1917 12 17 The Tan and Cardinal

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No. 13.

P ublicity Committee Seeks To Revive P ress Chib. As a part o-f the plans of th e pub­ lici ty committee of the campaign an Much Money W ill Be U sed in Secur"T he New Born King" by Benjamin effort will be made to reestablish a P ress Club 111 Otterbein. Several ing Special Organi zers for W . Loveland Pleased Large years ago s uch an orga nizaton was Big Campaign. A udience Sunday Evening. in existe11ce and it had a lasting in­ influence for good in regard to ad­ COMPILING MAIL ING LIST SO L O IST S D E SERVE PRAISE ,·erti ing . the college. The ohject oi the club is to get the '"doings·• o•i tht­ At L east T wenty-fi ve Thousand Everyone Lauds the Excellent Work college befo re th e peop le of the co­ Names To Be U sed in A dvertising operating territo ry. This is done by of the Choir and the Director and Publicity Mo vemen t . the members of th e club subm itting "D . . J. A . Bendinger. o yo ur bit but let your bit be write-ups of colJcge activities to the you r b 1,, , Before an audience that almost fi lJ- loca l papers of th eir ho me towns. of eS t · ~o say th e comma nd ers I t.1c l 111 tcd Brethren forces ed th e aud itori um of the U nited This would sene to cr eate au in crest in th b" . Brethren ch ur ch, Sunday even ing, the in the coll ege wit h th e fo lks " back rno e tg c<lucat1onal "drive" for choir, cons isti ng of nearly fifty vo ices, home,' and have its influence upon be· neyC la! nd st ud ents fo r Otter111 This is the s logan rende r ed very beautifully th e Chri st­ securing new students and gifts. • .o ege . · mas Canta ta, "The New Born King" which 1s bemg herald ed from one end All students inte r ested i11 literary or of th e co-operating t er n·tory t 0 the by Benj ami n W. Loveland. P r eceed- press work are eligible to member­ . 0th er It ts ing th e musical Professor Glenn G. sh ip in the club, whi ch wilJ be or­ is p · . stated th a t th e program GrabilJ rende r ed a very, bea utiful pre- · gan ized after the "hristmas vacation. scherdoress mg th us far a cco rd ing to lud e at th e o rgan . Aside from the good that th e club e. 1n ucompliance with modern m et hThe preparation of this cantata has may do in a publicity way it will be 0d s much attention will be given to heen going on for some time and as excellent training for the in dividual publicity. Many adve rti sing and a resu lt of faithful work the choir membe~ and surely a large n umber MRS. J. HAL SM ITH SPE A KS n~mes of prospective stude nts and sang with the most exact precision . of students will tak-e advan tag e of the givers have been turned in by th e stu­ Returned Missionary Makes Strong This cantata was pronounced by many opportun ity. dents in answer to th e r ece nt request to have been the best that has bee n --------from Professor \~lein land. From this Appeal for Missions in Africa and heard for several years. The ensem­ TWO BUILDINGS ARE CLOSED ~nd oth er sources an exte nsive mail­ Other Foreign Lands. ble numbers and solo parts told very Ing list i being compiled for use in . ec tions A and B- m t togt.,!:er ::-U1 . b1::.utif1.1lly thL story -or th birth of Library and Assocrntion Building Not th e publi ci ty movement. It is hoped day eve nin g · to hea r Mrs. Hal J. th e King of Kings and carried with it in Use Because of Lack that this may be made to include at Smith, returned missionary, speak up­ the r eal spi rit of Chris tmas. The st o f Fuel. lea tw enty-five thousand names. ap­ o n the wo rk in Africa and other la nds. work of th e seve ral so loists c:rnnot go y,rox imatcdy t en th ousa nd of which King Winter, aidrcl .by an abl e staff~ . Mrs. Sm ith is an able speaker a·nd a anment io n td, as that part was a fea­ '.'ave been secured. The list when fin?. mo:1g th"cm Genera l now and Cap- · ~urc due to the pl a:;i:1g111:!n:1 ·r i:i woman of wide experience. The work 1 heel . w1·11 b e a very tomprehens1ve tain J a::k Frost, ha ve again renewed done by he r in Africa for Christianity wh ich th e numbers were r endered. ~ne, con taining the nam es of eve ry and the church has been littl e less Those taking th e various so los wer e act ivi ti es along the Qhio lin e, having 111c1· · . ividual who in any possibility than wonderful. As a tru e Christian Misses Coppock, VanBuskirk, Farley, co nce ntrated a. la_rge p o rtio11 of their· rnhight be in a position to help. Among and a co nscientious worker she has Nelson and Mrs. Dailey and th e forc es in an attack on th e vVester­ t em ·11 h wi be th e names of almuni of few equals. The speaker in company Messrs. Spessard and Ward. Th e ville sector. Th9ug'1 ,i sharp s truggle t e College, ministers in th e va r ious was anticipated within a few weeks. with her husband, who gav e up his two qua r tet numb ers were beautiful­ conferences, Christian Endeavor secthe enemy succeeded in taking their life in Africa, ar e r espo nsible for th e ly sung and pleased everyone. retari es S . victims somewhat by urprise ia a d • unc1ay School supennten- opening of th e Cona Country to fro fessor Bendinger de se rves a ents, Parents of stud ents who attend­ well-planned '.'drive".. beginning Satur­ Christianitv. Th e reason for her great deal of praise, for his work, as day and continuing:_two or three days.. ed Otterbein at any tim e within the coming wa-s to give Section B greater direc to r, made th e cantata a success. last te According to all ~e1~orts, however, the . n years, pa st donors and pros­ momentum for the raising of their This cantata marks th e las t Christ­ Peet1ve · allied forces suffered very littl e se ri­ givers, as well as a large numb pledge to missions. mas musical under his direction as he ous loss, though th ey were consider­ er of friends of th e institution in Mrs. Smith discu ssed in her ad­ is soon to leave the College and Wes­ w est ·11 ably harassed. f ervi e and Columbus. To care dress th e thr ee great problems of a terville. P rofesso r Bendinger will As was stated, th e main drive took or th e increas ed office work neces­ missionary which are Rum , Mohame­ long be re membered as an excellent place on Saturday night, D ecem ber sary to carry on this immense prodanism and Heath en ism. She gave and capabl e dir ector by all who heard 9th. The enemy opened battle with (Continued on page five.) ~ome striking examples showing how the musical of Sunday evening. a heavy fu s illad e of now flak es dur­ she so lved th ese magnanimous issues. ing th e day Saturday. Not much dis­ Can You D raw? She also brought out th e fact that University U nion Is Established. Hav ey • turbance was caused by thi mode of ou a1_1 idea? If so, th en draw prayer was the one essential to the it. The American University Union in fighting, since most of the troops were We are tired of u ing thi ordi­ uccess of a missionary.. She closed . na ry 60 Europe has been es tablished at No. well- equipped with mean of protec­ P0mt type for a head for this he r address by relating brieflly th e 8 Rue de Richelieu. College men, tion. Toward evening, however, the Pape r and it . h as been decided . to con - life story of some of their prominent d Uct a . whet her graduates or und ergraduates General resorted to an air raid which h contest to secure a suitab le conver ts. a re welcomed h er e by the American caused considerable discomfort and ead. The Pub lis h ing Board wilJ g rant l"f colleges registered in the Union. The actua l suffering. A cutting wind con­ I D r. Russell Gets New H onor. t' . a e sub cription to th e person 11d111 Union offers rooms at a nominal fee, a tinued to blow during a greater part Dr. Howard H. R us sell, founder cd g in the drawingwhich is se lect­ restaurant, lounging room and maga­ of the night and was accompanied by fo: The only requ irements specified of the Anti Saloon League of I th e Iv• I . . con tam . t h e America, was elected to fi ll a newly zin es, pape rs and college publications a sudden drop in th temperat ure. It is ,ac ts t I1at 1t 11 arne of the paper. The Board also created position in the League, of and provides a fine place for the sold­ tho~ght that the onslaught of the op­ iers who were college men, to spend pos_mg forces could ~ave been quite reserves th . . of e right to reJect any o r all Associate General Superintendent, at 11c sug the/r time w hil e in Pa ri s. The Union easily repulsed had it not been for the t • fo gest1011s. Here is a chance the e lec tion h eld in Washington r any one with some ability with the Wednesday in connection with the also strengthens the r elations of fact that they bad succeeded in al­ Pen to g t French and American college men ~ost completely cuttin g off supplies l"f . . 18th National Convention in session Yo Ur d e • a 1 e subscnphon. Send and keep the soldiers in touch with m the form of coal and gas. Viewed F b rawings to the editor before there. AIJ other officers of the their own colleges. • (Contin ued on page two.) e ruary first. League we re re-elected.


Presid ent Clippin~er is on the . · Road Holding Group Meetings. President Clippinger is rapidly making a r ep utati on as one o f th e busiest men of this vicinity. He is on the road almost continually, sco u ting for fun ds. giving add r esses , and hold­ ing conferences with campaign work­ e rs in the va rious parts of th e dis­ tricts. Thursday he spe n t a part of th e day in Brad ford, Pa .. going from there to Buffalo, N. Y. for an evening I address. Th ese two places are among i the most progressive charges in Erie • · ·11 b · Conference. Monday w1 e spent 111 a meeting with Co nfer enc e officials. . • · A campaign 1s bemg laun ched at D e fiance Co ll ege, sim liar to that whic h is now und er way her e. The presid ent is expectin g to stop th ere 011 Tuesday even ing to g ive them help and enco uragement in the st rugg le. The money raised will cons titute a m emo rial fund in honor of th e late P r eside nt :M1cReynolds, who was recently killed in a railroad accident.

THE TAN Ar D CAR DI NAL so firm ly in the world that nothing way. H ·c was such a pure innocen t · w ill eve1· b e abl e to move th em. Go chil d, father , and fo r his sa k e I would my da ug ht e r take thi s message to take P eac e and Goodwill back with yo ur p eop le and may P eace a n d Good­ m e, so that he may never expe ri ence will go with y o u. I fell on my knees th e su ffer in g tha t I have seen and before th e ve ne rabl e see r, a nd as ' 1 9 1 felt his hand on my head in Bene­ shared." Th e father answered on ly , "Come diction a n ew r everence came into · I do 11o t r en1e111b er what answer I w ·it I1 m e." m y h ea r t , a n ew sp i_ri t a nd purp?se It was Chri st mas timeso p eop l e H e Je d m e ·111 t o a great h a ll , w l1ere a111· mat ed my sou l . som cw·l1 e1·e w 1th ~o1d me, but in my: I1eart t I1e re wa S 110 ga ve th e child for his words tor e my Christmas. Christmas to me had al- heart. a st ran g e, myste r io us li ght da zz led m e in th e h o u s e I h eard thousa nd5 of ,ways m eant .th e _laughte r of littl e -:VI e rry Chri st mas! Did h e not know for a moment, but as I gazed I r ea l­ vo ice s singing the o ld, old song: c hildr en ; th e co.ntent of old age, th e t her e was no Chri st mas? Th e sp ir it ized that it cam e from hundr eds 0 i " lt cam e upon a midnight clear · ~o yo u sn ess _oJ .yout I1; . b ut _n o w t l1e Of lo ve had entirely disappeared; it ca n dl cs lJurnmg on an a l tar. In th e That glori o us song of old, 1 c hi ldi sh lau ghtei:-had turn ed mto tears has b ee n blotted o ut in th e mok e of m idst of them was one ca ndle as large Fro m angel s b ending near th e cart 1 5t .o f long in g for a n abs ent father or battl e. I n cad o f lov e, m en w er e :is all th e r es t put t o g eth er, the bri ll i­ T o to u ch th <'i r h arps of gold. · '.b roth er. th e co.ntc1Jt of old age had gripp ing each 0 th cr by th e th roat, in- an ce of whos e light s urpa ssed th e· '·Peace on th e earth , good will to 111 e'.'. been changed ·into :grief and pain, and tent o n th e des truction of lif e and o thers a thou sand times . A ll burned Fro m h ea ven's a ll grncio us King­ 1:h e j o yo us ness of .youth ha d b ecome property. with a steady, strong gl o w, wi t hou t Th e wo rld in solemn still ness Jay, th e sadness of farewe ll. Santa Claus is coming tonight! I a flick er, and stra ng est of all, th ey To h ear th e ange ls sing. Ev ery wh e re I t urned I saw tumult, th o ug ht of th e mi lli ons of h omes n ever b urn ed away. Fo r lo! th e da y s ar e hastening on, As I was gazing wi th wo nd e r and ·strife and death. I s.a w men drawn w he r e . anta Cla us could n ot ent er beBy pro p h et bards for etold -up in battl e •lines, • wa iti ng only the caus e th e war god barred_ th e door. aw e at this sce n e, th e fat h er spoke, Wh en w ith the everc ircl ing years, word o f command :to rush at th e man " Pea:ce on earth, good w1ll towards "My daug h te r, this is th e Hall of th e Com es ro und t h e age of gold; opposite and tear .him to pi eces like . m en- if the spiri t is aliv e anyw h ere _on Ch ristmas ca ndl es, alway s t h ey burn , th \,Vh en peace sha ll ov er all th e ear • .an infuriated . be ast. I -saw wo man- th is earth, for th e sake of that child , as you see, with o u t being cons um ed Its anc ien t sp lend ors fling .hood d e fi led and -Gl1ildhood robb ed of fo r th e sake of childhood ev erywh er e, s tead ily, strongly. The greates t on~ k th e A nd the whole world g iY e 1)ac its birt hright. Ev.crywhere I heard I w ill not return until I hav e found o f all, was lighted two thousand yea r s song, -the sound of gun,s ,. the cla sh of bayo- it." I said with fi erce determinatio n , ago, 0 11 the first Chri stma s when vVhi ch now t h e angel's sing." ets and th e hiss ..of bu ll ets. He r c I as I qui ckened my steps. Fo r a long Peace and Goodwi ll we r e bo rn into




-saw a •till wh ite fac -.: turn ed t o wards tim e I wonder ed. Darkness b ega n to th e world , and eve ry year sin ce th en the sky and t hen;. the form of a man fall lo nely, but s till I pressed o n , n ot a ca ndl e has bee n li g hted from it' TWO BUILDINGS ARE CLOSED ·writhing in the ag.ony of death-dea th aimlessly now, but intent on ly o n su e- sh owin g that p eace and good will c0t,'. ( ( ·o ntinu ed from page o ne.) d -deliberately ca us ed by the hand of his cess in my missi o n . tinu e to li ve." from ev er y stand po int, it is a g ree fellowman. Sometimes th e d espair and h ope"B ut fath er ," I cried. " Wh er e ar e that the co nt es t ca n har dly be counthudd ering at s uch v isions, I cried, less n css in my h ea rt ove r-p owe r ed m e t h ey? I do n o t see th em h er e, ye t th eir eel a d ecisive v ictory for King Winte~ •"Surely this ca nnot be Christmas, for and I turn ed back , but a lways th e fac e ca ndl es are burning 50 brightly. They On account of th e hard fig htin g an Christmas is a time of peace and good o f th e chi ld cam e befo r e m e, and with ar c not on earth, for J hav e ju st co m e lack of fu e l the Coli ege has been. will. Instead I see, ha t r ed, murd er r en e wed co urage I r etraced my steps. fro m t her e w er e hatr ed and murd er forced to r e tr enc h slightly but _th e :and death . S udd enly as I t urn ed a bend in th e a r e wagi ng." I co uld speak 110 m o r e officers ar e h op~ng to b e able witl_1111 a w ary a nd sjck at h ea r t because of road, I saw th e gloom o f many light for t h e o ld man interrupt ed m e. fe w days to r e-occ up y th e terntorJ 'JllY helpl ess ness in th e face of such in th e distanc e and as I dr ew n ear er l "You a r e mi staken , my dau g hte r, whi ch was te moorarily abandone .· h offors, and saddened by my futul e saw a house w hi ch sh one clea r as Peac e and Goodw ill are o n th e earth Co n side rabl e ha ~ds hi p was e)(pe ri­ :attempts to all ev iate some of the crystal through th e darkness. in st ead of in thi s hall. They ar e ii~ en ced in so m e loca liti es on Mon~ay suffering which I aw' every wh er e, I I cannot te ll why, but so m ehow th e the tr en ch es w ith th e forces of right and it was decided Tuesday morning sta rt ed to wa lk along th e highway, sight of t ha t hous e was as soothing t o and ju stice, in th e h eart s of m en who to evacuate th e Library and some parts 'hardl y co n scious· o'f w·h ere I was go- my sore heart a s if <! baby's han d had ar e bleeding and d y ing t o fr ee human- I o f th e S-:ie nc e Ha ll and Co ns er vator'/• i ng. or for what' 1iurpo sc. bee n laid against my ch ee k. So me- 1ty from the curs e of greed and un- \ D :,rin g th e most of th e week no The very b atity of the day was thing in t he sturdy gloom o f th e lawful pass ion ; in th e so ul s of m en tro ops w er e occ up y in g th e Ass~c;.: n1add t ning to my tortured mind. Th e lights, th e brightn ess and purity of w ho ar e giving up eve rything d ear to ti o n build ing. Official r epo rts 1n '. ll ri ghtness of th e D ecember sun , the th e marbl e walls, dr ew m e and held th_em. in o rd er that th eir fellowmen cate that a s 500 11 as it is thought _prac­ purity of the snc'.i,;v und er which th e \ m e. " ure ly," I sa id to mys elf, w_il_l cease t o be s lav es to selfi sh am- ti ca ble all of th ese positions will be ea rth · \'as slecpi'i\g: -so •peacefu ll y; th e !'peace and goodwill must abid e h er e." b1t1011; P eac e and Goodwill may b e r etak e n . . tr ees withi11 whi ch' life was awaiting o I kn ock ed at th e door. fo und in th e liv es of milli ons o f I L a t e dispatch es ~·f o nda y mort1 111 ~ ~~iily the 111 ag 1·c caII. of Spring to burst A wli'it e hai red man admitt ed me wom . en ,. who _ ar e sac n' fi c1·_n g eve r y- s J1_0,~ t l1at the aid o f s· fu el coni u h ut in all its g1'6ry; the litt le brooks and aft er one glance into hi nob le t hmg_ w1ll'.ngly 50 that th eir childr en 1111 5510 11 has b ee n sec ur ed thrO singing 50 ch ee rfu ll y. The sp lendor fac e, I felt tear s of joy come into my may mh ent s uch a birthright as child- Governor Cox and suppli es to the · 1 ..o f this sce ne ,vas : utt erly inco ng eni - eyes. Th e st r ong bea uty o f his fea - hood ha s n eve r inh erit ed before. th e tent o f one of th e la rges t ca rs of coa th ~us with th e idea· 'of war and blood- tur cs to ld me that 1 had not mad e a r e_ in th e so uls of littl e childr c i~ w h~ ever r ece ived. ha s been placed a~ e shecl. For a ni6ment', I almo st my weary journey in va in, the g leam lov m g l_y p ray f_o r th e absent lo ved one disposa l o f th e co ll ege authonti e~j doubted that a terrible battl e was from hi s serene eyes assur ed m e that ~t th eir b ed-_tim e, ''Now I l2.y me." This in sur es th e i·co p enin g of a _:ra-g"ing i n th e sanic world. "It must h e co uld give m e a m essage of ch ee r fhey dwell 111 th e liv es of a ll who b uildin gs fo r work. - hav e been some awful dr eam" I and hop e for the strick en world, th e mak e one tru e sacrifice no , matter - argu ed, yet T ·kn e w that a cross th e so und of his d eep, sweet voice, as h e h ow small , for th eir sa ke, and who An American Creed . ocean, somewhere, th e purity of th e bade m e enter, m ade m e fee l that th e truly lo ng for th eir return . ' ldl d f l k 1 · h d 1~ l am an Ame ll'GJ~ was b eing defil ed by the mare l1- c h 1 100 , or w 10se sa e a cam e. ea ce and Goodwi ll exi . . _ ri ca n. _ . r. th e 0 111 th e 1JO . r ld wou ld not be disappointed. H e wcll t d · t l helie ,·e 111 the dio-111t y f lahe i ear " an souls a nd bodies of all h - · ng of many feet , t l1at t I1e trees wo u . htg 1 "Yo u are ar truly patrioti c wl10 fi.1 ~ 0 , sa nctity o f th e home. a nd t llc v cr bear the call of Spring beca u se co m ed m e mo t kindlv. 111 1 Y b eli eve de • t'111 O f d ' ' ruthl esscly cu t down, ve ry welcome her e," h e said "for thi s that God m eant the 111 · t ll , · Y emoc ra cy. . tice th c v were b cin !! -. . .. I e cct and the , C . . · · . 1 ·"ht JUS t tli e waters of the brooks ran r ed 1s the H ome of th e hnstmas pmt heart to be th e . OL, t age 1s my 1J ll t 1rto • . t'/ tlla · I l • · h n1tY n . . . ' r u 1m g powe r 111 th·1 1 .th human blood. and o ur 1111ss1on 1s that of th e Christ wo rld. in tead f . . s my H ea , and fa 1th 111 uma 0 WI a,an ce and brut ·d· "Why does God allow such horror him s elf to comfort ad and aching fo r ce. Go back to th e , g ui mg tar. suf. . c world my • p)' th 'fl f those who to com e into the wo rld ?" I cri ed. h eart an d to b rmg Joy and happin ess da ught" r and t k t i I ' e sac n ce o d' d into all the world." I l - '. a e i c m es ag e w hi ch I fc rcd that I might li ve who ic 1Bllt getting no answer to my qucs1ave g1v en you . Tell th em tl ' I ledge 1 "Oh fath er," I answered, "Can you though P eac e and Goodwi ll are iat ah- 1that _A m e r ica might endure,! fibera"lion , 1 continued in my despai ring, fi . on t e m y ltfe to my countr y a nd tie te ll me where I can fi nd P eac e and battle lin e t l :aimlc s walk. I l"ttl Goodwill. The world has been o sad · · i ey are ght,ng for th ir tio n of mankind-The O utl ook. But as I went along m et a t e own e~1 s t cnce fo1· your existen ce, fo r I . ad- a ch erub of a child , whose eyes and distressed si n ce they le ft , and my ex1 te ncc, a w ell as th . lf --------rbeir1 •~tch ed tli e lJlue of a summer sky and prays so earnestly fo r their r et urn. 1 and afet)• of g eile t' c we ar e Th e second recita l o f the Otte 01 _ " "" ra 1011s to com e h . . • ·111 La _.,hose cll eek s the co ld had nipped un- became impatient and so an xio us for even fo r the · · ' yes c ool of Mu 1c w ill be given b r ~ p nn cip 1es of Christ' ·t b D e1n e ,. th ey shon e like two r ed appl es. t h ei r prese nc e that I hav e und ertake n it elf An d l d ,an, Y ert Hall T u esday eve ning, ec a t 11 · ie a sur e that th ev will 18 · , h' will be "Merry Christmas, lady," h e ca ll ed, this journ ey to find th em. Many not r eturn until th e . · at e1g ht o clock. T I i, car' anta Claus is coming tonight." t im es I would have turn ed back, but until th ey hav e es t bYI_ a,.rcdtrhiu mphant, s t ud ent r ecita l and we ll wor t h a 1st1e t em clve ·111g b y eve r y person ·111 sc l100 l·







Mrs. W. B. Gantz ( Maud -~ranes) of Detroit, Michigan , spent 1 hank g ivin g with her mother and si-ter in \Ves terv ille.


Hev. Ira D. \!Varner o f Ca nton, O hio, was the principal speaker at the annual rabbit suppe r g iven rece ntly by the Brotherhood of Oak Street United Brethren Church, Dayton , 0 . '11

H owa rd \IV. E lliott and Mrs. Elliott ( Mildred Coo k ), ' 14, of Jackon, Mi ssissippi, have arri,•ed 111 Westerville for their Chri stmas Va­ cation.


l<cv. G. P. Macklin, who f01" e,•eral years has bee n pastor of the Lake Magdaline U nited Brethren church at Tampa, F lorida, di ed early las t week at hi s home in Tampa. Fune ral servi ces were held on Thu r s­ day in Dayton, O hi o, where the burial occur red. '79.

Y. M. C. A.


Because of th e lack of heat in the Association building the Young Men's Ch ristian Association held its meeting in Dr. Jones' room Thursday evening. E . L. Barnhart,, the leader, contin­ ued th e lin e of thought di scussed by L. S. H ert the week before, "The Stuff That Goes to Make a Man." He o utlin ed fi ve things th at were esse n_­ ta l to manhood, characte r , ambiton, will-power, en ergy and end uran ce. H e drew a striking simi le between man and the majestic oak, the power to sta nd alone, to ri se even in poor soil a nd fina ll y to surmou nt a ll diffi ­ culti es. To succeed, a man must set a definite goal early in life, and then bend every energy in fitting him self to reac h that goal. At the conclusion of his address the m ee tin g was throw n open fo r an inform a l discussion o f the subject and every one prese nt offered an original th o ug ht o n, '·The Stuff That Goes to Ma ke a Man."


Sardis \ V. Ilates, a prominent Program of Music and Literary N um­ lawyer of vVebb City, j\,[issouri and bers Vouches for Character of a member of the Misso uri State ' Legis­ Work Done by Society. lature, has e nlisted in d efe nse of his co unt ry and expec ts to sa il soon fo r Cleiorhetea held her Christmas France. Open Sessio n la st Thursday. There '14. Mi ss I la Grindell spe nt last was a fine attendanc e. Besides the wel'!k in Washngton, D . C., attending P hil op hroneans who attend ed in ;i the 1\atonal Co1nention of the Anti- body, there wer e several Philomath e­ ans and quite a numb er of the alumaloon Leag ue. '05.

' Joh n H. Francis, '92, John H . Nau, 10, and Dr. An drew Timberman are ltlembers of the co mmittee of one hund red, appointed las t week bv May e r Karb of Columbus to ha,-~ charge of a ll phases of relief work for the duration of the war.

ni present. As it wa s a Christmas session th e Chaplain ope ned th e sess ion very ap­ propriate ly by reading part of the sec­ o nd chapter of Matthew which tell s of the birth of J es us, the visit of the three \ Vise Men and th e tr eachery of H e rod. 'll. Miss Mabel B lancl1e F le1111·1·1g Tl1e program for t I1e even .m g began \\'as married to Mr. Glenn Lambert with a duet by Lorna Clow and Edna o n th e evening of December 8 at he r Farley. Th en th ere followed a stern ho 111 " 111 · Co lumbus, Ohio. Mr. an•J Inv ec tiv e against the Kaiser by Bere~f r · Lambert will make th e ir ho m e nice Elsea, a vocal solo " Birds Lulla­ Ande~son, l ndia na, where Mr. by" by Cleo Coppock and a reading by Freda Frazier. .a,nbert ,s engaged in business. '16. F loyd J . Van ce of Reynoldsburg Virginia Richardson read a Diary was a Sunday visitor in vVestervill e. entitl ed "Lost! A S uitcase," a very in­ •17. kresting and humorous ac co unt of a Richa rd l:lradlie ld who is tea ch- young lady, st randed at a large hot el ing in the High S;hool at Li ll y without her suitcase or very mu ch Ohio visited \ esterv ill e mo ney. This was follow ed by a piano df i·aptl. nends o ver Sunday. . so lo "O n th e Sea" by Mary Siddall. E. H . Dai ley and Mrs. Dailey Audr ey Nelson read a beautiful story, } erda M ile s), ' lG, have returned ·' \"Ther e Love Is" which tell s of an old ron, an extended thip through the Russian who aft er vari ed experiences, \ Vest and are spending some time at found out the true Christian spirit. the home or Mrs. Dailey's parents in The final numb er was rend er ed by \ esterv ill e. Mr. Dailey attended a form er Cleiorhetean, Verda Daily, the Anti-Saloon League co1wention who sang "0 Joy of Youth" and "De j at \Vashington last week. Las' L o ng R es'." Th e old member '17 M' Al , , I I . I who kn ew Mrs. Dail ey were very glad 1ss ta ., e son, teac 1er 111 t 1e . . • to st:c her and hear he r s mg aga 111 • High s C w· h I 1100 1 at ana es te r, A h I f h inc c speii t ti k d . I t t e c ose o t e program scvera ·-en with 1e r m o t I1er s hort extemporaneous speeches were . in \V t1e wee es erv ,11e. g .ive n. Mrs. Gantz spoke for th e 'l 7._ ~i ss Edna E. Miller of Dayton, j Alumna e of Cleio r hetea. Mr. Palme r O ln o 1s spendin g the winter in St. and Mr. Siddall respond ed for Philo­ Augis tine, Florida, at the ho me of ; phronea and Philomathea. Dr. Glen­ h_e r brother, \ Vinaon Mi ller, who is 11 0 11 , one of Uncle Sam's men and etty manager there. Prof. McCloy spoke also. j





Page Three

NO MATTER Where your feet may wander Yo u r thou g hts lead you to 39 N . High


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W es tervill e, 0. Bell P hon e 190

.Citz. P hone 110


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Choice Cut Flowers an d Corsag e Bouquets.

Quality Best---Prices Right S. Sta te S t.



15 \,\l est Co ll ege Ave.

Bell P ho ne 9

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B ell 84

Sh oe Shine in Connection.

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Xmas Suggestions Manicure ets, Ivory Goods, Camera s, Brushes Pe rfum es Stati one ry , Box C~ndy Toilet A rticl es, Mirror , P ur se~ Foun­ tain Pe ns, Pipes and Cigar , at

DR. KEEFER'S The Nyal Q uality Sto r e.

- - - - -- - - -- - - -J

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STUDENTS Take your shoes to COOPE R for first-cla s repairing. He has in­ sta ll ed '.1 new finishing lathe. A good lme of_ Strings, Rubber Heels, and Po lt sh always in stock. Work Guaranteed.

't ttt T A


TAN AND CARDINAL Publi~hed W ~ekly in the inter est Q{ Gtterbein by. the OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING BOARD, Westerville, Ohio. Member of the Ohio College Press Association. Staff Editor-in-Chief .... Lyle J. Michael, '19 Assista nt Editors} . C. Siddall, ' 19 R. J. Harm elink, '19 Co ntribut ing EditorsGra ce Arm entr o ut, H elen Bov ee, Business Mgr. .... R. Lisle Roose, A ss t. Bu s. Mgr. .. K e nn eth Arn o ld, A ss t. Cus. Mgr. .......... C. L. S mith , Circulation Mgr. .... H. E. Michael, 1st Asst. Cir. Mgr. .... C. E . Mull in, L ocal E ditor ....... ..... H elen K ell er, Co chran Hall ........ Flor ence L oar, Alumna! .................... P ro f. Guitn er, Exchange ...... .............. Ruth Co nl ey, Athl etic ........................ E . L. Doty,

'19 '19 '1 8 '20 '20 '1 9 ' 19 '20 ' 19 '97 '18 '18

Addr ess all communications to Th e Otterb ein Tan and Cardinal , 20 W . ~lain t., \Ves tervill e, Ohio. ub sc ripti o n P ric e, $ 1.50 Pe r Y ear, pa yable in ad van ce. Entered a s s eco nd class matter cp­ t emb er 25, 1917, at th e pos to ffi ce at \,V es tcrvill c, 0 ., und er act of March 3, 1879. :\ gain a t Chri s tm as d id we wea ve Th e ho lly 'ro und th e hri stm as hearth . Th e sil ent sno w possessed the earth .-\nd ca lml y fell o n Chri stm as e \' e. -Te nn y · o n.

Meaning of 1917 Xmas. As th e happy D ece mb er 25th draws near o ur minds ar c fill ed with a ma s of thoughts and ideas. Too many tim es o ur thou g hts ar e no t of th e prop er so rt. \ e ar e pro ne to co unt o ur gift s be fo r e th ey ar c re­ ceiv t: d. Hav e yo u ever fo und yo ur ­ . elf g uilt y o f se ndin g a prese nt to a fri •nd with th e so lt: p urp ose o f g e t­ tin g o ne ih ret urn ? If yo u ha ,·c yo u ar e not in lin e with th e 19 17 spirit. Thi s is th e fir s t Xma s in ce our entry into th e great wo rld war. \Vh en th e glad day arriv e man y fam ­ ilit:s will find th eir o ns ab se nt . so m e on a for eign s h~re, a fe w pt: rhap hav e gon e to th eir gra Vt: fo r our sa kes. Th e Chri stma s of 1917 mu st no t be a ad one but mus t be on e in whi ch th e . oldi ers can share our joy. 1nstead of se nding co s tly gift to our fri end s wh o m we exp ec t will re m t: mb er us, se nd a gift to th e so ldi er who i d e­ fe nding our country a nd our rights. lf we arc un a bl e to se nd gifts w e ca n at lea t se nd a lett er o f ap p reciati o n to th e boy at th e fr o nt fo r th e ser­ vice th ey are doing for us. Th en on th e morn o f D ece mb e r 25th let eve ry loyal Ameri can breath e a prayer for th e welfare of om e m o th er's o n wh o is doing hi utmo t for th e nati o n he loves , th e ho m e he ha left, and t he friend s he lo ngs to see.


Resolutions. \ \' ith th e com in g o f th e hr istma s season we alwa ys co nduct a self-ex­ amination to search o ut th ose hab it s a~quir e<;l during the year, wh ic h W!; a re g oing to '·swear o ff" at '.\I ew Years, The su bj!;ct of making X ew Ye ars re solu tio ns is one w hi ch may be \' iewed fro m m an y angles. T he prac ti ce of turn ing over a new lea f at the begin ing o f each year is in itse lf a comme nd ab le thi ng. but there is da ng er of the reco rd s showin ~ thro ug h on the next page. I II too ma ny of o ur reso lu to ns we '· wea r off," w hen we sho uld be "swea rin g o n" so m ethin g. I f Kew Year is a good tim e to q uit a habit, why is it no t j us t as good a time to a dop t s ome good h ab it ? Eve n aft er we ha"e ma de a reso lutio n we a r e too prone to fo rge t abo ut it in a short ti m e an d return to o ur fo r me r cus ­ to m s. T he sea so n seem s to carry wi th it ome p ycho log ical in Auence a nd a s soo n a s thi s wears off th e r eso ­ luti o n go o n th e rock s. If you a re ma k ing Kew Years res­ o luti o ns thi s y ear, let th em re sol ve "to do '' a s we ll a s " no t to d o.'' \,Vh en yo u t urn o,·er a new lea f. place a weight on it a nd for g et w ha t was on it. The re is no use cove rin g the new h ee t with th e sa me stu ff that was o n t he o ld. Then sti ck to yo ur r eso lutio n such a tena city that it will no t need co n ide ra ti o n wh e n next Xew Yea r co m es a ro und . Next Issue. Ow in g to the rea rr a ngeme nt o f the tim e of clos in g th e Chri stm as reces s. t he re will be no iss ue of th e T a n a nd Ca rd in a l unti l J a nua ry 14, t !l l . The col leg e w ill a s e m ble a ft er th e ho li­ days vac ati o n at >15 Monday, J a n­ uary 7. Sin ce the taff does not fa ncy cu ttin g it \'acati o n a ny sho rt er than necessa ry it wo ul d be im possibl e to 1wh li s h a n iss ue o n th e ev enth . Th is littl e no ti ce will ser ve to ex­ pla in to o ur reade rs a mo ng the a l­ um ni wh y no papers ar e recei ve d fo r three wee ks. B ut we will be wit h yo u aga in J a nuary fourte enth.


A RED CROSS CHRISTMAS To Those Who Feel Poor. H e nry Van D yke. writ e a s you r b ro th er. \\' e ar e a larg e family . Thi s world-war mad e in German y, a g ai n t whi ch we a re light in " , ha ~nt o ur inco mes do wn and o ur ex­ pe nses up. The pin ch hurts, hu t it is n '.l t g o ing to kill us. \V e till hav e eno ug h a nd so m e­ thin g to spare. Th o ug h we fee l poo r, do n't le t u. he impove ri s hed by _el fish ft:a r! Let us sa \" e in food , in se r vice. in clo th , in luxuries a nd joyri d e - but no t in mo ney! L e t us use that by g ivin g it to sa,·e th e wo und ed, th e suffe rin g, o ur fr iend s. our co untry ! L et us kee p Chri s tma s thi s yea r by keep in g up th e R ed ross ! Th en it will no t be a poo r hri s tma , b ut a ri ch hri st mas to o ur hea rt s.



"How ar e you Doc," said Tom, a,s 1;:>Qc c.;,me in ang,, selc:ct ~d the chair Editor Tan and C:ar<;linal : . n«:a.r«:st th·c: fire . \ Vhen the word Dormitory er< Mall " H 'ye l;>oy!i, what' $ ~oil'lg on ·_ tQ_­ i•s m ention ed, im me diately there night." co m es to my mind two pictures. The " Nothing that I knqw· of.'. thought on e is tha t of Coch ra n Hall with it s we might have a little game after· spacio us rece ption r oo m s, w ell known whil e." to ever y Otterb ein stud ent. Th e " I'm on," cam e from Bill, who had ot her i a pictur e of D ean Cora A. Mc appar ently bee n ab sorbed in a novel. f-a dd en. '· o am I , T o m ," said Mac, as he No pict ur e is d ear er to th e girls of th e afor esaid abod e than that of th eir thr e w do wn hi s History, and trans· dean . T he sol e ambition of ev ery ferr ed hi s neth e r extremities from th e g irl is that sh e may be like her in ac­ tab le to th eir proper elevation. t io n , in mann ers, in wa ys. Sh e is " orry can't y et a while, I got to j ust like a moth er , ready to liste n to write a letter-ne ed some more a (l tal es of woe . A lway s treating the mon ey to g et home on the last of th e girl s t he sam e, s howing no partiality wee k," said Doc and proceeded to la ughing and jo king with th em as if scribb le th e usual not e of scarcely in­ she we re o ne o f th em . nd she real­ telligibl e word s o n a sheet of writing ly is "o ne o f th e bun ch" because th ey pap er. ,. hav e all ad o pted her. eve r is sh e " Whe n arc you going home, Doc?_ too t ired to s top an d talk to t he girl s " Don't know y t Bill, sometime Fri­ as th ey co m e in from a good tim e. day I suppose." And to top it o ff, he te ll s of a similar " I 've a noti o n to go Wednesday, tim e she had ba ck in th e "good old th er e's a bunch le ft a lready." day s." I'll bet on Ma c when it comes to · Ce rtainly wh en thos e four lin es gomg hom e early,' it's a wo nd er he th e fa vo rit e lin es among th e girls ar~ didn't leave last week." repeat ed, th e fee lings of every girl in '' Couldn't quit e mak e it, have_ a~ the Hall ar e expr e ed : exam, W edn esday that I can't miss . " \V ed ~o ve D ean :M c Fadd en, 'deed we " Might all g e t to leav e soon, if som e coal don't come." \Ve lo_ve D ea n ~L c f-add en, thru and " Yes I be li eve th ey'r e afraid of that, thru, at least th ey see m to be very saving Loyal to Otterb ein loyal and true on th e heat no wo rk in th e laboratory And we ho pe D can' '1v·! c Fadden lov' es la s t wee k, ~nd no che mi stry classes." us too." "Had to po stp o ne the interclass - On e Who Knows. basketball gam es too . \,V o nder if we . will hav e th e m this week." We've Been Thinkin'. " I hop e not th er e is enough go ui g That we have had "some" ' · ht cold on, the lecture course tomorrow 111 g weather of late. and g etting r eady to go home." . h " Bes ides th er e wouldn't be enoug And wondering who will be th have next to commit matrimony. e h er e to play , o many payers I gon e hom e." That the house 'phones in Cochran o m e cantata th e choir gave to· Hall have been out of order long . h . d to see enough. 111g t, 1 ce rtainly wa s surprise Bill Mall en in it." "Y es o was I , he never I1as ti111e That even the Christmas recess as d extended by the faculty . • to leav e that hot el office, yo u 'cl har e1s not long , h enoug for some folks. ly kn o w h e was in school, never se • ls T~at a few of Camp Sherman's hint around anyp la ce." soldie r s are seen in Weste ·11 "A bunch of good looking giyr . \ e often. rvi e very ther e too boys do you know it. 1 ' . te tie fe ll o ws ce rtainly do n't appr ecia That a Dean for the college would 13 1 lu ck we ha ve. assoc iating with sue be an advantage to Prexy d . campaign. - unng the cro wd " ,. · . D c onlY I thought th e sam e th111g O ' . it . Tha t we all hate to see Prof I wou ldn't let thcn'l know about 11' dmger leave us. • Benmight turn th eir head." tdn 't "D on •t worry our op1111ot · · 1s wou d •t That the prizes offered in the ' . 1 ha n Barnes Short Story a ff ec t them any but anyways . ad· Contest are well ti1oug Iit o l· m e nt1011111g · · worth working for. 1·t . I will od mit th o ugh that th ey had some go That shutting up the " ,, h . placed a handic gym as musi c." " \," cl nething team. ap upon the basketball ,ve ought to hav e ha 501. h rd pre tty g ood, bee n practicing it . T~at g etti ng into chapel late . b t: nough," said Doc, who had fin is n· . Ietter and now join ed 111 . the co commg chronic with abou is e­ I11s derclassmen. t three unver sation . . g "Do you know I wish I was goi".t Tha t we should not writing of lett , neglect the hom e to morrow I can har d iY wa 1s• , . conie , ers to 'our sold'1ers" . during vacation. it seem th e near er vacation ,, 1io111et I1e mor e anxiou s I g et to go ·t \-\ ' ha t a ea 011 · . "'fl1at ' s Ju . st . th e way I fee I aboutfel· I ' ti is 11n tmas I A ll ie goo d t ho ug hts o f th e old. Bill , l wo uldn't mind bidding you y . see m to fi nd e xpr e . . Year. I o w a Me rry Chri.stmas an d 3 J-{aPP .1 . · ss1o n 111 our M 1ri s trnas a nd H ap p ~ , e rry N ew Y ear right away." J'f!l yo u. Y · ew Year to " O forg et h er, ~lac" come on ready for that game."


- ------





O FFI C E F O RCE T O Uncle Sam Will Re~educate BE INCREASED Disabled Soldiers. ( Co n tin•ied from page one.) If a so ldier or sai lor is injured in gram, the room at present used by s u ch a way that h e can not r es ume the Dr. Jon es as a recitation room will be occ upation or trad e in which he was taken over for the new office head­ engaged w h en he enter e d th e service the Government of th e United States: quarters for th e ca mpaign . President Clippinger says that th e at its own expense, will re -e ducate that peop le of the c hur ch in general are man to some form of occupation for slowly but sure ly coming to realiz e w hi ch he will be capable and which th e bign ess of the movement. wi ll enabl e him to spend the remain­ Thousands o f dollars will be spent for der of h is life in useful work, h elpful postage, pub li c ity, th e hiring of spe­ to him se lf and co ntributing to hi s own cial campaign manag e rs and other happiness. If th e Government re-educates a dis­ such items. Th e officia ls already hav e a lin e o n severa l exp e ri enced men to a bl e d man to a new occupation, and o r ga ni ze the forces and p u t th em at h e ear ns mon ey, no matter how much work. After th e Ho lidays new men because of hi s n ew occ u pation and be~ wi ll b e put in th e field. Such m en a s ca us e of his own effo rt, the Gove rn ­ Doctors Sch el l, Brewbaker, Dee ver ment will continue to pay him the fu ll and Kenda ll ha ve promised to devote amount h e is entitled to for his dis­ a large part of their tim e to th e work abi li ty. A ll that h e earns be longs to and doubt less ot h e rs of the ge n ernl him in addit ion to what the Gove rn­ c hur c h officer wi ll b e abl e to give the ment pays him . proj ec t some attenio n . P rofessor Grabi ll announces that h e ever in th e history of the sc h oo l h as any o n e mov e ment m eant so wi ll give an organ recital in th e Co l­ much to h er fu ture as do es this great lege Chape l Tuesday eve nin g, Janu­ drive for mon ey and stud ents. Nor ary 8, 19 18. This attraction wi ll be ha s t h er e ever been a gr ea ter oppo r­ fre e a nd op en to a ll stu d ents. tunity for the a lumni and fri e nds o f Th e coppersmit h is still at wo rk, ev­ Otterb ein to s h ow th eir appreciation for h e r worth than is offe red in thi en thoug h the war ha s dirupted th e affair. We tak e this opportunity to trade. We made this observation last unday wh en th e co ll ec ti o n p la te was urge a ll to do the ir best in making th e project a succ ess. passed to a pew of stude nt s.

Philalcthea Offers Scene From "Little Women" as a Part of Open Session Program. I'hi laleth ea's hristm as Op e n Ses­ sion Thur day evening deli g h ted a large numb er of guests. The ha ll was ta stefully decorated with cedar bran hes a nd light ed a lmo s t entir e ly by hristma s can dl es. T h ere seemed to be an und ercurr nt of thoughtful serio usne ss throughout the program, ·which was well-arranged and a lmost perfectly rend er ed. Th e first number was a gro up of two Christmas ongs (a) "O Litt le Town of Bethlehem," (b) '•Sil ent ight," s un g by the Double Quartet. Then Jan e t Gi lb ert gave a rare lit era ry production , ful l of reverent feeling, in h e r address, "Thou Beth leh em." The ne x t num ­ ber was a voca l so lo, " O Holy Night." by Catherine Ellsworth, Grace Ar­ mcntr o ut's inter esting original sto1·y, ''The Road of the Hopeful Heart" was followcrl by a bri lli ant piano du et, Raymond Overture," play e I by Ag n es Wright and G ladys Howard. The most uniqu e feature of the evening was a quaint, one-act adapta­ tion of th e Christmas sce n e from "Little Women," in which ro llicking fun and serious r e fl ection eac h had a part. The pictur e presented is a pretty one. Before th e g lowing embers of th e old brick fi r ep la ce, piled high w ith festive eve r greens, through whic h RE CITAL P ROGRAM gleam twinkling ca ndles, is grouped Following is the program t o be g iv en by t h e Sc hoo l of M us ic at its th e ?\l arc h fam il y: b ea utifu l. seda te second recital in Lambert Hall, Tues day night at ~ight o'cloc k . 1[cg (Jessie Weir); irr epress ibl e, boyi sh Jo (He len Ke ll e r ): h ome-lov­ Piano Q uar te t- Ove r t ur e to Fide lio Beeth oven ing Beth (G ladys Swigart) and go lde n Et he l Euba nk s, Mary S idda ll, Lorna C low, Go lda Windom curled, affected littl e /\my (Virgi ni a Mac lntyre Piano-T h e Ce ll o P layer . . Burtner). T h ey arc discussing w hat Pa ulin e How e th y would like to h ave most for Brounoff P ian o-(a) Hungarian Czardas (Da nce) Christmas. At last th ey unsefi s hly Eckhardt (b) A N ight Song, Op. 16, No. 9 decid e to spe nd th e do llar each has Agn es B uch ert saved for so m e littl e prese nt fo r their Bohm Violi n-Ca n zone tta . . . . mother. A lbert Mattoon T hi s weig h ty question off h er mind, Beeth oven Piano-r u er E li se . . . Jo springs up and persuades M cg to Grace Co rn etet act wit h her a n orig ina l tragedy of Lamont Pia no-Va lse-Th e Fawn, Op. 17, No. 5 pani h love a nd intrigu e, in w hi ch G lad ys West she plays a lternate ly the d evo ted Sternberg Pia no-rairy Elves . . . lonr a nd the dashi ng v illi a n in a way Helen vVagner to mak e o ur greatest trag edians b lu sh Vio lin- B lue Bell s of Scotlan d (Va riation s) with sham e, whi le Meg is first th e dis­ Arr. by Farmer piscd acco mpli ce, th en th e d em ur e Ea rl Wi lson senorita, and fina ll y th e ri sen ghost Piano-Butter fl y (A Fantasy) . Densmore of th e murd er ed h roine. E ll en Jon es The mothe r (C h arlott e Kurtz) re­ Piano-G avotte in B flat . . Hande l turns Tea is served by Hannah. the Lorna Clow o ld erva nt (lviary Tinstman) . who Piano-P1·clucle in A minor . Ba rb our cau e much laughter as she s huffl es Edna Farl ey about in her black, trailing gown. Airlie Dix So ng-The Trumpeter Mrs. March then draws h e r daugh ­ I. M. \ Varel ters about h er, and r eads a letter from their fath e r, who is serving as a chaplain in the army. Tear gather in eve ry eye. and each determines to give up h er se l fish little whims. and become truly th e litt le woman h er father expects h e r to be. The sce ne en d with th e singing of that beautif ul old hri st ma s hym n, Pin , , Spoon , Book-1\1arks, Fancy Book , "Joy t the W rid ."

qtterbein Correspondence Cards

Adopt Two French O rphans Ellis. Dubly and Allencroft cot­ ta ge have united their char itable ac­ tivities and adopted two French or­ phans. -Obcrlin Review.

Pennant and Toys.

University Bookstore

Page Five P re pare Lists D uring Vacation . The campaign committee on public­ ity urges all students fi ll out th e blanks passed out in chape l recent ly tog eth er with a li st of prospective st udents and don~rs , and that these be hand ed into th e coll ege office imme­ diately aft er th e reop ening of school. These li sts may wel l be made during th e vacation peri od whi le th e stude nts· arc at home. This is but a small thing to th e indivi dua l but m eans a great dea l to the campaign. Do your part. Ohio W es leyan's se rv ice flag has· 325 stars. Miami univ ersity recently disp layed a service flag with 2 17 stars.

MEN! The Union Offers You Choice of 200 Nobby New Overcoats that are Fully Equal to Anything You can buy Elsewhere at$20.Hand Tailored and All Wool, at


Page Six



Following the Christ mas vacation Ruth F r ies left fo r he r home o r: Doctor Jones will ho ld his classes in F rid ay. She w ill leave Tuesday for the room formerly used by P rofesso r Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, A la ­ West. Do~tor J o nes' present room bama. will be added to the coll ege office dur­ F lorence Reese is ill with th e ing the campaign . grippe. Her sister, Helen, is here R. A. Hi ll has be en appointed man­ fo r a few days. ager of the loca l Western Union There was a large Christmas party office. He wi ll not be in school. in Evelyn P ife r's room Friday night. Elmer Schutz spent the week-end Fancy costumes, good ea t s and a tine at Camp Sherman. ti me fo r twenty g irls. Splendid room for rent. Furnace There was a dinner pa r ty fo r Helen heat. Modern. Mrs. J esse Giffo rd , Dempsey in Ruth Fri es room Friday 48 P lu m st reet.-Adv . evenin g . There were ten g uests. Corp. A l. \ V. E lli ot of Camp Sher­ Mrs. Burtner fr o m Cana l \•Vin­ man was in Weste rvi ll e Friday. chester came Thu r sday to see her Lo t! A Bi ble. ~ame of owner, .. little g irl.'' She spent a few days at the Hal l. Elmer Schutz , o n inside.- dv. Sergeant Gl enn R eam, of Camp Sherman, visited in \ Vestervi ll e atur­ day.

~ e,·a Anderson left for he, ho me i?1 \ \/a ba sh Indiana and Grace . \,m c ;.­ tr out for her home 111 Roanoke \' i r­ gina Friday.

Baby A rthu r Pau l, jr. two day old A lice and Ruth gave a " push" son of Mabel and Arthur Peden died suddenly at one o 'clock Sunday,Dec. Thur day evening. 16. Mr. and Mrs. Peden have the \,V e th oug ht we were dining at the sincerest sympathy of the facu lty and Chittend en Friday en nin g. Dandy students. co lored fo lks waited on us. Frank Sommers has been spend ing Lois N eibel sp ent the wee k- end in a few days wit h Westerville r elatives Columbus. and friends . Gladys Lake gave a pa rty 111 the Word com es that Harry Cook is on sewin g roo m Fr iday e,·ening. his way to France. He has been at Mi ldred Stepelon of Columb us Camp Merrit in New Jersey. ,·isited Mary Weaver last week. Lost! A Bib le. :-fame of owner, Gene,·a Harper ' and I ,·a McMalkin Elmer Schutz, on inside.-Ad,·. left Friday for th eir ho mes in Lay­ 0. \ V. Mourer sp ent Th ursday brooke, Illi nois. night in \;I, estervi ll e. H e has en li sted Misses Smith ·and Bensen of Ohio as chauffeur in the aviation corps, and State were se lling Reel Cross stamps cam e to Columbus Thursday for his Thursday in the Hall. examination. E lizabeth Richards and Gail .Will­ \ Vilbur Davis visited Saturday and iamson we re dinner g uests Sunday a t Sunday in \ i\f estervi ll e. F lemings in Colum bus. The members o f th e Bailey Club Miss Lois Heefer o f Columbus enj oyed a mighty fine dinner-a spe­ visited Gladys Swigart Sunday. cia l Christmas dinner, Saturday no on. Lieut H endrix was a Sunday dinner L. K. Rep logle left schoo l Sunday guest at the Hall. night to beco m e a teacher in th e high school at Un ion City. During the s to ry hour Sunday afternqon Janet Gilbert read Van Dr. Geo rge Scott has hi s own ideas Dykes " The Other \ Vise Man ." about a night lock. Tuesday evening wh en the th ermometer registered four below he stepped out of the front door and his daµght er, Miss Leona . follow­ ed , closing the door. The door lock­ ed. Red Cross wo rker s fi ni shed equip­ pin<T comfo rt kits fo r W estervi lle and O tt~ r bein s oldi er s in training camps the latter part of the week and a ll have been either mailed or delivered to the selects. In all there are 64 Westerville and O tterbein men in sen·ice. To 58 of th ece comfort kits were ent and for the othe r s ix knitt­ ed articles we re made, inasmuch as the y a lready had kit ~ Tn each kit sent to the boys in ca mp wa , oap, soap box, collapsible sha,·in g b ru h or military b rush, foot ease, adhesive tape, shaving soap, tooth pa te tooth brush holder, shoe strings, drinking cup, trench mirror, sissors, wash cloth, styptic pencil, sewing kits in which was yarn, thread, needles, pins and buttons;

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