The Tan and Cardinal PU BLISHED IN T HE I
VO'L. I.
N o. 28.
MA Y 6, 1918.
College P r ofs and Students SCI E NC E C LUB M EETS F o r m Ins t r ument.ii ~uartct. I ____ _ Among t h e m an y organization a t New Office r s for the Co ming Year t t er bc in th e r e is one t hat has probW El t d T p Leaders are Putting Forth Eve r y ah ly escap ed th e notice of e,·cn th e ere cc c wo apers on Clever L ittle Comedy Written By Effort to go " Over the Top" F ood Conse r va tion W ere Read. closes t o b se rv e rs. T h is o r gaui za R ich ard Pryce A b ly Ha ndled by . on May 9. T h e regu lar m o nthly mee tin g of t io n h as b ee n " du bbed" by P r o fesso r Cast Chosen from Junior Class. G r a bill "T h e o ll ege l n t rum e n ta l t he O tt erb ein cie n ce Clu b wa s h eld $200,000 ALREADY REPORT E D Q uarte t. " lt i compo. ed o f M is es in aum H a ll la t Mo n day eve nin g, at G O O D C ROW D P R E SENT WcatervillcDistrict Subscribes N early Gr iffit h a n d 'vVr igh t . t u d\!nts: an d w hi c h tim e elec t ion of office r s for the Twice Its Quota-South E ast Pro fc so r s Grab ill and Spe sa rd. e n · uin g yea r were elec ted . Play Was D irected by P rofessor Ohio Will R each $50,000. Fritz-New Scen ery I s' a Great T hi s co mpa ny o f mu sicia n s p laye d T h e p resons to fi ll t he chairs of t he With on ly thr ee m o r e day to wor k fo r th e c la ss banqu et th is year a nd I ~~ fo r th e com in g y~ar are M!ss I m provement to the S tage. the a ll ege auth o riti es a r p ut t in g it was lea rn ed re,en t ly that t h ey have Mma m Geo r ~e, pr:s1dent; M iss l Before a we ll fi ll ed house, last Fri forth ev e r y effo rt t o r eac h th ei r goa l a Ha nge d date to play for H ig h Mery l Bla ck, vice preside nt; Ke n ne_th day eve n ing t h e class of !9 !9 pre of $400,000 fo r n e w en dow m ent. Tochoo l co m m n cement . uch a n o r- J . co tt, sec retary: and . E. M ull 111. cntcd "Litt! Mrs. •ummin" a comward thi sum th f•y a r e r eportin g ga ni zatio n in co llege i to be appre ~ 1y wn'tt en 1Jy 1,, 1 . 1, arc1 .p rycc, t o ti 1e . - treas ur er. A ll t hese peop le are well -< $100,000 in t h eir hand s w ith man y o f ciatcd by st ud en ts and fac ui ty a I1kc. fit t ed to h o ld th l'ir ya rio us office and t'15f t'10 11 f 1 t I t the cha rg e s no t ye t thr o ug h with th eir Th e in strum e nt s II eel ar c; Mi s to be th e backbone of th e cience 1ors. comp cEv e sa specdid ary meac m ber o f t tht:'.ie cast work . Th er e app ear s to be no d o ubt \\·ri g ht p ia no i t. lVfi Gr i ffi th vio lin - Cl u b fo 1· n ex t year. exce ll ent work a n d d esc·rve hearty in th e mi nd s o f t he Ic-a d e rs but th at i ·t. P ro fesso r G rab ill c la rineti t, a n d F o II ow m · g t·11c e Icc t1·on o f t h e o ffi - co mmendation for t ht:'.ir efforts. wn s th e ,vh o le P ro fesso r S1Jessa r d ce ll oi · t. · whc n th e h· nal da Y cl~ a cers t h e progran~ 0 f 1h c evenmg The story of th e piay is t hat of amount will b e pro v id e d for , wi-th a was rend er ed . Th is part. of t h e even- Clarance Eglamorc's t roubles with his probab le margin ·le ft o ve r.· ing en te rta in .ment co. n s is ted • - 1aw w 110 1s • cont111 • u111 • g reark f . . o f two . mo th er-111 T he necessary 111 cr eas e 111 wo r · or , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ papers bot h sim il a r _111 t h eir subJ ect ranging th e things w hi ch Clarance has the fina l da y of the driv e ha mad e it 1 ,, ma tt er. T hose r ea dm g th e papers t 'l' h h ' f t f th ti • imperative to increa se th e fo r ce of "Th e Co m p le te Co !l ege am p us d'or were Misses A lice Hall and Me r y l pu up. . e c ie es. o ese 1111gs . h ffi h b t II a co m p l t c co ll ege h fe was ab ly isare two pictures w hi ch larancc has Black. T h.ese . prod u ct1ons . 1t >v ,var' ·[ too. k up receive • d as a weeId 111g ' heIp an d· t c o •cc .a · • ee n a c• bua y cussed la s t T u esd av 111g1 . pres 11 1• •'v[ rs. 1 fill ed_ fr~m mo rnm g 1I 11 n1 ~ 1It WJ t e n - aret R awle . A· a new ·coll e c he food s1tuat1011 and llo rLlat1011 to Cummin des ires t h .. to !)t:'. hu ng in thus1ast 1c tud ent s h e lp in g to ge t g y g th e wa r, a nd b ro u ght o u t the great . f . . cl ch a p el fe ll in ruin s be ca u e th e towe r . f . b' p lace o f larancc's por t raits o his news ancI h eIps to ti, e vari o us 1ca ers II neces_ s1ty o con erv111g every it fat h er and 111 o tlicr. larailCC cleci' d es b ft lack ed su ffic i nt s upport, o a co ege · an d chur cI1es. ,No t i1111 g 1, as ee n Ie . . . po s1b le. f ·c1c1· h' undone for thi la s t !fo r t to m ake the life is 111 comp let e u ni~ ~ t he ~h ys1ca l, upon severa 1 mean s o n 111g 1111socia l. men ta l and sp1ntual ides are A l th0 ug h t h ese papers were of a e lf of Mrs. Cummi n b efore she spoils people realiz e th e g r ea t n eed of t he ir a ll d eveloped. · , ve develop th e sp ir- sum · ·1a r nature yet t I1 ey were h an di e cl his chances with hi s ri ch old uncl e. · sue h a d 1'ff erent way t I1a t th e pro- 1 Things come to a · Ii max when Mrs. denominati o nal coll ege. it ua l sid e by prayer. Bible study and 111 · · The \ \' es tervill r di s tri c t has p ra c ti - service for hr ist thr e different or- gram was a very en t er t amtng one as Cummin d ecides t o go h ome and cally fini hed its wo rk a nd ha aston- an izations as the church and u nday w e 11 as b eing · 1·mg IY ms · t rue t'ive. Juliet to accompany h r, whi le the xceec g ished th e lead ers with th e ir r es ul ts. . ch oo l. But Y . V,.T, . A . gives pe rrich old uncle ha s marri ed usy This district comp osed o f th e \ Ve te r- h aps t h e best opportunity for deve lopPlain. In the end a ll turns out right ville church a nd fo ur s mall co u n t ry ment of t h e spi'r it ual life of co ll ege r \ for larance, hi s mother-in- law charges had o n its s h o uld er s o n eirl s a ll ove r th e wor ld. Here is a leaves an d hi s r i h o ld u ncle has made g seventh of t he w ho le am o unt appor• • • • tioned to So ut h E ast O h io Co n fe r e n ce cha nce for lead er shi p and a ch a n ce to ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ar ra nge m e nts to leave h is mo n ey to his n ep h ew. Ser ve Oth e r s · r s "J sus and Ma n," or a sum of $7,000. ow that th ey T h e ch apte T h e Y. M . C. A. was privileged last A II t he charac ter s v.icr we ll adapt are through , Pro fe . o r Co rn et et, o n e Thur day evening to hear Rev. J . ed to t h eir par ts th us making t he pro of the confe ren ce leaders, r eports " J es us' Teachin g upon . in" a n d "Th e Ch o ice of t h e C r o s" from " J es us o f F ra nk Sm it h , a ret ired Met h odist min du ction m u ch bett er. Miss Bur t n er, (Con tinu ed on page t wo.) H istory" we r e rev iewed by M r s. L. iste r of We terv ill e. T h e speaker as Mrs. C u mm in deserves on ly the A. Vl'e inla n d. T h ese ta lk are prov base d h is remark s on t he e wo rds best comme n dation for h er exce ll ent Young Aviator Is a V ictim in g ve r y in te r es ti ng and h elpful and fr o m Pa ul , "Her e in I exe rcise myself wor k. Mis s. F.raz ier a nd A. C. Sid of Mishap But E s capes H a rm. th e g irl s wi ll be so r ry when t h e last to have a conscience d vo id of of da ll were w ell a da pted t o play the par t s of M r. a nd Mrs. Cla ra n ce In a letter from Ri chard Seneff, a o f t h e series o f ta lk is g iven a t th e fe n se t o God a n d man." T h e ta lk was an inte r es ti ng and Eglamo re an d did fin e work. Miss fo rmer student in Otte rb ein , h e t e ll s nex~ mee ting. p r ofi ta bl e di scussion on th e power o f Warner, as S usy P lain , p layed h er of the t hrillin g exp e rience whi ch h e Sunday Schools to Meet. co n scie n ce. Rev. M r. S mith b ro ught part we ll in th a t s h e broug h t ou t so had a few weeks ago whi le man o u ve r S unday sch ools o f Blendo n t ow n o u t ver y clearly th a t alth ou g h w e we ll th e chara cte ri sti cs tha t th e ing wit h an ar eop lan c so me w h e r e in France. "Dick", a s h e wa s kn ow n to shi p will h o ld a conve n t ion S un day meet ma ny n ew pr o bl em s in o ur a u t ho r in ten ded to po rtray. Her ef the student s, wa att em p ting to mak e a fternoo n an d eve ni ng, May 12. T h e ,school li fe we can settle t h em a ll b y forts are deser vin g o f o nl y the high a landing, and an a cco u n t of t he pres afte rn oo n sessio n w ill be he ld in the an appea l to our conscience. He d e est pra ise. Mrs. P lai n and Uncle ence of om e ot h e r mach in e h was P r esbyteria n ch urch and Prof. R. H . fined conscience as the soul's answer Horace p layed by Miss Wier and J. forced to tr y a seco nd t ime. At the Wagoner wi ll be the speaker. The to the question, "What ough t I to C. ·iddall r espec ti v ly, were equa ll y second tria l, h oweve r , a li ttle gust o f eve n in g session wi ll be in the United do?" The essential thing in t h e re we ll li ked by th e lis te ne rs. T he part wind caught hi plan e a n d b eing too Breth ren c hur ch and L. H. Bulkley, of ligious life is to bear t h e right re of ands, take n by H. E . Michael peak. His s ubject lationship to God and man, and this brought out clea rl y t he character of do e to t he g round to ma n ouver he Co lu mb u s, w ill wa hurl ed h eadl ong to Mother wi ll be "Five Sunday School Ange ls". relation hip depends on our consci a typ ical English man . The parts M r s. Metz ler , of the State Sunday ence. By several str iking illu stra tak en by Misses Bovee and Wilhelm Earth . Hi s machin e was comp letely and L. J . W oo d w er e we ll hand led and de molis hed but Mr. Sen eff was u n Sch ool Association, is expec t ed to tions h e sh owed the power of co n sci deserve mu ch credit. ence for r ig h t in the lives o f peop le. speak at one o r bo t h of these m ethur t except for a few scr a t ch es a n d A great dea l of th e success of the The meet ing was dese rv ing o f a bruises. A lat er lett e r fro m him ings. Rev. J ames Best is president of· th e larger attendance than was p resen t. (Continu ed o n page two.) brings the word that h e is in fine con town hip association. dition again .
Y. W. C. A.
y MC A
Page Two
Iir.=======================================================ffl I
ALUMNALS . '16. 1111ss Mary Nichols, who ha been t aching a t Vikcton, Ohio, for the last l wo years, wa elected to a po 1t1011 in the \V esterv illc lli gh School at the las t meeting of th e board of cducati 11. Other Otterbe in graduates reelected to positions in the \\'cs tcrvill c sc hools are \ V. A. Kline, ' 16, pri ncipal oi the High Sc hool; Otis F l ok, '00, and Margaret Gaver, ' 12, teac h ers in the High Schoo l ; Hel en Moses, ' 16, Ethe l Hill, '07, and Mario n E lliott, '17, teacher · in the grade.. Superintendent 'vV ar son, 'OS, wa: ree lected at an earlie r 111 cting of the hoard.
COCHRAN NOTES. 1\ g ncn d, \Vright we nt h ome fo1· th e week-e as us ual. Lclo haw sp ent a co upl e of days wit h Rena Rayot. Mr . anders and littl e da ughter Eva Jean visited A li ce Hall this week. 1\ picnic breakfa t was given by Katherine 'vVarner in honor of her cousin Loi · Ankeney S und ay m orn ing.
On ll-l on day even ing L ieut. Dari ~loore of Camp Lee. Va., was the guest of Loi· Radebaug h at dinner.
G lad ys H oward wa · ca ll ed hom e o n ' 15. 1\lrs. Harold C. Plott (Olive 1lc acco unt of the deat h of h er grand Farland) of Ga lion, Ohio, is v1s1t1ng mo th er. at th e h ome of h e1· pan:nt near \ Ves Lois l;irk's iste r, Ve ra Clark cam e tervi ll c. to visit h er for a few days. '94. l'rof. T. G. McFadden of J er ·ey L 'O na Paul'· marriage lice n se wa s City, 1cw Je rsey, has recent ly be en in the pap.:r Saturday morning, as yet made acting director of the industrial iur ther details are not known. and technical de partment of th e J er sey City .High School duri ng t h e abGladys wigart ente rtain ed h er sence of the d1rcctor, who is doing friend Loi s Helfer over the week -e nd. special war work. (Co nli nucct from pag e onr.1 '15. E. J-J. Da.ilcy is spe nding a few CAMPAIGN IS NEAR I TS END days in \ Vestcrvi ll e after an extensive 1,carly $15,000 pkdged which is a l tr ip through the northw est for the mos t one-third of the s u m r equired Anti- aloon League. for th e entire conftTcnce. II e also goes farther and say that his co n fer'14·. R~v. 0 .. ~rmer of. Deshler, c nce w ill eas ily reach th eir amount Oh 10. ,., as a visitor 111 We te i vill e la st a nd he expect a ll other div~sions to week. ' do likewi e. '78. Dr. T. J. Sa nder s went to HuntT he cam paign has created a g r eat I ington, \V c~l Virg inia, on Sat urday to deal of interest among the people spend a few days in th .: intere t of and tudents which is go ing to have the Ottc-rbcin drive. J a telling influence. lt has been inti, d 'f I timated by some that th e st ud ents F \ Z K I 85 'l · : · ;· d ui)n ei:,, 'f anD wi c will have · a big jubilee Thur day ( !V attre 1>Cll er , 9 "• 0 ayton, · I ·r I · d' · . I A ti IJ l:' , t· n,g it I t ,ere are any 111 1cat1o ns of Oh 10, anc r 1ur . , e1H1er, 97 , o N ·11 • . \V . ·ucccss. J o c1 u 1)l t 1,ere w1 he re c t c rv1 11 c . . . . Cl ev e Ian,,I 01 110, , v..:! r c 111 . f Jo1c111g e,·ery where 1f the whole sum to da y for t I1c fu11cra I an<I IJuna 1 o . . · f al I1cr, 1\1',' r. IJ :in 1e • 1 13 enc1er of 1s reported on_May nlll_ th. · __ ___ t I1c1r
· •. V'-!·
Cleveland, Ohio. '07. !lliss Ella Carn e s of Pickerington, Ohio , spent th e week-end 111 \Vestcrvillc. '14. Members of her embroidery club were g ue st of Miss Esther Van Buskirk \ Vedncsday even in g al her home on East ollegc ave nu e, when her engagemcnt lo Mr. Gladdon F. Evans was announced. The wedding i · to be an eve nt of J u 11 . The announcement came to th e s urprised ~11ests in a very upique manncr. Between t he fir st and second course of the luneh•~on the seven young ladies wc1·e asked to open mall pink bags at their p lates. T herein they dis cove red hand-painted pietun~s of a cat. When the cat wa out of the bag, Miss Van Buskirk' engagement was an nounced.
JUNIORS GIVE A FINE PLAY (Continued from page one.) pla y is due to the exce ll ent work of the coach, Profes sor Fritz. 111 hi I selec ti on of the ca t he used hi s best judgement and in his direction he :i parcd 110 labor in making it the b e t po ssible. Jnd .:cd Otterbe in is fo r tun ate to lnvc in her faculty a man so well fitted to do thi work. Another item that dese r ves mention was th e new sce nery whi h the Publ ic peaking Counc il purchased recently. The work of Mr. l\ li chael and J\lr. 13:irnhart wa a lso a great help in making the play a success. 1Takin g the 1ffair a ll in all it was a ~ood production and one th a t t h e Jun 1ors s ho uld feel proud of. , 'Ve ra Stair i enterta 111111 g her aunt 1 I a nd un cle, Mr. and ~l rs. V. R. Sta ir of. 13arhe r lon, 0.
T h is style and
W hile you
many oth r ·.
ca n
get s iz es
Each one hu~lt
selection .
for service
P rice $5 to $8
and comfort.
39 N . High S t.
The Walk-Over Shoe Co. C olumb us, 0. Mention Tan and Cardinal.
O tterbein Correspondence Cards, Belts, Rings, War Books, Bibles and Testaments U N IVERSITY
Remember the folks at home-Order Your Photos Early. What more acceptable present can you make than your photo ? Twelve photo s make o ne dozen acceptable presents. Have the best.
The Old Reliable State and High Streets For special rates to all Otterbein students see F red Gray.
Saturday rno niin g eve ryone began to stir ea rl y in Coch ran Hal l to show Students get ready for the big time May 9. their ab ilit y in domestic arts.
The Man On The Job A. A. RICH,
Insu rance Agent
Special Monogram Stationery Those who wish excl usive Monogram Stationery made up to o rder shou ld look over o ur samples. N ew and styli h designs. E ngraved visiting cards and station ery
Printers of" The Tau a_nd Cardinal "
The Buckeye Printing Co. R. W . SM IT H, '12, General Manage r 18-20-22 ,-,. M.!in Str::et Both P hones \ ·.'esterville, 0 .
TAN AND CARDINAL Published We ekly in the interest of Otterb ein by the OTTl!RBEIN PUBLISHING BOARD , W este rvill e, Ohio. Member of the Ohio College Press Association. Staff Editor-in-Chief .......... Assistant Editors-
C. Siddall, '1 9
]. R . Howef '21 ]. R. Love, '21 Contributing EditorsHelen Bovee, ' 19 Helen Keller, '20 Business Mgr . .... Kenneth Arnold, '20 Asst. Bus. Mgr. .......... C. L. Smith, '20 Asst. Bus. Mgr. ........ H . F. Moore, '21 Circulation Mgr. ...... C . E. Mullin, '19 1st Asst. Ci 1·. Mgr., H. H. M eye rs, '20 2nd Asst. Cir [gr.Wendall Cornetct, '21 Local Ed itor ............ \ V. H. Vance, '21 Cochran Ha ll ............ Ruth Hoop er, '19 Alumna! .... :............... Prof. Guitn e r, '97 Exchange ................ Vida Wilhelm, '19 Athleti c ............................ C. L. Fox, '20 Address all communications to The Otterbei n Tan and Cardinal, 20 \V. · Main St., Westerville, Ohio. Subsc ri ption Price, $1.50 Per Year, payab le in advance. Entered as second cla s .matter cp tember 25, 19 I7, at the postoffic e at Westervill e, 0 ., und er act of iVfarch 3, 1879.
EDITORIALS Get out into the woods. open wide your arms, breath r fr ee ly of the pure fresh air God has given you: then li e you down close to .M ther Earth, and listen to Nature' truth s, for they are the truest of the tru c.-Anon. Time Is Short. Just thr ee clays arc left 111 which we are permitted to work for the new endowm ent fund . \ Vhat th e three days will bring in, no o ne can tell, but it is our firm belief that they w ill far exceed any other three days of the whole campaign. From time to tim e reports ha ve bs:en iss ued telling of the amounts already rai sed, and to some they ha ve looked rather dis couraging but we hav e not lost ho pe for final victo ry. Otterb ein mu st win. In this c ru c ial time she dare not I sc. Her nei g h ·bors all around her arc adding to their re ources and she must keep pace or else falf in the rear. lt is not · · a qtfestto n of money, but a question of getting to the people. o far the leaders have mad e some remarkabl e record in this r es pec t an cl we exrect them to establi;,h mo-re befo1·c the drive is over. It means sacr ifice to be sure, but who is ther e who is so self ce ntered as to refuse t o help in this worthy cause? Th e spirit manifested when the stu de nts gave over 8,000 dollars toward the fund is also prominent in many loca l churches. In a statement
made th e other clay by one of our good hristian prnfessor it was rc ,·calccl that if every unday School in the nin e conferences would pl edge one hundred dollars each it would meau fifty thousand dollars to th e campaign fund . Is there a school in any church that ca nnot afford to pay twen ty -fiv dollars a year for four years f r th spec ial benefit of their boy and girl ? If you tak e just one minut e to think the matter over seri ousy there is no doubt but that you will r ea dily see how easy it is to put the fund over th e top.
MEN! The Union offers
Our First Four Pages. Readers of the Tan and Cardi nal will be patient and bea1· w ith u in this ou1· first four page paper. We regret vc1·y much to have to cut the pages but it can't be he lped. Gur p1·inter are unfortunat e in that t h ey are s h rt of metal and ca nnot set fo 1· us a six page paper. Again we ask yo u to be pati ent and we will do bettcl' the ne xt time.
you Columbus'
Hayes. That Uncle Sam's call makes the Seniors pass around the presidency of their class pretty frequently.
C. W. STOUGHTON, M. D. 29 W. College Ave.
Largest, Finest Stock of Suits fo Graduation Wear--BEST in Style, in Quality,
Westerville, 0. Bell Phone 190
·in Value--
Citz. Phone 110
B. C. YOUMANS, Barber 37 N. State St. Shoe Shine in Connection. Shop closed at 8 o'clock except Saturday.
15 West College Ave. Bell Phone 9
Citz. Phone 167
B. W. WELLS, Merchant Tailor Fine line of spring samples.
Hart, Schaffner
Cleaning and Pressing done on short notice. Cor. Main and State St.
& Marx and
Fashion Park Fine Clothes, at
SEELEY RESTAURANT Formerly The White Front. Give Us a Trial. Our Specialty To treat everybody right.
H. A. DENMAN Choice (\It Flowers and Corsage
Smart New Suits at $18, $20, $25 to $40
Quality Best---Prices Right S . State St.
Citizen 345
G. W . HENDERSON, M. D . Office Residence State and Plum 99 S. State 10 to 11 A. M.. 1 to 4 P. M. Sun days and Evenings by appointment
ld h ld That so,m e students wou o an , . . ·111 d' t' me tmg 1f a generousigna ion e h ted citizen decided to put a street ea r . light on the bndge. That it takes a good deal of will power to study when its such enticing spring weather. · miss will team That the track
COLLARS CA~co ~l 3(8 in, CLYDE ~211n11
What Do You R ead? The great question in our minds, is what do th e students that frequent the library read? We can say with safety that some only go becaus e some pro fessor has required them to. Again we can say that a few use the li brary as a meeting place. But about the big majority what arc we to say? If you will go to th e libra ry any day you can see for yours elf. Even if you should find no one there yo u cou ld eas ily tell what books and mag azines were being read most. Open any book and the thumb p1·int will tell you the whole story. Of the thousands of volum es to be found on the shelv es, those of the lighte r vari e ty. suc h as popula1· love sto ries and th e like confess to have bee n us ed the mo st. Of the maga z in es '' Life" i probably the most widely read. Isn't thi s reco rd rather a reA ection upon the stuclcnt-s? True we wou ld not advocate taking such books or magazines out of the li brary, but w do urge that the st ud ents seek th e higher and better things to read . If a student were to ask for some book such as Kant's "Clitiqu e of Pure Reason" or Aristotle's works the librarians would be much surpri sed. 1 Vie don't want to tell yo u what to read but all of us can at least think the matter over.
That Prof. directol'.
G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D . East College Ave. Phones-Citizen 26
Bell 84
Page Fou r
LOCALS. Kenneth Arno ld went to Lancas t er at urday to atte nd the weddi ng o f Corp. \ Vil ber Beck and Mis Est her Van Gundy, bo th of whom we r e in sc hoo l last year. Mr. Beck has bee n recommended for a commission for good work don e in the Officers' Training Camp. Virgil Pa ren t, a former st ude n t of Otterb ein w ill rece ive his degr ee in me di cin e fr om 0. S. U. Friday. H e w ill leave immecl iat ly fo r the coast to tak e a commssion as Fi r st L ieu te n a nt in th e Medi ca l Co rp s. "Tucker" Brow n left this mo rni ng fo r home where h will spe nd a few days befo r e repor tin g a t th e Av ia ti o n sc hool. The new draft ca ll issued T hursda y w ill ta ke a lm ost a d ozen Ott erb e in me n. T h ey will leave some time nex t wee k. \ i\To r d has bee n received that fo ur of o u r men. who were in t he Officers' Traini ng Ca mp a t Camp She r ma n have received com m issions as seco nd lie utenants in t he U. S. army. T hey are A. W ayne Nea ll y, Cla ud e F. Bronson , F rank -J. ch wec kh eime r, and Glen 0 . Ream. T hey have been granted at ten days' fur loug h. an d will leave for the so uth immecli_ate ly at its c lose. "Reamy" spent part of his precio us "te n clays" in \ i\T esterv ill e. Mr. Charles Boot h. of Canto n, O h io, was in \i\Testervill Friday and Satu rday, a tt ending t he Junior p lay and the May Mo~ning Break fast. Saturday afternoon he ente rtai ned Char lotte and Stella Kurtz at t h e "Passing Show" in Co lumbus. He is the father of C. L_- Booth, '17. Mrs. Mertz had as a week-end guest her little sister from Wabas h, Indiana. Bert Jaynes and Ray Harmelin k are a lso out in the field , presenting the campaign to t he peopl e from a student's standpoint.
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