1918 04 22 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1





APRIL 22, 1918.

No. 26.



Sl37,258 Total the Pledges Turned in

Canadian Hero Tells Wonderful Story of His Experiences in the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

to Date-$75,000 in Hands of Local Churches.



Westerville Church Still Working With $12,000 Already to Their Credit and More to be Seen. Otterbein's endowm e nt ca mp a ign is swinging o n to victory. Th office announces $137,258 alr ea dy p l d,g c d. This mean that an av erage of $ 10,000 must he pledged daily from now ti ll the close of t he camp:iign. There is . however, $75.000 not yet r epo1·tcd and not included in the $ 137,258 mention­ ed above that has b ee n sub sc rib e d. R. L . ROOSE K. L . ARNOLD The office announ ces that th e r e is no doubt that th e final goa l wi ll b e ob­ Imm ediate ly after the clo ing of his te rm as B u siness Manager of the tained, if $200,000 i pl edged by th e T a n and a rdinal , R. L. Roose e nte r.eel in th e services of hi s co u ntry. If end of the we ek and $75,000 is sec ur ed h e h andles a g un in th e sa m e goo d fashio n as th e co ll ege pa pe r there is in larger g if ts. Of co ur se eac h no q ues ti o n of h is s u cces . M r . Ro o e took charge of the new paper, church mu st do its part but th lea d ­ wit h o ut a ingl e year ly co n t ract and during his brief term of office suc­ ers are ovtimistic and th e pirit of cced:!cl in procurinr; severa l ;,nPt ,J l rr,ptr;i,-t!'. bc•side~ sen·ring "'l"Ugh final victory pervades th e rank s of ot h c1· ads t o mak e th e pape r possible. To find a worthy successor wa a task for the publishing board but the worker s. }.fany chur c h es are do­ ing plendidl y. T h :: tru s tees of Ar­ they were fina ll y decided and se lected K. L. Arnold lo take th e new lington mi sion chur ch of Akron, 0., manager' pos1t1011. }.Lr. Arnold ha s had a wide experience having served have ub scrib ed $400. The littl e in a like capacity on the o ld Review staff, a well a !Ping the faithful church 1t Carroll, 0 ., has gone over assistant to Mr. Roose. \Vith this new man at the helm , lhe ~om in g year the top and pledged JO per cent more promi es to be a succc than its quota. These arc c. ·amples of what congregations throughout the C LEVELAND ALUMNI MEET JUNIORS TO GIVE PLAY co-operatin g conference are doing. Tht campaign in• the First . Un ited I N ew O rgan1za • -t_--p 10n er f ec t e d and "Little Mrs • Cummin ," by Richard Brethrrn ·1iurch of \V esten•1llc has Pl ans are L a1•a f or N ew E n do wPryce to be Played by Well not ·vet clo. eel although over . W -ar d Leads Yells . Chosen Cast • , . $12,000 men t D nvehas been ccured. 1 ho se 111 charge L!l t Friday evening in the Lattice\ L. J. l\Iichacl, manager of the Junof the loca l dn,·c feel confident that 1, 00111 0 f ti tatler Hotel of Cleve- ior play announces that the third . I d I d 'lC \\•estcr\'1·11 c w1·1 1 ll1 t 1e en Pe ge land the alumni of that city and v icin-1 year. tudcnt s ,,ill presen t the dcli_ghtmorc than its qu ota. ity h e ld a lar ge banquet. lt was e _ ful ltttlc three act comedy, entitled ti mat d that nearly fifty old "grads" \ ''.Littl e Mrs. ummin" by Richard Students Make Plans for of Otterbein were: present. I l'ryce on the fourth of May. For D rive Toward Endowment Among the various things taken up th e pa t two weeks the cast has been At a mee tin g of a comm ittee, com­ wa the reorgan ization of an a lu mna! hard at wo1·k and from all indi cations po eel of the pre icl ents of the five assosciation. To lead this new body they promi e to giv!! a delightful classes, held la st Friday, plans were they e lected c. \ V. Hippard, '91. evening's entertainment. laid for the stud ent ~ampa ign toward ther officers e lected have not been Every member 011 the cast ha been the new endowment. selected for his or her particular abil 1·e portcd. Accordin g to reports from s<:ve ra l T h e program of the evening con­ ity. The part of Mrs. C um min is to of the committeemen a very extended irginia Burtner while s isted of a c ries of good addresses. be played by course of ed uca tion has been arrang­ hi efest among these peakcrs was Freda Frazier will play the role of her ed so tliat a ll may kn ow just what th e Dr. W . G. lippinger. ln bri ef he daughter Juli e t. Ju li et- has just rei sues of th e endowm e n t drive are told th e story of Otterbein in the past, cent ly been married to C larence and ju t what the people are doing a lso her present standing. ·Mr. I. M. Eglamore who is repre ented in the in the nin e co-operating co n ferences. Ward was in attendance and spoke of person of A. C. Siddall. Jessie Wier Following this course the tudent Otterb ein and the campaign from a will take the part of Mrs. P lai n while drive proper i to begin. So we ll is the part of h er daughter Susy is to student's point of view. the program work ed o u t, that it i Between the various co ur ses Mr. be acted by Katherine 'vVarner. J. C. assured that every st ud ent w ill be Ward led t h e company in college Siddall will appear as Mr. Horace solicited and hav e an opportunity to Eglamore, C larence's rich old uncle. so n gs and ye ll s. help. Captain Sand's part is to be ably T h e Alumni of C leveland have set The committee have in mind a goal their goa l and expect to reach it in a handled by H. E. Michael and th e which they expect t h e students to short time. According to th e report part of E ll en , Harriett and Mi ll s will reach but to dat e no announc e ment of (Co ntinued ·on pagP. two .) this goal has b een placed at $5,000. this mark ha s' b ee n mad e.




Citizens' Lecture Course Season Closes-Good Attei:fdance for Final N~mber. vVes te rvill e people and tud ents of the Co ll ege were th e r eci pi en ts of a rare treat last Monday eve ning when they h eard Priva t J\'rthu r H erman, a anad ian, give his lec tur e, "O n th e battle fields of western France." Mr. H erman ·was member of the thirteent h Canadia n Bia k Watch a nd has see n con idcra bl c serv ice in th e present war. He is a n ab le speaker and brings a message "th a t eve ryone is anxious to h ear. 'P r eceed in g Mr. Herman, a peda l s p · aker pre ented the facts conce rning th e thi rd Liberty Loan. Private H rman began hi s lecture by giving a fe,v d finitions of terms that the boys "over th ere" are accus­ tom cl to u ] n thi s way it was easier for hi hearers to c:itch the meaning of hi rrmarks. Among th e many things that h ' said there are some very important items. Accord­ ing to Mr. Herman thi s war is not a petty scrap, but a· battle for fre edom. He also gav' some fi gures to show how fa t 111(!11 w r b,•ing killed at the front. By his slatcm 11ts th, chances for return of the rne11 are thirty to one. The pcak er th •n took up his ex­ periences from th tim he left Can ­ ada until h e re turn ·c1 . The boys in th service and especially tho e from (Continued on page two.)


Former Otterbein Student Makes Use of Music Training Mrs. Sencff of West ervill e,. is in possession of a newsy littl e paper pub lished by th viation students of which h r son Rich ard is a member. The colu mns of thi s particu lar issue is interesting beca us' it makes men­ tion o f the "B ig .Four" quartet com­ posed of boys from th e school. Mo t interesting f a ll is the fact that Richard (Dick) eneff, a former st ud ent at Otterbei n , ·is the very effi­ cicn t leade r 'of t he musicians. early every student ca n · r ecall with little effort when thi s yonng aviator sang in the "O. U. Hambon e M in st r els" and the Co ll ege GI (! lub. The b es t wishes'"'of aH Otterbeiu go o ut to Mr.. Sencff and all hop e to see him in W etervi lle again soon.




" Big Red" Men F ind Easy Picking U. B. Church to be Scene of G ay W h en T hey Met Otterbein on Party-Members of B oth Clas ses Thei r O wn Field. to Perform on P ro gram. Last Saturday Otterbein lost th e Monday evening in th e parlors of first track me t of the eason to D eni- the l"nited Bret h ren Chu rch the mem­ so n. From the score 102 to 18 one be1·s of the Fre hman Class will en­ would think that the meet was a tertain their brother class, the Jun­ farce but it rea ll y wa inl •r es ting. io1·s with th e cus t inary spr ing banEvery tt c rb c in man did his best quet. under the cond~tion. and they should Acco1·ding to th e statements of be com m ended f 1· what they did. tliose in charge of the affa ir, neith er Denni so n was go cl, very good and mon ey no r work has been pared and the ttcrbcin fellows, ome of whom they promi se to mak e th is o ne of the l1ad not been ll th e track si n e th e line ·t occa ion of its kind he ld in 'inter-c la s meet cou ld not be expect- Otterbein for some time. e el to do much b~t.tcr. The committee in charge of the None of the· ·v ents were walk progr:it11 have ar~a nged a very en­ aways. F r in. tan ce \Vestervi ll e lad tertaini ng evening consisting of toasts la cked only half an inch in placing in and addresses by memb ers of both the shot put. Only two step kept clas ses . l n keeping wit h custom W. tea ms from wi:1ning the two mi le. H. an cc, president of the Fres h man Myer wa on ly a tep from second cla s, will deliv er th e address of wel­ place i'n th e high hurdle When all come, while V . E. ribb , the Junior is gone o ver the tra ck men did mu ch P1·exy will give the rcspon c. th e r better in the D en ni 11 t11eet tha 1i in numbers will be given by Mis Arn­ t he interclass meet and under much old, 11i s Burtner, Mi s Agnes worse co11ditions. Haye lost the JOO \.\ 'right a11d others. J. R. Howe has yard da sh by only a few steps to bee11 e lected to act as toastmaster, Feight, a ten cc nd man . T he t im e and although he ha left schoo l he wa JO 1-5 sec nd s. 111 the ~20-yard ha promised to re turn to take charge dash Pcny won s~cond place ea ily , · of the program. the time for the ra ce being 24 4-5 sec- I _Ta king cvc ry_tbing into ·on iclcr­ onds. ]n the high jump Barnhart and at1011 th 1 promises to be a very en~ Fox tied for seco nd at 5 ft., 3 in. joyab le occasion for the two c lasses. Love won sccoud i:i the 880-yard run STATE D OWN S O T T ERBEI N in 2 minutes a11d 13 second, w hil e Stearns was bare ly nosed o ut of first Columbus L ads Easily W in from p lace in the mi le and two -mi le ru ns. Their N eig h bo rs in Sin g le an d The time for the mi le was 5 m in utes Double Even ts. l n t he first matc h of the ca on, and 2 second , while the two-mi le was ru n in 11 minutes and 4 seco nd s. the O hi o State te nni s m en eas il y deW ith a lot of hard IJractice the team ' fcated the O tte r bei n q uartet, last can put acros some w in s. Rige l- Tuesday afternoon o n t he tate mire and Evans in t he we ig h ts wit h co ur ts. T he victory was a sort of a some rea l practice oug h t to win th e ir s ur p ri se to th e cap ita l st ud ent s as . events. l'a lme r wi ll make some one they lost ever man on last year's s tep if he practi ces in the po le vault, team. Otterbe in used t he am e com­ while My ers i11 the hurd les is a lso bina tion as they had last year. going good. So everybody help the VVir th wein a nd Davies p layed best t eam a long and hoost for wins from for the State nicn whi le Res lcr a nd Heidelberg and , t. Marys. Gray showed up best for the Tan and ( Continued from page one.) Cardinal racketeers. A RTH UR HERMA N The· fir t sets played were the IS W.E LL LIKED do ubl es. l n the e games W irthweim America enjoy traveling in a new and Davies easily took Ress ler and co untry and seeing the many strange Bancroft i11to camp by winning two t hings, . aid l'rivatc Herman. "Don't successive se ts. Jn the seco nd sets send th e boys anything that is not of doubles the tatc men met with necessary for it only mak es their more oppos1t1on. Gray and Brown packs heavi er." H e gave a vc1·y caused Rohem and Ott considera bl e vivid de ·cri1 ti n of the tra 111 mg, trouble before t hey we n t down in tr nch e , and every part of the army defeat. as it now is. ln the ingl<;s th e Otterbei n men 11.".ttinlte Herman, at various in ter- all m e t defeat, Ressler and Gray giv-vais mixed in some comica l hap pe n- ing the best compe t1t1 on. Score : ings within his cxprience. He has Doub les, Wirthwein-Dav ies vs. Ress­ been in the service and has do ne his !er-Bancroft, 6-3, 6-0; Roe hm - Ott vs. ",oit" for world democ racy an d free- Gray-Brown, 8-6, 3-6, 6-3. S ing les: dom. He fo ug h t fo r five days in t he \,\/ir th wein vs. Re s ler, 6-3, 8-6; ~eat battle at Vimy R id ge w here DaY ics-Ba ne roft, 7-5, 6- l ; R oe hm­ he paid the price. Brown,6- 1, 6- 1; Mo rga n-Gray, 7-5, 6-3. T h ro ug hou't\ his e1ttirc lect u re a ( Continued from page one.J s pir it of op tinti s m p reva iled a nd the JUNIOR TO GIVE PLAY o ne s t r,o ng )t hough t left wiith th e be playe d by H ele n B o vee, V ida \ i\fil­ h ea rers was his re ma rk , " N o I didn' t helm a nd L . J. Wood r es pec ti ve ly. lose m y leg, l t ra d ed it fo r a clear P ro fessor F ritz is th e a ble coach con sc ience." and is doing his b es t to make th e play Miss E sth er W eir and Miss 1'-,,fay a success. T icke ts w ill be on sal e May 1 t. Blauser visited Jessic, thi s we ek. and I da Marie w ent home with th em for T hose w ishing good seats mail your ord er ea rl y to L. J. M icha el. a few days.

The Union's Great Anniversary Sale Offers $30 Hart, Schaffner & Marx AII-Wool, Hand­ Tailored Suits at






$24 Th ve r y n bbi est, n ewes t mode l ·, fab r ic · a nd w eave hown any wh er e.

The Man On The Job A. A. ·RICH,

Insurance Agent

MUS IC STUD E NTS TO APPE AR IN RECITAL T ue day eve nin g in t h e a ud ito r ium of Lambe rt H a ll the tudents in t h e choo l of l\lu s ic w ill appear in a public recita l. Prepara ti on has been going on fo r o m etimc and according to P rofes or Gra bill this en­ tertainment will be th e best that ha s been give n t h is year. Th e recital w ill begin at the usua l hour and a good attendance is expected. Overture-M idsummer Night'


F iano.-Revei l du Printe111ps. Op. 32

"1-.I e nde lssohn I . Friml

Florence Dixon Piano-(a) The kylark (b) rescen do Anita Glinn Violin-Reverie

. . . Ell worth h.ee e

• ong- tolcn \ \lings . Cathari ne E ll worth Piano-\ 'o ices of

pring . . Edythe Pinney

Song-:-Jobody Knows t h e Tro ub le I Go lda \ i\findo m Violin-Fifth A ir

T chaikow ky La · son Fa uconier Wi lleby inding Jo hn on

Dancla . . . . R u se ll Cornetet Piano-(a) Yo uth an d J oy, Op. 66, o. 12 chytte chytte (b) T he S ib y l, Op. 66, No. 26 R u t h Patte r so n ong-Li'l Moo n B arth o le mew Me lba owe r s Ko elling P ia no-Se r e nad e Corde lia In keep Piano-Dan ce Capri ce, Op . 17 . J. H . Hahn Ethel E ubank s Vo ca l D uet- T h e Wa r ri o r D e parts , Op. 59, 1 o . 2 . Ca dma n ( Intro d ucing two B la ck-foot Indian me lodies) N eva And erso n M e rtz and I. M . \ Varel . . . M.i lde P iano Quart et-Ga lop de Con ce rt E th el E ub a nks, Mary Sidda ll , Lo rn a C low, Go lda Wi ndom




Published W e~kly in the interest of Otterbein by the OTTERBEiN PUBLISHI NG - BOARD, Westerville, Ohio.

Member of the Ohio College Press Association.

Staff Editor-in-Chief .... .. .. .. J. C. Siddall, Assistant Editors- • J. R. Howe, J. R. Love, Contributing EditorsHelen Bovee, Helen Ke ll er, Business Mgr . .... Kenneth Arnold, Asst. Bus. l\Igr . .......... C. L. Smith, ~-roore, Asst. Bus. l\,f gr. ........ H . F . Iv Ci"ulation Mgr . ........ C. E . Mullin 1st Asst. Cir. Mgr., H. H. Meyers,

2nd Asst. Cir Mgr.vVendall ornctet, I.ocal Editor ............ vV. H . Vance, Cochran Hall ............ Ruth Hooper, Alumna! .................... P r of. Guitner, ·\T'd x Exc I1ange ................ 1 a \i,'i 1helm, • C L Ath Icllc ............................ . . Fox,

'19 '21 '2 1 '19 '20 '20 '20 '2 I '19 '20 '21 '2 1 ' 19 '97 '19 '20

Address all communications to The Otterbein Tan and Ca rdinal , · 20 vV. Main St., Westerville, Ohio . Subscription P ric e, $I.SO Per Year, payable in advance. Entered as seco nd class matter Sep­ tember 25, 1917, at the postoffice at Westerville, 0., und er act of March 3,

1879. -Education is a better safeg uard-o f liberty than a stand in g army. If we retrench the wages of t h e sc h oo l­ master. we must raise thos e of the re­ cruiting sc rgeant.-Everett.

The Great Question. The Un ited States is at war. Young men are heing placed in the army as fast a they ca n he handled. Otterbein. like a ll other schools, is furnishing her share. These are th e facts a nd n obody ca n deny th em. The question th e n we must consider is what are we going to do if conditions keep o n as th ey have. Already we have found that it is a very diAi cu)t task to find me n to fill the places they h ave fonnedy held. The only so !ution to the issue is that th e girls of th e co ll ege must tep in and mak e up the deficiency. A noticahle fact was discov ere d the other day th roug h one of th e ex­ changes that came to th e oftice. A girl was called upon to edit the paper of one of O hi o's largest sc h ools. Just what one sch oo l has found n eces­ sary to do will have to be done by all the rest sooner or later. As yet O t k rb ein has not found it necessary to go to any extremes but the time is co min g when sh e will have lo fill some vaca n cies. The time to prepare for emergency is right now. Eve ry girl in sc h oo l that has any -abil­ ity in any lin e of work shou ld begin to look into th at pa r tic ul ar thing and be ready to carry on the work when she is called . There is not the least bit of doubt but that the women of any

co ll ege can handle some kinds of work as well as the men, but to put th em at the head without any experience or at least without any ideas of what is to be done would tend to detract from that phase of the college. · Girls, you can do it. It is a ' duty th at yo u owe to the school and in a way to t h e nation . Pick out the th ings that you can best do and get ready for the call. It may come soon and unexpectedly so it behooves every one to be r eady so as to not interfere in the least with the reg ul ar routine.

Page Three

cot11·se. fi r t sq~ · It ' 1 th'ts may eem for tl1e tu cl enl tampa1g11. Such igpr e t ty hard on the students but don't noran cc will iii a way hinder the you think it gives th e cr edit to the laun ching of our campaign as well as on e who d ese rv es it ? prol ong it . Such a syst em \,,ould be an excelCould it be po ssible, from now on lent thing in any sc ho o l and it is not till '.\fay ninth, to set aside one chapel a Jtogeth_er impossible that so m e day se r v ice a week and give the· st ude_n_ts Otterbe111 wQuld put s1,1ch a ruling some ideas of what is going on in the 1 into effect. . . .. nin e co-operating conferences? _ If \ Vith su c h a sys tem there are many thi s ca n b e arranged it wi ll tend go o d re ults. The man that comes to to stir up ~nthusiasm and be a· great co ll ege and wants to finish in a s hort inc en tiv e for Ott erb ein st ud ents to tim e can do it ju s t a s h e pleases. H e do their best in o rder that the Coi tege can regu late his own ta y in sc ho o l. may win on th e final day. Tf h e applies him s elf and makes th e grades he will be ; ive1i extra units Our Flag. wh id1 will enab le him to get through Arrange Your Stock. One m o rnin g la st week, while the A man by the nam e of Leibnitz that mu c h quick e r. Also it would wind was waving O ld Glory above, gave lo t h e wo rld a great message s timul at e the stud e nts to do th eir very a stud nt looked up and casua ll y re­ when he said, ''The know ledge we best or at least not to drop be low the mark ed, " Is that o ur n ew flag?" Im ­ averag e for th en he wou ld be losing m ediat ely h e was informed that it was have acq uired ought not resemb le a great workshop without order, and hi s unit s. This wou ld in a v ery great and great wa s hi s surprise. There it witho u t an invent o ry; we ought to measure be nefit th e school in that it was, flapping in th e wind , its edges kno what we poss ess, and be able would rais e their s tandard s in eve ry tattered and torn , trying to urge branch of work. yo ung m en to an sw e r its ca ll. to make it serve us in o ur n eed ." If a system suc h as the o ne men ­ vVhat do you say, students? Let's Especially do we think this a good tioned will aid the student in many iset a new flag , and s how our patriotthing fo1· th e co ll ege st udent to think ways wh il e at the same tim e h e lp the ism. over and h o ld before him as a sort of co ll ege, it sho uld be given se riou s m eas ure. Everyone of us are apt, consi d eratio n by a ll parti es co n ce rn­ From One Father to Another. at tim es, to stock up with-- a vast ·cc1. ·• 'B ut it is n't p laying the game.' h e hoard of material w hi c h we crowd . sa id, rnto o ur little brains with no onler Our Tennis Courts. And he s lamm ed his books away ; what-so-ever. To the b usiness man Spring is h ere. The boys and girls a well o rgan ized and co n ve ni ently ar~ a re -out with th eir rack e ts. vVh ere 'The Latin and r ee k I've got in my h ead rang ed store is t h e best road to u c­ a1· e th ey p laying? Ind ed if you go \ ,Viii do for a du lle r day.' cess. \ V hat is true with the business back a few week s in your m emory ma n is true with th e st ud ent. \Ne are you wi ll probab ly reca ll that Otter­ 'R ubbi s h!' I cri ed: 'T he bug! ·' s call I sn't fo r lad s ft- 0 111 sc hoo l.' going to be put out into the wor ld bein was to hav e some n ew tennis D'ye think h e'd li ste n ? Oh, not at s hort ly to make us e for t h e know ­ courts this spring. o far th e1·e all : ledge we have obtai n ed. Emergen­ seems to be no s ign s of any for at o I ca ll ed him 'a foo l, a fool!' cies are go in g to arise and we wil l least a long time. If you will go to have to handl e them. Req u ests are the o ld athletic fie ld you will see the Now there' s hi s dog by his empty b ed , And the flut e h e used to play, go in g to be made and we . are going backstops in p lace but those alon e to ha vc to answer them. T h en comes don't mak e tennis courts. Wh en you And hi s favorit e bat-but Dick-h e's d ead, the test. How is your stock arrang­ go close r you can probably see that o m e wh er e in France, th ey say: ed? Ca n yo u lay h o ld O il just a n y­ t h e re is a vast amount of work to b e Look at hi s priz es all in a row: thing at anytim e you ne ed it? Ti1at done to th e gro und. Surely a hint of fame! is what Leibnitz wanted to t eac h W e don't p lace the blam e for the Now he' s fini shed with-nothing to when h e ut tered th e above quotation . delay upon any person or p e r so ns. s how: vV e mu st know ju st what we have on T.he fact simply r emain s that there Doesn't it see m a shame? hand , and just wher e it is . Too of­ has n ot been anything don e 0 11 th e tell w e arc n ot given tim e to sea r ch courts during the past we ek'. A l­ Look fr o m the window! All you se e Wa s to b e his o n e day : and t h e one that is ready wi ll gain ready o ur team has bee n abroad and l; o rest a nd furrow , lawn a nd lea. th e r ewa rd s . p layed on e match . What wo uld we And h e goe and chucks it away. o bet ter time to take an inventory_ do if we were to hav e on e at hom e? to see w h at we hav e at hand can b e Get the courts of the Anti-Saloon And yet 1' 11 b et h e was never afraid , And he went as the best of ' em go, fo u nd than w hil e we are in sc h oo l. League or fix up the "Phronian" ft is while we ar h ere that we a r e co urt s, yo u say. Yes but while you For hi s hand was clench ed on hi s bro ken blad e, expected lo find out what we need a nd ar e paying mon ey to r ent co urt s and And his face wa s turn ed to the fo e, th en proceed to put it in s to ck. J t is working to fix up ome others you a good plan, if yo u have not a lready n1 ight be getting th e on es you h ave A nd I called him a fool. Oh, how blii1cl was 1 done it, to invoi ce your knowledge into shape. L et's get busy and mak e And the cup of my grief's abrim, and get it in good orde;-. Once thi the n ew co urt s ready for th e team vVill Am eri ca' s glory ever die is done we can better know ju s t when th ey n eed it. So lo ng as we' ve lad s like him? where we a r e deficient. Inform the Students. o long as we'v e fond and fearless Why Not at Otterbein. Jt is a noticabl e fa ct that th e tufools, T h e faculty of the niversity of dent of Otterbein o ll egc ar e the vVho, spurning fo rtun e and fame, Pittsburg ha s adopted a new sys- most ignorant p er so ns r egarding th e Turn out with th e rallying c ry of their tern re lating to grades made by th e great campaign for n ew endowm ent. sc hoo ls. Ju s t hent on playing th e game?students. The plan they propos e to Thi ca nn ot be du e to th e fact that inforce is in brief th is . Any st ud e nt th ey are not inte re sted for they o f '/\. fo o l' Ah, no ! H e was mor e than who makes mark s o f "A" or "B" are all perso n s in th e world are th e ones wi . e. to be grante d ex tra credits. F o r to b e h e n efited. lnte rest ha s be en Hi s was th e proud es t part. examp le a tudent who has at tht: e nd ce nt er ed for some tim e upon what H e di ed wit h the g lory of faith iu of the term mad e a grade of " A" in a th e s tudents were going to do in the hi s eyes, thr ee h o ur course ,..-✓ i ll b e give n creel - way of mon ey. True they will do And the g lory of love in his heart. it for 3.6 units . If he has on ly mad e a th eir share, but what can you exAnd though there's never a grave to tell " B" h e will be given credit for only pect wh e n th ere are students in co l3.3 unit s. The " " st ud ent will r e- lege that don't know the r eal goals of No r a cross to mark his fall, T hank God! we know that h e 'battceivc the us ual thre e units while the th e driv e. Thi s ignorance was . de" D" man will rece ive on ly nin e- cided ly manifes ted when a few men eel well' tenths of the regular credit in the , got toget h er to lay some foundations In the la s t great Game of a11."



Page Four



[_____ Y._M._C._A.___.] B. C. Peters, student-t each er, led the Y. :M . C. A. m ee ting Thursday eve ning. Mr. Peters based his re­ marks on the word!l of Paul, " For a great door and effect ual is open~d un­ to me, and th ere are many adver­ sa ries." D eveloping his subj ec t Mr. Peters use d th e exam pl es o f me eting adver­ saries in th e plant kingdom and the anima l kingdom. He showed that the law of s truggl was a law of life. H e a id th at it is necessa ry for us to overcome th ose things whi'c h are in ­ jurio us to us physically. W e admire the man who overcomes. When the boys co n1e back from France we wi ll not ca·re a nything ab ut how well th ey mar ched or how good- looking they were in their uniform s but what we wi ll want to know is how well th ey stood against th e adversary and whether th ey flinched or tri ed to over­ come them. Mr. Peters th en poin ted out ome o f th e !hings we nee d to overcome • as college me n. H e said it is r,cc cs­ sary fo r us to make our own de­ cis;on . 'vVhen a crowd of fel lows co t11e s to us and asks us to be o ne of their number te lling us th y wi ll push u to th e front in sc hool life, we must consider that no man ha s a right to h e at the front unle ss he has proven hims elf worthy of being th e re. \,Vhen a man has the right kind of stuff in him a nd mak es good the world wil l ee that he gets proper r ecog nition . Th e fact that the hab it of "bluffing" i a great cause of h yproc risy a ll through life was pointed out by the leader. Aft r the .meeting the m e n present signed the let t ers which ar c being ent to th e men who ha ve gone ou t fr o m Otterbein into the service.

Look at the Toe '07. The litt le daughter of Rev. H . M. Wor stell and wife of iti sing Su n, Ohio, has had to u nd ergo an oper­ ation recent ly. She is now improv­ ing and her complete recove r y is ex­ pected. '05. At the last meeting of th e board of education Prof. L. 'vV. Warson was re-e lecte d superintendent of sc hoo l of W es tervi ll e. Prof. vVarson has been at the head of the schoo ls h ere for ten years, during which time there has be en a great increase in the num­ b r of p upi ls enro lled.

S. R. Converse of Camp Sh e r­ man, Chi ll icot he, Oh io, pent unday at the home of his grand 1~1other, Mrs. C. P. Landon on o u th tate street. '15.

Dr. Charles Snave ly, chairman of the vi llage commission of Weste r ­ vil le, has received a specia l invitation to attend the ce lebration to be held at Oberlin, May 24, in honor of th e tw enty -fif th anniversary of the fo ttn d­ iug of th e Anti-Saloon League of America. '94.

·crgca11t H. E . Don Durant and wife were gue ts o f Mrs. Sarah Clements n West Co ll ege Aven ue last Wednesday. Sergeant Bon D ur­ a nt is now stationed at Fort St. P hil­ lip , Louisiana in th e coast arti ll ery bran ch of th e service. ' 14.

'77. At _th e soc ial m eeting of the K ing' s Daughters S u nday schoo l class o f the nited Brethren church, held last Tuesday, Mrs . T. J. Sa n­ ders, who has be n th e teac her of the class s ince its organization, r es igned that position and iiss Le la Guitner, '92, was elected to s ucc ee d he r. Mrs. Sanders ha s taught for twenty-six co nsecutive years in the Su nday schoo l at vVestcrvi ll e and it is with A very interesting Y. \N . · A. g rea t re lu ctan ce that her class now m eeting was cond uct ed Tuesday even- releases her at her own requ es t. ing by Ida Marie Snelling. The topic '1 2. Mrs . R. P. Ernsberger (Beunah was, "Ye are my friends if-." l emorest} and little on of Carnegie, "Chr ist gave th e conditions o f Pa .. are vis iting her pare nts in Wes­ . divine friendship. vVhat do our ac­ terville. quaintances requir e of us that we may be th eir friend ? 'We must give ou1· '75. Rev. A. J. Wagner, pastor of th e b est to o ur fri nd s. 'vVe must show vVag11er Memorial hurch of Co lum­ th em that we trust them, that we bu s, Ohio, occ upi ed the pulp it of the nit cd Brethren Church of have th e fullest confide nce in them. First Loyalty to our friends is another re­ 'vVc terville yesterday in the absence qms1t e The privilege of friendsh ip of the pa sto r who was out itt the in ­ is o ne of o ur most sacred privileges. terest of the Otterbein campaign. \Ve shou ld be unselfish in making friends for although it is perhaps Y. M . C. A. A dopts M ethod of easie r to have ottc or two friends, it is Keepin g in T ouch With Men. our duty to be friends with as many At th e s ugges tion of H . R. Bretttg id s asp ssibl . Eve ry acquaintance lin ge r, the Y. M. C. A. has· adopted of ours is a potential friend. Let us the platt of e nding out le tters to our accept that cha ll enge." so ldi er boys giving local news and The second half of the hour was aski ng fo r addresses of other 0. C. d evote d to the study of th e first thre e men. · A ll the men present at the chapters of "The Jesus of Hi story" regular meeting Thursday evening by T. R. Glover. · IMrs. L. A. 'W ein- sigttcd each of the forty let ters which land is conducting thi s study, and th e were ready to be sent out. Other girls are enthusiastic in praise of h er l~tt ers will be se nt out from time to a bility. time. ,

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P a ge Five


Literary Societies Chos e Th ei r R epusta v l\,Jeye r, o n of Dr. a n d ~Ir s. INTER E STING L ETT E R resentatives to the Publishing B oard Gustav :-!eye r, wh o has b ee n s tat io n of Tan and Car dina l. ed at J ac k so n B arra ck s, La., r et u rned apcri lc 9, 19 18. At th e last elec t ioll sessio ll of eac h 1h? m e F rida y. H e h a: a n ~1 o n ~1:a_b lc I der xchallge ed itor! i sec in yew r . was ·, t I1c new d isc ha r ge du e t o ph ys ica l d1 sa h1!1 t 1es pa ptr . as how th ee co lcdgc pap 1rs o r t he fo u r L 1'te 1·a r.i,- S oc.·1et1e memb ers o f th e pub lis hin g board we r e Gle n 0. Re a m sp n t un day in in t h ee we t rum e in t hee lih crry. .jl~,1, <, elected. In every i:1 tallce ca r e wa \\" estcrv ill e. Serg. Re am ha a r ec- we n t the ir and their wasn ' t n un . taken in cho in g o nl y t h e b st fitted 01,1 m t: n dati n for a co mm iss io n d ue 1 \ Vh are is t h ey? person · to fi ll th ese offices. to the exce ll ent work do n e w h ile in I Hiram Backwoods. The d ut ies co nn ected with the the Officers Trai n ing Sch oo l at Camp , \ V , H• Id. members of th e T a n a n d Cardilla l tl"am t 1,at you cou h erma n e r e sorry · B oa r d a re many an ct o·r · n ot find ,t h e pap. e rs. from other F O R SPRING . . . col Pu bl 1.s 11111g . . L ie ut. l\[ crtz of a mp She rm a n was lcges. \,\ e ad n11t 1t 1s o ur mi s take, · t grea t 1m por ance. 1t 1s t 111s o r ga n. . CASC0 -23/8 in . CLYDE - 211a111 · t· ti l I . a Ju dge for Otterbe ill at t h e Track fo r t he papers are tll t h e east room . 1za 1011 ,a 1a s t 11c: exec uti ve co n . , . , ~f eet 111 Gra nv ill e at ur da y. tll th e baseme ll t. fry there nex t tro I o f O tt erI)e111 · p a pe 1· as we ll as • C. W . ST OUGH TON, M . D . . " t 1111 c. the elcc ttn g o f n e w m e m be r s to t h e Ira 'Ha ylle t o Prof. S h ea ray 29 W. Co ll ege Ave. staff. Prof.. d o we h ave to kill th ese ske leape ril e 12, 19 18. The m em ber s e le c t ed for t h e ye ar lo n s." vVes te r ville, 0 . deer xcha nge ed iter! i fo un d th em 1918-19 are a s fo ll o ws : l 'h ila le th ea T he T rack tea m we r e b lessed w ith t hi s tyme. say, t h ey i in t ures tin g , Be ll Phone 190 Ci tz. P ho ne 110 Gladys H owa 1·d and J osep hi ne Foo/ six bl ow-o ut s o n t heir t r ip to Gran­ bee n 't t hey? d id yew ree d abo ut Cleiorh e tea , Glad ys La k e and Est h er vi l! . He ide lb er g? t h ey is having a g url Harley; Ph ilo math ea, A. C. id da ll fur t hee ed iter of th ere papir. i th ink B . C. Y O U MANS, B arber H. R. B r en tlin ge r leave Tu esday and L. E. Pace: P hil o ph 1·onea , B. th at i a ri te s m a r t idee since a ll t he 37 N . State S t. _Peters a n d . lb ert Ja y ,1 es. O n e mem­ t o spend a few day a t h o m e b efo r e boy· is goi ng t wo wa r. S hoe Shin e in C onn ect io n . reportin g at a mp S h e rm a n . ber fr om t h e :ilumnal associatio n still yew no t hat u p at Case t h ey has Shop closed at 8 o'clock except rema ins to b e e lec t ed . "Pop" Barnh a rt sa ys that yo un g S aturday. 'With t h ese p e r so ns ~e rv ing 0 1; th e '.'Bi ll " Ba rnh a rt is tr y in g o ut for ch ee r co mpul sa ry m illi ta ri e trai nin g a nd new hoard t h e pr ese nt yea r of th e leade r . H e a lso r e mark ed that "Bi ll" t h ee boy s a ll wa r e uni fo r ms. \ Ve il, th ey is to gra dea te M·ay 2nd and t h ee Tan and ard ina l loo k s ,·e r y pro mis- has so m e da d . hu ll co mm ell ce m e nt is t wo bee m illiing. W. M . GANTZ, D . D . S. }s[isses H a ze l P a y n e, L eora Goc h- tari e. DENTIST e no ur an~I Hel en En so r we 1·e g u ests at vVit te nb erg, th ee se ny ur vaca­ Cleiorhetean Society s io n is two begyn May 17t h , a nd Entertains Many Alumni a t th e Ba tl ey C lub Sunday noo n . I 5 Wes t Co lleg e Ave. T hu r da y ev e ni ng in th e soc ie ty Onl y a v ery few Ott erb ein s tud ents co m encement wil l b ee J un e 2nd. Bell P ho ne 9 Citz. P hone 167 parlors th e m embers of th e Cl e ior h e­ witn esse d th e Otte rb ein -D e ni son th ee g ur ls up at \ Vo os te r did s umtean Li tera ry ' So ciety e nt e rtained Tra ck meet, Satu rday . thi ng i ca ll r ite fi n e. th ey g ave a B . W . WELLS, Merchant Tailor their tow n a lum nae a n d fr ie nd s w it h jim nasy u m x ibitio n and maid 75$ \,Vo r el wa s rec eiv ed from R. B . the annual prin g sp r ead. sp e cial ( do llurs) fur t he r ed cr o s. fur s t th ey Fine line of spring samples. program wa a r ra ng ed a n d a ll e n ­ T h r us h t ha t h e likes camp li fe r eal fo r med a s ir vice fl ag a n d th e n aftir Cleaning and Pressing done on we ll a nd expects a pro m otio n soo n . joJed a fin e socia l s ess io·n. T he e ll ­ t h a t th ey g ive a ll kin ds of d ri ll s . i' II short notice. tertainment co n si t ed of a p ia no s o lo e lso n of Ca na l \ V in- be t t h e O tt er b ein gi rl s cud never do M iss A lta by.Edna F a r ley and a co m edy ill t wo c h es ter s pe nt t h e wee k -end a t h er nu t hin g like th a t fo ur "\h ey wood Cor. Main and State. St. acts entitl ed ''M rs. Oakley ' s Te le­ h o m e in W es te r v ill e. n ev e r tak e t h e tym e two prackti se. phone". Th e pe rso nn e l of t h e cast n ow t hat i no w har e two fi nd thoze M r s. Neva A n d erso n Me r tz was a was Audr ey Ne lso n, G ladys La ke, g ues t a t a b a nq u et giv en in h o n o r of pap irs, i a m goi ng to r eed th e m o ffe n . Ethel E ub a nk s, a nd F r eda Fras ie r. Ma j o r Ca ldwe ll at Camp S h e r man. Hiram B. The peculiar circum sta n ces ca use d Thank you , Hiram, for yo ur inter ­ T h o bu rn Keis er has arr iv e d safe ly by the mi xin g of numb ers bro ug ht a smile to th e h ea r e rs and t h o e ta kin g in France, ac cording to a cab legram es t ing lette r. W e are g la d to learn parr sur ely did j us ti ce t o t h e ir vario us r eceived by hi s mother, Mrs. M il o th a t so m e on e b eside th e Tan a nd Form erly The White Front . Cilrdjnal Sta ff is r eadin g o u r exroles. Afte r th e prog r am a r ea l so­ G. K eis er. changes. cial tim e wa s e njoyed, r e fre s hm e nts Give U s a Tria l. Lawre ll ce K. R e p logl e has r e t urn ed were serv ed by th e socia l co mmittee, to Otte r b ein to fi ni sh h is s t u d ies. H e follow ing whi ch th e parly ,_;i. dj o urned ha s bee n t ea chi n g in Un io n City, 0. Our Specialty after hav ing s pe nt a v e r y pl ea s ant To treat everybody r ight. CO CHRAN HALL N OTES. evenin g. Mr . D icki e, of C leve land, wa a Is essential to comfo r t . T hey Philalethean O pen Session. dinn er gu es t Friday eve n in g. smooth the rough places and Philaleth ea's S en ior Op e ll Sessio n Pro fesso r W es t, Mr. and Mrs. prevent irritation. Le t us came full y up to th e standard s o f th e teve n so ll we r e vi s ito rs in th e Ha ll society. Th e p ro gram wa c n t i1·e ly in o n e e ve n ing. supply you. Choice C ut Flowers and Corsage the hand s o f th e Seni ors wh o di s p layM i s E lizabeth C o ppo ck and Miss ed careful preparati o n in b o th m u s ica l Bouquets. B e tty H e n der son of W es t Mi lto n , and literary produc tion s. Charlotte Kurtz' s val e d ictory, " See­ O hi o, cam e to see C leo ov er t h e week­ The Nyal Q uality S tore. ing the U nsee n" , wa s philosop hi ca l in e n d . S. State St. Citizen 345 character. "The Id eal vVo m a nh o od " , B etty Fri es h a s .been o n t h e s ick president's inaugural, by A li ce Ha ll li s t. gave a practical app eal to t h e best in G. W . HE ND ERSO N, M . D. woman, while the C riti c's a d d r ess. b y T hu rsday nig h t V irg in ia B ur tn er Rena Rayot , had for its th e m e "Patri - h~d E lean or J o hn son in t h e Ha ll fo r Office R esidence State and Plum 99 S. State otism in its rel a ti o n s to th e War." dtn n e r. 10 to 11 A . M.. I to 4 P. M . S un ­ A li ce Ha ll we n t hom e t o D ayto n The mu sical numb e r s co n s isted of a days and Evenings by appoint m en t vocal quartet by Neva A nd e r so n w it h h e r m o th er , F r iday m o rnin g . Mertz, Stella Kurtz , H e len Enso r a nd c·1rc t eG Ia d ys H o wa r d v1s1 · · 1e d 111 · R . uth Fries, a p iano s o lo b y Ste lla v1. 11 e , an d K a th enne · w a1· 111 · D ay t 011 , Kurtz, a voca l solo by N eva A n de rh k d G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. o ve r t e w e e -e n . . son Mertz, and a piano duet by S t e l la F rid ay night, at a late hour, E s th er Kurtz and Rach el C ox Robert s. East Colleg e Ave. A large number of visito rs enjoye d Harley and Edna Hoope r had a pus h . Phones- Citizen 26 Bell 84 E d y th e Cav e's folk s visited her this, the last appearan ce of the S e n ­ S unday . iors in Philal eth ean Ope n S es s io n.









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