1919 03 17 The Tan and Cardinal

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ANNIV ERSARY Of BEN R. HANBY , '58 O tterbein

G rad u a te

a nd




HciC:ell::erg Vict or in O ne- Sided B as- , Bill Pa:sed b y W hich Ex-Solcier;; and I kc t B all Ga me Las t Sat urday N ight.

Auth or

" D arli ng N e lly Gray"



No. 18.

Sailors W ill R ecei ve $50 Extra Pay.

D ied



Inte r class Chamr,ionship S e ries Ends \Vith Freshman Boy.; and S enior

tterbein's vars:ty ba ~k c·t-ba ll t eam That O tt erbein ex- o!die r and Girh Victorious Teams. played the las t garne of th e sea,ou a t sailors \\"ill recei,·e sixty dollar exANTI-SLA VERY S O N G FAM O US H eide lberg, Saturday night. Al- 1 tra pay is a fact o-ratefully r ecei,·ed C L'ASS SPIRIT RU N S H IG H t h o ugh the game i11 many r e pect by the st ud ents here. Acco rding t o I 1 Bronze T a b! e t m . L I"b r a r y 1s . S t a n 1._,. . m g was a very. fast one. yet . it lacked .the instn ctions g i,·e n out in printed . / G a m e-~ Nip and T uc k - All F our . / pep o f mid- se a so n playing. Durrng I form the pa t week e,·ery o lche;- T W II M M emonal in App r e cia t io n of · . earns e - a ::hed-Tea m Work th e fi r s t t en minutes of play. the O . . and sailor who sen·ed during the 1 So n g a n d Auth or. boys were Jead111g and ,1·e re p rO\" ing a . prt em war will recei, e t wo month s; . C ounts for S enior Girls. Fifty -t wo Y ea r s Ago.

unday , .\larch 16. marked the fif ty- match for th ei r opponent. A lu cky/ t"Xtra pay. a pro,·i ion included in the . l:1 the intercla s cha·npionship econcl anniversary of th e deH h of hot by H e idelb erg started the ball ne\\" re,·enuc hill recently passed by isa·11ey layed Thur~clay night the ·enBen1aniin f<. Hanby. known all o,·cr I rolling and they walked away with Cong-ress. 1or . g , rl s won from t he S phomores An,enca a the compo er o f the im - the remainder of the half. :h~ Ther_e are ome. few exceptional by a •core 8 to 2 a•HI th Freshmen 11lorta! ,o;1 . •·Dai-l ing Nelly Gray." sc re of the tir t half wa 26-G c;. es _111 th, cxclu 1011 o_f men w_ho fcllo\\"s won fro: 11 t he ."enior~ by a Hi re ting place is in Otterbein again t 0. " ·ere inducted or called 11110. . en1cc core of 17 to 11. Th •se game. were cellletery with a modest monument .\ t the beginnrng of the econ cl before ); o,·emher hut who did not / foug l~t nip and tuck and the enthu iand thi brief ii', . c np · t·o .. \ ,o, r the half. Otterbein" qu intet played perreport ••prior to that time. / asfc crowd was quite carried away , .1 I 11. • . . •• • . . 1 ·~ 1.ent . ea Pa •s u_, 8 en1am111 · · R . Ha iii)" lost t.1eir ..\:J;).Jcat1011 for tlH" honu ·es · hould playmg of the team · ". feet ha ket-hal l. but ,0011 . . . 1.,> the hnll1ant . - larch 16, 1867." adrnntagc. The re :11amder of the be made to Zone F111a11c~ Offi~er. fhc contest111g 1>arties were well . \\ 'hen .\fr. Hanby was a sophomore game. poor pas ,~·ork and _1'.1isjuclg- 1 Lemon _Bldg., \\' ashin_gton. D. C.. ac- 1 ·1atched and put up a st iff battle. Ex11~ college. in 1856. he wrote Dar ling eel ~hots c~aractcnzed 0. C._s_ p!a~-- co:11pa11 1ed hy the d1 c 1arge c~rtih- 1c.-e llent team work ancl wonderful en­ • • · - 1, o t 1· 11 ,.... ,, The hnal J6-l 111 cate, o r relief if durance .made 1. 11c ong1n k. el!y Grav., ,. 1s . score stood • . . order for chscharge . , the game a fine one• nown except that it grew out of the fa,or of lle1delber ". 1· ~ and ..-\I- no ch charge wa I sued. Be ure to 1 The girls game w:h fought with compo~er's sympathy for the slaves hri~ht scored for Ott_erhein. µ-in~ tht' acldre s to which the check 1_o t . 0 _f _pep. _B01h t~ams -eem~d to f the ·outh Ti, foll .· tor,· ·, 't'l>·t;n- i 11·: \lhn ht for H 1-,i role sent a1<1 paper. returned. lhr nd cldliculty Ill locat1ng the goal but 1 t0 I . e o" m , . - . .. l' fi It i· ad,isahk to ha,·e the dis- ,cnore .'") t nall br' the •iarm d a. the incident "·hich in pired liw,er. Hollinger foi .fryer., .feyer· Y~ung Hanby. He \\"as 011 a trip to for . \!bright. R. C. rox for Hol- charg recorded in the ·ou nty Re- b~ makmg a pretty baske_t from the Cincinnat' I" c· · t" lingtr. <·order· office htfore mailing the 1111 cJdle of th e floor. The Sophomore Gaz " t. rcac ing the .. 111c1nna I . ,_.ere unable to bucket a ho .• ette and his attention \\"a drawn Lme-up: origina l. ··1d t'1e h lf I l .., tat first ( on • Otterbein Heidelberg ____ I"' ' a en< , w,.,1 a ,co,·e of t1nued on page two.) I . Saygcr to 0. The ophomores played hard 1 F -------l·ree'.,ian ~- · Michaels Topics for S pecial Service3. and fast in the cond half ancl lfarlhnght L. F. Fox C. J\fa ida The s1>ecial e,·angelis tic . ervice at ontmucd on pag~ two .)







Drenched While Under Cover. Diclja ever get soaked while u I nc er a protecting roof? I, re •cent 1 and ii ippmger >out twenty st dent· of Otte l u " a111011g r >ein ' ·severa l co - eel th en, aw' l1alf lo other" " a c zen ' \\·ere victim· of • uch a mishap durin . We g aturday' s torm . They I re aboard the 12:.30 olumltts -\\'es terville car. ".'' "ar LinI "' c en th e car ra 11 111 · t o a 11,all lake • 111 the treet. The force of the rai,ed a trap door in the f11Vater oor a 11 I I ·111 < as ong a· the car was motion a steady curre nt of Water poured in and . oaked eteryone · in th e fron t half of tie ill-fated car

er ·




,, uc · your heads" or ·'Fee t ~P th ey creamed b ut ome eac1 3 we ll a ome feet were Wet ju t tl1e ame.

------==-------Cecil B


e n nett Sends S o u venirs.

ce~rd. 311d Mrs. \\'m . Bennett have re· · C Ae a bo x f rom t heir on Mus1c1an c~p ·. Bennett with the Army of Ocat1011 no . G .. a nu w 111 ermany conta111111g mber 0 f G ouv . erman and French war en1r .



cc· .

Meyer· I~. G. \\"_elker 1the L'nited l>rcthren church wil_l con- 1 Another O. C. G raduate Dies f-follinocr L. G. Delhn"C'" tinue throughout the week, begmn1ng \\' "ll f . • .'ltlio,,ugli Otterhein"s lia,ket ball 1each night at se,·en_ o'clock_·. There I D e tffervi e nencl_s 0f Re,·. Glenn ""' I pa ord tie l l l . ,t the whole been ,uc- w:11 be !>Ong and pra1,e • erv1ce to be· · r >em gra, uate of the eason ,a~ 11 v 011 . cla s 1913 · d f I t times it Ins , emed to ha,e r gin with. The meetings have greatly h" · · • were gn ve to hear of ce,.s u · a · '· · . . • • is death on la t Tin ·cl • \I . I 3 f tie everal 1ncrea~ed 111 attendance and u11ere t. . · . tr s 3.} .. a1 c 1 I , 1 o ld time ··pep". O ~ome · f.or tl11· w ek wtll • at ,,.the 1ty lfosp1ta l, L•-.nca t er. O h10. · . • 0 11 the home floor ,timulated I ·ome of the topics victories I S ror the la t fo11r or fi R th ·asm and pride of the tube a foll ws: unclay morning, "A ff d ive years ev. t 11e en u. 1 • · I 1• • I • fl 3 or ha, been fightin · cl ·I · h will be tested agam 1n t 1e Kmgdom that annot >e haken"; g agamst ent_ "11c s a•on Que,tion of the tate of the oul after 1ung trouble. He spent ome time in coming ba eball . e • . unday e ,·en ing, " an the ou l be Colorado and al~o co nsulted the :\Iayo Crother 111 M1nne•ota h t I b Base Ball P rospects Disc ussed. De,troyed '"; l\Ionday evening, "The . . . · • u 1e o .. T .. . ~ f tamed little relief. · of Deat 11 : ueH1ay . anng 1'ower o ·oach wain called a meeting Christ." . R~v. p~ITord wa., married and lived all ha chall pro P:cl in the Ag~·mAll are welcome to these . er- m irclev1lle, Ohio where he was pasla · t \\ edne day. out tor of the local l 111· 1 d n 113 1·um The difficulty j vices, t he pastor says. and are invited C h . ' e _Drethren twenty men were out. a bat- to th ink with u about the e thin gs ur c 11 unti 1 recent ly when ill health be selec ti ng forced him to ret" f ,eem to cl ca tch er which are not tem po ral but are there- J"f ire rom trenuou . 1 e. tery. Ilo th pitcher an fore e te rnal and do not pa away. mu t be chosen from. ~he ne,~ re- - - - - - - -While Ill tt rb in Mr. pa/ford ·t ln fact no po 1t1011 cmchtoo k an active part in o il l"f cnu . wain k d that H . ege I e. eel. Coac h remar e 0 . C. S t ud ents A ttend B a nquet. e sang in th e Otterbein quartet, wa d e,·ery man ha an equa l chance all .\ number of Otterbein student. a member of th e Y. M. . cabinet ' I nd hard work will land and took deep interest in hr1·c t1"a11 only rcgu ar a attended the banquet at the Fifth E d ~ 1 a place o n the team. Avenue L". B. chu rch held in olumnil eavor work Hi s whole life in Pro pective pitcher are: C. L. bu atur day evening. The gue ts, ~o ege and el ewhere was characterized _b)'. a po itive influence for good l;o "',· a11d Leslie Dano. Four men bwill t among whom were Uni ted Brethren a cl t 1 co1~1pete for the place behind tie ~ . tud n t of O hio tate and repre- n I i. ac1 that dea t h should claim o ne _ ~ yo ung and so well fitted for I-rolll·nger, Ho\1.·ard. E,·an and Mil- entati,·e from tterbein, numbered Chn tian ervice. ler. d · b re fifty. A ft e r a deliciou dinner servA hort funera l se r vice wa held in Other who expect to Ian JO a Lehman, Bu ch, Gib on, prout, eel at ta b les decorated in honor of l. Lanca ter on Friday and h is body wa \\'ell ' Hovermale, Martin, Powell Patrick, the gue t Ii t e ned t o ome take_n to hi s old h m e in Michigan intere ting t oa ts. for 111terment. and Albri«ht.

Page TY:o




FRESHMEN CARRY AN -IVERSARY O F Through \ ineyard lopes abo,·e and .\ncl all within benea th the denseCLASS H O N O RS B E N R. HANB Y, '58 rolling gra in. ~et trees. ( ontinued from page one.) (Co nt inued from page one.) \\' ind off t o that dim corner of the Ta ll a11d luxuriant the rank gras, vel Sebert added to the excitement by to a slave sale in Kentucky: :\ielly skies g rows. scoring tw o points for them. It wa s Gray. a beautiful l\lulatto girl_. was \\"he re hehincl uns et hill a stately That e ttled in its wavy depths one .I th en that the Senior girls go't busy among the list of la ves_ so ld. She city lie -. sees and by a series of good pass111g end- wa - to be taken to Georgia. far away Herc. among tree whose ,:e r- 1 G,·ass melt in lea,·es. the mo sy 0 ed the half with a score of 8 to 2. I fro111 home, early . cenes , kindred and whelming hade trunks between. d Lineup: I her lover. This account created an tr ew ]Jetals 0 11 the l'ttl d Down fading a ,·enue of implicate , e ron . eI ot. 1lr. S eniors Sophomores 1111pres,io11 upon t I,e min belo\\', . ~s green -A lan S ee ger . I nd th th Katheryn \.Varner R. F. Marvel Sebert Hanby a ugge ted e eme for Patterin town ward m the mornm g Vida \\' ilhelm L. F . Edna H ooper / the _song.. He made a sketch of this weighed / Lenore Ra)·ot C. Mildred Deitsch famtl,a,· a,r on the tram and when he \\.. 1th g1·eens from many an upland Gladys wigart R7 G, Lucile Warson I returned home that same night in the o-a rcl e n-row , Beatrice~ ha fer L. G. Olive Givin little white house on West Home an o ld wall: long centuries L , I street at 162, completed "Darling Run Summary: Fie ld goa 1s enorc l'ielly Gray." ha,·e frayed Rayot 3 Katheryn Warner 1, MarI ts scalloped edo-e, and pa er ' • . S op I10Of the many song· that were writto . vel Sebert I. ubst1tut1onsand fro C f · 01 . G. . ten to adva n ce the ant,- Javery cau e, more. Edythe ave or 1ve 1v111 . .. 0 I"111 IN II G ., b B H Hea r d . ne\'er beyond its crumbling Referee-Mr. Fox. ' ar g e Y_ ray. Y. en anheight · ' hy here 111 \V estervtlle m the old The battle between the Senior a nd white hou se, alone retain s a measure weet laughter ring at noon or plain­ Fre shm en fellow was waged wi th of its old time popularity. The mel­ tive song at night. enthu ia m. Both team se t up a ody and the word survive because of .\nd crowning other part the wi ld terriffic pace and were fighting too th their intrinsic beauty. and if the white ros e and nail at the fina l gun shot. Floor words of the poet are true. the song Ri,·al the honeysuck le with the work counted most and in thi s the I II 1· f A s 1a 1ve on, or •· thing of beauty bees. Freshmen exce ll ed, completely out- is a joy forever." .\hove the o ld abandon ed orchard phying the . eniors in the la t minute It is interesting in this co nnection shows of the game. to know that Mr . Kate Hanby. who During the first half the scoring li\'es _in lhamba, Cal., is Otterbein's 1 wa almo t even but the Freshmen o!de t living graduate, a member of : played hard and fast and ended the the cla~ of '57. half with the sco re of 12 to 10. The i .\ bronze tablet to his memory and econd half continued to be clo e I in appreciation for the famed song is but the Freshmen by their excellent i11 the co rriclo,· of the Otterbein Col­ team ,,·01·k and superior basket ·hoot- lege Library. Students and alumni ing forced the Seniors to bow to the of Otterbein, hi s alma mater, cherish score of 17 to 11. hi, memory and hi ong. Lineup: S eniors Freshmen THE DE S E R T ED GARDEN Palmer R. r-. prout I kno v a villa "'e in a far -off land Wood L. F. .\lartin \\'here from a sunny, mountain- i Replogle Lehman ircled plain iddall R. G. Fox \\' ith tinted wall a pace on either Evan L. G. Rohrbaugh hand Summary: Field goals - Palmer .\nd fed hy many an olive-clarkcn.3, Re1>logle I, Martin 3. prout eel lane 4, Lehman I. ul goal~- idclall 3. The high-road mounts, and thence a Lehman 1. Referee-Mr. . antler ·. ii : er band, &







::.::.::.== - ==========-=----


The Union Offers Special I Values in Hart, Schaff­ Is your furnace peculiar? ner & Marx J ackson Hill No. 2 Spring Suits West Virginia Splint i and Over­ Hocking Lump







of these will your furnace.


H. L . Bennett Co. 62-64 N. State St.

DARLIN G NELLY GRA Y There's a I w, green valley, on the old Kentu cky \,Vhcr l ' vc whiled many happy hours away, ,A itting and a singing hy the little cot tage door, \\/he re lived my darling elly Gray.


va lu e; fo r m n who d ern anc real CJ u a 1 1· t y ':1nd


C. W. REED, Grocer

horu Oh ! my poor Nelly Gray, they have taken you away, And 1'11 neve r see my darling any more; I am itting by the river and I am weeping all the clay, · for y u've gone from the old Kentucky hore. \\'hen the m ·11 had climbed the mountain and the tar too, . Then l'd take my darling , elly Gray, nd we'd fl,;>at clown the river in my little reel canoe, \-\'hile my banj sweetly I would play. ·

ne night I went to ee her, but " he's gone'' the neighbor The white man bound her w ith hi chain; , They have taken her to Georgia for to wear her life away . he t ils in the cotton and the cane. '

J. ay,

My canoe i. under water and my banjo i- unstrung · I'm tired of living anymore; ' My ye shall look downward, and my ong shall be un ung, \ , hile I tay on the old Kentuck y shore.

-Benjamin R. Hanby, 'SS.

Tbe be t clo th es to

buy, becau -e t h e Y 0·1ve v u th e m o t fo r b II yo ur m o n e .\ -- a wool· l1a n c.l - ta!.Joreel;_ ' ?J. cleve rh· ty l ecl- ,.,

F . Ewin g W inifred R eed Proprietors

ar an;

New Spr ing Dress Goods I A n:ce lin e of

ly eyes arc getting blinded, and I can not .ee my way Hark! there's omebocly knocking at the door' Oh! 1 hear the angel calling, and I ee my elly Gray· Farewell to the old Kentucky hore. ' horus to La t tanza Oh my darling Nelly Gray, up in heaven there they ay That they'll never take you from me any more· I'm a coming, comi ng, coming, a the angels clear 'the way Farewell to the old Kentucky hore. '

mart ty le-

Now is the Time for Spreads. What ever you need we have it.

were -hining

Taffet as, Sati ns, C r ep e de beautiful shades


Chines in



F ashion P k H a r t , Schaffner · Marx -- N ew Wai st, Seam Suits at ____ $30, $35 to$ 50

and at a p rice tha t will be sure t o sell t hem. C ome and loo k the m o ver.

The Scofie.ld Store Corner of S tate and

Main S t

I reets i w==============================~


~===========~==== ========r=======:e:::=:===="'~T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j_P~a~g}e} Ti_h~r-e ·

to the dignity and o lemnity of th e 1 An Artists' Course for Otterbein. r C. W. STO U G HT ON, M . D . so~ervice, but, if we want a se lfish r eaEthelynde Smith, American 30 0 , would d ign ify and profit u s al O, j prano, who was brought here by th e 31 W. C ollege Ave. Our church was dedicated to the Ladies ' Glee C lu b last winter, dePublished Weekly in the int;rest of W esterville, Ohio wo rship ot God , but many of us_ lighted eHryone wh o neard h er. Otterbein by the me B ell P hone 190 Citizen Phone 110 s eem to think that the building ex is ts Since her "isit th ere has been so OTTERBEIN PUBLISHir G , for our spec ial benefit, and we u s e it talk of introducing an artists' c.ou r se BOARD, ' a s we would a tea p rt)•-an oppor- as a regular yearly feature of sch ool Westerville, Ohio he' Member of the Ohio College · P ress tunit y for gossip and the ex change of life. The ente rtainment s which T·ery G. H . MAYHUGH, M. D . recipes. Redpath offer are sometimes , Association 'vVh not begin now to prove t o God good and sometimes very infer ior. son East Colleg e Ave. . STAFF that ,~e do have some worthy ideals :\t best it i a gamble for the per Ed e f ........ H e I en K .e II er, ' 20 about the respect due Hi s church and I who buys a sea on ticket. If we had A. itor-in-Chi . Bell 84-R ' s 1 t_a nt Editor .... Esther H arl e.y, '21 tint we intend living up to them? j an Artist s' Cou r e, and by that we P hones-C itizen 26 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ mean a series of conc erts by r ea lly ontnbuting EditorsH · I · t 5 famous mus1c1ans, 1t wou Id Iiave a Helen Bovee ' 'I 9 r Grace Armentrout ','19 Ad vice to Amateu r o r ttcu . . Business M . t uns · I two-fold result : First 11 would g ive D R. W . M. GANTZ .'\ssis gr._.. K a theryn Warner, 19 The seaso n is approaching when a the people of the college and to wn ent tant Busme s Managersmaiden's thoughts turn to a c_harn~ing J'abl e o urce o f entertainm Dentist 1 1 111 Vir.g inia Blagg, '22 garden plot .in which her 1mag a dr et 11ere b y o ff er an oppor t um·t y for , f - a- an Bell P h one 9 11 Myrna Frank, 21 ti on fo ndly picture s a ma 5 0 1>n - I 11· t'o 1 of a taste fo r r eal . 1rculati M , . 1 t 1e c u 1va 1 1 C 15 W . C o ll ege Ave. Westerville A on . gr. :· Mary S iddall, 19 iant color. from wh1c 1 comes. a per- , music among a greater percentage of th i tant C1rcu lat1 on Managersfume that rivals that for which e J peop Ie, an d secon d . 1' t won Id b e an \ . , . Mary Tmstman, ,20 Orient 1s fam :> us. _ effect i\'e mean of advertisin g Ott erEl kh o rn C heese V a r ie ties, P imento Athletic Edi Marvel Sebert, ,21 But, be advised , oh fair one_ b~ bein. Very many of the co ll ege a nd and Kra ft w ith H ead Lettuce and local Ed' tor .... Cleo Coppock, 19 one who knows through ad expen I uni\"ersities of the county do upp ort th ochrai~ ~~or --;----.----- Hazle Payne, ' 21 ence. the s ting of whi~h not even e s uch cou rse s and conside r them a M a y o nnais e D r e ssing make an eleall Editor, memory of a peculiarly becom ing ,·ital part of their c h oo l life. \ Ve gan t sandwich . Aluninal EI' Ru th Hooper. 19 garden hat can eras e. may start in a mod est way, the Ii rst M OS E S & STOCK 9 Exchange -~~t_or .. Pro(. A. ?uitner, : ~ Imagine for , o ur se lf the feeling s of time bring only two or three arti st a Literary Ectii~;r .. E~ 1th Bi~gham, ,: one wh :i ft e" l· o pefull!' car ing for a here, and gradua lly w o r~ up to .... Vida Wilhelm, 9 tender g cc 11 th "!l' which the gentle larg e co ur se. The fi nan cia l succe ss th ed . . t Th bree zes had cali ( d from benea th e of the expe rim e nt would be insur Addre s all co at Ot terbein Tan mmun1cat1ons o e · . d fatal d C d' "' so il, kipped 11110 th e gar en one by the a le of easo n ticket 1 20 vv . 1I· an arma, r,t tht ·I1ehad . · ain t., \Ve tervill OI • morning. on ly to ,nc. a s moderate pnce . Sub riptt . . on Price, e,I.SO 110. . I1111 . g-an on,·0 11'· I This is a new idea for Otterbe 111. Per Year, ! been chens ty payable in advance . j o beware! Don't get _u nd uly e~- , and may appear to some as a •· pret 111 ., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cited! Don't se e a pot e ntial violet bi o- bite'' for a c ho o l o f this iz e. . of gre e n! Tl iat mo cIes t ' But "' we feel that at lea t the proJe · ct Se i:.nte re d as econd class matter every sprig 21 W. Main S t. ;t Pl~iber 25, 1917, · at the postoffice s hrinking violet ma y turn c ut to be is worthy of consideration and wou Id rs March e terville, 0 ., under act of pepper grass in embryo!. be happy to hear what our reade 3, 1879. Who know s ? Nobody 111 th e ;vorld think of it pro and con. THE OTTERBEIN










Westerville Auto Sales Overhauling Vulcanizing

Acceptanc f . . . I but Mother Earth, and s he w 11 t tell rate of e or mailmg at spec1a t'I A Chance for Improvement. 1 she gets go o d and ready. 110 A po tage provided for in Sec. un All kind s G e neral Repair Wo r k. " l f a body meet a body 3 ct' ct of Oct. 3, 191 7, authorized H .1 To lly Sain t ! a1 , • . t .. · - - - · 24 , 1918. 1 II om in' frae the town, 5 11 Hail ' aint Patrick! J ) Y :1 w .. 1 the corner of your m outh u :_-tu•:11 :' ( If a body g reet a bod.: , and the mi c hief bea :11,ng 111 ) <><If . :-(eed a body frown? EDITORIAL "'\ • ' I vaited :i whole 1 g '' \Ve blue eyes! \ 'e ia ve ' f \\,'hat's th e use of go111g a Ion O shall need not to he afraid t hat we year to see you take th e buuclle with your head up in the air, pa sin g The ~o too far in serving ot h e r s. good l rish jokes out of your green a fellow-student a if he did no t d The College Avenue everre I nod anger that any o f u s w 1·11 carpe t - b ag an d we are loath t o I see exist? cheery ''H e IIo. " or ·'G oo go to f ney after iav· . I mornin o-" costs nothin g, but it va lu e love . 0 ar in the work of active you start on your Jour MEAT MARKET th e of I'here i~ no like lihood t h at any ing remained only a day wi us . 1 i inestimable. lf our college wer . . Will I . can never deve 1 k11 d )ecome too bountiful. too Try a · we may. we a large one, there might be some ex I 1 ' to be I I f . of le p ul to his neighbor. " op the natura I• I)orn se n e of rnmor cuse but not in a schoo l t I1e 1ze 1 1 • d.111 Jrihman w1et1er -Hare. that is foun an ' 8 th Otterbein . d a street-cleaner washwoman. o 'Why - D- - - - - -- . , ormiles and the capacThe year is far enoug I1 a d va nce Choice Cut Flowers and Cors age e O You Go to Church? \VI have expansl\ e d h d hile the that we sho uld know most of th Bouque t s. e iat do ? . t laugh long an ar ' w . I I hy you go to ch u rch fo r . 1ty o . I . 11 J lood in us stl'dents by sight at ea t. )ut om \v a Qua lity Best-Prices Right "every cIO we I1ave church services. · ? re t of u. with. no tie ns J·oke ) J>enetrates. I of u actually boa t, "I d on 't k now 0 ne of k now s t h e answer to mus·t wa it unt1 1 1 Id h o e t I1at are 111 · S. State St. Citizen 345 e e u. do without ·oul except t my th 1s CJuesf VI earth wou we · • • ? H ions. but unfor tu nate ly a \ 1at on · B 'cl t? cla -es.. \Vhose fault 1s 1t. a,·e llreat n ge · ~ · ff n1any f . 1o'.·a a nd Pa t and . k ou will live 011 we rea lly made an c o rt to get ac O us around Wes t erv ill e dOn' t r t11) to k I ( ood St Patric . y I I d ive n t our · now edge. , · . h remains on ci uainted or 1ave we go_ne a ong ay O I . as Iong as one 1n · ma fter that we , after day speak ing only to t h o e w I10 Cate<1 ead of ti1e h u h of a house dcch? t wo I . f. , th and even a , I d . r 11p, there i a regular t 11~ ear · . t enough to be ha,·e been formally 1ntroc uce to u bUii of 111orning co nversat1011 • S d I . re not fo1 tuna e 10 HOM E DR E SSED 011 u n ay . w a . k the eventeenth \fter all we Otterbein people are cu td . w I.ien ti1e wee k'· s new 1s . d"1s - I n. h will ·eep d ou and s trive 10 . : t one . big family and hould ce1ited , d1nv11 a · . I I acre to ·y Y green • . Ju s t as :I JU og·nize each o ther on the tr ee t or 1ions are given and ac- ' ar 1 ~ ac1ie .an ate . . ar e mace I , an d note on keep your me11101akes from I re Ian d , rec . c r we cha nce to meet. L et ' s herev c1 Pa111 s• a1.e rxc . I,ange d . 011 drove t I1e 511 ·e succeeding · · jw Uriii Y 111 over a new lea r and reso t ve MAKE GOOD EATS 1D · g p les •c11da11ts a 1 turn te1ghbo , rayer, we discus our your c c eri)ents of gloom . pa a fellow- tudent with10 . rs c t · a way t I1e ne, er Both Phones aniount · f s ume. : pec ul a t e on the c 1ia ing . that l)eople somea mile and "Hello!"-this reso1ness ta 1n · hat o 111 0 ney tied d long-facec out • . up 111 a cer- an . to take effect at once. B e ll 46-W. Citizen 92 c . , and I f · - contract. . ut10 11 ay our p lan or t 11e time S p 1 ·' ck with the 1111s- 11 on, 111 g 0f c Week. Goodbye,_ t.. a i 1 . blue eyes and A "knocker" i one born in the ubaII haveour e · I)e111g . I . f beaming in your . only human. we c 11 e k . your buttonhole. 1. t've mood contrary to fact , live can our be etting s ins but why the ·hamroc . in _ ou Junc i ' . . . . be watching for you a Y V' . We not · • .10 the pas ive voice and obJect1ve ca e. 11 P a tro nize Tan & Cardina l Advertisers . 1 iting . Pay our calls and do our \ e wi h d next year, but b of " jokes." -Ex. 111 g ch ei th er before or after enter- come down t e roa Urch? It would not only add don't forget your carpet ag


~~---------------= I I

Taxi Service


Rhoades & Sons











Pige Four

THETANANbCARD1NAL receiv ed his co mmi sion a major last February. Major J ones has been at the head of an American hospital in France for almost a year. \,Vhen he wrote last, he was in Bor­ deaux awaiting orde rs to sail for this country and is now probably on the ocean homeward bound.

'87. Dr. Andrew Timberman of Co­ Re,·. R. E. Penick, pastor of th e lumbus, Ohio, is at the head of the First U nited Brethren chu rch of campaign about to be launched to Hamilton, Ohio, h~s presented his ra~se $300,000 for the act ivities of resignation to his congregation to the Young Men·s and Young v\' o­ take effect April 1, when he will be- men' s Christian Associations 111 gin work as pa tor of the United J Franklin Co unty. The drive will be­ l:lrethren churcl_1 at :\ltoona,_ Pa. The gin Monday evening, March 24, with members of his cong1•egation gave a worke r s' dinner him up with regret, but th ey realize 1· · that he will go to a larger field of '1 6. Floyd J. Yance visited his ister t• -efulness. During Mr. penick' s Helen and other college friends 111 three years' pastorate in Hamilton \Ves terville last wee k. Mr. Vance is he displayed exceptional ability as an engaged in provos t guard work in organizer and the ch ur ch prospered l\ew York City and is not likely to great ly under his ministry. He sue- recei,·e his discharge from the army cceded in wiping out a debt of eight soon . He is spending a 15-day fur­ th ousand dollars that was burdening lough in Ohio. the church and admitted. ixty-fiye ' 06 N .k. k B k . . l\L.1 s M I ary e1 1r a er, w I10 ptrsons into membership Ill the 11ms b een .111 c h arge o f t I1e 1·b I rary at

RIT~!,!..~Ph~!~EY'S-1 Eastman's Kodaks and ~hotographic Supplies. , Films Developed and Printed at lowest prices.

Satisfaction Guaranteed


OPTICA L DEPARTMENT E yes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles all styles. OUR PRICES R E ASONABL E



church. . the government hosp ital on Ellis I The Hamilton E enin g Journ a l of 11 d N y k . J I 19 19 . _ O f him. "The de- an , ew or , 1nce anuary , , Marc h lO ays · . has been tran sferred to the Reconcision of the Rev. Mr. Penick _ to truction Hospital at East Vi~.., near leave Hamilton will mean a d1st111ct 'VI . 'JJ • N ew y or k , an d b egan • v 11t e [ ams, Joss to the community. He saw 111 , work there last Saturday hristianity omething that cou ld I · SODA FOUNTAIN and hould en ter into the individual ' 11. Mr s. R. L. Mundhenk (Haze l An y Kind of Sandwiches, H ome-M ade Pies life for its betterm ent and for its Bat1man) of ·olum hus. Ohio, has rc­ Special O r d ers any T im e happine s. He preached the gospe l ceived word o f the promotion of her f Jove, the faith that is not shat- husband, Major I{. L. Mundhenk of R egular Lun ches or Dinners tered by misfortun e, and he worked the :17t h di vision to the rank of lieu­ O ysters a nd Fresh F i.sh honestly, faithfully, in season and out tenant co lonel. Lieutenant Co lonel of sea on, f r the uphuilding of th e Mt1ndhenk was commanding officer Orde rs over the P h one church and the advance ment of the f the 112th F ield i 0 nal battalion North State S t. Weste rville, O. kin gdom of od among men. It is before hi promotion when he was g i,·en to but few to be cho en as attached to General Fam worth's di tinctive leade rs and it seem that I headquarter - taff. thi I r ha fallen to th e He,·. Mr. I Call Citizen 21 or B ell 147- R fo r Penic k. Whi le his go ing wi ll 1 e a ' 77 . _ Edw!n L. Shu ey of Dayton, Jo :: s to Hamilton . it will be a distinct Ohio, was on of the peakers at a father -and- on banquet recently held gain to :\ It o na. , tge1t foD Acme Laundering Company General Laundry Wo rk and at th e Derry treet United Brethren eer ess ry Cleaning Co., D r y Cleaner~, D yers and Sa n ita r y Pressers '03 . Mi s. Edna 'tn,ich of Ports- ·hurch. Harri -burg, Pennsylvania. Sub . /I eadquarter s-12 E . Colleg e Ave., W este rville, O . 11:outh. Ohio. and Miss Lydia A. :S:el­ scnp ions taken for The Country Gentle m a n, L ; dies' Horne so n, ex-' 12, f l ittsburgh , Pa., were '78. Dr. T. J. antlers went to Lan­ i11 \,\'esterville for a few hours last caster, hi o, n Friday to take part Journal, Saturday E ven ing Post. Thursday ca llin g on Id co llege in the funeral ervice of Rev. Glenn Prompt Service-B est S er vic e friends. D. Spaffo rd who die.cl there the day prt>ceding. ' 13. Mrs. r ve r C. Muthershaugh ( Evelyn \' oung) has heen acting as Bride-elec t Ho nored. _ubstitute teac her in domestic . H. h l\[1ss l hoebe Mane Larimore, who cience 111 J ndependence 1g I • 1 • _ . d . will Je married to Mr. Le ter Clap1110, unng t 11e leveland. sc hool · ' ham on March 20, was the honored illne s o f the regular teac11cr. guest at many bower during the , '72. Rev. M. JI. Ambrose of Pitt pa 5t few day · . ht•rgh, l'a., preached at the PresbyMi ss Olive Porter entertained at 1e rian church in \Vesterville la t I her l:ome in ?v~arengo on Feb. 22 with unday morning. Mr. Ambrose is a miscellaneous . bower. On :Mar h ,·i · iting his si ter, Mrs. Mary Am- S the l\li ses arrie and Blanche Hur­ bro e Jone on \Ve · t Main s treet. t sey and Lucille Freeman en tertained . at the Hur ey home on Logan avenue '09. I lan·ey G. Mel- arr 11 ,, gene~al with a t we! hower. secretary of the Young Mens hn , . E v•· N • • .v1r • • . eedham of Glenwood tian As ociat1on at teu 1>env1-11 e, . . . .111 V .11 1 .F . d Drive gave a miscellaneous how er Ohio, wa e te r vi. e a t n ay. I aturday in her honor O f He had been attend111 the state . · ut-o -town . f "Y" k 1 11 . I gue t were the M1sse Waive and convention o wor er 1e c 111 1R h cl l\" G . .111 t 11e wee k . 'LI". eorge Ripp! of We t olumhu ear 11er I L utf an a ayette. '95. Dr. Wendell A. Jone • who ha On Monday Mesdames F · f • reeman ~ been in the m ed ical co rp O th e and Bookman entertained at th F Prof. and 11rs. navel rri,,a,- ill . h h k 0f e reeY entertained Let u how you o ur new a , U nited States army wit t e ran· man home on orth tate street with Lt. A. \\. Neally Jad1eS· captain sin.cc the outbreak of th e war, a mi cellaneous bower. at dinner Tuesday spring oxfords and putnP 5 for evening. . E. J. orris.-Adv.


New Model Restaurant


J. E. HANSON, The Cl~an-U p





. .

Otterbein Students


R emember the folks at home with a· picture.




Page Five

a rmi es of the Allie . He said, ··In COCHRAN HALL NOTES · • 5 Jite of the biting critic ism that i. This wa s a weekend of tiptoes and I h d ti y M C A whispers. for several of the girls in prevalent t e e ay · ,e · · · 1 · stands forth as the most popu ar 1 th e hall are sick. h I o rga ni za ti on working among t e so - 1 . The Pife r girls were greatly de- 1 diers." lighted w hen their mother came on " The F rench" Mr. Lo,·e continu~d, Thur day evening for a visit. I ,.inve tigated th e va ri o us so ldier we l-

Name Cards for Cqllege I Folks

Ifare organ iza t ions and finally chose the y M. . :\. to se n ·e the French

The best bread at Day's.-Adv.


There are ome yo ung ladies who · .th the injunction how eve r, 1 are tiff and a lso sore from an o ver- 1 army, h w:·Y" t take 110 'part in re1 applicat ion of ba ket-ball. t~~t t e ff •. ~~u · 1tg1ous a a11 • Room 7 on Third was left vacant for M r. Lov e also spoke of the work a few days, because its occupants felt the Y. M. C. A. i doing among the ~ udden longing for home. Mar- returned so ldi ers. In Co lumb_us, for Jorie Miller wen t to Dayton and :nstance. business men a re berng o r-

Printed Cards for either men or women, $1 for 50, or $1.25 for 100. Prices for Engraved Stock on Application.

I The Buckey~ Printing Co.

ga ni ze d, under the Y. M. C. A.,. to ,·i it the return ed so ldi ers au d g i_ve them h earty welcome and un offic ia l thank s for the sacrifices th ey ha,·e mad e. In concl u ion Mr. L o,·e sa_id th_at If . . J·oy t o li ve· a Chri stian 1 e 1t 1s a • h days because so much is ext esed f a hristian and Ch ristianity IJec te o I . f is accep ted as the only so ut1 on o the mammoth world problems. After Mr. L ove·s talk, Mr. Jayne_s ga,·e an interestin g report _o f th e \ · M C. A. co nfer e nce h eld 111 Co lumbt;s las t \,Vednesday and Thursday.

Gladys Brenizer to Ca r dington. This fine sp rin g weather is exhi larating to all of us a nd especia ll y to th 0 e who mu st li mit their s tep t o the camp us! N 1· ew me s of \ Va lk-O ver and Bo t · onian hoes. E. J . J\'.orri . -Adv. Agnes and G lad ys left Friday t o Pend a f d ew ays in Barberton. . Betty Mc Cabe went hom e to Greenville and Martha Skinner to ew H o lla nd to spend the week-end.

0 Ad/r cakes are delicious.-Day"sBertha Hancock decided to change Colleg f to D e - or a day o r so. She went elawa re over the wee k- end.


Y. W. C. A.



. y oung, of Fore . to M_a~ie t. Ohio. came :'-- - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ .. vi it Marie taat . It see med good •·The \,V ay in the \\ il_dern_e s was 1 to see M . I b·ect fo r discuss10n in Tues- , an e again . t ,e s u J L The I ·1 . day's m ee ting , of v:hich 1-_lorence oar c 11 drcn li ke o ur coo ki es. d he e-a ·d that every Day· I ac ted as 1ea er. h ---'\d,·. he 1s sit uate d , Jer ·o n no matter ow . I . e to 1,is way 111 EdytJ1 C t e ave a tt e11ded th e \ o lun - mu st so m e time com · , k ter Band o nve nti on at Ohio \,V es- th e wi lderne s. wh ere he doesn t now eyan d hich way to turn . w· h an bro ught back ome pep whom to trust. o r w Id the it her. ur e ly the Chri ti a n sho u . 1Je .


' .


Ruc h


eem a nd Dor t hea traw - . me on F nda y. Glady H d' . f - _ sn,·i1 owar u ua ll y 111 ect1ou~ I e Was more so during the soldierY lllan's visit. \V

en t ho

1, o_nie fo lk , birthday come on t. h atr1ck's day Lil lie \\ aters ce lerated I : iers wit h a party on nigh F


d atur ay

loyd \i

. . . · ter li ance came to v1 1t ht, sisho clen after which they went n1e to R eynold burg together. \Ve Perfe are g la d to welcome F lo r ence ily. ct into our ochran Hall Famladie ' P 0 No • hoenix si lk ho e. a $2.0 . at $1.SS. E. J . Norri .-Adv. A k Ed· can !. Ith Bi ngham how far he ca rry a . etti . Pan of cocoa without up ng It.

. I\...


first t o fi nd the light which will g u~de _ f t of the wilderness. or him sa e Iy o u . . - God who is alway wdltng to he ha , . I ti1 The Israelpoint ou t th e rig 1t pa __ nd • t it h th ei r wtlderne s. a ,te me fw th ei r abundant faith God because o fi nally led themk o ut. - I e the ques\,Ye mu s t as o ur,e tv IJlay in thi · . . \ \'hat i o ur part o . t1011 · . _ k? \Vhat 1s o ur reco11struct1on wor . · . reC hr i ti an" 111 helpmg to duty, as ti wreckage "Id the world af te r 1e . 1JU I I - caused \ Vt th out which the ,_var ia~ h CI~ ri stians to a doubt, it 15 up to t e f te o ne s out o f I d the le ss or tuna · f ea f o rr ow unb ehe th e w ilderne $S O ' and cruelty.

- ---o f the ):ew

York To the Editor Times: of you r discussion o n Apropo ­ th e fo ll owin g has I silve r chev ro n by our poet laure- , been perpetrated


West Main St.

Both Telephones


Athletic Goods, Pennants, Tally Cards, Crepe Paper and Wall Paper.

University Bookstore Are You Insured?

If not Why not?

A. A. RICH, Agent See the Quality Shop For Up-to-Date Cleaning and Pressing. 81 West Main Street The best Cold and Cough Remedies, Tablets and Syrups at DR. KEEFER'S

Juj ubes What are they? · Ask Dad Hoffman or Lieutenant Neally

B.W.WELLS THE TAILOR Corner State and Main Streets Upstairs Cleaning and Pressing done on short notice.


ate which is me . bold! Barber and Card Sign Maker. , : ·ou r ,varnor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , "Darli ng, 1,ere s ) ih·cr st r ipe in tead of gold No . 10 N . State S t. • • • • I ·s Jee,·e today ~ ./ , hine upon 11 . ,, la t T 1. se he cou ldn't ail away. ,\ . hursday ;,ight th e Y . ~I. at . d 't you bleat. cn Joy d .. But my darling on outfit - is worth a whole .\ . T. "R.. t e a ta lk by Lieutenant J. ' . I ad co ld feet; B. C. Y OUMANS, Barber ly I Ove, ex-'21. Mr. Love ha recent- Xo o ne think you , t ld,!eevefu l o f radium. )een d"1 I Y' had to do a you w ere lod ,, 37 N. S tate S t. TTLLM ,\ :'-/. is 11 c 1arged fr om th e army a nd d f o .\LBERT L ow 111 . s 1·1 ,e r tripe in tea o g . f h ' Pice o lu mb u un der the ausdd "f tie mud o t e Captain Infant ry. U. - .\ . Shop closed at 8 o'clock except of ti \nd I mio-ht a t , Id an, 011 1eY. 111. . A ., w or king ' is worth go 1 \\·e-t \ "i r o-inia l: ni,·ersity ..\ . T. _ • 1 Saturday. h g the oldiers" French trenc ,e Lee "•r l . d ti e mud of amp -Public er,.icc Bulletin. done · b ove e mphasized the fine work s ~r '.Pe;s, tr~~e , /unning one of these Y the Y. M. C. . among the 111 r--._ ~




P .. ge




Rivers ·of Ink 1n an Ocean of White to

Tell You That we have cut flow~rs for all occasions. Nifty specials for spreads Whatever you need--ask us

GLEN-LEE PLACE, North State St. I

LOCALS Raymond Hollinger ;.pent the \\"eek - ing a ong of golo he , Many and many a time. said I. Floyd Vance. recently di harged en d at hi home in ~farion. A idewalk full of mud. , He'd come bounding in from play, "th .\ sco re and t\\"enly rubber 1 eckin~ me on eager feet fr 111 the army, pent a few <l ay w, 1 Harold .\Iattern of Dayton v1 ited Cause an awful thud:\nd excitedly he'd ay : tterbein friend . Friday. hi si~ter, Helen. hocman make 6me money "\\'hatyegot to eat>·• Local Po ·t Office employee have Dutche s trou . er , 10c a butto n, ., I \ ·a h book lo e weightbeen working overtime the pa t week if they rip. E. J. Norris.-Adv. Each foot fed a hea,·y llome from chool he'd daily run, becau,e of exces mail going from the :\ a ton of late.-Ex. Thinking f the pantry shelf, ' . H ou e t o tl1e Dorn1,·tory · tanley Richmond f Dayton pent Cook·,~ lf , ,·,·111·1 l1ccl o11e l>y one. T,e1ster These mi;. iles have carried three- the week-encl with friend of \\'e,ter- 1 Robert J:< · Huber. br ther of R. H. \\' hen he'd learned to help hil11 5 e ' Huber witne sed the championship "Hell o , Ma; I'm back again!'' cent po. tage ·o 1.,;ncle am has not ,·ill · Lenore Rayot, 11. F. 1loore. \ 'ida a mes at Dela,~are _laS t aturday, 1 \\'as his little greeting weet. lo t money on the extra time incurrC'd. For details ,cc J. . • H -- \V ilhelm. and L. J. \\' od represented where much. t his delight. tivcr of \ Tl,,.,, , a l> y1· 11 ,111'le. a11d tl1en: . Dayton carried away the honor · He . \\'I1aty got to eat., .. tt('rl)el.11 at th e s t II <l ent, ' reception Fre hman. held at Fifth .-\venue Grace ·. B. of ,-pe nd ing a few day 111 \ \ ester- I .\li,s Ida Kittle pent the \\"eek-end \\' i · h that r could hear it no\\', l'illc. olumbu . at her home in olumbus. :\ e,·er dreame d l'd mi it 0 · . · .\[is oppock, teaching American an you imagine any th ing worse \\' i· h that T could know. some ho., ' th A giddy \\"ar-worker of Rye Literature cla called on Ray Ho\an · t. \ ' it~s dance and inflammaThat old joy of Jon " ago. tory rheumatism at the am t' ? " l" secl to . moke cigarette - on the · ly · I linger to read aloud. \\'hen Ray Ex. c ime.- 1 But he ·tand aero the ea All went ,·ery well _ came to the line," He had lain a leep en·ing in the Battle' heat Till her twenty-fir. t shell for thirty years," he read, ''He had }.{i :Xeva ~rie t who i employed .\nd he cannot ay to 111 ·: /\nd th n she went up to the sky. . lain sheep for thirty year ." on se- ~ th e Otterhem Publishing hou e in "\\ hatyegot to eat?" oppock had difficulty ayton pent the week-end with her For the benefit of . L. Fox and quently i\Ii What a o-Joriou day 'twill be, "Bob" \\'right Philalethea hould in di . cipline the remainder of the per- mother. \\'he n the cruel war i done, ca iocl. 5 have the college bell rung when o­ .\nd the hoy come home fro!11 1 W H AT YEGOT TO EAT > cicty is adjourned. Paul prout and J. L. ib on pent _ _ __ · •· I . . ti e)•'1·e won. \\ 1l 1 the nctone 1 · 1 gt. i\[a on of Camp herman wa the_ week-end at their homes in Fo,- :--:e,·er thought about it much h, the joy to hear him th en 1 l n the days of long ago a ue t of \Ve terville friend: \\' ed­ tona. aying :,o-lad ly as we meet. • I ' ne day and Thur day. (For further L. K. Replogle went to Dayton Ol'cr Th at ·it wa a boyish touch "Hello. Ma. 1'111 back againII Howard.) information ee Glady the week-end for a vi it with hi s par- \ . Th l didn't eem t~ kn~w. \\' hatyego t to cat?" G ,est. -Edg-ar .\. t ce ent.. His father i pa tor of Hart- :\e,:er thought that l'd recall Time to order that pring uit. fqrd treet l. B. hur h in that city. \ imp\ word that he'd repeat ~ - - - - --rn:in's E. J. about it right away.-Adv. \Vhile we hear that a young of . he ru heel into the hall· hought Kenneth Arnold and Che ter :Monn Harold Davison pent the week-end ''\\'hatyegot to eat?" . fancy lightly turn to t trul)' . . · -t a O at his home in anton, 0. lo\'e 111 pnng, we can JU -_ ponder of . helby, 0., were among the ttertarted a a lad f five, tate that ome youn~ lad~e }lat, and bein rooter at Heidelberg, aturday A k "Rat " how to break up a banJamoring for cake or p· · ht ,quet '·H . 1e. e 1,ear­ on the weighty question 111g . I · ungnc t little boy ali\'e," 111 ' s uit in the ame eiu,0 •1 01




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