Otterbein Review Feb 26, 1912

Page 1



0. U.

Eighty Churches Learn of Higher Education from Special Speakers.








26. 1912. DEBATE

Prof. and Mrs. Resler Open Their Otterbein's Teams Home to the Jolly Songsters. j With Columbus

No. 22 GOOD

0. S. U.


Religious Meetings Attended-Splendid

To Practice Debaters.

SHOWN Being Well Addresses.

You may have often heard that tterbein niversity and her J t i · now an a sured £act that The enthusiasm shown both by w I l i11 hi her educaCon wa .a to be_ n time at anything at Ot-; tl e ,·ar ity debaters will meet student-. and townspeople at tlte theme d. cu ;;ed in ab ut eighty terbe111 ycu mu t be about ten the two teams from hio State re\'ivals now being concl11rtcd by huri.:hes ye ter- ~1inute· late. This doesn't apply /on r;r.iday and ~alurday evenings. Re,·. S. F. Daugherty nited Brethren is good da . February 2, ha - been et 111 the lea t to the Glee club boys, The contests will be practice de- pn cf of their who· esomeness. The a idea tterb-in Day in the con- for the fine impos.:!d for tardi- j bates and no deci. ion will be ren- leaders are well sJtis.fied with the f rence by the B ard of Educa- ne · and ab ·ence thi · year were clered. · wr rk being- clone and feel that ti Q f the . U. church. n thi en ti rely re pon ible for the j l~he Sta Le tea ms ari. nuw in th~ g-ood accompl ishcd will be I day the gc d work d.)ne and the 1vyster supper that the Club had their pr,me and should give 0. U. las1ing-. In spite of the unfa,·or1 uro- nt needs_ f the niversity I last Tue. clay evening. a very go(,d try-out. Their able weather the services have wer di cu cl. pecial speakers \n e,•e.1ing of contin~tal jollitylaffrmati, lam meet frd;ana'· been well attended. A short sum1 Ly the col'.ege wa · enj yed by the lub from 8 negative team al Columbus on mary of each address is here givwhen a·kecl for a:id s_veral tu- tJ 12 at Prof. Re !er' home. Just,:-Iarch 13,nd at the same time en. 1 Monday. dent- a1:d 1~1ember- of the faculty Ia ·core were ea_:ed at th~;J th~ , ne~_:itive. team debates llliome of the I ~venteen boys. !other, Dad 1101 · afhr111at1,,e team at ham- Sin and Its Meaning. 1 J no.3: 4; wer vo un,eer . peaker were: Fifth venue and .. Dec," ma kin a ,up the num- 11 paig-11. !!I. Thev ha,·e suffered James 4: 17. hurch, olumbus, Pr f. . E. ber. 1t w uld not take long to I the " loss f one - f their be. t deI The . f . l . rnet t; livet church, Dayton, number the courses .erved; how- baters, Elwood Holman, on of meaning O Sin: t is Ir. Learish; Fairvie ,v· church, Ie1·er, it would require some time I the two old men left on the team. trans_:.,ression of law, unrio-hteJ a ton, Mr. Huber; Belmont to determine how ma y times I The tate men however are uu -ness, knowing how to do good t- and not clr-ing it, lack of faith, chur h, Dayton ,Mr. Roop; Dun- certain members were helped to I ready for their meets while kirk, Mr. ook; Junction ity, their favorite di he . If coffee i tcrbein ha about -ix weeks till th e fruit of lu st , and the sting of Mr. el on; e t Manche ter, tend to pr duce nightmare, ure-1 their contests c me off and O death. Sin literally means a failR, op; \i ellston. Mr. Phin- ly a drove of uch steeds vi ited \ (continued on page three.) ing to hit the mark. It is any Jones; the village la t Tue day night, ________ t,·.:,nsgression nf nr w::int nf rnnney; al ion, Dr. h ill and Findlay, Mr. Yabe. however none cou!q be blamed Cows a New Subject. formity to the will of God. Therere . lippinger poke at j f...r taking o much of the beverTom Dempsey, a noted tock- f re, wherever it is found, wheth1 Jchn town Pa., makino- an ad- age for it wa cl Iicious. Every- n an liv;ng south of town, is the er 111 the life of a Chri tian disdre ' at th Fir t c_hurch in the Ithin..; tast d g d and was so d.onur of new prizes for the art ciple or the ungcdly it has the I m rt~ing, be!ore the Federated heartd~ pa1:taken of that the fi1:al ~tudio. i\~r. Demp_s_iy has offered sam_e effect, ;a~tsing 1_1s to fall 'Ien club- m the afternoon and pun-pkm pte brou ht forth cries r,ums of • 10 and , ;:, f r the fir t shrn t of Gods ideal fot us. at Park venue church in the of mercy a it was brought on. j and second best oil paintings of . in separ~tes us from God, v nino·. fany alumni spoke Tlie clul is very grateful to l\1rs. o. e of his tl:oroughbred .Iersey b. tngs phy teal and mo_ral debefore c ngregation. not supplied ~esler for the careful planning cows. He is an old Otter:)ein Igeneracy and bondage, and has with tudent peaker . of the upper and to both Mr. man and one of her former star Ias its ultimate wage, "death." lcuntinu don page three.) and Mrs. He_ler for the delightful I in athletics. For ·e,·eraJ year he Tuesday. Ihas been e~tensi,·ely e_ngag~d in Does evening·. r fl:er upper the time was s~ ck dealing and 1s widely Our Religion Work? Big Additions Made. 4 19 The colleae library i making ~pent-in telling tories and in/ k_nown ?ver the Middle \Vest. Phil. : · many valuable adrlition to the inging. Some of the mu ic 1 l'.e pnzes are generous and Mani- a wor;;hipping being. :-ro he! e and the ·e book are now u ed two years ago was brought I1 bnng forth hear_ty thanks from tribe or people have ever been . art enthusiasts. found anywhere without some on the di play h If: Di tionary out and "The v inter Song" re- I 0. -------form of religion. Any religion isf the Bible ( ol.), Ha tings; ceived a most hearty reception I Engli h Literature, (4 ol.), Gar- for singing it eemed only giving I Sophomores Will Banquet. better than no religion. There is nett and Gro e; Educati n for e.;pres ion to the general good' At a recent meeting of the g od in all religion . In reEfficienc_r, Dav nport; Light of feeling prevalent. Here the I Soi homore class. the date of the ligion as well as along the World, Speer; n1...rican baritone shone, for out of the Iannual eni r-Sophomore ban- 1other 2in~s. w~ sh~uld seek the Poul tr ultur , ando; rgu- five charter members of the club! quet was set fer \i\Tedne day best. Chrtst1an1ty I recognized mentation and Debating, Fo ter; in the pre ent organization, three I evening, pril 17. In keeping a superior to all other religions. Dictionary of on temporary Quo- are baritones. The five old mem-l with the custom of preceeding It is superior in its founder and tation ; Jory that was Greece, bers are Rogers, Curts, Hana-II years thi event ':il_I be held in in it. abi!ity to n:eet. th~ needs of tobart; Teaching of Geometry -wait, Foltz and Peck. the parlor and d1nmg room of I man. J t 1 - superior 1111t power mith; 'Iemorial Day, chauffler; The boys are all proud ofjCochran Hall. The ocial com-,to transform and uplife the incliLatin and Greek in merkan "Daddy," "Mother" and "Doc,"/ mittee is in charge of the entire vidual and society. It gives what • ducati n Kelsey; Crime and and the club is fortunate in hav- affair, and plan are already being? promise -pardon for the past, Do t ieff ky · Hou e ing such experienced leaders as j made which will insure the com- g_i:ce for the present and glory (continued on page three.) toieff ky. (continued on page three) plete success of the banquet. 1














Played End on the Same Carlisle Last Game of Season Comes on Team as Exendine. I Friday. End Ru h ardner who played ; Otterbein students will have a Bandeen L F Buckingliam Converse L F Ul . on t 11e same ·ar isle team that I nch \I E ct· · · Converse j Bandeen en me captain d, may b g d opp r t uni.t y t o come ou t Gammill R F D'Arcy' Gammill RF B h the next football c ach at tler- 1Friday afternoon and how their e ney l . P ·ct L l f I Campbell C Bollinger Campbell C S • )etn. rcSI ent am.) rt i 1 e Iloyality 1y n, trng f r the tan m1th tt 1 . \ h" . . . Hall R G Smith Cook L G H. Barnhardt er em · l !~tic . a. -~ciati. 11 and ardinal which has gone Converse, Cook L G Goode I Hall R G F. Barnhardt tha _hel~nJon aln 1,n,·ed·tJo-,tt1l n tnp JId ,Yn in the du, t f defeat ·o the • o ar 1s ::c 1 an 1 t 1e per- , . 1 Summary: Goals-Buckingham Summary: Goals-Ulrich 2, s nal r con,.mendation of Exeo~ I last fwe 0 ames. 3, D'Arcy 5, Bollinger 2, Smith 2, Behney 4, Smith 7, R. Barnhardt <line, him-;elf. Gard 11er i bein ur boy- are ··mad" about Gammill, Bandeen, Converse. 7, F. Barnhardt 5, Campbell 2, '·outrht J f at pr . ent li,·e in those two gam _ aturday and Fouh:-Campbell 7, D'Arcy. I Bandeen. Fouls-Campbell 9, f~ ui ,·ill E y., ·wher he ha pr pose tu. def~at 111cinnati o ln one of the lowest ,rame I Behney 3, H. Barnhardt 3. beeu c a hino·. The eff rt to badly that it will o,·er-hadow all the •ea 011 11 ·d II i aturda) t s• ure 'JJrien or Thorpe l1a, j their own d feat . It will le a \~ . 1 1 . .s 't ·\\" e; e : rg.danf a.dyfP .. ·tFi·ndla·ya lrln, karlitlyl been disc ntinued. \ definite an- ·ame for blo d fr th down''JC 111n a est rn 11e, e eate ·• < e e 111 Ja ·eua ~ . n tJ, 1 tt _ fi . Tl.11 . jnuun ·ement a t the hirin<>· f 1 tat 1 y al· ha,·e fi,·e defeat the\ ax tty by the ·core f ·•?lo • ~ e_ . 1.s 1 a ·a1d1 r, ill b •ec~ir din a f w t their discr <lit. tlerbein has . . . team ·wluch 1, with ut d ubt one 13 la t Foday evenmo-: The 1 f ti f f t1 day . the added in entive of aven ing 1 a ·te t . 1e tate and wa. charact rized _ by playino- u their wn floor made Exendine at .state? the defeat in foocba.11 at mc111r •~1g-hn- th u ,h th r 1eree th.em doubly tr no-. Th teamThe lumbu, 1 pat h print nati la t fall. .,,::-~..::::,.__ fa tied tu call manv bf the t u fre- l ,. i·k f F'ndl · ;ach and r not r ino- to · 1 av was ti, fine ·f th f 'I wing on Ft.:! . -22: q"1ent f uls. The I la,· durin!., the 1d'si)'a ·ed 1 , an,· .-\11,ert Exendin i · a receptive . lop teachin, 1: y ungsters • ' 1 • <, _, , ; p J one n t n f L. . first half \\as clts."., l-le1delherg tLrbein tl1 ;. d .· candidate for the position of foot- ba·I etbail and he can be depend. _ , s ) ea 1. an . unp 1y C(,n,~g- three held b~skeb tu Ot- \ c,,uld not be broken up. Kn wl- 1)a 11coach in case I Tarry aughn ed up n to ha, e hi "cripple·'' terbem s two and a lciul. . t the edu-e i the floor enabled them t is n~t returned t tie po·ition he 111:t~ret~1or ughly organiz d f r begi111i ~ of tie :c nd ha1fJ1 _w- a;e the 1 all time and agai~ ment· for another year. ,\n Ot- h·1d~y" game. ome oul and 1 ever, ietd er came ack wi~h: 11 !di:n Yar-ity t a very I w terl ein man i autht rit for the Icrin them a rou 'mg good sendr:newe? en rgy an~ u:ceeded ltl · c re. _Thi i by far the w r .t ·taternent that th f rmer oach tT. d1 tan mg th.e ar ty rn the fir t defeat of the ea n but the team f in tituti n w u1d lil·e to few ~ute' of play. The clever-! h uld not be discourao-ed by it tak up the work here and tudy Jones 17,-Bailey 17. of la at the uni ersity at the ame [n a 11 ti t 11t t d J'l tlle fi If f th fl t t •. r ~ re' ec o-rea b~t should make a o-reat effort to ' Y e · e o-arne er cbt n the tht ee ve1:eran of wm the o-ame of thi week with time. ________ i ba ketball aturday m ming, the the team a tterbe:n wa greatly 'Cincinnati Univer ity. , one club tied the Bailey club handicapped by the lo· of left ________ Purdue 24-Minnesota 12. . by a c re f 17 to 17. Both team 1 forward Fout and aptain Dean Purdue' ba ketball five atur- were frequent foul maker . but () k. There j but little doubt Oberlin 26-Reserve 19. day night defeated the niver- had it 11 t been f i: a member f tt rbein had been able to berlin defeated v\ e tern Re- · ity of Minnesota team, 24 to 12, Ja-t year' var ity team p!aying entire veteran team the ~r e 26 to 19 io the poorest game leaving Purdue a record of no de- with the Bailey club they pr be re w uld have been different. thi ea on. berlin returned feat thi ea on. ably would have uffered defeat. Campb 11 a u ual ucceeded in 'from their Ea tern trip W ednesThe bio- feature of tl1e game dribblino- ring around hi oppo- day and had had only one practice Cornell Defeats Navy. I wa ti e wrangling of the J ne nent , hile Gammill and Hall before the game. The na y wre tling team met I boys. One little Jone ite with a br ke up many of Heidelber ' -------it fir t defeat of the season at 1ather fluent line of talk was gobid for field goals. For HeidelRecord Shot-put. nnapoli aturday at the hand ing t wipe up the floor with I berg Buckina-ham and D'Arcy I On Feb. 24 Ralph Ro e put the of t1'1eCornell team, who won referee Mo es but, a Freshman 1 played tellar game . , ·hot ~ feet and two inche . four out of even touts cheduled. often do. he changed l:is mind. Heidelberg Hangs

Comes Back and Up Score 25-13.

Fast Bunch at Findlay Smothers I Our Cripples 56-to 15.













Otterbein College Gym.



THE • :,(•


~~--: .














·:.. :=



from page one)

f r the future. hri tianity 0 reli i n that w rk . Try it.



I High Street Tailors f

will make Lt u mak our next uit, Wednesday. Faith. Heb. 11: 1-6. it st Ii h. The principle of faith i the . an e in reliaion a in bu ine s, ience etc. Faith connect the finite with the infinit and gives 1 ,;}:,e~ ~~ ~ .. Per cent. count to Student ub tance to the thing we hope 1 ; f r making them r al in our live . I T the eeker after truth there i no lack of evid nee t ati fy 1 the mo t keptical. The Bible, hri t. the hurch and hri tian experience are fact of uch treWILL DEBATE 0. S. U. m~ndou - power that when hone tly and delib rately con idered (continued from page one.) COPYIIGHT ·' I they cannot but in pir in u faith &,/c:,:-:; ..){ff,.i,,"·,yoLu ROCHUTF. , ha,.-e much preparation yet to in hri tianity. make. Yet our buy. are crapper Come in olicited. Yonr trade Thursday. and will give them a rrcod and ee what we have. Out of the heart are the issues of ment. life. Prov. 4 : 23. Girls' Debate. As a man thinketh in his heart so The pr liminary for the irl ' is he. Prov. 23: 7. debates were held thi afternoon Out of the abundance of his at 2:30 in the college chapel. The -------------ThP ·' ,ollege hop' i heart his mouth speaketh. ten young women who were conagain io bloom with sea on Try te tant were: The 11i e ParLuke 6: 45. fre he t idea m Youno. on , Gri e. Blanche and Beie ! I re ident lippinger preached Men· Clothe for pring. 1 hursday evening. Keck. ook Karg, nyder, Grin-1 the sermon on Q plendid new woolen , dell, Bale and roth. The judge • The talk wa a trong ne. Hi m2 terful tailoring and faulthearer were e pecially impre s- were Profe . or Heitman, "'.\'.Ioore fa hions di tingui h le ed hy the beautiful illu trations and herrick. for the b st meats on the th ~m from the rank and file. used. One enjoy a keen . en e GLEE CLUB BANQUETS Friday. market. of dre.· - fitne ·s 111 such The Call of God to Us. Is. 6. clothes. They impart a di I C. d's first call i to the new (<:ontinue<l from page one) tinct per cnalit_v that giYes j life. to return frorp our wander- are Prof. and :\Ir-. Re ler. The a man the elf-as t:rance ;:1gs. to come to Him. · names by which they are known that gets men ahead in social Tv the lhristian lli, call i to i,dicate the re'ation they bear Read and busi·:ess acti,·itie put "first things first," ~0 take to the club. ·1hey take great inTh~ pr\ces are ad,·ance ground, to come into terest in mak;ng each meeting a posse·sion of His best fot us. Tt time of pleasure as well a a time is_a cal! moreO\·e.~ _to defini~e er-1 of profit. ']~hey a:e enth 1sia tic, For the Local News of WesIn every way "Collerre \'JCe. lt the_ re\ 1' al doe not j and enthu-;1asm In uch \\'Ork terville and Vicinity. hop" mea ure up to lead us to discover and enter into counts much. "Doc" has grown your ideal of to order o-arCc d's plan for our life more fully out of his place a. a sort of ma ments at double the cost. it ha. failed of one uf it great cot of the c·ub. but he till holds entertain the '·old boy " at May we not expect you t purposes. a membership ticket and we hope alumni meetings in the future. look thrcugh the line. -that he aspires to become a full The idea originated with Presifledged member s •me day. CHURCHES BOOST 0. u. dent \\'elch. But now hnys. let us rememThe plan i certainly an excel( contint1ed from page one) ·,erthat"g-ratefu "is the word we lent nnc and worthy of coming


$25.00 : $27.50: $30.00 10


166 North High, Columbus, Ohio


IGroceries, Vegetables


and Candy

- '*trtJJ:t, ·


TbeUpliftingInfluence of Proper Apparel





East College A venue.


$15, 3'20and $25 I I


1•1!lt:n1 COLUMBUS, OHIO.

0. U. Special WITH

Fresh Straw berries AT


~--u(h i-; c •!;ected from these m-:etings. bl,th financially and in \\'ay of ad·,erti ·in". ,\II funds ;;a1 he red from col!ecti,m-; on this day will he turned into the genera! education fund of the church and then be giYen to the Univer-;it_y. This is a new plan and will save the college olicitor much extra ,,·ark. In thi: way the a111m111tof contributions will not he made known for ome time.

have used-,,·e are not merely thankful fc,r past favors but will pitch in and wnrk hard for the -,ucce ~ of the coming concert I and thus show our gratitude. "A nng ter."

from the head of an Otterbein man. Regardles of this deficiency we might adopt the novelty and gi,·e our loyal alumni some.thing like this. "'Our Alma :\later' sung by Prof. F. J. Resler for the Otterbein Phonograph Record Their Yells. Co." Thi. is a chance for our physics Over at Ohio "'e leyan they profe,:.sor to shine with his elecarc securing phonograph record I tric appliances. Let's turn the -of their yell and ong . Thi "canned" loyalty \\'ill be used to "lab.'' into a wax record factory.






'J'll" ()lte,l)t·.1·11 l)ev·,,.,u ingathomeacon Lage, and thu

' CLUB TALK faculty. The neA.t year the fifiderableadvan-; -. teenth member j selected fr m deci ions are not 1 • always rendered merit. Dear Editor: the senior cla s and any ther 011 real r\s the ycc,rs pas the student \'acancy filled. If a m ~ber Published weekly during the College This mo\'ement will be watched th year by e feel· the emY,ith much interest and if inter- bc,dy of Otterbein h u:d fall below the requireOTTERBfJg ~5~~EAtJUBLISHc.illegiat oratory and debating ji_arras ing laxity in social train- men~s the ch'.b i- notified and he 1 Westerville, Ohio. are affected by it the same rule •~ng._ ;1~en an.d wumen lea\'e our i., ~1ven n t1ce to bru h u_p or 1 1 , . _ _ will ooner or later be applied 111st.1tu.t1on 1nth a. "':ell found_ed re 1gn. Of our e the latter rareI c. R. Layton, 13, .. ~d1tor-m-Ch1ef It l athletics because "rootino-" is I nas1s 111 the maJonty of life ly happens. ' • • "':. , l· . 1 ·-1 11.,. 1·£ d . J I fi d · d c. v. Roop, '13,. Business Manager! l < F. E.Williums,'14, .....Assbtnnt ltn1wr 111 r pronounced thi activity p1c1s~sw11c1~0 c,:-,e.1e eve op lhe )ene t e11ve are i:nany 111 Associate Editors than in anv other. es, but there ts one phase of the a ,h~se men are alway highly L .. \1. Troxell, •1~•····················· thLoc~tl. , refined. cultured chi,·alry of the/ 1espected by the faculty and tuD. A,~,13a I!, · · · · A\l lctic, j twentieth century that ha been dents ' are often invit d t attend 1·n,, 1~, J{. ·v. 5 m1t1, • • · · ' umna Are You An Anarchist? neglected. the meetings f the faculty club R. E. Penick, 13, ................. Exchange Assistants, Business Dept. j ~ t is eas~, to c~ll- a man a Ita.r. There is nut one form of recrea- and all assi tant in clas ro m, R. L. Drl!hot, '13, 1st A~,.·t Bus. Mgr.! It 1s s metune, dtfhcult to refrarn ti n more inl'igorating whole- laboratory and he pita] are ch J. R. Pansh, '14, 2d As~ t Bus. Mgr.! from answ rino· with a blow · 1 d f ] 1 · J 1 · b · E.L.8aul,'l<+, ...... :-,ul,,.,-ri1•·io11Agentl~·. · ,..,. . ·1some .. oca an o suc1p1y,1ca enfromam(,ngt1e1rme1u e1. 111 R. L. Bierly, ·1 ........ ,~,,·t :--.nb. Agl'nt l:.1ther may be JU ttfiable fr jvalt:e a a clean, pri1·at dance. w a club si1 ilar to thi -- all---·commu111cat1ons . . . • the standJ)oint . f .the individual.. I tl er b e111 · •.an d s al 011e, IJI-a cti·cal- Cl,U ld as1 -·1y J)e 01 -ganize · d at tAddress t~ Edt-1 . 1 · a st rong 111- 1ly. in the state in debarring thi terbei and we could have leader tor Otterbein Review, Wcstcrv1lle, 0.;~elf presen-ation 1 ,s .inct whate\'er be its f rm. But from her rx1·eatic.,n . on ~quent- or captains in ~he clas room a Sub niption Price, $LOO l'cr Year,' ll"e are Jivin".,., in the mid . f I1er t u d en t s see< . I ti 1e well a. n tl1 atl,,.et1·c fie!d 1· payable in advance. I . t of a IIl y many . c.,mplex society and oc1ety mu t, pleasurable and profitable recrea- gymnasium. e!sewhere. \Vesterville is our Kappa hapter hi Beta Entered as hc-cond-cl~ss matter Oct. ha1·e s me regulation out ide of ti 11 18, l\JO!J, at the postoHice at WesterI · I · u- · • 1 ville, O., under Act of March 3, 1879. t 1at w 111c 1 pits man a,:,ain st man. col!ege town and why not keep w uld I e all right, but in a h ol f that regula- her society life her2, and unify where there i a ban on reek . Law i the form How About It? tion and thus will be respecte~ by sp·1 it? You can nearly alway letter frat rniti the name One of the stock arguments of each true member of society. pick< ut the young man or w man might cause much opp ition those fa,·orino· co:le re fratcrnitie Absolute i nd i,·iduali 111 served who has e,·p rienced the nice am.,ng facul.y member and trn main-: well in primitive age, but now d·sti1•ctions of ourte ies, real t e a:thc.uoh it i by n mean a is that such organizafons 2 th an g~nt'en !ss and tain a high standard of sch Jar-, is nothing more nor le grace gained "frat." shi1 among their members. The anarchy. oil R~ I -Opie surely thr ugh dancing. D we ver hear Thi k .it over and 1 of a progre~ 1ve in- ll'ay can not be plann d o Htght to do th eir part towa rd an alumnu contention is that the indi,·idual re .ect with any dis- !'tudent with ability will be·r members of the fraternity will ; e st abli hing th e rule of rea on 111 . titution stri1·e hard Lu do er ~di table class- preference to th e rule of force. pl a ure on the happy h ur spent nized hile in col le e. D II at class proms and dances? wait until he graduate , but room v, 01 k and also encourage th ir fclluw-members to do like- 1 In the Running. \\·e can make evil ut of church him the redit and hon r h in de- going or anything eLe a well as serve whi e t;II an undergradu1-.·ise in <,rder tha.t credit I .-\re colleg·e graduates r~flected on th_1r . organ1zauon. mand as sen·ants of the peopl in of dancing. Let us be optimi tic ate. This wou1d l:e an incenti e Ca. es ha\'c been cited of tho e public life? This is an interesting and behind in our tl~ought, an.d It) many and th re would be mu~ benefits of this Jation in the cla room that ha,·ing done 1·ery p, or work out- question fnr the s'udent becau e :,ee the happy side uf a frat rnity ll'ho impro,·ed it is often alleged that the mas. social activitf. It is a n 2w sug- would bring honor and gl ry to 11"rnicl~rfu!ly a!t :r becoming fra- d the American people prefer the gestion and I hope the preacher •Id ·tterbein. aPd loi:ricaJ in ternily - men. This i~ 1·ery c 111- practical ··self made'' man rather will be m_ditativ ~ we.1dab!e a1;d s.··:eaks well for f hi-; answering·. than the ··theoretical" product o ""onsistency Thou Art a Jewel/ J . . these or,eanization;;. \\'hv cannot . Dear Editor: ., CLJllege education. t 1s 1ntere ·tOttcrb(?in h,i 1·e the same adnrnt- ing to note that the f our men w I10 Premium on Scholarship. Rev. Herbert Bi low 0 a!!·;-? \\·e do not ne:d frateril:tie., . . •d Dear Editor: dent of the on titution1l ~ are bemg most serous 1y cons1 erto rc~ei1 e tLis b.:n~fit. howe1·er. ed to fill the greate.,;t office in pow\\"hy is it that the faculty and venti n f 11·0, leading advo Our liter~ry socie:ies wi!l sen·e er of the nation to bestow are col- :-tucLnt at tterbein have ne er f the Jnitiative and R fer ndum, just as 11·ell if their mem')ers wish le,:;e men President Taft is a loyal put a J rc,11iu111 n scholar hip? rr..rn1 t r f the go pel ha pento make it so. \\'ould you do your alumnus of Yale. Roosevelt i a .\t many colleae cholar··hip i · ly and above b ard taken !ti tand with the Brewer al onbest in order to place your literary I faiTard man. \\'oodrow \\Ti!. 011 recoo-nized and when the degree s xietl"· on a hiirh it i mairna cum lis;tc. Diveke per, " l~vel of cholar- was no t o nl v a tudent, 1)Ut a 1so is conferred ~ ship .. \re you doing it? la college pr~fes or and president. laude. cum laud or even honor- and M b. \Vhether h" i cat rin to the ------'Denis)n points with pride to GO\·. a le m2ntion, according to th College Rooting. JI lannon as her jewel. ollege merit of each individual. 1 other liquor intere t , ha been bouo-ht Tl·c members uf the principal men make good pre idents. there are organization to which I off. or whether he i e~kin 1'. debating triangle of .hio. 'll-, _________ only. the tudent . wh att_ai~ a trengthen hi p '.itical ambi1~ges ha,·e starLd an a ~1tat1on ~or I C.:!rta111~la tan~111g a_re el1g1ble. tons we _are una~)le to ay. ~~t a 1 u.on, what they belie,·e will place 111Student Letters. A certau, profes 1 nal chool ha man of h1 landing and p I 1 i, -ue contains a go d an organization called the medi- 1wh0 will '.o p s low a t upt•ercollegiate debating on a higher I Thi Je,·el. Th y sugge. t that no team number of letters from tudent co-chirurgical club. Thi is limit- :-port a propo ition which plac should be I ermitt~d to debate on' anc~ alumni. \Ve are 1· ry alad ed . to fifteen m n~be~ . eight him n the ide of the rew rs I its home floor. but that all for- ,tll see the interest taken in'· lub sen101"', and seven JU1110r.,;.. t j f Ohi who tand for unr trictensic c ntests . hould b held in Talk" and our editorial·. There the cl e of each y ar the eight ed, unregulated and mandat ry . • neutral teritory. lt is c111tended were £eYeral letter that could II en1or mem b er c h oose even I hcen c, lead u to afely I that the spirit a:.d enthusia 111 of not be used thi week which Ifrom the incoming juni r clas clt;de that th re is an in 11 1 an audience give those speak- shall be printed in then~ tis ue .. with the recommendation of the (continued on paae five.) \,


\, 'f




-1 ,










"Consistency Thou Art a Jewel." Engagement Announced. The engagement of Mr. Warren B. Th ma of Latta avenue, Co- tency in hi life that we are unl atherine able to account for. lumbu , and Mi hauck of Dayton, has been anThe teubenville Gazette has nounced. Mr. Thomas is a well- thi • to ay of Mr. Bigelow, 'Mr. kn wn manufacturer of Colum- Bigelow calls himself a minsiter . bus, being connected with the , f God but for year he has trucku!u Baker has been Thoma -Black upply company led to the a'o n interests and I 1 ter , Mrs. · H · M · an d t J1e OJ·110 tate store com- "''hat he ha preached has been a , of Hamilt 11 and pany. Mis hauck i the daughnawkish sociali m instead of the Baker, '06, at Elwood ter of Mrs. nna Miller Shauck ,.-eliflion of Je us 'hrist. There : and the late Pr f. lbert B. i not a more dangerou man in ndr w Timberman made Shauck, of Dayton. Mr. Thoma the tate of hio. If the Demot fa eries of health talks and Liss hauck both have many cratic party of Ohio is to be capdeli, the 6 o'clo~k upper friend in \i\Testerville, Miss ,tained by such peop'.e as Mr. · day at the . M. ·. A. ~hauck having been a student at 13igelow, it might as well have a 1r · i subject wa , "The Otterbein. Their marriage will be beer stamp stuck n it then turn s are." Dr .Timber- an event of thi pring. )\'er the whole bu sine ·s to the man ha made thi branch of Jen k'ms- B a1.1ey. socialists. R anatcmy a pecial study. decorated In the I eautifully '05. Mrs. E. M. ~ndoe and Mrs. parkrs of•the brid~' home in GaAre You BooS t ing? J. L. Bachman were visitors at' hanna Mr. 'vValter R. Bailey, '11., Many alumni were sp~akth h me of Pr f. and Mr . L. W. 1 nf Piqua and Mi ra J nkin , er at th e tterbein Day ervices Sunday, bo s :ing their ttcrb in student, were \i\Tar on unday. a f rmer married Thursday aftern Ima Mater. The graduates . , of 11 at .8 ucyrus , k 'rl of any university con ·titute 11. J e e J . D !Ci< 1 - 'd 6 :30 o c c . L 1e cercn:ony, per. • • . lier be , advert' i,1g med mm. a \\ e, terv1 11e v1 1tor 1• n ay 1 . formed by Rev. Jacobs, wa w1ttur d ay a f ter 11av1110- pent a . If they are en.husia tic con• • • , 1ne :.d by a, few relative - and <lay with . \ . B1lsillg 12, of o- f . d ,r· M'ld d k cerning the old colle 6 e it nen . Ll 1 re oo was d . . l lumbu . r. D 1c wa 11 r 111 t 11 1 .d , 'd d M d quickly cast· abroa t 11e I f lhe tterbein day I Jr_. e mat an r. . oy spirit f the institution and f h I Badey wa be t man. I fus1c was 1 ue o t e funi hed by ii \I\ ard and Mi young people are attracted. l,u yru . d re you alumni all enthusLind nmy r. inner wa;; serve 1 iastic? f B wl;ng· i,11.mediately after the cer.'!mony. end ith ________ , \ Ve set aside a special Ot(; t .\ terbein day but every day of Going to Africa. rs. E. hi . !\'.r. tl1 year should l)e an Ot,. vV., Richey, a '.udent of +3 terbein day. Boost! EveryLeban 1 a·J _y colle;e. addressb:dy, Bocst l IL : . r. · \i · _R. Bailey ed the lun'.e~r Band 1onday wer Vt it r· at th e Batley home, evenino- and made a chapel talk 1 Friday. ln th a~terncon the ,Tue day mornino-. Mr. Richey Art Criticism. home 111 will ail for frica 11 Mar h 13 The f llowin 6 choice extracts c'uple ldt f r their l .qua. to work in the mi "i nary field . from papers prepared by one of B ie Daugherty of I! e wa ordained by Bi hop the Rhet ric c'.asse of the Uni11. n M nday, Feb. 19. ver ity of Michigan show the inta and rof. Vv. L. I Mathews · t own 'iThe oo-entleman i a former ro 111- stima')le value of a colle ay t on were m . 6 e edutrange ! Imate f R. E. Penick. He ha the ca~io~ (_?). They w~r~.~mp'.·~mtu be t w:sh~ of the . student . descr.pl10ns of Du1 1 p1ct~r:; --~---"I n·_o·ht, De;:th, and the Devil. Contest Waged. Pace Cartoons. I 11 hourgla and skull are minor 'Th nited B_rethren church of I E. J. Pace, 'O , who is on leave' details of the picture. 'p },ane_ \l\fashm_ston, under ,th e Id ab ~nee from the mi sionary :·The skull of a lo t oul i at his past r hip f Jayton Judy, o3 , 1 field in the I hilippine I lands, i feet." ha hallenged the church of, now residing in olumbus. The '1 h dog al o bore grave face ." \ al'a \i alla to a friendly conte t.: Reliu·ic u Tele cope s:-cured his' "D ath ac ompanied him on a Th j)tupo i to increa e_attend- service as cartoonist and fr.' fagged ut ho1· e carrying an an e e.o ourage punctuality, a nd , Pace has more than demon trated h urglas ." t-irnu.Jate hri tian giving. The, his fine ability along thi line. "Death . :epped before him and c ;1test i to last from February 4 .. ------;----- pointed to hi h urglas ." nd a for the skull-tl~ough to May 4. Toledo Revivals Close. The churche f Toled . Iowa, de::d, it speak for itself." Jones a Third Termer.. the eat of Leander Clark coll~ge, --··--------Hanby R. .Jones, '9,, is a can- 1 closed. a yery succes. ful revival Go To d·ctate for his econd re-election campaign on Jan. 31. A te,tal of JOHNSON'S FURNITURE as member of the House of Re-, 128 conversions w~s made. The STORE f Ohio. His peti- pastor of the U111ted Brethren For Post Cards and up-to-date pre entative are I eino- circulated and church is Samuel R. ee e. '00, i furniture. ' i also co ]Iege pastor. igned. :· who










Best in the




for the Amateur


Prices Reasonable All




Promptly. We








GOODS, complete


Have you visited our TEACUP DEN in the basement the High


Store, where

we serve light soda fountain


lunches . and products.

I I"




J5c.-2 for 25c. Cluett, Peabody & Co., Makers




Y. M. C. A. Leader Presents Subject in .Able Manner.



---------·--~=-----=:z=..a,,..,,.,.,_.,.. __

of the se ion were spent in earn- l e t prayer. \I larg number of men re- ' sponded in rapid ucce ion with hort talk pertaining to the leader' ubj ct. ot a minute of t:me was lo t. Pre id nt Cook announced the auditina mmittee which i as follows: R. L. Harkin chairman R. E. Penick and I re/ Heitman'.

/Ir. E. . Funkhou er wa charae of a very in Lere ting e i n of the Y. M. C. . Thur day evening. The ubject which the leader cho e a a ba · for hi remarks, " ·onsi tent Li ing" was an tremely applicable one and wa pre ented in an excellent Y. W. C. A. manner. The meeting Tu day night The speaker nicely illu trated \I a. lead by Nettie Lee Roth. The the thou 0 ht .by hawing the necubject wa "Interest m . n_ity_ of con i tent playing in other·s \ elfare.' athletics and consistent work The leader spoke of our live a from a cla S· roo.n standpoint. being example for other . To inEveryone· admire.- the man who fluence other· to do right we mu t doe- teady work in preference to mak~ our live: uch that other the one who ·•. tar ,. ne day and should follow us. Th :n if we wi h "flunk .. the next. In the same to -a\·e others for way it i the c.)n i.,tent friend f rst . ave ours. Ive,_ Thi can be and not the friend of tcday and d th r,. ua 11 prayer a11u -cr, 1 one n Iy t h e enemy o f tomor~ow, whom al1 . I fi . t 11e ·e a 1rea d y nee. . .et u, rst c ean!-e our I10nor. B e-1·cte own hve and then help to clean e · d h . . th h ment1one . t ere 1s t111 ano er . . . ot ers. h p a e w 11ere con 1stency I requlf_____ _ ed, and that i the spiritual pha e. Rockefeller for President. The real, fully developed man A formal suggestion that John should be consi tent from every standpoint. One' promi e to D. Rockefeller be persuaded to beGod should be characterized by come a candidate for president thi ame quality. Inconsistency appears in a Kansas newspaper, is a barrier between God and and i signed by a number of man and also between man and bu iness men. A part of the enman. It ought not be neces ary dorsement follows: "Believing that the interests for one to label him elf a Chri tian, but on the contrary hi life of the people will best be served should be of uch character that by having as chief executive a people may detect the true Christ- man with recognized · business ian pirit from his ordinary e\·ery- capacity. one who, by the manday deed . Ju t as a light-house agement of his own affairs, has with no noise whatever ca ts hown his ability to manage with it beams abroad in the darkness, consummate skill the intricacies o the life of e\·ery man ought in of enormous business enterprise , the same quiet manner, hed its and to get the best returns for the light in guiding others in the money invested, rather than right way. The whole idea of con- by intrusting the reins of govern. sistent living might be summed ment to the hands of political up in the thought that every life, theorists who have never demonin order to be of this desirable strated their ability to do anynature. hould have Christ ruling thing but frighten the people this ccmpletely within. way or that with direful noises, do, without regard to party affliaAdditional Notes. tions suggest as a candidate for The time of the meeting was President of the United States changed from 6 o'clock to 6 :l,j so in 1912 the name of John D. that the men could go directly Rockefeller, and respectively from the Y. 1I. C. A ses ion- to commend our suggestion to the the services in the chapel. sober consideration of the AmeriThe intense intere t and at- can people." tention shown by the fellows throughout the meeting reflect If young- people are seen readmuch credit upon the leader hip ing a book of Browning's love of Mr. Funkhouser. poems, there is nothing· doing; Owing to the abandoning of the but if you catch them with a book cla prayer meetings· for one of house plans, it i time for Dad the eve11-ing,the last few minutes to clear the house out at 10 p. m.

ca._,,_,, __


Eary SpringClothes W l- are now showing a complete line of

SP-RINGSUITS For Young Men at





Colum~us, O.

-Bucher Engraving Company




80 l-2 N. High St.,

Get Samples and Price.

Why not Board at the


Onr Ticket Proposition is 0. K. , STATE TREET. GIVE US A CALL-That's

The New


Method Laundry

Tell H. M. CROCHAN and he'll call for your laundry and deliver it in first-class condition or leave it at Cooper's Shoe Shop.

Watch for the Sign



Over the door of the West Collt:ge avenue Meat Market. the real goods.



American Beauties. Richmond Red, Killiarnev Pink and Fancy White Roses, Violets, Sweet Pt:as, Carnations, etc. Funeral clesighs a specialty.






They handle



Dry Cleaning and Pressing, "The Martlin Agency." PECK


See R. W. Moses



Morrisont s Bookstore is Students' Headquarters for Books, Stationery, 0. U. Jewerly and Current Literature.

. ', REVJEW.



Cold Cream,_


uDadn Hoffman's Notice to Clubs and Boarding Houses .fl you want a BIG discount on Groceries see the


A good place to get Tablets. Box Paper, Envelopes and other Stationery is at DR. KEE.FER'd.

BOSTO IA for me_n, QUALITY and QUEEN The HA NAH for ladies. The Best Shoes found anywhere for and quality.


J. L. McFARLAND Don't risk losing Eave

them repaired





· Ohio State-A Rationalist club, a branch of the ational Young Men· Infidel association, has been organized. A new hio-h school costing $500,000 and accommodating 3000 pupils will be erected on the 1:1niver ity campu .

G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. ...


S{;e M. A. MUSKOPF, _Agt.

B. FROSH & SON, 204 N. High Street

i ~



Opp. Chittenden



The Dunn-Taft Co. NEW JEWELRY NOVEL TIES ur Jewelry Depart nent keep~ ri9"ht up with the time· and we have all the new things almo t a soon as they appec:r in New York. 25c Fancy Hairpins, 2 on card .................. Set with Rhinesto !es. Very new. New Joi anne E 1amel Pins ............... 25c Very late t Earrings .............. 50c to $10.00 Pearl and Rhinest ne Bandeaux ..... $1.2;; to $3.00

The Dunn-Taft Co.


\\"esleyan's afhrmatiYe team dek .ing the Recall lost to ---~'""""'""""""M-11-"'"""'""'"""'M-11-"'"-""'"""""'""'• Mi::11i1iat O:durd, r,hile her negaTHE BEST tivt' ~eam won frum Denison at GET De::· 11·are. Special to all Students at Otterbein. The 1 ew tu dent FoldThe McthLdists will compete er only $3.00 per dozen. A photo ui the best tyle and strictly up in a carniYal given by the First to date. Call at our gallery or see our representatives, Regiment r\ thletic Association of THE OLD RELIABLE Cincinnati on March 1, 1912.


College A venue. Both 'Phones:

to your individual

$20 to $40

Chio--•·The Green and White" puLli he the average percentage h1aC: by the men' ·and women's organization for the last term. As is to be expected, the women hav;: the higher average.

College Ave. Both Phones.


The e clothf! are tailored ment.

The cla s of '11, has furni hed the library with anitary drinkini,; fountains.

Miami-Cne of • liami's debators who cla::;hed with Ohio \ esleya:n. was a bald-h(!aded youngster of forty summers with a wife and four children.



Ober1in-.r lr. Fei Chi Chao, a gi·aduate of the cla of '06, has been appointed a i tant ecretaryof the tate to President un Yat Sen of China.

State street.


All the Late t Novelties in Spring and Summer Woolens for

Cedarville-The Ohio tate Oratorical contest at Cedarville Colleo-e, Feb. 9, for which Pre ident Clippinger acted as judge, resulted in favor of vVoo ter niver ity and Hiram College who won· fir t and econd place respectively.

D~ntal P.)N J?r, . Dental Paste, Fae~ Powder, Toilet Soaps,

C,.se-The senior- electrical student-; are planning a trip to the power plants of the South. Cincinnati. Chattanooga. Atlanta, CharkJtte. \\"ashington and Pittsburg- will be visited.

State and High Streets,

Columh t,s, Ohio.

Columbus Sporting Goods Co. Sportsment s and Athletic Supplies

Lebanon Valley College-The Base Elli management has undertaken a H. L. Smith, M.D. Joh n W • F un k , M.D. l · f h nove ·way to raise money or t e Hours-'}-10 a. m. Goldsmith's Co., Stall Hours-3.30 5:30 p. m. • Th ] . 1- 3 p. m. and by appointcomm~ sea ·on. ey 1ave 111au7- 8 p. m. ment. gurated a Leap Year contest, the l.6 EAST CHESTNUT ST., Both Phones. girls voting on the most popular Old Bank of Westerville Building. iboy ip college. Vote cost one ,cent each or six for five cents. Harvard-An alumnus agrees W. M. GANTZ, D. D. S. University of · Kansas-Girls to construct a building for _th e cond1t1ons Dentist taking the Domestic Science Mu ic Department . on d . t . course will start a restaurant to that a f un db e raise to mam am Corner State and Winter Streets. !accommodate the members of it. Efforts are being made to get the desired fund. Citz. Phone 19 Bell Phone 9 the faculty.


and Dean, D. and M. Columbus, 0. Princeton-Professor Tohn G. president-elect Prince. . "ton, will be rnaugurated May 11, I ·) • . . . 191,.,. Extensive preparat10ns are I being made for the occasion.




upe Lambert spent th part of the week in hicago. r\rt L amberl visited son. lnd., this we k.


IMyers, Mabel Willi·, and GerI trude \Vil on went home. Emma latter I Denison vi ited I-Iester Hud on. I


Chas. llal! and D. A. Bandeen were o·ue t of Mr. 13and en's ::, parents Sunday at Bowling





The Man that wants a bet-

Lloyd Smith-''Gosh, andy, wa n't that a· pretty cene when " the un-- et came up.

ter than $4.C0 Shoe for $4.00,. 1

should buy 1

The Nabob


J. n. Smith,

a Dayton

Mr. Born, and R.

L. ilierly were h me visitors this week. • large numter of Otter])et11ers saw the "Girl of the Golden \\' est" S2turclay at the llartman. S. \\'. nils;ng was in town Friday. Percy Ro;:.,ers visited in Middlet ,wn this week.

R. L. Druhot is out again after a week's illne s of la grippe.




___ ----·

Green. Mr. Hall de!ivered an ad-! peaking of etiquette, did you 1 dres· on tterbein at the U. B. d f t' I · sen or t 11ese ms'.ruc 1 ns on . ·\<\'hat to do at the table'?' church while there.

\Vm. }--luber was visitor unday.



'·Yes, and I received a lip with one word printed on it: 'Eat' I"



you want---S atisf; tctory service.




'·My husband loved me at first ;ight." "l under tand y u met at a masqt erade ball." rhe girls

Any new style and the shape


Orr-l(,·e· -;__/"'er Stud1,·o Company


Ji\·e t day

are queerIt's wonderful, I wear, f'o 11nd three blondes and ur b1 unettes COLVM&V.$,0. th \\'ho w~~r each ('. er' hair_. "Say [ ommy, 1f you saw some' wo d 111 tell you what I II do." "\\'hat's that Dad?" I "I'll let ycu have the aw du t to play circus."

i We

SCJuth St.

ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY litre l:etH.r tl:rn tbe bestq



Frame Pictures

f all Kinds-RIGHT


The D. L. AULD CO.


1• rictay evenmg a mall dinner party wa held in Bertha Richard' room. The splendid steak was a real treat.





COLUMBUS. OHIO minister leaned over the fence and asked the boy, who was : Class Pins, Invitations, Local Society Emblems, hoeing potat e what he got for Announcements, Medals, Engraved Cards, Trodoing it. phies, Varsity "O" Badges. The boy replied "N thing if I Miss lrene taub ha resigned 1 1 as Cochran Hall editor of the Re- do and the devil if I don't." WRITE FOR CATALOG view. Miss Alice Miller will ucA v rse of consolation to our , _=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_::'._=_=_=_=~~-=-=~-=-=~-=-=-=~-=-=-= = ceed her. Thanks to Miss taub bachelor friends: UP-TO-DATE and succe s to Mi Miller. I've been a good fellow and earnPHARMACY \ Saturday afternoon a good ed all l spent; I Carry a complete Jin . X. dab many of the girls of the }fall went Paid all I borrowed and lost all er's Lucky urve F untain Pen , ti: tri I lent; to Columbus to see the ''Girl of everything u ually found in first-cla s drug the ;olden \ Ve t." Al mo t every Loved a girl once, that came to an stores. Your patronage solicited. encl girl that went came back with new hoes. The fever fur spring Get a good clog, boys, and he'll alclothes has already set in. way be your friend.





\Vashington's Birthday occasioned much going home. Mo t of Cochranites, Club Stewards and Push Goers, the girl left on \Vednesday. not returning until Monday. Ethel I ephart, Ruth Koontz.Veda Van1 Will furnish you the Eats. Sickle and Nettie Lee Roth went home to Dayton. Edith Gilbert went to her home al GermanSecure a copy of town. Doneta Jamison visited i:Songs from'the Heart of Things"

· Moses & Stock

Lucile oppock, her roommate of MORRISONS'S1.t BOOKSTORE last year, at \ Vest Milton. \Vilda Published the New Franklin Printing Co., . k v1s1te · · d l1er SI· ·ter, "T Columbus, Ohio. D 1c 1\ ay, Ag"nts wanted. 65 East Gay t. who is attending the Bonebrake Theological eminary at Dayton. Lucy Huntwork, da Brown, Barbara tofer, Grace traw, 1 Lucile w elch, Carrie Mile , Myra II Brenizer Margaret Ga er Louel, la oller ' Madge armen, Grace

Eat at the .

V • R

ars1ty estaurant and grow fat.



ollected and Delivered.

Branch Office-KEEFER'S DR Phones-Citizen 27, Bell 177-R.




J. R. BRlDENST NE, Agent Westerville, Ohio



The balance of all ODD L T- of M n's and Womens W LK VER H E t be closed out tbi v eek at

$1.50 Per Pair. WALK-OVER



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