1917 11 05 The Tan and Cardinal

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The Tan and Cardinal PUBLISHED IN THE I




NOVEMBER 5, 1917.

No. 8.

SA YGER'S MEN IPhilophronea Holds Opens Session. I Philomathea Has Invited_Session. I ATHLETES ENJOY first open session of ~hilopron_Friday ev~ning the Phtlomathean \ ROASTED PIG TAKE FAST GAME . a The was well attended la st Fnday even- , Literary Society thr ew open its door 1

S trong H et"d e lb erg El even w ·ms Home-Coming Game By Hard Fight-Score 9-0.

GAIN GROUND BY AIR ROUTE Varsity Works Together Like Veterans-Backs Hit Line for M an7 Consistent Ga ins. Otterbein was back in old form at the big hom e-com ing gami: Saturday w h en she play ed H eid e lberg's strong leven. This was eas ily th e best game of th e season and all the o ld players and fans who came back for th e game wer e well pl eas ed with the fight put up by th Tan and Cardi nal team. Th e teams were eve nly matched and th e gam e was int ense from st art to fini h. Otterbein kick ed off and held H eidelb erg for downs , forcing them to punt from th e thirty-fiv e yard li ne. Ba r nhart caught th e punt at th e goal nd a ran it back th irty yards. Otterbein mad e first dow11. 111 th e 11 ext four plays Franci gained consistently th th rough e li ne. making fir t down. Utterb ei n was held and pu nted . Heidelberg gained st eadi ly thro ugh th e li ne making thr ee first downs in 1 whi~ Sayger and J ean were conspic uous. The first quarter ended without eith er team scoring. In th e fi r t of th e seco nd quarter H eid e lb erg fail ecl 1· 11 an a tt emp t to d rop-ki ck on fo u rt!1 cIown an d t I1e ball went to Ott b · · mad e a good gain. er em . F ranc1s Haye b k s r o e t h rough for fiifteen Ya r <ls · Ot tcr b e 111 · was forc ed to punt. H et'd e lb erg mad e first down, and then m a d e seven yar d s and were p enalized fi ve. Th ey fat·1 c d to complete a for"a "' r d pa s o n fourth dow n. Hay es carried the ball for fi,·e yards and F ranci·s ma d e fi rst down. Smith we n t th roug h the line for five yards. F ran ct· punted to the thirty yard lin e w h ere J ean who received the punt wa d owne d 111 · h 1s ' tracks by Hayes. Sayger mad e twelv e yards and J ean t I · wen t Y Pacing the ball on Otterbein's th tr . t Y yar d line. J ean gained five Yar d · S ayger mad e a successful d rop- k·1ck . from th e twenty-five yard I. · me, co ring t h r ee fo r H eid elb erg in th e 1ast t h r ec econds of the half. The half end ed with the kick-off. In the eco nd half Franci caught Heidelberg's kick -off and returned the ball to th e forty yard lin e. Otter( ontinuecl on page two.) Science Club Meets Tonight. The Science Club will hold its regu­ lar meeting in Professor Schear's r ec­ itation ~oom tonight at 7.30. All stu­ dents eli gible for m embership are urged to be present. Eat are prom­ ised.

ing. The literary numbers we1·e especially fin e, and the music was well r endered. After th e business session the following program was given: 1 Declamation-R. L. Roose. E. S. Schutz . substit ut e. Piano Solo-Im \ Vaiden Hell er D . D . Hudson Presiden t's Valedic toryOur National \ \Taste T. B. Brown Lo yal ty March King Philop h ronean Orchestra President's InauguralAmid Life's Crags L. H. Higelmire Fo ll ow in g t hi s excellent prorgram, Mr. A. L. Funk presented to the ociety a ro ll of honor, on which th e names of all the absent members who a r e in their country's service are to be inscrib ed. In behalf of Philop h ronea, Mr. Mase said a few words in acceptance of thi gift. The President call ed upon Dr. Clippinger, Dr. ander , and Dr. Russell d u r ing exte mporaneous peaking. In th ese the peak er ga,·e glimpse of th e o ld P hilophronea , and visions of the futur . Freda Fraser represented Cleior h etea. After t h e singing o f Philophronea, th e adjournment followed.

l to visitors, this being the first invited session of th e y ear. Th e program rendered immediately following th e business session was pronounced by many to hav e been th e best h eld for many years. The eats were n early all fi ll ed with members and fri ends who enjoyed the following program: Vio lin So lo-Selected Mourer, O. W. Addre s-D ivine Intentions Siddall, A. C. Book Review-Mr. Britling Sees it Through. Michae l, H E. Vo cal Solo(a ) \ Var Rodgers (b) 0 H eart of :-'1ine Galloway (c) Th e Victor Kam \,Vard. I. M. j Oration-Tribute to France Kline , R. E. Music-Philomathea The extemporaneous part of the program was e p ecially good. The president ask ed Prof. L. \\ . \,Varson to say a few words to the ociety. :Mr. -E~ace o f C o Ium b us spo k e fo II ow111g . which Mr. T. H. ·Ross of la t y ear' clas ga ,·e some good advice. 1Iiss L a k·e spo k e for Ie1or · h e t ea , h 1' Je 'l·ss -' 1 Keller r ep re ented Philaleth ea . The society then adjourned aft er having enjoyed a pleasant evening.

PEP MEETING HELD FLETCHER T O LECTURE " Best Ever" Rally in Chapel Thursday N 1g ' h t F urms · h es Stea m for satur d ay' s Game. · Who sat·d t I1 ere was no " pep " 111 · an d no en th u st·a s m fo r ath O tte r b em Jet1cs. · ? o one h as ven t ur e d s u ch an · · th e co 11 ege op11110n 111ce t h e ra JI Y 111 · 11t. N ear IY eve ry c h ape J Th urs cl ay mg · st u d ent 111 c h oo 1 wa ou t Wt'th the " pus h" an d spin · 't o f ti1e O ld d ays a11d a ll did th eir utm ost to make it th e b es t f oot b a Jl ra JI Y ever h e ld · S uccess was f oreto Id f rom th e b e· 111ng · b Y th e 111 · t r od u ct1'011 of Dr · g i11 · k , one- t'tme f00 t ball a11tagon Sh e rnc 1·st, as th e fi rs t sp ea kc r. Dr · Sherr1'ck

Noted Editor and O rator to Appear As Second Number of Lyceum Course November Ninth. Thomas Brooks Fletcher, who app ears in the Chape l Friday night needs no introdu ction to Otterbein tud ents. Mr. Fletch er, who is ditor of th e Marion, 0. Tribune lectured here on the Lyceum Course two year ago. Those who heard him at that time can testify as to his ability as a orator. He is this season starting up on his tenth year a a lecturer. He is said to be th e youngest man of ingular r enown upon the American

tat ed that inasmuch as she had not as ye t b een comp e 11 e d to e x pencl th e · k e e pm · g up usua I amoun t o f enegy 111 ti1e g ra d es O f th e f00 tba ll n1en • S he fe 1t f u II Y Justt · 'fi e d 111 · usmg · h er 111 · fl u· f f th 1e Not only 111 ence avor o e gan · s d t'd th·is no t e d J't I e rary c holar expre • frankly her beli ef in the legitimacy of football a a college sport but she even went so far as to urge attendance at th e game aturday and the importance of an abundant supply of ent husia m. Of course, no rally cou ld be a suecess without speeches from the eniors. E lmer S. Schutz and Janet Gilb ert gave short "peppy" peeches urging support from the sidelines for the m en on the team. The climax of the (Contin ued on page two.)

lecture platform. A man with a message, fr. Fletcher is remarkabl e for the vivid pietures by which h e brings his thought to his audience. He holds his listeners spe llbound by his e loqu e nc e and wit while h e pounds hom e th e truths that go to make up his me sage. His personality is such that when he is heard once, he is never forgotten. This rapid fire word artist, for he is no less than an artist, is becoming a favorit e wherever he appears and leetur e course committees invariably r e­ qu es t his return. By many, he is classed with the most distinguished orators of the present time. He has lectured in nearly every state of the nion, meeting with great success 111 (Continued on page two.)

Varsity " O " and Athletic Club Has Banquet in Parlo rs of Association Building.

G. 0 . REAM lS TOASTlVIA STER Alumni and Ex-Students Stimulate Enthusiasm in O tterbein Athletics -Plans Made for Fut_u_r_e_.- On last Saturday even ing the parlo r of the Y. M. C. A. was the seene of one of the most th o rou gh ly enjoyable occasious which O tte rb ein students and alumni ha ve witne -ed in many a day. This was the hu g e banquet of the Vars it y · 0 '' As ociation and the Otterbein Athletic C lub. .-\bout fifty members and o- ue -t we r e p1·esent and partook of the delicio us r c ast pi o-. t he ri ch brow n g ra,·y. thebaked beans whi c h fa; exceeded in qua lity the famous "B ston J,a ked," the sweet potatoes, the palatable­ mashed potatoes, the i e cream, and a'.I the o ther good things that go to. I an d ma k e up t I1e t h e most su IJstant1a delightful "feed" imaginable. Prof. A. P. Ro elot intr du ce d er. I',eam as t oa t mas t er. u-eant GI enn It wil l be recalled that Sergeant ]{earn was elected cap tain of thi year' foo t-ball team but was called to ·amp Sherman in September. The toastmast r called on Van ickle, '' Milt" Mathews, "Tink' ' sanders, "Ja ck" Johnson, Coach Gorton. Pre lippinger, Dr. \V. M . Gantz. Bishop, Mathews, and Dr. Van llu kirk, eachi of wh om re ponded with enthusiastic . remarks concermng the work o f the new coach and his team which gave uch a sp lendid ex hibition of co ni tent training in the game with Heidelberg. Mnch was said conce rnin g the future of Otterbein athleti c It is hoped someth ing definite wilt be done n the n ar future to ecure a la r ger number of ath letes for Otter bein. This sentiment was expressed by many of the a lu mn i present. All uniformed ex-students of Otterbein we invited to be present at this. " feed" and many of the Otte rbein oldiers from C amp Sher-man were here on furlough for th e occa ion. It was indeed a fitting windup for a successful hom e-coming.


Choir Sings at Dry Meeting. Prof. Bendinger and hi s choir furn­ ish ed th e mu ic for a "dry'' meeting he ld in Franklin U. B. church vVed­ n esday night. Mr. Richardson of the Anti-Saloon League and Professor \Magoner made the addresses of the evening. Mr. E. E. Harris is pastor of this church. Remember t he r ecital in Lambert. Hall, Wednesday ev ning.

Page Two


As a Student We Want to Put This Question to YOU Which Influences You the Most, Price or Quality, or Both?

T h e Q uality of Reed Glasses 1s Generally

The optica l ervice rendered by m y shop ha s been termed the "::\Jost intelligent op tical ser­ vice m Columbus."

We have all the new torti e mountings, m brown and silver, the new white-gol l r eading glas es of character-in fact everything new and desirable i h er e.


}t 1s certain that no other optical store i 1no r e scient ifically equipped, n one possesses m ore killed a s istant . We have gone the limit, both in wo r kroom and store, to make thi - th e o ne Best Optical Store in Columbus.

vVe vvi ll not per m it a p iece of work t o leave ou r tore if it is n ot abso lu tely r ight m eve ry par t icul a r.

CLYDE S. REED 40 NORTH HIGH STREET SA Y GER'S MEN punt. Barn ey r et urned th e p unt TAKE F AST GAME thirty- five yards. The gam e ended with both teams fighting as hard as (Cor:tmued from page one.J . at th e beginning. <ets t o Hayes, gaining ten yards. Every man on th e Tan and Cardi­ Fran cis made firs t down . Otte rbein nal tea m di played th e tru e Otter­ penali ,:ed for be ing off-s id e. Francis bcin fighting spirit. Eve ry man play­ -punted. Heide lb erg fumbl ed on the ed a hard and consistent gam e. If ·twent y yard lin e and F ran cis covered any distin ctio n at all can be drawn in th e ball. Fran cis completed a for- th e merit of th e p lay ers Francis d e­ ·w ard pas to Hayes. Ottc1·be in mad e erv es that distinction. fir s_td o wn but wa p enali zed fift t>e n O tterbein (O) Heidelberg (9) yards. Hayes gain ed eighteen yards. L. E. McDermott F• ran cis att empte d a place kick but Peden Evan s L. T . Reinbolt H eide lb erg block ed it. Otterbe in reH ess L. G. Ka u fman cov r ed th e fumble and comp let ed ~Jase C. 1I ic haels :a tw enty-yan l pass. Francis to H ert R. G. M a suda Smith, placing th e bal l on Heicle lHige lmir c (c) R. T. Da vidson berg's ten yard line. A touch-dow n R. E. Ge bhardt f or Otterbein looked m ig hty s ur e. Brown Q . B. Sayge r (c) Du t o n the first clo w n Otte r be in for - Barn hart -war d-p a s ed over t he g o al lin e and Smi t h L. H . Marl ecl ge R. H . Sc hic k H e1·c1 e lb erg received the ba ll o n th e Ha yes .twen t y-yard line. Both t eams h eld F ran cis F. B. J ean T o uch dow ns - Sa yg er. Goals fr o m for d ow n . Q uarter end ed wit h H eid fie lcl-Sayge r. Tim e o f quart ersc Iberg o n th eir t h irty - five ya rd lin e. I n th e first few min utes of th e las t 12½ minu tes. U mpir e-McDon a ld, quart er H eidel be rg worked th e ball O hi o S tate. R eferee-D ell, Oberlin . H eacllin es man-Sand er s, Otter b ein . t o O tt erbei n's g oal and Sayger carr ied it ove r fo r th e 01il y to uch -down o f th e g am e. H e fai led to k ic k g oa l. Evans PEP MEETING HELD r ece ived th e k ick-off and to re through (Contin u ed from page on e.) .th e H eide lber g m en for tw enty-fiv e ev ening, however, cam e whe n th e y ard , a lmo t gaining th e clea r fie ld Rev eren d " L ut h er" Higelmi r e ata nd a sure to uch-down . Francis tempted th e un hea rd of-th e prea chbro k e loose fo r tw enty yards and ing of a se r mon at a footba ll rally! Hayes g ain ed (o·u r. }Ie idelb erg in­ ''Hig" chose as h is text " t he tw entyterce pted a fo rw'atcl pass. Otterbein thi r d vers e of th e thi r ty-th ird chapt er .h eld for cl o\v ns ·fo rcini H eide lberg to o f t h e for t y-s econd book of th e

COLUMBUS Egyptian Bible," which reads as fol­ lows: ·•y et two clays and Otterbein shall b e exalt ed." The cap tain said that h e had always had a great d ea l of resp ect for Jonah and only regrett­ ed that th er e were not mor e wha le that ~vc might hav e more Jonahs to proclaim . "Yet two clays and Otterbein sha ll whip Heidelberg." Coach Gorto n, in the closing speec h of the evening, for eto ld a sure victory for the Va rs ity , as rev ea le d to h im in a dream. He had many encouraging t h ings to say for t he team an gave ass u rance of a good score wit h prop er support from t he side line. D u ring the co ur se of t h e program a t va rio us inte r vals te leg ram s we r e b ro ught in a nd read fro m "grad " a n d ex-s tu cle n ts includ in g G. ' 0. R eam, "A l" E ll io tt, "Chu ck" Ca m pbell , Bish op A. T. H o wa rd, a nd "Fat" Li ng r el. T h ese bro ug ht m essages o f en co urag em en t an d no ti fic ati o n o f att en da n ce at t h e g am e. It is n eed less to say that th e program was inter sp er se d with th e co llege ye lls a nd songs.

FLETCHER TO LECTURE .<Continued from pa~ c one.) th e east a s well a s w es t. H e ha s app ea r ecl in so m e of t h e larg est coll eg es and univ er s iti es in t h e co untry and is pro noun ced by a ll to be t h e lead er of th e yo unge r lect ur ers a nd t hinke r s of thi s g en eratio n. Th er e arc sti ll a numb er of good s eat a vai labl e fo r th e r emaind e r of


t h e co ur se. If you do not ha vc a sea on tick et you s hould see Mrs. R es le r at once. To miss this second number is to mi ss an opportunity of h earing o ne o f th e fe w bett er lec t ur­ ers of th e age.


y MC A


• • • • ,...___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,, R epo r ts ar e often said to be dry and void of in t erest. Be tha t as it may. "Bob" K line very serio usly thr eat e n ed th e va lid it y of uch a sta te­ ment in his p r esen tation of Dr. J o hn R . Mott's speech a t Columb us befo re t h e Y. M. C. A. Co n vention t h ere. T h is ma n of wor ld-vis io n spo k e at some le n g th on the con diti on o f R us­ ia today and of h er n eeds. T h e Y. M. C A . has a n d st il l does ex ert a very s tr o ng in flu en ce o n th e m o ral e of t he t roops. I n o n e in stanc e in a hard -fo ug ht bat t le th e o nl y sector w hi c h withs tood t h e a ttack o f the en e m y wa s th e on e in wh ich th e Y. M. C. A. had b ee n es tabli s h ed. Dr. Mott a lso p r ese nt ed th e n eeds o f all th e war r ing nati o n s fo r th e h elp of th e a ssoc1at1o n Th e " reel triangl e" wo r k­ in g hand in hand with th e "Red C r os s" may w o rk wo nd e r s am o ng th e a r mi es of th e wo rld, and will without do ubt hav e m uch to do with deter­ mining th e len gth o f th e war. Fres hi e-"I'm a se lf-mad e man ." Se nior-" You quit wo rk t oo soon."





Page Three






Following is an extra ct fl'om a let­ ter received by P r esident Clippinger from one of th e boys in camp. Fort Harrison , Oct. 24. President \V. G. Clippinger My Dear Sir: R eceiv ed your lett er se veral wee ks ago and am ce rtainly glad to know tha t o ld Otterb ein is holdin g her own, war or no war. Through my fri end s at \ Ves ter vill e I hav e bee n w ell informed a s to th e co ll ege activities. Everything co n­ s id er ed, it see m s to me that Otterb ein i fortunat e in th e progress that she is making t hi s year. You inquired about a rmy life. I hard ly know how to answ er that. New exp eri ences, new fac es new duti es and new and o ld temp;ation s almost cause one to lose his balance wheel. * * * Yet with all th ese things army life is far bett er than I exp ec ted. '0le hav e plenty to cat, of tl_ie substantial kind , plenty of exe r­ ci_s~ to keep us in ' good physical con ­ dition and plenty of am usement to take, if on ly for a short tim e on e' s mind from the real iti es of war. ' At this point I want to say a word abo ut the army y_ M . C. A. I hav e a lway s beli eved in and su pport ed th e Y. M. C A though not as much a s I ought but I never kn ew o r appr eciated it s r ea l worth until I joined the army. * * * ] f you co uld see th e c ~owds that visit th e Y. M. C. A. night and day you would kn ow how ~h e so ldi ers appr eciate it and that it is worth while. . No doubt you kn ow th e character of my wo rk , if so thi s bit of news may not be int eresting. I enli st ed as a clerk in the Q uart ermast er D epart•~1en_t. In so m e way or other my enh tm ent pap er s wer e mix ed with othe for . rs 01·d s omet h.111g el e happ ened, m stea of being a cl erk I am now a motor truck driv er. I hav e had 11 0 experience in thi s lin e of work but I am confident that I ca n learn . 'vV e wtll be taught to driv e all kind s of tru cks and th er e ar e mor e fell ows than 111yself ·111 camp who hav e had no such exp eri enc e. \\ e w ere transferr ed from Fort Crook to Fort Harrison about thr ee wee ~s ago. So far o ur duties hav e co_nsisted of fundam ental military drill with an occasiona l sketching of roads from m e mory to tes t ou r power o f observatio n. W c have no trucks yet a 11 cl_ probably wi ll not rece ive th em until we arrive in France. As to how soon we wi ll be in France·, t ita t is · a q ues ti•on on th e tips of eve ryone. vVe are equipped for over. eas se rvi ce and I beli eve that we ar e only waiting for transportation . Every fe llow is anxious to go as soon a ~ po sible. * * * I have tri ed to five yo u a picture of what army life fias m eant to m e and how it has afccted m e. Trusting that it has not b c_ome monotonous and hoping for an ideal year for Otterbein, I am Si ncere ly yours, H . H . Geiger, Motor Truck Co. 316 Train 404 , Fort Benj . Harri son, Ind.

Of Extraordinary

For Comfort

Value. Service and

One o f the many styles

Style. you will see at the

39 N. High St.

The Walk-Over Shoe Co. Columbus, 0 .

Brooks Fletcher. H e co m es to Westerville

ove mb er

9 a s th e second numb er of th e Ly­

ce um Co ur se. Mr. F let cher is edi­ tor of th e Marion Tribune.

Y. W.C.A.


"A Coll ege \ Vo man' s Chara cte r," was discu sed at Y. W. C. A. last wee k, with A lic e Hall as th e leader. Our character is und ergoing con­ sta nt chang e, for bett er or for wors e, eith er being ele vated o r degrad ed. Let us ask o urs elv es this qu estion , What are we worth today? Not in m o ney; not in brains, but in purpose, hea rt and ch.a ra cter. Let us te ll our selv es th e truth abo ut o ur se lves. Commonp lace as it may seem the doing of one's duty e mb odies th e high es t id ea l of life and character. The influ ence of character wa s brought o ut by th e following: " Dis­ appointm ent, a ilm ent, or eve n weat her d ep resses us ; an d our Ioo k o r t o ne of d epress ion hind ers oth e rs from maintaining a chee rful and thankful sp1nt. 'vV e say an unkind thing, and anoth er is hind ered in lea rning th e holy lesso n of charity that th ink eth no evil. vV e say a provoking thing · r or b ro t I1er 1. s I11. 11 d ere cl an cI o ur s iste in that day's effo rt to be m ee k. How sa dly too, we may hind er without word o r act! Fo r wrong fee lin g is mor e infec tious than wrong doing; es pecially th e various phases o f ill temp e r-gloo min ess, touchin es s, dis· · b·t · D o we not k-now cont en t 1rnta 1 1ty. 110w ca t c I1111g · t I1ese are ?" . Th er e ar e many requisit es for a good and noble character, the spirit of duty, s incerity, purpose, work, k111dn · ess, manners, happin ess, fri endlin es , cheerfulness, co urt esy, p urity, thoughtfulness, truthfuln ess and vi r­ tue are among th ese. A lth ough edu­ catio n is not n ecessary to obtain all of th ese th e col lege woman's environ­ m ent is s uch that th e gaining of th ese r eq uisit es wo uld be possible to a ll. T hus ho uld the co ll eg e woman not triv e to hav e th e very high es t and no bl est character? "Rep utation is what m en and women think of us; character is what God and th e ange ls kn ow of us."

Are YOU going to Wesleyan?

G. H . MAYHUGH, M . D . East Co ll ege Ave. P hones-Citizen 26

B ell 84

C. W . STOUGHTON, M . D . 29 W . College Ave. \V es terv ille, 0 . Be ll Phone 190

Citz. Phone 1JO

B. C. YOUMANS, Barber 37 N. State St. Shoe Shine in Connection. Shop closed at 8 o'clock except Saturday.

Fine Bulk Chocolates, Mapli­ nolas, Creams, Jellies and Hore­ hound Candy, Nyal F~ce Cream and Nyal Remedies for all dis­

G. W . HENDERSON, M. D. Office Residence State and Pl um 99 S. State 10 to 11 A. NL to 4 P. M. Sundays and Eveni ngs by Appo intment.

eases at




15 W es t Co ll ege Av e.

Days' Bakery

Bell P hon e 9

Citz. Phone 167

SEELEY RESTAURANT Formerly The White Front.

Films Developed Free Prints guaranteed from properly ex­ posed negatives.

Give U s a Trial. Our Specialty To treat everybody right.


Fenton Stearns 145 W . Home St.

PIANO TUNING 0. W . MOURER Experi enced in both factory and com­ mercial work. Tuner for Otterbein conserva tory. Make appointment through college office.



TAN AND CARDINAL P ublish ed Weekly in th e int erest of Otterbein by the OTTERBEI PUBL1SHING BOARD , Westerville, Ohio. Member of the Ohio College Press Association. Staff E ditor-in- Chief .... L yle J. Michael, '1 9 Assistant EditorsJ. C. Siddall, ' 19 R. J. Harm elink, ' 19 Contributing EditorsGra ce Armentrout, ' 19 Helen Bov ee, '19 Busin ess M gr. .. .. R . L isle Roo se, ' 18 Asst. Bus. Mgr. .. Kenneth Arno ld, '20 Asst. Bus. ~[ gr. .......... C. L. Smith, '20 Circulation Mgr. .... H . E. Michael, '19 1st Asst. Cir. Mgr. ···· C. E . Mu llin, Local EditorsGeorge H. Francis, Helen Ke ll er, Coc hran Hall ........ Florence Loar, Alumna! .............. .... F. M. Bowman, Exchange ........ ............ Ruth Co nl ey, Athletic ........................ E. L. Doty,

' 19 ' 21 ' 20 '19 '18 ' 18 '18

Address all commu ni cations to The O tterbein Tan and Cardinal , 20 'vV. Uain St., We tcrvill e, Oh io. ub scri pti on Price, $1.50 Per Year, payable in advance. Entered as second class matter ep­ tember 25, 1917, at th e postoffice at \V estervillc, 0., tmder a ct of March 3, 1879.



"I pledg; all egiance to my Flag and to the R ep ubli c for which it sta nd s; one nation, indi vis ibl e, with liberty and justice for all." Physical Education. Acco rdin g to ;,.J ewton, eve r y action accompanied by a cor respo nd ing reaction. This pro\'es to be true in society as well a in the realms of Phy ic . 'vVhenever a ny cha nge from the ex1 tm cu tom is mentioned thert are alway th o e wh oppose it; some justly, it i true, and that is as it hould be. but there are other· who make a business of opposing any new thin g which doe not trike th eir per­ sonal fancy.



Our present system of un h' ersa l a nd co mpul so ry physical trai1u11 g ha s been the s ubje ct o f a g reat deal o f di scus sion and th e victim of much ad,·erse c ritici s m since the beginning of th is year. There are a few persons who think that the Trustees have adopted this system to be arbitary and to place more work upon the in­ di vidual. H o we ver, that is not the ca se. The college is spending more th a n twel\'e hundred dollars a year in thi s department, aside from the mo ney g iven by the athle ti c clubs . This in itself should make the depart­ m ent see m to be a part of the curriculum and cause it to be received favorab ly. J3y far the most complaint comes from the upper classes. There are tho se in these classes who seek to excuse th emselv es on the gro und that t hey hav e too much to do; that they ha\'e no time to go to "gym.'' Some may be conscientious in their objecti o ns and these cases should be given due consideration ; but there are others who are trying to avoid the gymnasium work, because they do no t li ke it, o r because it is real work. There are but few stude nts who get enough helpfu l exercise unless they are taking an active part in athletics o r are in the " gym" classes. The Trustees had thi in mind whe n estab li shing compulsory trainin g, fo r it is tr ue that the harder one works at hi s regul a r co ll ege wo rk the more he needs the exerc ise, eve n though he may not see it that way himself. In­ asmuc h as the rulin g is not intended to work a hardship upon anyone, but rather to he a h_e lp, it behooves every student to look at the proposition fr o m all poss ib le angles before see k­ ing an excuse from this required work. Do You Waste T ime ? How much tim e does th e Otterbein student waste? Thi is not a new qu estion. Far be it from suc h. It has been th e subject of many a n edito rial and the cau e for many a con fere nce in P rexy's office. Yet the fact still rema in s that among the st ud ent th ere is an enormo us amount of tim e wasted; yes, in some cases, worse than wasted. There are several reasons for this dissipation of tim e. 'vVith some it is a matter of not having a sc hed ul e to work by. 'vVhil e a hard and fast sched ul e is not the best plan, yet everyon e ho uld have a tentative o ut ­ li ne of each day's work. Any suc h system t end to eliminate the will­ ful waste of tim e. With others this us e of time to no advantage is due to an exaggerated co ndition of ennui. Altho ugh the number in this class is sma ll sti ll we find a few persons to whom the term " lazy" would apply very we ll. They go to class o nly when th ey feel that if is getting dang ero u to stay away longer ; they cut lab o n any pretext, t hey hun the football fi I'd ; in fact they avoid any thing that avor of work, prcfering rath er to loaf. There is still another clas which include tho e per o ns who indulge, according to the vernacular of the campus, in the ." min or spo rt ." They

spend many an aft ern oon and even­ in g . and in s me ca se s even late r th an that, playing s uch gam es a s ''Auth ­ ors," "Roo k" a nd "So litaire." Th e :)ne great argument against such gam es is that of the tim e lost. Thi s amounts to much more than th e r ecre'. 1tion d eriv ed from playjng th em . V/e ar e now at a tim e wh en we ar e urged to eco nomize on a ccount of th e war. \ Vhil e we ar e se eking to con ­ se rv e th e s upply of fu el and food stuffs, might we not pay a li ttl e clos er he ed to th e us e of o ur tim e, as a war measur e, if for no o th er r ea so n ? Surely we wou ld g e t mor e o ut o f o ur remaining college days.

r~m~mnn7 ihruuuU1.Il.nnrulJ'UV1.n.n., 'l./lJUU\.ru ~

Editor, Tan and Cardina l : Is a rai lroad walk better than a par­ lor talk? Boys will be bo ys, and girls wi ll he girls, from henceforth even for-evermore , con sequently they wili ? et. together, .. in couple s: · although it I generally conceded among th e boys, at least, that girls are a necess­ ary evi l. But their getting together. -dates are a simr,le thing to get'. eve ryb ody knows, b ut wh ere to sp end the t1111e ts the question. The do r mi­ to ry parlor is mentioned. \Ve li ke the dorm parlors for som e occasions suc h as reception or banquets, but t~ spend the e,·ening there, w ell that is a not her thing altogether. . lt is admitted that walking is be t in nice weather but it sur e takes st'.ong hearts to breast the winter w111ds and snows that are comin g o?n, a ample of whi ch niade us all s hi ve r las t week. The o nly so luti on at present seem s to be the As ociation pa rl ors. What we need i to have somethin g there to mak~ that room agreeable instead of a stiff backed room for ill-fated pushes. Two hundred d f, f 1 ty d o I Jars ha been gi\'en lo an •• 1 • . ix up th e aud itorium and parlor 'f . . • • lV O t Of It wi ll be needed for the aud't . 1 onum but 1 p ea e g o easy and save a li ttle t~ fix up th e parl or. \Vhat d . oes 1t need? . It hould be home like and to make It such; how wou ld a n o ld J).. f I 1ano rom tie conse rv atory do for b . . Th b a eg11111111g? . en a unch of ea y chairs wo uld be mce. so 111 e settee too. o r better till \ ~hair~ made fo r on e big perso n hn1 sh 1n g t I · r ouc 1es, how auout a rug two a few ). t or ' [ tc ures, and a collecf of pennant st I· ion . uc' around the ro :\ow don't ti· I om. · ung t 1at we are ach·o cat,,. any such thing as a mat rim o nial 1,11 )ureau far fro 111 1·t b , ut to prevent th , 1 ' u ta run of co ld , ore thr oats an~ Ort h let u hope that omet hi ng 1•doone 0011 A •r · ra ck \, a lker . 0 n another Page there is an announcement of the . sc1enc.e · meet in g of the . lub tonight. Th·1 o rganization which has . an th · a its object e rousin g of interest . . ~ot1c p ha se of modern sc:~nt~~~e t:~:~ e opment and disco,ve r . d. at eac 1I n1eet1n • g and all Y isd 1sc u sed a re inte rested in the n stu ent~ who will do well t 1 atu ral sciences o )eco me as 0 · d . c1ate with thi s organization.

Keep with the

team this week.

THE "EFILUO" CLUB. '·J lc ll o To m, yo u in a lrea dy ? Wh3.t's

th e t ro ubl e, a littl e early, isn't it," as ked Bill a s T o m cam e into the study, flung hi s hat on th e table and slo uch ed · into a chair. •· y es, a littl e early. ~I); girl wanted to go in early tonight , too mu ch going o n th e la st coupl e of days. Besides, .l ' m all in mys e lf." ' 'Y o u said a m o uthful there o ld man , ne ver bee n so busy in my life, ex ce pt o nce do wn ho m e-" '·A w shut up a bo ut that do wn home s tuff, D oc. Ca n't you let a g uy st udy o nce in a whil e," grunted Mac as he . thr ew down his boo k and turned fac­ ing th e oth er thr ee boy s. ..T he re you go a gain about study­ ing Ma c. That' s all y ou get do ne, talk about it," said Tom. " At least I don't g et notices from Prexy ev ery fe w days like some ot her peopl e I know," respond ed Mac get­ ting abo ut half peev ed. '·Com e, cut th e com edy boys. W:tiat's th e use to study tonight, no­ body' ll hav e th eir ·lessons tomorrow anyway. N ot afte r that celebration at urday." .. Ce lebration's right, that feed was a reg ula r affair. N ever ate so much in my life," said Tom. '·Yes you football fe llow s had it on us, yo u got th e s econd he lping, a nd th ey iust pas se d th e eats to us, so we had to act at least half civi li zed." .. I' ll bet you got enough , eve n at that, Bill ," accused Mac. " Sure I did, but th ey kidded nic about it." "Thos e talks certainly made me fee l bett er aft er losing that game. nevi:r fo ught harder in my li fe." " 1 believe that Tom, and th e ga ine showed it. A lth o ugh yo u boys were beat en yo u showed sc rap and pl;i ye d all around thos e big Heid e lberg fel· lows." .. Yes a coup le of lucky tr eak for th e m i all that did it. Luc k seemed to be against us. V e mad e the ga in s b ut som e how just co ul n't g et a score. Anyh o w we' r e going to g et Wesley· · • th e an next Sat u rda y o r som ethings matter." . .. l'll ay o , 1'f yo u JJlay :inythi'1'1g . ltke yo u did today yo u can't help it. ''We're a ll going to the game next '.Vt: ek, ain't we." ,. . Count on me" aid Ma c. "l' ' , · frotlt ve got a dat e already,' l 1115 D " · vd to oc. \ ,V c ought to g e t a cro, t 311· go ov er to D ela war . How abott e oth e r ral ly this w e k Bill, to g et . 0111 ' rooter at that gam e." ''Vlouldn't be a bad idea," Doc. • ''Let's go to bed boys l've go t SCV ' seve n e ra 1 les ons to get before ' I M o c oc k tomorrow," aid 1 ac, 3s he g o t up and started for th e door., 1 ve ·· ot yet Mac, come on, lets 13 1· I . " a itt e hand be for e we turn 111.


. . On e of our circulation m en t a cklede an alumnus for hi subscr iption to 11I was T a n and Cardinal. Said alumnus a about to ign up when !~is lad;' he present student, advised h1111 th a. IY d t·d not want " tha t paper. " Certain thi s is not th e spirit of all the girls. Are Y O U going to W esleyan?


Page Five

============= -===========~_~:_=-_=-_=-_=_=-_=-_=_=_=:_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=-_=_=_=~----------ALUMNAL.

Second Lecture Given.

The fol lowin « were among the out L nday cYening at th e First U nited of town a lumni who were here for the Brcthcrn hurch Rev. E. E. Burt­ gamc. atu rday. ·· huck" ' ·ampbell, ne1· delive red befo r e a good audience ' 15 ; Ray Be nnett '10; Bishop G. M. , hi s econd of the series of addresses Mathews '70; '·Ted" H.os , · 17; Dr. 011 :tllartin Lu ther and the Reforma­ J . \\". Funk . ·or;; G. . Ream, Ex '17; tio n. Th ese talks are more than en­ George :\. c ri st, ' I T; [rs.("John"' tcrtaining, they are exceedin g ly in­ Smit h) \ ' an "ick le, ·03; !VIi ss De r tl1a structiv c. mith , "!HJ; l•. 0. Van Sick le, '06; M. The speaker in his second address H. Mathews, '07; Mrs. J. \V. Fu n k, took up more minutely the incidents '07; l\Ir s. J. \\'. Ilartbaugh, ·03; An - in Luther' life as th ey affected the nette Drane. '17; Opa l Gilbert, '16; Reformation. The striking fact was Dorothy Gilbert, '15; Major "Jack" that Luther did not start the Refor­ Thompso n. \H; "Dick"' IJracf:ie ld ,'17; mation; he on ly dramati zed it. It was a l o s hown how tenacious Luther " ocky" \\' oo d, '17. '93. Frank Resler has gone to Flint was in his purpose. Tria l after tri a l Mich., to accept a po ition as sec re- was held in whic h the condem ned was tary of the hamber of Comme rce in ask to recant and time after time he that city. refused t o do this. Threats were made and high position s were prom­ '94 Dr. harles na,·e ly addressed a ised but to n o avai l. He stoo d fast lar ely attended pro hibition meeting for what he thought ri ght and in ac­ in Carroll unday e\'eni ng. His ub­ co rdance wh ich the Bible. ject was; "Pro hi bition and tate FiSome amusing and yet enlighten­ nance." ' ing in cide nts were brought out con­ '92. Prof. R. H. \ \"agoner addresse d cerning h is marriage. . !so thin gs a Prohibition meetin g at th e vra nklin happened in th e chu rch an d co untry U. B. church near ~ ew Albany last which d elayed t h e pope and high of­ Wednesday evening. Sunday he ad­ fic ia ls from co ntinuin g their fig h t dres eel a prohibition meetin g at aga in st Luth er. Strassburg, 0. The speaker closed with g reat '15. Rev. Penrose Redd is recover ing praise for the r eformer. The last of 1 from a se rious attack of appen di c iti s. the erie wi ll be g iven on next S un ­ He oent several weeks in a hospita l day evenin g . in Lima. Oh io . '06. Dr. J. W. F unk o f East Pittsburg, utos fo r the Ohio 'vVeslyan game; Pa. has been spend in g a few cl ays in order yours now. Mayne's Ga rage.Adv. town.

Hart, Schaffner & M arx and Fashion Park

Suits and Overcoats





DAY. W e pa r ticularly Feature 3


A ssort­


$20, $25, $30 ______.

THE --




RECITAL PROGRAM FoHowin g is the program to b e rc n d e1:cd by th: Schoo l of Music at it s first rec ital 111 Lamben Hall \ Vednes day ni gh t at e ig ht o'cl'ock. Piano Quartet-Peer Gy nt Suite I , Op. 46 Grieg (a) Le Matin (b) La mort d' Ase (c) La danse cl' nitra (cl) Dans la hall c du roi d e montagn e A li ce R ess ler, F lorence Dixon , Edna Fa rl ey, He len Van ce Pia no-Gnom entan z, Op. 6 . . Menge wein He len Vlagnc r Song-Be loved it is Mo rn . A lward Ruth Gors uch P ia no-Second Impromptu, Op. 87, No . 3 . E. R . Kroege r Agnes Wri g h t Piano Du et-Happin es . . . . F. aumann vra nce Kennedy and Mary Th omas So ng-Ah, S leep 'vVhy D os t T h o u L eav e M c Handel Nev a A nd c rs·on Pi an o-Second Va lse in B flat . Godar d 'vVray Richardso n Piano-(a) The h ep h erd' s P ip e Wi lmot Lemont ( b ) Drum and Bugle . L erman Marian Sna ve ly Son g-0 Tell Mc ighti n ga lc . L. L e hmann Betty H end e r so n . . Mendelssohn P iano- pinning Son g L ucy Ke iser Vio li n- ln a Sy lv a n V al e, Op . 196, o. A. Noelck V irg inia S nav ely P iano Du et- Quart et fr o m Rigo let to . Verdi-E ngelmann E leanor and H erb ert J o hn son

Remember the folks at home-Order Xmas Photos Early. What more acceptable present can you make than your Twelve photos make one dozen accep table presents.

I I \

Have the best.


The Old R eliable


State and High Streets Special rates to all Otterbein stu­ dents.

Special Monogram . Stationery Those who wish exclusive Monogram Stationery made up to order should look over our samples. New and stylish design. Engraved visiting cards and statione~y

Printers of '' The Tan and Cardinal'' Calendars of Elegant Designs, suitable for gifts; New Fancy Books, Leather Books and other Holiday Goods.


The Buckeye Printing Co. R. W. SMITH, '12, General Manager 18-20-22 W. Main Street \Vesterville, O . Both Phones

= ag::e=S1 P= e = · x==========';=======,1=' =H=E=T = A=N= A=N =D;:C ~~: A: :=: R D: ;1 • ;_ •· : ·.:. ;,;A L: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : ~ LOCALS. COC HRAN NOTES


Ruth Fries, Katheryn \Varner and Geo. ec hri st took dinn er unday at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. \ . A Young.


pe,,t the


Hallowe'en ce lebrations were num ­ rous in the Hall la st week.

Edith Hahn of ectio n B and Har­ mon and Barthlow were delegates to Lois Bickelhaupt ha been ill for a I the ounty Chri tian Endeavor co 11- iew days. ' vention at olumbus, Friday, Satur­ an ton Mrs. v\lilhelm from day and Sunday. ed Vida last week. When Glen R ea m arriYed in \ \les­ There were smiles e,· ry where dur­ terville Friday afternoon , he was very much urpri ed to find that his young­ ing Home Com in g week. It might er brother had come from Rising un be a good p lan to i1ivite our friends to , isit us more than just nee a year. to pend the wee k-end with him . Kath ry n broug ht ood les of good Last Monday even in g sixteen co l­ lege fo lk s, a lth o ugh you wo uld have things from home and twe lve girls tho ught that most of them were e nj0yed them Monday nig ht. ghosts, made merry at the home of The g uests in the Ha ll for '·Home Helen Keller on West Home street. oming" were Helen Bucher, Opal Ag nes \,\/right, Gladys Swigart, and Gi lbe r t, Dorothy Gil bert, Lydia Gar­ Virginia Burtner were also hostesses. ver, Ruth Van Kirk, Annette Brane, Neva Anderson and ;;Ike" \ Va rd and Nettie Lee Roth. sang in Columbus Friday afternoon, Miss Rhoda Basinger from Bluffton at the preliminary try-out for the 0. spent the week-end here. State Si nging contest cond ucted by \Ve fe lt slig hted when we weren't the Co lumbu s Citizen. Mrs. Mega­ han was Neva's acco mpani st, and Ag­ asked to help line the field for Satur­ day's game. I guess gir ls can do nes Wright p layed for Ike. more than ye ll. Members of the Otterbein Guild entertained the College girls Saturday Anna Kate Shupe fr o m cott<la le evening at the home of Edit h Hahn. Penn. visited here last week.


Day of Three Cent Stamps. Helen Harris of Dayton visited "Did you put the stamps 011 tho se Janet Gi lbert last week. letters?" Grace entertained for Ruth Van" o, I lipped them through the kirk \Vednesday night. slot when the fe llow wasn't looking." Mrs. Burtner visited Virginia SatSergeant Campbell returned on a urday. furlough aturday. "W hitey" K urt z, \ Ve a ll think that Ha ll owe'en jokes a fellow sergea nt a nd bunk mat e, ac­ are fun but when we remember the companied hi m. tick-tacks at midnight we take an­ A. C. Sidda ll was taken to his hom e other " think." in Dayton last Saturday in Ba lli nger's Mrs. James Harbaugh from Toledo ambu lance. Mr. Sidda ll has an at­ tact of inflammatory rheumatism. l t was Dean lvicFadden's gu e t la st is report ed that "Red" stood th e trip week. very well. Mrs. Ba rr of olumbus visited her sister Mary Weaver. She took Mary The Russell Declamation Contest and Vera· home with her Saturday. is scheduled to be held during the Bernice Elsea visited Camp Sherweek before Christmas vacation. All man Sunday. Freshmen and Sophomore are eligi­ Boys we were sorry we co uldn't at­ ble to compete for th e prizes offered, tend your "pig roast" ·but our h ea rts and a large numb er of contestants is were there. expected to qualify. Fifteen girl enjoyed a dinner party More Truth Than Poetry. in Florence Reese's room aturday Laugh and the profes or laughs with night. you, Prof. a11d Mrs. :N. B. ~unemaker Laugh and you laugh alon . and their children Dorothy and Mar­ The first when the joke is professor's garet of Cana l \ Vi nchester were joke, gue ts of Virginia Burtner. Prof. Th la t when it's one of your own. unemaker was an . U. Varsity man. ] f anyone considers himself or her­ Lenore Rayotand Grace Armentraut self slighted on this matter of local were dinner guests at the home of item , please don't blame the local Marie Wagoner Saturday evening. editors. They try to find out all the Marie Y o ung spent the week-end things that happen around this old in­ stitution, but they know perfectly 111 olumbus. well that a good many interesting \Ve enjoyed the econd erenade of things slip past them. So if you want the season Saturday ni g ht. It was to be loyal, when ever you know of g reat-come aga in. any visitors in town or out, or any fter the excitement of Home good joke worth printing, the editors of this column would be eterna lly Coming week we arc a ll down to hard grateful, if you would ·'put them labor o nce more. next."

The Schoedinger-MarrCo.

Let's all go to Wesleyan.




m~~~!~n~:~c~t:; Hardware and Sporting Goods stor e in Columbus.



Our Unconditional Guarantee We reply upon the integ rity of our customer s. If any article purchased at our store does not render the service or satisfaction which YOU as its purchaser, believe it should have given, a re­ fund or satisfactory adjustment will be made. You are to be the sole judge. Your decision is ours.

THE SCHOEDINGER = MARR CO. H. B. COLEMAN, Vice Pres. You are wise and wi ll be wiser when y ou inspect our line of Every-day needs and become thor­ oughly familiar with o u r unconditional guarantee. It is your insurance of quality and satisfaction. Every reader of the Tan and Cardinal will purchase one or more items to be found ma Hardware and Sporting Goods store be­ tween n ow and Christmas. We want those purchases and to s how you that we are anxi­ ous to serve you we make this special o ffer . Present this advertisement at our store and we will give you a special discount of 10 percent on any purchase made between now and November 15th, 1917.

This saving will pay your trans­ portation to Columbus at least Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Shaving Ne­ cessities, Athletic Clothing, Basket Balls, Foot Balls, Striking Bags, Exercisers, Army Gloves, Athletic Shoes, Skates, Hunting Clothing, Guns and Ammunition.

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