Vol I
OHIO, October 18, 1909,
No. 13
An Invitation Will be Extended Him to Give Address on Panama canal.
Otterbein Shows Up Opponents io a Game of Tricks vs Weight-
Hon. E. ¼, Taylor, jr., conO. U. Cincinnati! Before the game you thouO'ht you would gressman from thi , the 12th runaway with our little Brethren Ohio, district, is well and favorboys but when we scored 2 touchably known in \\ este1 vi lie and downs and a place kick and you bis many friend, in town and only got a place kick, you sat vicinity hope to have him repeat his lecture on "Panama C::i.nal" up and took notice. 15 to 3 tells the story of a · some time this winter. game between Varsity and Cin· Mr. Taylor was honored by . . h l , fi ld . ITbeNewLambert:'l.femorialConsen-atorvof:\lusicandArtwbich illb~ dedicated 10 being named a member of the c1nnati on t e atter s e , Thur~day Afternoon, October '.!8 by Dr. T. J. andas. which tricks vs. weight gave congressional a ppr op r i at ions weight the little end of the score. cori.11nittee, 16 men who will sulit rary society; Dr. 0 W. StouihIn the first half, Otterbein ton, .JVe t!!rvill•; F. L Duetmao, scored a touchdown in the first: Oolumbu1>; Willtaw F. Hill, Huntington, Pa. A.t lt>ast one truete., eight minutes of play. On the 40 yd. line Sanders prepared for a OF THAT BELOVED POET. BENJA- will be selected fro:n each state to place kick, but passed the ball MIN RUSSELL HANBY. overate the collection of 10 cent contributions to the memorial to Mattis who sprinted down the fund. field for a touchdown. Sanders A Suitable Memorial Will be Erected I The first ,rnnual meHing will be kicked goal. I by a Newly Organized Memorial held J u 1y 26, 1910, t,he birthday Cincinnati took a brace and Association. Anniversarv of Han by. For rnroe by punting brought the ball close time past contributions to lbe enough for a place kick. Score, fund. ll.iOi;tly in 10 cent pieces 6-3. have been received and placed in l;\i ILU II, v,1.,w Lo "Ldt,;lu..ig Ill Mattis and Ditmer bucked the the depository, the Bank of WesterWesterville a fountain or some ville. line for short gains and after other suitable roemonal to BeujaB. 0 Ilanby will deliver an addriving the ball up to the 40 line, min Russel Hanby author of a well delivered forward pass ;•Darling N1>llvGrav" the Hanby •lress in tbe Westerville town ball next Saturday evening, admission from Sanders was secured by Memorial associatio1, was formed 100. The Philomatbean Literary pervise the expenditure ol a bill\Varner who ran the distance for Wednesday. B. 0. Hanby orMt. society will attend in a body, ion dollars next year. Vernon, Ind., son of the author Part of tb~ proceeds will go to the touchdown number two. Sanl\Ir. Taylor may accompany memorial fonrl. was pres~nt and heartily endorsed ders kicked goal. Score, 12-3 the other membetf of that comthe me..oorial project. No more scoring this half. mittee to view the work on the College Bulletin. The election of officers result d: Cincinnati came back strong Tuesday, October 19, -6 p. m., (Continued on P1<11e'fw ) President, Mary E. Lee, Westerin second half but couldn't do Y. W. C. A. Recognition ville; first vice president, B 0. Service. Leader, Bessie WESTERVILLE REPRESENTED (GontinnPd on Pa~e Five.) Hanby, Mt. Vernon, Ind; second . Daugherty. vice president, Charles B Gal- Thursday, October 21, 6 p. m., Mayor Gantz Appoints:Big Committee Wittenberg Next breath, Coluwbue; treasurer, C. L. Y. l\I. C. A. Leader, K. J. for Parliament Brundage, Westerville; secretary, Stouffer. Otterbein plays Wittenberg Mayor Gantz has appointed one Clarence M e t t e r s, Westerville; Philalethea-Cleiorhetea. next Saturday afternoon on the hundred residents of \Vesterville trustees, F. D. Jones, Alahambra, Friday, October 22 1 6 p.m., Phillocal gridiron. This makes the as a reception committee to aid Cal.; F. A. Derthick, Mantua; omathea-Philophronea. second game of the season at James Clark, Maunie, Ill.; Osman Saturday, October 23, football on Prof. A. B. Shauck in the coming home and a large crowd is anticiParliament and Rally October 270. Hooper, Columbus; R A. 0. U. field. Wittenberg Wales, president Philomathean vs. Otterbein. 28 . pated.
HON.E. L. TAVLOR (CJnt1nuP.d From P11ge One)
Panama canal, in which case he will get additional views and facts concerning the big ditch. 'When he delivered his stereopticon lecture here two years ago, he was given a most cordial and enthusiastic reception. NINE TRUSTEES ELECTED.
ville, took in the game he1e Satnrda,·. ]. F. Reider spent Saturday and Sunday in Dayton. F. H. i.\lenke enj~yed a visit home i,1 Portsmouth over Sunday. The Rev Mr. Brane visited. his son Roscoe last week. Hix Warner greeted friends at his home in Harshman, last Sunday. 0. ·w. Briner's' parents and brother are in Westerville. J. H. Nau ·ate pumpkin pie and other country delicacies at his home last Saturday and Sunday.
OtterbeinPressClub TransactsImportant Business TuesdayEvening. ine men of the United Brethren denomination, representing newspapers or magazines in different sections of the country, were elected Tuesday evening Senior Class Officers. as trustees of the Otterbein Press Club. The Seniors held an interestThese men are olan R. Best, ing class meeting Wednesday Chi.cago, Ill .; S . J . Fl'1ck'mger, evening and the following offiD ay t on, O .; F re d W . O a kl ey, cers were elected: President, K. Pittsburg, Pa.; Judge John A. J. Stouffer; vice president, secreShauck, Columbus, O.; E. s. tary, Minnie Garst; treasurer, Barnard, Cleveland, O.; J. s. Fred W. Fansher. Wilhelm, Canton, O; Dan KumThe president appointed the ler. Dayton, O.; Dr. W.R. Funk, following committees: Cap and Dayton, O.; Clarence Metters, gown, J. · H. Nau, M. E. Lutz, Westerville, O. F. D. Zuerner Edith Cox; Social, F. H. Menke, was elected vice president. L. L. Custer, Minnie Garst, LilThe first floor corner room of lie Ressler, Fred W. Fansher; the Association building was Pin or Ring, N. B._ unemaker, chosen as the club room and the L. J. Essig, Ruth Williamson, meeting nights to be the first H. B. Drury, F. G. Ketner. and third Tuesdays of each President S1>eaks month. The only address given before the Franklin County Teachers' UNIVERSITY PERSONALS, Association at University Hall G. L. Bender, of Marion, Ohio, spent Monday nighl in Wester- Saturday, was given by Dr. W. G. Clippinger, his su~ject being ville with bis son Clark. Buffiington took in the game the "Psychology of Instruction and Training." at Cincinnati Saturday. Thursday, October 21, he deFouts and Fries were spectalivers an a<ldress at Berrien tors at the Michigan game SaturSprings, Mich., at the Michigan day. conference, and Sunday he goes Manager L. J. E sig visited to ewark and gives a talk at over Sunday with Dr. George the United Brethren cburch. Wenger, of Cincinnati. COCHRAN HALL· B. O. Hanby was meeting Otterbein students here last H. E.. Peters spent Sunday week. with ber sister Hattie. 1attis spent Sunday at his Miss Sara Hoffman and liss home in Laura, Ohio. Ethel Smith spent Sunday at C. O. Bender visited o•,er Sun- the home of the latter in Ashday with his parents in Marion. ville. Mr. A. K. Shride, of Grove C. D. Locke is able to be around again after an illness of a port, was here Friday afternoon visiting his daughter. few days' duration last week.
The Misses Hicks, of Center-
.. See Us For
Tbat Frog in your Throat. We C11rry a complete line of P,ltent Medicioo, C,rngh Drop1 and Drugs
F. M. RANC'<'S Up=to-Date
The New Method See-H.
or leave laundry at \Vork
100 CAROS and Plate •...
W. \V. Jamison's
$t 3a
Copper Plate Engraved.
Wil..ran aJ..Lamb . .. Dealers in ...
FRUIT and VEGETABLES in Season. CANDIES a Specialty.
Marie Huntwork spent Sunday at their resp~ctive homes in Ca-1 nal Wi ncbeSler. Miss Barbara Stoffer
Barber Shop.
twic., a. \v·•ek,
a.11<1dt'lllv .. re,t
I Cor. State S:. & CollegeAve..
was at _____________
home in Bellville. Morrison'sBook Store Miss Rhea Parlette spent the latter part of the week at her! ...FOR... home in Dayton. Pennants, BiblesandStationery Sara Shisler spent Sunday with Minnie Bachman Winchester.
at Canal
Alumnals Dr. J. G. Huber, '8 , spoke at Y. W. C. A. Tuesday evening and led chapel e?(ercises Wednesday morning. Rev. S. R. Sease, '9 , former pastor of United Brethren church at Altoona, Pa., and now college pastor of Leander Clark college, Toledo, Iowa, conducted tbe devotions Tuesday.
B. C.y oumans The
Shoe Shine fo Connection N.
Opp. P.O.
Mrs. V. C. UTLEY --Fine
StateStreetJust North of Main William Langham, of the class 1860, resident of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, called on friends in Wes• GRIMM,The Shoe Doctor terville last week. F, r Fino ;·+<~~Pd\\"ol'k 011 Boni »nd t-;hoe~. I. R. Libecap, '09, and E EAS';t HOME STREET L. Porter, , 07, played on the West Jefferson high school team against Otterbein Secoo.ds Saturday. CollegeAve.and c. A. & c. Ry. Prof. A. B. Shauck and son Both Phones Robert spent Saturday in Westerville. L. O. CILL B. L. Seneff, '94, of PennsylEXPRESS ,\ND DRAY .P,anos car.,rully moved. vania, was ·in town for a few Cltz. Phone 14 Miss Hazel Codner and Miss days. Hell Phone 16•W WE TERV ILLE, O
TheCellarLumber Co.
Westerville Board of Trade Back of Candidates,
A third ticket for city officials was launched Wednesday morning .by the Board of Trade. This to be known as the Citizens' ticket.
~~ ..;,-
fia • ...:JLi__ ,y,,~~ I
✓~ /~f.2.'~•4fi"1--:J..'I Jr:~,
Clerk, Ll NABARY. l\farshal, GEORGE A DRU . Treasurer, J. M. WEIBLIN . Land Aporai11er, W. O. BALE. Aseese«,r, J. D. HOR~. Oo1rncil, HENRY KAHG. GU TAV MEYER. FRA K BOOK IAN. J.P. WET. FRA CI M. RA CK. JE E P. MONTZ. Board of Public Affaite, O. E. \V AXBOM. J. F. ALEXANDER, W, O. BEAL. BoarJ of Educathn, N, E, OORNETEr, D.R.
6.,,:.:;. k-U-J.. -tk
WhereCollege ······························ Styles Originate ............................... , We hnve mude a careful study of whl\t the colIago and nnivor it}' men of Ohio wnot in clothe .
The re ult i tho clevere t, snappiest young men'~ sl'lits and overconl to bo fou"ld an y w h er o. Seo them ID our College hop.
$15 to $30
High & long St.
1,m,~~.~d~~p~,,.~?men ~
The New Franklin Printing Company
Step by step it has found its way to the front. It has Locals, been "easy traveling" too, but what else can be expected ftom such an easyGrill-"Yabejoined the Volunfilting shoe? . There is more actual shoe quality in the "WALK-OVER" at little costteer Band." than is found in higher priced shoes with more pretensions. Do not believe Bridenstine-' 'What instrument this . .'.\fltke us prove it. Try a pair of '·WALK-OVERS"and find out. does he play?" THr:-: WALK-OVER SHOE CO. 65 East Gay St. COLUMBUS,OHIO "It is cold in this room." 39 NORTH HICH STREET. Prof. Evans-"Oh well, it is better to shiver together than shiver alone." Rymer in Senior meeting disBuy your Paperand CollegeSuppliesat THEPAPERSTORE. cussing caps and go w 11s-"I Large Assortments of Beautiful and Attractive Hallowe'en and Thanks. never had any experience with Try the Latest Cut in the ,, giving Post Cards at lOc a doze_n. gowns. Grill-''Goingto the push, Miss 31 37 EastGaySt. Grise?" The up-to-date fellows Miss Grise-''Are the bnys __________________________ _ wear them. going"i" Grill-" o." Mi s Grise-· 'Thu1 I guess I end FURNISHER. won't go." Prof. Weinlancl-"\,Vhat are the Students and Friends three means of purification?" Reider-' 'Distillation, evaporaHOT DRINKS If you want to advertise the «nd semi evaporation." College, and Westerville send our
Students I
Say -Fellows
FivePly LinenCollar
Ice Cream Parlor
Fine Westerville and College Pbo tograpb Po t Card to your friends. About 25 different views displayed at the
Westerville Art Gallery Makers of High Grade Artistic Photographs o Every Description For Foot-B;itl Po1t Cardi see J. O. Cox, Rep.
B. 0. Hanby, son of Benjamin Russel Hanby delivered au address Saturday evening at the town ball upon a popular subject. A large number were present.
AARow·· COLLAR Sit Perfectly
/Sc,2/o,25c. Cluett, Peabody &Co., Makera ARROW
CUFFS 25 cents a pair
work at Popular Prices aud no Nonsense.
=======;;;;===;;;:;;;;=================_=_=_:=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_:=_=_ __ =_=_=_=_=_~_'! rep irs" -the game that causes TheOtterbrin Review the office boy to tell fibs about a Columbus's Exclusive certain grandma's serious illness, Pul,lishcd weekly by the and we all yarn a little ju_t to see Outer Garment Shop OTTERBEIN REVIEW PUBLBHING the gr ea test of all games. A presiC0MPA
dent's tour and speeches are but little thing in comparison to F. W. FANSHER,'10 . Editor-In-Chief Han's Wagn rs hits and Ty Cobb's F. H. MENKE, '10 • . BusinessManager stealirq~. Yes, Mr. W. L. MAT'l'I '11 - Assistant Editor base P. N. l:IE NETT '10 Athletic Fun:igner, American is America • Ass't Bu . Mgr and R. E. EMMITT '11} no m, tter how bad the J. 0. Cox '1 L weath r-it may rain, sket, snow C. 0. YATF.S, 'lt Local Editor P. II. Roc1ms. '11 Alumna! Editor and a hundred other things at the J.C. BAKER, '10 } . ubscription Agts. ~ame time but you'll find the C.L.BAILlff '11 people there just the same. Address all communicati<1ns to Edilor, \VE
Review, Westerville, Ohio.
Price, 75c Per Year, payable in Advance.
m11u,•r, under 11otor Mnrch a. 1879.
Boost Westerville.
B ost Otterbein
is the slogan of all United Brethrens and while the spirit of boost is in the air why not boost Westerville too? They say at lea,;t four hundred delegates will be here for two days. They will look around, walk on our streets, look at our houses, make a few comparisons and who knows, some of them :idy,
Now showing the Newest Crea lions in Ore ses, Coats and Tr,ilor-made
College Girls should see our new models in Campus Dre e nnrl, uils. Dresses, $15.00, $ 16.50 up to $24.50. uits, $17.50, $19.50, $24.50. l\Jisses' and Women's Coats, great variety, $10.00 to $50.00.
The Vance=Winans 75 North
Who Wlll Give a Science Bulldlnl!'?
Appllc-1,L1011 p~11Cllng f.ir entry£'\ 11.lepostomce ut. \ eN1ervll1f, Ohio, ns Recond clUBR
enterprising town for its size. I want to educate my boys and girls. Otterbein, one of the best schools in the state can provide education for them why not move here? Thats just exactly what we want. We know we have an ideal little city and we w,rnt to make it so inviting that people will want to live here. In talking to the ddegates, and most of them will be i11 Westerville town~, c1n we not suggest this as an ideal pl ice in w'.ich to live?
The Foreigner and Baseball. To the foreigner making a a tour through the middle w st, the great world serit s bet ween the Pittsburg N:ttional and the Detroit Am• rican~, must h,ffe ap pearc.:<l as a demonstration of craziness. In easy going England we can scarcely imagine the whole country going crazy over cricket the national gawe, nor in Canada, Lacrosse or Norway skiing. Baseball is a game of excitement of speed, kill, a battle in fact. It is the great Am_erican gamethe game for which office men lie and leave a notice of "closed for
It maybe a trifle chc{ky but Wf' would like to ask some kind hearted individual for several thousands for a new Science building. We see in the p:ipers that a coup!~ of New Yorkers (Sloane is the name) became generous last week and donated a little sum like $425,000 to Yale university for a new Physics L1b ratory. That was a mighty generous thing to do. Now right here in Otterbein we need a new Science building, and if some one would produce the $25,000 we wouldn't a k for the $400,000 bes!<.le:s we: tlu11'l wanl that much anyhow. Comedon't all speak at once.
Westervllle and the Parliament.
Your trnde will be appreciated. We want you to feel al home with us. Give u a call. TRY OUR f 5c LUNCHES
Lunches, $2.50 Per Week Regular Meals $3.56 Per W11k.
WestervilleDairy Lunch Collelle Avenue and Slate Streets. Artistic PHOCOGRAPHY COLVl'IIW$,O.
'Dr. H. L. Smith Office and Residence N. State Street
Two Doors North of W. Home St, to 10 A. M.; l to 3 and 7 to 8 P. M Sundays 1 lo 2 P. M,
199-201 SOUTH HIGH ST. Citizen PhOne 3720
~Special Ratesto Stuaents~
C. W. STOUGHTON M.D. We note with pride: the interest We call your attention to the townspeople are taking in the Office 111,cl RasidenrP-W, COLLEGE AYR S, the complete line of .. Bolh Phones. coming parliament of ministers GLOVE , UNDERWEAR, and laymen which convenes at the SHIRTS and ECKTIES. university October 27-28. We have a new Linc of W, M. GANTZi 0. D, S. The committee of one hundred Over l<'lrRL 'otloonl Book, feS: olions for y~u. app0i11ttd by Mayor G.rntz are all Bell !'bone 0 !Llirn Phone IU alivc to their duti s and are Old Reliable desirou to bid wdcome to those who nre coming to boost a greater Ottnbt in. Tht:rc is a touch of --------------sympathy between the college Don't Loose Your Fountain Pen COLLECE A VENUE and the town and by helping when you can get a nne BOTH !"HONES each other, help themselves.
Sco{ield Store
G. H. M y1u~1, M. D.,
Just Boys or Boys and G1rts?
If you lived way down in Ger-
Pen Clip For 5c at the
A. W. JONES, M. D.
many, you couldn't take "cam33 N. State S ., Westerville, 0 pu try" like some do in Otterbein. No sir! The teachers in A fine line of Toilet Articles and at the right prices. the higher schools have decided Robert Wilson, D. D. S. that best results to the scholar POP CORN that w i 11 Westerville, Ohio is obtained when there is a seppop. Cor. College Ave. and State aration of the boys and girlsApples, Plums an d and that the boys disliked the Grapes that will make presence of the girls. My! you call for more. what a queer lot those Germans F. H. A)V1>~VS. M. 1>. are. But why should we care, Bot II Pilon ij 2-l. Grocers we are not in Germany. vOR 1:HA'l'I,:, Wl 'fJ.;ll.. 1 .
Moses & Stock
from 'Psge Oat-)
anything but puut. The ball was carried to Otterbein's 30 line· and a well placed kick by Sauders shot it over the bar. Score, 15-3. Then began a punting match which resulted in no more scoring. All the boys played a good, heady game, but notwithstanding Coach Exendiue was disappointed in our fellows' playing and declared they could do bet• tcc:r. Hogg and Warner trying for guard showed up·well. Line up: Cincinnati. Otterbei11. Bastoo, Kennedy Davis ..................... l e .................... Rogcrs Bissmeyer ............ .1:t.. .. ~................ M eoikc Flobr ..................... l.g ... Hogg. I. \Varner Hacbnle, Pflueddomann., ................ c ...................... Bailey Gobene .................. r ~ .......... A. Lambert Boedingcr ............. r. t ................. H artn1an Zange ................... :r.e ..... ,Wagner, Ressler Koenig, Stewart .... q ................... anders W. Heuck .............. r h ................... Maltis Dubray (Capt.) .... .l.b .............. H. Warner Bob Heuck ............ f.b ........ Ditmer (Capt.) Touchdowns-Warner, Mattis. Goals from touchdown-Sanders 2. Field goals -W. Heuck, Sauders Referee-Dr. Lloyd. Umpire-Mitchell. of Yale. Field judge-Strot, of Harvard. Head linesman-Ayer. Time of halves-25 min.
A nice little crowd of rooters for Otterbein were present ·at the game Saturday: Fred Kline '09, of Dayton; Charles Yost, of Middletown; J. W. Ayer, '07, Madison; G. E. Moody, Harrison; W. A. Gardner, Middle-
town; Emerson Fries, Dayton; R. K. Staley, Dayton; R. M. Fox, '11, now attending U. of C.; W. lZ. Dintzwei!er .
Franklin TailoringCo. 20 West SpringSt.,
WemakeHigh-Grade Clothes .at PopularPrices.
West Jefferson Lads Defeated Last Saturday by the Score of 35 to 16
SnappySuitsor overcoats Otterbein Seconds and West Jefferson High School lads clashed on the local gridiron Saturday and after a pretty and interesting game our boys got away with the big end of the score of 35-16. Reinforced by Libecap and Porter, ex-O. U. stars, the high scbopl boys made an excellent showing for the amount of training they have had. They started things by scoring a touchdown within two minutes · of play, but this was on a fluke and did not repeat the performance very soon. Our Seconds displayed the result 6f Coach Exendine's training and played all around West Jefferson on offense. Bucks, end runs and forward passes worked beautifully. "Varsity" Surrell was easily star and had the distinction of making 4 touchdowns and a
$20 to $40 I. D. WARNER, Agent,
IJ. L. J:!HUN JIAGE, CK~bter
Does e. 11eneral llanklllg Business. Receives and Loans Money. Pays Interest deposltll. Buys e.ud Sells Bonds. Your business Is solicited. TblA bank IS nuder Governmental lospectton. BANKl-'~G HOCJRS-8:00a.m. to4 p.m. Saturday eventnirs7 to 8.
on tlm,
J. W, Markley, J. W. Everal, W. A. Young, CJ.Be.le, C. L . .drnodage, 0. l). Landon, F. Quiver. G. L. Stougbton, li. P. Beery.
place kick. One time he ran the full length of the field. For a dodger and runner he is a hard man to beat. I All the boys are to be cong-ratulated. It is hoped more games c-an be secured for the youngsters, for it certainly keeps up the enthusiasm for football. Lineup and .summary: Otterbein
West Jefferson.
Bell No. 76, (Jltz. No.3
Before buying your ucw suit sec
TheVarsity Tailors·
Smith ti Brooks Cleaningand Pressing A Specialty.
FOR Daube, Ambrose ...... 1.e.................... cully Som~rs, ilart111an ... l.t.. .............. Gaabrie1 Beevis ...................... l.g ....... Druhot, Webb CANN.EL> GOOD A SPEOIAL'l'Y Simon ....................... c ................ Harbage NORTH STATE STREET • Mayne ..................... r.g .............. Kaderley Muskopf .................. r.t ............... Williarus i\loscs, i\[ctzgar ...... r.e ..................... Barry CO TO•----Soavely, Zucrner .... 1.h.................. Ltbecap Curtiss ................... r.:h ................... Porter Surrell ................ ~.q.b ................ Borland Richey, Flynn ........ f. b .................. Steckley for Boot and Shoe Repairing.
· FancyGroceries
COO p ER East Side of State Street.
Go To ....
S. C. MANN'SLIVERY1 · for good accommodations E. Moin St.
"Both 'Phone..r
son Herbert DR. T. J. SANDERS anoiv&reary
att1mded the weddin~ of G L Maynard and COLLEGE TAILOR wiffl in Columbus Snnday. Try HONORED BY PARLIAMENT AND Carl Prent1M, of Vickery, a student at O S U., wre the guest of F. C. RICHTER RALLYCOMMITTEE. Virgil Dehnhoff Sanday. • -Andrew Sharp, of Mtsywood, Mo, WIii Deliver Dedicatory Address for spent Friday and Saturday with G. B Gailey and family. the Lambert Memorial Building, 149 N. Htgh St. Yabe Teaching. Thursday Afternoon. Anyone wishing to study the Japanese langu.age should conIt will be an honor, indeed, sult Kyoshi Yabe. He wishes to for Dr. T. J. Sanders to deliver form a class to instruct those the address of dedication for tl1e thinking of going to Japan. Lambert Memorial Fine Arts HIGH GRADE LAUNDERING \NORK building, Wednesday afternoon. Phllaletbean Receiition DRY Cf IJ.4NING AND PReSSING This be.autiful structure proPbt'Ia l e th ea I1eld a recep t·IOn vided by George H. Lambert, of 1.c0 r the new gir· I s 111 · sc I100 I a t th e COLUMBUS, OHIO. Ofilce-KEEl"ER' DRU f ,;TORE J. R. BRIDENSTINE, AGENT Ander~ou, Ind., is by far th e home of Miss Edith Bennett last !'bones-Citizen 27, Bell 177-ft. wesTeAvo. LI!: OHJO. most . imposing of any of the M on d ay mg · bt . Ch ara d es an d buildrngs of Otterbein. other games w_ere enjoyed. It is quite fitting th at Dr. San- Piueapple ice and nabiscoes were VALPARAISO,IND. CHICAGO.ILL. ders, a life-long friend of OHer- served. Offers attractive appointments for summer and permanent \"Ork. bein, one time president and a Plans Being Completed. teacher, resident of Westerville L. E. MEYERS, Eastern Manager within a stone's throw of this Prof. A. B. Shauck, chairman magnificent edifice, should 10 of the boosting committee for the fitting words dedicate it. coming Parliament, announces GIRLS Dr. W. R. Funk will preside he has almost completed the STUDENT Wben tired and sleepy just nm over and see the at the dedication. program. Those who will preDon't you k11ow that
Sui ts $20.00 to $35.00
--------------------------THE HOM·E HERALD co.
o·. u.
U. T. Merl.lli,hl, who wae oallod to Laoota, Michigan to attend lhe funeral of hie sister, has returned. Will remain with hie sister Mrs. Coi.1perand mother.
Miea Dolly Henry, teacher in the high school at Lancaster, is spending several days at her home.
side at the meeting are: MRS. SLEIGHT October 27, Wednesday, "in bas a fine line of chapel 2 p. rn. Feed H. Rike. Evenings This Week. up-to-date The change will do you good. October 27, Wednesday, 7:30 J Strictly moral. MILLINERY p. m., Bishop G. M. Mathews. State Street October 28, Thursday, 10 a.m., WILLIAMSON & MUIR, Props·. Dr. W. G. Clippinger. Try the West Main Street Barber Shop For Calt on th, __ October 28, Thursday 2 p.m., First-Class Work. in Lambert building, Dr. W. R. THRBB BARBBR.S-NO WAITINO Funk. HaJrCut 15c Shave 10c Shampoo 15c
CollegeAvenueMeat . Market
J. D. Budd and wife apent Saturday visiting her sister, Mra. Ev• Singe 15c Massage 15c erette, at Dela.ware. Y,W,C-AELLIOT DYER Fred SmiLh returned Friday October I 2 marked the date of ---------------We al wan have tLe .BESTa1J<l always after e. week's hunt in Coeboct')n oounty. t\,e Y. W. C. A. Missionary Y. M. C A. Freeh Supply of Meats. Wieners and Paul Blaine and wife, nf Mt. rally. The leader Miss May Dick The annual Mi~sion Stu<iy rally Cooked Meats. Everything up-to dl\te. Vernon, were Sunday guests of chairman ~f the Missionary com• of Y. M. C. A. was held last Benjamin Daugherty and wife. mittee 1·ead the 9th chapter of Thursday evenmg with A. S. THOMPSON BROS.Props, C. A... Teele and wife, of Lanoaeter, were the guests of their sister, Ma.thew as a scripture lesson after Keister chairman of Mission Study which Miss Mae Powell sang committee leading. Mrs. F. G. Ketner, Sunday. The meeting was opened with BOOKMAN CROCE RY Mrs. R.O. Cook bas returned from "Roll Thy Burdens on the Lord." Supplies you wilh a two .weeks' visit with friends in Dr. ]. G. Huber of the Bone- song after which Fansher, Stouffer FRUITS, CANDIES Marietta. brake Theological seminary spoke and Moore led in short prayers. •AND F. M. Barnett, wife and son, of on "TJ1e Importance of Mission Mr. Keister then introduced the FANCY GROCERl!!S Galena., vi ited hie brother, Wil- Work." He said in part "mission speaker of the evening W. C. liam Bennett, and family Sunday. study may mean our deciding to Fairfield, of Oberlin college who Jesse Moss and daughter Marv, FREDLONGHENRY, of Galena, were gueeta of J. T. be a missionary; we shall be better presented some very startliug facts christians; the magnitude of misconcerning foreign social condiTrunks and Baggage Quickly Nicholson and family Monday. Transferred. Mrs. William Budd, of Colum- sion work is world wide; the study tions. He said that true educaPhones-Cit. 328, Bell 82-R. bus, was the gue1it of Jldrs. H. H. of missions has an educational tion was to gain an adequate Buck and family Friday. value." knowledge of our environment Mrs. Martha Kennedy and Mrs. President Clippinger also gave and then adopt ourselves to it. '1inn1e Hannon and daughter mission Mutha, of 0oluwbus, spent Friday s~me excellent thoughts to t~1e Enrollment cards. For Choice Meats, Canned Goods. with relatives here. girls. The book to be used by study was then d1stnbut!fd by Oysters and Weiners. G. L Stou~hton, wife and "loo the girls this term is "Servants of members of the committee and a Wilbur, Dr. St ugbton, wife and the King." large emollment was secured. FULLER& HILDERBRAND