Otterbein Review Sept 22, 1913

Page 1









22, 1913. GRANTED

No. 2. WE WILL


Representatives Come to Make Faculty Di~misses All Classes on In All Probability Otterbein Will Arrangements for Debate. Friday Afternoon. Have a Tug-of-war. Representatives from HeidelThe faculty tarted a new preThe faculty have been debating On Friday evenino-, Philalethea berg and Muskingum came at- cedent in allowing the tudents a half holiday on Friday afternoon as to what is the best way to urday afternoon, and met wi-::h held her annual fall push at the members of the local public to attend the board of trade piesettle the fre hmen- ophomore two home of Mary Alkire on orth peaking counsel to make plans nic. The holiday wa unexpectclass crap They have just tate treet. A j lly crowd of for the coming triangular debate. ed and very much apprecated. about decided to set a ide a half girl chapero,ned by fr . F. J. A r r a n g e m e n t s were ma<le The picnic wa held at Minerday and have a tug-of-war. Re !er arrived· at seven thirty Owino- to the fact that the o'clock. The laro-e paciou which are to go into effect oon. va Park and between two and if they are ratifyed by the Orathree hundred were in attendfre hmen cla is not yet organroom were decorated for the oc;ociation of the three ance. All tore of esterville ized, a final deci ion ha - not yet ca ion, carryino- out the ociety were clo ed duriqg the afternoon, been rendered. But a oon. as color , pink and white. The que ·tion con idered w:i but a few reopened in the eventhe new men are cla ified and fter the· crowds had gathered the Municiple owner hip of treet ing. An excellent band furni. horganized the faculty will pa s in, partner were arranged, after railway y tems in citie of over ed music for the occasion and ucupon the que tion and in all probwhich everyone pa ed to the exceeded in arou ing a great deal o{ ability will et a ide a half day pan i e lawn in front of the · 5,0 0 inhabitants. enthu ia m by playino- about for a tug-of-war, which will be ~t ~ate of the s The debate was h u e, where numer u game town in the morning. the only cla crap allowed. for March 6th, but thi may b~ were played. During the game~ changed. The main feature of the picand afterward too, everal piano OUTLOOK IS GOOD bile Otterbein has lo t ome nic wa a ba e ball game between election were rendered. Many ono- includin the c lleo-e ono- of her debaters of la t year her two picked team . Tugs-of-war were uno-. Good college pirit chance of winning are :very good. were al o held, in some a£°which New Men Are Showing Good Profes or Blank i very t'nuch the ladie participated. The Form. hown by all tho e pre ent. interested in the work and with board of trade is a live one, and To those who have been watchnother intere ting fact was r it' I uad th pre en e of man · of he the co-operati o of the µ lent: j to be c n ratulat-e u on the during the pa t week the prosfaculty ladies. e are alway-; ur former enviable reputati n in pects f r a ucce sfu I ea on look glad to have them with u . v e :lebate will be upheld thi year. "PUSH" WAS GREAT exceedino-ly bright. Coach Marwelc me the new lady member· Foot Ball Rally Is Coming. tin and Exendine are developing of the Faculty, e pecially th Societies Enterta:n The big pre- ea n event of the Literary a mighty str ng team. A fine who are with us probably for the Freshman with a "Push." year is cheduled ,to be pulled off lot of tricks have been given the first time. evening at c' After everal happy hour hacl on v ednesday Last Monday evening rhe b ys, be ide the re<1ular foot new tudent thi Cleiorhetean and Philophronean ball play , so that it will tals:e a pa ed, a light lunch wa erveu o'clock. T pt:.cially intere ting hould be e in the dining r om. This r om literary societies and guests fr m very fast and heavy team to top wa prettily decorated also, and for it will be the nrst athletic the new tudents, met in their them. Elli tt, Herrick, Weimer Bailwa£ lighted with pink and whit(' meeting. The hrst part cf the !·alls at even 'clock and h:ked' ·'get together" will be held in the to the ~Ierwine h me outh ol ey Br n n, ununer and Plott candle . chapel. Here there will be ..gintown for a j lly g od time. early a hundred air! wer ar the old men who are again ger talk , ' spirited yells college Upon arriving £e tivitie start- w rkin hard to make \Ve leyan pre ent to hare in the jol]itie of ·on and a £ea t of OtterbeiJL ed among the hundred and f rty- b w to the Tan and Cardinal. thi- happy cca i n. 'pirit. three pre ent. ame were _play- Elli tt is laying hi ame hard FoJl v ino- thi there will be a ed, colleo-e onoand yell wei:e ame at end while Herrick and New Extinguishers Are Installed bicr ban-fire on the athletic indulged in, and la t but not lea t Bailey ar..e h !din down the The old fire extin ui her field. The _prominent features a great 'feed" wa enjoyed. ta ·kle. lo jti n in.. good form. which have a-raced the halls of the of thi part of the proo-ram will t ten o'clock all retttrned Ru ell \i\'eimer ha been playing administrati n building for many be the · tunt " by the different h me declarin that they had .had center. ran on ha been shiftyear , have been taken down anJ cla e . ll the cla incation ; a jol-ly o-ood time. ed at quarter, half and end, and di carded. 1 ew one have been not made until T.uesday it will will make a g cl all around man. put up in their place , which ar take ome quick thinking on the Late Registrations. ummer eem to be a fixture of the late t m de!. The new part of the different cla e- i ince the la t i sue of the Re- at half and play an excellent ne ha ,·e been put in their p fa e,, make thi' a trcce · Everyb dy view appeared,. the following new o-ame. Ca_ptain Plott will play which are f the late t model. h ul<l. be ready to spring ome- tudent have reai tered: foll back and exhibit that ame The ne~ ne certainly are in ap- thino-, o that their cla may · Girls. pirit, and hard playino- that he pearance a o-reat improvement make a bi how \Vedne day Rugg Ethel 1L did la t year. over the Ld one . Jwenty- ne nicrht. Jone Mary E. 1 the new men, Watt, Linhave been J?laced in the hall 0£ ne. and all come out and cret 1\laine Alice L. and Campbell have o-.rell eneff, the admini tratio building. the Otterbein pirit. (Continued on pacre three. C ntinued on pa e two.)

A Good Time Enjoyed New Girls.

by the


Page Two

OUTLOOK (Continued


from pao-e one.)

made the be t hawing. ha been worked at quarter and eneff at center. ~ingrell wh:> played with nti ch la t year ha5 been playing half and show speed as well as g od line plun~-· ing ability. oun ellor, Walter , Hert, Roth Weimer, Kratzer Gar er, eally Huber, Bierly, Meyers, Thur h, Shumaker, and Weber are going to make a hard fight for permanent placed on the team.


Capt. H . C . Plott.

REVIEW "PROFS" WILL TALK A Series of Lectures Will Be Given by Professors.

A eries of talks by variou profes or on the faculty will be o-iven, one each week, beginning with next week. These will be an interpretation of the traditions, the present character, and the ftt- -;Jlotch ture purpo e and aim enjoyed by A Graceful Biib Band Notoh Collar, . 2 for 25 oento every student both old and new. • · Cluett, Peabody A Co., loo. Maker The fir t talk will be on the subject, 'Tile Material Spirit of Otterbein" by Doctor T. J. Sander:.. on Friday morning. The following are the rest of the series. Ohio Northern. - About one Sell-F1lling 2. The Social Spirit. hundred students from the Ada In Plott, Otterbein ha one of 3. The Moral Spirit. college entered Lima last night 4. The Religious Spirit. the be t captains in the State. will give you untold satisju t before midnight and proceed5. The Denominational Spirit. lle i an exceptional player and faction every time you fill it ed to tear up things in general. or write with It. Filled in6. The Athletic Spirit. Led by cheer leader , they made puts up a hard steady game at all stantly at any ink-well by a 7. The Academic Spirit. stages of the contest. As a leadalight thumb pressure on the their way through the busine s 8. The Future Spirit. er, he is enthusiastic and earnest. section, sma hing the windows of ''Crescent-Filler''. These are intended to be an in· several saloons by hurling bricks He instills into his men that nevNo fuss, no muss. Writes as and appreciation easl!y as filled. Come in through them. Later they split er-give-up spirit, which is char· terpretation and let us tell you all about acteristic of himself. "'ith such rather than an idealistic presenup in smaller bands and succeedConklin 's Self-Fillicg Pen. a captain and coaching we arc tation or a hortatory appeal. Let ed in terrorizing the residence district for the remainder of thl! sure to get the very best out of us strive to make them a reflecthe material which i out for thr: tion with a comment on Otterbein night. team. as she was, as she is, and as she The police broke up the di tur· should be. The names of the Pennants, Fountain Pens, College bance tbi morning by chargincThe following is an addition1i professors who will speak on the Stationery, Tablets, Inks and the .!'hlllPnt<:. whn h:id c-.o\\eclec\it: a,· un1ent along the line of the other subjects will be announced Uther supplies at the a body on the high chool cam- editorial on "Smoking": later. old stand of the pus. Two were arre ted and are Mr. Edi on said a very sensibl:· held in the jail for a ault. thing about never drinking alcoMandolin Club Formed. holic beverages because he had Profe or Spessard is working Ohio State-The annual 'Cane better u e for his head. If one hard to complete the organization Rush" was won by the sopho- has any u e, at all, for hi intel- of the Mandolin Club for thi more cla s, after three minutes of lectual or moral facilities, he doe The aim is to have the club fighting. This is the second time not want to poi on and befuddle of ten members, two THE in history of the institution that them through the taking of alcoand eight mandolins. the ru h ha be~n won by .i hol into his system. The ther men have reported but sophomore class. day, in response to a question a~ not enough, and every man in No. 1 North State. Ohio State like many other col- to hi use of cigarettes, Mr. Edi- school who has had any experileges i experiencing a shortage son aid that not only did he not ence whatever with either instru- LOWNEY S BEST CHO COin the number of football candi- u e them, but that no boy who ment should tryout for the club. LA TE and a full line of the dates. Only about thirty-five did could work in his labratory, There is a possibility that the 20c and 25c CANDIES. men eligible for Varsity footbal 1 and then he concluded with. this club will accompany the glee club, have .reported for practice. striking sentence: "In my opin- but this is very uncertain and deion, there are enough degenerates pends on the number who turn Bell 1-R. Citz. 31. in the world without manufactur- out and the quality of its producJ. H. Hott Students To Be Seated. inrr any more b'y means of cigar- tions. Come out, fellows, and The classification committee ettes." It is hard enough to con- help make it a success. have had a very busy time this erve our physical and mental enyear, classifying the new students, ergie without doing what is di- Public Speaking Council Re· and it has taken a much longer rectly injuriou to them, and conorganized. time than usual. However the ervation has come to be one of At a meeting of the public the watchwords of the day in speaking council this noon the tudents will be assigned permawhich we live.-Tama ews. debate question was discussed, nent seats for chapel tomorrow but nothing final was decided up- morning. "The team is progres ing slowon. However the councii was ews has been received of the ly but with Exendine and Marreorganized and E. E. Bailey was marriage of Miss Ada· May Buttin' coaching should round into elected president. A not her meetgood hape before the Delaware ing will be held tomorrow and the termore, '11, to C. H. Kohler on Manager Hott has given the game. 'vVe need the upport of the fourth of September, at orth debate que tion d~cided upon. team a ery good chedule. He every student on the ide line;; Lawrence, Ohio. Mr. Kohler, ha been working very hard and and in the tand . Every man i · RESTAURANT '09, is teachino- in the west. Bot 11 will put the team on the field, going 111 again t Delaware to G. M. Geis Successor to Kratzer. partie are o-raduate of Otter39 N. State. bein. Saturday bedecked in new suit . win." -Captain Plott.


·· Fountain Pen


University - Bookstore

Comer Grocery




Page Three


The World is Growing Better so is the

The Otterbein Review Pages Weekly. Contains all News of Interest, to Alumni, Students and Friends of Otterbein.

$1.00 Per Year J-fand Your Subscriptions to

Pr fes or G. G. Grabill, the ·on ervatory head of tterbein's f Music is a very busy man thi~ year. As all of his as i tants are new to Otterbein hi work is a little heavier than u ual. However, all the new professors are , ery capable in their various line<; of work and the prospects are

bright for a successful year f r lhe Con ervatory. Beside his onservatory work Professor Grabill is accompani t Eor the church choir and also intend to ing with the glee club. Profe sor Grabill is a firm friend of the tu dents and all wish him the be t of success.

J. B.



Late Registrations. Athletic Field To Be Completed. I When the class of l 911 agreed Latest Fall Styles at Reasonable Prices (Continued from page one.) t procure a new athletic field f r I•etters, Aerie L. in Tailored Clothing. tterbein, tw men promi eel t Corl, Bertha put the field in shape by putting navely, Virginia a fence around it, and a few other Boys. improvements. The e men were FAVORS FOR PARTIES AND DINNERS Ewing, Benj. E. M. H. Mathews and E. S. BarSUPPLIES FOR CLASS PLAYS AND AMATEUR THEATRICALS Elming, John D. nard. on after the field wa · J nes, Erne t L. procured Mr. Mathew was taken Ca to, Willie · sick and has now fully recovered 237 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio ornetet Wend ell H. and thew rk of financing the imLingre11, Elmo The only REAL Novelty Store in Columbus. provement will be ta~tecl at Gifford, Ray once. ·wi11iam B th of these men are graclu- Vigor The total registration I now f tterbein and ha e the Office over Day' Bakery 31 W. College Ave. 31$ with many more music tu• pirit. Mr. Barnard i the Re idence ouht tate St. 0. WESTERVILLE, dent to register. i e Pre ident of the leveland Office Hour to 10 . M. -----------Citizen 110 Bell 190 Baseball club. l to 3 P. M. 6 to 7 P. M. Mr. Mathew i the I re·ide11t itizen Phone 106. and General Manager of the W. M. GANTZ, D. D. S. Office and Residence Thoma manufacturing company 63 \ e t College A e. f Dayton, hio. Denti t ith the e two men at the head Physician and Minor Surgery 17 W. College Ave. Be loyal and wear of the m vement Otterbein Office Hours-9-10 a. m., 1-3 p. m., 7-8 p. m. Citz. Phone 167 Bell Phone 9 -------------arm bands to the houJd oon be able to complete her athletic field. For TOILET ARTICLES, Wesleyan game, 10c MEDICINES, ST A TIO NERY East College Avenue. and SUPPLIES go to Both Phones Cut A tor for Gifford, 64 Plum Citizen 26.-Bell 84.





JohnW.Funk,A. B.,M.D..




Page Four


The Otterbein Review Published weekly during the Colleie year by the



ING COMPANY, Westerville, Ohio.

Member of the Ohio College Press, Association. E. E. Bailey, '15, H. W. Elliott, '15, H. B. Kline, '15,

. Editor-in-Chief Business Manager Assistant Editor Associate Editors W. I. Huber, '16 Local C. L. Richey, '15, Athletic ] . . Engle, '14, . Alumna! E. L. Boyle , '16, . . Exchange 15, Cochran Hall Myrtle Winterhalter, Assistants, Business Dept. H. L. Stephens, '16, --•t. Bu . Mgr. J. B. mith, '015, . ~s•t .. B1;1. Mgr. F. 0. Ra r. 16, . Subs npt1 n Ag-t. L. T._Lincoln, .:_L6, . A~~ gt. Adrirc s all communications to Editor Otterbein 1 eview, Westerville, 0. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year, payablt> in advance. Entered as l>econd-class matter Oct. 18, 190\1, at the postoffice at Westerville, ( 1., •;ndcr Act of March 3, 1879.


from "A Father


to Hi~. Freshman

Make it your business to get acquainted. Don't try to change the ways of the college. Remember you are a freshman. Study to put more into the world than you take out. Study to shoulder the biggest load your strength will carry. Watch your langugage. Go to church.

Don't Smoke. E\'ery year the que tion of "mokinO' is forced before the tudent b dy. me , ho c me here have n r pect whatever for t11e The Club Talk c lumn are for la, f the hool or for them- the u e of the tudent . H " me to the u e er we will not print per onal tudent u ually atta k upon any ne at any time. me hri tian co1- If you an uo- e t anythinP- that leo-e t n their Ii e . But will better tterb in, we want man ar failing to do thi to any you to do it thr uo-h the lub o-reat ext nt imply becau e they Talk column of the Review. u e to much tobacco. tu11article mu t be irrned, but dent who continually ignatur need not be printed. hi y tem with moke can not Hand or mail all contributions tudies. t the be t ut f hi i tant Editor H. B. .JI EDITORIALS .JI nd the one who lower him elf en ugh t m ke a cigaret, cerf tterbein Review: What Others May Not See. tainly can n f hope to 6·et very Editor Much talk ha been going the much ut of the c liege e peciIf each man' secret, un ues ed tudent about tally when their u e i po itively care teJ·bein' yeU and heers. ome pr hibited among the tudents. 'vVere written on hi Ir tterbein d e not have The u e of t bacco not onh- ay that How many would ur pity 1 wer · the tandard of a tuden-t en twh of good lively colJeo-e Who have our envy now! i a detriment to yell and uch i undoubtedly the And if the prompting f each b dy; but al \, l,uuhl l,a ~ at lea ·t a the c1tl1h:Li · ·. A It i a habit hca1 l forming dru 0 the men can not half-cl zen. No artifice concealed i. imp ible {or a cheer-leadHow many tru ting friend w uld leave it al ne during the athletic er to lead the ch r in uch a part ea on ; an l f course are not way a to encourage the team able to play a well a if they At what they saw revealed! with only three yell at hi di,_ were n t under the influence of it. posal. uch cheering become New Students Lack Spirit. monotonou to both the team and On Going to Columbus. tterbein ba not en uo-h men quad. Otterbein Many new tudent tart out the r ting n the f otball field. The only every ear to amu e them elves will hold her cheer-leader tryouts rea on we can see f r thi i that by goino- t lumbu . vVher\! on W edne day at the annual foot the under-classmen are not h " an not methino· be they 0 ·et the amu ement i a ques- ball rally. ino- the pirit f old tterbein. ti n. It maybe that they like the done and ome new yells be tried l t i true that pra tice i har<l ut at that time al o? ride in that ca e they get their an<l the ec nd team ha vei::y few· This i a very timely que tion, m ney worth. But what begame with th exception of th me of the tudie while they a we are at the beo-inning of the pummeling they gel from the fir -;: ea on and mi ht be are awa . They u ually make football team every night. But if we are g d re olve n t to neglect their taken up by ur college 1 aper . going to have a good fir t team yell conte t with a years ubch ol work but 0011 a good we mu t have a good econ<l how c me along and then their cription a a prize would urel7 team to make them work for out some good new yell~. od re lution are broken. Go- brin their po itions. It is true that ertainly it hould be looked afin to olumbu on busine is a .there are many of the upper ter in ome way if tterbein i to different propo ition, but every las m n who are not doing th_eir hav ucce ful rooting thi year. year many fail to get all out of part, but that doe not relieve the A tudent, '16. c liege that they hould becau e under cla men fr m their dutv. they get the habit of going to CoIt is an exceptional player who lumbu. What Would Happen an come ut and make the team If We ter ille would have a ·rt i n t the how that do the the fir t year, and the maj rity of harm but imply the time which fire when the water wa turned the men do not do thi , but are they take. Two hour are lo t off? forced to play on the ec nd team on the car and fr m two to three ou~\ the fre hmen" addle 'wore_ a year or more before the can hour are lo t while eeing the make the fir t team. New tuIf a few new idewalk were play. If thi happen very often dent , we need you on the field. it eri u ly injure the tudent's built near the campu ? Come out and get in line for next If we had forty men out for chan e f gettinO' through in hi year's team. prnctice? tudie .

--I ---



rdial Invitation to call on

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HoffmanDrug Company Stateand CollegeAvenue



The Pres..ident Leads F ing of the Yea Ii ·Maude wing dent of the Youn"' tian i · n y

t l

mer I cal but intern well. The ne r p thi world wide n eme bring girl into cl hip with their avior. A an a ciation f thi kind is very Ja many Jin of girl ha e been ch en to carr out ea h f rm committee chairman xplain d the purp e and duty of h i: de· partment. e a memb,e.r of the a iati n fe I that the duty of each o-irl i t d the be t tha she i able. f r Bible A new uggestion tudy wa pre ented and explained by Mi elle hupe. The plan as tated i to have the Bible tudy le on tau ht intead f the International unday ho I les on . The plan wa willino·ly ad pted and it i hoped that thi new idea will pr e a great ucce .

it elf, would n ne had· n t bee e e 011d mile. he differen e betw en th r h and th world i that th hur h i vi\Jino· tog the e and mile. hri t went the ec n mile for u . The man who i th econd mil make g bd in ife. He i h norerl . 1 b all men al)d af· ter a 1an who finally O'et · th 1 out 0£ life. Summary

of Report.



B lie i ng that the student b dy ._ _____________________________ f . and patron of the Revic, are deeply inter ted in the \• rk of the local church we c,ive f ur pa t for th r ju t clo torate exte o f hi eriod of even y f which i d the en n hav a feel




o. High and State Sts. Opposite tate Capital, Durino- the pa t year J 1 na COLUMBU 0. have been added to the h -· roll, '124 .16 ed t Foreign Uome Mi si hurch Erec -~--,:,-""-"~..,,,;::i::-:,-;:----: The wh I nn;i I $11.,6.09. of the hurc puq the year wa .93. 199-201 South High Street, Columbus Vithin even 437 were Y. M. C. A. ived int hurch member hip. ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY President Newman Leads Second en years ag the member hip "Just a little better than the best" Session of the Year. 340. The pre ent memberSPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS i 517, or a n~t increa e f 'The ec nd 1ile' wa the ubV ithin the ame period the WE FRAME PICTURES OF ALL KINDS RIGHT je t f a very intere ting meeting 11ent of the Bible. chool l d by . Tewman. The ec32-5 t 69 . Th,e Let Us Forget. nd mile i the ba is hurch Work, MisNEAT AND ATTRACTIVE helpiul thino- in life. the Y and the n Let us forget for a little while ba i of the home. \rVhat w ulJ 1ave bad a o l- There i anything in the worlc\ a home become if e eryb dy did but mile, r- , a e in their only what wa r quir d oi him, he T pe \ e live o long with our trial ertainly ur m del h rne do t ha b ere m and care, n t harb r the e c ndition . It get that kind 5 and the V\T ma vaoe almo t forget that the skie i the goin of the ec nd mil at The Buckeye m 60 to 10 . During the are fair, tha mak them model . H Printing Co. plant. year the hur · edited The land are ringing with song everyone .wa willing to g the Latest types, skilled having paid, .0 tJ econd mile w would ha e f bird, workmen, highest e Mi ion · 5 to br ken heart , no quarrel The field are green and the tengrades of papers. cl'\ Erection; .5 to di orce . der word tion 9. 1 to Foreign hat would our school life b I good to hear a it u ed to be Mi ion ; .55 to the ntiif our teacher and the tudent When you u ed to walk with 20 W. MainSt., Westerville,0. al on League and for all benevorefu ed to o-o the second mile? your arm around me, len e includino- the ab ve 2,The teacher who win and hold nd your hand in mine, and the _____________ _ 42.90. The local ex_pen e for our re pect are the one who are way o weet the ame period were 3 50. · willing to go the econd mile, and ith ro e of pril beneath The grand total for benevolences to devote extra time to our prohBARBER our feet. and local expen e i 45,493. 7. lem . Many of our parents are 37 N. State St. Let' forget that it is not so The above report i compelled to go the second mile it u ed to be in the long ago, enviable one for any pa tor t·J in order to keep u in chool. nd hand in hand and heart to ubmit. Rev. Daugherty i now The adverti ements in this pa· Even a student can not win the h art starting hi eighth year a our 1·e pect of hi fellow tudent , if college pa tor. Thi year pecial Take up our life for another start. per have a me sage for you. he is not willin to do a little ex-The Bentztown Bard. Read them. empha is will be layed upon the tra work to help ome one el e. erection of a new church.

~~fl.t-L..l!lJC);(!Jrr-l(ie Fer Stu't:lio





Page Six



r ews has been received of the marriage of Miss Edith Rasey, Ex. '16, to Rev. D. J. Good who i a graduate ·of Otterbein University. After a trip through the We t, they 'will be at home in Ander on, Ind., where Rev. Good i the pastor of the Fir t United Brethren Church.


;,You Want Engravings hen you do, you want them promptfy;

you want them

ri ht and at the right price. 0

'07. E. L. Porter, for several years LET US TELL YOU superintendent of the West JeffABOUT OUR WORK er on chool has been given u- NEW MEN IN CONSERV A TORY WORK pervi. ion over all the school in that town hip. n increa e ;n salary of $250 per year is the bert Foltz and Mathers Map Out Strenuous Campaign. in.:·cati n of Mr. Porter's ucce- . The conservatory under the '13. Cliff rd M d ing i 80 1-2 N. High St., . COLUMBUS, 0. in rea ing tate Umdirection of Fo\tz i graduate w rk in Ohi jn numbers rapidly. The pupil versity. ...;.____________________ _ are howino- marked enthu ia m _______ '87. Rev. E. M. Coun ell r pasand a record breaking year in attor of the United Brethren Church at Plea ant Grove, Ohio. tendance and re ult i predicted. pecial cour e in Harmony, conducted devotional exerci RITTER & UTLEY, Props.. Public h ol mu ic and Bi tory in chapel Friday mornjng. Headquarters for Eastman Kodaks and Supplies, Fine Perf Music axe being offered and it fumes and Toilet Articles. '12. Channing Wagner, who ha· is up t the tud nt and tho e been teaching cience in the r- connected with the allege t ee Dr. V. C. UTLEY in our ptical Department and f this pp. rtunbana Hio-h school ha accepted a take advantage have your eye examined and fitted. ny Jen e duplicated. similar po ition with increased ity. Opera Glasses for ale or Rent. The pianos are in g od shape salary in the Hlgh school at Lon· Parker Lucky Curve Fountain Pens. at the present time. don, Ohio. Your patronage solicited. Mathers Begins Choral Work. '11. Frank Wells is taking gradGreat attention will be given .....__ ....,;; __ .....,;;;... ___________ uate work in Ohio State Univer- this year to choral work and pub- --~~:...:~=.:~;.:;;;;

Bucher Engraving Co~ ·-----------------------------The Up-to-Date Pharmacy






b th





The following are pastors of voice. The voice department unThe Popular Eastern College Styles for fall are here. United Brethren Churches at the der the enthusiastic Mathers is places named. well filled at the present time bu'.. ALL S. F. Wenger, '11, Hepburn, 0. he is very anxious that a few more J. B. Bovey, '92, First Church, of the students sign up in order hapes and Patterns ·in caps .......... 50c to $2 Exclusive Lima, 0. that they be in better shape for L. M. Moore, '11, Rising Sun, the coming year of glee club and Two Stores. Ohio. ·chool work. 185 S. High. 285 N. High. \N. H. Huber, '12, We t Mans· Club Trip Promised. field, 0. A meeting of the old members COLUMBUS, OHIO. H. M. Worstell, '07, Oscela, 0. of the club will be called the first vV. E. Ward, '05, Colburn St., of the week and a tryout will fol- "------------------~-·-------~ Toledo. low for the pro pective member.; venue, A number of trips will be booked J. H. Harri , '98, Fith Columbus. which will be taken during the ufficient material i A. J. Wagner, '75, Avondale, year. If Columbus. found, a g1rls' -glee club will also Glen pafford, '13 Hillsboro. be organized. Ohio. Otterbein Men Work Hard. C. 0. Callender, ' 3, Delta, 0. Both Foltz and Mathers are No 9 5 NoRTH H1GHSr Ira D. Warner, '11, Oak Street, Jaboring hard to build up their OLUMBUS, OHIO. Dayton. departments and the Otterbein C. E. Hetzler, '13, Carmonte, men realize that hard work and that only, can occamplish very Dayton, 0. JOHNSON'S FURNITURE Have your SOLES saved R. E. Penick, '13, Olivet, Day- much the fir t year. athers STORE go to ton, 0. spoke twice in chapel concerning I the place to buy the Ftlrniture COOPER Walter Van Saun, '13, Harri,. the glee club work, urging the to make your room look cozy. The Cobbler. co-operation. The meeting next son, 0. Remember the place. No. 6. N. State. orman Bevis, '13, Millvill:: week is for everyone and Mathers 15 N. State St. and Springboro. has no favorites. M. 0. Stein, '10, Waterhouse, Alumnae and former student. There is no Guessing about lt Ohio. · Students. are surely making a "hit" at BARBER SHOP C. W. Kurtz, '92, has been re- Leander Clarke. The above arMOSES & STOCK elected Superintendent of the ticle is an exact copy of an arti- Watch for the Gents' Furnishings Carry the best for all kinds of Miami Conference. cle in the Leander Clarke Record. No. 4 S. State St. Spreads.









of the year when que tion of vital importance mu t be an wered by each of us. e have returned from our re pecti ve h mes, and 11, w we have launch· ed into a new year of our c Hege acttv1tte . For many f u , our la t' year f colle 0 ·e life ha tarted. v e are rapidly nearin tht: completion of our education and preparations for a larges u e. Some of us have another year and still others two to plan for thi, great end. But many of our number have entered college for the fir t time, and to these men the problem:;. seem larger and more numerou . The society problem eems gigantic in its entireity. \ hen we choose the society to which we will ally ourselves forever,• to whose colors and emblem we will always be true we have ettled one of our greatest perplexi_ties. Then to, we have to accustome ourselves to new teacher and new branches of study. e have changed our homes and environments and every thing presents a

petant leaders? o, because our late captain have been individual tar . Is it because of a poor oach? In orne instance this may be the ca e but generally speaking " e have had as good a c ach a i to be f und io the tate of Ohio. Then what i the rea on for uch a deplorable conditi n of affairs? It i because the tudent body ha nealected to do its part. It j true fighting pirit i dyina 'in our tudent . ur variou athletic have not been upported a Thi condition of affair mu t be remedied before we can expect to s and among ollege of our rank in athletic . ow what i to be considered th~ be t remedy. It is clear that it i the student body that must act. We are now at the be t time of year for action. Every body is in tune with the sea on. Life is at its be t. New students must be filled with the bid Otterbein pirit of which we have heard so much. But whose pre ence has been so long missing. At this launching of a new season we must revolutionize our spirit. An athletic rally is about to take place. Let this be the birth of new activitie .



(C. F. Bronson, '15.) \i e have arri ed at the time








stitution. Gia s room will be more enjoyable when we feel that we are all fellows hiving for the ame end. fl1he alumni taod behind u and urge us on to that end which wa o dear and close to them. They are still intere ted and await anxiou ly the results of thi year. While talking to many of them, we are impres ed by their word f en ouraaement. nd now why not thi great a hievement. Every fellow to J1i part. Then can we be topped? Can We leyan or any· one aeat us? vVill it pay? . e mu t do our part well and then it will be with pride that we can look back upon this the greatest y.ear for Otterbein and the greatest year in the lives of each of us.

Good Tailoring

EXCHANGES. Lebanon Valley-In a coupl.e of weeks the new gymnasium work for all students, b th men and women, will be started as 0011 as possible. Ohio University.-The offic,ial publication of the University"The Green and White" has been

yc::;,r we:: 1,av..t: a changed

at the diviaed manner of things. selection of the best captains. We are approached by men from vVe have elected the best manone ociety and then more from agers. Now we must each d the other until we carcely care our part. We must support our to give the thing a thought. Bur teams to the end. We must ennow gentlemen we must come to· courage them by ou,r presence gether on one subject. We must and action at practice, and at unite forces, and brave the ame games. problem. We must better our A football schedule of unusual athletic . strength has been arranged. Men For some years past it ee,n1s are on the field laboring under that our various athletic activiti<>' coaches, that are able to build a have been on the slide and they winning team with the support of are sliding downward. Our vari- a loyal student body, The basous teams have not been as sue- ket ball schedule is being comcessful as they should have been. ,pleted and a chance for revenge We can not point with the ame could not be made-better. \i\Tith pride at our almost undefeatable these team supported as they teams as we formerly could. ln should be the baseball, track, fact we are dissatisfied with the and tennis teams cannot fail. situation. Tow why? Is it beWhat rwill be the result·of this cause we have not the material in tallation of spirit into the stuin school? o, we have more and deFlt body. Will it top with better men in school now than athletics. No. Our Christian ever before. 80% of our men associations will profit by its are high school graduate· against presence. A new attitude will be 30 ;¾ some few years ago. Is it u·oticable there. A united effort because we have cho en · incom- will better conditions in that in-

Page S.e en



When you place an order with Martlin you p~y no depo it. You take no chances. Martlin knows hi bu ines .. He know how to make and fit clothes. He knows the kind of clothes you should have. Tbe color, the style, the cut and knows when it fits. For twelve (12) years he has been doing business on State St. and has hundreds of satisfied cust'1mers. The people have confidence ii: him. You can't go wrong. Come in tomorrow, you will be amazed at the wonderful di play of woolens. He has the pattern to please you. The price will suit you. Leave the rest to Martlin.

1uagc1;ziuc:: Iunu

to a purely newspaper form. The staff has been reduced six mem· bers. Twenty thousand dollars has been given by Andrew Carnegie, ' COLUMBUS, 0. 'the donor of the University library, for the purpose of enlarging it by one-half it present size. Leander Clark.-Hon. Jame Wilson, ex- ecretary of agriculture, wa one of the more prominent speaker of the inaugural exerci es which led to the investinv of Marion Richardson Drury, A. REFERENCE BOOKS OF ALL M., D. D. with the pre iding of KINDS ON ALL hi Alma Mater.

The College BookCo.



Ohio State.-Ohio State has 15th Ave. and High St. opened her doors for another COLUMBUS, OHIO. year's work. About four thousand have registered to date. The CUT FLOWERS areatest advancement over last American Beautie , Richmond ';ear is in the chool of engineer· Red, Killarney Pink and Fancy ing. Vlhite Roses, Violets, Sweet Peas, Carnations, Etc. Are you going to be one of the The Livingston Seed Co. two hundred that go to Delaware SEE H. W. ELLIOTT. to see 0. U. defeat 'vVe leyan?

Announcementof the OpeningDate Later


Page Eight


hat Our "Prexy" Is Doing. e ·t und Pre ideot lip\Vade G. Daub mot red home pino-er · a erm n in in hi machine Friday morning. the fir ·t ethren hurch an. Paul Fouts Middlet wu, at D t In h u fr m conferhie, visited friend in t0wJ1 over en e to r Pr~ ide Jjpunday. pin,, r met with mu ucFore t R. Black, of Heidell erg te that eve ere wa - the gue ~t of E. E. Bailey · akino- m re inover aturday night. I · education.



L. E.

mith vj ited friends in town ver the week end. He 1s ncrv a Juni r in the hemical En ·ineerin c Lil" at ii1v ~tate. tate.


and o-eneral h e pecially

Cheer Leader Try-Out. far a we knov now, tterl\Ir. Glaze i placin the heat· bein i v ith ut an experienced ing plant in first cla conditiOr! f r the winter. The fl.oor ha cheer leader thi year. But we been painted and the plant v i11 .larae ro tina quad with an en· thu ia tic and pirited leader. receive a general verhauling. \ t the rally n \i edne day e enome ligh.t-hearted 0. . lad- ino- all who will, may ha e a die placed a Veterjnary si 0 n on chance to h w their ability alonothe Cochran Hall campus Friday thi ·1ine. Tho e intere ted will heer up, girl The kindly report to Mr. D. . Ban· night. wor t is yet to come. een immediately. come.


IT STRIKES US. That the freshmen ought to get their challenge ready . .... That the football outlook is good_ That the bell-tapper will not be stolen this year. "Dad" is still here. That the new field ought to be used. That Otterbein will have a Student Council. That the faculty are very good to grant us a voice in the government of the school. That the squad ought to be a little larger. That our new "pro.fs" are showing up well . That the class scraps will soon begin. That our gray squirrels are slow in coming. That cupid's heart is about broken over conditions among our budding couples this year. That the new rules at the "dorm" are making dates fewer than ever this year. That the usual amount of "green goods" is on hand. That our coaches are on the job. That some class "spirit" wm up soon. That the new men are showing up well on the gridiron. That a tug-of-war is what we want. That some people still think that Otterbein exists only for its literary societies. That it is almost correct.

Ali-a-Board for Delaware. Manager Hott will leave with the team at :30 ne,xt aturday Lucile took the long plan for a morning for Deleware. He ha walk Sunday afternoon. arranged for the rooter to leave Westerville at 11 :30 on special Lucy, Norma, Zella,-Excelcan,. At HJ :80 the specials for sior !-" uf sed !" Delaware will leave the C. D. & Mi Ethel Hill pent the week M. station on Gay t. The round end with friends in Columbus, 0. trip fare between Columbu and Delaware, will be -50 cent . AdThe Misses Hazel Codner and mis ion to the game will be 3,J Marie Huntwork visited at the cent . The e ticket may be proHall on Saturday and Sunday. cured from the manager durin Miss Marguerite George ha.· thi week. Get your tickets early been confined to the guest room and boost for a victoroy over for a few day , on account of ille leyan. · "OTTERBEINESQUES." ness, We mu t have at lea t 200 rooters at Delaware next Saturday to Third floor enj yed a rare opFreshie-·'I hear there are no help the team win. portunity aturday night, when ca e in the 'dorm" thi year." a column of soldiers marched ophomore - "O ye , one. Seconds to Play. down the corridor , Drum MaThere' Harry hupe and Ethel Ith UO'h nothinO" definite can jor Beck ahead bearing the col· Richer." be aid now it i certain that the ors aloft. econd team will play their al" un hine" mi t h-"Hello, orma 'Mick" and ''Ruthie•· lowed game which is five. As- R ss, you're lati: °for dinner." entertained a bevy bf young i tant Manager Van aun is in Thurston Ros -"Ye ' I had to ladie royally M nday evening communication with various about eleven thirty, t cup, anu- team and hope to announce a wait for the wagon." wiches and toothpick . 'l;'he o - tronO' chedule soon. He hope~ Moore (looking at ibylca ion was o enjoyed by all, that to arrange a game with Mt. Ver"\Nhere are the in trument of they were loathe to leave. non Hio-h for Oct. 4, at Mt. Ver- the olunteer Band?" Room "I on the third floor wa,; non. Thru h-"I have not received the cene of a very pretty affair an an wer from my letter yet. J on Saturday evening, when ix Miami-In hi addre to the wonder what i the matter." girls gave a reception for Mi · student at the opening exerci ec; Baileyhen did you write." Horten e Potts, who will leave of the s venty-fifth year of Miami Thur h'I gue it wa ye tterbein in the near future. niver ity, Dr. Raymond Mollyterday afternoon." bout fifty air! were pre en: neaux, the new pre ident of the during the evening to in t itution stated that he was in their kindlie t feeling Mention the Review when buyfavor of fraternitie , inter-collegiH rten e. ·ate athletic . ing from adverti er . COCHRAN


It's Rank Folly OR you to think that for twenty-five dollar you can secure a tailored-to-meassure uit or overcoat which will have the style, clas , quality and all-covering martnes that can be had in


L. System and "Stroller" Clothes Entirely youthful in outline. Entirely worthy in quality. ee them before you trust your elf to a ample book.

Ohio State-There will be no hazing thi year. Recently at a meeting of the ophomore and fre hmen cla e , it was agreed that the ophornore cla s would de i t from hazing and the £re hmen cla would wear crim 011 and gray kull cap until hristmas.

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