an att.
VOL. 2. I
N o . 4.
H ONOR ROLL Harold Rowland-di ed of meningiin France.
I Musking um
United War Work Campaign Begins Pa ul Burtner-killed ' at Cha teau November 11-Dr. Mott Thierry, Jun e 14. 1918. Director-G eneral. Ira Dempsey , Lieut.-died of pneu m onia, at Eagle Pa . Tex as. Octo STUDENTS' Q UOT A $125,000 ber 15. 1918.
n~. Clinton Wood of Wooster Faculty
Will Direct Student Campaign in O hio. All tudents of Ohio , including the I Student ' Army Training Co r p , w ill • take part in the l..1i1 ited \ Var 'vVork I campaign :--i ovember I I to 18. w hen 1 Oh io' quota of the ~ational goa l of $250,000.000 i $ 15,800.000. Ohio is the fi r st state in which students held a : con fer ence and _approved thei r own: goal. This goal tops th eir la t year' reco rd by one-th ird. The tudents' quo ta is $125,000. Last year they rai ed $90,000. Dr. Clinton T. W ood o f the facult y of W oos ter Co llege . will direct the student campaign in the tate, accord ing to announcement today by tate I eadquaner . Miss ka t harine Lon-' don is a ociation director and has I 1 charge of the women students' campaign. J o eph O'Meara. Cincinnati , rep1 esenL Cat ho li c students of the state on th e state s tudent executive committee; and Jo sep h Schonthal, Co- I lumbu s, represe1;ts Hebrew tudents. ix col lege pre ident and faculty members start this wee k to visit the 1 50 college of the sta te. They will wo rk with th e co-ope ration of the student body and faculty , and assi t in setting up machinery for the cam pus campaigns. The flying squadron i composed of J . Campbell White , president of Wooster college; Dr. J . ~nox Montgomery, pre ident of Musk1ngum ; Mis Irma Voigt, dean of women at Ohio univer ity at Athens ; Dr. Wood of ~ ooster; ~ Tilliam K. (Continued on page two.)
T hird Otterbein Student Pays Supreme Sacrifice. Fir t Lieut. I r a Millard Dempsey, of J ohnstown , Pa., who was a stu dent in Otterbe in in 19 10- 11, died Oc tober 15. at Eagle Pass, Texas. Death followed a short ill n ess o f pneumonia. Lieut. Dempsey attended Otterb ei n one year, and went from he r e to Wi ll iams College, w here h e g ra d ua ted in 191 4. hortly after the U n ited tates entered the war he ente r ed t he officer ' training camp at Fort Ogle tho r pe, Ga. He graduated from that camp la t fall, and was ordered imme diately to the Mexican border, where he remained until the time of his death.
Anderso n, C. L. Ander o n, Robert. Arno ld, Kenneth L. Bailey, E. E. B;iker. Ra y. Bale. \>\' alter gt. Band·e en, Dewitt, A .. Lt. Bandeen, Orren L ., Lt. Barnhart, E. H. Barnum, Frank. Bates, Sardis W .. Capt. Beck, \¥ . G. . B ell, Clair H., Capt. Bennett, Cecil. Bon Durrant, H. E . Booth, C. L. Boyle , Elmer L. B ra d ri ck, J. C. ,Brobst, E;i rl D. Bronson. Claude, Lr. S-fown, T. ., Ca e . Brenizer, Nelson 0., Maj. Brentlinger, Ros coe. Bunger, Harold A. Ca m pbell , Charles, gt. Car l on , Benjamin . Casse l, Alfred B. Clifton, E. F., Lt. Comfort, W . I. Converse, Randall. Cook, Harry P., Corp. Counseller, Wm. Lt. Cribbs, V. E . Daub, Wade. Doty, Edson. Downey, E lmer. Downing, Pearl. Durrant Rollin. Elliott, A . W., Corp. Elliott, H. W., Sgt. Evans, Wm. Farner, Emery. Fausey, J. W . F elle rs, I. C. Fletcher, A. A . Fouts, Pa ul. Frank, Omar. Fries, Emerson. Fu nk, Alfo r d, Lt. F m1k, Mark. Ga ll iett, H a ro ld. Garver, John, Lt. Garve r, P . H., Lt. Geiger, H . H. Giffo r d, Ray. Gilbe r t, R ussel. Gilbe r t, W . S., Maj. Glauner, George. Glunt, A. L. Grabill, Norris W . Hahn , C. A .
W ins from O tterbein o n Home Field in Third Game of the Season.
O tterbein Well Supp orted By Enthusiastic R ooters- Team Comes Close to G oal Several Times.
Otterbein lost her first home game to the ~ u kingum team Saturday afternoon by a sco re of 6 to 0. S_ev eral t imes th e home team came very near scoring but un avoidab le circum tan ces prevented the m fr om going ove r the line for a t o uchdown . Mus Kingum, however, being more s uccessful, executed a lon g forwa rd pass e_arly in t he con test and by a se ries of !m e b9cks cro sed the goal for the o nly touchdown of the g;ime. T he referee ca lled the game at 2 o'clock and Muskingum chose to de fend the north goa l. Otterbein kick ed off to the visitor , who, being un• abfe to- gain yantage;-were torceil lO punt. Then Mattern r eturned the ball 10 yards for the home bo y who, failing to make their required 10 yards, punted to :Mu kingum. The vi itors being thrown for a loss punt ed to Otterbein . The Tan ;ind Car dinal team then made their fir st down after w hich they were forced to kick. Muskingum again r esorted to their long punts and Otterbein was penal ized 15 yards for holding. At the end of the quarter the lo ca l team made th eir second down and time was called with the ba ll on their 45-yard line. At the very outset of the second quarter Otterbein suffe r ed a IS-yard penalty for ho lding. Both teams re sorted to kic.king and Muskingum was penalized 5 ya r ds for off ide. Otter bein made another first down and then punted. Muskingum received the ball from the middle of the fie ld whe r e he executed a forward pass, netting them a 100 ya r d gain . Cap tain Cain and his back field partners t hen demonstrated ome real line plunging as a resul t of which W ilson went over the line for a touchdown . M uski ng u m fai led to kick go a l: T h e visito r s t hen kicked off to Otterbei n and the home te a m by ma k ing seve ral first downs thre·a tened the visitor's goa l. Time seemed to be the o n ly h ope for the P r esb yte r ia ns and t h e half ended with t he ball on M u s kingum's 5-yard line. The thi r d and fo urth q uarters were played witho ut a score but on two oc casions Otterbein came within 10. (Co n t inued on page two.)
Coach A. P . Swain Coac h Swain ha charge of indoor and outdoor sports for all students, , and is proving himself .a very efficient and likea b le Athletic Dire ctor.
" T o Market, t o M arket to Buy-" • •Not--:i. ,P;ll"-.._R ad ,md Se A knock at the Dean· do o r. "Dean McFadden . when you go down town today will yo u please buy m e a p o t-card picture of Coch ran Hall? My aunt in Mi chi ga n has never see n a picture of it.'' She places two pennie on th e table ar.d run down the hall. "Dean McFadden'' (a whole bunC'h enters this time,) ''you're going down town pretty soon, aren't yo u? Well, I want some long black shoe laces, the r o und kind , and if they' re more than seventeen ce nt , take enough more out of this fi fty ce nts to get us som e tooth-paste, Colgates we usual ly get, and gi,·e the change to my roo mmate, l 've bee n using all her stamps. Thanks.'' " Stamps. That' me all ove r. Please ge t me six out of a quart er. and if you're in a gro.cery ee if th ey have ome.. lemons drop , an d h elµ your elf, Dean McFadden." " I don' t have a cent, and if they won't cash this check, maybe they'll change this list of things either at Hoffman' s or at that drug store do wn at the oth er end. Don' t bother a bo ut t he powde r if they don't have this kind.,! have a little left." She listens to an eternal line of talk li ke this without a groan; she takes her large-capacity market bas l<et o nce. twice or three times a day. walks back and fort h for leagues over the streets of Vv esterville, and retur n s with her basket, arm , hands, and pockets bristling with eleven cent purchases. Who in the universe would do it except Dean McFadder. ?
. ,I
(Con tinued on page five.)
. ... lt, THETA
Pa:ge TY:o
RDINA !.. ·
Motor Truck Compaqy Has \ 1110 ,·ic dir ec tors. T hlirty-fi ve tru cL. ~ o n ly four yca rs. o m c y ear s la te r 0 . C. DEFEATED BY CLOSE "ORE Thrilling Times "O ver There" I we re a tta c hed by 8 two seated p lan e.; Pro fesso r Loos m a rri e d a da ug ht er of ----I with m a chin e gun s a nd bombs. \ t Bi s ho p Di c kso n . Th e year s fron, T he fo ll owi ng is ta ken from T h•: t hC' e nd o f a fi ftee n mil e cha se every l 2 -4 w e re s p e nt in tu d ying in Pa i'! ~ (Co nti II u e d fr o m page o ne.) t a rs .a nd S trip e , T he o ffi c ia l n ews: trl' t k wa s scarr ed. on e had been pan - ' a nd L eip s i •. F r se •:;: rn l y e,.:· .; yar d s of c r ossi n g the white lin e fo r a pa per edited by and fo r the so ldi e rs o i ly s ha ttered by a bo mb , and o ne 111 ;111 j Profe so r L oos h as b ee n h ea d o f t 11e t u c hcl o wn. T h e .g am e e nd ed with .t h e A. E . F ., Fra nce, o f ;·ece nt date . wa wo t• nd ecl: but th e p la ne who ,v,d D e partm e n t o f Eco no mi c it ) th e ' n i th e ba ll in c lose pr oximity to the visTh e a rti c le co nce rn s th e M o to r Tru ck ha d a ll th e a d vantage r etir ed, and t h e I ,·e rs it y o f la. H e h as b ee n a ,·er_,· it rs ' go al. o. o:I whi ch H a r ry P. ·ook, of Wc, · d r ive rs dcc la r ccl it a ,·icto rv . T li.- successf ul tcac h c r. a n d a t th e san 1..: Th e lin e up : t e r vii'le is a me mb e r. ~a n ks had few r es o ur ces o n th ci; t1~1e l~ as bee n ab l~ t o ma k es me,.. :· · Muskingum 6 O tterbein O Li e;t•t e n.a nt l<o bin o n 's ou t li t o t sid e 111 thi s un equa l ba tt le. hut th <'y tnh u t1 0 11 to th e ltt c r a t u r e f t11e S,!ll- Rayney R. E. 11e lkus (C) 1 ru cks has fo r its ins ig ni a a n I nd ia n 11~.., d th e m a ll. fmm ed iat ely tlwy jec t he h as tau g ht. M cCa n a h a n R. T. Howe 'o_m c . yca rs ag_ . h e pu b li s h <: d J o n es R. h ead . Th ere was a tim e wh e n thi s too k a zig-z a g ·o ur_se a mu ch as t h ~ . o uthwick 1 bcfeat he r ed red man o n th e ta il gat'; .;, road wo u ld pe rmit a nd at ,:v~n· tt d1 e 111 t he Pol 1t1 cs of ,\ri stotl<.: Gibso n C. Howard s_eemed rather to b~ lie t he e lum - fo rced s to p. clue to co n o-es ti o n o-f I a nd P la t o. L . ,. Young v. Main 1 he ri ng unemotio na l t r uc k s, w hil e t h : t raffic , t he dri ve rs iczed th e prin g-Th e a rti c les w hi ch ap p ea r ed in t 1<' Balentine L. T. .McDo nal d d ri vers who ,ha I co m e to l; ra ncc wi th fie ld s a nd pl ugge d aw ay. Th e pi ct• ll'- I J u ly _a n d e p t'emhe r nu n~bers of t h · Hu tc h ma n L. E. Ibright Q. E. th eir ow n notio ns as to wha t wa r wa 3 c qu e fea tu1·e was add ed m eanw hi le .\m c n ca n J ou rn a l o f Soc1 I gy. h car \,V il s II Ma ttern nd d r ive rs. wh o stood r- 1: th e rat h e rfo rmi dah lc t itl e l' rop,1t·- , 1 . 1 . d R. H. l ike. had th ir e n t hu siasm a h it dead - hy th e seco Camp . d . M d E . Tl . j ., o 1e iea L H encd w hen the ir pa rt in the g r ea t the ru nnin g hoa rd s th e wh o le ti 1w: e nu c to l o e 1· 11 'co n o 1111 cs. 11s . . ( .) Myers I I ·1 . . . I . ain . . F . .!3. game secmcd t consis t of screw in g a n d wit h a uto matic a ir rifl e , sh ot at I r at 1e r c 11 li ng title I t 1e re u lt 01 I Grear H. M eyers , fe1. ce-.\I ,. . H an non of K e nyo n; up inaccessib le grease up and wait- t he p urs uer s. T he pl a nes cam e to w ith - ' Profe 1~e · ,- i· ILoos·s study .of th e c r.,s . . .\ I r. , astterman o f ing f r c r vees at loacl'11 1g i>a i·ks· to in. SO yards ver head • too•low fo r a nti - 1c . ·.r ec y tra n s la tec1 11 means n • l ' mp1re . o lgate. finish t h eir sou pe. Ly in g 0 11 t hei r a ir craft gu ns to get a t th e m wh ile t r c clt 1 c t1 o n to M ocl.., rn Ee 11 on1 1cs. H S 11 f 0 1 1. hi State. eac incsrnan. e >y hacks squirting grease gu ns while t h e t r uck m cn cou ld see th e face of T he wo r k is of the na t ure of a lti~ Jargc flake · of ily mud fcl l into their the Germa n s as t hey lea ned 01· r t<• 1toi-y f co nomic: thought and coll• eyes or driving for days a nd n ights drop the ir_ homhs. But t he o nl v i111 - d it ion from Mecliac,·a l t imes to th" O hio Students' Share In Drive. \\'ithout top or sleep through hot p rta n t effect of the sc r im m age wa ~ pre ent, or approx imately 191-1._ ~tinging clt1st cl i ud · , cause I tit es,• t hat t he t rucks reached t he ir dcstinaT h e a r t icles are in the nature of a11 1 (C ntinuecl from page o n e.) chauffeur dough hoy to t h ink t hat t io n ha lf a n hour ea rl y. o u t li ne of his ma nuscr ipt wh ich lie · I · · cl clerson. st u ck n t 1>as tor at 1\n hio I f d r use 111 11 intro u•· thejr life wa far removed from ro- t stee l ne r ves , o ne mi g ht m em- \ o r ,e ut man('e. But now the Motor T;·uck t i 11 a cer t a in ~e r ·ca nt in th e o is - to r y w r k in E onomics. · tale u nivers ity at Col u m bu s: and \V. ] t I· t o I>e I10pc cl l ' r o f cssor I_nos · \\ '. Boyd. Jll'eside 11 t of \ Ve. te rn Col-o . ha (' 111 • into its own . Former l~ so u region wh ose ca r we nt dea d a t t he mot or tru..:k took ammun iti on to a co rn e r un de r ba r rage I-ire . \ Vh il <! w 1·11 I1ave t I11· Iec t u re p u 1>1·1s I1c d ,n lege for \ V me n a t O::ford . a dump whe re it was tra n sfe rr ed in he ll s li li ed th e a ir abo ut him w it11 ho -:i k form . as 11 sat isfactory hi sto r y I A ha l'l'age fire of oratory wi ll cover f fa ll in~ j f F. co no_ m ic · has hec n p r ese n ted tu I ca m p u s lifc a t h e camp a ig n co mes t he nigh t by ·ma ll ho rse ve hi cks to sp linte rs a nd t h e d us t I 0 11. D r. \ Vhit e w ill 0 1>e n the dr ive t he fie ld _art ill ery. Du ri ng tlt cs~ ho l' scs a n d w hil e five so ldi er s we r-: I t Ii e p u bl ic a yet. ·11 d 1· If d _______ _ _ _ wit h add r esses at I lu lf t o n ve mber k spec d y two mo nt Iis, t hough, tr ucks I c ia a oze n pa ces away . h..: . Interesting Card from "Babe" 10: a n d at F in cll ay a nd O hi o • ort hh aYe been hau lin g a111 mun 1Ctnt, ca Im Iy r ea cIJusted t he d eli cat e m e. . straight to the gu ns in the dayfimc. chanism of hi magneto . Bu t t he -- o m ew here 111 France, Oc t. 5, 19 1 ern ~ov. 11. . lo :\ly A lm a i\Iater: \l t l1o I I fi · . · , .. :ug, 11 ce ni te qu t· .d th e gu ns ·· wa iti t'Jg 'at tlin cs· a 11 •l fo r emost is t he to r y of P ri,·a te Ku, 7 · · . I h ave j ust r ead t h repo rt f t h e been s · t t h e s tud e nt divi s io n natio nnot g1v 1ng t 11c ·11c 11 s t 1111e to louc!1 mau l. T h e· Ger m a n bo mbin g p la n e O \V U f a nd the g r ound he un, they were in th..: ba ,·e deve loped a n eat id ea o f makiil£" , · .- · · · 0 1>a 11 gt m e al ly. st u de nt s las t yea r r ai eel o ver a breeche s. j the n ight life of tile truck cl r i,·er i1 .~ wa_s so l rry . to ee ltl , ed re u t. I I fa m million do Il a ,· ~ for the we lfa r e of ' l' I . . su1e t1at It wa s a uc to t i e a·t \mer· -a I1 o ld' I D J h R· · tc s ic pieces ha, t· hc c' n moving- <;c, , teres t ing by dropping fla r es in t a ti t tt . . iers. anc r. o 11 1a 1>e111 1s P 1ay 1ng t 11e 1arger ~I ott c1·11·e,· tor ge 11 c 1·a l of ti f ·. . . er · kl 111' t d 1u1c · Y t I1at o ten the a111111u111th/l: , town wher e they th111k convoys 111a, . . S f ~ ,e e · · 1 11 ,o a1·have Cam1i~·g1 , el' t t i t 1· . . . gameanc1 pay1ng1twe. I h as Iicc11 ta ke n to new postltons 111 1 he pass111g and the n b mh111g by • he ot , I b ~1 t , I r < t . s 1a t 11 yea 1· tie 11 yet met any . . men 1ere ut "lt1dc11t cl -· e ·11 , I $- 000 000 . a d ,·ance Ile fo re the guns thc 111scil c light of fhese--the star s he ll s reve1- ed. 1 t \l . ., t iv wi ·e ac 1 ::i, , • 1 so. . y 1)CSt w1s 11c go to Th i - ft111 cl 'l'I . . . J 10 pe o co · 11 J I got t I1cr c. 11s pace. wh 1c:lt nrak1: s In t h is manner Kuszmau l' tr uck was ti , C l) L n >e a Pus amo un t, not s wi 11 1 . • 1e co ge. vt. . . a"'ue . · r»d1'tecl o 11 · I f ot o lcl1. n pant to keep up \\Ith tie st ruck squ a rely h:- a h mh. hu s~.__________ community q u tas. " it, has hecn to, fast c:•cn for t h: matil him se lf was hurled from h,,, ''Ti1e colleges will not be be hind A S light M is t a ke horse. Soixantc-quinze gun are car- I seat imo a dit.:b hy the roacL-id e a 11 ,1 l\Ionday 111 rn ing the Girls' ch,ip, I othei· c m111u11itics,'' is D1·. 1lott's ricd hy tru cks: an d then other tru ·ks wol'ndcd in the thigh. The n accor,i - \\'a. some\\'hat disturbed hy the , 11 message in Ohio. "l 11 my judgme nt and omnihusses 1,rin g up th e ho r s~s. 1ing- to the oflicia l report Ile got up ' trance of l{e, . Hush. The gc ntlem ai , th 'Y will lead. \ Ve mu · t ha ve the '.J'o makc still more ;;peed the clri •:~r, 1 thus wounded. cranked hi ,:ar. f u•, d walked calmly down to hi s ac · us tom - univ •rsitics. college·. s h oo ls of O hi o ha e ht·en loadi ng a11d un loading th ei:· that th· engine was uninjun·cl. gut eel · eat 011 the front row. and t · ok h; s lined up in this undertak in g h ecau e own load ~ as well as dri\'ing. One hack in to his scat. put ff the bra' ·c. place to await the beginning of morn- of the grea t synthesis t h at i go ing secti 11 ~crving with the French in th1·cw in his c lutch. and d r O\' e his ,·ar inq- worship. Se\'eral girls tried 1,, to he illu · trated for the fi r st ti m e in the M ontd idi er region claim a tl1rc1: yards hcf re he lo t co1it,. u l. tl'll him of his mi ·ta k e hut he i·emaii, - thi s te in which Protestant· . Ro r ecord fot~ unloading soixantc:-quinz..,; On the way to the h pital Pri ,·a te 1 cd unti l a ce rtain y ung lady in th e nian -.atholic -~ H ebre\.vs, yes . and guns. Iii exactly 23 minute s it LIi l· Kt•szmau l died or h is w u nd. K us.· - same row con\'inc:cd him of hi s erro:·, those of ot h er c ul ts , have an o ppo r loaded eight. Tntck convoys han'., matil o f the 111oto1· truck company !t ar! whereup o n he blushingly rose and tunity wit h out · acrifici11g a11y prinof co urs e always been subject tn stuck l o th· juh. wa lked out. ciple to get logeth r 011 a great hell fire and gas. The life has hy 110 ----________ uudertaking 011 be h alf of the nation means :1i1:en a tame o nc . .\nybody AN OTTERB E IN MAN o :,.- NOT E A re You Patriotic ? and the A ll ies." who ha ev ' r driven a five ton car ____ Thi· que · tion was answe r ed by . The mcrican ·o u 11 ·i i 11 l~duca·with five tone of ammunition an a ll Thc appearaiic:c of th r ee a rt icle 111 nearly every girl on Th ur sday even -1 uon. representing i>ractica ll y all colnight run wil l aclmit that to he a M. .\mcrican Journa l of S io logy g ive ., ing at dinner. Every Friday eveni n g legiate 1·ganizations of t h e cou n try, T. ·. man requires steel nerves e. - occas ion to call attention to one oi wi ll be spent at the Red r ss r ooms. ha~ just i sued a ringing e nd o rse me nt pccially on crowded roads withou Otterbein' ons. whom we do not :\ l rs.. toughton reported 16 1 pads for of the student program, a ha s ' ccre1ight . w hen th e driver can n 0t Sl' often see. The a lumnus referred to the first e\'ening' work a n d tho e tary Baker for the ca mp a ig n 111 t he three yard · ahead Glf the radiator ca 1,. is Pr f •ssor fsaac .\ . Lo s. a m..:miic: very well done. \ \ 'e wi ll do e\·en S . .-\ . T . C. and a n 11y ca mp o f the and pcr hap with s heets of ra ih dasli - of t he c las of I HiG. _\ fte r gradua- better the next tjme . I co untry. . i ng in h is face. when an error in judg- tio n from Otterh•in Mr. Loo we n t to j H ·d__________ I The feeli n g t h r ug h o u t th e •tate is I t I· · ea1 on rove s' rect , a turd a)' I men means sma 11ng an artillery Yale wh ·i·e in J8"~\J he recei,·ed tilL j evening: ' · iat _t 1e. me n_ an d wome n o f the c_o lcais 011 or bumping a ha lf doz II degree of B. D. l·oi· a while Profes-/ F ' R k' ,. _ leges w ill l111 e u p 111 d o ubl e-quick tr t oo 1e- ay fellows cto I · I h' d 'll:g hi ioy ·into t Ile c,1·Ile 11. I. or Loos taught hi sto ry and Gc r 111a11 need I . - t" time >e ind t h e eve n o r g anizatio n 1 he n ew truck now meet s the ni,·- in \\ ' estern co li cge. To ledo. la . l l <: a iair cu· carryi n g good ch eer t th e men in p lane in batt le. ne c,utlit rcccnt h · I h· eco nd Rookie-"·· • we do n 't have the t I ti y. M . . at tac l d imsclf to a p romi ne n t l'n i,. inspection till nexl F,· iday. r e n c ,e : i e r . . A ., Y. W. tagecl a truck driver airman combat ed Brethren fami ly hy marry in g Mi,~ F' C. .-\ ., a ti o nal a th o li c \ ar Co un. tr t Rookie-"But if the n uara11- ·1 J · t h at wou Id I1ave' d e I1g h ted the heart L;;nra Res · ler, •i ter of ou r formc:· . Ct, ew i h \ !fare Boa1·d , \ Var amp " _ tine i lifted - unday T might have ·111 _ · o f t l1e mo t ensatwna l spirited 0 f Profes o r Re !er. :\[rs. Loose liv cl L mm u n ity erv ice, m e ri can Libra ry pection." a· ·oc iatio n , and 'a lva tion Army.
Page 'three
helping make t he Kaiser feel Uncle Yo ung attained internati~nal fa'.1}e· Protestants, Speed U pl Sam's teeth at every bite ; that by By her wonderful personaltty, she 1mCatholic college are getting the heroi cally swallowing sugarless tea pressed every group of which she lead on other schools of the state in Published Weekly in the intere st of and coffee, and by using syrup on our fo rmed a part with a new ideal ~of the : students' division of the United Otterbein by the ce real, we are adding our bit of womanhood, perfect, complete. . i'. .:. W~r \Vork campaign which is to OTTER BEIN PUBLISHING strength to the force t hat is cru shing Her memory will live as an eternal -raise $250 000 000 the week of N ovem BOARD, the enemy of humanity. ins piration to her sex-a shi nin i be '.i 1 fo; soidiers' welfare work pro Westerville, Ohio That little word "substitute" form beacon light to guide it into hig her ~i,;Led by these seven organization s: Member of the Ohio College P r ess erly so scorned, has grndually worked realms of service, until womanhood Y:· M. C. A., Y. vV. C. A., National Association its way into our social and religious of all nations shall be moulded into a Cat~olic War Council, Jewish Weilife. We are realizing more and more living sisterhood, with common fare Board, \Var Camp Community STAFF Service, American Library a ssocia Editor-in-Chief ...... .. Helen Keller, '20 that we must let service take the place ideals and purposes. of mere pleasure. T_he so ldier boy ti9n , and Salvation Army. Assistant Editor .... Es th er Harl ey, '2 1 recognized thi s when he took the St. Xavier's College, Cincinnati; Contributing EditorsT he Shor t Story Cont est. Helen Bovee, ' 19 oath of allegiance to his co untry; hi Aq uinas, Col umbus; St. John's ToLast week the Tan and Cardinal Grace Armentrout, ' 19 home fo lks a re learning it day by day . ledo; and St. Ignaci us, Cleveland; p ublished the first installment of "A Business Mgr . .. Kathryn W arner, '19 In our prayers, we uncon·scio usly hav'e pledged 100 percent enrollment neglect to implore so many blessi ngs Dream of the Return" written· by in- the campaign. Ass istant Bu sines s Managers Helen Bovee. This story was awa.rd Elizabeth McCabe, '2 1 for o urselves; the highe st blessing we Every member of the S. A. T. C. at e d the first prize of forty do lla rs crav e is for o ur country, o ur A llie s, Virginia Blagg, '22 St. Xavier-and there are 207 of last spring in the Barnes Short Story th·~m-has pledged $10 each to the Circulation Mgr. .. Mary Siddall, '1 9 o ur so ldiers, through whom ble s ing Contes t. will co me back to us. wq_rk for the men " over there." The A s si stant ir culation 1fanagersThe secon d prize, twenty do llars, \V e are glad to work, instead of Mary Tinstman , '20 h igh school branch of the same schoo l was a warded to Grace Armentro'tit ; Marvel Sebert, '21 play, finding o ur chi ef relaxation in a \y,iJI raise $2000 for the fund, the stu the third, te n dollars, to Robert · E. dents themselves have decided. Two Athl etic Editor .... Cleo Coppock, '19 change of occupation-knitting or Kline, Jr. h undred pupils in the high school at Local Editor .......... Ruth Hooper, '19 talking in behalf of the Liberty Loan . The Short to ry Contest which is Instead of buying expensive clot he Alumna ! Editor .... Prof. Guitner, '97 Aq uinas, Co lumbus, want to give $5 open to Juni ors and eniors, has P,r~ each. Exchange Editor .. Edith Bingham, '20 for o ur se lv es, we ar e sto ring up War sente d the most remunerative of all Savings tamp s and Liberty Bonds. Literary Editor .... Vida Wilhelm, '19 There are ome things, however, prizes offe red in Otterbein. The Address all comm uni cations to T he for which 110 substitutes can be found . fund was estab lished by J. Allison Ott.e rbein Tan an~ l, 20 W . There i 11 0 one to be fo und who is Barne , a former Otterbein man, now . ti. d t o answer o u r ca ll to se r - doing Red Cross Work in France, in I Bear Hiram: 11am t ., Westerville, Ohio. 1 qua 11 e Sub ription P ri ce, $1.50 P er Year, bl f do · g our b·t memory of hi s father . If there are ' Talk about surprises! W ell , no a able in advance. vice, no one capa e o 111 1, p Y no o ne, but o ur se lves, who can take no co ntestants, th e money is turned body had anything on us la st week when I got yo ur letter. When I Entered a second class matter our personality and our chara cter, and ove r to the co llege library. lf yo u hav-e a spa rk of geniu along came home from the office and found eptember 25, 1917, at the postoffice mak e them mean to the world what at \ Vesterville, 0., und er act of God meant them to mean, no one story writing line s, consult Professor a letter waiting for me, I grabbed it 1farch 3, 1879. killful eno ugh to use ou r ta lent o r. Altman as to the terms of the con.test: up, thinking it was from Harry. I and don't fail to e nter immediately'. looked at the end first, like I always gen iu s in human serv ice. A cce ptan ce for mailing at specia l do, ju ~t to e.e what he say , you Individual pe-rsonalitie can no t be rate of po tage provided for in Sec. know, and I declare I was pretty d upli ca te d; neither, in all the wide Progress. 11 03, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized world , will anyon e be found prepared ·'The wor ld is g rowing be tter vs. we ll p ut o u t wh en I saw Hiram in Oct. 24, 1918. to act a a substitute for you, when the wor ld is growing wo rse," used to stead' of Har ry. Har r y's in France your oppo rtunity for achievement be th e subject of numbe r less debates. now, you know. He went across last comes. I where th e deba ters expoun ded to spri ng and I j ust know he has been The American's Creed. Substitute-a wonderf ul w rd in the j grea t le ng th the virtues o r the sins oi at the head of all these big drives. believe in the nited S tate of material world. but whi ch has no the world. \ ,V e have grown away Talk abo u t worry! That is my mid America as a government of the peo place in the vocabulary of l ht: world fr om th ose debates. happily. But we dle name, now. But I never let him ple, by th e people· and fo r the people, of e rvice. might stop to r efle c t fo r a moment, k now that, of course. I'm sorry that you have to be on who e ju t powe r are derived from Beware of sub titutes-be too that some co nditions are changi1:g th e on ent of the governed; a de proud to give anything but your best which will mak e th e world a mo re K. P. du ty. You didn't need bother mocracy in a Republic ; a ove reign effo rt and tho ught to the duty in hand , li vab le place. There is an example to to exp lain the term-Harry did all nation of many sove r eign states; a too sin ce re to show anything other illu t.-at e this point. >-I ot long ago, :. that. I am perfectly familiar with perfect uni o n, o ne and unseparable ; than your true worth and natur e to a hill ca me in~o th Tan and Cardinal the mi lita ry language. As I said, I esta bli shed up o n those principles of dis c riminating world , too much of a rfice. and at th e bottom of the pag e am sor ry that yo u have to draw such I am afraid that some freedom, equality, ju sti ce, and human moral aristocrat to have any but th e wa th e following : •"This work do ne a d uty. morn ing the whole company will be ity for which Ame rican patriot s sacri highe s t ideals. in acco rdance wit h the ch il d Labo, ficed their li ves and fortunes. Law.'' As w e read it the thought ready to have a military sa lute. fired Ella Flagg Young. ca me to our mind that we take for over their g raves, because you had l th erefore believe it my duty to my Mrs. E lla Flagg Young, for many granted. now. reform that were a gotten the coffee mixed up with gun co un try to love it, to support its con stituti on, to obey its laws, to re spect years superintendent of the Chicago few year ago con idered wild im powder, o r something else that wasn't it flag, and to defend it against all Public Schools, and th e fir st woman po sible schemes of a few visionar" m eant for food. You alway were to be elected President of the Nation- f ana r·1c . 1~h e war may make us ·' ort of-well-irresponsible, Hiram . enemie . al Educational Association of Am:r- dou h tful of th e growing goodnes cf I remember in H igh School everyone 'W illiam Tyler Page. ica, wa one of th e mo st notable vic- · all folk but we can fee l encoura 0 ecl cleared out when yo u did your chem tims of the influenza epidemic. ow with Harry, . h by s uch unobtru 1ve signs as the on e istry expe riments. Beware of Subs titutes! The new papers o f Ch1cago er · . . I a lways fe lt perfectly safe, for he. is . . . d ' , noted. that the wo r ld 1s progr essmg , H ow many time in the day s before native city have conta111e so dependab le. many I afte r a ll. th e war, this phrase was brought to worthy tributes to her memory, durT h ings are moving along here very o ur attention in the world of adver ing the past week. "vVhen the am we ll , except we all miss our oldier Explanation. ti s ing and industry. Tn those days we mie s went over the top with Foch," friends. B ut, like all good niece of were s u p1c1ou of the thing that was aid one editor, '•it was a much the Tho e of you who read our editoria l Uncle am, "we gave them cheerfully "ju t a good," we wanted nothing if influence of Mr . Young that in pired of la t week concerning the Honor and concea led o u r tears," as I read in not the be t. them a the training and example of Roll doubtless wondered why t he a magazine once. But in the uph eava l and tran forma their ga llant lead er; she had had them Roll itself did not appear. The ex I mu t stop now and write to tion that war bring , we have lost a under her control in the formative planation is imple. Finding that we Har r y. Poor boy, my letters are hi s good bit of our prejudice again st ub- period of their lives, when they were had more " copy" than we needed, we only comfort. titute . vVe cheerfully accept them, a part of the great public school sys- decided , unfortunately fo rgetting the I hope that you, Corporal Hiram if in so doing, we feel that we are pro tem of which she wa head ; the fire aforesaid editorial, to wa it a week to wi ll keep on fee ling the re pon ibility moting our country's intere ts, either of her infl uence and ideals had i print the Honor Ro ll, knowing tha t of yo ur position, and wi ll create your fo reign or dome ti c. There is a thrill kindled in their hearts the flam e of with another week's work, it wo uld be raw mate ri al into rea l men, as the in believing that, by eating bread right and justice." in a much more complete an d accur- poets say. As ever, made from s ub stitute flour , we are As an educator and thinker, Mrs. ate form. Flossie. THE OTTERBEI
Page Four
ew England trict engineer for all with headq uarters at Boston. This doe not sever I r . K line' s connection orporwith the Emergency F leet ation.
Everything in Drugs and Sundries, Toilet Articles
Kodaks and Supplies
F ilms D e v e l o ped and Prints at '1 1. Announcement has ju b een L owest Prices and Satis made of the marriage in B6ston, faction Guarante-ed. Ma ss. , in Octob e r , 1917, of Mis s Sp ectacles, Eye Glasses of all kinds · He len M . ·weinland and l\lr. Martin Eyes Examined Free. Frank J. olumb u s, I Pil ls bury of Trenton, N. J. Mrs. hio, was in Chicago la s t week at- Pi ll s bury ha s been a tea c her in the tending a counc_il meeti1_1g o f the 'vVar I hig l~ sc ho ~ l ~t Trent?_n . fo r se~_e r ~l The Up-to -D ate Pharmacy, 44 N . State St., RITTER & UTLEY, Props. amp 0111mun1ty Service. Mr. Res - yea1 s. M1. Ptll bury ts ll1 the 1a d1 0 Jer will have cha rge of the Novem - se rvi c of the navy and i now lo ca t e d ber driv e in the s tate o f Ke ntucky, in Key \Nest, Florida . stitutions as Oxford, -a m bridge, ' with headquart e r s a t Lo uis vi ll e. '92. George L. Stoughton ret u rned t o Edinburgh and Glasgow, the So r ' 11. . D . L oc ke, wh o wa s for sever his home in 'vV e t <: rvil le la s t w ee k boune and th e Un iver s iti es of P ari s Bordeaux. These so ldier s tu T h e Colle g e A ve nue al years chief c h em ist f th dairy after s pe n ding se vera l we e k s in and orthern hi o, in the interests of the dents ,~ill receive c r edi t in Amer ican laborat o ry in Philadelphia, Pa., is no w M E AT MARKET u nive r s iti es for th e co ur ses fo l lo wed upervi so r in the chemica l d e partment dry campaign. I o f the 1--l e rcule s Powde r Company at in E ur o p e." N itro, nea r C harlest o n, \ Vest Virginia. A Letter from France. Further on the1·e is more- ' 'The . The fo ll owing is taken from a letter d e m obi liz at io n plans for univer s ity, i\llo ntana onference of th e U nited r ecei ved by Pr es ident lip1 in ge r fro m co ll ege, professional and technica l B. C. YOUMANS, Barber Br e thren hur ch r e ·en t ly o rganized a Earl Brobst ,, ver there": co ur ses in European institutions pro 37 N . State St. C hristian E nd eavor · 0. 11 fer e 11 c e Dea r L re 1d ~nt lippinger: v icle for a tt e 1idance o f o ffi ce i·s a n d Shop closed , · · branch. Among the ofl,ce rs of the J d so ldi· ers at a odei·ate ]le i·c o nal cost. a t 8 o ' clock except 111 . . us t now 1 m c nJoy111g one g ran new organ 1zat1on . a.r e R e v. M. S. anc1 g 1o n. u se ven - cl ay 1cave-my L eavec• of a l)se ii c•·~ or furlough wi ll Saturday. B o vey, 'S I, C hn s t ian t c wa r clsh ip ''permissi n". Our leave area is the be g rant ed to a limite d numb e r fr 111 ~ uperintend e nt , and Mr s. Minnie A . territory of avoy in the so uth - eac h orga nizati on o f a division, corps eastern part f France. vV e rod e for and a rmy. J n a ddit i 11 l s e lec tin g H all , '09, quiet ho u r s uperinte n clent. ' 97. Rev . Harry H . Ha ll er of Liv e a little more than a clay n the the onicers and m e n f r attendance at G . H . MA YHU GH, M . D . Oak, a lifornia, .ha s ju s t bee n ap- c he m in-cle -fe r and when we arriv e d at the European univ e r s iti es, the corp pointed pa sto r of the · nitecl Brethren Aix-les-Bain w e re given lodging at sc h oo l ofticcr will prepare list s of a l Eas t College Ave. c hurch at Sacramento and will enter th e big hote ls here. n leave there ternates t o in ·ur e that each organiza up o n hi s wo rk th e re al ne e. is no tap s and lights o ut at 9:30 and ti o n h as a fair r e pr ese ntative. Before Phone s -Citizen 26 Bell 84-R ·os. · Pro f. Ray111 o ncl D. B en n e tt, who nor e veiHe and c ru e l getting ut of bed leav in g t take up hi s co ur se, each for th e last year ha s bee n s uperinten - t o, foe l th e e fr osty 111orn111gs at 5:30. candidate will hav e t o pa ss an exam, cl nt of sc hool s at Athen , hio , ha 1t Ju st a round f pl ea u1·e fo r n ination or present credentia ls as to DR. W. M. GANTZ whole w ee k. educational wo rk already accomp lish r es igned hi s po itio n t I1ere to take l'v e be e n c limbing mountain , go eel .'' charge of bu iness affair s in W es ter Dentist That's exac tl y the s tartling new I vi ll e. T he board of education in ing cl o wn through gorges, eeing old Bell Phone 9 r ea d over five or s ix t i me . l t's still A thens accep t ed hi 1·es ignation wit h cast le ti ll I t h ink I know t hem a ll. "newspaper talk ," but i,f there' s any we rode by cog railroad Yes.terclay 15 w . College Ave. great r egre t , a s Professor Bennett had Westerville had mark e d s uccess 111 hi s work to t he top of Mt. Revard th e h ighe - t possibility of a nything lik e l s u re ly on nea r here and fr 111 there we do want t o hav e a c hance at it. th e re. O ne of th e difficulties-for me co u ld see s now cove r ed Mt. Blanc 0 k abo u t 70 ki l 111eters away. W e a lso per hap s will be that m e n w h ose C. W . STOUGHTON, M. D. . ' 12, '13. Dr. and Mr s. A. D . (Wilda Dick) an d little daught e r had a good view of the ' wiss Alps. co u1·ses we r e inte rrupt e d wi ll be given 3 1 W . College Ave. Ruth, who a re 0 11 t h e ir way t the The Y. M. . A. he re s how s the pr eference. ''l n the se lec tio n of s tu Philippin e l s la n ls for 111 i s io na ry 111c11 o n leave the finest kind f e nt e r dents to pursue advanced s tudie s, W este rville, Ohio wo1·k, s to pp ·cl in J :1pa n the 111icldl e of tainment. Th ey have taken o ver the specia l conside ra ti o n will be given B ell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 Se pt e 111ber. vVhil e the r e •they were as ino which is a ca s tl e , almost, it m e n who int.:rrupted their pr o fess ion- I en t e rtain e d by Rev. a nd Mr s. Warren se lf, with ti led fl oo r s a n d marbl e c I a l, t ec hni ca l, univ e r si ty o r co llegiate I r----- - - - -- - - - - - - ---.. ll . Haye s ( Ila Bale). ' 13, ' 12. of um 11 s and ar c hed ce ilin gs, t e rrac e and ecl uca ti n to e nt e r th e a rmy ." Tokyo, Jap an a nd ·aw Rev. Kiy o hi a ll and lar ge e no ug h f r th r e tinu es This is p la nnin g a go cl bit ahead of Yabe, '12, of Zeze, J apa n. of a ha lf-d oze n Duke s. The Y. peop le things as th ey a r e a nd planning 0 11 a '69. iVlrs. Byron T. Dav is ( Mari:t g wi t h u · and exp lain all th e int e r s lig ht possi bilit y. Hut , m ay be , if the Hoc h es keep o n r unnin g it won't b e I - a rnmi s) di ed at G ra nt J l os pital. o- j cs t~n g pl aces ro und about. lumbus , Ohi o, 11 Saturday, ctober Exactly what I hav e o n m y mi n d so fa r away and n o matt e r if it 's ovt:r 27, af ter an illne s of se ve ral week . , ri g ht now is go ing to sc h ol again. h e r e or in th e L". S. _, . 1'111 p la1111i11g 1 Fun e ra l se r v ices were co ndu c t ed a t I l don't kn ow whether it will be pos f r more s ·h oo l. I rem · mb e r o n ce 1 h er ho111e in Westerville la st Tues day s ib le o r eve n then, whe n it ca n be. lo n g ago before 1 ca me t o Otterbein, I l'r ofe or ·orne t et in ca mpai g n fo r for e noo n. ~lrs. D avis was th e o ld est I' m thinking about it. S t ap l e a nd F a ncy Gro ceries see r s id e nt of \ Vestervi ll c who wa s bo rn I A co upl e f w ee k s ago in t he ' tar s s tu clcnts came t o o ur h o u se. "Then", and rear ed he re . She was a g rand - : and S t r ip l's th e . E. F. 11 ews1 ap r , he said, " th ere's an :1t m osp h c re .." I've WIL S ON, THE GROCER daught e r uf l'et e r W es t erve lt, o ne of th e r e was a lo ng :trti c le ~1hout the come t o th ink so mu c h of that atmos- 1 South State St. the fo und er of t h e t ow n , whose fam- p lans of the government 111 r egar d phere that I don't want t o leave it, though I didn't quite ",umpris" (very ...___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _., ily name ga ve \Vestervillc its name. to e du catio n for the so ldi e r s ri g ht , - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - , ·, ,,e after th e war. I' ll quote th e part s l~r c n c h ) th e n . Prof. a n cl ~I r s. ll. ·. l' lo tt ( l that int erested me. J wa s c nsiderably s urpri se d and :McFarland), ' I 5, ' I 5, of leve lancl , I· Mr . M , 'lark "It is planned to w id e n e du cati o na l n1ighty glad to 11ll·et Ge rge I l erri · k 1 1 1 O 11 o ; :1 1H l r s. au f T · 1 ( 'o ldie ~I ·Fa rl a11d), ' I 1. of Blisslield, w r,1 at t 1'.e ent1 o 1i os tt 1t1es, ·o t , a t here this morning. He is th e fir s t of M ' L , cl f th e American ar my clunn g the de - the bo)~, l h av • met 111 the ten 1 1 1 I110 ; an 1 1 1ss oa , c·aran, o I -- • · d " ·· OI • mo 1Jt 11zat1 o n peno ma y have the acl- months I've liv e d in Fra n e. l re 11 0, 11a ve 1)ee 11 . \ •v est 1· ar1111ngton, of _ th e hi gher . e du .catio nal · · 1rng · l'ive le tt rs fr eq u ent ly fr m Bron so n v1s1 at t 11e M c F ar Ian d 110111e n rt 11 vantage . Corn e r Sta te and M a in Streets I syste m s of 1, rench and Engh h unt - and E lm r Barnhart. f town 011 the Africa R oad. 1vers1t1es. s oo n as th e war c nd sUp s tairs i\ly be st wishes are f r Otterbein. '92 . Rob ert E. Kline, w ho ha s been I pos ibly as soo n as th e fighting tops, Yours s in cere ly , emp loyed by the Emergency Fleet J waiting on peace negotiations-it is Earl Brob s t. Cleanin g a nd Pressing done on o_rpo ration a pla_nt e ngi1: ee r a t th e planned that office r s and en li sted men Private Ea rl J . Brob t , Bristo l Yard s, Phtladelph1a, ha s re - will be given lea ves of abse n·ce from s hort notice. Q. M. upply o., o . 30 1, cently accepted the pos ition of di s- th eir unit s to at tend s uc h c lassic in- Ame rican E. F., France, via N. Y.
Studen ts Trade Solicited
Rhoades & Sons
For Nuts Fruits and Candies
B. W. WELLS The Tailor
T he Honor Roll (C ontinued fr o m page one.) Ha ll , C. R ., Lt. H a ll, H e rbert. Hall , L uth e r G. Hall, Ru k in . L t. Co l. H all e r , Ralph . H a yes, Ea rl. Heb be r t,
. M ., Lt.
Hender son, Jame Hert, L. Hil l, Ros . H o tt , H ora ce. H o we , J . R. Hub er , Ram e y. H ·u ber, R o dn ey. Ja co b , Fo rest. Jayne , 0. A . J o ne , We nda ll , Capt. K e l er , Fred W . K line,· C har les. K line . H mer. K lin e. W . L., Ca pt. K ude r. Lu t h er. Lambert, A rt hur. La m ber t , Glenn. LaR ue. . D. Lease r , J . G . Leathe r s. P ark. L ig htn e r, harl es . Li ngr e ll . E lmo. Li n co ln, o rdo n. Love. J . R., Lt. _ Ma rkl ey, • t e ph e n ., Capt. .M ase , R. P. · Mayne . l;) . Mayn e. Ira , Lt. McFa r la n d , G uy . McLeod. la r ence. Mead, Ward ' R. .\lleyer G ustav. Mignerey , .Ll oyd B. Mi ll er, J oh n B. Mi ller, J o hn D .. L t. :vtiller, Wallace W., Cor p. :Miller, Wi ll iam. -:Vlills. D. T. :vi.ills. Gilbert. Moore. L. L. Moore, \l\ ' ilbur, Lt. Mourer, 0. '0/. Mu ll in, C. E. Mu,1dhenk. J. J., Lt. Myers, G. R. Myers, Herbert L., Lt. Neally . .A..\\' .. Lt. Nelson. H. )lichols, :-\. S .. Corp. Palmer, Russe l. Lt. Parent. \'irgil, Lt. Peden. Roy. Ream. Glen 0 .. Lt. Recob, Francis. Reese, Harry. Resler. Frank C.. Lt. Richey . C. L. Ride r , J oy. Roach, J. Roose, L is le. Ross, T hur ston, Lt. Russel, E rn est. Schear, R illm o n d \IV. Schnake, C liffo1·d . Schrock, Dona ld. Schutz, Wa ltc1·. Schweckhi e m er, F. L., Lt. Sech.rist. Geo r ge. Sechrist, I van. Seneff, Richard . Lt. Sharp, W ill iam. Shauck, Robert W., Lt.
helley, Howa r d. herri c k, W endell. hes sar , Ga ton B . imon , Robert . ipe , George. mith, D ewey. mith , James B. mith , Lloyd E . mith, Nob le. mith , Ra lph Vv. no rf . W. A. p r i-ng, C lay t o n. tauffer , W . 0. tead , H . R. t e3rns, F . V . te ph e ns, H o ra ce, L t. tr inger , John . T ho ma s, B y ro n. Th o ma s, Fre deri ck. T roxe ll , L a w son, gt. T hru s h , R. B urt on. Vance, T . J . Van Mason , C. E. Wa lters , H arlie. Ward, l. M . \,Varner, C la r ence. Warrick, E lvin . \ ,Ve3vc r, C la rk, gt. Webber, T ru man E . Whetze l, W a lt e r . Wi lderm u t h , E. F. Wood, S . W . B., Sgt. Yo un g, Bob. Young, . K. Zuern e r, Fra nk Dewitt. Z uerner, P. E. O tterbe in Men Engage4
Page Five
Otterbein S. A. T. C. Men Attention! You will want yo :1r pho to in uniform . ~ C all at ou, Studio
•wh e r e only fi r st class w or k is
WILLIAMS' Ice Cream and Confectionery The Place f or S weets to Eat
in Army Y. M. C. A. W o_rk. Best. Ia n R . B o okwa lt e r, Alfr ed G. Bradri c k. T. H. Bre nn e m a n , J . A. B re ntlin ge r, H. R.
B r in e r . Or v ill e W . B ro o \< s, A . E . B rnbak e r, U. B . B u nge r. \,Varr e n L. B urt ner, O tto \11,T, Dru m mond, eth A. Mattis. W . L. Porter, E lmer L. Redd, P. -:Vl. hull , S . E. Spe3 r s , J. G. Sp r ing. C. W. Upso n , Ray G. W ilso11, D udley R. Y ates, C. D. Young, Harry E. O tterbein M en Engaged in R,ed C ross W o r k in France . Barnes, James A llison. Ke iser. T hoburn
Station~ry, Pennants· Fancy Books College Jewelry
Unive rsity Bookstore
P a rlors of Church Used as a T _e mporary Hostess. House A lthou g h n o pe r ma ne nt h o tess ho use ha s ye t bee n es tab lis h ed fo r the . A . T. C. me n, t h e pulo r of t h e c hur c h wa-s ve ry co m fo rta bl y fu r ni s h ] eel fo r t he ir_ u e o ve r Saturd ay and unday. \V1th th e se ni o r g irl s a c t ing as h os t e3Ses, t he r e la tiv es a nd Printed Cards fo r e ither men or women, $1 for 50, or $1.25 for 100. frie nds of t h e me n we r e war m ly we l P ric~s fo r Engr aved S toc k on Application. comed and th e atm osp her e mad e a s home-like 3.S pos ib le. Dr. She rri c k, who has t he m at t e r in c harge is m a k ing a rr angements as rap idl y as ci r cums ta n ces p er mit a nd in th e ne ar .W est Main S t. Both Telephones fut ure O tt e rb ein w ill have full y eq ui ppe d , perma ne n t hostess roo m s. unti l t hese ar e sec u,ed, however, t he m en will fi nd t he ch u rch parlor at Patronize Tan & Cardinal Advertisers Patronize Tan & Cardinal A d ve rtisers t h e ir d isposal over the week-ends.
Name Cards for College Folks
T he Buck eye Printing Co.
Page Six
A football rally was held Frid ay evening for the Musk in g um -Otterbein game. The bunch that gathered in Lambert Hall, a lthough it was n ot :i large as it should have been, ur ely had the pep. Speeche were made by rep re entative · of a ll the clas es and I y ·arious members of th team The crowd surely had the old light in g spi rit and chee r d the team on to a grC'at victory on the morrow. The team alway do their part and it i up to us to do ours. White wool sox? E. J .-A clv.
ROOKIE-RITE-UPS Dr. SnaYcly-Many egg have be n shipped in from hina thi year. Dave Bartlebaugh egg. Good
andie . Variety
Ye !
The rookie have all been tagged . not as an advertisement but becaus·~ the lieutenants want to know whom they are bawling out. Many questions have been asked o f those in power a to when th e b ys get their pay. Lieutenant J ohn ·on told u . '"' hen it arri,·es.
Stationery, Views. -Adv.
Our Tulips, Hyacinth, Cro cus,
Iris, Anemone and other Bulbs are in.
Most of the bulbs offered by
florists are American and Canadian Grown, and yet an experiment.
Ours are direct from Holland.
They cost us more than domestic
grown but do not cost you any more.
Plant a pot or two.
Coal in stock.
-Adv. Kathryn \ Va rn r was on the sick hop. li st thi week, but she didn't ha ve the ·'Flu."
Rea ll y Miss Kitt le mis sed her Heard 111 the Lab. Professor, how much doe a gram of Hydrogen breakfa t twi c thi week! weigh? Adv. Girls' Dark Tan Military Boots, Serge Un iforms ...... .................... $36.00 $5.00 to $8.50. E . ] . orris.-Adv. Mi lton · niforms .......................... $33.50 Let us take your measure at once Prof. \,Veinland like peppermint,;. Finest workmans hip. Fit guaranteed A supp ly of peppermint cas be secu~ 8 days' service. E. J . o rri s.-A dv. ed from J ohn H . Kurtz. Boost yonr "'-' e kn w \\;hy Loi Bick lehaupt i~ grade . s happy. Her mother came Wed No one can J<ip the Katie's Poli ce nesday night. squad now. The name s a r se lected For seYeral people th e quarantine alphabe tica ll y. has its advantag s. An unusual num Hosiery. ariety Shop.-Aclv. ber of I oxes of candy appeared thi "We ll. after all," remarked Tommy, week. who had lo t a leg in the war, "there's Perfect fit guaranteed. Let E. J one advantage in having a wooden get yo ur uniform.-A clv. leg." Some ne asked, " Why did Gladys "What' that?" asked the friend. Howard make such a ha ty exit fron1 "Y u can hold up your bloomin' sock with a tin tack!" huckled the the reception room?' ' , hero. -Exchange. There is one perso n who ha s be The Place to Shop. Variety Shop. come very popu lar during the quaran . tin by her kindness in bringing the ,-Adv. mai l to u every evening. That p •r The S. A . T. . 'men are having the son is Mr . Parfait, the one w;i o dreaded shot in the arm. So far they are taking it very we11 a lthough ome makes uch de licio us pumJ kin pie . were very sick at first. Dr. Stoughton-"Were you ever innoc ul ated before ?" Buck Pvt.-"Twice, once for stea ling apples, and again for speeding." B u ck P ri vate Perfect say " It's a mystery how th ey're going to mak e a n officer of m e." Private Ahr speak ing to fe ll ow in the gym after tap "Cut out the noise, you fo llows. I ain't b lind, ! can hear you." .. • M1Jit~ry Hats, Belts, Handkerchiefs and Shirts. Get them from E · J ·Ad v. G . Howard-Hey Bob, where is you r cot located. R. Wright-It' ort of out in tl,c hallway over in Lambert Hall. Overnoat are in the height 0f popularity nowadays.
Dutch Bulbs
Margaret 11awley ha been ill, but w are glad he is improvin g n w V . W. and Mary E. Lee Th ther clay s h e rec i,·ecl a box Both Phones fi lled with little packages mark ed open at lO o'clock, J 1 o'clock etc. J t must be intere ting to get a pa cka g-c e,·ening. The guests came repre se nt - I every h ur. ing Theda Bara, !viary Pickford and mbrellas. Variety Shop 0t h er tar · I Purses,
pell ac-
Army shoes, $5.00, $6.75, $8.50, $9.50. E. ] . orris.-Aclv. The best order gi,·en out yet is that prohibiting runnin g aero s th e earnpus. The. campu in which we a:l look o mu ch pride w ould otherwi S(' have been ruined. Prof. Frit z- H ow do you ident? F cm Rog rs-J\xcedent.
U nderwear.
Va ri ety
wigart and Agne Halloween
Westerville I Auto Sales
Florene Loar and Kathryn Warn- 1 er had a dinner party F1·iclay evening. I Mrs. Counse ll or was a guest from outside the Hall. Dates! how u · the girl that didn't have a elate on unday after the quarantine was lifted. It was Dean McFadden's c lever idea, upon each p late of ice cream reposed , "a date."
party Thur day:
General Repair Work Prices Moderate Radiator Repairing a Specialty Vulcanizing Taxi Service
r,------------------.. The Old Reliable Scofield Store is the reliable place to buy Dry Goods and Men's Furnishings.
Jonathan , Grimes Golden, Baldwin, Uncle Ben Apples, all good eating. Emperor and Basket Grapes Bananas, Oranges and all g~od things for luncheons. MOSES & STOCK
Autos For Hire Special Rates for Parties. H . L. MAYNE 38 West Main St. Both Phones
h op.-Adv.
Tab le No. 3 presented a vei·y pretty scene Friday even in g, as the girls sat in the ca ndl e li g ht dresserl in eve ning attire. 'Ne wonder why so many gi rl s went to "Willie's" at 8:30 S unda y eveni ng! Would yo u like to know how it seems to be desperately in love? Would yo u like to hear about th terrdibfle agony ca~sed by being separate rom yo ur beloved and darling sweet h eart for three or four endles s days? Would you like to find out what wo uld mak e yo u wring · yo ur hand , tear yo ur hair, and pace madly back and forth before a bunch of giggling girl when the Dean said you couldn't have a elate till after dinner? Ask Lillie Waters.
No. · 14 N. State St.
OUR COAL Makes Warm Friends H. L. Bennett & Co. .64 North State St.
Patronize Tan & Cardinal Advertisen
lr - - - - - - - - Everything for the Girls and Boys. at
G. W . STOCKDALE Funeral Director and Embalmer Motor Funeral Car Ambulance Service Phones-Citizen 39 Bell 71-R Westerville, 0.
Alkire's Barber Shop
;Bring Nin tv Cents and get ne Dollar's worth of o-ood at
32 N. State St.
Keller & McElwee
Shoe Shine
Cash Grocers
\-------------' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . 1 Patronize Tan & Cardinal Advertisers