1919 03 03 The Tan and Cardinal

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VOL. 2.




============= No. 16.




Doctors Clippinger, Cornetet and ) Direct:ir of Mu: ic Pleases Large I J cnes arc t:i Help Rev. Burtn er. Audience at O rgan Dedicatory Cottage Prayer Meetings Planned. Service in Peru, Indiana. Nineteen Y. W. C. A. Girls Journey to Mr. Frank L. Brown, of New Yo -·:, Th ' s Sunday is the beginning of Prof. G. G. Grabi ll re turned la t Worthington for Week-end Secre tar y World's Sunday S:::!· o:il · ~ specia l ernnge listic meetings at ~-fonday from a wee k -end trip to Peru. P2.rty at Hotel Central. Association Talfrs in Chapc:. t .1e L'nit d Drethren chu rch. Th.:re In diana. wh ere he had been in,·ited to I will be a co mmuni o n CONVENTI O N AT T O KI O en·ice S und ay / play for the de,iicatory services of a DEAN McFADDEN CHAPERONS morning. unday e ,·enm g th e sub- ne\\' o rgan 1·ece11tly installed in the 1 ____ . 3000 D H A . d G ject of the erm o n by th e pastor He,·. i Fir · t l'nited Brethren Chur ch of that Time Spent in Games and Strolls Al e 1egates ave pp 11e to o to . , . . , 1 . E. E. Burtner. will Professor G rabill delighted the t ~-" ~~at,·ng wi"th D 1scuss1ons ' · f T 0 k 10 " · o c,o b e r- p res,"d ent . be. '"\\ .hy Do \Ve ~1t,·. or I m Ha,·e Th ese Re\'l,·al llf ec t111 gs E,·ery people o f th e church and town w;th h C . , Clippinger M ay Attend. Y ear?" There will he specia l mu ic . his able playing as well a with hi s t e orrung Years Work. 'I f h Id ' f h \\ ' , I The ser-.·ices will begin at i:00 nleasing personal it y. T h e fo ll ow i:1g Nineteen girls. member of the outl o r 11c s o'c lock eac h evening . • •u an orh t e h o 111g. o. t , e and a t 8:IJ_ paragraphs are taken from two lead- go ing and in-coming Y. \V. . A. • • ·pape rs o f Per u. · da ily ca IJlllets, enjoyed a delightful week· ncIay . T c .oo l. Assoc1at1 O b on s co nven - tho e who fee l they can not s tay 111g t1on Ill o k10 111 cto . be cr1ye . 11 an opport unity . .. The re ci•tal Fn•day mght . . . F e r.k 1920. L B were j longe r will wa given en cl party at the Hotel Central in g 1v en 111 general by ran . • rown, . . ope n with • IJy ,t ro f . G . G . G rab11l. · · g to11. T he purpo e of thi s . ' to go. ,, I he crl'tces "·ti! A. A. G. 0. / W ' or ti1rn N ew Y o rk sec1·eta1·y o f t I1e ..... ssoc 1a- 1 . / 'lv·i us1c · B. o f \Ve tervt!l · e. Co lumbu s. tnp · wa to ma ke the girl · · better ac. . ' . a praise se r\'1. ce. t 1011, 111 a chape l talk at Otterbein o 1, . . • . . · u· . Th e program for the el'ent ng \\' tll Ohw. 1 rof. Grabi ll 1s one of th e b:st qua 111ted. and also to discu s prob1ege v, edne day mor11111g. . a the or an:· t~ o f th e co untr · and never I Jem and lay p lan for the coming . . 1be as follows: M onday C\'('. nm M r. Brown atd that 3000 Am erica n s . • ct: c1·tsp Ia}-e<I g reat er talent and ab:hty ·· ' work. . pa tor will peak on th e uhJe years are expected to attend the convent1on. . . ri. st th an on tl11· occa 1011 · T he re was an air · . • . ·•\\"hat Make the Scr\'lCC o f Ch when he comf myste,·y abo ut H e expec 1 t to go to Japan 111 .-.pn to , . . I I · · · I b · · ' · 1 . . . . Ea~y'"' Tue day e ,·enmg President I P ete Y captivated the a ud1e11 ce w hich / t e egm 11111g o f the Journ ey. , o t ma k·e 1111t1al pre1)arat1ons £01· th e co n- \\ •. G. _ . . . speak • . . s knew th e de tin a ti o n ltpprnge r \\'ti! frankly fi ll ed the chur ch to apac1ty. even one o f the g irl Ye1Hi o11. I of hi conce rn for t hi · er ies of meet- sta nding room being at a premi um . bu t by following, pie ' by piece. rlirecunda,'- . . ch oo .. .~l u 1ca · I peop Ie o f t h e city · were un- , t' on Jc con tame • cl 111 · a I tter, th ey fina l. A a. progra m. for . l ings. \\ ' ednesday C \ cn 1. n ..,. Profe s3or '1 ork 111 the penod of re con . tru :: t1011 ~ · · · 1 f d E . . \. J o ne will be the , pea ker. On a111mous 111 pro11ou11c111g th1 one o f Y oun themselve s on a car bound 8 ro wn 1 an( r. 000 · I tr eat · t I1at I1a · o r \ \ ' O rt I1mgto · · s,i d the ti ubsequent . . years.f ~[ $?O 000 Tlll'r sda y c,·cning Profc s o r ;\-. E . ti1e greate, t mu s1ca n. l p 11 rea chmg the 1 1at t11 e ra1111g IT , , ~. C ~, t t w4H . - ,ak . •F-1,i.,,.~..,_..., . t• ltl 0 Ul<' i ,..-· -p ru. .,'1 r!:,_ • rr._,_. ,,·1,--1 'lCLU;J. < e - 1 t· ' t ,iey fo 111'ID a.1 ,.,I c F 3.d~ O rK t he pastor w ill 1·1g h teeI t I1c auc1·1c11 cc \\'tt · I1 ,ome o Io d en • . w I10 I,acI come ou t early 111 · order ot· 11 \\' t .I tt J1 .a lei tn peak 011 th e 1 t1e1Jublt c scho l~1 sought. H · t h e gir · ls. · not fail 1111111 b er ." t •urprise . . e:i . - '" \\'hat Make the he d1d >erted to I Diffi cult,,. "E 3.ger for an opp rtu111· ty to again :.11 I1cr urpn· e, for none had dreamed !\ . that the wor ld ts looking . . ·trimenca for not only fina11c 1al. 111d11s-r al . Th ere · will he three cotta"'e prayer h ea~ GI enn ,rant ra IJt·11 · not~<I or- th a t ti1e D ean w uld be ab · e to tear reli i::1d eco1~01111c leader. , but fo meeting · next \\' cdn c day afternoon ga111~t. hundred~ of• ~eru re tdenb \ herself a\\'ay fr o m Cochra n IIa!I lo ng Ag t !eade1s al o . . . at two o'clock. For the ca t di trict, cro\\ ded the big n1tcd Bre th ren en o ugh to pla:: chap ero n o ,·er t ,e ccordmg to the s tat1 s t1 cs f th e . . h h f church unday when the new o rgan , wee k-end as oci · h . _ · th w rld 1the meettng wt 11 1Je a t t e ome o . . . • at1 n t e1e a,e 111. e I ;\[ . R \ H'tt 'or th inc treet · wa dedicated. Service were held 111 As one of th e purpo se was to gi,·e 30 he~-~~-0 unda y schoo l with a mem- ; ;'~he ·11 ~r~lnv~ ~ district a t th e horn~ th e morning. afternoo~, and ev_ening the ne_w cabinet a g-ood tart for it . 0 tp of 35,000.0 0. f ;\J . \'\' K •ster a nd for th e and each time the sea ting capacity of work. 111 the even in ach old cabinet O Dr \,I;_ G. hppinger, presiden t o f ' r,. ·. : ei . , I the chur ch wa filled (C · d • so uthw est district at ~frs. Fox · 11ome. .. · ontmue on page two.) th e OI. . 110 tate unday ch o1 _.,_sso________ An unusually good program wa ciation, 1 te ntativeiy considering at· Y. M . C. A. O fficers Coming. prepared for th e occa ion and among J D eath Claims Curtis K. Young. 1 \\' t'!l'an ,, y ,. .. __ •n · •· t ndan ce at the Tokio convention. Bi hop H. .. l 0 ~ .. ., • ~ ~ ~ - , ec1 otlic1a D e legate s from th e Y. ;\i. • :\.'~ o f th , o~e taking. part were . . H. · 1 ·" II I II of th e . tate i:;out of I11d1anapolt . G. G. Grabill of word \\'ed ne da f I cl I f almost a t 1e co ege . \\' e,ten·ille. Ohio. Dr. J. E. F ut. I 11 . Y ~ tie .eat,. r m Farver D ies in F ra nce. will be the gue t o f the Otterbein as. Jr ch1al pneumon:a. of h1s 0 11 ·u rnd h lt i with reg1·et and deep ~orrow · ociation on April 11. 12 and 13. At I Harry Ric _er a Rev. J. \V. Lake. ti K. Young. in F ran.: . He had been th at information fairly definit e has tbi s tim e the Ohio Offi ce r,' Training ' (Co ntmued on page two.) t!I f r ome lit tl e time, hi dea th ocbecn re ceived regarding the death of onfe rence will co nven e here. Incom - 1 ------curring on February 13. He was 2 Declamation ConteS t Held. ~e ar old in De cem ber, and Ind been F:n,ery I· arver o f th e cla s of '14. ing o fficers of various Y .1I. C. A.' will I There ha been 110 official notific;:,tion be in attendance. The program ha Thur day evening wa held the an- Ill Fran e C\'eral month . with the of th e family but a casualty li st in a no t heen published to date but judg- nual Ru ell Declamation nte t. headquarter company of the 37th Cleveland paper recently gave the I ing from former years it will be emi- The college chape l wa well filled Division which i cheduled to et ail name of Corpora l Emery Far".er. j ne ntly worth while. with an audience f intere ted, appre- for Un ited tates 1\.Jar h 27. F.n •ineer orp , of North Liberty , Three years ago Otterbein' A so- ciative friend of the performer . All ft er graduating fr 111 Otterbeiu Indiana. a having died of di sea e. ' ciat io n was favored with this confer- I the con te. tan ts showed that th ey had Co ll ege in 191 I, h e took mpl oy ment lt i known that Mr. Farv er wa made 1 ence and there was great intere t_and put a great deal of preparation and with the Monypenny-Hammond oma co rporal while in training at ~amy enthu iasm. Every one boos t it. t;me o_n their de~lam~tion . every o_ne pany o~ olumbu , "."ith which firm Taylor. Ky.. and North Liberty is hi _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ of which wa s except10nally well g1v- he continued connection until hi enhome O all indications eem to conJun io r Play Chosen. en. During the time between the la t listment in the army in the um,mer of firm his death. " Husbands 011 Approval" i the title declamation and announcement of the 1917. "Red," a he wa commonly known of th e play which the. Juniors have / pri~e winner , comment ran high, and While in Westerville high chool aro1ind Otterbein has been in France chosen to pre ent a th 1r annual cla s various gue ses were made a to who anc~ Otte_rb in college he wa always a little le tha;i a year. He wa play. The member of the clas are the favored per ons wo_uld be. The actively interested in athletic . He Probably about to return to the tate enthusiastic about the piece, which i College Orchestra fur111 hed several erved a captain of the Otterbein at the time of hi death. It is with a three act comedy, full of parkling, se_lections, during t_he evening. basketball tea.m . for one year and de~p regreat and tender ympathy that brilliant dialogue, and amusing itu- w111ner . of the pnzes were: F ir t, played hort top on, th ollege ba e t~1 ad new is received in \Ve ter- ations. Professor Fritz to act as ( IS ), Violet Patter on'. econd ($10), ball t~am for ever.a l seasons, being a t!le where Mr. Farver had O many director, and rehear al will com- Ethel Eubank ; and third ( 5), Beat- promment member of .the tate cham• rtend . mence 0011 • rice Fi her. pio n hip team in 1910.















Go s pel Team Out of Town. Said o nce a n old hear at t he Zoo. brea k o f t he \\'ar. gathe:-ing mate ri al Ele,·en members of t he Gospe l \ Vho was feel in g e:.ceed in g ly b lu e, I fo r a boo k. S h e rema ined th e re d ur1 ing th e war. g iving !1er med ical sc rTeam were at wo r k in differe nt •· 1 t bo r es me yo u k now, ( Cortinued from page one.) T liree to wns o\'er the wee k·-en cl . To walk to and fro, ' vices in ho sJ) ita ls. The gi rl s were all girl took he1· succe~so r aside and ex­ intensely interested in hearing th is plained in detail the importance, aims, men. i\fessrs. Barthalow. J aynes, and I 'll re,·e rse it and wa lk fro a nd to.'' capa bl e wo 1{1a n , who has had wide 1 ideal and wo rk accomp li s hed in th e Clay attended the servi·-~ es at t IlC 1a t- ··[ w i.• h... he sa id. " yo lt cot1 lcl ter' s church at Peach Bl ow near pi e · ma<e experience in Y. \ V. C. A. work. past year and \\'ays of making it more Lik <" mother usc: d to hake.' · . ucc e,sful thi, next year. Then ca me \ \'estervillc. The o th er m em bers of the team .. \ d I .. .. . h a 1 n,- t ime for playing, with r ea lly . . . • 11 , ,at e1 s 11e, w1s that 111 a made . you new games p la nned by the social com­ went to C1rcle\'tlle, to take pai t r ev t\'al be111g held ther e by Rev H. 0 Tl l I d to make! .. mittee. and a ca1·e free, hol iday spi rit Davis. The . ervice . were \\'ell attendle c oi,g 1 pa use on the part of the girls, the evening Day s' cake are delicious.-A d,·. pa eel too qu ick l.v. At a late hour ed. and great interest was shown by the peop le of the communi_ty. Th e I - - - - - -the party adjou rn ed to th e parlor . 1_111 . unday sen·ices \\'ere espec ially S ~::-2~::·:~ ~;:;:;;:·;;: 6 ~o ,-.-o~:. :;;-i !10::.\\'here dev otions were followed by a he:ir 10 h eart talk, in which o ld fail­ pre :; sive: nine young people. rangin g or more a d ay can make wages of I1 in ages from six teen to tw entyfiv e. . ure s and new plan; we1·e discussed. · . 1·.1ve,_ t o <lefi ,i,·te m ore tha n $1.00 pe r hour s elling co11sec1·atc d t I1e 11 the girls sitting in the dim glow of Chris t ian se rvice. America's 'Na r fo r H um anit y and the f:re light. Life of Ro o3evelt. Send at o nce fo r 1 On Sunday 111 ming th e gi rl - at ­ l'hotographer-··. a,·. do you want free ou t St, :!:?. B. Di-.:ke r son C o ., 1 tended church. t!te n (! njoyed a marve!­ 10 - ge pic tur e o r a ,mall o n e '" Detroit, Mich. enclosi n g 20c ousl, · clc li~ious d inn e r. In th e aftcr- a : t amps fo r mail ing o::tfit s. Blazing Light-"A mall one. 1100;1 furt!1er plans for th e new year plea _e," ~ n. g were talked ove 1·, and at six o'clock Pho tographer-"\.Vell. then, please I the pa rty hid farwell to \Vorthington close your mouth." and th e kind h tel proprietors. In Caps a nd Gow n for r ent. E. J. Columbus they atte nded th e Trinity $27.50 aP..d :\"orris.-Adv. Epi copal church, fo1· the privilege of hearing the large vested choir o f that ' 01 a Cav e, of Lancaster. 0. . is La st Thursday night the Y. '.\l. C. A . church render Gou nod's '·Gallia," and sne ncl ing a few da~·s with her sister was addres,ed by i\Ir. Bass, Treas u rer ;,By Baby lo n ' · \ ave." Edythe. of the Fent 11 Shoe Co., Columb us. Gladys ~wigart a cha ir man of the .Alice ..\bhot t \\'ent to her home 111 Ohio. 011 the subject of "The Chrisian '.\Ian in Business." "Bible and \ : oc ·a1 ·ommittec de,e1·ve ~ special Rockfonl. Ohio fo r a few day s . and Business," ~aid t he speak er "a r e gen­ prai e for her ingenuity in planning ! \Ye hav e th e be>'t buns in to wn.­ erally supposed to be wide ly separ­ the party . ·1 he girls came ho?!le feel·s' - " dv· 0 a) . ·"' . ated. .\ good bu ine man is too ing that the trip . had bee n w o rth . while in sever:il way ;it had he e n a ; 1lrs. Dr. \ Varburton of _Zane ville. often t hought of a a bad Chr ist ian · · · I. J1a d \ O h io vi~ited Dea n Mel- adden on and. on t h e other hand. a good Chr is­ va cation, t I1e g1r most cnJoyahle t ian is many times co n side r ed doo m ed b come better friends, and pe r haps Thur day. mo t of all, a keen ent h u iasm, a I gt. Howa r d \ V. E lli o tt of. c lass, '1 5. o fa r as bei ng uccess ful in bu si ness broader ,,i ion o f the poss ibilities oJ I isited hi s wife, formerly lli ldrecL is co n ce rn ed. This no t io n is o ld and o ut o f date. For in tance, Robert :Ylc­ the Y. 'IN. . A. in Otterbein had ook. over at urday and Su nday. Bu rney, the fo under of t he Y. '.\I. re ulted from the discussions. Howard is Fir t crgeant of h is com­ ..\., wa one of London's mo t prom i­ I pany and will pos ibly no t he di nent h usine s men yet was a hri t ian I GRABIL L PLAY S AT PERU $60 charged for several mon t hs. o f deep convictio n." '1 ( ontinued from page one .) "Again." said '.\Lr . Bass. "con ider E XC H ANG E conference uperintendent. the Bible charac ter. . \ Ve have re­ "During the day's service the or.\Ir. ;\la, ce ll Tonnoir. a tuGent at corded in the Old Testament men gan fund wa . overs ub. crihed. . n- Ohio \ Vesleyan liniver ity, has left who h ave been th:: . tr ongest and at drew arnegie donated $ 1,000 toward for hi s home in France, owing to the same time the m os t succe sful the organ and the United Brethren word re cei,·ed from hi parent , tell­ bu iness men that history ha e,·er church is the only church in Peru to ing of their ill ne s. 1I r. Tonnoir, who produced. be o honored hy the tee ! magnate. was ~ vic ti m of German ga was ent "\,Va n't Jo se ph, premier of mi ghty "Mr. Grabill first appeare d in thi s to t his co u ntry by t he French gove_n '.­ city 011 Friday evening when he gave me nt. that he might have the pnv1- Egypt the man who H ooverizecl a recital on the new organ. He cap - lege, of re cuperation and of educa­ that nation during seven year of fam­ \Vasn't '.\l ose . who led the tivated his audien ce at that time and t ional work in an American ·n iver­ ine? social po litical and re li g io us life of 1 _ musicians of Pcm pronounced his s ity. Since his enl istment in t he rael, a preem inent administrator? program to be one of t he best ever French army in 1914. he had not heard ''Again, King David, a sturdy fol­ rendered in Per u. Mr. Grabi ll elect- a word f1·o m ht. parent , who e home ed hi prog ra m a ft er he had 1·~ceived is at L ill e: until aft~ r he reached Dela­ lower of J ehovah, wa one of the t h e specifica t io n s o f t h e orga n with ware. II 1 o nl y . 1 ter ha d bee n le­ greate t r ul ers of a ll tim e." a view of demo ns t ra t ing t he capab il- ported by the Ge r mans, and t he nerv­ In conclusion ~I r. Bas a id, ''There ities of th e in st rume n t. election . ou strai n o n th e mo t he r a nd father i no e~sential difference between the from pence, MacFarla ne, Bach, Rog- perlnps is the ca use of th :ir ii( health. live of ~roses and David and you and er s, tebbins, S he p pard and Faulk e Hi · fa th e r was a teac he r 111 L ill e, and me. T he same fait h in Go d tha t ca1·­ we r e give · n." I :,farce! was J) repari ng fo r t he same ried th em over t h e ir diffic ul tie . w ill profc sio n w hen the wa r b ro ke o ut. he lp us co nquer life' t r ugg le ·." T hey tal k a bout a woma n ·s p h er , MEN'S SPECIAL t zsc as th o ug h it had a limit : S • 1 r • 1 H If H siJ~c~os;'.\~ .o/va lue~:e; -~·-··:::::::::: SOc The r e's not a p lace in Ea rt h or 1 I1









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Every o-oo d tyle1ze to pe rfect ly fit eve ry I uild.

, --------------....; . . 1I Hea,·e n, ~h er e: no t a ta -k _to ma nk111d g ive n , Dr. Cecile Gr ie l d elig hted t he Y . . g A gn e V" . 1 h er e · n t a b les. 111 g o r a woe ' W · C · ·A · g,·,·1 T ue d a y eve nin . g, On F rt.d ay eve n111 ·v ri g 11t, 011 .w he n she . r ela ted to th em me o f h e r B ea tr1. e F.1s 1,e r, V irgin ia Burtn e r T here's not a w h, . p ered yes o r no, O Th er e' not a life, no r dea th , no r I 111te re t111 g e xperie nces. Dr. Gri e l i a n d Le nore Ra y t ga ve an ente rtain bir th , o n th e N a t ion a l B oard fo r F o re ·g 0 pe r a H o use 111 . C ana I Th a t ha - a fcat I1er ' we1.g I1t o f. wor t I1, b o rn wo men an d I . 11 1ne nt a t th e he h • • ' a en 1 W inche te r, th e proceed being for \Vi t h u t a woma n 111 tt. charge of the wo rk am o ng Italt1 iaren tli e \\' o m an 's M is iona ry oc ie ty of c111or ca n ge t th ei r Cap a nd 1 wo m en . . t l,at Pl a ce. Gow n · fr om E. J .-Adv. Dr. G n el was 1·11 I taly at ti p . t·sers l -i e o ut atromze Tan ~ Cardinal Adver 1







Page Three


squaring account : that is. in making / kings for the rights of their . st1bj~c~~. I a living. It is m an 's fi~st duty at lea t A wiping out of absolute monarch C. W. STOUGHTON, M. D. YI i to con tr ib ute a much to the . world and the oppressions and extortion 31 .W . College Ave. Pub li shed Weeki; in the interest of as he receive s, or e-Jse he becc;>mes ari f rhat have stood second in the list o expense and a drag to socie ty. Apart I divine right s. Otterbein by the = "· Westerville, Ohio I OTTERB E-IN PUBLIS HI G fn;im the necessa ry time spent in the Incidentally a boom for the form o f Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone llQ natural ro utine of makin~ a living government p_lann ed and so ably exe . BOARD, eac h ha s· a margin of tim e )V hich ma y cu ted under th e direction of Uncl e W este rville, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press be used accordi ng to choice. The sue- Sam. Association ce s or fail ure of life depends largely . Folks are going to rule them se lve s. G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D . on the way in which thi margin of Government are going to be repre . STAFF t1·me i used. e11tat1·ve. .\f " h ·1 11 't · East College Ave. Editor-in-Chief ........ Helen Keller, '20 · ig t gomg t 0 As i ta t Ed" E H I , There are many ways in which thi . keep on forever being right. 21 n itor .... sther ar ey, . . . d D" . fon of - The Dynamo. COntributing Phones-Citizen 26 Editor _ marg111 I misuse . 1ss 1pa I . . J r Bell 84-R , all kind tend to destroy the ong111a Helen Bovee, , 19 cap ital . . which should o n I y fa1·1 t h r o ug1I I 'v\!e wonder if th e Profs. will re . G race Armentro ut, 19 . · W · h l · · f nat ural deprec1atton. o rry I a member t at t 1ere I a ene o mee t . Busine M , ss gr, .. Katheryn Warner 19 l d. I · h h. DR. W . M. GANTZ Assist B . ' dead ly enemy to success. t 1111 s t 1e 1n gs at th e churc t 1s week and ant us111ess Managers• · h. h · II · . . . , vis ion destroys op t1m1 s m, w 1c is doubl e a our assignment . Dentist Virg1111a Blagg, 22 ' d I · , nece ary for success, an re su t 111 a Myrna Frank, 21 .f Th d. f An Interesting Letter Bell Phone 9 Circulation M M S "dd 11 , 19 very unh appy It e. e rea 111g o Assista t . gr, :· ary I a ' light and trashy lite rature doe not d Ecliter15 W. College Ave. Westerville n 1rculat1on Managers. . • eer . , contribu te to the ong111a 1 capita 1 anc1 . . . \ Mary Tm tman, ,20 there fore 1s . not a wi•se u e of extra j I waz reading 111 ure papr, the Tan . . '\ . Marvel Sebert, 21 and Card inal. and so mhough ruther. I th Cleo Coppock, '19 time. . . thing to • my elf, think I, " Salomy letic Editor ioo little time i used now 111 q_u iet that there Otterbein chool must be a' ocal Editor ............ Hazle Pay1i°e, '21








Westerville Auto Sales


meditation . A few sugge s t1011s migh t purty good place." I'll ikknolege I be offered to ~hose wh o, after _a ha rd haven' t had m uch choo ling myself, ez day's w?rk, w'.sh to pe n cl t_l~ e ir n;:;; thi letr will shough, and mebbe U gi n o f tim e wisely. There 1~ a g will have to Pu t in A fewe cap tl s o r · d f A t g on a ben efi t denve rom re ec 1.11 • something, but deir eDi tar I won't be t f the l)as t 111 which day or even o · mad . Ef l heclnt been so s trong ~ddress all communications to The one lived more inte nse ly _th an at any headed when I waz a gurl, I might uv t erbe :n Tan and Cardina l, 20 \ V. time precedi ng o r fo ll ow rng. Ano_th ~r came to O tt erbene. But I was o in­ 1 . ain t., \Ve terville Ohio. profitable way of spet1 d ing tii~,e is in tent on gettin tid e up to Felix thet I ubsripti on Price, 1.so Per Year, , clo e fri t: nd hip wi th o ne of ltke ten - couldn't see co llege then . Not thet - - - . Payable in advance. dencies and ideal · Jt1<l eed, clol e FeLix aint a good man-o No deighr E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - friendship is limited to two peop e. editar don ' t think it for a minit-he lltered a s secon d class matter \\/h e n a third pe rson enters, th e con- alwaze wipes his hoze when he Seven-Passenger Car at your serePtember 25, 19 17, at the po toffice ver ation becomes lighter a nd , le. comes in the hou and nevr thr oz the vice, day or night, any time. al[t \Ve s t erv1·1le, O·., un der act o f earne t. A 11 111t1ma · · t e rr ·endshtp 1 at knite to d1. 11ty Moore' ltke . I Mag. arch 3, 1879. emi nently worth while. For an! who skille t at mee, and he don't slip o ug ht th e r e is o_ne gee's hu band doe s in Bringing up Acee Pt ance for mailing at speci"a l may la ck a true friend. cl fi111 cl 111 ' rate f Po tag e provided for in Sec. place w here all may go an · / fath e r. He' aughl right , Fe li x is ! .f 1103 , Act of ct. 3, ]917, authorized spiration a u d uplt t. . i·t cl I I been to \, e terville aretty and itz 0 ct 24 T. J o uld be spent 111 o I u e I . • • · , 191 ime s 1 . . f . 1 h 1. a ni ce quiet little town . Never no The College Avenue -.. •h N t . An 111t1m ate nenc P . . . . wit a Ute. . . robbrie nor hut111 their like they 1 dy of nature I a wt e . MEAT MARKET an cl c Iose s t u . 1d I other plicez. Like to live the1ghr myE DITORIAL and profitable u e of th e marginf ~; elf. The young fok mu t have a 1 0 11 it re ult s in the develop'. ent ,e dandy time troll in out to the Briddge Afoot . and ligh t-hearted, I take the I original capi ta l int o inte lli gence, pow- in· the munelite-ma ke s mee rikkolect t1- Open road, 1 1e c I,a ra cter . which.R even er an d no> H H back to them golden daze when me lea lth f l'J Y, rec, the wor ld before me, e sful life.· · · 1end feltx . used to wa Jk d ow n to t J1e Choice Cut Flowers and Corsage ie .lo,ig b rown pa th before me, lea d • ually mean a s ucc . dam and wach the water guzz le ove r Bouquets. tng I 11 e11cef wh1erever l choo se. Speaking of Kmgs. th e tope of it. And goin to Wi ll ys. / Quality Best-Prices Right 0 rt I as k not good-for tun cBig and littl e o me fifteen or I nev er quite figerd ough t who w ill y I S. State St. Citizen 345 I 111 l-J a good fortune. t enty rul er by divine right, from I wuz but I ge s he ker.pz a ice creme ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . J encefo rt I1 I wh imper . no more, po t· w I o lute monarchs a II t I,e way down pallor. I member wen me n f eLix / , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a> · Pone no more, need nothing: u es, hav. e beer' j use to go to Tail ly 1cecreme pa II or I ' th e line to grand dk t rong and content. I travel the open kicked off their throne dunng th e and we'd it and Juke at each other road. - \\! alt 'vVhitman. last two year . end giggll o vr oughr icecrem odye . Cochran Hall EditorRu th Hooper, -~ lu mna l Edit o r .. Prof. A. G uitn er. Exchange Edi tor E· d "ith Bingham I. ·· ' .tterary Editor Vida vVilhelm ···· '

'19 '97 '20 '19





General Repair Work Prices Moderate Radiator Repairing a Specialty Vulcanizing



Rhoades & Sons










l t has been a period of extreme unEf I hed a duzn chi Idem id end HOME DRESSED . L· The Use 0 f th e M argm. ea in ess fo r th e hea d s t h a t w ore th e th e m all to O tter b"1n c. b u t anyway 1 hu _ife has of te n been compa r ed t o a 'oo an and John eorge Pe ter 1ne 5 . . crow 11. I Elviry ignific~ and thi s co mpan o n h a tru e And the end is not yet. . will be th ere in a y r~ or to, _ez une ca . nee . A busine p r oceeds o n _ Jes of a great portion j ez th ey fin is h th e h1 sc hule. They Pita! cl . I· or t 11e peop · d . I MAKE GOOD EATS up an tt deve lopment depends tofore under the ban don' t hankr after learn ing, but ez on the . . . f of E ur o pe, I,ere f h h I cl b have ta s ted o t e .• hillern , u mu st go to sc oo an e flroc t . way 111 which th e margin o Both Phones 11 1 . . . f of autocracy, cl · " A d f .b ty· life ap p 11ed. In the bu s in ess o smarter than your pa an ma 1 . n ever • . • · wee t o 1I er · h 1· Bell 46-W. Citizen 92 cap· Yone I e1~dowed with certa in , f them it has had muc felix he . ay o to. ital wich . I d On mo s t o . I · . or h 111ay 1ther be deve ope And 0 dere editor T must say; ffect as the .\,lex1 can oc 0 a111efu ll th e ame e d tee r ' · · · f In Y wasted. th e long-home oclbi becauz feltx 1s wa t1 11g or me at le . • •c1 weed 1,a up 011 go UaJ a t one re pec t all 111d1v1 • plain . e can go to the lee ream och ul of the o nora · tfit so w are • . Sweet Florida Oranges, Excellent · Ucc given equal oppor tunity to <led the whole o u · to th e .\I ethodi t church, end we 1t has tai~ilpl_e g around in circle • up drop this in the maighbox on the Grape Fr uit, Ripe Bananas, Plain All eed or fail in the busine of life. f c t them 1111 111 . can are g · and Stuffed Olives, Sweet, Dill and ti111e ive n twenty-four ho ur s o . k it were and gonng i J·ust wan td to tel yew how each d f I Running amuc a . c1· / way, . thing ay and the wonder u . 11t and left with o ut ish J injoi reading abo ug ht tt er- Sour P ickles. Try them for your 1 1vay .ab o ut thi s time i that the o nly each ot ,_e r ng gard for past as 0·bnrn ch Good bi-he wont wa te mu ch next luncheon. . it c · nina ti on o r re cl ,g 11. 1 MOSES & STOCK it. If an >e aved i by spending cnt F" ed them with the bloo gr Ion · We w·I h cia tion tr houJct t o ave o ur money, we resp ec tifulli yewrs, aved bhoard. 1·t, I)Ut time can on ly b e lu t · f ·t 11 mu t come even t • Patronize Tan & Cardinal Advertisers .\,! is es alomy Innelfinner. 0 I lain a Y u tng it j udi cio u ly A cerAu d o ut a · th e h ea rt of tno . ually a grea ter respect in unt of time must be pent in





Page Four

czz;;-·-- .....

· · :::=,,-

was elected president of the institute for the ensuing year. Mr. Moss, whos e home is three miles sou th of vVesterville. is one of the most pro­ gressive farmers in the county, and has already held several official posi­ tions in the Central Ohio Institute.

RITTER & UTLEY'S Up-to -Date Pharmacy Eastman's Kodaks and Photographic Supplle 5, , F ilm s I,>eveloped and Printed at lowest prices.

Mrs. Gladden F . Evans (Es ther Van Buskirk) of Washington , D . C., was guest of honor at a dinner given '85. Rev . Rufus P . Mill er, pastor of last week at the home of Mrs. Theo­ the Presbyterian church in Philips­ dore M. Beal (Pauline Watts), ' 13. burg, Pennsylvania, offered hi s res ­ Other guests were Mr s. R. H . Brane \ ia nation last Sunday, to take effect (Mary Brown), '13 ; Miss Ru th Brun.Ap r il l. Mr. Miller has been pastor dag c, 'I 2: Miss He Jen Mo es, '16; Mrs. I at Philipsburg for th e past ei«hteen Arthur Gooding, and Miss Mildred I years and the members of his co n­ Watt s. gregation regret deeply his wish to ' be released. He leaves th e active 11. Mrs. Glenn Lambert (Mabelle pastorate to become Presbyterial Flemming) of Col umbu s, Ohio, was Superintendent of the Huntingdon a guest at the home of Mrs. B. A . Presbytery in Pennj,ylvania, which Durrant in We sterville one day last offers him a wide fie ld of u efuln ess. week. E. C. vVo rman of Madras, ~ndia, '10, '10. Rev. and Mrs. Perez K . '07. start ed early thi s month o n a seven Ben nett (A lmira Buttermore) have weeks' tour o f lndian cities, making mo ve d from Council B luffs, Iowa. to preparation for the evangelistic tour At lantic, ]owa,. where Mr. Bennett of G. Sherwood Eddy in July. Mr is pa tor of the F ir t Co ngr egati o na l \i\iorman will organize among Indian church. He and his congreg;dtion, Christians group of personal workers with all other chu rches of that de­ to prepare for Mr. Eddy's meeting s. nomination in this country, are ar· ranging to obse rve next year the A Ballad. tercentenary of the founding o f th e (With apologies to the author of Congregational chu rch in th e nited Sir Pa tri ck Spence.) tates. vVil so n sits in vVashington , '03. Harris V. Bear, superintendent Thinking for hours and hours; of public schools in Miamisburg, is Oh where can I find the best of men , I to be congratulated on the re co rd To work this plan of our . his schools made in th e War Sav- Up and spake his counse lor, ings campaign last year. In a cir- vVho sat at his right knee; cular issued by the Ohio War Sav- Otterbein has th e best of men , ing di vis io n of the State D epa rt- That I can find fo r thee. ment of Pub li c lnstruction Miamis- Wilson wro te a personal letter burg is credited with one of th e And signed it with hi s hand ; finest records in Ohio and th e entire Sent it to Doctor Clippinger, nited States. Mr. Bear h as ap- The patriot of our land. pealed to th e city to enabl e the The firs t lin e that the Doctor read sc hool children to mak e anoth er A loud laugh laughed he g r eat record in 1919 · The next lin e that the Doctor read, '87 . Samuel F. Morrison and Mrs. A tear blinded hi s ee. Morrison of Anderson, Indiana, were O who is this ha done this deed, guests last week at the home of Mrs\ This ill deed done to me J. W. Jones (O live Morrison). ' 88 , To order me to organize on outh Vine street. A unit of S. A. T. C.

Satisfaction Guaranteed


OPTICAL DEPARTMENT E yes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles all styles.



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Gl)QDMA"f~ ~BROTHF~RS JEWELER.S ----------

No. 8 5 Norn H H1GH Sr. ·

Make Y our Old Hat New with



Mi ss Gladys Nichol s, who was );lake ha ste , make ha te my worthy librarian of the High School Library men all, in Dover, Ohio, recently accepted a We train for our brave army position in the library at South Bend, I say my Doctor dear, Indiana. 1 fear ome deadly harm. '17. Rev. J. 0. Todd and wife of Los Late. late yestereen I read a sad line, Angele . California. are receiving con- But a joke wa in it s depths; gratulation on the birth of a little And I fear , I fear my Doctor dear, one in their home on February 6. Mr. Le t 0. C. lo e it pep. Todd is now pastor of the FirS t The fighting notion entered here United Brethren church of Lo An- And co~ered our real spirit; geles. But soon the Allies closed the war, ' 15, ' 15. Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Leari h And we got our share 0f credit. (lva Harley ) of Braddock, I ennsyl- O long, long may our ladies it vania. have been visiting Mr . Lear- \ i' their kerchiefs in their hand ; i~h's parent in Dayton, Ohio. And hope to see o ld Otterbein

Make Your Old Waist New with

ALADDIN SOAP Hoffman's Rexall Store Westerville, Ohio

New Model Restaurant SODA FOUNTAIN Any Kind of Sandwiches, Home-Made Pie11


Special Orders any Time


Regular Lunches or Dinners

'· \

Oysters and Fresh Fish


' 03. On the evening of February 13 members of the congregation of Rev. C. W. nyder, pastor of the United Brethren church at New Haven. Ohio, came to the parsonage, bringing with th em a fine donation of provision and money for the pa tor and his family.

A military band. 0 long, long may the ladies stand Neath the shade of Cochran Hall; \ aiting for their soldi er boys To pass like a moving wal l. \ Half o'er, half o'er to India There's a la st great battle heap; 1 '13. At the meeting of the Cen tral There's the end o~ S. A. T. . Ohio Farmer ' Institute held in Wes- Wi' the Kaiser at its feet. toner terville thi month, Clifford H. Moss F.


Orders over the Phone Westerville, 0,

North State St.

--Specia l on F in e Perfum es and Face C ream s a nd So aps.

DR. KEEFER, The Druggist



' \


W hen yo u got I

Keller & McElwee's Yo u a re

ure to get

yo u r m oney' wo r t h.









Candies, Nuts and Staple Groceries See WILSON, The Grocer No. 1 S. State St.

THE TAN AND CARDINAL And There Was Darkness. piece, and the la t donation from Any lonesome wande,·er chanc in g til e old hom estead has fa iled to ar­ to pa s the dormitory in the wee riv e on time. :'\otJ1ing to do but write for anmall hours wi ll find, o n lookino- at the 111assi1·e tructurc, that all is I ot her check. Thus the war and o ld hlackncss. Xo naughty maiden may·, H . C. L. ha•;e combi ned to make 1 now it up after ten to make her 1·a i11 all the students· effo rts to leepy brains work eno ugh to write tretch dad's once liberal allowance tomorrow· · theme or di g out to- to do all the things it did once. mor r w· · French. That is, he may .\ nd so the boys are taking up not it in the full glare of the elec- with the ·oca Cola girls, heretofore tric Ji g-ht. :'\o more i the light slighted but now coming into their ((Uc tion a matter of YOli tio n. Tht> own, for the old brown drmk till maid.en may be itting deeply en- I come in five-cent glasse I gro fed in bota ny study o:·, in fact The \\'esleyan Tran cript. anything. when uddcnly without , Every day, the troop trains pas ing anw warning, he finds herself in an aby of midnight blackne ss. Then through Athen are met by a crowd th ere occ urs a wild scramble after of co-eel~ from Ohio University. The a candle which he left ver on the girls are in evidence with mu ic and bookca ·e the nig-ht before. ln case sweets as the train arrive, and do he line!~ the candle, after falling their best to cheer up th e overseas 1 over chairs and table·, and in ca ~ boys . The other evening a train due she find· a strav match with whi : h at ~:30 arrived at 8:00. The tring of to kindle the ca,;dlc. she may it and coaches ·was dark as the train slid into


tudy by it uncertain li ght as lon g a~ there i~ a hred of it le ft. A it wa said before-there was darkne s-a, fir as electricity is concerned. So the que ·tion in the n11,H! of the chance pas ·e rhy is anwered-tl.c Ji ,,h ts go c:>Ut at ten o'clock.

Page Five

Name Cards for College Folks Printed Ca rds for either m en o r w o men, $1 for 50, or $1.25 for 100. P rices for Engraved Stock on A pplication.

The Bucke ye Printing Co. Both T elephones

W est Main St.


See the Quality Shop For up-to-Date Cleaning and Pressing.



the s tat io n; one or two of the boys 1 here and there poked their head · o ut of the windows. and seeing the crowd/ of two hundred or more peo1)le and the p pcorn, apples and chocolate that awaited them. soon rou eel their comrades, and in a few secor'.ds. heads were poked out of every window and hands eagerly grabbed the ea ts. Rail: eerie E dward Gym. I 11-ay .'ge11t J o hn · on has iss ued ~ : "' Ti111c·· •\f tcr any V arsny . warning to the girls regarding the I ga:ne. • darigerous J) ractice of baking hand r'' he co 111es down the ta1rs wr es ting with g lo1·e and furs. , I wly. with the soldiers a . the train begins j almo t . II t ome of the boy seem; . c1esperatc ly. he dis ntangle to pu ou · . . 1 h1111 elf f . t to be th ough tie s and are inclined to rom t 11e ma cu 1111e 111 0 1> a ' . I k I . ' hold the girls' hands a little to o long. the foot of h t e tep . 1c ta ·e 11s i • • tl · J a.rill, and t I ;~1 ,,t.h. · Ther is dauger 11 1. this of ,e. gir ,-; oget , er t11-ey 1- . eu.... · · · Way through the crowd to the wa lk being p ulled un der the train . be low C . . . ti · 111111g through v1crorrous, Once a year the newsboys of a cert iey add their bit to the wear and tain district in London are taken for • I Thames by a genear on the walk that leads to Bun ·· or the Greek· an outing up t1e · tleman of the neighborhood. where ' afel . ~: · I1e art' con - , th ey f Y w1th 111 the mirrored ha 11 they can bathe to t I1e1r . Orce themseh e into ea t trat 1 1>ringti1 tent. B'l l · em face to face aero s a One little bov observed, .. J say. 1 , Pre e ntl)' , u ually narrow tahl e1·er I . e. ain't ye r dirty?"' 0 . a Prtc1ou minute later, a se r·•Yes." replied n 1· 11, "J missed the I·11or .. Hanel by to ask their want·. · 1~ r t }ear." 0 \\' tra111 ~ · · C pecial,'' she murmurs ()ftly . . ================-==_==_=_==_==_==~~__::__::__:::;=~~\ \ 1 ..,fter · r k ffll 1 trea Ur a ivrried in1·entory f !11s Ge t our prices on J ae ~on . to e Pouch. the youth manages N o. 2, 4-inc h w ·es t Vir ginia Spl_mt, 1 \ga P' '·G·1m me a le 111011 coke." ::nd th e be 3 t e-rade o f H oc k ng • I nd a ti · 1· 1· · I d. Pears le coo lll g l(!UI( 1sapt & Co I 100111 - an_d th<: bottom of the glass , H. L. Bennet ' Pock hrg, h1 pirit fall ·. for 111" 62-64 N. State St.



est Main Street

Otterbein Students




Remember the folks at home with a picture.

Baker ·A rt Gallery



•---------------------------------= :==================================================================


Crane Stationery, Memo Books, Popular Copy­ rights, Penn an ts and Wall Paper

---·----= University Bookstore If

et ho:::l:::d:::s= o=n~c~~l~e~n~d~c~r= t~ ~1~·0~ =l= >i=t~~-;-;-;-;-;-;~~~~~-:-:_:_:_:_~-~-~-~-~:=-~~:::::::=" ~

Are You Insured?

not Why not?

A. A. RICH, As~nt


Call Citizen 21 or Bell 147 -R, for

Special for one week only, starting Monday, March 3.

J.Age E. HANSON' The GClean-Up Man t f ral Laundry Work and

Ladies' Skirts sponged and pressed .......................................................... 35c Men's Suits sponged and pressed .............................................................. 50c

Pee~ or Acme Laundering Company, . ene and Sanitary Pressers r ess Dry Cleaning Co. Dry Cleaners, 0 yers . Headquarters-12 E . College Ave., Westerville, Home S Ubscriptions taken for The Country Gentleman, Ladies Journal, Saturday Evening ~ 0st · Prompt Service-Best Service ......,,


Before selecting your spring suit, see our line of woolens. All Work Guaranteed.

Prices Reasonable.







Edna Del lin ger . .'\lice Abbott, Leor?i Gocheno ur. Helen Bovee. leo Cop­ pock, J\J ay Freeman. Theo Staats and Marie . taab attended the art exhibit lumbu s at th e arnegie Library in l'ettit \V edne day evening. 1\~is s chaperoned th · party.


Drawn Ex­

clusively for Kibler

To a casual obser\'er the bridge might be an interes ting place these · go d-1 oking night s. J hn Eyer of Camp Sherman visit­ ed Otterbein friends Sunday. Let us measure you for your next E. J. orris.-Adv.


Ralph Haller of Dayton pent th e week-end with v\/esterville friends. Prof. and Mr.. Fritz entertained at dinner Thursday evening. ove1· were laid for Miss R uth J ac kson, Prof. New ton, Rev. ourtenay, the host and hostess. Splendid assortmen t of Men's Dre. Gloves. E. J. Norri .-Adv. One wo ul d a lm ost have thought that o ld times had returned when those hymn books were g lued down. Saturday evening the fo llo wing peo­ p le enjoyed a feed at the Metzgar house: Mary Tinstman, Gladys Yo­ kum, enevieve l\lu llin, Beatrice Fish­ er, Hazle Payne, Leora Gochenour, Ramey Hub er, Gordon Howard, "Bill" Vance, Vaughn Bancroft, H er­ bert Meyers, and 1 aymond Holling­ er.


r)t ...

: ;•

\\'e wonder what has become of the occasional sere nade. There hav heen , ,·e ral ideal nights for this but we ha vc heard not even one. \ Ve could almost endure a comb serenade with becoming grace.



Faye Byers wa, cal led home last \Vednesday on account of the death of her grandm ther. Tuesday ev_ening. Dr. eci le Griel. j a representative of the :\'ational Y. \V . ·. A. was as gue st at dinner. o to -Adv.



Li ll ie v\ 'aters has been list the past week.


''The Best Values Under the Sun."


n the sick

Lois lark i spending a few day at her home in \Villard, hi o.

As clothing peciali t -o utfittin g m o r e lie a- m e n than all oth er oluml LL tor s c mbin ed- the big Yihler Oro-a nizati n kn tyle needs and I attern pre fe renc Let Your Spring Suit be a

Velma 'winger took Theo taat home with her to New :\Iad ison ove r the week-end. Helen Bo\'ee went hom e with leo oppock t \\ est l\lilton for a few 1 days.


Ladies' Phoenix Silk Hosiery. Ladie,' N otaseme ilk Lisle Ho e. E. ]. Norri -.-Adv. Margaret Hawley wa ca lled to her home in Arcanum, 0. 'a turday even­ ing on account of the death of her father. The Tan and ardinal ex­ tend s · ympathy to Iargaret 1·11 lier so:::'· 'ellman'

sis ter, C lara

man, from To ledo, Ohio, i here this week.



1v1ery l Black visited over the weekend in Zane ville.


-it 'la t-m oment " in tyle-arid you'll appreciat the Kihl r one-third a, in°· price a y u a-o alon ·, ettino­ g reat wear and hape tabilit_, o ut of Kibler quality fab­ ric and fine tailorin o- .


$15 and $17.50 22

w. Spr1·nd


Two Stores in Columbus -33 in the United States

$22.50 to $30 7 W. Broad

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