weath e r was ideal aod the grounds Ruehl, s ...•. · , .i_
in n i ng game. 0. lJ. started b · · h fi 6tferbe1n. were tn ex<;:ellent condition as the Tota:J 35 a t e run gett 111g 19 t e rst. 1-Je,aeJoe, re sul t ot light rain in the m orn• Two base h1ts-H er bbe r r .B a e n: b alls Strahl, first m an :.ip , was l1it w i th -l:5mlth 1, 0rov a 0lt by b>lU-lle el!, Gro .-P. I ing. In the earl y part of the a<: r lf!ce htt.-K eller Smith 6, Gro v e :j. the ball along with a base on bal mpl.re-1lagge r t y Tim oJ game--I:30. d d game thi ng looked ,a little blue an an error sco r e 2 nm!>. tor the 0. U. boys after Heidel- AFTE R T A"L K. H e id elbei"g c-ame back with I run berg through a combination of in the same iniring t h r ough an ro innings and Otterbein won. errors scored one run in the first error, 2 stolen bases, an d a long
Two.t,a e I 1 firt:t'•Oa:;e hafl- r uck ou 4, Ad am ! ~ncrU ce tt-t-.3truhl 2. on bRlls-t.rublll ~; :HJ1unM WIid Adur11~. H!L b y bltcher-AdtUDti :I. l, - .l,.t1rb11uin Time-2:00.
Commencemen t. What's the matter with t h e and tw o in the second. Up to fly. O. U. cou ldn 't do any th ing The c o m mencement invitations baseball team] this time Otte rbein had none to with them until the fourth inning which have arrive,d and are now h d ' t It d that The boys report a fine trip and when three m en were put over t e1r ere 1 seeme bei ng sent out are ,very ne atr: H 'd lb · good t r e atment at the ha nd o · tl I I t b b n balls Grove 1or e1 e er g was g:O tn!;! ie rnme P a e Y a a ., e O , specimens of the eng ravtrs art to be a stumbling block and this the Heidelberg boys, , sacrifice by Strahl and two hits With th€ recei pt oi an invita tion he proved to be until the third B. Hall pl a yed a grea t game. In he third He idel b er g scbred 2 com es the r ealizatio n that xan:iiwhen the boys started the ball His two st-01en runs in Saturda y's ru ns an<:! tied the score by bring• nations are almost upon us d r-0! !'~ ~,d c o d t!l.re.e tim o<l me"' re ac" ! a. ~:~ - $C !c!£, · une soon the class of '06 ill be num•___....,. ..., tieing the score. After the first seen. He is a bold ba se runner. in the sixth. 0. U. again took bered with our alumni. The two bad innin gs the team Tjtus i the only matt that ha s the lead when Smith ~o t down on following is the program of •com• ti ghtened up and started in to gotten 3 hits i,1 one game so far an error and Kring forced him in mencernent week: play ball and He ide lberg could do this ye;ir. with a nice hit. Hejdelberg tied Thursday, Jun e 7-,-Cle iorhe• nothing with Smith's pi tc hing. Only one more ga me this seas - th e s core ·n th eir half of th e tean o pen se s ion, Philalethean Smith wa. in fine form and on and that wi th Ohio Northern ninth but Otterbein should have open ses ion. pitched great ball. Had it not University at Ada on June 9 _ had the winni11g run in the same Friddy, J u ne 8, - Philomathean been for the e rrors in the first two The boys arrived back home at inning only for a c lo e decision at open ses s io n, Philophronean open · 1 · 1g th 0 game would h a ve home wh e n Smith was called out. e st'un. Inn 1 "' 10:30 Saturday night and the col • certainly have been a shut out for lege band wa th e re to give them Thi only put more spirit into the Saturday, June g,-President's Heidelberg as they only got three a royal reception Prof. Durran t bo~ s and the next inn_ing po~nd• r eception hits off of Smith' pitchinir during was there among the people to be ed 111 4 runs and shutt111g Heidel•, Sullday, June io,-Baccalaurethe entire game and only ~ne of among the first to compliment berg out in one -tw~ three order. ate sermon, Anniv rsary of Chris• tho e was a good cle ,. n hit and the boys on their good w0 rk. Ad a ms, , for He1deloerg w a ti 11 A sociations.
Heidelberg has a good bunch of wild -at time Hitting three men Monday Jun e 1 !,-Annual h B H II l d Heidelberg at the early part o{ H' , 1tters. ovey a p aye a - and_giving_ four passes. 1tt111g meeting c,f th Board of Tru tees, b th th fi Id d t the game thought Smith was h d I O b netat gHame o ;nd e e ~n a going to be easy but they chang• at rig t times score most o t · Art reception, Philalethean ban• a e accep e every c 1an~e ed their minds. terbein's runs quet, Cleiorhetean banquet. at first and scored three of the si x
e a, ou a mg our oys u Concert by Conc;ervatory of Mustheir friend from Detroit was the hits were scattered and didn't that they met going up. count for as much. Otterbein ic, Philophrone i. n banquet, PbilNow to win the last game of the season lrom Ohio orthern.
Titus got a nice 3 base hit, and hy the way the longest hit of both game s, on Friday, but was caught at home. It came within an ace of being a home run.
The batting order was changed a little and had much to do with winning as hits came at the right time.
omathean banquet.
fielded fine, most of the errors Wednesday, June 13 ,-Com• being made by wild th r O w s. mencement exercises, Class ad• Smith made a nice throw from center cutting a run plate.
Heidelberg also was strong at Tuesday, June rz , -Annual r Ask Strahl and Job11 Hall w.ho th b t t b tt' b b t Stealing in home twice. He also got a pretty sacrifice hit. The team was somewhat shifted owing to Strahl being laid up with a bad shoulder. He was hit with a ball on Friday and was unable to use his arm. Spitler took right field and Grabill went in at third.
dress by George Edgar Vincent, Ph. D , Professor of Sociology University of Chicago, Alumni banquet, Reunion of clas es.
Mr. Arthur Ward, who has been the guest of Dr. Bookwalter for the past week, left Saturday morning.
o l I.
OTTERB EIN WINS Tttt1Q 1 1._._ ,,__,. " Kelle r , 2h .• •. ·-··•-•l 80 0 4 0 0 2 l 0 0 ll l:iall, lb a 1 10 Doub le Header from Heide l- Total.. , <!.5 6 10 15 ..be!'g .B~JJIB 1.JJ.Fl'1P A 8. A. H. a- P O. f O Radcliffe, 3 ii J O l 0 1 0 0 I OTTERBEIN
n 10 Inning G~me A gainst l:leidel berg. Score IO to 6. On S aturday a ternoon tter• z chtel, w .• •.•.. , .i_ o o bein repeated the d os e oft11e day, t~~~h'iie;gii,:; ;.: ::'.:::.i ' i Fot· the se c ond time thi s season be fo re an d a g ain defeated Heid el• ~~!':i'e~~i :.·:::::.::::·_j 8 Otterbein defeated their old riv aJ s 0 0 0 l 1 1 0 I ;; ber g by a score of 6 to 3. Tbe 1i~10n~~l :~:: ::;: ::;:.J i Heibelberg
t and
0 0 2 0 0 0 0 " 12 l 1 0 H e! rttt•I ZJ.:h lll, C, l:Jt.•t- r, r M alblas, s. Ml\. Rei Ad Ru We 'l:o
0 ro
io a fas
UM.JIAR Y; OTT EB BEJ.K. A 13 R. l:i. P.O A. E. Krlne ab ..•... •.... ,-6 l l J b 1 mltb, p •-·•--••"6 0 2 ll • 0 pitier, r r, 0 0 0 I I J. Hall, m , 0 2 1 u 0 Grabill, '-··- -·•···• 0 0 ' 2 I Filak, o -••••-4 0 1 ' 2 0
IUJUIARY. Otterbein A 8. li. trabl, 8. ········-··· 3 I m!tb, m 6 l Krlog, Ses .• ..•• .•. 6 l J Hall, If , 0 G ra bill, p .••••.•••. 6 I .l<' Ucl<, c • 2 Tltu1, r ••••••••••.• .• 4 I Keller, 2 f 2 off at the .H. P A , E 0 l s l 2 I l 0 2 1 • 2 0 I 0 0 0 4 0 0 ij i l 1 0 0 0 2 3 3 0
In lite lnterest of the tudents of Otterbein niversity.
L. K FU NKHO USER, Edit or
E. A. LA Wlll:NCE, Asst. Editor
L. M. KELUiR. Busil)e s Manager
H, E. YOUN\ ,, Asst. Bus Manag-er
J H. KIRKBRIDE, Sub.. Agent
Addres! all fail to OTTERB EIN W EE KL y Lock Box 63, Westerville Ohjo.
ut,scription Ptrc e
Per Year 75c}
S pring Term "25"c ln .Adva nce
AppllcaLloo m<1de for econ d-clas ~::;;::,:_ :·;;;;•;::: YO'. Track Meet.
lo r to it by a yard. Time, 24j seconds. Thi s, with fir s t place in the 100 yard dash in IO 1-5 second , .s h owed Libec ap t o be a comer in track athlet ics.
Capta in Ayer met his fir t deteat in the quart e r and hall mile events, but that is no di sgra ce f r Ayer as the w inn e r, Brown , of Kenyon, is the cha m pion of the sta te in th ese events As it was Brown only be a t hrm by a yard in the 440 yard dash. Captain Ayer is to be congratulated on his own good work and also on the excellent work- done by the men who have trained under his direction.
The following is a complete summary of the even•s : TRACK
OTTER BEIN 65¼, KE YO' SI ¾, rooyarddash-Libec ap ,O U ., O tte rbei n defeated Kenyon in fir t; Taylor, Kenyon, second. a du l track meet on Wednesday, Time. 10 r -5 seconds May 23, by th e sco r e of 6 5¼ to 220 yard dash -Libecap, 0. U., 5 1 ¾· Otterbein may congratu• first ; Taylor, K enyon, sec oud late h er elf in defeat ing Kenyo n. Time, 24 secon ds since Kenyon is a membe r of the 440-yard dash-Br o wn, Ken"B ig Six" and ha s athletes of no yon, first ; Ayer, 0. U ., second . mean a bility It was a smprise Tim e, 53 seconds. to m any that Kenyon left the fic:ld H a lf m il e run-Br o wn, Kenwith t wo events to be comp leted yon, fin;t; Ayer, 0. U. 1 second. but th t!i r action seeme d justified Time, 2:02 3-5. in th eir own eyes since th ey want - One mite run-Ayer, O U., e to make a tram an urfher, first; 1s ey, , secon they wanted to save all effo rts Time, 4:54 4 -5. possib le fo r the Bi g Six track Two-mile run-Ressler, 0. U., mt! et to occur sh ort ly in Colum- firs t ; Weaver, 0. U ., second. bu Th~ chanc es for a success- Time, I I minutes 4 5 seconds. ful ending of th e meet even if 120 -yard hi g h hurdles-C r osly,
Ranck' oda fount Ri n now running over wi t h good thing Ice Cream, Crushed Fruits. Nut Frappe, Phosphates a d everytning in the refre bme11t line fine r than ever.
F. M. Ranck's Up=to=Date Pharmacy, Westerville, Ohio.
Starter.-E. N. Ro e hm. Clerk ofcourse-N. G. Snavely. Trmers-Professor McFadden, Dr G antz, Mr. C :..o rd
J udges-R. K. H ew itt, A. J. Dow, A. P. Ro selot.
Offici al scorer-W. S Wh e t st one
Anno un c er-F. 0. VanSickle.
Mi s Ethel Crou se , of C leveland, is home on a "isit.
'H M Wi.lliams an d Miss Blanche Yager attended a party la t rid ay night at the home of 1 iss Orpha White, Columbu s M r and Mrs. Hall, of D ay t on, visited t hei r son R . P. and daugh• tcr Mary Friday and Saturday
Miss Elizabeth Hang e r, of Sommerv iUe, 0., pent a few days with her br othe r, W. E. Hanger, this last week.
Gernie Laughbaum visited his brother Ray Sunday .
A ddison Krisinger visited his Keny o n r ema ined were in favor Kenyon, first; Funk, 0. U., b h h S rot er ere unday . of Otterbein. The score when and Brown, Kenyon, second
Keny on l e ft stood 5 2 ¾ to 5 1¾ Time, 17 3- 5 seconds. in Ott e rb e in's favor. Kenyon of 220 -yard low hurdles-Funk, their own will gave Otterbein 13 0 U ., and Crecili us, 0. U., first; point , th e number involved in Time, 29 seconds , the tw o rem ining eve nts, the high One mile relay-Otterbein won jump and the one mile relay FIELD. The final core then stood Otter- Discus throw-Axtell, Kenyon,
C. M. Bookm a n, '04, of Newark, Ohi o , was in tc,wn Sunday P H. Kilbourn, '0 1, studen t in medicine, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, was t he guest of Mi Ethel Crouse Sunday. M r. Kilbourn's work 111
W.W. JAMISON Barber.~
( 'occes or t DEMUTH) bein 65,½, Kenyon 51 ¾- fir t, 99 fee t 9 i nches ; Knox, 0. school is over for this year.
)'ttr f dtvld.cd
\1Dtcr, testc , espec1 Y e rac · • roa Jump- ay o r, Kenyon, • ~- •
The events were closely con- U ., econd, 95 feet I I inch es. d ·a11 th t k Ot B d • T I Y W C A T
each, on Ja.nua.ry od, h. od. ter em seeme wea 111 e e , first, 20 feet ; o rter, 0. U., sec,. The meeting l as t Tue day I r capturin g only two firsts. Ress- ond, 19 fee t 7 inche. led b • M'i Amaudu,:...~":..:~rr~:S'•lll•Gnd 1 • h
b · d k • th fi Id p
eY~WJW~iWSa!-:-~......!~~....A~4'li5Scl;;;••;;;c~::::;-::::;:=::=-:::c:::---=:-:--~-:-"_."":""..;..;;;;:;;;:;;;;:.;;;,:;;__t ler won in good sty e 111 t e 2- Sh ot put-Clark, Kenyon, fir t, p..,resstona1 oDStTUctlou 11 W hite. A good meeting th 1..a Sch I R mile run by over 100 yards , taking 36:4_¼; Axtell, Kenyon, t> COnd, sJ,001 :,Ed:.;1 ".'h MedJ • the last lap in a remarkable spr i nt 35.6 _¼. h a d. The topic c c n i de r ed S•mmer Quar1rr 906.Ju nc 6-Septombtt ,. Fl tTem,, "Whatsoever Ye :>w. , , Juu••~Jul y ~.5-ud Term:JuJy ,rAufU513', R-,tstra Hi s time was 11 minutes 4·5 sec- Pole vault-Coolid ge , Kenyon, tlou Is permlned i • tbe entire Q\la,ter or ror 'olther , nn Thi ,veek the meetin g ,viii be =~~::!::r~~=d··" "'h ,.111," for work d • on ds. Weaver pulle d second Brown, Kenyon, 9 feet 3 inches. • • • 1 d b M • For iai rmatlon additi P lace out of the fire by a couple 16- pound hammer throw- a m1 s1on ary m eeting t: v • s THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO f d The most exci ting Fl" k O U fi t 8 f t Dora Weafler. cHrcAoo - - ILL1No1a o yar 1c , ., rs. 9 ee 10 event of the meet was the 2 20· inches; Bergma.n, Kenyon, second,
y ard dash. Taylor, of Kenyon, 94. 5 _¼ l ed for the first 100 yards by cut- High jump-Funk, 0. U., first, ting in too qu ick causing Libecap S feet; Knox, 0. U., second, 4 to lose his stride, but • 'T .iby" was feet I I inches. there with the goods on the last OFFIC IALS, half of the distance and beat Tay- Referee-Hon. W. C Whitney.
SHOES Are weJI built. The name describes Lhem From facto :t to ~on saves you a dollar a pair. Men's only $2.50 and $3.00 C ll itr• 11 • I'll Hotd BtailOiug W. M GANTZ, D.D.S., OVER FIRST NATIONAL BA NK. ESTtRVl [
5p, lni,,
ummer,and Autumn. Ad tbo
os:,<nlng o f
The Columbus Sporting Goods Co., . Bookm
Y. M. C. A.
Atty. General ade H Ellis spoke to the a· ociation last Thursday evening on "The Law and Its Relation to Individual and ational Life." His talk was one of the moa;t euj yable ne that our men have listened to this year. Many of his clt:ar concise propositions and apt illustrations will be long r e m embered. Mr. Ellis is connected with the 0. S. U. Law School as lecturer and instructor and und erstands just what is of interest to the student. We hope we may be 1-'rivileged to have him with us ag.lin some time.
The meeting Thursday even in g will be led by Rev. E. S Lewis, pastor of th e Firs t M. E. church, Columbus. His topic will be "The Ministry as a Life Work."
It is hardly necessary to say that Dr Lewis is a man whom no member of the Association can afford t o miss hearing as he has een with us st:veral times before and ha s proven himself one of the most ple asing speake r s that we have had with u R.,ecital.
A public r ecital was given by the: Otterbein University Davis of Music in the College Chapel Saturday evening, May 26.
The program was a most enjoyable one and reflected great credit on our instructors, Dr. Meyer and Prof. Barrington
It is a source of pleasure to know th t this department is so on to have a new and more comm od i0us buildin g which will be more in keeping with the high standard of work done in this department.
The following program was rendered:
taccalo Caprice Vogncb
Miss Maude Alice Hanawalt
Kamcnnoi-Oatrow Rubi11stein
Miss Edna Paul ine wish e r
(a) My Joy of You Barbour
(b) Compensation Phelan
Miss He len Osborn
(a)Bo rder Ballad Cowen
lb) Had a Horse Korb aJ' Profc sor Alfred R. Barrington
Scherzo, B ~.iiuor, Op. 20 Chopin Mi s Blaucbe E m ogene Yager
(a)T be Harper Gou ld
(b)The augbty Rni11drop11 Wolcott
Mis E liz abeth Gerlau gb
Valse Brillante Moszkowski i\[iss !\Jamie alherine Groves
a )Oh! Thou ublime wcet Eve ni ng
tar Liszt from Wagner's Tannbaeueer
(b)Hungarian Rhap1ody o. 10 Liszt
Miss Inez Belle White
(ab))EFd.wa rd ····· Loewe Will b1rnl _yolll' tru 11k,:, v11lise , nar John Liddle Professor Alfred R. Barrington xpr i,ss !Hid fr •e iglit i11 onr little Polonaise, A Flat, Op. 53 Chopin reel wagon with promptne<"11. J.
J\lis1 M a ry Grace Ressler Onr CbHrg es Ill' ve,ry nwdernte.
Carnegie Library Secured.
Dr. W. R. Funk, who is now in the East, ha s written that he has recently secured $15,000 on the Carnegie Library endowment fund, which with the amount already secured makes certain the rec e iving of the '20, ooo gift from Mr. Carne gie. , 10 1 000 o f the amount secured was receiv ed from Keister Bros. and $5,000 received from Mrs. Sarah Cochran who has so generously given $30,000 for our ladi es' dormitory. #
Dr. Funk is one of Otterbein's most zealous workers and the large amounts he has secured to the University in the past few years will make possible some of the greatest advance.nents in the history of Otterbein.
Truly G1eate1 Otte,bein is soon to be a reality. Let everybody help. Bring a new student with you Next fall.
M emorial Day.
At 12 :4 5 noon Wednesday the comrade s of the Grand Army and their friends wil l form i n line at the G. A. R. hall and march from there to the two cemeter ies where they will appropriately decorate the graves of our soldiers. Immediately afte r th e decorating o f the graves th e re will be services held at th e colle ge chapel. Rev. W. S. Chapman, of Utica, will deliver the decoration day orati on.
The bu siness h ous e s o f the town will all clo se Wednesday afternoon, and all school work will be suspended for the afternoon.
Fred Longhenry
M. WEIBrlNG , Leading Livery. ,.::
Feed and Sale Stahle
S0•;1e fine new perfumes received at Dr.
Keef er' s
You ought to try them A foll li'oe of 'toilet Arlwl es tb ere' too.
A standard, 11p·to-date, American college, with str'lng f wcnlty, tuo''ern equip• rnent, flourisbinl,( literary soc ieties and Chri st i11n Aseo c i11tio1 s, and ,•igorous col• lege lire
The 00LLE GE carries two courses, the t\ rts Conrl)e and th e cierce Course
The A0ADE~Y 11ccoruwodates those who have not haJ the adv11nt11ges of a standHrd high school.
The ADJUNCT DEPART •IEN T S o f '\11,udc ancl Art Plll"Y a large patronage and there are well cboole of Elocution and Commerce
EXP!l:N ll:S Rr e very rnorlernre-l n w, considering the high grade facilities.
The present atte nd ance iij th• largest in the bietory of the inlltitution.
Summer Scnool Begins J une 19
LEWIS BOOKWALTER, President, Westerville , 0,
Gen. Garfield said
Whil e addressing a gruduatmg eta s io B ookkeep ing , Short band ao<l kmdr1:1d subject , "the traioerl man will make lite felt, while w1tbo11t traioin~ thousands go down oo th e ea of luck to o n e who meets with success. "
Secure a University Training for Business.
School of Comme
Department of the OTTERBEIN UNIVER ITY, A <l<lres , DR. LEWIS BOOKWALTER, Pre ide ot. PROF. P. F. WILKIN SON , Prin. of School of 0omrnerce, •
,. TIIE OTTERBEIN WEEKLY •;t; •;t: ON THE INSIDE •)IE •}IE lf-• ;!- • ~-• *• """'1C ALL O:'.\)'lll,. Baaeball Suppliea and Sporting Goode of all des cr iptions Prices tbe lowest.
23!5 North High Stre e t, Cotumbue, O.
"U topia ," " Violets of Seville," " Ben Hur "
R!J;AR OF' HO 'lEL BLENDON H01'U l'l:10 E 15.
Send ror College Catalogue,, Pro speo la1, Te r ms, peclal offer aud how to get a Sobo la rsblp FREE W ESTERVILLE, OHIO
You should see the Barg ains an Staple and Fancy GROCERIES
J. C. Freeman's
Little boy, Cherry stones. Castor oil, Awful mo ans. Bigger boy , Se a-gull's nest, Crumbling rocks Eternal re t.
Little girl, Hox of gain ts, Such the brush, Joins the s a ints. Bigger girl, Healthy bloom, Waist too tight, Early tomb.
Singer-"If we must part let us p rt together."
All is fa ir in love except the action of the ether fellow.
15 E.College Ave. , WESTERVILLE, O. Prof. Wagoner-' 'Y otr talk
Otterbein Students ....
Please let the man that pu bis money back in the college handle your trunks, pi anos and luggage.
like a hors e. "
- "Come on Staley, let's go down the stree t u
Staley -"N o I'll tay here Blanche 1s gcing to br ;ng my mail."
Me y ers- ''Ammunition of war fare mat e rial.''
Rogers-'' e backed up his H II Ph o oo 27 smoke wagon and began to unload."
Persh-"Mr. Staley is appointed to lo k int o this o r som other thing."
Flashman-1 opened my he ad and stu ck the door i_n. ' '
Durr an t-' ' I see you're ]a t e again. ' 1
A first -cla s fe ll ow-A Freshm a n.
Maud (arranging her hair )-' •I my bow straight?"
Ayer- "How dare you swear before me?"
Davis - "How did I lrnow you wanted so swear first."
First Author-'"Are you a
contributor to the Atlantic Monthly?"
Second Author-"No, bu orr my trip abroad I was a contributor to the Atlantic daily."
In the race o f matr imon y it is not the girl who c an cover the most laps who wins.
Dr Bookwalte r addressed a large audience at the Eastwood Congregational church at Colum- ""
Ice Cream Soda
and Dopes _
Th e "Bar b e
bus last Thursday evening. Dr. }Vorth
Bookwalter spoke on the proposed union of the C ongregational, Methodist Protestant, and w MARJ<'Li;:x
United Brethren churches.
Mi ss Norah Thompson entertained the '·Katydids" at a slu mber party Eriday night.
Dr. Scott leav s next Tuesday CAPITAL STOC.K $2 5 , 000 to attend the comirencement of Dos n general bnokJ ug bu Joess, receives Stanfqrd Unive 1sjty his Alma aod 1oans m on r , I>" Jut res 9n lime de• · ' oo Its, buy an<! ells bO.ods. You~ bu !ness M at er. J sollclt.ed. Tbt bunk Ls under g vernment Inspection
Mi s Ora Maxwell was con secrated for the mi sio n work at a mee tin g of the Woman Boa rd at Kenton J 0., la s t week.
"Tub" Staley is on the sick li st.
Otterbein meet s benison in a tract m ee t on our oval next S a turday. D o n't fai l to ee th e meet.
Why is ''Dad' like a silk hirt Everyone:celebrate Decoration always D wai t? Becau~e h e is h an g ing aroung some girl. ay.
McDonald- ' 'lnnocence virgin modesty."
It is with pleasure that we can and announce after several days of
It i true t ha t points seldom weaver from one to another.
Even the Yo ;mg wear di ;, monds in 0. U
· Th e r e is Solli e ta lk of i m porti ng J i m 's g i rl fo r the Deni so n
'N hen is a wo man no t what he seem ?
W hen s he is sewing
Wh at is stagnation?
A mo tion w ithout a woman.
uncertainty ia e c a c n shows M r C. M Roge rs nom in a t ed for Judg-t- of Commo n Ple a s cou r t by a m ajori t y o f JO I v o t es
C. E.
Th e me e tin g ' ' Su n d a y eve n ing wa s le d by M iss Sherbundy. ext Sunday ev e nin g M r. J. S.
E ngle will lead . The topic will be. "Faith, what it is and what it does. " References Hebrews 11: 1- 4 0; Hebrew 12 :1- 2
llANKU (;J HOURS :30 a. m , to 4 p, m. - D..I.RECTORSJ W. Markley, J. W,.E,·ernl, w. A Young, W. C, l:la1E, C. 0. I,ando1l, F. Culve r , G .J.,. ·tougbtoo, rr P. B ry, c. L. Brondnge.
Fin e Sto c k ot Sou v enir Spoon s, and Society Pins in Stock .
, ,. at
!? or your P hofortraphs • Jnnis & !liefer 199 • 201 s. 1-/ " l Bel. Town &
to Stu ents of Q)tterbein. + SPe Our 1?.ap · e 3ent ati ve , E. C. WORMAN.
Special Rates
Hig h Rich
, Pres J. w EvERA L, v1ce eres. c. L liRU.ISD AGK, asbter.
J t ate
t r e e
W'Ee"rE RVILL E), OH .-0:,---,,--. ...,...,. City Dr ey, Don' , L ii lo !st1~ L),ti line o f QX F 0~1).J at ·McFarland 's Shoe Store Holmes Block Franklin Park Floral Company, Leading Florists, C ut Flowers a Spe:cialty Fair and Pugh Ave., Columbus Half square from Oak St ca r line. W. C. PHINNEY, Dealer I n Furniture, Window Shades, Picture Frames , Etc. New line Plctun Moulding jult rece ived. Cor. Sr ate• Malo Bell Phone 66
Chlun Phone No. 3. Beil IOI ,
R. C. Mccommon