an att
No. 12.
Miss Brown Takes Up Reconstruc-
Student;; and Faculty Enjoy Informa[
tion Work Among Soldiers at Hos-
Gathering in Celebration of the
pital in North Carolina.
Reopening of Building.
Graduate of Columbus Art School and Member of Art League-Come:; H igh ly Recommended.
Association Building Now to be Used as Place of Recreation for en ts.
\\'ith the pa sing of the lirst s~m,·,-
. aturday e,·en ing in the parlors of the "Y" occurred a n·ry pkasant tent_ instructors and 111uch-esteen1 e l 1 gathering of all the students and facmember of the faculty. Mi s Je si,· May llrown has heen connected wi h ulty. The e\'ent was in the guise of Ottcrhein in rapacity of .\rt Jnstr-1<·Ia rather inforn1al re<lecliration of the uwn- ~ TME- Sl6 H T._.E LONC, VA CATION, tor for the pa t t,·eral years. l:l 1 1>u::cling. \\hich has been t·xtcn,ively has pro,·ed her ·elf to ht• a thorot1g-h ' THE FI R.ST 5cMESTE.K repaired and rec!ec-orate<I. This and con sci en tiou · worker. en d~ari •1 -~ cha11ge was found necessary aitcr the herself to the heart of the stuch:lll How Civilians May Know Where Sol- 1 Philophronea Holds Se:sionand people of \\'esten·ille .. demnhi!ization of the S . .'\. T. •. Fine Program Appreciated. c.iers Have 'Served. :\fiss Brown went to take up hl·After a nJppy game .which exhibitcon truction .\id work under tl, t• That persons not familiar with the l'hilophronea's 111 . tallation Open ed the par-ticipants' skill in buying and a11 ·pice, of the go vernment. he i , existing military customs may become Ses ion Friday e\'ening was enjoyed selling, there was an intere ·ting prolocated .:t present in the l'nit,·•I acquainted with the ,·arious ser\'icc by a•1 appreciative audience . Both gra:11 trpsta;r,. ,\Ji s Freda Frazier tates (;~Jlnal JI nspi al o. 1!I n stripes. hei11l. worn hy L"nde :--a m's tlw lit<-rary ap<l musical nurnher g;iye t,,·o reading whch ;ere fo! ,\ ea. :'\orth Carolina. :he "J!I soldier· .. the;, following is 1rnhli.sht·cl. were wdl chosen and \\'CII rendered. lowed by selections hy the . landolin \\•ork an1O110• the "·oundcd soldiers \\'ar Ser,·ice Che\'ron - :-\ .. ,.,, It was agnied that this was onl' of the and Guitar Clu 1l. Virginia Burtner', wh o are return111g " · to t h.1s count~y. sha1>ed bar of gold 'Ian·. worn on the interesting open se. sions of th.: year. re:iding, "The Last \ ord,'' hr \'anteaching- them useful and imerestinr,- Io,~·-er part: of the left !~eve of all The program included the following Dyke. wa very well given. Then ways of occupving- their time anc! 1 u111lor'.11 coats. except fatigue c?ats. numbers: l'rl'sidcnt Clippinger and .\Ir. Briner 111i 11 <I.s ,,. 11- e corn·a • 1esc111g-. · hy ollrcers. field clerks . and en!, ·ted . ,,·:re called. upon for short talk,. . RcJcling-"De .\pplc-trec" 1 1 · a ,cry ·ma II l O\\. n Ioc,1 ., t · nren who ha,·e ser\'ed ~,x months 111 C. J\l. • wcazy Alterward lrght refrt•shment,; were · \ za Ica 1s . . rd - f . f \ ·h .r the war zone. Thrs che\'ron rs worn \'iolin :--olo-" l'oli,'11 :\ ational J\ir'' served. 111 1 11 1111 1 ,t cw cs rom · s C\ e. a ~ · point down. .\11 additional che\'ron is 0 us summer re ort in the mounta111 •. \\'ieniawski I Exclamations were frequent in T he hos11ital where ::'11iss Urown i, lo allowed for each six months' . en-ice. H. Askew praise of thl' appe:irance of the rooms "\'" \\'oun<l Che\'ron - :\lso a President',; \ ' aledictory- "The Law" with their fresh clean walls and ne\\· rated i 11•..1r tl1e f·1mous \ 'anclerhi;• . ' ~, ' · . . ,ha 1ed bar of gold lace. worn point :\. I'. l'cden furniture. The large west room on t tal,: at llaltimorc. \ltho_ugh rt i, do,tn. on the right slene. • ·ot more 1 the first floor has ht'rn made into a ~ard to gi,·e up a ,·aluahle rnstn1ct•_>• I than one wound che\'ron can be worn l're,,ident's Inaugural. "The Reconstruction'' comfortable and almost "homev" ~n the middk of the y_ear. Otterh<.'1n if two or more wound, are sustained, \\ · H. E\'ans place for writing and n·creation. Ti1e r glad to he able to aid the go,·c:--1 1- at the same tim e. ' l nstallation of Officer, windows have he;,en urtained. new lllcnt in rt:con truction work. a:td (Continued on page two.) :Ill usic-l'hilophronca tables. chairs. and a sofa added. and (Continued on pag~ two.)
tcr Otterbein lost one of her compt··
mo ·t appreciated of all, a \ ic t rola inMissionary from India Talks. s talled. There are numerou · m:igazines for those who Eare to read. o Dr. Belle ..\li en. a former mi·that from a cheerless, and most of the ionary to Tndia and a rep re entati,·e of the Student Volunteer mo,·e-, Li ten! And you shall hear th e :la hlight guided the way around tim e u ele,s room, this has hcen ment, wa · the chapel speaker Tue • h k Ik cl . chair· and other obstacle and assi ,. transformed into a commodiou, place cl • tale of how t e poo · • wa ·e 1 u~say mornrng. ed in locating the un u pecting Yic- for all. Dr. . \lien aid that although the day night in th e Dorrn ! 1 t i i nd "ed tim. The ilent ho t gathered arou ·1<l . g t a Ie. It w a omc - the leeper, and one of the number Former 0. C. Student great war had been won, there wa · a bloo d -cur di m another going on now-the fight to I what after the eerie hour of midr~i~ht clipped her bru h in the liquid Is Offered Commission make good what ha · been won . when about eighteen leep)'. fermmne gently meared it furry bri tic Iade.1 Dwight C. Mayne was offered a There ha come a call as imperatiYe I individuals of the ophomoncal ta nd - with the !oozy juice over the counlca the call to military duty; it is the ing ascended to fourth floor a nd com- J nance of the lady. while ome oth<'r commission in th e Ordnance Reserve challenge to acrificial en·icc. There menced their diabolical work, arm-~rl colleagues tealthily appropriated all Corp by the government because he can be no Ia ting league of nation with determin d "isage , a bottle of the hoes, slipper , rubbers-in fact had g ra duated from the ordnance unJe all are educated in brother- fragrant brown liquid and a very u e- all that might be called footgear. school at arnegie Technical chool hood, fellowship and international ful paintbrush. . . . I Thi plan of procedure wa adhered at Pittsburg, al o for the good record friend hip · These fair but de .1g-111ng lad1e • hao to un t'Ir th e Y1c . t onou . . . rar.d er reac h - made in the Officer ' Training chool, There is no other enterpri e o malrcrou plans agarn t the lumbe r d fir t floor. ome of the freshmen a! amp Hancock, Ga. Mr. ::\Iayne g reat as this, for it is a en·ice in of the e t e · t e d no t a t a 11 , b u t s Iep t w eetl y drd not . .late. t arri,·a l into thi honorr 1 . , pro . accept the honor becau e the which all talent can be II ed; it i ed 111 trtut1on_. One by one the era > while the villain crept in , applied th e war_ ~s ov~r and also ?ecau e of his the -priv,jlege of teaching brother- one crept rnto the rooms of the po itron wrth the West111gh ouse E le chood to mankind. leeping beautie . A convenient • (Continued on page two.) , tric company at Pittsburg.
Page Two
Y. M. C. A. "Esse nt ial s to s uccess" was t he inte re stin g to pi c di scussed at Y . M . C. A. m ee tin g la st T hur sday nig h t by ::vi(. \,\ '. E. J o nes, a p ro min e nt bu siness ma n of Co lu m bu s. He bro ught o ut in th e co urse o f hi s remark s tha t tru e su cces is not e ntire ly depe ndent 0 11 m o n ey, po wer or social s tand in g, th o ug h th e se m:iy become th e ;our ce o f m uch good . Tr ue succe s is, ho wever , dep e nd en t on a w ill ing ne ·s to se r ve man ki nd . and in a ny t)os it io n in w hich we fi nd o ur s elYe s to do 1no1·e tha n is demand ed . Thi s spi r it o.f " go in g t he seco nd m il e" is bou nd to win p r omotio n s and u ltimate s uccess .. He p o in ted o ut t ha t t h e fir s t step a y o u ng man tnus t take to ac hi eve s ucces s is to ma ke a ca re ful a na lys is o f hi s o w n qu alifi catio n . Nex t to cho ose a vo catio 11 in li fe to w hi ch h e is bes t adap ted . a nd t he n s tay by tha t wo r k un t il he g a ins fina l sucess. •rhi s met ho d of cho o sin g a li fe wo rk is m uch m o r e favorab le to success than th e us u:il way m e n hav e o f drif ting int o t h e ir life w r k. Th e climax o f Mr. J o ne s' ta lk wa i n hi s s tirrin g a 1J pea l to loo k to J cs us hr is t a a 11 exa mpl e o f th e vigoro us a nd ene rge t ic life th a t insur es success. 'Vile hope t hat m e n of Mr. J o nes' type w ill ofte n a ddr ess o u r Y . ~I. A. mee tin gs. '
th e e d eclared Aat ly t ha t t hey wo uld no t he deco rated w it h t he e ne m y' s si g natu r e. T hi s m ade thin gs inte r cs tin g - hut t he protesta n ts receiverl th e mixtur e eve n though not vc r _,, affa b ly. . . . . T he next m o rnin g it was a n in ter esti n g sce ne to wat ch t'·,· mad cra m hl e aft er bo rrowed sh o"~ Mo st o f t h fre sh men appear ed a t cla ss except t hose w ho e feet we r e o f uch unu ua l size that borro w ed s ho es wo uldn 't fi t. \ Vhite h oes an ct b la ck o ve rs hoes were not iced to be a,; a r t is t i · co m b in at io n for a J a nua r y day. \Vhi le in it. e lf a ma ll e p isode, s •.1,: h e p isod es a lwa y s pr o ve inte r cs tin ,! , es pecia lly to t he p c rpet rator s-a1 :d th e victi ms.
New Model R~s~aurant SODA FOUNTAIN
A ny Kind of Sandwiches, Home-Made Pies Special Orders any Time Regular Lunches or Dinners
Oysters and Fresh Fish Orders over the Phone
W estervillc, 0.
North Stat e St.
Western Reserve University
How Civilians May Know Where Soldiers Have Served. (Co nt inu ed fro m page o n e. ) Si lve r hevro n- Fo r o ffi ce r , fie ld ONLY MEDICAL SCHOOL IN clerk s a nd en li s ted m en w ho se r ve d s ix m o n t hs o u ts ide the th ea tr e o f opTHE CITY OF CLEVELAND e rati o ns a silver chev ron (wo rn t he sa m e as th e go ld chev ro n) is a ll owe d.' Fo r ea ch add iti o na l s ix m o nt hs a nIT Admits only college degree students and s eniors in absentia. ot her chevro n is wo rn . IT Excellent laboratories and facilities for research and advance d work. Scar le t Ch ev ron- S o ld ie rs ho no r IT Large clinical material. Sole medical control of Lake s ide, City and ab ly d is ha r ge d wea r a sc:i rl e t c hevCharity Hospitals . Clinical Clerk Services and individual instrucro n, po in t up, on t h e lef t s leeve a b ve tion. t he el bo w. These ar e in additi 11 to IT Wide choice of hosp ital appointme nt s for a ll graduates. t he us ua:1 se rv ice s tr ipes . IT Fifth optional ye a r leading to A . M . in Medic ine. S ervice str ipe- En li s ted m e n w h se rv ed t h re e yea r s will wear s er vice IT Vaca tion courses facil itating transfe r of advanc e d s tudent s. s trip e o f t he co rp s o r dc par t m e n t o f IT Session o p ens Oc t. 2, 1919 ; closes Jun e 17, 1920. Tuition, $150.00. se rv ice . T he s tripe are wo rn diag o nally n b th leev es o f t he dr ess coa t be lo w e lb o w. F o r cata log u e, inform a tion a n d a pplica t io n bla nk s, ad dre s s 1, S ky bl ue clo th ch evr o n-Se rvi ce o f THE R E G IST RAR, 1353 East 9th S t ., Cle v e land ...__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....,, le · s th a n s ix m o uth s in th ea tr e o f wa r T h e meeting T u..:scl ay ni g ht w as i ~ in dica ted by a ·ky blue c lo th wo rn led hy Lois Nie h..: I, t he top ic be in g, as th e gold war ser vice chevro n. " \ Ving: of t he Mo r n in g." Th e leader in tcrpr<.:tcd th is phrase as N j;W I NSTR UCTOR AT OTTERBEIN meaning "Opportunity ." 'vV ha ve !,card th is word so co nsta n t ly that a~ (Cor·tinued fro m page o ne.) a nation we a rc gras t)i ng the oppor- a lso glad that M is Brow n is su I f you want to he made ha ppy , go to tunit ics tha t pres n t themse lves . p leasa ntl y situated a nd e nj oyi n!.; lH, The wings of th e m rni ng-th i ,, wu r k. thou g ht has _a !>tcu liar sig n ilica ncc. Miss Ruth l'ett it of Co lun1hu, i, lt 1s the hcg!11n 111 g of a new day-a pro,·ing he rself to he a · mpctcrn bird has wi ngs a nd t he m o rni ng is l succcsw r of M iss Br own. She is ;, TH E PA P ER S T ORE II early ~hcrdore t he bird_ m ust soar gradl'ate of the Co lumbus .\ rt Scho I I away 111 the ear ly morni ng to meet and comes highly 1·ecomme11dcd t o sqt•arcly th e needs of each clay. 1f Otterbein hy prom in ent art critics. 31-37 E. <;ay St. Op;>. K e ith 's T hea ter we s hould he a l'. le to make one_ person S he h as taken co urses in ar t al O1,io 1 ·o lumbu ·. O h io glad each day, 111 a year we wt!! have State U11iver;ity and i~ a member or gladdened _the hearts of three hun - the ·o lumbus .\ rt League , some r,f 1 1 dred and sixty- live people. her wo r k ha, ing been ex hi b itC'cl Pe pie who have rea ll y succeeded t here. Mis· Pet ti t c mes to Ott"r- 1 have not cle1>t·nclcd on luck or chanc_c bein ant icipatin g her wo r k, a nd al- Men's Capes, Suede a n d I to seek them out, hut have had ng1- ready linds that s h e likes the tow; ,, I H O M E DRE SSE D lance in watching- for opportu n ity. the co ll ege, the s tudents a nd a ll cni: M ochas ta t and daring in seizing it, force I nc ·tcd with Otterbe in. 1 MOST RELIABL E BRANDS and pcrsi · tence in crow ding it to its \ I utmost of possib le achievement. R esolutions Sueclenc~. at ..•......................... ..... . $1.00 l<csolved: MAK E G OOD E ATS Sophomore Girls T r y to Show ( I ) That the artic l appea r ing in Suedes, at .................................... .. .. 2.00 Both Pho nes F r eshies Their Proper Place t he last issue of the Ta n a nd ardinal apes .. ....................... ......... $2 .50 to $3 .50 (Continued from page one.) on the subject of danc in g in ttc r - ~J oc has ............................ $3.00 to $3. 50 Bell 46-W. Citizen 92 1nixturc to _c?untcnance, _stole shm•,. \ be in do_es. not re fl ec t th e op ini n of J and other at t1cles o f wearing apparel. th e maJ nty of the con t1tu e n y o f and retreated. Others made sonic Otterbein, nor of t he l'u b li shing Lad ies' Gloves fa int res istance, such a to say frehiy Boa rd itse lf. 1 n "Whas a matter? 'vVh re's the graild (.2) That thi ' reso lut io n b e pub li s h - Kid a ct l\lochas · ····;····· $2.25 to $3. 50 No V ale n tine " Spread" will be 1 idea?'' hut furt h er than that they eel in th next i sue o f th e Ta n an d Fa bri ·s .................................. 60c to $ 1.00 comple te w ithout our "eats". agreed wi th eve ryth ing t hat was s u.{- 'ardi na l as a pro te t aga in ·t a ny \ gested to th em. S t ill o th ers showed cha nge in t he te ne t s of th e col lege. C. W . REED , Grocer s ig n s o f a s tron g w ill a nd g rea t ell'T h e P ub lis hin g Board. 21 N . State Street. te rm ina ti o n, eve n th ough lecpy, a n<! Per G lady L a ke, ec.
Y. W. C. A.
Glove Specials
Page Three
rough " a mong her alumni? Is it not acti\·ity that is real li\·e a·nd interest- 1 C. W . STOUGHTON, M. D. po sihl c to bri_ng about thi desired in g f r the students. To the ma - 1 . _ -. _ - .poli s h through oc ial functions other ,iority of full-blooded ,\meri ca11 31 W . College Ave. P ubli shed \ eek!)'. in the mt~rest of \ than t~e dance? The man who college men and women ~ducati c t, · · Otte-rbetn by the \ danc es 1s usually the man who ac- 1 has come to mean somethmg more W~sterville, Ohio OTTERB.F,,JN -Pl,JB L,ISHI quir es polish easily under a ny circum- 1 than books. than s tudying mecha1,iC ' Ph Bell Phone 190 itizen one 110 BOARD , . s tan ces. Th e o th er man woulp not call y every night and reciting like l \V esterville , Ohio be h elp ed, t o any g re at extent, even puppe t s to the t eachers every day. Member of the Ohio College Press. by the dan ce. · · d · The r e is opposition t o ancmg, yes G. H . MAYHUGH, M. D . Association Let 1't be und erstood tl1at w~n "~re lot of it. ome ay there is harm. THE OTTERBEi r
·c_- ·.
- STAFF not n ecessa rily op posed to dancing l s there any more harm in a Ji g hkd Editor-in-Chief ........ Helen Keller, '20 it se lf as a mora l i s ue, but we si n- r oom ti lled w it h gay and happy
East College Ave.
ce rely I elie,· e that it w o uld be o u t of young peop le than tramping ti:c Phones-Citizen 26 Bell 84-R p lace in Otterbein at the present r r "~ds at night for want of a better tim e. The c hur c h that h as made thi way to ente rtain your friends . To ~,===============<. in s iitutio n possible and th at is now I the g ir l. and boys here at schoo l, colDR. W. M. GANTZ 1 su 1 porting it is oppo ed to dancing, lege has come to mean, whist le at the Dentist and if w e expect her s upp ort in th e Hall, walk, \Vill ies. and walk some futur e w e cannot very we ll becom e m ore. It was with great rejoicing Bell Phone 9 antagonistic to h e r t eac hin g . ~ot th a t th e Y. t-1. •. A. building was reWesterville 15 on ly would we e ndan ge r th e fi na n- decorated and put into use once again. W. College Ave. cial welfare f th e sc hool but we I f we can't have dancing, why can' t •~================:::: w uld s ur ely fail in th e re a li zat ion we have th e privilege of spending our of uc h an in crca ' in th e attendance ext r a hours th ere. F r th e gir l th ere Choice Cut Fl~wers and Corsage a s th e adv cates f th e dance pred i ·t. is 11 0 p lace except at spec ia l, specified Bouquets. Believing that dancing is fa vo red tim es th a t they may ente rt ain, and if neith e r by th e co n st itu e n cy f t h e this is to be a ucccss ful co-educaQuality Best-Prices Right co ll ege no r by the majority of the tional in stit u ti 11, why not let us Citizen 345 S. State St. tud e nt s wh o are th e leaders in the mingle toge th er al some decent place th in gs that mak e f r th e r ea l good where we won' t fr eeze to death in of th e in stitu tion , we (are of the winter, and not ompromise our r cp upini o n that dan ·in g is out of th t a ti o n . ddress all communications to The question in Otterbe in at pre e nt. 1 We p lead for more than one or two Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 20 W . Ly le J. Michae l ti ff reception s a year where we s t and I :\Iain t., \Ve terville, Ohio. Hay J. Harmelink I around looki ng heepish ly at the fet- j ub sription Price, $1.50 Per Year, lows r ep sin g against th· opposite payable in advance. Advice to S eniors wa ll . \,Ve are tir ed of si ll y little Entered as seco nd class matter (a nd up pe r ·lassme n in g~ n e r a l) c hildr en's games . It is mighty 'e ptember 25, 19 17, at the postoffice Be prepared for a n y thing fr om th o ug htful of th e fac ulty and tru stees at Westerville, 0 ., und e r act of being head of the tab le in the dining to wan t us to be yo uth ful and remain March 3, 1879. room to adding an ext ra s ubj ect lo chi ldish by playing, "T hr ee Deep" th e week ly sc h ed ul e. a nd "Forfei t s," but we need omeAcceptance for mailing at special AI' id be in g too frivol u or li g ht- th ing 111 re to add to our o ia l cdu a rate of po s tage provided for in Sec. The faculty n'.ight thin_k I ti 11 . 1103, Act of' O ct . 3, 1917, aut h orized h ea rte d. not e no ug h M at h or l'h1l o op h y 15 \Vh at tterbein needs be s ide Oct. 24, 1918. requir ed for g r ad ua ti o n. hu uks , e ta ses, teac h ers, and rules is J Hew are of a s her co u11t e111 11 ce. _I f t u hav1.: the Association Bui ldin g Notice. you r e fl ec t up o n th e probl_ems of h .li i;; IHecl ev "ry night, crowded with As a slight c hang e from th e regular B . C. YOUMANS, Barber I ro utin e, we arc filling th e ed itorial in g, th e und e r classmen _w ill say that guod mu sic and good j o ll y co ll ege 1 pe p ie, s that w h e n th e lessons are I 37 N . State St. yuu are pr e m a tur e ly ag111 g : . page with " C lub Talks" thi wee k. Assume a bored , to le ratin g air t o- done for th e clay the ones w ho are fa1 Shop closed at 8 o'clock except Sev e ral hav e b ee n written, which we are ve ry glad t o publi h. Once be- wards life in ge neral and co ll ege af- from h ome wo n't have tim e to ·1t Saturday. fore we s t ated that th e legitimate fairs in particular. You ar not sup- clown and think what they could bi! posed to he inte r ested in the purdo in g if th ey were at h ome. \,Vou ld •~================,; place for th e op ini 11 s of th e s tud e nt s th eir parents be pl eased if th ey knew r on any s ubje c t of inte r es t t th e co l- s uit s f the young e r generation. G . W. STOCKDALE Avoid tating any decided op ini o n s, th eir son and daughters were wa lklege, is in th e co lumn entit led " ·1ub Funeral Director and Embalmer Talks." \Ve wish t o r epea t thi s, t o th at is c hildlik e a nd shows a lack f ing f r ho ur s in th e co ld and damp, Motor Funeral Car i1111ocently e no ugh, beca use they had ·mpha ize th e fact that thi s a . tu- se lf -co ntr o l. Ambulance Service If yo u lo e yo ur t empe r ( lawfu ll y 11 0 p lace to go; or wou ld they be dent ' pap e r , ex pre ssi n g s tu d e n t s' Phones-Citizen 39 Bell 71-R r no t ) do n't le t a n y o n e know a n y- pleased if they knew th ir 'children se ntiments. Westerville, 0. thing of yo ur loss, because yo u will we r e n' t e nj oy in g th e mselve and were be s w a mp ed w it h offe r s f ass is t a n ·e becoming cy ni ca l and narrow because in fi ndin g it. of th e envi r onment? erta inl y not! Don't think that your pos1t1on as I think it wo ul d loo k better for an a ·e ni o r e ntitl e you to a ny privilege ; in stitution to grad uate st udent s who The College Avenue s uc h a n at titud e would ·be pre umptu - h ad had a good time together with MEAT MARKET To the Edit r : u s 0 11 you r part. Remember the o ld th eir tudi es, mingling w ith each The artic le publi s h e d last week s e saw-" II thin gs co m e to him ot he r a t s cia l func ti o n s, th an o from th · Ober lin R ev iew r elative to who wa its." if he li ves long e nough . grad uate tho se who have no fur th er 1 dancing may f, t th e co nditi o n a t \ bol'e a ll , don't vent ur e to offer knowledge of how to act in a cultu re 1 Oberlin but it m os t emp hati ca ll y a ny advice to freshmen-havin g ju t and refined atmosphere than what does not apply h e r e. 1t is f o li s b t o come from High cbo I, they know wa lkin g the roads and treets of \V esas umc that the s tud e nt s f O tt e r - 111ore than you do. Let tbe111 warn tervi ll e wi ll give them . Yes, dear bein ca n n eve r m eet '·0 11 a frank and yo u o f th e pi tfall s in co ll ege lif e. ed it or, it is time we have ome social natural basis until th y arc a ll owed n e of th e Privileged(? ) ppcr activities th at will teach us a few to dan ce toget h er." \ e hea,r con- C la s- m e n. thin g bes ides Kindergarden games. tinually the co m p la int that the social \Vith good mu ic, good patronage, life f Otterbein is dead. rs the Dear Ed ito: : · and good chaperonage we wou ld a ll dan ce th e one thing that will remedy Jt was with a p ica ant hock that I a )p i·eciatc even a good old irginia Staple and Fancy Groc eries see 1 thi s conditio n-if it exist ? 1t wil l, re ad t he "O be rlin Article on Dancing" 1 WILSON , THE GROCER .111 h " T J r ee. to be sure, furni h entertainment for publi b ed by you t e an a n -A tudent. South State St. those who are fond of dancin~, but ardinal." I am mighty g lad that
Assistant Editor .... Esther Harley, '2 1 ·;e n t n' b u t 'rng Ed't _ 1 r s= Helen Bovee, '19 race Armentrout, ' 19 Business Mgr . .. Katheryn Warne r, ' 19 A istant Bu ines Managersirginia Blagg, '22 Myrna Frank, '2 1 Circulation Mgr. .. Mary Siddall, '19 ssi t a nt ir ulation Manag e r s Mary Tinstman, '20 Ma r ve l ebert, '2 1 Athletic Ed itor .... le o oppock, '19 Local ~ditor ............ Hazle J'ayn e, '2 1 ochran Hall EditorRuth Harp e r , '19 Alumnal Edito r .. l,rof. .. Guitner, '97 Exchange Editor .. Edith Bingham, '20 Literary Editor .... Vida Wilhelm, ' 19
Westerville Auto Sales General Repair Work Prices Moderate Radiator Repairing a Specialty Vulcanizing Taxi Service
Rhoades & Sons
For Nuts Fruits and Candies
will it result in less " diamond s in the you
ha ve
th e
(Continued on page five.)
Page Four
entertainment gi,·en at the bi-monthly meeting of the ·otumbus F derat ion f \ V omen ·s clubs at the Elk's 1 Hall in Co lu mbus on Thursday, Jam.iary 23.
Up-to - Date Pharmacy
Eastman's Kodaks and Photographic Supplies.
'89. 11rs. Frank 0 . Clements ( Lell Fouts) of Dayton, Ohio, has returned to h er home after a two weeks ' vi si t with cou ins in S ewark, hio.
I aptain ·Jam es A llison Barnes. of W elle sley Hill s. i\las ·achu ·et t , is at the head of Red Cross work in the hospital at Limoge , France. This ho -pi ta I cared for eight thou sand pa ti e)lt s from :May I to the end o f the year and I st o nl y seven ty -thr ee of that number. lt wa one of six ho pital s in France to be cited by th e General H ea dquarter s for efficie ncy. olonel McBrayer, th e commanding ·r; f I l · I · · l of cer o t 1e 1osp1ta, sent in a spec 1a report t General Headquarter praising the work of Captain Barnes and hi s co rp s of workers. At 'hr i ·tma s · t1me t h e ·R~e d C ro ss prov1'd e d fo r th·1s ho spita l twenty 'hri s tma s tree s and gave usef ul presents to all so ldi er patie~ts, officer , nur ses , and h elp. Red Cross officers ther e have written tho usands of letter. and en t cable messag e for scores of Ame ri can oldier who hav e been in the hospita!.
Films Developed and Printed at ~o ~est prices.
Satlsfaction Guaranteed OPTICAL DEPARTME N T
E y es Examined Free, Eye Glass es and Spectacles a ll styles. '07. Rev. F. A. Risley of Scottdale, 1-'ennsyh·ania, ha resigned the GIVE US A CALL OUR PRICE S REASONABLE pa toratc of \\' e tmore land nited Brethren c hur ch Io r et urn to Afr ica J 1!k============================================================:55BEI as a mis ionary. Se ,·e ral years ago Mr. l~isley was at the head of the manual training department in lbe r t :\ cademy a t Freeto wn , \.V es t Africa. R J r lJ f ll. . ev. · ·. atton, pa St Or _ 0 the L mt ·d Brethren church at Richland Cente r, \\"i consin. has begun
thc publication of a ch urch pap er, The L'nited Brethren Hu . ti er, which . . is much appreciated by h1s pcopl .
I' 11.
'89 . Miss Sarah iv!. f(uml er, t 'ac her of English in North l I 1gh Sc hoo l, o -, lumbu s. Ohio, was ca ll ed to Oxford. I Ohio, la st week on account o f t 11e death of her fath er. Abram ·. l(um -1 ler of that cit y.
Are Y ou Insured?
If not Why not?
A. A. RIGH, Agent Call Citizen 21 or Bell 147-R, for
J. E. HA NSON, The Clean-Up Man Agent for Acme Laundering Company, G eneral Laund r y Work and P ee rl ess Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers H eadquarte rs-12 E . College Ave ., Westerville, 0 . Subsc r iptions taken for The Co untry Gentleman, Ladies' Home Journal, Saturday Ev.e ning Post. Prompt Service-Best Service
~-1~ ~
~- ~
, •., )_
'72. Sam uel J. Flickinger. ed it or of th e Dail y Republi an of ll amil ton, Ohio. wa in ·o tumbu s la s t week attending th e annual m ee tin g of the Ohio Associated Daili es. i\lr. Flickin ge r is a veteran :iew paperman of the stat e. at one tim e being con ne ted with th e Ohio State Journ a l.
Otterb ein Students
_ /
The Sibyl group pictures w ill be taken here Friday.
gives every Woman who loves a rare perfume, the opportunity to know and enjoy a talc having a wonderful, costly odor at a price unusually low. Take Jonteel home with you today.
'86. Mrs. Edward R. Bai le y (Jennie Gardner) of Zane vi ll e. Ohio. spe nt a few days la st week at the home of her I sister Mr . A. L. Funk on \V est Park Street. Mr . Bai ley was returning to Jon t el her hom e after a protracted vi,it with her son in Clev elaud, Ohio. and
'17. 1Ii ss Annette Brane wa s one of the participant at th e vaud eville
- Sr.
'95, ' 13, '13. :'.II rs. \\' . . Whitney (Edith Turner) and ~Ir. and .i\,Jr · . Clifford H . i\,l oss (Fern Vance) of Westervill e ::ittended the annual ban qu et f the I· ranklin County Farm Bureau held a.I the outhern I late ! in 'olumbus. J a nu ary 25.
No. 8 5
Mrs. 1'1artin Pillsbury (He len vVeinland) ·pent a few days in vVe tcrville last week, ague tat the home of her brother, Profess r L. A. vVein land. n East ollegc venue.
'13. 1'liss .ivlary · ty m r ha s gone to hi cago , lllinoi s. where s he e.xpects to enter a hospita l for a thr ee year ' '99. Orville ·tyde Ewry of Dayton, co ur,e in nurse's training. Ohio, died at the h o m e .of hi s brot h er in Beav rtown , Ohio, January 22. He i '93, '93. .ivlr. ancl 1'lrs. vV . \V . Stoner had been ill only live days with in -' (:\lyrtle iv! iller) of Dayton, Ohio fluenza which develope d into pneu- made a s hort vi!>it in \,\I s tervi ll e la s t monia. Mr. Ewry had for a number week with i\lrs. Stoner's relatives. of years been in th e undertakin g busin es in Dayton. H e is surv iv ed - - - - - ·- - - - by hi s father. one brother. and hi s I ~ J( wife who at th tim e of hi s death was {~ visiting at her former home in olo- 1 #f~ ,'J I/ rad o. --~i
' 13. Mr s. Ro s coe H. 13rane (l\ fary Br wn) r e turn ed to her h me in \V estervill early last veek after spending ,cvera l clay · as the g ues t of 111 rs. 'harle s H. Or r, 85 Sou th Monroe avenue. Co lumbu ·. hio.
h ite
Brunette Face owder.
H. L. Bennett & Co. 62-64 N . Sta t e St.
Coal to Burn. Yo u will w ant s ome of these] onathan, Roman Beauties, and Baldw in Apples . Yo ur kind for eating.
Keller & McElwee a ve tu d e nt mo ney n their at , becau e th ) e ll for SH.
Keller & McElwee Cash Gr oc.:ers
$35 Hart
(Continu ed fro m pao·e t h re e.) T o t he Editor : W e morta ls take o ma ny thin gs! fo r g r a n ted wit h out exa mi n in g th e ev ide nce, t h at it n o t infreq u e ntl y I take a n ear th quak e to s hak e th e '1 and y g rou n d of our d ece ptio n s fr o m und er us a n d le t u d o w n t the b e d 1·
roc k of r ea lity. b e f r e w e a r e willin g to adm it t ha t u r h o pe a r c un g ro und ed .
schaffner &
Name Cards for College Folks
Marx Su1·ts
Prin ted Cards for either m en or women, $1 for 50, or $1.25 fo r 100. Prices for Eng r aved Stock on Application.
and Overcoats
And t h is ge 11 e1·a lizati o n i · tru e in th e in s ta n ce abo u t w h ic h l a m 11 w thin king. \N e had he a rd o mu · h, and a i I s o m uc h ab o ut th e " idea ls of tte r hein," and th e " goo d o ld O t ter bein sp ir it'' that w e w o u ld no t b elieve t ha t t he r e were in o u r ve ry mid st. t ho e w h o fost e1·ed uc h di abo li c prin cipl es a s t h o se a d vo cated under th e head "Da n c in g" in th e "T a n a n d ·ard in a l'' of J anu a ry 27., T o quote from a m a n wh o ha s b ee n con nec~ed wit h the co ll ege fo r a l m o t a sco r e o f yea r . a n d o n e w h o k n w s eve ry p ha e of c li eg e a c tiviti es, th e spiri t th at fo s t r s s u c h se n timents a s th ose up held in th e arti c l , i "a n in - , fl am ed, ab no rma l a pp e tit e for amu seme nts too h ig hl y sea so ne d .'' True. it may b e, th a t "d a n cin g . like ea tin g, o r ex e r i e, o r s tud y, is j neit her goo d, ba d n r in di ffe 1·e nt in j it elf: " bu t th· p e rso n w h o co nt e n ds , that it do cs hi m n o h ar m to d a n ce ' wit h o ne o f th · o pposite sex is eit h er mis in fo r m c I, 0 1· is p reva ri catin g to ea e hi, o wn co n sc ie n ce. o r is a b no r mal ph y. ica l ly. Th e sa m ' reas nin g/ th at wo uld pro n u ncc the da n ce pc , icctly who les 111 e in thi s community. would ju sti fy the estab lis hi ng- of a den oi l' ice in th' basement of our I church. \ Vh e n c ,·e r a n y community I hecomc s so ··dece n t and we ll re !!; ulatecl" as to conduct a harm l ~ss dance;· that co mmun ity wil l 11 0 lonacr h a,"· need of uch amuscmen t . • 'ow is a n idea l t ime for r cf o rr11, it 1 is true, but dancing is no experin,,..111 - dan ci ng is n idea l. \,\ .hat worthy 1 progress wou ld dancing prod u ce? ·wh ere wou Id it I ad? 11 ow easy wou ld it be to discontin u e it if it were once per mi t ted by the . anction our s ·hoo l author itie ? Or wh i~ o mi s informed as to be lieve that thl· 1 , tud ent s of Otterbei n are ··unitedly in fa -. o r of th• reform , and intens l· I~ alive to th e need? , urely. if O t terbe in is t continu e to he ca ll ed a ·hristian college, a
The Buckeye Printing Co. Both Telephones
Ju t o n e of th e w n d e rful
av in g o p p r-
tuni ti e
ur cu t-
c I e a r a n c e,
pri ce
w hi ch offe r s ch o ice
f o ur
n s
hi g h-gr ade s t o k
I th ese reel uct io n $25 Suits and O ve rcoats ................... . $30 Suits and O vercoats .... ............... . $40 S u its an d O vercoats ...... ............. . $45, $50 Suits and O verco ats .......... ...... ... .
pie; :~~:_., how pica,,."
T h e be t
$19.50 $24.50 $34.50 $52.50
$75 t o $90 O ve r coats
fit an d plea se
U niversity Bookstore
a ll m en.
IllJ~;·r.1 ,1 1 ■
I~ I
you \ = = = = = == = == = == = = = I
P"coniu T,n & Cacdin,l Advec,ise,s
Valentine Napkins and many kinds of valentines and greetings of beautiful designs.
w eav s ancl
s iz es t
$60 a nd $65 Overco a t s
t -Ylcs
college that stand for cAiciency ,.f leade rsh ip a n cl service, she can allow no uch th ing as the dance to com· h ·twc~n he r a n d her idea ls. Ray i\I. Joh n~ o n. ;
West Main St.
"Ra ts" - " l ca 11 go wi t h a 11 y gi r I
Page Five
F unta in Pen a nd at r igh t prices, at
tati ner y .
See the Quality Shop F or Up-t o-Da te Cleaning and Pressing. 81 West Main St reet
1• ----------F-•L-Q-•W--•E- R-•S______,____...,. Tell her all a bout it w ith flowers. · She und erstands their language. V a len t ines, candies, party accessories.
GLEN-LEE PLACE, No. 22 North State Street
DR. KEEFER'S .IS:=:=:=':='=='===================================================:!,!j (P atron iz e Tan &
Cardinal Advertisers Patronize T an & Cardinal Adver tisers
Page Six LOCALS Mr. George Sechrist. of Dayton, spent the week-end with friends in
~:~2E:::'.:::::,:,:,'",: ~'olf'::,pe:r· ,,;:g poil all our anticipation . and long walks to the ugar camp with the cruel reminder that cla . s cuts sometimes affect credit ' Among the boys who left school at the end of the semester were: :-S I an~n :--;-,chol , Lloyd Abbott, Merrill Howe, James Blue, Joe rdundhenk. Edward Mullin. and Virgi l \ Vi ll et.
--Would be extremely good values at onethird more than the Kibler prices
Bill Evans-"Speaking of bashfu l people, why, up where 1 board, there's \ one chap that has eaten at the table I a month without opening his mouth." Our roll· are Bakery.-Adv.
The e day, sugge t to the tennis and baseball enthu ia t that it wi_ll 1 soon be time to bring out from the ir winter quarters the old ball and glove and tennis racquet. It would seem that the Freshies have a barber or two in their mid t. Ramey Huber, of the class of '20. has returned to ,chool. \ Ve all t.'njoyed Prof. Finton's entertainment, hut why not u e local talent? The 'eniors boast of one who is a,-; interesting and quite as sk illed as the professor.
- 'T'hey' re Jll t th at m uch m or e va lnc fo r y our m oney a t the Kibl r O n e-T hird avin o· P r ice .
Bee-"\'aughn':; view are altogeth- 1 er too radical. l wi~h you'd sit on him, Helen." Helen-··r think that is your place, \ d ear."
erviceabl e goo d qu a lity t hat yo u su re ly
l\[r. and :-S[rs. J. E. :-Sioore of Lebanon, 0.. ,·isited their rnn Howard I Fisher Thursday and Friday. I
w a n t-Fine tailorin g that retain. ,; , ha pe a nd no better . ty le at any I ri ce.
Lieut. R. \\". :-loore. who has ju t returned from France is ,pending a few clays with friends here.
-By Comparison-
COCHRAN HAL L Se,·cral girL, ft-lt the home call thi week. They are Gladys wigart, Lorna Clow. Edith Ca\'C'.. Alice Hunter, l\ larjorie :.liller, and Wright.
Verify Our Claims That Kibler Values
Are Never Equaled.
Loi Helfer of Columbu . , 0 ., visited Gladys wi'gart thi week. Dr. Belle Allen . a Student \ 'oluntee r Secretary and re tu rned missionary fr o m ln dia, wa s a gue t at Cochran H a ll ~l o n clay and T ue day. \\'c ha ve the be. t Day s'.- Adv.
cak es
ma de.
An o th e r one of th o e d is turb ing fire drill wa sp run g upon us \ Ved ne sda y night. F o r mo t, t he loss of sl eep wa s slight. Grace Armentrout w ent home with Agnes \Vright thi week end . Buy you r br ead at Da y ' Bak ery.Adv. Two m o re girls have come to be inhabitants of our domain . Th ey are Edith Bingham and Eth el Eu-
$15 and $17.50 22 W. Spring
Two Stores in Columbus -33 in the United States
$22.50 to $30 7 W. Broad