The Tan and voi.:.
ardina l No. 20.
Sixty-Three Year Old Science Hall to cc Succeeded by Up- to-
.. ITey! away from that cl g." It was the coarse ,·oice f a faril1e1· and directed at l'rof. E. \\' . E. Schear as he ran through a field with 'l huge net after a ra1·e hug which his keen eye had di ·covered . l'rofes ·or sacrificed an arthropoda kpicloptcra to look around a11cl· sec the dog. •'That dog's licensL<I." co11ti11ued th<: w1·athy farmei· as hl• made . his way toward the profrssor. It was all l'vicknt a moment lat _·r. Tht farmer had mistake n
date Structure. }
Plans Call For Modern Three _S tory Brick Fully Equipped at Cost of $75,000. \\'a)' hack i11 1855 whc:n coll"""~ ,..,, ., w r \uxu r)· a1td cducati "citiit" 11 c c a unnl'ctssar) " . when Otkr"t:in w~s, ., ~ nothing mor• • th an a couJ) le of l> rick , huilding,. when finan ces for th . upkeep of th e in stit u tion were so low that offi cials had to borr w money to pay the frw in st ru c t rs . when the en- I rollmenl was n ot a thin\ of what it now is. ther l' was constru ted a boys' dormitor)· now kn own as Saum Hall, thr joke f th e scil·nCl' ckpartme 11t. But Saum H1.ll. like an out-of-date hat, must soon pass into o blivi o n. t , hy a strictly. up -to-date be n·placcd cture in wht' ·h ~..:11 . ·1·•·11c <: • tll" ~ drnt will haH· plent ly of room to work. and plenty oi eq uipm ent to work with . Saum llall is th e object of a1i atta ck in an ttcrbein Bulletin just publ ished. J t is litl•rally laid Opett and dis s,·ctcd so t ll'.lt supporte r s of the rnlleg<.: may k11ow the s ituatio n cxactly.
R icssell Declamation Contest is Big Success-Ell5worth and Coe Take Ceconc'. a n d T hird Pr:zes.
The F irst Ga:n~ Is To Be With Ohio \'Jes ,yan at D~laware :\mon:J the good thing s ar o und OtD enison To Follow. t<:rhlin this w,·<.' k was the annual l~us sell Dcclam:1t ion Contes t hdd in the H OMECOM ING IN , OVEMBER ' hapel Thur;.day e, ening. .'\n aucli encl• that almost filled the auditorium There Will Be the Usual Number of sat motionlc&s listl-ning to th e proHome Games-Two Others duction given hy members l f thl· Close To Westerville.
Fn·shman a11d Sophomore dassl·s, 1 · which were of a humorou s and Sl·ri \\ hc:11 schoo l opc11s 11,:xt fall the ous nature. The win11t·r s of thl ca neI'1c1ates out for fo o tball will face 1 • 1 prizes wen:: L. B. Harmon. fir~t ; an excl·(•dmg y strong schedule. \1 1~ ( CatlH rine Ellsworth. seco11d: and Lil -1 · . anagL_r · re<I_ ;ray h~ s been bu s y 1·ia11 · OL' , t 111r · cl . • 111s e 1cc t ion. wor k·mg ou t w Iia t . s·m cc ' 1"111s · annua I occa~1011 · · only mad( h <: <: . J) l' C·t s· t o IH' ~ rq1n·se11 t a t·1vc 1·1s l 1s :rnr <:nthusiastic biology in possible through 'the he11ev0lenc e of of games for Ottulwin . ln the pn·sent ,tru c tor with his big net for the Reverend Docto1· Howard H. Russdl I 5c hcdulc th(•r. rl111a111 only th r ee county clog catcha. ;\[ora l : All founclt:r of the :\nti-Saloon League. open dates. two of whi ch" ill he fillt•d farm e rs sh o uld ha\'e their live , ,dr. Russc: 11 scn: ral years ago cstab - i·11 th l' near f u t ure 1)Y !!a1rn: s \\1·11 l insured. lishecl a fund f r declamation ,me! t cam o f goo<l ca J'I'>er an, l ones t 1iat oratory the in come of which was to be equal matches fo r Ott,:rbtin . 1 NEW COACH IS E LECTED j be used as prizes for the best dccla- 1 he _per ·onnel _of thc- ttam cannot he mations and thl· he: t orations. The predicted hut 1f they m t· asure up to Of 11 · 1'1 ---Form r tu ent an Ahl l t s1 andE th e ralit ete o f O tter- ctr , 11, tion and oratorical contests 1 ,urO f ti1 c opponen · "B'll" 11 be;n to Have Complete Cha r g e arc held sep-a rate ly, the former open I >er _e aptaltl ,·:ins, t • · to lir~t and second ytar tudents and season will Ullcl o uh tc rlly be a success. o f Physical Education. the latter open on ly to the uprer .'cptember .28 ma_rJ..s '.he launchingth .\n nouncement was made last \,\' eel - cla ss-men. The prizes for each occa- of_ e season a_t which time Otterbein nt·sday t o the effect that ,Hay \\' atts, I sion a1·c fifteen. ten and fi,·e dollars. • m elt. Ohio _ ' :'~slcyanr a~ ~c-la The numbers g iv en la st Thur day \\ate Ohw \Vrsllyan ah,ays has a a citizen of \ \'(·stervillc a nd at o ne 1 th tim e a student of the liege had evening w · r · a ll first class '\IHI on es good / 01 c~m ~d _1 pronvd \\:o r y oppo n h<:l' n se lected by the B ard of o n- that put t_hc_ an oan page Car<lm a l boys . the judge . to task to. select cnts (Contmucd two.) tr I to fil l the \'ac:incy made by th e t 11c wrnners ace rt1mg to their own
"It wa built for a cl rmit ory and was nc, er inte nd ed fo 1· sc ie n ce. Jt is resignation of
·o:ich F. JJ . Gorton, I statement at the close of th conte s t. OTTERBEI N LOSES DEBATE who left to take a po ition in an army L. B. Harmon, th e winner, read fo r ____ ca nto nme11L ~ IL \\' atts is a foUJ· , -hi s production · s E "The Trial of Ben Neither Team is Sure of Victory Un til spor t man, besides being one of th • I ho mas" by d '}·ard 1'1 r. Harmon Rev1val ervices to Start At United Brethren Church. be t quarter backs that eve r p layed poke clea rl y an<l his interpretation ' Very End-Freshman Shows on an Otterbein t ea m. wa · a lmost perfc t. He cl picted the Debate Ability. nnday marked th e bc((iPning of Ot trrb ein's s co nd interco ll eg iate the re, i\i 1 en·ices at the l . nitccl ( ontinu ed on page two.) \ ( Continu ed on page tw o.) debate was held against !I.Iuskin g um nrethern Church. The m eet:''."~ th,: last Tuesday night when th e Otter year promise to be exce p tionally bein a ffi rm ati\'e t eam met the ne •r good. They will take n ot o n the se n -\ a ti ve, of that co ll ege in the bi g aul~ ational form but will tay fa s t to th e to rium . I t was a "nip a nd tu ck" con In hi s las t hapcl talk Dr. Jon es a l dr ew n ea r I preccived clearly that Word rendering just the kind of ma t est from s tart to fi ni s h and th o ugh tcrial that is needed to e levate th e r e mind ed us that th e r e are man y littl e h had in hi p osse s ion my n ew ly the cleci ion went to Mu sk in gum spiritual ide of man's nature. p ur c ha se d hat chet and had 1·u t ucunknown thing s in th e lives of gr eat ther e was nothing of th e for e-gone Reverend Burtner will conduc t the ce ecled in fell ing one of my c hoi ces t ser,ices alone with the ccas io nal m e n which would be inte reS t ing to cherry trees. Wh e n th e littl e ra scal co nclu sio n type about it. A. o ne c f the jud ges said afterward. " it wa help of local mini ter . ,\s far ::. know about. For in s tanc e ,a quite saw m e h e wa s about to fl ee, but sec very clifli ct1lt to se lec t th e winner ancl possible the meetin gs ea ·h night wi:: not e worthy discov e ry wa mad e not in g it us less, h e turned and confro nt at time s Muskin g um's hances looked be made t o appeal to the coll ege tl d- long ago of which the American pub- eel m e boldly. xcecdingly slim." ents and for that rea on should war- li e a a whol e is quite ignorant. " 'My son,' I d e mand ed of him, 'art The 1ue tion for debate was that rant a good attendan ce. rnong the hi storica l relic which thou g uilty of endea vorjng to despoil of a doptin g a single· ho u se leg isla During th coming w ee k th e fol- wer e once, s uppo sedl y, the p e rsonal my c h e rry tr ee?' ture in Ohio. Muskingum supported lowing ubject s will h e discu sed with posse ions of George Wa s hington '' 'No, father,' h e r ep lied , ' I wa the n egative , being repr ese nted by L e a possible han g e. ' ·\\ hat Should was found a diary of his fath e r , John trying to cl ip off th e withered branch land Miller, '19; ec il John so n. '20 be our Great oncern ow?" " This \' ashington. On e of the most en- es so th e tree would b ear mor e fruit, and Walk e r Gordon, '20, -alt e rnate, Question of Excitement in religion." lightening extracts is the fo ll owing: but th e hatchet slipped and went ary Graham '21 ; w.h.ife Otterbein's "Why do men rej ect Christ?", "Th e "Today as l wa walking toward straight through the trunk!' " ca e was presented b; G, L. Glauner, hole Life of hri t." The Monda y the wood-shed I caught sight of my This i rather disconcerting n ews evenin g . en·ices will hav f,!Jr a on George who, it seemed, was busi- but ev e n if it is tru e it do es not se ri - 19 : Virgil \Villit, '21 and Bert Jayne s '21. with H. R.. Bren tl inger, '18 a s peaker Reverend H. A. S-mith . He ly e ngaged in some form of labor in ously encroach upon Georg e Wash considl'red an ab le preacher and the far corner of the orchard. I turn- ington's rights to th e title of "Father alte rnate, · (Continued on page two.) one wortl;y of a good hearing. ,:cl my foot-steps in hi direction and of His Count ry ." (Continu ed on page two.)
( Continued fr0m page one.) jmproperly ve ntilated and li ghted and . e ntir e ly too s ma ll for s uch purpo es," I reads th e Bulletin. I Provision is made m the quadren nial campa ig11 , for $400,000 addit ional endowme nt, 400 new stude nts and 100 trained hris tian workers, fo r the j new cic11 ce hall which will be er ected j ust a soon as the money can be sc- j cured at an approximate cost of $75,000. l t will be a three tory 1 st ru ctur e. strictly up-t o-date and built to co n form with other buildings on the campus. Al l branch es of science , will be ho used in thi hall. lt is r e ported that Saum Hall will b e dedi cated to the patience of the long suf fering professors who have had to en dure the handicaJ)S a.nd aggravation s of the old bui ldin g. Cnu ual enthusiasm ha been shown by Otterbein s uppor ter wherever Preside nt C li p JJinger has vis ited. This i evidenced by the fact tha t lib era l gifts, tota ll y un so li cited . are arriving daily at the co llege office. t
I,·ery effecti,·cly and wo rk for Otte r bein.
'[ J (Continued from pa 6 e one.) •' r. aynes comp 1etcd Otterbein's , Pnor · · ne,v to his acceptance ot· this const ru ctive arg um ent with unu s ual -• 1· tl1 e ·1· . . po 1t1 on he had bee n coac 1111g a b 1 1ty by estab h sh rng th e practi cal I H ' h cl h I · vith ffi · f · I 1g c 1100 1 team an e p111g ' e c1e ncy o t 11e s111g e chamb er and tl C 11 ti H ·11 devote co ntrasting the workin of su I1 , ie o egc a J 1et1cs. e w1 hod · ti g . c a h1 enti r e attention to track and ten1 I _cavy, colmpli cated op- ni since baseba ll has been suspended eratfo~v1~; ti 1c B1 1 H! 1camera system :.Ir 11d Jayne's deli,·er . c1· cl · - · o n account of the la ck of payers a ) isp 1aye an ease a nd fund s. He will also hav e charge of . . . · 1 · se lf-command on the platform that , le t f . the physical education work wh1c I is n orce to c,·e ry porn t · ti1e I The · cl f. · , compu l ory for all s tud en ts 111 JU ge o r t 11e con t est were II .. •f I v Prof Bun•·ait S f D . o ege. \\ 1th the ability o t 1e ne, • J penccr o e111s011 1 ke d L'riversity I' . H I S . I coac h some good r eco rds ar e oo 1 • • ,e,. er lert cott of f · . · • Zanesville and Re B -d f C o r Ill th e com111g pring spirt • • v. n ge o amI ! '>ridge. Ohio. I Prof.-"Xame some diminutiYcS, as , bull, bullock. hill and hill ock." Boost the cam pa ign! Jimm y-"Po le. Poll ock. ''
The Man On The Job A. A. RICH,
Insurance Agen
excellent '
. C. L . Fo x, '20, Cap tain-Elect . I mmediatcly fo ll owing the basket1918 SCH EDULE ball game with Ca1>ita l th e t eam took IS ANN OUNCED upon themselns the task o f elec ting a 1 (Contin•1ed from page one.) capta in for next year. T h e result oi Following t he opening game Deni on r thi s elect io n was th e placing of C. L. i next on the li st at Granville. La t , Fox in th e leade r' s place for 19 18-19. year Otterbein went down in d efeat Fo x's ability as a lead er has had before the " Big R ed Team", nev er-'l. fair trial and pro ven him a capable• th eless the co ntes t warranted the ar - man. On account of illness in the ranging of a future game. Oth er , fami ly, Captain Brown wa not able t eam s to be met abro ad ar e : Ohio to be with th e team all thi s eason . ollege, and During his ab ence :.Ir. Fox handl ed l lni,·er ity, Marshal l Kenyo n. t h e team with sati factory r es ults. To date there app ears on th e sheet Fox has ee n two y ears of service only o n e hom e game. The plan of on the Varsity and has some fin e rec th e manager is to have another which , or<ls. H e succeed To m Brown. th e
d id
You'll want an Easter Suit Get measured now Work and Fit Guaranteed
w i 11 ta kc of on e liof e open general of the 1917-18 q u in - I date andthein place all probabi ty thwill be proficient tet.
th home-coming event. Negotia - ! ================= tion arc now under way for th e Ii t- production was of a se riou s natur e J jng of this game with Heid e lberg and exceedingly well handled by th e Uni,·ersity. Arrangement ar e also read_er. :.Ii Coe . a citizen of \V e being made for a game with t. ten·il le, m easur ed up to h er r e putaMary's Co llege at Dayton . tion a a r ead e r when h e gave ·'Con\ Vith this trong list of gam es th e nor" in an un ually ea y and convin students sho uld look forward · to n ext cing manner. season with great eagerness. There The judges for the contest were are two home game • and two which Reve rend Richardson. i\Irs. Lee, and all can ee at a moderate rate of ex- Mr. Hanby Jon e . Th e music wa , Apprecia te the· firm b t f . Th y pensc which makes practically four furnished by th e College orchestra always keep our le u _com ~rtable chng of our mountings. _e 111 optically correct.position and will not t ilt, slip or fall / nses game that a ll arc privi leged to see. while Doctor E . A. Jones filled the 0 Th following is t he chedule as it chair of the presiding officer. If you have had diffi It · h d h ve been told your nose is " c~ ~ wit your present mountings an : us stand at present: try on one of our moun~o abapfted to ey1;glasse~," come _in and 1e ept. 28-O hi o We leyan at DelaOTTERB EIN LOSES DEBATE ngs e ore you give up m despair . Y our present lenses ca b (Continued from page one.) 'ware. n e put •into one of our m ountings. M r. G laun er opened the debate in Oct. 5-Den ison at Granvi lle. Oct. 12-Oh io U ni vers ity at At h ens. a capable ma n ne r, go ing b r iefly into Oct. 19-M us kin gu m a t ·weste r vi ll e. the hi story of the question and show ___,, ing clea rl y that our present two Oct. 26--Ke nyon at Gambier. ~ hou ·e legislature was the outgr ow t h Nov. 2-Ope n . Nov. ha ll at Hu n t in gton. of conditions that no longer exi t. He show~d that the arguments once B. W . WELLS, Merchant Tailor W. Va. Fine line of spring samples. broug h t forward for the second chamov. 16--Open. be r do not hold today and pointed to Cleanmg · Nov. 23-Opcn. and Pressing done on the ingle hou e as the coming type FRESH MAN W IN S FIRST PLACE of legislatu r e. short notice. (Contin ued from pag e one.) Cor. Main and State St. 1Ir. \ Vi_ll it_ continued Otterbein's battle cen e at Ge t t ysb urg a de - ca e by bnngu,g out ,·ery ab ly the ir - 1 -r.u'Tui~n:;:-;;-;:;-:,~=-~~--G. W. HENDERSON , M. D. cribed by t h e o ld lawyer himself in a j u tice of o ur pre ent basis of repre- 1 sentation and show ing that this inOffice Residence ve r y vivid man n er. . tale at1cl Plum 99 S. State Mi E llsworth read "A Voice from equality can not be remedied under IO to l l · M. 1 to 4 P. M . Far Country" whic h told the tory the Bicameral legi lature without de _ Sundays and Evenings by an old marr ied co up le and their ex troying the advantage claimed for p.:..p_o_in_ t_1_n:...:e.:..n:...:t.:.. . _ _ _ __J perience with a phonograph. Th e that ystem. He u cd thi ~ dilenuna _______A_;_
Eyeglass Wearers
New Location 40 N. High Street
F rui t , Candie and ut
WILSON, the Grocer
\.-. --------~
Som, of
Page Three
,.:·b:;,C :,;~-; 0
_w hi c h· ;.v c r_ld· peace wi--11 ·have to h. e es- \ tab li s h e d were· s uggested and di x-..i~s- \ eel by Pro essor Rosselot T h \11:~.d ay eve nin g . He sa id in part, ·'. \n_1 0n:~ ' the · thin g-s that have bee n don·e lo amp '15, of Sergeant in sec ur e a wor ld peace after the war is we ek-e nd Sherman, spe nt the formation of many leagues for Westehill c. that purpose. Xea rly a ll th e id eas of '00. A ca ble gram rece iv ed F eb ruary th ese ,·arions leag ues ha ve been in - I 20 from Lieut ·nanl J o hn D. Mil! e1 orpo r a t ecl· in the o,n s tituti o n of the surgeo n in the L nit ed S tat e ~ arc,J, L eague to E nf orce Peace w hi c h ' :as. announced hi s safe a rri va l in Fran ce . bee n fo rmed 111 thi s co untr y. Ac It was feared for a tim e that he might co r ding 10 it s p lan , a ll matters of dis -• ha1·e been 0 11 th e ill- fat ed Tus can i~ pl'. te are to be se tt led peacab ly i:i '.\n and the ass uranc e that he was· sa fe 0,1 01,e n co urt of na ti o ns. In case of tlt e French soi l was a g reat reli ef to hi : refusa l of a-ny na ti o n tio. ab id e l,y t h e fami ly and fri end ~. dec is io ns of thi - tribun a l, a ll th e 0ther '94. Rev . 11. I.. l'y lc. w l1-:i ha s hee1: na ti o n s m ay exe rt th e ri g ht of po ' i.:e pastor of th e 1:irst ·o ng re,,a ti n~l duty ove r it. Th e a lli es now e n g a ge d Cl111rch of Ge rm ant ow n. Phil adel1 hia . in th e war wi ll furni s h a nucl e us for · Pa., for seve ra l year , halil just a~ s uc h a leag ue o f nat io n s and th e num , cepted a call to th e Emanu l Co n Q--.c· b er of r e pub li cs wi ll in s ur e th e es tab gatona\ Chur ch of Wat e rt o wn. N. Y. li sh ment o f d e m ocrat ic p rin r. ip: c<;. .Mr. Pyle wa past o r of th e \\ a te:· .. F,o ur thin gs wi ll be n ecessa ry to ti'e town d1tirc\1 L r li ve yea rs, Jeavfo g it S l'.CCC . s of a leagu e t o e n force peace: 1 for a ·~arish in !fr ok lyn. New Y o r ,, . a ju st and right eo u s en ding o f th e present co nfli c t, a divisi o n of nati 11 s about tw ch·c years a go. hy peop les a nd not by dy n as ti es . a '13. Mrs. Park E. Winel a nd ( L~crtha pe rm anent co urt and a unit ed g ro up Richards) of T o ledo. O hi o , i~it '.!cl in g of fo r ces to <: 11 fo 1·ce th e rulin gs o f last week with her ·is te r E lizah :.. th that co urt." at Cochran ll a ll. Pro fe sso r l{osselo t ex pr esse d hi s co 1 1\·ict io n th a t t he o nly ba s is f r th e '18 Josep h M. Shum aker, wlwJ. \Va,, teaching in the 1-li g h cho I a: ri g ht e ncl o f the pr ese nt war is in the the Youngwood, Pa .. ha s go n e to Ph i\ ;, .. co mpl ete 1·esto ratio 11 of a ll de\phia to take a p sit io n in th e wro ngs do n e by Ger m a ny in he;· No rth ern Young Men's "hri stia1i" Ass c iati o 1~· tr ea tm e nt of .Bel g ium , l•ra nce, Se rbi a, M,o.n tenegro, and To · there. h:nd . lt i t he duty o f e~c r y.., \m e ri '10. Lester J . Es ig has Il ee n co 1 ,1· ,a n to he lp in the ,. rj_ghtin.g ot those pdled h~cause ,cf ill h ea lth to l"(' ~ig n wrong-s. ·· 111 Iovi n o- o ti"r enem ies .we • his positoin as prin c ipa l of th e 111 q l1 1 · · . j may <1 a g r eate r wrong to our School at Willard , hi o. H will fri end s." 1110\" e soon to a ·farm nea r Ce nt e r burg•, Oh io. 1
" The Balfour" A new fairly wide toed English t ype.
Last that is bound to please t he young man as well a s th e man of mor e conse rvative taste.
Made in th e new s had e of Tan a nd Tony R ed-A lso Black Kid and a lf.
Prices, $6.50, $8 and $10 39 N . High
The Walk-Over Shoe Co. Columbus, 0 . M ention Tan and Cardinal.
SPALDING GOODS Balls, Bats, Gloves, Mitts, Tennis· R ackets and Other Athletic Supplies
University Bookstore Remember the folks at home- Order Your Photos Early. What more acceptable present can you make than your photo? Twelve photos m ake one doz en acceptable presents. Have th e b est.
The Old Reliable State and High Streets F·o r special rates to all Otterbein students see Fred Gray.
Y. W. C. A.
'77. Mrs. G. W . Mo wry (. a rah "B.
Thayer) of Co lu111 bu s. O hin . as i ·td b~ her ·c1au~ht er: 1 i ·s ara h M::::,w.ry: I t e l la Kurt:- led the sp ecia l patrfotw11l entcrta111 w1th a lunche 11 at , I'. ~ ic sess ion w hi ch was h e ld a t .Y. 'vV . C. · · Lazarus tea r 0111 nex t . a tu rday P ~ A. Tuesday ni g ht. T h e month of honor of th e member s of the e n:..,, Februa r y is o n e o f great imp o rtan ce class in Mr Mowry' s i.:ho , I '>I in A m e ri can hi s tory, fo r it is th e Music. birth-month o f our. tw o .g r atest pat.ri , '01 Mrs. J . 1:. Smith ( Katherine ots-\,Vashingt o n a!,d. L in co ln . Li~e \ Barnes) of l'i cke rin g· to n. O hi o . was these no bl e m e n, 1t 1s o ur patriotic called t•::> her horn in \ Vestc r vill e duty a s wom e n to do o ur part in th e early la t week by the se ri o u s il lnes 3 s trnggl e fo r wor ld freedom now go in g of her father, Mr. J o hn Ba rn es. on. , . . I Afte r t he remarks of th e leade r a ~ - Mrs. John , . Bea l ( Mary He- \ p ecia l prog ram was give n: w1tt) and her hu ba nd and two ch ild Piano d uct-H elen Vance a nd Lorren of Ca per, \,\lyo111 i11 g . arc \' i itin g j na Clow .. • \ ai, th e _home of Ir. \V . . Beal o n i Voca l 'o \o-"T hc R ed, White and \\ est. College .\,·e nu e. Blu e" Ca th er in · E ll swo rth . Cas ic Harri s, ' IS, spe n t th e we~\- \ R;adi n g-"Th c Lower Hall s of t 1Hl with her par ent s in \ :V es t •r vill e. a lh a ll a," Virginia B urtn er . , \ 1 iano o lo-Agncs Wright . 17. Rev. ~- . . 1:o cld , !)as ter of th e Vocal Q uartctOaklancl: Ca ltf ~r111a . 111ted Br et hr e n (a) "La :Marsc ll a ise" Church 1s me ling with g r eat success ( I ) "T h Star S i)a ngl ed Ba nn e r"> e . · I accor d111g to a re1 01·t 111 t h e T cceva Ande r so n, Cha rl otte Kurtz , cope. Ed ith Bingha m and Vida Wilh elm . In th e F ebruary numb e r of The Lyceum Magazin e i a c riti cism of nee a chem istry tuff, Fred G. Bal e. Th is article was writ- Whi le mixing so m e compo unded stuff, ten by Ton~ H endrix who~e bu sines Dropped a mat~h · in a vial , tt ts to write what h e thmks a bo u t A nd aft er a wh il e T h ey fo und his front t ee th a nd a cuff. Lyceum ta lent.
Special Monogram Stationery T hose who wish excl usive Monogram Station ery made up to order should look over our samples. New and stylish design. Engraved vi iting cards and stationery
Printers of '' The Tan and Cardinal''
The Buckeye Printing Co. R. W . SMIT H, '12, General Manager 18-20-22 ,•1. M::in Street Y/esterville, 0. Both Phones
Page Four
r"nnnnn.nn.nn.;:vuinnl'VUVV1.n7 ~"~~~- "T""A"·•~-~""•.- -~
many of our co llege girls had o rgan LETTER FROM SOLDIER. ized clubs with the purpose of help ing in the war. Here is an opportun 5 .-~ .. A le tt er fr o m A. VV. E llio tt a fo rm er ity for girls in Otterbein. A knitting u u u u ... u - w u w ~ WWUuu•u w u u ~ stud !!nt in Otter bein , tell s o,f c: ani p life and ·somethin g abo ut th e· training. Published Weekly in the interest of clul;> or sewing circle will «;lo much in o~ar· ~ditQr : · .. . Excerpts fr o m th e. iette·r are as fo lOttcrb~in by the this critical time as well as add life We know that patchwc, rk has be- , lows : . . OTTERBEI J'UBLl$Hll.' G' and spice to college life. Where a <; ome very popular· since tht outbrea 1· ' • BOARD , C Sh F b 27 19 18 · . · · ·" amp erman · e • Westerville, Ohio., body of girls ar'e gathered together of the ~va r, but «;lon't you ' · -' . ··· · . , . . · think it is Dear Ed'1tor · Member of the Onio College P ress as college girls are there should be a little _to.o I fi r· s t cam e to ca mp I d 1'd n't ·, far when it is ad- ; \l"h ·v en Association. no reason why they should not unite opted for the head of a college paper? k , VI/ d • k · · h h · now a 'dough-boy" fro m a dirty their forces and help Uncl e Sam put 0 e. no. -~~w \~ ere_ t e respon engineer. Th e bun ch I cam e with . Staff down this great foe to civilization. s1bhty for tlus chio1ce hes but one I d • ·11 Editor -in-Chief .... Lyle J. Micha~l, '19 Girls, do your bit and organize a "war thing 1 is sure-the arti t . , "'.as pa ce_ 111 th e H ea vy A rt1 ery anc . eye was sad- smce find111g out m o r e ab o ut th e wo rk As i tant Edito r swork" club. Iy 1ac k mg. "c· J. C. Siddall, '19 O f ti1e d 11te S · f r c nt bra n ch es o f servi· ce I R . J. Harmelink, '19 Cooperation. o_me O you 111:<Y be aware of th e am very glad that T w:i.s pla ce d h ere. th Everyone, after almost a year since fact , at we have an art departmen~ On e of th e fir st thing s that a r ec ruit Contributing Editorsar o und not make use of · k · · 1 Grace Armentrout, '19 our entry into the great European . , Th .here so why . . 1s as ed 1s how much sc hoo ling he 1as 1s co~1plamt 1s not so much had Tl · h third Helen .Bovee, '19 war, has become k een Iy aware o f t h e 1t: for oursel ves but' we dread h" .......,. ........:.. ·: 1e m en 111 t e .' . , . to t ink officers trammg camp w ere chosen Business Mgr. .... R. Lisle Roose, ' 18 critical times for Nation, States and of tlie ret'lect\ons t_hat wi ll be cast u11- enti"relv , fro 111 1,, ei, \\'110 liad coll eg e ~Asst. }3i1s. Mgr. .. Kenneth Arnold, '20 in fact every institution of this coun.:J,n us hy future generations, who will trainiiig • "v,' a yne 'l ' ! ea 11 y w a s th e .· . try. In view of this fact the great Asst. Bus. Mgr. .......... C. L. Smith, '20 1rnd0 que tion is, \,Vhat will lighten the load ubtebly recoil at th e Sight of th e only on e co nn ec ted with Ott rb t in Circulation Mgr . .... H. E. Michael, '19 to a small degree ? rattle s na_ke wom!d arouu d th e sign- that mad e it fr o m o ur ba t tery . Clark I t Asst. Cir. Mgr. .... C. E . Mullin, '19 The on e thing that will do more boa rd which croo~edly proclaims t!,ar v\-' eave r and l we r e eliminat ed after ti ie. t 111r · d exa1111nat1 · ·0 11 . ( \V e never ·· . almost anyth111g . e lse 1s . none other we , are the. ··Tan 2nd Asst. Cir. Mgr.,tban · .an<! Cardinal ·" Manson ichols, '21 b 1:he de signer no doubt had th t I ) · · d . . than cooperation Our gov ernment 1s , . . e es inquire w 1y . L o cal Editor ............ Helen Keller, '20 calling for very individual and organ- I ~f intentions, . only 1e lacked trainOur battery is m a d e up o f Co lurn Co chran Hall ........ Florence Loar, ' 19 ization to cooperate with it in carry- mg a nd pra<;tice ;' th1 s, however does bus , pringfi elcl and idn ey m en Alumnar .... ................ Prof. Guitner, '97 ing on the war to a successful con- n :;,t conceal · t h e fact th at the head mostly from th e rural di s tri cts. Th e · has . ,,an ." a me t euns · 11 an d h"ig I1 schoo'. section chi efs hav e had so m e trouble Exchange .................... Ruth Conley, '18 clusion. They have a perfect right to st u~ air. . kee1>ing do this but does this right go beyond . the boy from th e farm in bed Athl etic .................... .... E. L . Doty, '18 the government? \,Ve ad, ise th at it be ~ent to the . until first call is sound ed. Wh en Cooperation is extremely necessary art department to be touched up and p low time com es and th e robin s begin Address all communications to The to ing I imagin e it will b e wo r c. Otte rb ein Tan and Cardinal, 20 W . wherever any great task is to be un- : ·remod led." de rtak en. Otterbein is in the midst, Y o urs Paternally, Most o f our training has b en fr o nt Main ·t. , \ \I es t erville, Ohio. Mutt and Jeff. the theor etical s tandpoint. \,\T e have a ub.scripti o n P ri ce, $1.50 P er Ye.1r, of a gr eat campaign for increased enpayabl e in advance. dowment and mus{ hav e the cooper.. - - - - - - -- Russian gun that has b ee n use d to a "incc the b lu try wint e r clay arc good advantage for drilling- pt11"poses ation and support of every church Entered a s second class matt er e p member, student, faculty ntember, over and spring is again in evidence in order to familiariz e tk c m!!n ~with t emb er 25, 1917, at the postofficc at pastors and all if she is to win in this w begin to look for the red , whit~ the ir respective places. \,\l e ar e look· Westerville, 0., under act 'of March 3, und ertaking. and blue on the flag pole. In our ing forward to som e activ e gun worl. 1879. Students, you can play a big part in present crisi our flag should be as in th e n ext few w ee k . I My work ha b een .on th e H ead The shortest way to do many thi1{gs this affair by doing what you can in conspicuous as possib le. As students is to do only on e thing at a time.- a publicity way. The Tan and Cardi- we ·· sho u ld show; our patrio t ism and quarters detail, which consists of nal is yo~r .p~per and '.nust nave your have the flag displayed every day in ' about 30 men: 2 · ergcant s,. 7 Co rp o r· ·ecil. upport 1f 1t 1s to do its part for the the year. lf we love o ur our flag we als, and 21 privat es , \V e hav e been College tudtnts, Publishing Board, should show it. dubb ed "the brain s o f th e Battery". Revivals. --------Sergeant Clark \Veanr and First \.Vhil c we arc engrossed in th e af Facutly, and staff will have to join What Ha. ppens When W T Class private Fran cis R cci h ar c al o fair s of chool, tate and Nation we hands and work in harmony if th e · to 1·1vc an cl your co II ege 1s · to OJ e ry I t. · detail. Our wo rk co nsists o f 1s . . on t 1us mu. t not negl ect that p-art of our paper . . . 1, say can ·you smg from the sta t S 1 1 t ti d r !11a1nta1n her Pace as an educat,1ona l emaphore. \Vig-wag, Buzz er work, selves that is most impor.tant of a,ll, 1 . . . . c en ' 'I' c I ep I1on e Map sk tchin g V erba I o f t I1e state o f O h10. 'VIo namly the soul. l t is th e oul tqat 111stitut1011 , fi d f I b . v iat so _proudly yo u stand f • , h au t ut instead lend any or message carrying etc \V e al so mn st gives us individuality and power. Of D on t n 1 st know th e duti s ' of p. ra cti ca ll ~ ev ery all peopl es that arc a1>t to put the sou l advice you can to make the Tan and Wl w enhorc lei ras p lay it; • I 1 d b k f 1rn t e w iole congregatio 11 . . ard111a a 1an - oo ' or the ollege. • .. , h , Ill man 111 th e Batte ry in o rd er t o tak e a s ide it is th e -coll eg e stud ent. Your , voi ces t at blend 1 . • th 1 oul need s food th e same as your · trike up the grand' 1 cl e r plac in case o f se ri o u s injury. That Awful Drizzle. tort ure ,and s la it?1ymn, an then You pos ibly would lik e t kn o w body . The place to get this food is 0111 c folk ay th ey despise a H · • Y · how we spend th e eve ning s. Th e in the chtll'ch and in all hri tian or th ?w ey.; ,be ll o_w a nd shout whe11 ·' non-com " can e mpl o y th e ir tim e a t ganization . Remember that the ra ·111y lay. Well, ~•ay, we l1ave co111e i~th ey're . firS t ' ta r ting out, studying. They hav e sc hoo l every church colltge and 'vVe terville is to the conclu•sion that th r y do not th know how to enjoy a good thing ,ut '" e., dawJi's early light" finds night, taught by a Li c1.1tenant. v rit· looking to us a students to do our them floundering about . . part in th e revival meetings. Regu \vllell tlley !lave a Cllallce. Ever take 'T' ' mg se ems to h e th e chief pa t im e 111 t rs '·The S ar- pangled Banner" the evenings and off day . p r onallar attendance is the first e sential ~nd a walk in the rain, one of those rains th B ey're t r ying to sing, ly T am corrc . ponding with about 30 with it go s yo ur own personal work. that omc folk call a drizzle? Isn't it fun? Tt · t 'f h ut th ey .dou't know the words of > \\'ill you be there and work? the recious o ld . I r on . Jus seems_ as 1 t e th mg. heav en above were commg down to P • I want to say h er e that J surely do Women and the War. kiss t_he earth and leave it bri~IJt~r I l ark! The '·twiJigh t's last g leaming" appn,ciate the trainiug that I had un · Sometime ago the Gov ernment sent and ncher than ever. uch a ra,n '. I has some of them topped, dcr the 1>roficicnt lead er ship o f the out a bulletin c·ntitlcd " \,\/omen and a cleansing agent not on ly for the air But the v.aliant survivors p r es for- fac ulty of old Otterb ein and th e the \Var." Jt may cem at fir t sight and mat erial object. around us but ward serenely whole om c ocial environm ent that T that the 1>art that woman can play in for the ou l as we ll. Just as the rain- To "the .• ramparts we watched,. enjoyed whil e th e r e. \Vh cn th e war thi great conflict is of little value, drops fall ing through the air cleanse · wher some others a d d ' i over I expect to com e back and fin · . · f · · · re roppe but uch · not the case. Tl 1ere 1s a rt rom 1mpunt1es so the very feel- And th e loss of th e le d , . . 1sh. I might he r e drop a little sec r et ~ d h · · d d · h · a ers 1s man1place to be ,tiled an no ot er 111- lllgs pro uce m t e lllner world seem fest keen ly. to you. ] hav e s eve ral fine fellow s I dividual in all creation can fi ll it ex- to carry off all that is bad and im- Then "the rocket , red glare" gives lined up for Otterb ein and possibly ce pt Woman . he remains at home p_ure and out of harmony with the the br avest a scare, you will sec ome of th e m ent er wh en while th e man go es out to fight. It nght, and leave the sou l in closer And there' fe ft f we have fini hed our cour se for ncle I w e . . to ace the is upon woman that the man depends commumon "bombs burst·mg 111 • air . ,,,-am . Your truly , . with the ender of the for the many things he mu t have to gtntle r;mi, Get out your oldest 'Tis a thin line of heroes that manage orp. A. \V. Elli o tt , lighten th e burden of wa,. s 1oes an t at o ld rain coat and hat to save Battery A, 324 th I· .. Beside th e e great facts the bulle- and we'll take a good long walk in the The last of the verse aiid "th h · one remar'k th a t ram · t h e next ramy · e ome Stud nt if you g e t any letter such tin dropped this day that comes of the brave." . as the above hand them in and let S D . eeds empha is, that was that along. n a11y Orange. - yracuse the people know about our b'oys. THE OTTERBEIN
Page Five
Large A d. . . · Josephmc s 1 tcr. ~[rs. Knuff of u ience Listens to Musical Columbus visited her Tuesday. Program of P iano, Vocal, and Bib. Gail and their guests, ~Irs. Violin Numbers. Weinland and ?.Iiss Roberta Stratton I Tue day evening the students of of Toledo spent Saturday and Sunday the school 01• music · gave a recital · · at Camp Sherman. 111
LaI11bert Hall before a well filled hou e. 1Iarie, Alice. Loi and· Kathyrn Th were "On the sick li st la st week. They e fact that this recital was better II · · attended th . . are a 1111prov1ng. Year an any ot 11er given this Erma! ~oel of ~!inter. 0 .. pent 1 shows the appreciation of stu dent and citizens for the splendid Sunday with Helen Bovee. Edna Farley. ·Kathe rine \\"ai, Leona I productions given by this Department Pau l and Gladys wigart pent Sun of the College. The first number was a ()iano quar- day at hillicothe. tet • '·T1 · Song" from \Vag- 1~ Sp11111ing . ner' " Opera. '"The Flying DutchVirginia . and Agnes dro,·e home 1 n~an. played by Ethel Eubanks. 11 ary Sunday with the President and hi iddalt, Lorna ·tow, and Golda \Vin - 1 family. ::-Jeva spent Sunday in Columbus. Tl1 e se lection . dom . · though difficult. rendered. waC welt · Lieut. David-on of Camp Sherman . ~nccrt Polonaise by Engleman. a · d. uiidav at the pinted con . . . was a 11111er guest , M· 1 pos1t1on. wa given by I H 11 1 1 s Florence Perfect in a pleasing a · manner. Helen Vance played Po lonMary Constable of Akron was Rose a, e, Op. 26. No. t by Chopin. in her Goodman's gue t aturday and Sunusual art"ts t·1c style. Donald Clipp111. . day. ger and A ra b e·11e Campbell. both of . I 'wh Eve lyn, Catherine, Margaret, Lois, 0111 are • . . . , real b. . y.ounger pianists. displayed and Vera were Elnore vVh1t11ey s . . a d1ty in th . b Th e1 r num ers. guests Friday eve nmg for dmner. e vocal department wa rcpre- · Florence Reese spent the week-end en ted b.Y J osephme . "W Shafer, who sang, atch,ng" by Metcalf: Audrey Nel- at her home. N0 nd wh~ gave "Love's unshin e" by :Merle spent the week-end at Zane -
· e \ · ore: artd Ethel Euba·nks who ,.1·11 e. Eang '·M ' other Earth" by Sanderson. - the audience with J . one • d e I"ig h ted Stereoptican Lecture G.1ven. e1r . E plea . ing _perw na 1·1ty an d ta 1e n t . At th e regular monthly meeting of I "S-ar 1 \,yitson with .the violin handled I ti . c,·c,,re Club held last Monday ouven1r" ,e ' Whit , . b Y D rdla with much skill, vening in awn Hall, Profcs or . . ener e 1v[ .I S nav e 1y plea eel her J"1st- II eSchear gave an interest mg lec ture on 1 s w ith M •• "l " fr "C ~ cag111 s nt ermezzo the subject "Our common res1•c1 ent 0111 Rust",cana. " I and winter birds. A a clavaltena . tet "Tl O I~g number, a piano quarThe program was of an unusual naw;g ie Ride of the \\'alkyrie" by I re due to the new stereopticon of 1>la)•e cl- I)y H e 1e_n , .ance. which u ' the department. is very prou d . EdnanerFarle Y, J, loren ce Dixon, and Professor Schear in Iu talk spoke of Alice R · I com- 11ti e birds particularly here 111 · F ran k·ntenct . e sler cl e erve spec1a 1 · Pretat·ation fo r ti1e1r I ·i nter- 1. couiity There are four c Iasses, p·1en c1·c1 1011 of t h 1s • masterpiec . e. 111 • • u mmer and w111ter W hi C h are the . .or Press t he permanent clas : the winter v1s1tClub · Has Soc'. al Session. ants or t hose which trav el nor th ward .At ti . . t terb . ie regular meeting of the Ot- in the summer; the summer v,s,tan s, rd th I 111 ev ~ Pre S Club la t Wednesday or those which travel sou wa ~~ren ,ng a • · d th ca ual v1s1tby ' oc1a l ession was e njoyed ing the w mt er: an e . . ente::1 .the members. The Club was ants. wh ich do neither '.iest nor .wm 111 th dall ained at the home of J. C. Sid- tcr here but are here e migraThon P lum treet. tion season. Various types of the first I th the e tn~eting was ca lled to o rder by two classes were shown on e scre~ n- j Pre 1de t R . d • cl t b very in truct1ve a which prove o e • I 11 , . J. Harmclm k. an ceect110 Peaker wa pre c nt he pro- as well as interesting. •'T heed to tak e up the d1scuss1on . . of ,Basketball Manager Chosen. bro Writing of a news story" H e I 11 Ught . get out that one essential is to Fi,·e men were g rant ed basket ,a a good Iea cl on the story. al cliff eve r- lette rs a nd one electe d manager ~ t out t erent examp les were pointed the regular meeting of the athleti.: I ietr O how the different methods of hoard. The letters <Yranted were ing a 1ca d . · an d round After th e talk a awarded to: Tom Brown, cap t am ing w~t:~le _di cu sion followed. ?ur- left guard: :c.· L. Fox. ce nter ; H_- H . I of th tim e the everal questions Meyer . left forward: Paul Miller. w ago ne..'· Folle men,b . ers were answered. ri g ht gua rd ; an d ' · w·b" 1 ing owing th e discussion the meet- ri<Yht forward. Brown and Fox are "' only two o ld letter men, a II ti ie of thWas e adJ..ourned and th e remainder the 111 g was pent in social ses- others are wearing the "O" for the sion. and re hment of pi e a la mode fi r st time. To succeed vV. S. chutz · · was e Iec t e cl • were e rv ed after which a mana ge r, . E. Mulhn the clcoffee b ing e ~ ret urn ed to th eir homes hav- Mr. Mullin wa the faithful a sistam llJoyed a fine even ing. this yea r and will make a good man-
Columbus' Best Line of
Sprl·ngHats $2.50, $3, $3.50 Three wonderful assortments which provide the utmost of sty le. quality and values for the money- featuring 111 particular-
All reh . ear iie e~ rsals will be o ne-half hour r during the revival meeting .
aaer. Boost the Y. M. C. A.
29 \V. College Ave.
l'r = == =\= Ve190 - ster_v- ille,= Bell Phone Citz.O.= Phone 110
B. C. YOUMANS, Barber 37 N. State St. Shoe Shine in Connection. Shop closed at 8 o'clock except Saturday.
IS \V est College Ave.
''The Rajah" A r ea l nobby, lightweight Soft Felt Hat that young men will like-in light shades of tan
~;!~'.~.~: .~. . .:.. . . :.. . . $3. 50 "The Union" A smart, sna()PY, troopertyle oft Felt, with medium wide-brim-in brown, green,
~:~'.l.~~·~········· · ··············$3.
''The Campus'' :-\ typical sp rin g lightweight oft Felt Hat th3t loo ks good on anyone-a nobby shape wi th !(arr.ow band and bmd111gat ..................................
Bell Phone 9
Citz. Phone 167
Films Developed Free Prints guaranteed from properly ex posed negatives.·
Fenton Stearns 145 W . Home St.
SEELEY RESTAURANT Formerly The ·White Front. Give Us a Trial. Our Specialty To treat everybody right.
$2 so
Choice L 11t Flowers and Corsage
Quality Best---Prices Right S. State St.
at $5 to $10
Citizen 345
Days' Bakery G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D.
E ast College Ave. Phones-Citizen 26
Bell 84
Page Six
LOCALS. ' Mrs. 0. H. Meyers, ( F ern Luttrell). of Chillicoth e, v isited Edith Hahn W ednesday.
This Spring SeasoJ!
I. M. \ Var d we nt to Ca r ro ll Satur day a fternoo n. H e . ang . aturday . g , a nd un day mo rning .a nd ev e n1n eve ni n g in t h e evan ge listic se rvi ces w hi ch F. l\L Bowman is co nd uctin g the r e.
a Greater Price Range
Corpo1·a t ··A t" E ll io t t. of Camp aturday even ing ·r I1erman, Spen t with Otterbein friend (s) ·
- - IN - -
}.f ess r . chutz. teiner and :\Ic- 'I Bride of the Pandora H igh ch oo l basket ball team visited Elmer Sch u tz over the \"eek-end • · These men had · I been taking part in the state h1g, school basketball tournam e nt at De laware.
George Glauner wen t to. Columbu. aturday to take his cxa1111nat1on fo1 Uncle am's serv ice. The Canal \ \'inche ter High chool basketball g irls visited ~hilomathea Friday evening before their game . Landlady-'·Can't yo u meet your bill today?" mart Fre hman- .. Xo, this is a mectlc s day."
Rather than ch•apen the qua lity by which J-;:iblcr Suits and Over coats haH bee n identified in the past. WC ha,·e added tw new lines- 15.00 at pring. trect and ,22.50 at Broad Street.
Arrangements have been_ made with the Delphic ociety of Ohio. tatc for . I ·' deba te on th qu<: t1011 of an ainternational gir . · f o1•cc. .Tl i c' ti me police for the debate is yet undecided.
Not a Raise in Price
:\l ay :\lorning Breakfast? X o . bet ter than that. A half dozcn couple ~l arch e njo,·e d a ··scrumpt1·01{ " :\lor;,ing breakfa t 'aturday at the old :\1ctzgar house.
olumbus 0. \\·, ~tourer of the Darrack . · pen t ·uiidav ., in \\'estcrville, ,·i iting friend
eve ral loya l suppo r ter of Canal \,\ inc h e t er High ch ool witn c sed h er d efeat Friday night at th e hand o f \Vestervill e High. There w ere two game ' th e fir t played by th e girls, the second by ·th boy Francis R ecob came up from Camp Sherman aturday.
till find an
12.50 and
cn· ice !
H . R. Brentlinger has been cho en coac1I o f the \ \ ' e tervi ll e High .Schoo l debating team. They are debat111g th e q uestion of government control of railroad .
·evella Edwa rds of Ak ron ,· i itc d Va nce ribbs t he la t of th e wee k.
lothe · bought to sell at
wh ich w ill be continued at th e e price· ( \\·hilc they last)-even t hough they rep r e ent greater value . than can be bought at wholesal e.
J. R. Howe accompanied the debatmg team on their trip to :\Iu. k111gum Tuesday.
support the Re ,·i,·al
woo l honage that ha
ing prices all a long the line, Early Buyers wi ll abu n dance of Kibler
I , ro f. Fritz , H. R. Brcntlinge"r and -
pite of the t rcmendou
$12.50 and $15.00
$18.50 and $22.S0 7 West Broad St.
28 West Spr.i ng St.
b====================================================================================~=-a' ··co rn y" l\Ioo re too k Earl Hayes h o m e with him for a wee k- e nd vi it a t Canal \\' incheste r.
Chapel Services Turned Into Rally.
Food Conservation Class.
P lan
hapel exerceses thi s mo rnin g to :i k o n th e natur e of a "boost the r evival" Choir rehearsal ye terday at three campa io-n. The peaker for the o co'clock sadly interfered with the u - casion were furnished from the studual unday afternoon troll of some ent body in the per ons of Miss Jes ie of th e me mbers. \i\"ier and Mr. A. C. Siddall.
th e o rganiza ti o n of . 2 . . )" r ·c n bood Co ns e n ·at1 0 11 Class. as I- -cse nted ed hy th e go ,·e rnm e nt we re P• • by D1·. - ha . navely Thur d a). mo:n. ing.
Dr . Howard H. Ru ell Mi \i ier briefly told why tud~ Every one is glad to . ee Tom J) (! nt · 11 n- ent hould attend. The average Brown back in school aga111 after an day at hi hom e here. d ab ence of everal week • I.h e r eviva l showed it effect as tu h ent 1· I)ent to muc h up ::i n the . 1 an d not enough upon t h e p ys1ca A C. iddall, president of the local early as Friday morning when a num spi ritual nature. To be of the b·e st b er of tudent kncel ed in chapel to Y. C. A. att ended an important . ~ne must . know God._ erv1ce . conference of tate Y. ;,I. C. A. work pray ( ?) Mr. 1ddall aid that re,·1val · wilt er at Denison the last of the week. give one a more vita l and a les forProf. \Ve t w nt to Columl> 1..,s a t - ma! religion. Stude nt mu t get the lf ou happen to notice a dazed\ urday · ht on bu in ess. t· f h" h 1 1 Ys appearance about the Fresh concep ion o t mg and 1 t i a common thing to have ilver ng mee~ th se days don't be . und~ly ware tol en, b ut who ever heard of it learn that the soul of any organiza. . . 1· · · alarm ed. Prof. . Miller ha Just rn- growing on trees? A big tree in hon I its re 1g1ous life. ln the e troduc ed th em into th e mysteries 1of front of the administration building troub le ome time se ri ous thought is bore a good crop Thursday morning. necessary and a revival will give eve r y trig. 01le that quality.
Th e cour e i open to all tud ent · member ,:i f the fa culty, c1t1 . • ze 11,.. Oll \ e te rville and any who 1111g • l1t .. wan to take advantage of sue h training. d ; Th e whole cour e will be covere ·11 a serie· o f twelve lectures an di ,· the 1'1 meet three times a week between • 1hours of four «nd five. The day · e, are Tuesday. \Vednesday and Thu~sb ·ven bY day. The lectures are to e gi the profes ors of the co ll ege that have that charge of the various phases . . come in uch a course. Emphasis is placed upon the fact that if you enter you intend to fini h the entire course-
fo r