1919 05 05 The Tan and Cardinal

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W E STERVI LLE, O H IO, MAY 5, 1919.

V O L. 2.





No. 24.



D inn er and P r og r a m M ake Evening Students _M~ke Complaints A ~ainst Pleasan t fo r Jun iors. Gordon O t terbein m Y. M . C. A. Meeting . R em ed y Is P rop osed. V isi~ors Score Eleven Runs In Single Howard is Toc. stm as ter. Y. W. C. A. Girls S erve D ain ty R eIn n ing- M any E rrors A re Made past t o the Delight of Hun g ry Otte r bein'· annua l FreshmanLa - 1 T hursday night the second by Both T eams. Junio r Banquet wa s held Tuesda: ' nl' :nber of t he conte t being held by Breakfaster s. . :\. was led by L. J. niaht Apri l 2,), in the basement oi the Y. M. ' Cn ited Brethren churci1. _.\ \ \'ood. H ITS ARE M A D E AT WILL TABLES W EL L DECORATED ,;e lect orchestra furni hed the music. Profes or Fritz. garbed a an old Violet3 and Blos3o m s B ea i.:t ift:!- 1 ordon · Howard was the toas t master. "country iake." comp lained that here F rost for Musk:ngum, Martin and I Mignery for Otterbein Showed Menu Well Ch o sen an d S e r ved The Fre hman-Ju ni or banquet i in schoo l his son didn't tudy hut I Jt te of the bi<T social e,·en t of the I ei<Tht hour a day and had learned to Real Baseball A bi ity. I n E xce II en t S ty I e . . ~o lle:;e year and t his one was a sue- play checker-. rook and tennis. Otterbein wa def atecl in her third More than two hundred g u es ~; were ·c~s in e,·ery way. The dining hal l P. K. \"oel. in a basebal l unifo··m game of ba,eball w:t", , 1u k'ngum, Pre ent at the annual May ~[or :i:n::- and t he tables were uniquely and and lugging a huge sledge hammer. aturday afternoon by a score of 23 to Breakfa t given by t he Y. \ V. · A. tastefu ll y deco rated with purple and knocked the athletics of Otterbein. girl in the ·ochran Ha ll dining roo m ·1 He r ecommended the erection of a 10. Loo e playing seemed in vogue. both sides making a great quantit t d I d go 11c · . a ur ay morning. Ideal weat 1er an \her the table had been cleared I new (Tym and the 1mpro,·emcn t o f the of errors. In the first inning Otter­ Well organized planning combined to : G . ~f 11 . chairman of present shower baths and locker 11 1' _ bein pu heel ahead by a 3 to I ·core make the affair very ucces ful. '.li ss _enevieve .1 u rooms. . the ~oc1al committee, presented GorIn the . econd inning no :cores wer~ e Glady Howard a cha irman of t he don Howa r d a the toastma -te r of Mr. l:lert Jayne complained that 0 111nintee on all arrangements, _de- the cn:ning. Mr. l loward in hi in- they <_lid_n't ha -.-_ a pool tabl in the made by either side. The next time up. • [uskingum walked away with ser\'e a great deal of commendation, k ·pressed the re- .\ssoc1a t1on l:lt ildrn g and that if he the game by ~cori ng eleven runs. . . Tl1 troductory remar s ex : sh man cla s that wanted to dan ce he had to go home e f h a. well a · all the sub-chairmen. :'.llartin replaced Dano as pitcher_ d . I . o- rct o t e 1 re • . , I I I , ecoration were very pretty, )elllg ,.., I I _ . · . llaro < 1·reeman. tli,cc·la--• J>rcsid..:nt . . . to t 1e oca church. Ott rbcin lost her pu.1ch after thi Pring flowers and fern , used 111 comt e )re cnt lie th en Mr. JI. H . .\1eyers abo complained blow rallying only in the nin th wheit h.1 . . k d wa · t11ta 11 > e o I> I · nation with tall baskets of pin an j . d . B 1 .. l\f ·t'n wh 1 we!- t 1tat the · preacher crowd'' around four runs were core,!. Hits by Whit . f . I I b :\Irs introd uce o > • a1 i ' h n "e, , t . . I . ff :\[ e carnations, urn1, 1cc Y • · ied the Juniors to the banquet. oo arct 11 t 1nr · ort ·ither side wer · made at will Otter­ 11 · a~y E. Lee. The waitresses. dress- ~~ Gray president of the Junior to secu re conYt:rts to th ir way of bein gett:ng JO hits and 1[u ·kingum 1 eel Ill \\'hite and delicate color·. com- Ire < 'o' d•d to the wekomc. He thinking. taking 17. Frost for • fu~kingum >I t ,, . . . c a,s, resp n c u l' ~- , i e eu the damtme s of the scene. a wish for com rad hip he•" r. . r... 1 u 1sc hrought forth he :'.II art in an<l 111 ignery for Otterbei ; 1 1 One interesting feature wa~ the ad- expresset<l la. se - Following this, pica that he studied hard. hut. hc- ·howe.d real base ball ability. v rt1s1ng, · · • I twe en 1e c •· which was earned on arge. u . .. er ,.,., ga,·c a de- cause he lacked "cla ·." he wa~ not T_;neup as foll ws: I, I b Miss o atnce 1·1s11 . -#• }f l~• means of p?sters. . -~ num er ji.,.htfttl vo.cal s lo. Dennis D. llrane. g-i,en a pro:11incnt place in chool O tterbein O Muskingum girls wh se art1st1c ability, up to ti r1 t toa t of the c,.en- acti, ities. Graham, c. .\Ir. \\'ood said e,·erything could be Dano, J\lartin. p......... . thi · time. has been unk nown to their ' '22 , g~ :~ ,eJ\,I' r te ... ~11.. J ·ei> 1_ · d · · 1· 1,·e 111 u • " ., .\ Ibright. 3b. f ri_end 1'.J Or('head, 3b. .. di played unu ua l talent an '.ng-r ,., foliowed with the remedied by unselfishne . 0 ... ....... .. ain, 2b. originality in making po ters. Their me ·oor. #T . . .. Both of the Often the un elfish road will be 11ignery, 2b. st oaSlies. Fox. lb.......... ' ork· 1s · · d 1d toast "Po d . Fro. t, lb. highly appreciate : ai ali,·e with wit and 1mmecI I>y c Iou d Irnt I'f we perse~1 iller, c....... . .. Boyd, rf. <10 uhtle s much of the uccess of the toa st wTe1~~ , _ iia l t)rorrram clo ed vere we will see each eYening the c~own, cf. whoJ_e a ff air · is due to t h e w1·r1 e p u b l1c - hl' :::o~. ..- •0 · 1 "' in g from " u 1>1·1me, wee t eYc111ng · · J1 1• S,\ sy, cf. .t r ead star w I11c w ith a fa cina t ing ~ l Lehman, Pace, If. ........ Karscher If Y g iven it. . Ke ll er, ,20 _ t 11e un e l11 h love of Jesu hr i t." ' . Th k t h I Hugo. by Mi s He len v, ells, rf. ............... Wi lson Carmen p came the extempo r aneous e chairman wi hes to ta ·e Martin, Dano, ............ :. JI.filler ' · 0 Dr Jones and Dean Miss Vance To Give O rgan R ecital. PPOrtunity to thank al l th e g irl for _ Thk~n Otterbein ........ 3 0 I O 1 1 O O ~10 their p lendid work: a nd the c itizen ,pea mg. . Mi s Helen \"ance will gi\'e an orCalled on by the Mu·kingum .... IO II 4 2 0 3 0 2-23 o f \ Yesterville fo r their hea r ty co-op- McFad d en were . e toa tmas ter. T hey exp r e ed their gan recital 0 11 the chapel organ T uesra tion and pat r onage. he reports a , d • i\I fin ay eve11 111 g, ay I 3. Mis V_ ance i 1 al i>r eciatio n of the ' vening s f proth e net p r ofit. w hi ch wi ll go towar< ga ,·e r emi ni cenccs o o Id a mem I>er o f t h e 1919 gra d ua t,ng cla s Philomathean Literar y Society e :ummer Conference F und. gram. . . . . Buys Many New Books. and ome kindly ad nee to the piano of t he Otterbein 011 erva• 0 ---------t im: ' of the two cla e . ··Herb'' tory of ).lu ic and an advanced pu pi l Approximate ly sev nty-fiye of the 1 tterbein Has C lose Meet mMem Jcr ">O and -harle Pul e '22, in organ of Prof. G .G. Grabil l. he be t books of recent publication have eyer extemporaneou # ' • G m·id ju t been received by the Philomath­ WI.th Capito l in Tennis. ave toa ts. Th e I· a men~ b er o f t h e rA, mencan Although u fferi ng defeat in tennis ~o llege ong wa ung and the Fresh- of Organ1s_t and has taken charge of ean catalogue r and placed on the from Capito l atu r day, Ot te r bein man-Junior Banquet of 19 19 was the n~wly ll1 ta iled organ at the I re - ~_hel\'eS of the Carnegie .L ibrary. The list o_f books and au th or i too Jong ~howecl e,·idcnces of a crac k team. ended. bytenan church. to print but the fact is that the selec­ Vith only one afte rn oon p rac t ice a II tion wa made wjt h de liberation and Pring the team in tec h nica l s kill o u tcoun el by capable men. t ~dent cla ed their oppo ne n ts. 1[arti n in th e fi r t ing les o utplaye d th e Ca pi ­ hould look ove r th e books ca r eful ly and take ad van tage o f uch an excel­ tol man bu t wa for ced to g ive in be­ cau se of a prain ed a nkl e. co r e A la A la ! t he old P hilop hro- 1pec ul iar contr aptions t ha t ha ve been lent opport un ity to r ea d the la te t an d I 6-3. 6-8. 4-6. G r ay's m an p roved to nean Te be t boo ks of fiction hi s tory, religion m p le is a th in g of th e pa t. p laced beneath the be lo ,·ed edi fice . and biog rap hy. ' be too fast for h im p r obabl y d ue to T hat ac r ed s tru c tu re o long Fa rewell ! fond land m a r k; we bid lac k of pra t ice. co r e 2-6, 2-6. • d b , tli e brot h ers o f "Ph ilia thee ad ad ie u God-speed ! lo ng fo c I, en 11e ) . I n t h·e do ubl es tte rb e in won an • Pl " lia bee n d efi led by t he te r ed he 1rloom-1T1a y y o u pe nd m a ny On Teachers' P rogram. K a i 1ron ea . . ea Y vic t ory. Ban cr o ft and :Martin . • ha n ds o f th e ho u e m ore fru it ful year o f se r vice al Dr. E. A. Jon e i · sc hedul ed to ac r e I1g 1o u . Play.ing t h ei r op po ne nt s o ff th eir fee t. ·t is go ing no o n e t ho ug h co rru p t111g hand s ha:ve to rn pe_ak a t the annua l meeting of the ' th m ove r. V h i e r i . co:-e 10-8, 6-4. ·t urely i as 1 yo u fro m t he hall owed ground w h ere O hio tate Teac her ' A ssocia tion to · kn o w , b u t, go111 g 1 ' 1~x t we ek th e team will p la y \ V it­ th e m ultitud e of yo u have ne ti ed fo r ma ny y ea rs. •d d b be held at eda r Poin t in June. Y e n cn ce tenb r g at pringfield . 1





I "'








Page T ·. o

NEWSPAPER WORK HAS ATTRACTION Nolan R. Best, Editor of the Conti­ nent ancl Member of Class, '92, Writes on Journalism. UNLIMIT}i:D POSSIBILITIES Urges

That Journalism


the Attention of College Graduates of Fair Literary Ability. In th e ,·ecent commemoration of the centennial of th e birth of Jame Russell Lowe ll, there has come t o light a quotati 11 from Lowell which ] had nc,·er known of before, but which puts intowordsvery satisfyi ngly fo r me the origi na l concept ion (then o f course bu t half conscious and wh olly inarticulate) whic h drew me, e, en he­ fore l ended co ll ege, to de cide o n newspaper work as my vocation in life. Said Lowe ll: "See what a pulpit th e editor mount da il y, so metim s with a congregat ion of fi fty th ousa nd within reach of his vo ice , and neve r so mu ci, as a nodd e r amo ng th e m. A nd from w hat a Bib le ca n he choose hi s text. a Bible that nee d s no trans lat io n a nd which n o pries t -c raf t ca n s hut a n d clasp from the lai t y, the ope n vo lu me of the wor ld , u po n which , with a pen of suns hin e a nd destroying fi r e, the inspired Prese nt is even now writin g th e anna ls of od." To my mind, ve,·ything which i here set· down hy our g r ea t Ameri ca n poet a nd essayi s t sta nd s va lid today to cha ll e nge th e a tte nti o n of a ny young m an or young woman possessing a fair gift f~r _writin g· Engli s h to the opportunities of the profe ss ion of journalism. To he sure it may seem a bit s tilt ed for a co lle ge s tud e nt to appropriate as hi s re aso n for se lec t­ ing thi s particu lar calling in lif e a on cep ti o n o f its possi biliti es so far ­ rea c hing a nd potent as Mr. Lowell' s de sc ripti o n imp li e . And of co ur se the se ns ibl e student \veil knows that there a re grade of s ucce s in jo urnalis m w hi c h do not a ll afford th e swee p ,of power co nt e mpl a ted in thi v iew of it s influ e nce. Eve n if a ·m a n ,could know him se lf to be d es tin ed to ultimate success f these prop ort i n s, lie would have to look fo rw ar d to ·years of drudgery hav in g littl e ap­ parent relation lo the great publi c and soc ial c r vices that journalism render s throu_g h it · ablest repr ese nta ­ tives. Neither of these con idcrations, how ever, shou ld make a man asham­ ed to eek the lif e and ·work of a news1 ·aper man with candid acknow l­ cd~cmcnt that the be. t capacit ie s of the profes ion · attract him. For when any man id e ntifi es him self with a calling of gr a t civic usefulness, h honor and lifts himself by imposing on him e lf the finest standard which have been deve lo1 ed by the fratr , ­ nity that ·he jo in s. To become a phy ic ian, an attorney, a minister or an art ist w it h in cere motives is to make o ne 's self a s har,::r with th e life and h onor o f th e v~ ry .best men who


adorn that profession in ne's ow n j time or in t h e previou history of the ca lling. o likewi e to become even / a .. cub r •porte r " on a ,·e ry ord in ,Hy dai ly pap e r is to he inc lud ed, if o ne , looks at it broadly, in all the honor­ able estate won by those wh have sen-ed the popular interest journal­ istically with their gift f r writjng clear and forcible English :\ young man beginning his work with uch ideals in mine\ and follnw­ ing it with sud, cle,·otion. h e may be sure of rising to wha1c ·: er position of influence his talents may command: and m eanwhile he may be certain ol \ a li fe mor e fasc inatin g ly interestin g than is ofTered by any othe r line of work in which a man of intellectua l talent may engage. J ventu r e this las t cla im for news­ paper work beca use, a the quota­ tion fro m Mr. Lowe ll v irtu a ll y says. it eems to me true that working o n a newspaper introduces o ne t o the who le human drama in a li g ht m o r e vi,·id and searc hin g than any other ·: i.:wpoint of life ca n afford. It is th e n ewspape r m a n's good fo rtun e to be a specia li st in e ,·e r y rt of hum an interest. And wh e n , in order to approx imate the ideas which hi id ea l se t s before him, he m ay fi nd himself bliged to tread m a n y de­ \'io us windin gs in a ,·ocky , uphill road, he will certai nly fi nd 11 0 part of the journey dull: and if m ate ri a l r e­ wards are not a grea t a th ey us ual ­ ly arc for _equ i,·ale nt sen· ice in medicine or the law. h e wi ll e njoy o th e r compe nsatio ns which, unl e s h e ha s mi sta ken his ca lling, utte rly , wil l save him from r eg r e t for c hoos in g th e ,·a ri cd and always stirring life of a newspaper ma n No lan h.ice B s t, '!!2. LYCEUM COURSE SELECTED

Citizen 7012

Main 9095

Flowers for Mother's Day

May 11 Fancy Cut Flowers and Blooming Plants.

McKellar Flower Shop Corsages put up just right-F anc y Roses, Sweet Peas, Carna tions.

Mr. H. F . Moore is our agent in Westerville. You will do well to see him. LEAVE ORDERS EARLY

Play Tennis? Half the pleasure of the g.1me consists of proper equip­ ment.

There's art in every trade,





more than in securing the pro ;,er balance and springiness of the tennis racquet. 1919 models of the famou, Lee or Wai:;n er racquet ready

Doctor Conwell Will Deliver Famou:; Lecture "Acres of Diamonds"

Columbus, Ohio

22 N. High St.

for your choice.

O ther Numbers Chosen. T he C iti ze n s Ly ceum Co ur se for 19 19-20 ha s been se le c ted by the com mitte e with unu s ual care. Dr. Ru ssell H . -o nw e ll ha s be e n em.r ed , who in this las t yea r o f his lo ng Lyceum career will g i,·e hi s ce lrbrated lecture. .. A c r es of D iam o nd s" which he has delivered over se ven th o usa nd ti m es. The Orpheus Quartet is a lso co111i11 g. This organization hale s from Los Ange les and is the bes t quartet_ \ on th e Pacilic coast. 1\t th e I anama -Pacific Expo ition it won th e In te rnational Grand Prize of $3,000 for the hest ma le chorus. The Montaville F lowe r s, wl 1 0 a f ' w years ago g ave " hri · tma arol" on the lo a l course. will appear for another plendid performance. Edwin \Vhitney, the popular r eader of the \ Vhitney Brothers Company will come for an cv ning of reading . The am Lewis ·0 1111 any wi ll give an entertainment of a musical na­ ture. A tenor oloist known a the ''John re ormack of • thc Lyceun,·· appears with this co mpany.

Pennsylvania and Wright &Ditson balls lead the list­ hence we sell them. We might re string the old racquet-and we know you'd be delighted. For whatever we do, what~ve r we sell you, we guarantee the service to you.

Th e g ood ; must make g ood or we do.

Buy where your purchases are guaranteed.

You get the

sa me guarantee when you orler by mail.


Sportsmen's Supplies

100 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio

Patronize Tan and Cardinal Advertisers.


TAN AND CARDINAL Published \Veekly in the interest of . Otterbein by the OTTERBEI PUB LISHI G BOARD, Westerville, Ohio

Member of the Ohio College Press Association STAFF Editor-in-Chief .. Ramey H . Huber, '20 A ssistant Editor ..... ..... .. L. E . Pace, '21 Contributing EditorsEsther Harley, '21 Edith Bingham , '20 Business Manager .. Carl L. Smith, '20 Assistant Business Manager~H. F . Moore, '2 1 Harold Freeman, '22 Circulation Mgr . .. Mary Tins tman, '20 A is tant irculation Managers­ '.\farvel ebert, '21 Genevieve Mullin, '22 ' Athletic Editor ........ W. H. Vance, '21 Local Editor ............ Hazel Payne, 21 Cochran Hall Editor, Myrna Frank.'2 1 Alumna! Editor .. Prof. A. Guitner, '97 Exchange Editor, Mary Ballenger, '20 Literary Ed it or, J. Gordon Howard,'22 Address all communications to The Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 20 W. ).fain St v esterville, Ohio. Subsripti,on Pri ce, $ 1.50 Per Year, payable in advance. E11tered as second class matter September 25, 1917, at th e poS t0 ffice at Westerville, 0., und er act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in ~ec. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized Oct. 24, 1918.

EDITORIAL Good book . like good friends, are few and chosen, the more select the more enjoyable.-Alcott.

Mothers' Day.

flo~ver for the occasion. It'. white­ ness stands for purity; its form , beauty; it s fragrance, · tove; it s wide field of growth; charity ; its lasting qualities, faithfulrtess ; carnation , mother sufferings of the flesh - all a true mother's attribu te . This beau­ tiful flower s h o uld be worn by every one in grateful remembrance of the one who in our infancy watched over u with tenderest care; in our youth, carefully guided us to higher ideals, and in maturity is the ever faithful counselor. Profess ors Deserve Increase.

Page Three

Learn the New Song. C_. W. ST~UGHTON, M . D. It is scarcely proper t o speak o f the "Otterbein Love Song" a s · ne w -· . . 31.-V{. College Av~. .. song -since it was written a -year o r . . .. W_este_rvillei- Oh_io more ago, yet it is new to man y of us. Possibly the tune is familiar but fe w Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 have learned the words well enoug h ' to join in with enthusiasm when it is , sung at assemblies or games. vVith G . H. MAYHUGH, M . D . out doubt this song ha s merit in its beauty of melody and appropriate East College Ave. words. The tune was written by Pro fessor G. G. Grabill , Director of Ot Phones-Citizen 26 Bell 84-R terbein Conservatory of Music an d the word by his wife . \ Vhy shout d not everyone commit to memory th e r DR. W. M. GANTZ lines that follow:



\Ve understand that recently the Otterbein Love Song. p r ofessors of Ohio tate niversity have asked for increased sa laries and In a quiet peacef ul village, we do not think it wou ld be amiss if There's one we love so true; the professors of Otterbein wou ld She ever give s a welcome To her friend s both old and new , follow suite. Certainly there is no co llege where he stands erene 'mid tr ee to p s the professors are so devoted to their green ; work or so loyal to the chool as at She's our dear Otterbein. Otterbein. \: e would wager, also, Her hall s have their own me ssage that no schoo l t he size of Otterbein Of truth and hope and love ; has a corps of in tructors so w ell pre­ She guide her youths and maiden s pared for the ir particular branches of To the life that looks above. work as are those of this sch oo l. Her stately tower s peaks aught bu t More than one profe sso r h e re has power received tempting offers from o ther for our dear Otterbein. in titutions. In these positions the pay wou ld be far better, the work horu . more attractive and it is only a high Old Otterbein , our college, ·•sense of duty" that hold s the profes- \ Ve sing of thee today; sors true to Otterbein. But a " en . e Our rnern-rie round thee linger of duty" won't pity grocery bills, so it l 11 a weet and mystic way. is about time for ome one to give the 0, Otterbein, we love thee! · · · · 1t re- 1 0 ur I1earts are on 1y thine; trustee of thi 1nst1tut1on a JO gard in g this matter. We app reciate \Ve pledge anew we will be true, the fact that the tru s t ees are doing Dea r Otte rbein. much for the schoo l but they seem --------ad ly negligent over this important A " Call to the Colors" · matter. The truS t ee s hould be reLa s t :\pril a s pecies of referendum minded that prices have gone up two and a c~1ance for the alumni t co­ hundred percent while a larie of our ope.-ate for the future good of the co ll ege professors have scarcely in- college was ent out by a committee creased fifty percent. · d at commencemnt in June, appomte ' committee solicits conA capable profe sor mu s t spend far 1917 . 1' h 1s more time and money in preparation struct1ve • cnt 1c1 m, suggestive new for hi life work than a busine s man policies, • and new idea of all kind and at least a much as a first cla t 1,at will make for a bigger and a lawyer or engineer. Why i it th en , better Otterbein. uch data a i acthat they mu t content t hemselve cumulated will be tabu lated by the with a recompen e ha r clly equal to comm ittee of which l\fr. F . O. lem­ the salary of a high schoo l graduate? ents, i chairman, and pre ented to Our sen e of justice cries again t th i th e p re ident and Board of Tru tee outrage and we hope the time is not at t 11e annual meeting in June. No far remote when it will be remedied. name will accompany the ab tracted



unday, Ivlay 11th , ha been set a ide over the entir e wor ld as 1\f o th ers' Day. The occasion is no t local. sectarian or limited to any one people. Instead, it i universal in it . cope and will be observed by everyone who ha the cheri heel memories Innovation In Chapel Services. f a lovi ng and thoughtful mother, and who has that deep respect and Chape l services ha ve been unu ually :idmiration for motherhood. intere ting in recent weeks because of ~l others' Day wa. founded by Mis the talk . of ce rtain professors. P roJarvi s wh had for her· p urpose to fessor Snavely, Jone , Altman and ho nor and uplift motherhood and to c h ear especially, have followed defigive comfort and happin ess to "the nite lin e of tho~ght wh_ich were both be t mother that eve r lived-your instructive and 111tere ting. mother." Jn her words ''Do some\ Vhy can no t th e mu ic be varied th ing to s how your mothe r that he and made more intere ting? It eems i ·Queen of the May' in your heart." absol utely necessary to always sing Hence, it i only fitting that she hould o ne hymn and that one at the openhe rememb e red on that day by ome I ing of chapel and eld om i thi t oken . Be with her if you can. lf monotony changed. A uch is impo ible, end her ome or any other inn ovation remembrance, write her a letter or terest and relie ve the monotony . o wire her of your praise and grati- evident to all tud ent tude. 1f she i not living think of -------ber in th e glad recognition that he If it were not for the faithfulness wa the best mother who ever lived. of a particular few, a co ll ege editor The white flower is the memory wo u ld lo e all faith in mankind.


Dentist Bell Phone 9 15 W . College Ave.



You get more Groceries for less money at C.W.REED'S 21 N. State St. Rhoades & Sons


The College Avenue


H.A.DENMAN Choice Cut Flowers and Corsage Bouquets. Quality Best-Prices Right


State St.

Citizen 345


A full line of Cameras Albums, Art Corners, Films and Photographic Supplies. Developing and .Printing a specialty. Satisfaction fully guaranteed.

report. '.\ir. lement ' own word are, "Thi comm ittee believes that the alumni have a me sage of value for our college and hou ld have an active hare 111 haping future policie .'' Thi eems to be a very practica l plan and _-_-_-_:_:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_:: it dese r ve th_e _hearty upport of , Go to everyone who 1 111tere ted in tter­ bein o why can not the pre ent tu­ The Best Restaurant in Town. dent body make sugge ti ons a · well as alumni. \Ve are most wide awake BARNHART & DEW to the need of the college and undoubtedly the committee would appreciate o ur point of view. We ugge t that tudents take thi opporTake your laundry to tunity to unl oad their mind with contructive criticism which will aid thi s HOP committee in form ulatin g their proHe does good work a t reasonable gram intended fo r Otterbein's future rate s. good. " Be a Constructive Kicker."





Page Four

busin ess. Dr. Co rnell is deputy g ran d ma st er of the Gra nd Council of Ohio . R. and S. M.

RITTER 6: UTLEY'S Up-to-Date Pharmacy

'87. Reverend E . M. Counseller of Bloomdale , Ohio, who has been in ill health for se\' eral months, has been granted a few weeks' va<;ation, which he is spending in his old hom e at Elida , Ohio, and a mon g fo rmer A lumn i, se nd in your subscription parishioners at Lima, Ohio. He -,h o1)es to take up his regular pastoral for Quiz and Quill now. Fill in t h e work a gain early in the summer. blank in thi s is sue and mail to Pro'12. The Tan and Ca rdin a l ex tends fes o r C. 0. Altman, Westerville, 0 . sy mpathy to Mr s. Ca rl 0. Smith '04. Reve rend U . B. Brubaker, who ( Myrtle Saul ) on th e d ea th of her went into ·th e war work for the husband, which occurred a t th e home Yo un g Men's Christian Associa ti on of his parent s nea r Charl o tt svi ll e, a year ago, has been in English Virginia, April 10. camps during th e entire time, of his '15. Mary R. L eshe r and Mr. Arch sen·ice For a time he was in a , · • Boyd Strubl e wer e married at Wilrest camp at Romsey, and then was tran £erred to vVeymouth with the kinsbur g, Pa. last Wednesday. Aft er Ju ly 1s.t th ey will mak e their ho m e A m eri ca n Aeet. At last report s h e at Pitcairn, Pa. . Cl b b ,vas in charge of the Colum 1a u , a Y ou ng Men 's Christian Associa­ tion excl usiv ely for Ame ri can o ldiers and sailors at Southampton . Mr. Brubaker expec ts to return to Helen Bovee was the leader of the this co untry during the summer. meetin g with the subject, '·Th e N' ew His ho m e is in Iola, Kansas. Death.'' Th e new co nception o f '00. • Professor Glen n Gra n t Grabi ll , death is not that the g loomy grave head of the Otterbein School of will be the end , but that w e will li ve Mu ic o-a ve an o rgan recital in the on in a swee t immortality with God Maso~i/ T e mpl e of hillicothe, Ohio, a o ur co mpanion. on th e eve nin g of Apr il 22. Tn preparin g fo r a short journ ey '06, '07. Dr. and Mrs. E lmer E. ay to Colum bus. we tak e little ca re Bnrtner ( Maude Truxal), of Wester­ in g etting ready but when takin g a v ille, spent the week-end in Dayton, long trip to Chicago or New York, Ohio, attending the commencemen t we wo uld exercise mu ch more car e exe rcises o f 'B o neb rak e Theologi cal and thought. W e are preparin g now for a long journ ey-Imm ortality, Seminary. therefore we should think de ep an d '15. Charl es R. Bennett has been prepare car efully. chosen toastmaster for the vVester­ \'ille High chool alumna\ banquet whi ch will be held immediately fol­ lowin g the commencement exercises on May 29.

Eastm an's Kodaks and Photographic Supplies. , Films Developed and Printed at lowest prices.

Satisfaction Guaranteed OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Eyes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles all styles. GIVE US A CALL





Y. W. C. A.

P ro fe sor W. A. K line was re­ elec ted prin cipal of the Wes tervi lle Hig h chool and head of the manual training department a t a recent meet­ ing of the board of ed ucation .

' 16.

Professor and Mrs. Louis . . W einland (A lice Keister ) went to Dayton last Friday to attend the co mmencement exerci es at Bone­ brake Seminary.

'05, '04.

Professor vV. 0. Lambert of vVester ville was elected president of the Blendon · Township Su nday chool Associa tion at the annua l co n­ ve nti o n held Apri l 27 in th e Evan­ gelical church a! We tervill e.


Profes o r E . L. Baxter, who has been uperintendent of schools at Leipsic, Ohio, wa elected superin­ tendent of the schoo ls at \\ es tervil le at th e last mee tin g of the school board. He will enter upon his new duti es at the opening of schoo l next fall.


N ame Cards for College Folks Printed Cards for either men or women, $1 for 50, or $1.25 for 100. Prices for Engraved Stock on Application.

The Bu ckeye Printing Co.


To the Editor: canda l ! Scandal! That i. evident­ ly the very breath of life to ce rtain individual . They are. not happy un­ le s spreading ta les and cannot re st contented unles s ca ting, far and wide, rumor s. inno ent enough perhap s, in their origin but enlarged upon at each repetition until finally they beco m e something really serious. How many a plea ant friendship i marred by this con temptu ous evi l? How many congen ial young people are alienated from one another by untrue, maliciou stor ie that some people enjoy repeating? It is in­ deed , true that th e devil find s work for idle tongues as well a idle hand s. If ome of the worthies , tale-bearing

Otterbein Remember the folks at home with a picture.



crea ture would pend their time in , ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - : helpful , per onal criticism to the one concerned and in praise to the public. they would fit1 d th emselve well recompen ed by increa ed happine s to all concerned. -Bolshevi t.



Mis R uth L. Brundage spent To Give Concert. la t we ek in Dayton , hi o whe re she The concert to be given for the was so loi t in the May Mu ic Fe ti- benefit of the Church by the Piano val. P upils of Miss Maude Alice Hanawalt '92. Dr. Otto B. Corne ll of Wester­ of the O tterbein Conservatory of ville was in hillicothe and Ports­ Music and Miss Nelle M . Mills, Lyric mouth week before last on Masonic Soprano, has been postponed until


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Both Telephones

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•-------------------------------Monday evening, M a y 12, at 8 P . M. I of s ongs and will be accompanied by in the Methodist Church Auditorium. Miss Ag,nes Wright. Altogether this The program will consist of piano will be a splendid concert for the solos and duets, als o a quartet. Miss small admission of twenty-five cents. Mills has two very attractive groups All are cordially invited,


· Page Five

FOOTBALL . SCH E DU LE FIXED Prospects Favorable for Strong Team Next Fall-Manager Moore Announces Schedule . Otterbein has a prom isin g out look for football this fal l. \\"i th the o ld material that won letters in former years and returning soldi e rs who di tingL•ished themse!Hs on the grid­ iron, Ot ter be in will ha Ye one of the h_e t teams in its hi to ry. The po i- 1 tton of ql'arterhack will he h otly co n­ te ted: Gilbert who piloted the suc­ ce fu l 1916 tea m wi ll be back: Smith who _c:i. ll ed signa ls las t year. and I Martin who is a very «ood prospect. all ente rtain hop es fo r th e pilot po i­ ti on. H o ward at cente r, Roy P eda n, a · return ed so ldi er a nd an a ll star end. amp a '· speedy'' half back, Powell a big g uard , Howe at tack le and M yers in bac k fie ld are all loo k­ ing fo rward to a posit ion. Mana ge r H. F. M oore has a r ran ged a strong ~c hed ule. It fol lo w : Sept. 27--O hi o \ Ves leyan a t De laware. Oct. 4-Antioch at \IVeste r ville. Oct. I ]- Deni son at Gr a nville. Oct. 18-W. Va. We le yan at Bu ch­ hannon. W. Va.(?). Oct. 23-Hei delb erg at T iffin . ov. l-Open. ov. 8-vVi tt e nb erg at \;\T estervi ll e. Nov. 15-:vI uskin g um at ew Concord. ov. 22-Mar ie tta at :Marietta. ENTHUSIASTI C RALL Y HELD

I Students Parade Trough Town"Pep" Speeches Are Made and Farce Game Is Played. Ple nty o f enthus ias m was display­ ed at the baseball rally la t Friday night. After a ro usin g "s nake" par­ a de around town and o ver to the " dorm" the s tudents as se mbled in the chapel for a •'pep" meeting. Rou si ng 3.pplau se for the co llege band wa s followed by a speech by R. H. Huber who poke for the boy . T he " cas tir on" quartet vied with th e " heav en ly" warb lers. Mi ss Warner poke for the gir l aft er whic h a farce M u skin g um game was played by th e team . After a tennis announce­ ment by ''Hindu" Bancroft the s up­ porters of Ot terb ein' s athleti cs call ed it an evening and broke rank . " Bill' Vance our ch eer lea der wa

Young Men's "Collegiate" Waist-Seam Spring Suits AT


WAGNER & REDD, Tailors Westerville, Ohio

,, From every v1ev; ­ poin t of t y le , qu a l­ it y and ta i 1 o r in g th e e uit repre ent the maximum of val ­ ue at thi mexpenive price--they how many clever, individ­ ual tyle feature n ot fo und in the ordinary wa ist- earn uit and there' an all at­ i fying va ri ety of real hand ome, n o b by pattern and weaves t ch o e from; oth er tyli h m o 1 e 1 in ize fo r men of every buildat ·········-······ ··· ···-··· $25 chaffne r & Ha rt , Ja rx and Fa hion Park New Spring uit , at $30, $35, $40 to $50


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:::::: o~:: ::::ni::ef:~s ti:: e: :1:~~~: 1' Beginnin oo a e ries of addresses to - • the tudent, Dr. J e c Hermann of I A:vond_a le Pre ?ytcrian church, Cin- 1 ,, c1nnat1 ,. spoke 111 th e o ll ege chapel la t \\'ed ne day 111ght. II, - subje ct was " Facing th e Future." tud e nt problem a rc not e entiaiTHE OLD RELIABLE I SCO FIELD STORE ly different from prob lems of other people, and th principle that ap- Has just received a nice line of White ply to world prob! 111 in gene ral, T enms . Sh oes f or men, women, boys are also applicable to tud cnt quc - and girls. Prices tion . One of th e 00 rea te t le - ons to $1.10, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.7 5 be learned in co ll ege, Dr. Herma nn said, i to apprec iate a prob lem, not and eYen t fr om a broad impartial n ecessa rily to so h·e it. Another viewpoint, and to aYoid narrow, benefit deri ve d from co ll ege train­ prejudiced judgment. ing, i the abi lity to consider peopl e


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Page Six

ha,·e been entertain ing gen tl eman friends fr o m West Vir o-inia fqr C. M. Ganoe, an . A. T. C. man, se,·e ral days. visited Otterbein fri e nd s Wednesday . . Ruth Drur y attended the Alpha Walter Sch utz. a f ormer O tter b e,n . . cl t C Sh Zeta sp rm g d111ner at Groveport las t tu cl ent, now Iocate a. amp .er- week man spen t a few ho ur s 111 ~ 1es terv1ll e-l · Tuesday. Betty Mc Ca be gaH a delightful th k d pu. h last Friday night in hono r . o f . A · B ·1 M 1ss rt1 e a, ey was e wee ·-e n , .r · Id rr•t 1 Miss l_Jeggy Faugh t, from Greell\·dl e. , guest o f MISS a "-I t e. Mis Faught has been Betty s guest Presiden t and ·M rs. Clippinger motor­ sin ce Thursday afterno on and has ed through to Dayton la st Friday tak­ been th e occasion for severa l lo ve ly ing P rofe sor and Mrs. \ i\ /einland and littl e affairs. Those present Friday Reverend and Mrs . Burtner with eYening were Peo-gy Faug ht. Glady them . They attended th e Bonebrake Swigart, . gnes Wright, Virginia em inary Commencement. Bu rtner. Lenore Rayo! , Grace Armen­ The new ca tal ogs have been pub­ trout, Helen Keller, Beatrice Fi sh­ Ji hed and were pa sse d o ut to all stu­ er. Martha Skinner, Fay Byers. Betty Mc Cabe. Gennie,·e Mullin and dents at Chape l Monday morning. Myrna Frank. Have you subscribed for the Quiz Mildred vVest, fr o m De ni so n, spent and Quill? . A. T. C. Sa turd ay a nd Sunday with Ru th A. D. Shreck a former Drury. man, of Galion was in \,V,es ter ille a Edna Del lin ge r wishes to thank a ll sh o rt time Tue sday morning. who help e d her in makin g posters fo~ A number of student are looking the May Morning Brea kfast. forward to attending th e Sell -Floto Me5srs. Fox. Albright, Co nley and Circus in olumbus on Th ur day.





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Taylor' s W oods was the scene of a Miller took dinner Sunday in the pleasant time Satu rd ay evening. The pri va te attachment to th e oc hran party included Gladys Yokum, Helen Hall dining room. Bovee, Cleo Coppock, J o ephine Foor, 1 The friends of . Gladys Yo kum and Mary Siddall and Gordon Howard, Xe lli e Mae Moon greeted th em with "Cherry" Schear, Dennis Brane, a house warmin g when they desendRamey H uber and ''Ju d" Siddall. · ed from four th floor to second. Dr. J. \ V . Owen, A sociate Editor of S . S. Literature, vi ited his son Milton on ~fonday. He ~poke at chapel. . . 0. \V. Bnner has begun h1 . campaign for new students in the Sandu ky Conference Ill Northwestern . . . ectton of Ohio. l\fr. Briner reports t hat prospects are favorable.

Call Citize n 21 or Bell 147-R, for


J. E. HANSON, The Clean-Up Man


Agent fo r Acme La undering Company, General Laundry Work and Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers Headquarters-12 E. College Ave., Westerville, 0. Subscriptions taken for The Country Gentleman, Ladies' Home Journal, Saturday Evening Post. Prompt Service-Best Service

"D ick" Bradfie ld of Co lum bus spent the week-end w ith friends in We terville.

The marriage of Miss Ruth Esther Mills of Har ri sburo-, Pa., and Rev·. George B. Clay wa solem ni zed · H arns · b nrg. DOCTOR THOMPS ON SPEAKS Orient.·• He wi ll be here next Sun­ vv e d nes d ay, A p n·1 23 , 111 day a1: d Monday, May l 1 and 12. R\.eV. S . F". D aug I1er t Y, former pa t 0 r President of Ohio State University ls He wil! speak at tlte morning se rvice f h U d B th I I was n, 1e re r en c 1urc1, o t c First Speaker of Series Planned L•nday. The fo ll ow in g Sunday Dr. lay the offici ating mini s te r. Rev. COCHRAN HALL NOTES by Christian Associations. T. l )ee,·cr and Re\'. J. B. howers is a student in Otterbein. ,., . d ·y I will peak on tudent li fe in general. · Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Barlow, They are now at home at 161 North oung , . . Tl1e Y oun g " o m en s an Mi lv[aude Barlow of olumbus State street. M en's hristian A ciciation s o f the At a late r date someo ne will be ecure d to speak 0:1 -pecia l fo rm of and Mi l\Iabel Eubank · o f Ja ck o n college are arranging a eries of advisited Ethel' Eubank at Coc hran Mail Subscription for Quiz and Quill. dr esses on th e student's relation t o hri tian sen·ice. Hall Sunday. the present world ituation. Tit :! --------Tho e desiring copie of the Quiz Subject and Cast Are Mi Virginia Kerr from Ohio and Quill, O tt erbein' s new literary aim i to spread th e wor ld out, as i~ Chosen for Senior Play. Wes leyan vi ited thi week-end with publication, .fill in the attached blank were, before us that w e may consider our re ponsibility to it. Pre ident Loi Clark. Rehear a l for the Senior Play are and mail to Profe or C. 0. Altman, Thompso n, Pre ide nt Ohio State wel l u nder way. T he p lay to be pre­ The Mis es Helen and Florence Westerville, Ohio. niYersity, l egan th e erie with th e se nted i · Green tockin gs" by A. E. French also from Ohio \Ve leyan Enclosed find 35c or ................ for subj ec t, "The Problems of Europe,' ' vV. Ma o n. This wa first presen ted were week-end o-ue t of Edna Del- which plea e send one or ................... . at the chur ch ervice Sunday s ight. in England a number o f' yea rs ago lin ger. Quiz and Quill to He spoke of th e m ea ning for u of a nd la ter came to th i co untry wh ere Edna D e llin ger a nd L o i lark Same ............................................................ Euro pe's fa ilure . ertainly \'ery few it had a popular run fo r a uumber of entertained their o-ue ts with a push treet ·····················--·············--·············--······· p O m en are o well qualified .to speak on year . S~at~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: this subject as is Pre ident Thompafter the rally Friday night. Th e play is a co m ed y depicting Ro e Goodman ha b en entertain--------son. Everyone profited by hearing ce n from E ngli h life. The cast ing her brother am Goodman who Girls Entertain Guests. thi s important message. cho - en by Profe so r ·. A. Fritz ha i·u t r ece ntly returned from O n T ues d ay even111g · ti1e I''-everen d as foll w : Thur day ni ht occured the SprinoFrance. pread which i given annually by W. Irving Maurer, pa tor of th e :\dn1iral Gri ce-George Glauner. Dinn e r g ue ts of Dean McFadden the Cleiorhetean Literary ociety . , First ongregationa l church of o\\'m . Farad ay-] . iddall. . Sunday were Pr fessor and Mrs . A double quartet gave the cantata, lum bus, will give the second address Rober t Tarve r- . R. Busch. McFadden from Dayton. who have " Gard en of Flowers" by Denza, in the er:;s. _He ~i '.I speak on the o lonel mith-R. J. Harmalink. been pending severa l day with her, greatly pl ea ing thos e who li stened. ul Jec t, hn tia111z1110- Ameri a." Ralcigh-H. E. Michael. Doctor and Mrs. Sander and Doctor The quartet composed of Elizabeth His addre will dea l with the most and Mrs. navely. Fontenelle, udrey Kelson, Gladys eriou of our social problem - and tee le-L. J. Michael. Lake, leo Coppock, May Sellma1;, with th e solution for th em. Tt i Martin-L. J. Wood. Subscribe for the Quiz and Quill E ther Harley, Edith Bingham and fortunat e that w e ca n have Mr. eli a Faraday-Vida ilhelm. now. Ethel Eubank , accompanied by Mauer here. 1 · o tudent hould 1111 Mr . Rockingham-Virginia BurtCatheryn \ Varner wa. a dinner Helen Vance. this add re s . ner. guest at Mis Kittle' hom e in °- After the musi cal program the The third peaker in this serie will Lady Tren cha rd-H elen Bovee. lumbus Sunday. guests enjoyed an informal social be Bishop A lfred T. Howard, who Phyllis Faraday-Fr eda F razier. Fay Morrison and Theo taats time. Refreshments were se r ved. f will speak on " Th e Challenge of the Aun t Ida-Florence Loar.


I .



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