The Tan and Cardinal I UBU HED L
BECOMES HEAD I OF DEPARTMENT SERVIC E Arthur Ray Spessard Selected to Suc ceed Professor Bendinger as Director of Voice. VIOLIN INSTRUCTOR CHOSEN
Mr. Earl Hopkins of Columbus Will Assume V ac ancy Left By Professor Spessa rd. Announcement wa made at th e la regular cha pe l en· icc before th e Ch ri tmas recess th at I'rofes or Ar thur Ray Spessard. prese nt in tructor in \'Oice here ha s heen appointed to fi ll th e "acan cy caused by the r es igna tio n of Professor J o hn A. Bcndinger as Director of th · \'oca l D partm en t of th e Otterbein Schoo l of M u ic. pes. ard is a grad uat of th e department of mu ic of Lebano n Val ley Co ll ege at Annvi lle. Pa. ln add ition to hi s und er -graduate wo1·k the re he had th e priv ilege of st ud y in g voice for a year with George R us e ll trau in Phi lade lphia. Lat e1· he spent one year with George 1-.I. Gree ne in N cw York City and a s u m me r with parks in London, E n g land. \\'it h uch com pl ete pr<'para tion he acce pted· a position as director of mu ic and tea h r of vo ice in th e Moody chool at Mt. H ermon, Ma s. Then aft er a peri od of tw o yea r s spent in teachin g voice a nd tringed in s tru me nts in Southern in stituti o n s, th e profc sor was offe r ed a po ition in the sam lin e of work in o ur own school. This is 1Ir. Spessard's fifth year at Otterbein and during that time, in addition to hi s regu lar work, he has give n considerab le attention to th e dir ec tin g of chora l societies and variou s o ther musical organ iza tions about the chool. Th newl y el cted in tructor to fill Mr. Spe sa rd' s pla ce is Mr. Earl 'vV. Hopkin of Co lu mbus, 0. Mr. Hop (Contin ued on page two .) Supt. Francis Has N ew Honor. upt. J ohn H. Francis has received notice of his appointment on a com mi ttee on publicity, by the department of supe rintendence of the National Ed uca tional association. The commit tee, which is composed of 10 public school superintendents in differ ent sections of the nation, is asked to bring to the attention of the com munities for which they have been nam ed the best types of organization in American schools, rul es of various boards of education, school charters, tate school laws, schoo l budget sys tems and other matters of in te r est r e lating to school administration. up crintend cnt Francis' bailiwick in cludes the states of Ohio, Pennsyl vania, \V est irginia and Kentucky.
No. 14.
a co ntinu o u s r emind er of th e patriotic sp irit of the men of O tte r bt.:in. a ser\' ice flag now hang in the co ll ege chap e l. This flag which is ix feet long and four feet wide, was made and presented to the school by the wives of t wo of th e professors, 11'- . A. P. Ro selot and :-frs. C. A . .<\ltm an. lt is mad e large eno ugh tohold 13 1 star , about 65 of which ar a lready in p lace. The list of m en rc1Hesented is give n below. \ Ve do not hav t h e add r l'sses of a ll o n th e roll and any one knowing th e whereabo uts of the <.: men or ot h ers will do a great k indn ess by sending th em to this pap ,·. A
IN FRANCE Ro llin Durrant , H. Q. Co., 166 . S. Infant1·y, 42nd Ame r ican Exped . Forces. care of P. L, Tew Yor k City. Russel l Gilbert, H. Q. Co., 166 U. ·s. Infantry, 42nd American Exped. Forces, care of P. M., Te w York City. Richard eneff, American Expel. Forces, A. S. S. e w Yo r k City. Ha1·o ld Rowland (add ress not know n ), American Forces.
Div., 83 Brig. Div., 83 Brig. E. R. C. via Expeditionary
CAMP SHERMAN, Chillicothe, O hio. C ci l Bennett, 324th H. F. A. Band Hqrs. e rgeant Charles Campbe ll , 324th Regiment, H. F. A. Supply Co. Corp. A. \V. Elliott, Battery A. H eavy F . A. Corp. A. \ V. Nea lly , Battery A., 324 th H. F. A., Sect. S. Se rg,·a nt G I 11 l<eam. Hdqts. 158th F. A. Bridage. Franci Recob. Battery A., 324th H. F . A. ·ergcant Frank L. Schwecheimer, Supply Co. 324th Reg. H. F. A. \ Va tt er ch ut z, Ba e Hosp ital, 324 th Regiment. Cv, 1;. ri. rk \'.' c:i , ~, B:::t·ery _<\., . F _A__ Walter Whetzal, S uppl y ompany, 324th H. F. A. . W. Wood, Co. C, 308 Fie ld S ig. Bat. Harlie \ Vatter , Co. C., 308 Battery, Signal Corps. CAMP SHERIDAN, Montgomery, Ala. Herbert Hall , 2nd Ohio Field Hospital. R. W. ch ear. 2nd Ohio Fie ld Hospital. W. A. Snarf, 2nd O hi o Fie ld Hospita l. Corp. C. K. Young, H ead quarters troop, 37th Ohio Div ision. FORT OGLETHORPE, Ga. Herbert Meyers, Bat te r y D ., 23rd Cavalry F . A. \V end e ll herrick, Camp Green leaf, M. 0 . T. C. Evacuation Hos p ital , No. 4, Ambu lance Co rp . H. R. Stead, First Evacuation Hospital. FORT BENJAMIN HARRISON, Ind. H. H. Geiger Motor Truck Co. 316, train 404. ob le Smith, U. S. port, R. I.
U.S. NAVY aval Tra ini ng Sta., Hospital School,
OTHERS IN CAMP . Bale, Aux. Remount Depot, Camp Dodge,
e rgea nt \ Valter Des Moines, la. E. H. Barnhart, 1 t F. A., H. Q. Co. Band, Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga. \\T. G. Beck, 13 F. A ., Battery A, Fort Bliss, Texas. Benjamin Carl on, Engineer's Corps, American University, vVash ington, D. C. John Garver, Flying Cadet, Camp Taliferro, No. 2, 42 Wing, Fort Worth, Texas. Corp. Roy Peden, 18 F. A. Battery C., Ft. Bliss, Texas. (On fur lough at John stown, Pa.) C. E. Van 11ason, 128th Co., 7th Regiment Marine, San Juan Hill, San.tiago, Cuba. Lieut. J. J . Mundhenk, 408 Motor Truck, Supply Train :Battalion, 368th Co., tentatively, Camp Merritt, N. J. Harry Cook, 408 Motor Truck Supply Train Battalion, 368th Co., tentatively, Camp Merritt, . J. Gusta 1Ieyer, 303 Co., ew Orleans, La. 0. Vv. 1Iourer, Band, Columbus Barracks. (Continued on Page Two.)
NOTED ALUMNUS DIES SUDDENL Judge Shauck of Class of '66, Suc cumbs in Mt. Carmel Hospital After Short Ill ness. WAS SUPREME COURT JUDGE Had Reti red from Bench and W as: Prac ticing Law in Columbus W ith E. L. V-leinland. Judg e John A ll 11 Slla uck, aged 76, for severa l years a rt' id ent of Wes tervi ll e and former judge of th e su preme court of Ohio, <lied at Mt. Car mel hospital, Columbus, Thursday morni ng from an illness of two weeks whi ch resu lted in u raemic pois oning. Jud ge hauck became ac quainted in this vicinity whi le attend ing Otterbein , gradnating in 1866. He wa one of th few old gradua tc • wh occasionally pay th eir A lma Mater a vi it. Soon aft er his graduatio n from Ot t erbein he atte nded and graduated fr om the law school .of the niver sity of M ichigan. As most of his life was spent in Co lu mbus after leaving Westerville he ha ince that tum: he ld a wid e acquaintances hip in this v1c1111ty. His daughter occasionally took part in college affa irs he re. He nt ered upon the gene ra l prac tice of law in Dayt n, continuin g until 1884, when he was lect ed to th e sec~ on e! circuit court bench o n th e Repub lican ticket and was re-e lec ted five years later. In the fall of 1894 he was nominated by th e Rep ublican state conve nti on for elect ion as judge of the upreme court, ancl was s uccessful at the pol ls, taking his seat on that bench fo r the first time F ebruary 9.. 1895. His first coll eagues there were judges William T . Spear, J . P. Brad bury, Marshall J. Williams, J acobs F. (Continued on page two.)
Prexy Goes West. President Clippinger left Thursday evening for Chicago where he attend ed the annual meeting of the Asso ciation of American Col leges which co n ve ned th ere on Friday and Satur day. From Ch ica go the president wil l start on a tour of the west touch.- ing such piaces as Omaha, Portfand,. cattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles•. Phoenix and E I Paso. In Los An geles he will attend a great Ottcchd111 banquet which is being planned by workers there who are interested i11 the College. The main purpose of the trip is, of course, in the interest of the campaign and it is understood that Dr. Clipping r will visit scverat of th e trustees of the school. He is. not expected to return before the last. of the month, pro bab ly not before th twenty-seventh.
Page Two
Directo r of " Con" Pi:esents Fi rs t of P op ular Entertain e r a nd Interpreter Class in L iterary Interpre t ation Will \V:ha t Promises t o be Series of to R ecite "To Him Tha t H ath" Giv e R ecital in Chapel on Musical Programs. Monday Night. o n W edn esday E venin g. ext Mo"nda y eve nin g Prof. F ritz's "To Him That Hath," is the r ead On Thursday evening, Jan. 10, Prof. class in In terpretatio n of Literature Glenn Grant Grabi ll, Directo r of the ing selected for r e ndition by Adrian wi ll give a publi c r ecital in the Col School of 1[usic, gave the m usic-l ov 11. N c wcns who app ears in \,Vester lege Chapel. This is the firs t tim e a ing public of \Ve tcn·illc and vicin ity vi ll e \V ednc day night. J an. 16, in th e r ecital of this so rt has been under an unusually pleasing tr eat when h e fourth number of the Lyceum co ur se. taken, and it is hoped that th e st urendered th e first organ recital of the Thi is not :-[ r. N e w e n ' first appear , dents and towns-people wil l plan to year in the College Chapel. The r e ance on the local p lat form. He has att e nd. Thos e who have made heavy cital opened shortly aft er 8 o'clock app ear ed on both th e Lyc e um course I p ledge to th e Y. M. C. A. Re d Cross, and for a solid hour the near-capacity and the umm er chautauqua program. audi ne e that fi ll ed th e chapel h a ll He will probably b e be tter remember I and vario us other organization needs gave Prof. Grabill their undivided at ed by local admire1·s in his rendition ' are most co rdi a ll y in vi t ed fo r the adof "The Mes age from Mars." :-fr. \ tention . mi sion is fre e. Prof. ll p1·cscntcd a pleasing Newens was ched ul ed to appear here \ P r of. F rit z ha - a r ra:1gcd an inter and \'ari ed program of select io n fr om Jan. IS, but beca use of con flicts, the cs tin g p rog ram. a fo ll ov.-s: Selected pence . :\lacfarlanc, Bach and other date was cha nged to on e night later. ).f usic A rthur Ray Spessard. "To Him That Hath" is a great pur- · noted composers of the past and pres Co ll ege Orchestra Brooks ent. Especially fine were his rend i pose drawn; it de picts not the man Recent ly Chose n as Dir ctor of Vocal The wan . ong Departm e n t. tion of th e " uptia l Song." from who den ies hi cou ntry. but the man Ne ll Oreba ugh Orange Blo o ms by Frim l-Fau lk cs whom hi co untry r ejects. It is a . King Rob e r t of Sic il y . Longfcllo'II' P oSlpo ne Se rvice F lag lJ:n ~iling. and hi beautifu l inte rpretation of great discussion and vivid of human Neva Priest Selected "Scotch Fanta ia," by Macfa rl ane. r elations hi ps, of how far a man's v.;o rd I Decause all c f the \ Ve t.:-r·:iilc boys :-Iu ic The former is "a dainty littl e melody, may ca rry for b e tter or for w o r se in j arc u nd er quarantm c for m easle s at Co ll ege Orchestra with harp-!ike ac co mpaniment w h ich the making of indi vidual and com- Camp Sherman the l"nitt:cl B r cth~en Scenes from "T h e Riv1ls" Sheridan serv ice fla g unv eil in g has been post s in gs itself into th e h eart of t he li st - munity li fe. H ele n Kc!lcr poned until th ey will be able to at- :-Ii chael Strogoff \" crne ner~." The "Scotch Fantasia" blend tend the scn icc. T h e meeting was with the plai ntiv e b ea uty of Scotch BECOMES HEAD Virginia Richardson O F DEPARTMENT a nn ou n ced for Su nd ay. It , til Ju~ht The Arena ccnc from "Gu , ·adia" folk ong . the imposing strength of (Continued from pag e on e.) that as soo n a s th e quarantine is lifttheir r\"ational Airs, in a delightful Si nkicwicz kins st udied mu sic und er the best eel Major General Glenn will permit medley arrangeme nt. Lillian Coe T h e program wa bro ug ht to a t eachers in thi s co untr y and aft e r- th e lo ca J 1)Oys to attend th e unvei lin g :\Iu sic Selected close by stirring r-antasia on '' Battle ward supplemente d hi s knowledg e of th e Aag. If they ,'. re pern- itts:l! 10 College Orchestra · t r an portatio n w ill 1,e proHymn of the Repuhlic ," after which w ith thre e years' tu dy abroad. He co me ti 1c1r the audi ·nee tood and sang together had wid e cxpe ri ne e a a teacher and vided for. r co nce rt worker , being th e head of the the n atio nal hymn. " . mcrica." The b t possible c idcncc of th e Hopkin Trio which has given con OU R HONOR ROLL. _.) public's appr ec iation of Prof. Gra certs in many place . H e al so pent ( Co ntin ue d f ro m p a ::e one.) .'\t Y . \,\ . C. A. Tuesday night th e some time on th e Keith circuit as a bill' w rk wa the perfect attention e r g t. Claude B ron on. s pea k e r was Miss Agnes D ru ry, a acco rd ed him and th e h earty applau c director and violin oloi t. At pres\V. S. Gilbert. 14 cnt the n ew in s tructor is so bu y \\'ith grad uate of Otterbein. class of 19 · tln. t gre e t ed eac h number. \\. en dell J o n es. th .\IIiss Drury sai ls January 23 . for e his t eaching in Columbus that for a Ea r l Brobst. Philippines, to b ecom e an instructor tim e h e will be able to come o ut on ly Lawson Trox e ll. Fi r st Ca m paign Bulletin is Out. in the Bib le chool at San F erna nd o. one day a week to tak e care o f th e A. L. Glunt. People w ho have from time to t im e work h e r e. Later howeve r h e will r11 h er peecl1 s h e brought o u t t hef ·ardi Bates. 0 been "h earing things'' about th e big give as much t im e t o work as the fa t that th e r e a 1·e two classes Thur ton Ross. ducational campa ig n wi ll now sit up need seems to demand . Mr. H op wom e n today-one class. c m I)I·ttcred Clayto n Sp rin g. 1 and take notic e when th y ec th e kins' fir t publ ic appearance will be because th e war ha s defeated persona Clifford Schnake. fir. t \'i ihl e ig n s f ac tual work a long 011 the program of th e annual co n ce rt ambition . failin g t o r ea li ze that to; orp. \\"a lla ·c \\". :-lill er. t h e line in a bull ct i11 which ha just given by the Cho ra l ocie t y th e last day we s h o uld b e above persona \\' aclc Daub. com o ut as a ~tart r in th e big pub of t hi · m o nth . acrificc and think in larger t erms ; Frederick Thoma lici ty mO\·ement. The bu lletin tate th e ot h er cla ss want s to do big th ing~ 0 J o hn B. :M iller. th -hall ngc i11 a forceful way and N OTED ALUMNUS and fa il s to grasp th e t ru e meaning DIE S SUDD E NLY E lm er Downi:y. give ten weighty reason for the up serv ice. \V e must he of service to I \ \ ·m. Sharp . port of th' ca mpaig n. That it ha omcone else who is of ser vice. . <Continued fr0111 page one.) I Homer Kline. 1 the ha cking of the e ntire church and 13 cs1c · Ie material · , ·ays fo r sc rvll . ge Cur kett and Thaddeu E. :-[in hallRay Baker. that u nprecedented need. arc con stl there arc piritual way also. ~c all having p r ececlecl him into the be- I .-\lf rccl Funk. · _ eek1ng fronting- the hristian college today t I1c world as n eve r b efo r e 1, s yo ncl. I l'. H. Garver. 5 arc am ong the arguments used. A th e r ea liti es of lif e. In the se daY ix year later h e wa re-ekct d j Byron E. Thoma full statement of th e plan of cam nothing is more n eeded than the true paign is g iven togeth e r with a com and in 1906 wa. c lect<: d t o till an- I Ernest Ru e ll. sp irit of fri e nd hip . other term of office. making hi term I Joy Rider. . • fullest plete explanation a to h ow the money Thi ptrtt i hown 111 it J,alph H a ll. 1 hall be u ed. T hi hul lctin i being of c rvic e rank in year. with the I 11 . F. d w10 se n e 111 o ur :--Ia t e r • ri e n · 1 J ra Dempsey. I . 15ent a rapi d ly as pos iblc to a mail est 011 record th ere. . eved 111 • 111s · fri ends,t and beli t, u _tcd Retiring from the bench in 19 13. he ' Elvin \V a rri ck. ing Ii t of over 12,000 names. and . not f orgettmg th e mallcst an d mos \\"il bur .\l oo r c. wi ll doubtlcs be pla eel in the hand entered u1Jo n the practice of la:w here humble . Orren Bandee n. of student within a _hor t time. lt and conti nu ed his r • idenc c in Col um'I' ! . . I to l,1S 11 love whic h J cs us ,ore Luther G. Hall. the plan to is u similar bull etin bu . H e had an office partner hip friends was hi whol p lan for ca rrY· • . prurY at int rval of 11 and two week . with E. L. \,\.ein land. '91. locakd in \ J. B. 'mith. rng th e gospel. and aid :- 11 5 t J ohn D. ;\[ill c r . A SJ)ecia l fo lder ha al o been pre th e >lew_First. ·~tiona l Bank building. • l ,van 111 concl u ion "It is because t At the t1111e of ht death h e was pre i1 C . .\l , Hchbert. pared for th e Alumni .. th to t ell other ·of thi s great friend a dent of the h,o Bar As oc ,a tion. •·G I oc 1) 1e our I cl. I [ am going to th e Philippine H e had be n in failing health f 1· B . ·h Pen 1c men. 11 1·cc Otterbein boys, A . \\. . -XealI l . h f nng t en, af c home again. ds of -,y. Frank L. chwecheim r and tan- \ ;norc t ,an a yea r.. n sea, c o h ea lth , Goel hie s our men \\~o rd r eaches u from the san h 1, c· n B. \\' ood, were selected for the , e spent omc t im e in the l le of Kc, th . . . Texa that J o hn B. arver as d to p· cp cm v,ctonou fficcr ' training cam1) which open ed ,n es. Patient and cl · 1 ' come a ''bird" and i . o far p rog rcs se h rma n ?lfonday. All of Fun era l ervice were held at Trin- The ,,va rou ; . I1 his . fl yi ncr cour-c t 11a t he 1t3 5 Wtt at amp . . . I I I 1 , . Y arc o dear to us , already had non-comm1 ,ontty c 1Urc ,. o um >U • at 4 o clock FnGod bl~s . made e vcral flight as a pilot. tile bo) "' our n1cn." ,. The men who make good <1ay a f ternoon an cl tiI c 1Jody wa. tak e n C d O ffi C,;~. D )11. f . S'lk · · ayton . ormer home ' for inOur En tire Stock of Phoe_ni)( in t 1,e tra1n1ng w ·,ti be l1 eld in r eserve to A n ew lin e of Tie . at 1 a officer for the army. t e rm e nt. p ri ce . E. J . . · o rri s.-A dv. t , e old Ho ie ry. to go at th e o ld price • t o 2.00. E. J. N.-Adv.
Y. W.C.A.
s's c
HE TAN AND CARDINAL ,99 . At the organization meeting of the Westerville School Board, held last Monday evening, Hanby R. Jones was· elected president of that body for the ensuing year. ,05 ;04 _ Prof. :>nd Mrs. \ ?.inland and L;i.1is Albert were Christmas guests at the home of the professor's parents in \.Vest Alexandria, Ohio. Rev. Ernest J. Pace, instructor in Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, spent part of the month of December conducting Bible study meetings in Red Lion, Pa., Elizabethtown, Pa., Bowling Green, Ohio, and Lima, 0.
'06 .
'16. G. L. MeGee died December 16, 1 917, at his home on a fa r m near Ga lena, Ohio. Ten weeks earlier Mr. McGee was kicked by a horse and suffered intensely n:itil the end of his life. He is survived by a wife and a little daughter who was on ly a week old at the time of !:is death.
'93. Mr. and Mrs. F. J . Rt:sler and son Frank of \.Vesterville spent the holiday vacation with Mr. Res ter's relatives in Philipsburg aw! Cone maugh, Pa. ' 17. On Wednesday evening, De cember 26, William M. Counseller of Akron, Ohio. and Mi ss He! --: n Dem p ey were married at the home of th e bride" mo the r in \ •\ 'e5terville. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. M. Counseller, '. 7, 'Jf Vhen, Ohio, the father o f the brid~groom. Mr. and Mrs. Co unseller will be at home at 61:l Hazel treet, Akro n, 0. ' 13 - Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe H. Brane spent Christmas in Dayton. Ohio. guests of Mr. l3rane's parent, '. 12 · Mi s Ruth Brundage entertained 1
Among visitors in Westerville dur ing the ho lidays were T . H . Nelson, '13 Educational Secretary of Yo~ng M~n's Christian Association, Phila delphia, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. J . F. Smith, ,10 and '01, Pickerington, O:; C. D. LaRue, ' 16, Liberty Cen_ter, O. ; John \,\Tagner, '10, Fostoria, O.; Charles A. Merrill, '17, Metamora, O.; Miss Cora Prinkey, Solomon, Kan sas; Mr. and Mrs . Grover C. Muthe r s baugh 'I I and '13, Cleveland, 0.; Mr. and Nfrs. Howard W. Elliott, ' 15 and '14, J ackson, Mississippi; Dr. and Mrs. A. D . Cook, '12 and '13, Cleve iand, 0 .; Mr. and Mrs. H . C. Plott, 'I ' Ga lion 0 . . Raymond D. Bennett, ..,, ' ' '11 '08, Athens, Ohio; C. :M. Her_bert,' ' Urbana, Illinois; 0 . A. Badey, o7 , and wife, Chicago, I1lin~is; C._ L. Bailey, '11, and wife, Lansrng, 1[1ch. ; W R. Bai ley, ' 11, and wife, Colum bu~, O .; s. R. Converse, '15, Camp Sherman, 0.; 1[iss Grace ~ob lentz, ' 11 Circlevi lle, 0.; Miss Edith Cob, , O ·,• Miss Kath erine Ien't zz, ' !2 , Galion Cob lentz, '16, Lilly Ch=-pel, O.; ~fr. and M rs. Cha rl es R. 1· rankham, 06 and '07 Co lumb us, Ohio; Mrs. Rob ert witson, '04, Galena, O.; Miss Carrie Miles, '15, Clinton, Ohio; :Mrs. Wa lter E. Bake r (F lo rence Rock), '99, Canton, O.; Mrs. \,\T. vV. Sto~er (Myrtle Miller), '93, Dayton, 0~10; Rev. J . A. Barnes, '94, W ellesl ey Hi ll s, Mass.
Walk-Over Service Shoes One of Our Service Shoes. Shoes for Dress N ew
T hings
W omen-Any Style that you can select.
39 N. High St.
The Walk-Over Shoe Co. Colum bus, 0 . M entio n T an an d Cardinal.
Films Developed Free g uaranteed from properly u: posed negatives.
Fenton Stearns 145 W. Home St.
:i\.RROW form,fir-
COLLAR 2{)~a;m
SEELEY RESTAURANT F o rmerly The White F ront.
C. W. STOUGHTON, M. D . 29 W. College Ave. \.Y esterville, 0. Bell Phone 190
Give U s a T rial. Our Specialty To treat everybody right.
Citz. Phone 110
nforn1ally the evening of December , at her home o n \.V e5t Collc.!ge B. C. YOUMANS, Barber Avenue in hon o r of her guest, Mrs. rl 37 N . State St. Bertha Arthur, who i professor of Shoe Shine in Connection. French and pani h in \Vilmin gto n Shop closed at 8 o'clock except '------------:----:-;--:--~ College. Saturday. Y . M. C. A. was led by "Artist 'l 7. George A. Sechrist, who was Peden" who had a h eart to heart eriously ill with diphtheria two talk with the fe llows. H e ill ustrated lllon ths ago, is still suffering fr o m the his ta lk by drawing a picture of a W . M. GANTZ, D. D. S. effect of the disease. Afte r he seem- bee hive, then contrasting the honey DENTIST ed to be we ll on the road to recovery, bee and the drone, app lying the truth he was seized with post-dip h theric to life. The honey bee goes o ut a '. id 15 West College Ave. Paraly i and is now confined to hi~ gets the honey. he has a defin_ite Citz. Phone 167 Bell Phone 9 l~ed again. purpo e and works hard to accomplish '99 M . 1an <l tl,at purpose. The drone does noth. rs. C larence R. \ V,'tll k (:'.l:e llie Scott) was elected a member ing. So in life the indust_rious wor ·cf I1 er the one with a defimte purpose, t e executi\'e committee of the or' · th g-anizati•o n made last Wednesday by t11 e one who has the stmg- h e I wom en of the Fifteen th Ward of PEP-is th e hon ey bee. \ .Yhile t e tie I F ru it , Candie and (. slacker, the knocke1·, the c 1eat, any olu111ubs Ohio, to help carry out I d eonservation measures. one w itho ut a purpose is t 1e rone. G cl ut ''Be sure you know th e purpose o 7 ' I . \ :V. C. Miller of !vfa on, \ Vest has for you, then dig with all ;'o ur Virginia, r ece nt ly received lice nse to life to fulfi ll that ptffpose. Don t be See reach from the \,\/ est Virgi nia co n a dro n e." erence of the United Brethre1, Bib le Study Classes were organ ized. church. Let all who can, get into the work Eic '18. Floyd A. McClure has re at once. Also come out to Y. M. C. cently been elected to fi ll a n unex A. Be a honey bee and make Y. M. Ohio Wesleyan's third week in the pired term as president of t h e Y. M. C. A. a bee hive next Thursday even C. A. at Ohio State Univers ity. Mr. ing. Don't stay at home like a drone. All -Ohio Jubilee campaign amounted l\£cCiure spent two years in Otter to $7,561, making a total of ov~r $300:New York scientist declares that 000. This campaign with Ohio Umbein and is now a sen ior in the Col only one man in five is fit to marry. ersity Baldwin- Wallace and Mt. lege of Agricu ltu re at State. Probably he means t hat th e other v · Union •is to raise $2,900,ooo·m t h e m' l7. Mr . H. L. Myers (Ma rguerite four haven't enough money. terest of bette r education in Ohio. George) of Canal Wincheste r was a Ohio Wesleyan's goal is $800,000. Are you boos t ing the campaign? 'N esterville visitor over the week-end . 27
Y. M. C. A.
WILSON, the Grocer
ff.A.DENMAN Choice Cut Flowers and Corsage Bouquets.
Quality Best---Prices Right S. State St.
Citizen 345
Days' Bakery G. H. MAY H UGH, M. D . East College Ave. Phones-Citizen 26
Bell 84
G. W . H E ND E RSON, M. D. Office R es idence State and Plum 99 . State 10 to 11 A. ::\L I to 4 P. M. Sundays and Evenings by Appointment.
STUDENTS Take your shoes to COOPER for first-class r epairing. He has in stalled a new fini bing lathe. A good line of Strings, Rubber Heels, iJ.nd Polish always in stock. \,Vork Guaranteed.
Page Four
TAN AND CARDINAL Publi shed \ Ve ekly in th e intere st o f Otterbein by the OTTERBET~ PUBLISHING BOA RD , \ est erville, O hio. Member of the Ohio College P ress Association.
Staff Editor-in-Chief .... Lyle J. Michael, '19 A ssis tant Edito rsJ . C. Sidda ll, '19 R. J . Harm elink, ' 19 onlrib uting Ed ito rs·Grace A r ment ro u t, ' 19 H elen Bovee, ' 19 Busin ess Mgr. .... R. L isle Roos e, ' 18 Ass t. Bu s. Mg r. .. K enneth Arnold , '20 A s t. Bu s. l\f g r . .......... C. L. Smith , '20 Circulation Mgr . .... H . E . M ichael, '19 1s t Ass t. Cir. }.[gr. .... C. E. :-Iullin , '19 2nd A t. Cir. Mg r.Manson Ni cho l , '2 1 L ocal Editor ......... ... H e len K ell er . '20 Cochran Ha ll ........ f,' Jore ncc Loar, A lu mna! .. .................. Prof. Guitn er, Exc ha nge .................... Ru t h Co nl ey, t hl ctic ........................ E. L. Doty,
'!9 '97 ' 18 '1 8
Addr ess a ll comm unica tions to Th e tt er be in Tan and Cardinal , 20 \V . :-[ a in t., W e t crvill e, Ohio. Sub scr ip tion P ric e, $1.50 Per Y ear, pa ya bl e in advanc e. E n tcrcd a s econd cla s ma t tcr cp t cmbe r 25, 19 17, a t th e po toffic c at \ Ves ter vill e, 0., und e r a ct of ~far ch ~. 1879. Set it dow n as a fact to w hi ch there a rc no ex cptions, that we m ust labor for a ll that we lnv e, and t hat nothing is wort h pos e ing or offering to oth er , whi ch costs us not h ing. -J ohn 1 Todd .
ma ny cl~oo l . o f 1:1usic. and a cour e h undred tim e a day in t h e eta o f thi k1_nd I bein g plann ed by our j roo ms so me poor st ud en t is t r yi ng to o wn mu s,c departm ent. \N e can not mak e a p ro f b elieve t h er e is so m e a ll take thi s a s a sp ecia l s t udy, bu t th in g ba ck t h ere in his b ra in wh 11 we ma y take ad\'anta g e of the local th ere is n' t . If th e fac ul ty co uid on! op po r tunities to stud y good music take a lesson fro m th e ex p eriences i~ fr o~ th ~ s tandpont of t h e h ea-r er, the war zone t h ey would a pp reciat e which will put us w ell a long toward better how clever an d a cu te a min d an a p preciative ear. L et us pa y spe - mus t b e to put on an appea ra nce o f cia l att ention to th e r egular stud ent I some t h ing tint do cs not e X. IS. · t A 11 d recita ls an d th e eri es o f o rgan r e- mayb e instead of bl u ffing if h Id • · d d • . we s o u c1ta 1s p romis e unn g t 11e commg "ca m,o u flagc" th e J)ro f h . . esso r s t ey A. I f mo nth s, that this sid e of our nat ur e wo uld take it more kin d! y. . ot o ma y b e enlarg e d an cI that we may be good th ings ar c g 0 111 · g t f . o co m e o ut o b ett e r abl e to p lac e a Ju t valuation th is wa r a nd one of ti ·11 I h 1c m w1 )C t e upon m usica l prnd uct io n s. rise in in flu en ce and powe r o f cam ou fl age, but we ho p e that it wi ll fi n d it s Does It Pay To Educate? p lace and stay th ere. I n r p ly to t he a rg um ent up h eld by many tha t mos t o f ou r yo ung peop le We've Been Thinkin' ar e los t to the ch ur ch as res ul t o f a co ll eg e cours e. statisti cs have bee n Tha t our own Prof. Grabill is to be co mpi led showing proportionate rep appreciated. rese ntatio n of O t terb ein grad uates in Santa Claus is a p retty good var io u lines of work. Of the total oldThat chap, still. numb er of graduat es up to and in cluding th e cla s of 19 17. 1276 to be _That a little mo r e studying now ex a ct. five hu ndr ed and fi fty-o ne en- will save cramming for examinations, tered th e tea chin g profc io n for a soon to come. s hort pc1·iod a t lea st, t wo hundr ed . That if th~ sp!rit of the service flag 'and e leve n became mini tcr , all b ut ts to be mamtamed, a printed honor fi ve in o ur ow n de nominatio n, an d o ne roll should be displayed publicly. hundr ed and th irty- ix en tered th e _T hat " Lym" Hert will surely be bu iness wor ld, co u nting on ly such as went into business for themse lves missed from Otterb ein activi ties. o r had a managing intere t. From That it would be about all right if th e ranks of t h ese a lu mni hav e come t he coal s upply would run out just be thirty -one coll ege p re id ent and ten fore " exam" week. ge n e ra l church office r . One h un d red Tha~ under the circumstances the :.111d t wcnty-th r ec "grads" hav e h eld o r a re now ho ld ing respo ns ib le posi ~t~letic Association is wise in abol ti o ns on th e fac ul tie o f o ur ow n co l ishing base ball for this year. leg es, and thi r ty-two ha ve go n e ou t to . That Prexy is wise in choosing this crv_c th c ,~o rl cl in t h e m issio n fi elds. kmd_ of weather to leave for Cali !3 esid es tin~ forty-two h_ave enter ~ fo r 111a. th e profc sion of, la w, six wh o1:1 _That judging from personal contact at on th c J udge s b • nch . Do 1t ~1 t h the stuff Santa cheated Hayes on pay to ed ucate?" his box of gum.
Good Music. Do you . or ca n y o u, app rec iate · ·I one o f t I1e fiIll e good mus ic? ~r l\ u 1c ar t . t b ur e. but ye t a ve ry com111011 th ing. Th e oppo rtuni ties to hea r g oo d m u ic a rc in num erab le. No m c ting o f any co ns equ en ce is co mpl ete without o m c music. and it ha s be en o fo r a ge pa t. And y et j u t ho\\' many per son can giv e e\' en a m enta l criti cis m of a conce r t uc h a t he organ recital afford ed T hursday even in g? \ Vh n o u r att end a lect ur e, wo r t h \\' hi lr, h e us ua ll y con ide rs some of th e th o ug ht o f t he p ak er in hi s ow n mi nd aft erward . T h e id ea o f th e lect ure r arc compa red wit h th ose o f th h a rcr, and o ft e n th e la tt e r adop t t h o e id ea a nd p rofi ts by th em. I th er e any good rea so n why som ething of t h e amc nat u re shou ld not obtain in th e cas e of good mu ic? Ev ery m u ica l com po ition i int end ed by th e compo e r, to convey some idea. \\'h en t ha t compositio n is p layed or s ung th e Ii te ne r s ho ul d rece ive some th o ug h t fr o m it, o m cth in g of va lu . \ Ve are all too pro n to loo k up n th e bette r mu ic as fo r th e fe w, w h erea it s ho uld be bcn eficial to e veryo ne, and wo ul d be so if eac h ind ividua l w~ ul_d co ~ ide r it so_. }.[ usica l ap1)r 1at1on is ta ugh t t11
- -- - --
T HE "EFILUO" CLUB. " H cllo n[ac, go t ove r yo ur g rouch yet?" sa id D oc, a s he en tered th e stu dy and sla pped Mac ac ross the ba ck wit h his g lo ves.
" o, don ' t b ot h er him, h e' s still as ba d a s eve~, b ut I think I've dis co,·ered the troub le," sa id Bill. " Let' s h ear it." " \ Ve il yo u k now he fe lt prett y bad about leaving home, a nd besides he hasn't ca ug h t up in th e sleep he lost sin ce h cam e back , so it's no won de r h e i so g ro uchy. Gu ess h e has sta r ted to t ud y up fo r th e exami na t io n s th a t w e' ll b e having in a co upl e o f wee k s too."
" H 'e 's w ise, it wo uldn 't hurt some of t h e re t of us to do th e sa me." "No t hat 's it, we n eed t he study mo re tha n he does." "En joying yo u rse lves b oys? I make a p r et ty good subj ec t fo r di scuss ion, do n 't l ?" a id M a c w h o had finishe d, hi wor k a nd had co m e b ack to life. " fs th e re an y info rmation I ca n give yo u to furth er e nli g h te n yo u on t he ubj ect ?" ; " I fear not, Mac, only fo r good n ess sa k es, g e t o ver that gro uch." "Can't h elp it, boys if yo u kn ew h o w blu e I feel, yo u w o ul d n' t blam e me fo r be in g g ro uchy, so forg et about it an d I'll g et ove r it in a couple of days wh en I ge t ca ught up a little." " H eard fr o m th e ba sk etba ll games ye t , an ybody?" jo in ed in Tom from th e o th e r id c o f th e ro o m, w here he wa s en ga ge d in h is usua l gam e of so litaire . " No, do n' t know what t h e t rouble is, so m ethin g th e matt er wit h t he manag er o r else w e've b ee n beat en so bad h e didn ' t want to send th e score ho m e." "M a y be t h ey 've b een h eld up so me That Mrs. Rosselot and Mrs. Alt p lace by t he w eath er o r else th eY man should have some visible evi must b e h av in g a big tim e up at Pan dence as to the appreciation of the dora. s tud ent body for the beautiful . "Th at ma y b e th e case, or else flag. service th ey' re waiting o n chutz to see t hat That when the basketball team gets h e g ets ba ck af e." " Say, Bi ll how' s th e gas com ing a~ay from home th ey should at least ove r th er e, roo m' g ettin g wa r mer wire the results of the games. i n't it ?" ':£'ha_t lit is mighty hard to get an "Y es I b eli eve it co min g on bete d itona st~ff back at work after a te r fo r a chan ge. Than k goodn ess three weeks vacation. fo r w e've nea rl y fr o zen th e las t few · days. I h ea r t hat ev en th e ga o ffi ce And whil e we think of 1·t , ve w1s1 • 1 to up h er e in tow n hav e gotten a coal m~k e an o th er a ppeal to y o ur sympa- s to ve et up." t l11 es. y o u wi ll probab ly soon b e " By tl1'e wa y , Do c w ere you at the as ked to ma ~c a co ntrib u tion to th e rec ita l T hu r day n ight?" fund to pro vide Maxim Sil ence rs for "Y es, why ?" u e o n so m e of th e Fre h tn en o n so up " Oh I j u t w o nd er ed pretty good, days at th e lub. \V e beseec h y o t d idn't yo u think ?" • . b l'b J . U O c I era 1ll y o ur co ntribution s for •·y e I th o ug ht it wa s fine. es peci a nyo ne at th e Club wil l a ur c y ou all y that econd pi ece, wh er e he play· ~hat t h e boys at th e fr o nt hav e nothcd th ose . cotch tun es." '. ng o n u wh en it co m es to en co unt er " I lik cl that o n e too b ut I enj oyed m g n erv e-sh a tt erin g n oises. th e whol e thin g . I didn't g et tired like I ge n e rally do a t uch affairs.". Aft · ~r g etting o dee ply absorb ed in " Yo u' ll culti vate a ta st e for music watchrng t h e girl in ti 1 e . n ex t row ) ct B' ll " dawdl e w ith th e intricate array o f ' , t aid T o m jokingly. " \ Vo uldn ' t doubt it a bit boys on ly many -co lored, s ize d and s hap d . pin s ju s t n ow m y ta st e for cats is better in ti e b k f h 1 ac o er hair, t hat th e b ell rang b f cu ltivat ed ." . e o re we had o nc e thought of "Th a t ta te ce n1 loo. k·1_ng a t o ur wa tc h, we ha d to a dto g et along
Camouflag e. N o w that word both e rs mo t of us. \\ c r ea ll y do n't kn ow j us t how to ay it and its m ea ni ng i till mo r e vag ue. lt so un ds ra t h er mys ti ca l o r fo r eig n au d ha s a " omew her in F ra n c~" co nnotat io n. A lmos t every o n e wi ll hav e t o confes t hat it wa diOi cult to ma ke that word fee l a t h me in his ac tive vocab ul ary. And since "Camo u0age" i now so m uch in th e lime- light, all of u ough t to ro und up a s many fact a pos ib le concerning it. T h ere' reall y nothi ng puzz ling abo ut it. \ Vhcn it i b1·o ug ht ove r in to sp eak ab le E ng li s h it sign ifies no th ing m o re th a n pure b lu ff. \,Ve a ll comp r eh end tha t perfect ly. D o n't the Fren ch blu ff th e Germa n av iato rs wh en th ey ma k e t h em b eli eve t he re is no hosp ita l t he re. b ut ju st a d um p of tree a nd b u h e ? nd it' a ve ry cl eve r and p ra ctica l piece o f b lu ff. Wor k indeed wh en t h e u bmarin e sharp hoo ter fail s to ec t he tra n s port bcca u e o f t h e waves pa in ted on t h e id e . B lu ff is p la y ing an im porta nt part in thi wa r and it is do n e by th e mo t ki ll fu l and well -t rain ed mind s. B ut th ere is an ot h er kin d o f camou fla ge with whic h w e arc all m it 1t was t h e m os t int er esting lee- wi,~hp o ut a ny cultivati o n,' 'said Doc. on 1:1ore fa m ilia r. It' th e one we p rac tur e we ha d h eard in til e ret ty p oo r jo k es b oys, come , li ce eve ry day o n th e pro ft ors. A 0 · co urse .- T 0 111 , g ive hi o State Lantern. 11 th ose cards an d we I1 j hav e a little hand."
Page Five
v\ ild-Evolution of the Hebrew NEW BOO K S IN THE CO LLEGE LIBRARY .Peop le. Gardin e r-Bible as English LiterFollowing is a partial list of the ature 111 0- c rece nt a cquisitions to the col Go to Puffer-Vocat iona l Guidance. lege library. This li st will b e con Farnell-Higher Aspects of Greek tin ue d as space p ermits. Has tings-Dictionary of the Apos- R eligi on. to lic Church. For your Robinson-Days of Alcibiades. Aikens-Home Nurse's Handbook. Figgis-Wi ll to F r eedom. Toilet Creams and Powder. Trc itschke-H istory of Germany in Tooth Brushes and Tooth Paste. Skinner Ezekiel (Expositors Bible). Toilet Waters and Perfumes. t he 19th Century. Maclar~1 - Psa lms. (Expositors A lso Manicure Items. Ell wood-Social Psycho logy. Bible). O ld Sta nd on the Corner. Ha rrington and Frank enberg-EsKent-Social Teachings of the Prosentials in Journalism. phets and J es us. \· ogt-Rural Sociology. Dads-Bible, Its Origin and Nature. \·a n Tass el-Ohio Blu e Book. ·Gladden-Live and Learn . .\f crriam-N egro and the ration. Drake-Problems of Religion. Betts-Social Principles of EducaWright-Story of :-I y Life and $ tion. ·work Ro s-Social Psychology. l\liller-Race Ad justm ent. 1.00 Dealey-Fam il y in its ocio lo g ica l Dealey-Sociology. A p t ct . Cubberley-Sta te and County Edu 1.50 \\· esterma rck-History of Human cational Reorganization. Marriage. 75.00 C ubb erly-State and County School heldon-"Thc Nigger." Ad ministration. Gal worthy-Little Dream . Hendrick - Joysome Hi tory of Lytton-Richeli eu. Education. Bernett and Knoblauch-:.{ilcstones. Ross-Changing America. iltro-Five Litt le P lays. Ford- catch-Irish in America. Hamilton-Studie in Stagecraft. Bartholomew-Literary and HistorClark-How to Produce Amateur cia l Atlas of America: Plays. Hunt-Life in America a Hundred Burton-How to See a Play. Years Ago. "M atth ews-Chief European Drama St everson - Poem of American ti t . History. .\Iackay-Co tumcs and Scenery for Shelley-. merica of the Americans. Amateur. . bbott-America in the Making. Beegle and Crawfo rd-Co mmunity :Matth ews-A m erica n of th e Future. Drama and Pageantry. Bruce-\Voman in th e Making of COCH RA N H AL L CONC E RT T O BE GIVEN Gettell-Reaclings in Po litical CJ· America. ~n ee. Betty Fries returned to school Sears -John Hay, A uthor and Choral Society W ill Present " Rose \ Vednesday after a two w ee ks' vaca• Todbunter-:.Iathcmatical Th eory Maiden"Columbus Solo• tat esman. tion at Camp Sheridan. ist t o Assist. of Probabi lity. Scha uf/l er-Ro manti c A m erica . j anua ry 29 is th e date set by th e Wa!polc-\Vo ode n Hor c. Cornford-Origin of Attic Comedy. Alice Hall r et urned \ Vcdnesday Galsworthy-Beyond. V cnize lo s-G rcecc in h er True Choral Society, at which time that or• from her home in Dayton. ganization will appear in its first con• \\' ell -Soul of a Bi hop . Light Janet and Helen gave a party T ues• London-Little Lady of th e Big Livingstone-Defence of Classical cert, t h e "Rose Maiden" by Frederick I-louse. Cowe ns bein g the chosen work. The clay eve ning. The hon or guests were Education. HRo e Maiden" is a popular prod uc .\Ir . Clippinger, Miss Alma Guitner Howells~Daught e r of the Storage. Fox-In Happy \ 'a ll ey. tion and a favorite among choral so and Mi s Ag nes Drury. tcp hens-Demi-gocls. Locke-Red Planet. cieties eve rywh ere. The soloists have Keva . ndcr on spent th week-end Bowclls-Y ar of my Youth. Locke- . t th e Gate of Samaria. b ee n se lected and the finishing touch at hillicoth e. Carnoval c-\\"hy Jt!ay Entered the Chesterton-Ball and the Cro s. es will be worked out in few succeed Great \ I\Tar. \ Vatt.-The Rudder. Loi Bickelhaupt ha been ill for ing rehearsals. Mr. Jam es Ti ernen . Hulb ert-Record of the Ohio Rolt-Wheelcr-Boy With the ev ral day . a lyric tenor of Columbus, will be one Company. Life· Sa ,·e r . of the soloi t . Mr. Tiernen who Ask H elen Bovee about the hi gh Ti 0 t-Life of C hri s t. Aristotle-Histo ry of Animals. came but re ce ntly to Columbus from 1 ric es of paper. Tapper-.\lu ic upervisor. . n totlc-1letaphysics. Ca lifornia has had wid e experience in Bi and Zins sed-Bac t eriology, Edna Far ley i lowl y recov ering Aristotle-Po lit ics. choir and co ncert work. 1:.1 R.~ enau-Prevcnti\'(~ ~r edicine and from a badly prained foot. Browne ll-t.:n ·een En)pirc. Mr. Floyd Stan ley Crooks al o of '•Yg1cn e. Mac Kaye-T o morrow. omc of the girl imagined tha t olumbus and a pupi l of Cecil Fan• C .\I illikan-Electron hip . \\' ccks-P ychology of Citizen s . . ning will si ng the baritone. .\fr. Betty woul I be a bride when h e re abine-P hy sica l .\ fcasurcmcnt (To he continued.) Crooks has sung with many of the turned to sc ho o l so they d eco rated Crcw-\ Vavc Theory of Light. . • greatest of America singer . Two of her room. It took her evera l day lrton-.\[ echanics of F lu ids. Present ~ 1ble as !"lem ona 1_. I tterhcin's own products. ~li s Ruth to rcmoYc the arti tic de ign . • 1ili er- ciencc of 1[ usica l Sounds. A a memonal to their moth e i. :-frs. , cl ~1 \ 'e cla \fil e ' . I J I Brundage an l\ r • r · Pre · 1 Ilclcn :\lcDcrmot of ol u mbus D ' '.1 1 s and Arey-Embryo logy. .\fary Leasure _J one , ?I 1s F O ones I Dailey, will sing the soprano and con• pent the weck•cnd at the Hall. :. anicll-Phy ic for t ud cnt of a nd .\fr . Lennie Jami_ on ?resented/ 1 tralto parts. reSJ)ectively. l\[i s . l cdicinc. Dean .\[cFadd cn entertained u morocco bound pulpit Bible to tie Brundage. ince graduating from the }f cr rick-;ycu rology. united Brethren church unday. The loca l Con ervalory ha studied with Saturday night with a . I i'g hing party. Hobb · and Elliott-Ga o linc Auto- serv ice was given over to t(1e_ pre en• j Ceci l Fanning and ha been Director Th e ocia l committee furni heel the 11\obiic. tation. .\lrs. 11ary Jone Joined th e j of the Con ervatory of \\'ilmington leigh and the now drift s. • kinncr-.\fodcrn Organ. chur ch in 1859, being one of the o ld- Co llege. Mrs. Dailey ha been to ur· ~owcrs-Taiks on Exprc · ion. c t members. ing the west in concert work incc her Selling " Smileage Books." ough ton-Pub li c peaki ng. duation Ja t June. . F. J. Resler ha gone lo the l acific gra Ric hard Sencff writes to his .mother • ,._ Tarkington and \Vil on- .\l an from H This year's concert promise to be i coa t . 11av1ng c11arge o f seven \\ ·cst1 .-ionic. e as popular a jn t11e pa t, 1·t 1)crn_g · cr 11 stat s , 1·,1 ti1c• campaign · for ti 1c collcel·ni ng his fi rst airplan e tnp. \Ve t-\·aluc of the las ic . likes flying exceedingly well but says rumored that evera l J)e r on of mu 1- al e of ''Smileagc Books." The · ue d I)y t h e · 'ictz the-Beyond Good and Evil. tile tlll ·,·11 "'·a not as great as he had cal renown are coming f rom C o 1um- •· 1111·1 eage B oo k·s " are 1s Bulow-Imperial G rmany. exp ected . lt is thought th at ''Dick" t hear this old favorite concert Ly cum bureau and old at a mi ni O 1)LI Dern! cl · t o prov1'd amu cme nt f or \V iar n-Germany and the ext 'va ·111 tl1 e corJ)S of l. S. airm en who number resung. l\r r. E ar I H op k'ms, mum pr!c~ ar. last week moved to the French front .111 t tor of violin wi ll ap - j the ~old1e1 . The plan of th e bureau th e new rue . ' is to se ll the book to friends of the Charnbcrlain-Foundations of the fo r co ut duty. \ h e n th e letter was ear on the program 111 severa 1 num• oidie r s who wi ll forward them to 19th not yet P Cent ury wri tten training there wa bcr . camp for the oldiers' use. B . ennctt- chool Efficiency. comp lete.
Ott erbein P in .:.................._........._............. Fountain Pen .................................._._.·..··-· Laundry Case .......................................... Royal Typewriter ............._........-.............
University Bookstore
The Man On The Job A. A. RICH,
Insurance Agent
LOCALS Lyman Hert has left teach at Canton, 0.
Lawrence Replogle, who is teaching in the high school at _Union City, writes that he is more than pleased with his work there. He expects to pay a visit to Otterbein friends soon.
Herman Michael. owing to an ope r ation, was unable to return to chool until Friday evening.
The fir t of the Intercollegiate De bates wi ll be held in the College Chapel, Tuesday even ing February_ 19. Wittenberg withdrew from the triangle, so this first debate wiH probably be a dual one with Musk111gum C~l -
lege. On j\farch I, a dual debate wdl be held with Hiram Collegee. We hear that "Deacon" Davis will be in school next semester.
Mrs. A. D. Cook and little daughter left for their home in Cleveland Saturday after a se,·eral weeks' visit
Tan an d
An even dozen fellows and girls en joyed a piping hot chicken dinner at Hotel Central, \ Vorthington, . l_ast Wednesday even ing after an exc1t111g
Card.Ill al
sled rid e. The D eclamation Contest has been postponed until the first of the eco nd semester. Th i contest offers a good oppo r tunity fo r tal en t ed F r esh m en and Sophomores to earn fame and money without a great deal ~f work. The contest was postponed 111 o rder to give the opportunity for more peopie to enter.
O. \ V. :-1ourer, who is now a mem be r of the band stationed at the Co lumbus Barracks spent \,Vednesday night with Otterbein friends.
at Big Price Reductions that Assure Real Savings
Remember the folks at home-Order Your Photos Early. What more acceptable present can you make t ha n your photo ? Twelve photos make one dozen acceptable presents. Have the best. The Old Reliable
.2 ~ co - - - --- .
~ ~
State and High Streets Special rates to all Otterbein st u dents.
Special ·Monogram Stationery
Co rp. Curtis young, of Camp Sh':ri dan, A labama, arriYed in Westerville unday, on a e ,·en days' furlough.
NO w
The college office force has been increased by the addition of Mrs. Lovell, Mrs. Higlemire and Bertha Hancock, who are he lping Helen Ensor in the added campaign work.
is the
Every person interested in journal-
support to the new Press Club. "What's a grapefruit, Chimmie?" "Don't you know? It's a lemon dats flavored wid quinine."
--Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Fashion Park Fine Suits and Overcoats. --Manhattan Shirts. --Rich, N obby, Silk Ties.
with Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Cook. Just arrived-A big hipment of "Arrow" Shirts, $ 1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. E. J. Norris.-Adv.
i m or the publicity campaign of the College hould be in Doctor Jo~es' recitation room \,\ ednesday evening at seven-thirty. At that time J. . H. Larimore, chairman of the campaign publicity committee will effec_t the reorganization of the Otterbem Pre~s Club. Such an organization was 111 operation here in past years and a grear deal of good was accomplished in the way of advertising the school. If you are a booster and want to h~lp win in thi campaign, lend your active
Men, The Union's Great Cut-Price Clearance Offers
Begin The
Elizabeth ~IcCabe, from Greenville, who was in school second semest~r last year, expects to be with us aga111 next semester.
Those who wish exclusive Monogram Stationery made up to order should look over our samples. New and stylish design. Engraved ·visiting cards and stationery
Printers of "The Tan and Cardinal"
s the
The Buckeye Printing Co.
• }
R. W. SMITH, '12, General Manag er
Both Phones
18-20-22 W . M.:in St:-eet \Vesterville, O.
- rpi:a::tr=o=n~iz=-e:-nT~A;-~N;:;---;;-&-:::;c-=A-=R=-n=-=-1-N_A_L _ A -:---:d:--v-er- t7is-=ers.