1919 05 19 The Tan and Cardinal

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MAY 19, 1919.

NOTED LECTURER I TO GIVE ADDRESS J Mr. E. J . Pace, of the Class 1905,

No. 26.



MAKES STIRRING APPEAL Rep resentative of Bonebrake Seminary Presents World Situation-



Calls for Christian Leadership. Winners of the Barnes Short Story Both morning and evening sermons Contes t are Disclosed in Chapel 'n the United Brethren church were Monday Morning, i;reachecl by Professor J. B. Showers, AUSPIC~S OF ASSOCIATIONS Head of Department of l\ew TestaCAPABLE JUDGES DECIDE I mcnt Literature and Interpretation, ---Annual Address Befor.:! the Christian Bonebrake Theological Seminary. His Miss Lois Adams, Is Awarded First A ssociatio n s Is to be the Evening com.ng was. arranged by the AssoPl ace, H e I en K e 11 er, S econd . . c1at1on Presidents ,together with Revof Baccalaureate Sunday. erend Burtner and Doctor Clippinger. and Helen Bovee Third, Listed amo11g the eyents of Com­ a - one of the serie- of life-work di \\"inners of the \\'alter Lowrie mencement 'vVeek. you wi ll read in Barnes Sho rt Story cho larship were your co llege cata log- ··. nnual Acl­ Professor Showers presented the announced in chapel l\lonclay morn, .:all of the world for Christian leader- ing hy President 'vV. G. Clippinger. In dres, before the Christian Associ., hip at the morning serYice. His text addit ion to the hono r and recogni­ ations, 7 :30 p. m., June 8." 11 effort was found in Ezekial 22 :30, ''And I tion accredited the,e individuals the re i. made each year for this address to sought for a man among them that are prizes of $40, $20 and $10 for the Professor E. J. Pace, '05. be a fine one, and so it has always should make up the hedge, and stand first, second and third best t ries. been in the past. The only trouble ·11 the gap before me for the land and The conditions of en trance arc that TEAM WINS OVER CAPITAL I should not de troy it." He men- the sto ri es shall have as their· basis has been the poor attendance of stu­ tioned three gap : first. the gap be- s_ome incicl.e_ n_t in American_ history, dents. ""h,ch has often caused both Gray, Bancroft and Martin Pia y I th . peaker and the college authorities . , . t\\"een God and :\fan: second, the gap ,ha ll be 0 11g1nal. ·hall con. 1st of no S t ellar T ennis Match Agamst !>etween the generations and third, , less than 4.000 and no more than some embarrassment. For th L' last Capital-Win Eas)'._ Victory. the gap between man and man. The I 15.000 words and the h1stoncal clefew years. the conditions ha\·e been like this: a good speaker is . ecured, 1 n the retu-- 11 tennis match with I _worrcfs challenge is drat 1'i1cn m TI! · ,,, I.al~ 1 c,t he I e ~v er•eed ~,r_ 1,:0!. who comes here with a message for Capital. Otterbein retaliated for her !ti and fill up these gaps. ed ,o as_ to destroy its pure h1storiccollege students, which he fi11ds him­ r ecent <letcat · I>y ma k ing a clean . weep P1·ofes•or Sho\"e1·s urged that the _ity. It 15 open to Juniors anrl enself obliged to deliver before a medi­ of all the hon rs. Bancroft found his 11inistry offers a grea t er opportun-, ors. um size d audience of older people, man an easy victim in the ·inglcs. :ty for a man of purpose and darin Thi, year there were fi\·c contest­ ;.prinklcd here and then: w ith stu­ running the set to 4---love before his than any other profession and it is ants. A u_nanimou: decision was dents. opponent ,cored. Score of et was / the more adve\lturo u field of work. 1 made by the judge in favor o f Miss . . . . . your Lots stOr)· Thi~ condition ought ne\·er to exi t 6-2. 6--t. :\lart111, play111g Capital's 'The evenmg text wa·. ,'Jt ts . · ·Adams' . . emitled. ··~t · cg ,,. f or · , , d 1 · ti f1rst prize. This tory 1s uperior agai11. and thi~ year, e pecially, be,t bet, found a hard man to handle. ratne r s goo pea ure to give you 1e . . . . . • k; 1 " G d l 11 I· d· particu larly ,n its h1stoncal element should every ~tudent hear lhc annual f11 the fir,t set the game went to , ng<om. o c 1a enge 11~ 1 - .. ,, · . . I .· · h ,1 I ·Id H 1 ).leg , a colored woman. sh rtly afkr addres,, for it will be delivered by 9-9, evc1·y game bemg earned to -IP 1es to w,n t e v. 10 e wo, . eI . . · k" d h. d" · het marriage, suffers the lo of her ·. 1r. E. J. Pace. Surely no one who det1ce. Dexal, the Capit·t! pla\·er then I I1a · gl\"en t 11e 111g om to t 1sc1p 1cs 1 • • • • . . . cl 1t · b·- for t I1cm to answer t I1e c 11a 1- , h u_ band has ever heard l\,J r. Pace. will mi ;s a took the two required games • making .i.11 _ . who J01ns . . the Union Arn,y, chance to hear h im again: and those the score of fir· t set 9-11. In the . cc- lu1ge. In e tablishing a Ia ting peace a sub, t,tute sold ,e, for her_ lllaster. Tn nd ,ct ?llarti11 came back strong and I great spi ritu a l leadc1· a re n eeded a attcmpt:ng to secure her rightful penwho have never heard h im, have a carried away the games at 6-4. Be- mu~h a nd po ibly mo re o now than (Cont111uect on Pai!"e five.) rare opportu n ity before them. . ot I lllany ~pe1kcr are gifted as .NI r. Pace g inni11 g the third set both player,; 1 clunng th e war. is: for one never hear, him w ith o ut tightened up and played exce ll ent Otterbein Alumna! Association Sibyls Are C oming. Elects O fficers and Trustees gaining a great in spi ration and feel­ tenni s. The sc()re threatened to run ing a great uplift. \\'c are indeed high but ?lfa rt in , emp loying a ba_ck Bu iness ).lanage r Gra y of the X ominations for officei·s of the 0tfortunate t have secured such a man hand Lawfo:d· fo r ced h,s opponent Sibyl announce th at the boo ks are I terbein Alumna! A~ ·oc iation have to make this address: so let us all plan to defeat. Score 8 to 6. expec ted to arrive within the next few been presentecl liy tli, nominating now to h ear him ,and s how our apIn the doubl s Gray and Ba ncroft da_vs. There are sixty copies remain - committee co mpo se d of Dr. T. J. prcc iation by our attendance. a nd e r s. Mi s ~l ary lkire a nd R. \V. 1 far o utcla ssed their oppo n e nts , Gray :ng unsold and th ese will be tak e n in ~oi ng some \·ery fancy net playi11g. s_ho rt order. Those de iring extra Smith, For President. Louis A. 1 President Clippinger Asked To ,core of double,, 6-1 , 7-5. :::i1by ls sho uld see Mr, Gray at once. \\"'ei nland '05 1::or \ '", JJ . . J ice I es;c1en t, Deliv er Commencement Addre:ses (three t o be elected), R. D. Bennett Teacher in Moody Bible Institute, C hi ca go, to Speak Here.

















Pre ident Clippinger has b~ctt ca lled upon to make quite: a number of Commencement addrcs es for sc ho o ls 111 the surro undin g territ ory. He made one address at th e Gi"enford High School Co mm e n ce m e nt on April 23rd. On the e ve ning of :\-lay 21st he wi ll be at Oldfort. o n th e 22nd at ummit Station. the 23rd at Kings­ ton, the 28th at Cardington a.nd o n th e 29 th at A hville. Ohio. He is also c hed11l ed to preach two bacca­ laureate sermons: o ne at Grafton, West Virginia on May 25th and the other. June 1st. at Mary ville, Ohio.




j '08: :\lrs. ~lary A.


toughton, '92; Lambert, '00; Mary W ei nland C rum:inc. '0 7 : Edna Mae trei c h. '08, and I hi! A. Garver, '15. For ecreProposit;o n : If the girl · oi C ch- j The ~a le continued all day and at tary, Otto B. rn e ll, '88. For 0 1_ ran Hall make c:indy to help in rea~e the end there was ,·e ry little candy '.: c trustee . Earl C. 'v\leaver, 'JO; 1 th e Eaglesmere Fund. \\"ill the boys "dt. while the Eaglesmere fund had ·cigar J. Le . her, '06: Dr. Andrew bu y it? o luti on : Yes. Result: On grown considerably. The Y. \V. C. A. Timberman, '87; Jes se E. Eschbaugh Friday m o rning after chapel the tO k th is means of rai ing money for '96 : Mrs. Lillian R e s ler Harford ,72 ' agle smc r e ca ndy sale ope ned in the ·he s umm er conference. as it is plan- and r-Lr Daisy Cus t e r Shoem;ker'. .-\ scociatio n Building , under the capa- j n:ng t ,encl more delegates than '95. The Alumna! A oc iat ion is to ble lirection of Genevieve :\Iullin. It e\"e r before. Everyone e njoy a box elect two college trustees each . 0 . d h d d d · · year. ecms that the young 111e11 of tte r- o_t goo ome-ma e can y an 1t _is Letters will be sent out to all lumbein enjoy s weets ju t as it was pre- , ,ncerely hoped that no one wa dts- ,1 ni giving th e m an Oi>i>or tunit , t _ . d . h I. h . f ) o re sum ed t hey would. apµornte wit II c 01cc o we e t s. turn their vote. n





Page T · o

The Christ:a n college student \\"ho CHURCH APPEALS Iseeks after tr u th . a nd loves 1t. can FOR LEADERS HJP·a,k for no higher function. 3.nd hon or 1 than that of t he P rophet of God . If Urg es c lear conceptions of th e truth. and a desire t o understand the d ee p my _tc~is o p · · ' ' ie of God. will fill and thrill the rnul T hat Ministe r H as Broad Scope of In fluence and Se n ·ice. w:th joy. then that joy and ins pir­ ation c:rn be fo~nd :n_ th e Chris tia n NEW CH RI ST IAN ERA H ER E ~I inistry. If one ha~ th e spirit of altruism Min is try Furnis hes Ample O pport un- and a inss ion for humanity. no m ore ity for T =o:e Desiring P ower in I attrac tiYe field ca n be found than t · be c ho se n to communicate truth t o Throbbing W orld L ife. men in term . that will be s t instruct The :\" ew \\' oriel with it s r e,po n- imp r e, . and in sp ire them to help f ul silities and t est ing . into which we I I living and service. have entered accen tuat es t 1 e appe_a As a field fo r true e loquence. a·ing oppo rtun ities fo r th e Christian : urat e lan g uag e, attracti\'e phra,;c-' minis ry. The demand for cons tru e- I I -d · II ti\·e planning, 311CI method of build- o logy anc 1uc1 i 11 ustr a t1ons. a co. ege man need not look fo r any better ing a righteou, family, social. an d e lsewhe re. national lif e. be s ide the problem of :-.Io ·t. l be lieve , of our greatest or­ world recon s truction , pre-ent an im ators. lecturers. and teachers are found in the Chri tian ministry. lt 1 furni s hes ample opportunity for tho_se 1 who desire power. commander hip. and r ecog nized influence in thi thr obbing world life . It i worth while for the college man to know th3t God, through the j church offer to th~ college tudent. I who wi ll grasp it, the greate t mes- 1 sage that can po ibly come from 1 human lip . The Gospe l me. sage contains great fundamental. pivotal. ' eternal truths which underlie all pro­ gress. r eform, soc ial welfare, and civil­ ization. lts literature, its poetry. it I democncy, its moral and spi ritu a l worth, are its real gl r). To be given such ambassadorial dignity. and responsibility. is the greatest di tinction that can come to mortal·. ~ ever in th!! hi s t ory of the world ha t_here co_me such ~ cal! for sane. intelligent. vigorous. Chri t1an leader­ hip as in this period of recon s tr'u ction for a . · cw Era of better thing s. G . M . Ma t h e ws, B. S ., D. D ., L L.. D · 'rl11· 1s · sure Iy c I13rm1ng, . ancI c I,a I- , Class of 1870. Bishop o f U m t ed 1 eng1ng. . Th"rn k· o f c h amp1on111g . . gr1,at 1 Brethren Church. world entcrpri cs, and helping t o guide mighty forward movements. of perat've call for tra·n ecl workers. the Kingdom in these stressing times. Both the Church and the tale [t is a clarion call for moral leadermu ·t look to the college man for ship. and Christian tate sman~hip. trong, reliable. efficient leader~hip. The eternal salvation of ouls, their The complex c~nditions of_ this ~ew developm e nt, enrichment, an~! di:ecDay call for a higher cducat1on:il ideal tio11 to nobl e en d and serv1c . 1s a 1 and standard. of the m1111 · try. work of incompan.ble attractivene · . There ne\·er ha been a more i11- I The ultimate rewards of a faithful. viting fie ld f r a true Chri,tian c hol- 1well equipped, mini tcr of t he \Vord ar. than today. The Christian :-.finis- are measureless. Eye hath not seen, try is of uperlati\·e dignity, both nor earth heard, nor hat h it entered from a di \·ine and human standpoint. into the hea rt of man. the r iches that It i t he m st exa lted, e nc ha n ting, God h:\th p r epared • for t he faithful I and a red vocation in the world. mini ·tcr of God. The min i ter's amba ·sadorial fu nc- - .\ ny one who goe. forth from Ottio n. an d characte r . lift h im to the terbein o ll ege, and espec ia ll y from j highes t p la ne , and b roades t scope of th e c las, of 19 19. t o e ng3ge in th a t ervice to huma n ity. hi g h and h o ly voca ti o n, w ill n o t on ly J E pecia ll y in thi c ru cia l pe ri od ha ve sta r s in hi cro wn o f r e joi cing. afte r t h e w a r , t h is is a wo nderful t im e but t h e co n cio u n ess her e o n ear th . to pr e e nt t o m e n in a ll r e la t io n , th e t h a t he ha we ll fu lfi ll ed hi s hi g h es t gl o ri o us G o. pe l of o u r L o rd and a v- mi s ion a m o ng m e n . ! io r J e us hri t. N e v r in all t h e \Vh o can 3 k for a hi g h e r and m ore wo rld ' h i. tory, in Ameri ca , i th e r e no bl e call t o in t r uct, in pi r e, and

B" h




Everything to Help your Game


\ \ ha t eYer .Y · r ho-a m e-Yo u w ill fi nd a ll t he eq ui pm ent in thi to r e r eady fo r yo u , Baseball Sup1, i~cs, Tennis R ackets and Balls, Canoes, Camper's O u tfit, Fishing T ackle, Bicycles, M otor K it s- everything. \i\, e carrv a co m plete li ne of \\ ilso n & Co .'. A th letic Good 1f yo u can no t vi it the sto r e a nd see fo r your­ se lf w r it e fo r our pring and umm er V\ .ii on Catalog. Yo u m ay bu y fr om it wi t h perfect afety, fo r if th e good a r e n ot at i factory ,Ye "·ill rep lace them or refund >·ou r rnone>' ·








Main 9095

Quality Flowers for all Occasions


Fancy Cut Flowers and Blooming P lant;;.

McKellar Flower Shop 22 N. High St.

uc h a ca ll fo r edu c3te d,cu lt u r ed trai n - b less hum a n ity? ed co n ec rated m e n a nd wom e n to - G. 1I. Math e w . ' 70. p r e e nt an h eroic. aggre sive, a ll in­ ho e , O ut ing Ba ls. Sport T e nn i cl u ive message as co m e t o th e m to­ Ox fo rd s. E . J. No rr i .- Adv. day.


Columbus, O hio

Fancy Roses, Carnations, Sweet Peas, Etc.

I 1

Citizen 7012

Mr. H . F . Moore is our a gent in Westerville. You will do well to see him.

L EAVE ORDERS EARLY L'--::===============================::..I Patronize Tan and Cardinal Advertisers.


Page Three

1 come should we he intelligent in only / Already they have bought the auth- ) C. W . STOUGHTON, M. D. i thos e subjects 111 which we have ori ty to se ll liquor another day. Hy i speci alized . And all this should be some arrangement they are able to 1 Published \ Yeekly in the interest of done wi:h inten_se interest. Then in h~ve another ~et day. the 26 th , if they j 31 W . College A ve. O.t terbein by the ou_r _studf1eds as well '.here hshould be a will pay $30::> costs and the "Sta te I W esterville, Ohio · OTTE RBEIN PUBLISHi t G sptnt o . etermmat10n sown which Journal" reports that eight drink re-,. · · BOARD, would ms_ure - not o~ly a general sorts, in Colurnbus have ignified their B ell Phone 190 Citizen P h one 110 .\. \Vesterville, Ohio knowledge of the subJect but a real purpose to pay it and maintain thei, Member of the Ohio Coll ege P ress understanding and appreciation of it. traffic another day. Think of the out- j G. H. MAYHUGH, M . D . Asso ciation I .-\11 that time which is wa ted in rage of paying uch a price to sel l the STAFF gossip and ,die dre~ms_ should be dangerous "s tuff". Think what Ii ttle East College Ave. ·t . Ch' f R H H b , made to make all ones time produc- good so much money will do how . pu er, ,20 t,ve - o f ome goo d . T o enter all kinds · Ed !\ 1 .or-m- Ed.1e .. ameyL E much suffering and want it will' pro71 Phones-Citizen 26 Bell 84-R · • . ss1stant · h t l1e great- duce. How happy everyone .b . ,tor Ed'............ · · ace, - o f wor k• an d en t'er th a t w,t \Vt' !l be · · sm s hould be [ when society ha s none of it. Contri utmg ' 1torsEsther Harle '21 est ,nte_rest an d _e nt l1~s1a . . Y, , I the desire and a,m of every Otterbein Ed 1th Bmgham, ·-70 student. A Silver Lining. ~DR. W. M . GANTZ "Every cloud has a silver lini ng." Business M anager .. Carl L . Smith, '20 Dentist A ·sistant Business :.fanagersStay for Commencement. Tl11s · I· maintained by ·a good 111·a ny H . F. :Moore , '21 · I· not always our exp eri, I tterbein' s commenceme nt this I f O Ik·s b ut ,t Bell Phone 9 77 . . . . t' M M C. C T.' C on t ley. ,-- year has every 1nd1cat1on of being the ence. Tl1is busines of editing a co l15 w . College Ave. W esterville ins man, 20 greatest 111 . its . history. . · the Iege paper 1s · anything but pleasan t , at , Not that C 1rcu1a 1011 . gr. .. . ary \. ial , . Assi tant C ,r cu 1at ,011, ,, 1, 1anagers. S b t '?] class of 1919 , s the largest or most re- any rate it ha, a good many tr I th e e er , ,narve · d ·f Genevieve1 Mullin, , 2 nowned cla that ever graduated an anyone is the "goat" on 2 Athletic Editor ........ \ V. H. \'ance, '2! here but because of conditions in gen- staff. it i- the Editor-in-Chief. . H p . ?l era!. The \\'ar 1s over. \·\ e are again I If the ads are hort we m_u st fi ll the 1 oca · ,tor ............ aze ayne, - a 11 a 11cad and at the same ·1Jac e w,'t i1 reac1·mg matter. J f-•'if" we C hl EdH Ed. :.I F k '71 Jc to pan L 1 The College Avenue , 0 c ran! Eda.11 · ,tl~~- f. ~rnGa .traen •,- time feel reason:ihly sure that o ur say-the advertising manager sho ul d 97 usiMEAT MARKET ·•, 1umna , Ed't ,tor .. '[, o . ·""· n r, '20 . B u1 ge plans will materialize. may h ap have an 111crea e in b h ,ve 11 e11 r, angeEd't , 1 or.. v ary I~xc . J G do aHo\ ard '22 Already most of the men who have I nes , an ove?· ?;,1pply perchance \. v , been 111 the army are discharged and must c:1t out the news. Such a I. . 1terary .. 1 or, . or n the Address all communications to The th ose who are till across the sea may tate of a f, ai,-- e.-::·ts re~ard less of Otterbein Tan and Cardina l, 20 \V. ; return w1th111 the ne:.:t few week. . All amount of new .; available. Con se- 1 hot Choice Cut Flowers and Corsage \i ain t \V estervi lle Ohio. · arc expecting to return to the old col- quently. we are continually in " to Bouquets. ub ripti~n }'rice, $'i.so Per Year, ' lege for the big_ week of the year. water" _to know how much ink 111 payable in advance. :\lun111i e"crywhere are thinking fav- sp la h new.; writing. Quality Best-Prices Right _________________ I orab ly of coming back thi • com- I How eve r, faculty and s tud e nts Citizen 345 S. State St. Entered as second class matter mencemcnt. C la s es are planning re- seem very appreciative of our effo rts int September 25, 1917, at the postoffice I union . The alumna! banquet bid so_ through th: dimness we see a fa at Westerville, 0., under act of I fair to be the large t and most en- glimmer of sunsh ine and hope eve ntTHE OTTERBEI










Rhoades & Sons











l\Iarch 3, 1879.

thu ia. tic in the hi to ry of the col- ually to he repa'd. . . . lege and the ociety .banqu ts l --------t Acce1Jtance for ma1hng at spec1a 1 way g 1e t are a L ost, S trayed or · Stolen! dirate of postage provided for in Sec. : a even · l 103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized , Certain ly no one wants to miss all of Has anyo ne see n th e as sistant e 111 April 7, 1919. the plea ureable event of commence- tor? He left w'th the ba seball te:i :i; ment week. All st udents should tay. for l\ ew Concord las t Friday and I: - 1 It is their duty to ee that the '·old not presented hi appca:·:incc s:nce. to ,, grad " have accommodations. be- our knowledge. EDITORIAL sides, it i. a privilege to meet and get 10:00 a. 111 - .Monday-Ju c; t appearc cl. 1 r? Books. like proverbs, receive their acqua inted with these folk . But, where is the athletic eclito d :.lake it the s logan of everyone to The baseball story wa not receive va lu e from the tai11p and esteen-. of re age through wh!ch tl_1 e! have pas ed. st~y for commencement and make by _u . and oat the la st minute befo rt -Sir \ V1ll1am Temple. th, week a memorable one in Otter- go in g to pre s we wrote a h o bein life. article. 1 ;'Jo wonder we become disheartene d Be Strenuous. Westerville-World-Center. at times.



-----------------,=-- -=






For o ne in college it i the ea ier * • to be lazy than in.dustriou ·, e,peci- . The votes ?f the necessary thirtyC. M. Sweazy Gives l'alk. a lly s toward th e end of the college SIX tates havmg been sec ured, mer-1 "Learning to Live by the Experienc e year. To att nd a few classes each ,ca will _soon be a dry country. :\fa_ny of Others" wa the subject of an i1Iweek, wo rk in the laboratory and go O t terbein alumni have been act ive teresting talk by C. M. Sweazy a t to a few meetings now and then take I worker 111 tl:e campaigns of th e last I Y. :-1. C. A. Thur clay nie-ht. but a small amount of time. \ hat of , few year which have made such_a no:.lr. -wea zy said in part: "The ex a ll th at o th er tim e? ome folks table allcl unprecedented victory perience of our ance tor hould b e wa · te it while others u ·e even the P_ s i_ble. \\': 5t ervill: has th e ilis- of inestimable va lu e to us. \V e wo 11 1d min ut es to splendid adv:intage. lt t111ct 1011 of being the center of the I ro- , do we ll to .pend much tim e in th e tterbein tudy f the li ve of o th ers in orde r is the latter cla. s that get thing hibition },(ov cment and all ~ nd \\:e, tc_rvillc_ resi~ent that we might better fa hion ou r clone a nd who are recognized by their tudent fellow tudent . can take Just pride 111 this ach ieve- o\\'n. ~! any times. l believe, we mis , There arc many way of being ment. _n next • atu_rday. May 24, all judge and criticize eac h other simp l) strenuou. Jn the first p lace it saloon !teen e~ expire. That clo~e becau · e we do not understand one ho uld be the ambition of every co l- I the wet season · 0 f:ir _a~ t_he _law i another' intentions and purpose, lege student to identify him elf with concerned. l-lowc•ver. it I no time to I i'erhap we h a\·e many things in o ur the organiza t ions of the college. l3ut l re ton our arms .. \\_'e have reason t_o past which wear ju tlya~hamed of but merely membership s hould not be al l. hdicve that a_ soc_,al ideal ·uch a tl~•s we should ''.ever }:ta\·e anything in our Ac tive work ho ulcl be taken up . 1 f I cannot be 111a111ta1necl merely by leg, - pre e nt which we wo ul d be a ha med uch were th e ca e there wo uld ~e a j iative enactment. \11/'e ,hal l all have I to co n fe · . \\'e h o_uld . be c~reful therefore. that our daily hve will be g r eater g rowth and pro . perity enJ0y- to help enforce the law. ed by each organization. Thi destructiv e traffic ha ockecl of greate t and be t influence to Folk who arc pendin g their time it elf o deep into the vitals of o- tho e around u ." and money sec uring an education ciety and bu iness. that _i t is almo t j . The la t part of_ the meeting was hould tudy lines o ut ide of their impo s1ble to get rid of 1l. The wet g,ven over to a d1 cu ion by tho se particular course in which they ar force will take every bit of oppor-1 present of experience and ob erva­ engaged. How narrow we would be- tunity to continue their evil traffic. tions that had helped them.

Citizen 92

Bell 46-W.


You get more Groceries for less money at C.W.REED'S 21 N. State St.




B. C. YOUMANS, Barber


37 N . State St. Shop closed at 8 o'clock except


Saturday. ~





First Class Shoe Repairing. D . COOPER Scofield Building S tate Street



F~ge Four

Nolan R. Re5t of :--1 ew Yo rk visited his fath r. Rev. J ame Best. in 1 \Ve stervill e early last wek. '92.


I •1s. G:. R . I Hea vy F ield

Bennett of the 324t h Artillerv is in a hospital I 3l Coblentz, Gerinan~, sufferin g from j a severe case of tonsilitis. according to word r_eceived by hi s parents, Mr. and Mrs. \,\Tm. Bennett, l\londay. He .'ubscribe fo r Quiz and Quill. w ill not be ab le to accompany hi s ' 13. ~[i ss :Mary Clymer has ju st fin- , regiment t o the C. S., which is sched­ ished h er t hree mont h s' probation in ul ed to return soon. the Coo k Co unty Hospital in Chicago Complime- n - ts-M - is_s_W _a_g_n-er, '18. and is now registered as a regular firs t 1 H ono ring l\Ii ~s "Marie \ Vagoner, a yea1· ~tud e nt in n ur sing. , bride-elect, Mrs. \, m. Tro utwi ne of '11. \ \ialter R. Bailey and wife of Co- ' Co lumbus e ntert a ined at th e home of lumb us. Ohio. we r e week-e nd visitors ~'lrs. C harle · ~l oss. ~ o rth ' tate stree t, at t he home o f .his parent s · ~,tr. pand I with • - cellane o us s 11ower T hur a mis ~lrs. E. A. Ba,Jey o n \V e t ark clay afternoon from 2 until 5 o'cloc k. str eet. Twen ty-five invi tat ions were iss ued . '94. William S. Sacket t. who for a l O n Tuesday evening Mr. A rthur number o f _yea r s_ was sup e_r inten den t P_eden ~nter~aine~ with a six o'cloc k of ch oo ls 111 Oh,o towns. 1s now su- d111n er tor Yli ss \,Vagoner. The guests perintenden t of the ' o ldier 'and Sail- ! we re Misses G ladys wigart, Lois o rs' H ome nea r 'e nia , Oh io. · .\eibel , Virginia Burtner, Harriett '1 6. L ehr \,\ _ Biddle wa s a member Raym o nd, Grace Arm e ntr o ut. Edith of thi s yea r's graduating class at Hahn a nd Mi ss vV agoner.


RITTER & UTLEY'S Up -to -Date P harmacy Eastman's Kodaks and Photographic Supplies . F ilms Developed and P rinted at lowest prices.

Satisfaction Guaranteed OPTICAL DEPARTMENT E ye s Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles all styles. OUR PRICES REASONABLE




13onehrake Theological Seminary, Dayton. O hi o. and rece ived hi s degree


th ere ea rl y thi s month.

United Brethren Colleges Hold Their ~[i ss Agne Drury. wh o ha Ow n Young_People B etter than spe nt the la t year in th e Philippine Other Denomination s. Is land as a mi ss ionary of th e U nited Brethren Church in San Fernando. " United Brethren Co lleges claim has been forced t o r et urn because o f ! and hold m o r e o f their own people her health. ~I iss Drury is now o n her propo rtionally than o ther denomina­ way to he r home in Dayto n , Ohio, 1 tional colleges. " where she will tak e a co mplete re t. Thi co mm endable state m ent was

'1 4.

I bee n asked Imade

Name Cards for College Folks Printed Cards for either men or women, $1 for 50, or $1.25 for 100.

Prices for Engraved Stock on Applicat ion.

'88. Dr. J . G. Hub e r ha recently by M r. B. \\' arre n to make the omme nceme nt Addr es Br own who is the ExecutiYe Secre­ at the henandoah Valley Co llegiate I tary o f th e Associatio n of Ameri can In stitute at Dayton. Va. June 7th . I Co llege. He adds that "Judging by West Main St. B oth Telephones ~Ir -. Huber will go along and they I the ligures the ' n ited Breth ren will vi it Dr . and Mrs. Franci s in Chu rch is aboYe th e avera ge in hold­ \\'as hington and Dr. D. E. Lorenz in ! ing students in its denomin atio n. " )/ew York o n their return trip. .-\t the present time a sur vey is '1 5. .,' ! 1' s I G' lb t t h being made by the pa I er , eac er 111 . co llege .office . of · I s l I T t Ol • I the atte ndan ce 111 denom111at1 ona l 1 ro wooc. 11 0. . . . t l1e H 1g 1 c 100 at ,,;as '.I vi s itor a t ·ochran Hall ove r the co lleges and state 111 st1tut1 o n s of , ee k-e nd . Ohio and other state . This ur vey is not c mp leted as yet, but so far, '18. 1li H e len Ensor of \Ve terville, the tigure. prove Mr. Brown's · tatehio, left la st week for her home in m e nt to be correct. lney, lllinoi . where she expects to This sur"ey also how s that the make a hor t visit, returning toward I charge against the Un it ed Brethren the end of thi week. , colleges is fa lse when it is said that '78. Dr. T. J. Sanders wa s ca lled to j so many o f o ur young p e? ple go t o \\' oos ter , Ohio. la t week by the seri- o ther co ll eges. The fact 1s that we o u s illn es of hi sis ter. have more student s. proportionally, of o ther d enomin a ti o n s t h:.i n other '8 1. Rev . M . . Bove y. past r of th e . . h 0f l ' nit ed Brethren ch urch at Circle. den o mrnatwn an~ our · . tatistic showing the number of ~fontana. ha s been vis iting hi , father. student s in tterbein this fall dur­ Rev. H. A. Bovey at al em. hio, and ing the . -\. T . C.. with th ei r church o th er r elative in this tat c. relationships. arc indica ti ve of the '1 5. . am uel Randall onver e ha s large nu mber o f L'. ni ted Br ethr en just r eturned from overseas erv ice , tud e n ts and a !so makes a c mpa r- • :•:: :: : : :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: and i v1 1t111g at the hom e of hi s ison of the relat ive ly large per-1 gra ndm o ther , ~[r . C. P . Landon . '59. ccntage of o ther d enomi nati o ns on South State treet. H e wa a pn:· cn ted . m ember of th e 332 Tnfantry , which Cni ted Brethren ............... 279 wa · sent to 1taly. He is one of the Meth o dists ........ : .. . .. .. .. .. SO 81 few tt e r bein m en t o erve in South- Pre hyterians .. _............... 34 e rn E ur ope. I Baptist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 '18. ~I iss ~Iari e Wagoner of Wester- I Discip le . • • • • • • • . • • .. • . . • . • • .. . 3 d,·entis t ......... l e,·cnth Day Fo r boys on ly !-(Plea e read backville ha bee n guest of ho nor at a I Episcopalian .. - - .. ... . . ...... . 3 Xo preference .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . 45 n umber of soci al affa irs during the £yangelical - .... • • • • ... - ...... . ward s) . " Didn't you if gi rl a be 3 Total numbered students .... 474 la s t week. ~Ii \Vagoner's marriage Re formed . - .... - . .. .... - ...... . woudn't you , it read wo ul d you knew 3 to Ray W . ifford of Akron , Ohio, Roman atholic ... .. ......... . . we ." Quiz and Q u ill. ub sc ribe for 3 Luthe r an ...... . . . ...... . .... .. . will occ ur on Jun e 2.

The Buckeye Printing Co.


Otterbein ·s ;tudents Remember the folks at home with a picture.

See the Quality Shop For Up-to-Date Cleaning and Pressing. W est Main Street


t I



- -_, B . W . WELLS, The Tailor orner State and Main ts. Cleaning and J'ressing on Doe Short N t i e.

C O LUMBU S, 0 .

Plain Flannel Color Waistline Suits Tha Young Men Want




\ ~ ery trim ,in brown·, 1 lue and gray,-and Lazarus value . Hundred s of other wai ·t­ lin es, in plain and fancy fab ri c , at $25, $30 ,$35, and more.

Carl L. Smith, ' 20. /\s Bu ine :-lanager o f the Tan and Cardinal :-1 r. Smith is proving hirnseli to he an aggressive 3.nd.enter­ p•ising busine s man. He ha a r eponsihle position in that the finance are under hi care but he is do ing splendid work.



Commencement I S . uggest1ons \Hoffman's R xall Store ! _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __



Lazarus - Columbus

C. C. Conley, '22 Elected. This spa e :s to remind C. •. Con,ey. has been elected by the l'ublica tion Board ·, c, t;.:,c: t:1-: p!;.c;: you that oi Harold Freeman on the Busines BASEBALL TEAM LOSES .'taff o f the Tan and Ca~dinal. I _ Drayman Fou~d Dead. •·Sa a n'· i, recovering from h1· re]·rank Luba,ky. \\ esten·ille dray-, • cent illncs-s hut will not get lnck in man. was found dead early last :.Ion- M.:skingum Again Defeat, Otterbein Keller & McElwee fc·1ool th:s :eme ·ter. clay morning in a barn on East Colon a MudC:y Field-Dano lege a,·enue where he kept his hor~e. Pitche3 Good Ball. Sell Good Eats. /1..r,NOuKCE PRIZE Death was due to a sudden attack of On h:t Frida) Otterht''n lo t the STORIES MONDAY heart trouble, suffe1·ed presumably' second ame c,f th, season with \,__ __/ ( Continued from page one.) when he went to feed his horse about! .\luskingum at New ·o11cord by the ion ··. !Lg" gains an i11te1·view with 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. score of 14 to 3. /\ thunderstorm. Pre~ident Lincoln through .. Tad" Lin-I Prank was known to many Otter- which broke just before the game. A. t the \/\Tinter Garden coin a nd thi~ incident is strikingly re- bein students. He was faithful to his made the diamond a sea of mud and lated. !'resident Lincoln's sympa· job. friendly with en:ryone and al- errors were nmnerous. Mu kingum thctic nature is portrayed and ·'.Meg" ways anxious to serve. He will be pro\'ed the be t mud horses and hit Monday eveni n g acquires a cl ep re . pect for him. She I missed by 3.11 who knew him. the ball hard. arman for Mus• has 011<: :on who is killed in an acci--------kingum, and Dano for Otterbein, both Fox feature dent and his three chi ldren are left' Tennis Match With Wesleyan. pitched splendid game with a wet for ·'.\leg" to support. She works The Otterbein tennis team will ball. heroirnlly as proprietress of .a bake meet Ohio \V e leyan some time this Score and lineup follow : hop uqt,! the wo, Id \\ ar begrns a nd week on the Otterbein court . Otterbein R. H. E. the grandchildren, now fully grown, Tennis matches with \V ittcnberg, Martin, ss................................. 0 0 0 enter the service. They are killed Denison and Ohio \\' e leyan were Albright. 3b . ............................ 0 and tin:. lly o nly the aged grandmother cancelled last week on accou11t of in- I :-lign ery. 2b ............................. 0 1 2 rema ins. ".\I eg' ·" supreme devotion clement weather. Otterbein' tennis \ Fox. I b. ···;··········•····················· 0 0 0 1 Tue day-Carmel l\l ey2 t o the mc 1:10ry of Lmcoln and a burn- ,I record is splendid and it i hoped the :-liller. c. ·································· I in g lo\'e to r her country makes her student. will be out to support the I weazy. cf......:........................ 0 1 0 character beautiful. It i a story of players at every home game. Pace. If..................................... 1 1 0 high mtrit because o f its qualities of \\'ells. rf. .. ................................ l I O L d pathos and admiration and.its element Freshman Girls Lead Y . w. C. A. Dano, p. ······•····························· 0 0 0 er 1n The Dream a y. of fact which is very s1gmfieant. At the Freshman meeting la t week, Total .......................... 3 8 3 The second and third places were with A li ce Abbott as leader, th e girls l\luskingum R. H. E. strongly contested but finally Miss discussed the famous proverb, "To 2 0 Hel en Keller's '·Cyril Sterling-Amer- Thine Own Self be True." The Cain, Zb . ·································· 0 Open every night except 2 ican" was awarded second prize and neces ity of faith in ourselves and en- :l\[oreh'd, ss. ···················-······· 2 0 Wednesday Miss Helen Bovee's, "Two Warriors" tire faith in God was shown, and the Graham, c. ·········•···················· 1 2 2 0 11 th 0 1 ir:\ pr;zt~· ~hese gi::~1 ti~~ Iva luJ ~ :is ~C:vt:a~!~a~ O Admission 1Oc and 1Sc. wor 1y o 1e p aces size . , h Brown, If................................. 1 0 detailed de cription cannot be given "Unto Him that H3.th" is t ~bsu - Karsch'r, cf............................. 2 I O for la ck of space in these columns. ject thi s week, with Pauli ne Stu s as Johnston, rf. ............................ 2 l O ~ The winning sto ry will appear in leader. Now girls, let's a 11 ra 11 Y to Carman, p ............................... 3 O the Quiz and Quill which is soon t o the Y. W. meeting and n~t o~: our Tot3.ls .................................. 14 9 DAYS' BAKERY be issued. intere st at the very end, a ter Olllg Two•bast'. hit-Frost. Struck o u t Judges of the cho larship were: thing s" all year! It's worth while! by Carman, ; by Dano, 2. Stolen for 4 Mr s. Frank Lee, Mr. Walter J ones . bases-Otterbein, 3; Muskingum, 6. and Professor A. M. Schlesinger, DeOhio University is observlllg Stunt Pies and Cakes partment of American History, Ohio Day o n May 23 . "v,' h at a b o u t Otte r- Bases on balls-Off Dan o, 3 ; off Car. • l be·n? man, 1. Umpi re-Cain . 1 State U111vers1ty. ·









I i

:ii'tb :~::: }t..: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~




!'age Six

LOCALS " D uk e" H ald e rm a n spen t th e wee k­ en d at h i home in La ncaster.

11 the t hings y ou need fo r fancy cos t um­ ino- o r appro priate drf s and se rv ing· fo r f rrnal and in fo rma l occasio n . F litt er fo r the pa1+­ ling sih·er and g old pangle:. There is o nly a limited supply in thi s country but ,Ye have ec ured eno ugh t o car e fo r the need s of th e comm unity. a nc.lle s t o mint · and fl o\\·e r.' \Ye ha Ye o r w ill get fo r y u quickly. Japan ­ ese fan s an d o ther go od -. ~

"Red" Richmo nd of Dayton vis ited Otterbein friends· Sunda)' . Silk Shi rts Sport Sh irts

............... $3.50 to 6. 75 ............ _. ... $1.00 and $1. 50 E. J. No r ns.-Adv.

Elmo Lingr ·I, who recent ly ret urn­ ed from Fra nce, spent the wee k-e nd I with \\ 'c,sterv ille fr iends . . " L in g" is now located at Camp Sherma n.


Ne ll ie • lac ti-loon and Gladys Y o- ' kum were dinner guest~ a t the Bishop tub. Sunday.

Th e beautiful crepe pap r co t urne design­ ed by De nni so n s ancl exec u tecl° hy the aristi c fi ng ers of t he w om en of W ste r ville lent a cha r m t ) t he ~I icl sumrn er' s EY e play of th e g rade .

l'rcsirlent Clip pin ger made an ex ­ tended trip in th e ea t the pa · t week.


B. \' . ·ty lc U nions, 90c lo E. J. ·'.\orris.-Adv.

'ihe Nobbiest New

I. SO.

Lloyd i'.ebol d' s brother o f he lhy. O h i . snent severa l day in \\'es ter­ ille la, t wee k.



To the . enior Class we wish to off r our best service and eve ry ac­ commodati o n. D on't he~itate to te ll u, your nee d s. E . J. No rri s.-Adv.

Are Ready, Men, at The U nion

COCH RA HALL N OTES . unday dinner guests of Dean :\ l c­ Fadden were [>rofc. sor bowers, of ' Davton. 0 ., Dr. and Mrs . Clippinger. ;ind Re,·. and :\.I rs. Burtuer and fam-

J> h


un equall ed a so rtmentl:.. ve ry ··goo d" hapc and ever y de ' ira l le ·traw)1'



~\11 the thin g s y ou n ee cl .fo r co m m en ern ent o cca 10n _ _

1l i Sarah Hood of :\ll. Pleasan t, Pe n n., was the gues t o f Galdys How­ ar d and F lorence L oar from \V ednes-! day un til Saturday . I






\tyrna F rank ente rtained a nu m- 1 ber of her friend.· Friday nig h t. , pecial guest were Nettie Lee R ot h, Annette Crane a nd Mary \,V illiamso n I of :\liddlctown, ., who ~pc11t aturda) and .'unday wit h her.

-Sennits -Soft Straws -Split Straws -Leghorns -Panamas -Balibuntals

A n u mber of ·ochran Ha ll girl were guests :I t :i slumber pa rt y of. Eleanor \ \'hitney's last Frida y ni g h t.' Ladi_e~• \ ;·.~1itc Oxfords a}1d' Pu mp. I at a\'111g l rices, $3.50 to ,J.50. E. J. Xorris.-. \ dv.

ma rt, snappy , lively , ty le , t o pl ea e every m a n ' ta t e-

\\' ednc,-day nigh t Hek n En or. Fay 1[orri ·on . Glady s Howard, ·a rah Hood a nd F lorence Loa r e nj oye d a d inn e r pa rty a t th e D e hl e r H o te l an d th e mu sical omedy ''Sun sh ipe" at t he Hart ma n.

$2. 50 to $20

The :\l e tzgar h u,e pre en tc d a liv e- 1 ly appea ra nce aturday morning whe n Nellie 1lae M o n, Genevieve Mullin, 1 1'1yrna Frank, Mary Williamson. He r­ man l\li c ha e l, ·' Bill" Van ce, Raym o nd H o llinger and Ho ward Moo re ind ul g ­ ed in an elabora te- breakfa t. o chran Ha ll girls arc ind ee d ,



Th e






sor ry to hear of l h c dca th o f Mi I cl re cl D e itsc h's mo ther a nd we ex tend o ur "' deepe s t -y mpathy to he r. E ther Ha rley an r R uth H oo1)e r have go ne F ri day II igh t lady and F lorence to spend evera l days wit h M ildred at ente rtained at an infor mal ,;push" fo r thei r gue st i\ 1i a rah Hood of 1 [t. her home in L ima, 0. f lea ant . Pa. : :\[i Grace Ba rr. of \Vhitc po rt . hats for te n ni s and Mid dletown. 0 ., a nd Nir . \ Vm. o un­ 1 o uting. E. J. N rris.-Adv. e llor of \,\ e. tervi lle. 0 . . R uth Drury wit ne sed the T ug-of~ettie Lee Roth , of Co lumbu , , and 'V. ar at O hio State last w ee k. . nnette Rrane ·we re ho te e · a t a i , . ••• , T he g irls were g lad to have He len lo ve ly af ternoon pa rty at the home of ::'.l,l cDermotl back ove r the week-end . Mr ·. R. H. Brane o n P lum t reet la ·t

Il.!/; ==================================================================1JJ aturday. The ou t-of-tow n g uest end. :\lr. and :\-lrs. . \ ' . :\-l oo rc e nwe re Helen McD ermott. o f o lumbu , tertained th e entire cro wd at their and Nlary William son, of Mi ddletown . I ho me for unday d inn er. Tho se pre _ . de licious two-co ur ·e luncheon wa I ent we re ladys Swiga rt. Le nore se rved. The gue t. left at a late hour. Rayo t. Gr a ce .\rmentrout, Helen a ll dec laring they ha d a good tim e. Ke ller. E lizab eth :\·l c a be. :\-lartha tterbcin wa very we ll repre e nt- . ki nner. Gcatri ce Fi he r and Faye ed in Ca nal \,V inche ·ter t hi we ek- Byer . 1


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