ar tna
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VOL. 2.
No. 10.
. BRINER Y. l\'I. C. A. S ECRETP.1 _ COLEMAN GIVES FIVE LECTURES Has Had A rmy Experience-"Y-Speak, in Chapel on Subj ect , 'Team ,
3uik' ing :2cing Furni Jhec.- Bi'~::: S.udy Cla :cc ~ to be Fo:-::-:c~.
=~:nbmhip i:, Club Purely Honor- ! I ary- Puq:ose is to Awaken Intere3t in M odern Literature. Dr.
Subject5 in De:nonstration:; l'L"ltin g- int o pra ~ti :e t >.c prin c ipl e;, Tbe d e partment of Engii s h ta k es of a_'p lie cl C hri 3:ianity will h e t11e aim of Hy;:,notisrr,_ to Work Together. gr e at pride in introdu cing t he Q ·,1iz , f th e Otterbein Y. M. . .\. thi s and Qt1ill club to the faculty and 1 TOWNSPEOPLE HEAR T ALL ye ar, a ccording to th e president of s tt1dents of Otterbein. f AIRSHIP TRIP A FEATURE t'1c iation ,. H. J. Harmelink. 0.. 'fl· · I for I , . .~ssoc . . . 11s c 111 11 I1as I1een orga111zec Dr. Coleman Believe3 that I~ c .. \ ,. Brin er, H, 1s on the Jo b a s e c r e- ti 1c purpo c o 1- s t·1111u 1atmg · · Fl eetmg · T n:::> · t:l Europe more in- B oys E nJoy tary for the Asso ciation a nd is alI t t · ti E 1· I I d Clause Should be Inserted in . . . ere 111 1e - ng 1s 1 a ngu age a n and Bring Kaiser Back to Wes-ready pu ttin g mto operation ne\~ literature: to awaken a ta te for the U. S . Constitution. plans fo r a b r oade r work among t:, e ti l . . d t terville Before· Waking.. most wor 1w 11 1e 111 mo e rn poe ::y All the st udent s and visi t ors w• h o men• of th e Co ll ege. He has had ex- 11 a n d p r ose, ancI t o c1,rec . t anc1 enMany do ubte r s became believ er , attcnclccl chapel Tuesday mor111ng pencnce not only amo ng students courao-c any spec1a · 1 t a Ien t f or crea t n" ·e and those who al r eady had faith in •· were privileged to hear a sp le ndid but . a lso among t.he men of the army. wnt111g h)·pnotic power grew firmer in their . t 1,a t mem 1Jers may s 110w. t ta. lk on --constitutiona l Efficiency'' by ha ·,• 111g been stationed at the Co lum' t · • ti b e li ef , whe n Prof • Finton , JHincipal of T o 11e e 1ec ec1 o mem 1Jers 111p 111 1e · J ames Colema n, educational secre- b,ts Barracks fo r severa l months. Q LllZ · an cl Q u1-11 . ti1e t u cl en t mus t b e the high school at Findlay Ohio aptaI ry of th, e . l< efo rm e d Presbyterian T h e parlors of t h e ··y·· b uild • · ran k· 111 • co 11 rge . peared • . . ing. o f e111or or J un1or . in t he col lege. chape l Saturday c 1ur c h. 1 h1 s. was but one of five long cons,derecl useless. arc being re- , 110 11c active • me111 11e r s h ",p 111 • on o f ti ,e evening · Prof · Fm ton ' w ho. was . Iectur e which Mr. Coleman has I decorated and . furn1shecl. The Co l- i·t • t e d one I bro ught . here under the ausp 1 . . . . • • • . • • , erary soc ,e 1, es. 1 1a\'e comp e · ices .of 0 d .,iven 111 \Vesten11le this week for j lege took the 1111t1 at1,·e ,n fix in g up If •t f E . d I the Ju111 or cla ss stated tha t th e aim 1 1 b ' . . . . . . j an one- 11a un1 s o ng 1s 1. an . , oth th s tud e nts and t ownspeople . the bu1)dn1g itself, p_utt111g ,t 111 bet- 1 s h ow e" idences of except ional ability of the e ve n mg was two fold; t o make Hts . purpose . 1s t o a ro us e a pub li c j t e r concl1t 1011 th an ,t has been. .for an<I t as t e 111 . E ng 11•s11 wor k·. B ecau e peop . . le laugh. . and to 1vc them s .o mesentiment which wi ll brinoabout the I some tim e. To the local assoc1a11011 o f suc1 -c t· t tl1e thing to thmk ab o ut. The audience . . o 1 qua 11nca 110n. e 1ec 1011 o 111scrt1011 in the preamble of the fell the wo rk o f furnishing the place r· . cu 1 11 w1. 11 1Je pure 1y 11onora r y anc1 uni,·er,ally agre ·d at th e close of the '-' n1ted tates ·on titution of a to me e t the needs of the tudents as • 1. 1. f tl 1 • 1 t · 1 I pr o gram , that he had re ac hed hi s goa l. ·I . . . . w,.11 1>e 111c 1ca n ·c o le 11 g 1e ran, . . c ausc recoo-111z111g the auth rity of 1 (Cont111ued on pag~ two.) . E 1. 1 1 Pr o f. Fm ton began h is program by t . . 111 co 11ege n o- 1 1 c as e . . Jesus l hnq and thus. Jl)a.k.iug th·• " - -- - - - - . 1, 1 · cl t ~cal vah; f h µnotisrn in I tcllrng- r. · - "'j"'" U • B • CHOIR GIVES CANTATA 1 0T"a111zer an pres<'n 111 mtrue Chri tian nati o n "' . th e .treatment of certain -diseases. in : ___ her of the club hope to make 1t . . . . 111 the c hape l serv ice Mr Coleman f Ot • aclm. 111. tenng a hvpnot,c ins tead of • · · Professor Spessard Directs Music- mean muc I1 or ter 11e111 anc1 expect . . emp has 1zec! the ,·alue of t eam work t f an anest he t ic when '.l surg:ca l ope r i ;1 e,·er ·, · '· ··· ,; . I \ . . I Solo Work Pleasingly Rendered t 1,e appro ·:a 1 anc1 uppor o e"~ r y ation is to b e perform d, and in t he . • - , . ,1 .. .,, . o ,1 tie . th let1c he d, -Appreci~t;ve Aud ience Present I profes or and student. for a work ing . . . 111 the home in the chu r ch and in the , k-now ec o-e o f t 11c E 11g 1,. 11 1anguage treatment - · of the v1ct1ms of she ll . ' · 1 1 go:e rn,n e nt. Team wo r k is imi)O:·"The Story of Chri tmas." a can- , ,s . • c o f co 11 ege . hock . e e nt1.a 111 any 1,n , 111 the late war. . 1 1 hen he turned to a practical elemtant, he aid, becau c it re<Juire that tata by Mathews. was g iv en Sunclav . . fi . . . • . - act1nty. a n c1 t 11e more pro c,ent one all work bv the same et of rules or cven111g by the c hoir of the l:111tec! . f . 011 . trat,011 of hypno ti sm, furn1sh111g becomes 111 t 11e use o ,t. t 11e greater f . by a common law, ar1 d dei,,aiicls some Brethren c hur c h. This canta ta was . . , exp lanation . or th e conduct of his • the cleo-ree o f success 111 ot 1,er 1>ran- 1 • acrilice fr 111 each. This is the · to have been give:1 before the hr ist"' . / rnbJects a· he procecr1ed. i\tter a principle which President \\'ilson i. mas re es . but was postponed 011 ac- ches of lcarn in o-. number of inclivirl ual te ts, he showed trying to teach and up n which the count of the influenza epidemic. / OTTERBEIN LOSES GAME I his power b~ working on the enti r e league of nation must he founded The prod uc ti on was di ,·ided into ____ rr ro up of ubJects . and one by one the if it is to succeed. Fo ll ow ing this four parts. The fir t part was the Ca p ital Shows Good Team Work and / (Conti nu ed on page two.) idea in his othe r talks, M"r. Co leman prophecy of Christ's com ing. with Win s Easily. Large C rowd the ann un ciation to Mary; the ecAccq:npanies T ea m. (Cont inu ed on page two.) oncl de cribcd the ,ision and journey Lagt Friday evening Otterbein me t Going Up! of the Shepherds; the th ir d part t o ld the ha . kct hall t am of apical l.:n i The world is like a ee-saw, Recital to be Given on of the quest f the i\f ag i; th e fo urth versity on the latter's floor. playing and everythi ng is well balanced, Tuesday Evening, J 2n. 28. '.::l,·c he fu 1fi!!r.~e ?1t o f tbe p~o;:,hecy. !;ef;:; :·e what was said to be the largest I even our meal . Bnt what we A udrey Ne! on sang the leading so- crowd that e\'e r assembled in the Otterbein'· first r eci tal of the year wan l to kn ow is thi s, when prano so lo . The fir t was the m esGym. Otterbein taking the little end will be held on Tuesday evening. board goe l!P, what comes January 28. The time is 8:00 o'clock, age of the angel Gabriel a he came of the score in the exceedingly un d o wn? Thi o ught to furni s h to Mary with the word that s he wa interesting game. The vi iting team the place Lambert Hall. Owing to food for thought. th e unu ual condition prevailing dur to have a son who would reign in the was accompanied by omething like a hou e of Jacob; th e n, the glad tidings hundred s tud ents but it can hardly be ing the first part of the year no recital ha yet been given by th e School of brought to the shephercls-"Unto you said that the team was supported. At the very outset of th game inTime of Contest Announced :rvius ic. It is reasonable to a sume is born, in the city of David, a Savior, Christ the Lord." terest ran high when for nearly two that with o long a time of prepar P ro f. Fritz a nnounc e that the Miss Nelson's inging was charact- minute neither team was able to ation on the part of the performer , Declamation Cont st will b e held erizecl by ea e and poi e. Her tone ·core. Finally th e Co lumbu to er tho e intere ted in music wiil hear an and fini h got bu y and re orted to their famif Thur clay eve nin g, February 27, i11 exceptionally well rendered program. quality had the clearne iar fast pa ing an d in a short the college chapel. This is a co n The fir t number i. th e wonderful that come from confidence. Mr. Hollinger sang the part in time had caged the ball for the first te t which always creates a g reat "Overture" from Richard \ 1\fagner' "Tannhaueser," given a a piano quar which the tiding of Chi-i t's birth are time. From th is time on the game deal o f interest amon both college tet, Mi Agnes Wright having the b1·ought to Herod. Hi voice is a wa s all Capital's way. So fast wa folk and townspeople. Only Fresh leading part. Thi number alone won lerfully deep baritone. Thi was thei 1- work that they rolled up 20 men and op hom ores may enter. The ought to bring a large audience. Be hi fir t appearan ce as a member of points before Otterbein was able to fir t priz is fifteen dollars, the sec count. This ort of thing continued ond, ten dollar , and the third five sides th quartet th e re will be a varied the choir. Helen Keller rendered very well the and the half ended with a score of 40 dollar . The names of th e conte program of violin, piano and vocal tants will be annou n ced late r. (Continued on page two.) (Con tinued on page two.) number . Work"- Nations M ust be Tat::gh':
Pa~e Two
. ,..
T H E T . . · AND CA RD I
. .
remember your aruhition be and y ur duty i--t HYPN OT IST W I NS Beatrice Fisher. :a the • ought to ' o HEA RT Y P RA ISE solo-the fulfillment of the prophecy. , he wa- _th e 01~_ly on; \ Vinterhoff did I better yourself. If Y u\·e got the the promi-e for world redemptio n. For Capi tal, \\ ild an j- ,i,, fo l- I that it' easy t d r that life · f h , work. The lineup idea ( C 0 11 trnue(I rom page one.) ~ang in clear. full t n he al o t e ,)e t is a cillch-get it ut f your head boy fe ll to the fio r with a thud, in a made her fir t public appearance. and low~~ Capit al -just for"ct it.-The ase Tech. condition of hyn ptic Ieep. I Otterbein will look forward with O tterbein Ridenour •l'r hably one of the · funnie t little much pleasure to hearing her o f ten H o 11·ing er R. F. F. L. HoI -tein c m die was piay cl in a strawberry during the year. , A lbright \\'ild patch,. when half the boy _believed I The renderi11g of thi cantata was ~re~man R G. Rickert them~eh·e to be young ladies. He I . ati factory and pleasing in e,·ery l· ox L. G. \ Vinterho!7 , said they all acted per£ectly natural way. and too much credit cannot be • !eyer _,,. .ld. 6: \\'interhoff, :i; 1 ·111 t h e env ironmen · · · p roe f t I1e crea t e d . ' 1' er- I given to the director. or pes- I Field. goal . R'd r 4- Freeman. 3 : H O ME D RE SSE D hap they ilid ! sard. and the orga11ist, Professor Gra- 1 H_ol tel11. :, : 1 enou · 2 The big event [ th.: eve11ing was a bill, a well a to every one who took I Rickert ·R. k , o ut of 6: Fox. 3 Foul ,c ert, -. trip i11 an airship to the battle- part. f r. Tl I · 'd out o 8. . field f rrance. 1e >Oys sa v v,v, Referee-Dunlap of De111so11. M .~KE GOOD EATS ly all the horror f var, a was ea. ily I COLE MAN GIVES b .t t. _ .:-a tzer for Rickert: · · FIV~ LECT URES u t, u 1011,-1, 11 . . hown. by their. actions and the ex- , · L amp h ar d ner t'or Ricleuour: Feick for B o th P hone s _ _ _~ press1on n their face as they gazed (C . d f ) H . . \\ " idom for :\leyer : prout rom pa e one. I o 1 te111. 11 • . . ont111ue C itizen 92 Bell 46-W . on the dead. and dy111g, and followed co11c Iu cl e d 1>)' s 11ow111g • ti1a t ti ,e tor . F ox: ,,·ch ,, inond ·for · !bright. the retreat111g Germans. They al o d • · Id' ti I ______ 1 1 . H 1 111te tate , w 11c 1 ts mo mo- 1e B , b I] went ,nto ol and, . captured the I t 110L•g11t o f ot h er na t', ns, R a lly Round th e as.{et-. a · ti1e 11ou Id . Ka1 Ge r, a11d brought h11n proudly back . Thursday ni ht after society 1,n st t 1irouo- 11 1oya 1t¢>' tp to \Vestcrvill . cxpre . _ 1, Id . rat! i11 the chapel t 1 . . its g vernme11t. for there an he 110 stt clcnb .e a Y . . . Before rest nng the boy~ to their 1 ai·ous•' "ilthusia •m ior tile game will! Sav e money by g e tting yo ur Ca ndy, • • , ·' ' J . id I f , ! •ao-,•c o , natio11s ",tnout ·1,ri ·tia11Cakes, O r an g es, G rape F ruit, E tc. no_rmal tate, Pr . E• 111ton told them . ,, .. 1 1. Capital Friday night. Dr. one ,ll !hat henceforth they would re cog nize ity a It ia · · Prof. \ \ 'ei nland were the speake~. their own powers and would have Fo ll wing i the preamble wh ich f the c,·enillo-. entertaining their at more trength of will power and con- Mr. Coleman wi he to ha,·c adopted: ~ste11crs with funny stories and I fidence in whatever they would under- ·\Ve. the people of the l.Jnited State. re111i11isce11ce oi other day in tter takc. dc,·otttly recognizino· the Authority bcill' ha ketball history. One of the CASH GROC ERY and Law of Jesus hrist, the Sa\'iour, . - a a ,.x tclte musical feature w . ' BRI N E R Y .M C A SECRETARY and King of 11atio11s. and desiring to I11 h a 11g form a more perfect -Cnion, establish composed of young· men. w · J>J>Y I S alted P ea n ut s S TR I CTLY fresh for the audie11ce . · \ fter s me p c at 20c lb. ontina~d from page one.) Jt•st ice, in su re domestic Tranquil ity. songs and ye ll , the rally ""'e ll a - po 1blc. To th, encl cur- pro,·ide for the common Defen e, peechcs, · l \\· e Ifarc, an d broke up._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . t,ain arc hc111 Jut up at the w 111- promote the ge nera 1 dow , a few _more e_a y chair added. secure the Blessings of _Liberty to One of the most u efu l 1_ ice~~ ~f and other 111111or th111gs done to add onr -ch·e- and o_ur posterity, d or- adi· ice i- the slan expre IOI! fo , 1 io the I oks and comiort of the da111 and cstahltsh this consntut'.?111 ge t it.'' .. __., ..... J.\Oom . . · iJ. a, ·-<~I] gazines for the l'nited tates of Amenca. . ,..I Ye"ter~)~\\'ttl;' it --disa'11"!)e1'-n'rt1'H!":S' will be placed ori the tab les and writ' -· r ' • and "left to the jaw" i I assed-let 5 · ·· r··o r fun h.er O tt e rbein Baske tball S ched ule. 111<•· faciltt1 •s provided. forget it. \\ 'e took t~1c o Id k·ayo I • mu eme11t a11d recreation some s:n-,tterhein's basketball manager has yesterday but wday we II craw l thr,1 1 le game will he at the disposal of arrano-ed a chedulc of tweh·e games the ropes 'l'rinning aud begging f r he men. Not as much can he done with omc of the faste t teams in the more. lf \\·c r,~t Jloored ao-ai11 we'll \11 this way now ati could l,e desired state. Fi " e of the remainin " nine take our medicine like a man and but the c im1>rovcme11ts are hound to games arc to he played at hom e . so iorgct it, and he s much the wis er. lead to others in the course of time. that Otterhein fans will have ample \\ ' hen someoiie hand s you a bum ' doC' the program of opportunity tn see the team play. line. lll'nch hi:; uose and forg e t it. 1 ~o) on ly acti,itie covC'r the ocial a11d recrea- The e ntire schedu le follows. \,\.he ,; you hear some scandal or a
\ lld
l d Car d' ial team it wasableFreemarr. as tnurn1 ha11t , an to s~ore.
W O L F' S
N\ E A T ~
c· .
K el1er & M cElwee's
· · · ·
For a general line . of Cut ler y Goto
tional needs of the men hut a great Jan. 7-Ohi o \V es leyan . deal of attention will he paid t o t heir Jan. 11 -c-Deni·on. religiou s life·. ,\ detailed ))rogram Jan. 17-Cajiital. of Bible tudy has been plan11t:d to Jan. 25-Antioch*. he carried ou t in the \'Cry near future. Feb. ?-Cedarville *. Bible di cu ·sion groups will probably Feb. 14--H eidelberg*. be· formed i111me cl iate ly after the beFeb. 21- edarville. inning of t h e next emester. On Feb. 22-St. .Marys . Thursday eveni ngs the usual deMar. I-Muskingum. Yotional meetings, will he held and Mar. 8-Capital*. these· will .be p lanned to coYer proh:M ar. 13- - t. Nlary s*. ]ems that actua ll y c nfront · a man ~lar. 14-Heidel berg. in College as we ll as out i11 th e liig*Home games. gcr o utside worl d. O T T ERB E IN L OS E S GAME · As the year progTesses, it -is hi11ted, · k ·11 (Continued from page 011e.) I f everal new p 1ases o wor · w, be entered upon. The school may ex- to 6 in favor of the Capital quintet. pect to hear 11101-e from the Y. M. C. At th e beginning of the second half Cap ital ran in her second team and A. before the )(Car .s over. Otterbein made sub titution s in 3. mad U . B. CHOIR GIVES CANT ATA effor t to stop the onrus h of th e o lurnbus lads. As a r es ult the second {Co ntinued from page one.) period was little Jess than a rough and part which describes the visit of the tumble on the floor. Likewise Capi \Vi se tlen· to the Ki11g. She had good tal t ook the leacl i11 this half and the bre,.th cont1·ol, and he, words were game ended with a sco re of 48 to 9. Otterbein showed the lack of team :prono unc ed distinctly. . Ethel Eubanks sang the lullaby fo r work a11d had much clifliculty in get organized. Thro ughou t the the Holy Child-''Sleep, Holy Babe." ting Her tones were characterized by their whole game they resorted to long sweetness and _richness; her ·manner, ,hots which went wide of the basket. by poise and ease. lf there was a sta r player on the Tan
name dragged in the dirt . forget it. \Vheu you loan a fellow "jack"• · just forget it: I,ut whe11 you borrowpay him up. . . If you think that e1·eryth111g that ·' J rotten is coming you r way a11cl that somebody's · o-o t it in for you and i~ riding you,-forgct it. kid , you're oft your trolley. \ \'heu y ou are tempted to tell your own hard luck. or wh e n someone , pours his troubles in your ear. fora-ct it. \\ ' heu you ' ve got th e b lues and ' arc feelinl! low. or if yo _u \·e. _g~i t a j - head , a fu ll night"..,leep !Jain in your 1 will help you-forget it.
'-_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_:_.J Y our wants will be supplied by
A new line of b ox paper and tablets just in.
Special prices at
See the Quality Shop F or Up-to-D ate Cleanin g a n d P r essing. 81 W est M ain St reet -
T H E 't AN AN b CA Rb t N A't,
' Pai• Three
At int~rv:1ts you Ian/ on an island. This epoch shoulri be ·a sig n of pro s • • • ; \, .°•J. You write ~usily fQr about two line s, perit y,. fo r wh o can say, with a clear B. C.. YOUMANS, Barber then the i~h.nd it self seem s lO melt · co n scien ce, that wi t h this evil r ~ 37' N. State. St. .away ~nd y9u' are ~drift again. ,This mo ved, ou r nation will not be the t Otterbein by the ' Shop closeil at I o'~ICK\: ·ucqt proc:ess is r4r,pea\ed indefinitely. c:leane st and bes t in the world ? ~TTER.~&l N PU8LISKIN• -E. A. H. T here is n~ <;ine to t~ke pity on you, Saturday. BOA RD , no one. compete~t td ·.offer help, al• 9 \. Westerville, Ohio , The Hun's Broth. though ma~f ca ~ ext~nd the hand of Member of the OhiQ Collea.e Preas fellowship. Gr;i u,ilg you lose fai th '·D ou ble, 'do ubl e, toi l and troubl e, • Association G. W. STOCKDALE . in humanity ;ind you4gree that " much F ire b urn and cauldron bubble Funeral Director.. and Emb&UDu ~ STAFF wis<;lom is weariso ·· to the fle sh." ·R o un d ab out th e H ell broth g o, Motor Funeral Car Ed.'t · Ch' f H 1 K 11 • You even determin . to write an ed i- In the m o tley fr agrance throw." } or-m- ie ········ e en e er, 20 torial or a "rama l'th the t1·tte, "T . e H a nd o f slaug ht e r, crim son red , . Ambulance Ser,:~cc A9_sistant Editor .... Esther Harley, '21 'I' Po iso n gas by kultur sped, Phones-Citizen 39 BeU 1.1•• Ci.ntributing EditorsAbsurdity Qf Edui:ation." By thi s T o ng ue a nd li p o f perjure d Hun, Westerville, 0. '( Helen Bovee '19 means, you can betome famous with ., • I Six tu s' le tte r, P rin cip's g un, ,. Grace Armentrout: '19 out ha vi ng your brain searched semi Bitt er tea r o f Belgia n maid, B'Wlinesa Mar. .. Kathryn Warner, 'lli' annually. ,. Assii tant Bui,iness ManagersThere is, howc:ver, a brighter side to Seve red ha nd s o f tend er babe, h fr o m many a holy fane ~ Elizabeth McCabe, '2 1 thi s picture;.' Because of the great As Smokin g ' nea th the pityin g rain ; '} Virgin ia Blagg, '22 e l~ st.i city and aq_~ptibilit_y of youth, The. Colleae A•eDue P o ppies red fr o m Fryatt's grave, Circulation Mar. .. Mary Siddall, '19 w1.thm four mo ~hs the memory o f Spik es th a t cru cifie d th e bra ve; MEAT MARKET Assistant Circulation Managersthis ordeal ha ~ d j appeared in the dim F o ul d isease ge rm s floating by, Mary Tinstman, '20 dawn of an t1q 1ty and- exam time Hunni sh oa th and Cav ell 's s io-h Ma rv el Sebert '2 1 has come again I Wi lhe lm s tirs th e ho rrid bro;h~ -G. M . A. Athletic Editor .... Cleo Coppock: ' 19 t Mi x ed with Ge rm a n cur s e and oath -' Local Editor .......... Ruth Hooper, ' 19 Th-c-Qw- · z-.-a-n_d_Q _ u,-·u- c-lub. With th e witches' wand that bore ' A lumna! Editor .... Prof. Guitner, '97 I Ge rman fl ag o f bla ck and go~e, Exc hange Editor .. Edi th Bingham, '20 With the or$an iza tion of the Quiz That in Be lgian land s was seen Lite rary Editor .... Vida Wilhelm, ' 19 and Quill Ch.J t1,' the heads of th e EngH. L. BENNETT A CO. lish departme~t hope to give a new 'Mid th e ho rror s of Fourteen. 62-64 N. State St. Address all comm un ications to The ' ;; timuli s to aq,v anced li terary work, in R o und about hi s head a rag F ro m th e Lu sitania's fla g, Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 20 'vV. ·'ti s way fillir\g a need that has been !o a k o f can vas that th e g al e Main St., Westerville, ',Ohio. felt in Otterbein fo r some time . I 'vVr es t ed from the pirate' s sail. Subsription Price, $I.SO Per Year, I t is stran'ge th at so many of us " L o !" he cri es, " ti s very good payable in advance. are eager to devote our energies to a)I Drink th e cup by kulture bre~ed!" Entered as second class matter othe r branche s of education, but must -R. B. M c Cr ea ry, Mt. Veriio n, 0. September 25, 1917, at the postoffice be forced to ./ read great a uth or s, and 11.t Westerville, O., und er act of compelled to . ob tai n even a wo rking Jim : " How does your broth er li ke Marc h 3, 1879. kn ow ledge '.~ f our lan guage. it o ut w es t ?" The abil .;ty to express a thought in J a m: ''O ne thin g he like s is the Ac ceptan ce for mailing at special clear, vigo ro us lang ua ge, the adop s unri se." ..... ... rate of postage provided for in Sec. tion of a simple style in writing, and Jlim : ·•Y o u poo r boob, th e s un 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized the po se sion of at least a pa s ing does n 't ri se in t he wes t."-Ex. Oct. 24, 1918. acquaintance with the b est i.n Eng lish literature, are indispen sable requir ements in succe ss fu l bu siness ali,d , , , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " C. W . STOUGHTON, M. D. soci al life.I By gr~n-~ ng memb ershi~ in the clu b "Dare a fumble 31 W . College Ave. only to '.t h'ose who se at tammen t s and Ri sk a stumble ta stes iri ·the department of Engl,i sh W esterviUc, Ohio You can get up arc high \ t, th e members mean to If yo u tumble." l)l'esent-? new standard s and i_deals of Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 -Se le cted. schotar's Hip, to create a greater de- ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Examinations. sire for ;worthw hil e literature amo n g 'vVha t is it that cau se th e burning th e geii ~'r al st ud ent body, and to en G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. of more electricity, the consumption co urage 'such talents for creative writ of more- candle s, puts money into t he ing, so- iv,ay be found among the mem East College Ave. pockets of pen, ink, and paper manu bers ~f t h_ _e_c_l_u_b_._ _ _ _ __ Bell 84-R Phones-Citizen 26 fact urers , uses up more nerve tissue ;':,., Prohibition at Last. an.d more religion, turn s a mild look 25c At la~t the day ha s come, to whi ch ng professor into ·an ogr-e, and --a'TI r -~ nnocent young dams el or a gallant we h~~ been looking forward so anxi - ' ! \ DR. W . M. GANTZ for years. It is a day which is young gentleman into an inconglo111.-- ousif; ,.. ,I; . erate heap, without power of fee lin g? wel-.o!lled by tho se who trul y have Dentist The answ,er is painfully s imple-ex, the 1 ~ elfare of the nation a t heart. Thi;iUnited States is dry! Within the Bell Phone 9 aminati9ns. 15 W . College Ave. Westerville r No wonder th e pa stor of the chu r ch· year Dinty Moore and men o f his find s February first the most suitable occupation will go out of the ques- ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' time for a revival-having just pas sed tionable business of keeping a sa loon , through a revival of learning, one's and will be forced to seek .another fond of "ethics" has been shamefully mcari~ of livelihood . The people of Choice Cut Flowers and Corsage O'hi b' so re cently rejoiced in t'h.e ·s t-ate dep leted. Bouquets. . You go into the once fami liar cla ss vii tQ{ Y ov er saloon s, and now the ' Quality Best-Prices Right room-the blackboard is covered with ot.ef ~helming fact that the whol e na row after row of hieroglyphics, prob ' on' is dry has burs t upon us. When S. State St. Citizen 345 !'p ass along the s treets in lar-g e ably meant to phrase perfectly good English sentences. The profe ssor at ~iti; s, we will not b e obliged to dodge Staple and Fancy Groc:e'W .._. vhom yo u have smiled so hopefully th~ patUh odf nb1end reehh'ng in . d,n:mf kenWILSON, THE O~GC&lt n ou te 1y, t e po 11cc orces THE TAILOR or weeks past, now glances at yo u nes s. South $tat• lit. Corner State and Main Streets with an "I told you so" grin . Yo u will have les s to do than ever before, Upstairs yo urself, clutching at bits of informa because th ey will not have their 1:1sual tion saved from the wreck, seem to be ta sk of hauling the "toughs" and Cleaning and · Prcsaina done on short notic.c. floating away on a sea of printed "bums" on their occasional vi sit from rhe corner saloon to- th e station-house. ''-- - - - - - - - - - - - - --~ Patronize Tan & Cardinaf ~dn~ra -.matter.
TAN AND CARDINAL .. ' Weekly in the- intCl'Ht-ef Publtl.be4
Rhoades ·&·Sons
OUR COAL Makes Warm Frienc;b
West erville
Auto Sales
General Rep~1c.Wotk Prices.'Nf~r,at-e. Radiator R~pafrinc a Specialt y ... \. Vulcaniiin, Taxi Se.rvice. , .
Two Bars Transpcl:fent Glycerine . Soap .attd Two Bar Goblin . Soap For
at · ·
For· Nuts Fruits and Candies
'r H E T A N A N D· CA RD I N A'L
Page _F <mr
I th e
most democratic institution in all the world. High and low, rich and poor,. meet together. His religion is th e only thing that will make a real democra y for the world.
RIT!~o!at~Ph~!~EY'S__ •I Eastman's Kodaks aµd Phqtographic Supplies.
Y.·w.c.A. ·~lz-~.<is:·..:r!1e.
, ong." . .P icard,y• . the I V irginia Burtner, led lit s t Tue ~day' s ! word s of whi,<;.h.. \ye1;e co mp osed by me·e,t1h~ ; with the rather difficult sub ,/ o hn A : ~noen1ak;~ -~-nd the mu sic by je ct, ''The . Gap."_ -She cho se two · ;·crs. J oliii ··A.' Shoemaker ( Daisy Cus- sc ripture le so"ns whi ch· applied t o th e '"°'t er )· ··; 5 · !JO\ ...being . translated into subject. One wa s tlie s t ory o( the self1 · ' French.:-~_ • y,.-·M~..: 1~a:ul ·D 1 ' d 1er, ' pres1' d ent righteous priest an_d the r e ligious of .,t,I~i-~~~ cl,·. Socie t y of. Pittsburgh. Levite who pas ed by the suffering The song-'··is ·'di'cfr~~ted to the " Blue man who lay by the road side and cal l Devilf' of 'F'ra't\ ce·, iii ·"'.hose . ~onor it eel for help , and the poor Samaritan , wit's' fir t 1;ung by Pittsburgh· Male who had a warm heart an.cl a desire . Chorus at £xpo·s·iti·on :vti.t sic Hall last to h<;lp the wounded man. This 'June:-'· Since then it has been intro- Samaritan filled the gap by doing ,ducn-iiito ·\he schoo ls in a number of what the elf-righteous priest and . 's tates •aiid ..two young w_,Qm e n of pi o us Levite would not stoop t o do. : ..:l'itt but-gh ·.\~h 9 · are ·engage.cl in can- The leader al so read the tory of ; t een w~i:k _.for. th e Young Men's Martha,.. the , busy hou ew ife , and :Christian Associat.ion intro duced it Mary, who kne lt at her Savior's feet. ·a mong' tht' -= so ldi-en, in France where Too often college girl busy themit has gained popularity. selves with Martha's petty tasks when ; . .. they s hould be listening to Hi teachl6. W._ Rodney Huber of Dayt?n, ings. The girls entered into . the di Ohio, ha re 7ently a~cepted a posi_t 1? 11 cussion and found many gaps in co l in the sal,e,,.; fJl'enlOtion -·a nd publ icity lege and hom e life to be filled, if only ! . dept1r,!.11;~ 11,t- -of_ tl1e_ Da)'.ton Engme:r- they were alert and ready to see th e ir ink:~la'~o'ratone s· Coinpany. duty.
;89.' ~fo;s ara11 :\L"K\Jmler of Co··lu nil.nts, · Ohio; -· 'iV'as a ' member of the ·i:e.ceptian committee at the luncheon giv~n, Ja.st aturday b!)' the High School Teachers' Federation in the i ~ii:i_te.1 ~ard,cn ?J the , New So uthern ! :Mi -s'' K\1hner is Teac.her of Eng\i'sh'at North High School.
Reinstatement '.in the Civil Service of Men Who Left to Bear Arm s. Anticipating the time when men who left the _ Federal classified civil ervice to take up arms in defensP of the cou ntry would be mustered out and , therefore, seeking employment, •io. Dr•. fl orace B. Drury la s t s um - th e ' nit ed States -ivil Service om 1;,e/re i'g;;ed ·h·i po ition a s in s tru ct mi sion recommended to the P resi or in.·Ohi · late ' niv cr ity to become dent that proYision be made for re spec.fa I exJe~t ,with the labor adju t- instatement in the ci \·il ervice of men't d°ivis-ion of the nited _ State such men. Accord in g ly, the Presi ' hipping .Board 1H \Vashi'ngton, D. C., dent issued the following Executive r.d cr dated .July- 18, 191 : where I,e is n·ow: living. · ,_;;. "A per on lea ·ing t he classilied '17. · \'efiTon -L: f>hjlli15s ha s recently civi l e n ·ice to engage in the military accepted the'· "1io""1ti"ori .. 6f financial r na,·al ervicc of the Governme nt secre tary of,tbe ·li~1ited ommittec for -\ Var Temp;r~m:e cti\}i ti es in the during the present war with Germany Army-andl t i ~y,' 'w1io ·e ·g eneral head and who ha s been honorably dis charged may be r einstated . 111 the qu;iner are at 289 Fourth Avenue, civ il sen·ice at any time within live ~e~~lYo-~k City. _ 11r. and ~lrs. Phil year after hi di c harge, provided li11s (Edna · E. ~lill r.), '17, have moved that at the tim e of rein tatem en t he to '. 1ew York ity. ha the required fitness to perform '13. ;· ··ifr : Gr~'(,' ~- ·. /1 uthcrsbaugh, the duties of the position to which ought." ( Evf.ly_n ·y Oµ!Jg) · qf Cle.veland, Ohio, reinstat eme nt is: ·'s'cil). titut/tlir : \!1 . tlie Brooklyn 1 t wil l be noted that under the H~igh.t . ·Scl\o~l,_.. _leveland, for the terms of the Executive Order, a man wh was eparated from the civil pr_in "lt.i4;<\vnch ' ~;,1 With "illfluenza ." e tabli hment to tak e part in the war m~y be r ein tated in a civ il scr-vice po ition within five year after hi di c har ge from the military or nava l 1 \!, .~ -~-~ ':.,_ _· -~ _ .:-. -· • seni e. Tt wi ll further be noted that 1'he Y. ~l. ' . wa addressed by / ther is no re triction that the man Re:y. Pr_of. J_ame ~l. Coleman, and it must be rein tated in the particular was..·l~-~-~t:of . the . ene at Otter- po 1t1011 from· which he was separat bei1i:·-11e ait~ in H rt: _ 'hristianity is ed. L111der the terms of the Execu a ~ractica l t{ting, ii·,v/tal thing, and ti\·c Order, h e may be reinstat d any ·tira~ th e -Bi,b le~r., J·.eatl,; t_b c guide-book where i11, the civil se rvice , provided of ,iife: • M'cn hav'e"tfied· many ot her that at the time of rein tatemtnt he thit>g : b u~ all ha:,.t~ fatle<l,. A Profe .- has the required lit1ie to perform so r ·:af the Ofbo1i aying France had the dutic of the positi n to which triecl A rt, _ci~~c·e_;. and 1'hilosa- rein tatement i ought. phy, when .fg)f~ -if it had tried the I . errnon on the .}.,~1.t ceplicd it had Get our sa'mple and price on not. The only democracy the men' s clo th i1ig. Quality hop , 81 W . democra-cy of-Hstis; ~nd . hi . church i :'.\.Iain.-A C:v.
Y. M.-C. A.
:. .
.:. ..
.. .J
.. .....
prices. ; , 'F:'ilms 'P .e.velopett and .P.ri~t~d . a t i~est. I • .• • • ~ •• • , • ,.
: :::., ·> . .Satisfaction:Guaraniee'd.: " . .QPJ'_l~At DEPARTM~~~:··.'.· ·~ _,': : : ,: ~::
. 0-::t \•e~ Exam.iR~:. J;i';;~·,,:.Ei~. .Glasses and Spectacles' ~11 styles. ouR :l>RICES k'EAs·,.;..·N :· . . . , . u ,"-.~;L~~ ,> GIVE US A CALL .
A ~"'~..- ·. :·
:· · ·,..,.•·
Are YouinsUred?
If. not ' . Why-not?
A. .,A.RIGH ' .Anent . .. . . .. f) ...
.,, ; .
Call ·Citizen ·21 or Bel! i4 7-R f
J. E~ . ,H.AN-S-0 ~~,-·-T: - be ~Cl~;rn-Up. . M-aD· ' Agent for Acme Laundering ··c · · -· · d·
Peerless Dry Cleaning Co , D ~ ·oClmpany, General Laundry Work · an . H d ·, ·.r eilJlers, Dyers and Sanitary Press-ers ea quarters-.12-· E . . Oollege Av W . ·' Subscriptions . taken Th C e., esterv11Ie, . . e ountry Gentleman, Ladi~s• !Jorne ' .. Journal, Saturday Evening Post. Prompt Serv!ce-.:~~st Service
New -Model Restaurant ,SOD..A FOUNTAIN ~Any ' Kind of·_ Sandw_lch_es, Home-Made ~peciai
'· Regular Vuricnes or D' · ., . inners Orste_rs , ~nd Fresh Fish N orth State , St. • • I• •• -
Orders -over 'the Phone : '-
" ~-
Otterb,ein Students--~' · ·•• J
Ord~~ y o~r. S. A. T.'C. Pictui:es .Now _ Special -Prices --.__ .-. . fo"r... . .. O t:ter be1.n Stude·n·t·s.
l'age Fi ve
Broth erhood M eets Friday Evening.
Th e 1le n' s B r o th e rh ood of th e M r . R. 0 . o k un d e rw e nt a n ,o per at io n at Grant h o pita! :\l o nda y c hur c h h e ld a m ee tin g Frida y even ing n oon. h e i r eco verin g fro m th e in th e hur c h Assem bl y R oom. Im effec t n i e ly and is on sidc r cd ut of p o rta nt p la i1 s fo r th e co min g yea r -danger. we 1·e disc ussed. Prof. F r itz had R e v. . J. F x o f \\' c s tcrv ill e i cha rge of th e p rog ram. . bo u t fif ty co ndu c tin g r ev iva ls in th e an al \ Vin m en e njoy · d bo th th e meeting, a n d che t e1· l!nited B r ethren chur ch. the_ deli c io us dou g hnut s ~n d coffee Memb e r s o f th e church r epo rt that wh ich w ere se r ve d af ter ac! Jou rnm e nt. t he m ee t ing a r c ve ry u c ss ful. Lie ut e n a nt J. R. Lo ve and family a rc vi s itin g in \ Ve tervi lle . Li e ut. L o ve ha received hi s di sc harge fr o m t he army. Ro m e rs of t he U. ·. . " Rijn dam " is vi iting old friend s in 'vVe tervil le. Il e p lans on re e nte rin g t terbei n n ext fa ll. .\ sk Tla z lc P ay n e wh a t hos -y said sh e \\'as in<;xp ri en ced in! Mr. \\ '. R. - o n n e r. o f D e la ware, visit ed in \ V ste n ·ill e S und ay. . aturda y ev e nin g occ urr ed a p lea s ant ga th er ing :i t th e ho m e o f Pro fc s or Ro se l t, wh e n a co mp a ny o f co n ge ni a l yo un g fo lks enj oye d a "fe ed ." An d it was some feed!
Ripened Judgm ent "Then we're e ng age d?" " O f co ur se." "And J a m t he fir · t g ir l ) o u e ve r lo ved ?" "N o. dear. but l 'm ha r d e r t s ui t 11 0 w than T u ·ed t be."-Kan s :i s 1ty J o urnal. J COCHRAN HALL O n Tuesday e ven ing. Bi ll Van ce , H erm an :\ li chac l, ~l an so n Ni c ho ls and , Leland Pace w e r e e nte rta ine d at a 1 dinnn pa r ty g iv e n by G L'n evi evc ;\,I u l- I . 1111. :\f yrna F rank , Harri e t H ayes a nd \'icla W ilh e lm.
wea ters c lea n ed at Q ua li ty S h o p , 81 \\'. /\l a in t. -. dv . \\' e are g lad t o hav e J ess i~ \V e ir l La R c. uche with u s a g ain a ft e i· h e r illn cs . E dith ·ave is h ap p y to ha ve h e r mo ther lllr s. av e w it h her th is w ee k - 1 end.
La di e ' \ V o l annent s c lea ne d and pre sed . Qu a li ty h op. - dv . F loren ce R eese vis it ed th e Hall o n \\' ed 11 esday.
fri ·11 cb
W est M a in S t.
SONORA O R VICTROLA S ide by side in o ur s alesroo m yo u ca n hear and compare t hese t w o Highest C lass T alking M achines.
W e invite yo u to hear them.
Senoras $50 to $1000
Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats
Victrolas $25 to $400
5000 different V icto r R eco r ds to s el ect from .
T ry o ur Record Service.
Columbus, Ohio
$28.50 n o p p rtuni ty t o m cri ca ' s fin e -t bu y t y 1i . h a nd m : t cl o th e a t a av rn g w ell w o r t h whil e. R eal n o b by s t y le and wea v t o pl ea -e ev er y ta st - iz e - t o fit a ll m e n.
$-10 S ui ts and Ove r coa ts, a t
Du r ing th e w ee k- n d M ar ie Pe a rce vi ited a fri e n d, T r eva ila r in .Co1umbus,
Prices for E n graved Stock o n A pplication.
fr.================== If It's Musical W e Have It =================== ~
$35 Hart,
Dr. Fi n to n ga,· e som e p sy ch o logi cal demo n s tr a ti o n befo r e th g irl · of the llall · u nd a y a ft e rn o n .
• ·c ttie Lee l' o th , of ·o lu mhus, 0 ., 1 ·pent th e w eek-e nd wi t h fr iend · .
Printed Cards for either me n or women, $1 for 50, or $1.25 for 100.
Both T elepho n es
The Union's Cut Price January Clear ance Offer.
The Buckeye Printing Co.
T ho e wh o were g u es t s at Su n day di1111 1· wer e ·M rs. Free man and da ug hte r May , Mi ·s l{uth Fin to n, Mi . M nn a H it t , Mi s Ve lm a Law r en ce, M iss Mary Poppaw . Mi ss ,\li ce Li11 co l11 and Mrs . ' a ,·e .
111 ho nor of V e lma L a wr e n ce a nd Mary Po t paw, f X cw facli 0 11, ~ PU h wa g i,·c n by M a r ie B ill man and Ve lma w in ge r a tur day \'C n
Name Cards for College Folks
$.2 5 ' uit s a n d O ve r coats. at
ui ts a n d ve r coa ts . :i t
$24.50 $34 50
$-1 5-$50 uit s and Ove r coa t ~. a t ........ ..
THE - - .
Otterbein Correspondence Cards, Conklin, Waterman and Parker Fountain Pens, Alarm Clocks and Otterbein Spoons.
University Bookstore SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Tell her all about it with flowers. They speak a universal language. Cut flowers and potted plants alway s in stock. See our beautiful line of valentines and valentine party accessories. W e have a fine line of Dennison's valentine and patriotic novelties. Candies and Fruits
GLEN-LEE PLACE, No. 22 North State Street
!~----=------READ THIS E XT RA SPECIAL TO OTT E RB E IN STUDENTS For a s hort time only we will sell O t t erb ein P ennan ts, size 30x l 2 at 25 cen t s each. D o n ot miss this and d on't for g et that we can save you money by buy ing at o ur p lace .
=============================~ / P atronize T an & Cardinal A dvertise rs Patronize T an & Card inal Advertise rs
Page Six
Let Kibler Save You One-third Your Clothing Money- and Dress You Better in a
"Welt-Seam Wastline"
Suit and Overcoat ":J
$15 and $17.50
$22.50 to $30
22 W. Spring
7 W. Broad
I .
·- Two Stores in Columbus- 36 in the United States-