1919 05 26 The Tan and Cardinal

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V O L. 2.

M AY 26, 1919.




Professor Fritz Resign s Pre: ide ncy I of Debate Leag,:e- C . R. Layt:m,



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No .. 27.




' 13, Elected Succes:or.

Au orney E. L. \Veinland, '91, Dis cu:;s­ es the L aw m; a Vocation for Professor C. A. Fri tz re,igned t he _i r e id e ncy of the De'lating League College Men to Enter. last aturclay. Thi League i. com1)0.sed of ;-. 1u ·ki11gu :n. Heidelberg. DEFINES WORK OF LAWYER 1 \··11tenberg. Hiram. Ohio Northern j · · and Ot t e rb ein and i,s or anization a I Urges Many ancl Substantid Induce­ few years ago was in large ml'!asure ments for S tudy of Law- Leads to clue to th e efforts of Profe, or Fr it z. Positions of Honor and Authority. It has as it~ object ;o pro;,1otc inter­ \\.hile everyo111, know · something collegiate debatin r; a:1d ha, done soi11e of the law. few hav an accurate idea line work. Prof. Chas. R. Layton, a graduate of it sources and its vario us appli­ of Otte rb ein in 1913 and now head of .:ationc. Many con ·tive the law t o the Department of P u blic Speaking at he merely the enactm~n t s of Congress J\fuskingum, ,;-a elected as s uccessor to Profe sor Fritz. At their meeting in Columbus la,t

Junio r Cookery C lass Gives Breakfast to Student Heads of Organizations , and Professo r a nd Mrs. Fritz. LEAVES FOR NEW POSITION


Delicious M enu, Dainty Decorations , 1 a nd Approp riate Speeches Make Breakfast Delightful Occasion.


"·1ude1_1t head of o r ganization· are too little appreciated around h ere. and so we take thi s substantial way 1 of showing some of our apprecia ion." said the ho s te ss in welco:ning h e , g ue ts to the breakfa,t 'give n in th e Home Economics department by the I Junior Co kery Clas on '.,at u rd a y morning. P rofessor Charles A. Fri'tz, A. M. Saturday arrangement- were made for And indeed. the studen t s who were next year. l f po sible Otterbein "·ii' • o fortuna t e a t re ceive invitations, have a dual debate with Hiram and a begin t<.. fee l that some of th ei r . tren- Cochran Hall A · ocia ti o n: Glady· trianr ·le d ebate \\'ith Mu kingum and uou labors are be ing rewarded. It H· o war d • Ecl't f ·1 I G • 1 )y : • 1 or o race De:1i ~on or :\larietta. is t~ b_e expected. if thi . kind o f ap- men t ro u t. President of Quiz and Quill The que,tion will be one of the iolp:ec ,at1on con t111u_e. . that some C lub· Agne Wright, Treasurer of , "'; 11 : 0 - hitherto thankless Jobs ma\' h~ro:111• iris' L lub · E Ii-th Bingha . , g •~ pop ular. I 1,esolved that th e Government .. , Pr sident of Y. \ V . C. A., Ra .,,t ) s hould contro l the price of food . fhe st udent gu ~ts were mu ch de- H u ber, Edito r of Tan and Cardinal: _; tuffs. lighted to find l-'1ofe s or and Mrs. F red G r ay. Busine s :\lanager of ~ . . that tnal bv for F n·1·z o f tl1e par t Y- Th'1 popu lar pro- Sibyl· Carl Smith Bu in es :\fana ,,.er -1,esolved .. Jury f d I· ·f ·11 I I f ' ' ~ :nm111al cases should be abolished e _o r _an wt e wi )C , e r e orlof Tan and Cardinal: and H erbert Resoh·ed that the cabinet-pa;liaa limited time, on 1y, as he leaves :.{yers, President of Y. J\I. C. A. Comm en eme nt day to take up new _________ mentary Y tern of government s hould duties at Pi ttsb urg, Kansas. P a yment _; Rece ived Daily. he _adopted.. . . At t en o'c loc k. breakfast wa s. ervecl 1 . . . , . .. tucl e nt s rnt e,·e , te d ,n debating are . . ·1 . d d' . T1 easure , J. l. \\ est b unu , u:illy :ctru,·sted to t ell Professor Fr itz th eir 111 the cla,nti y appo ,nte 111111g room. b •• cl . • .. · . . 1 ' • . . u y t 11c, e ay I eceiv111g and I cco, cl- 1re fe ra11ce o f the e three ques ti ons T able decorat1ons of p,nk cand les and ing payments 011 th ~ O uadr e nnial and · ______ · pink a 11d white swee t peas made th e Sci e nce Building F;nds. At lea,t Q uiz a n d Quill on Press. · 1·'ro f essor Altman rep rts that the • Cell "~ 'a J)1·et ty one · The m e nu o f th e t 11ll'ty percent o f the e payments arc deliciou, two C ur e breakfast fo l- in full. Quiz and Ou ill i now 011 the press 1 _________ . . . . ows: nd w,11 he ready for d1 s tnbut1011 next 1a:\Jonclay. Fre,h ' trawbcrries on th e tem Cor!:;'.ruct i:m of New Building It will he in th e form of a Vea l Cu tl ets Potato Apple s . . . 1 1:; No ~ D elayed by Weather. hook let. of 11111ety-s1x page s, with one Creamed Asparagus Tip _ . . . product,011 from the faculty: one from Breakfa, t Raclish e 1 o d ou n fr ;end ; of Otterbein have . . h . . . . cac 1 1 11tc rary oc,ety; t e w1nn111g 1 Strawberry Preser\'e bee n wondering a bout th e progre. s ot . , _l C st0 111 1 8 1 Graham \luff-in s the S~icnce Bu ild in g during the last / try . t , ell arne ,- . It tokry hon• . te : 1111 . ce aneous art1c e~ : etc e Coffee few weeks. Of cour :: const ruct1011 b f h Q .' ))' me111 ers t e u1z 1 1 oem . etc., 1 . T he uccess of the entire affair in- has hecn ch: l_aye d 011 acc~,unt o f the and Quill lub . d,cate.- a wel . . l regulated deJJartment . wet and disagreeable " ~ather.. but 1 .-.., 1um111• are reque, t ec1 to ma,. 1 ti1e1r La ura \Vh 1t e acted a s ho ·cess ?-.fary I even yet the contractors prom1~e to I> c . t' ' th t p f C · · • · j · . . su np 1011 w1 money o ro . . Ream as waitress. and Audrey• N e l on hav e the buildrng r eady for occu pa- 0 •it man, \"' e t e rv1·1 1e. Oh 'to, b e f ore and Lois Sellers as cook • The se tion by th c op_enrng of school next th e ~eco nd we k in Jun e. Price pos tgirls are to h e cong rHulated upon the September. at tl1e rate of one floor a ,a ·c1. 35 cents. Yaluable traini ng th ey are receiYing. 111011th. - - - - -- - -At the clo e of the m ea l. Grace Th e different professor have turnSummer S cho ol B e gins June 16. Armentrout ex pre sec! the s tudent s' ed in their order for ~!1e furni f h :ng Indication . ~eem favorable for the regret at the re ignation of Profcs- of the department~- I he total cost u ~ual enrol lment 111 the tterbern or and Mrs. Fritz. They will inde ed of the eq uip ment for the c1ence Summer , choo l which will begin he mi .. eel by the whole tt1dent body. Build in g amounts t o $25.000. wh ich is 1fonday. June 16, immedia t ely followJn re ponding. Profe so r Fritz ex- one- fo urth o f th e whole cos t of con- ing Commencement week. The Colpre . eel a imilar regret, and poke s truction. If pre se nt hope are real- lege Office has received a number of of the happy tim es e njoyed at tt er- ized. 0011 Otterbe in will be in posses- i114uiries and ha s ent o ut a va t bein. sion of an entirely modern a nd th o r- am o un t of lite ratur to th e e and The guest li st included th e fo llow- oug hl y eq uippe(l cience Building, o th er partie . \Vith t he plendid ing peop le : P rofe sor and Mrs. C. A. \\'hich can compare fa,·or ably with teaching force the ummer chool Fritz: Ruth Hooper, Pre ident of any in th e s tate. hou ld have a la rge a tt endance.

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"Ed gar L. W eiril.md, -P h. B., LL. B., '91 a nd the State Legi,- la t ure. Ye t the e s ta tut ~- although ·omewhat voluminou . J)robal>!)' con ta,·1, less tl1a11 one(Con t in ued on page two.) Governmen t S ends Chec k O I ·t M M. J9 I Oll llchaesck' 011( ay. ayd ·1· a genel' r~ wa s receiv e rom t 1e L'nited 'tale 5 T . D ·h. h . b . realSury epartmenl w ,c re,111 ur ~es t 1e co 1le e for all expen e, con necte~I with the • ,\ T • • 111t e tabli. h cl here la t fall. All I ·d · • w 10 1n1 pre-111c1uctu n expenses are being refunded that amount and in . Id" • .. ac 111011 a part of th ' 1r tmtton from ti I f d. 1 ie cay o 1sc rnrg~ to January I.


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d B

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urtner . Preaches High School Baccalaureate The l nitecl Brethren Ch urc h wa filled lo capa ci ty Suncla y night when the \\'e terville Jligh 'choo l baccalaureate ervice wash Id , Re ,·erend E . E. Burtner pn:ac hed th e sermon cha mg · · text. "V\ hat kind of a . I11s men and women oug ht ye to be." Rev. H. A. Smit h, pastor of the Pre byterian hur h offered the in­ vocation. Reverend Bancroft, a returned mi s io nary from India also had a part in the servi e. T here a r e thirty- three in the graduation cla · s, thirt e 11 boys and twenty girl . Clark Corne ti is president.


Page T- o


LAW PROFESSION · ~ has an opportunity to win by the H AS FINE MERIT ,>ower of h_is logic. the adroit n ess of hi· wit. and the bri llian cy o f hi e lo(Con tinued from page one .) fiftieth of the law by which we are 1ucnce. if he i · so fo rtunate as l po·~e,s a ll these. governed . There is a lways the cons ideration Likewi,c the popular conception oi th at the law is t he o nly stepping stone a lawye r i an advocate standing beto th e bench, w here as a judge th e 11 fore a jury, and with great eloquence lawyer takes his p lace among th e defenrli ng a man charged with a n , t honored and respec ted of a ll crime. Y et nine- tenth : of the time ;:ian k ind. of the average busy lawye1· is spent The rath er exceptional op1>ort u11 it)' away from the cour t room and many , of the m st succe sfu l of the profe - which lawyer~ seem to have to en ter ion have no contact whatever with ):h.r posi t' on · o f public office and th e criminal law; and it might be add- trust may not be a wort hy mo t ive for eel that son e lawye r who have risen -:'toosing th e law a a profe. s ion. hut I to eminence have litt le or no foren- ·t ce rtainly does add weight to the · I ·1·t sta tement that its members are. and I 1c a> • 1 y . ilways ha\" e been. held in high es\\"hal •th en • is th e law and __ what are t eem b y ti1e1r · f c II ows. .-..n , d '111Ce · I 1 f the q ualtfi cat,o ns .of a. succe~,ful law· d ffi · t •-1· · · 1 . ra1t 11 u I an e c1e 11 puu 1c e rv1ce 1s yer' Jn the ma in the la v c ns1st, ne o f ti 1e I· · ~ o f c1·t·1ze1111g I1e t d uue of a great mass f legal precedent . · "t · ti d" ,; 111p. t " not to 1e 1scre d"t I o f t I1e . e tablishccl hy the decisions ot . count- p roress1011. · · ti1a t 1·t I1a • a far Iargcr prole . judge, from th. e earliest gltmmer· · Ieg1s · Ia- l . por t"1011 o f .re pre ·en t at1ves 111 ing of English hi story; the~e dec1.- ti\'e and cxecuti\"e po ., iti o ns than any ion . having hec 11 collected and puh- )th" r clas .. lishcd 111 thou sand of formidable s mewhat the :--otwith tancling volume - . and havin g be en analyz ed, oige ted and cot 1m e nted upou 111 general impres , ion to the co ntrary, o th er thou ands. Somewhere in thi - the law does not offe r a ny es pecial , grea t . tore house of lega l wi~dom. the tem1>tati~11s to d i,ho n es ty or chic~n­ lawyer may fin d one or many case. e~y . nor 1 _the_re any larger p rop or t1 ~11 similar to the one in which he i~ en- I al r gue in it than may be found 111 gaged. or in wh ich th e principle which I any other pr?fe sion. The l~wyer he i s ,eeking to establish has h: en h ' har_ed with the . mother_-1_n-Ia_w convincingly dccl.i red; and if none. ancl matrimony. a pro111 1ent pos1t1011 111 then he mu t start fr 111 thl! \'erv ·'tt' joke co!mun . but he can well , foundation s of natural ju tice, and .:iaim that th:s profe,sion i- a un ­ I the appli catio n of ound I gic and de-erving of the gibe, of tl_,e j?ke_1· as deduction produ .:e an argument which ,Ht' the other two nob le 111 st1tut1011s will enable him to indu ce ome co urt , u t referred t o. I


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pri ce,. Complete ,toc ks carefu lly se lc c.: ed. \\·e an r estri ng y ur t ~nni, ra cke t in a day's ti111e-and give you an excellent jo b. T h ere is a g ocl ca tal og of '!> rt:;:1ia11' · suppiie · ready for you. Ask for it.


r-n .~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~

t o turn lay dow a invoked new precedent, whi ch : ·• rite l t i~ a t1·i \·er y mistre tru • aclag in may11 be by ~ucceedi11glaw is te'.l hut jealou . • that he generations of i'.lwyers. ,\··11 tolerate 110 pla toni c affi liation s Bu t let it not he thought that the • wi th life in,uranc ·, rea l es tate or , :-;== ============= === ================·· s tudy and practice o f t he law invo lves c mmerce. u ces· in thi profe, io n Main 9095 a familiarity wit h a ll of the,e f rmid - :~ 11 011ly be acl:ie '" ~d hy ha rd and pe r- 1 Citizen 7012 a ble vo lume . o f co nd en se d legal learn- 1 ;:- trnt etfon 111sp1red by a gc 11u111e jng. Rather it is the pu rpose of a 1·o \·e and fervo_r for the w? rk. 1 study o f the law that the tudent may _ If l were gi vmg a recipe fo r mak- 1 become o g rounded in the genera l 111g a suci:es,f ul lawyer I would s tate principles that govern human r ight · it ab ut like t his: tak e an o rdinary and regu lar human conduct. t ha t he go urd levelful o f gray matt er. add a may at lea t kn w w-here to fi nd th e goo d ized heart iul l o f human sym­ la w a pplicable to a par ticul a r sit u- ;)a thy. put in enough perseverance to ation. ma ke t hc ma · tiff and fi rm. -eason The i11duce111cnts to th e :: tudy of · w· th a das h of e loquence if at h a nd , he faw arc m any a nd ulrtantial. Tn keep tirring ince · ant ly. broil o nr 'the first place, t h e IHOfe sion i di _ the ho t fire of experience fo r twenty -tinctly o ne o f the learned profe, ion s·: to fi fty yea1·;. and yo u will have a i t carrie with it th e presu111pti n f irly good lawyer. culture: and it i i"ndi putable that General Secretary Speaks members o f this I rofe ss ion are gener­ Dr. T. Deever. ec retary o f th e ally given a hig h t>lace in t he intellec­ tual and ocial li fe of the community. Young Peo ple': \.Yo rk o f the U nited 1 The profession has a pecial ap­ B rethren Denomination. vi · itecl tter- , n' peal to one w h I ve, to tudy his bei n la · t \f o nd.a y a nd ..f ue sd ay. fellow man, because of t he a lmo . t un­ Tue-day morni ng he.: poke in t he 1 p aralleled op portu n ities whic h it af­ cha1,e l of the d ignity 9 f the mini · t ry 1 ford for an insight into the varying ancl the oppo rtunity f r se rvice that pha . e o f human nature; men co me :t offe r college gra duates. Doctor Deever had many perso nal to the lawyer with all o rl. of trouble · ; innocence accu,ed . conli­ inten•iew w:th tude nt, and recr uited ,dence be trayed, promi es broken, several fo r defi11i te religiou s work. I p roperty inva ded, reputation s sla nder­ He also exp lai11ed t he need fo r church .ed, li fe and liberty en dangered The leader i11asmud1 a th e re a rc twenty lawyer comes as near a~ any ma n can tit u , and vacant pu lpit in the "C nited to eeing the human hear t com plete­ ·tate. and more t han fif ty in the LI nited Brethre n Church. Be ides. he ly unveiled. Again there is t he . t imulu and the c:aimcd, th ere are many incompetent rewarrl of the fon 1111 Here he meets and inefficient preacher, occupying J,i s antagonist in pen battle. Here [>uipi · today.



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Ichoice especially graduates, in making their of a life-work and he or she is


Page Three

Ca mpus Is Greatly Improved.

C. W . STOUGHTON, M . D . indeed fortunate w ho leaves Otterbein Everyone is remarking how much m o re beautiful Otterbein's campus is' 31 W . Colleg e Av.e . Publ i hed Weekly in the inte r es t Of prepared in mind and th o ught for so me definite course JJ1 life. Of since the r ecent improvements have O,tterbein by the Weste r ville, O hio co urse it is easy to offer advice. A rneen made ._ :"-·e did not realize how O TT E RBEI .PUB LISH! G cla ss room is largely given over to ad ba r e t h e bmld1ngs looked before agi­ Bell P h one 190 Citizen Phone 110 BOARD , vi ce and sugge stion but after a ll the / tat on was m:ide and attention was We stervi lle, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press big broad world is th e real class room called to the need for decoration . \\·e where folks study and struggle and . a_re certain !~ thankful t o the ExecuAssociation G. H . MAY HUGH , M . D . finally achieve. live Committee and especia ll y the STAFF H Id b f men who took uch active interest in East College A ve. Edito r-in -Chief .. Ramey H. Huber, '20 e wou e a poor sort ~ a lu- 1the project. den t who leaves Ottc-rbe 1n next .-\ s i rant Editor .......... L. E. Pa ce, '2 1 . . . The firm that wa, 1n charge of ti 1 P hones-Citize n 26 month w1thou1 a career 1n .mind . A panting Coiitri'buti'iig Ed .i torsBall 84-R 1 . too k· several photo, before" • H. 1 '?I college co ur,e sh o uld cer t a inl y have E ther ar ey, cl fi . . . . . . they began work and arc expec t ing to • B. h '20 ome e n1t e aim 111 view e1 e 1t 1s E d1th mg am , . fi f 'f return a t a later date to take ot her · ess M anager .. C ar I L . S m1t · h , ,20 sca r ce 1y going to t anyone or It e. . be very 1nter . . Busm DR. W . M. GANTZ _____ ____ whi.ch will es t1ng and will A si, tant Busines s ManagersWhat I s Our Business ? I ur e ly s how a ,t rik ing co ntrast. Dentist \\'h en the shrubs and planb are in H . F . Moore, '21 I . C. . Conley, '22 \\ hen we pea k of "our bu sine s s" I bl m they will be even more beautiB ell P h o ne 9 . tman , '20 we have at lt>a t a vague idea of the I f u I t 11an now. hut a s th ey are the camcl.rcu Ja t·10n Mgr. .. Mary T ms 15 W . College A ve. W es terville • tant • Ja 1·10 11 '"anag<!rsl meaning of the J)hrasc. :ind yet we I, pus ·1s ce rt ainly improved. ,,., . s1> 1rcu yfarve l Sebe r t, '2 1 do not ecm to agree on what the Genev ieve M u llin, '22 limits of our husines might be . Fo1· VISIT I NG SE CRBTARY SPEAKS Athletic Editor ........ \i . H . Vance . '2 1 in s tan ce, if we want to tell ~omeon c Local Editor ........ .... Haze l Payne , 2 1 else what to do, o r talk about his or Mi~s Frieda Klink, State Collegiate ·oc hran Hall Edi tor. Myrna Fran k,'2 1 I her alfa_irs. we proceed to do so wi th Secreta ry of Y . W . C. A., Sketches T h e College Avenue Alum iial Eclitor .. P r of. A. Gu it ne r, '97 1 o ut asking a question about its being ) W o rk of Women's Asrn:iation. MEAT MARKET Ex •hange Ed itor, Ma r y Ba ll enger, '20 o ur bu s ines s. Usually. when we want Li terary E d itor, J. Gordon Howard,'22 to s tart right on any subject, we go / " \\'hy, I never k n°•.v ho_ ·., big the to th e H o ly Writ for a ut ho r ity and Y. \ V. C. A. wa ~!" c ,: ·!a im cl o ne o f Address a ll comm u nication to The guidance. \Vh a t do we fi nd in thi s the gir l, to :\li ,s Friula h:J'nk la st Otterbein Tan a n d ardina l, 20 W . case? "Study to show thyself ap- I Mon day night. after ,he had add res ·­ (HOved unt o God." 11 Timothy 2-15. 1eel the girls. :\I is · Klink is a \' o ung :\[ain t., \ Ve terville, Ohio. Choice Cut Flowers a nd Corsage Sub,c r ip t ion !'rice. $ 1. 50 Per Year. This i, th e s tud y for everyone . \\' omen 's· hr is ti an Association \ \' or k- J Bouque ts . payable in adva nce. \ Ve spend so littl e tim e 011 intro- er who ,uccceds nobly in her task of Quality Best- Prices Righ t spect ion , or rather. a laborator)· di · - gi ,·_ ing the co ll ege girl s a vision . h S. S tate S t. Citizen 345 Ente red as second class matter ecting of o ur own chara cters and yet pointed out that the Y. \\/ . •. A. wa September 25, 19 17, at the postoffice we spend so much tim e on viewing not a mer e cl u II p r ayer meeting group. at Weste r ville, 0., under a ct of t h roug h t h e mi cro cope the c hara ct- I1c s I1owecI t I1e va t res po n ·1bility · Ma rch 3, 1879. er of our fellow s tudent s. lf we con- w I11· cl1 it had as umed. especia lly in Accep ta nce for m a ilin g a t pecial tinu a ll y studied our e lves to find o ut war work. It ha s been a ctive among ra te of pos ta ge p r ovi de d fo r in Sec. whet her we are approved unto od . muniti n w rkers abroad as wel l a HOME DRESSED 11 03, Act of Oct. 3, 191 7, a ut horized we wou ld have no time to ay o me in o ur cou ntry. It tands behind April 7, 19 19. unkind or cutting remarks co ncern- law fo r women' · labo r un io n s and ' ing our brothers and •,i ·ter o f Ot- all law for improv ing their work :ng terbein ollege. h ! ther e are a few conditio n s. EDIT ORIAL people who will never be able to ee :\Ii Klink ketched the work witt, 1~.'d" E GOOD EATS Wisdom any fault in them se lve s beca us e th ey foreign girb and mothers in our counBoth Phones ,, Happy i· the man that findet h wi ,- are so bu sy in di covering the faults try. and the activity among profesin other peopl e. The,e ()eoi)le ,ional women. co untry girls and colorBell 46-W . Citizen 92 dom, cie ty and their ed w m en. Then she put UJ) the " r- a re 1nra ite on .'\nd the man t hat ge tt e t h ll lld ~ cnt1c1sm i always de tru ctiv e. In - chall enge to th e co llege girls to get s tanding. For the me r cha n di e of it is better te ll igence and hard work amount to behind the Y. \ V. C. A. in all it s bignot h ing if the student ha . not learned nes . for it i the co ll ege trained than t he m erc ha nd i e of si lver, to keep his tongue o ut of other peo- women who must a sume the re pon­ And th e gai n th e r eof tha n fi ne go ld. ple' s bu sine s and to refrain from de-, ibility. The girls were enth u ia s­ ·1i e is more p r ecio us t han ru bie : s t ructive co mment. co ncerning hi s tic ove r th ta lk. A vo cal olo wa And none o f t he t hings t ho u can · t fe ll ow s t udent . wa, given by Ethel Eubanks. de ire An· t be compared unto her."





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For Nuts Fruits and Candies


After College, What? Fo rt y-t h ree yo un g me n and women a r c s hor tl y t o be grad ua ted from O t­ t rbe in 'o ll cge. Im m edi ate ly t hey wi ll fi nd th e m se lves co nfr o nt ed wi th a s tern un yie ldi ng so rt o f a w r id t hat wan t to kn ow w h a t ki nd of a part they are goi ng to p lay. There wa a time when y ung folk might ca t about for evera l years to find ju t w he r e t hey co ul d be, t fi t in; where t ht:y co u ld ma ke t he JllO s t money: wher e their ta lents could be he t appreciated. Time . have changed so mewhat in this re ­ s pect. Drifters are not ge t ting very far in bus iness affairs, and no con­ cern cares to ta ke on a yo ung man or a young wom:in who has no t some pecia l idea regarding t he ir fut ure . \ Ve are running a erie of article with the view of as sis t ing s t udent s,

o to t he

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N yal Remedies

See DAD HOFFMAN For Your Graduating Gifts.



H. E. Michael Arranges for High School Boys to Hear What


I\ I

Sub scribe fo r Quiz an d Quill.

Up-to-Date Pharmacy

Otterbein Offers.

Eastm!ln's Kodaks and Pho_tographic Supplies. . Films Developed and Printed. at lowest prices.

Thursday e_vening the Y . . I. C. A. had a most. interesting meeting led by Mr. H . E. 11 ichael. The topic wa that of --Advertising Orterbein." This was a meeting particularly for

Satisfaction Guaranteed OPTICAL DEPART MENT Eyes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles all styles.

'72. T he E m, the 1919 A nnual of the I the h_igh sc hool tudent s. '.\lorristown. Indiana, High S chool is .. B,ll" Evans represented the athlet­ de dicated to P rof. John Lemmon ic life of the school. "Bill" told of Shauck, S ui5erintendent o f the '.\[ o rris- I the great succe~s of the teams o f a town choo ls. 1 few years ago and e_xpressed the beliei that in a hort time we would be '87. r. An drew T imberman was re - back to the o ld s tatu · . The final d e ' It'd a trustee of the Columbus I word that he left wa that above all \ '(mng '.\I en's C hri,tian Association at I we must have --pep" and discipline. 1h e ,~le ction held last week. L. J. '.\Ii chacl ·poke for the musical 1 '11. Rev. Ira D. \\'arner. pa tor of intere ts of the school. He · poke a the l' nited Brethren church at · an- word a bout all the different musical ton. O hio. recently delivered th e o rganizations. High Sc hool addrc,s at Ylarlboro, Ramey Huber if, speaking o f the O hio. an d at the Randolph Township literary societies said, "They stimuHigh :chool. late lo yalty and devotion. They train . ~ f D individual s to us effectively the '13 · l'ev ay- knowledge they gain in the cla ·s· 1'.001) o ' . · Carl \ erp"'~•1 ton, O hio. w l_10 for tw _years l~as been ro oms."' ;\lr. Huber gave an inter­ '.\fiami Co nterence EvangehSI. ha e, ting history of the societies. ju~t clo · ed_ a_ very ~ucces_sful camI(. J . Scott told of the spiritual life pa,gn at '.\l1llv1lle. Ohio. :'hich re sult- o f the school. "\,\'e arc a school to ed in forty-five accessions to tl~e train Christian leaders." he aid . He church there. He i, now engaged 111 spoke e pecially o f th e work o f the a cr ies of meeting al th e Fairview --y" and o f the Chri ~tian Endeavor. L"nitt:<l Brl'lhrrn Church, Dayton, and Ray Harmelink in his talk about gut's fr 111 that place to .'.'Jewport. the faculty spoke particularly of their l'entucky . . ·ext year Mr. Roop will pe rsonal influence 011 the student' se rve as e vangeli t in andusky con- life. By comparing our faculty and fcrence. l le is at the head of an effi- . urriculum with tho e of other cient party o f fi ve a nd has been very chools. he showed that in nothing succes ful in evangelistic work. vere we deficient. '16. Re,·. Lehr \V. Bidd le of E lida , 1 L. J. Wood told of the opportun­ Ohio, and :\Liss Hazel l' earl 11athi j ·tie for . elf help around Otterbein. of Parson,. Kan-as, were married in He showed that although one did lack Euclid ,\ venue l' nited Brethren I noney he need not despair of going Lhurch. :\lay I. 1919. The couple are to college if he had the energy and 1 now a t ho111e at N" ew '.\I adison, Ohio. will p wer. ,, hen~ :\Ir. 13icldle is pa tor of the Ot"Rats" :\loo re' · peecl, on the social t,·rbein L'nited B r ethren hur ch. life of ttcrbein wa full of striking ~tatement·. '.\Ir. Moore said, --one '11. Jame s 0. ·o x o f Valpara is o. In ­ of the greate t factors in having a diana. has been in \ Vestervi ll e the good time i women. \,\' e haven't any µa t few clays representing the Lewis "sticb'' aro und here either. The so­ L. '.\lyers and ·omp:iny, makers of the cial li fe i witha l uplifting." Chautauqua De,k. The keynote of the whole meeting '06. Dr. E. 1:::. 11urtncr f \\le,,terville ,ccmc<l 10 ht· expressed 111 these wa, in Celina. Ohio. last Tue,day to w rds. "I.et ·s talk it up!" ddivcr the High Schoo l con1111e11ce­ . \ friendly ·ocial time with p lenty ment address at that pla ·e. of fine cat · was enjoyed in the club






I l

l'rofr so r L \\' . \ \/arson. who has hcen in verscas service for the Young '.\I ·n's Christian Associa ti on, received from his commanding ollicn. Chaplain R. H. Gear hart. a letter of ;•ppreciation of the work he:: is do in g. ,\111011!-{ other things hapl ain Gear-


Name Cards for College

Folks Printed Cards for either men or women, $1 for 50, or $1.25 for 100. Prices for Engraved Stock on Applic ation.

The Buckeye Printing Co. Both Telephones

West Main St.

Otterbein Remember the folks at home with a picture .

room after the services. Plays at Memorial S ervice. l'rofe sor G. ·. Grabill played 111 11 e111o rial Hall, Columbu last Fri­ tlay when the '.\l asonic people of th at ·ity held their memorial service and

hart say, : "To you i. di rec t Iy ch a rge- gave '.l cl inn c r to a 11 /\! a · o 11 ic so Id ier :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: able the fact that m ore than five and ,a il o rs. l'rofcssor G ra bi ll i the 1 thou sand men will return to civil life. :1ccompa11ist for .'\ laddin Temple 1 broadened and hdter through their · "horu,. having been enlist cl in tht' educati n- 1 al work of this division." Doctor J ones at Massillon.


See the Quality Shop For Up-to-Date Cleaning and Pressing. 81 West Main Street

'13. :gt. Law·on E. Troxell · poke at In vi t a t ion comes from the Daugh- 1 thc forty-eighth annual com111c11ce- ter. oi \"eterans in behalf f the mcnt of the :\liami·burg high scho I Heart l'o,t, G. ,\. R. for Doctor Edn last Thursday when thirty-two , :nund . . J o ne s to . peak in :\las illon, 1 ~-ere graduated. ;\[ r. Troxel l repre- Ohio at their '.\lemorial Day ervice . Boys Are Give n Feed. in the gymnasi um Ia t a tu rday morn 1 Doctor Jone, wa sented the oldier . superintendent of\ Beca use of inclement weather. ii\ ing. Abou t eig ht een boys were presthe :\las , ill o n · chool for many years place of the usual picnic, thi year' ent. ~ext year regula1· cla ses W411 Get your cakes and cookies at and th is invitati n i fitting recogni- Boys' \ Vork ommittee of th e Y. :\L be arranged fo1· the e boys from 12 to Days'.-Adv. ti on f his faithful ~ervice the re. C. A. gave a feed for the town boys 16 year of age ge t gym work.


Busch, Senior, Demons t rates and Explains Mysteries of Hypnotism Under Auspices of " Y" .





Athletes In Pros pect. Orvil le \\' . Briner . a· field ma nage r of t h e campa ign for new · tu clent . re- \ po r ts favo rab le p ros p ec t s. "'.\r r. Brin- 1 er has spe n t e vera l wee ks in t he Nort h wes t ern dis tri c t of Sand us k y I Confere nce Yisiting yo un g peop le who arc expec t ing to enter co ll ege next fal l. He left 011 last F r iday I morning for the eastern ter r itory of t he a m e conference. It is e peci­ ally gra t ifying to hear that th ere are everal good a t hlete, among the pros- I pective st uclen h from this ection of I the sta t e.




i Power Controls The power to do thino-s adequately o·et wealth. Culture tame the arroo-ance of





helby. 0 .. was th e sto pp ing p lace "for e ve ral Otte rh einitcs fo r t he pa t \ fe w days . H az le Pay ne. L eora Goc h - 1 e nou r, " R a t s" :\Ioore and H e rb 1Ieyers w e r e g ues t s a t t he h ome of Emil y an d K e nn e th Arnold . fo rm er O tt e r­ bein s t ude n ts.


Mother nature \\'3.S the h ,te s at a ' basket luncheon enjoyed by Irene 1 Campbe ll . :\[ary Siddall, Fred Gray ' and '·J ud" icldall S u nday evening. La st S u nday the Sunday Afternoon . wimmi n g Club held it' · first meeting of th e sea,on ·ome whcre alon A lum creek.

Elegant Pillows, Memo Books and Stationery

-Sennits -Soft Straws -Split Straws - Leghorns -Panamas -Balibuntals

U niv·e rsity Bookstore·

Smart, snappy, li ve ly tyle , t o please every m an's ta te-


$2. 50 to $20 ~



LL KIND OF IT C ome in and ee u s. O ur price are right.

THE ._________,





II ~========================================================~ ====================================:=!!.! I=============== ~--------------... For F ine Candies Goto

Columbus was the scene of sn·eral O tte rbein partic, last aturclay e,·en­ ing. A\\' now ! Dry up. A new rec o rd was broken at Otter­ hein last week end. "Rats''. says he reached hi s !eventeenth hea\'eu of


Are Ready, Men, at The Union Bio·, unequalled a . ortmentEv ry '·o·oo d" ·hape an 1 every de iral le ·tra,v-


.A g lorio us ( Vt! rl a nd) tr ip to Da y ­ ton (and Mid d le tow n) wa-, e nj oye d by 1:viyrna Frnnk. -G ladys Y o ku m . Go r­ do n H o ward a n d H er m a n :\I ic hae l. 1' T he party left Friday a nd r et u rne d l fro m their ,·is it un cla y e \' e11i11g. \

·wealth and make it y ield to ociety in propor­ t ion to it s r efinement. Culture come throuo·h a ociation with the fine t thing G cl ha ennything ab lecl cultivated mind to creat~. 1 ~ detract and finally de tr oy ' . Get lo v ly th ino· - or o-et n thino-.

The Nobbiest New


Elme r l:3 arnh a rt wa a welcome g uest in \\' este r \'i lle 0\'e r the week - I e ncl .

Reed's Grocery Rus~ell Gi lb e rt of Greenville, 0 ., visited Otterbe in friend last week. I' '·G:l" j us t came back from France.



o to Day '. -Adv.

Page Five


Ton ight at 8:00 o'cloc k in t he co llege c hap e l w e ar e to ee unv ei led at t he h a nd of Mr. C. R . Bu ch. o ur en- . te rtaini_ng e 1;io r , all th e m ys t e ri e o f hyp no t is m . ' Beezle bub." a he i 1 common ly kn ow n. i a ma te r a t thi art. 1u th e ro le o f h yp no ti t. :.Ir. Bu c h ca u e a e nsati o n with hi ;; long fl ow in g hair a nd h i~ s hining ' tee t h. Psyc h o log ically ~t r a nge and wierd i B u,ch' pre e n ce o n the tage. An d can h ~ do th e s tun ts that are clai m ed fo r h im ? \\·c ·11 \' Ouch t hat th e m e n he uses fo r hi s subject w ill be c ut ting a ll so rt , of , capers. Th e r e is a l,o a n e du ca ti nal side to th ' e nt e rta inme nt whic h \\' ill be ins t r uc ti ve and inte r e, t ing. Th i is i\l r. B u~c h's fi r st appea rance in t he pu b lic light at Ot terbein. He do na t ing hi · er\' ice, to the I ca l Y. M. C. A. . ;, m a ll ad m is~ io n will be c har ged w h ic h mone y wi ll g int t he "Y " budge t.

bliss. F o r fine cakt


New Model Restaurant SODA FOUNTAIN Any Kind of Sandwiches, Home-Made Pies Special Orders any Time Regular Lu :1c hes or Dinners Cigars, Cigaret tes and To bbacco . Orders ove r the Pho:ie Tellings' Spe :ial Bric k Ice C ream

North State S t.

Westerville, 0 .

Page Six



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the Single and

o u ble Brea st-

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$15 to $20

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22 W. Spring

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COC HRAN HALL NOTES Roger ivl il ls. \ Loi 'lark visited a friend a t D la- 1 ing wc_re prese n t: ~leo Coppock, T · II · I ·th · !most I S d . t f GI d ware over the week-end. ~lary S1dcla ll, Mary T 1n~tman, Josc1 wenty JO )' g1r S _w1 an a . _un ay C inner gues S O • a ys )hine Foo1· Harriet Ha ·s. Genevieve equal number of guitars , 111andol111s Swigart were Lois and Mary CatherPaul Lyon, of P1ckenngto11 was the 1 . . · ) )I N . :M . S ne 11111g . S un d ay. :M ul1111 ' 1lo I e Hoff anc . e 11 1e , ae · H e If er. f 1 -i,, 1-ane an d ·,u k·es " ma d c l ots o f f un an cl 111e 1guest o 1ca noi e, on la . t ),londay evening, at a I . j\[ oon. Mrs · Keister gave a dinner 1rnrty j\fr. and 1lrs. D. B. \ Vh1stler and ' f ew co II ege f o lk·s su rpn.. e d M r. "push" given by Edythe Eby and f, ' , .. I 1 r 1· k Friday evening· for the fol lowing daughters j\[arJone and Barnet '1 rs. \ "'v 111. C o unse II or 'fl 1u1. · d ay Lillie \A' aters. for :tli1ss I- reec a•"- 111 ancI _,, . h t at t_1eir . ,ome on t a t c t ree t . the visiting Y. \V. C. .A . ecretary. g irls•· Ruth Drury · May Freeman • El- motored up .from Dayton . to spend the n1g 1 1 ma Lybarger Harriet Raymond week-end with E ther Harley. 11 ·1 f I The magical disappearance o t 1e . ·. . . • 1ose present we re: I·l e I en E nso r, . "cats" spoke volumes for their part in Genevieve Illullin, Vida Vvilhelm, a nd Edna Dellinger and Esther Ha rl ey Katheryn \\"arn er. Gladys Howard. th e eYening's program. Florence Loar. entertained about twenty-five girls in Florence Loa r, Fay ·Morrison, BerThe din ing room annex of ochMrs. S. . Hough and daughter room 11, Fourth floor, Saturday even- nice Hee ter. Ra lp h Smith. F red Grey, Pa ul Sp ro ut. R o ll in D un-a nt, Herman ran Hall was the scene of a very J sephine Albert of Dayton, Mr . ing, in honor of their g ues ts. pretty dinner party, Sunday noon . Davis and family and Faith iegfried 11is Florence Reese entertained Lehman a nd Lesl ie Dano . The gue ts were Miss Arabelle amp­ were gue t. of Dean :McFadden at with a six 'clock dinner at h er home Eda Bo ll inbacher of Nor wa lk is the bell , Ru$sell Palmer, Robert \ Ve. t and Sunday dinner. in Columbus Saturday. The fo llow- week-end gue t of Edna D ell inger. 0


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