1918 10 14 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1

he Tan an Cardinal n · BLJ "HED


No. 1.


VOL. 2.







Weber Quartet Will Give First Num ber on Citizens' C ourse on Even• ing of O ctober 26


Able Representatives Chosen

Each of Four Classes for

I agg1 •'- I

M C. A. R aises Money to Bring Y. ·secretary Here for Whole Year.

!GIRLS T? HAV·E From MJLJ1 ARY DRILL To be Conducted on Strictly Military Basis-Takes Place of Regular "Gym".

Coming Year.

The \\' eber quarte!, male gation, will gi, e the ltrst Pumh1.r on A month after the he1,1:inning of BOYS CON TRIBU TE EAGERLY the citizens' lecture course. _in th<· school find Otterbein with a com- I GREAT ENTHUSIASM SHOWN" 1 college chapel, on the e,·e11111 g of 1>lete corps of class officers, reacly to Hut I s Planned Similar to Those October 26. carry o ut the plans for the ytar. The Coach Swain to Direct Drill, and Sports During Entire Found in Regular Army 1 In the following order the re>11a i! 1- J enior class is large. considering conCan tonments. · · · augu t hocly saw fit Year. . 1 der of the num IJe rs w1·11 I ,e ~•v•·n · d.1t1ons. and this · ·s \ . · M · .· ·,\ · hasTlagun Judo-e Georgc D . , \11< en, '" ' ovcm ' c to e I ect f or t h eir . o ffi1cer : Otterhern 1ur · · come to the front. 0 n last . ik- 29 : "'Charles R. Taggart, enterta111er. Pre ideiit-J ud son Siddall. •A ttent!On ! I n accordance with the ·enin" pr'"sident Harn1eht December 12: \\' atahwarn compa ·1.. \ "ice President-Florence Loar _general pirit of ·11reparednes sweep" . · d m,.:1. · · <l ay c~. proposition he f o re the .as· January 25; Dr. . Parkes la ecrctary-He len Bovee. mg over the country, the girl of Otd a ,•hich concern tlie placing Fchn-ary -!: G a;· z-Cno Ia ]\JC1ac•I are11.. place · h ave tal..en up ann ' . For . t· Trea urer-Ray Harmelink ter b e111 socta ion . 7. · . y .. ' secretary at t 1,e barracks , .\pnl w h o k nows what, may happen before of a ·ui Jin g of a hut for ~nc Th· lecture course hi story in \\· c,The Junior clas~ is th e malle t in the kaiser is made to sing, ..The Star and th e e<t Pl l •s Befo r e gl\·111g , ··lie cover a period of m re han I school, but there is no doubt that it Spangled Banner"? •·ns ias th e pep to ma k·e ·t 11·,ngs go, w,. th con,fort · ofourl0)· h . meeting Mr. 11 3 -' • ..ten• . yea r . Many hundreds of citiv: everal squad · have been organ h.is plan tJ · t d c that eve r y ·. -'\ · T ; ..., d student have been chcaed :we co 11 ce 11 t ra t e d a>• I Tt . .its mem I>ers. ized to meet twice a week for regu1 Y 111 · · ·· me m k expla111c d I and hfty nu.n an · · d l the cour es :--; eyer •'••. . Th e O ffi cers are lar military drill and sett1·11g up exer·t f two bun re< . 1nsp1re >Y . . . . . O C. unt secretary furr11shcd h?' fore was there such em inent need Lir ~~.:stdent-:-Fred Gray. cise under the direc t ion of Coach . would ha,e a h f t he Y. M. C. , h tertainment and instruction ,,f vice President-Herbert ~fyer s. ~wain. · Aside from this, the new rethe war work o uld l>e dt:,·ot- I sue t ehena cou rs e a 110 ,,•. Tl1e tale·1t . s are as k ed te take individ ual full hr~nc time wo • T ecretary-~hry C I SBallenger. . crmt A., w 110 e . k <\s Otterbein h~s named above is tandard and wiil rea urer- ar m' th · exercises each day that they may be o r · num · be r t h e P re s1- 1not di appomt · · · · d 11110 · ·" · the mo t critical. Tht sophomore class is fai rl y w 11 ippe con..-.uon oone r. Piaed to army " •red not the reqt~ for the placing of a Book lets will be distributed in tt' n large and eager to how the world toons and companie arc to be form:. ge · · Iy Otterbein unde r se,·er al .con,· 1day . Agents, t h e committee .iy 3. t h at op h oroore are uperior to ed an d o ffi cer c h o~en on a strict de nt a rran man at . ptit the ma tter entire!_ will call on you. Sea on adult t:ck- freshmen. The electi n of officer : military ba is. T here will be p le i1ty .. o. 11s W 1llC 11dei·ts "' <11t1 ets will be o ld for t each. with tht· President-1'1anson Nichol . I O f sports a I o, to re11eve the monotup to the stu . •k · , infort11ed hy ~.-1,p,:<"' ,., ••. ~----•~ •.,. • . •'· "' , .. P~,.. -,.~.,•. ,(; ,., ,, ,-.. ; on:v ('f ,lril!. Tnclo ran•' out<l "r ha~ • I)a I 1, arj: I1ery, b· sk tball,-and - - volleywar tax. Season ticket<; for 'ecretary-Esther Harley. M r. Harmel!n . ..,,"a,. 111 u~. """' -•·••-> ·- fed.:ral ,.1· ~ J, ., .,.t ·1cec · 'f b a II Iiave b een arrangecI f or. dlHI lhe '"'· ::, \\·ar \\·ork co111111 1 chi ldren will be sold at ,'jO cent, w,th reasurer-Mauric-e Colli11s. Ohio I I al . I11e . f I· planning ome Of t 11 ~ ~{ . •' . that if t ,e_ oc f r.,,·e cent additional for war ta., . com maneIer-111-c ..,_ The freshmen! \ Vhat hall ,,.e au · 1c . .,_ • · t n o " ·1 . J competitive h1"kes to ascerta1·11 ,,,h!ch · 0 tl . . · of furni h a por • . About 300 seats w1 I be re en-e,\ about them? • a soc1at1on c?u 11< Jar" in all prohab1l· each number. Re ervalions at Heff_fhey ha,·~ completely are the "crack·' squad . . t ry s sa , . . d overflowed their bounds rn chapel and I Al ead ti · . · 1 ,th e ecrc a . e could he obta1ne_ · man 's for ten cent . Prof. ~- E . ·or • r v 11. nt>w regime ,a atoush·- full tun d t six occ_upy almost two sections. From (C~ntinucd 011 page five.) . • ly. ,s . . crea e the bu ire f netet chairman of the c mmitt-: c·. their generous numb r they cho e: 1~5 ;:rs making a total O I O <lo / _________ Pre ident-Harold Freeman. Visiting Prexy Gives Talk 01 i undrc( . d o 11 page five.) , . ice . p re 1·<Ient- G or d on JJ t1nue Board Elects New Staff. ,oward. on Work of S. A . T. C. O11 ,,.. - - ___ _ · · B oar d o f t h e T an ecretary-Bernice Heeter. F' n•d ay mornmg • •. The Pu>11 1cat1on in ·t,apel , Presi1 " Calls Ha t d. I I · f II I I I Treasurer-Estel A !bright. d 1--T I 1 • nish "Flu T"me Being. and Car 111a t11. a ac t1e un• ent ugic s, o f ~»liami l lniversity,
















on Athletics for I u ua l and doubtle s enjoyable (?) --------gave a short talk on the .. A. T. C.s . ·c of Spanish influen7 rask of se lecting an entirely new The Y. W . C. A. S ing. thro ugh o ut the state. President ep•<1em• . g through the co - taff composed exclu ively of girl . Hughes i Regi onal Director of Ohio whic is 5 wecpll1 ate riall y • b f h unday morning. at 11 :30 the girls · tate !,as m Thi need aro e ecau e o t e un - gathe red in Cochran Hall Library and West Virginia for the S. A. T. C. I ege. of the f sotbail sche d u le · Be- certainty about the I engt h o f time . for a ing, to partially take the place He sa id_ that in O _h io the . A. T. C. · the . .A . T . . wt·11 re- of . unda y school and church. An ha . thirty-two unit ' and that every c·h an e d the o ntine an d as a pre· . I the fellows 111 ca us of the quar:he game ,dth Ohio main in Otterbein. orchestra of three pieces helped to Oh ioan should be proud of the fact ven ti e _me 3 sur e been definite ly can· The P ublication Board is com po ed make the singing more lively, and the t_ hat the youth of the state is re pondU 111·' ,ers1ty has of: girl enjoyed this informal gathering. lllg O ~ve_II to the g~vernment's call. cdled. has been curbPre idcnt-Josephine Foor. The program included religiou , pa - T _ he ex, tmg _regulation were made ic repre ente d ~n I' \ ·ice Pre idcnt- Ed na H ooper. \Vllen tbh ~ epidem vill be triotic and Otterbein ong . Dean I Ill order to give _every boy with the ed, ~ter e1nb ~ a splendid tean_,. . _n Secretary-Glady Lake. ~fcFadden gave a little talk to the ncces ary e~ucat,onal qualifications. che gridiro n ) terial i ,n ev•- ' Gladys Howard. girls. which impressed them more an opportu111ty to enter th e .. A. T. J of. newh maexcellent Iea der • ah unuance Leland p ace. deeply than orne sermons would have C · F· urt h er f acts which he gave were denc and withs t ~ a winning team \\' illiam \ 'a ncc. done. If our quarantine that keeps I that these th irty -two unit s contain . hip f Coach wain 13. . Peters. u. from church hould la ·t over an- about eleven thousand 111(11, and that dc,•e lop. I. h,·o o Id An ad,·isorr board i, C~ 111 P?-.cd ofj other Sunday. the girls will be eager th e government ~~ s1~ending about 1s ure to Al hou~h th~r~f:~:r/;:;t frot11 the !'resident Clippinger. l rot. \\ e111land for another Y. \\'. C. .\. sing. ;,500,00~ on the S. A. r. C. in Ohio. men . n11th an< · : , men arc ~ho \\'· and Dr. Kci,-;ter: _________ e con Hiers that the cxi;,ting state tean of la,t year: _n~1~ped that before --------Notice. of affairs will make the college mor~ in.'"' u ·,> "·ell. It '." k \ll>rig ht and . democratic. The heads of the -. , shrec . • Another Army Officer Arrives. There ha been I sued the followI I -~li the ne;,..t game. • . ed from t 11e .chools have 1ac c1111 cult. co 111 pkx 'f . _. J,a, c n:cO\ c_r J)claLieut. :Miller of Cle,·eland has htu1 ing military ordtr: that there ·hall problems to ~oh e with regar<I to tl,e 111 · d 111 t I1et take ·t· tioncd here to train · t I1c . . \ . T . C. I>e no to I)acco u ecI on the college changes and ad1·ust111ents ma<le t1cces,"ar . t' n. "ti ev receive 1 • K1100 s . I'", able O · d I11s · groun d s. on streets on \I h1ch · ". '' mark mansh1p. · H c receive and "·ill the col- sary b" the nt·w order of tt, 1·11 gs. 1 in \tar g·1111c . . . I I ' f • , h . laces in the line up. lo raiuing at Fort Sheridan an, ater j lege !!:'.ound · ace, on the athletic field President 1f ugh cs e ti mates that I t e•r P · , will be able to < t Camp Perry. Although he has or on College ,\venue a_ far east as ,he colleges will thi. year fur 111· 5 1, at y·t 1 •. re~ at our cl men the support tie,· . l a1 •en here but one day h c h as won K nox treet. , \ ny infringement of I lea t 20,000 of the 'i0,000 officer. 11 1 I· · · '"T1 •t•pen upo h ·tudcnt bod)' an cl 1t .1s· >t e friendship and the respect o f I· 11 Im, regu Iat1on will be reported at which the government will need by 1 1 c ~ . e,,· and old. " ·111 11 ceiv c frot11t student~. d once to the officers. n . comman . . next June. hop cI 11a . , . cooperation. 1 their heart) pa










I'agc Two





9) \ ,,... l'l lSING


Bcll AT T H I:. D O~M





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P.G.N .




price ·


' ,

WE ARI: HA V I N C:, ou t~ Tf~O U l?>Ll='i:. 1'11 0 "'-

B UT . OH , l.30 Y .




Bave you · een Evelyn Darling's Adv. new wrist wat clr? • No excuse for beMildred-Let's play tennis out on iing late to classes now. o ur tin r oof. Edna-We've o nly got one racq uet. R uth J)eem, leo Coppock, a nd Mildred-Oh! we'll make a racket/ Evelyn Da rl ing a ll cele b rated their I on the tin roof. .birthcla · last w ek. nd they re:•lly f -. I -celebrated too, as tho e who joi1 ed et your gy m ·hoes from £. J -~ ith them wi ll testify. ' hop.- dv . Everything good at Days' Hake ry. The harracks reported ti,·e cases - Adv. of influenza Friday nigh t. Dr. Stoughton was ca ll ed o ut of bed t o ·Marie Billman's parents came Fri ­ fi nd that they w e r e o n ly s ligl~t co lds . day, and after a c nsultation with the power that be, took Marie, Rut h Thc heart re ndering ru m o r o f ·'No Deem, and Marie Pearce, h ome with Daitcs" ca used i11uch we e ping and them. wailing within t he .. D o rm '' and worried the S(Ja rker quite a little. H owLet E. J. me:isurc you for your new tai lored s uit. ever the rumor is un fo unded . so c heer Aov. up.

University Bookstore _Th best place to buy


Mary Criff,th Rea m ha s been ill at

Pennants, College Sta­ tionary, and College Jewelry. T h e In urance Ja n 11 ki n d of I n ura nce

Otterbein i· fo rtunate in ha \· in g for a co mmandin g ofliccr of the S . •\ . T . C. :1 ma n with th e prindp les of Li e ut. Our comma11d1ng off icer. Lieuten- Johnso n . Every man in the com- --- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -. .-111 ant llrewster, has b ee n 1·clievcd of pany wou ld willin~ly follow him into rluty at Ott er be in to co 11 ce n tr1te hi any hattk. Double Wedding. Lieutenant lkbben and his I rid e enlin attention 011 the unit at Kenhot h were graduated from Otter e in. First J{0okc-Lo.:t a cla,· out oi .\t 6 >'clock Tuesday evening, in yon. ?-kanwlule w:C are ex pe ct ing , He i the so n of .\lr. and :\!rs. l . F. th c h o me of :\lr. a 11d .\lr s. C. E. Nich - Il e bbert of C la irmon t, \Vyo. F or monH·ntarily t he appearance of hi· my life . Second Oitto-Hows t:1a t? l · \\' a I nut J',oa <l , a d o u l>l e marn·- some month he ha s b ee n locak at s u cce,,or. Second Lieutenant George I o s 111 J\lills has hee11 assig ned as instr uctor Fi r,t Dittu-K P. duty. -igc took pla ce. the brides, .\[iss A lm a L' rhana, Ill.: as in · tru ctor in the in rif~e practice an d will tt"port '.\I o n- , L:i., t year we were much \\·Mr iecl ~ich o ls and :\liss IIcl c n Nichols. sc hoo l of military acron:iutics at the •.brt ~~~ )4th. o, er the <h·parture of our last "fa t'" Re,·. 11. .\lt>xandcr Smith read the l'ni,·e rsity of l llin ois. Lie u te ant The students' ,hopping place. The n~an. llut Geor~_e is. a,~. infant ht'- sen·icc which mad e :\li ss .t\lma Nich - Ilehbert took hi s :\laster's Dt r ec V aril't\' Shop. - '\clv s 1dl' our three heav,e~ thi, year. I ols the bride of Lieutenant Clarence fr o m Ohio State universit) and a iloc. · , It almost l ok, like o ld tim e,. .\I. l l ehhen and her sister the bride of tor's degree in .\Jathe niat ics at )llilhl' H'JHJrt that L1t·ut. Johnson was , . . 11 cii St~te t111 1·,·ers·1~ , · f (' • Thursdav mon1i11<> at fin~ o 'clock I aul .\Jdl er. :\l1ss :\faudc Hannawalt ., • ~ · 1 ,. tnan11•r, ,s a 1se. ,o a 11cat1 gll' 1s . , " ' 1· .ie11t c11a11t and ,\lr:,. Ilchbcrt 111 the harr;n·k~ a hul·k prirnte of the Ottl·rhcin Consen•atory p layed 1lr ·r. L. Alhan, of Camp Sherman, thought to play a jok,·. Sitting up i n a \\ecldi11g march and a lso sa ng. c\ . he at h o me after ?\'ov . l at 808 Wc·t who ha~ hccn s11 1~111g seco11<I tenor hl'd he mad,: a tine imitation of a dinner followed the ceremony. :\lr. X nada street, l.'rba11a . The at-l· ome in a Lihtrty Loan quartcttc, spent roosl,·r. .\t ti ,·,· after ti,·e his hc<l and '.\lrs . .\lill er lef t that cYcning for card,; o f :\Ir. and f\Jrs. :\[iller reac' l.30 Sunday afternoon with Ito Dehoff. I was adorned with ~ix shoes, a hall Carnegi,'. Pa .. where the bridegroom Rowland avenue. arncgie. l'a., 1·s engage d as a c I1cm1· s t f or ti 1c gov- October 25. Penny pe11cils, tablets and post l,:1t a11d four slipper,. The wedding was the a11ni,er cards. The Vai-iety Shop.- Adv. G . . ernmcnt. Both former ly w e r e stu,ct n.: a,1Y io r t 1iat 1.J ng 1ll 1,e lll'Xt dents at Ottcrb.:-in. :\Ir. :\lill e r would of the 28th wedding anniver ·ar Dr. Sherrick was called to Ship- Saturday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ have been captain of the track team the brides' parents. pen burg, l'a., last '1 hursday, to at this year. He i the son of 1I r. aud tend the fun e ral of h er brother. Patronize Tan & Cardinal Advertisers . ).frs. . F Miller of \\'illard. Patronize Tan & C ardinal Advert .,. 1


l,n home for the past two weeks.

1 ·




TAN AND CARDINAL Publi'shed \\'eekly in the interest of Otterbein by the · OTTERBE1 ' PUBLISHING BOARD, W estervi lle, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press Association

STAFF Editor-in-Chief ......., Helen Keller, '20 Assistant Editor .... Esther l farley, '2 1 o nt ributing Edi tor H e len Bovee, ' 19 race A rm entro ut, ' 19 Business Mgr. .. Kathryn Warner, '19 A s is tant Bus in ess Managers­ E li zabet h McCabe, '2 1 Virgini·a Blagg, '22 Circulatfon Mgr. .. Mary Siddall, '19 Ass ist:int 'ircul at io n ~lanagers­ Mary Tinstman, '20 Marvel ebert, '2 1 A thl e ti c Edit r .... -1eo Coppock, ' 19 Loca l Editor .......... Ruth Hooper, '19 A lumn a ! Editor .... Prof. Guitner, '97 Exc han ge Editor .. Edith Bin g ham , '20 Literary Edi tor .... Vida Wi lh e lm , '19


camp us and athletic fie ld s. The next\ m orn ing th e boys go out for mi litary drill on t h e footba ll fie ld , and when the co mmand "at rest" is given, the fi r st se nten ces u ttered are, "Give me a match," and, "Got a n extra cigar­ et te ?" And pretty oon a fog of mok e rises from a hundr ed cigar­ ettes. T hu do we love our A Ima Mater! Th us do we uph old her ideal of clean li ving! Thus do we hon or him who is e nd eavoring to keep Otterbein al th e h ead of a ll co l­ leges . o far as good moral s are co n ­ ce rned ! No o ne is fit, m e nta ll y o r morally, to si ng the songs of O tt e rb ein o ll ege wit h lip s whi ch a re accus to m ed to h o ldin g c igareHes. This w il l ho ld true o lo n g as the idea l of clean life an d mora l integri ty sha ll exist, :ind woe to Otte rb ein if it perishes.

Page · Three


We've Been Thinki n' Buy Rabbits for your Sunday That old Otterbein is. about up to Dinners. its capaci ty once more. That the Profs don't Jet military : J. M. WEIBLING drill interfere with their long assign27 E. Main St. men ts. I That it would be the logical thing for the Tan and Cardinal to come out strong this year for woman suffrage. C. W . STOUGHTON, M . D. That so me of the fe ll ows are taking 31 W. College Ave. the s light ( ?) restricti ns of army life


pretty hard. That about the on ly function of the girls in t his ":-lilitary Academy" is ju l trimmin's .


Westerville, Ohio Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110

DR. W . M. GANTZ Can't S tand It. Y u s:iy hl· can't tand the army; D entist The life is too ro ugh for him . Bell Phone 9 Do you think he is any better Than so m e other mothn's Tom or l 15 W. College Ave. Westerville Jim? A r iot of g lo ri o us co lo r, a gold n You rai sed h im 11 p like a girl; ATTENTION! s un s hinin g thr o ug h a moky h:ize, l Te don't smoke or drink is your , tart · a ir that'_lur es yo u along a mo ss j brag. ' I We have some very special values gree n path, mto some wood sy nook, ff all the rest of the hoy . were like a hint of frost th at makes your bl ood him in Box Paper, at tin g le w it h the heer de light of li v- , \\/hat ' wou ld bccon1<' of our n:ig? 25c, 35c and 50c per box Addr es a ll co mmuni ca ti on· to T h e in g-that is October. S h e invites you for a walk over a Yo u say_ le t th e ro11gh class do the ' And th e best in Toilet Articles, Otterbein Tan and ard in a l, 20 \N. leafy ca rp et, more richly colored tlnn lighltng: . P erfumes, and Brushes. 1[ain t., W estervi ll e, Ohio. S ub s ripti o 11 Price, I.SO Per Yea r, any of the ancient tapest ries; s h e J · fhey arc used to beans a11d stew. Medicin e when you need it beckons yo u to rest ben eath noble . I am glad I am · lasscd with the pa ya bl e in advance. trees th at form arches of finer ,ro ughncc:-:s, . l ' • at At pli ca ti II for seco nd -class postage co ns tru ction th a n those of bea uty- : \\ ho will fight fo1 the 1,cd , \\ h1tc DR. KEEFER'S I rates made to po toflice al \V es ter- lov in g Greece; s he offe rs to your j :incl Hluc. ,,,,;.J _ ville, unclc1· act of._}.larch 1879. ~I _ _0., __ ___ __ _ _ _3,_ _ _ eager eyes a b lend in g o f tone and You say hi s girl could not s tand it ~ color that o nl y the Master Artist ca n To end him off with the rest. ,,-----------------, () Thi is the lirsl 1s U<: of the Tan I:ichicve. Don't you think she'd lw g lad he enB. C. YOUMANS, Farber I and Card in.:i . du1an1 g- tlP l0t8-t!l n,J·. You atc h a leaf flutt <' r to tlw 1; ,· te <' 'r37 N . State St. 1 gc YLdL 1t is ed ited cnL1rc1 ; I>) , grou nd lo jo in its companions and , \\'h en sh e 'iccb a Ger!llan', hot g irl s. These arc two unusual iacts. \ yo u a re glad. It ha s been absorbed by I breath on her breast? Shop closed at 8 o'clock except fo r in normal times the lirst issue the hungry eart h, wi ll reappear with , • . k f . , . 1 1giubmw uld lrn,·c appeared the llrst 11011- the warm Spring, in the smiling face 1 110111£, lo t 1le lwomeln 111 1_>Cl Saturday. . t 1c cruc ti cs t 1ey 1a( lo ear! day of the school year, a nd at least of the fir t blue violet. Those leaves D · . O ha lf th e me mb ers uf the tafT wou ld o n t hat gorgeous map le a re content you want l 1lc same I 1ling to 1iap1 · present 1c · Ientity, · for t f1cy 1 Topen 11ave Iiec 11 LI1 • stronger sex. B ut to Iosc t I1e1r da ghtcr so fair? Ask for 11. 1110 ell I O in the se war times we arc learn in o- kn ow th at th ey wi ll live again, in Y ur c u n o t to he surprised at things whi ch so m e Rower o r fruit. You can thank Goel that the sl:lrs in J.' STER BRAND EXTRACTS You hear the murmur of the wincl Old Glory fo rm erly would most certai nly have shocked o ur sense of the litnes of th ro ug h the bra n ch es. A great peace I Arc not blurred hy that kind of I At All Gro ce rs thin gs. co m es ove r you, for you realize that I I stain, \V e, th e n ew staff of the Tan a nd you are li s tening to M ther Nature's j Bcca us there are ten milli of1 ro ug hPrices 1Oc, 1Sc, 25c, 35c ·a rdinal. enter upo n ur oflicia l lull aby.a s he bid s h er s leepy ch ild - I ne cks duties with a fu ll sense of the re- ren "good ni g ht", and wishes them That hav e red b loocl in th eir veins. sp:rnsib ility p laced upon u , real iz- pleas:int dreams, until s he calls them They go and drill in bad weather, THE PURITAN DRUG CO. in g that th e work will not he easy to in the g lad pring morning. And come in with a grin o n their ma ny of us who ha,·c had li ttle or h, ye I I t is Octobe r! Yo u know face Columbus, Ohio no expe ri ence in th is kind of work, it in s t in ctiv e ly; th e soft patter ~f rain \,Vhi le y'our dar ling sits in the parlor but we feel that. incc the boys can- on th e leaves, th c st eel-clear clink o f ' And lets ano th er 111111 fight in hi s not hold positions on the s taff, we your step as it s trik es the road , the place. a re o nly doing our bit by taking o,·er lazy softness of the air, th e bounding Keller & McElwee th work of ed itin g and managing of th e blood 111 your veins-October ;>.Jaybe we do smoke and g:imble; th e Tan a nd Card inal. is here! Hut we fight as our forefathers did; I So go warm th e milk for hi s hottlcCash Grocers "V\ 'e I1opc ti 1a l WC WI·11 110 l ge l Ill · t0 'Thank God we don't ne ed your kid. "O h, we're proud of o ur A lm a l\-la tcr, · f · · I -A nonymou s. the habit o apo log1z111g, nor < o we The . chool tint we love so we ll." '"I he p I a c e stu cl nt Every Otterbein student sings it. intend this for an apo logy, hut we =-=-=-=-=-==============-= \ Ve mouth the words with the great- think it is on ly fair to the stafT th:it , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­ st ent hu siasm. Tt is the first so ng we tell yo u that thi s paper has bl·en Pennants, save abo ut 151<) on a Freshman h ears o n enterin g 'vVcs­ put out hun-i ed ly to say the least. The terville and it linger s in th e grad u­ members of the new staff we re not 1 College Jewelry and their E T S ate's memory. Jt inspires ou r h earts, notified of their e lection until Thurs­ and is the expression of loya lty to t h e day morning, and ther e have been a grea t many extra thing to do, be­ Other Otterbein Items chool. its ideals, and traditions. The Otterbein ideal that draws the fore we co ul d publ is h this first issue. AUTOS FOR HIRE best of men and women to the co ll ege Of co ur. e, you may not think it ap­ at is that of clean li fe and moral integ­ p li es, but this se n tence from Cole­ Special Rates for Parties rity. Then, in pursuance of this Ot­ ridge comes to o ur mind: "1 ever HOFFMAN'S H. L . MAYNE terbein ideal of long s tanding, the judge a work of art by it defcrts." pre ident, one morning, reminds u 38 West Main St. n_R_u_G _ _s_T_o_R _ E___ that no smokin g be permitted on the ;atronize Tan & Cardinal Ad vertise~s

I ,











Page Foth'


~~=~~~~~::~~~~~,::::~~.:..-. . ~==-~=======-,--'f'f;. .. ==================~="::"':=~ == ============ === ==-!============== = = ======================

l..___ _ Y. _M._C._ A._


Ev-erything in Drugs and Sundries, Toilet Articles


A bo mb of en thu siasm b urst m·er the splen did nowd at th e Y. M. C. :'I.. last Thursday. The meeting was led by "'Prof. Rosse lot. The remarks of th e leader con tain ed the main ideas of se r\'i ce a nd ri gh t li\'in g as emp h as ized hy the war. Th e so ldier knows what Christianity is and what the d1urch s tands for. The quest1 'l n in the so ldier· s 111i\id a, he goes ovc·,

Kodaks and Supplies

( f

Rev. ).I. l r. Ambrose of Pal estine, lllin ois, was in \\'es t e rville la s t week. th e g ue st of his s is ter, lit rs. Mary .'\m hr ose J o n es.


th t' top is how much good h e has '00. llarzillai 0. Barn es died at hi s don(·. l'rof. 1, ossclot then explain- home in .\11der so11 . ln di:tna, early las t 1•d that th e Y. ::VI. C. ,\ . was not Thursdav morning. Funeral se rvice s I° . . I . I ille a nt as a w I10 I y re 1g 1ou s organ 1- .C were held at Ander so n on Sat urday zatio11. Tht· tri a n g l,· r l'p r esl'nts the forenoon. The Tan an d Cardina l ex­ mind. spirit and body. It is an or- tends sympa thy t c, the sor r ow in g ganizatio 11 to administer to t he com- family and friends. plde 111a1 1. l li s s t o ri,·s o f the goo d , · .\. a t t I1e f r o 11t. I '15. l,cv. sc M. wor k· o f t I1e y . l\f . '-'· f J' e nro • . . Hecld, fo rmer 1 1 I Of I I · 1 01• 1 '"Y'" pastor o t 1e u 111tcc1 8 rel 11rcn c 1rnr c11 :inc _tie. ier~ic wor, tie at lllo o mdale , Ohio, h as entered sccrt'lants 111 I· r anee, wcrl' forcd11 l A. , y M . , . C l .·, • \ _ I• Tl f . , . 1Ill) o ung I en s 111sl 1an . ssoancl tOlll' ling·. le pro l'SSor S ow n ci:i tion wo rk and is n ow sta ti o n e d at boyhood t a les added 1nten:st and C SI · I \I I humor to his r l'marks. The assoamp · ien c an, ' a >ama.


------------------ 1. I

Y. W. C. A.



'-----------------~/ Mrs.\\'. I' . Ua,is. who has been in ,\fissionary work in ~iu Lam, China. for severa l years, spoke to the girls . f div ¥: V. <... ..l,,r Tt sd:c1.Y-~~·.eni1 ahout th e habits and customs of thv '1 Chine e.

The "hine sc are a wn nd nful ll<'Opk . E,·c-n thoup;h they come fnim illiti:rate p:irents. th ey are intellc ctn a l, hl'i11g esp\.-c ial ly 11otecl fo r thl'lr diplomacy and shrt: wd business abi l­ ity. \\ .hen l\ loscs was li:acling th l' l s raelit c-s i11 th,· wilderness. the Chi 11 esc had a litnat11r, and ci ·:il izati•rn that exrl'llt:d that oT the Egyptians. The tw o weakest points in Ch i11c·s,· life are co11 111·l"l, <1 wit 1 th C' ir 11 0111c


\ Vai

wil l

The Up -to-Date Pharmacy, 44 N . State St., RITTER & UTLEY, Props.



sa il

from San Francisco 11ext Saturday b y the l 'acilic ~rl:iil Steamship, Colombia. for her home in Canton, China. :diss \\ 'ai s tudied in th e Col umbi a l'nivcrsity S umm e r Schoo l a[te r h e r grad u at ion at Otterbe in last Ju11 e. She expects to enter so m e d efi nit e re ligious work in Chi1111. ,8 ~ J' i·«•cl II . :;. Rike of Dayt o n, Ohio, has rece n t ly been appointed b y Pre si­ dent \Vil son on a hoard to fix prices

WILLIAMS' "The Place for Sweets to. Eat"

of dry goods during the w:t r.


'18. l~cv. l' ay M . Uowma11 ha s been appo int ed pas t or of the LT11 itl·d llr e th re11 ch u rch at l'ion ee r, Ohio.

'11. J\I rs. \ V. L. Matti s ( Hessic Oaugherty) of Da y ton, Ohi o, is tc·aching in Steele Hi gh Schoo l of that city , acting as sub£titute for h e r husband, who is in A rm y Yo un g an d r c li g 1•rns !i f, .\11 hinl'se ho 111 e, :\len'~ L' hri · ti an '\ ssoc 1ati o n work ,n a re a like in c<,n,tru c tio11 ancl inner France life .. hut while, tli,<" p,'.or m,rn·s l~ous,· I , . . . 1s ~1111ply a ,na,k with a r!1rt 11uor. 78. ])1 \\ ' J . Zuck of Columbus, the ho111e s of the hl'ttn classes h an· 1 Ohio, In s just acrep t e d th e pa s t o rat e brick o r tiled fl"'ii's. f of th e;_; \ Vest Second Avenue Pre s b yf- or religion, and superstitious tcrian Church of Columbus. reasons thry ari· :1fr:_iid I f) swc-c-p un­ der th!' fur11it11rl' . Th,· unsaniiary Coming Wedding Announced conditions i11 tlH' hom e:: account for :\t a nH·eting of th e Klittcr-Kbtter the fact that f1 1\1 s ixty to eighty I I I I · I' \\' I a nut p r rl' nl of all c hilclrl'n cli,· in in c LI J al 1er 10ml' 111 ·.as t 's.lr t:: d las! Saiurclay evening, Miss fancy.

Box Paper at I-IOFFMAN'S




, N


BOYSBUY Your Safety Razors and

Victrolas, Records and Needles. General line of Furniture.


ocket Kniv



Johnson Furniture Co. <

First Class Groceries Buy at



1~ run ks, Suitcases Traveling Bags


\\'i th it s quota in ihe fourth Liberty loan drive placed :it $80,000, Bl endon • t tl t 1 11 I towns 1up wen ov~ r i e op >y _1 o n I day rnurn1ng w ith a s ub sc ription slightly in excess of $86.000. The

Staple a nd Fancy Groceries see


Th t r e are thrl'e "Tt·at religi1111, i11 Leah Carnpliel l. da11g hi e r of I'. C. 'I. I Campbell. a1111oullccd the approa,·h of C 1111a, ,·ac I uf which ha ·. many fol . • ~, \\' 'I 11er w1·c1<1111g wit 11 "o rman . . . . . "crlowers. ( onftK1a11 1s111 1s lht· g-o,·cn1 . I . . . . j w111~. w 10 11ves 011c m i1l' so uth of ment rc-hg-1011. prcpar<"d espcr1a ll .v for ·\,\ ' l"Slcrv1-11l' . ' l' l ll' WC(Id m ' g ,v·ill tal<e the stude11t: 111"r,· women than nwn I t 1 0 1 17 cling to llllClhi ~m. whi c h consi s t s of pace r '! >er · Town s hip Overs ub scribes Quota . ·

For Nuts Fruits and Candies

Best Assortment of


image worship . Tanism whi c h he ­ Ii c-n·s in sp ir it s and d m u ns, kcrps the pt'oplc in a nrn s tant statL' of fear. Bnt we can i,l' lhankful that out o[ . thl' c, ld order. th e new order 1s gradua ll ' cvolvin . Chi n a is indeed bein ) g _ . . . g awakened by ( hri ~tianity.

Students Trade Solicited



<led to th e association's m,•mbership. , 18 _ ::Vl iss



' ' 14, '14. :vlr. ancl ::Vlr s. Jo sep h H. /llillcr of Huntin g ton, \V est Virginia spent the week-end with ,\ I r s. Miller's parents, l'r ofesso r ancl ~lrs . Cornctct.

ciatio11 enjoyed a splendid feed .afte r the s nh scrip_lic,n cam pai g n was Jinis h ec l. \ J'111c crowd of 111cn was assemb led ancl Sl·,·cral na111cs were ad

Films Developed and Prints at Lowest Prices and Satis­ faction Guaranteed. Spectacles, Eye Glas ses of all kinds Eyes Examined Free.






W. W. JAMISON Th e Old es t Barber in Town. Hair Cutting a Specia lty


campaign was directed by \Villi am B. No. 10 N. State St. \\' ell, a n yway we had ome good J ohns t on, ass is t ed b y a vet y etlicient rallys before th e epide mi c ! co rp s of h e lp ers. • Patronize Tan & C a rdinal Adv ertis ers , Patronize Tan & Cardinal Advertisers

Page Five


Otterbein College Students Are Our Customers! And we take pleasure in extending to them all the courtesies and service it ls possible for us to render

Walk-Over Shoes

Ladies' Phoenix Silk Hose

Dress Uniforms

1len' Specials, at ........ ................ $3.80 and $4.37 Men's Walk Overs, at ............... ,.... $5.00 to $7.50 Army ho e . at ................................ $5.00 t o $8.50

Ladies' Walk-Over Shoes

Phoeni.· Silk, new price $1.00, at .................. 80c Phoenix ilk, new price $1.55, at ................ $1.35 Notaseme Lisle, at ................ ............ 50c and 60c

Ladi e ' Dark Tan. at .... .... ............ $5 .50 to $8.50 Ladies' Black Kid, at ........ ........ .... $4.00 t o $7 .00 Military and Louis Heel

S. A. T. C. Supplies Money Belts ............................... ....... 75c and $1.00 Trench Mirrors .....:............................................ 35c Khaki Handkerchiefs ........................ 15c and 25c Regulation Belts ................................................ 80c Regulation Legging .................. $1.00 and $2.00 Regulation Sox ........ ........................ 50c and $1.25 Woo l hirts .................................... $2.90 and $5.50 Woo l Underwear .................... .... $2.00 and $4.00

E. J. NORRIS WITH OUR CONTEMPORARIES There are four military companie

at .......... .. ........ ..... .. ....... ... ..... .... $33.50 to $55.00

s. A. T. C. TO HA VE

I (

).!en' ilks. at .................................... 50c to $1.50 Interwoven, at .................................................. 40c Holep roof Lisle, at ................ .. .. ........................ 35c

0. D. Serges, Cheviots, and ).1ilton ,

• of • A. T . C. men at Case: a nd it is planned that each company shall have ·its own gn·d ·iron el ev e 11 thi·s seasoil . The e four teams will contest for the school championship. The varsity ele ven will be organized as usual , and its memb e rs are barred from th e company elevens.

Men's. Phoenix Silks

A uniform to fit is what you will want. Let us take your measure and make you a suit you will be proud of.




Continued from page one.)

eight hundr ed do llars to be raised. I mmediately upon th e announ c<! m e nt o f th e p-lan the meeting was th rown o pen for subscription .. Kin­ di ed by th e t o uc hin g '· Y " s t o ri es of th e battl efront told by Prof. R os se- 1 : lo t. th e e nthu siasm r eac h ed a hi g h " Hurrah! · F iv e do llars fo r m y I p it c h r es ultin g in th e pl ed g in g of t he l a tes t sto ry, A ).,( o d e rn Hus band." su m of fi,·e hu nd r ed a n d fif ty dolla r s. 1 "Co ng r a tul a ti o n s. yo un g man . from Xow it i the busin ess of the men whom did yo u r eceive th e money?" of c ur school to back the Y. M. C. A. ··From t he ex p ress company. They admin ist ration in its efforts to obtain lost the manuscript." a secretary. The -uccess has been very gratifying o far to those in Ohio l'n iversity st udents part1c1- charge. There i - yet two hundred pated in a b ig Liberty Loan parade and iifty dollars to be raised. E,·ery last week. Governor Cox wa pres- rea l man in Otterbein hould ign a ent an.d the Camp Sherman band led pledge ca r d. He will he greatly re­ the parade . .-\11 airplane from Day- paid by the comforts of the hut in ton, :111d the arri,·al of the govern- the m o nths to come and the as ocia­ ment trophy tra in added to the in- tion with a man who i willing to terest of the occasion.-The Green 1,:i.crifice hi time and energy that Ot­ hein might end the best pos ·ible all(\ \\"hite. men to light for their bclo,ed 1 Our idea of making the I.,cst <,>f country each and every opportunity was well Girls to Have M ilita r y D rill. carried out hy the Fre hman youth. 1 who finding himself in the senior (Conti nued from page one.) women's stction at Chapel the other eel general interest and it is sure to morning. 1111111ediately proceeded to he lp maintain the girl ' morale make a date. "Go thou and do like- throughout the year. The men may wise," say we to the other Fre · hmen. all he called off to war but in the -Ohio \\·esleyan Tran ·cript. meantime the girls will carry on all


Name Cards for College Folks P r inted up to the Buckey e S :andar d



the acti\'ities of the college. and be Patronize T an & Card inal A dve rti sers I able to execute ''Squads Right!" too.

Westerville_, Ohio






prefer, Engraved. Printed cards for either men or women, 75 cents for 50, or $1.25 for 100.

P _rices for engraved stock on application.

The Buckeye Printing Co. West Main St.

Both Telephones


MEATS MAKE GOOD EATS Phones- Bell 46-W .

Citizen 92


P age Si~




In s pite of the heavy work that m o t Otterbein students are carrying, w e are pleased to sec that many of th e m have elected the s ubject of campustry, even though the hours of rec'i-· tation mu t neces sari ly be late. \Vhile the enro ll ment _111 camp ustry a lr eady quite large, a few more will be admitted . . Any ne wishing to e n­ r this cla s, please app ly at the Tan and Cardina l·, office fo r further in formation.

\Vhy Cochran Ha ll girls are knitting 5 0 patriotically this fall. \ ,Vhy ev e ry one laughed in French ·la ·s whe n Marvel Sebert translated , " l didn't have much of an appetite." W~y th e mice are so numero u Cochran Hall.




H ow



acq uired

s uc h beautifully tint ed hand s.



Wh e r e Mr. Wil o n got that big '0/e a ll enjoyed that Delaware ga m e \ n pite of thi: scor , and are anxious­ box of candy ,;ve a ll en joyed. Y w.a it in g for the next game-it is our turn to be victo ri o us next time. The Best Place to Variety Shop .-Adv.



Westerville ' ~ Auto · Sales .,

A lth o ugh t he re have been' many pushes of variou s descriptions thi s year, the Sop homore Cla s is th e on ly class to hav e " 1) us hed" thus far. Those who attended, in cludin g Sen­ or and Fres hm e n boys, report a fine ime. Go to Days' Bakery for Bread.­ Adv. Agnes \\/right and Lenore Rayot had an extended motor trip last w,e ek, visiting Canal Win chester, Hillsboro, and Sardinia.

General Repair Work

M'en's Fancy Handkerchiefs in silk or linen, 25c to $1.00 E. J. Norris. ­ Adv.

Prices Moderate

Of COt1rse the quarantiue had to 'tome ju t before we were to hear Ga ll i Curci! But we're glad we h a,l a - ch~~e ·lO. hear John R. Mott and -, see "Hearts of the \Vorld" and ''T he Bird of Paradise" anyway .

Radiator Repairing a ~

Edith Cave was fortunate enough to get a t,·ip home in a machine last week.


Best peanuts, 20c lb. Shop .- Adv .

Taxi Service


The Variety

A tin roof is a fine place t o dry wa lnut s,-also to st ud y. If you haven't a room with a tin r oof ad­ joining, perhap yo1.1 cnn rent Esthe r Harley's. Best of reference s.


Buy your pies at Days' Bakery­ Adv.

Makes Warm Friends

Four ochran Hall gi rl s had a de ­ ightful auto trip to Lancaster one <lay last week. A sk them if they like apple s and walnuts,-and chicken.


Prices r ight on candies. at \'ariety Shop.-Adv . The Loca l Editor is on the sick I Ii Gt thi~ week,-110, not the ''Flu"!

\\'here all students Variety Shop.-:'\dv.



Repairs and Accessories

Tell her all about it with R oses. They h eal hurt s, cl ear up misunderstandings, soothe orrow, _gladden lonely h o urs. A Rose s peaks every !anguage that bles ses and glorifies, but n ot a word that hurt s. Potted plants, ferns and cut flower ta½ le or her roon1 .

fo r the

Tell yo ur friends we handle th e be s t coal Ohio produce~.


V. W . and M ary E,. Lee

No. 14 N. State St.

New Model Restaurant and Confectionery -L..

Any K ind of Sandwiches, Home-Made Pies

H. L. Bennett & Co.

64 North State St.

C leio rhet ea and Ph ila let hea had t o J r esort to the o ld s ta ndbys, lamp s and I. can dl es, wh e n th e li g ht s w e nt o ut all ...._____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,:__ _ __./ o ver t o wn T h u rsday night. ,,-----------------..

Diel you e,·er sec such gorgeou~ colored leaves? It's good to be aJ;ve these autumn days.



Before the hike y o u will want wool sox . E. J. Nori·is.-A dv.

A lice H unter's mot her ca n s ure ly bake goo d cake, a. the gi rl s w h o helped eat it wi ll agree.


Special Orders any Time Regular Lunches or Dinners North State St.

Westerville, 0 . Orders Over the Phone

G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D . East College A ve. Phones-Citizen 26


Bell 84-R

s ee MOSES & STOCK Fir s t Class Grocers


College S. A. T. C. Unit.



You will want yo :.ir p ho t o in uniform.

--------------­ Fo r Push es a nd Feeds








only first


c l a s s w o r k is d one.


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