1918 05 13 The Tan and Cardinal

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The Tan and



•MAY 13, 1918.






Philomathean and Philalethia n New Features to the Regula r citi es Hold V ery Impressive SerCommencement Festivities. vices at Dedication of New Four Juniors and One Senior Give I n k ee pin g wi t h th e u su a l custo m Service Flag. Orations in Annual Russell th e co mm e n ce m ent excr i cs wi ll be Membe r of P hil oma th ea and P hil aca rr ied o u t as u ua l wi t h t wo new leth ia h e ld a joint session Fri day Prohibition Contes t. feat u re if p la n can be rea li zed. eve ni ng in th e P hil omathea n Ha ll at MISS BURTNE R WINS FI RST The - e two new feature will be given whi_ch th e gir ls prese nted th e boy ' by Otte rbe in Professors e p cia lly for I oc1ety ~-1th a new se rv ice flag com­ the ben t: fit of th e lumni that are in memorat111g th e boys who have an Due to O v er sigh t of State Committee attendance at th e w eek's festiv itie s. swe r ed the call of th e nation. Th e entir e sio n had alJ o ut it a patriotic O tterbein N ot Repre s en t ed I rofessor Spe sa rd is p lanning to ai r and eve ry numb er 011 the p rog ram in State C ontest. g ive a eve ning of mu ic 011 the un - d • • f Friday aftcri\oon at fou1· o'c lo ck in day evening precedin g Co mmen c - c~rne wit 1i tt ~ r('a 1 m essage o s_c rJ' h . vice to the natt o n as well as paymg · . L B the Public , peaking ro m. was h e ld m en t wee k- tt1 tn c . . c 11u rc 11. 1:; . . · o n ­ enterta111me11t t he Annual Russell Oratorical wt·11 1)C g ·iv e n 1)Y t 11c a high tnbute to those of the b oy • , . who have an \\"Creel th e call to co lors. · test. Five co nte tants gave their Cl1ur c I1 I101r w 111c 11 J, 1r. pes arc1 1s , t' 1' 1 · . . The first num . oration s at that tim e. 11 n ew occa 1011 wt 11 . . be r on th program d 11·ec rn g. wa t\\'O patnot1c song hy Mr. I. M . I ti1e t k f a ·e pace ti c I ar ra . ·. . . o I regu L. J. \V oo d spoke fir s t on the sub ­ Cl1o I · I · · . "b l ward. J\1.r. \\ ard ts an accomp li shed . ject, ··Th e Man in hains." I. J\f. num ber w I11 c 1 1s 1111po t c t 111s year . \ Varel' o rati o n. "A lcoho l and rim " on a cco un t of the la ck of male v ices. srng<::r and ga,·e the ~ud 1en ~e some Tl · · fi . fine entertainment. J-ollow111 g the ckalt mainly with the cost of the . 11s promi ses to 1;c a 1ne occasion so lo .\Ir. A. . id Ja il ve an 3 dliquor tra ffic to s ciety in th e crim es attd de sc n ·es the attendance o f a ll Id . c C g-a rcss re 1at1ng to the o ll ege man in of the nation. \'irginia Burtner, the th a t can arrange to be there. , . . . the war. He to ld clearly t h e duty of th ird peaker, had cho e n to talk of The_ seco nd . n ew item wtll be g ive n , each one and how they cou ld best fill " \ \'oman's Pa-1 t i11 Prohib iti n." Her sometime during th e la t week wl-ien ·n •·r r•• I}:i 1·iowar d . t et p la c . 'I" _, 1~:, v,a, oration had be- e n care£ully pr epared, Professors Fritz and Grabill will g ive theti P ·ese it <l ti · fl ag tt1 · b ee l<' erv1c e and was exceptionally wel l given . a Jotnt recital 111 the co llege cha pe l. I If f1 ti 1 Ph' I I ti · I 11 . . . . 1a o 1c I a e 1ea11 oc1ety. "V ictory or Defeat," wa th e subject This rec ital w tll con t t of a co ll ec- h k h 1 · I b I . . . e r remar s s e p am y roug1t out of ]. . Siddall' p ech. His argu­ tion of c hoi ce reading a nd orga n the fa c t that this wa th e least th at ment were clear cut and co nvincing. numb e rs. Both th e e men arc ex- ti Id d h I · i cy cou ow t 1e1r ap preo to Herman .llfi c ha e l in ·'A Reality of To­ pert m their Im es and promise to · t . I I)0ys . . , . eta 1011 o f t h e sac n·fi ces t h at tie morrow" offered the Y. i\f. . A. as a give a line entertainment. Th is also k. · I · I I If . . . were ma m g 111 t 1e1r )e ia . Tl1e solutio n of th e liqu r problem. 1s g ive n espcc1a ll y for the benefit off , GI f d I 1u) 1 t 1itn_ avorc th e o ld "'gra d s" who have robabl mens ee t 1c The judges of th e co ntest were . P Y member and friends w ith a sclcct1011 l1a d an oppor tu nity to hear th ese f ot · t· , J R L n Mr. Doty, Dr. , herri ck and Rev. Fox . .. , . m ent. I ti pat n o 1c songs. ii 111r. . · . · ovc,I After all the oration had been g iven, m e n_ lt1 an evenings entertam . . 1e11 gave a \'Cry ne patriotic ac 1 hcse two n ew add1t1011s to th e dres , bringin g forcefully to the mind the judge left the roo m and after ome tim e came back with thei1· de - commencement •xe rc1ses houl d be a the solemness of this occasion and cision as follow s: Fi1·st p1·iz e of fif­ great incentive for alumn i lo come \ the revere n ce that was due the boys teen dollar s to Virginia Burtner; sec­ back fo~ the last \\'eek of the scho~I "'O"er T h ere". Fo ll owing this ex­ ond prize of ten dollar t o I. i\ [. year. , o doubt the attcnd_ance will temporaneo u speeches we i·e g iv en by \\'ard: third prize of five dollars to J. be sma ll as compared with other several persons in whic h the appre­ years but_ al l who can _sho ul d arrange cia tion of the h eroic ervices of the C. Siddall. to come 1f at a ll po s1b le. boys were commemorated . Because th e .·tate committee failed to notify Prof. Fritz of th e time ot the Stale 'o nte st in tim e for the win­ ning oration h ere to be ubmitt ed, Otterbein wa not re presented at If the d iscovery had been made space und er the professor's desk, Deni c 11 Saturday night. elsewhere than in such a well -k nown emerged, wit h a good-sized bottle in l professor's r oo m , if the tim e had each hand. Surpri ed and somew hat Seniors to Give Play 1 been elsewhen than a Prohibition hocked the onlookers turned to th e Commencement Week. \ Oratorical o nt est, if the discovery it- professor for an e,planation. Instead In accordance w ith the usua l c us-1 self ~1~d been e~sewhat than t\~o large of volunteer in g any infonnation con­ tom th e ·en io1· lass will give a play s u sp1c 1o us- lo okmg bottle , this story ccrning the su picious articles, h ow­ during commencem e nt wee k for al l had not been wr it ten . C\"c1:, the worthy profe sor only who de sire to attend the fina l exer-1 Ft iday afte rn oon -after the contest- blushed and looked exceedingly un­ cise . ant had orated to th e best of their comfortab le. Nothing more was The play se lec ted by the comm ittee j ability, the judges r etired to decide dOtt!.'. ju t then to further_ emba t-ra ss i entitled. "A crap of Paper." Try-! wl~ich three of the. five_ deser_ved the the poo_r ~rofe. . or fo1: ~he Judges hav­ out were h eld for the purpose of thi rty dol_lars rep~smg tt1 their p~ck- ing arrived at a dect 1011. came into electing th e best per o n s for the et . During the interval of wa1t111g, the room at that moment. variou part , las t week and work wi ll the rather sma ll audience . ocia_b ly However, the five conte tants are begin imm ediate ly to get the play un bent and fell to conversmg aim- now con id e rin g plans to repeat their ready for production. Professor Fr itz abl)'.· A~ter a~Jout __ ten m111utes! a J.r ohibition ora ti ons privately to the will be t he coach and a good pla y is S e ni o r with an tt1qu1_rmg t~rn _of rnmd, p r ofessor, in th e h opes of star tin g a promised . wh o had been 111v es l1gat111g the reform in hi otherwise blameless life.




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R epo rts A r e Still Coming to Office-Leaders Look for Success.

th e

STUDENTS RA ISE $1 0,000 Only T w o of the Nine Co-operating Conferences Are Reporting Full Quota. A Ith ough the da te for th e ca mpaign is pa t yet th ere a r c many pledges . till com in g in. Th g neral fee lin g among th e lea de rs is that th e drive ha s been a success even th ough the en tir e amount was not in by the final clay. The drive will cont inu e a few day more and it is th e fir m belief that th e whole amount will be in the co ll ege office in a shor t ti me. So far reports are fu ll on ly from two conferences w hi h show them ove r the top. These arc West Vir­ g inia a nd South Eas t Ohio. A great deal of praise is du th ese two con­ fer nces. J t is h oped that the re­ ma ining seve n distri cts wi ll hasten their repo rt and p ut th e campaign over. T h e tudents es ta bli sh ed an e nviab le record whe n hy May 11iiith they reported o,·er $10,000 as th eir s hare toward the fina l goa 1. It wa not expec t ed, of co ur se, that the second and third goal set up in the campaign would b attained at thi time. These goa ls, the in crca e of 400 in th stude nt e nrollment and th e addition o f 100 to th e o utput of trained Chri sti an work<'rs, arc to be ac hi eved in a qua dr ennium. How­ eve r, the so li ci tati o n for funds have proven a g rea t boos t r for student enrollm ent. Whereve r th e endow­ ment proposition has bee n prese nted, the t ud ent proposi ti o n a lso ha s been presented. Otterbein a nd Westerville ha ve thu s r eceived intensive and ex­ tensive adver ti sing who c res ults will be manifest in th e futur e, and thus progress has be n made toward th e atta inm ent o f th e sec nd and third goa ls. College Chapel Scene of Pageant. Friday eveni ng b fo1·e a we ll fi ll ed h ou e the pub li c sc hool stud ents of \ Ves tervill e he ld a pagean t in the Co l­ lege Chapel. T h is occas ion is an an­ nual event and a ll W st rvill e looked forwa1·d to it with g r ea t eagerness. The little folks as we ll as. th e larger ones did fine work in th ei r various pa rts and dese rv o nl y the highest com m en dati o n for th eir efforts. The music for th e occasion was furni s hed by the High Schoo l orch stra.


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A N D C A R D I N .-\ L


L ·•92. :,..;ota11 H ice Best, of New • York "ty, editor of Lit e Continent and son of Rev. Jam es Best, of \Ne tervillc, wil l sa il soon fo;· France, if, in fact, he is not alrea dy_ o n th e water, t o d0 ! Y. M. C. A. work. Mr. Best is one of 20 m en se lec ted ISAAC MERLE WARD by the War Cou n cil for six months of It ha bee n aid that no good can service. H e wired to his father fo1 certain necessary data co nce rning hi ~ come from Bowli ng Green but it is birthplace, date, etc., and to the effect the b e li ef of some that this remark tha t it seemed his duty to go and that was mark before c\ioa h I uilt th e ark fo r sin-:c that tim e ther e has been his w ife though t h e ought to g:>. Mr. Best w h o was a graduate of so me exceptionally good p er sonages Otterbci11 Co ll ege in 1892,, had ex­ e mer ge front the vici nity of th e above p ected to atte nd t h e Gen era l A5sem ­ mentioned city. /\mo ng these peop le there i- one bly of t h e Pres byteria n ch ur ch in Co­ lumbus this mo nt h , a nd to vi s it his that is to be fou nd in the mid s t of the fath er and ister h ere , hut will not be students here at prese n t. That per­ son is none ot her that .\Ir. I. M . abl e to do o now . '98. Rev. Otto \ °f\T. Burtn er of An­ \ \lard. '' !kc" as h e i" known to the so nia, 01111., has entered upon work studc 11ts came to co llege literally fill­ as educationa l secretary of the Young ed with possibilities many of wh ich Men's Clll'istian Associat ion at Camp h e ha s bee n able t o 1:ea lize in his Devens near Ayer, Mass. Mr. B u rt­ four years spe nt here. Ca n you im­ ner has bee n for t h e past twe lve yea r s agi ne h im a fr es hm an going to the the successfu l pas tor of the Co ngr e­ reg is trar for th e firs t time, hi ha ir, gationa l ch urch in Ansonia, Conn . (yo u dare.: not say it is r eel), his flushed somewhat as he He is a broth er of Rev. E lm e r E . face ·'plunked down" hi s first matr icu lation B urtn e1·, the co ll ege pastor. fe e? But if you were the one that ' 12. Miss Kath erin e D e ll Maxwe ll, made th e above remark when you of L ex ingto n, O hi o, was married to first saw him yo u arc surely mistak e n Dr. F . P. Bar r of Columbus at 10:30 fo r '' I k e" is o ne of the most prom i­ last Friday mo rn ing. After an ex­ nent se n iors in schoo l. t en s iv e wedding trip through the 1 t you ;ant a good produ ctio n in south, Dr. a nd l\frs. Barr wi ll be at your literary soc ie ty Mr. vVard is al­ h ome -at 73 Crestview Road, Co lum ­ bus, Ohio . Dr. !J ar r is an optom e­ ways o n hand with a fine tr eat for the memb ers. If it is a musical trist wh o has r ece ntly come to Co­ e lectio n he is al so there with the lumbus from La11 cas tcr, Ohio. best that i to b e fou nd in Otterbein . '88. \V orel has ju st come to v\/ e ter­ Or if perchance it is a reading h e vi ll e of th e re ce nt dea th of Dr. J o hn does not di sapo int yo u. In short F. Detweiler of Uniontown, Pa. He you ca n say that "Ikey ," a th e Presi­ was ill with pneumonia on ly a few dent has te rm ed him , is a pianois t, days before hi s d eat h. Dr. D et weiler so loist, reader, orator, and a s tud en t had bce11 a prac t ici ng physi cian in o f no little merit. U ni ontown s in e his graduation from Rush Medical Co llege in 1891. '99. Dr. vVillis G. Toley of Pcm, In­ '17. Stanton B. \i\foo d of Camp Sher- • cl iana . was a guest a t the hom e of his ma n, Chilli co t he . Ohio, visit ed friends aunt, Mrs . J. ·E. Guitner last Tu es111 \ Vesterv ill e las t wee k. day.

Clyde S. Reed

Get busy

This st) le aud

\\'bile you

many ot hers.


get sizt·S

Ead1 one huilt



for se rvice

Price $5 to S8

and comfo rt.

39 N . H igh S t.

The Walk-Over Shoe Co. Colum bus, 0. Mention Tan and C ardinal.

O tterbein Correspondence Cards, Belts, Rings, War Books, Bibles a·n d Testaments


UN IVERSITY BOOKSTORE Your Photo if made by The Old Reliable

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Special Monogram Stationery Those who wish exclusive Monogram Stationery made up to orde r should look over our samples. New and stylish • designs. E ngra ved visiting cards and station ery



Printers of ' ' The Tan and Cardinal''

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The Buckeye P rinting Co.

Columbus, Ohio ~

\ 'l esterville, 0 .


rage Thre e

=========== =;-.,~= -=-=-=-=== =============== == =======~== THE OTTERBEI~ ,~,i=a==============================iiil

to he1· four fold. Don't understand us a saying that we do not appreciate the gifts of the largc1· varit:ty for we of feel that th e re are many of these that Published ·weekly in · the interest no doubt bet:n given in the ame spir­ Otterbein by the it. but we just want to call to you1· OTTERBElN PUBLl HIXG BOARD. mind that this widow has shown the I \\' esterville, Ohio. rLal spirit in which the endowment Member of the O hio College Press campaign is to he won . \ \'e are n t Association. asking money for our own selfish in- J terests but for the benefit that such a i Staff drive will bring to the members and Editor-in-Chief .......... J . C . Siddall, ' 19 iricnds of the t·nited Brethren Assi sta nt Editorshurch. H e le n Keller, '20 I J. R. Lov e, '21 Docs it pay? That is the question Contributing Ed itorsthat is asked on all sides. Especially Helen Bovee , '19 this trne wh e n the subject in qucs- 1 V irginia Richards n. '20 tion is advcrti in g. Th e reader s of Business Mgr. .... Kenneth Arnold, '20 the Tan and Cardinal will recall the



Asst. Bu s. M g r. .......... C. L. Smith , '20 co~1pon in a rece nt i s ue which could Asst. Bus. Mg r. ·······~ H . F. :Moore, '21 b e filled out and sent to the college Circulation Mgr. ...... C . E . Mullin, ' 19 oAice as a p ledge to the endowment fund. On May 9, one of these co up1st Asst. Cir. Mg r., H . H . i\[eyer , '20 ons came to one of the Otterbein pro2nd Ass t. Cir Mgr.fcssors signed up for t h e neat little . \ Vendall Cornetet, '2 1 um of sixty dollars. Again we ask, Local Edito r ........... \V. H. Vance, '21 did it pay? Th e answer is evident. Cochran Hall ............ Ruth Hoop er, ' 19 Patriotism. Alumna! .................... Pro f. Guitne r, '97 Tn these days of intense patr iotism Exchange ................ V ida Wi lh e l m, '1 9 I and loya lty t o our country, w 1en o ur A th lctic .......................... .. C. L. Fox, ' 20 own boys are giving t h eir life's b lood




Days' Bakery

ffers You America's Best Clothes

for Young


to stop t h e invading Hu n on t h e. m u ddy fie lds of F landers, w h en we a t h ome have oversubcribed t h ree lib­ erty loa n a n d ta k en a Yo u ng Me n' s C hri s ti a n Assoc ia ti on . a nd a R ed ross campa ign s u ccessfull y ove r th e Entered as ! cco nd cl ass ma tter Sep­ top, it see m s st ran ge that o ur patri­ tember 25, 1917, at th e p ostoffice at o ti s m s h o uld b e ope n to th e s li g htest Westerville, 0 ., und e r act of Marc h 3, cnt1c1s m . Most of u s wo uld r esent eve n a hin t a t o m· d is loyalty, for at 1879. heart we a r e a ll t r u e A m e ri cans, n~ady to do o u r utmost fo r o u r co un ­ t r y. The tro u b le is t hat o n t h e s urThc chi efest action for a man of face we are in different. vVe are so I spirit is never to be o u t of act io n ; b usy we do not seem to have ti m e the so ul was n eve r p u t into the body to do the th ings for our country we to stand still.-J. v ebster. wou ld like. How many of us know all f9u r The W idow' s Mite. vers es of "Th Star Spangled BanE veryone i more or le s famil iar n er?" vVe do 1iot seem to have great with t h e Bib lica l story . of the difficu lty in picking up the latest Wid ow's mite, but in the co u rs e of popu lar song hi ts; we can usua ll y sing the campaign fo r in'c 1·eased endow- a verse or two of "Won't You Wa it ment t his story was enacted in rea l Ti ll the Cows Come Hoh1e ?" and life. It wa lik e this. One of th e ot h e r mast erpieces of our present age. pro fe so r s soli c iting mon ey approa ch- But our national anthem-n ever! ed a wid ow in th e n ea r vicinity of the The average audi en ce can't even College and ask her what she wa struggle through the first verse. In goin g to g ive toward the e ndowm e nt France, whenever "La i\t[arseillairc" is fund , him se lf not expecting the good played, everyone within hearing dis­ lad y to contribute. To his •astonish- stance sings this great batt le song as ment she r.ep li ed , "I have five dollars only the French can sing it. Vv'hat that I ha v, saved to buy s hoes but T Engl is hman d oes not know "God guess I can get along without th e m ave th e King"? for a whil e s I will give you that "T he Stai· Spangled Banner not amount." difficu lt to lea rn. and should m ean to W e ag ree with one man who ven- 1\mericans all that th sc other great tured t he stat~ment that this wa the airs do to our allies. lt would be larges t g ift of the whole amount in well for all of us to tak e a littl e time his estimation. By giving that five off one of these days, and learn the ! dolla r t he lady showed the real spirit J words of our g1·eat anth e m , if for no of acrifi ce. h e was willing to acri- other r eas o n than to give "Fritzie" fi ce for a good cau e even though she another lesso n in good old American had to g ive up some real neces s ity of p atr iotism. life. W e believe that if there w e re more peop le who had the pirit of this good W/() man the campaign wou ld have go n e over t h e top before May ninth. Certainl y eac h one of us w ill long rem emb er t h is gift and hope that this widow may see he r benefits returned Address all commun ica t io n s to T h e Otterbein T a n and Ca rdi na l, 20 vV. Main St., vVes t er v ill e, O h io. Subscription P ri ce, $1.50 Per Year, pa yable in. a d v.a n ce.




Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Fashion

Park Suits



29 W. Co ll ege Ave. Westerville, 0. B ell Phone 190

Citz. Phone 110

B . C. YOUMANS, Barber 37 N. State St. Shoe Shine in Connection. Shop closed at 8 o' clock except Saturday.

W. M . GANTZ, D . D. S. I;>ENTIST_ 15 Wes t Co ll ege Ave.

Be ll Pho n e 9

Citz. P hone 167

B. W. WELLS, Merchant Tailor Fine line of spring samples. Cleaning: and Pr.essing done on ahort notice. Cor. Main and State St.

SEELEY RESTAURANT Formerly The White Front. Give U s a Trial.

Other Goo·d Suits, too, in

Our Specialty To t r eat everybody right.


Wide Variety

Choice C11t Flowers and Corsage

at $18 to $40

Quality Best---Prices Right

Bouquets .

S. State St.

Citizen 345

G. W. HENDERSON, M . D. Office Residence State and Plum 99 S. State JO to 11 A. M .. 1 to 4 P. M. Sun­ days and Evenings by appointment

G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. Eas t College Ave . Phones-Citi ze n 26

Bell 8-4

Page Four


========~========= LOCALS. P ro f. S hea r's classes o f Ort hin o lo g y a nd Bo tan y mo to red to B uckeye La ke Satur day. T hey spent the ti me s tud y ing t he va ri o us pla nt s and a 111 ma ls tha t abo und near t hat lake. A dv. L a dies' P hoe nix Silk H osiery, 80c to $2.00:- E. ]. No rri s.-Adv.


The more you kn9w about clothing the better you wi,l be able to appreciate the dollar · value of Kibler Clothes. ~


Gladys H o wa rd , F lo r enct Lo hr and Y e E dito r wer e watchin g th e High School T rack m ee t. F lo rence was qui et fo r so m e tim e and wh en a sk ed t he reaso n sa id , " I'm thinkin g." Th e q uesti o n is wa s tha t poss ibl e. Walk-O ve r Shoes ar e sta nda rd and u p- to-date. E. J . No rr is.-Adv. Sergea n t Cla rk \ ,\leaver of Camp Sherma n spe nt T hursday a nd F riday a t h is hom e in ~ rest ervi ll e. N' e w lin e of Caps.

E . J .-Adv.

Privat e Ray Giffo·rd o f Camp Sh er­ man a nd came ho me fo r a b rief s tay a tu r day. Nli s Virg ini a Bu r tn er took di n ner wit h Dr. and .\I rs. co tt. T he din ne r wa in honor of 11rs. cott' bi rth da y. Get your Ad,·.





Kibler clothes have more style-


give longer service- fit better­ are made with better workman­ ship- than those offered at equal pri~es by any other Columbus clothier.

n. V. D.'s from E. ].­

Mrs. Ne\'a Anderson .\fcrtz pen t the week end at Camp Sherman. Mr. and .\Irs. A. E. Palmer of Zan es ,·illc spent aturday and u n­ day with their so n R ussell Palmer. ' pecial ch icken di nner every Sun ­ day. Ice cream pa rl or in connection a t Kew t-.Iode l Restaurant. "Bill" omfor t ha accepted a posi­ t io n as at hl et ic tra iner in t he Avo n­ da le and Juni o r H ig h School in Co­ lu mb us. T hi wo rk occupies a ll o f h is t im e. H e has been excu eel from a ll his classes. Men's f<"ancy Sil k Hose. 50c to 1.50. Men's Lisl e I nterwovcn. 35c and 50c. E. ]. Norris.-Adv. Homer K. Smit h, of Dayton. pent part of t he week wi th friend he r e. Mr. Smith will shortly go into mili­ tary service. A party of Coc hra n Hall girls had the "nerve" to face the rain and wind to take supper at the o ld tile mi ll , unday even ing.

Kibler clothes have these extraordinary values because of the buying power of the Kibler 33-store organization, coupled with our economical met hod of retailing and our established policy of selling many s uits at a small profit on each transaction rather than few suits at a large profit. Kibler stocks are complete.

There are suits for young

men-for father-for grandfather.

Whether y ou are fat or

lean, short or tall-y~u can be fitted and pleased in Kibler Clothes at $5 to $10 less than anywh ere else in Columbus.

ergcant \Va ltc r Bale has rec e ived an honorab le di charge from service. He was a victim of spinal meningitis. He arrived home las t T h ur day. Dr. B. Jlf. Loar a nd da ugh ter Kath­ erine are vi it ing F lorence thi wee k­ end.

FOR F ru it , Cand ie


~ ut ee

WILSON, the Grocer

1gso izs~ 7tll~ U .

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