1918 11 18 The Tan and Cardinal

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Phila lethea Holds Re cep t io n Satu r­ day A ft e rno on to D edicate N ew Tiffin Eleven Wins from Otterbein in H ami lton Holt Tells P ers o nal E x ­ Steinway Gra nd-N umber of Scrappiest Game of the periences on th e Va r io us Battle Al umnae Prese n t Season. Fro n ts " O ver The re". Satu.-day afternoon at fou1· o'clock at a rcccpti 11 gi1·e11 in I e;· Hal. ENTHUSIASM RUNS HIGH LARGE AUDIENCE PRESE NT I Philalcthea dedicated the new grand S ay s Mora le E xcep t iona lly G ood piano recently purcha~ccl to r<·pbce Camp Mak.:s Touch~own for Home the upright piano which has i>ecn in A m o ng Amer ica n Sold ier s-Also Tea:n-W.elker and Jean Best nsc for many years. A mo n g Fre n ch C ivilia n s. for Visitors. . . . . (;1•ace .\nncntront. as mistress o f . Ham,lton llolt, cclttor ot the lnclecl l:1 thl' far,• >fa c.,Jd . dam p w ind, a . ccremc111es an a 1so as tht• head of pendent. who was the .\rnerican reprc• h. I · "OOd c ro.vd f fou \1> .. !1 , 11,ln·s1ast,; 1 comnllttee w ,c 1_1 _1rnrc 1iasec t.,c sentati,·e at the l'eacc Commission in 1 tic I ;atherccl at the Otterh1:iu .\thh-tic • f p1an<>, gav<.; a H':·y l1tttl'1" cl:dJCatory I ta Iy, an cl ". I10 I1as Just returnee1 rom . iield last . , a tu relay .1f1..r110011 where · · · v1s1tmg t I1e , \ II'H' cl ,,,att1c f rants, gave sr.ecch . . \ft ·r welcom111;r.. the. guest,. \\'a:; wi n csscd one: of t he rkane~t • • f . . both' alumnae and "nc-w g1:·I~. she an 111tere_st1ng acco,unt o. 111s exp en- ckclicated tht· piano t 1 t:' e l'hi'aand ~ci-appiest contests ,~·en for) c'.l n; ences betore a large audience at the bet,,·cen the llcidelhcrg g ridckrs a nd: th0 d l'nitt-cl Bre t hren church, last :\Ionclay lcrtican . of yeSlrr ay. "c ac,i,c· the Otterbein cl-cYen the t°111al sco;e in society now, and to· the l'hii t· night. , , tancling at 1:i to <i in fa,·rir uf tht lcthea of the future. The re1,1a1ndc · :\lr. Holt, in speaking of the recent J. C. Siddall , ,·i ·itors. . . t . a'1cl "a ltho rrJ 1 of the program was mu~1cal. and w;-,,~ . ·ri.~1s .·.l...-·,i,,,,., was stag-c<1 a, a 11~me1 01 v c ory our arms . s • u,.., as h ll ows; i\'lr. J. C. Sidclal1, former editor _of , 1 t he ba t tl e has b een won, t h e battle of . the Tan and Cardinal. has the peculiar \ c1rn111g and not a few of the Old life is just beginning;' that a lthough \'ocal Solo! distinction of having been the fir t Grads" were on hand to sec their o ur soldiers a r c no longer act ua lly · I l fca,· a Thrush at E\''e" sub cnber to the 19 19 ·ibyl In form- /i.'\ lma Mater 'in action t>gainst a team fig ht ing t he en em y . t hey n ow m ust Ruth Br undage er years this honor has been among that was a worthy opponent on such begi n a d iffe r ent sort of batt le, the S xt,;tte-Sc lccted t ,e Ju 1 =or,' bnt ~o _sudclcaly anll so an . K-CaS..0}1 ln all fnrm r ·ontest. t ru gg lc of reco n struction. This i l'hilalethea Sextttte ca lmly clid the above 111 ntioncd per- \ these two teams have played clean th e fight in whi ch -:veryonc may Piano ."o loson approach t he Sibyl Manage1· that and hard and though they are ri,·als hare, whe:1 the battle will he con"Second Impromptu" . Rheinholdt before he knew it he had taken the yet. this ri\'alry has been of the most tructi ,·e rat h e r t h an de tructive. . A~nes \Vright money and handed over the receipt friendly s'.lrt and Saturday's o-ame ·Mr. Holt gave interes t ing descrip- \ ocal o lo-Selectecl for full amount. It is to he hoped was 110 exception to the rule. I that many more, in fact all of the stution. of hi s experiences with the Bel)Je,·a J\lertz The Referee·s whistle called the gia n , Frenc h and American so ldiers at .\ftcr the I rogram, refre hmcnb dents wi ll follow the ('xample and be- , game promptly at two o'clock with the front. T h e Be li ga n ar m y is the were sen·ec.I ancI a I1appy soc1a · 1 tune · come s·11)Y I . su)I en·1)t:rs a t th e very•' t I1e h ome I)0ys d e fl'nc1·1ng t I1e sou th only one which i growing all th e wa~ enjoyed. especially by thos~ of earliest possible date. g al. The \'isitors chose to receive time, because there i a continual the alumnae who had not been ---------and Otterbein ki keel the pig skin st ream of Be lgian men. returning pri,·ileged to ·omc back to the Hall C rowd of Rooters H old Rall y. almo,t to their opponents goal from from all p laces to which they had · 0 · I · d 1 f t r some time. .\n <.:nthu ia tic football rally was w 1en ce ,t was returne on y a cw been driven by the Germans. They (Continued on pag~ two.) Tl] ,.~ 11 ew 1>iano is a Stcinwav r un a ll arts of risk and face many , 11arlor held on Friday e,ening " for the: Otterclangers to return to fight against the grand. cased in dark red mahogany. hein-Heidclberg game:. The r oters. enemy who ha den1statecl their "ith a bright finish. The tone is after mar ·hing arou n cl town headed F oot b a ll M en Choose Captain, homes. , clear and. mellow. admirably s_mtecl b? a band. assembled 111 front of the H erb M eyers Now Heads Team. L ibrary. peechcs were made hy the L , .cl . f . T he 111 orale of· the Allied armies i. to . the s1ze . of the room. . E,·ery ast 1•n ay mg11t 1ie ore gomg to . · . but· the morale f the civil- Ph1lalethean 1s proud f this. add1manager and . "'Onclerful, " . . . _ the capta111 of. .the tean1. t I1e fi1e 1<1 for pracltce t 11e mem lJer o f ian popu lation t marvelous. Even I t1on to the equipment. wh ich _111- 1Sergeant l•ox gave tl1c merit of each the footbal l quad elected their capwhen t he H un was Within a few m il es creases greatly the beauty o_f the Ha ll, member _o f _the t_eam and \'~uchecl for tain for this eason in the person. of of Pa r is, t he people were confident and many were the compl1me11ts re- 1their pet fo1 mance on the held. bThe H. H. l\Ieyers. that h e wo uld n ever reach the cit)'- ceived in praise of the appearance of j crowd then gat_hcred around the . onDue to the fact that the captain and he neve r d id. the new piano. fire where rousmg r;heers were given. elect did not ,·eturn to school thi (Con tin ued o n page two.) year the election was deferred until









====================================== JHOME-COMING ROUSES "YE OLDE Two Local Companies Pledge · F Money for Better Equipment. i TIME PEP"-CHEERS RAISE ROO

Company ,\ and Company B of the JTome- omings always up lift the , the crowd below. One of the car. A. T. C. have Yery gencrou ly sub- 1 J)ulent f ot-ball pla)•ers forgot his . co111111u11 1ty both generally and spccicribecl t o a camp fund which will be ' broken bones and began to dance out used for the athletic supp lies a n d I ficia lly. In general terms, th ey unite 011 the field. .Prcxy came to the game other needs. The_ fund consists of '1 the pep of the pa t with the pep of the and remained until the fina l outcome. nearly $200 and w11l he a great a' et pre ·ent and hoot it all into the The cheer-leader sprained several to the two ·ompanies. Exce ll en t mo ra le of t he future, and speci fica ll y muscles quite seve rely, a nd o n e poor ath let ic equip m e n t can be secured be- pea kin g, t he e are a ve ry few of t h e lad 011 the team comp lete ly ruined h is cause o f it a nd t h e fe ll ow w ill be ab le many energizin g episode which too k ,·eel weater by mean of a stick w h ich t o eng age in spor ts w hi ch u p t o t h is p la ce durin g th e home-co min g last rema in ed stat io na r y a nd pe r pe ndi ctim e ha\' e been impo s ib le. The Satu rday: u lar in th e gro und w hil e h e skidd ed A co upl e o f b oa r ds were jar red o u t over it . Tt su re wa s a g r ea t day fo r gr o win g rivalr y be t ween t he two co mpani es will wi th ou t do u b t he a of t h e ro of o f th e g r a nd -sta n d by t h e Otter bein even if H ei delber g did tu r bul ent ye llin g a nd t h u mpi ng of th e. ha,·e a st rea k of lu ck. s timulu s for g r eater co ntri b uti o n s.


a suitable person could be selected. Mr. Meyers early in the eason proved his leadership when he took the new materia l and coached it and put it in shape for the first game, since up to that time no coach had been hired. Later he proved a successful leader on .the field of action and while at practice. " H erb" is a Vars ity "O" man and is we ll liked by a ll who know him. He a lways wor ks for the best inter­ ests of th e Co ll ege a nd is a good stu­ d en t. Eve r y loya l Ot terbein student is wi shing fo r h im th e b es t of uccess fo r t h e r emainder of th e foo tball season.


..\ RD I ...\ L

THE TAN ..\. D

Page Two

· · · I Tl: e ~ame was fast and nappy Thus the l'ntll'<' llrst pcno th r o;·<!hout and n r t a few stars we re • wa, pl ayed w ith the ha II a 1way , 111 . [>! ·, · \\'hat a 11 table week this ha been.1 · . . . . . noted. !l owe ,·c r \\'e lk e r and J ean The Philoph,onc,tn a n< ,1.o . . the vi sitors u:rr1tu 1y. . . . 111e wo rld wa exci t ed. the tate was · I l l I>• the bacl· h o ne of the ma th ca n li te rary soc , ·ties 11e 1d r e~u. ~ H II d . . Th , ,cl· r 11 d quar t e r ,, tarted al tu· a•>pean:< 1 e ' . . . • \I I . · "xc1 ted a nd och ra n a I,a its ex-1 · · · I • •11 while ··1 m1) wa the 1 lar sc s1ons l•nday evc11111g. ' av three mi1111t c•s r ·st and was ' ,e unt o : 1e·1 t111g c· c, ~ . ' .. <l t o a· t c1 tement _wh tivc members were p nv, . en 1t was . announced . a t th e tir s t except that p.:11altie s we,e s t e l Ia r man ,,o r ti1c h o m • team · 1ege ·,11 hoth so· ic ti cs. In Phi lnd inn er l· r1d1 y eve11111~, that_ Miss Jlowt: :C' r Otte rh ~i11 O tte rb e in (6) Heide lb e rg (13) ten(! · · I Jessie \V ei r of rooksvdle. O hi o, had less frequ en t . phronea a ll associate m embers wit 1- , . _ L. I see ,nl'd to ou tplay th e Heid e l!)('rg :\ l e lku s L. E. Ma thias '[ d . I beco me th e bride ot \,1r. y n c1o n .aT out black marks were per1111ttec1 to f Ph'I d . P· lads and the ha ll was cn n s ta ntl y ke pi So uthwi ck L. . •' a s u a Ro u c I1e o I a e 1p 1 11a , a., at 5 , ., I I d L G • · , e an attend. in the visito r s' terriory. Near the : 1:ox o'cloc k Frida y eve ning. I K 11 Let E. J. get y o ur uniform for .ec 1 ey e nd o f thi s period the T:in and H owa r d Ladie · ' Phoenix and Luxite ilk I Ca rdin a l team 100 k a sp urt a nd Oliver R. G. hay <Ir es .-A dv . Hosiery, new stoc k. E. J . Norris.- t hr ea lc• n cd to sco r e l>u_t th e _t im er·, H o\\'e R . T. Kaufma n (c) Lic1·tenant M.il lc r to Company D: Adv. wlti tk · topped thl'm 111 th e ir rn acl H . .\ I eyers (c) R. E. Mo rl edge 1 " Th a t 11·1, c ·, s 1>rdty go d for a rainQ• B\"e lke r :\Irs. Roland Mertz, ' 18. of \Vaba s h , ru s h to cross t I1e gna J 1·11 1c. I 11 ti 11· s Sm it h 'V 1-[ichaels liow ." I le must rc n1e 111i>er that w~ I nd ian a was t h e g uest of h o n r at a qnartc1· () tt c rh e ·111 co mp<· I t ecJ Iier 1·,r~t f ,. H • ~ Can o,: ~re :·1 !)a rt of the l{ai11h ow Di v isi 1J1 1. \ Ve! cl1 I''-· H · ~ amp di nn er 1n r ty given Friday night in forward pass . Dr. l·ott:-W lt erc i Versai l!es lo- Roo m 8, third floor . 1:. B. J ean I t was i11 thl· third ,tag-c o f th e :\la c clo11alcl ga m e that both teams r eg iste r ed t h eir Substitutions Ott:::b ei n : B urge t ca ted. G irl s' Dark Tan Ca lf Skin :.-lilitary c lh erg kicked off t for Ca 11 oe: Albri g ht for Me lk u s : iVf elJ . D. Myers-.\h out t en mil~s O l t Boo ts, $5.50 t 8.50. E. J. Norris. - lirst point ~-· lleid Otte rb ein an<I I',urgct r .: t urn ec I ti ie ku s for O li ve r: :. l aed na Id f or ~r "' e I· of France. \<lv. I ba ll we ll past th e n: 11t<·r of th l' i',c ld . ku s: .\ l c lkus fo r lbri ht: Ric ke r for l'ri,·ate 7.eho ld coinma ndin g- awk­ 0 11 Sat ur day eve ning le Co pp oc k ! Ca n,p then took the o,a l fo r a n othe r .\ l aedo n a ld : J. I. I eyers f r B urge t; ward sq uad, "Squads ri ght about and Helen 8ovce gave a dinner party. lo n g gai n. and fu llb ack Macd '.l 11ald I Sprout for Smith: Mattern for p rout. face!" H eide lb erg- H o u se r fo r \ h e la nd. E li zabe th H endcrs n o f' \ Ve st lvl ilt o n. , passed to 1:ox who was d o wned 0 11 - H c id clhc rg's eight yard J;n,·. rc11Pr iv ate :.-l e t s ker' s so los arc greatly Oh io a nd H e len lvlcDer rn ott of S umm a r y: e nj r. ye d by t h t· 111 ,11 ,l>e rs of hi s tud y lu111hus. Ohio , wei-e g ue s ts. thus ia s 11 1 \\'as ru1111i11g· hi g h . an d in Score by Q uart e r s Total th e , cry n ex t p lay ·amp took th e Otterbein .. .... 0 room. () 6 0 ha ll o,·er for th e 1·, r s t sco r l' of th e H eide lb erg .... 0 () 13 6 Military Belts, Ha11dkcr c hi efs , Ha t·, E DIT OR S P EA KS MONDAY E V E NING l{a t11e. Otte rb e in faikd 10 kick t;"Oa l. Hat Ca rd s, S. A . T . and U. F orward l'a sses · C mp leted- tter­ ' Sco r e O tt e rb ein (i. I l c idclhc r g 0. Buttons, S h irts, S h oes a nd \V oo l ( o n ti nu ed fro m page tw o.) hein ,2 o ut of 7 tr ial s. Heide lb erg, I . . Otte rb e in kicked t 1 t l·e city lads Sox. E. J . Norris.dv. Aud th e 111erie111 so ldier 111 . o ut o f 5 trial s. T o ta l numbe r of yard . . d a nd soo n ti) e ha ll was 111 th e h o m e you Guys: lt's left l· ranee-he has a personality an a pe 11 a li zcd-Otte rh ei 11 55 yard . H eid. P latt :-"Hey . . d boys' h au ls a nd they were mar c h111 g .by two's ." me thod al_l l11s ow n. Hi s brav e ~y an \ s tr a ig ht for a n ot h e r sco re when they c lh e r g 50 yards. . Redma n :-·'[ wa s a lways ld t by coo l11c~~ 111 the f~ce o_f dan~ e , hav e fi•mhlcd. Heiddhcrg r c·,·ovcring and T uchdo\\·11 s-Ca mp . \li c haels a nd won h1111 wo rld wi d e d1st1nct 10 11 . . · 1 w e Isc · •I1mys If.'' tak 111g the hall close t o t 11e 0 tt crhe 111 :\lr . Holt's t:ilk was ri c h in personI goa l. Then hy fast and h a r d wotk R efcree:\l c D o n a ld . Ohio tate. Fa,·o rit es >f the officers. , al touches, in desc ripti o n s of eve nt s M: c ha e ls went er the white lin, le:I U mpir e -H oye r. Ohio tate. 0 "S n ap it up!" that he hi_mself had w'.t'.1e ·.e d . . ~ t H e id c lhl·rg's li r st t o111.: hd o wn. H e id elH ead Lincsnnn-Cornetet, tterHHead a nd eyes to the front! " h e the least 111te res t111g was h , p1 c tu'. e be rg t h en kick ·d goa l. Sco r e-O tt erin . " Wip e the s mi le off!" of an air-battle wl~ich l~e h a~ een 111 b c in H. ll eide ll ,crg 7 _ nly a kw T im e of Qua rt crs-12½ minute. "Put t h at hand d ow n!!' whic h a yo un g Ca nadian li eute n a nt m o re minutes of thi s period were "H o ld th at pivo t th e r e, you!'' "Ye ll it out ! I can make 111 ,ire h ct brought down two Gcrmati offi- left and th e quarter e n ded with the nois than the who le hunch of yo u !'' cer o nt o Belgian soi l. In a few min - ba ll i 11 th e ce nt er of th e 1·1e ld . TH E Q UA LITY S H OP fn thr linal p e riod 1T eidelhc1·g ea rly "Right Dress! Halt! Double Time! utes m any so ldi cr_s. who had g ather ed arou nd the m:ich,ues, were blown to thr ea t e n e d t o sco r e hut lost th e hal l I s t h e St u d en ts' S ho p for Cleaning, Forward March!" pieces, b eca u se t h e e nem y had pla ced to Otte r be in n the twenty ya rd ii11e. Pressin g , A lteri ng a nd Mending. An we r t te s t questi o n: · IJOl11 IJ ·111 t I,c P Ianc. Otte1·hein was unable tri ga in g r ou nd a time"What docs route ste p mean?" f 81 W . Main St. . meri ca can well be proud o the a nl was forced to punt. The Tiffin ''That m ea ns you can c h ew, smoke . " part her sold iers arc play111g ove , lads fu mb led th e ha ll a nd Swai n 's and ye ll. " t I1cre. ,, anc1 we c~11 I)e a ss ure d t iiat men r cco ,·e red . Then the h o me hoys Are we going hom e T hank sgiving? they wi ll conduct the m e lves ju st as tri ed ano th e r pass w hi c h was inter­ After much co n si deratio n we have adm irably and with as hi g h a m ora le cep ted and car ri ed wi thin twenty G E T A GIBS O N MANDOLIN decided to leave it to the command in g in the work of r eco nstruction a · th ey ya r ds of th e cor in g ,n ark fr m which OR GUITAR F OR XMAS, •offi~~ r. did in the work of \\'ar. poi n t \\' elsch \\'ent ove r for th e la s t At a g ood · saving. S ee PR O F . SPE SSARD ln \Var Aims: score of th · ga m e. llcidc lh c r g fai led The co mpany pay s for thi ad. l"'r~T.-''W h o was the King of Italy HE IDELB ERG M E N at the g-oal. Score Otter!> i11 f> , I lciat th i tim e." D E FEAT 0 . C. TEAM dclhcrg-, 1:i.

ROO KIE- RITE-UPS . . . . 1




\ holding.




Roo kie-"Victor Emanuel 11." ont inu ed from page one.) Dutchess P :uit s , I0 c a but to n , $ 1.00 yards . a11d both teams li n ed up for ' ~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- -• - - - - - - - - - •• - - - . a rip g uar an te e. E. J . Norris.-Adv . their first scrim ma ge. H e id e lb e rg I afte r thre e attempts t o advance the 1 There has been cs l:i. hl is h e d a close r e quired ten yards was f r ee d to punt. bond o f fe llow s hip und er the nam e o f the !, a ll •o in g o~,t of hound s nea r the icot in e C lub . The m e mb e r s woo the center o f the fie ld. The \ \' e~ter­ that fair lady a t re . t periods betwee n vi llian s then bucked t h e line fo r tudy h o ur s. twe nty yard when th ey were p e nali ~Be careful w h 111 yo u s lap on the e el Ii,·e ya rd s for be in g o ff s ide. l 11 shoulder in t h ese day s o f va cc ination . o rder t o ga in th is loss hack they at Your good intentions may be mi s­ tempted a fo rward pas and los t th e 1 I under tood. ba ll to th e Tiffi n .\ ggr egation. who T h e p lea of o ld Jo hn lacker n o w ca rried it for a fi fte e 11 ya r d o-a i11. o nly is, "W h at' s t h e u se o f k eep ing us to loose it again hy a p e na lty for

Are You Insured?

If not Why not?

A. A. RIGH, Agent



h ere after t h e war is over." You w ill need warm u nderw ear. p lendid lin e to e lect from . E . J. orri .-Adv. Reso lved: T h at if our uniforms l ook like those t h at adorn the Heidelbe r g Rook ies, we 're no t crazy about 'having them .

GO! T o t he Q uality Shop and tell the 'man to meas ure yo u for a s uit , 81 W , Main St,


G<)Ql}MA"N :BROTHF~RS JEWEL,ERS 0 ~ ."o ·~ . ~1 nN v . ORTH HIGH

,JC" i.


Page three



ha decreed.· that Hi world hall live/ race, and carry out a ll the p lan od Thirty dollars ev.ei·y month, deductin harm ny . Hi law shall be univer- an n oya nce and aggravat ion th at their j ing twenty-nit~-~ - - . al. wh n we are at last beginning to I masters. co uld ever hav e wished fo r Oh th e rmy., thJ Army, the demoP ubli sh ed \ eekly in t h e interest of find our part in the di , ine plan. \\' e them : · 'oot ies are of a low mental era ti c Army,' Otterbein by t he I hav e. abo\'e a ll , toda)•, the pri\'ilege order, so it is natural that they should If. you like your beer,. you are out of TTERBEI P BLISH! I of service. the pri\'ilege of helping t o have Germans for mas ters. · lu ck, I fear, _.-,. BOARD , work out the law c f international -E. A. H . For we're all in the Army now. \ Vesterville, Ohio brotherhood , not on ly commercia l and M ember of the Ohio College Press indu trial brotherhood. but br therMore Poetry. Association hood of ideal . religi o n and purp e. Last week we pub li sh ed a sonnet And wh n the sun sets on today, we writte n by o n e of th e members of Dr. STAFF Editor-in-Chief ........ Hel en Keller, '20 will see in it rays tinting the ntire Sherrick's Poetic Form Clas . The Assistant Ed itor .... E ther H ar ley, '21 ~ky w ith gorgeous color, the promi e g irl s have been hard at work again, 'f a t m r'.·ow that will be b les~ed / and lim erick_ arc t he r es ult_ of t heir ~o ntributin g EditorsH len Bovee, ' 19 with th sp iri t f a yest e rday wh ose labor tl11s time . W e co n sid er that od -giY·n . G ladys McC:l ur e submit ted the best race rmentrout, ' 19 ideal and e rvi ·e were ne, whi h we are passing on to you, B usiness Mgr. .. Kathryn Warner, ' 19 wi th two m o re, written by ot h er mem­ Ass i tant Bu ine ss 1fa n ~ger Those Who Have Fallen. E lizab e t h Mc abe, '2 1 Tt i. well f r us lo rejoice al peace­ bers of the class. irg in ia B lagg, '22 sing o ur ong. of thank givin and T he r e wa s a young fell o w named Circulation Mgr. .. Mary Siddall, ' 19 to be exceedingly happy. l t is we ll Da,·ey, Assistant ircul ation 11anagcrsf r us t h ou l and parade, and march \\' h ac ted as co ki n th e n avy, Mary T in tman , '20 through the street ; to express ur The hip t o l a tip, Marv e l ebe rt, '2 1 gladness in ever conceivab le way-­ .\nd he too k a clip, A thleti c Edi t r ·leo oppock, ' 19 for it is a ti m e f g ladnes s. .\ncl drowned himse lf in th e Gravy. L oca l E d it r .......... Ruth Ho per, ' 19 But there are a hundred thousand A lumn a ! Ed ito r .... Pr f. G uitn e r, '97 reas ns why we s h uld remember T he re was a n o ld m an named B li ndt \,Vh o liv e d in the sma ll town of F lint Exchan ge E d,it r .. Ed it h Bingham, '20 tho e w ho have fa ll en . me wi ll l n t he chur chyard h e lies, Lit er ary Edi tor .... Vida ·withelm, ' 19 eve 1Jlu al ly be rcslo r cl to hea lth ; ome ' au . e he harb ored so me sp ies. 11 w unaccou11led for wi ll fi na ll y h w Addr ess a ll cu .11munica lio11 s· l · The L t Am ri ca ns a ll take th e hint! uncl and we ll. . But a hu n dred Otterbe :11 Ta 11 ·111d ~a r dinal , -0 \ • . uj~ thou sa11 ·1 arc r ep r.ted t iiav fallen, - Id Bill, , hen he sa id, "Me und ~l a:o · l. , \V e,ti.:n ill e, hio . Goll" u bsriplio11 .Pri ci.: . $ 1.50 .Per Year, or to have been cap tu red by the e n em y. there arc a hundred \ Vas star tin g he didn' t kn ow what, _paya bl e i11 adva 11 e. For h e gave him a Vonk thousand ,·ca . ons why vve s h ou ld re­ las matter membe.1' ot h ers wh il e 1·ejoici11g t h at En ter ed a s . ec ntl F o r· he gave·'.him a Yank , e ptemb e r 25, 19 17, al th e p osto Aice ou r w 11 a r c afc . And taned ·h'ri11 down wh e re it wa s a t W es te r vi ll e, 0., uncl n acl of ' hot. The oth e r clay a . the ce lehr::inl Mar ch 3, 1879. were parading up and down t he Bana n11s, Ap pl es, Oran ges, Cakes, cceplancc for mai ling '.lt pecia l st r eet·, a n o ld woma n stood u1 o n t h e The Songs We ·Hear Now. S.\'f.e.et Pickles, Etc ., for, rate f p ostage provided f r in Sc . paveme nt. Tears were co nstant ly in They may not be class ica t· .ii,u sic; · .Cimdie,;, • . •) : :.~:~:~; ••• •' t.:he cou ld not b1·ing h er- bul th ey have t h e pep, t h.ese song!! J u~ ~ es ·a t- _" 1103, Act of Oct. .1, Jt 17, author ized her eyes. .. . ,. .. ·-.t Oct. 2-1 , 19 18. s If to the p in t of joining in with the the fe ll ows s in g, and we · lhinl< it revelers. S h e se med dazed, a s if h e sound s pr etty good t hear a bun ch did n t under. land the meaning of o f . . \.. T . C. m en go in g d wn th e :t •. i su h joy. I street i11 ing, in stead of cr abbing .,• . .. ·n es 11n f . The o ld w man had one on when w h en th.ings don't go to suit. Her e y 11as two wa;;s o i.:r 11 s11111 . ... .-:. ' .: -. . "!"\~.. . • . b [ .- 11 h e war started . He s leeps now a r e o m c of th em-more o r !es acu , I1y re fus 111g o ur w:s 11cs an<1 y 11 .• .,. Corn er M ain and Stafe --St'!if?: r11 11 ,n ae r o · the ocean- 111 F land ers field, cu r ate ly. · g ti1e m. - A me,•, . Tune, " The Infantry" w her e poppies blow, between t h e crosse., row on row." 11 that s he The infantr y, th e infantry, with the Today! ( had in the wor ld , ha s been contribdust b ehind their ea r s. Today! Yes te rd ay is g-o nc. t omor­ utccl t t he great cau e. B ut nl y T he infan t r y, th e infantry , th ey drink STUDENT APPETIZERS row is yet to come, but t o d ay, wi th t h ,ocl in h eave n kn w s th magnith e ir weig ht in bee rs. Sweet Cider, Appl_es, Oranges, a ll it s bl essin g a nd care is h e r e. to t ucl of the co n tribution. She was The arti ll ery, t h e cav alry , th e cru s ty u se as we wi ll. Grape Fruit, English Walnuts, Etc . g lad that peace had c me to the e ng in ee r , T oday , we ha\'c th e cha n ce to · wor ld , of course; but sh e could n ot They' ll n eve r lick the infantry in a MOSES & STOCK r ec t th e mi s takes of yl'Ste rda y, a n op- join w it h the h appy throng when sh e hund.recl th o u sa nd yea r s. \ 1 rtttnit y to assure ur t mor r ow a rememb red what th e bringing of th th e brig ht er un se t, t hat wil l r e f-le ·t in il. peace w hi ch was being ce lebrated had The se rg ea nt, ·the se r gea nt , h e wo ,·st of a ll , so ft tints, th e peac e that co mes fro m ost hcr.- The lttml us Di s patch. He get us up in the morning befo r e se n ·ice and th e kn w lcdge of a g od the bugle ca ll , dee d do ne. More Trickery. . quads . rig h t, squad s left, and right H . L. BENNETT & CO . T h e today f n atio n . 1s h re. That \,Vhc n wi ll we stop finding things front in .t o lin e, 64 N. State St. br ightest Ii ht in th e east ushers it in; that the Germans hav c ' been planning 11 I th en t he dirty son-of-a-g un , h e th e dawn brings pp o rtuniti e to w, p c to u c against us- p lanni11 g year a nti g ives us do uble tim e. o ut th e blo ts th at . tain ye sterday. yea r ag when we were ob livious. I r omise fo r a future r ed eemed by a \,Ve a ll un der tand perfectly how in - I Tune, In My Harem · I I I I ge n erat1f n. w 10 1a\' e ca u g 1t l 1c sanely. we arc a n noyed when a fly 01· O h the Navy, th e avy, th e ari s to v1s io n o ltfe a nd arc re ady LO fo ll ow mosquito huzze aro und us, 111 ving th e g l_eam. crati c avy, . . . . ju . t out of our gra p every time we · l)ork for b r ea kfa st, 1 ork for dinn er Tt ,s our pn vtIegc to 11,·e 111 ou r . trike al him . How mu h more annoy- I • ' . . mu st be to have coot .ies travel- • pork for s upp er t ,mc ' · "''" at ,· n ' s t o d·ay. w I1e n t \1e fi re o f h u- 1 111g ,t , J d · . . l· o rt y do ll ars eve ry m nth , a nd so m eu ncl er s ta ndmg. 1m g around much c lo er than t h e Ay m a n sympat 1y an . . · .· g o f or m o qu,to! . . t11nes fo rty -11111e. k .111 cII ecI I)Y t J, e J, o rrt·1>l e u ff 1111 . The German s have 1111 ye terd ay, a r c burning their brighte t. Ai ctecl th e co tic p lague o n the 11 ied O h t he . avy, the 1 avy, t h e a ri sto1 turnin g a ll th e pai n a nd or r ow in to \ o ldi er ·, is t he statement of :M ajor D. 1 crattc avy. . 1 1f yo u 1,k e yo ur r est ' yo u w tll find ·· I · · a go Id en g I0 11 ou peace. ) rt11 g 111 g I an who has made an 1nvest1gat1011 th e nav y beS t ,. cco rdin g to him , th e b r ot h erh ood t o m e n. understanrling in France. . . · · But we' r e all 111 th e Army now. y mpat I1y to nat ions. u . hering 111 a German · hav e been pa 1n stak 111 g ly n ew era for th e wor ld. · breeding the in cts un til th ey have \ O h the Ar m y, the Army, the demo To thi ge nera ti on th ere h as com at last r eac hed a high state ·oLdcve lop- 1 cratic A rmy; a pecia l pri vi lege-the privi lege of men~. i\Iajor Po~n ob erved that th_e Bean s f r brea kfa st , _bean_s for _?in , li vi n g in thi s cho se n age wh en God cooties are unerringly loya l to th eir · ner, bean s for supper time. ·


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graduates whose names have been submitted by the nominati~g. com- 1 mittee are : Mrs. C. S. Pilkington (Maud B.radrick), ' 93, for vice presi­ 1 q.ent; Miss Cora A. McFadden, ' 77 ; Professor ;Char.Jes Snav_ely, "94; and ~-rs. George L. Stoughton (May An­ d r us ), ' 92,- for member of the execu­ tive committee. '00. Dr. John D. Miller, who has , been serving in the Medical Corps as , first lieµtepant ;v,:ith our troops in • France, was promoted to the rank of . captain i'n September. Captain Miller is located on tpe coast of France near Bordeat)X with the 35th Regiment of Engineers.

A Dream of the Return.

RITTER & UTLEY'S Up-to-Date Pharmacy -Headquarters for­ Eastman Kodaks and Supplies .Developing, Printing and Enlargi.J).g

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(Continued.) ''Now look here, L. J.," flared up a tall nervous gentleman ac:ross the room, ··some people might take yo-u being exchanged, Mr. Goldrich ex- 1 for an 1. W. \ ., there' s too much re- cused himself and returned with be}lion across the water for any gootl several papers in his hand. As the business of the meeting was to com'17. Miss Alta Nelson has returned American to start any here.'' T h e College Avenue ''Yes, I know, but when you begin mence at once, the men began pulling (rom ; G111p.l Winchester, Ohio, to the M E AT MARK ET , home of her mother in Wester ville, to take men right out of their homes out slips of paper fr o m their vest where she is convalescing after a in a free country-I'd hate to say-." pockets. " Why man, you' re yellow!" Moses " We will first have the rep o rts of serious attack of pneumonia. vV. Frank, a warm personal friend of the progress made sin ce th e last '12 '13. \,Vord has been received of Cohn's, pounded both arms of his me16ng," said Mr. Goldrich in a th~ safe arrival in Manila, Philippine chair with his fists. '·You're slow! business like voice, acting as chair­ The O ld R eliable Scofield Store Islands of Dr. and Mrs. Dean Cook vVe' ve got to fight and we can't stay man. "Mr. Cohn, let us begin with is th e reliable pla ce to buy ( Wilda Dick), who left here late in in the ho-use and fight . Somebody you. Did you succeed in arousing the summer to enter upon missionary has to go and light. vVhy not pick any interest in_your locality?" D r y Goo d s and Me n's F urnishings. work in that country. They will re­ them out?" ' " I was ·very succes sful with the main in Manila about four months ··Don' t be too hasty, neighbor. We banker, Holmes, whom I had menwhile Dr. Cook takes a special course all know they're going to fight but tioned. He b"elieves that a university in tropical diseases, before going on why not be agreeable and let on the Mciunt of Olives would help G. H. MAYHUGH, M . D . to ·an. Fernando, their permanent lo­ those-." educatii;m generally. He handed me cation. " Yes, and let those who want t.::, a subscription for five hundred dol­ E ast College Ave. 'OIi. Rev. Ernest J . Pace, who has go, do the fighting. Adveruse it, lars yesterday." Phon es-Citizen 26 been a teacher in the Moody Bible make it popular, and then let it be " You are indeed succe sful. Mr. B ell 84-R [nstitute of "hicago for several years, a thing of choice." Mr. Cohn's cola Frank, what have you to report?" has now been elected director of the league was a prosperous, comfortable T~e formality o f the report making . missionary department in the same grain dealer, Riden by name, who had contmued for about an hour. During DR. W. M. GANTZ institution. Mr. Pace's experience as retired from business tw o years be- this time Father Thalmann sat silent a missionary in the Philippine islands fore and ·who spent most of his time and abstracted in his ch:iir, content to Dentist gives him pecial fitne for his n now trying to keep up with the news. let the men take care of this part of Bell Phone 9 position. " That's a poor way to look at it," the meeting themselve . When they 15 W. Colleg e Ave. W estervill~ '10. Forest G. Ketner, who has b..e n yelled the nervous gentleman again, began to talk less formally and to ex­ instructor in Farmers' I nsti~ ~n­ " a mighty poor way. Just becaus·e press personal ideas he eemed to , der the direction of the Agr.icult ura l some men think more of their country take a keener intere t. " As soon a we have a university Extension department of Ohio Stat~ than others and will give up for the C. W . STOUGHTON, M . D. on the Mount of Olives where everyother needs. The fund consists ,of rest-." 31 W . College Ave. •·Oh, of course we can't settle the thing will be taught from French to niversity, is now located ·u 1'ela­ ware, Ohio, a county agent of Dela­ que tion until we see it worked out." engineering, the young people can go W este rville, Ohio ware ounty. Some of his articles Evidently L. J. ohn thought things there and get back ome of the spirit B ell Phone 190 Cit izen Phone 110 dea ling with agricultural problems were getting a little oo hot. " Of which they are fa t losing," said one are now appearing in the Westerville course we can' t settle it. But Goid- of the men. ,'__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_----~ rich, what do you say? You usually . '·Ye , which they are fast losing," Public Opinion. see things pretty straight." mterruptcd the Rabbi for the first '06, 'OIi. Mi!s Arletta H endrickson oi Mr. Goldrich had been gazing at time. ··Which they are fast losino Mansfield, Ohio, and Miss Carrie the floor du ring the argument. He \Vhat a pity they cannot be made ~ Hendrickson of Lancaster, Ohio, have glanced up quickly and replied, ". o feel the greatne of old Jerusalem!" been visiting their mother in Wester­ Cohn, we can't settle it because the No o ne had any reply to offer . ville during the time the high schopls ..,...... whole affair is settled already. lt's a Perhaps they all felt a little con­ in which they are teaching have been big step ahead. Ln America no one's science- tricken. Perhap Mr. Gold­ . clo ed on account of the epidemic.· better than the next fellow. Those rich was thinking of Rebecca at play '92. . olan R. Best returned to his who ought to fight will have to fight practice. home in Montclair, :-Jew Jersey 011 and th ose who are needed at home '·Jerusalem! How the world u ed Staple and F a ncy Groceries ,ee election day after having spent six will stay there and work." to gather there. Oh my ons. don ' t W ILSON , TH E GROCER months in France in . rmy Young · A sharp. b risk ring of the door-bell forget the beauty and splendor which South State St. ; Men' "hri tian Association wo r k. prevented ·them from continuing the were once ours when. all nations Mr. Best is the editor of the onti­ discu ion . l n a moment Rabbi bowed before u and a ked to be ncnt of . ew Yo rk City, one of the Thalmann entered, made a curt, all- shown the way!" prominenlt re,~i,gious papers of the inclu ive bow, and with a princely T~e old Rabbi was 1ttmg erect East, and is the author of several stride crossed the room to his favorite lookm_g before him. He was happy T HE TAILOR books. During his stay in F.rancc he Morris chair. and his eyes shone for he saw himCorner State and Main. Streets wrote some work to be ~irculatcd "l was busy in my stucly this even- elf ~he leader of the chosen people Upstairs · among the soldiers, chjef among ing and did not notice the passing of walkmg toward the Holy Temple. Cleaning and Pressing done on · which is the book bearing the title, time." he said, "please pardon my de- By an unlucky chance he wa forced short notice. __.) ''Faith in God in War Times." lay." to live in _America in the twentieth ./\.._":~_-,:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:::::---, " vVith all pleasure, Father. Cer- century; his heart. however, wa in , 'OIi. Professor A. P. Ro elot, who G. W. STOCKDALE has been president of the local Red tainly, Father, of course." spoke up t~e paSt Any ugge tion could carry 1 F uneral Director and Embalmer Cross for the la t year, has been several. The evening has been quite him away, carry him back, not to the Motor Funeral Car nominate<i again for the same pos·i­ spring like, has it not? Didn't you J ~rus~lem_ he knew and had visited Ambulance Service th wi its dirty cramped streets swarm- \ Phones-Citizen 39 tion. The election :of officers will oc­ find t~e wa lk invigo_rating ?" Bell 71-R cur • ovember 19. Other Otterbein Wb1le these polite remarks were (Continued on page five .) Weaterville,· O.

r-----------.:. . .---"""'

Rhoades & Sons


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Page Five

Y. M. C. A.


Otterbein Students

Afte r a lap c o f seve r a l week · Y. M . . 1\. m e t a o-a i11 Thur sday ev.:: n ­ ing with "Herb" M eye rs a - lead e r. ''Th e pir it that \ \/ins' ' furni -h ed a n inte r es ti ng ubj ec t. .\ 111 o 11 g th r thin gs that m a k e a w inn er a r c co ura ge, da 1·i n g to do. and backbone . With ut the se su ccess r a r e ly comes. lt is unf r t un a te that o n account of the study h o ur o n ly h :i lf hour m eet­ ing s ·a n h e h e ld. The m eet ings fr c m n w n though s ho rt wi ll ha v c t h ' o ld int er es t and enthu s ia. 111 and it is h oped th at the m en who r ead thi s paper wi ll co m e and ee w hat the " Y '' has to ffe r.

The Union Offers 35 New • Styles ID

H ave Your Photos For Sibyl M ade Early Spec ial Prices for Otterbei n Stude nts.

l_____Y_.·w_.c_._A._ _) Young o m c of u s m ay t h ink that a ll ou r wa r ac t ivitie s wi ll cease wh e n peace ha co m e . but G lady s Sw iga rt. as leader of th Y. vV . ~ \ . Tu esday n ig ht. i uecl a ca ll to .. arry O n," even thou g h actua l fighting h a b e n topp ed. Fo r , as Mr. Ho lt . in h is ad­ dr s. told u , " T he battl e ha - bee n won, bu t t he batt le of life is ju st beg innin g ." Y . 'vV. ·. A . gi rl s we ha ve a g r eat oppo r t unity to ed u ca te our selve for t h e new li fe. t o pr e pa re ou rselves fo r se r vi ce in th e new era. We haYe not 1 ec n g ive n t h e cha nce to co ntribute in a fi 11 a11 cia l way.to the campaig n o f t h e United \V a r \ Yo rk comm ittee, but we ·a n do our part in l prayer. id ea ls . and ta lk s with th ose about u . I War b r in gs many cha n g in na- \ ti o n . 111 in dividu a ls. 111 r elig io n. Peop le wh o for m e rly have he c 11 sav­ ing to Ch r is t, "s tand off," are 11 0.w I co ming to hi m in prayer. At t he clo e of th e lead e r's talk, evera l o f th e g irl s o ut lin ed hn efly the work o f t he se ,·c n o r ga nizathns. of ,/ w hi ch the U nit ed v\iar vVork ca mpaign is r e presentati,·e. '1

I I 1·


A Dream of the Return. (." nt inu ed from page four) ing wit h begga r and filt hy ha lf ­ cra ze d pi lg r im . but t o a ci ty beaut i­ ful fo rmed in hi s im agi n a ti 11 partly by th e ec hoe o f th e pa t. partly by the triump h s and wo n d er s bel o n g in g t . mode rn t im e . "O h, if we ul d but see the time," he aid, peak ing m o r e to hi s hc:an: r , "w h e n o n th e acred ·o il of Palestine we c ulcl implant ur 111 de n1 in st itu ­ tion · a nd li ve once m o r e as a 11a t io:1. We co u ld ma ke it o nce fe r ti le va l­ ley aga in Row w it h mi lk a n d h o ney . With t he great ta le nt an d en er gy of ou r race, wit h it tates m e n, arti · t , ce nturies have made ot h er natio ns reat , do y o u doub t t hat w e cou ld lead the w o rl d? ''




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Page Six


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