The Tan and
lo. c.
For Sophomore Class Is Planning to Keen C_ompetition Among MemHave All Organization Work Otterbein and Hcilberg Each Work • hers of Upper Classes. Date of June 10 Is Set for Conclu Complete by Commencement. Hard But Neither Arc Able to sion of Endowment Last Tuesday morning the r es ults Secure Substantial Lead. of th e Barnes Short tory contes t At a recent meeting of the SophoEffort. llEYERS BESTFOR OTTERBEIN w e re a nn o un ced and Miss H e len m ore Class th e Editor and B u siness Bov ee was giv en forty dollars for h er Man age r of th e 1919 Siby l were electWILL REACH ALL CLASSES Both Teams Established Some 'Good co ntributi o n, G ra ce Annentrout re- ed. To fill th e edito r 's p la ce the class Records-Heated Arguments Were ceiv e d twenty dollar s while R. E. d ecided upon 1Miss Gladys Howard , Methodist Gives $1000 for Sake of the Only Marring Features. K lin e increase d hi s bank acco un t by whi le Mr. F . D . Gray wa the favorit e Sister Who Is United Brethren. Last Saturd ay afternoon, on t h e te n dollar s. Close co mp e tition was in fo r B u ine ss Manager. local track Otterbein's cind e r m n ev id ence especiall y wi th the tw o fir st At a later meeting th e r emaining A nn ounce m ent is mad by Dr. W . locked horns with th e track arti s t s of pe rs o n s . The jud ges for t hi co nt es t members of th e sta ff were selected Heidelberg and finished th e Ji t of were, frs . Frank L ee of V esterv ill e, a nd eac h per~on was chosen f oJ hi s or G. Clip pinger, dir ec tor ge neral of the events by a ti c 54 ½ to 54 ½. Mar ie Dre nman of O hi o \.Vesleyan, her r especti,·e abilities. For assist- Otterbein campaign, th at th e ca m The various ev ent s in th e m ee t and Walte r A. J ones of Boston. ants to Miss Howard , Miss Helen paign will co ntinu e unt il Ju ne 10. Up were all good and so m e fine records Mass. A ll thr ee of th ese person. are Ke ll er was th e first choice w ith Mr. to date a total of $350,000 has been were made . It was a nip and tu ck very we ll fitted t o jud ge u ch a con- H . H. 1ifeyers a second assistan t. The subscribed . fight from tart t o finis h for s up re- test a nd a ll fe l t that awards were assis ta nt B u siness Manager will be Since May 9, th e date on w hi ch the money campaig n w, s to hav e ended macy bu t it wa finally co n clud ed that prnpe rl y g ive n. I i\[r. C. L. S mith. neith er sc hoo l wa bette r than th e This co n te t is made possible The Business Commit tee is com- gifts have come in dail y. T h er e wa~ through t h e benevo!rncc of J . A ll i on po eel of V,larren Moore and Mary some di sappointme n t because the other. At a co uple stated occasions h o t Barnes. He has estab li shed a fun d Tintsman, with J osC'phine Foor, Vir goal was not r eac h ed on tim e, but argumcnts were indul ged in wh ich whi ch each yea r br in gs in in ore than gi ni a Ri cha rds on . .Mary Ba k r. Mil earli er in th e campaign it was fore from a ll re po rt s detra c t ed somew hat enough mon ey t o pay the vari o us dr ecl \\"a tt s and F en ton tea m s com cast that a co ntinuation of t h e cam fcom th e me et. But thes w cro so prizes. The ru J.:., of th e conteS t are posing th e L oca l ommittee. Miss paign would be found ne cessa ry. As settled that it did not chan ge the n ot -o ha rd tnat ,nc,re »t udellt should .'\ gnt, ". right will have cnarg f the a mat ter of fact, ther e h ave not been eno ugh h elpers. H a d th e field force fina l score in the least. e nt e r eac h year. Mu sic department. Heidelberg started th e m ee t and M iss Bovee's st0 ry "The Dream of Ma y [, r ee man and E lma Lybarger, bee n la rg er it is believed by the man secur ed a good lea d but so on the th c Return " takes up th e incid e nts C la s, eva Priest and Helen Nich agement that th e goa l wou ld hav e 11d th th Tan and Cardinal men ove r came th is co nn ected wi e present war a o ls: Ca lendar, Elma L y barge r ; Ath been topped easily within th e time and from th e n on it was a stiff propo - th e J ew ish que 5tion . A pr etty leti cs, Charl es Fox and Pa ul Mil ler; prescribed. Some of the conferen c s, notably sition for both t ea m s. yo un g jew ess has o nl y rece ntly b ee n P ubli ca tion, Ira Mayne; Society, MarFor th e Westervill e t ea m Meyers se lecte d to pla y th e leadin g ro le at a ga r et Meyer and Kenneth Scott; For •he Sou thea s tern , have gone above (Co ntinu ed on page fiv e.) was -th e hi gh sco r e r havin g accounted high sch oo l p lay all d s h e is te ll ing en sic, Edith Bingham ; Associations, for 11 o f hi s team's total while Co urt- h e r fa th er a st ern busin e 5 man all C halm er Potts and Eve lyn Peifer; Prohibition Secretary right and Beaver divid d the h onors ab o u t it w h en th e st0 r y opens. The Art. \i\Tilma Adams. Speaks In Chapel. since each mad e 18 points for the T if - fa t h er is a member of an organization T h e cla ss expect to have all th e orLast Wednesday at the regu lar fin aggr ega tion. that is looking fo rward t o a ,·eturn of ganiza ti o n work. Chapel serv ices Mr. J. H. Ke rshn er, Th e r es ult s of the m ee t are as fol- hi race th e h ome la nd a nd is doing The cla ss expects t o ha,·e all the trave lin g secre tary for the State In (Continu e d o n page five.) a ll in hi s powe r t o bring it about. o r gan ization work complete before tercollegiate _P rohibition Association A sist ecl by hi s fri end s h e rai ses the sch oo l year ends so as to be able gave an interest in g talk on th e liqu or First Otterbein Student to some m o n ey to bu'ild a univ ersity up- to go ri g ht to work next fall and get question as it is co nn ec ted with pres App ear on Casuality I.:ist. o n the Mount of Olives. Later th ey the book out on time. ent day problems. .Mr. Kershner is a At last Otterbein ha s felt her fir s t find o ut that th e British army ha s fluent spea k er and clever in mixing shock due to th e d eat h of one o f h er taken t he land and there is great re- Track Tournament Endsin the humorous things with hi s ad- • sons who •ha s nobly don e hi s bit for joicin g fo r they h ope to se ci a way Winners to Receive Medals. d r ess so as to a lmos t doubly enforce democracy and fre edom. Appea ring in o f ret urn. The story e nds when th e Ther has been no lack of interest h is thought. the papers some tim e ago was the o ld j ew discove,·s that to go back to In his speec h Wednesday morn in g in the local track meet this year in name of Harold Roland whose death the o ld co untry is not th e best for he b ri efl y related how th e liquor wa du e to di sease. For seve ral cla ys him and that it is hi s duty t o remain spite of the unusual conditions and qu estion is hindering th e government it wa s rathe1· a doubt as t o whether it h e r e in A m erica w h ere , h e ha s taken scarcity of m en. Barnhart. captain of in successfully ca rrying on the great this year's team, has come out the was th e "Ro lli e" t h at th e s tud ents I ( o ntinu ecl on page five.) winne r in the w hol e track tourna- war of th e Nations. He to ld t h e 1 knew but finally it h as b ee n confirmment, having scored the larges t num great waste in food st uffs by simply ed that it is th e same person who u sed I. P . A. Elects New Officers. ber of points in the twelve si ngl e making beer o ut of th em. Also he to be seen on th e ca mpu s o f the colWednesday m orn in g after C hap el events. Fox was a close second and cited figures to s how that gr eat num lege. th e loca l I. P. A. h e ld a sh ort m eetb er s of m en are engaged in making Hige lmire took third p lace. Th e death of Mr. Roland marks th e ing and e lec t e d n ew officers. The liquor who co uld serve the govern In accordance with the arrangem ent first cas uality among the man y officers chosen are ve ry we ll fitted for ment in many ways a nd would be of of the Athletic Board the man r e names that are r eco rd ed on th e h onor their various places. As leader and some profit in the se days of great ceiving th e high est number of points roll. Harold was a member of a h os- president of t h e a ssociation for next need. He also took up th e coal and pita! company and was doing a great y ear B. C. Pete r s was e lected. J . R. is to re ceive a gold medal as his re transportation issues and showed in ward , th e second highes t is to get a service for his country and hi s fellow Love was elected vice president. a very brief time how "John Barley soldiers, but a fatal disease ov e rtook Miss V irginia Burtner wi ll handl e the silver meda l while th e . third will corn" boosters w ere hind ering the satisfy himself with a bronze trophy. him and spinal m e n engitis claimed secreta ry's work whi le Bert Ja y n es All the r emaining men are to r eceive people. As a closing he urged the another vict im. Although Mr. Roland will co ll ect th e mon ey. To see that r ecognition by receiving a ribbon forming of a stron~ band o f students did not fall in battl e yet h e d ese rv es all n ews of th e association was which will designate the place they to fight the boose business at th e a gold star o n the service •flag in the properly reported R. J . Harmelink election next f?l ll. h e ld in the contest. chapel. was chosen :.s reporter.
Page Two
Ishou ld do for a man's religion .
'95. Dr. tephcn ~- Ma_rkl ey: who '13. T. H. Nelson, educational ecreFollowing this inspiring address has been tub e rculosis specialist of the tary ·of the Young )..[en's Christian Harry S. Gruver Elected Superintend- l every senior pr_esent told to . some n: edical corps for the 84th or L_inc_oln ssociation at Ph iladelphia, Pa., visent of Large School-Starts le ngth what th eir four years 111 Ot- d1vos1on at Camp Taylor, Lou1sv1lle, ited at the home of his mot her, Mrs. terbei n m eant. In these talks all stu- Kentucky and ha had the rank of L ,.. . \" t . . A ugust F 1rst. aura "'e 1 on 111 •v es ervt 11 c 1ast . . . de nts were urged to get the very most fir t lieutenant, has Just r ecently been k D t Oh' . . . . . . wee o n 111s way to ay on, 10, to Mr. H. . Gruver who was a - ou t of their co ll ege tra1111ng and in pro mot ed to the rank of captain. I h' d f b d h M report to 1s ra t o:ir t ere. r. sistant superi ntend ent of the sc ho o l turn do a ll they ca n for the school. C S • • N 1 1 b t t · · atherinc \Vai spen t unday v1s1t1 1 e so n 1as cen sen l lrarmng at htclia11apoli has b en re ce n tly Eve 1·y sen ior prai ed highly the ing frie.nds in Columbus. I camp in South Carolina. e lecte d as the up cr inten dent of th e work of the local Y. M . C. A. and said sc hool s at Wo rceste r, Mass. Mr . it had l.J ee n a great h e lp to them as Gruver is one of Otterbe in's noble ind iv id u a I • . Tho e taking part we re,. IFr======================================================================================ffi sons having graduated in th e class of R. E. Kline. D. D . Hutson, L. H. 1902. Higelmirc, and I. M. ~ lard. Ten years ag M r. Gruver was the ~ pecial music for the meeting wa head of th e Worthington schools and 1-urn1s · 11e d b y .vir. " II utson an cl M 1 r. from that tim he has been steadily Bowman. on the incline in the ed ucational world. For the past three years he I Get bu y This style aud has proven him elf a very good man Y. W. C. A. 1 in the lndianapo li s hoots and for ).fildred Deitsch led the Y. W. C. A. \\'bile you ma ny ot her . that reason he ha s been given thi l11t'Cting Tuesday evening, speaking can get I ZC Each one bui:t new position. on the subject, "Getting l3y \Vith lt."
The rcsponsibilitie con11Lct1.:<l with The lcade1· gave a 1·ery interesting this new place arc great but certainly talk after which several of the mem not beyond the 111an who is to take ' 'iers added their thoughts to the lcs chargc of th c1 11 . Mr. Gruver will I s•,n. havt· charge of a :chool that com-! ome of the truths brought out prises 950 instru ctors a11d over 30,00 1) during the evening were : "College pupils. Of this number ti: •re arc ovsr , ~cho I 1·ork are like the fooli sh vir4,000 in tic high :chool alone. He ,:ns who found they did not hal'e : will enter upon this great work ·nough oil in their lamps lo keep August fi,--t and will continue for a ,hem hurning, when they really needterm of three years. e<l th em. Superintende nt Gruver is well fitted I ,"Opportunities for real service come for such a work as he is a gradu:ite of to those who work. not to those who Otterbein , bes ides s1_cnding two years girls who try tot mcn: ly 'get by' with at Harvard l'niversity. In el'ery j.hlutL The person who bluffs misses other p lace he ha,q proven to be a sue- the chance for real li ving. cess and nothing less is cxpect.::d "The coll cg. girl cannot 'get by' \\hen he starts wotk at the \\Torccstcr wdl in chool unles she attends Y. ______ j VV. C. s\. and boosts it all the time. I lichools. '"The person who has the habit of Y. M. C. A. telling 'white lies' can not hope to Thursday eve nin g's Y. M. C. A. ·gct by' with it always. They will meeting was a little out of the or<li- ·ome to light so m time. nary since it took on th e nature of a "lie who lllerely trys to 'get by heart t heart t-tlk between the ·rn- J wi h it' proves that h e is mentally and iors and und r-classmcn. F. 11. mo rally laz) ." Bowman acted in the capacity of .\n int sresting Eagl 'mere rally is leader and in hi br ief talk gave the ·)romised for next T uesday evening. heare1·s many things lo think over. There is a rulllor afloat that there will He also told what a college training be · me surprises for the girls. I
fnr service
Price $5 to $8
and ..:o,11Lir t.
39 N. High St.
Mention Tan and Cardinal.
Q. o. s. Ynow what it means? " Quick Optical Service" is one of the biggest fe atures of th e Peed organization. \\' c do not sacrifice quality to peed. but throug h a pedec ted sy. tem we accomp li sh both.
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The Walk-Over Shce Co. Columbus, 0.
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A Good Assortment of Papetries. All Iten1s for the care of finger nails. Toilet Waters and Perfumes.
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Hoffman's Rexall Store
'\ Till b bett r. The la.rge t, fine ' t and be t euippecl 111 \.merica.
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Student Writer Tells of Queer Hap pening Which Is Solved By Bright Moon Light. It was about 8:30, soo n after dark ness had fallen . Dark it was, too . The sky \ as black. Not a sign of the moon nor even th e faintest g lim mer of a star cou ld anywhere be seen. At the top of th e hill weakly glt:amed a s tre et li ght, th e o nl y li gh t that cou ld be een except the blinding flash of an occasional automobile and the s lits· of li ght from drawn window shades of ho usc by the road -s ide . Th e tran ger and I loitered o n tb e way. Both of us were leaning lazily again t the ricke ty fence, offering a word now and then in an und ertone, wondering meanwhil e what was com in g o u t of th e darknes . The trange r was prop erly curious , for I had omewhat 111 ;vste riou ly brought him here for th at very purpo se-to sec what th c darkn e would bring. H e had not lon g to wait. Soon th ere s lowly came into vi ew, s ilh o ue tted against the light, two persons. They app-roach ed s lowly-a lm o t, at a snail's pacewith eve n tread arm in arm and heads bowed. . ~ far as w e wer ~ able t see, ne ith e r said a word. o int ent had we l,cen watching them that we h1d not noti ced any ot her thing, but a th ey passed we again dire c ted our gaze t ward th e light. Half-way up the hill with the whiti h ma cadam background w e could disce rn an oth er co u p le approaching in the same manner , arm in arm, head lowered, and with s low, v e ry low, steps. At reg ular int e rv a ls th e members of thi I rang e proces ion appeared und er the li ght and fi nally pa eel on beYond us int o th e darkne s. The '.;tranger had be come a lm ost intense. He wa 110 lon ger lo llin g carelessly against th e fe n ce, but was erect ' and 1 2 Crt with on e foot forward a littl e a if t Otl o t ep up th e li gh t in cl in e. An1 er couple came into vi ew . \ Vh en ti i cy we re opposite, w e h eard a faint remar k made and an wered. The S.tranger Ii tened intently to catch a Single word that might give him the key to thi ingular event. But it "· 15 ll clc s, fo r that remark and answer were made for tw o ea r and two alone. U nabl e t o curb hi s curi0 ity another instant h e asked abruptly in a stage whi p e r '·\V.hat i • thi co r t ege, or what ev e r • 1t . I. u p~~ -ed to be? Are they mourn •r s, I grim ., or what?" For an a)1 wer looked in th e direction of the light ~11d Sc:c in g no addition t o th ose who id j11~t pas ed, repli e d, "Pilgrim·. d 01tit." \\'e fo ll owed the course own th e roa d -way th t they had just lake11 · G0111g · slowly . o as not t o h uld ovc: rt ake ~tanle any if we th em, w e proceeded. A fult moon came from behind a h ea vy cloud w ith .,l~rtling quickne ·. Tt revea led a b_ridg - Beside the railing on both idc were li nc:d the m e n and w me n \Vh o had pas ed us in various a tt itud s of embrace. '
I'a:;e Three
Your Personal Cards Engraved or Printed
~ 0~
'09. 1fiss Una Karg has returned to \Vcst~nille for ~ shor'. visit aflt!r S)len~l1ng y1c _wm t<: r Ill rlando, l·}onda_- She will go to Chautauqua, '.\ cw \ ork, the first of June, where she wil l be in charge of the Longfel low collage du!·ing the summer ·ca-
1 •
'04. Rt'v. C. J.l. Drubakcr, pastor of the l nited J.lrethrt'n chu rch of Iola, 1 K 1 n. as. has entei·ed army work of th e Young i\I tn's Christian As ociation and expects to ~ail soon for France. i\l r ·. Brubaker (:\lartha Poloson), '97, will probably remain in lola during hi ab ·ence.
Bocl<r yc- Printinl! Comp.any W.-.trr"illt!, Ohio
Rev. Rufu. l'. 1Iillc•r, pa tor of the 1'resbyterian church at l'hi li p burg, l'a., is attending the General .\s embly oi the Presbyterian church now heing held in Co lumbus. .\lr. Miller vi ·i ted over Sunday in \\'es tL rville with the ia111il_v of his brother in-law. !•rank J. Re·ler, and prc·ach cd in th e: Cnill:d Bn:tl,ren church' Sunday morning.
'12. 1liss Zola Jacobs of Findlay, Ohio, was in \ 'e·ter \'ille a fe\\ day last week. From here sht' went to C:illlp 'herman to \'isit her brother, Forest Jacob·, who is now stationed there.
1n accordance ,vi th the v ry ne,ve t style . Thi 1 one of the departments of oeneral printing 1n ich ur shop exc I . Let us show you the
·95, Re,·. \Villiam B. Gantz, pa ·tor of \\'cstminster l'rcshytt·rian church of Detroit, i\lich., is attending the Gc:ntral .\ssembly in olumbu: and \'isitin~ with \\'e tcn-ille n:latiVt·:. , . Frank anders was a chapd at16 t<:ndan t :\l onday morn ing. :\Ir. andcrs is doing overnment work and is located al Dayton.
Personal and Business Stationery
'17. \\ onl has btcn r eccin~cl that \\ 'i lliam Counc«:llor has bee u called on thl' next draft. l le has be ·n in :\kron si ne <.. his gradua tion .
'12. F. .'anders spent Sunday with his parents F. l'. S111ckr~. "1 ink" has bctn a teach r in Coiumbu - South High .'chool.
I another piece of iVOrk for vhich ,ve have e reel
" \\'ar Prohibition-~ow," was t 1te tit le of the winning oration in the l't' nn syh•an ia State I. P. A. public spea kin g conte ·t at (;ronity Colleg.:, \pril 21i. }.lis · ~lary Thompson, l 'nivt·rsi ty oi Pittsburgh, was the winna: r1 <' prominent co llq{es particii,ated. The con\'ention too k 1c· · tion in f:i,·or of \,ar pro 111·1Htt011 an cl planlll·cl to make tht· college _of the statt· a factor in he final c:f1ort to banish the liquor traffic from l'cnn syl\'ania.
lent facilities. We a re \ ell equipped for all ort
;o this, thl'ir shrine , chosen it may be. bc:causc of its so litudt and a!>par ·n~ obscurity; they are un consc1?11s ot any other presence b(·,ides th(·ir o, ·n "Let u s return" I said to the urry ! . · ot even th e Farul ty dar ·s Stranger. "They ;re pilgrims, in 11 set foot on thi~ hallo~·ed spot." truth , having completed the journ ey
of general printing.
The Buckeye Printing Co. I
Established fifty y ar
Page Four
T H .2 TA
com ·s up t here is no fina l exam giv- I development of the herbage, and as it ! lh h ed so m e thin g like thr ee hundred en . . The maJ1 t?at has n;ade t he most is conveyed to our observation that years ago. lt ~ontained exactly five of his opportunity. \:1 ll tie the success- I the floral embellishments of the tho usa n d and e ighty_ words-s~ppos P ubl is h ed Wee kly in th e in t erest of ful candi date. \\ bile here a t chool m1:ad0ws are copiou (y and profusely ed to be all t h e English words m u se. we are supposed to be learning how I exhib iti g themselve in al l the mani - But t h e la n g uage gre w rapid ly , and in O t t er bein by t h OTTERBE I N PUBLISHI 1 G we can best compete in this great fold huci; of the solar spectrum, the old Dr. John s on' s day th e re were fifty B O A RD , schoo l. Tf we fa il t o learn t o j u dge I conclusion penetra t es our int ellec tual t h o u sand wo rd s in use. His fa mou s Wes t erv ill e, Ohio. o u rse lves we wi ll be unab le to make faculties that thrse afore me n t io n ed dic t io n ary con ta in ed that number. Member of the Ohio College Press t he most of our taknts in after life. cravings have b en bo untifu ll y a nd T h e n, o u r o w n oah 'Webster did Association, The q uestion is before very one magnanimously brought to a state of wonders in co mpilin g words with I of us and we must answtr it. re a t11,ility. It is nee sary for th cith · ir meani ng. Hi s d i tionary conStaff , you afraid f· th!' finals and if ~o wh)? cogita1 ion to he adjoined that in t he ta inc d a hu n d r d a nd s ix ty thousa nd E dit o r- in-Chief .......... J. . Siddall, 19 . 1• r t he pr ·sent we can "cram" b ut <·xhi lcration of our invisible and in- wonls-a n d t h a t wa s o n ly a far back Assistant , ditors, ll er, ' 20 iala ws: wi ll not b~ \1·arnl:d .when corJ) real flS)·chi al entitie~ o,•er the as 1828. Hut t day w have nearly TI Jen 1,e , r , "-ra m mi n g time"f is c los · a t hand; o approach of that revolution f the k r- \ half a milli o n f t h e m a nd are findi ng J . h.. ,ove, 2_ 1 Contrib uting' Edi torsI L eve ry one o us resolve that thi raqucous f orb wh ich transports it to it necessary ev ery da y t o invent new H elen Bovee, '19 sha ll be t h e last examination t int we asituationofgreater prOJ)inc1uity to th e te r m to ex pr ess o ur a c tivities and V irginia Richard on, ,20 sha ll dtpend upon the last two weeks. mo t conspicuous solar spheroid, we j util it ies. It is a g r eat language-a nd · t·1111s o f o ur own an t 1p:1 ' ti11es, · ~ g r e a l p co t l e th a t us e s it. · -n 1spatc · I1. Business Mgr. .... K enneth Arnold, '20 L t u s nroke . ui·e all t h !! t ime t ha t 1) e n t v1c we are on the safe · id and qualified inaclvtrtcnce and rcmissn ss, b ut WARM WEATHER As 5 L Bus. Mgr. ·········· · L. Sm i th , ' 20 for promo t ion. maintain our assidu ity for the respo nFo r th e pa st fe w da ys th e weather Asst. Bus. Mgr. ........ 11. F. Moore, '2 1 --------sibi litil'S conjoin cl to this inco r porCirculation Mgr. ...... C. E. Mullin, '19 One Among Us. ated inst itution for advanc 'd i11 s t ruc- has bee n o n s id erably warme r th an usua l a nd in man y c la s c some very bt Ass t . 1r. J\fgr., 11. J I. Meyer, '20 ,fa ·c you ever nil'l th c m:in about ti n incc santly and stmpitnnally. Jll;c uli aY r emark s hav e been offe red. s ·hoo l w ho i an •a uth ority on eve ry 2nd sst. ' ir Mgr.For l'xa m p le, " Pr o fessor take us o u t• subject, from instructing the students We n da ll ornctet, '21 OUR H ON OR R O LL u nde r th e tr~e for c la s s today. Don't to t he runni ng of the c II gc paper? Loc:i l Editor ............ \V. JI. Vance, '21 I f you haven't we just want to tell At several spc ial occasions t h is you th ink it i too hot to si t in here ·oc h ran I lal l ............ R u t h Hoo p e1·, ' 19 yo u h e is he r e and i11 greater num paper has taken the opportunity of fo r a w h o le h o ur ? and why don'.t th e Tlonor Ro ll fac ult y s to p sc hool in s uch hot A lu mna ! .................... I'rof. Gui t ncr, '97 bers than we could ever make you be publishing Otterbein' and at each occasion a requcst ha wea t he r?" · li eve. lk is t h e t ude n t that has a Exchange ................ V ida \ iV ilh clm, ' 19 been made to the ·tudents to inf rm Tr ue th e w eather is wa rm and to At h letic ............................ C. L. ;r,' ox, '20 wo rd of advice for t·very thing that o far few sit in c la · happens about the place. Ile in us as to any new names. m o re or I ss in co nv en names hav<' come in. ie nt wh en t o b e out doors wo uld be Add r ess al l communications , to T h e. structs t h e president as to the best It was a 11 ticable fact that the so n ice, but what ar c w • here for? Otte r bein Ta n and Ca r di na l, 20 vV. met hods of run n ing a schoo l of hi g h ' r learning, tells the various profes other <lay when t h e c n t ir · list as t h ,\ re yo u s pending hundreds o f dol Main St., \ V csterv illc, Ohio. college has it was po ·tecl and a re lars a ye ar fo r fo ur y ear for r e t and S ubscriptio n ] 'r ice, $1.50 Per y ca r, ~ors h w they can better the ir t eac h ing, giv s t h c last word upon the new quest that nam ·s be added t hat the r e p lea · nr e ? payable in advance. T th e bes t o f o ur know ledge a nd endowment campaign, and then comes were several men who have been i11 E n tered as second class matte r • ep to thi onice and tell us what is the service for some time that h ave fro,1 1 a ll th e fa c ts that ca n be gat hertember 25, 19 17, at the po. toflic · at \\'rong with the collrg-: paper. never Ill· n nported. cl ti1is c ho ol wa s founded for th e \Nesterv il lc, 0., u nder act of tlarch 3, Fclbw tude_nts this i a r fle~t io n ed ucat io n o f y o ung men an d women . \ far as we arc concerned we en 187~ I joy and appreciate an honest criti- upon our patriotism. \ ".e above ~II and n o t fo r a r e t under t he trees. ism . Every idea !Tercel is carefu l- otlwrs shou ld b.e deep ly 111 tercsted m I A t var io u s tim es and upo n cxccp tion ly gone over and judged as to its ou.- own alumn i. and. former tuclcnts al occas io n s o ur pr o fessors have given 111trits. Ru t th is particular person and d everyt h ing in our power to us a litt le r es t a nd he ld class out pay them the h nor cl ue th em. \ Ve doo rs bu t t hi s was o nl y for our p leas True joy is a serene a nd sober mo lhat kn ows a ll about everything ca n shou ld hand in these names wit h o u t urc a nd we ho uld 11 im pose up o n hardly be c lass.cd as au honest critic. tion; and thcy arc miserably out that t h any special urging and feel in so d em and be co 11 t i11u a lly finding faul t lake la ug h ing for r cjo icing ; the sC'at \\' · admit there are faults in the ing that Wl' arc re ndering our fellow w ith t h e wa y th ey d o th in g Let us paper but we arc trying to kct'P them of it is within, and then: is no cheer men an honor. They arc giving th eir wi.11 a smile go to c la ss a nd make th e fulness like t he r e o luti n of a brave de vn to a m inimum. vVc also know best for us , let us at ll'ast show t he m most out o f it p ossibl e. mind that has fortune under its feet. that our pr sidc11t and good prof 'S that we appreciate it by placing their sors are doing their very best. l n cn eca. \ \' n otice d an arti cle r e ·ently en na111cs upon our honor 1·0 11. \ \'e a r e fact the col kgc trustee · ha vc chosen sure that those in charge of U1 · ·r t it led " \ \' hy i-ah ?" a nd we repeat th e THE LAST LAP evt·ry employee fo~ his or hn qual ivice fh11{ will con:idtr it a great favor ques t io n , '' \\ 'hy ' ra b ?" lt s ee ms to Therc remains o n ly t wo more iiration to do t heir task. if \1e will do thb ht·rcafte r wit h out be qu it e a n o ti cea ble hab it wi! h some week s unti l w w ill be entering upo11 \\' c are not directing this artick to a special request. \ lso any names s t uden t a r o un d h e r e. lt n e ver made that week that is ·o drcadcd by m a ny any individual or bo ly nf perso n s. han<kd in at this of1i-te wi ll be anyo n e a ny. ha p pi er to c rab. \i e s ug ~tud nt s. Jus t fourteen days until we \\' c bl'lievc t hat this nnn ''kn wie" p1·omptly turnrd ovl'r to thr propl·r gl·:t that in slt'ad o f crabbin g abo ut will be starting our fina l examina- is flower in numlwrs in Otterbein now authorities. thl· thing· yo u do n't have, co unt th e lion s. At that time our JHofcssors than ever bcfcll'c, but to us; if thl: ' b!t,,si:ig yo u do ·nj o y . • \,ill in a way make an e tima tc of our ,he c fits, wt:ar il. year's work and decide w hether we !he Grow th of th e Language. \\'hat ha ve you d n e f r Am erica, de serve promotio n or no t. N o t W r itten b y W e bst er. \\ l' now hav' more than fo u1: h unOr w h a t a r e yo u g in g to do \\ ' hat will be the outcome? Thi Occasiona lly and sporad i ·ally, at drl·d and r1fty 1housa11d wo r ds 111 th e To pay th e debt y ou owe her is a qucsti 11 that ea h one of us tin1cs a lrno, t uni crsa ll y and epidt•n1- Engli,;}1 la nguage or in tht· l~nglis h Fo r w h a t s h c ha s don e for yo u ? ought to h, able to answer. In fact i ·ally. a \·chement appdcncy for an dictionaries, for mam· of the \1· nls there is 110 one in all the schoo l that amc l io iation of almospht·ric, thc r - could hardly he calk~l English. : 11tl .\n• you going t o ta nd by idly k110 11 s how nn1cl,· we· have gotten ,110111 t tric:tl and pluvial onditions has ~till Wt• ha\'e adoptt-d them, and in\t1cl pay no h et: d to th ca ll out uf the work than w, ourse lves. I bl'Cn articulatt•d by 111ultifario 11. an d ttdl'd lhe111 in our vocabulary it T hat L'nc le ·:i m is se ndin g out · \)C:ng · s SU:tarn1ng · · · lll:t 11 Il ' S;'\ ·., I 1·~Ilg _' 1·I S I1 To hi s childr e n o n e and all ? r•or ll ~ o ur examination '.S g ing 011 1 t 1lr0}!011101JJ IllC l I7 'Jr lrut If l l1 )' l u t 1e Id to s h uld cr a 111u kct du11ng the who le y,•ar. l l we depend contrn uanc,· of P<'t" 11al 1ty and con- langu'\gc mbra c,s near!) a h a lf mi ll - If to upon the last two wc,·I s to get ready si:io usnt· s in the propinquity of thi. ion \ ·onls. O r di g in a tr "n h . or fight, i\ncl this gnat \C1tahu la 1y is gr w- .\t leas t yo u ca n . ho w your loyalty for the 11:st wha t :1r·t we to say 10 clncat ional inst itution for sup rio r inourselves \ he11 w •· t.:ntu- .the gre~t structi<>ll. And. during th e po.rt_ion of ing at the rate of _about fiVl· '.housand lly g i vin g t h e wiclo\ ' s mil•. schoo l of life . J n that chool there 1s durat io n allotted to the mscnb1ng of words a year. 1 he war wi ll prob- • . 1 · no profes or that th ·is 1 aragraph1c · treat1 · · t•, as we e 1c- a>I Iy d oub Ie that growt I1; , e may ex-1 'n·cc1o m 11a11 g . 111 t 11c 1,a 1anc 110 final. 1· here 1s . ow w ha t w1 1I y o ur a n s wer be . . will t,. 11 us day af ter day w hat we vat the organs of v1s1on to co n tem-, Pl'Ct to have acid · cl perhaps ten t h o u s- G f . ' 1 should do and how we ll v<oe are pro- I plate comprehen sively till' in,•xha ust- and new words to the E ng lis h Ja n)ve rnm ent hyf G · ~c men can s , c rman y ? · · • ursc lv- ·1hlc and 1111111casun·able · expanse · o f g1:agc on a..:count f the struggle, for 1 ( r vassal s o gre·s s1ng. \ Ve 1nust ex:a m111 es. the . apphirt' vault of the' lirmamcnt, everything pertaining to the war and Don' t put it off till to morrow; \ h 11 we are engaged in ou r ,reg u- the meteoro logical regions of the at- to the ma hin •ry of war is giving u D o w ha t yo u can to day, Jar dai ly work som one is watching mosphere, and then as we meditative-I additional words. I A nd tha nk th e g r eat Jehovah, us a nd w h n a chance for promotion ly scrutinize the amp lification in th e The first Englis h dictionary \\as p ub'o u ar e livin g in the U . S. A. TIIE OTTERBEIN
THE TAN AND CARDINAL TRACK MEET ENDS IN TIE (Continued from page one.) lows: JOO Yard Dash-H. first; H. sec ond. Time, IO 1-5 seconds. Pole Vault- H . first , 0. seco nd . Height, 9 ft. , 3 in. Mile Run-O., fi1·st; H., seco nd . Time, 4 :59. Shot P ut-O ., first; H., sccen d. Distance, 32 ft., 9i11. High Hurdl cs-O., first; 0., sec ond. Time, 19 sec. High Ju mp- O., first; second place tic. · Heighth , 5 ft ., 3 in. 220 Yard Dash- H. , first; 0., ec ond. Tim e, 23.½ sec. 880 Yard Da h-O., first; H., sec ond. Time, 2:9.½ Broad Jump-TI ., fir t; 0., second. Distance, 21 ft., -+ in. Discus Throw-O., first; H., ec ond. Distance 99 ft., 9 in. 440 Yard Das h-TT. , fir t; H., ec ond. · Tim e, 55 sec. Lo w llur<ll es., fi1· t; 0., ec ond. Time 29 1/, ec. Two :\lil c Run-H., fir t; 0., sec ond. Tim e, 11 :19. Relay Racc-O., first; H., di ·qua li fied . . Total poinls-H cidclbcrg, 54½; 0 terbein, 54 ¼.
many more persons in the contes t. Former Otterbein Student Sent To Tech By Government. Dwight C. Mayne has been sen t by the ordnance depa1·tme nt of the United States army to the Carnegie Technica l _lns.titute ~t Pittsburgh, Pa. for a specia l course 111 chemistry to fit !11m to be an Engineer of T es ts. Mr. Mayne en li sted in the army in March a fld previous to this time was employ· e . by th e government as c hem ist at Bethlehe1~1, Pa.
o. c _c AMPAIGN NEARING CLOSE (Continued from page one.) their quota s. Others have fall ·n he hind. The gen ral canvas , out ide of th e conferences, yielded excellent resul ts. It i now the purpose to 11nkc an extensive, but s pecially af1 intensive campaign in that te rrit ory which is felt not to hav e done its har e. It i · known that some pe r on who gave all they thou g ht they could give are ready to make additional sacrifices, and that others who ha ve not give n are now read y to do o. But it is felt tha t there are still other who may not have been reach ed, or, if rea ched, 1iot uffi iently in fluen ced. Contin uati on of the cam paign will give opportunity to reach all classes and v 'ry individual. Students of Otterbein establis hed a record when th ey subscribed more than $10,000, in crea ing by more than $1500 their previous gift, which was in I' itself remarkabl e. Few large gifts were r corded,_ and while thi5 was in a sense disappoint ing, it i a matter in which the college folks take gratification that there were so many givers a mong t hos e who could not so well afford it. Dr. Clip pinger points out that of th\! amou nt now s igned up $13,000 is conditional o n the· raising of the en tire $400,000, so that it is doubly im- 1 portant that the entire amount be reach ed. To fail to reach 400,000 would mean the loss of th is $13,000. I
P ake Five
Otterbein Professors on Program. Dr. W. G. Clippinger and Prof. R. H. Wagon er will be speakers at the Ohio State Sunday School Associa tio n convention to be h eld at Spring field May 28 to 31. Dr. Clippinger as president of the Association , will preid e a.t most of th e sessions. Leaders in Sunday school work wi ll be brought from ni11e states and 60 cities cove ring the United States from coast to coa t. A good repre sentation from Westerville is expect ed.
COLLAR S FOR SPRING CASC0-'2J/8in, CLYDE- 211s1" C. W. STOUGHTON, M. D. 29 W. Co llege Ave. \,V cstcrville, 0. Bell Phone 190
Citz. Phone 110
B. C. YOUMANS, Barber 37 N. State St. Shoe Shine in Connection. Shop closed at 8 o'clock except Saturday.
Men! You'll ind the
15 \Vest College Ave. Bell Phone 9
Nobbiest New Straw Hats at The Union The lar ·e t and fine ta, ortment in all Co lum bu -every nevv· sty le and straw that i "rio·ht"b
B. W. WELLS, Merchant Tailor Fine line of spring samples. Cleaning and Pressing done on short notice. Cor. Main and State St .
Sennits ( Yachts), $2 to $4 F lexible Sennits, $3 to $4 Soft Straws, $2, $2.50, $3 Split Straws, $3, $3.50, $5 Leghorn s,$4,$5,$8 Bangkoks, $5, $8 to $10 Balibuntals, $10 to $15 P anamas, $5, $6.50 to $20 You know T h e Union's tion for , upericr quality and you' ll find our price f r Str aw Bat of qual
Citz. Phone 167
estab lished r ep uta and correct t y le the lowe t in town qua lity.
BOVEE WINS CONTEST (Continued from page one.) up hi abode. This story is cleverly vnitten th roughout and very in terest ing to I read. From statem nts of th e judge11 I th emselves they haYe had a great deal ' of pl easure in grading the e produc tions and give much praise to the Im authors. .\ nother year should ee ~e============================================================~
SEELEY RESTAURAN-T Formerly The ·White Front. Give Us a Trial. Our Specialtr To treat everybody right.
H~ A. DENMAN Choice C\lt Flowers and Corsage , Bouquets.
Quality Best---Prices Right S. State St.
Citizen 345
G. W. HENDERSON, M . D. Office ResidCJ1ce tate and Plum 99 S. State IO to 11 A. M.. I to 4 P. M. Sun days and Evenings by appointment
G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. East Coll ege Ave. Phones-Citizen 26
Bell 84
P ag e
You'll never find Kibler Qualjty Cloth ing in any other store at the Kibler .Price
R. \\". Giffo rd a nd C. M. Camp bell w er e gu e ts o f th e ir relativ es and fri end - he re a turday and Sunday. Mi ss Helen Bovee and Mr. Grove Gray formed a little circus party last Friday. Aft e r seeing the anima ls perform they went to dinner at the Chittenden Hotel, thence to the Ha rt man. /Mr. Gray say that those hotel cooks can certain ly fry steak. Norris Grabill has been called to the colors. H e will leave soon for Camp Sherman. Ruth ~oel of Canton. Ohio visited Grace A rm ent rout the first of the week.
You can get clothes at the Kibler Price, or you can get clothes of the
"Joy" Woocl-'"Don't you think my mustache becoming?" P rof. "Ros ie"-"lt may be, but it hasn't come yet."
Kibler Quality, but in no other store can you find the two com bined.
The citizens of Westerville who own cats and clogs are undergoing a reign of terror. The biology students are using them for examination of their internal structure.
If you want clothes of Kibler
Miss Alta elson who is teaching in Canal \Vinchester i home for the summer vacation.
Quality, you must pay one-third more for them elsewhere.
Olive Given delightfully entertain ed her friends at a push Saturday night celebrating th e birthday s of he r moth er and little sister Martha.
If you
pay Kibler prices elsewhere, you must be content with one-third
Dr. anders-" Man hould hav e two lines of work. What are they called Miss Fries?" "Betty"-"Vocation and Invoca tion."
less value for your money. Compare Kibler Values with those
"Dec" Davis was vis1tmg Herman E. Micheal over the week-end. "Dec" say its great to be back, if on ly for a few days.
offered at the same or one-third
Marie taa ts, Marie Young and Vera Stair pent aturday and Sun day at Mary Weaver's home.
ler Clothes Values are one-third
higher prices.
to one-half better than anywhere
"J ucl" id cl all to lin otypist-·'Let's ee, nine times twelve is eighty-one. We have eight column of ads." Mr. ha . Booth, father of C. L. Booth, '17 wa in W esterville Friday visiting Ott erbein friend . F riend of Helen Bovee and Grace Armentrout enjoy ed the benefits of the short tory prizes Tu esday even ing at a big pu h on the banks of Alum Creek.
else. -
., ,,::::;-.,,..__...,...,;,p-
Cochran Hall' wedding list was in creased by another name, Alice Ress ler and Ro coe Brentlinger were married in the Chillicothe U . B. church unday afternoon by Rev. J . I. L. Re !er, the bride's father. Ruth
-- -- --·
Values Tell--
1gso izs~ 7/J/~41:
oaps are high.
Good Toil
You will find Kib
"Colgate Bath" at l0c. Try it. Hooper acted as bridesmaid and Willard Brentlinger as best-man.
DR. KEEFER ~-----------'
The male students one evening last
Corp. A. \ . Elliott of Camp Sher-
week were surprised, delighted and' a man spent . unda y in \ Vesterville. He
Gra ce Armentrout, Glad ys Swigart, little chagrined w hen they heard the took dinner at Cochran Hall. Lenore Reyot and Elizabeth McCabe dreamy notes of a waltz come from a Mrs. Glen Cassel Arnold and little went Ji ome w ith Virginia Burtner and party of lady ser-!naders beneath their daugh ter of Marysville visited in •Agnes Wr igh t for the we ek-end. window. chapel Monday.