1919 04 14 The Tan and Cardinal

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VOL. 2.


No. 22.

I"Y" CONFERENCE IS BIG SUCCESS President Turns First Dirt in


Seniors Perform ) Unique and Varied ProgramJapanese Romance is Played .


Ere tion of Sciei;ice Building.

Many .. Representatives ..from .. Ohio Colleges Atten d- Speakers Make A__ mo s t uniqu e and ple:sin~ 0 _r _en President \/\' . G. . lipping-e r turn ed Addresses to Large Audiences. se ,,1011 occurr ed la s t Thur . da} e, t n- the fir~t spade of dirt at the ground Played-Score 7 to 1. ing ""he1i the -e nior" oi JJhilalethea I breaking f the ne~· . cience hall ALL ENJOY FELL OWSHIP BOTH TEAMS LACK PRACTICE rend red their final program. a . : ··- Tue day ml'fning at 9 o'clock, with a ---tive members of the ,ocicty. l h<: hovel pre. ented him by George Oh_ Otterbein Enjoy3 Rare Treat- Hearty Without a Single Lette r Man Otter- I 1Jnu ually large cro,nl atte ted to the· ::1r t. manager of the Conc r ete Steel Co-operation of Studens and. bein is Handicapped But Better '1erit of the entire performance. T c: Constructio:1 company. who has the th Friend s Aids Con enion. Res ults are Expected Later. I 'terary number. e president'· vale- contract for the erection of the bu i!d·i'c to r y as gi,·en by Glady,, S\\"igart. a ing. The shon?l was trimmed in ta n Eighty-two dcl gates were enter­ Tn the game taged at Dela ,•.r·~ well '.'IS the mu ica l mniher. wa , ex- and cardinal color. Pre ident Clip­ tained by th e lo··al "Y" during the . aturday. Otterbein ,h owecl pro·,1,ses -~ptiona ll y good a n cl th e Japanc 5 e pinger poke on "The Place of cience - tndent Y. M. C. 1\. Conference in of a good team for th e future. L ' mance gave a pleasing fini~h to in Christian Education." · se ion. Friday. Sa turda y. and und ay th ough beaten by a score o f 7 to I. s':e .he evening's entertainment. The proProf. L. A. \\'einhnd, senior pro- of la st week. The conference was pla ced her opponent,; in -e veral tight ·-·ri n was as follows: fessor of cience. pre. ided. :vii , g·ven a good :--< 'Hl-oF Fr'da,· e\·~·1ing Pockets. Hitting , ·a· poor on !)--.~,, .ano Duct-··Capri,ante·· Glady Howard spoke in behalf of by H ... Ell iott. with a rousing . peec h id s. each team having only four 1 .c1, I . l'a_ul \V,i,ch,, the tud enh, while Pr f. E.. \V. E. upon the "Hi11dran•:es t Leader. hip t~ touch first by that method. Dano. , Edith Hahn and Lois :--;iebel .'ch ar expre sed the sentiments of in College". "Dad" Elliott, a · he is Pitching for Otterbein in th e fir s t five I Pre . ide1it's Valedictorythe science faculty. Dr . E. A. Jone s common ly known, wasted no words "The Challenge of .the :'Jew Day" led in prayer. innings. proved to be a hard man to · and hi s points always had the sting hit. ~Iartin was ubstituted for Jessie La R o uch e lt was attended principally by col- in them. This me eting was greatly Dan o in the sixth and pitched almost Presiden t's Inaugural- "Our T a k" lege s tudent . profe _sor and tho e in- enjoyed by those present. A feed and airtight ball \ Veslevan getting only Gladys wigart tere ted in th e college. a general goo d t im followed th e ser­ ?n~ hit and ·one rnn- in the last three J nstallation of Officer,;-Elect The building ha been located. after vice. u < ~.A . m1:.::h debate "11 the arr o.__, 1..ux1;.&i;il 1 ~K,;1 (lri..-k b-;:-ought 1;efore Capt. ln H~e ~-first o f th e ;;i ~1th , Mign;ry "Princess Kikn"lege executive comm ittee. It will the st ud ent and friend s of Otterbein 111ad e first "on a h ot grounder. In slidA Japan ese Romance face \\'e st 1\ilain ·tr'eet and tand so me phases of th e "Y" work from hi in g to econd he prained hi s ankle DRA:\iATI PER O:'JAE ab_o ut fifty feet from the st ree t. own observation, in a chapel peec h and Albright took hi place. Fox at p . K"hn favored niece of fhe h1 tone o ld walnut at the north , aturday morning. The conference 1 th e bat sen t a high one over fir t base. nnce s • ' Lenor e Ra,·o t I end of th e o ld football gridiron will then mo\·ed to the Association Build­ II • emperor . • • , a owing . lbi·ight to sco re from secES l>J \\.A ITLhave to come do\\"n. f r th e building ing where he gav e a brief. but in­ 0nd. Fox died on third . Freeman 1 L . DI co,·ers thi spot. teresting di cussion of '"Y" work as '( " an . \'irginia Burtner an d Mill er did good work with t I1e O ., 1mosa · directly concerns the ollege man. th bat. · Ka eryn \Varner Students and Local Residents O Totma i an Another bright lig ht in th e confer­ O Haru an • Ru th Drury Are Thanked for Hospitality ence was the Lake Geneva Banquet Sakara. a learned J apa ne ,e lady Seniors to be Banqueted and Florence Loar 1. H . H. ~le yers. Pre~ident of the held at the church aturday evening. E.ntertained by Sohpomores. Grace Armentrout 11:- lll . C. A. ha s ex pres ed his appre- ervices were continu d until unday cia t ion o f t I1e way t h e tudents. fac- afternoon when the conference wa , ''\Vhat's go ing to h appen at eig ht 1to · · ·1 avendi h. Eng lish girl ni ted Lady Ceci 0 clock Monday night in the Vida Wi lh e lm u Jtr an :J \\' esterville friends co-oper- bro ug ht to a close. It wa s a rare treat that Otterbein · ated during the recent Y. M. C. A. Brethren C hur ch?" :\l is s .Prendergast, 11er compan ion enjoyed. The co nferen e was a com­ Harriet Raymond Officer ' Conference. Townspeop le "The Sophomo re -Senior Banque t. of were exceptionally ho pitable in giv­ p lete ucces and th e meeting of men cour e." ing lodging and, in most case , break­ from all ove r over Ohio afforded an "Are the ophs going to show the fa t t o their gue, t . There were ap­ o pportunity not often nj oyed during Service Is Largely Attended eniors a good ti me?" in Memory of Curtis K. Young. proximately one hundred delegates college years. "Yea ve1·ily, just take a look at the unday afternoon a beautifu l ser­ and R. J. Harmelink found it compar­ Program I" dc e wa . held in the nited Brethren ati ,·ely ea y to lo ate the men. The Otterbein Reunion -To Be Lloyd. B. Harmo;1-Toa tn1a ter re pon ivene of _tudents and towns­ Held at Dayton April 21 \ Velcome . . Bert Jaynes, '2 1 Ch ur ch in memory of urti · Kumler people was excerdingly grat ifyin g to You n owho died in France on FebRe Pon e Judson C. Sidda ll, ' 19 Wh oop, Hip, Whoop, Whoo! al l concerned. P iano Solo Florence Dixo n, '2 1 ruary "' 13 - Chap la in S · L. Marti n o f 0 . u ., 0 . u. Hi-o-mine, Ot-ter-bein. the J7 th Division, who buried Mr. (a) Bravura Choir Renders. Easter Cantata Whoop, Hip, Whoo! Florence Newell Barbour Young was pre ent and poke at the Before Appreciative Audience •ce everal close associa te of _ This ca ll come from Dayton to (b) Feu Foll ett (F ireflies) sern . The annual Easter Cantata was fnend of Otterbein at We terville G. A. Grant- chaefer Mr. Young in France attended al o. Toast-"Camouflage" Mr. R. \V. Smith repre ented the sung by th e Chor u Choir of the and to the student who live in Miami Helen Bovee, '19 Masonic orders and Dr. F. M. Van Cnited Brethren church la t unday V~lley. J_'he Otterbein A oci'atibn Toa t-"Toothpick " Buskirk poke for the Knights of nig ht, before a large and appreciative will hold its annual r e union and din­ ·'Ea tertide," by Daniel ner at the Fi~ t U. B. church, 1fonday Bertha Hancock. '21 Pythias. A. W. eally made appro­ audience. Vocal olo Lois Niebel, '19 priate remark and Dr. E. A. Jone Prothe r oe wa u eel this year; and evening, Apnl 21. Come and b nng · Berry brown \ Varel-Steph ens your happiest and President lippin ger took part. wa e pecially p lea ing-the dramatic Readin g V io let Patterson, '21 Mrs. Verda Miles Dailey ang a o_Jo. pa age being unu . ually well render­ mile and your _perfectly good 75 cents. No personal invitations will "A ocia l Promo ter" Th e church was filled to capacity ed. oprano olo parts were taken by be ent out this year, so this an­ es bit Wil_bur with friends and r elatives who wish­ p· Miss el on and Mi . Fisher, alto nouncement is for you, say Mrs. F. iano Dueted to pay their la t re pect to Mr. by Mis Eubank , t eno r by Mr. 0 . Clem nts, a member of the com­ B elen Vance '19· Agnes Wright, '19 Young who was so well known and Wright, baritone by Mr. Hollinger. mittee. Moskow ki Rondo Bri ll ia,nte' !o,·ed here in Westerville. Extemporaneo us peaking First Game of Season Ends in Defeat for Otterbein-Game Loosely









A Clear Mind and Strong Body

A pproval''- Thri ll ing

Title o f P lay to be G iven in the Ch a pe l Tuesday N ight. " h , ' t was 0 11 a s ummer 1110-0- rn - ·1 ing, all in the 111 0 11 th of June." D o you e n joy a g od rousing, whol e hea:ted . 1r is h . con~.c-a ll -~c? Th c 11 don t mi ss hea nn g Her b Myers as I Dick Fitzgera ld in "Husband o n .\p - , prova l. '' He s ings '·score of them e,-cry m rning." An<l you'll miss a chance in a life time if you fai l to 1, ear Colone l Row'°, othe r wise ' arl Smith, at.tempt to make hi ve ry best proposa l with the deafe nin g ra cket of the steam li tter' s pounding, rin g­ ing in his car:. .\IHI girls, wou ldn't you lo·.e to, ha,·c a dn·ss so very >ecoming that four men w u ld propose to you the Yery lirst 11i.1,ht y ,rn w >re it? Co:nc and sec how I l l' lcn Ke ll er a . ·ancy Glo,cr effects the process of climrna­ tion . Then, there's Rita. her sister, whose one disappointment in life is h<·r red. sh in y nose. H0wl'\'l f, Hamilton Seaver doesn't seem to , mind a little thing lik e that. By, t!1e, way. in private lif e, Rita is known as Mary Tinstman; and around he,e, Jlamilton Seaver pas ,es as Karney ] I uhcr. Gia cl) ,; l loward, as 1rs. Clo, er. .llt lwu -h a wid w of thirty-nine, is ·t ill sensible to th e lire of romance. •LSJH' ·ia ll y when . he meets a man 1 •·w ho ronfcsses lo e>-.actly till' same 1rnmh<· r oi ycars as her df." The l)art of her son, Sam Glo ver o · "H linky," is played hy Edith lli11g­ l1am: and Catherine, the Iri sh maid, , straight from lklfast, hy Mary Hallinger. I Then last. hut not leas t, there's Bob Dc\'011 ( ·. L. F x),-"a decent, steady chap he a lways wa ,'' accord­ ing to Mrs. I ver. A nd although poor lloh is a living example of the ,o1«J adage that the ourse of true love j never did run . 111 <1th, at leas t h t: ca n say "a ll's we ll t hat ends we ll. '' Remember! C li e ge cha pe l, Tu es­ day night . Apri l 15. Sec "Dad" H ff­ Jnan for your ea t .




Y. W. C. A.

The Union Features Young Men's "Collegiate" Waist-Seam Spring Suits AT

A r e es -e n tia l to o-o d ch o l ,,·o rk. Y o u can h ave both by s pending an h our o r t \\· ea ch cl av on the t en n i c u rt .



to our sto r and g-et th prop r t n nis equ ipment. ::.\lo "t complete lin e of Racq u et:-; , Balls, ~ I arkers, .\" ets, Etc. in the city. Pr ice: a l ways rig-ht. om

The be "t -m acle, m ost stylish : ni L- it i - po . :i ble tn procl u 'e at thi: price-


M ain 9095

Se rvic e

C itizen 7012

EASTE R FLOWE RS Fancy C u t F l owers and B loomin g Plants.

F ashion Park a n d Hart Schaffner & M a rx Suits at

$30, $35, $40 to $50

The Y. \V. to p ic last Tuesday ni ght treated of a s ub j ect mu c h di sc us sed­ ..-----'---1 ' THE . . "T he Popular G irl. " In th e ta lk by the lea d e r , 11e lc 11 Ke ll er , and in the remarks of t he o th er gir ls, it was di CO\'e r cd t ha t . h e cou ld eve n do w it h o ut b ea ut)' o r ct c've rnc ss , if she I were a lways 0 11 th e lo o ko ut for the nappy s ide o f life and for a chance to l)1·igh t e n things for oth er . he is ing th e sod turning. T hey s imply had un s c l fts h a nd pure-m ind e d too, f r to have t h eir say for they were th e permanent 1fo pu lar it}• depends wholly on ly one· not repre$en ted on th e pro• 0 11 the inn er life . g ram. Ida Marie ,' ne ll in g gave a piano so lo, a nd co m mi tt ee. for the May There was a young woman named Mame morning _breakfa t were appointed. The Easter less o n thi week will \\' ho wa - suc h a careful. sweet da me, lf pepple u ·ed · lan g, be in cha r g · of May Sell man. S he' d ay with a pang:



h , gos h, what


ter ribl e


McKellar Flower Shop 22 N . High St.

Colu m bus, O hi o pu t u p JU t ri g ht­

Fa ncy Rose ,


A few no isy bird ;;. distracted much "

100 North High Street

Q uality

Distinctively cliff rnt fr m the orcli­ !: 2. r y '-'" a i s t- . e a m suit · ,Yith c l ever, LYely ' tyle ideas- a \Yonclerful Yar ietY 0 £ hancl ·o me n e w , ·cav s, at ---·--·-·· $2 5

w eet P ea , Vi -

lets, Carn at io n , E tc. Mr. H . F. Moore is our agent in Westerville.


You will do well to see him.


P atronize T an an d Cardinal Advertisers.

attent ion from Dr. J one ' praye r clur- P atronize Tan & C a rdinal Advertise r s r ..-..-_...._ ...._ ...._...._...._ - ,.. .;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;.,-. .....;.;;;.....-;;;;:;,;.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;.;;;;;.;;;;;._;;;;;;...,;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_.


TAN AND CARDINAL P~blished Weekly in the interest- of O,tterbein by th e

OTTli:RBEIN PUBLISHING BOAJtD , Westerville, Ohio Member. of the Ohio College Press A ssociatio n

STAFF Editor-in-Chief .. Ramey H. Huber, '20 A istant Editor ............ L. E. Pace, '21 Contributing EditorsE ther H ar ley, '2 1 E dith Bingham , '20 Business Manag er .. Carl L. S mith, '20 Assi stant Bu s ine s Managers H . F . Moore, '2 1 11 aro ld [,' r eeman, '22 Circulation Mgr . .. Mary Tinstman, '20 :h si,tant ' irculation ~h.nagers­ Marv e l ebert, '2 1 Genev ieve Mullin, '22 Athletic Editor ........ vV. H . Vance, '2 1 Local Edito r ............ Haz e l Pay n e, 2 1 Cochran Ha ll Editor, My rn a Frank,'2 1 Alumna! Editor .. Prof. A. Guitner, '97 Exchange Editor. Mary Ba ll enger, '2 Literary Editor, J. ord n I-Toward,'22 Address all communications to The Otterbein Tan a nd ard ina l, 20 W . Main St., ·Wes te rvili e, Ohio. ubsript ion l'rice, $ 1.50 I er Year, payabl e in advan ce. Entered as seco nd c la ss matter September 25, 19 17, at the po to ffice at We tervill e, 0., und e r act of March 3, 1879. Acceptan ce for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec. l 103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized Oct. 24, 1918.

And th e night sh a ll b e fi lled with mu s ic, And th e cares that infes t th e day Sha ll fold th e ir te nt s like th e Arab s :\n<l a s il e ntl y t ea l away. - L o n gfe ll o w.

Easter. Eastc.: rC hri s tRe s urr ec ti on . Do we uncon sc iou ly co nn ect th ese thr ee word in our mind , o r has Easter come to have a more m a teria l, a more so rdid m eani ng ? This season is not m ·r ely a gay vaca tion , a relca e fr o m study, a br eak in t h e mon o tony, hut a tim e when we s h o uld try t o r ea li ze the keen sufferin gs of hrist. On Easte r unday we should put ourse lves in ,1 hol y, r eve r en t mood, so th at when we arc sittin g in chur ch our mind s will no t creep away to th e n ew Fa te r bonnets. Fo r Easter t o 11s s h o uld be eve n mor e w nderful th an C hri ~tma s; for at thi tim e t 'hri s t gavc.: up hi s very life-fo r us. Sh tdd we not at leas t think f Hi s suffering-for Him ? Le t us make Easter

th o ught


Page Three

Fault of Colleges Discussed. Dc11om inatio11al ·o llcges ai-e fre- I qucntly cha rged that s tudents are not so ac tive in church work a fter en tering co llege as they were for­


C. W. STOUGHTON, M. D. 31 W . College Ave.

Westerville, Ohio

Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 medy in th_eir home communitie · I T his acc usati o n is just to some de- ..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,

g ree a lthough there is so me t: Xplana­ t ion fo r th e co ndition.


Perhap s ni ne o ut of e \' e ry ten co l- I leg me n were leader · in the East College Ave. ~hurches fro m w hich they ca me. It 1· c , 1dent that it is not po s ible fo r Phones-Citizen 26 Bell 84-R a ll the c tudents to beco me leader in rn ll cg c religious affairs. The p ity is that the majoritY. ha nd these , - - - - - - - - - - - - -------.. religious acti\'ities o ver t a few and DR. W. M. GANTZ say . " Let the preacher crowd do it." Dentist T h tis it le, elo p that therc.: are two I Bell Phone 9 g roups co mmonly known as the r •­ 15 W. College A ve. ligious a nd non -reli g io us crowds a l­ W estervillc! thou g h the so-ca llccl non-rcligiou a re not fa irly spoken of a such. BUY ,\n o thcr cx planati II may he in the . · . fact ~hat ~ false idea l ha s crept int / Hemz Sweet, D1!~ and Sour Pickles. the hnsuan college. T he notion is Ne arly all of his 57 Varieties at possessing a lo t f y o ung men that your comma nd . in o rder lo h a ""ood ,; p rt' ' and a / W hat Are You Preparing For? typi ·a l co lleg . ma :1 ope .11 u t he r-=- 1 MOSES & STOCK What are you working for? ls c r\'Crl a nd not 1, a . c, o r :it lea t not , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - your preparatipn actuated w .th · ,. . T lJal Ill . Il y OU get more Groceries S 110W, too llJ llC II r c. 1g 1011. thought of elf primarily and other order to make a mark and h~ popular in c id e n ta ll y or for others primaril} it is not esse ntial to mak e goo d for less money at and your e lf in c identa lly. The wor~ .1 g rades or b.: act iv · in re ligious af- 1 of the former s hould n t be di·­ fairs . \\ ' hy docs this 11otio11 o btain? cou nt ed too much for it is good in Rcligi n is not SC' paratc and a part j itse lf, hut suc h a per · 11 is f 1 from o ther phase of c li ege life. u ef uln es t socie t y. He may be a ·ollegc s p rts, g o cl times. friendpl eas ur e t a ·c rta in r tricted fe ,,·. s hip , a soc iati o ns a nd a 'I thcr atHi s fa mil y ma y he be nefited throL.<.;l1 arc s urely 111 harmony hi s own e l fish tastes and ambition religion. ,\ clo er tmion f The College Avenue b ut hi influ n e w ill b extremely secular with religious 111tcrcst limi ted . Let it he kept in mind that MEAT MARKET s hould he so ught and a ll tendenci es a man who is engaged in any us efu l to cl iscouragc re Iigious a cti \' ity occupation. a lth o ugh n t di tin t ly . , ·hould he tohooed. 1\11 a tmo s p'tc ·,· phila11throp i · in it · character, 1s o f e nthusia 111 and interest in re­ First Class n eve r the less rendering service to li g io us work n eeds to h created. soc iet y. \ 'latch and J ewelry Repairing




C. W. REED'S 21 N. State St. I,-----------------Rhoades & Sons




o ur

exen:i es. Thi i partly cl ue to t he fac.l that so me s tudents p rsi t in us­ ing tl~ e chape l period to cram a les­ son_ rn~o their heads.• The chapel period is not for study. It is a brief part of t~e day set aside primarily for worship. The singing is as much a pan_ o f this worship a the read:ng f cnpture or the o ffering o f prayer. Otterbein ha s an e xceptionally line c hap I hymnal. "Hymn o f \\' o rship and en·ice" contains a c hoice co l­ lection of hymn and o ngs and it is appare n t that the tud nt · do not appre iate this fact. The majority of the n e hundred most e lebrated h ymns are includ ed in this b o k. These hymns are of superior merit because of their b cauty of mu ic and their cxce ll enc~ in lit e r ar y value. They arc not undu ly s tately o r digni­ lie<l but th ey ce rtainly de - er\'c c lose attention and proper r e. pect. l i some inferior bo k was in u e ther-: mi g ht he an excuse f r indiff rencc h ow n by some, but with u h in­ sp mn g hymn s th e c hap e l s inging ul d be improved.

===========-===============-- -=======e--

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Con klin F ountain Pens, Highland Linen Stationery, College Jewelry and Easter Novelties.


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A fir st class line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. N ew Strawberries, Oranges, Bananas and Marschi no Cherries. Fine Candies.

If not Are You Insured? Why not?


A. A. RICH, Agent

Fresh Salted Peanuts. KELLER & McELWEE Cash Grocery Cor. Main and State S ts.

and ~::::::::::::::::::::::::,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::~

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pance in th e sin g in g of the chap el • - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - • -•- - - - - •

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P~ge Four


::t :::-rm,

Professor Ro sselot Pays T ribute to W . G. Snavely, '07, D~ceased , \m o ng th e re,;e nt o- raduat es o f tt erb ei n, fe w if any played a mo r e im ­ portant ro le in thei r four y ars i n ~oJ lege th an did \ Vm. G. Sn av e ly w ho di e d Saturd a y, Ap r il fifth . Affec tio na tely ca lled ·' Bill" b y a ll · the tud ent s, hi s p lea s ant. sy mp a,17. Ri chard Brad lie ld, wh o is ta k- th eti c, un se lfis h di p osi tio n w as a in g a d\'a nced wo rk in ch e mi s tr y a t ch eer and a toni c to th e w h o le co lhi o S ta te l;n ive r sit y, wa s in W es- lege life . . \ crippl e. h e co ul d n o t ter \' ill e las t Tu es day t be prese nt a t take pa rt in Athl e ti cs b ut n e\'e r wa t he grou nd -I re ak in g fo r th e n ew t he re a m o re a rd e nt l oos tc r o r a sc ien ce bu ildin g. mo re faithf ul m a nager. T h e Phil oI m a th ean li terary s cie ty n e ve r a_i-~e r aucl Iva n ha d a m ore fa it hful me m be r , m ore ' 15, ' l4, ' 17. a n d Geo rg~ Sech 1,st v1 s1ted 111 W es- co n is tent wo rk e r, or m o r e enthu te rvi ll e o ve r S unday. · t1· c I)OOs tcr. 1·-J c , as th e ca pta111 · sias '12. Ch a rl es F. a nd er o f 'h icago, of th e fi r s t int e rco ll e gi a te cl •ba tin g fllino i . s p ent a few cla ys la t wee k t eam pu t o ut by th e co ll ege and was a t· t h e h me o f h is par e nts, Mr. a nd a towe r f s tr e n g th. 1\!Jr s. F . L' Sa n der s o n Glenw oo d Hi s inte ll ec t ua l abi lit y a nd hi s caDr ive. pa ci ty fo r wo rk mad e him b eco m e th e '92. J r. tt o B. ·o rn e ll wa s in a n- mas ter o f a ny ubj ec t h e und e rt oo k. to n, Ohi o . la st w ee k in sp ec tin g th e YVhe n he left co ll ege hi s p lace wa s Co un cil f Roy a l and e lec t M as ters h a r cl to fil l. . T o me, wh o kn e w him pe 1·sona ll y, h1 loss is a g reat on e in in th a t c ity. d ee d. T h ree y ears a ro o m - m a te of '94 . Pro fe o r 'ha r k Sna ve ly w ent min e. l fee l th a t so m e bo dy wh o was to M a ill o n, hi o, la t wee k to a t- ve ry nea r , is go n e. nd a s a t1·ibu te t end th e fun era l of h is neph ew, \,V il- to o n e, wh o w a a lwa y s a loy a l. s ym ­ li a m . S n ave ly . '07, wh o di ed in ~e w pa th et ic fr ien d, may l s ay that th ose Yo r k ~ity a n d wa s buri ed in M ass i! - thr ee years in the c lo est poss ib le a ssocia ti o n wer e thr ee y ears excee cl lo n las t Tu ·s da y. ,17_ A . \ ,V, Nea ll y and J. B. a r ver in g ly w e ll sp e n t. M a y tt e rb e in spen t th e wee k encl in 'vV e tervil le. prod uce m re m e n of t his kind . ,-\ _ P . H sse lo: . T h ey ca m e es p ecia ll y t o a tt e nd th e ~[ e m rial Se rvi ce o f urt is K . Y o un g. Staff Takes V acation. ' 18. Mi ss Kath e rin e W a i. wh o return e d to hina las t fal l. h as ac Du e to t he E a te r 1·ccess whi ch exce pted a p iti o n a s tea he r in th e te nd s un t il Tu esda y. p ril 22, th ere ni o n o rm a l ch oo l at a nt on. w ill be no Tan a n d a rd in al n e xt hina . wee k.

RlTTER ti UTLEY'S Up -to -Date Pharm acy . E a s tman's K odak\ a nd Pho~og;aphic Supplies. F ilms ·D e·v eloped a n d Printed at' l owest prices.

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Name Cards for College Folks Printed Ca rd s for eit h e r men or women , $1 for 50, o r $1.25 for 100. Prices for Engraved Stock on A pplication.

The Buck eye Printing ~o. Both T elephon es

West Main St.

' 14. i\, I r. a nd i\,l r s. Gladd e n F . E va n / (E th er \ a n Bu kirk )° ha ve rece nt ly 1 , - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - --.... re turne d to t h e ir ho m e in W as hingto n. D . C., a fte r spendin g a w ee k in Choice Cut Flower s and Corsage N w Y o rk ity . Bo uq u ets .


Otterbein Students

Quality Bes t- Prices Right Fac ulty and S tudents Plan S. Sta t e St. Citizen 345 War Sa vings Stamp Campai gn W ein la nd , rah! 'vVe inl a nd. ra h! H e has s ta rt ed the Fac u l ty " Brin g ' Em Back Club" o ff with a w in g by hi s sub sc ripti o n of $ 150. L oo k s lik e th e F a cult y Co mmitt ee is in fo r a sof t s na p. N'es t-ce p as? Ge t bu y, t ude nts. a nd le t' s ee wh a t yo u ca n d o, now. D o n't w ait fo r th e ·o mmittee to see yo u.­ see th e co mmit tee. As o ut line d in h ap e l las t wee k , th e p lan is as f ll ows. Fi ve hundr ed do l­ la r s' wor th o f 'v\la r Sav in gs S tam ps sub sc rib ed to 11 0 w. a n l b oug ht a t an y COLUMBUS ,Q, tim e du rin g the yea r. co n s titut es a ''Brin g 'E m Bac k lu b." O t te rb ein I t bn s to u ppo rt th ree clu b ,-o n e a mong th e F ac ulty m e mb e r s, o ne J Ca ll C itizen 2 1 or B ell 147 - R , for a mong th e gi rl s. a nd th e o th er a m n g the m en. T h e comm it tees ha n d ling th e , or k A gent for Acme L_aun de rin g Company, G enera l Laun dry Work and a re as fo llows: P ee rl ess Dr y Cleaning C o ., D r y Clea n ers, Dye r s and S a nitary Pressers J7 or fac ult y su bsc ri p ti ns-J ose- 1 H eaclquarte r s- 12 E . Colle ge Av e., W esterville, 0 I p hin e Foo r a n d Ramey l-1. Hub er. Subs crip tions t aken for T he Country Gentleman, Ladies' Home F r s tudent . ub sci-ip t io ns-'vVo m en. Jour n a l, Saturday E vening Post. \'i cla \ ,Vilh elm , H e le n Ke ll er a nd 1 P r o mpt Service-B e st S ervice M a r ve l ebert. I S ta ple and Fanc y Groceries s ee F or tucl e nt s ub sc ri p ti ns-}.l en. . , W I L S ON , T HE GROCER L. F ox , K. J. Scott and H . F. Moore. F o r p ub licity- Edn a D ellinge r a nd Sout h_ S _t ate_ St. P r o fe sor R sselot suffe1·ed t he lo s ni g ht. Th e fi 1·e s tarted fr o m an incu· _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ ....,,1 Haro ld Da.,vi son . of hi s c h ic k e n · coop b y fi r e u n day ba to r. T h e lo wa a bout $250.

E ASTER REMEMBRANCES F or Your Brot her s and Sist er s


Stop a t

R emember the fo lks at home with a picture. ._fJ


I'------------- -----"


F or Nuts Fru its and Candies

;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=·--J. E. HANSON, The Clean-Up Man










Page F ive


"Say It

DUNLAP'S Easter Footwear

With Flowers

20,000 pairs of the newest, smartest Easter Footwear awaits y o ur inspection

o~·sage f r banquet;



a bunc h of ro ·es or


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s w et peas for ·troll or ·preacl; a bo uquet


for her room.



Wonderful good values in good

$6.00 a Pair

fitting low shoes.

Well worth $2.00 a pair more.




Candles , a ndl e

Our Bargain Basement is showing a splendid line low shoes in Pumps, Oxfords and Colonials at, a pair, . $5.00

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Days'. ­

"Sata1 :-" Freeman , President oi the Helen Mayn e Rou sh . Fre hman Class, wa cr it ically ill


pape r.

_1 LL


fo r offic e, d e n o r r oom .

LOCALS Dr. ,\ . ~. Sidda ll o f Dayton vi s ited day n ig ht due to a seve re a tt ack of D . Ira M ay n e, who is att ending a t t ile home of his son Ju d o n o ve r pto ma in e po iso nin g. La te t rep o rts Mo nday said th at he was im provin g . O hi o tate U niv er sity, ha s bee n t he week-e nd. lub. Pl D ~ Get yo ur bread a t Days' Ba kery .c hose n as a m embe r of th e Gle f J . Cl ca ts or un 1or ass ay at a1... I .\ dv. H e w ill accom pany th e club o n its Hoff m an's. -Adv. sprin g to ur of o n e wee k. Dor th y tra w was th e g uest o f Ea rl Haye of I unx u taw ney, Pa., Ad ri a May hu g h at d inn e r S un day. pring hirt a r e in- no th ing be tt er tl1 a n Arr ow l)l·aiid. E. J. N rri . - spe nt seve r a l day with 'vVestervi ll e Sgt. John Eyer of amp S herman Ad v . fr iend · "Tu ffey•· received his di • visited 'vVestervi ll e friends Saturday T.' J. Jud y f .\'ew · J'a1·i , Ind., i a cha rge fr o m th e army two month and unday. gue t at th e h me of M r. a n d Mrs. ago. Dw ight M aync of P it ts burg h, Pa. , J ame \,Vcib lin g. M r. Judy was a pring ap are here, $1.00 to $2.50. wa in \ estervi ll e over the we k- end fo rme r tterbc in tude n t. E. J. o rris.-Adv. to attend the funera l of hi s ister, super-fine.



t h e thin :::-,o- yo u n eed,


Our c. kes are Adv.

a l I colo r ' ,





un- , Patronize Tan & Cardinal Advertisers


Both Phones

N. State St.



Page S ix I



Y. M. C.A.

Secretary Orville V1'. B ri ner led the Y. 1\L C. A. meeting last Thursday night. The pu r pose of hi s remarks was to help correct the pirit of re_st­ lessness and criticism that prevails in Otterbein thi s year . Here in Otterbein the different groups are apt to cri t icise each other. The athletes criticise tho e only s tudi ously in clined, th o e studying for th e min i t ry find fault with the r e-


ligi o u s zeal o f the r students. the st udents criti cise th e faculty and so on. We must remember that it takes a ll kinds of men to nnke the world go \ and eve r y u ef ul occupat10n ha s its p lace wheth er we are personall y interest ed in it o r not. . A spi rit of unr est prevails at all . . . coll eges and so Otterbem is no ex· I1 f ception. Let us get 111 t e game or · we never fi ncI t I1111gs 1·c1 ea I a 11d n1ust learn t o make the bes t of condi ti ons.








Belmore Model Hre astmore Model Two butt on . single brea~ted \\' aistline One button. single b r easted model- 1 d S , mo eI- prmg s most pop ul arized . . . high waisted effec t w ith peak lapel It st) le for Young .\Ien. gives )·ou and flare sleeve-th e tw c top button ~ , fl " h" f th e l11·g11 \va1· t-full ,-I,e ct effe · ct )"Oll are 'camo u age -no t mg ne\\"er or ~ " Young ;\,fen. want th ese days.


Traymore. Model · t Plain. double brea ted, high wais effect, w ith slan t pocket. - it' s always good io r the )·oung man who wants t o be a little differently attired.


H elen Bechtolt has been enjoying everal day of dormitory li fe. \ ee "Husband . on Approya \." good.-Adv.


0 0 0


It's \ I

Florence Reeder from Delaware J spe nt Saturday afternoon with Ber- \


tha Han cock. 1 Th e home of Prof. \ Veinland wa s NEW the scene of much merriment Th u rsday even in g w h en Paul ine tu bbs en ­ t ertain ed a nu mber of h er gi rl fri e nds. Yo u ng }.fen p r efer th e m in p la in co lors-blue a nd g r ee n fl a n nels e pecia ll y-b u t we have hundred and pat terns in all the b e t st yles to select fr om T h ose who enjoyed her hospitality were Velma Swinger , Lois Clark, R uth Deem, Dorth a Straw, Theo S taats, Evelyn Da rl ing. Ida Marie ncl ling and Bertha Hancock. Quality and tail oring that give lastin g se n ·ice for one- th ird le . mo ney at Fellows keep yo u r eyes open when

o f g.ood fabric

The Best Values Under the Sun

ar! propo es to Helen.-Adv. Lillie \.Vater entertained Friday eve n ing in honor of her sister, Lena \,Vaters from Graf ton, \ V. Va., who is spending severa l days with her . Gladys w igar t and a number of h er 1 friend have been enjoying very much·1 t h e visit of Gladys' mother, grand­ fat her and Mrs. Stoffer , all from Bar­ ba r ton. T hey especially enjoyed th e party which was given in honor of t h ese guests la st Friday night in Gl adys' room.

J $15, $17.50 & $20 22 W. Spring

T wo Stores in Colu m bus - 33 in t he U nited State s

$22.50 to $30 7 W. Broad

L eno r e Rayot and Virgini.: Bur t­ ne r were hos tesses at a pu sh las t The children like our cook ie . den t s back among u again and w~ some of u s. Florence Loar ha al ­ Thu r day n ig h t, giv en in honor of enjoyed having Net tie Lee Ro th spell ready gone to her home at 11 t. P leas­ Day '.-Adv. Esth e r M oo r e. \\ e are alway glad to see o ld s tu- t h e week-end here. ant, Pa. E a s ter vaca t ion come ear ly for -

New Model ·Restaurant. SODA F OUNTAIN

Any Kind of Sandwiches, Home-Made Pies Special O rders any Time Regular Lunches or Dinners

The Famous Columbia Grafanola AND RECO RD S. Our L ine is Complete.

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Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobbacco.

Orders over the Phone · North S tate S t .

Ask U s About

Westerville, 0.

15 N. State St.

Bell 177-W ~

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