1919 01 20 The Tan and Cardinal

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VOL. 2.

No. 10.


. BRINER Y. l\'I. C. A. S ECRETP.1 _ COLEMAN GIVES FIVE LECTURES Has Had A rmy Experience-"Y-Speak, in Chapel on Subj ect , 'Team ,

3uik' ing :2cing Furni Jhec.- Bi'~::: S.udy Cla :cc ~ to be Fo:-::-:c~.



=~:nbmhip i:, Club Purely Honor- ! I ary- Puq:ose is to Awaken Intere3t in M odern Literature. Dr.







Subject5 in De:nonstration:; l'L"ltin g- int o pra ~ti :e t >.c prin c ipl e;, Tbe d e partment of Engii s h ta k es of a_'p lie cl C hri 3:ianity will h e t11e aim of Hy;:,notisrr,_ to Work Together. gr e at pride in introdu cing t he Q ·,1iz , f th e Otterbein Y. M. . .\. thi s and Qt1ill club to the faculty and 1 TOWNSPEOPLE HEAR T ALL ye ar, a ccording to th e president of s tt1dents of Otterbein. f AIRSHIP TRIP A FEATURE t'1c iation ,. H. J. Harmelink. 0.. 'fl· · I for I , . .~ssoc . . . 11s c 111 11 I1as I1een orga111zec Dr. Coleman Believe3 that I~ c .. \ ,. Brin er, H, 1s on the Jo b a s e c r e- ti 1c purpo c o 1- s t·1111u 1atmg · · Fl eetmg · T n:::> · t:l Europe more in- B oys E nJoy tary for the Asso ciation a nd is alI t t · ti E 1· I I d Clause Should be Inserted in . . . ere 111 1e - ng 1s 1 a ngu age a n and Bring Kaiser Back to Wes-ready pu ttin g mto operation ne\~ literature: to awaken a ta te for the U. S . Constitution. plans fo r a b r oade r work among t:, e ti l . . d t terville Before· Waking.. most wor 1w 11 1e 111 mo e rn poe ::y All the st udent s and visi t ors w• h o men• of th e Co ll ege. He has had ex- 11 a n d p r ose, ancI t o c1,rec . t anc1 enMany do ubte r s became believ er , attcnclccl chapel Tuesday mor111ng pencnce not only amo ng students courao-c any spec1a · 1 t a Ien t f or crea t n" ·e and those who al r eady had faith in •· were privileged to hear a sp le ndid but . a lso among t.he men of the army. wnt111g h)·pnotic power grew firmer in their . t 1,a t mem 1Jers may s 110w. t ta. lk on --constitutiona l Efficiency'' by ha ·,• 111g been stationed at the Co lum' t · • ti b e li ef , whe n Prof • Finton , JHincipal of T o 11e e 1ec ec1 o mem 1Jers 111p 111 1e · J ames Colema n, educational secre- b,ts Barracks fo r severa l months. Q LllZ · an cl Q u1-11 . ti1e t u cl en t mus t b e the high school at Findlay Ohio aptaI ry of th, e . l< efo rm e d Presbyterian T h e parlors of t h e ··y·· b uild • · ran k· 111 • co 11 rge . peared • . . ing. o f e111or or J un1or . in t he col lege. chape l Saturday c 1ur c h. 1 h1 s. was but one of five long cons,derecl useless. arc being re- , 110 11c active • me111 11e r s h ",p 111 • on o f ti ,e evening · Prof · Fm ton ' w ho. was . Iectur e which Mr. Coleman has I decorated and . furn1shecl. The Co l- i·t • t e d one I bro ught . here under the ausp 1 . . . . • • • . • • , erary soc ,e 1, es. 1 1a\'e comp e · ices .of 0 d .,iven 111 \Vesten11le this week for j lege took the 1111t1 at1,·e ,n fix in g up If •t f E . d I the Ju111 or cla ss stated tha t th e aim 1 1 b ' . . . . . . j an one- 11a un1 s o ng 1s 1. an . , oth th s tud e nts and t ownspeople . the bu1)dn1g itself, p_utt111g ,t 111 bet- 1 s h ow e" idences of except ional ability of the e ve n mg was two fold; t o make Hts . purpose . 1s t o a ro us e a pub li c j t e r concl1t 1011 th an ,t has been. .for an<I t as t e 111 . E ng 11•s11 wor k·. B ecau e peop . . le laugh. . and to 1vc them s .o mesentiment which wi ll brinoabout the I some tim e. To the local assoc1a11011 o f suc1 -c t· t tl1e thing to thmk ab o ut. The audience . . o 1 qua 11nca 110n. e 1ec 1011 o 111scrt1011 in the preamble of the fell the wo rk o f furnishing the place r· . cu 1 11 w1. 11 1Je pure 1y 11onora r y anc1 uni,·er,ally agre ·d at th e close of the '-' n1ted tates ·on titution of a to me e t the needs of the tudents as • 1. 1. f tl 1 • 1 t · 1 I pr o gram , that he had re ac hed hi s goa l. ·I . . . . w,.11 1>e 111c 1ca n ·c o le 11 g 1e ran, . . c ausc recoo-111z111g the auth rity of 1 (Cont111ued on pag~ two.) . E 1. 1 1 Pr o f. Fm ton began h is program by t . . 111 co 11ege n o- 1 1 c as e . . Jesus l hnq and thus. Jl)a.k.iug th·• " - -- - - - - . 1, 1 · cl t ~cal vah; f h µnotisrn in I tcllrng- r. · - "'j"'" U • B • CHOIR GIVES CANTATA 1 0T"a111zer an pres<'n 111 mtrue Chri tian nati o n "' . th e .treatment of certain -diseases. in : ___ her of the club hope to make 1t . . . . 111 the c hape l serv ice Mr Coleman f Ot • aclm. 111. tenng a hvpnot,c ins tead of • · · Professor Spessard Directs Music- mean muc I1 or ter 11e111 anc1 expect . . emp has 1zec! the ,·alue of t eam work t f an anest he t ic when '.l surg:ca l ope r i ;1 e,·er ·, · '· ··· ,; . I \ . . I Solo Work Pleasingly Rendered t 1,e appro ·:a 1 anc1 uppor o e"~ r y ation is to b e perform d, and in t he . • - , . ,1 .. .,, . o ,1 tie . th let1c he d, -Appreci~t;ve Aud ience Present I profes or and student. for a work ing . . . 111 the home in the chu r ch and in the , k-now ec o-e o f t 11c E 11g 1,. 11 1anguage treatment - · of the v1ct1ms of she ll . ' · 1 1 go:e rn,n e nt. Team wo r k is imi)O:·"The Story of Chri tmas." a can- , ,s . • c o f co 11 ege . hock . e e nt1.a 111 any 1,n , 111 the late war. . 1 1 hen he turned to a practical elemtant, he aid, becau c it re<Juire that tata by Mathews. was g iv en Sunclav . . fi . . . • . - act1nty. a n c1 t 11e more pro c,ent one all work bv the same et of rules or cven111g by the c hoir of the l:111tec! . f . 011 . trat,011 of hypno ti sm, furn1sh111g becomes 111 t 11e use o ,t. t 11e greater f . by a common law, ar1 d dei,,aiicls some Brethren c hur c h. This canta ta was . . , exp lanation . or th e conduct of his • the cleo-ree o f success 111 ot 1,er 1>ran- 1 • acrilice fr 111 each. This is the · to have been give:1 before the hr ist"' . / rnbJects a· he procecr1ed. i\tter a principle which President \\'ilson i. mas re es . but was postponed 011 ac- ches of lcarn in o-. number of inclivirl ual te ts, he showed trying to teach and up n which the count of the influenza epidemic. / OTTERBEIN LOSES GAME I his power b~ working on the enti r e league of nation must he founded The prod uc ti on was di ,·ided into ____ rr ro up of ubJects . and one by one the if it is to succeed. Fo ll ow ing this four parts. The fir t part was the Ca p ital Shows Good Team Work and / (Conti nu ed on page two.) idea in his othe r talks, M"r. Co leman prophecy of Christ's com ing. with Win s Easily. Large C rowd the ann un ciation to Mary; the ecAccq:npanies T ea m. (Cont inu ed on page two.) oncl de cribcd the ,ision and journey Lagt Friday evening Otterbein me t Going Up! of the Shepherds; the th ir d part t o ld the ha . kct hall t am of apical l.:n i­ The world is like a ee-saw, Recital to be Given on of the quest f the i\f ag i; th e fo urth versity on the latter's floor. playing and everythi ng is well balanced, Tuesday Evening, J 2n. 28. '.::l,·c he fu 1fi!!r.~e ?1t o f tbe p~o;:,hecy. !;ef;:; :·e what was said to be the largest I even our meal . Bnt what we A udrey Ne! on sang the leading so- crowd that e\'e r assembled in the Otterbein'· first r eci tal of the year wan l to kn ow is thi s, when prano so lo . The fir t was the m esGym. Otterbein taking the little end will be held on Tuesday evening. board goe l!P, what comes January 28. The time is 8:00 o'clock, age of the angel Gabriel a he came of the score in the exceedingly un­ d o wn? Thi o ught to furni s h to Mary with the word that s he wa interesting game. The vi iting team the place Lambert Hall. Owing to food for thought. th e unu ual condition prevailing dur­ to have a son who would reign in the was accompanied by omething like a hou e of Jacob; th e n, the glad tidings hundred s tud ents but it can hardly be ing the first part of the year no recital ha yet been given by th e School of brought to the shephercls-"Unto you said that the team was supported. At the very outset of th game inTime of Contest Announced :rvius ic. It is reasonable to a sume is born, in the city of David, a Savior, Christ the Lord." terest ran high when for nearly two that with o long a time of prepar­ P ro f. Fritz a nnounc e that the Miss Nelson's inging was charact- minute neither team was able to ation on the part of the performer , Declamation Cont st will b e held erizecl by ea e and poi e. Her tone ·core. Finally th e Co lumbu to er tho e intere ted in music wiil hear an and fini h got bu y and re orted to their famif­ Thur clay eve nin g, February 27, i11 exceptionally well rendered program. quality had the clearne iar fast pa ing an d in a short the college chapel. This is a co n­ The fir t number i. th e wonderful that come from confidence. Mr. Hollinger sang the part in time had caged the ball for the first te t which always creates a g reat "Overture" from Richard \ 1\fagner' "Tannhaueser," given a a piano quar­ which the tiding of Chi-i t's birth are time. From th is time on the game deal o f interest amon both college tet, Mi Agnes Wright having the b1·ought to Herod. Hi voice is a wa s all Capital's way. So fast wa folk and townspeople. Only Fresh­ leading part. Thi number alone won lerfully deep baritone. Thi was thei 1- work that they rolled up 20 men and op hom ores may enter. The ought to bring a large audience. Be­ hi fir t appearan ce as a member of points before Otterbein was able to fir t priz is fifteen dollars, the sec­ count. This ort of thing continued ond, ten dollar , and the third five sides th quartet th e re will be a varied the choir. Helen Keller rendered very well the and the half ended with a score of 40 dollar . The names of th e conte program of violin, piano and vocal tants will be annou n ced late r. (Continued on page two.) (Con tinued on page two.) number . Work"- Nations M ust be Tat::gh':





















Pa~e Two


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T H E T . . · AND CA RD I

. .




remember your aruhition be and y ur duty i--t HYPN OT IST W I NS Beatrice Fisher. :a the • ought to ' o HEA RT Y P RA ISE solo-the fulfillment of the prophecy. , he wa- _th e 01~_ly on; \ Vinterhoff did I better yourself. If Y u\·e got the the promi-e for world redemptio n. For Capi tal, \\ ild an j- ,i,, fo l- I that it' easy t d r that life · f h , work. The lineup idea ( C 0 11 trnue(I rom page one.) ~ang in clear. full t n he al o t e ,)e t is a cillch-get it ut f your head boy fe ll to the fio r with a thud, in a made her fir t public appearance. and low~~ Capit al -just for"ct it.-The ase Tech. condition of hyn ptic Ieep. I Otterbein will look forward with O tterbein Ridenour •l'r hably one of the · funnie t little much pleasure to hearing her o f ten H o 11·ing er R. F. F. L. HoI -tein c m die was piay cl in a strawberry during the year. , A lbright \\'ild patch,. when half the boy _believed I The renderi11g of thi cantata was ~re~man R G. Rickert them~eh·e to be young ladies. He I . ati factory and pleasing in e,·ery l· ox L. G. \ Vinterho!7 , said they all acted per£ectly natural way. and too much credit cannot be • !eyer _,,. .ld. 6: \\'interhoff, :i; 1 ·111 t h e env ironmen · · · p roe f t I1e crea t e d . ' 1' er- I given to the director. or pes- I Field. goal . R'd r 4- Freeman. 3 : H O ME D RE SSE D hap they ilid ! sard. and the orga11ist, Professor Gra- 1 H_ol tel11. :, : 1 enou · 2 The big event [ th.: eve11ing was a bill, a well a to every one who took I Rickert ·R. k , o ut of 6: Fox. 3 Foul ,c ert, -. trip i11 an airship to the battle- part. f r. Tl I · 'd out o 8. . field f rrance. 1e >Oys sa v v,v, Referee-Dunlap of De111so11. M .~KE GOOD EATS ly all the horror f var, a was ea. ily I COLE MAN GIVES b .t t. _ .:-a tzer for Rickert: · · FIV~ LECT URES u t, u 1011,-1, 11 . . hown. by their. actions and the ex- , · L amp h ar d ner t'or Ricleuour: Feick for B o th P hone s _ _ _~ press1on n their face as they gazed (C . d f ) H . . \\ " idom for :\leyer : prout rom pa e one. I o 1 te111. 11 • . . ont111ue C itizen 92 Bell 46-W . on the dead. and dy111g, and followed co11c Iu cl e d 1>)' s 11ow111g • ti1a t ti ,e tor . F ox: ,,·ch ,, inond ·for · !bright. the retreat111g Germans. They al o d • · Id' ti I ______ 1 1 . H 1 111te tate , w 11c 1 ts mo mo- 1e B , b I] went ,nto ol and, . captured the I t 110L•g11t o f ot h er na t', ns, R a lly Round th e as.{et-. a · ti1e 11ou Id . Ka1 Ge r, a11d brought h11n proudly back . Thursday ni ht after society 1,n st t 1irouo- 11 1oya 1t¢>' tp to \Vestcrvill . cxpre . _ 1, Id . rat! i11 the chapel t 1 . . its g vernme11t. for there an he 110 stt clcnb .e a Y . . . Before rest nng the boy~ to their 1 ai·ous•' "ilthusia •m ior tile game will! Sav e money by g e tting yo ur Ca ndy, • • , ·' ' J . id I f , ! •ao-,•c o , natio11s ",tnout ·1,ri ·tia11Cakes, O r an g es, G rape F ruit, E tc. no_rmal tate, Pr . E• 111ton told them . ,, .. 1 1. Capital Friday night. Dr. one ,ll !hat henceforth they would re cog nize ity a It ia · · Prof. \ \ 'ei nland were the speake~. their own powers and would have Fo ll wing i the preamble wh ich f the c,·enillo-. entertaining their at more trength of will power and con- Mr. Coleman wi he to ha,·c adopted: ~ste11crs with funny stories and I fidence in whatever they would under- ·\Ve. the people of the l.Jnited State. re111i11isce11ce oi other day in tter­ takc. dc,·otttly recognizino· the Authority bcill' ha ketball history. One of the CASH GROC ERY and Law of Jesus hrist, the Sa\'iour, . - a a ,.x tclte musical feature w . ' BRI N E R Y .M C A SECRETARY and King of 11atio11s. and desiring to I11 h a 11g form a more perfect -Cnion, establish composed of young· men. w · J>J>Y I S alted P ea n ut s S TR I CTLY fresh for the audie11ce . · \ fter s me p c at 20c lb. ontina~d from page one.) Jt•st ice, in su re domestic Tranquil ity. songs and ye ll , the rally ""'e ll a - po 1blc. To th, encl cur- pro,·ide for the common Defen e, peechcs, · l \\· e Ifarc, an d broke up._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . t,ain arc hc111 Jut up at the w 111- promote the ge nera 1 dow , a few _more e_a y chair added. secure the Blessings of _Liberty to One of the most u efu l 1_ ice~~ ~f and other 111111or th111gs done to add onr -ch·e- and o_ur posterity, d or- adi· ice i- the slan expre IOI! fo , 1 io the I oks and comiort of the da111 and cstahltsh this consntut'.?111 ge t it.'' .. __., ..... J.\Oom . . · iJ. a, ·-<~I] gazines for the l'nited tates of Amenca. . ,..I Ye"ter~)~\\'ttl;' it --disa'11"!)e1'-n'rt1'H!":S' will be placed ori the tab les and writ' -· r ' • and "left to the jaw" i I assed-let 5 · ·· r··o r fun h.er O tt e rbein Baske tball S ched ule. 111<•· faciltt1 •s provided. forget it. \\ 'e took t~1c o Id k·ayo I • mu eme11t a11d recreation some s:n-,tterhein's basketball manager has yesterday but wday we II craw l thr,1 1 le game will he at the disposal of arrano-ed a chedulc of tweh·e games the ropes 'l'rinning aud begging f r he men. Not as much can he done with omc of the faste t teams in the more. lf \\·c r,~t Jloored ao-ai11 we'll \11 this way now ati could l,e desired state. Fi " e of the remainin " nine take our medicine like a man and but the c im1>rovcme11ts are hound to games arc to he played at hom e . so iorgct it, and he s much the wis er. lead to others in the course of time. that Otterhein fans will have ample \\ ' hen someoiie hand s you a bum ' doC' the program of opportunity tn see the team play. line. lll'nch hi:; uose and forg e t it. 1 ~o) on ly acti,itie covC'r the ocial a11d recrea- The e ntire schedu le follows. \,\.he ,; you hear some scandal or a


\ lld


l d Car d' ial team it wasableFreemarr. as tnurn1 ha11t , an to s~ore.





W O L F' S



N\ E A T ~


c· .



K el1er & M cElwee's


· · · ·



For a general line . of Cut ler y Goto


tional needs of the men hut a great Jan. 7-Ohi o \V es leyan . deal of attention will he paid t o t heir Jan. 11 -c-Deni·on. religiou s life·. ,\ detailed ))rogram Jan. 17-Cajiital. of Bible tudy has been plan11t:d to Jan. 25-Antioch*. he carried ou t in the \'Cry near future. Feb. ?-Cedarville *. Bible di cu ·sion groups will probably Feb. 14--H eidelberg*. be· formed i111me cl iate ly after the beFeb. 21- edarville. inning of t h e next emester. On Feb. 22-St. .Marys . Thursday eveni ngs the usual deMar. I-Muskingum. Yotional meetings, will he held and Mar. 8-Capital*. these· will .be p lanned to coYer proh:M ar. 13- - t. Nlary s*. ]ems that actua ll y c nfront · a man ~lar. 14-Heidel berg. in College as we ll as out i11 th e liig*Home games. gcr o utside worl d. O T T ERB E IN L OS E S GAME · As the year progTesses, it -is hi11ted, · k ·11 (Continued from page 011e.) I f everal new p 1ases o wor · w, be entered upon. The school may ex- to 6 in favor of the Capital quintet. pect to hear 11101-e from the Y. M. C. At th e beginning of the second half Cap ital ran in her second team and A. before the )(Car .s over. Otterbein made sub titution s in 3. mad U . B. CHOIR GIVES CANT ATA effor t to stop the onrus h of th e o­ lurnbus lads. As a r es ult the second {Co ntinued from page one.) period was little Jess than a rough and part which describes the visit of the tumble on the floor. Likewise Capi­ \Vi se tlen· to the Ki11g. She had good tal t ook the leacl i11 this half and the bre,.th cont1·ol, and he, words were game ended with a sco re of 48 to 9. Otterbein showed the lack of team :prono unc ed distinctly. . Ethel Eubanks sang the lullaby fo r work a11d had much clifliculty in get­ organized. Thro ughou t the the Holy Child-''Sleep, Holy Babe." ting Her tones were characterized by their whole game they resorted to long sweetness and _richness; her ·manner, ,hots which went wide of the basket. by poise and ease. lf there was a sta r player on the Tan

name dragged in the dirt . forget it. \Vheu you loan a fellow "jack"• · just forget it: I,ut whe11 you borrowpay him up. . . If you think that e1·eryth111g that ·' J rotten is coming you r way a11cl that somebody's · o-o t it in for you and i~ riding you,-forgct it. kid , you're oft your trolley. \ \'heu y ou are tempted to tell your own hard luck. or wh e n someone , pours his troubles in your ear. fora-ct it. \\ ' heu you ' ve got th e b lues and ' arc feelinl! low. or if yo _u \·e. _g~i t a j - head , a fu ll night"..,leep !Jain in your 1 will help you-forget it.


'-_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_:_.J Y our wants will be supplied by


A new line of b ox paper and tablets just in.

Special prices at


See the Quality Shop F or Up-to-D ate Cleanin g a n d P r essing. 81 W est M ain St reet -

T H E 't AN AN b CA Rb t N A't,

' Pai• Three



At int~rv:1ts you Ian/ on an island. This epoch shoulri be ·a sig n of pro s­ • • • ; \, .°•J. You write ~usily fQr about two line s, perit y,. fo r wh o can say, with a clear B. C.. YOUMANS, Barber then the i~h.nd it self seem s lO melt · co n scien ce, that wi t h this evil r ~­ 37' N. State. St. .away ~nd y9u' are ~drift again. ,This mo ved, ou r nation will not be the t Otterbein by the ' Shop closeil at I o'~ICK\: ·ucqt proc:ess is r4r,pea\ed indefinitely. c:leane st and bes t in the world ? ~TTER.~&l N PU8LISKIN• -E. A. H. T here is n~ <;ine to t~ke pity on you, Saturday. BOA RD , no one. compete~t td ·.offer help, al• 9 \. Westerville, Ohio , The Hun's Broth. though ma~f ca ~ ext~nd the hand of Member of the OhiQ Collea.e Preas fellowship. Gr;i u,ilg you lose fai th '·D ou ble, 'do ubl e, toi l and troubl e, • Association G. W. STOCKDALE . in humanity ;ind you4gree that " much F ire b urn and cauldron bubble­ Funeral Director.. and Emb&UDu ~ STAFF wis<;lom is weariso ·· to the fle sh." ·R o un d ab out th e H ell broth g o, Motor Funeral Car Ed.'t · Ch' f H 1 K 11 • You even determin . to write an ed i- In the m o tley fr agrance throw." } or-m- ie ········ e en e er, 20 torial or a "rama l'th the t1·tte, "T . e H a nd o f slaug ht e r, crim son red , . Ambulance Ser,:~cc A9_sistant Editor .... Esther Harley, '21 'I' Po iso n gas by kultur sped, Phones-Citizen 39 BeU 1.1•• Ci.ntributing EditorsAbsurdity Qf Edui:ation." By thi s T o ng ue a nd li p o f perjure d Hun, Westerville, 0. '( Helen Bovee '19 means, you can betome famous with ., • I Six tu s' le tte r, P rin cip's g un, ,. Grace Armentrout: '19 out ha vi ng your brain searched semi Bitt er tea r o f Belgia n maid, B'Wlinesa Mar. .. Kathryn Warner, 'lli' annually. ,. Assii tant Bui,iness ManagersThere is, howc:ver, a brighter side to Seve red ha nd s o f tend er babe, h fr o m many a holy fane ~ Elizabeth McCabe, '2 1 thi s picture;.' Because of the great As Smokin g ' nea th the pityin g rain ; '} Virgin ia Blagg, '22 e l~ st.i city and aq_~ptibilit_y of youth, The. Colleae A•eDue P o ppies red fr o m Fryatt's grave, Circulation Mar. .. Mary Siddall, '19 w1.thm four mo ~hs the memory o f Spik es th a t cru cifie d th e bra ve; MEAT MARKET Assistant Circulation Managersthis ordeal ha ~ d j appeared in the dim F o ul d isease ge rm s floating by, Mary Tinstman, '20 dawn of an t1q 1ty and- exam time Hunni sh oa th and Cav ell 's s io-h Ma rv el Sebert '2 1 has come again I Wi lhe lm s tirs th e ho rrid bro;h~ -G. M . A. Athletic Editor .... Cleo Coppock: ' 19 t Mi x ed with Ge rm a n cur s e and oath -' Local Editor .......... Ruth Hooper, ' 19 Th-c-Qw- · z-.-a-n_d_Q _ u,-·u- c-lub. With th e witches' wand that bore ' A lumna! Editor .... Prof. Guitner, '97 I Ge rman fl ag o f bla ck and go~e, Exc hange Editor .. Edi th Bingham, '20 With the or$an iza tion of the Quiz That in Be lgian land s was seen Lite rary Editor .... Vida Wilhelm, ' 19 and Quill Ch.J t1,' the heads of th e EngH. L. BENNETT A CO. lish departme~t hope to give a new 'Mid th e ho rror s of Fourteen. 62-64 N. State St. Address all comm un ications to The ' ;; timuli s to aq,v anced li terary work, in R o und about hi s head a rag F ro m th e Lu sitania's fla g, Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 20 'vV. ·'ti s way fillir\g a need that has been !o a k o f can vas that th e g al e Main St., Westerville, ',Ohio. felt in Otterbein fo r some time . I 'vVr es t ed from the pirate' s sail. Subsription Price, $I.SO Per Year, I t is stran'ge th at so many of us " L o !" he cri es, " ti s very good payable in advance. are eager to devote our energies to a)I Drink th e cup by kulture bre~ed!" Entered as second class matter othe r branche s of education, but must -R. B. M c Cr ea ry, Mt. Veriio n, 0. September 25, 1917, at the postoffice be forced to ./ read great a uth or s, and 11.t Westerville, O., und er act of compelled to . ob tai n even a wo rking Jim : " How does your broth er li ke Marc h 3, 1879. kn ow ledge '.~ f our lan guage. it o ut w es t ?" The abil .;ty to express a thought in J a m: ''O ne thin g he like s is the Ac ceptan ce for mailing at special clear, vigo ro us lang ua ge, the adop ­ s unri se." ..... ... rate of postage provided for in Sec. tion of a simple style in writing, and Jlim : ·•Y o u poo r boob, th e s un 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized the po se sion of at least a pa s ing does n 't ri se in t he wes t."-Ex. Oct. 24, 1918. acquaintance with the b est i.n Eng­ lish literature, are indispen sable requir ements in succe ss fu l bu siness ali,d , , , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " C. W . STOUGHTON, M. D. soci al life.I By gr~n-~ ng memb ershi~ in the clu b "Dare a fumble 31 W . College Ave. only to '.t h'ose who se at tammen t s and Ri sk a stumble ta stes iri ·the department of Engl,i sh W esterviUc, Ohio You can get up arc high \ t, th e members mean to If yo u tumble." l)l'esent-? new standard s and i_deals of Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 -Se le cted. schotar's Hip, to create a greater de- ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­ Examinations. sire for ;worthw hil e literature amo n g 'vVha t is it that cau se th e burning th e geii ~'r al st ud ent body, and to en­ G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. of more electricity, the consumption co urage 'such talents for creative writ­ of more- candle s, puts money into t he ing, so- iv,ay be found among the mem East College Ave. pockets of pen, ink, and paper manu­ bers ~f t h_ _e_c_l_u_b_._ _ _ _ __ Bell 84-R Phones-Citizen 26 fact urers , uses up more nerve tissue ;':,., Prohibition at Last. an.d more religion, turn s a mild look­ 25c At la~t the day ha s come, to whi ch ng professor into ·an ogr-e, and --a'TI r -~ nnocent young dams el or a gallant we h~~ been looking forward so anxi - ' ! \ DR. W . M. GANTZ for years. It is a day which is young gentleman into an inconglo111.-- ousif; ,.. ,I; . erate heap, without power of fee lin g? wel-.o!lled by tho se who trul y have Dentist The answ,er is painfully s imple-ex, the 1 ~ elfare of the nation a t heart. Thi;iUnited States is dry! Within the Bell Phone 9 aminati9ns. 15 W . College Ave. Westerville r No wonder th e pa stor of the chu r ch· year Dinty Moore and men o f his find s February first the most suitable occupation will go out of the ques- ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' time for a revival-having just pas sed tionable business of keeping a sa loon , through a revival of learning, one's and will be forced to seek .another fond of "ethics" has been shamefully mcari~ of livelihood . The people of Choice Cut Flowers and Corsage O'hi b' so re cently rejoiced in t'h.e ·s t-ate dep leted. Bouquets. . You go into the once fami liar cla ss­ vii tQ{ Y ov er saloon s, and now the ' Quality Best-Prices Right room-the blackboard is covered with ot.ef ~helming fact that the whol e na row after row of hieroglyphics, prob­ ' on' is dry has burs t upon us. When S. State St. Citizen 345 !'p ass along the s treets in lar-g e ably meant to phrase perfectly good English sentences. The profe ssor at ~iti; s, we will not b e obliged to dodge Staple and Fancy Groc:e'W .._. vhom yo u have smiled so hopefully th~ patUh odf nb1end reehh'ng in . d,n:mf kenWILSON, THE O~GC&lt n ou te 1y, t e po 11cc orces THE TAILOR or weeks past, now glances at yo u nes s. South $tat• lit. Corner State and Main Streets with an "I told you so" grin . Yo u will have les s to do than ever before, Upstairs yo urself, clutching at bits of informa­ because th ey will not have their 1:1sual tion saved from the wreck, seem to be ta sk of hauling the "toughs" and Cleaning and · Prcsaina done on short notic.c. floating away on a sea of printed "bums" on their occasional vi sit from rhe corner saloon to- th e station-house. ''-- - - - - - - - - - - - - --~ Patronize Tan & Cardinaf ~dn~ra -.matter.

TAN AND CARDINAL .. ' Weekly in the- intCl'Ht-ef Publtl.be4



Rhoades ·&·Sons

OUR COAL Makes Warm Frienc;b

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Auto Sales


General Rep~1c.Wotk Prices.'Nf~r,at-e. Radiator R~pafrinc a Specialt y ... \. Vulcaniiin, Taxi Se.rvice. , .



Two Bars Transpcl:fent Glycerine . Soap .attd Two Bar Goblin . Soap For

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For· Nuts Fruits and Candies


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Page _F <mr

I th e

most democratic institution in all the world. High and low, rich and poor,. meet together. His religion is th e only thing that will make a real democra y for the world.

RIT!~o!at~Ph~!~EY'S__ •I Eastman's Kodaks aµd Phqtographic Supplies.

Y.·w.c.A. ·~lz-~.<is:·..:r!1e.

, ong." . .P icard,y• . the I V irginia Burtner, led lit s t Tue ~day' s ! word s of whi,<;.h.. \ye1;e co mp osed by me·e,t1h~ ; with the rather difficult sub­ ,/ o hn A : ~noen1ak;~ -~-nd the mu sic by je ct, ''The . Gap."_ -She cho se two · ;·crs. J oliii ··A.' Shoemaker ( Daisy Cus- sc ripture le so"ns whi ch· applied t o th e '"°'t er )· ··; 5 · !JO\ ...being . translated into subject. One wa s tlie s t ory o( the self1 · ' French.:-~_ • y,.-·M~..: 1~a:ul ·D 1 ' d 1er, ' pres1' d ent righteous priest an_d the r e ligious of .,t,I~i-~~~ cl,·. Socie t y of. Pittsburgh. Levite who pas ed by the suffering The song-'··is ·'di'cfr~~ted to the " Blue man who lay by the road side and cal l­ Devilf' of 'F'ra't\ ce·, iii ·"'.hose . ~onor it eel for help , and the poor Samaritan , wit's' fir t 1;ung by Pittsburgh· Male who had a warm heart an.cl a desire . Chorus at £xpo·s·iti·on :vti.t sic Hall last to h<;lp the wounded man. This 'June:-'· Since then it has been intro- Samaritan filled the gap by doing ,ducn-iiito ·\he schoo ls in a number of what the elf-righteous priest and . 's tates •aiid ..two young w_,Qm e n of pi o us Levite would not stoop t o do. : ..:l'itt but-gh ·.\~h 9 · are ·engage.cl in can- The leader al so read the tory of ; t een w~i:k _.for. th e Young Men's Martha,.. the , busy hou ew ife , and :Christian Associat.ion intro duced it Mary, who kne lt at her Savior's feet. ·a mong' tht' -= so ldi-en, in France where Too often college girl busy themit has gained popularity. selves with Martha's petty tasks when ; . .. they s hould be listening to Hi teachl6. W._ Rodney Huber of Dayt?n, ings. The girls entered into . the di Ohio, ha re 7ently a~cepted a posi_t 1? 11 cussion and found many gaps in co l­ in the sal,e,,.; fJl'enlOtion -·a nd publ icity lege and hom e life to be filled, if only ! . dept1r,!.11;~ 11,t- -of_ tl1e_ Da)'.ton Engme:r- they were alert and ready to see th e ir ink:~la'~o'ratone s· Coinpany. duty.



;89.' ~fo;s ara11 :\L"K\Jmler of Co··lu nil.nts, · Ohio; -· 'iV'as a ' member of the ·i:e.ceptian committee at the luncheon giv~n, Ja.st aturday b!)' the High School Teachers' Federation in the i ~ii:i_te.1 ~ard,cn ?J the , New So uthern ! :Mi -s'' K\1hner is Teac.her of Eng\i'sh'at North High School.

Reinstatement '.in the Civil Service of Men Who Left to Bear Arm s. Anticipating the time when men who left the _ Federal classified civil ervice to take up arms in defensP of the cou ntry would be mustered out and , therefore, seeking employment, •io. Dr•. fl orace B. Drury la s t s um - th e ' nit ed States -ivil Service om­ 1;,e/re i'g;;ed ·h·i po ition a s in s tru ct­ mi sion recommended to the P resi ­ or in.·Ohi · late ' niv cr ity to become dent that proYision be made for re­ spec.fa I exJe~t ,with the labor adju t- instatement in the ci \·il ervice of men't d°ivis-ion of the nited _ State such men. Accord in g ly, the Presi­ ' hipping .Board 1H \Vashi'ngton, D. C., dent issued the following Executive r.d cr dated .July- 18, 191 : where I,e is n·ow: living. · ,_;;. "A per on lea ·ing t he classilied '17. · \'efiTon -L: f>hjlli15s ha s recently civi l e n ·ice to engage in the military accepted the'· "1io""1ti"ori .. 6f financial r na,·al ervicc of the Governme nt secre tary of,tbe ·li~1ited ommittec for -\ Var Temp;r~m:e cti\}i ti es in the during the present war with Germany Army-andl t i ~y,' 'w1io ·e ·g eneral head­ and who ha s been honorably dis­ charged may be r einstated . 111 the qu;iner are at 289 Fourth Avenue, civ il sen·ice at any time within live ~e~~lYo-~k City. _ 11r. and ~lrs. Phil­ year after hi di c harge, provided li11s (Edna · E. ~lill r.), '17, have moved that at the tim e of rein tatem en t he to '. 1ew York ity. ha the required fitness to perform '13. ;· ··ifr : Gr~'(,' ~- ·. /1 uthcrsbaugh, the duties of the position to which ought." ( Evf.ly_n ·y Oµ!Jg) · qf Cle.veland, Ohio, reinstat eme nt is: ·'s'cil). titut/tlir : \!1 . tlie Brooklyn 1 t wil l be noted that under the H~igh.t . ·Scl\o~l,_.. _leveland, for the terms of the Executive Order, a man wh was eparated from the civil pr_in "lt.i4;<\vnch ' ~;,1 With "illfluenza ." e tabli hment to tak e part in the war m~y be r ein tated in a civ il scr-vice po ition within five year after hi di c har ge from the military or nava l 1 \!, .~ -~-~ ':.,_ _· -~ _ .:-. -· • seni e. Tt wi ll further be noted that 1'he Y. ~l. ' . wa addressed by / ther is no re triction that the man Re:y. Pr_of. J_ame ~l. Coleman, and it must be rein tated in the particular was..·l~-~-~t:of . the . ene at Otter- po 1t1011 from· which he was separat­ bei1i:·-11e ait~ in H rt: _ 'hristianity is ed. L111der the terms of the Execu­ a ~ractica l t{ting, ii·,v/tal thing, and ti\·c Order, h e may be reinstat d any­ ·tira~ th e -Bi,b le~r., J·.eatl,; t_b c guide-book where i11, the civil se rvice , provided of ,iife: • M'cn hav'e"tfied· many ot her that at the time of rein tatemtnt he thit>g : b u~ all ha:,.t~ fatle<l,. A Profe .- has the required lit1ie to perform so r ·:af the Ofbo1i aying France had the dutic of the positi n to which triecl A rt, _ci~~c·e_;. and 1'hilosa- rein tatement i ought. phy, when .fg)f~ -if it had tried the I . errnon on the .}.,~1.t ceplicd it had Get our sa'mple and price on not. The only democracy the men' s clo th i1ig. Quality hop , 81 W . democra-cy of-Hstis; ~nd . hi . church i :'.\.Iain.-A C:v.





Y. M.-C. A.






:. .

.:. ..

.. .J

.. .....

prices. ; , 'F:'ilms 'P .e.velopett and .P.ri~t~d . a t i~est. I • .• • • ~ •• • , • ,.

: :::., ·> . .Satisfaction:Guaraniee'd.: " . .QPJ'_l~At DEPARTM~~~:··.'.· ·~ _,': : : ,: ~::


. 0-::t \•e~ Exam.iR~:. J;i';;~·,,:.Ei~. .Glasses and Spectacles' ~11 styles. ouR :l>RICES k'EAs·,.;..·N :· . . . , . u ,"-.~;L~~ ,> GIVE US A CALL .

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Call ·Citizen ·21 or Bel! i4 7-R f


J. E~ . ,H.AN-S-0 ~~,-·-T: - be ~Cl~;rn-Up. . M-aD· ' Agent for Acme Laundering ··c · · -· · d·

Peerless Dry Cleaning Co , D ~ ·oClmpany, General Laundry Work · an . H d ·, ·.r eilJlers, Dyers and Sanitary Press-ers ea quarters-.12-· E . . Oollege Av W . ·' Subscriptions . taken Th C e., esterv11Ie, . . e ountry Gentleman, Ladi~s• !Jorne ' .. Journal, Saturday Evening Post. Prompt Serv!ce-.:~~st Service


New -Model Restaurant ,SOD..A FOUNTAIN ~Any ' Kind of·_ Sandw_lch_es, Home-Made ~peciai




'· Regular Vuricnes or D' · ., . inners Orste_rs , ~nd Fresh Fish N orth State , St. • • I• •• -

Orders -over 'the Phone : '-

" ~-

Otterb,ein Students--~' · ·•• J


Ord~~ y o~r. S. A. T.'C. Pictui:es .Now _ Special -Prices --.__ .-. . fo"r... . .. O t:ter be1.n Stude·n·t·s.



l'age Fi ve

Broth erhood M eets Friday Evening.

Th e 1le n' s B r o th e rh ood of th e M r . R. 0 . o k un d e rw e nt a n ,o per at io n at Grant h o pita! :\l o nda y c hur c h h e ld a m ee tin g Frida y even ing n oon. h e i r eco verin g fro m th e in th e hur c h Assem bl y R oom. Im­ effec t n i e ly and is on sidc r cd ut of p o rta nt p la i1 s fo r th e co min g yea r -danger. we 1·e disc ussed. Prof. F r itz had R e v. . J. F x o f \\' c s tcrv ill e i cha rge of th e p rog ram. . bo u t fif ty co ndu c tin g r ev iva ls in th e an al \ Vin ­ m en e njoy · d bo th th e meeting, a n d che t e1· l!nited B r ethren chur ch. the_ deli c io us dou g hnut s ~n d coffee Memb e r s o f th e church r epo rt that wh ich w ere se r ve d af ter ac! Jou rnm e nt. t he m ee t ing a r c ve ry u c ss ful. Lie ut e n a nt J. R. Lo ve and family a rc vi s itin g in \ Ve tervi lle . Li e ut. L o ve ha received hi s di sc harge fr o m t he army. Ro m e rs of t he U. ·. . " Rijn dam " is vi iting old friend s in 'vVe tervil le. Il e p lans on re e nte rin g t­ terbei n n ext fa ll. .\ sk Tla z lc P ay n e wh a t hos -y said sh e \\'as in<;xp ri en ced in! Mr. \\ '. R. - o n n e r. o f D e la ware, visit ed in \ V ste n ·ill e S und ay. . aturda y ev e nin g occ urr ed a p lea s­ ant ga th er ing :i t th e ho m e o f Pro fc s­ or Ro se l t, wh e n a co mp a ny o f co n ­ ge ni a l yo un g fo lks enj oye d a "fe ed ." An d it was some feed!

Ripened Judgm ent "Then we're e ng age d?" " O f co ur se." "And J a m t he fir · t g ir l ) o u e ve r lo ved ?" "N o. dear. but l 'm ha r d e r t s ui t 11 0 w than T u ·ed t be."-Kan s :i s 1ty J o urnal. J COCHRAN HALL O n Tuesday e ven ing. Bi ll Van ce , H erm an :\ li chac l, ~l an so n Ni c ho ls and , Leland Pace w e r e e nte rta ine d at a 1 dinnn pa r ty g iv e n by G L'n evi evc ;\,I u l- I . 1111. :\f yrna F rank , Harri e t H ayes a nd \'icla W ilh e lm.


wea ters c lea n ed at Q ua li ty S h o p , 81 \\'. /\l a in t. -. dv . \\' e are g lad t o hav e J ess i~ \V e ir l La R c. uche with u s a g ain a ft e i· h e r illn cs . E dith ·ave is h ap p y to ha ve h e r mo ther lllr s. av e w it h her th is w ee k - 1 end.


La di e ' \ V o l annent s c lea ne d and pre sed . Qu a li ty h op. - dv . F loren ce R eese vis it ed th e Hall o n \\' ed 11 esday.


fri ·11 cb


W est M a in S t.


SONORA O R VICTROLA S ide by side in o ur s alesroo m yo u ca n hear and compare t hese t w o Highest C lass T alking M achines.

W e invite yo u to hear them.

Senoras $50 to $1000

Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats

Victrolas $25 to $400

5000 different V icto r R eco r ds to s el ect from .

T ry o ur Record Service.



Columbus, Ohio


$28.50 n o p p rtuni ty t o m cri ca ' s fin e -t bu y t y 1i . h a nd m : t cl o th e a t a av rn g w ell w o r t h whil e. R eal n o b by s t y le and wea v t o pl ea -e ev er y ta st - iz e - t o fit a ll m e n.

$-10 S ui ts and Ove r coa ts, a t

Du r ing th e w ee k- n d M ar ie Pe a rce vi ited a fri e n d, T r eva ila r in .Co1umbus,

Prices for E n graved Stock o n A pplication.

fr.================== If It's Musical W e Have It =================== ~

$35 Hart,

Dr. Fi n to n ga,· e som e p sy ch o logi cal demo n s tr a ti o n befo r e th g irl · of the llall · u nd a y a ft e rn o n .

• ·c ttie Lee l' o th , of ·o lu mhus, 0 ., 1 ·pent th e w eek-e nd wi t h fr iend · .

Printed Cards for either me n or women, $1 for 50, or $1.25 for 100.

Both T elepho n es

The Union's Cut­ Price January Clear­ ance Offer.




The Buckeye Printing Co.


T ho e wh o were g u es t s at Su n ­ day di1111 1· wer e ·M rs. Free man and da ug hte r May , Mi ·s l{uth Fin ­ to n, Mi . M nn a H it t , Mi s Ve lm a Law r en ce, M iss Mary Poppaw . Mi ss ,\li ce Li11 co l11 and Mrs . ' a ,·e .

111 ho nor of V e lma L a wr e n ce a nd Mary Po t paw, f X cw facli 0 11, ~ PU h wa g i,·c n by M a r ie B ill man and Ve lma w in ge r a tur day \'C n ­

Name Cards for College Folks

$.2 5 ' uit s a n d O ve r coats. at


ui ts a n d ve r coa ts . :i t

$24.50 $34 50

$-1 5-$50 uit s and Ove r coa t ~. a t ........ ..




THE - - .



Otterbein Correspondence Cards, Conklin, Waterman and Parker Fountain Pens, Alarm Clocks and Otterbein Spoons.

University Bookstore SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Tell her all about it with flowers. They speak a universal language. Cut flowers and potted plants alway s in stock. See our beautiful line of valentines and valentine party accessories. W e have a fine line of Dennison's valentine and patriotic novelties. Candies and Fruits

GLEN-LEE PLACE, No. 22 North State Street

!~----=------READ THIS E XT RA SPECIAL TO OTT E RB E IN STUDENTS For a s hort time only we will sell O t t erb ein P ennan ts, size 30x l 2 at 25 cen t s each. D o n ot miss this and d on't for g et that we can save you money by buy ing at o ur p lace .


=============================~ / P atronize T an & Cardinal A dvertise rs Patronize T an & Card inal Advertise rs

Page Six



Let Kibler Save You One-third Your Clothing Money-­ and Dress You Better in a

"Welt-Seam Wastline"

Suit and Overcoat ":J

$15 and $17.50

$22.50 to $30

22 W. Spring

7 W. Broad

I .

·- Two Stores in Columbus- 36 in the United States-

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