Vol. I
OHIO, March 21, 1910
Baseball Stock is Good and Prospects Anticipate a Successful SeasonMany Out for Positions The Otterbein ba eball outlook has be-n greatly strengthened in the past week by the securing of Clyde Goodwin, a pitcher of the Columbus Senators, as coach until the middle of April. Mr. Goodwin is a competent man to fill this position as he has had several years' experience in the American Association. The coach took charge of the team Wednesday, and now after getting a line on the material available, has expressed an opinion that Otterbein has a good looking bunch and a good team can be shaperl up. Each position on the team is being sought for by many applicants, as might be suggested by a look at the following: Pitchers-Sanders, R. Callahan, McFarland, W. Bailey, Snavely; catchers-Capt. Weinland, Beevis, Durrant; first base-Boxwell, Crosby, Surrell, Kelly, RCallahan and Zuerner; secondKetner .and Daub; third-Keister, A. Funk, Stringer, L. Callahan; short-Young, Fouts and Hemminger; outfield-C. Wagner, A. Funk, W. Bailey, Crosby, Barnhart, Snavely, Hemminger, Boxwell, White, Emmitt, Moses, J. Wagner, Zlferner, Wells, L. V. Funk, Richey, Bandeen, Metzgar, L. Callahan, Groughnour.
No. 32
Otterbei';I Ends Season Entirely Bewildering Wittenberi by Score .48 to 14-Sanders Scores 3 2 Points.
In the last game Otterbein came off the floor victorious by the score of 48 to 14. The Wittenberg boys did not have at any stage of the game a chance of making the game interesting. Otterbein ·s passing completely bewildered the vi itors. The game w.:ls among the cleanest een here this year. Sanders succeeded in caging the ball 14 times from f om the feu! !in . field 2-•1d Warner in his last game took the place of Young at L. F., who was unable to play on account of sickness. He put up a good game and left the floor with 6 baskets Left forward-C. A. Youn"'. Right forward-C. F., anders. Center-D. L. Cor- to his credit. The center and netet, A. Lambert. Left guard-C. Hailey, A. D. ook. Right guard-H. H. VI arguards worked in good style and ner. .\Janager-F. H. Menke. helped the victor~. Line up: Dr. Jones Judge.
Witleuberg ~4. In a debate Friday evening at 0tterblin 48. Warner. ............. L. F .......•......... Wilson P or t smou th , b e t ween ti1e P or t - I ander ,(C) ........... R. F ............ Metzger GrantedStudentBodyis Com- mouth high chool and Chillicothe Lambert ................ C ................. Nolan ing of Dr. Chapman. high chool, Dr. E. A. Jones Bailey .................. L. G............ Dressler Those mighty·Christian won- .was one of the judges. The que . Cook ...... •···········R, G ........ awyer (C) · R l T Field goal -Sander 14, \Yarner 6, der workers, Dr. ] . Wilbur Chap- tion, '' eso ved, hat th e high Lambert, Cook; Wil on 3, Nolan~., aw. man and Mr. Charles Alexander, schools hould abolish football," yer. Foul goals-. anders 4 out of 7, will conduct ervices in the col- was decided in favor of Ports- Wilson 2 out 7. Refcree-:1.lr.\\'am bold. Iege chapel Tuesday morning at mouth by a 2 to I vote. 1Time ofhalves-20 minutes. 10 o'clock. ------J
College Bulletin.
This is one of the rarest of Monday, March 23, 7 p. m., Choprivileges for the students to hear ral society. Said Dr. Phillippi in Frip. m., Volunteer Band. two such eminent evangelists. day MorningTalk. Tuesday, Wednesday and ThursThe meetings in Columbus Dr. J. M. Phillippi, editor of . day examinations. have been wonderfully uplifting the Religious Telescope, gave l\larch 23 to 29, vacation. and much interest is manife t in the second of the Friday mornThree Speakers. A Correction.' ing lectures. :f!i ubject was At the laymen's mis ionary the coming meeting Tuesday. By mistake the Review last "Fir t Things Last." His leeInasmuch as Tuesday is the rally at ewark last Tuesday, I t t · d . week gave the date of October , the as the opening of school Aext ure con :ime Prof. "Rudy," Rev. S. F. Daugh- firsL day of examination many vigorous erty and W. A. Young were classes scheduled for 10 o'clock year. School will open about the truths and he forced them home will take the examinations at 3. middle of September as usual. among the peakers. by illustrations and stories.
mer will return to hi5 home in \Ne terville about· June t. Dr. tterbein navely will teach 111 FAVORED BY INTERESTING TALK bein ummer chool.
I Spring Is Here--Time To Kodak fttll line of Kodak
L. D. Bonebrake, '8-, Pre ident of the Indiana Central unilast week vi ited l\1r . Cot. W A. Taylor Tells of Past Expe- versity, Ingall who is v1:ry ill.
rlences in Field of Journalism and Pleases Small Audience-
UP-TO-DATEPHARMACY F. M. RANCK'S SCHRAFFT'S Fine Chocolates-always Fres'i
Try Them. They are the Finert.
Taylor Made, Honey Comb, Chocolate Chips
The Otterbein Glee club was not only able to please the people
The men who did no~ hear Col. W. . Taylor, of Columbus, State Commissioner of Soldiers' Claim , speak before the Pre s
of We tervilie but also some cf the alumni among whom wer<>: Judge and rs. hauck, '66, CoSee-H. M. CROGHAN lumbus; Judge and Mr . Rogers, Jami on' Barber Shop. '77, Columbu ; City solicitor or leav laundl'y at W. ". Club Wednesday evening mi sed Work clout!' ancl delivered twlci, a. Wt-t-k, '91, Colu!11• a treat. Edgar L. Weinland, bus and N. R. Funk, '07, Dayton. "PALU IAN" We invite an inspection Col. Taylor has been in active of our Artistic Photography newspaper work all hi life, enDr. H. F. Shupe, of Dayton, joying editorial positions on 228-230 N. High St.. COLUMBUS,0. was pleasantly surprised Friday papers in Cincinnati and PittsAll Work Guaranteed on his fiftieth birthday. A numburg and at one time he was ber of Otterbein friends and We are showing Special in Post Cards managing editor of the Nt:!w ?.lumni were present: Dr. G. A. NEW SPRl G lT • SKIRT', York Sun. The 3 for 5c and 4 for 5c Funkhouser, '68, Dr. J. G. HuWAI T . Dl<ES ES, ETC. Clearly and interestingly he ber, '88, and J. P. Landis, '69. NOW le EACH Balance of Winier Coats at Less than told of his many experiences in Cost of Material. THE his little newspaper and printing LAST NUMBER plant in ew Lexington away b~ck in I 57 when new subscriHeadquarters for ... bers were dreaded because it POST CARDS meant a few more turns of the ... Dealers in ... Paul M. Pearson will be the New Cards Recoived Twice a Week at old \,V~sbingtou b~nd pres:s. next entertainer on the Citizens JOHNSON FURNITURt STUii!: PINE GROCERIES Journalism, the Colonel said, lecture course giving a lecture and PROVISIONS is the loftiest of profes ions as it recital on James Whitcomb Riley. Fruits, Nuts, Olives FRUIT and VEGETABLES moulds and directs the public 1\1r. Pearson is prof es or of public and LuncheonSupplies in Season. mind. 1'he devotees of other speaking in wathmore college. Tbut will 11ti fy tbat professions reach hundreds, the CANDIES a Specialty. h11o_!!r_feeling. Prof. Pearson's plan of lecture · journali t touches thousands. Cor. State St. & College Ave.. WESTERVILLE is to present one writer for the MOS ES & 8 TOCK Colonel Taylor is a charming evening, giving bits of biography -FORconversationalist. He declared and anecdotes, together with the BaseBall Goods,FishingTackle, his intention of visiting Otter- personal or historic Any and All Kinds background terbein again at some future necessary to fully understand the Cutlery, Etc., Etc. Best Quality Low Prices Call on date. literature, illustrating his points
The New Method Laundry
The ColumbusCloakCo.
Individualand Group
WestervilleArt Gallery
Of Lecture Course to Be GivenMarch30.
Wil .son a2Lamb
Atumnals. ellis Funk, '07, attended Glee Club concert.
+++ T. II.
by reciting some of the authors Westerville Ohio best poems. Everyone should hear Prof .. Pearson on Wednesday evening Mrs. Louis H. McFadden; '74, March 30. made a call at the Art room one day last week. COCHRANHALL
Bradrick, '94, genera) secretary of the Steubenville Y. M. C. A. has recently superinMiss Kuns, of Sulphur Grove, tended the construction of a fine visited Dona Smrell over Sunday. $100,000 .building. L. B. The Misses Mabel and Harriet '92, assi ·ted in the Mumma, Peters, former 0. U. students financic1 I ca in paign. spent Saturday and Sunday at ❖ ++ Cochran Hall. Dr. L. E. Custer, '84, will give has gone Miss Mary Garver a stereopticon lecture at the Dayton Y. M. C. A. this evening upon home till next term. the subject, "Aeronautics Up to Miss Leny has gone home and Date." will not return for the spring term. ❖❖❖
Next Issue. Dr. Charles Snavely, '94 and The next issue of the Review family, who have been residing at Phoenix, Arizona, since last sum- will appear April 4.
Morrison's Book Store
The work in Art is progressing nicely now e. pecially are the met al workers bu!iy.
Pennants.and Pillows
... FOR...
B. C.Youmans The
The instructor of this department are lookin~ forward to a very encouraging opening of the spring term.
Shoe Shine in Connection N.
Harris Janitor.
Pennants. BiblesandStationery
Opposite M. E. Church
DEALE'R. eell Phone 66
Mr. Harris, janitor of the PICTURINGFRAMINGAND dormitory, will take charge of the UPHOLSTERINGPROMPTLYDONE college building also, in place ofl Mr. Mattoon, who recently . re-, The Review advertisers are signed. Iall reliable.
==================================7"1_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Y. W- c. A. It i.s the ad~ance guard of ~ivi~i- / Time
the HighBoys
zat1on and 1t helps to ma111~a111 I !~ake Reports of Convention at Akron Read that civilization. He gave much by Girls. an The Intercollegiate me~ting advice about approaching editor and about the preparation of Y. W. C. A. held Tuesday f . and sending o manuscripts to an Good Old Springevening was exceptionally intertime is Oxford time editor for publication. esting. l\Jiss Stella Gifforc: was Miss Florence Shetler. leader and read for her scri')tnre HANAN'S lesson a part of the fifth chlpter The l\1ission Study class of iof Ephesians. After the lesson, Miss Florence Sheller was deHighGrade :\liss Lillian Ressler sang very lightfully entertained last l\IonX FORDS "Oh, fay 1y Walk I day at the home of l\Irs. J. F. beautifully be Close With God.'' Beum. 1•. For .• The girls then listened to a The members of the class are: Men few of the reports from the Ak- Besse Wagner, Vi Sherri::k, and Y. Vv. C. A. con- Mary Shupe, ron Territorial linta Johnston, Women vention. Prof. Edna Moore first Vi 11aJohnston, Esta l\Ioser, Lugave her report. She reviewed the cretia Frisinger and Florence See Our College Line of Oxaddress given by Rev. E. B. Sheller. fords all Leathers. Allen, D. D., of Toledo, or the The term's work closed with \ subject, "The Significance and an average attendance of 96 per $3.50 ¢\) $4.00 Opportunities of the Y. W. C. A. cent. Miss Sheller proved a very Next Irene Staub and Edith successful leader. Refreshments Coblentz reviewed the talk of were served. Rev. Bailey, who spoke on the SCHULER &. PITT Personals. subject of "The Holy Spirit in 47 NORTH HIGH ST. Frank Johannes, of Dayton, Life and Service." was in Westerville Friday. Mary Bolenbaugh gave the W. A. \Neller's father was with MACAROONS LADYFINGERS AND BOSTON BROWN .•. r.eport of an address, "The Call him a few days last week. -Spec1a1 l!aked-' of the Hour," by Miss Vivian For Banquets, Parties, etc. C. V. Roop. 'I 2, who is at JACOBF. LUCKS Small. Our f 'ollt•at- "'hop is 1naki11g :t resent pastor of the United ·004 Long St. 9644 tli81,>luy or dl•Lincl on clothes Bessie Daugherty gave. a re• P COLUMBUS, OHIO Brethren church at Sidney writes Citz. 14026 for 1--J>rlog lhat u·1s never been view of two addresses, first ·'Our equaled In t·eutral Ohio. Style that since his advent several ------------Student Field," by Miss Helen fal>rlcs >\nu tsilorlng lnalcnte weeks ago, he hash.id a revival in much higher prlC'c.· Lhnn we are Sewall and "The Girl on the which there were 19 conversions, orr1cc·and Residence N. State Street nRklng. Any\\h relrom Other Side of the World," by Two Doors North or w. Home St, organized a catechetical class of Hours-9 to 10 A. M.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 P. M Miss Bertha Conde. $9.7 5 to $35.00 82 children and a men's brotherSundays 1 to 2 P. M. Mi s Conde said, "That the hood of 53 members. 'Both 1'hone.r For an college girl had much to do with energetic worker, in any time the fnture of our na.tion and with count on Roop. C. W. STOUGHTON M. D. the evangelization of the world Ruth Koontz, of D,1yton, visitin this generation. They are to ed her cousin, Sam D. Kelly from Office and Reeidence-W. CoLLEOE AVE COLUMBUS, OHIO Both Phones. b:! the teachers, missionaries and Friday to unday. home makers." Mr. Elmer Biechler and Mr. Den Cade, of Miamisburg, visited W.M.GANTZ. D. D.S. Y. M. CA. L. M. Truxdl Sunday. o,·er First nuonnl l!n111,. and Plate.... Bell Phone 9 'ltlzen Phone JU Rev. Hoen<;hall a noted lecturer Dr. J M. Phillippi Speaks on JourCopper Plate Engraved. formerly with the Shenendoah nalism.
OxfordWagon Get :/:ha:
To CollegeMen
'Dr. H. L. Smith
The men of Y. M. C. A lis- college I d chapel Tue d;iy morn·
tened to some practical tbings about journalism Thursday night when Dr. J. M. Phillippi, editor of the Religious Tele cope, spoke The bcsl p'acc t.o get on that subject. TOILET ARl'ICLE , PERFUME , Dr. Clippinger introduced the BRU-HES MEDICINE, AR rr. 1'.' 1A rERIA.L , PO l'CARD' speaker and announced his suban,l FINE CANDIE ject. is at We shall not attempt to give much that the peaker said, for he said so many good tbings that were important and space THE VEl?Y LA TEST will not permit the publication TYLES I FOOTWEA I? of all. He said that journ1lism ...... AT ..... IRWIN'SSHOESTOREis the highway of intelligince.
Get It At Keefer's
Dr. Keefer's Drug Store
ing. Miss Grant was visited by her si ter last week. Why i Srndo like the baseball management? Because he has a Good won. Gale Swartz was visited la t week by her friend, Miss Wi e• man, of Lancaster.
Clock, Watch and Jewelry =REPAIRING= All Work Guaranteed.
FRANK TRUETER ut Johnson's
Give Mc a Trial.
Among the vrsitors at the Wittenberg game were, Z. D. Brown, TRY...-, R. C. McMillen and H. E. ot W. W. JAMISON THE BARBER A 'D PE ·LETTERER tingham, o.f Denison, who were guests of R. E. Emmet and J. 0 . Go d work tit Popular Prices and no Nonsense. Cox.
4 ==-=========::=;1============:;::1
OTTERBEIN REVIEW _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------sport unles you smoke." The: ThcnexttimeyouareinCulumbuslelus·howyou th largestexclusivclinc men who are to be the fnt11rc of Real Classy College hats in the state. leader of Amer:ca are addicted° A $3.00 Hat for $2 00 "Payingmoreisoverpaying." to a habit which is injurious to Alltlienew,hupesiothefamousHEIDCAPS 50clo$1.50 both mind and body. This of &- KORN CODY necessity meaus that the effiCOLUMBUS, OHIO 2 5 North High Street, ciency of America's future leaders i · b, ing impaired. Also, as WELLRENDERED leaders, they are setting a bad Buy example. Is it not time that college students are waging an Wasthe PublicMusicRecital FridayEvening. anti-tobacco campaigu? A. M. here tomorrow. We Among the many good things 1 Fan's Filosofy. show more th an that we have had this• term, the recital given Friday night by the 1800 Spring Suits 'Tis not allowed but many music students was one of the play bridge (over Alum creek). besl. All the nu:nbers were and Topcoats at
TheOtte1 b11'111 R'-'\ '1p,, \
l'uh'i,;hed weekly d urin~ t hi: coll.-ge )Car hy thi:
REYIE\V l'L'IILJ;-;111. G CO:\IPA~\",
\\'F. TER\"ILLfi.
F. W. FANSHER,'10 . F. H. MENKE, '10 .. '11
\V. T,. ;\IATTI
C. R.
~- \\'. 811
J. 0. Cox C.:.0. P.H.
C. L.
Editor Athletic
.-\. s't Bus. :\lgr Local Editor Alumna! P.,litor
'lt Roc1rns. 'l l
Editor- In-Chief BusinessManager
'1 I
.~ u IJ
Addre~s all communications to Edito,·, Otterbein Review, We terville, Ohio. . uhscript,nn
Price, 75c Per Ye:ir, p:iy able in Aclvance.
Easter Clothes
.:,. +
are rendered in a very able mao_ner, showing the talent of the per~:nlt'rt>d >I ~eeond-ChlSl< "'"' Ler OcLob~r I l!Mlll, IIL Lil I">- lotn,•e l\l West< rvllle, Ohio formers. nnJer 1.11~ AcL er .\lurch :1, 1~79. If you would succeed, 1111x, Prof. G. G. Grab:11 and Prof. No more---N o le11s mix, mix. J. Resler certainly deserve F. Keep off the grass. Not one would cost great credit for their success as To be college bred takes the instructors. Mrs. Resler also l\1Jy all your exa111s be little you less than $15.00 the dough. deserves com menda~ion for her ones. in any other store. skill as an accompanist. The "Stung" is another expression Do yon talk up the Summer mu.sicians are to be praised for Come and see. for milk of human kindness that School? their noteworthy efforts and sue has soured. Values will tell. cess. Woulrl ·yo~ call a flunker an Culture is no more than being insurgent. STEUBENVILLEFAVORED perfectly at ease in whatever society you are thrown. President Clippinger In Demand in happy Ea. ter and a merry + ❖ ♦:♦ Ohio River City Spring term. Some say fools are born and 9.99 Store President Clippitger arrived ===-s not mace, but ot all the fools an in Steubenville Satllrday after\Vhen y<Hl think, think posi-· educated fool is the worst. 2 2-24 W. Spring St. noon, March 12th, where he was ti ve though ts. +I• •!• •!• to address The be t trait of a college under engagemenl Being a student u ually take man is concen-trate. the Y. M. C. A. Sunday afternoon -THEsome thought. upon the topic "A Mao's ReligDAYTONBANOUET ion, What is It?" In addition this address he ews item-There 1s still Otterb in Folk to Gather March 28 to delivering now by the Y. M. C. A. step . spoke before the Sunday cbool for Spread. STUDIO "The Otterbein of Today and and a sisted in the commuuiou Speaking of lob"iies how about the Otterbein of Tomorrow I ' is service at the Ha111line M. E. the one at the P0stoffice about the subject of an address that church Sunday morning, and in l:I5? President Clippinger will give a most acceptable m a n n er • COI.Vl'IIWS.o. at the annual banquet of the preached before the congrega11easy lies the Frc hma11's l\1iami alley Otterbein Alumna! tion of the First Presbyterian head when a Sophomore is it- As ociation at the First U. B. church Sunday evening. Presiting on it. dent Clippinger' visit wa~ an inchurch Monday evening, i\Ta1ch A LITTLE BITBHTER THAN THEBEST" 28. spiration to all with whom he 11JUST 1Varum no'! 11ch noi e durIrvin G. Kurnler has charge came in contact atd the hope i11g concert. and recital!-? Be of arrangements which fact a - was expressed by oany that at 199-201 SOUTH HIGH ST. citizen Phone 3720 ye haythen? sures the success of the occasion. no di tant date he L1ioht return. J.Special Ratesto Students~ It i hoped a large number of THE FORUM Back to Europe. Miami Valley students will atCrist Sorensen, who returned to tend. his home in Denmark last year Editorials by OtterbeinReOpen Session. after 10 year absence will go to view Readers. The N w Franklin The Cleiorhet.ean and Philale- Europe again this fall and remain The American people consume thean open se ions Thursday for a year traveling in Germany Printing six times as much tobacco per evening- were perfectly rendered. and France. capita as Europeans. fore than Such artistic programs rightfully He gives a lect4re at Cond't Company that it seems to be the opinion place these societies as equal to the middle of April upon Danthal "you can't be a college the best. COLUMBUS, °'NO. 65 East.Gay St. ish manners and customs. Character after "taps."
is what
THE LEADER f AM THESTATE ...............................................
his great effort and Mrs. F. ;. f Resler, who as accompanist played \ ith ease and beauty. I WAS THE BASIS OF DR. COLE·/ DEBATERS CHOSEN.
..For ..
HouseDecorating -I SpiritedPreli_m}naries Decide Practical Talks Upon Questions Otterhem s Team. aud Draperies Fourof Social Ethics Please Students fter months of hard work and Professors Alike The
• · • J' D PhIIJPS ,eCOfat Ing-
11pon the debate "Resolved, That the . S. should have an income tax, constitutionally granted," the debaters were cl~osen Wednesday evening in a heated preliminary. The judges, President Clippmger, Prof. Edna Moore and Dr. J. .l\1. Coleman announced their choice as follows: S. W. Bilsing, F. G. Ketner, B. F. Richer, S.S. De Vaux, T. C. Harper, A. S: Keister; alternates, G. C. Meuthersbaugh; J. 0. Cox. The date will probably be April I.
That psychology and chr,stianity dominate each individual 44 N. High St. OHIO life was clearly developed by Dr. COlUMUS, ]. M. Coleman of Mercer, Pennsylvania who gave four lectures upon problem 10 Social Ethics last week. Our beautiful white and "The State is myself,'' said colored Spring Waisting have arrived. Also Dr. Coleman, "government is but Shirtwaists in beautiful the expression of my el for mind.' patterns are inviting Likewise the church and governyour inspedion at to the individual ment revert The Old Reliable who is influenced by the social whole. "The State," "The State and SEASON'SREVIEW. . Latest Designs Government," "The Church and Shades and State," and "Church and Gov- OtterbeinWins7 Out of Colors In ernment" proved lectures of Games.
We HaveIt...
Snappy Suits .................................... and.Topcoats
Scofield Store
~ I• 1 1 I.• rt
Iable va·ue to man
r Y
,/, T Jl
Next to Po offlce
PEOIAL-We have aoded aoolber excellent line of chocolates to our confectionery department. Did you notice
Easter Candies
. for Spring now ready
For Review readers we give a summary of the I.Ja::.kctball ,,c,rnon. ders's recitation room. Lack of space prevents a comI Dr. Coleman' charge is in plete report. Mercer, Pa., and about half I umber of games won, 7; lost his time this year is being spent · 4. Total po111ts won, 390; oppodelivering lectures to students. nents 274 . Local floor, 270; opHe is the au~hor of a work en- ponents, 91. Foreign floor, 120; titled Social Ethics from which opponents 183. these lectures were taken. The Players.
For Goo d T h ln. -Go
J. W. MARKLEY GeneralStore
BOOKMAN upplie
you w,th
Fine Miliinery MRS.
V. C. UTLEY Stale Street
for your
those who heard this eacI1 day iu Dr. San-
cert TuesdayEvening.
we have the best coat makers in Columbus.
Franklin Tailoring-co. 20 West Spring St.
Columbus. 0.
Sanders, R-. F., secured 5 1 basPERFECTHARMONY kets and 40 fouls; opponents 13. Easter Perfumes Young, L. F., 52 baskets, 23 Easter NoveltiesCharacterizedGleeClubCon-fouls; opponents 20 baskets. ... at...
Cornetet, C., 1(1 baskets; vVhat is termed by a Dayton nents, 28. newspaper the one big- musical Warner, R. G. and L. event of the year, was the first baskets, 7 foul ; opponents annual concert given by the Cook, L. G., 3 baskets; Otterbein Glee club Tuesday ne11ts 18. evening in cliapel. Bailey, R. G., 6 baskets;
Chlttenden Hotel Building
oppoF., 25 19.
oppo• oppo-
Students this-owing to the largeread numberofstudeotsthatarejoiningmy club each day. I have, for their convenience, had printed a combination licht. Price 50c and $1.00
21 Lunch Meal Tickets The harmony, technique, vol- nents 3· " ume, in their completene s demLambert, _c:,7; opp~nen.~s, .~: 21 1
_ 50 53 $2.50
onstrated that Director F. J. Men rece1vmg Varstty Os Drop.In and ask our Mr. Flinn about it. Resler had drilled his voices a nd halves playee: 'a nd ers, 21 ; well. All numbers were given Warner, 20 ; Young, 18; Cook, -a- - -,-, - - t'-=:._~-_-..;...... _____ _ 0 11 0 111 . d r . 1. • 17· Cornetet, 16. wtth perfect ease an 1am1 tanty. ' . B . . ,ve cannot do otherwise bnt )Credllt hdou1d ble ,given dal1eAy, w 10 p aye 10 1a ves, an • . highly commend each member Lambert, 6. of the Glee club, the oloists, Second team men who made S tnnger, · We al wave hHVt! the HE 1' ar,rl alwaye Fred L. edderme)·er, who ren- first team poss1"ble: E · H II C b L Freeh , nppiy of MPet11, Wieriere ~nd dered some delightful violin Fouts ss!g,_ a ' ros y,. utz, Oooked Meets Evnvtldn1r np-to date. . · W . 1 d h Foltz, \Ve1bhng, Locke, D1tmer, T. BURNSIDE., PROP. solos; Miss fary e1n an , "'. o Metzger. sang as beautifully as she alone The team of 19t0 was probably Succesor to can sing; Prof. F. J. Resler, for the best in Otterbein's history. THOMPSON BROS.
CollegeAvenue eat Market
\\ alter Bailey-"Why do you ask that?" Willy-"Why she said last night she would give ten dollars to know and I need it. Own up and I will ~ive you half." Warner -"Why does Hemminger like to go to church so well." Wenger-"Because he enjoys his pew (Pugh)." Briner in Freshman meet•ng"How many here play orchestral instruments." Brane-"l play second fiddle."
ho will give a Lecture Recital March 30 on Riley.
Locals i\I a e de r-"1 am a spring chicken. \Vells-''You mean a sprung chicken." A lady h<'r name wa \liss Leezer, w:1ich rhymes ,·ery well with "he squeeze her" There is no deceit A young fellow named Pete Ki scd her once, ki sed her twice just
teeze her.
:\Ii·s Cook-"I wonder why there i. n't a woman in the moon." Druhot-"T here is-in the honey moon." i\lis Cook-"Oh you mustn't talk that way. You have three years yet ir. school._" Ietzger -"Prof. can you extract the q are root of infinity." Prof.-"Yes, if you can catch it."
I always try Keister-'' to of p r o fi t by the mistakes other . " l\Ii s Karg-"! used to get weary of--because he never seemed to know when to go home." Kei ter-"i\ly, I didn't know it wa o late. Good night." Rice-". Ii sJonPs, I-er-hem!" Miss Jones-•~Do you? How nice! Wouldn't you like to join our sewing clas ?" :\Ir. Locke (in German)-"Miss Guitner, what killed Faust?" Mis Guitner-"\Vant of breath, perhap ." Willy, who was temporarily entertaining Bailey at Columbus"Walter, do you love sister?"
Don't Forget ... As Spring approaches you will need a new uit. Now is the time to make your selection from our advanced styles which are arriving daily.
ColumbusTailoring Co. F. G. RICHTER 149 N. High St.
Shumaker-"What did you say Warner?" Ira Warner-''Shakespeare never repeats." Shumaker-' 'How's that." Ira Warner-' •Sh a k esp ear e never repeats."
Offlce-KEEl"ER'S DRUG STORE Phones-Citizen 27, Bell 177-R.
flliss Staub reading to Foltz at Dorm last Saturday evening" We both need each other."
Offersattractive appointments for summer and permanent ""ork.
L. E. MYERS, Eastern Manager
Bridem,tein-" Well, Muskopf, Ketner coughing while making hurry up with what you are say- a speech in chapel-' •I choked on ing we'll 1-1-1-love th-th-the-thsomebody else's speech." th-tho't." Prospective student-"How are Zuerner-' 'Prof. did you s1y the faculty here? Do they usualwe should use five hundred words ly a.llow you to have what you in our productions." want?" Prof. Evans-" o, that is for Brooks-"Yes, but we have to my kindergarten class-the Fresh- change our minds quite often." man class." Wenger-"! pay fifty cents for Dr. Sherrick-"Mr. Dean and a hair cut." Mi s Essig are both absent I beDick-"That is pretty expenlieve." sive, isn't it? Ten cents a hair. will not require Prof. Kiehl-"! Emmitt-' 'The doctor says a you to write any more this week, brisk walk before going to bed but you can spend the rest of the will insure sleep to insomna suftime in looki~g up points." ferers like my elf." Thomp on-"Essig let's Mrs. Emmitt-"W ell, I will go clear the room so you can walk. fi bing at Centerburg." Croghan-"Essig can catch Please carry the baby with you." them there in his arms.,, A commuter hurried into a hardware store on his way to the train Bailey-- "Who is it?" one frosty night. "Here" he Druhot--"Cook had been it called to the c!erk, ''I've got only (Bennett). I want a porn a few minutes. r ew boy-"Want to buy a copper." magazine? Lots of good stories. , , A what?" asked the clerk. 1\1. L. Hartman-"You say "A pork conner." they are love stories? All right, '•Oh! you mean a corn let me have two." per."
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" ro I don't mean a pon copChanning Wagner-"! at one per, you bone head, but it is too time adored the spoon, but now I late now, here' my train." wor hip Bale." Silly donkey," murmured the l\Tiss Staub in art department clerk after he had gone, ''couldn't tearing up a piece of unfi_nished ay pop corner." work-"! don't sec how anyone in love can work." Poor girlDo you subscribe for the Review? lf not, why not? and so young.
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