1919 02 17 The Tan and Cardinal

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VOL. 2.


OLLEGE No. 14.


ST. VALENTINE I CAMPUS TO BE BEAUTIFIED PARTY IN DORM Plans Made f~ Planting o f s:::·;.::..-1




Cochran Hail G irls Ent::rtai ned L :1:·r·~

Number of Gue s ts Thursdny

- I

r:·. c:1-

bery-Cl:i.;;:; of ' 18, to Gi, e Rustic Sc a:s.


Bot~ Teams Played Hard, Fast Ball


Ot.cr h c in a:l· 111ni and fri e nd s wi !I II ing In Hall Fario,s. , c pka sc d t h e ar a b ut t h e plan for , , La t•.t ify in g th e ·am p u s. E ,·e ry o n e I GIFT BOX A FEATUIC ·: >g n izes th e n a tural be auty o f th e t .. ,n pn s as it is 110.v and w ill re a di ly Decorations, Games , and Ref: c ..;. . - .,c; ie l'C? that th t: pl a ntin g f s hrubb c ,y ments Refle cted S pirit of St. a b o t•t tI-. e bui lding s and t he g roapin g Vaientine's Day. o f tr ees in appropriat e pla ce s will a dd mat rially to the gen e,·al b e auty and "Have a h eart a ttra c t1ven es • of th e gr o unds. .\t c hr an Hall . \ s p ec ia l c o mmitt ee , \\'ith !\Ir. E . Thursday ni g ht L. huey o f Dayton a s ch a irman. has Eight o'clo c k. " he cn at w rk for so m e ti .11e. \\'h o · uld resist such a tantaliz ­ fhrough the · en·i ·cs o f a la11d sca1>e ing inYitation , especia ll y if it cam ·~ ga rdener a compl e te pl a n fo r 1>lantin -g· Dr. Edmund A. Jones. from a bunch of g irl s as hospitabl e as ha s b e en s e cured . Thi !) Ian includ es those , at oc hran Hall' erta in ly the planting of hard y hrubbery Dr. J ncs. hc lo,·e d hy tudent s, not many, if th e crowd ,n the par lors around all the buildin gs , ' hich w ill ,ilum ni and fa culty of O tt erbein on Thursday evening is any test. g i,·e a touch of color from ea :·ly ollege, cel e brated hi ~ se venty i\s was titting, th e pirit o f birthday la st Tues day, Feht . spring unti l late autumn. Valentin e wa s e,·e r ywhe r e pre It has been sugge sted that I 11 the t 11 year Dr. J on e F the big red h ea rt s which hun e ither s in g ly o r in grot11> , b ec o me has been co nn ec t e d with Otte r bein the chandeli e r s, in th tiny ne to re pont_ ibl e fo r _t h c pla,11i n_g _a round he ha• g rown •. th e s pirit of he ones which adv1 eel the timid a par 1cu 1a ,· 1llll 1c1111g . 111 t 111s way in s tituti 11 and h is inttu nee h a~ h een 1 ''Try again, "• in the cooky 1i eart . 11 a sh ar • 111 · c r eam e \· eryone w,·11 I>C g11·e ex,cptiona ll y stro ng. Hi s in s pi r ing which appear ed with the i ·c making th e grou nd s f our :\Ima ~han e l addres s es and h is pra c ti cal and coffee. Mater mor e beautiful and inspiring. teaching ha ,·e left a la . tin g imii-:e sSt Val e ntin e als 1 resided ,·er the The co t for eac h building will n ot be s ion 11 a ll who ha,·e heen under his game. H ea rt s were matched, bro­ la,·ge a nd th e comm itt ee feels it can in struct io n. ken hearts were m e nded , a nd matches eas il y he cared f r by th e Ya ri o us Dr. Jon es is one of the for e most were anxiou ly co unt ed. The d eg r e e c lasses or g r oups of c lasses. On e e ducators of the State. a fact which of succc s in th ese undertakings wa has a lr eady agreed t o he responsible • · cl,·catecl . th e 15 111 1iy me m 1)ers 111•p 111 CYidencecl by th e num be r of stars in for o n e of the b uildin g s. It is hoped Na ti ona l ounc il of Educat io n-an the "ser\'ice h eart." It was observed that the planting ca n be begun in th e . r e cog' n ,.t.10 11 11011 0 r c o n f e rr e d o n 1y 111 that many had attained c nsiderab le immediate spri n g months in order of s up e ri or wo rth . Hi s co llc o- iat e ski ll in at lea t o n e of the c lin e · of that this ve ry year may bri n g u om e cou r se at Amherst Co ll ege was in act ivity. of the bea uty o f th e cheme. t er rupte d by a term in th e se n ·ice o f . An imp o rt ant feature of the e nt er­ Class of ·1s is planning to put hi s co untr y but he r ece 11·ec1 t 11e t1eta in ment was pr ov id ed by the two e,·era l nt tic seats on the campus. gree of Bac h e lor of rts in UHi5 and gypsy fortun e t e ll ers whose s e ,·vices Miss Helen E n sor, S e c r e t ary an d Master o f Arts in 1868 from that in ­ were procure d espec ially fo r thi s o c­ Treasurer of the c lass is chairma n of s titution. His car eer as an e du cator casion. The entrance to their sa nc­ this comm itt ee. (Continued o n page five.) tum was a lways c r owded and many

But Vi , itors Lacked Endurance In Second Half. MEYE RS AND FOX SHINE Scoring Even Until Las t Five M in utes When Otterbein Took Lead. Ga me Ended 27 to 21.


(Continued on page five .) Sophs Challenge Freshies. Strong ri va lry between th e Sopho­ mores and Fre hmen ha s b ee n quit e Otterbein. Not noticeable around on ly has it touch e d the physical ele­ ment of the c lasses but a lso the men­ tal. Th e Sophomores have c hallen g ­ ed th e Fre hm an to a d eba t e and the "Freshies" h ave accep t e d. Owing to the fact that th e r e wi ll be no m e n' s interco ll egiate debating t ea m this year th e Public peaking ounci l d e ­ cided to leave th e debating to th ese two classes. It is h oped that a keen intere t will be s hown by a ll the st u­ dents in this debate. If it is posible to loca te a co ll ege girl's d eba t­ ing team from a ri va l co ll eg~-ther ·~ will be formed a gir l's team h e r e in Otterbein.


' I

rn a pp ie :, t

bas ke t


J-Je 'delberg bit th e dn t t o the tu ne o f ·

!.7 to 21.

Th e gam e o pene d lik e a tornad o a nd the whirlw in d spirit · prev a iled through o ut, ne ith e r tc a ni slacke ning it s effo rt s for a rnovement'till the final pi s tol s hot. H e id e lb e rg s uccee ded in capturing th e fir s t thr ee p oi n t·, . but tte r bein c:ime back with a b:111g and soon eve n ed up the sco r e. From then on, ·oring wa . nip and tu c k a nd not till the final whistl e wa s Otte rb ein s ure of ' >:ng . 5 r a I>1 t 11e bacon . c·,cntl e n ess had no pla ce 111 th,~ ga me but cav e -man ta c t :cs were qu'.te th e vogu e, th e en­ tire contes t be ing o ne swa s h, bang, rip . roaring affair from start to linish. Interest ran high amon g the spec tator s. Vocal organ s we r e strain e d t o the utmost and no effort wa s spared to make the te,im fe e l th ~t every _lo ya l s u pporte r o f the Card 111. al and fan was boosting them to final victo~y. ' The o ld gy_m echoed an d re-echoed, time and aga111 with chee r s and r oar ' (Co ntinued on page five.)



O tt e rb e in' s

m e o f th e se,1 s011 was wi tn esse d o n Iga it s hom e fl oo r las t F rid ay night, wh e n

'·We've flunked in our .clas . e , sneaked int o th e co ll ege building a nd Fro li cked with la sses. up to th e Philomathean Hall just as if Tied up th e old co lleg e be ll." I th e r e hadn ' t been any janitor around Yes, we're all proud o f our A lma who might hav e knocked us cold; then J\1lat er, a nd so m e of us hav e even we got re ck less with our liv es, c ro ss­ taken th e o ld so n g li terally and hav e e el a p lank above a gasping abyss. and tri ed t o li ve it thr o ugh t o th e very grabbe d th e rop e ! But there was no c url o f the la s t le tt er. Flunking in use to be too horribly devili s ~ and our c la sses was easy, beca u se all we perhaps be petrified on the spo t , so had to d o was nothin g; it was a littl e we c ut th e rope, tied a string to it, harder t o frolic with th e la sses be- got o ur selves down th e s tair s and cause sometimes th ey had froli cs al- rang th e bell from the outside. My, ready planned with o ther fellows; but h ow those peal s cut th e air! Our as for th e line "tied up the o ld college b loo d ran thick with th e thrill of it. bell." oh boy ! that' s just what some of Never s hall we forget th at good old­ us did the other night. Away late, fashioned stuff we s taged at Otter­ when we hould have been snoring bein. "Oh the boys are the swellest o r wo rkin g on our co ur se of s tudy , we fellows." Rah! Rah I


Garver Returns from France. Lieut. J. B. Garver, 'J7, . _rece n t ly returned a nd discharged from the T·Hh squad r on, Roya l Air Fore':! of th e 13. E. F., surp ris ed hi s many friends in We t<'r ville last Thursday night when he came un a n.nounced. E,·eryo ne is delighted t ◊- see J oh n r e­ turn with o nly light injury from shrapne l. He wa patro le d in F lan­ ders a a scou t p il o t and had no sma ll s har ~ in the drive th a t sent the Ge rm a ns from the Be lgian front but his modesty will not permit a state­ ment o f the num be r of G'rmans he se nt down. Part of the t im e Lieut. Garver drove machines across th e c ha nn e l from London to the Am e rican Av ia­ ti o n F ie ld near Paris. Jn spite of the danger Garver says that flying is th e g r ea t es t sport in the world. John speaks high ly. of the m en of ot h er nationalities w'ith,, wh9,m he met. ( Continued on page two.)

TH ETAN AN D C AR D IN A T_.. the day . ..In the year 1809. the 12th Hun."" Lieut. Gan·cr spoke in chapel o f February. two men were born. One Friday lllorning and ,·i· ited se,·eral Pres id ent Clipping er Arrived Friday in the heart of England and the c lassc du r ing the day. He left 1[011- Ij from T oronto, · Ca n ada , W h e re o ther in the wilds of Kentucky. The day morning for Dayton where he He A ttended s. s. Conferen ce. firs t, Charles Darwin , fre ed the world w ill visit \V. R. Huber and other · of uperstition and the other, .\bra- friend-. Later in the week he expects l'rcsidenl lippinger returned Fri- ham Linc o ln. lo osed the shac kle o f to go to Findlay. Ohio and will return 1 clay from Tor_01_to, Cai~ada, where he s lavery." Dr. Snavely related seYcral tr1 \\'estervillc again Friday for an­ attended the JO IIH se s 1on of the Ex- 1 incident - in the lif e of Lincoln whi ch other short visit. 1 ccuti , c Committ c of the lnter - we re instructiYe and intere ting. nationa l and World ' unday ..:!tool 1 EXCHANGES Association. The purpo e of thi · \ N Pl · L "b I c on f<.: rcn ~c was to lay plan s f,) r a ew a ys m r a ry . Beginning th is yea r . the Depar tg r eat ,\riv e fvr t wc n ty m il\i " n d oHar s . \ .\ s s tate d in las t w eek's issu e, t he I m e nt oi Phy s ical Edu cation at Ohio to ht used in promoting Su•iday l'ul,lic Speaking Cou ncil recently \ esleya n is :iwar ding hono r to \ ·chools of the world and to launc h ,·oted a sum of money to be ct a ide wome n. Two wo m en of th e Senio r a great religiou,- cd~icati~nal mo,·c- for the purchase of plays. Prof. wa rt z and L uc il e la s, Gladys ment inc lud ing not on ly Sunday Fritz has charge of the p ur chas ino- ot Kn isely h ave received swea t ers le tte r ­ chools but al l fo r ms of week day in- , these plays and he announce ,hat ed 0. \ \'. lJ. in recogni t io n of fo u r truction . the fo ll owi ng p lays haYe been secu r- years' exce ll e n ce in th e Depa rtm e nt. I t d ed. ..The O ld Peabody Pew,·· .. The C D Cl. · . . ., " ase has been se lected a, one o f th e r. 1pp1nge r was e ec e a memher of the IJoard of Tru tees ,•.1<l is nug \'.ttlc K rn gdom,., Oh! · usa n- sc hools at w h ich an R. T. . unit Cous in ~a t e. a nd a few wi ll be est:ib lished. J 11 addi t ion t o a lso a member of t he Execut ive com- nah !" mittee of the ln ternational Assoria - o th er · These w ill he p laced in the an infantry· ·t C A un i . oa s t rt1 e r y . . . tion . Ile is r ecogn ized for his eA-i- library a nd w ill be at t he d isposal of Cor1Js and ~l o t . T . C11 • . • 0 1 ran poi t o r ps ~ient administrat ion for everal years tl:e tudents.. From tune t_o time. units are to be e tabl is hed . T he as President f the Ohio Sunday mo r e plays w ill be adJcd until Ot t er- co u rses wi ll cont· f f 1n ue or our yea r s School .\ ssociatio n. hem wi ll have an in teresti n g co ll ec- and t ho e en li t ing wi ll rece ive co m ~ I · Tokio, Japan is the p lace chosen tion of mode rn p lay . Ip ete equ ipment. A u bs i t ence u m of for the \ Vor ld's Sunday chool co n­ $.40 pe r day wi ll be pa id each membe r Ga r ve r R eturn s from France. vention in c tohcr, l!l20. ,\!ready during the last two ye:irs. (Co n t in ued fro m pa ge o n e.) th r ee thou· and app li cations lia ,·c


Now Men! Come· Buy America1s B~st-Made, Nobhiest Overcoats At a BIG Saving--






. .

been filed an d among them a r e sevcl-rl· Wes ·r ville peop le. This com·ention is looked forward Lo with pride by the Ja1Janese government. The P r emier of Japan is on the com­ mittee of pr motion and i active ly inter ted in the lllOveme n t.

His quadron of eightee n men had Dr. herrick in th e S hakespeare rep rese n tat ives of Au tra lia, anada. class-"Boys, bewar e o f th e gir l who :\"ew Zealand. u ba, Scotla n d. Great says she wi ll neve r marry." Britain and 1\ me r ica. A ll were unit- He who ~lrs. to t:ike a k iss

Prog ra m for Re::it 3l in L a m bert Hall Tues day E ven ing. . Fo ll o ~vin g _i s th e progra m for th e seco n d rec ita l of thi s emes t e r. I t wi ll he given 111 Lambe r t Ha ll at 8 o'c loc k .Tuesday evening. Februa ry 1 8.

Any Subjec t May be U sed b y Con­

Piano Duo-Rondo Bri ll iant, Op. 31 Herm. 11ohr Agnes \ Vright and Helen Vance

Date Not D ecided Upon. For the last few y c ars, one of the most interesting features of Otte rhl in life ha been the Russe ll ratorical Prohibition Conte t. A great ni.trn­ be r of students ha ve taken part in the conte t and received great bene­ fits. Howev ·r, this year it is mor interc ting than ever 1,efore. ' incc prohibi t ion is a ce1'tain fac t, ~Ir. Ru sell ha con ented to opening the contc t to a ny subject preferred. Thi make it ca ier, for :i grea t n um­ ber of tudent~ felt that e very po . sible p ha e o f p rohibitio n ha d been d iscu ed: T h is contest is open to Sen ior and Junior · exc lu i,•e ly­ the declamat i 11 conte t being kept for the under classmen. The prize. a r e wo r t h noting-$:rn d ivided a · fo l­ lows: F ir t prize , $15; second, .:to: a n d th ird, $5. T he e furnish quite an incen t ive for t ho;e who contem­ plate entering tJ1is contest. o definite date ha been e t because the date of the State Oratoracal Con­ test is u nce r tain. It is th o ug h t, ho w ­ e ver, t hat it w ill he he ld ome ti me in th m id dl e o f pril. o it i for th e u pp e r cla m e n to get b u y a nd mak e thi o ne o f th e mo t ucce s­ ful co nt e t e ve1· he ld at Otte rb e in.

Snavely Conducts Chapel

On F ebr uary 12, c hap e l ex e r cise were led by D r . C harl es Snave ly . H "is remark we r e p r e fa ce d by the f ollowin g tatem e n t, appropriate to


= e= d ~1= ·n= t=h=e=ir= b====== u r n i11g=d= es== ir=c=t== o '=== 'ge t= tl1e == =H=a= =~=l=r=.=a= t=h=i=n= g= h=e=s l=i= o~u=ld=t=lo= t =i= i ,=i=s=.


te s tan t s in Oratorical C ontes t­

Incl u cl i n bo· Ha rt. chaff n er & ::\ l :irs O ver coat

Piano-My Little Boat, Op. 320 Eva lyn Mo ran


ong-Do t Thou Know udrey ~e l on


Piano-Bu t tcrflie Agnes Buchert Piano-Li t tle Coquette Grace Cornetet :ong-Dream D:iy

o( Long Ago

Faye Byer \'iolin-La

"inquantaine Gladys Yokum

Piano-On the Lake. Op. 48 Ruth Pat terso n Piano-:\" octurne-Sunset Frances Kennedy • ong- y lvi:i 1lay

el Iman

\'iolin-Le Cygne .\lbert ~[a t toon

$27.50 and $30 Overcoats



$35 and $ 40


$27.00 $45 to $55 Overcoats


Grant- chaefer Hein

It will pay y ou t o buy n w f r n ext sea . on and ot her a o n. t o com e-fo r v u ' ll not be a bl e t o hu v coa t like th e. e n ext fa 11 at a nythin g· n ear uch low pri ce . .

Rolfe Gabriel- ~Iarie William Reade peak aint- aen .

Piano Duet- oldiers ~[arch from Fa ust Go u nod .\ ,·anelle ~fcElwee and Lucille Lambert l'iano- pring'· Greet ing. Op. 52 Pau line La m be r t .-ong-J' ai Ple u re En Reve H ele n K eller Pia no- co tc h Poe m \\'ra y R ic hard so n on g-The B o bo link J osephi ne


Fran k Lyne · Hu e

======== = ,: -,= A. R. Spessard is the local agent for Gibson Mandolins and Guitars. The Gibson Mandolin & Guitar Co.

1Iac D o we ll had wi c k

Pia no- prites of the Glen . Op. 30, No. 3 . C har les D ennee Ethel Eubank

Kalamazoo, Mich.


P,tconiz, T,n & Cudin,I Adv<rti""





Y. M.C.A.

Page Three

has to offer and is therefore in itself once. pardon the ff d vish , en ers. and \ us better luck next week? C. W . ST O U G HTON, M . D . p bl.- h-- _t 1s supremely important to ac- j __._ · 31 W . College Ave. ~ nf w • quire and cultiva te the an of atten,··- - - - - - - - - - -....:.- - - ', u IS ed vVeekly in. .the intere•t Otterbein b y the. · · 1· · · OTTERBE t1ve ts temng. A rood listener is popW esterville, O hio J I P UBI,.ISHING ular among asso ia tes an d is on t he B ell P h one 190 Citizen P h one 110 'v\'e BO~RD, '. d irec t highway to success. Persons on M b ste rv1lle, 0!110 who are over-talkative an d boisterous \Vhat was probably th e most c - \. hat em er of the O?i~ College Press are soon h unned by associaties and secrated Y. M. C. A . meeting eld A ssoc1at1on regarded as unde sirable in refined so- Otterbein has had this year, was h erG. H . MAYH UGH, M . D . STAFF cie t y , but he or she who listen will last Thursday night under the lead THE OTTERBEI



a Imeans of education . . ·



Editor-in- Chief ........ Helen Keller '20 be _c on idered an exceedingly mode t. ship of Mr. K . J. cott. vas Assistant Editor .... Esther Harley'. , poli te, _and well-bred individual and The topic under di cus ion \ub21 Contributing Editorsone quite free from the conceit and '_'Prayer" and in presenting hi s s , elf-a ser tivene ss so common these Ject, Mr. colt brought forth so me I excee d'm g 1y helpful thoughts He! en Bovee, , 19 d ay . · do G race A rmentrout, I 9 Bus!ne ss Mgr . .. Katheryn Warner, '19 --------1 He ren~arked , that too often we esWriters of Today. not pray 111 the eclusion that i nee As sistant Business M anagersts Virgin ia Blagg, '22 How many of u s a re acquainted sary, if we wi h t o turn our though he . Myrna Frank, '21 with the wor th- while writers of to - away . from the ''hum-drum" of t 11Cir culation Mgr. .. Mary Siddall ' 19 day-the men and wom e n t o whom material world and direct our atte 1 s. Assistant Circulation Ma~age r s_: the s~ udy ·of human character is ti ~: • for a time, to piri tual thing id, Mary Trnstman, '20 cha rmin g, and to whom the faithful Our prayers should be," he sa Ip A. . . Marvel Sebert, '21 portrny~l of this study is t !1c most j '.'talks with G_o d, a king him for he 111 s, the olut,ons of our problem · thlet,c Editor .... C leo Coppock, '19 fasc111at111g of arts? Of cour e, most s Local Editor ............ Hazle Payne, '21 of u can re ad ily recite a half doz en thanking him for o ur many blessing rt Cochran Hall Editornames which frequently appear in and beseeching him for a clean hea Ru th_ Hooper, '19 the magazines, b ut how few become and devout Christian pirit. h Alumna! Edi t o r .. P r of. A. Guitner, '97 really familia r with the particular ''If we are in frequent prayer wit d E ~change Editor .. Edith Bingham, '20 line of wo r k or th ought that t'iese G?d, event ua ll y, the pirit of Go t L iterary Ed ito r .... Vid a Wilhelm , '19 w ri ters try to make clear. shine in our faces and man ifes Too many coll ege tudents rn11 '. i ne itse lf thr oug h o ur daily life. Ju st a s t Addres all commun ications to The their reading to "Li fe" or an "a: 1. I Ernest. in constant s tudy of the Crea t one Face, began to bear its r esem story" magazine, and entirely o ,·, r S Otterbein Tan and Cardina l, 20 W. look th e fac t that worth while books blance, so we, by con tant co mmun Main St., Westervi lle, Ohio. ubsription Price, $1.50 Pe r Year, of literary interest are being pro- ion with the Holy pirit. will slowly 1 duccd eve ry day. come to resemble God . payable in advance. If you arc not acouainted with "\Ve should not be elfish in ou r cott con tinu ed, "bu t Entered a second cla ss matter Booth Tarkington, do~1't lose any prayers." Mr. eptember 25, 1917, at the postoffice more time in getting an introduc :io n , hould pray for our friend s and al I at Westerville, 0 ., under act of Conrad and Locke each hav e a me _ 1fori.:es th at are working for the sage that i delivered in the most in- grow th of th e Kingdom of God, such March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special te r es ting way. and you can spe nd j a s the C hur ch, the Y. M C. A. and ~a te of po tage provided for in Sec. many pleasan t hour s with \Villiam the S un day Schoo l." Act of Oct. 3, 19 17, authorized li en White or Joy ce Kilmen. After Mr. Scott's talk, the meeting th _ ct. , l91 8. It is t r ue that the number of was rown ope n to any who wished 24 authors and would be author he- to tak e part and a lively discussion

East College A ve. Phones-Citizen 26

, DR. W. M. GANTZ D entist B ell P hone 9


15 W. C ollege A ve.


Westerville Auto Sales

On Being a Good Listener. P relimina r y t o the dai ly hapel ex erc,ses the Director of the Conse rva ~~ry plays a elec ti o n from some nota de _ Compo er. Often he imp rov i e elightful tune s anc! give s expre sion : . e sentiment or cha ra cte r of ce r 0 th a,n Pecific days or seasons. The e prel~de are eminen tl y wo rthy of at~ent,ve Ii tening, e pecia lly hy s tu ent s who are love r s of music. T hose ~ho ee m to be indifferent t o th e ma -

General Repair Work Prices Moderate Radiator Repairing a Specialty Vulcanizing

I I1




. Happin e come fr o m striving. do1ng I • oving, achieving, conquerin g . alway something po sitive and forceful. -Da\'id Starr J o rd an.


Choice Cut Flow ers and Corsage B o uquets. Quality Best-Prices Righ t S. S tate St. Citizen 345



Bell 84-R

wildering nowadays: if you arc not en sued. in whic h many helpful I Seve_n- P assen g er Car at your serI t ho ughts were g· vice, day or n ight, an y t im e. capable of judging the best for your,ve n. se lf, be guided by the advice of thos e I compete nt to know. 11 ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-_; W e h ave a n ew a sso r tment of Don't fo r get the old masters-oh • • • • 1 , CANDIES no! But let's give the new ones a , ' - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - a Just wh at you want fo r t h a t " feed" fair s how ing too!-G. M. A. The leader of th e me etin g w as, C. W . REED' S -------O li ve Give n, and the ubject w us We've Been Thinkin' "Tied Hand and Foot.'' Eac h of it, 21 N. State St. That old M r. Gr o undh og is a good 1 is bo un d and he ld tight ly by Habng nd weather prophe t. 1a each day we are tren g thcni its th ' That Otterbein went wild (a nd with e co rd which bind u . Evil hab ly B . C. YOUMANS, Barber reason) at the Heidelberg game. are cont r acted much more ea iat th 37 N . State St. That the "Y" i meeting a long-felt / an good one , . making it ju t th 11. need in 0. C. life. nll'ch ha rder to nd our elve of the,to Shop clo sed at 8 o'clock except That the Sophomore Bible la s I So our aim hould be, not only d Saturday. was very th o ughtful in remembering / avoid evil habits, but to form goo

r ---------------1 Y WCA




je st ic and inspiring mu ic s ho uld at Dr. Jones' birthday wi th a dozen car- 1true ones. al , eaS refrain fr o m undue commotion nations. Gir ls w ho attended th e ocation t ·PICKLES-Sour, Sweet and D'll ;hich annoys the others as we ll as That every o ne sho uld at tend th e o nference of Obe rlin gave their re r Just th e kinds you were looking f~r.· . E. party next week. r o fe sso r Grabill. M oreove r. t he orj ports a t this ~1ecting. Helen En~o OLIVE S-Plain or S t uffed a s you gan is a gif t in m emory of a beloved That Prof. Rossy's the ory in regard gave a few po111ts heard at the Secre . 0 like t he m . M any o the r g 00 d eats ~id generous friend of Otterbein. to the va lue of mental telepathy was tarial Conference. A girl planning t , 11 to sa tisfy the appetite. herefore, it behooves every one to proved by the co r e Friday night. take t,p this wo rk hou ld study i MOSES & STOCK Pay appropriate respect whenever it is I That ome of the Freshmen are ; college, among other thin gs, Engli h ' r , , pla~ecl. deve loping pretty bad "case " Psych o logy and ociolo 'Y, and afte L, tening i an art, and o f cour e. - -- - -- - - college• hould take a bu ine cour e , ' in shorthand and typew ri ting. A an e sen t ia l item in education. When Please Pardon ! f we con ider th e important part pla.yed Hone tly. it isn't our fault that the girl houlcl learn courte y, the art o b_Y 1·' s t ening in th e complex drama of paper i late thi week. We hardly meeting people and how to pay atThe College Avenue ltfe, we wonder why it wa · no t lo ng know where to place the blame-but tention to unintere ting details . ago in cluded among the many we are no t' gui lt y. A s low st a rt o n The Social Service phase of work MEAT MARKET ~ranches which compose t he curricu- a turday , ca us ed by piled-up work in was reviewed by Florence Loar. um of the modern college. the composi ng r oom, more delays on There a r e four types of work a girl mng raws out the ve ry best Monday-and the re sult is a late Tan may take up: children. women and Li te · d Patronize T a n & Card inal Adver hsers . speaker or teacher and Ca rdinal. \.Vi ii you plea e, th_i (Continued on page five. ) that th c mu 1c1an, · ·



Rhoades & Sons




Page Four




Eastman's Kodaks anci Photographi c Supplie_s.

tions of work and for prevention of industrial dispute . 1 2. T h e major causes of unemploy1ment and how to minimize them. 3._ H ow can efficiency of workers be so 111c re ased as to make high wage rates economically practicable? 4. Should the State interfere in the determination of wage rates ? 5. Should rates of wages be definite'92. R. L. Blagg :llld wiie of C o 1um- 1 . , . ly based on th e cost of liv111g. bus, Ohio, a r e in I7 lorida, w h ere t I1ey 6. How can present systems of went rec ently to spend some time, wage payments be so perfected and looking after Mr. Blagg's int ere sts supplemented as to be most conducive to individual efficiency and t o the con­ there. '14. Miss Mearl Martin, who went tentment of workers? abroad so m e weeks ago to do can 7. The closed union shop ver us the t een work for the Young Men's , open sh op; their socia l and economic Chri sti an Association, wa in London \ value compared. for a few days and th en went o n to 8. Should trade uni ons and employ­ Paris. She is now li,·ing in Ver- ers' a _ssociations be made legally re­ sailles, but her work is in Paris. sponsible? She reports a pleasant trip a cross a nd The Committee of Award is com­ a most intere sting work in which she posed of : Frederick P. Fish, o f Fish, is engaged. Richardson & eave, Boston, 1'1ass., Chairman of the National Industrial '13. The Tan and Cardi nal extends , d H Conference Board. sympathy to M r rs . [~aymon . . Bowers ( E ta Moser) of \Vr en, Oh io, Dr. J acoh Gould Schurman, Pres1. th . l f l f tl Mr J L dent Cornell U niversity. lthaca, N. Y. 111 e oss o 1er a 1er, . . . Moser whose death occur red at th e H en ry R. Towne , Chairman Yale & ·1 'h · \V I 1 t ee k Twne Manufacturing Co., New York am, y ome 111 , ren ear y as w . . f City. ' 17. Co rporal Cha rlie A. Merrill of The contest is open without re tric­ \Veste r vill e, Ohio who is with the tion to all persons except those who American army in Fran ce, has been are members of or identified with the selected from hi s company to teach National lndustrial Co n_ference Board in the school for illiterates being conContestants are not limited to ducted by th~ gove rnm ent and the I papers of any length , but they should Young Men's Ch ristian Association. not be unduly expanded. Especial This relea es him from all military weig h t wil l be given to English and duty. to skil l in exposition. ' 12. Miss Ruth Brundage of \,\/'est The copyright of the prize manu' ollege A ve nu e entertained at din- scrip t, with all publication ri gh ts . will ner last Monday in ho n o r of Miss be vested in th e National lndu . trial Alice Holmes who wa married on Confe r ence Board . Tuesday afternoon to Mr. Arthur Each competitor hould sign hi oodi ng. manuscript with an assumed name, sending hi true name and addre ss in '15. Haro ld . Plott, who has been a seale d envelope uper cribed with teaching in outh High School, his assumed name. No manuscript ·1eveland, Oh io, has just accepted a will be a ccep ted the real author hip posit ion as cla im agent for the Inter­ of which is d isclosed when the man u­ u r ban E lectric Railway , with head­ cript is received by the Board, nor quar ter at kron, hio. Mr. P lott any which has been previou ly pub­ a n d his fam ily will move oon from lished in any way. Manuscripts, to be considered in the Cleve land t Akron. co ntest. must b e mailed on or be­ '18. Mis. Stell a Kurtz of Dayton , fore July 1, 1919, to the National In­ Ohio, spent the week-end in \Vcs ­ du tria l Conference Board . 15 Bea­ tervi ll e as the guest of fr iends at con treet, Bo s ton , Massachusett , och ran Hall. marked "For Prize E say Contest in '01. Frank H . Remaley i meeting Indu s trial Economics." w ith a r eal success as superintendent The right to reject any and all of chools in Edgewood Park . a su­ man uscripts is re erved. The Board lwrh of Pittsburgh, Pa. may, however. award honorable men­ '06. Dr. Jo hn \ . Funk of East tion to several Manu sc ript a nd ar­ Pi t t bu r gh, Pa., spent a day last range for their publication in full' or wee k at t h e h ome of his mother, Mrs. in pa r t, at com9ensation to be agreed upon be t ween t he Board and the au thM a r y G. Funk on \ Vest Park treet. ors. '13 . L. ::--.; . Troxell who recently re­ tu rned fr om France is at h is home in LETTER FROM EX-STUDENT M iam isb ur g o n a ten day furlo ug h. H e was severe ly gas ed, but ha re ­ Westerville Sergeant Writes o{ Battle covered. Experiences-N ow in German

Up -to-Date Pharmacy


' I

Fiiiris ~e~eloped and Print e_d - at _iow~~t prices.

Satisfaction ·Guaranteed . OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Eyes E xamined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles all styles. GIVE US A CALL




Are You Insured?

If not Why not?


A. A. RIGH, Agent

New Model Restaurant SODA FOUNTAIN Any Kind of Sandwiches, Home-Made P ies Special Orders any Time Regular Lunches or D inners Oysters and Fresh Fish Orders over the Phone North State St.

Westerville, O.

e KY L Rem edi es and T oil et A rticles. TUa r a nt ee cl ati fact ory. , t

DR. KEEFER'S ng· by 111 Iflim-flam fa shion and to ·1 wnte any c eta1 i mo t impossil) le , :lUt a _ge neral su mmary of our doing s m }Tcht1on may prove to be interesting. e story is hort, yet long enough to 110 Id for us a spe ll of misery · hu nger, son g and fea s ting all in one and . _ve r c1,angmg. lt ha cost many lives an d muc 11 money, but we have won ·u1d it is ended. "My






"I see 'Cl, uc k' Ca m p be ll and ' p ed r o' D emores t n o w a nd t h en• th ey are looking fine . Ray Giffo r d was sen t to ~he h os pital ju s t l, e fo r e we go t into ac t ion. I gu ess th e lo n g h ikes we re too mu c h f o r h im · · th e we r e terr· ib le, r h ope 11e Jo · 111 • s u s' aga 111 _Y I m iss hinl\ \\' ell , g'1ve my be t to all. . 1

"Good bye, " g t . la rk Weaver, "Bat. A, 324t h F. A., A m. E. f .''

to wn which i located 16 ki lometers from Coblentz, east of the Rh ine · We Ob e r 1111 - ,-s Ald Of J crossed the river at Coblentz. Jn our bert Cl k ~ ve r y pro u ame 11 5 P rize Essay Contest O ffer ed. Territory. wo rk at the front we fir d . 11 I a r , a fo rm er t ud ent w ho ~, 1 The Nationa l Ind u strial on ferbattery of four gun aloe w it s° u r bee! awa r ded th e "cr oix de g uerre 111· 036 ence Board offers a prize of one Th e following letter is. from Sgt ,hells • the cost of w 1,·1c11 . ne wasover one-half T fohr e l11Fre ·5 "n ch Com ma nd com m en ds dhi3 cth o usand do 11ar • f or ft 11e b e t mono- I Clark Weaver, W e tervil 1e, who i; m illion dollars · l n O ne 1nrrage o f 1t . " 111 · en erg y. • coo ln ess, a nd au I1e graph on any one o the following , now in Gross Maisheid, Germany: re m ov mg wo und _even hour . our brigade w1-111 ome fieY,ld . ed from tI· o sub j ec t : "Gro Mais h ied, Germany, henc h Artillery fired $ l 4,000,000 a t a t C: ha tea u Thierr y. H e as I. .,A p ractical plan for representaJan . 12, 1919. the Germans and you get some noise took par t 111 the battl e of Ve r d un ti o n of work ers in determining condi-

"Time and events have gone clatter- for your money. .

.\ P~tromze Tan & Cardinal ~dverusers

THETA Dr. Ed mund A . J ones. (Continued from page one.)



P a ge F ive


LOS E S TO 0 . C.

Name Cards for College Folks

(Cortinued from page one.) dates back to I •.;s when he became a teacher 111 a district ~chool of until alumni and upperclassmen de­ Massachusett . his native state. tected a whiff of the once proverbial I After his g raduation 111 J 6.; he Otterbein spirit. In scoring, Fox hone as the team's ·ernd four years as teacher and principal of Lak e Forest .\cademy, best bet, caging 1x hot from the P rinted Cards for either men or women, $1 for 50, or $1.25 for 100. l llinoi s. l n October 1 6\J he accept­ floor and cinching five out of seven Prices for Engraved S tock on A pplica tion. ed the uperintendency of chools fouls, but for consistency. Meyers at :\la sillon. Ohio, and remained four tood forth supreme, apparently cov- , years. Then he ser\'ed for two e r ing every corner of t he floor at once years in Marietta, Ohio in t he same and keep ing H e ide lberg o n need le capacity, but hi work had been so a nd pin by hi close guarding. West Ma in S t. Lineup: Both T elephones ati factory to the people in the for­ O tt e r bein He idelberg Iller city and his labor so beneficia l R. F. Michae l to the schools that h e wa in duced to A lbr ig ht F r eema n L. F . C lum re turn to Massi llc,n. Fai th full y a nd Fox, (C) C. c hu lt s efficien t ly he served for thirty- t hree :,_.feyers R . G. Bo h n .Years in an educational capacity and H o llin ger L. G. \\'elker hi fe ll ow town ·men there were on ly umm a ry: Fiel d Goa ls-Fox 6. A l­ Willing to relea e h im that he migh t brig ht 2, F ree m a n 2, Meye r s l. Fo ul accept the hon o rs of the office to Goa l s-Fox S. u bs tituti o ns -1I ey­ which he had been elected by t h e e r s fo r Freema n. Ro herba ug h for ~[ y People of the state. e1·s. Refe r ee-Dunla p. In J uly 1\J0-1, e lected on th e Re­ Publican ticket to the posit ion of sci100 I ST. VALENTINE commis ioner of O h io, h e e nPARTY IN DORM tcred upon h is new d uti es. In J !J06 ) he (Co ntinu ed fr o m pa ge one. . Was re-elec t ed. T hi s seco n d te r m I t ex · stood i>a ti e n t ly in lin e fo r 10u rs, wa1 J> ired in July 1909 . f D in g a turn fo r a g li mpse into the ur. J ones' ent r ance to the facu lty of Otte r be in Col lege wa s u ndoub ted- ture. II cl f ly dec·d • Dr .-\s a clima x to a r ea y g?o . 11 ne, ·1 I ec1 1)Y c ir c u msta nces . . a box oi Va le nt ine was d1 s tn buted 1arles 'nave ly a nd Dr. J o nes had I· I been . . k . in co nseq ue nce o f w 11c 1 m a ny a 111 a oc 1atcd 111 sc hoo 1 w or d h h' :\fa sill . J ., cl hea rt we nt ho me a s ure t at is o r . o n and duri ng D r. o ne a y 1 · s t ill t ru e. In 1n is t . . _ t he r cho e n a en t111 e wa. • ra ti on 111 Co lu mbu t 11e wo, fa:n; 1i~ . f 1 · · d h tl1 er .r Y . W . C. A. 111 ·· '" ~equ:::1tly v131te cac o f epte 111be r, I 909, D r .. navely asked (Contin ued from page three,) or a Yea r·s lea ,·e of abse nce and ar­ 111 11 111 ran., d 111 ..,c w ith O r (_,"eo r ge co tt wh o gwo i r 1 • i Ill i a r a ti o n, a nd e t t I e rk . The gi rl s hou ld choose et het :-' wa . ti at that t ime o ·can of O tt erbe in, one which wi ll make her happiest. and - - - - - - -lat Dr. Jones shou ld supply in h is then stt dy the conditions exhaustn·e- , ;ead. In that year Dr. Jones had so Favors, Place Ca r ds, D ennison Crepe Paper, N a pkins, D ainty I ; osely re lated him e lf to co ll ege in- ly.Glady wigart represented t 1e S p r ea d A ccessories, Carnival Caps, Cut Flowers, Can dies. ere ts and so attached h imself to th e H ome Eco nomics phase. There ~re Btudcnt IlOdy and facu lty that t I1e three opcn in"s fo r a coll :gc g ir l : GLEN-LEE PLACE, No. 22 North State Street oa rd of Trustees could do noth in g t teach er, cl ie ti ti an a 11 cl J O U m a ltS · · \ ny <>ther I h Pl an offe r him a permanent e ,·ocations demand · one o f the . ace in the teaching force . H i own special preparation as there t a ta tern . I all en t and r eady co n hr111at10n >Y grea t dema nd fo r effic ie n t women. " who k new h im is t hat hi· exper i­ ,nce · h· Wit 11 t he college a nd c h urch h e r <' The light • the li g h t • the lig h t·, th e a be. 11 H . hi re111arkah ly pica ant. e 1• lights. , 1 h_g lly c teemed and lo,·cd. Yeariy Must they a lw ay go out a t t~ 11. t , cla cowling and of FeJ e remembe r him on the 11 t11 Must we a lways he the lru ary with Hora l present a n d squinting _ , rt S Pho111o r e cla s paid him the Each n ig ht by cand le again._ } tee; last T ue day. cl T he lig ht ·, the lights, the light·, Pa re e nt D r . J nes has the eli ghts, ta;_tnie nt of Bib le. Mi ions and Edu- Oh. would that they stayed on a bit' 10 ca ~- He ha in · tituted tl·c pract i- \\·c can"t alway· finish l>y ·· Jights 1 out'' of tde of cducati 11 in t he subjec t · · · trat1o · n a n<I 1a w · O r ou r les ·o n s wou Id Iic ·· u nfit." l ie.' choo l a cl 1111n1· I Per de_ 'Ply rel igious and his tro n~ light ·, the light , t he light . the 1 and onality in the cxpre s ion of high Th_e . do111i . . f ·t Ito-ht·, · tnip rt· nant pnnc1ple ha - le t .1 . ,k .they make u. retire . Do °t 11cy t i111. . . , 1 \\rh upon t he II\ e of many w it 1] ti ey top thei r sh11, 111g • 0111 he I1 Ju st because 1 . 17-1 15 1 11 t o l>ed we do a p ir e. a come in co.n tact.. · eflic·te ncy 1_houg trov . a an ed uca t or hnd 1nco n. h the li ght, . t he t s I1 t Cftible proo f in t h e li,·c of hi The li g ht • t e ig ' Call Citizen 21 or B ell 147- R , for Ud ent I I I" ht w0 w 10 ha \'e go ne o ut into th e tie ig • . sticke r. 1 and a rc to day fi ll1·110- po iti on s Mak e th e pro b le m q ui te _a nf rd cl ., tru t cl ' . I rd to acco mplt sh won er Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Laundry Work and Profe . a nd r e po n ib ility. whi le the ,.\n t i ,a . fli ck e r Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers the h 1011 a a whol e a cco rd t o him By a ca ndle 5 fee bl e · 011 0 r tha t is hi s cl ue a s o n e of Headquarters-12 E . College Ave., Westerville, 0 . th Th e re ar e mete r s of mea ure e forein o Subscriptions taken for The Country Gentleman, Ladies' Home Cation in t re pre e ntati ves o f eduT here are mete rs of ton e Journal, Saturday Evening Post. Ohio, But the bes t of all meters Prompt Service-Best Service I to me et her alone . Junior -Coll ege World. ter the and Senio r yo u hould en­ arnes hor t to ry Contest.


The Buckey_e Printing Co. See the Quality Shop For Up-to-Date Cleaning and Pressing. 81 West Main Street


Stationery, Art Supplies, College Jewelry and Magazines

University Bookstore






Otterbein Students Remember~the folks at home with a picture.


I!..: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

J. E. HANSON, The Clean-Up Man


Pag e Six









er· day . \Ve would appr ecia te h ear- ! ;\ l ary , 111g m o re like it.

Florence Chamberlain of anal \ \ ' in - , :\[ay Free man wa s a g ues t a t din ­ ches ter were wee k-end gu es ts at th e ner 0 11 Frida y ev enin g . hom e of Audr ey N elso n . Bea tri ce Fi she r and A g nes \ \'ri g ht Get yo ur brea d fr o m D ays'.-Ad v. spe nt th e wee k-e nd a t th e latter' s Mr. Ri chard Bra dfi e ld o f Co lum - ho m e in Canal \ Vin ch e. ter. On u n­ bus. spe nt Sun day with O tt erb e in da y m o rn ing Beatri ce san g at ReY. friend s. 0. C. \ Vright's chur ch in P a ta skala.

Spring Samples Just Arrived Take

T he fir e cap tain r e po rted t hi s 0 e rh eard at th e party. T hur sda y evening : ·· ['ve los t m y heart." ··Yo u wee k' s drill three-f o ur t h s of a minut e have my heart." ·· [ ju st cannot g et qui cker tha n t he on e la s t week. Ji we co ul d a ll learn t o wa lk in o u r my heart toge th er." leep , we m ight do eve n b ctt e1· than H o w app licabl e were so me o f I t hat. th os e Ya lentine s, b ut o h the o th er s !

ad \'an t age



lo ng exp eri en ce in fi tting y oung m en 's suit - sati facti o n guara nt eed .

I S O CIETY EVENTS Father t o ld so n tha t if h e ever need- I _ eel help at schoo l to w ire hi m and Last T uesday was t h e b irthda y an be a s brief as po ible H e so o n niver ary o f Prof. E . A. J o nes of ne ed ed hel p . and the w ire r ead like \ Ves t Park s t r ee t. ·Members o f h :s t hi : cla ss in t h e U n ited Brethren un day [ "Dad: S. O . S. $ P. D . Q . R. S. V. P. schoo l went t o hi s h e me in the even- . Son." ing to ca rry him t h eir cong ratulati ons 1 a nd g r ee ti ngs o n th a t occa ion . Free amp les. Leland Pace. \ Vhen th e hou~ fo r re fr e h men ts a r - j A d,ance hipment of An op ti mi s t loo k s a t a n oys ter an d r ived, the d ining r oo m doo r we r e expec ts a pear l. A pessimi st loo k s at ope ned and in th e cen te r o f th e tab le pring tie s thi week. me an oyster and expec ts p t o ma ine poi- was .th e beautiful birthda y ca k e wi th 77 lighted ca ndl es an d "o ne t o beaut iful new clesio-n soning. t:, g r o w o n." T here wa s a g r eat d eal o f The m ed icin e a d min is ter ed Fri day m e rrim e nt, w hil e th e cak e wa s b ein g morni ng bro ug h t th e des ired r es ult s. cut an d th e pla tes s er ve d. Th e en­ Let's ee if we can 't keep a littl e of tir e evening wa s s pe nt ve ry hap pil y th a t " pep" on hand. with P r ofesso r J o nes an d h is famil y. T hose p r esent we r e: P r ofe _so r L. D r. S herrick in Sh a kesp eare Cla ss­ A. W e in la n d, sup er intende nt of th e Knit Tie ---- $1.00 to $2.50 " \ Ve ll , Mr. G la un er , h ow did yo u lik e un day sc h oo l, and th e fo ll owing the play?" me mb er o f th e class: Me dam es L. Glau ne r- " l d id not like it a t a ll. A. v\T einland. F . E . fill er, ha rl es o ul d no t ge t inter e ted in it." Snave ly,_ N. L. ioble_- C. A. Fritz. F . , her r ic k-"Wa s it th e love D r. W . D avi , \ V. C. Whitn ey. J . A. Ben­ ~tory that had n o intere s t for yo u ?" di nge r, A. R. Spessard , E. D . reed- 1 ham, and Mi s es Lula Baker , Co ra A . COC HRAN HALL N OTES. o f L y dia Garv er. ' 16, o f Stra burg McFadd en . Tir za L. Barn e , Margar et Ohi o. who s pent th e wee k e nd with , -, - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- --., T o how th e ir ap p r eciation , th e girl s Gav er, a nd Alma Guitner. fri e nd s in the Hall . from each table in the dining room of Th e se w ing r oo m wa th e scene of Cochran Hall ga ve Mr s. Parfait, th e Lt. J . B. Garv e r wa s the g ue t o f chef, se veral u e ful and prett y gift a li ve ly dinn er pa rt y, vVe dne sday nd Mrs. E . - J o ne s a t dinner evening. Th ose present were Kath­ Dr. a for her birthday S unda y, Feb . 16. H OME DRESS ED la st Frida y evening. eryn Warner, Fay Mo rri o n, Glad y Fourth fl oo r peo ple appre ciate the Howard, Berni ce H ee ter Virginia In a prettil y de co rated ro o m Flor­ fa ct that th ey can use th eir teleph o ne Bl agg. Ha ro ld Freeman, L owell Gib ­ ence L oar and Glady H o ward enter­ once mo re. so n, P aul Spro ut , L eslie Dan o, and tained with a tea, Saturday afternoon MAKE GOO D EAT S Mr. L . 0. Miller o f Da y t o n, Ohi o, David Bartlebaugh . ho noring Mis s Stella Kurtz. ' vi ited hi daughter, Marj o rie atur ­ Both Phones Mr . Gle n n Ream entertain ed a nd Mr · R o coe Bran e had day ev en ing. number o f her friend s at a fudge part y . ~fr. a Bell 46-W . Citizen 92 d11111 er gue st unday in honor o f Lt An intere s ting box came for Mar­ Saturday e ve nin g . Gar ver. · tha S kinner aturday . That evening Mr. and Mrs. F . E . . ander s ent er ­ the content_ wa har ed with sev­ tained Lt. J . B. Garver, Mi ss Cleo _lady had bee n lookin g for a eral of Martha's fr iend s who approved Coppock. M iss Lydia Garver and friend for a lo ng time witho ut The O ld Reliable Scofield Store very much of Mrs. Skinner's cooking. F . succe s. Ramey Huber at dinner in their new has received their spring line of rn a lly h e cam e upon h er in an unOur price are best. Da y '.-Adv . ho me on Gl e nwood Drive last Satur­ Iron_ C lad Hosiery, including the expected place. "Well, sh e exc laim­ day ev ening. fashi o nable C ordovian Browns, ao d Mar y Ballinger's unu ually broad ed. ·· l"ve been on a perfect wild for men, women and child· Greys mile o n Friday afternoon wa s cau ed Cookie of all kind at Days'.- Adv . goo se cha e all day long but thank ren. by a vi sit from her father , Rev . M . R. g oodn ess, 1 haYe found you at last!' traw wa a gue t of D o rothy Ballinger o f Findlay, 0 . Adria Mayhugh at unday dinner. The gue ts at unday dinner were Cover were laid for Dorothy S t raw, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Briner, Mrs. N . Mildred Watt. Sgt. John Eyer, Sgt. W . W. JA MISO N oble, Mr. l lo Dellinger, Mis Ruth Crutchfield , Sgt. Herman Reicher, of Harmon , of Akron, 0.. and Miss Camp Sherman and the ho tess. Barber and Card Sign Maker. See Stella Kurtz of Dayton, 0. Kat heryn Warn er and Fay Mo rr i­ No. 10 N . S tate S t. Another pus h on aturday evening. son ente r tained with a Valentine



$22.50 to $55.00




65c to $l.50


\J\/ Q L F •S


was given by Edna Dellinger in honor party Friday evening, in hono r of of her cousin, Ruth Harmon of Ak­ Ste ll a Kurtz , of Dayton . In harmony ron , 0 . who pent the week-end with with the day a red and white color her. cheme wa used in both decorations Those who were fortunate enough and r efre shments. to hear the serenade last atur day Cleo Coppock and Helen Bovee en­ night, enjoyed the kind given in fo r m- tertained with a dinner party in ho nor

D D HO F FMA 'S Table

H. L. Bennett & Co. W ith Special

J ackson


Coal • cheats ash p an.


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