\YESTERVILLE, 0., JU E 4, 1906
Otterbein Defeats Denison in Dual self in the two-mil e run, winning Track Meet over R ogers, of Denison by fifty yards in i l :7. If the track had That Otterbein can do things been in the best of condition when she tries was demonstrated there is little doubt but th at Reson last Saturday afternoon when could have equaled his record of the Denison track team was tak l l minutes. en into ca mp by the Otterbein This was the last meet of the track team by the comfortable ye&r and- every student in Otterscore of 5 to 35 . It was· by bein feels proud of th e fine rec• A . bard luck that Otterbein lost last Ord made . Cap tam yer 1s to . year to Denison by only a couple be Congra tu! ated on h 1s successpoints an.d o the p,resent victory fu 1 leadership, and untiring efforts to turn out a track team comes as a redeeming featllre. D nison wa in the lead in creditable to the college. The following is the ummary number of points ouly once in of events in the meet. the meet, after the -fir t event the 1 0-yard da h . Libecap, with a TRACK EVE TS. record of 10 1-5 seconds lost to 100-yard-da h-Wadell, DeniWadell of Denison on account of son, -fir t; L ibeca'°p, Otterbein , a recent illness. After this second; time 10 2-5 sec. event, Otterbein took the lead 220-yard-da h-Binkley, Den a1. t:p ·ttlll UL i ut •l'Ul~ . . on, ; c ·beca p; erlfe10, Otterbein showed up better in second; time 23 2-5 sec. fi eld even ts in this m ee t th an in 440-yard -dash-Ayer, Otter the Ken yo n m eet, losing only bein, first; Binkley, Denison, one first, namely the broad jump. second; tim e 55 sec. Funk in th e high jump, Flick in _¼ -mile-run-Ri ley, Otter the hammer throw and Knox in bein, first; Ayer, Otterbein, see the d iscu · throw won first hon ors ond ; time 2.0 -! 5 sec. by safe margins. I -mile-run-Ayer, Otterbein, Out of twelve events, Otter- first; Risley, Otterbein second; bein took eight firsts and six time 4:45. second . The two hurdle races 2-mile-run- Re ler, Otter were o mitted on account of ome bein, fir. t; Roger , Denison, secofficial d issension . ond ; time 11 min. 7 sec. The clo ~st event of the meet FIELD EVE TS. was the quarter-mile in which Discu Throw-Knox, Otter. Binkley, the star sprinter of Den- bein, fi rst; Pamment, Denison ison was defe ated by Cap tain second; distance 9 ft. 10 •1-5 in. Ayer in 55 econd s. Captain 16 lb. Hammer Throw-Flick Y"r made: a resent of first Otterbein , first; l cKay, Den ison,' pl ace in the ba1i-m1le to Risley, secon d; distance 103 ft. 4 in. so that the latter might receive a Pole Vault-Rogers, Otter a ar ity "0" which h e rightly bein, first; You ug, Otterbein, ecdcrerves. Height ft. 11 i .. . The pcle vault was a surprise High Jump-Funk, Otterbein, to many in that both first and first; Binkley, Denison, second. second places went to Otterbein height 5 ft. 2 ¼ in . ' men, Rogers and Young. The Broad Jump-Coe, Deni on, one mile relay went to Denison. first; Funk, Otterbein, second; Otterbein lost every lap but one, distance 21 ft. 6 _¼ in. in which Libecap made a beauti1 mile relay, won by Denison ful dash, ove-rcoming a big lead. in . 30 2-6. Res }er again distinguished himReferee a nd starter, A. J.
o. 13
Pierce, 0 . S. U. Timers, Prof· McFadden, Dr. G antz, E. C. De Cieque. Judges, Profs. Durrant, Rosselot and Mr. H. N. Huff man. Clerk, W. G. Snavely.
last meeting for the term. It will be a farewell session, in charge of the seniors. l\1r. E . E . Burtner will lead. The certifi cates and diplomas due those who have completed the Bible Laying of Corner Stone. Study work will be presented at this meeting. Let each man be The work on Cochran ball is out to this la t meeting, it will be being rapidly pushed forward a.n interesting and profita.ble and contractor Karg has all in one to attend. .readiness for the laying of the corner, stone which will take place Tuesday, Ju ne 12. Scores of alumni and frie_nds from out of town are expected to be present and join the studen ts and citi ~ens in properly celebratino- this casion. All will a emble in front of the main building at 2:45 p. m. and march to Cochran hall. rder nf ar. de. College band , p resident of board of truste es and president of col lege, trustees and prudential committee, faculty, students, alumni an d former students, citi zens and visitors. Afte1 arrivin g at Cochran hall, the program will be as follow s: prayer, music; college band; ad dress, Mayor Chas. H. Snavely, Ph. D ; address, W. R. Funk, D. D .; music, college band. Y. M. C. A.
C. A. Kellar, 'ol, of ew Yori{ City, vi ited bis brother Lee, last Friday.
Prof. Clippinger, of Union Biblical Seminary preached at the college cnapel Sunday morn ing. Mr. CUppinger led chapel Monday mornin g. : r • n er-;t0n, C. H. visited her daughter, Miss Todhunter last week. Mis es Adrienne F un k and Blan che Yager and Messrs~ McDonald and William wer~ entertained at the Trimmer home in Circle ville. Saturday. Mes rs. Powers and Dee repre sentin g Powe rs- Hi gley & Co. have been here the p as t week train ing their men for canvasing this summer. Leslie Riley, of Kenyon , visi ted R. P. Hall la t Thursday.
The annual field day thi yea r Dr. E. S. Lewis, pastor of promisc:s to be a very ir 1 P• ~,•:u Fisst M. E. Church, Columbus, addressed the A ssociation la t one. 1· .a,, oeen anan ed to T!lursclay evening. His theme have the Freshmen add Juniors was th e "Ministry a a Life compete with the other cla es. thirteen events will Work .'' This wa s the la t of the Abou t life -work meeting for this tellJ I be rue ...-1-: :ri.. ~ii: i·•,· .-.>r...-;. c and i~ see mt-i a itcing close to stud nt · a chance to see the the series. Dr. Lewi dwelt up- work of a team which ha not on the thot that the ministry i bee n defeated on the t rack this the highe t call ing which a man may cboo e and that to tne min All person having bills ister thete comes the greatest again t the Athletic A ociation privileges and joys and well as hould pre ent them to th e man the greastest respon ibilities. agers who incurred the debts, so On Thur day evening of this that everything may be paid week the association will bold its wh en the books close this wee k.
As lo ng as t he fun is wi th in th e boun ds of Published Week lv by the reason , let there be fun. B ut OTTERBEIN PUBLI HING COMPANY, rowdyism, never! R anc k's od a fo untnin now running over wit h good WESTERVILLE, OHIO. Some tow n people hould bear thing . Ice Cream, Crushed Fruits, Nut Frappe, In th e In te res ts of the tude nts of Otterbein in mind that not eve ry thi ng Phosphates and eve rytning in th refre hrn ut Jine Un iversity. mean is done by stud e nts. Not finer th an eve r L. K. FUN KH OUS ER, Editor long since a gan g from so mewh ere E. A. LAWR ENC E, Asst. Ed itor made coll ege ave nu e so und 1 ke L. M. KELL ER, Business Manage r a few shad es had esca ped from H. E. YOU NG, Asst. Bus. Man ager Westerville, Ohio. infern o, with their sw earin g and J . H. KIRKBRIDE, Sub. Agent rowdy acti ons . N o complaint College Finances. Address all Mail t ::> OTTERBE IN WEEK Ly was he11rd fro m a nyon e. So let Lock Box 63, Westervi ll e, Ohio. there be equity and justice in On Tuesday m orning Dr. Book i\l a de u p iu the la test s ty le , and you Subscription Price judgements passed on events that walter gave a brief statement of save from $5 to $10 by placing your . Per Year 75C} In Advance seem to be caused by students. the finances of the college for the order with ns . atisfa ction and a per Sprin g Term 25c There are two sides to the fun past year. The Cochran Hall is fect fit guaranteed. We ulso do p1e11sing A pplloat lou made for Seoo u d-c lass r a tes. in a nea t ma nner. :: question here in Westerville. in process of construction while Commeacem ent week is close the Carnegie Library will be Paved Streets. at hand and exa minations will erected in the near future, the Formerly Riggle & Co. soon be over. S o many of the conditions of Mr. Carnegie having The contractors are hauling OVER KEEFE'R ' S DRUGSTORE. stullents are plannin g to leave been complied with. Although this week. The only acceptable bricks for paving Grove street Mr. Lambert gave $25,000 for G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. excuse for this is finances, but and other adjacent streets. It a new conservatory on the condi OFFICE ANU ~ESIUENCE, outsid e of th is reason the s t u seems a pity to have these un tion that the college raise a n piles of bricks on the sightly equal amount of additional dents should cons id e r it almost 15 E.Collefe Ave., WESTERVILLE, o. a duty to be h ere . It s eems streets durin g commencement end owment, it is hoped that this more like comm en cements for a week but a great deal rather that building will be shortly con qrowd of students to be around, than to never have nice streets. structed. This will then make six especiall y in a s;n all college Grove, Plum and Park streets handsome buildings on the college where numbers ad d to the excite will be completed this summer. campus with the heating plant soon to be erected. Let the good ment. Communication work keep up and as the college Commencement week this ~ authoriti~s plan the substaotial year w1 e part1cu1arly ahrac growth of the college every (Sncre, , or tr DEMUTH .) tive in its features. The corner EDITOR OTTER BEI N WEEKLY: student can also lend a helping It has long been the custom in stone of the Cochran Memori al the college for the boys to see hand by inducing others to come hall will be la id early n e x t here t 0 school. Don't forget, week. The usual custom of the that their girls are generously Seniors, your alma mater! • graduati on exercises of the con- supplied with flowers for t:1e dif servatory of music will be brok- ferent occasions common to com mencement week. It seems to Miss Ora Bale entertained the . en by a grand concert by the me that this is nothing short of "Katydids" last Friday evening college chorus . The seniors will greenness, something to .expected in honor of Misses Mauk and rev ive cl ass day and there are by the at a country high school com Wills. persis te n t rumors that some mencement instead of a college. Misses Lillian Mauk and Nora thing q u ite novel will be the o r Then, too, it is a custom which, Wills who bave been in Chicago der of the day . on account of its expensiveness, As th e a lu mni return, let causes maRy who would stay for the past term preparing for Y. June 12 '06 everyone be cord ial and make commencement, to leave immed W . C. A. work have returned to Eigh • O'clock Tl1ey are b 0 th members th em feel as if their presence iately after examinations. I have 0 . U. we;·e appreci a ted . Let every been in school for four years and of the class of 1906 . ADMISSION 25c. body fo rget his troubles and get each year the sillin ess of the cus_ The May number of th e Ohio h appy a nd see tbat other people t om grew on me until now I take Naturalist contains an illustrated do the same. thi s mea ns of voicin g a g-rievance article by Prof. Durrant on the with whi ch I know many will Malloph ag a, an important g r oup agree. of parasitic insects, in which ::ire Some girls are heartl ess enou gh described three sp eci e n ew to College Avenue L;ist week t he inhabi tan ts of to not con sider the cost to the boys, science. the village were startl ed by t he who usually are financially low at rin ging of the coll ege bell shortly the end o f th e year. It is very after mi d night. So me cou ld see nice to sh ow appreci ati on of the the fun in it but others conside red girl s' company but in reso rti ng to it, to speak mildly, '' real mea n." mea ns of showi ng this app recia S uch peop le should no t forget that ti on I would li ke t o see so meth ing there is a colle ge in town, and vogue not bordering on th e g ree n college boys will break loose once and sill y. A J UNIOR.
'Bubbling and Sizzling
F. M. Ranck's Up=to=Date Pharmacy,
INew Spring Fabrics
.. Barber.~ Gaul's
"Holy City'' College ,chorus
•, ON THE INSIDE ~ '+.:• Baaetiall , 11ppl1t-1 Rn d p )r ting Good~ of ,11 deecrip uon ; , Prices th., lowest.
The Columbus Sporting Goods Co.,
college alike. We bespeak a large att endance as th e admis sion, 25 cents, is within the reach of all.
.235 North High Street, Columbus, 0,
Y. W, C. A.
Otterbein Students.... Plea e let the man that putc; bis money back in the college handle your trunks, pianos and luggage.
the business meeting in person or The meeting Tue day evening by letter. of this week will be held at five, Through the kindnes of Dr. 9. Concert, Thursday at 8. p . o'clock, instead of the usual hour Cit_y Drn_v, KHII Ph one 27 ,0. B. Cornell, '92, a copy of the m. and will be held on the campus "Otterbein Dial" for the year Visitors will be conducted if the weather permits. 1876 wa · loaned to the Otterbein through the buildings on applica While the weather i hot The girls will enjoy lunch to Weekly. The "Dial'' was a tion to the Janit or, at the office . go to gether after which a "Praise Ser monthly paper "published under Homes will be provided for all vice" led by Miss Mary Court the auspices o f the faculty and perso ns from abroad and they right will be held. -students of Otterbein University." will be hear ily welcomed. They SUNDAY SERVICES. The managing editor was J . E. should report to the President at The baccalaurate sermon will Guitner, "editorial contributors,'' his office immediately on arrival be delivered in the college chapel the faculty. Publisher, T. Mc in town. Sunday morning at 10:15 by Fadden. Visiting alumni should register for ice cream and Pres. Bookwalter. Among other interesting fea at the Secretary's office, as early fresh baked goods of all The annual missionary meet tures, we copy the following: as possible, giving their class. kind . ing will be held in the chapel at COMMENCE.ME T. Hv 1N TO 0. U. 3:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon. ·"The meetin gs of commence Tune-" America." Rev . S. S. Hough and other ment week, following closely To thee, 0 Otterbein workers will addre ss the meeting. Pair wisdom's holy shrine, upon the examinations of the The Ann'.ve:sary o_f the Chris- , Our song we rai e. dasses, will occur in the follow tian Association will be held Dear nre these hall& of thine, Dealers in ing order. Round thee our hearts entwine, Sunday evenin g at 7:30 in the 1. Baccalaureate, by the Pres Sweet memories combine college chapel. Miss Kemper, Fresh and Smoked Meats, To chant thy praise. ident, (H. A. Thompson) Sab former State Y. W. C. A. Secre Oysters and Fish in Season bath morning, May 2f?th, at 10:30 Our mother tho u h ast been, tary of Ohio, will give the ad Protector from a II sin, o'clock. dress of the evening. Our guardian true. 2. College sermon, by a vis Our teacher in the way , iting clergyman, Sabbath vening Our guide by night, by day; Ayer Re-elected Captain.1 1 Whene 'er we went astray at .8 o'clock. Thou didst pursue. 3. Public meeting of the four JEWBLER, At a meeting of the track men Us still with strength endue literary societies, with exercises Tuesday, Mr. J. Warren Ayer Fine Stock ot Souvenir With faith and courage true by former members, Monday From clay to day; was re-elected captain of our Spoons, and evening, May 29th, at 8 o'clock. Oh! may thy circling arm track team for the coming year. Still shield us from all harm , 4. Annual meeting of the This action was clearly an ap Society Pins in Stock. And every foe disarm Board of Trustees, Tuesday, May preciation of good work done by COMMENCEMENT Along life's way . 30th, at 8 a. m. Mr. Ayer during the year just Oh! may thy portion be 5. Annual address before the PRESENTS. Sweet peace and harmony closing. Our track ;team has literary societies, by Rev. W. L. Through all the year■. met both Kenyon and Denison, May fortune's sun still rise Saunders, of London, England, Everyone uses perfume or in addition to North High, and To g ladden all ou r eyes, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. toilet powder at this season has come off victors in each Di pelling from thy skies 5. Public meeting of the Alum Darknes and fears. case. A captain who is thor and we have some fine spec na\ Association, Wednesday, BEAVER, oughly interested and men who ials in dehcate and lasting LOH ENZ. May 31st, at 8 p . m., oration by -From Otterbein Dial , July, 1 76. have not been afraid to work odors-and the price 1s Prof. G. A. Funkhouser, of Day hard while training are the two right. ton, of class of 1868; poem by HOLY CITY. factors which have made our Daniel urface, esq . , of Rich successes on the track possible. mond, Ind ., of cla!-S ol 186 2 ; and Th e college chorus of forty hi sto ry by Mrs. C. ::i . Landon, voices will render Gaul's "Holy Success to class '06! tshe 'DruggiJt. of Mifflin, Ohio, of the class of City" on next Tuesday evening 1859. in the chapel. The chorus has 7. Commencement exercises, been working hard for the last The Co-Op store will n ot be open during tlie mm with addresses of th e graduat in g ten weeks under the direction Of class, Thursday, June 1st, 9 a. Prof. Barrington . m er term. On this account we must close out our line of candies, including a complete assortment of The oratorio is too well known m· Lowney's at special prices. A beautiful box of Auto 8. Business rr>eeting of the to need comment and every adAlumni Association, Thursday vantage offered by the oratorio crat Station ny will make a swell commencement present. afternoon at 3 o'cl ock. Every in its com po. ition will be taken member of the Association is reby the chorus in a manner t 1iat UNIVERSITY CO-OP STORE" quired by th e rule to report to will be a credit to the chorus and R. K. STALEY. Commencement 30 Years
R. C. Mccommon
Dr. l(_ee_f-er"
litt le rain A Jillie su n .\ Ii l t ie grief little fun A litt le w or k And life is doue . Let'' wea r clean cl o thes wb ile w e' re here.
For your
P hotographs , Jnnis "(
'- (
& Riefer
199 20 1 ·
High .
Bet. Town & Rich .
Special Bates to S tube11ts of Q)tterbein. Pro f. McFadde n (e xplain ing the + •~ tl Onr l'te presenrative, E. C. WORMAN . telephon e) Mis Adams- " Wh at is a on e Frit z Klin e- Wiener. line telephone calle<:I ?'' Dome•tlc or Gloss Finish Prof. McFadden-"A lovers Staley cornpromi zed things telephone." Thursday night and had a little Shoemaker-"Prof. will that of both. Bell Phone No. ~•. Munger-"! can't understand C. L. BAILEY, Student Representative reach .(cross the street?" why I didn't make 100 per Pershing-"Whose that fellow cent. in that German final." THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO with Miss Hall ?
Westerville Laundry,
T1'e Un h·en ir)• yca r i di vfdcd into f.. ·ur Quarten, Winter, ! pr lnS? , Su mm e r , a.nd ,\ u t u f!l n. Adtnl -r,fon h, f.?fll. nted a t the openi ng- of C\l'-h , on J nuar),• 2d, Aj r,I «I, J une 16th, a.nd
Graduate ins 111Jrtion f offered fn the Graduate boob of Ans a nd Literatures ant! In the Ogden tGradu tc) " hoot of
Scieace. Professional instruction is o'ff'"crcd In tire Oh init y hooh the L "\w hool , R u~h Medk ;i l CO, IC"K"e fa ffill3tcd J, a nd the
School of E ducation. Summer Quarter 1906. J une 16-Septcmbcr 1. First T e m 1: J une 16--July 26, nd Te rm : July :a,AuguH 3r. Regi ra• tton Is perm itted fo r 1he eatirc qua rter or fo r ·eithe r 1erm · FuJI and regu lar credtt Is ,1ven for work done. courses are ofTered ror teachers.
For ia rormatlon address
Worman-"Where were you last night, Bob?" Bob-"Oh, stroiling around." Worman-"You ought to know those tombstones pretty well by this time. Bob-''! do, but Mary knows them better. She's been in the business longer." Hard luck Bob all that dress
suit and :nothin g doing Saturday night. Teacher-"Your work is so Will bnnl your trnnk , vali ses, poor I must mark you zero." express and freig~t in our little Pupil-"That is nothing to me." red wagon with promptnes . Voorhees-"! think she 1s the Our Ch ur,ge nre vorv moderate. best girl poetess in school"
l?RINCE and :.I.
f re longbenry • lUl
Franklin Park ~ Floral Company, Leading Florists,
Cut Flowers a Specialty .:f.
.:f. .:f. Fair and Pugh Ave., Columbus Half square from Oak St. car llne .
W. C. PHINNEY, Dealer In
Furniture, Window Shades, Picture Frames, Etc. New llne Picture Moulding just received. Cor, State & Main Bell Phone 66
Jimmie-"! might as well link up to thefgirls now as any time." Ask Ash how he keeps from getti11gl lonesome and incidentally about that little handkerchief he alway~ carries. Kring-"Prof., may I have a piece of paper?'' Prof.-"Yes, but don't scatter it around." M. H.-"What do you call that?" M. B .-"You don't call it, it comes without calling."
Bovey-- "! saw two German words yesterday, and I would like for you to tell me what they mean ." MisslH.-"Where did you see them?" Bovey-"On a bottle." OHIO. Who toled on the fellows that tolled the bell ?
Leading Livery, Feed and
·sale Stable
\'V"llac Chey wau( fu, commence·
ment Van-A;Point. MacDonald-A Wig, Flick-A Shave, Tryon-A Pension, Mary B.-A Rest, Burtner-A chicken roost, MarY, H.-Just anything from Kirby's.
The annual field exercises will be held Monday afternoon be• ginning at two o'clock. The Sophomore, Senior and Prepara tory men held a meeting Tues• day morning after chapel and HOWE & COLUMBUS, OHIO elected as their c:iptain, I. C. Flick, who will lead them in J . w. MA R KLEY, Pres. J, w. EVEltA L , V ic e Pres, <;. L . BR U N D A G lf, cashi e r. their contest again st the FreshTHE men and Juniors. NATIONAL BANK Libecap, I. R., will ca p tain the FIRST E8'I'A BL t,;H EIJ 1Ur 6 Freshmen-Juniors and an excit• "WESTERVJl.l.E, OHLO , ing contest may be expected. CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 It is in these inter-class contests Does a general bu nklu g busin ess, receives that the most enthusiasm and 11nd loons money, poys int er es t on l lm e de nos lts, bu ys 11ad sells bonds. Yo u r bu s in ess genuine sport is found and every ls solicited . Tbl s buuk Is nJJd Pr g overnm en t \ napoo t\ o n student and alumni who is in 11AN Kl N(;l H O U & H:30 n. m , to 4 p . m . Westerville Monday afternoon - DIRECTO R S should be found on the athletic J . W , ~l • r k le.1 , J, W . E ve rnl, W. A. Youn g , IV. C, l:lo lf, C. U. Lond o n, F, Culver, field cheering on the contestants, G. L. S to ugh too , H. P . Beery, C. L. Brundage. and thoroughly enjoying himself. Citizen Phone No. 3 , Beil 101.
OTTERBEIN UNIVERRSITY A standard, up ·to-date, American college, with str-ing faculty, m o-lern eq uip· ment, flourishing literary societies and Christian Asso ciations, and vigorous col• lege lite. The OOLLEGE carries two courses, the Arte Course and the Scien ce Course • The ACADEMY accommodates thoee who hava not hao.l the advantage11 of a stand.rd high rnhool. Th P ADJUNCT DEPAR1'\IJENTS o f Musi c and Art e1q 0y a lar!le pa tTonage and th e re are well nrica z d 'c ho ,,!s of E locuti on •nrl Comm~ rc ~. E X PENS ES am v..ry rnoderare-l n w, consirl e rinic the hi glqzradt1 fa cili t ies.. The present att er d ,rncf i• th f la rl'est in th e bi6to ry of t he iu s t11u1i o n. Summer Scbool Begins June 19 .
LEWIS BOOKWALTER, President, \\'.esterville, 0.
Gen. Garfield said While address ing a graduatrng class in Boo kkeeping , Short hand a nd k rod n•d uhj ects. ' 'the Lrnin ecl run n will make bi s lit o fe lt, whil e with o ut t1a ioin g t ho u~a nd s go do wn o n t he e a o f lu c k t o o ne who meets with ncce s. ''
Secure a University Training for Business. 1tt t h e -
School of Commerce Department of tbe OTTERBE IN UNIV ER ITY,
Addres • OR. LEWIS BOOKWALTER, President. PROF. P. F. WILKIN ON, end ror College f" at alogne,, Prosp•ctu • , Term s , bpeclal offer a n d bow to get " cbolarsh lp FREE .