an au
ar tna
VOL, 2.
MARCH 31, 1919.
No. 20.
Fi tting Tribute and Re:;pect is Paid ! the Life of Doctor Miller b y Philomat heans and Friends. I Doctor F. E. M.llcr, Apparently in Good Health, is First of Class :\ s a tribute to the li fe of Dr. F . '87, to Pa,s A wa y. 1 E. Miller one of her most he lo,·ed
Return to Normal Co nditions i, Ex pected to Revive O l d Time
Interest and Attendan ce.
I and
time-honored members Philo- APPROPRIATE RI'.SP:CT P,\1 D mathea in,·ited her friends to shar: Newly Elected Coun ty Superinten ent , w,th her the o lemni ty of a beautiful O tt ~;-bein Sm:tain, a Great L oss in to Head D epa rt m ent of School memoria l se n ·ice last Friday cYe n the D eath of This Dist:ng uished Adminis tration and Method's . ing at ho:r hall. The en·ice was i.11.nd Honored P r ofessor. pie . and i111press i1·e. During t:ie Otterbein's su mmer sc hoo l pr o Dr. Fran k E llswo rth J\,l1ller, pro e1-e111ng, t here "as presented by gram promises to be one of th e b es t 1 fe , or of mathematics in Otterbei(1 se, era! of Dr. :\1ilkr's intimate as for ~ome yea rs. In a ll probabilit y th e College. d ied unexpe ct dly \V ednes , ociates his comp lete life. attendan ce wi ll be larger than fo,· sev cl3y e,·ening, following a h emorrhage. Dr. Jones ch se hi s sc ripture rcad eral ye ars. Th e removal of t h e tr es s I i111:· from tilt: ;-,,:inctieth i°'sa lm , th e He had been fee ling as well a us ual, of war con diti o n s and the return to a ' n: d had met :di h i; cb•,se s that day. normal program will cl o u b tl es. h !·in g , i:tecnth chapter of St. L11k1:: allCI back th e ol d time attc11da11 cc. se , eral pas~agt:s from i<evelation s. Rame y H. Huber. \f tn these appropria te elections he The co ll ege is fortunate in i·ecuring r two splendid teachers for sc h oo l s n'):\lr. liu'.ier wiil h .c n t:x t ccI:to r of offered a n earnest and tonchin~ jects. T he newly elected superinten -' t he Tan and Cardinal. lTe is well ilr: yu. .,, dent of .chools for F rankli n . County f . . . . I rofe ·sor \\.agoner then sp o ke of · qua 1 n e e1 or t 111s ,mp rtant po s ,t on I) ,1 ·1· I I I I · Mr. Charl es \N . Cooks n, A . .\'I., Ped. • • • ' r. " 1 .er as . , 1ac mown h,m, as a 1 D. will teach . chool ~lana gement. ' 11 t.iat he ha ·; 1•t ~rary alllh ty . to-<.: sttidcnt. as a l'hilo:nathcan School Ad min i. t rati o n. School I,feth- ••ether w :th the cxe cuti,·e qua liti es and as a mathemat:cian. 1 1 ods and Arit hmetic. 1lr. ·ookson -1:1d i11:tiat:vc 1; ccessar · ior a succes ·:Mr. l<eploglc ga,e a splc ncl id r e. ha t! · ,v· 1 ,Ie e · I 1 · I I , ;c : 6f Ur. ~1i1:cr and his worl, a• a ha , xpenen ce_a s a sc 100 .u ac mini s tr a tion. I le is a memi> e r ~ " man. H e has been s up e rint enden t o f 1 o f the c·., ~s : of ' _?,'). \ \ 1 ith a capab '. c .; ti. ~lent saw it. 11 is ta lk , . was in - i u _ , t he schoo ls at h awne e. Nc,v Stt·aits- .• • ff _ , _ .. anc1 rt·,·ett.·nt. re, ca. 111 g 111any \'ille, Some rset and Troy. l~o ,· th e a,a t suppoa t 1111 ·1• 1eadci" of th c of tl: e l'1·cryclay o~cu rren ces which pas~ seven years he ha s b een a teach- 1·an and Cardinal may rest as~ u re cl I r ctle ·ted the man of t he c!a. sroom. er m th e summer sc hoo l at i\,I iami , that th e co lle ge paper is in ,afe hand s Dr. mwcly pre;;cntecl st ill anothe r l 'niver sity. Otterbein is g lad to in- \ for the com ing yea,·. p i1 asc of the man', lif e, that of th e troduce him to her teachers and to ---------faculty member. His characteristi · make thi s oppor t unit y for Franklin j Work to Begin Monday. 1:1-ecisio n anti sound jud g ment wer e Montlay, ,\ pri l 7, the exca ,·ation e nlarg e d up on in th e course of t he County teachers to b eco m e acq u ainted with their new up erintenclcnt. for the .basement of th e new Sc ience ta lk. Mi ss ll aiclcc Gross wi ll succeed Building wil l be started. Construe- I As a fitt in g close t o the evening' s the I s •r1 ice Dr. C lippin ge r add ed a few \ Miss Chase. S he wil l ha ve charge of tipn wi ll proceed a,; fast a th ~. Model Schoo l with p 1·~ctice and I ._,,ea the,· conditi?n s permit an d. c? n- 1rem a rk s cn_,ph ~siz_ing o ur h eri ta ge 111 fac t, he had not h1issed a class durcnllc teacher. :.I, Gross 1s a grad- I t,·acts are de ·,d c d up o n. lh 11lcl111 g from Dr. M il lers life. ing thi s college year. ·. uate of the State Normal, Athens. material p1·i c e s are being watched The c·harac t eri . tic prais d most During th e day h an·d 1lrs. :\-fi ll et· Ohio and has . tudied widely in sever- and eve,·y minimum co ~t will be highly in Dr. Mill er's li_fe wa his entertained Mr. and l'vl~s'. E. L. Wein1 al large uni ver it ie s. During the past 1 1ake11 ach·antage of. , s impli cit y. Simplicit y seeme d to be \ ~ont,nuecl o n page ti,· e.) few years she ha. been county clir ec'------the watchwo rd of hi s exis tence. He tor of normal work in Ansonia ancl Sum:ner School. Meets Standards. I w as endowed with a dignity not , J ..: n·ors at VJ'ork ~m Play. Patas kala, O hio. The work of the Otterbein Sum- fot111cl in many men. His speec h and · llusbands on' ,-\ ppro,al" is the nw1: choo l meets all the require- his ac ti ons portrayed a profoun d play wh ich wi ll be pr suited in the Wa lter Jo nes S peaks at Club. · rca 1·1zallon · f tie 1 ·inner 1ve - ·ing o f tl1c 'o llcgc chapel, Tuesday c,·cning, men ts of the new school Jaw an d 1s :\t the regular fortni g htly meeting folly endorsed hy the state school man. } Ii sou l was wrapped in hu- .\pril 1,;, at 8:00 p, 111 . by the mem of the Quiz and Quill lub the mem- i:- 0111111is s ioner. (Continued on page ti,·e.) hers of the J un io r (lass. It is a
hers especia lly were h onored in two w~ys. Instead of mee t ing in the Admuustration Buildin g as usual, Professor. Altman e nt e rtained the cl ub at h, s home- on East liege al'eawc. T he session t ook on added ~~ ~~rtance th rough t hc. presence of er 1o ne , a we 11 1rnown s 11o rt story writ er fr om Boston , and so n of Dr. Jones. Mr. J ones ga ,· e a practical talk on th e art of s h o rt sto r y writin g fr o m a p r.actical standpoint. He delighted h is h earers with accounts of hi s ow n per onal expe ri ences. Th e members of th e Quiz and Quill clu h fee l proud to co unt Mr. Jon es am o n g t he ir frie n d s.
comedy o f thre e act.s, .. w ,-itten by \\'m. M. Hiatt and tells a sto1'y of a maid who is in love with four men at 011 ·e. H ow she finds the right one, at the xpense of her brother's lan e with their brot h e r s of the main and sister'. snee rs, a l Jirst, and late1~ (Joor. The platform might have ap-1 by th eir help, i most delightfully pearecl gaunt and !o nely had it not disclosed. . pa:kling 1rish wit ancl been that th e dangling arm and legs Iamusrng s1tuat1ons furnish mu ch di of the professors, which usuall y found version; while the calm, se rene a r efuge behind the pulpit, filled in the dignity with whi ch th e maid handles vacuum. This brilliant episode put a eYerything bala.nces th e co mic clcs tin g in the breeze which ha been m ent. · wanting s ince the days before the war The cast has been hard at work for and we h ope some unfortunate cow the past two weeks · and under th e will find a midnight haven in th e dor - direction of Professo_r Fritz promise. mito r y before the season is over. t o prese nt a success ful play.
.A ll we n eeded was a pillow apiece
Ito make the scene complete and also
to make th0 se severe- looking benche s a little more "sittable". But hard as it was to s it thru a c h apel ervice o n anything a s ha,·cl as tho se seats, th e whole thing will be chronicled down thr o u gh posterity as a blazing sue eess . although th e blaze wou ld have been brighter if the pews in the bal cony had been led clown a cou ntry
Page T · o
DISPATCH PRAISES 0 . C. Dr. Snavely Calls A tte ntion to In
teres ting
SURPRISE! Hair Nets for the girls.
Years A go. I Dr . 'harle · .'11ave ly had cc:is io11 ! r cent ly t refer lo ha ck numbers of the lu '.nbu, .Di . patch. He ran acro~s the fo llow ing news item f Jun e 24. 1900, whi ch he copied an<l / turned ,·e r to the Tan and Cardi nal. The rcco1 cl s1>0kcn of holds good at th e p rese nt time as well as twenty years ago. we have reason to believe . O TTERBEIN AGAIN WINS
N ew Spring D ress Goods
Distinction at Yale, Thro ugh the Brillian t Achievements of One of Her Students.
A nice line of Taffe tas, Sat:ns, Crepe de Chine. in r hade:; and at a price t~t I will be sure t o sell them. Come and look them o ver.
" \,\' ells K. Stan ley, edit r of th e Yale Law Mirr r, a nd an tterbein ollcgiatc wit h ho ts of friends in thi s City and \,Vc :tc rville, will next week achie\'c the unu sua l and disti11gui,hed honor of securi ng a Yale Law S choo ;
I beaut:fu l
New Linc of Easter N eck-Tie3 for the Men .
I at•
diploma from a lw years' cour ·e of st udy. ··Stanley is nc of li,·e Yale studcnh in a cla~s of s ixtv, that ha s scored thi, brill ia nt col!cgiatc tr iumph, and hi s ' laurels acid fres h wreaths t o llH bein' s long r II of honor. 1 o college in Ohio has greater record at Yal e an d llarvard than th e modest litt le institution t> learning at \\' cstcrville. and a greater percentage of Otterbein s tudents has carried off
ffo ' lding \\'a . present and tile plan . ,i·cre gone o,·cr and the s it e was allrcccl upon. .\ it c v track 11 the ,\thkt ic fie ld wa, at1thorized. This work i~ t o he:
p iccs of the Coltl'nbus Federation of Cl11·rchcs. The m ee tin g- 1s I open at 11 :.iO and · l se prompt ly at Corner of State and Main Streets 12::lO. Kai·! f l oe11ig w ill direct the 1 mu , ic . The subject give n t Doct r I · ·c1 f Ot hcg11n imm ediately. C lippin ger. w 10 _1· prc s1 c n_t o : _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ teil>cin college . " The :\aturc ol 15 S in.'' "Y" MAN SPEAKS nhscqucnl 11 00 11-d ay Lenten ---mc t· t in gs \\'ill he h e ld at this th ea tr e Chape l Service Given O ver to Mr. n ·c ry day hut Saturday and . unclay Jesse Halsey, Formerly Chapt•ntil Easter. at whic1 promi:1c11t By Burning 1 1 lain in Ru:sian Arm y . ministers "ill he th e s pea ker .
Yale' the logi ·al prize~ than the st 11 dents from any <,ther college en te reel for p · t-graduate co ur ·cs. . J\ dr g re from Otterbe in is an open sesame to tlte !, cart., and minds of th e faculties of Yale, llar va rd. T'.rin ce~o 11 and o lu111h ia, ~11d not 011 1_) l· ranklin county , but Columbus proud of Ottcrhc in and her s tu dents."
. Ir. J cs,e Hal ey, pa s t o r the S '\ cnt !i l' n: !>ytcrian ' hureli of 111 _ c· nu·,ti , Ohio, spoke 11 ·hapcl th e morning of .\far •h :ll. 1\1 r. f lal scy ha s hec 11 in the emp l Y of the \' . .\I. · ,\ as a chaplain in the Ru ssia n . \ .rill): . and is still doing \' . .\I. ·. . \ . r k a-; a spea ke r. lie i, making adclre- .;c s at a nu m ber o f Obi co ll eges.
The Scofield Store
E nd
the Drudgery of Tending a Furnace
!, Jackson Hill No. 2
---- - --- Dayt '.l n G et , Church r✓i:eet'ng. By unan imn 1 ~ vQ of the CQ nfr:r,· 11 ce h oard o f tru stee . of the Un'ted 3::orcs of Happy U se rs are its 11re thrcn ·hu rc h it was d e ~ided t o h ol d the n ext .\liami a nnu;il co 11fer GREAT E ST BOOSTERS. rncc 111 th a t ci t y th e latter part of Here's what your neighbors are say \ugu s t. Bishop . .\I. i\l atthew, will pre iclc. The c-onfe r r nce mem )er, h ip / ing:
lie goe, from h ere t o Deniso n. in c lu c!c, 1.20 ministe1·s and 70 laym en. " G reate s t coal I eve r burned." Lyceum Course Number. .\Ir. Halsey \\'as stationed n ea r _t_he ----Gay Zen o la Mac Laren appears 011 X ort h l'oie. t\\' o hundred and filty " Have burned J ac kson Hill three 0 · C · Co - ed Married · the ' itizen s' Le cture ourse 011 Tue ·- , .11 ilcs nonh of the \r etie 'irc '.e. )'h e Fift y gl'c~ts were prc~cnt Thurs- ! Nee ks a nd haven' t shoveled out any day, April 8, i11 s tca I of the seventh a, '.nyal unit: of th e Ru,sian army last rlay e\·l·n ing a t the marri :ige o f J\fi ~~ I h ,, 1 shown 11 ti cket. Mis ay Mac- year at thi · tim e we re ,jrivin g haci. l'h oe h e \l a ri c Larimore to '1r e:; y et. Laren is a11 art i. t of the first cla :;s the Fins and Germa n s , wi1 11 th• tcm - lf arolcl L. ·1apha111, so lemn'zed at " Burned Jackson Hill in my stove S he ha , a1>1>ear cd twi ce in \,V e,tc r - perat ur e was fifty degree s h e! w zer th e Ii me o f th' b rid ·s pare n ts, fr. f ville a nd is v ry p pu!ar. M re re- Th r o u .,.h all the hard s hip .; of ln'.tlc. and Mrs. J sc ph IL Larimore, 1!t7 :ill week-Had less than a pan full o erves wil l be put 0 11 t h a n u.;ual. The '1. ttern •s; of weather and lack of food, X rth State . tr c t. J{c,·. J ames 3::;he:; Saturd a y night." entire c ursc has been very we ll re - ':e chcer :nc,s of the Y. Ill. . h u t Best. r e tired l'reshyte1·ia11 c lergyma n. " Count on me ; you can fill my cellar ceived and the co mmit tee feels thank- , s hone out ov~,r th e dark tundr as_. veri- r ad the sen-ice. The bridal ch o ru ful t o th e pat ro 11 s. table "myaks . o r li ght-ho u se, 111 our fro m l ohcn~rin w.t played J,'y 1iss vi th Jack ~on Hill for next winter." language. ·ince the intimate ming-- G1·ace Irma ' tcrritt f Marengo Executive Committee Mee ts. ling of th e .\m e1·ica11 with th e Euro- 1 1rs. Mary ]\[ c L eo d sang. The hri Otterhe in ' · Execu tiv e 'o mmittec pea 11s. t he ,1·01·ds "wop" and "d~go" d a l party. grouped hef re an al ta:· of met on last Wedn es day i11 th e Col have hee:1 e rased from the 1\111 cnca n fer ns an d pink carnations. incl11d e d f the good w'. 11 Mi ss Ii,·e l'o rt e r of Marengo and lege oflicc. Sc :cra l important mat l,u1guage. beca u~e • M 1·. C larc n c·c C lapham, bro '. h e r of ters were' under c nsicleration al that that exists among the s ldi ers . time. \VJ1c 11 President \ \'ilson went into the hrideg-ro 111 • Litt! , Edith Jan e / H. L . BENNETT & COMPANY 11 . . . cai- ried th e ring and Eloise I A ge neral ca.n1 pa1g11 o f publicity fItal .· yd 01 · long f I ago, hI e . secured f ·. I the . Needham · • 11 Ca rrick : was _appro\·ccl a 11cl the emp loyment r.11e11 sl11p1·1 o tie ca rri e· d flowers · The· bride I peo k p cs , · so ut H! lI · ' . icy oo • to of an expert campa1g11 ma nager wa , ,·.urope. · · . I: ,m en-·a , a · . t 1e ,\'as • gowned 111 a •frock of whit e ilk . hghth u e o l the · wo1 lc, who· se flash - c hiffo n and caH1cd a· shower of auth orized . flash-flash s hine s out as if t ~e nd bride's r oses . ill r . and .\I r s. · tap ham . l l wa de r id ccl t make a un·cy of ai<l. Th e words-.. \ ii o n -A mcrica" after April I will he at h ome in ::\' orth . the co-operative territ ry, in c n- form the pierc ing ray wh i •h illumine \'inc s tr ee t. nection with the work of the Board d:1rk Europe. America mu s t supp ly of Educa ti ll o f th e den o minati 11 , 1men and wo m e n or th e light ma y he with the view f g e tting all the ex tin g ui, hed. ,----------------- ' available inf rmation r egardin g pr spectivc tuclcn t . · I< esea r ch wor k P rexy Speaks in Columbus . • . was plann cl to a. e rtain why young l'rc~idcnt Clit p in ge r will s p ·a k at S t aple a nd Fancy Groceries see peop le do not go lo co tl ege and what the first uf a series of 11 on-day L · 11 WILSON, THE GR OCER they do instead . ten meetin~ to he held at th e Ma- , The architec- t of th e new cicnc.: 'je t ic th eatre .\l o nday. und e r th e • • South State St.
IGet a Sample Load Now
=====------====c--=c---:==== Mend
Y our Broken ' China. G C et hina Cement at C H PATRICK'S
F or Nuts Fruits and Candies
THE TAN AN D CAR D INAL a ll those who have contributed to tbe paper, officially or uno ffici ally, and to express o ur ap.~re.c.iaJio.11 of the- peoµle P■b lishe d Weekl y in t h e intere.1t of w h o ha ve loy~ly• s.u-p_p9_rted T.l'ie Tan· 0$terbein by .t h e and Car:dinal t)1r.,;U\ih thic~· ~!'JQ; th jn .
OT11:itBErN. P-OVLt-s·H-r N-c;·.
B"OA RD , W es.torvilfe, Oh io Member of the Ohio College Press Association STAFF lclltor-in-Chief ........ Helen Keller, '20 Assistant Editor .... Est h er Harley, '2 1 Contribut ing Edi tors' He len Bovee, '19 Gra ce Armentrout, ' 19 Blllineu Mgr. .. Katheryn Warner, ' 19 Assistant Busineilil :Man a gers Yirginia Blagg, '22 Myrna Frank, ' 2 1 Circulation Mgr. .. Mary Siddall, ' 19 Auistant Circ ula tio n Manager s Mary T instman, '20 ·Marvel Sebert, '21 Athleti c Edito r .... Cleo Coppock, ' 19 Local Edi tor ............ Hazle Payne, '21 Cochran Hall EditorR u th H oope r. ' 19 Alumna! Editor .. Prof. A. Guitn er, '97 Exchange E dito r .. Edith Bingham, '20 Literary Edi tor .... Vida Wilhelm , ' 19
Address all communications to The Otterbein T a n a n d Cardina l, 20 W . Main St., Wes ter vi ll e, Ohio. Subsriptio n Price, $1.50 Per Year, payab le in advance . Entered as seco n d class matter September 25, 191 7, at the pos toffi ce at Westervi ll e, 0 ., und e r act of March 3, 1879. Accep tance for mai ling at special rate of postage p rovided for in Sec. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authori zed Oct. 24, 1918. EDITORIAL Don't lie. T he truth ,s s h or t, simple and fi na l : a lie goes o n fo r cver.-Selected. In PartingThis is th e last iss ue of The Tan and Cardina l under the regime o f th e present staff. The advertisements found in these six page were so lic ited by girls, the edi toria l work was d o n e by girls. a girl did the proof-reading. a gi rl made up the form . and too k the page proofs. girls wrapped and m a il e d out the finished copies. Tn s hor t , th e girls have been "i t" on The Ta n and Cardinal duri ng the past year. A nd as it has been th e on ly t ime in the history of the co ll ege paper that s uc h a condition prevai led. so. probably there will not be in th e fu tur e, a s taff composed entire ly of girls . The fac t which we wis h to emphasize is that the girl can be counted up o n to sac ri fice their time and use their e nergy along untried lines when th e need 1rises. To be rea ll y truthful, we are n ot orry to turn the paper ove r to the new staff. for we fee l that we have done our bit. 'vVe wi s h them the best of uccess, and a s much en j oyme nt from the work as we have had dur ing our term. We wi h to thank
Page T'iu:e ,
it may be sa id that s tud e nts have al common purpose. When all th e C. W . STOUGHTON, M. D . world is, ", try your 3f W . Colle&"c, Ave. skji'l" , the. coll ege. st ud ent has he~rd an9 th er w 0;r4..,,..•· You are riot W esterville, O)li~ ready•; ~ome 19 ~91lege and pre pare The Pa,.sil')g •o:f a . Gteat Man. for your work," Gtter-bein s tudents Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone llQ It seem s ~s, if it is not -p.ossitile to hl\ve answe;r-e.d• that ·ca ll. A;.~ we \.--...--.,.....--._,.·- - - - - -·-"'··""··- -..,_.,,,., lake U!) o ur matter-of-fact scho~l pr::es s ing• forwar d to s.uccess . or fail - ,,_..,_..,..,,..,-,._,..,.,.... _ __ _ __ .....~__..,,,,,.,,...,. _ _,......, _ _ _.,, _, =-,.,, ...,.,life again, since the passing away ·;f I ur e? G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. Dr. Miller. T h e lo ss . of t.his quie.t, Spring F ever! u no s t e ntatious man ha s made us East College Ave. hushed and reverent. Even i;1 · pass How dear to o ur he;;i.rts ;i re t.h e in g his c.lass-room do o r we cann~t mode s t viole t, the dainty litt_l e bird s, Bell 8-4-R P hon es_- Citiz.en ~6 b ut fee l that hi s spi rit sti ll reigns in th e balmy breezes, thethat. ' r oo m , w h ere h e so often instill Apri l Foo t ! You thought thi s was e d in us hi s unassumin g phi losophy go in g to be a dis se rtation o n Spring of Ui e w hil e 'exp lain-in g a simple b ut it isn' t. You can find one, how DR. W . M. GANTZ problem . ever, among the co llected works of D entist Dr. Miller once sa id that a gre~ t a ny poet or near poet. This little man was not truly grea t unl ess he prod uc t of th e pen is only to remind Bell Phone 9 co uld walk d ow n the s tr ee t and be yo u th a t th e time ha , co m e for you 15 W . College Ave. Westerville en t er t aini n g to a tittl e chil d . Un- to prove whether your wits are wit- l co n cio u s ly, Dr. Mi11er wa s tru l/ tier than ot her wits around you, or ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,_.,._..., great. an d every o n e of us is 1,t tter w he th er o m eo ne e lse can o utwit you. r fo r ha ving co m e u nd e r his modes t Do you kn ow, you hav e to hav e an influ e nce. awf ul lo t of imagination to really o O f ti 1 • 1 . app,·ecia te April Fool's day, beca use ne . ie i, g ~e. t 1:' 1) utc s t 1,at th e even t s that take place that da cou ld pos s ib ly be g i ven him ha s been f r ·i I Y paid in the appropriate way in w hi ch ca 11 o r a pecu, ,a'. p 1,, .osop iy. . . . . II you ca nt 1mag1n e th e Jok e in his friends h ave co nfo r q1ed . .tn, wha t ca n d y 1es s can d y an d Ietter Iess Ie tter s, be h 1 w1s.1 es a t yo u 1,ave m,·sse d t h e spirit · · o f t 11 1s · t I1ey . k n ow would . the tim e of his death . His simp · i~ity venerated occasio n. was · k· up your j . . o ne of hi s marked chara cte:·- 1 so, o n T ues d ay, pnc ~stie s , a n d a ll ol~se r va n.ces have been im ag inati o n, s tir up your creative ta lth ,s _r e.mar~ahle ents a nd you will be able to laugh a t 111 . harmony . w ith trait. Dr. Mill e r was . a cl is tmgu, s h ed I d i th e jo kes, even if you are suffering man in many r espects a nd h i mem o ry fro m will a lways exe rt a n influ e nce . a nd Sp~ing fever! w ill con tinu e to li ve in th e hearts and 21 W . Main St. li ves of a ll who were privile ~ed to A cur ve in th e road and a hill si de kn ow him . Clear cut against th e sky; :\ tall tree tossed by th e autumn wind, What Is Y our Purp o se? A nd a w h ite cloud riding h igh ; Some s tud ents a,·e h ere beca~1s e Ten men w ent along that road , All kinds Gene ral Repair Work. And all b-11 o ne passed by. th eir friend s came, or ju st because i o m e think it He , aw th e l,ill , and the tree, and the is the thin g t o do. clo ud . wi11 he lp th em make a li vi n g. Some \,Vith an arti s t' s mind and eye; are loo kin g for information. ot he r s fo r discipline, o th ers for cultur e. An d he put th e m cl ow n o n ca nva s For th e o th er nine men to b uy. With th ei r pa,·e nt s some believe th a t thi s is th e s ur es t way to sec ur e a r ea l S tud en ts at Lawrence Co ll ege may e nri c hm e nt o f life. So m e are d e te r now co mplete a four years' course T h e C9llege Avenue mined to prepare th emse lves in the and rece iv e the P h. B. degree with be s t way for th e largest soc ia l serM E AT MARKET o ut ta king any fo reign language. vi ce. " Shop. l...__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ l t appea r s th at different s tud e nt s ove ltie s. Varsit y Eas ter have widely var ied id eas of what a - A dv . co ll ege is. If we judge by ac ti o n s, some s tud e nts consider co llege an r Choice Cut F lowers and Corsace a thl etic club w h e r e th e price of m em THE TAILOR Bouquets. ber s hip includ es at tendance o f a few Corner State and Main S treets Quality Best-Prices Right c la sses , unr e la ted to th e ba ke tball Ups tairs co urt o r baseball fie ld . Ot hers ap S. Stat e St. Citizen 345 Cleaning and P ressing done on pear t o regard co ll ege as a soc ie ty s hort notice. ce nt e r where the ro und of soc ial life is interrupted by th e unint eresting deC. W . RE E D , Grocer ta il s o f Latin a nd mathematics. Sti ll ot h er tr ea t co ll ege as if it were a libra r y of usef ul kn ow lecl~e ~o be I D E LICIOUS F RUITS HOME DRESSE D crammed night and day u n til wisdom : of all kinds fo r all occasions. is acq uir ed. ; J. E . E wing Wi nifred Reed T he co ll ege i · a community of Proprieto rs yo ung people and tak e n co ll ective ly '---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MAKE GOOD E ATS
Westerville Auto Sales
Overhauling Vulcanizing
Taxi Service
Rhoades & Sons
N\EAT ,S Both Phones
See the Quality Shop For Up-to-Date Cleaning and Pressing. 81 West Main Street
Bell 46-W.
Pat ronize T an & Ca rdinal Advertiaen
P:!ge Four • '8 1. ·. Mr~...
·.·o·•.f. a-). . )Ci,.S 11 •
D -CA-RD IN AL - ~
. .··RITTER ti uttEY's
Ro-b~d-.i/· .( :'1adge·
w-tto.i.ia .fr · rna!lY·•Y-ear . . . . . . \ V-eih· becri _a medical: 1111ss1on ar y -in · · h '· ·ountry ·on a sien, China, 1s.,.U1 t . t,S· c . . .t furlough . .. After. a protracted·. v1s1 • · s in · C a 1·fornia wuh r e\a tl\' 1 , she and
husband expect to come to Ohio, to r emain until the I • . • f .\ough when , exp1rat10A·· .of t 11e1r ur
Up-to -Date P harmacy E astman' s Kodaks and Photographic S . . upphes F ilms Developed and Printed at lowest . · Prices
Satisfaction Guaranteed
I W oos t er, . '98.
Mrs. \\'illiam B. Gantz (Maude f they will return to C_h1na.
Barnes) of De tr oit. Michigan, is visi t - ,77 Edwin L. Shuey of Dayton. ing her mother and he r sister on , hio. wa· in W e ten·i\le la t \ \ 'ed th East olle e :\venue. j ne£day attending a _nie c tin . of e '77. Dr. a·muel \<\ . Keister, pa tor Otterbein Executi,·c ommittee of o f the nited Brethren church at Ea t which he is a member. ·1_. Lo_u is, lHin ois, spen t l_ast week 1, 16, , 17 _ \\·ord has ju t been rew ith his family lU \\ esterv1\le. . \\. e te n .1· 11c that ·1arence cc 11· ec1 111 '92. .Mrs. F..\ . Z. Kumler ( Mattie ' L. Richey and Earl D. Brobst have Bender) has returnl!d to her home j been fortuna t e enough to secure th in DJ.yton after a l'isit with her government appointmen ts t~ e mother and her s ister in Cle l'e la nd , Uni er,ity f Toulouse, I· ranee, \\'here ~he wa ca lled by th e e riou where they will tudy for the re illnc s from pneumonia of her i tcr. mainder of thi college year. Mr . . \Ii e fl. I ickey, who is now '94. T. H. Bradrick. who was th e
OPTICAL DE PA RT M E N T . . d Free Eye Glasses and S pectacles all sty les. E y es Exa mine • GIVE US A CALL OUR PRICES REAS O NABLE
I .
rec ,·eri ng. fi rst Otterbein man to ente r Young '07. Karl I l. Rymer of Huntingd n. :\L en's C hri s tian i\ s ocia tion work Pa., i l'isiting hi mother, Mrs. \ . with the army in France is now in \V. Rymer and other relati,·es in 'oblentz ' Germany, with the army T1 of occupa ti on. Mr. Bradrick w'. \ \·c · tcr\'ille. probably remain for · ome time in '92. George L. toughton of \ Ve Europe. terl'ille, Ohio, is ·pend in g ome time in the \\'est in the interest of the Methodist entenary to be held in ·olumbus, hio, next summer. His headquarters arc now at St. Louis, --The Girl in Industry" was the Mi ·ouri. modern and ,·ital uhject di n1sscd '97. J. P. \.Vest was in \<\looster, in Y . \\' . C. A. by J osephine Foor. Ohio, week before la t attending a \Voman u eel to be dubbed' ·'the con\'ention of the treasurers of the hio co ll eges. Mr. \Vest was cho- weaker sex·• but now he i prol'ing sen as a member of the execut i,·e the endura nce of her st rength and character. Her work in the world c mmittee of the organization at used to he looked upon a a jest, but this meeting. her pan in the war has changed al I
Y. W..C.A.
fiQ_Ql)MA-~ BROTHER~ JEWELE~ No. 8 t) NornH
Name Cards for College
P rinted Cards for either men or women , $ 1 fo r 50, or $1.25 for 100. P rices for Engraved Stock on Application.
The Buckeye Printing Co.
West Main St. ' 11. Mis Grace ·ob lentz and her thi . Howe,·er. when the world reBoth Telepho nes mother of Galion, hi o were in \\·es- turns to it normal condit ions, woI ten-ille for a h o rt l'i it early last man' indu trial work will cease, and week. she will sett le 1 ack into her old '15. Re,·. \\.alter Roush was r ecent- lines of acti,·ity, but of c_ourse there ly elected President of the Minis- will be a deep underlying change t eria l As ociation of A lli ance, Ohio. becat1se of her vi ion of sen·ice. This i a line recognition especial~y l ndustrial club for women are be 1 s111ce Re•:. Roush has only been 111 ing formed by the \. \V. C. . • 1n the mini.stry . two . _years a_nd is the Ohio a lone are ~50 club at pre ent, yoi•ngest 111111,ster 111 the city. enrolling jOOO gi rl s. The obJect of '96 1~ f L · i the e organizations is to attend to • \.U u . . ongman, supenn. . , tt:ndeiit of the Ch ildren's Home at I the material and spmtual welfare O • ·incinnati, Ohio, is also secreta r y of j factory girls. They a re taught how the Iiio tate conference 011 ch ild to keep in good health, how to wor~: welfare. ·· He is ad,·ocating the build- , and how to pl~y-for_ the sett\emei~: ing of two additional in stitu tion s for I wo1 kers are d1sco,·enng that work I the feeble-minded in this state as ing gi rl ha,·e ne,·cr really learned p,v,.ided in t h!! Fedcrn1an bill •,10w to play. before the legislature. Recent inCollege gir ls, particularly, should ,·estigation made by the state bureau tril'e to be sympathetic, 9ot _merely GOLU MBUS.O , of jul'enile research shows that one- , tolerant, when . t~rown with ~actory third of the boys and orirls being girls. The cnt1c1sm of todays co l cared -for in sen~-n co unty chi ldr en's le.;l'. girls is that they are s upe r cil i- •1 homes are mentally defecti,·e. Mr. ot1 s and oYerbearing when they minLongman beliel'es that_ th:se _chi ldrt:n . gle with wo_rki11g girls. . T he women sho_uld he placed rn 111stttut10 11 s es- . who wor½ 111 the lowlie,t factories, - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - pectally ,designed for them. are our sister , to whom we hou ld Ca ll Cit izen 21 or Bell 147- R , for
Otterbein Students
Remember the folks at home w ith a picture.
Mrs. J o hn Thoma. Jr. (Martha :;re. to bring all the beauty we find in
);ewcomh) of Philadelphia. Pa., re. turned · to hec hotne last week after a ~hon l'is}t with relative in Columbt1s and \,\ esten tile. She was called to Oh io by th<; illness and death of her brother Louis ~ ewcomb of Columbus.
Back to the anci e nt ·' pinafore rule" for Albion College co-e~ . . The fair 1 I one, are restricted to only two d,1te s I a week with any individual man. Truly the war has turned back the wheels of progress.
J. E. HAN s ON, The Clean-U p Man
A gent for A c m e L_au n 1 ering Compa ny, G eneral Laund~y Work and P eerless D ry Cleanmg \,.,O ., D ry Cle a ners, Dyers and Sa m t a r y Pressers H eadquarte r s- 12 E . College A ve. , Westerville, 0 . Subscriptions take n fo r T he C o u ntry G entle m an, Ladies' Home J o urnal, S atu r d ay Evening P ost.
Prompt Service- Best Service
]'age Five
Colle g e
S t u de n ts
Personali t ies C hang ed to T h_o se of Faculty M e mb ers . About tw enty-five col lege men were entertained at 118 Nort h State street 1 t T a . . hur ,day ni ght with a demontrat1011 of the fakes of spi rituali sm an,~ the power of hypnotism. Beelzebub" Bu sc h. o n e of the St11allest men in the hou e . b owed th e Power of 111111d over matter 111 numer-
(Con tinued from page one.) ! land. of olumbus. Dr. Miller was 57 , years o ld and ha s been a 111emb e1: of I Otterbein' faculty for near ly thirty
New Model Restaurant SODA FOUNTAIN A ny K in d of S andw iches, Home- Made P ies
I years.
D.1 ?-Liller was a graduate of Ot· • , terbein in 1887. His A. M. degr~e was co nferred in 1890. In 1892 ht alma mater gave him the degree of philosophy. For a few years he was uperintendent of sc h ool at Moga- I dore then wa profe sor of mathe·
S pecial O rders any T ime R e gular Lunch e s o r D in ners Oysters a nd F r esh F ish
Orders over the Wes terville, 0 .
North State St.
ous way s . At h is bid cling big co II ege 111 at i ~s i 11 a 11 d Jate r p resident of the tnen fell over powerles,. Beck· ort h ea tern Ohio Norma l choo l. oning with his finger th ey follow- H e came to Otterbein a profes. or of ed h1111 like sheep to the slaughte r mathematics in 1890. He took away their ability to use tt·s life marked by simp licity and V • I ' • A a arious parts of the b ody, and great modesty. ha s had remarkable 111 u· tnu ement was manifested to see e n ce upon al l who knew h1111. The ~e'., unable to walk. open or s hut ! beauty and st rength of hi s character; heir hand s , p ick up ob j ects from the the intense loya lty and. lov e _for his floor, or even shut their m o uths . or las · es in h is cho . en subJect; hi s earntak 1· • c ' I· · t search after truth and 11s painse 11 their protruding tongues . Another part of th e entertainment :aking care that his pupils might find Was experiments with inanimate ob- the truth. Jed everyone to profoundly Jects. number of men were un. Ject him. Otterbein lost a great able to . it on th e ir chai r s fo1· they re,i · 11 Dr Mill e r a nd it wil l be a e man t • • . emed to take them over th e h ou,e time till they find a11othe 1 even I 1 11 like bu cking ponies . Some tried to to !aclt the s ubject. They can never :~and and hold them but found that I fi~,d a man to take hi_ place. . 111 ey acted worse than eve1·. and eve n The funeral service was held ,,,·=· !~tw them to the Aoor. . cve'.1 111~11 the l·nited Rrethren church at ur day , ·- -to hold down a table. which , I ll aiterttoo n. President ltpp1~1ger openuPtt_e of their combined efforts turned ed the .-ervice with a _ery appropriate p td e down and got away fr o m them. prayer following which Dr. Jon_e I The la s t part of the program wa . .. cl a life hi s t ory of Dr. Miller writ- I devo• l · · tea by hi · very cl se f·' ' d Dr · 1' I ten ec to pure hypnosi· s and psych ic • Phen 0111 f ten , O sometook ·eo :.=.= .= .= .= : .= .= .= .= .= : .= .= .= .= .= :.,.= .= .= .= .= .= .= .= .= : .= .= .= .= .= .= .= .= .= .= .= .=.=:..=.= .=.=..= .=.=.=.= .=.= .=.=.= .= .= .= ,.= .= :.=.=.~ -W tlth e boy e nato. .After Jeep thputting e operator \\'rge alt e Scott. r Bailey o f the cla s of l9l I. -•• on a trip to h ea v en . They spr ut- 1 _ oke of Dr. J\I iller a th e st ud ent ed Wings and had a good time walking t~ e w him f !lowing whi ·: h J everend not abround over the gold paved s treets, ~urtner paid appropriate tribute and not? Ut a· ~Onie · •· e se t-111 011 · The of them wantecI to cu t spect in an 1. 111 p res s1v a cfhu_nk of gold o ut of an old black rf\,era l wa . largely attended . and · O a it was neces ~ary t o bnng . t I1et11 I u /lowers. were ev t'd e nce of the Illck t · I many · I ·ch Dr O earth. t ome were turned 111- 111'gh e s teem and love 111 w 11 . · o lllen f · · · · d II I1o knew h1111. variou s 11at1011altt1cs an \I iller wa held by a w . iv.' II liave an amh_ition to _rende_r u se- , ev_ening_ at 8 o'c loc k at the Board of e ven to ti · I Otterbein 1e other ex and played t I1e 1· r ·Burial was ma de 111 Part tie ful serv ice and wtll do all m om pow- Tt ade I oo m s.
By buying Bats, Mitts, Gloves, Tennis Goods, here. See our Easter Novelties.
University Bookstore
==============================================================51 F ine Spring Perfum es- T ry "Thelma" It's Great, at DR KEEFER'S
Are You Insured?
If Why
A. A. RICH, Agent
. Well. One young man was cemete ry. Urned int o a monkey ancl straightDr. ~Itller is urv1ved by hi s widWay \ II . Knox, and on all four., and was suh- ow who wa Mi s s Ne ie J·e ct tovent · ' ~l t'111 Miller. He I11· D . te ago Organ Grinder ma s - h 's mother Mrs . • ar r. The sp irit of the dead were '1 I a i11e111i)er of the Unite I Brethren I) rought I Tl T wa f ti1c Bank of and Jack-Cae ~ar. Rame.<es church and a director 0 0th ers. Thc ~e poke English and I \\'e ~· tervil le. th Ctr . 11 f d a tve language and others unerA. th e Pell acted as, 1.11terprete1. . . MEM ORIAL SER VICE HELD 5 Yo the la tact of the evening, two (C ,tin ued from page one.) ung 1· . o1 ch men had thei 1· persona 1t1 es k' cl ies was 11 e,·er ove r anged c1· ility H ts Ill I Pin to tho se of President ip- t11 · administered to the 1 ho ger and Professo r Ros elot. The done but a way ct· Y greatly enjoyed hearing them fulleS t extent. . . with the ma ny r~ cus the problem of discip lin e for Philomathea_ JOtll t re1·ere11t and Wdy b f • els of thts mo le e Oys who would di turb co I- nen · . he ad hcrea,·e ment 111 ofg b Property. They ca lled a numbe r o-od ly man t leq oy up on the green carpet and of hi · dea th · th Urec1 them severely but at la t ' ca~y fell out betw ee n them se lves beth ey would not agree on how ..I to deI boys Pose of the ca e against the :--: su~:l) Who h d h I f Al' ?" This 1s t ,e niture a sto Ien the c ape ur"Are \ Ve . 1ve. H F ' looreJ\l r . . . ,v !he. ject upon which last Thursday and . eance clo ed at twelve o'clock ad d res eel Y. J\,I. • · !k tt w a ,;peppy" ta nu"'b as noticed that there were a eve 111·ng. He gave .., e · en to ry da., r of . leepy folks at chape l Fr icl 1y to take an inv · , 111 Orning. and cause mat d an wer t I11· 5 que s f themse lves an O b ,· ?" qe th · "Are v\ e A 1ve. . \,Vh ought he . urely made a hit-tion , ·c1 "lf we are altvc we en fo. . ~Ir . 1Ioore sat , ·t to 1 ' ed_ t 11s photograph she pray- will ai'ways be on the a 1e1 ~;)~ 'Outpo ·ib ilitie, and to grasp_ ev~;·y \\'e And When h e call ," she wrote on it, 't that pre ents 1t e · gave it to her maid. portunt y
• r t o accompli h omething worth • I while. .. _ gain if we are a live , we will be 'op timists' and ' boo ters' .. Don't ' k d knock, but get t wor an unprove . . thing . •'1'he world 1s 111 chaos now_, _be - 1 _·au sc nation do not have Chr_1s_t 1_an - 1 ty as th e corner- tone of c1v1_1tza- I : ion . A n d the League of Nations, C . . 'd I Jn less it includes hrt t1a11 t ea , ' bl w' ll n o t olve the wor ld s pro ems. "Be indu triou ." Mr. ·Moore con: :uded, "our de tinie . lie, in a large inea ure \\'ithin our own power. It ts I t fate entire ly that contro I u.. ;;: our own wills help to determine [ 1 our future ." I
I'~========= = = === = ~,
I,L-------~~=~~ Y. M. • · -:--::,
Call for Mu sicians .;f Westerville. For Monday evening _t~ere is going forth a call for all mus1c1ans to meet p Board of Trader om . ropoat t I1 e h . i tion s will be pr ese nted to t o e inted that hould prove very attere . . TI,ere i con s iderable detractive. d foi· a 111 u ical organization of man . \ V'1t, 1 . _ kind in the co111111un1 t y. t 111~ . , • h fifty eligible mu 1c1an 111 t e over h t o get a there is every c ance ::w~ band together. . omc out to th e meeting 1J onday
PROCLAMATION By authority repos ed in me a Governor of Ohio, I hereby pro laim FRID Y. APRIL 4, 1919, A ARBOR A D BIRD DAY, respectfully urg ing tho e in charge of educational institu tions at that time to give atten tion to instruction, by pecial program . in the planting of tree s and their care and main te nance. lt i ugge - tcd that a lace in program be given to :he protection of bird life. That tree be planted as a memorial to our fa llen heroe would be in keeping with the spirit of the time . Hope is expre sed that every citizen of the state will aid in the ob ervation of thi day. In Te timony \ hereof, I have hereunto ub cribed my name and cau ed the reat seal of the tatc of Ohio to be affixed in the City of Columbus, this twentieth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thou and nine hundred and nineteen. Jame M. Cox, Governor. Harvey C. mith, Sec'y. of tate
Page Six
\ -arsi ty
Mr. Lyndon La Rouche came from Gladys Howard spent the week-ell(! the East to visit Jessie who ha been I in olumhus and ircleville. 0 .
ME N '•
very ill this week. Agne s \\' right spent the week-en d Katheryn \\'arner and \ ' irgin ia I with her parents at Canal \\"inche ster Blagg pent the week-end at :\Lis s On Saturday evening :\larjoric Kittk's in olumbus . O. :\I il !er entertained her fathc1·. Al r. L 1 Your banquets are co ming soon. • \lliller and si ter. Mrs. Grace am Let us fi_t you_ u1~. for th_ese ,pecial pion of Dayton. 0. . <loin's. E. J. Non is.-Ad , · Friday evening, Vatheryn \\'a m er \\'. A. (Doc) Snorf, lately di - and \ "irginia Blagg were entertainec' charged fronJ Camp Sheridan. was a at the l'hi Kappa P si Chapter hou se welcome gue,t in \\'e terville the last in Columbus at an informal party.
The ''Senator'' Is a Shoe of Unexcelled Quality
few day .• Let u s know quick if you will want Get your hr ad at Days' Bakery.- a cap and gown. \\"e may be short Adv. E. J. :t\orris.-A dv .
Herman Lehman and Leslie Dano I _:\t Sunday dinner, ~he guest~ were went to Dayton to spend _the week- I· loyd ;-.J cC!u r e of Ohio State l tll\· er1 end. ,ity. Esther \ Veir of De laware. . . .. .h. S d , i\f r. Emn on Barlow and si ter Full Dress h1rts, 1 1e. , irt tu , Ai I B I f I b 0 O um us, Vest Chain . Silk Ho. e, Pump, Etc. ·' auce ar ow O · 1 E. J. -orris.-Adv. Over aturday and Sunrlay Esthe r \ \leir of Delaware, 0., vi ited h er si - , - W • L R h ¥. arren olmery from tate was a I t J . er ess1e e1r a ouc e. gue t of George Glaune1· Fnday. . . . . • . . . cl B Pres:dent Chpp111 ge r will peak in ur pnce on \\ alk- 0 vei an Id M d · Marcl1 OO I· pnnghe . on ay e ,·enmg. 1 tonian Shoes will save you • to . • ti · t t f th 2 50 0 n the air E J. :l\oni..-Adv. ·11 · 111 ie 111 eres s O e nited 1 · P · · unday chool mo,·ement. Our cakes are uper-fine. Days•.- 1 Adv. A " CHEE R UP" CHANT
Be t Peanut .
· ·
\ 'a r ity Shop.-Ach·. \\'hy kick about your Income Tax' I Throw off that frown and wear a I Get your banquet togs from E. J grin!
:;~;::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~::::~~~:~~:~:::::::~:: : : :===-:~
is your ma 11: incon1e' why make a quail' a good The Ile tax glad .. c.::01ning in! J _ ·onsider well the ant that dwell In bu y. peaceful lit tle pack . Come wot or weal, they do not queal ! B. \ '. D. time i here for purcha e 1 \\'hy kick about your f ncome Tax? of summer union . Let u show you 1 our line. E. J.. ·orris.-Adv. \\'hy kick about the co t f dre Honoring her gue t, ~l is Dor thy Ti - true your gra nd Pa went hi s I . way Lind of \Vitte11 I)e r g, an d I,er c u 111, ·r gged out in clothe that co t much gt. Karl \\' ar tier of Co lu mbu Bar-1 rack . Vida ¥,Iii he lm entertained a j le company of twenty st udent in . the I !:hit grandpa drew Two Bean per ochran Hall parlor aturday even- I . day! _ ing. The affair wa in the nature of an Eight dollar. for a pair of hoes I pril Fo I party. and games and re- , 15 high~hut keep your temper freshmcnts alike carried out thi idea. I , ~unny. I :'\o man hou ld m pe. and ha,·e the h!ue COC HRA N H A LL Till they cut hort hi long gr<:cn 11eryl Black is pending the week money! nd in Zane ville. \\'hy kick ab ut your chi lly flat? . The children like our cookies. \\' ! I t ti · 1y roar a iou 1e team pipe Days'.-Adv. leaky, -Adv. Katheryn-"11r. Han 011 i adverti er." Fay-" \Vhat doc he ,ell?" Katheryn-·' Laundry."
Vida \\'ilhelm delightfully enter- It' - warmer far where you are at taincd a numb er of girls at a push Fri Than up north• fightin Bolshedki ! day night, i_n honor ~'. her guest. 11 i s Th: gen ral tramp, an idle camp, Dorothy Lmd. of \\ 1ttenberg. 1 hough he po c sc. no gleaming
I 00 I trea ure, · \\'ould call your b rt1 a hea,·en on earth, Edythe Eby went home with her . \ nd three Qua re meal one round mother to Trotwood to remain until of plea ure. a fter Ea ter. \\'hy kick about the pinch of war The Place to . top. \'ar . ity hop. ! To w h ich we've had our introd uc-Adv. tion? If wearing th e hair down with a \\' e've won what we were fighting forhair -ribbon turn . big girl into little ;\ ow do your b it fo r R eco n truc girl , th f:!n seve ral o f u ha ve changed. tion. Ea ter andic . Var ity hop. Be glad you \· e een the Tyrant' fall Adv. in tead of feeling gl u m and cranky . Mr . Abbo tt too k A lice h ome with \\'hy kick at anyt hing at all ? her t o R ockfo rd to r emain un t il af ter ''Be downright g lad that you're a Ea ter vacation. Yankee!"-Ex. Ladies' Phoenix ilk Ho~e at and 1.55. E. J. Xorris.-Adv.
It ha _ e\ eryt hin g a man want s in the _hoe he buy -style, fit a nd durabilityIn rich , da rk ~I aho~:rany Russia Calf-macle over snappy, new Eno·lish last · with han cl se,, ed, w elted oak so le
CORSAGE BOUQUETS Give us your order for Corsage Bouquet. Nifty candles in all wanted colors. Dennison crepe papers for decorations. t Ribbons in desired shades.
GLEN-LEE PL-ACE . W. & I R TE . LEE oth Phon T T E 'T.
Have You G0 t y
our Banquet Date ?
Attend the Junior