Otterbein Review June 1, 1914

Page 1








No. 33.

1, 1914.






Recreation Sought and Found in Various Ways by Professors of Otterbein.

Local Organization Will be Aided by So?oists and Prominent Orchestra.

The pr blem of umr)1er ati n ha been Yariou ly by the different pro{e; r terbein Univer ity. ome travel. ome will tudy, and ome will farm. Pre ident lippinger will spend a few week 111 hicago niverity and after that he will be in the field. Be will lectnre from time to time and be ten clay or more at L n<YBeach sembly, An O' e I es, lecturin<Y 011 Lo P ychology and Edu ca ti n. Profes r Schear will pass a few week in olumbia niver ity pecializing particularly in Botany. Profe - r A. R. pe ard will

The annual appearance f the h ral · ciety, which is ched • uled for l\londay evening, June . promi e t be ne of the most plea ing attraction· f ommencement week. Heinrick I I £man's "Melu ina" i the pr ductioll which will be pre ented. Thie, work is rich in coloring and harmony and ha an exceptionally is fine orche tration. llofman con iclerecl the greatest flute c ncerto and he ha expended his be t efforts in thi · production. The ociety it elf, i fully prepared f r the event. It has been w rking faithfully all emester and will <Yive an excellent concert. T o much can not be said of the Ziegler-H we orchestr~ which ha been engaged to accompany. The r he tra is c mpo ed of individual tar and ol i t and ha been in exi tcnce f r nine year . B th the conductor, Franc Ziegler and the mana<Yer harle T. Howe are recognized mu icians and they '.1ave urrounded thernselve with the be t profes i nal talent. The orchestra i in consta11t demand for c ncert , mu ical fe tival , oratori s, and chauta-uqua . The hi tate Journal bas the following to ay of Mr. Ziegler, the c nductor of the rchestra: "The feature of the evening' program wa the appearance of Fra,1c Ziegler, the vi lini t, wh has pr ven the Iion f the mu Hi rendition of the aprici ," by aint aens, wa uperb." The oloi ·t , who have been secured for the occa sion are very popular and are all prominent church oloists of Columbus, except our own Profe sor A. R. pe ard whose ability every Otterbeinite knows. They are Mrs. J. T. Daniels, soprano; Mrs. P. K. Bender, alto; Mr. H. L. Mc(Continued on page three)








summer. He will tudy violin pedagogy in Peabody Conservatory and cello under Bart Wirt'l. of Baltimore. Profes or"\,\ e twill continue the raduate work at Ohio tate University of two preceeding ummer.. Hi main line of study will be merican Hi tory. Profe or Blanks will commence his eventful and varied ummer by getting married June 16. July and the fir t half of Augu t wiJ.1find him in Harvard ummer school. The la t of Augu t and eptember he will pass on the Maine eacoa t. Doctor J ne expect to penli about six weeks in anada. Tue day, June 2, he will deliver a commencement a ldre at Loui burg, Ohio, and on June 1< he will speak at the hri. tian ..ndea vor Convention to be held al' Lanca ter, Ohio. Later in the summer he will attend the Ohio State Teacher' sociati n meeting at Toled . The last f July he will go to ome of the lakes of Canada for a few week of re t. Profes or Guitner will travel in Europe pending mo t of the time in witzerland and Germany. Miss Baker will travel in (Continued on page five.)




There will be a combined meeting of the Religiou Educational A ociation and the Intercollegiate Prohibition A ociati n, \Vedne day evening. at 6 :15 in the a ociati n building. Pre ident ,Nichol will deliver hi maugural, "The ew Evangelism" and other peakers will give short talks on various subjects.


The recital



above the a, erage high of tterbein mu icale . The graduate recital will occur this Tue day evening June 2, and the ,commencement recital, Tuesday evening, June 9. Everyone hould attend both recitals for the 'performers are working hard and will have pleasing numbers.


Page Two



ing econd in a close finish TRACKERS WIN m rnino·. The bunch wa tired at the tape. and tiff from the trip but had to The relay wa not run by Cinderpath Men Defeat LutherOtterbein Varsity Allows Mus- don their ba e ball uniform and mutual agreement of the two ans-One Record Broken walk about a mile to the athkingum 10 Runs and 8 team. by Campbell. letic (cow pa ture) field. This Hits in Fifth. Track Events. gave them about ten or fifteen tterbein track 11:en w n an Otterbein got their fir t real 10 yard da h-Mc. ally (W), minute to warm up. No team intere ting meet fr m vVittentrimming of the year from 1u fir t; alter (0), second. Time::, can play good ball and fore-<YO bero-, friday afternoon on the kin um, aturday at ew on11 econd . ·uch experience . local field. by a sc re of 62 to 50. the di ma! cor I. 13 to 2 tell 0 yard run-, eally (0), l\fo kingum played good ball, There were everal g d race· tale. The game wa of the u ual traw bura ('vV), second. New ncord type, mingled with making but one error and hit taged and the team , in the minu~e and 11.½ ecforgan pitched a good latter J art f the meet, went neck Time-2 threat , dirty ro ting and poor hard. nd - . game for them, allowin<Y but and neck, but the tterbein men port manship. ~" yard <la ~-McN ally (W), tterbein started out well anJ three hits. Chu k seemed to be o-radually pulled ahead. alter (W), econd. fir t; 111 fine shape but when the fifth hu k; ampbeti was the feain the f urth, Phil got a three Time, 4 inning le team were ame the wh of the meet being high bag<Yer then Ling pounded ut a file(0), first; buck not there. r r with a total f J p int· horn run, this made the c re 2 apparentl)I Time, 5 truck Lingrel out nipe 1nen. to hi redit taking firt in hiah to 1 for Otterbein. In the next minute and 1 -5 econds. inning with two men down and played· a go d teady <Yame tak- jump di cu thr w, and br ad (0), hi h hurdles-Kline ng thirteen i ithout a1 chances \; jump and ec nd in the high everything going sm oth, J hn ampbell (0), econd. rror. hurdle . He broke the runnino made an as ist to Ling which he econd . Summary. high j urn p rec rd of 5 feet and 6 ,got by a pick-up, and according h (0), ard da h-Thru tterbeiu PO. A E. in he . mad by V . 0. Lambert, AS. R.H. to the members of the team, Ling traw bur<Y (W), second. 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 . hu ·k rai ed it to feet and had him ut by a yard, but P !- Campbell, p. 4 2 Daub, 2 l 0 0 0 econd . in he . Thi o-i him a old lock, Mu kingum's tand pat um- Garver, c 2 4 2 1 1 9 Tw mile-Wendt (W), first; 0 medal \vhich i awarded t those 1 3 1 1 13 0 pire for the past five year . ruled Lingrel, 1 Booth, If. 3 0 0 0 0 Huber ( ) econd. Time, l~ n ut. Then another play came Lash rf 0 who br ak the colle<Ye record . 1 3 I 0 0 minute and 34 econds. () Hott, cf 3 0 Chuck al' made hi " 0 0 2 off from Web to Ling. It wa J. Garver, ss 3 1 1 0 0 0 2 low hurdle -Kline (0), in everything al o a picku[ but Lingrel tie! led Weber, 3 2 giving him an '0' 3 0 0 0 0 fir t · Ihri (v ) econd. Time, but tenni . Neally made tvV it clean and had the man by far. 7 Total 30 3 2 24 11 econd . nice run taking fir t in both. In But again P .llock motioned the A. :uuskingum AB. R. E. H. PO. O yd. run he ea ·ily kept the the Field Events. runner safe. At thi rank decis0 0 lead and on the h me stretch ohuson, If. 5 2 1 1 put-Lin<Yrel ( ) , first; ion the rope broke and the as- J,,:organ, 1 p. 0 5 2 1 0 In tl1e mile Gr scup .:) t ) 1 ec nd. Di · cenei n hcgnn. ttcrbcin didn't Au.:ltlm;uu, l(. 2 2 t. u u 1t1a1.k a f1111:: ·J?rint. inclair, c. 0 he kept a steady pace and with tance, · 3 feet and 5 3 2 13 0 inches. land until eight hits and ten run Arnold, 4 0 rf. l 1 1 0 Hi h jumJ?ampbell (0), had been tallied against them. Allison, 3 4 0 the vVillenber<Y man leadin<Y the 5 2 2 1 Lemmon, 2 0 wh 1 race he overtook him on first· Ihrig 5 2 2 1 3 VV econd. Height. Chuck truck out the twelfth Morrow, 4 ss. 1 1 0 1 0 1 the la. t hundred yards of the run .5 feet and 2 inches. man up. The team wa unable Gargrs, 1 1 1 8 0 4 ne i and came in fir t. It wa Di cu thr w-Campbell (0), to come back a it ha. d ne in 1 Total 42 16 13 27 9 the prehie t event of the meet.' fir t; reager \ ), econd. Disformer game . In the last live Home run-Lingrel. Three base Thru h came in a close third in tance, , 5 ft. and 1 inch. innina f the O'ame only fifteen hit-P. Garver. Two ba e hit Pole au Lt-Peden (0), first; Otterbein men were up, noue Atchison 2, Johns n, Morrow, Arnold, this event and to k fir t in the reager ( , , • e ond. Height, 9 1. '4 • yard run by ome hard printsaw fir t. Seven errors on the Allison. Bases on balls-Campbell truck out by Campbell 9, by Morgan in . Kline t ok first in the low feet and 3 inche . f Otterbein helped to build part rnpire-Pollock. and hi1::,h hurdle by ome fa t cup Ham m e r throw-Gros f cour e it i hard I . the core. h wed up (v\ ), fir t · Creager (W), second. sprinting. Peden for nine men to play ten and aptain ampbell and hi men g d in the pole vault and in an Di tance, 99 feet and 6 inches. come ut with the big end of the are ::, ing after apita1 and Ohio after exhibiti n it lo ked like he ampbell Br ad jump(0), tick. The team did'nt arrive at ew :·tate with a veno-ance thi week. might break the colleae rec rd fir t; Ihrig ( ) , econd. Dishave n t f r otten the . ome f these day . Huber and tance, 19 feet. nc rd until an hour bef re the They ,Fir t. w n b Otterbein 10, by game tarted. Thy had been on ~tate game four year· ag . Ev- P d n gave vVittenberg a lo e run on the two mile, Huber mak- "\\ ittenber 4. the road ince eight-thirty in the eryb dy bo t.


Choral Society Concert HOFMANNJ\5


MONDAY, JONE 8, 1914,AT :Z:30P. M. .Ziegler-Howe Orchestra


Columbus Soloists

Reserved Seat Sale, Friday Afternoon, June 6th, at William's





Far Outclas·sed in Annual TheLivingston SeedCo. I JuniorsOratorical Contest Last H. W. ELLIOTTWestervilleAg!.


The junior- eni r oratorical RALSTON HEALTH SHOES c nte t of thi year came very andOXFORDS near beino,,,a eni~r affair, the junA.T

i r haYino- only one repre entaIRWIN'S SHOE STORE platf rm. Th.e at-

TheUniversity ofChicago





1e c ·erci



!Ir. th

llnd Year

ROW COLLAR 2for25¢ Clu•tt Peabod &Co..lnc.

not \\'hat i h uld there were unavoida t the date f r · and the cla day the hio-h ch l.


prize by the jud · ect wa ·'Th lu tage. He de ed atre in the day f ch h cl and Euripi \; reached· perhap it grea p \\'er for good. The am the.ater held a hi h place R man civilization but la th brutal o-Jadiat rial c mbat to k place there. the tandard of th e m he m ral~ f the 1 pie f llowed them. T dav there are beau-

G H MAy HUGHM D 1tiful


theatre plenty but the • • ' • • tplace they occupy in the training East College Avenue. f better men and women i n t what .it ~hould be. Their audiBoth Phones ence are much larger than those 4. Citizen 26.-Bell of the church, but their ole aim eem to be to furni h amu eW. M. GANTZ, D. D. S. ment, and much of thi amu eDentist ment i furni hed by an appeal to our ba er nature . The wor t 17 W. College Ave. Citz. Phone 167 Bell Phone ~ re ult i that the mimic of the taae i reproduced in real life by faithful imitator . For thi rea on there hould be a o-reat change in the production placed Office and Resideme before the public. , nd when 63 West College Ave. the e change· are made the · tage Physician and Minor Surgery will once more take the place for Office Hours-9-10 a. m .. 1-3 p.m .. 'i- p. m the culture of men that it had A. D. GAMMILL & SON in former year . ::\Ir. Bandeen'. BARBER SHOP deli\·ery wa excellent and it wa in thi re pect that he ea ily outA new line of ?\ecktie , cla ed his competitor . ock and Belts. Al o ~Ir. H. E. Richer \Yon econ<l tyle- of ollars. place with an oration on "AmerAmona the. easonable need , ica Problem and it elution.' let u call your attention to Rose l\lr. Richer howed that the failAlmond Cream and Ny lotus Lo- •.1re of nation in the pa t wa tion as fine liquid good , and not due o much to external foe Nyal's Face Cream among the a to the more deadly enemy other . internal degeneracy. Our counThen Nylotus Talcum and Per- try today ha within its vital a fumed Zinc Stearate for chafing. \'ery bitter foe in the form of Thi i perfume sea on and we the liquor traffic. \Ve talk of haYe the fine t, e pecially Thelma. the horrors of war and hrink nd the be t oap to keep the from it, but the liquor bu ines: per on clean and sweet. thou ands of times worse. Try yal' Face Cream oap. The peaker hewed the great DR. KEEFER progre of the anti- aloon agi-

John,W. Funk,A.B.,M.D


tati n and tated, that it wa ju t a unl ya! for the citiz.~n to remain inacti\·e a ain t thi internal enemy a it i f r them to withh Id their en·ice ·in time f war. Ila rindel came third Mi n " tterbein ration with an he· outlined well the f r whi h Otterbein ha,, thin tanding for, her to d and I h ne. ty on the athletic field and in the cla r m, her 1:amin:i. her build o- tick-to-it-i\'ene and the moral and intellectual clc\·elopement f her tudent . Ott rbein' ideal require the de~ Yel pement of the heart a well a the mind. The ther peaker were J. J. R. hutz, . R. \ ell Fore t verholt. bri tian aubject were tion ' "The Promi e of Hi tory,' Hio-ber Throne,' "The ''The Power of Per onaJity'' re pectiYely.


$25,$ 35

~ $

WILL SING (Conti11ued from page one.) Call, tenor; and Mr. A. R. pe . ard ba . You cann t aff rd to mi this concer . It' aoino- to be- he feature of the commencement \\·eek. The choral ociety need,; and de erve your upport, o come out and hear the he t offing of local and profe ional talent that ha ever been heard in \Ve terville.

DEFEAT CAPITAL Singles Saved the Day for Otterbein Racqueters at Columbus. For the econd time thi year. the tenni team defeated Capital 2 to 1, Friday at olumbu . The game· "·ere fa ter than tho e played on the local court a fe\Y \\·eek ago. E pecially the double \\'ere hard fought, Capital winning two traio-ht 7 to 5 and J :1 to 11. echri t and Converse played hard a the latter et ,;how" Time after time it looked a if they would take the et but that Capital jinx tood bY and finally they lo·t. However Ro and Dandeen took their ingle . Ros · two traight , 6 to -:1-; 6 to 2. Bandeen two out of three. -:1-to 6; 6 to 1; 6 to 4. The rain interfered with the tournatopping the play for two hour . The damp court lowed up the games omewhat.

SUITS For Men and Young Men, starts

MONDAY JUNE 1st. Without a doubt the mo t important money aving event in all Columbus

1•1!lffn1 COLUMBUS



WhiteFrontRestaurant Home cooking and baking. Meals all hours.


Page Four




The OtterbeinReviewbackbone uprio-ht.

to entitle him to tand uch ort of f ol's play Published Weekly in the interest of h uld be frowned down upon by Otterbein by the per on. OTTERBEIN REVIEW PUBLISH- every self-respecting ING COMPANY, Westerville, Ohio. The Last Lap. Member of the Ohio College The gun ha been fired denot· Press Association. ing that we are on the la t laJJ of the chool year. Everything Homer B. Kline, '15, .... Editor ha been running smoothly anr1 James B. Smith, '15, .. Manager all are prepared for a trong finAssistant Editors. ish. The year has been a ucM. S. Czatt, '17, . First Assistant ce ful one from the tart until R. M. Bradfield, '17, Second Assistant now and the prospect are very Editorial Staff. fa rable for a succe -ful ending. C. E.Gifford, '15, .. Alumnals The chool year began with the F. H. Wright, ''16, Exchanges D. H. Davis, '17, . Locals largest enrolled fre hman c\a s Edna Miller, '17, Cochran Notes in its history. The endowment Business Staff. uccess of thi year will alway<; H. D. Cassel, '17, . First Assistant V. E. Sheetz, '16, . Second Assistant make it tand ut as a gala year J, R. Parish, •16, . Subscription Agt. in the ch ol's hi tory. L. T. Lincoln, '16, . Assistant Agent eniors feel that their The Address all communications to Editor days are numbered at old OtterReview, Westerville, Ohio. Gtterbein bein and are ad; the junior Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year, facing the new respon ibilitie of payable in advance. senior , are bee ming eriou ; the Entered as second class matter Oct. 18, 19011, at the postoffice at Westerunder c\a smen, h wever, are ville, 0., •;nder Act of March 3, 18711. eagerly awaiting commencement. They, a yet are not burdened \,·ith much re pon ibility and are man without ome sort of only glad because chool will re]io-ion i at be t a poor repro- s n be over. bate, the football of. de tiny, with C mmencement week pr mi-e:,; no tie linking him to infinity and to be full of haooine for all. 1.he w n<lr us eternity that I be- The choral ociety i putting 011 gun with him." a big event in it annual c ncert. -D nald Grant Mitchell. The eni r play i the best thing that ha e,·er been taged aroun.J A New "O"? here in the \\'ay of a theatrical Durin the past week everal pr ducti 11. Every person, ormen around chool have had the o·anizati n. and ciety eems t'1 bare-faced in olence to appear trength f r 2. be gatherin"' it with a mall "o" pinned upon the la ·t purt up the track f r ;,_ left side of their hirt . 1 hisprinter' fini-h on mmenceletter wa made from a playing ment day. card and the wearer proudly pr claimed him elf a having a Our cub rep rter had the cheer"500 0.' ful optimi m t n te that three uch a performance a di - victorie over \Vittenberg thi · grace and houlcl not be tolerateLI spring wa ample reven ·e f by the var ity "O" a sociati n. defeat in f tba11. \ here any incliviclual can a ume .* * * the am unt of brass neces ary [or ome one ca\lecl ur attention uch a child-like performance is to the fa t that the junior' beyond our comprehen ion. Probf the enior-juni r oratori al .ally they did it with ut thinkino-. conte t was rather in ignificant. At lea t we wi11 rrive them the * * * b nefit f the d ubt. The examinati n tim Thi incident h w a recent either wish we were tendency for tterbein tudent had tucliecl our le to c n icier the "O" lirrhtly. The better. Yery intimation of a '500 O" i a * * * di grace to the fe\lows and t the "Prexy" certain! chool. The majority f the tu- lung exerci readino- the hapel dent fail to ee where the ann un ement la t l\I nday eemed " martne s" in the above pro- morning. fter chapel' ceeding come m. ny f llow to be the order ol the clay. , ho will it around playing 500 * * * when he might be taking part in ' The tru tee- may drop our title some athletic , ha n't got enough ·'uniYer ity.' Here' hoping.

ave the Best With



Fa ilitie


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COLUMBUS,O, State and High


Our Photos arc the best. We excel in artistic po e, fine finish, and durability. Special to Otterbein. The New Student Folder, $3 per doz. A regular $10.00 per dozen photo. A fine line of Frames strictly suited and in keeping with our exclusive style of work.



Clipped From a "Review" Editorial ' The




succe s are the men who have w rkecl, read and thought more than wa ab olutely nece arywh have n t been content with kn wledge ufficient for the pre. ent need, but wh have sought ad litiona\ knowledge and tore<l it away £ r the emergency reerve. It i the uperflu u la b r that equip a man { r everythin0· that count most in life." - ·u hman K. Davi .

ND It is the store which does more than is necessary for its customers which achieves the big successthe store which brings sentiment into its. business and is not just there to sell, but to serve,---the store in which you feel at home and in which willingness to please is an active force. We invite you here in this spirit, we want to please you. Won't you come in and become our friend as we are yours?

The Green-JoyceCompany Retail Columbus, 0.


from page one.)


Helen Eldridge. Cha . Reeves. Class EditorsHelen Byrer. Mary Pore. Erma! oel. Association EditorStella Lilly. Art EditorsAlbert Glunt. F. R. Mackin. Myrtle Daugherty. Dona Beck. Athletic EditorsH. D. Bercaw. D. R. Weber. Society EditorMerle Eubanks. Forensic EditorE. H. Nichols. College Publication EditorJ. R. enger. Alumni EditorMae Baker. Calendar Editor.] anet Gilbert. Subscription AgentsC. D. LaRue. G. T. Ros elot. Catherine Coblentz.


Page Five


the Ea t, vi ting Washington and Baltimore and perhap study some in Peabody Conservatory. Doctor Sherrick will al o peud a month or six weeks in Eastern travel. Profe sor Moore will The best possible investment go to the mountains of Penn ylfor general summer wear. vania and perhap further East. All new models. Professor Vveinland will spend the summer in manual labor. Doctor cott and Miller will pass the time at home. Doctor Scott says that he hall tudy Egytian Archaeology, make garden and play tennis. V\Tith some degree of uncertainty, Miss Janen announces that she will be at home in the pine district, among the beautiful lake of Wisconsin. Profes or McCloy heeding the old injunction, "back to nature," is going to work on the farm. The regular teacher who 'v\ ill instruct in the ummer school Examine our new materials before you buy that new suit. are:- Profe or Ro elot, navely, ornetet, \i\Tagoner, Sanders, POPULAR PRICES Grabill Bendinger, Misse Ba DATE FIXED com and Gegner. These will doubtles spend the remainino-., part of the umm r getting the Miami Valley Alumnal Associa204 N. High, 0 pp. Chittenden Hotel. tion Plans to Have Excelmo t p ible recreation in the lent Repast. horte t time. The annual Miami alley STAFF CHOSEN lumnal_ ociation banq~1et Vacation Time-Kodak Time ::tponed earliet in Sophomore!:, Select Members to been definitely an• to Pilot 1915 nounced for Eriday June 1 . Sibyl. · The ban_quet will be held at the Everythino- for. Ko dakery at our store and taff for next year' ibyl Rike-Kumler dining room at prompt developing and printing. elected la t week. Mr. . C. 6 :3 harp. The time i more i the new editor. It i the uitable than the prev-i u ly anaim of the taff to make the pub- nounced date and a much laro-er 75 E. State St. licati n a true repre entative of ro\ d i expected. The comthe chool. The de ire and de- mittee ha arrano-ed for the ame erve the co-operation of the en- proo-ram to be carried out and it tire tudent body f r it i .not a promi e to be exceptionally BREAKINGTHE RECORD 'mere cla affair but belono- to plea ino-. . THIS ea on \\ e. are breaking all the tudent . The taff i It i the aim of the committee previous records in the line of t make thi the be t banquef in follow : WALR- VER H E to College Men. -rea on is-style quality, neat_quaJity the a ociati n' hi tory. To do Editorand comfort quality have never beeu Mr .. C. Ro thi they mu t have the pre ence equaled iu any other make that pretend to cater to young men. f e-veryone-. £yeryb dy i inAssociate EditorBE OUR WINDOW 1Ir.,E. L. Boyle . \·ited to attend. lf you know of a per on to whom you would fike Business Managerfr. V. E. heetz. an im·i ation ent, end the name 3 9 NORTH HIGH ==:::=::::::::::===2=::::::==: to I. R. Libecap, ti\·er' Hio-h =:=::::=::::::::==::::::::= AssistantsF. E. antler . chool Dayton and one wi!J be ent to them immediately. The J. M. bumaker. THE CAPITOL CAMERA COMPANY plate . a u ual will b priced at \V. R Huber. INDEPENDENT PHOTO SUPPLIES. eventy-fiye cent · he time y u 25 E. State St. Local EditorsCOLUMBUS, 0. know; the place you know· it Lydia Garver. Any Size Roll F:.lm Developed Free. nly remain for y u t attenct orma McCally. OUR SPECIALITY-Developing, Printing and Enlarging. T.R. Pari h. The be t merchant in e rterville and Columbu H you want to save mon'!y Pauline hepherd. read the ads in this paper. in the Review. Patronize them., Faculty Editors-


Wash Skirts-·

$1.50 to $15.00

The Dunn-Taft Co.


Take a KODAK With

Columbus Photo Supply





Page Six


Y. M.C.A.


Seniors, Give Last Talks to Men at Senior Session of the Year. mg Y una 11 i tian at, n f th informal. t fir t th the as ocia tion gave h rt talk<. Each one referrtd to th <Yreat help he had rec ived from the meetinoand f what it had meant t him. E. p cially did fr m M art I in the popular they recommend the Dible tudy tail r of lumbu , $18 to $35. course t under- la - men. They ee me for your Gradua·i n als empha -ize I the imp rtance uit. Let me c nyince y u of the mis i n ·tud, cla::; e . t\ol that you can aYC 1 .0 . a few o-ave a a d reJ ort of attendanc and realizin their lo s Remember, every J\Iartlin only regr tted th tim s they ha I garment i trictly hand-tailormi sed. 'n wa. ab! to prov. 0 ed-cut and de i ned to bring 1 hi lovalty by a perf ct. attend· ut y ur incliYiduality. rder ance. Thev al· men ti ned the with ut making a cent depo 1t fact thal all y ttt1g 111 11. f any and if the fini hed uit i n t hri tian a so iati 11 were br thup t your expectati n, I'll ers, hence th y w re a part f ne keep it with ut any expen e on great brnther-h, cl. y ur part. Doctor . · and er.;; spoke uf the p_re-emin nc 1..>f uch an rgan!za-1 t1on o,·er ther colleue organ1zation- in that it elev I ped a Yery much hio-her typ of hri tian.O.S ANA 07 EA:ST STA TIE ity. Then he called th COLUMBUS, 0. member f the Bible tudy c urse before him and pre ·entinothe dip! ma ' he aid that they were a cla s of picked and sifted men ince they had g ne through the f ur year pr cesf tudy. .-\ man get ut of any project ju t about what he put into it. WILL BE Thi c ur:-; and all th tudy c nnected with it i n ta trivial matI TERE TED ter. A ide fr m th knowl dg IN READING (Yained fr m uch a ur e th habit f m.a tery an l the ability t tay I y a thing until it i comI pleted. are valuabl a ct for the "after-while." The Dible it elf i






$1.20 PER YEAR

a lamp t the .feet and a ]io-ht t \ the pathway. Thu hidino- the I \Y rd in a man' - h art i the be t .afe cruard again t 111.

their talent and pur·ue it. Girls Get Insight Into OpporRes1 n ibility, th n, increa es tunity and Responsibility." ne o-ain in with riche an I. n , alth f any kind , ho i not Re pon ibility' capal le f u ing it wi ely. Op£ the Tu d p rtuoity and re p n ibility o-o v nin, , , hi h wa 1 nequal talent hand in hand. y : E,ery oppo •with qual effort will brino- equal tu ri s a pr reward while equal talent with p t on ibilunequal ffort will bring unequal it) e m tlr re, ard. al t re p 11- . Mi m entertained at a sil _ r w he undertakes dinner ay, Edna Miller ver office he fill . lf 1 la and N ra tauffer. to do a thino- he mu throu h. He mu t be . M. rnold pent unday in able. Thi appli not Dayton, Ohio. ------------dealinrr with fellow tuhoe ut in I on and recita- Late t Improved Electric The reward i ure, for Repairing. get out f anythino- just B. F. SHAMEL t ut into it. 15½ North State St. e i , ibl f r the Over J hn on's Furniture Store. h r form about

Days' Bakery

-<v ry w rd, every action, betray charact r t your a a_ia te . ·H w nee ary it 1. For th n, that ne alway control hi- Bread, Pies, Cakes and Ice language and c ndu t. . Cream Th r i~ n ne ·who i not en<lowed with at lea t one talent, F r th se de)io-htful evening h wever mall i may be. ne lunch , purcha'e Candies, Fruits, not be enviou of an- Olives, Pickles, Waferia, Cak,.s, up rior talent, wealth, Etc. f r, thu dwarfing the u e MOSES & STOCK, Grocers. wn, but hould cultivate what he ha until it become a ma terpiece and like the criptural exampl d uble it valu . It i mu h b tter t do one thing well than t try many thin nly m d rate eff rt an l P wer lie th of eff rt n. fake the , he you have Westerville,Ohio 1d don't w rry about your i hb r. Th re i an old ay-


INSURANCE A. A. Rich,Agent


Haye you ever 11 ticed people who don t pay their cription gen rally

by !11 n who eir b in o ul i u t .o mp ti • Thi not 1 wever that uld tivatc the be t talent in e ple. Perhap they have 1den e in their , n pow-

body el e in t ,,·n?








appr ciate

Bale& Walker For

Fishing Tackle and

Tennis Supplies

~TheWinter Owned by College Men.

Patronized by College Students


hite i

ha".ing a de-


THE l./lJ'\11.lUlJ \1\1\r\1\1\J\J'\J

OTTERBEIN 'ln/\/'U'\J'1,



L~.~~~J ,,..""!!'!"' ___ _

You :Realize

lightful trip with her c u in·, '11: Hazel M. Bauman has That our prices don't always mean bargains. arah and l\Iary, vi itino· Niagara charge of the Engli h department A real bargain is extra value for the money. Fall and other points of intere t of the high chool of Mechanic Come to KIBLER'S before you buy. I will near there. he i enjoyville. New York. show you $15 values for $9.99, you may not believe Fl ie Droughton-"vVhy i a ing h r work immen ely and is me when you come, but you will before you leave. girl 0 ·oin to a party like an ,·ery popular a a teacher. YET I NEVER CUT A PRICE, I ca·n't offord arrow?"' '13. . V. Roop wa m town to, my clothes are sold on too close a margin. Iva ?\fdiackin-"Ea y hot. several day during the pa t he can't go without a beau and ,,'eek and made everal enthu i"31 SCORES, ONE PRICE THE YEAR 'ROUND' she' in a q'uiver till he l:> o-et - a ·tic speeche f r Otterbein. one .. ' '09. H. G. l\IcFarren of Canton. The two little dear ' Mae was in \Vesterville Saturday. 20-24 WEST SPRING STREET Baker and Iary Pore, had two this week, Helen altzley '08. Profes or R. D. Bennett of guest of Beach City, and Irene v eaver the local high chool, will again Columbia niver ity of ugar Creek, hio. Ro m J :2 attend ummer cho I. After the closwa omewhat noi ier than u ual. ing of the high school work, Mr. , ' t the I icnic Saturday Merle Bennett will leave for I ew York. Eubanks gave a delightful toast He i w rking up n hi doctor's n ' ur ab ent hero." tanley, degree. take notice. -at'11. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. WilliamIrma upp of Dayton i ited son of Dayton. 0. spent a few Edith Klepinger over the week day the pa t week in \Ve terRITTER & UTLEY, Props. end. Friday evening they went ville. They were enroute east Expert Fini hing and Develo9 i1w. Parker Lucky-Curve Fount Columbu to hear Prof. Blank';; upon a vacation trip. tain Pen ,. Druggist und;- ie and Optical Supp lie . Opera recital. Gia e for Sale or Rent. ·Sod a Fountain now open. '13. Cha . Hezler is pendino- a Saturday was the official picnic few day in \Ve terville. He has day of the sea n. From 3 :30 a. spent the pa t year at Bonebrake rn. ,~rhen I-lelen Ryrer tarted th._. '-TOUR picture can be printed on an Art heet and handcn1.ina.ry. noi e, until l :30 p. m. when the .l somely framed at a very moderate cost-making a beauLaw on Troxell of cla s 13. la t party came back, there was tiful gift. We carry an excepti nally large line of rt1st1c 12, pent Ralph Hall, Frame -and our prices are rea onable-vVe do all kinds of a continual ru h of ba ket . and framing-and we do it-RIGHT. wagon , un hat , and excited Memorial day in 'vVe terville and girl . Big crowds and n isi~r enj yed a picnic with old friends. er wd , everyb dy went picnick- '09. Mr . Myrtle Kiester and ing. ne of the mo t riginal baby f Mt. Vernon. Iowa are No. 199-201 South High Street. of the e group was the "jolly gue ts of \Ve terville relatives. Citizens Phone 3720 Bell.Phone, M. 3750 ten' that camped very clo e t,J CCK.Vl'IIW.\,O. '92. Nolan R. Be t of _ ew Y rk ochran Hall, with Mrs. arey unday with top] ed over for chaper n. fter an enjoy- city hi parent . l\Ir. e-t is editor 'able picnic .Juncl1 they were treatof "The ontinent." He preached to a visit to the movie and ed from the Pre ·byterian pulpit 0 report a delightful time. S PEN TAI unday even_ino-. WELRY, , P The un lay dinner gue t wer OK, BIBL MEN Mr. L. l\I. Troxell of Dayton '13. R. H. Brane recently purKOD K at the (Nettie Lee ihappy), e ta cha ed the I u ine s of J. v . Old Reliable zatt, and atherine oblentz. Markley of We terville. He intend. t 01 en up the ba ement 'Dad'' Harri certainly one and third flo r, in tall an electric of the most p pular person elevator, and build a new store ar und Otterbein. Thi was front. He will do busine on an ~--.;.;.... ___ ....;...;;..,__,..;.....;;;.;.;.;.;;;.;.;.;.;;;_,_ ______ ....,..... _...,;;;,;,,.;.;...---: . h wn by the larrre applau e tu ttp-t -date ale. \Ve terville Keep in touch with Otterbeinubscribe for the Otterbein hi peecl1 in chapel on tra k welcome thi new enterpri e Review. R. R. Caldwell, Subscription Agent. "enthu ia m." heartily.



as man o aks and Supplies

The Up-to-Date Pharmacy


IDqr.®rr-i!(irf rr ~tubin O!n.


"MERCHANTOF VEN]6E" Shakespeare's Masterpiece

will be presented by Senior Class



Page Eight

®n.mmr±in_g llimrofor±cmtl)~io!in ~t{ecital L ,'\B

Pay Your Way



\.C1wsllag'E£rc11i11.9, W11ncsccmul, '!,:igl1t ®'clock 2\inrtern '.tiu11Llrd1 ~u11.dcm·

ltlro:gram Pian,; Ouet-0,·t:rture

to the Opern "Tbe \Veddiog of Camach

·• Op. 10

F. llt11cle'""'''"'-JJ"rlh0ltly


Cole and )lanha

Ca sler

rrri 1 R·1rlriull

Violin-Ca From a \\.igwam, Op. 40,.)lo. 4 (b) To the Warriors, Op. 40. No. 3 (Indian !;ketches)

Cecil !Jttrlciyh

:\lae. Ti h, 'J4 Pjano-(a)

1'octurne Qp. J7, N . l (bl \'al.e a Ci11qTempo (in·.


Oh~oill Tl!l,',aikutc•k!J


in C-sharp ~linor



Cole, '14 /Inc he Dturak


'ouvenir de \Vieniawski (b) Humoreske, OP- 101. Ne;. 7

E HA VE An exceedingly W attractive and liberal proposition for students during Summer Vacation to earn .some cash. If you have not already made ·complete arrangements for the s_ummer it :will pay you t9 correspond with us, a post card will do.

!lliss Tish



e Brilliante

in G Flat111is Ca sler Cllamiuwl

Autl\lia erenade (b) Dance of the · pri1es


Mjs· Co!e ong-Lullaby


from "Jooelyo·•

er is _Cole at the piano)


(Yiolin 6bligato

he Ra·rr1eyCom


by .Mi

Lo tn· Ea tman Kodak and Lo t heckered Raincoat. ca e. Reward from E. E. patz. Finder will plea e notify Opal -Adv. Gilbert.-Adv.


THE ZIEGLER-HOWE ORCHES-TRA. hich will appear with the horal Society Monday even,ino-. June 8.

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