la Vol I
OHIO, December 6, 1909
TURKEY,OYSTERS,DRESSINGAND Randall, (Case) L. E. Littick, (Wesleyan) L. E. TO BE HAD AT XMAS BAZAAR OTHERGOODTHINGS. Emerson, (Ca e) L. T. Stouffer, (Otterbein) L. T. NEXT SATURDAY. Pendleton (Oberlin) L. G. Clark, (Oberlin) L. G. All Consumedat th? Big Varsity ''O" Mc Daniels, (Oberli11) Center. Cable, (Kenyon) Center. Y, w. C A, Girls Will Sell Pretty • E . · Portman, (_Re. erve) R. G. Barren, (Case) R. G. B'anau~t Saturuay ven,ngR d 11 (S ) R ,, B (Ob 1· ) R T Things for the Benefit Suman a , tate . 1. rown, er 111 . . Many Visitors Presentmer Conference Fund. Pelton, (Oberlin) R. E. l\Ietcalf, (Obetlin) R. E. Jones, (Statf) Quarter. Nichols, (Oberlin) Quarter bout sixty members attended Roby, (Case) R. H. 8. Bentley, (Kenyon) L. H. B. Ye cribes of ye bourg Westhe annual banquet of the Var. Gray, (Oberlin) C. and L. H. B. Twitchell, (Case) R. H. B. terville take exceeding great sity "0" association on Satur. Heller, (Case) F. B. Ditmer, (Otterbein) F. B. pleasure in hereby informing ye day night Dec. 4. The fellows 1 d d hf J f began collecting at the as ociFOOTBALLNEWS• l1ela th em t o a c loser scor e tha n peop e, age an yout u , o a we have. On Thanksgiving great assemblage of merry folk . d r t d b c1· cin which will come to pass ye elevation building about 7:30 and at Exendine Del)arts-Lambert Elected IM' :30 they were ordered to the 1am1 was eiea e y n • Football Cal)tain. nati· by 10 to 6 and we all re- -enth of ye u_10nth of Decem h_er, gallery to witness the advent of four new members into the assoOn last Monday evening, amid member that Cincy was taken ofye year u1Deteen hundred nme. ciation. The com1nittee on the yells of "Whoop, Hip" and care of by us by a 15 to 3 score. I ~e promoters of ye afore-menwas Kenyon and Wesleyan were held t_1oned are of "Bier" Coach Exendine r: l f authorinitiation was composed d b as emblage rs given a rousing send off. o down by the closest of scores. tze_ Y_ye iacu ty o ye gr~at Messrs. H. H. Warner' Roge h b h t t s and Ditme,r. '!'be mention of coach for year as een t ot We have made the best showing umverst y o use, ou ye occa ion this fact alone was enough to more of by the general student against these team this yearimentio_ ne_d, ye _gy_ru floor of. ye strike terror to the hearts of the body than he has. He expects than auy team reprt> enting Ot- Asso~1at10~ building. "\!e time to spend a few weeks at Carlisle, terbein since back in the 90's. appointed ts one to seven p. m. ·n SUCH GIFTS. four victims. We Shall !lot men p f h. l 1-a h
tion all that transpired on the toa., o~::n:o~c tc~ll;;e efo:1 tf: Wittenberg was supposed to have tCootmuf'd on Page Two.) gymnasium floor but between the d f st O I aw. Cold bath and the campfire lunch u Y College Bulletin, Next fall he returns to Otterthe boys felt they had received bein, where he will turn out a Mon d ay, D ecem b er , p. m., 6 8 their due . Volunteer.Band. team that will make the rest sit THE FEAST T ue d ay, D ecem ber 7, 6 p. m., Immediately after the initi- up and take notice. y · W · C · A · T opic, · "A m ation the fellows went to the Thursday, after chapel, H. P. I a Soldier of the Cro s." P arlors of the association and Lambert, of Anderson, Ind., this Leader, Helen Converse. seated themselves at the table. year's captain, was unanimously Thursday, December 9, 6 p. m., There seemed to be enough of reelected captain of the football Y. '1. C. A. PhilaletheaCleiorhetea. roa ted calf, oysters and cider for team for 1910. He is a good all. At least no one was beard man for the position and ought Friday December IO, 6 p. m., to complain of his stomach not to prove of alue to next year's phi I O math e a-r.: 10 Philophronea. being full. team. It was mostly through I At 9:-!5 President Essig called h1· ecrorts that we had Coach S t d D b Ir r t 0 7 w a ur ay, ecem er , the a sembly to order and after Exendine this year. I p. m.-As ociation b11ilding, · Christmas Bazaar. Given by some very fitting remarks introA Retros~ect. y W C A . duced a the chief speaker, PresWith our football season at a · · · · g,r 1s.
ident W. G. Clippinger. He expre ed hi appreciation of the eveain and poke-of hi~ gratification concerning the uccess of our this ycar>s team. He said to his mind the one who could play well a game of football would not fail in the ame of (Ounu,,o o to Pll"e ·rwo)
clo e, we can look back with Public Recital. I comfort at the good howing The public recital to be given that we have made this year. by the student of the :Music DeWe all note with pleasure that partment, will probably take no team 1n Ohio, outside of Ca e place ~Ionday evening, Decemand Oberlin, has played a better her 20. Prof. Grabill and his game with Ohio Stale than Ot- corps of teacher have been workterbein. Our score with them ing hard and a mu ical treat is wa~ 14 to 0 and no college has Ianticipated.
Y~purpose _of yedgathering_ is to ouer ye w1 e an ye unwise · hb i g 0f ye b ourg an d neig or n parts an exceeding excellent chance to save tiring trips to ye great metropoli for ye purpose of purchasing gifts for e Christmastide. Ye young ladies of ye W C A f r · d Y. . . . o a1ore-menttone b · k' dl h d Otter em, are ·10 y earte . Wht>n }e worries of yuletide began lo harass their un elfish minds, they thought not of their own many mu t-be-gotten gilt , but of tho e of ye other folk.
They decided to offer ye townspeople au assortment of good things tc, eat and also pretty things for gift . AND CA DY, TOO.
There will be a special booth where fruit and jellies from ye best tock of ye be t housekeepers of ye country will be sold. Another booth will furnish ye be t of baked eatables. Ye lurrch counter where will be hot drinks ((Juu1111oedto Page 'l'wo)
USEFULGIFTS (Oontinne<l from P.iee One,)
Great Bargains in .............................. ··········
(0 ,nuou11d From P~ge One)
and tempting things for all, and he be st of te~ms but we defeatye candy department should be ed them by 9 to 0. The only Fine Perfumes and Toiltt Articles, tie game was played with Northa scene of much bustle. ( ,.ancy Papeteriea at all prices FOR THE AESTHETIC. ern and in this game Otterbein 10c to $2. 50) Ye artists of ye university will showed more defensive work Fre b C mdics in t lb and 1 lb. furnish ye people with ye most than any game this season. ho,t"<=, SEASON'S SCORES. beautiful results of long labor14 0, Ohio State water color paintings, oil paint- Otterbein 8 6, Kenyon ings, china. All will sell at rea- Otterbein 3 sonable prices. Ye seamstresses Otterbein 18, Ohio will sell a variety of embroidered Otterbein 15, Cincinnati 3 5 things -collars, hankerchiefs, Otterbein 1 , Antioch See-H. M. CROGHAN 0, Wesleyan G bags of all sorts, for all purposes, Otterbein hop. or leave laundry at W. Jami. on', Rarber 0 shirtwaists, underwear, aprons, Otterbein 17, Muskingum 0 0, NorthP..rn and all other innumerable use·- Otterbein 0 Otterbein 9, Wittenberg ful gifts. A booth will hi! devoted to ye 83 39 sale of children's things-dressed 1 dolls, dolls' wardrobes, anything GR~~; COCHRANHALL. ye children might enjoy. ~ ti.L(__· · and PROVISIONS Miss Addie May, a former YE SHALL BUY. Otterbein student took dinner Ye people of ye bourg are apFRUITa:1:~!~!~ABLES here on Sunday, as the guest of pealed to to make ye afore-menChloe iswonger and Edith Cox. tioned bazaar a great success. r1,e.wCANDIES a Specialty. Miss :.\farie Huntwork spent Ye young ladies would be highly ~ In.,,.,«.I C_or.Stale St. & College Ave.. WESTERVILLE pleased to receive donations Saturday and Sunday visiting from ye folk in. ye line of ye friends in Columbus. ~1 (
Up-to-datePharmacy F. M. RANCK'S
The New Method
Wil..ronm-Lamb ~~ ~ ~ FINE ;I;~-
* 1 "-
cJC"rlJl,1_ ~
Beulah Bell, Mary Brown and Nr_~.,.c.c..4_~ ;TltKING things mentioned. Ye money procured will be srent in send- Nellie Seneff took dinner at tbe ing delegates to ye summer con- Seneff home last Friday evening. ference. ,o , __ t Pbilophron a, Twelve girls gathered in numVU:V• ~ ..... ~...__-,pv-r Philo11111lbu, We await ye all. ber eight ou the s~cond B.oor last Monday evening and enjoyed the ~ Cll'io1betea, ROASTCALF "goon things'' which several of ~ I- ~,/<t'• ~ Phil11le1beu.. J.o -._ PILLOWS AND PENNANTS ON HA.ND. the girls brought with them from ( ('ontint1e1! from Pa~e One) home. Clara Hi11drix spent Saturday TA TE AND COLLEGE AVE. life. Those responding to calls with her brothers at 0. S. U. from the president were Dr. 0 B. Cornell, Dr. C. W. Stoughton, Sancly's Chickens. PennantsandPillows Prof. Ressler, Dr. Vanbuskirk, Any and All Kinds R. B. Sando, that lively barnProf. A. P. Rosselot, J. W. Ayer, yard fowl specialist, has someBest Quallty Low Prices ~ '07, Captain Lambert and the thing to crow about now, for P. N. BENNETT ~ ~ four outgoing football heroes, Saturday at the Cincinnati PoulIessrs. Menke, Stouffer, War- try and Pet show, which is the ner and Ditmer. quality show of the Middle Those present outside of stu- We t, he secured ten firsts on ... FOR... dents were: N. R. Funk, '07, R. his ten Ruff Plymouth Rocks he Ile ~-'1-a-/444 Pennants.BiblesandStationery K. Staley, 08, Dayton; J. W. had entered for competition. ~~~ Ayer, 107, Cincinnati; E. L. PorBanking Hours. ter, '07, I. R. Libecap, '09, West ~ ~ Tu,,,(_ CULVERART ANDFRAMECo. The banks of Westerville have Jefferson; J. H. · Weaver, '0 , ~laker• or Arll>tlc P"rnme of inaugurated a new plan, keeping !£very IJeh~rlpLlOll Plain City; ''Dad" Trimmer, open at noon and closing at 3 p. Specialty on Parliament Pictures. Circleville: Floyd McLeod, Dr. m. Each bank is open until 8 CULVER ART AND FRAME Co. G. Clippinger, Dr. 0. B. Cornell, ~ 25-27 E. College Ave. Westerville. O. p. m. on Saturday. Dr. VanBuskirk, Dr. Vanbuskirk, Dr. Stoughton, Prof. Ressler, '92, ~ Jf, ~A~ ,,4-("' ·'Will there ever be a woman :lJ.,-./. Prof. Ross dot, '05, Leslie Strahl, president?" o, the constitution '09, Prof Warson, 105 1 Prof. says the president must be pver The BarberPatronize the Review adverWeinland, '05, Prof. Grabill, forty.five years old, and women Shoe Shine in Connection Westerville. don't get that old." Circle. tise rs.
~~ ~ ✓
Ordersfor Pins
a_~~ ~~~~
~;::;;z~ r1,,.~y .-&.:I« ~~
Morrison's Book Store
B. C.Youmans N,
The Store For Your XMAS Haberdashery We have made tbe most elaborate pre;>arations in our history to meet the exacliug requirements of t.he holiday sl1oppers. You will find handsome of holiday
Interest Manifested Already In this Fast Game
For several weeks the candidates, striving for the different positions on the basketball team, have been hard at work. Only two men on last year's Varsity are back for the game, namely, Sanders, Captain and Forward, / and C. Bailey, Guard. 1 The work this year will be under the supervision of Captain Sanders and Leslie Strahl of last year's class, who in years past was one of the star forwards for Otterbein. With the work under the direction of these two men, who know well the points of the game, we can all rest assured that Otterbein will produce a team in basketball whose record we need not feel ashamed of this year.
Otterbein possesses a number of men who will be able to till the positions capably left vacant by the graduation of Clyme'i: and Lib~cap, last year's captain. A tbousand sugge tions for apLloyd will possibly be in school preciated presents. this next year. If such is the case we need not feel worried about our guards. Young, Cook, H. Warner, E sig, Cornetet, and Hogg are men that have a good COLUMBUS, OHIO chance to wake the Varsity and if not will make the Varsity men go to hold their positions. Ever·y man that appears on SpecialSale on all the floor will be given due consideration. L~t not the spirit that was shown in our wonder• FRIDAYand SATURDAY, ful football season drop a degree Special Line ot Christmas Novelties. in this basketball season. If 0 1roe in 11nd see 1111. Y 1.1ur p11tro111111;~ Rpprecia1t1<1. Otterbein wants a good basketball team this year, she needs plenty of material with which to uccessor to Mrs. Slelght, Parlors Oppeslte Westerville Bank. build it. Let all, who can, come out and try for the team, for no one knows what ability he might have in this line. Support the and Plate.•.. basketball team as loyally as you Copper Plate Engraved. have the football, and the season THE BUCKEYEPRINTINGCO. will be as good in comparison Westerville o. as that of football.
Noticeto Student Girls!
Mrs. M. E. Denny,
NorthEnd Meat Market
The manager, F. H. Menke, has been working faithfully the Oysters and Welners. past months in arranging a good FULLER& HILDERBRANDschedule. It is not wholly completed yet, but as soon as it is Is -your name on the Review it will be published in the Review. This much is known that subscription list? For
We have everything
hoice Meals, ca~1oed Good .
good in Furs
In fact Fnr -Good Furs lll'O a h1>1,l,y with us We sell nothing in Fur which we cuonot e:u run tee io every respect. CA RF und MATCH ED SETS Onr bowing of MUFF', j,1 the most complete to l.,ofo, ml in Columhu. 11Popular Fnrs, complete price rnnl!e
$1.50 each to $150.00 set
The Vance=Winans 7S North
Your trade will be appreciated. We want you to feel at home with us. Give us a call. TRY OUR 15c LUNCHES Lunches, $2.50 Per Week Regular Meals $3.50 Per.Week.
Class games will begin a few weeks after the holidays and as ttsual should prove of interest to everyone and even benefit to the Varsity team.
WestervilleDairy Lunch College Avenue and State Streets.
Sha-ving DV210IS.
Personals. o.nd Mi;,.,, Edith
and Hair CuttinlJ The 21arber
Calvin Edward McDannald, of College,
good talent will be brought to the home floor as four or five leading colleges of the state have scheduled games to play here, we will not be slighted in basketball games in the least here and each one should make it a point to attend these games.
Furs For Christmas
H rnawalt, teacher of music in \IVesterville public schools, itlld gr.1duate of the music department omceand Residence N. State street of Otterbein U ,tin·rsity, were Two Doors North of w. Home st, at the home of th~ bride's Bours- 9 tolOA. M.; lto3·and7to8 P. M m a, ·ri·d t _ Sundays 1 to 2 P. M. parents on Thanksgiving day. 'Both 'Phonu They will reside at Central Col-: lege. The bride h s resigned her C. W. STOUGHTON M.D. position to take effect at the close of this school term. Oflfoe i111dR..sirlt'll• l'-W. ( OLLRGR A VR Ruth Phont'e. C. R. Knauss, who has been ill for everal days was accompanied to his home at Bowling W. M. GANTZ. D. D. S. Green Saturday by R. E. Emmitt. Over Jt11·NtNnttonnl 1:lnu1,, He will not return before next Bell Phoue 0 (,)ltt~en Phone 111 term. Bridenstein spent last week at his home in Canton, his sister's serious illness having prevented his returning sooner. COLL~CEA VENUE V. E. Fries spent Saturday and BOTH PHONES Sunday at his home in Dayton.
I"Dr. H. L. Smith
G. H. Mo.yhu1h,M. D.,
••A Man's Faith ,. F. H. A.ND"RVS. M. D. The opening address of the Bot.b Puooes 24. prayer service in the Chamber OOH .. !:lTA'rl£ <\> W lN'rll:R 1:i'l'S. of Commerce building, at Columbus, was byPresiden~ Clip- Tangarines, Oranges, Crape Frult, pinger. He spoke on the subject, Crapes, Candies, Nuts, Olives and. all lhose delicious "eatings" "A Man's Faith-What is Esat sential?" His address was greatly MOSES & STOCK appreciated. The Leading Grocers.
TheOlterbein Revie,v
2 S Greatest Write rs,
An wering an invitation gi\'en by the Gauloi , a French newsPul>li hed weekly during the paper, 11,2 !i readers chose the college year by the urc those t.hnl enjoy the cornfortnl>le ease following a the twenty-five OT1'ERBEI REVlE\ PU BLI31ll~G nfforded by the "WALK-OVER" shoe. C:O~lPA V, great writ r of the world: lip into a pair of •'WALK-OVER" shoe \Vl!STERYILLE, HIO. ictor Hugo, b,1ke peare, and learn the tru~ definition of comfort and F. W. FANSHER,'10 . Edllor•ln·ChleI Raci11e, Corn ille, Virgil, 1ol. • Business Manager F. H. MENKE, '10 durability Every ize and every style tor fere Homer, Dant , Goethe, W. L. :\1ATT!s'll - A·.i tont Editor every shaped foot. Bos. uet, La Fontaine, Lamarthleli . R. \ ELllA M '10 hateaubriand, Voltaire, . W. BtL' NC'l:l} A 'l Bus. ;\lgr J. O. Cox 'll r us et, Balzac, Local Editor ,O.YATKS, 'lt THE WALK-OVER SHOE CO. ophocl , Horace, chi I I er, Alum11al Editor P. 11. Roc,.rns, 'I t 39 .NORTH mcu STREET. ) . . BAKER,'l } . ub cription AgtA. Plato, Cervantes, J. J. Rosseau '. L. BAIC.l!Y 'll aud Milton. otes , ere given Address all communication lo Editor, for 432 other au thot s. tterl>ein Review, We lerville, Ohio. The Largest and.Most Beautiful Line of It will be noticed that the Ii t uh cript ,,,n Price, 75c Per Year, p:1y -HOLIDAY GOODScontains the name of up living al>le in Advance. ever shown in Columbus writer, and that 14 of the 25 are 11:nLer d H ~erond-cla s matt r O Lober 18 at T h e P a p e r S to re French, three Latin, two Greek, 1009, at tile ,~aLolllce at W t•rvlllP, Obto at prices I.hat will astoni h yot1 nnd r 1,ne .-\ct cf .llnrch a, I i8. two English, two German, one Italian and one pani~h. 31 37 East GaySt. The Ohio State Journal had rn editoral in an i ue last week DAYTON UNITED BRETHREN that college men can read wit~ -THE-profit. The articl_e was headed Plan to Hold a Get-Together BanQuet December16. "Two Cour es in Colle:ge ' and The committee of the 11ited spoke apropos on the addres of Brethren lini terial A ociation Pre ideut Butler of Columbia h s decided to arrange for a STUDIO in which he ays there are two gr.ind banquet of Uuited Bretheta se of students in collegeren men of Dayton and vicinity, those who enter with the right with a view to. promoting fuller pirit and those who do not. acquaintance hip and closer Some fc:llows, he claim , go to it Per( lly COLV/ll&V~.O. touch of it· many churches in l5e,2Jo,2Sc. Cluc11. Peabody & Co., Makers college without a defi11ite pnr. ARROW FF 25 cents a pair Chri tian work. It will be pose, merely for tht as ociation known as tht: "Get TogE ther,, U. in school and afterwards. The aerial nthu iasts who heard 8. Men': banquet, and will occur We are facing a crisis i11 the: uJUST AlllTL[BITBHHR THAN TH[B[ST" at one of the city hot ls on De- the adc'ress and saw the inveneducational world; the univer ition d clare that this device will cember 16. ties are becoming so large that be practical for all balloons 199-201 SOUTH mGH' ST. It i-; the purpose to rally the soon the drone will be separated Citizen Phone 3 720 wher v r u ed. Patent has been me11 of the ev rat official boards, from the workers - and then ;.Special Ratesto Students~ brothcrhnocls, Bible cla es, etc., applied for at Washington. what will happen? Nobody want The Review extends congrat• of the churche · in and about to be call !d a drone, and h nee ulations to one in Otterbein who Dayton o get acquaint d and it will be eitht:r work or get out. show such a marked inventive The BEST Of... plan for a great forward ·movegeniu . Fruits and ment. A Foreword Candies n the committee are P. I. Down brake . Exams comingAlumnals. -now this may be little previous Camp, W. L Hunger, C. J. KepAt the reque. t of Ruskin P. is- Hall, a former Otterbein student, I • to peak about examinations at hart, H. H. Font and J. D. • General Store. wander. the end of the term but ina E. C. Won1;an, '07, who is now _____________ _
much as a great number of tudent eemingly forget the exams until twenty-four hour before we give agent:e word of warning. r ow if one must cram-start now-like doctor 1s medicine, it take but a little each time and If one the result is satisfaction. would take all the medicine at one dose, a funeral would result. Tears and Christmas don 1 t agree at all-so beware if one must cram, cram easy, ystematically concentratively.
Y. M.
. A. secretary for Massa-,
a r k} e y , s
rost Cards
nd chust'lts and onnecticut delivered ~:~~:a Ingenious Senior Aids Science by an ;1ddrc: · t the Y. M. C. A. New Invention. boys t A nnapoli . 4 FOR 5C "Invention in Aerial aviga1 . F. Latto, 09, of Ohi'l State Westerville Art Gallery tion,11 wa the subject of L. Lu- Univer ity has accepted a good AND 1 zerne Custer, 10, at a meeting po ition with W. G. Mason, who: Johnson's Furniture Store of the International Aeroplane is engaged in railroad surveys, club at Dayton, W dnesday, A GOOD GASMANTLE with headquarters at Marietta. December 1. .. AT.... J. Warren Ayre, 107, was in Mr. Custer poke at length and explai ·ed his new invention town S turday visiting friends. ... FOR... 1is Etta Ankeny, '09, visited for ascertainini; the movements ..:..._10cof a balloon above the earth in Westerville last week.
11 u
Y. M. CA.
A large crowd was in attendance :.t tl,e Y · 1. C. A. Thursday en:::11i11gto he,1r Mr. Clilfl nee Tr ad e-Ma r,< M·etters, the editor of ]'ublic Opi11ion 1-,ive a11 adcln::ss 011 the \.DIIVq subject, •·Incidents from a ReFORAll ATHLETIC porter's ote Book." II ' SPORTS and The meetin~ was opened with PASTIMES ~ong and pra) er by l\Iessrs. ~/NU 0 Brooks, Redd and Yaks. The "'-s.P,if• 1tre Inter1 fl' s I. ed In is known throughout adJre s which followed was a IFYoUAl ll Jelle the world as a .-...port. you ...ho11Id 1hor,1ughly practical one . h-l vP tt c,,py oft he Cata• ·111e speaker first spoke ,,f the Guarantee of i-<p:;ldl11sr lo~ne. J t.', A c,unpl..t.e ttn('\'(•h11w·dexc.:, ile11cy of the Y. 11. C. A. Quality 1a of What's New In Sport ,llld IR''"" L emp ,,1sizi1q... its ad •pt;il>iltt) to frt:t:" on l'eque1-1t a11r pl.-1cc ,,1 II< t"d. He µ,ud a A. G, SPALDING & BROS. glowing trtuuce tu l\lr. Grc:c:11uucc: COLUMBUS,0. 191 S. High St. city editor of the Columbus Dispatch, showing how much good a christian man can do on a newspaper. ewspa pers wan.t safe, The New Franklin reliable men, men who do not drink. Ile also spoke of how the Printing liquor habit will ruin a reporter. Comp cry Reporters know the skeletons of a COLUMBUS,OHIO good many lives and find eyil in 65 East Gay St. some whom people think are all right. The only good religion is the one that i' good for seven aays each week. Just preceeding the address the address the male quartet sang \Ve.earry a full line of "Come Lean on Me." Drugs, Patent Mcdecines, iu the: \\' ..>rid uf
Clarence Metters, of Public Opinion,
are th<' [,argest
Franklin TailoringCo. 20 West SpringSt.,
Wemake High-GradeClothes at PopularPrices. SnappySuits or overcoats
to $40 I. D. WARNER,
-\g nt,
......... -:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--=-----------------iiiiiiiiii,;iiiiiiiiii,;~~ NEW PICTURES Before buying your new suit see
Dr. Scott's Recitation Room Beautified by Fine Collection.
S . h m It
Jr. Scott has had placed upon the walls of his recitation room a collection of pictures which he I purchased while in Europe. There are two hundred and twmty-four of these pictures forty-five of which relate to Pal-
TheVarsity Tailors C.
u roo s Cleaningand Pressing A 'pecialty.
ist:ne and Biblical subjects, the ~-~-~-~~~-- ..~-'-~~~-•' remainder relate to Greece and Italy. They consist of photo. Twice a week are the Grace Coblentz Speaks on "My Possi- graphs of statuary and of a few ble Self ... raoous paintings. Miss Grace Coblentz was leader The pictures are nine by twelve of the Y. .w. C. A. Tuesday inches and were collected at an Special Attraction Each Eve11ing. evening taking as a subject "My ex?ense of$75, They have been Possible Self." She read as a & MUIR, Props. scripture lesson Acts 2 r. After put on the wall for the benefit of WILLIAMSON the students at Dr. Scott's ex. -------------prayer a quartet consisting of pense. Pearle Stringer, Bessie Daugherty, AGENTS Dr. Scott thought the departEdna Hayes and Ethel Kephart Portraits, Frames, Pillow ments of classical and modern Tops, beet Picture , etc., sang ''Through All Eternity." Many interesting thoughts were language and history ought to at low prices, rejectionscredited, 30 days Y-W-C,A.
Brushes, Novelties, Candies and Students Hardware.
Moving Pictures
Dr. Keefer'sDrugCo. Pine As ortment
Neckties-JUSt arrived.
A Swell Line of
Noveltiestor Xm& At the
Old Reliable
Scofield Store
Mrs. V . C. UTL EV✓ --Fine
State Street Just North of Main
brought out, among which are the following: Paul is a good example to take as an ideal life. He was a man consecrated and his work was thorough. As Paul was transformed into a mighty power for good through the Qrace of God so also may we be transformed. He was sent through a school of suffering; his parents had turned against him; he had nowhere to go, but he had Clui t as his constant companion. We may best attain our possible selves by finding out what God's
receive attention from the board of trustees as well as the differeut scientific departments. These subjects can be made
credit, catalog
26 • 27 E college Ave'
ample free.
& Frame
Westerville, O.
Go To ....
much more interesting if illustr2.ted by photogra phs 1 Ian tern for good accommodations slides, etc. 1 and in fact a college E. Mam. St. "Both 1'hon•J ca:1 hardly be said to be up to date in the departments where 1 FRED LONGENRY, faciEties of this kind are lacking. Trunks aud Baggage Quickly Transferred. Ringers Here.
Phones-Cit. 328, Bell 82-R.
A large audience was greatly --------------TIIE VERY LA TEST pleased by the Apollo quintet GRIMM,The Shoe Doctor STYLES IN FOOTWEAR and bell ringers in the college F"r Fine ewed \\' ork ...... T ..... on Boot and 'hoe . • IRWIN'SSHOESTOREwill is concerning us and then do chapel Wednesday evening oo it. the Citizens' lecture course. En.sT HOME &TREET
tne lal>oratory this afternoon and simply work my head off." Bender-"Bring it up to the club for a souvenir." n:any Dr. S,rnders-•·How great ~r.,n<lparents had Emtrso1 ?" OeVaux-"Sixty-four. '
Are you feeling glum and blue? Crack a joke. Do your pleasuresseem but few? Crack a joke. For the world is full of fun. And o'er clouds you'll find the sun; So just make a little pun Or crack a joke.
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a 111;111 should I pro S,nith-·•SuppP~t )OU a prcvuicc1tor, what call duction- · 'The vi.;itors of t h e ., • • 1 would you do? D,1rmitory are like Democratic Cook-''What sized ma1,?" candidates. Although a I ways
in Junior
Matron-" l\Iis Nelson ~~) s that you wish to go out with a friend tonight. Is it urgent?" Miss Russell-•' o, it isn't her gent-it's my gent." Mrs. Daugherty-" is the matter, Bess it?" Bessie- "Oh Mattis and I have parted forever." l\1rs. Daugherty"In that case Bridenstein at Ce1 terburghe won't be around for a couple "Say boy, your dog has bitten of nights." me on the ankle." Brooks -"Hix, got your calBoy-''Well, that's as high as cium out?" he could reac:1. You wouldn't Surrell, in amazernent-"ls Hix expect a little pup like him to taking calcium?" bite yer neck, would yer?"
turned down they never fail to . ,, run a!(allL ;'\liss D tugherty-"There is a suffrage te goi11g to speak in Coiumbu on the subject, "The Di asters of Married Life." Iattis-"l uppose she will have her husband on the platform as an exhibit."
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Miss Good-"How lovely of Call on th•-you to bring me these lovely was a sweet p:tlmLeybarger at club-''! roses. And how fresh they are! proud of my boys." I do believe there i,; a little dew Muthersbaugh-"J ust wait till The cook-"So am I." on them yet." I get Sorensen; it will be bac.k to E ig at Upper SanduskyWe alwaa hsvethe l:lE'Tai,d always Sando-• 'W-well, yts, there is; Denmark for him." ' •Can we get lodging for our footF1esb npplJ nf Meats. Wieners and Two Irishmen were out hunting but I'll pay it tomorrow." ball team?" Cooked .\le&ls. Everything op-!o-date. Muskopfext to a woman, Proprietor-"Are they white?" with one gun between them. what is the most nervous thing The man with the gun saw a bird Delaware girls to Grill-"We THOMPSON BROS.Props. in a tree and took careful aim of it. you know?" raise larger lemons at Delaware Locke-''Me-next to a "For the love of Heaven, than you do at Westerville." l\like," houted the other hunter, woman." Hix in Public Speaking classEssig-"The motto of the ''don't hoot, the gun ain't and "The boy is father to the man." loaded." ''I've got to," yelled Democratic party 1s to turn the Prof.-"Don't look the Mike, "the bird won't wait." rascals out." window." Richey-' •Yes I guess the Blker seeing a man staggering Hix-"! saw a kid out th ere." on the street-''! am inclined to Democratic party has turned out HOT DRINKS Essig-' ·Welbaum was assi!'. think that fellow is ~omewhat more rascal than any other." Sandwiches tant manager at Ohio Northern bibulous." Ketner in Public Speaking cla s 11 Home•made Cancsles F o 1t z-"Bibulous ! I'll bet -' •Badielors are selfish and ought game. He held my coat. l\Irs. Wales-"What's the baby that fellow hasn't seeh a Bible for to be a hamed of themselv s." r BOOKMAN CROCE RY crying for?'' twenty years." Sando to Mi s Guitner-"Miss applies you with lr. Wales-"Oh, he tried to Croghan at Ellis club where the Guitner I work hours at these j FRUITS, CANDIES swallow my cuff button.'' fellow were discus ing Darnell's les ons. La t night I put in three AND l\lrs. Wales-"What did you leap-' •That's nothing. FANCY GROCERlliS Thomp- solid hours at this lesson. But it do?" son, the meat man, dropped one seems that I nc::vc:rget the la t TRY_.-., Mr. \ ales -' 'Give paragraph and that is the ope I h i m a hundred feet and was unh1,1rt." W. W. JAMISON couple of cuffs.'' always get to read. I e·c, etc Club-"How was that?" THE BARBER A o Pc •LETTERER l\1iss Bauman reading in French, Croghan-"Oh he dropped one etc.·• (,_oodwork at Populn,· !'rice· and no ("She caught both hi arms.") hundred pig feet." ~lis - Guitner-' ·That is hard ""'on en~e. --"She threw both her arm Little girl to Hogg-''\\'hat is luck. 11r. ~ardo. '' I about hi neck.'' RAVING OP .\ TRAP HA GER. your name:?" There were twenty-two ~iris in Prof-• •That which is on a girl's Hoog-"Mr. Hogg." h H II Tl k . . prigley's well mennl n11ion;:tnm ian sgtvingvaca\1ake blindmen.ecanddeafmendumb. ., t e a over mind will crop out." Little girl-' 'Ah quit your tion. You cannol chew the label off Miss Hall in literary ocietyCox in Junior Rhetoric-"The Aud·Hidesctk'splugwillstopthatcougb. fooling and tell me, If it is, .I "\Ve will now have the final roll- will call you piggie." low that cott's emotions ju ta good electric wires are O ing call." • .h To lake out. pot or use a food. Y a be-" Pro f. 1 d ry hydro- (armer can , t d rive wit a load of Th t • b k'll t e ax1ca I one eacI1 m111ue Thomp on-' 'I am going up to su phuric acid wet?" Ihay under them." ou see its safer to be in it. Life. Hix-"David am ist of Israel."
CollegeAvenueMeat Market
Ice Cream Parlor