple 16-pound hammer throw- a n11ss1onary meeting e bv I s UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO • • ILLINOI& of yard . The most exciting F..lick, 0. U., first, 98 feet 10 Dora Weat'er. event of the meet was the 220- inches; Bergma.n, Kenyon, second, yard dash. Taylor, of Kenyon, 94. 5 ¼ led for the first 100 yards by cutHigh jump-Funk, 0. U., first, ting in too q ick causing Libecap 5 feet; Knox, 0. U., second, 4 to lose his stride, but • 'T ,iby" was feet I I inches. there with the goods on the last oFFICIALS, half of the distance and beat TayReferee-Hon. W. C. Whitney.
'Bubbling and Sizzling
F. M. Ranck's Up=to=Date Pharmacy, Westerville, Ohio.
.. Barber..
ON THE INSIDE Baaeball Bnppliea anJ Sporting Goode of all desc riptions. Prices the lowest.
The Columbus Sporting Goods Co.,
:23-!5 Nor1:h High Street, Columbul!!I, 0,
Y.M.C. A.
(a)Border Ballad ...... ................ . Cowen {b)Had a Horse ....... ...... . .......... Korbay Professor Alfred R. Barrington
Atty. General Wade H. Ellis spoke to the as ociation last Scherzo, B 1\1 in or, Op. 20 ........ .. Chopin Mi s Blanche Emoge ne Yager HOLMES BLOCK Thursday evening on "The Law (a)The Harper..... .......... .... ...... ... Gould and Its Relation to Individual and (b)The Naughty Ruindropli ...... .. Wolcott ational Life." His talk was one Mis Elizabeth Gerla ugh of the m a,t enj yable nes that Valse Brillante...... ... .. ........ Moszkowski our men have listened to this year. liss Mamie Catherine Groves Many of his ch:ar concise propo rd h····· .. ·· ·· ................... ... LL~ewe Will h1111 I .YO lll' tnlllk~, vttlises, sitions and apt illustrations will be ((ab))EFd.waJ r111r o n .. ............... ........... .. 1ddle Professor Alfred R. Barrington o.>,cpri,ss nnd froig 11t iu Olli' little HOWE & long remembered. Mr. Ellis is connected with the 0. S. U. Law Polonaise, A Flat, Op. 53 ......... .. Chopin reel wugoo with p romp ln ei>I". School as lecturer and instructor Mis ■ Mary Grace Resler Onr Ch,irges Ill' v&ry moderute. and und erstand s just what is of in terest to the student. We hope Carnegie Library Secured. we may be 1-'rivileged to have him Dr. W. R. Funk, who is now with us ag.1in some time. the East, has written that he in The meeting Thursday evening has recently secured $ 15,000 on will be led by Rev. E. S. Lewis, the Carnegie Library endowment WESTERVILLE. OHIO. pastor of the First M. E. church, fund, which with the amount REAR OF' 11 0·11£L ULg!il)ON Columbus. His topic will be llOTU PHO 1£ 15. "The Ministry as a Life Work." already secured makes certain the It is hardly necessary to say that receiving of the $20,000 gift from S0•;10 fine new perfumes just Dr. Lewis is a man whom no Mr. Carnegie. . 10,000 of the received at member of the Association can amount secured was received .from afford to miss hearing as he has Keister Bros. and $5,000 r,ecei\<ed een v-ith us several times before from Mrs. Sarah Cochran who has and has proven himself one of the so generously given $30,000 for You ought to try them . most pleasing peakers that we our ladies' dormitory. , Dr. Funk is one of Otterbein's line of 1.'oilet Art1d es th ere' too. have had with us. most zealous workers and the large amounts he has secured to R..,ecital. the University in the past few A public recital was given by years will make possible some A standard, up·to-date, American college, with atr'lng f•cult y, mo''ern equip• the: Otterbein University Davis of the greatest advance.nents in ment, flouriahinji( literary societies and Christian Aaso ciatio1 s, and vi)l:oroua col· the history of Otterbein. of Music in the College Chapel lege li re Truly G1eate1 Otte,bein is soon The OOLLEGE carries two courses, the Arte Couriie and the cierce Course. aturday evening, May 26. to be a reality. Let everybody Th e AOADEv.lY accommodates those who havi, not haJ the advantages of a The program was a most en help. Bring a new student with stand11rd high school. joyable one and reflected g reat The ADJUNCT DEPART VI ENTS of '\llusic and Art rnJC'Y a large oat.r onage you aext fall. credit on our instructors, Dr. and there are well orji(a•z~d chools of Elocution and Commerce. EXPE:NSES are very 1norlera1e-l() w, considering the high iz;rade facilities. Meyer and Prof. Barrington. Memorial Day. The present atte ndance ia thf largest in the hietory of the in11titution. It is a so urce of pleasure to Summer Scnool Begins Jun e 19 know that this department is soon At 12:4 5 noon Wednesday the to have a new and more comm od iLEWIS BOOKWALTER, President, Westerville, 0. 0us buildin g which will be more comrades of the Grand Army and in keepin g with the high standard their friends will form in line at of work done in this department. the G. A . R. hall and march from The following program was there to the two cemeteries where While addressing a graduatrng class in Bookkeeping, Short they will appropriately decorate rendered: band and kmdrnd subject , "the trained man will make bis the graves of our soldiers. Im taccato Caprice ............... .... ... Vogrich lite felt, while w1thont trainin~ thousands go down on the sea mediately after the decorating of Miss Maude Alice Hanawalt of luck to one who meets with success. " the graves there will be services Kamcnnoi-Ostrow...... ......... Rubinstein held at the college chapel. Rev. Miss Edna Paul ine Swish,r Secure a University Training for Business. (a) My Joy of You ................ Barbour W. S . Chapman, of Utica, will (b) Compensation. ..... ............... Phelan deliver the decoration day ora l\liss Heleo Osborn tion. Department of the OTTERBEIN UNIVERSITY, The business houses of the town {a )Oh! Thou Sublime Sw,et Evening Address, DR. LEWIS HOOKWALTER, Pre ident. Star.. ......................... ........... Li!!lzt will all close Wednesday after from Wagner's Tannhaeaser PROF. P, F. WILKINSON, Prin. of School of .Oommerce, (b)Hungarian Rhap ■ ody o. 10..... Liszt noon, and all school work will be • Send ror College Catalogue,, Proepectu1, Terms, Miss Inez Belle White suspended for the afternoon. pectal otrer and bow to get" Scholarship FREE .
Leading Livery/~·► Fred Longhenry Feed and Sale Stable "Utopia," "Violets of
Seville," "Ben Hur"
Dr. Keefer's
Gen. Garfield said
School of Comme
!<'or your
• Jnnis &• Riefer Pi..otorrrapt:-.s '-/ !:7 '-/
199 201 •
High .
Bet. Town & Rich .
S pecial Rates to S tubents of Q)tterbein.
SPe Our Rap · e3en tative, E. C. WORMAN .
You should see the Bargains In
Staple and Fancy
J. C. Freeman's G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. OFFICE A
LOCALS Little boy, Cherry s tones, Castor oil, Awful moans.
Little gi r l, Hox of [)aints, Such the brush, Joins the saints.
B igg er boy, Sea-gull's nes t, Cru mbli ng r ocks E te rnal re t.
Bigger gi rl , Healthy bloom , Wais t too t ig h t, Early t omb.
Otterbein Students....
-"Come o Staley, let's go down the street" Staley-"No I'll tay here Blanche is gcing to br; ng my mail." Meyers-"Ammunition of war fare material."
Rogers-" e backed up his H II Pbono 27 smoke wagon and began to un load."
Don' t ~il l o s~t> tl,t> line of
QXF0~1J.J at
·McFarland's Shoe Store Holmes Block
Franklin Park Floral Company, Leading Florists, ~ ~ ~ Fai< and Pugh Ave., Columbus Half square from Oak St. car llne.
Cut Flowers a Specialty
W. C. PHINNEY, Dealer In
Furniture, Window Shades, Picture Frames, Etc. New lint Picture Moulding just received.
Cor. Sr ate• Malo Beil Phone 66
Persh-"Mr. Staley 1s ap pointed to look into this or som other thing." Flashman-I opened my head and stuck the door in." Durrant-"! again. ' 1
see you're late
A first-cla s fell ow-A Fresh.man. Maud (arranging her hair)-•·I my bow straight?"
In the race of matrimony it is
actions of the ether fellow. Wag oner-"Yotr Prof. like a horse. ' 1
City Dray,
First Author---=-"A,re you a contributor to th e Atlantic Monthly?" S econ d Autho r- " No, bu t -o my trip abroad I was a con tributor to the Atlantic daily."
not the girl who can cover the Sin ger-"If we must part Let most laps who wins. us p rt together." PERSONALS. All is fair in love except the
15 E.College Ave., WESTERVILLE, O.
Please let the man that pu: ~ his money back in the college handle your trunks, pianos and luggage.
Ice Cream Soda and Dopes _ at -• BEE Y'
Ayer- " How .dare you swear before me ?" D avis- " H ow did I k no w you wan ted so swear first. "
..f:. ~
The 'Barber ~.
Dr. Bookwalter addressed a large audience at the Eastwood .,-..,.,,=,..,..,Congregational church at Colum bus last Thursday evening. Dr. }Vorth ..ftate ..ftreet Bookwalter spoke on the pro posed union of the Congrega· "L)l: l(, Pres. J . w . EVERAL , Vic e tional, Methodist Protestant, and . w. i\JA,Rh l'res. <:. I,, RU JS D A G "• a s hier. United Brethren churches. THE Miss Norah Thompson enter BANK FIRST NATIONAL tained the '·Katydids'' at a E T .;Ull.,i HEU 1905 slumber party Eriday night. 'W'E:e"I"-..:av LL • OHl-'1-0>c-.----,,.-------1 Dr. Scott leav s _next Tuesday CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 to attend the comtrel)cement pf Does 11 /!"eo eral bno klug buslue s, rece i ve s Stanford Univeisity his Alma nod loo n m oues, P• Y lot r es ~ bn Lime de• ' oo Its, buy a nc! e lls bon ds . Y o ur bu luess I soli cited . Thi ban k ls under g vernmeot Mater, lus pectlo n. Mi s Ora Maxwell was consellA ~ 1.( l U ti.OU R :30 a. m, to~ p. m . crated for the mission work · at a - DJ..RECTORSmeeting of the Woman Board at J , w . .\larkley, J . w. Ey ml, w. A. Young, W. , l:lal r , (.;. U. I,aodon, F. Culver, Kenton, 0., last week. G. .L. Rto ug btou, H. P . Beery, O. I.,, l:lruodnge. "Tub" Staley is on the !ick list.
Citizen Phone No. 3, Bell IOI .
Otterbein meets Denison in a tract meet on our oval next Saturday. _Don't fail to ee the
meet. 'Why is "D.;d" Jike a silk shirt Everyone:celebrate Decoration waist? Becau~e he is always D ay. h anging aroung some girl. It is with pleasure that we can McDonald-" Innocence and announce after everal days of virgin modesty." uncertamty at e o c1a c It is true that points saldom shows M r. C. M. Rogers nomi nated for Judi!~ of Common Pleas weaver from one to another. court by a majority o f JOI votes. Even the Yo,mg wear di;,monds inO. U. C. E. · There is some talk of import ing Jim's girl for the Denison The meeting'' Sunday evening Mute. was led by Miss Sherbundy. ',Vhen is a woman not what he ext Sunday evening Mr. J. S. seem? Engle will lead. The topic will When she is sewing. be. "Faith, what it is and what What is stagnation? it does." References Hebrews A motion without a woman. 11: 1-40; Hebrew 12: 1·2
c. Mccommon JEWELER.
Fine Stock ot Souvenir Spoons, and Society Pins in Stock.