V O L. I.
No . 17.
J. H. La r imore of the American Dual Debate W ith Musking um Issue Speaks at Press Club. Will Be Held .February 19. T h e fir t de bate o f th e seas on wilC o m ething o f th e a ct ua l o r ani zati o n o f th e m ode rn n ewspape r office ---be he ld T ue day evl'ning Fe bruary 19' Varsity Nearly Doubles Score in Fast wa s bro ug ht befo r e th e P r e s Club Delegates Coming from Pennsylvania, in th e Coll ege chapd. T hi is o ne \\. edn csday evening by '.\lr. J . H. West V irginia, and O hio to pa rt of th e dual de ba te arranged b eGame W ith Cedarville on Larim o r e. Th e writer o f th e edito r D isc uss Big Drive. twe en Otte rb in a nd Ilfu k in u m _ Local Floor. _ ___ ial in most pap ers ha s ,·cr y littl e to T h e nega t ive team co mp osed o f I do with th e policy o f th e pap er. H e VISITORS T O BE BAN QU E TED '.\-I ess rs. G laun er, \ illct, and J ayne LOSE- TO CA PIT AL i alm os t ent1rcly und e r th e co ntr o l o f : _ __ _ w ill a p pear o n th e loca l p la tfo r m a nd I the mana g ing edito r wh o te ll s him ' th e affirmative te a m , M c sr . K li ne, Germans Pil! Up S core By a Spurt what he may writ e o r rath er what he Arrangeme nts .~:.·: ~ Been Made for I Il[ a c. and H o we will g o to '.\l u, kinin Last Minutes of ma y no t writ e. Th e n ew is handl ed Launching Day In All Churches ' g um. Th e t eam s hav bee n hard at Play. In N ine Co nferences. ' wo rk fo r o m ", ti m", an d will" ~• ure ly · I d cby m en having charge o f sp ec1a Th e O t terb ein quint et m et ·cdar - part me nt . Th e city edito r ta ke care .\ t leas t o n e hundr ed peo p le fro m p u t up a g ood argu men t. A larg e vill e in a fa t . sc ra p py gam e in th e o f all news o f a local natur e. th e tclc- t h e s tates of P en n ylv ania. \\·e t \ "ir- r ep rese 1Jtati o n o f th e student body lo cal g y m las t L"rida y eve ning. Th e graph editor handles n ew co mi ng in g in ia , a n d O hi o . ar c expec ted to at- o ught to h e o ut to h1: a r th e o p 1: ni ng am e wa - t a utly co nt e sted from the over th e , ire from o ther part o f th e I tend the campaign co nf ere nce whi ch de bate. fi rst whi ti c to th e final hot. Th e I tat e or nati o n. Oth er d epart- is t o be h eld he r e Tu esda y a nd \V edOthn prog r a m of a fo r <: n ic nat ur t: local bo ys ha ve d evelop ed th eir pass- 1 ment of minor importance ar e that n esda y o f thi s week. In addition hav e be 11 arran~ed f r by the L'u~Jlic ing abilit y und er t h eir n ew co a ch . Ray of the exchange ed itor, athlet ic edi - about tw enty per ans fr o m th e im- 1 p eak 11 Co uncil , to ~cc ur o m .: t m1e \Vatt s. and play ed togeth er b ett er tor , and in some cas es a sp ecial p er- mediate loc.rlity will be pr ese nt. Th e soon. I h e D ecla_mat, o n Onk st • 0 than in an y o th er game th is ea son . 1so n to cov er happenings in th e th e- ·purp ose of th e co1_~fercn ce, a - an- Io n~ po stpo'.1~d w,11'. a t la t he c~ m.e a
Th e gam e wa s well atte nd ed but for 0 111 r ea so n th e r e was an ab cn cc o f organized ro oting. Otterb ein gained th e lead in the first few minutes of play and maintain ed it throughout the game. Mill e r played a_ good floor gam e and secured four nice baskets during the first l~alf. Mey r was in th e fight all the t11ne
atrical world. A; soo n a s suffici ent inter est can be I wo rk ed up, an experienced newspap er man fr o m Columbus will be secured to talk to the club. It is hoped that enough people will tak e an inte rest in th e club to make it a large factor in the campaign for th e college.
ment will e ca ll ed upon to exp r ess their views on the project, among MENS MEETING BIG SUCCESS
~nd pi:t tw o i':i+ t h-i-s credit dur [ 1ng th e fir t period. The first half
end ed with the score 2 1 to 11 in Otter- T 0 S ections Unite In Meeting At bein's favor . w Church Hour Sunday In the econd half Fox cut loose Evenin g. and rolled up eight field goals to hi c:edit. Mi ll er and Me)'. er fought conAnnual Chri tian , Endeavor 1 tently a 11 d both eq ual ed their score wa ob crved in the local church. ~nof th e first half. Funk, Barnhart and day vening w h en the two societie ·111ith !) lay ed a close game at guards, mH in a ni on Meeting in th e ch urch fo rcing th e ir opponen t to futile long I audit o riu m. The entire even ing erhots. The vi siti ng team wa gam e vice was given ove r to th e Endeavorand fo ug ht hard to th e end , exh ibiting er and wa s devoted t o a presentation 0111e very cred ita ble floor work. The 'I and di sc ussion of th e great F o ur Y ear game en d ed with th e score 53 to 30 in Program campaign soon to be la un chfavor of Otterbei n. _ eel by our ~eno1:1inati o '.1 . T h e p~oFox and Mill er were the high scor- gram wa u111qu e 111 th at it wa s ear n ed er for Otterb ein, F ox making eleven o ut en tire ly by th e young people and Miller eight fie ld goals. th em e h·e . Th e various phases of (Co ntinu ed on page two .) the work were presented a nd ably handled by r ep r e entati,·e numb er of Board Recommends Coach. th e two ocieties. At a rec e nt m ee ting of the Board Th e evening' service wa ope ned of Control defi nite action was . taken by r eading of the Scripture, th e par111 r egard to secu ring a basket ball able of th e rich young rul e r, by A. C. coach for the r e mainder of the sea iddall follow ed by an earne st prayer so n. After cons id ering possib ilitie s, for de~per con ecration and a domiRay Watt wa r commen d ed and ha s nant life purpose by Ar th ur Pede n. sin ce been ec ur ed to act as trainer. Mis '.\fary Griffi th th en read a n cl exMr. Watts needs no introduction to p la ined the Four Year Goa l adopt_ed ath letic 1;•1ppo r te r s for but a few year s by the r ecen t General Confere nc e, mage he wa a prominent figure on the dicating the ir appli cat ion to Chu r ch, local gridiron and basket ball floor. Christian Endeavor and ou r College. T he r es ult s of his coaching ar e al "The Meaning of th e Quiet Hour" ready being see n and the prospects was di cus eel by :Mis Keller, who for th e r ema ining games are truly pictured in well chosen wo rd th e bright. va lue and need of secret prayer. She The Board also sanction ed th e ac S howed that a life close to Christ, !ion of the student body in su pend earnest, confident and consecrated, tng baseball for this year. Tennis can not be li ved apart from secret courts ,v-ere a subject of consideration pray er and communion w~ th - God. and the completion . of the courts is - R . · J: Harmelink, · disaKsiog · th e (Continued on pase four,) assured for this spring.
. .... .
f- • -· ·
r ealit y o n F c bruar) 2 · In th e h r t 1 wee k i~ Mar ch_a dua l _d e ba_te is t o b e . h eld with Capital _LJ~11v ers1ty . L ater I ,n th e am c n~onth it I ho p ed th ~t the:11_111 ual Prohib,tio n _ L o nteS t will be g iven . Profe or Fritz an n o un c..: ·, that I arra ,~g em ent ,ar e bemg made , ro r a girls deha~e team and th at a call for, try-out Wlll be mad O 11 • _·
no un cc d by lead ers. 1 to wo r k up en• thusiasm to th e highest pitch prcpara to ry to th e formal o pe n ing of the campaign o n Launching Da y. Dinner at six-thirty Tu esday night in Cochran Hall w ill be the fir t event of the ''pep rail('· Bi hop '.\Jatthew has been_ appo1~ted t oa_s tmaster for the occa 1011 . Big m en 111 the move-
th em G. A. Lamb ert, pre id ent of the Boa rd of Trustees, President Clip pinge r. and many of the Confe r ence u_perintende nts. Mo t of the day \V ednesda y wi ll be taken up with a round table di cussion a to ways and ,11eans for the succes ful carrying o ut of the campaign. It is also intimated that th e chap el h our will b occ upied by speeches from the visitors. All kind s of a rrangemen t have bee n made for Laun ching Day in th c churches of the t erri tory t o make it a gr eat day. The oflice force h~ bee n busy fo r th e last few day s s nd,ng o ut final let ter to th e pastors urging th e m to preach pecia l erm on on th e ( Continued on page two.) --------Special Chapel Wednesday. Chapel service Wedne day morning promises to be a big treat in that it wi ll be a diversion from th e ordinary routine. Many of th e big men of th denomination will b th ere and some of th em ar e expected to talk to th e tud ents. tud ents themselve will be represented by peaker from each of the four college cla se . H . R. Brentlinger ha s been ch o n from the Senior class, Helen Bovee from the Juniors, Gladys Howard from the Sophomores, and irgil Willet from the Freshmen. They will doubtless give ample proof to the vi s itors t_hat the students ar e back of th e campaign, h eart . and soul. Special music is being arranged for th e service, both the boys'· and girls' glee clubs furnishin&: num\)ers.
II ,
. . Otterbem Professors Give Excellent Program Before a Well · F·11 d H 1 e ouse. At the regular monthly mceti n of the Otterbein Brotherhood ~ ~ior~ an audience that nearly filled th e Chai>e l, wa given what is a id to he th e best en tertainm e nt of it s kind h earJ in \\ c tcrville thi · y·ear. Aside from th e m embe rs, ladi and clj ildre 11 at in th e a udi e nce a · pccia l gue ts. Every nu mbe r given· was well ri::ceiv eel judging from th • applau e, e n co r e bei ng fr eq ue irt. The ervi ces wer e in -c harge or t h e presid en t of th Br the rho od. Mr. \Vaxb om . Affer th e •invocation by Reverend Burtner th e program of t he evening began. The fir t numb..:r wa an organ election by Profe or ra Mr. rabill' s r nditi on of bi ll. " cotch Fantasia" by Macfarlane brought ve ry vividly to t he min d t he o ld cotch tun e . Following t hi Profe o r and M r . Earl Hopkin , ac companied by Mr . Goodbrcad, fav ored the audi n c with a beautiful violin duet. Pro f sor Hopkin then sang three lection : ·'Invictus," " That weet Little v oman O' :\fine," and th e " ornish Dane ." The list eners we r e th e n favor d with a read• ing by Profes or Fritz. The tocy of David Harum, by Wescott, won the h earty app 1ause o f veryone pre ent. The final number was a· violin solo by Mrs. Earl J-Iopkios. -Mrs. Hopkins is an artist and ha s woa-.terful co.ntrot (Continued on page two.)
WIN AND LOSE • \ '05. Edga r \ V. McMullen di ed at his (Continued fr c-m page one.) . hom e in Dayto n, Virginia, D ece mb er The team was somewhat. handt - \ 1I, 1917. For seve ral years after his capped by t h e absenc e of th eir fight- graduation h e was principal of the 'ing captain, Tom Brown. . high sc hoo l in Dayton . V irginia, and Otterb ein (53) Cedarville (~O) later was p rofessor in the Shenandoah Co llin s Collegia . te Institute · Iocat e d t h er e. H e R· F· W agoncr L F Cre swell . . ·f d d aug ht er. · · M eyer 1s su r vived by a w1 e an Fox C. Co rnwell Miller R. G. Thorn ' 16. :\Ii s Claire Kint igh of G r ee n sFunk L. G. K ennon burg. P e nn ylvania, has acc e_pted a I Subst itu tions-Mi ll er for \ agon e r, position as in tructor of Engh _h and I Barnhart fo r Mil ler , ~ mith for Funk. History in the Hig_h chool of 1 oung- \ Fie l<l goal -M iller 8, M ey er s -1 , wood, P nnsylvan1a . Fox 11. Barnh ar t \ , '!"horn 2, Cornwe ll '05. Profe or A. P. R osse lo t wa re1 S res well 1, o lh ns 3. ce ntly e lected president of th e V'- les- 1 'F r ee throws-Fox 5, o llin s 8. tcrvil le branch of the R ed r oss . sue- ' ceeding :\fr s. Frank J . R esler , '93, who R [erec- anders. Timer-Hitt. resigned on account of ill h ealth . I
On ·walk-Over Shoes for men and womenLadies Shoes _____________ ___ ___ __ _____·_______ $1.50 to $7 .90 39 N. High st.
ThenWalk-Over Shoe Co. C olumbus, O. M ention Tan and Cardinal.
i!l:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ I Valentine
'OS, '07. Thomas E . Hughe and wife 1 corer-. idda 11. C apital Game. . . . ( Fran ce B arn e t t ) of L o A 11g cles , In a whirl-wind cx h1b1t 1on of ba - \ Ca lifornia, ar c th e joint auth o rs o f a kct-ball ttcrbein met defeat at th e book "T h e C unningh a m :\I cmorial ," hand s of apital Unive rsity at o- pub!;' hed to commemorate the li ves lumbu on • aturday night. Fa t fl oo r o f Benjamin Franklin unningham, work. accu ra te pa sing. a nd clo c '03 and hi wif e (Ge rtrud e Barnett, I guarding were d i-1>layed by· bo th '07.), who w er e taken away in su ch a 1 team thr o ugh out th e gam e. For tragi c mann er by accidental drow n - 1' thr minut es the teams played w 1th - \ ing in eptc mb er. 191 6. Otterbe in -\ out a basket b ei ng ma?e. Then th e p eo ple who kn ew :\Ir. and Ur s. Cuncoring b ega n by Ca pital making a ningham and :\lr. and 1'Ir . Hughe :field goa l. Th e sco,·e was close at I will be e pecially in te r es t ed in t hi s all times during th e first half. Near . \ b 00 k . t h e e nd of the fi r t half Otter b e 111 _ _ f four points. The fir t \ ' 10. R ev. \ V. A. Knapp of Gr ee n sburg. • · d · · h a d a Ieac1 o half ended with the sco r e 18 t o 14 in Penn ylva1~1a,_ 1s co n_ uct111g a series · \' f \ of evange lt tic meetmg in :\fadi on . C ap 1ta s avor. Jn the second period the ad va ntages during F e bruary. ..... ... ... • -· .,t of th home flo or an d the close guard - '93. Frank J. R e \er , fi eld man for ing of Fox, Ottc rb ci n's high sco r er, th e Military Entertainment ounci l, told in fav or f apital. The game r eturn ed last wee k from an ext end ed ended -12 to 24 in fa'vor of Capital. western trip. Mr. R esler has charge This wa s the fastest and cl ean eS t of the sal es o f "S m il eage" Book in game ~ f the cason. V-lagon e r play- seven s tat es in th e W es t and on the up ed th e tellar game for Otte rb ein , Pacific coa t and this trip wa for tak ing ix ba kets to his credit. the organization of the wo r k. H e visIn two weeks Capital p lay tter- itcd on the way with hi brothe r . Edbein h er e. Rememb er reveng e is win D. R esler, '91. of Corvall is . Or esweet. gon , and hi sister. Mrs. L. R. HarOtterbein (24) Capital ( 42 ) fo r d, '72, of Omaha, 1 ebraska. R. F . Bernlohr W a gon er F 1Iueller '95. Mrs. John A. ho emak er (Daisy "Meyer · L. '. Wild Cu ter) of Pitt burgh. Penn. y lvania, ·Fox R.CG. Ricke r t is vi iting h er moth er on W e t o l~ C r->eam P e!:Jecft"on Miller L. G. Winterhoff lcgc . venu e. "The Place for Sweets to Eat." .F u nk ub titutions-Otterbcin: Miller for '16. Mi My rtl c Harris . wh is agoncr mith for Miller, Barnhart teaching in th e High ch ool at om- PEP CONFERENCE ---------------HERE THIS WEEK tor r-unk; Capita l : for Win erton , Ohio, wa s in We t erville la t 1 tcrho ff. Haltmcyer for Wi ld , Holste week. C on t·1mie d f ro m pa g-e o n e.) for Bern lo hr. '12. Mi s Edith Cobl entz of Galion , cve nt ee nth , and er mon and addr Fi Id goal : Wagoner 6, Mey er 2, hio, spe nt last wee k in \\ e tervill e. \ o utlin e hav b ee n s ugge ted in 0 ~ 1 : , Fox I, Funk 2, Winterhoff 7, Rickert The High cho 1 in whi ch h is ca c . Fully eventy· fiv e · 11 p ec1a 3, \ ild 2, Mueller 5, Bern loh r 4. teaching was clo ed becau e o f la ck spea k er , member of th e faculty and Free throw -Fox 2. of coal. I o th er church lead er , arc to b e ent Referee- ander . '94. T. H. Bradrick of \ e tcrvillc, o ut a ll ove r th e t errito ry. and wh e r e Timer -M ull in, Poul on. Ohio, ha j u t received an appoint- no uch arrangement can b made the ' corer - tellhorn, Dunlap. mcnt a ecretary of the Young Men' C_o nfcre nce up erint en dent ar e plan1' ext Saturday ni g h t Otte rb ein Chri tian ocia tion with the army n,ng _to hav e the mini t<:r exchang e t B . W . W E LLS, Merchant Tailor J)lay Antioch h ere. ow if th e at- in France. T h e date of hi ailing i , pu lpit for th e day. Letter h av I O far Fine line of spring samp les. tendancc of our ho m e gan~c till indefinite. 1lr. Bradrick return- been ent to hri tian E nd eavor J ]1as been a fair repr_ e~1 tation of th_e eel today from ::S: cw York City where ~orkcrs and unday ch ool m en t ell- ' C leaning and Pressing done on I chool. then Otterbem I ma ll' r th ' h e had a confere nce with th " ar Ill~ 11: em _th part th ey can p lay in th1 1 sho r t notice. year than we th ught, and Sa) , av~ \ o rk o un c1l. \)lg driv e. The plan i n t to a k yo u all lo t your pep and your vo ice . I _________ for mon ey yet at the ope ning of t i I Co r. M ain and S tate ~ Let' have the gym crowded next M E N 'S M EETING B I G SUCCE SS ca mpaign b ut only to get th t/~1 ' Q W . HENDERSO N,M. D - c a:turday night and a little of the old before th e people that they \~:a b (Con_tinued from page one.) Office Residcnc 11ne · rooting. ov r l_1er 111. trument. . 'I able to act i Ilt e11 ·ig nt 1Y w hen y th e t tate and P lum 99 · tatc A a fitt in g conclu 1011 lo th e entert ime come for ti I d • . . 1e r ea nv c tamment th e audience aro e and ang _________ · 10 to 11 A. M:. l to 4 P. },{. Private 0. W. Mourer, of t h e Co u nday and Evet1ing by merica with a v im that told of vie-\ Li eut enant J 1 H d · lumbu Barrack · , visited We terville en n x o f Camp . o 111 tory for both Nation and Church. · h erman pc, 1t , un d ay 111 · "vv' e t rv,11 . . p ~oin tment. _;__-friend unday : · · •
February 14th Thursday
R em ember h er w ith a Box of
la~ge variety of beauti f ul packa o-e., pnced fr om ---- ---·····--·--··-··---- $1.00 to $2.50 I lace yo ur ord er n ov\ - we will deliver it T hursday m ornin o-.
W'h'-1~~5 5
I ( I
Bell 8-\1
P a ge Three
asking that m en prepare thems elv e_;; in right Ch ristian living so a s to . b e r ead y to hand le t he a ff airs in th e na tal day o f ·reco nstructio n. F ellow stud e n t, eve rythin g res ts up o n you as a n indi vidual. T a ke a personal in vento r y of yo ur life a nd see h ow m uch Chr istiani ty you possess. A ll y yo ur se lf wi t h eve ry Chr is tia n o rga nizatio n a nd co mpletel y fi ll yo urse lf with th e p rin cip les of t he Gr ea t T eac her. Th en when yo u are call ed upon to do your bit for world peace and internationa l fr iendship yo u wi ll be equal to t he ta k.
Ifor e
launching day and after it th e st ud ents will hav e so m ethin g to do fo r their beloved sc hoo l. · Between th e iss ue o f thi s paper and Published W ee kly in t h e int ere t of nex t Sunday there is still tim e to Otterbe in by the writ e ho m e a let ter to yo ur pasto r, O TTERBE IN PUBLISHING urg ing him to do h i bes t in the BOARD , laun ch in g day sermo n ; a not her lette r We tervi ll e, Ohio. ?heNewThll to yo ur Sun day sc hool superin tenden t, Member of the O hio Colleg e Press te llin g hi m abo u t th e g reatness of the i A sso ciation . campaign, and a t hird letter to your 1 Staff . Ch rist ian Endeavor society back Editor-in- Chief .... Lyle J . Michael, ' 19 home, urging that at its meeting on I A sista nt Editorst~ e 17th there. be special importance 2')f each 2farJ 5Si' J.,6,-.5o¢' J. C. Siddall , '19 g iven to th e big drive for ·money and students. ' ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - R. J. Harmelink, '19 " P ar tisan P olitics." On ~Ionday. February 18, eve ry stuC. W . STOU GHT ON, M. D. Contributing EditorsGrace Armentro ut, '19 During the last week or two ther e dent in this chool, as well a every 29 \V. College Ave. Helen Bovee, '19 ha be en much talk in the newspapers citizen of \ Vestervi lle, i a ked to send \\ esterville, 0. Business M gr. .... R. Lisle Roose, ' 18 about the place which politics ought a let ter to some person who do es As t. Bu . Mgr. .. Kenneth Arnold, '20 to play in the present nationa l crisis. not liv e in \ e t ervill e, telling about h Ot b · · S d Bell Phone 190 Citz. Phone 110 A t B ter em campaign. tu ent ,__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __J s . us. Mgr........... C. L. Smith, '20 First one party and then another ha t e Circulation Mgr. .... H. E . Michael, '1 9 '.Jeen criticized for oppo ing th e work may obtain form lett ers at the college ! t ·<\ t. Cir. i\Igr. .... C. E. Mullin, '19 of tl1e adm inistration or allowing po- office. B. C. YOUMAN S, Barber _litical views to enter i'.ito the qu e tion " O ver th -~ Top." l 37 N . State St . 2nd ..\ st. Cir. Mgr.nd we be- I Manson );ichol , '2 1 111 a ny way whateve i · Shoe Shine in Connection. Local Ed't 1 or ............ H elen Kc!1er, '20 li eve the censure ha been j ust. . d • Lot · of vis itors round th ese days, Shop closed at 8 o'clock except Cochran H II F . , time like this demands ca 1m JU g e- '.::ome to learn our co ll ege way . a ........ l01 enc e Loar, 19 . d • • t T k . f . Saturday. 1 Alumna! P· f G ·t , ment and unb 1ase reason111g 111 ma a e 111 o~r paces~ 111teres t too, 97 Th en they II k now Just what to do ···················· . 10. m ner, te i· of importance. ! xcha~ge .................... Ruth Co n ley, ' 18 j In a way o u r school is in a cri is of W hen they go back, and te ll the fo lks 1- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - , th1 etic :....................... E. L. Doty, ' 18 somewhat s imil ar characte r. \ Ve T ha t Otterbein to them de notes W . M . GANTZ, D. D. S. Add · are face to face w it h realit ies. Our T he co ll ege to w hi ch t hey're go in g to DEN.TIST O re . all comm u nications to T h e numb ers hav e bee n m uch deplet ed a nd pay, t .erbe 111 Ta n a nd Ca rd ina l, 20 W . many o f th e stro ng es t m en in choo l A nd send th ei r boy o r g irl ome day IS We t Co ll ege Ave. 1 e,$1O' O hi o.p . . neve r hesitate, . · 1 B e 11 P ho ne 9 Suain bscript. ti, oVv n espt ervill . hav e been call ed to the co Io rs. At th e Th ey ure ly w ill Citz. P ho ne 167 payabt ~e, d .:> e i Y ear, beginn ing of th e schoo l year all ign T o g iv e a ni ce s um, pe rhap s an es tat e ,..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....! e 111 a van ce . pointed to a fine spirit o f harm o ny Fo r o ur co ll eg e e nd o wm ent a nd new I d ~ ntered as seco nd clas s matte r Sep- a mo ng th e vari o us groups al1 fa cscienc e buildin g, embe r 25, 19 17, a t th e pos to ffi ce at tio n in Coll eg e but w e be li eve th a ,'. F o r whi ch we 've bee n wa itin g o lo ng Prints guaranteed from properly ti'.• W e terville, 0., under act o f Ma rch 3, a ft er the fi r st sense o f our need fo . an d O wi1 lin g. posed negatives. j un ited act ion pa ssed a way th ere ha s After th ey'v e inv ested t heir mo ney o r l879. - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - I aris en a spirit o f coll eg e " pa r tisan tim e, 145 W . Home St . World R eco ns t ruction. politics." It ha s no t bee n much in T hey'll say, " In a mea su re that co l--, Pres ·d W evid ence in the matter of election s legs is mine," I k ent oodrow 'vVil son s tru ck th e beca use mos t o f thes e wer e condu cted . . And t hey'll ta lk thi s thi ng ove r from eYnote w hen he said "Th e Brot he r f . ' be fo re s uch a spirit a rose but 111 m ino r · now u n til May ooct h 0 . ma 11 k111d mu s t no lo ng er be a A d · th etr · poc k·e t s an d fair. b ut empty phra se· it must be giv- affa 1·rs it ha s s ho wn it elf. . n t h en rea c h 111 ' Just as in th e case of th e nation w e d raw ou t the pay. en a t The nat ucture o f for ce and rea li ty. be li eve t hat no consid eration of_ , I Th e s um t hat w e wa nt is but fo ur 10 11 m us t rea liz e th e ir com'•frie nd ly a llia nces" ough t to Pay an! n,on Ii £ F ormerly The Whit e Front. . e and eff ect a wo r kab le pa r tf hu nd red tho usand, part in t he cho ice of a man or a. pOS l- T ha t is not near a s much a s th e ta lk Il e r h 1p." Give U s a Trial. ' T hr ou h t io n or in th e choice of a po 1icy to tor g o ut th e many pages of his- fo llow. In ot her wo rds w he n an elecit's ' aro usin'. w Y We read of wars that hav e bee n Id b And th e nu mbe r o f st ude nt we wi sh Our Specialty aged and tion occu rs t he best ma n s I1o u e tr uc• · to o b tain tion 1a I won , plan of r econs To t reat everybody r ight. • e lected w hen a ne w p roi ect ts corn s f I ve )een adopt ed and t n ed, b u t, I ' . d Is .on ly fo u r hu nd red. W e can mor e . m enced 1t o ught to be ente r e upo n 0 ar a th h a e u man r eas o n ts ab le to . • • f than t h is gain certa in II wit h th e hea r tiest sp1nt o cooper. . II end a I1ave co m e to th e same . d II W e do not a im If ach on e will help and do h1 ma 1 , and t hat f - . at1on )Y o ne a n a . Th e text of a t1u1 e. t his artic le aga inst any pa rt ic ul ar clas s bit, c011 trucf t he many sy t ems of re - of individ ua ls o r wi t h r e fe renc e to any W e are s ur e o f a victory, w hat think 1011 hav e no t bee n inter • d o f 1't? 11 ationa ] Pea c . . partic ular a ctio n among th e stu ent yo u · Choice Cut Flower s and Corsage nd ~a te ria li .e _ai_t d f: 1e ship_ but bod but to uch it in a g eneral way o m c ma y see m pe s imi ti c and think Bouquets. 1 • • 111 , 111d1v1dualt s m, nati o nalh y ·t b · c o m e t ho ught th e ta sk great, 1 111 ' intell ect uali rn and eno r- t at l m a y e g 1v t . lllou Pre . ' a nd th a t eve ry tud e nt 111 school m ay But we a lway acco mp li h what we w llla y Parati . ow n act10ns · t h o n fo r w ar . In fact I ~nq uire into his a n d po I')u nde r tak e. I 1g t on Pagan ay t ey have bee n ba sed up. . . · · d • 11 Cl . . 'd cie w it h t h1 idea 111 m t11 • Fe ll ow- tu de nt , remember, we re a rat h Citizen 345 S. State St. ahnd lll eth ods e~ t I1an 1nst1a'.1 I ea Is -----,----in t hi s ra ce, · or decade w ise m en F eb r ua r y 17 I s Launch ing Day. nd eac h at ome t ime or omewhere ave f y te ore e n th ca ta t rop he of s uch n, and h . O n that day in eve ry U ni te d B r et hha a place. end ave to ld of th e ul t im at e , fi d · ~n le s right we re settled by r ea- ren pu lpit in the n ine _confe r ence th a t Vl'e a re ure we wi ll ne er n it easy 011 A 111 tea d of by war. co-op rate in t he mainte na nce of Qtto stop . . terbein o ll egc the re wi ll be a scr- Ti ll our goa l ha been reached, and 1 the I t Prine· P e afor a na ly I th ere I o n etting forth in ome detail the we'r e 11 I peace acco r mg 111011 to th a word f •t t ,. vc r the top." llrinc· e Prophet . and that is the plans of the co II ege or 1 s presen cami)aign of increasing t he endow1P1 of · 11e N mternational ri g h tco u OOO the student cn ro ll - j T he contest for a new head for thi 400 1 G. H . M A YHU GH , M . D. rec 0~ . a tion a indiv idua ls must ment 1>Y 'OO ' ct' the Chri tian work- 1 heet has closed and by next w ee k we • nize ethe tiri ht of o thers and. ren- er mentby1>YJOO. -. · an · ~ur _new · I hop~ to come o~t w ith dec.der Justi East College Ave. a11c1 th ra_ 1er tha n demand nght' la 11 11ch1'11g day wi ll mark the oration. A. S. N 1ch_o l ' 2 1, i the deand erv u ice _attain greatne s in good-wi ll initiation Th i Bell 84 Phone -Citizen 26 of the mo t important igner of the draw111g cho en by th e tarted 1·11 the h is- Publi hing Board and a a r eward will To the · - a PPea1 fir tu dent O f tilC wor Id..1· t he mo yement eve·, . Both be- rect:iv e a life ubscription . t made. The nation a re tory of t he denom ination. T H E O TTE RBEI
Films Developed Free
Fenton Stearns
QuaJ•ty Bes --- prices • R• b
Days' Bakery
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Page Four LOCALS f
Men, Here's Big Savings 'in I Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Fashion Park Clothes
t d t · 1 I Twenty g irl s from the Hall aw Floyd_1IcClu~e, a on:er sru e;h:~ Maude Adams in ·'A Ki s for Cinderella" at th e Hartman thi s week. Otterbe,n , who 1 '.10 W a _t enc ~~~ d \ e ne State, was in \\ estern 11e \ Ve had lo ts of fun when we d ay. · d J ome changed tables. The girls filled out I . . - erg. \\'a lter C. Ba e arriv D d e 1 D e qucst1ona1rcs and were eated accord- , Feb I from amp o ge, . : for a twenty-day leav e-of- ingly. The midg ets and hea_vy , Momcs. Ia., . . f a \ weight ca u ed much Jaught c1· with ' ab cn ce. He , recovering r 0111 . \ . . . 'fh l troubl e their tunt s. iegc of me111ng1t1s. e on Y he is xpc ricn cing as a r e ult i with \ Betty Frie vi ited ?\[ary Conrad f his hi p. ·olumbu Friday and aturday. \
George Francis, well kn own about \V mi ·Janet. She left us :.Ion- , 1 thes e parts, has left school to h elp day for her home in Dayton. his "Cncl c ammy. H e ha enlisted \ \ ' c certainly appreciated the sere- \ in th e aviation co rp s. nade Thursday night. lt seemed lik · \ Geo rg e Roger , a former Otterbein old tim es. Come again. \\' c thank stud ent. was aboard the ill -fate d Tus- you heap . \ cania. Ask Grace how she like s to b e a Emily . mold wa s her brother's witness at weddings. \ gueSt at tl1 c• B a,·1e ), Club Friday evenThelma Ewry was operated on at 1 ing. th e Grant Ho pita\ for appendicitis \ \fond er why ·'Rats" l\l oo re put two ;.,londay morning. spoons in th e m ush Friday evening? ? ;,[ r . Herbert Myer vi ited he r i -
Ros H ill who was out of school a ter ~'liriam over unday. . part o f las t sem este r · i with us again Tab le i-;o. l gave a t u nt \ Vedne \ day evening-R uth wa a preacher, , fo r the res t of th e year. }.farv Griffit h and He len Ke ll er I Alice a farmer, Bib a so ldier, Gladys have hee n on the ick list a part of a chemist, R uth D . a n ur e, l\Ie r yl a 1 the week. I baker, 11argueri te a patriotic mother, · d b 1[ r and Ma rga ret P, an econom ist and Be rth a Word has b een rece ive Y , . . . Mrs. R. 0. Cook of the safe arr ival of was a m ilk-ma1d. their on Harry who _is _w ith the H~ve yo u hea rd th e new ? Bill' · Motor T ru ck upply Tra m 111 F rance. com ing Satur day. The Awkward Squad. -S-ig_n_ s_o_f_S_p_r_i_n_g__ _ \
O ne g ra ceful fa ll on th e ice en titl e
O ur o- r eat C ut-price Sal e b rin g yo u· \m erica· 3 be t and m o t t y li h uit a nd Overcoat at lower pnce th a n in fe ri or o-a rment u ually co t !:'•,\-0: 1{' •
$25 and $27.50 Suits and Overcoats, including Hart Schaffner & Marx and F a s h i o n Park Clothes __ ____·____ _____________________ ______ ______ _
'!.,_.!< • • :.J•
$1 g~~
For $30 and $35 Stylish Suits and Overcoats, including Hart Schaffner & Marx Fashion Park
Remember the folks at home-Order Your Photos Early. What more acceptable present can you make than your photo? Twelve photos make one dozen acceptable presents.
( l ) A few b rave youth s had co urHave the best. The Old Reliable tan d ankl e dee p in sno w th e State and I-{igh a co mmi ssio n. Th e fo ll ow ing a r o th er night a nd lifted th eir vo ice to Streets charte r m emb er : th e accompanim ent of guitar and For special rat~s Prof. R o selot-Cap tain . mando lin . to all O tterbe1d Ike Ward , First Lieutenan t. (2) F o ur robin s w ere si gh te d ju t students see fre Glad y Howard , eco nd Li eute nant. we t o f Dr. 'Mill er' ho u e unda y. Gray. Floren ce Loar, T op Serg eant. (3) A few traw hats ar c ec n (o n eva And er on , First ergeant. th e ladi e , o f co ur e.) Helen E n o r , Co rp o ral. Harriet Raym o nd, Co rp o ral. C. E. DAY IS OBSERVED Privates : 1fargaret tauffer , Eliza(Continued from page one.) b eth McCab e, H elen K elle r, B ertha Christian Coll eg e, explain ed th e fal e Hancock, Lois eibel , L o is Clark, attitud e o f many well meaning peo ple to ward high er edu cati o n and by pre B o b Klin e, Ira Mayn e. Th e nam e of ne w m mb er s will be sc nting th e liv es o f pre ent day lead r and th e tes tim o ny o f th eir exp ~n printed fr o m we '! k to w ee k . ence brought ho m e in a forceful mann er th e fact that Christian education does pay. "Togetherness" Discussed. Sp eaking o n " Foreign 1Iis ions" "Togethern e " was th e subject dis Mis s Re ssler brought a m essage full cussed at the Y . \ V. C. A. with Char lotte Kurtz as leader. Th ere shou ld of real m issionary zeal. Breifly sh e be team work, all working together traced th e cour e of Chris tianity from to one end. Th e two thing necccs J eru al em to our own land , picturing sary to obtain " togethern ess" ar e very vividly th e duty that devolves first do your part ; second, co-op er upon us to carry th e go pel to those ate.' In the present war there is till in darkn ess and showing how by great need of international togeth er p ra yer, money and pe rsonal ervicc ness which goal may be realized by we may each help pread th e go pel those at hom e se rving those who me sage. Th e last subject discu sed was "The serve in the trenches. \ e may help a great deal by each doing his o r h er Christian Ministry," by Earl Barth low. H emphasized ve r y trongly bit, and by co-operating. In th e coll ege much can be accom the need of deep consecration as well R. W. SMITH, '12, General Manager pli hed if the tudents work with the as educa ti on fo r mini ters of the gos pel, and dwelt upon the minister's re lS-20-22 W. Main Street president and th e faculty. When all Both Phones \Vesterville, O. wo rk together a a ,mit, there is much sponsibility to God and the Ch urch in hi s high calling. hope for success. \ e can not a ll be Special music by the choir was ex leaders, to give them our sup~or t and exceptionally fine and very appropri "d It is much better to sacrifice and a1 . d ate, and the entire service highly ---;::;::--:~;---~·~-::--:=--- - - - - - - - - - become a part, than to be mea n an worth while. and not willing to sacrifice. se lfi s h ,
a person to membe r hip, t wo ~r mo re, age to
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~~~~~~~~~
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