The Tan and Cardinal PUBLISH ED I N THE I
an Outsider.
Nearly All Board Members Are Present Showing Great Interest in the College.
Thanksgiving Dinner is Plentious
Time Divided Into Three Periods for
Writer has privilege of Living as a Soldier Lives.
Mobilization, Picket and Scout Duty and the " Great Drive."
Row after row of long low bui ld ings constructed with a strict regu larity; here and there a house of dif fe r ent design, painted a brilliant green, and marked on the end with the red t ri angle of the Y. M. C. A . ; ever yw h ere a constan t and cease less flow of khaki-clad yo ut h s. Such is the view which meets the eye of the vi itor as he enter the camp where ncle am is training the young men of Ohio for ervice over-seas. Of the size and orderly a r rangement of Camp herman one can carcely have any idea at all until he ha actually ecn it with his own eyes. Th be t view of the who le camp i to be had from the hi ll directly above the Base Hospital. From h er e a l most as far a eye can see extend countless numbers of barracks and upply house , mo t of them already in u e and ome till in the proces of completion. l n this whole picture there is not a sign of disorder but the entire cantonment is laid out in the most methodical way po ible. Interesting as a panorama of the camp may seem to be, it dwindles to a thing of comparatively little im portance besides the rea l work of the camp. At the outskirts of this mi li tary city is the bayonet chool. Here one may perchance see a real British officer instructing our American offi cers in the rudiment of bayonet fight ing. This thing that so many of u hrink from is taken up in a matter of-fact way that would surely make the Kai er hold hi breath were he to witne s the bu ine s-like attitude of the men. Away off at the other side of the camp i a field of everal acres cut and la hed aero s with really, truly ( Continued on page two.)
Convening in special session the Roard of Trustees formally launched the big campaign, at their meeting here );:ovember 27. Be ides the memhers of the Board several general offi cers, conference superintende1~ts, pas tors and prom ine n t laymen were pr es ent to show their interest in the "big drive" which is to mean so much to Otterbein within the next four years. The Board agreed upon the plans to be used in the drive and decided to outline the campaign on a military ba is. The campaign will be divided into three part . The first period cov ering the month of December, Janu ary and February \,·ill be used for en listment and mobilization. Each con fcrcn-cc is to be tho, oughly organiz.:d under a conference c hairman and a conference captain; the super inten dent acting as chai r man and a layman to be appointed, to be tl::e conference captain. Then each of the nine confer ences will be uh-divided into groups, each group working under the leader ship of a group leader and a group manager. The organization is to be carried further to provide for the local churches. T.he second perio•d wi ll b one of picket and scout duty occupying the month of 1Iarch. During thi time, President Clippinger say , there will be ome sharp- hooting for big givers, keeping the mailer ones always in mind. The "Great Drive" i scheduled to take the month of Apri l, the last week of which, all those in the field will "go over the top." As yet no definite date has been fixed for closing the campaign but this and other detai ls are being worked out by President Clippinger and his associates. In addition to the thorough organ(Continued on page two.)
Visitor Tells of the Various Phases of Camp Life Seen by
"Y" P ledges Being Paid. :Mi s Alma Guitner, treasurer of the "Y" fund which was pledged by the tudents and faculty several weeks ago, report that the pledges are be ing paid in good time. The amount received to date is $928, $600 of this ha been forwarded to the T reasurer in , ew York. This is nearly half of the total amount of $2314.50 pledged, and the trea urer expects to have everything settled up soon after the Christmas ho lidays.
No. 12.
Professor John A Bendinger Instructor in Voice. INSTRUCTOR RESIGNS Vocal Teacher Leaves Musical Pro fession to Become Chemist After Term of Four Years. Recent announcement has been made that Professor John A. Ben dinger, for the past fo· r yer rs in structor in vo ice in Otte r bei n Col lege, has resigned from this position and will take up work as a chemist for the Ohio Cities Gas Company. This firm, outside of the tandard Oil com pany is said to be the largest cor poration in the country. Mr. Ben dinger' work will consist in making casing-head· gasoline. In addition to routine work he expects to do some experimental inve tigation. Professor Ben dinger, "born and rai eel a Buckeye," received his de gree of Bachelor of Science at the niversity of Michigan. His musical education was completed at the Cin cinnati College of Music. Following h is course the r e he accepted a posi tion a instructor in Voice at Ohio v\' e leyan in which capacity he served for ten years. Since his coming here the profe sor has proven a worthy in tructor. Not only has he given his attention to teac hi ng but h e has b een a willing worker in various other pha e of college activtities. The church choir under hi direction has grown to be one of the best in this locality. Director Grabill as yet is not posi tive as to who will succeed as chief in structor but he state that. he has recommendations ready for faculty and board approval. Pre ident Cl ippinger is busy this week visiting the other . B. confer ences. He is in the Miami Confer ence the first of this week, and will peak to the Ministerial Association of Dayton this afternoon.
Contest is Postponed. Because of the short time between the Thanksgiving and Christmas vaca tions Professor Fritz ha thought it advisable to postpone the Declamation Contest until after Christmas. Thi will give the lower classmen a better chance to do their best in an event which is always a rare litera r y treat. Also a small change in the debate sched u le is to be noted. Instead of but one debate with Hiram College, a doubleheader has been a rranged .
Team Elects C aptain.
After the football game at \ \ ooster, Coach Gorton called a meeting of the team for the purpose o'f electing a captain fo r next season. Th e boys unanimous ly agreed to cast their lots with big "Bill" Evans. Bi ll has been playing footbal l around Otte r b ein for the past five or ten years; has worked under various coaches; and knows every point of the game from the kick-off to the fina l whis t le. 1fore than merely being a good foot-ball player, Bill is a good scout, a leader, and admired by the entire student body. Bill has had suc-cessful experi ence in "captaining" a foot-ball ag gregation and if Otterbein doc not have a successfu l footba ll eason next •ear it will not be be a11se of lack of ab ili ty or merit on t he part of its captain. \,\ c arc a ll back of Captain Bill and wi h for h im and his 1918 football team the best of success.
(This article shou ld have been pub lished in the last is uc of the Tan and Cardina l but owing to the lack of space we were unable to include it. Editor.) CARTOO N IST W ILL APPEAR Th ird Number on L ecture Course Will Provide Fun and Entertain ment of Various Forms. To Lyceum and hautauqua audiences a ll over this ountry the name of A lton Packard, w ho is to appear here December 17, b rings to mind a cartooni t and entertain r of the high est type. Mr. Pac kard' programs have been tylcd, "Glimp e of beauty in art and nature, humorou and ati r ica l comments and a rtoon , mus ical comedy and sentime n t." He varies his prog rams by song appropriate to the cartoons he ha drawn, playing own accompaniment upon the piano. Many of the songs that he use are his own compositions. Alton Packard ha been upon the Lyceum platform for fifteen years, ap pearing before the great t a emblies in America time and time again and always with the sam delightful re sults. He received his early training in cartoon work under the late Frank Beard of the Ram's Horn and is re ferred to by ome as Mr. Beard's sue cessor. Although ranked as the "prince of cartoonists," he is more than that; he is an artist. He posses es an under tanding of human nature which i keen and unbounded. His entertaining i of a clever nature, funny, instructive and in every way plea ing "While his delineation of American life in cartoon, imperson ation, song and tory is full of wit, humor and fun, th re is a sober thought through it a ll th at says, 'Have. a worthy aim in life'."· (Continued on pag e t wo.)
P a ge Two
V I S I T T O CAMP Uncle Sam a ppa ren tl y believes in IS I NTERESTIN G home train ing in do m es ti c science for ( Contin•Jed from pa g e o ne.) boys a s we ll a s g irl s for what do th ey t renches, const ru cted "a la F ra ncaise," do b ut wash their ow n d ishes I u nder th e d irecti o n of a blu e-clad T hanks, th o ug ht I, fo r my m o th er' s F:rench o fficer. Th e write r I1a d th e ins iste nce o n makin g a t emp orary opport unity of seeing t h is same ge n- ho usemaid o f he r so n in th e da ys of tleman instruct two o r three quad s his yo u th · of Sammies in the a rt of throwing If yo u are fond of associ a tio n w ith hand gre na !cs. They were develop - other people the army is th e place ing a skill that wi ll mean v ~ctor ies for fo r YOU without do ubt. T here yo u the a llies wh n these boys meet the may· not o nl y e njoy the fellow shi p o f H u ns. The trenches are a t least sev- your companio ns d urin g the day b ut en feet deep a n·d are a pparently laid even in "the priva cy of yo ur room" o u t in the latest approved fas h ion. you are sur rounded by seve n ty-five o r ear t his fie ld, it is expected t hat a h undred of yo u r comrades in arms. another o ne ·w ill be fitted up for a It is barely possib le t hat t hey w ill ri fl e range fac ing toward hi toric o ld eve n co nve r se with yo u in th eir slee p. Mount Loga n. When t he lights are t u rne d ou t at Like any other city of its size, nine-th irty a nd some one shou ts Camp herman has its share of sic k- "Order!" every th ing i sup po ed ly ness. Those afflicted are cared for at quiet. In ide of fifteen minutes, how the Base Hospita l by t he camp physi- ever, yo u may be conscio us of a shoe cians and their he lpers. The hospital whir ling through the air in clo e prax is a unit by itse lf, having its own heat- imity to your left ear. Later, per ing plant and water supply. Unlike hap your ne ighbor who has been ou t an ordinary city hospital which at vi iting one of the other barracks may mo t has less than a half dozen come in and waken you by throwing buildings, thi camp hospital has sep- out of his b u nk enough boards to arate wards and barracks numbe ring make a yo ung lum ber pi le. o soon well up toward a hundred. Many of er has he th rown them on the floor them to be sure, are connected by than he picks them up again and gen long corridors, one of which is said tly puts them to bed in that fellow's to he nearly a half mile in length. b unk who is always trying to how One can walk for an hour at a time how smart he is. It is not long through the e passage all the t ime though before yo u fa ll as leep to be covering new territory without step- awakened in the morning by some ping for a moment from under the noisy "nut" who goes around every sheller of the roof. Besides the morning just at the time when sleep wards for the ick there arc three seems sweetest, sticking h is head in large supply houses which furnish the the door and calling out at the top of entire camp w ith medica l necessities. his vo ice, "O ut". And y ou can't just Of a ll my experiences dur ing my g ru nt " h-h uh" a nd ta ke ano th er visit at t he camp the most nove l was snooze. On the contra r y the logical the privi lege of living a a soldier thing to do is to get up after the sec lives for near ly two whole days. ond stretch. Then, for break fast and Thanksgiving dinner, though a boun- work. tiful one, lacked something of the The only thing that breaks the spirit of a Thank giving at home. monotony of ordinary camp life is t he P l nty of turkey and all the "trim- j Y. :.I. C. A. One fellow remarked, min's" were provided . W ith me s kit "This would be an awf ul place if it in hand knife fork and spoon in my weren't for the "Y". Here the boys JJOcket, 'and c~p under my arm I took may read and write letters, enjoy my place in the bread line and wa ited good mus ic, mee t their friends, and my turn to be .served in the kitchen. do any numbe r of other th ings to pass The mea l wa eaten without any par- away their spare t ime. I left t he ticular digres ion from custom else - camp with a stronger appreciation of where but the real difficu lty arose the ssociation than I eve r had b~ whcn it came to was hing the dishes. fore. The boys who are spending
the ir t im e ther e ma y be taking o u r pla ces in th e a rmy an d th e bes t thing t ha t can be do ne by a n o u ts ide r is to boos t th e Y. :\I. C. A. If yo u don't beli eve it visit th e camp a nd see for yo urself.
K. B uche r of t he sa m e p lace were ma rried a t t he bride's home. They are spe ndi ng the ir honeymoon in Akron. Tu esday, Dec. 4, a t 6 p. 111 ., Miss Marg ue rit e Geo r ge, ' 17, o f Okea na, a nd M r. H er be r t Mye rs o f Dayton we re qui etl y m arr ied a t th e ho me of t he bride. Mr. Myers left yes terday fo r F o r t Oglethorpe, Geo rgia. T he iiext day, Dec. 5, Miss Min erva R us el and M r. B ur to n T hursh, ' 16, we re marri ed a t th e b rid e's ho me in Bowling Green. They in te nd to live ~t C_ygnet, Ohio, where Be rt is teach mg 111 the hi gh schoo l.
T RUSTEES ADOPT P ROPOS E D PLANS (Cnntinued from page on e.) izatio n be in g mad e o f th e co -o perat in g ter rito ry, pl enty of tim e will b e spent in coa ching and trainin g th e ca mp ai g n wo rk ers, an d in ho ldi ng g ro up meeti ngs fo r insp ira ti o n and I info rm at ion. T he a ct ua l can vass du ring th e B ig Dri ve w ill be carri ed o n Section B E n ter tains. by in d ivi d ua ls and t ea ms accord in g to ah the plans of t he local chu rch organ i"A h b' lievcs in sys t' ma t ics, za t ions. docs," said Dinah in the cleve r playlet . At present, as Campaign Director presented unday evening by a pickp n t c 11pp111ger · · · v1· 1ting • 1s the' ed cast of members of Section ~ va n·o.u s con fer ences, ho lding group Chri tian Endeavor. The plot of th e mee t ings in arous ing spirit that t he act centered in the conve rsio n of campaign may tart off prope rl y. He .Mas a and 11issus to the plan _of syshas j ust re t urned from the All h tcmatic giv ing ro "de Lawd" 111 tead eg eny o f" g1v111 .. 'cl e good La wd w I1at ever hapConfe rence and reports even great . success t han expected. T he ch u r:I: , pen when de t ime came ." To ~!inch and su pporters of the choo l are tak- her argument Dinah tries se rvmg a ing ho ld of th e propositi o n wi th th e dmn_cr from "whatever happen whe n determinatio n that a ll the goals sha ll de time come" saying that "A h wa nt be attained. ed to git dinnah fo' yo' o ut o' de President Clippinger u rges t hat t he wahm fee lin' o' ma heart." Following the theatrica l st unt, Mr. tudents remember the pa r t tha t t hey may play and turn in a ll information Vandersa ll , secretary of the O hio regarding prospective st udents and Christia n Endeavor Unio n, prese nted do nor s. T he student body is not t o the need for more interest in th e thin~ t hat this is a campaign to be Quiet Ho ur. Three helps are to be earned on outside t he school itself der ived from the observance o f th e bu t o n the cont rary, eve r y s tud en~ Q uiet Ho u r-closer re lations hip wi th shou ld fee l a respons ibi lity and len d Go d, a m o re comp lete discove ry of a ll the help possib le. O ne of t he s lo self, and t he mos t va lu ab le co un el for g an s o f th e campaign is " D o yo u r bit the choos ing of a life work. but do your best!" CART OONIST WILL APPEAR , Co nt inued fr0m page one.) Many Grads W ed. \Vedd ings and more weddings! Mr. Packard w ill furnis h the th ird F_our of them in the last two 1,veeks. I c ap Six 0 f • num Jer on the Lect ure o urse, eight parties concerned are pearing in the college chapel nex t grad or ex-S t udents of Otte r bein . :'.\fonday evening. There are ti ll a rd . ~atu ay, Nov. Z4, at the Evangel- number of desirable seat to be had '.ca ~hurch at hi llicot hc, Mi s Mon- for the remainder of the co ur se. ica , ornbcck of West A lexand ri a be- 1 ica me t he bride of Li eut. J. J. M d . . , hen k. "M un dy" I ft f un Doctor anders (d1 cus 1ng expe r Hoboken N J e or a cam~ near ential and demonstrat ive evidence)' cw erscy from wh ich I1 ":\l d on• r. Palmer, can love be expects to leave so f F e em on or ranee. strated ,,, B J · '·I O n Thanksgiving Da M" Wakely ' 17 0 f l(" lb kY, iss esse Palme r ( vho ought to know)' , 1 uc and 11 " ' k " ' · r. vv • ·now nothing about it, Doctor.
BASKET BALL BOYS' SERIES Both series for 60cts. GIRLS' SERIES THIS WEEK Boys Games Wednesday and Saturday Evenings '
'T f
TH E TAN AND CARDINA L OPENING GAMES PLAYED Sophs Defeat High School Seconds. Freshmen Win From Juniors · · in Scrappy Contest. Last Satur day n ig h t Otterb e in opened he r basket -ba ll season with th e ·first series of th e inter-class games. Co n si d erab le credit is d u e Manager Schu tz for th e arrange m ent of th e class se ri e s a s th ey ar e b o th enterta ining and va luab le in th e s e lec tion of vars ity mat e rial. A larg e cro wd o f s t ud ents wa s pr ese nt to wit ness th e co nt ests. B e caus e of t h e cancelin g of th e S en ior s ch edu le th e Sop homor es played a t eam from W es terv ill e Hig h Schoo l. T he first g a m e of th e ev enin g w as th e Sophs vs. Hig h Sc h ool seco nd s . T he game was fa s t and scra ppy but rat her loo se. T h e So phs a lthough havi ng good ba sk e t-ba ll mat e ria l w er e handicapp ed by la ck of prac tice and good team w o rk wa s wanting in both teams. T h e So ph s how eve r ru s h ed through th e H igh s ch o o l for an ea sy \'icto ry. Fox and Mi ll er w er e t h e big poi n t winn ers for t h e Sop h s, Fox mak ing sev entee n and M ill er t e n of th e to ta l t hi rty -on e points of t h e gam e. E lli ott o f th e High scho o l wa s the oppo n en t's b ig man, maki ng fif teen of t h eir n in et ee n poin ts . Sophs (31) W. H . S. 2d (19) Fox L. F . Coll ie r May ne R. F . Pri es t Mill er C. E ll iott M ey er s L. G. D ew Arno ld R. G. Barn h art Sub stituti o ns-So phs: Bro wn for M ey er s, Smith for Arn o ld F i Id goa ls-M ill er 5, Fox 7, M eyers 2, E liott 7, Pri es t 2. Fou ls t hrow n- F ox 3, E ll iott I. R eferce-vVatts. In th e second gam e of t h e even ing th e f,'r es hm en battled ga ll antl y again st t h~ir upp er classm en and won from th em 26 to 14. P a lm e r and Mulli n mad e a sp ee dy pair of for ward s for t he Ju ni o rs but we r e s ur passed in cl evern ess by Funk a nd \ Va g ner of th e Fres h ies. T h is gam e wa s a lso int eres tin g fr o m t h e fa ct that it wa s th e fir s t ex hib iti o n o f t h e Fres hies a nd with th e m lies poten t po sibil iti es of n ew var sity ma te ria l. Th e two gam es w e re a s w ell p laye d as cou ld be ex p ec t ed with th e co n sid eratio n t hat th e mo st of t h e m en a r e playing toge th er fo r th e fir s t tim e. From th e s ho wing that seve ra l o f th e class play ers mad e, it lo o k s a s t h o ug h Ott erb ein wo uld h ave a str o n g var sity li ve thi s y ear. Th e s tud ent body shoul d com e o u t and su pport th ese gam es b ett er . Freshies (26) Juniors (14) Van ce L. F . Mt1 llin Funk R. F . Pa lm e r Bancro ft Barnhart Moor e L. G. Evan s Durant R. G. Wo o d Substituti o ns-Fres hm e n : Wind o m for Dura nt, vVagn cr for V an ce, Cor netet fo r M oo r e. Juni ors: M ich ae l for P a lm er. Fi eld goa ts- Bancro ft 4, Funk 2, Wagn er 2, Barn h art 3, Mu ll in 2. F o ur s thrown- Ban croft 3, Wa g n er 7, Barnhart 2, Pa lm er 2. Refer ee-Watts.
Y. M. C. A.
Page T hree
" T a lk-i t-o\·e r" seemed to be th e bi g idea a t t he firs t Y . M . C. A . m ee tin g afte r Tha nksgi v ing. " Lym" H ert star ted th e ball ro llin g w ith a sh o rt ta lk o n "T h e s t uff that goes to make up a man." He said th at t he t hi ngs t ha t deve lo p ch a rac t er a r e th e litt le t h in gs t h a t we h ave p rac t ice d fr om o ur c h ild h ood up. They a r e the thin gs t ha t we ha ve u n co n scio us ly wove n into ou r li ves bu t th ey are th e re to stay. A m o n g t he m we may class h o n esty, pu rit y, se lf-co ntro l, a l trui s m and hi g h r e ligi o us princi p les . T h e esse n ce of g oo I ch arac te r is in th e w o rd s o f R o osev e lt, " fearing God 39 N. High St. Columbus, 0 . and t a kin g y o u o wn part." A chi e f r eq u is it e for t h e reali za ti o n of all '-- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ th ese qua liti es is a s t ro ng and h ea l thy p hys iq ue. Prints guaranteed from properly ex Fo r a fu ll e r und er standing o f the posed negatives. thi ngs t hat go to m a k e a m a n, it is w ell to co n s id e r so m e n ega ti ve qua l it ies th a t inev itab ly tea r dow n a 145 W. Home St. m a n 's ch a racter. I f y ou ch eat eve n in t h e s ma ll est affair, if y o u hab itua l ly br eak yo u r wo rd , lose contro l of y o ur tongu e, ch ew, s m o k e, gamb le, swea r, o r ta k e pa rt in a ny fo rm o f in dece nt be havi o r y o u ar e that mu ch less a m a n. In o ther wo rd s, y o u ca nn o t a ff o rd fo r yo ur ow n sake QO!<eam ~rJ5!< to go again s t tho se high er pro mpt Formerly The White Front. ings within your so ul. In a few minutes of rapid-lire s tate C. W. ST O U G HT O N , M. D. Give Us a Trial. m ents t h e speak e r ucceeded in 29 W . Co lleg e Av e. stimul a tin g th o ug ht o n the su b jec t Our Specialty vV es terv ill e, 0 . wh ich led to a live ly di sc ussion of t h e To treat everybody right. matte r. V ari o us things in the life of B ell P h o n e l 90 Citz. Phon e 110 s t ude nts were s po k e n of a nd th eir ch a ra ct er n o ted . Co nfe s io ns w ere fr eq ue nt a nd sugges ti o n s fo r hi g h e r li vin g num e ro u s . M o re of th ese B . C. Y OUMANS, Barber m eetin gs a nd th e '·Y" wil l m ea n more 37 N . State St. Choice C ut Flowers and Corsage Shoe Shine in Connection. to eve ry s tud ent o f O t t erb ein. Shop closed at 8 o'clock except Bouquets. Saturday. SCHEDULE IS ANN OUNCED Manage r Sc hutz has bee n wo rking fait h full y o n hi s ba sk et ba ll sc h ed S . State St. Citizen 345 ul e eve r si n ce hi s elec ti o n so m e four W. M. GANTZ, D . D . S. wee k s a go. E leve n gam e s have b ee n DENTIST sc h ed ul ed with eig ht fa st co ll ege t eam s. A n o th er gam e is p end ing 15 \,Ves t Co ll eg e Ave. w it h th e O tt erb ein A lumni who ar e Citz. Phon e 167 Be ll P h o ne 9 n ow " do in g th eir bit" at Ca m p Sh er man. J t is h ope d th a t th e manager w ill b e ab le to close thi s ga m e. With s uch m e n as "Chu ck" Ca mpb ell, Glen G. H . MAYHUGH, M. D. Rea m , F rank Sc h wcckh eim er, "B rock" B. W. W ELLS, Merchant Tailor B ro n so n, Cli ff Schnak e a nd o th ers th e Eas t Colleg e Av e. Fin e lin e samp les. Ca ll and see th em . g am e sh o uld p rove in te r estin g. Th e es-Citi ze n 26 B ell 84 P h o n ning and pres sing don e on sh ort Clea sc h edul e fo llows : Oh io \ Ves leya n a t D elawar e-J a n. noti ce. 5. Co r. Mai n a n d State St. B luffto n a t B lu ff ton- J a n. 10. H eid e lb er g a t T iffi n- J a n. 11. G. W . HENDERS ON , M. D . 'Mu skingum- J a n: 22. S t. Mary' s at D ay to n- Jan . 25. Offi ce R esid en ce Cedarv ill e at Cedar vill e-Jan . 26. S ta te and P lum 99 S. S tat e H e id elb erg-Feb. 2. 10 to 11 A. M . 1 to 4 P. M . Ce darvil le-F eb 8. S unday s and E ven ings by Cap ita l at Co lumbus-Feb. 9. Appointm ent. A nti oc h- F eb. 16. Capita l- F e b. 2 1.
Where your feet may wander Your thoughts lead you to
The Walk-Over Shoe Co.
Films Developed Free F ent on St earns
7\.RROW formffr
Quality Best---Prices Right
Days' Bakery
-F rui t s, Cand ies a nd ut
I n th e eve nt o f a qu a rr el in th e hou se, harm o ny can a lway s b e o b tain ed on th e piano. -E x.
WILSON, the Grocer
Patronize Tan and Cardinal Advertisers.
force, The present age knows little if anythi ng of the rules of oratory or of the powe r of the human vo ice to influence men to action. Intonation is di srega rd ed or reckoned to be of little account. Hence, conversation ha ceased to be interesting and ex pressi,·e. T his state of a ffairs cann ot help b ut be evident to any thoughtful obser ver. Pub lic speakers by means of at tempt ed literary flights , s trive to bring out such littl e differen ces in thought, as ca n o nly be expressed by carefu l attention to th e qua li ty of t he vo ice. Debators in their desire to be emphatic and convincing beco me ha rs h in their sp eec h and allow th ei r voice to arow har d and unfeelin g. On the o th er hand th ey neglect to pay attention to the real expression of sincer ity and persuasive ness wh ich they try so hard to impress upon th eir hear ers. Even o ur common con ve rsatio n has bee n corrupted. We are thoughtless of ou r manner of sayin o things to o ur fell ows. Even the mo t common-p lace of thin gs may be said in a pleasing and attractiv e way. Many a fri end may be che ered and he lped or made more despondent sim ply as a resu lt of the way we talk with him. The way you say a thing is of almost as great imp ortance a s the thing itself. Apa rt fr o m the hurl y-bu rl y of our busy Ii ,·es we need to pay attention to these littl e thin gs. It may mean do lla r and ce nt to some of us. At any rate it w ill mean somet hi ng that can no t be co unt ed in such term s-th e good-w ill of many wh o m we ha ve help ed to see things in th e true light mere ly hecau e we have learned to expre s what we wish to ay 111 a clea r and interestin g way.
THE " EFILUO " C LU B "Whew, that s ure is some cold wea th er," said Bill, as he entered the P ubl ished Weekly in th e int er est o f O tterbei n by th e D ear Edito r : room and began to unbundle. " Give OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING me a litt le fire, Tom, I'm nearly B O AR D , Knocking is neve r in order but we froze." Westerville, Ohio. believe that constructive criticism "T hat's all Tom's do ne today Bill, sometimes is allowabl e. At any rat e, Member o f the Ohio College Press Association. we wond er what the people who at- ju t sit in front of that stove." tended th e opening games of the ba . "Had to keep warm, somehow." Staff ket-ball season thought of the lack "Cheer up Bill, plenty of gas he re Edito"r-in-Chief .... Lyle J. M ichae l, ' 19 of interest of some of the men who ince you've come in." Assistant Editorswere to p lay. Cla games may seem "Tha_t Gym's the coldest place J. C. Siddall , ' 19 u11important; but granted that th ey around. It was like a barn last night R. J. Harm elink, '19 are not so vita l to colleg athletics as at the game." Cont ribut ing Editorst he Varsity contests, a1·e they no t the "Woul dn't have bee n so cold if yo u Grace Armentrout, '19 very best means of gaining momen Helen Bovee, '19 tum for th e later drive against riva l wo ul d hav e played, Doc. You've got Business Mgr . .... R. L isle Roose, ' 18 co ll ege team ? Do they not th en de a nice bunch of se ni ors I will say, Asst. Bus. Mg r... Kenn eth Arnold, '20 serve to be played with hearty en co uldn't e ve n get up eno ugh pep to play a game of basketba ll." thu iasm by eac h cla ? Asst. Bus. Mgr. .......... C. L. Smith, '20 "It wasn't my fault Mac, I tried to P rospects of failure ought not to Circulation Mgr . .... H. E. M ichael, ' 19 deba1· any individual or class of 111- get them together· but we didn't have 1st Asst. Cir. Mgr..... C. E . Mullin, ' 19 d ividual from entering a contest. It enough fo r a team." Local Editors"Afraid that's a poor exc us e, th ere is bette r to fig ht and lo e than to re George H . Franci s, '2 1 eit h a rc e leve n or twelve sen io r boys who fuse to fight for fear of· lo ing. Helen Keller, '20 er is it a disgrace to work with play- cou ld hav e ;layed, only they didn't Coch ran Ha ll ........ Florence Loar, '19 . · f erior abil ity. T he rea ll y, want to." e rs o £ 111 h t A lumna ls .......•.... Charlotte Kurtz, '18 "Gue s th ey thought it would ur tru IY sportsman plays th e game in h · of the od ds against him, he plays thei r dign ity to ge t out th ere on t e sp ite Exchange .................... Ruth Conley, '18 f ketba ll floor." A thletic ........................ E . L. Doty, '18 or t h e mere joy of the sport. \ hat bas"NTo d o you men h ave to say? Are you that's not the r eason Bill, they . Address all communications td The · wi·11 mg to show your class loyalty a nd I didn't want us Sophomo res to beat Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 20 W . represent he r on the basketba ll fl oor 'e1n" "· . . , , Main St., W es tervill e, Ohio. th is week? Come on boys, cut the k1dd1n, Iv~ Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Y ea r, heard enough about that befo re now. -lzzie. payable in advanc e. "Hope it docs some good then St udent We!',are Committee. Doc, and you redeem yourselves in Entered as second class matter ep \\ ' hat has become the games this wee k." th t emb er 25, 1917, at the postoffice at "I' ll try to, Bi ll, I think someI of Welfare ·ommittee ?of It eI Student Westervi lle, 0., under act of March 3, I)cu, I•~urc1 of s in . ce its el ias t·1011 nl ot · I the boys are ashamed of · th emse vest 1879. fall. J t sure ly 1s . llme . ec t •· • ; , , the spfrit they showed by no that ' . ., · IJe do11 t O h t I11ng h • .so ' c- ' n... lay1ng aturday · . T hought is t he se ed of action ; but ow t at 1t 1s till "Yo u had a good substitute, in exi · tence. e actio n is as m uch its second form a 1 though, thanks to the qui ck work ofI La st February a tho ught 1s its first. It ris es in started by ti t d movement was I the manager , for th ese high schoo th o ught, to the end that it may be 1e s u ent body which 1 t beat rculted in the I f f ' . Joy made us pay some . o 1 Get Out the Corn-Popp er. u tter ed and acted. Always in propor e ec ion o a commit- ' them" ,, • _ Brr-r-r-rr! Do you get that co ld tee of tudent known a s the ·•s 1 tio n to the d epth of its sense do es it ommittee ., TI . tuc,- , . Yes and yo u op hom ores ar e go kn ock importunately at the gate of bla t from the no rthwest? Fee ls like ent \ Velfa re . ·. ie o b- mg to me et yo ur Waterloo when you winter, doesn't it? Makes yo u think iect of thi committ ee wa t he so ul, to be spoken, to be don e. to ac t ., Pay I ti F I " ago-between fo r the f· 1ty and stud- 1 "O I 1e • res 1men. . of th e o ld boys who love to tell of Emerso n. acu · S t bef th f , 1 not n ecessarily, B.11 1 , JU "that hard winter wh en I wa s a boy" ents Ru ling 1 ing ·students were tea 1acu tyf rega rd _ 1 cau e th y beat yo u, is no reaso n th a,~ wh en the th ermom ete r registered Conversation. . )e r e erred t h too. . . t cy can beat the Sop hom o r es Several days ago one of the Pro twenty-fiv e be low and we had th e big th is committee · Tli'is 11r t commi t'·y , · · of 11 tee did acco mpli sh some thin . ou ve got a good op,1110 . a fessors in the classroom rema rk ed ge t snow since th e war. 1 g v. •o urselves, old man, but that is t hat good conversation i a lo st a rt. \ Veil, tho se times are gone and now Their greate t work wa ti s 1e ett l.;- 1 k . . f I ophoBy that he referred to the nature of in tead of the open fi replace with th e ment f the cla s cut dis pu t e-a set- nown ,. 11aracten tic o t 1e 1narcs. tlement which was < 1uite a1·sf t ' t he average run of talk among friend s cra ck ling wood fire, we si t by the ga ac ory " ure, we ' II I,av e o ur r eg u Ia r tcal11 not o much in regar d to the subject fire a 11d build our ca ti es in the air. to both students and facu lt ti y. 1c nex, t gam e, an d c can up o n th e Th ere are a uumber of . ma tt er of discussio n o r the g rammar Did you eve r try turning out th e I quest ions F e 1 . ., I. r s 1me11 ng 1,t. used in its exp ressio n, as to the man lights ai1d watching the flickering w 11ch could and should 1 1 di . Je 1an eel "H . . . ear about th e girl who co u Idn't ne r of speec h. The t hought though shadows on the wall ? There i tru e by this comm ittee • if it wer e 111 . g t 1 ., I s t he studen t body wi llino- t act1011 h. · e 1ome 1ast 111g ht. dropped w ithout pa r ticula r purpose, enjoyment. Th ere th e mind may I . o o e t t 1s "N o, D oc w 1at 1appene d?" representatl\·eco mmitt cepas • . 1 1 is neve r-t he- less a fit subject for con wand er to mi lder cl im es and far-away . 1.on, and to return to co sd.tnto ob"O I1 a bunch of women f ro111 the liv . si dera ti o n. lands. Th ere th e oul may run un I • ho111er n 1t1ons of Hall t oo k a cha nce 0~1 coming In t he days of the ancient Greeks tramm eled through th e mazes of in a Jso lute faculty contro l or hou lcl the .. t de n t \V elfare oinmitt ., from o lumbu la st mght and th e ca and Romans alm ost a ll knowledge tri cate thC>ught and phil oso phy. d . . ee, al- to PPecI cI own near Minerva . Park. was transmitted by word of mouth . But to change th e ubj ect, won't rea y in ex1 ten ce be rev·ive c. 1 ,\J . Ti . I . I car 1e g1r s rath e r th a n stay 111 t , c . News passed a long slowly from one in you hav e anoth er plate of pop co rn though there may not be ma . ny que . v1th . P nt t 11e night in a farm ho use ' div id ua l to anot her. Ed ucational work just to keep your taste up to no rm a l? t1011 requiring imm ediate t t . , a tent 1011 ti1 I e air -s teps fo r a bed.' t 1e comm it tee if organized d ' was carr ied o n who ll y by means of Now you know how to spe 11d "H ey ·r om, ., bur t 111 . 8 1.11 a 11 of a . a t h e Iookou t. \\ ould know- th a n on th e lec ture. The great prob lems of pleasa nt eve ning with your;.self. e sent1sudd "H . ·r1 be the day were discussed only in a con ments of the students and be able ~n, . ow soon will your gi all ve r ati o na l way. Xational undertak to b ri ng about reform aild P .d wearing a diamond? Th ere are ,, H e that st udies only men will get . , rov 1 e k. d s ings were launc hed m id a wonderful the body of knowl edg e ' without th e r emedi es, w here needed bef ind of th e m seen her e th ese ay ·d ore a. ny ''N ot yet a w hil e Bill, I don , t 111 · ten flow of orato ry. The result was t hat sou l; and he th a t st udi e o nly books, ge nera I di ati faction , hot Id ' T . . t he a ncients deve loped the art of t he sou l without th e body. He that t wou ld th~n be a trtie I " an e. t 0 get anythmg like that u nt1.1 a ft er tudent t h e war at least." "A bunch o f 0 id ommittee." peec h to a rema rkab ly h igh deg r ee. to what he sees, adds observation \ Ve lfare st ud ents getting married six in th e Since the in vention of the printing to what he reads, r efl ection , is in th ~ press and the gene ra l use of the right road to knowl edge, provid ed Live · of bad men mu t remind us la st two week . That's ;~ing som e_-" printe d page, ideas as to value and that in scrutinizing th e hearts of "Yes and three of th e boys arc 10 We shoul_d· li ve a li fe ublime th e army, that's worse yet." p urpose of speech have lo t their ot hers, he neglects not his own.- Or d eparting, w e will find us ,. "'vVe ll that don't bothe r me boys, With th em, in a hotter clime. said Bill. " How about a little hao d
-------------------.. \
Philomathea Has Open Session.
A I Philomathea held her first inaugurY•W• C. • 11a l program of the year last Friday ..___________________, eveni ng. An unusually large number
Page Five encoring with Shubert's " Moment Musical." The presid~nt's inaugura l, "Getting By With It," was given by W. I. Comfort. He pointed out that the Amerca n peop le tried to become thorough ly prepared. The members of the visiting sod eties were then ca lled up o n for short extemporaneous speeches. F. M. Bo man, Miss Virginia Burtner, Miss Ruth Conley, responded for Philo phronea, P hil alet hea, Cleiorhetea re spective ly.
Interesting Discussion on New and Vital Topics Given by "Words, Words Words," was the were present, as P hilophronea atInstructors. subject und e r discussion Tuesday tended in a body, at the conclusion of night at Y. W. C. A. The meeting their own session. Phi laethea. and Profesor L. A. Wein land in his talk was led by Grace .Armentrout. Clei orethea were also well representon th e "Dye Industry and its Re lation Words and lan guage are a very ed. to the War," which he presented at vita l e lement in our lives, for without The literary program for the even the monthly meeting of th e Science them we would be utterly at a loss- ing began with the Chapla in's ad Club, Nov. 26, showed that we with no medium for forming thought.• dres . J. C. Siddall spoke upon " The always taken the coal tar and dye 111The gift of language is one thing Bitter Cup," comparing the mental dustry too much as a matter of fact. which distinguishes man from all agony of Christ in the Garden of Jn 1839 th ere were thriving dye other forms of life, for no other has Gethsemans to the g r eat moral cris is houses in th e United States, but in Ever see anything like this? the power of speech. The power of through which America is now pass 1914 at the outbr ea k of th e war, we language is one of the most beautiful ing. Only eleven more shoppi ng days 'ti! ha d no dy e industri es. If the coal is things in the world, yet we a ll spoil The retiring president R. E. K lin e Christmas. distilled in a clos ed vesse l, artificia l it so often, by us ing it to express un - then delivered his va ledictory, using gas, ammonical liquor and tar are worthy thoughts and id eas; by hurt- for his theme, "Th e Awakeni n g of produced, whil e th e residue 111 the re in g eac h other's feelings or by gos- America." He portrayed the political, tort is coke. From the coal tar many sip. Our words are cha ra cteristic of soc ial, and economica l conditions at chemical compounds may be distilled ourselves for "out of the abundance of the beginnin g of the wa r, and showed from which our dyes arc mad e. Dur the heart, the mouth speaketh." how America slow ly realized the ing those years before the war, when Thus through o ur power of speech, g reat burden of responsibility which we had no dye houses, there was a we can do the world aro und us much rested upon h er to champion dem great waste, because we were n o good, and by this same power, much ocracy and humanity. making use of o ur coa l by-products. harm. · The Chapl a in then inducted the But soon after the beginning of the new chair officers. war; dye hou ses began to come i~to Be pre pared, -get your Red Cross I. M. Ward played a brillant piano existence. \Vhil e we were n eglectmg Seals now for Chri stmas. so lo, Chopins " Polonaise Militaire," this industry, Germany was steadi ly developing hers, not only b ecause of the products, but s h e kn ew that over night these industries could be turn ed into high exp losive manufa ctures. As a res ult, she was we ll prepared for the on-coming war. The nit ed States must now by a ll • means protect her One gross of 75c Ties offered at dy e manufactures for the coming in dustrial revolution. In discussing "The Fourth Dimen sion" Professor J. H. McCloy says that yo u need not believe in this the ory, but you must not disbelieve it. We jn a world of three dimensions mc~sure everything by width, breadth, In plain and fancy colors. We have anything and height. To us, th ese three seem you want in Reefe r s, at .... $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 to embrace all space. The two space being laugh s at the one space being, while we in turn laugh at the two space being. The fourth dimension Very practical and us e ful advocates may be just outside of our Xmas gifts. A ll space, wondering how we can be so leather, at ...... $1.98 to $3 narrow. To make this fourth dim e n sion practica l-yo u could rob the burg lar proof vault of the First Na Dressing Cases--Nice Collection tional Bank of Flatland by sending an intelligent fourth dimensional dog S to JO pieces, including Mirror, Brush, with his hypersolid tai l to go into Comb Tooth Brush, Clothes Brush, thi s fourth dimensional bank and etc.: at ........ $2.50, $3, $4, $5.50 and $6.50 bring out all of the money that you wish. . Nobody woul<l sec the dog for Military Brushes he would use entirely a new entrance Get him a set of and what wou ld you care if you were Mi litary Brushes. put into jail. Your fri endly dog Leath er Cases ·and wo uld easi ly pull you out by the Bruhes of d epe nd fourth dim ension . So take your ab le quality, money and li ve at ease. Say to thy at .. $2.50, $3 and $4 self, "Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years. Take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry, for tomor row, we go into th e fourth dimension."
Christmas Special! 50 Cents
Men's Christmas Reefers
"It's hard to lose a b ea utiful daugh ter," said the g uest, sympath eticall y, at th e wedding feast. "It's a blamed s ig ht hard er to lose th e hom ely ones," r ep lied the old man, who had several yet to go. Monday nite-Alton Packard.
The. Man On The Job Insurance Agent A. A . RICH '
The Union Offers You Choice of 200 Nobby New Overcoats that are Fully Equal to Anything You can buy Elsewhere at$20.Hand Tailored and , All Wool, at
THE TAN AN D~ C ;,;,; A,,;;,;,,D~l,,;;,;,,,A R N ;,;,;;L~======== = = = = = = = = = = = ~P~a~:~:~ri~~~:~:=~= s c=s=; =~=PA=p=~=rs=H=:=e= ~ =~= st=r=a= n d=e=d=;=x==M===A==s===G==I=F==T= \
in Columbus Saturday night. Several girls stayed in Columb us, while Mary, Joe, Cleo and "Helen spent the night at a farmhouse near Mi nerva
Park. Lois Radebaugh was called to her hom e in Bealington, West Virginia last Sunday, on account of the serious illness of her sister. Mrs. Reese of Columbu s spent\ Wednesday with Florence at the Hall. The dining room was very quiet Thursday because we have a Fr ench tabl e and th e girls co uldn't think what to say when they wished "catsup."
' Wednesday evening Ruth Fries an nounced the engag ement of Helen Dempsey of Westervill e and W . M. Counsellor of Akron. They wi ll be married la te in D ecem ber Gladys Howard spent Sunday with h er uncle, J. 0. Guvee in Col u mbus. Gladys Swigart's cousin, Mr. Sprenkle and his room-mate, Mr. U~ derwood of Penn State wer e m Westerville Thursday. Cochran Hall was drench ed in b ut ter-milk Thursday evening. Kelly's education is not comple te. She should b e tutored in th e ro le of the milkmaid. Thanksgiving Day was mad e merry for th e students who stayed in W es terville, by an informal r eception giv en by the few girls left in Cochran Hall. Progressive games we re th e special featur e of entertainm ent. A Victrola furnish ed music, and the r e freshment committee provided sand wiches, t ea, and candied dates for all. The hom esick folks enjoyed themse lv es so much that they overstayed th e tim e li mit near ly an hour.
LOCALS Avery Brunner, of Canton, was in Westerville Sunday evening. He has en listed as a mechanic in the aviation corps. Lieutenant Jam es Francis visited his brother George last Thursday. The Lieutenant expects to sail for France soo n. Mr. and Mrs. E . H. Dail eyw ho have been engaged in An ti -Saloon League work in the West, r eturn ed to Wes te rville last week. Mr. Dailey is at t ending the 18th ational Convention of the League at Washington. Glen Ream, Charles Campbell, Or mand Demore t, Clarke \V eaver and Clair \ Vilkin , all of Camp Sherman, visited in Westerville Thanksgiving week.
Don't fail to see our splendid line of
Christmas Handkerchiefs The Brane Buyers Company
Roscoe H . Brane, Pres.
A Box of
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Fancy Chocolates
University Bookstore Remember the folks at home-Order Xmas Photos Early.
What more acceptable present can you make than your photo? Twelve photos make one dozen acceptable presents.
Sister Sweetheart Mother
"Cocky" Wood, of Camp Sherman, was in \Ne terville a couple of even ings during vacation
Have the best. The Old Reliable State and High Streets Special rates to all O tterbein st u dents.
Special Monogram Stationery We have a large varie ty of beautiful boxes to pick from. Make your selections early.
Prices $1 to $6
Those who wish exclusive Monogram Stationery made up to order should look over our samples. New and stylish design. Engraved visiting cards and stationery
Printers of" The Tan and Cardinal''
The Buckeye Printing Co.
0. W. 1fourer, started Sunday even ing to his home in Odessa, Mi~higan. H e expects to en list. Prof. Weinland and Prof. Spessard with th ei r families visited Camp Sher man Monday.
F. N. Thomas, V . Pres. Boyd P . D oty, Sec.
R. W. SMITH, '12, General Manager lS-20-22 W. Main Street
~ Cnam
Both Phones
\Vesterville, O.
The Place for Sweets to Eat