Vol I.
\YESTERVILLE, O., JUr E 4, 1906
o. 13
Otterbein Defe ats Den ison in Dua l self in the two - mile run, winning Pierce, 0. S. U. Timers, Prof· la t meeting for the term. It Track Meet over R og ers, of Denison by fifty McFadden, Dr. Gantz, E. C. De- will be a farewell session, m yards in 11 :7. If the track bad C ieque. Ju dges, Prof Durrant, charge of the seniors 1\/Ir E E
That Otterbein can do things been in the best of condition Rosselot and Mr. H. N. Huff- Bu rtner will lead. The certifiwhen s he tries was demonstrated there is little doubt but that Res- man Clerk, W G. S navely. ca tes and diplomas due those on last Saturday afternoon when c oul d have equaled his record of - who have completed the Bible the Denison track team was tak- 11 minutes. Laying of Corn er 8 t0 ne. Study work will be presente d at en into c amp by the Ott er bein This was the last meet o f the this m eeting. Let eadi man be The work on Cochran ball is track team by the comfortable y edr and" every student in Otter - ou t to this la t meeting, il will be score of 5 to 35 . It was · by bein feels proud of the fine rec- being rapidly pushed forwa rd an inte rest ing and profitable hard luck that Otterbein lc,st last ord made. C aptain Aye r is to a n d contractor Karg has all in one to attend. year to Denison by only a couple be co ngrat ula ted o n his succes s - read ines for th e laying of the corner - stone wh ich will take r PERSONALS. points ar1d so the present victory fo l leadership, and untiring efcomes as a redeeming feature. forts to turn out a track team p lace Tuesday, June lz. Sco re s of alumni and friends from out C. A. Kellar, 'ell, of ew
D niso11 wa in the l e ad in creditable to the college. number of points ouly once in The following is the summary the meet, after the -fir t event the of events in the meet.
1 0-yard dash Libecap, with a TRACK EVENT
of town are xpected to be present and join the st udents and citi\ens in properly celebrating this casion.
Yori< City, vi it e d his brother Lee , last Frida .
Prof. Clippinger, of nion rec ord of 10 1 -5 seconds l ost to 100-y ar d-da h-Wadell, Deni· Wadell o f Denison on account of son, fo t; Li beca'p, Otterbein i All will a emble in front of a recent illness. After this secOJ1d; time 10 2-5 ec. the main building at 2:45 P· m.
r: on, ; T o ca p; Le r 10 1 second; time 23 2 -5 sec.
440 -yard-dash-Aye r, Otterbein, first; Binkley , Denison, second ; time 55 sec.
_½ -m ile-run-Ri ley, 0 t t erbein, first; Ayer, Otterbein , second ; time 2 0 4 5 sec.
College band , president o f board of truste es and president of colleg e, trustees and prudential committee, fa c ulty, students, alumni an d former students, citizens and visitor .
r. ner, t0n, C. H. visited h er daughter, Mis s Todh u n ter last week.
Out of tw elv e events, Otterb ei n took eight firsts and six seconds. The two hurdle races wer e omitte d on account of ome official dissension .
The clo ~st e vent of the meet wa s the quarter-mile in which Binkley, the star sprinter of D e nison was defea t ed b y C aptain Aye r in 55 ecood s. Captain yer ma c: a res e nt of fir st pl a ce in the ba1i-m1le to Risley, so that the lat ter might receive a a arsity "0" which he rightly ·c:rerves.
The pcle v ult wa a s urprise t o many in that both first and second plac.es went to Otterbein men, Rogers and Young. The one mile relay went to Denison. Otterbein lost every lap but one, in which Libecap made a beautiful dash, overco ming a big lead. Res ler again distinguished him-
1 -mile-run-Ay er, Otterbein, first; Risley, Otterbein second; time 4:45.
2-mile-run- Re !e r, Otterbein, fir. t; Rogers, Denison, seco nd; time 11 min. 7 sec.
Discu Throw-Knox, Otterbein, fi rst ; Pamment, Denison second· distance 9 ft. 10 1 -5 in 16 lb. Hammer Throw-Flick , Otte rbein, first; McKay, D en is on, secon d; distance 103 ft. 4 in.
Pole Vault-Rogers, Otterbein, first; Youug, Otterbe in , ,; ecHeight ft. 11 i
High Jump-Funk, Otterbein, fir t; Binkley, Denison, second. hei ht 5 ft. 2¼ in '
Broad Jump-Coe, Deni on, fir t; Funk, Otterbein, second; distance 21 ft. 6 _½ in.
1 mile re lay, won by Denison in 3 0 2-5.
Afte1 arrivin g at Cochran hall, the program will be as follow : prayer, music; college band; address, Mayor Chas. H. Snavely, Ph. D ; address, W. R. Funk , D. D .; mu ic, college band.
Y. M. C. A.
Mis es Adri enne F un k and Blanche Y age r a nd Me srs" McDonald a nd William wer~ enterta i n e d at the T rimmer home in Circleville Saturd ay.
Biblical Sem inary prec;1ched at the college c&apel Sunday morning. Mt. Clippinger led chapel Monday mor.nin g . and march to Cochran hall. event, Otterbein took the lead 220-yard-da b-Binkley, Den · Th rde of de ,.,,,u·- ne an t t i 11u i out , cc w Otterb ein sh owed up better in field even t s in this m ee t th a n in the Kenyon m e et , losing o nly one fir t , namely the broad jump Funk in th e high jump, Flick in the hamm e r throw and Knox in the disco throw won first bonore b y safe margins.
Mes rs. Powers and Dee representing Power s -Hi gley & Co. bave been here the p a s t week train i ng their men for canvasing
Ithis s ummer.
Leslie Rile y, of Kenyon, visited R. P. Hall la t Thur day.
Dr. E. S. Lewis, pastor of The annual field day thi ye ar Fisst M. E Church, Columbus, prorni es to be a ve r y i,,.,. ~, •~ ••• addressed the A ssociation last o ne. 1 · r. a ::, oe n anan ed to Thursday evening. His theme have the Freshmen add Juniors was the "Ministry a a Life compete with the other. classe Work .'' This wa s the la t of the About thirte en events will life -w ork meet ing for this teuJ I be rue ..-'::rt.. ~it: i·•,· r"l r and i ~ s eeme: a 5.tting dose to students a chance to see the the s erie s. Dr. L e wi dwelt up· work of a team which ha · not on the thot that the ministry is bee n defeated on t he t rac k this the highe t callmg which a man year. may cboo e and that to tne min- All person ha in g bill s ister thete comes the gr eatest ag a in t the Athletic A ociation privileges and joys and well a bould pre ent them to th e manthe greastest respon ibilities. agers who incurred the debts, so
On Thur day evening of this that everything may be paid
A. J. week the association will bold its wh e n the book clo se this week . Referee a n d starter,
- I
l H r OTT I) n 1 N W r r v lv .ill a w iii It:.
[ L ll Ot [ [ I\ I carri ed on
reason, let th re be fun. But rowdyism, neve1 !
As long as t he fun is within th e bounds of Publ ished Weekly by the OTTERBEIN PUBLI HING COMPANY, WESTERVILLE, OHI O.
In the Int er es t s o f the tude nt s o f O tterbein Univer sity.
L K FUNKH OU ER, Edit o r
E A LAWRENCE , Ass t Editor
L. M. KELLER. Business Manager
H E YO UNG, Ass t. Bus Manager
Address all M ail t ::> OTTERBE IN W EEKLY
Lock Box 63, Westerville, Ohio.
Subscription Price
Per Year 75C} In Advanc Spring Term 25c e
AppltcaLlou made for eco ud-cln ss rates. :: ---,
C o mm en cem e nt week is close at hand and exam in at ions will soon be ov e r So many of the s tullents are planning to le av e this we e k. The only acceptable excuse for this is finances, but out s id e of this reason the st ud ents should cons id er it almost a duty to be here. It seems mo re l ike commencements for a ~rowd of students t o be around, especia ll y in a s;na ll college where numbers ad d to the excitement.
Comm encemen t week this
Some town people should bear in mind that not every thi ng me an is done by s tud e nts. Not long since a gang fr om o m ew h e re m ade coll ege avenue sou nd Ik e a few s h a d es had escaped from inferno, with their swear in g a nd rowJy acti o ns No c o mpl a int was henrd from anyone. So let there be eq uity and ju s tice in judgements pas se d on events that seem to be caused by students
There are two sides to the fun quest ion here in West e rville .
Paved Str eets
Th e contractors are hauling bricks for pavin g Grove street and other adj a cent stree ts. It seems a pity to have thes e uns ightly piles of bricks on the s tre e ts during commencement week but a great d e al rather that than to never have nice streets. Grove, Plum and Park st reets will be completed this summer.
'Bubbling and Sizzling
Ranck' oda £ount Rin now running over with g od thing Ice Cream, Crushed Fruits, Nut Frappe, Phosphates and ev rytning in th e r fre " hm JJt Jine finer than ever
F. M. Ranck's Up=to=Date Pharmacy, Westerville, Ohio.
College Finances. INew Spring Fabrics
On Tue s day morning Dr. Book - Made u p in tbe lat est styles, an d you waiter gave a bri e f s t atement of s ave from $5 to $10 by pla c ing- yo ur the finance s of the colleg e for the 0rd e'. wi th u s. atis faction a nd a per
Tl C h H
g uaranteed We also d o pi easing past year 1e oc ran a I S in a neat m a nner. in process of construction while the Carnegie Library will be CH AR
erected in the near future, the conditions of Mr Carnegie having Formerly Riggle & Co. been complied with Althou gh OVER KEEFER ' S DRUGSTORE. Mr . Lambert gave $25,000 for a new conservatory on the condition that the colle g e raise a n
eq ual amount of additional 15 E Collefe
end ow ment, it is hoped that thi s building will be sho rtly construct ed. Thi s will then make s ix hands o me buildings on the college campu s with the heating plant soon to be erected. Let the good work keep up and as the cnllege
year wt e particul a rly ahractive in its features. The cornerstone of the Cochran Memori a l hall will be laid early n e x t week. Th e usual custom of the grad u at i on exercises of the conservatory o f music will be brok-
It has lon g been the custom in the college for the boys to see that their girls are generously supplied with flowers for t!1e different occasions common to commencement week It seems to me that this is nothing short of greenness, something to expected at a country high school commenc e ment instead of a college.
growth of the college every student can also lend a helping hand by inducing others to come here to school. Don't forget, Seniors, your alma mater!
Miss Ora Bale entertained the "Katydids" last Friday evening in honor of Misses Mauk and Wills.
, authoriti~s plan the substaotial en by a grand concert by the college chorus The seniors will revive class day and there are p e rsistent rumors that something quite novel will be the o rder of the day
As the alumni re turn, let everyone be cordial and make them feel as if th ei r prese nce we; e appreciated. Let everybody forget his troubles and g et happy and see that othe r peop l e do the same.
Then, too, it is a custom which, on account of ils expensiveness, causes maRy who would s tay for commencement , to leave immediately after examinations. I have been in sc hool for four yea r s and eac h year the sill i ness of the cus t o m g r ew o n m e until now I t ake thi s means of v o icing a g-rieva nc e wi th which I know many w ill agree.
So m e gi rl s are heartles s enoug h
List week the inhabitants of t o n o t consider the cost to the boy~, the village were s tartled by the who usually are financially low at ringing of the coll e ge bell sho rtly the end of th e year. It is very after midni g ht. Some could see nice t o s h ow appreciat io n o f th e th e fun in it but others considered girls' company but in resorting t o it, t o speak mildly, ''real mean." means o f showing this app r ec iaS uch people should not forget that Ition I would lik e to see somet hi ng there is a c o llege in town, and vogue not bordering on the g reen college boys will break loose once and silly A J U NIOR.
Misses Lillian Mauk and Nora Wills who have been in Chicago the past term preparing for Y. W C A work ha ve returned to 0. U. They are b 0 th member s of th e class of 1 906
Th e May number of th e Ohio Naturalist contains an illustrated article by Prof. Durrant on the Mallophaga, an import an t g r oup of par asi tic insects, i n which ::ire de sc ribe d thr ee specie new to scien c e.
Baae ~:11 , up; ; lh'l 11nJ p -,r t ing Good~ of ell 1.lti s criptton , P r i e s th
college alike. We bespeak a I Otterbein