an au
V O L. 2.
M AY 26, 1919.
Professor Fritz Resign s Pre: ide ncy I of Debate Leag,:e- C . R. Layt:m,
- - -
No .. 27.
' 13, Elected Succes:or.
Au orney E. L. \Veinland, '91, Dis cu:;s es the L aw m; a Vocation for Professor C. A. Fri tz re,igned t he _i r e id e ncy of the De'lating League College Men to Enter. last aturclay. Thi League i. com1)0.sed of ;-. 1u ·ki11gu :n. Heidelberg. DEFINES WORK OF LAWYER 1 \··11tenberg. Hiram. Ohio Northern j · · and Ot t e rb ein and i,s or anization a I Urges Many ancl Substantid Induce few years ago was in large ml'!asure ments for S tudy of Law- Leads to clue to th e efforts of Profe, or Fr it z. Positions of Honor and Authority. It has as it~ object ;o pro;,1otc inter \\.hile everyo111, know · something collegiate debatin r; a:1d ha, done soi11e of the law. few hav an accurate idea line work. Prof. Chas. R. Layton, a graduate of it sources and its vario us appli of Otte rb ein in 1913 and now head of .:ationc. Many con ·tive the law t o the Department of P u blic Speaking at he merely the enactm~n t s of Congress J\fuskingum, ,;-a elected as s uccessor to Profe sor Fritz. At their meeting in Columbus la,t
Junio r Cookery C lass Gives Breakfast to Student Heads of Organizations , and Professo r a nd Mrs. Fritz. LEAVES FOR NEW POSITION
Delicious M enu, Dainty Decorations , 1 a nd Approp riate Speeches Make Breakfast Delightful Occasion.
"·1ude1_1t head of o r ganization· are too little appreciated around h ere. and so we take thi s substantial way 1 of showing some of our apprecia ion." said the ho s te ss in welco:ning h e , g ue ts to the breakfa,t 'give n in th e Home Economics department by the I Junior Co kery Clas on '.,at u rd a y morning. P rofessor Charles A. Fri'tz, A. M. Saturday arrangement- were made for And indeed. the studen t s who were next year. l f po sible Otterbein "·ii' • o fortuna t e a t re ceive invitations, have a dual debate with Hiram and a begin t<.. fee l that some of th ei r . tren- Cochran Hall A · ocia ti o n: Glady· trianr ·le d ebate \\'ith Mu kingum and uou labors are be ing rewarded. It H· o war d • Ecl't f ·1 I G • 1 )y : • 1 or o race De:1i ~on or :\larietta. is t~ b_e expected. if thi . kind o f ap- men t ro u t. President of Quiz and Quill The que,tion will be one of the iolp:ec ,at1on con t111u_e. . that some C lub· Agne Wright, Treasurer of , "'; 11 : 0 - hitherto thankless Jobs ma\' h~ro:111• iris' L lub · E Ii-th Bingha . , g •~ pop ular. I 1,esolved that th e Government .. , Pr sident of Y. \ V . C. A., Ra .,,t ) s hould contro l the price of food . fhe st udent gu ~ts were mu ch de- H u ber, Edito r of Tan and Cardinal: _; tuffs. lighted to find l-'1ofe s or and Mrs. F red G r ay. Busine s :\lanager of ~ . . that tnal bv for F n·1·z o f tl1e par t Y- Th'1 popu lar pro- Sibyl· Carl Smith Bu in es :\fana ,,.er -1,esolved .. Jury f d I· ·f ·11 I I f ' ' ~ :nm111al cases should be abolished e _o r _an wt e wi )C , e r e orlof Tan and Cardinal: and H erbert Resoh·ed that the cabinet-pa;liaa limited time, on 1y, as he leaves :.{yers, President of Y. J\I. C. A. Comm en eme nt day to take up new _________ mentary Y tern of government s hould duties at Pi ttsb urg, Kansas. P a yment _; Rece ived Daily. he _adopted.. . . At t en o'c loc k. breakfast wa s. ervecl 1 . . . , . .. tucl e nt s rnt e,·e , te d ,n debating are . . ·1 . d d' . T1 easure , J. l. \\ est b unu , u:illy :ctru,·sted to t ell Professor Fr itz th eir 111 the cla,nti y appo ,nte 111111g room. b •• cl . • .. · . . 1 ' • . . u y t 11c, e ay I eceiv111g and I cco, cl- 1re fe ra11ce o f the e three ques ti ons T able decorat1ons of p,nk cand les and ing payments 011 th ~ O uadr e nnial and · ______ · pink a 11d white swee t peas made th e Sci e nce Building F;nds. At lea,t Q uiz a n d Quill on Press. · 1·'ro f essor Altman rep rts that the • Cell "~ 'a J)1·et ty one · The m e nu o f th e t 11ll'ty percent o f the e payments arc deliciou, two C ur e breakfast fo l- in full. Quiz and Ou ill i now 011 the press 1 _________ . . . . ows: nd w,11 he ready for d1 s tnbut1011 next 1a:\Jonclay. Fre,h ' trawbcrries on th e tem Cor!:;'.ruct i:m of New Building It will he in th e form of a Vea l Cu tl ets Potato Apple s . . . 1 1:; No ~ D elayed by Weather. hook let. of 11111ety-s1x page s, with one Creamed Asparagus Tip _ . . . product,011 from the faculty: one from Breakfa, t Raclish e 1 o d ou n fr ;end ; of Otterbein have . . h . . . . cac 1 1 11tc rary oc,ety; t e w1nn111g 1 Strawberry Preser\'e bee n wondering a bout th e progre. s ot . , _l C st0 111 1 8 1 Graham \luff-in s the S~icnce Bu ild in g during the last / try . t , ell arne ,- . It tokry hon• . te : 1111 . ce aneous art1c e~ : etc e Coffee few weeks. Of cour :: const ruct1011 b f h Q .' ))' me111 ers t e u1z 1 1 oem . etc., 1 . T he uccess of the entire affair in- has hecn ch: l_aye d 011 acc~,unt o f the and Quill lub . d,cate.- a wel . . l regulated deJJartment . wet and disagreeable " ~ather.. but 1 .-.., 1um111• are reque, t ec1 to ma,. 1 ti1e1r La ura \Vh 1t e acted a s ho ·cess ?-.fary I even yet the contractors prom1~e to I> c . t' ' th t p f C · · • · j · . . su np 1011 w1 money o ro . . Ream as waitress. and Audrey• N e l on hav e the buildrng r eady for occu pa- 0 •it man, \"' e t e rv1·1 1e. Oh 'to, b e f ore and Lois Sellers as cook • The se tion by th c op_enrng of school next th e ~eco nd we k in Jun e. Price pos tgirls are to h e cong rHulated upon the September. at tl1e rate of one floor a ,a ·c1. 35 cents. Yaluable traini ng th ey are receiYing. 111011th. - - - - -- - -At the clo e of the m ea l. Grace Th e different professor have turnSummer S cho ol B e gins June 16. Armentrout ex pre sec! the s tudent s' ed in their order for ~!1e furni f h :ng Indication . ~eem favorable for the regret at the re ignation of Profcs- of the department~- I he total cost u ~ual enrol lment 111 the tterbern or and Mrs. Fritz. They will inde ed of the eq uip ment for the c1ence Summer , choo l which will begin he mi .. eel by the whole tt1dent body. Build in g amounts t o $25.000. wh ich is 1fonday. June 16, immedia t ely followJn re ponding. Profe so r Fritz ex- one- fo urth o f th e whole cos t of con- ing Commencement week. The Colpre . eel a imilar regret, and poke s truction. If pre se nt hope are real- lege Office has received a number of of the happy tim es e njoyed at tt er- ized. 0011 Otterbe in will be in posses- i114uiries and ha s ent o ut a va t bein. sion of an entirely modern a nd th o r- am o un t of lite ratur to th e e and The guest li st included th e fo llow- oug hl y eq uippe(l cience Building, o th er partie . \Vith t he plendid ing peop le : P rofe sor and Mrs. C. A. \\'hich can compare fa,·or ably with teaching force the ummer chool Fritz: Ruth Hooper, Pre ident of any in th e s tate. hou ld have a la rge a tt endance.
, I
I _. I.
· .
. . ,:I
I . ·•
"Ed gar L. W, -P h. B., LL. B., '91 a nd the State Legi,- la t ure. Ye t the e s ta tut ~- although ·omewhat voluminou . J)robal>!)' con ta,·1, less tl1a11 one(Con t in ued on page two.) Governmen t S ends Chec k O I ·t M M. J9 I Oll llchaesck' 011( ay. ayd ·1· a genel' r~ wa s receiv e rom t 1e L'nited 'tale 5 T . D ·h. h . b . realSury epartmenl w ,c re,111 ur ~es t 1e co 1le e for all expen e, con necte~I with the • ,\ T • • 111t e tabli. h cl here la t fall. All I ·d · • w 10 1n1 pre-111c1uctu n expenses are being refunded that amount and in . Id" • .. ac 111011 a part of th ' 1r tmtton from ti I f d. 1 ie cay o 1sc rnrg~ to January I.
c· -
d B
·· · -
urtner . Preaches High School Baccalaureate The l nitecl Brethren Ch urc h wa filled lo capa ci ty Suncla y night when the \\'e terville Jligh 'choo l baccalaureate ervice wash Id , Re ,·erend E . E. Burtner pn:ac hed th e sermon cha mg · · text. "V\ hat kind of a . I11s men and women oug ht ye to be." Rev. H. A. Smit h, pastor of the Pre byterian hur h offered the in vocation. Reverend Bancroft, a returned mi s io nary from India also had a part in the servi e. T here a r e thirty- three in the graduation cla · s, thirt e 11 boys and twenty girl . Clark Corne ti is president.
Page T- o
LAW PROFESSION · ~ has an opportunity to win by the H AS FINE MERIT ,>ower of h_is logic. the adroit n ess of hi· wit. and the bri llian cy o f hi e lo(Con tinued from page one .) fiftieth of the law by which we are 1ucnce. if he i · so fo rtunate as l po·~e,s a ll these. governed . There is a lways the cons ideration Likewi,c the popular conception oi th at the law is t he o nly stepping stone a lawye r i an advocate standing beto th e bench, w here as a judge th e 11 fore a jury, and with great eloquence lawyer takes his p lace among th e defenrli ng a man charged with a n , t honored and respec ted of a ll crime. Y et nine- tenth : of the time ;:ian k ind. of the average busy lawye1· is spent The rath er exceptional op1>ort u11 it)' away from the cour t room and many , of the m st succe sfu l of the profe - which lawyer~ seem to have to en ter ion have no contact whatever with ):h.r posi t' on · o f public office and th e criminal law; and it might be add- trust may not be a wort hy mo t ive for eel that son e lawye r who have risen -:'toosing th e law a a profe. s ion. hut I to eminence have litt le or no foren- ·t ce rtainly does add weight to the · I ·1·t sta tement that its members are. and I 1c a> • 1 y . ilways ha\" e been. held in high es\\"hal •th en • is th e law and __ what are t eem b y ti1e1r · f c II ows. .-..n , d '111Ce · I 1 f the q ualtfi cat,o ns .of a. succe~,ful law· d ffi · t •-1· · · 1 . ra1t 11 u I an e c1e 11 puu 1c e rv1ce 1s yer' Jn the ma in the la v c ns1st, ne o f ti 1e I· · ~ o f c1·t·1ze1111g I1e t d uue of a great mass f legal precedent . · "t · ti d" ,; 111p. t " not to 1e 1scre d"t I o f t I1e . e tablishccl hy the decisions ot . count- p roress1011. · · ti1a t 1·t I1a • a far Iargcr prole . judge, from th. e earliest gltmmer· · Ieg1s · Ia- l . por t"1011 o f .re pre ·en t at1ves 111 ing of English hi story; the~e dec1.- ti\'e and cxecuti\"e po ., iti o ns than any ion . having hec 11 collected and puh- )th" r clas .. lishcd 111 thou sand of formidable s mewhat the :--otwith tancling volume - . and havin g be en analyz ed, oige ted and cot 1m e nted upou 111 general impres , ion to the co ntrary, o th er thou ands. Somewhere in thi - the law does not offe r a ny es pecial , grea t . tore house of lega l wi~dom. the tem1>tati~11s to d i,ho n es ty or chic~n lawyer may fin d one or many case. e~y . nor 1 _the_re any larger p rop or t1 ~11 similar to the one in which he i~ en- I al r gue in it than may be found 111 gaged. or in wh ich th e principle which I any other pr?fe sion. The l~wyer he i s ,eeking to establish has h: en h ' har_ed with the . mother_-1_n-Ia_w convincingly dccl.i red; and if none. ancl matrimony. a pro111 1ent pos1t1011 111 then he mu t start fr 111 thl! \'erv ·'tt' joke co!mun . but he can well , foundation s of natural ju tice, and .:iaim that th:s profe,sion i- a un I the appli catio n of ound I gic and de-erving of the gibe, of tl_,e j?ke_1· as deduction produ .:e an argument which ,Ht' the other two nob le 111 st1tut1011s will enable him to indu ce ome co urt , u t referred t o. I
You Needn't Come
Yo u are perfect ly safe at th;s ~tore when you mail o r telephone your order;; 111.
:-( o t on ly are o r goods all they
pro te c t the cust
. 11 •
ho ul d be. bu t we
r absol ut e !y by a g uar a ntee of sen·ice as well.
Ju ,t now. wh c.: 11 the season :· op.,11i11g up . you will be interest ed :11 o ur
O utdoor Sports Goods Tennis
Baseball Fishing
Canoeing Shooting
you need 111 good· o i q ua lit y you will 1:ke at right
pri ce,. Complete ,toc ks carefu lly se lc c.: ed. \\·e an r estri ng y ur t ~nni, ra cke t in a day's ti111e-and give you an excellent jo b. T h ere is a g ocl ca tal og of '!> rt:;:1ia11' · suppiie · ready for you. Ask for it.
r-n .~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~
t o turn lay dow a invoked new precedent, whi ch : ·• rite l t i~ a t1·i \·er y mistre tru • aclag in may11 be by ~ucceedi11glaw is te'.l hut jealou . • that he generations of i'.lwyers. ,\··11 tolerate 110 pla toni c affi liation s Bu t let it not he thought that the • wi th life in,uranc ·, rea l es tate or , :-;== ============= === ================·· s tudy and practice o f t he law invo lves c mmerce. u ces· in thi profe, io n Main 9095 a familiarity wit h a ll of the,e f rmid - :~ 11 011ly be acl:ie '" ~d hy ha rd and pe r- 1 Citizen 7012 a ble vo lume . o f co nd en se d legal learn- 1 ;:- trnt etfon 111sp1red by a gc 11u111e jng. Rather it is the pu rpose of a 1·o \·e and fervo_r for the w? rk. 1 study o f the law that the tudent may _ If l were gi vmg a recipe fo r mak- 1 become o g rounded in the genera l 111g a suci:es,f ul lawyer I would s tate principles that govern human r ight · it ab ut like t his: tak e an o rdinary and regu lar human conduct. t ha t he go urd levelful o f gray matt er. add a may at lea t kn w w-here to fi nd th e goo d ized heart iul l o f human sym la w a pplicable to a par ticul a r sit u- ;)a thy. put in enough perseverance to ation. ma ke t hc ma · tiff and fi rm. -eason The i11duce111cnts to th e :: tudy of · w· th a das h of e loquence if at h a nd , he faw arc m any a nd ulrtantial. Tn keep tirring ince · ant ly. broil o nr 'the first place, t h e IHOfe sion i di _ the ho t fire of experience fo r twenty -tinctly o ne o f the learned profe, ion s·: to fi fty yea1·;. and yo u will have a i t carrie with it th e presu111pti n f irly good lawyer. culture: and it i i"ndi putable that General Secretary Speaks members o f this I rofe ss ion are gener Dr. T. Deever. ec retary o f th e ally given a hig h t>lace in t he intellec tual and ocial li fe of the community. Young Peo ple': \.Yo rk o f the U nited 1 The profession has a pecial ap B rethren Denomination. vi · itecl tter- , n' peal to one w h I ve, to tudy his bei n la · t \f o nd.a y a nd ..f ue sd ay. fellow man, because of t he a lmo . t un Tue-day morni ng he.: poke in t he 1 p aralleled op portu n ities whic h it af cha1,e l of the d ignity 9 f the mini · t ry 1 ford for an insight into the varying ancl the oppo rtunity f r se rvice that pha . e o f human nature; men co me :t offe r college gra duates. Doctor Deever had many perso nal to the lawyer with all o rl. of trouble · ; innocence accu,ed . conli inten•iew w:th tude nt, and recr uited ,dence be trayed, promi es broken, several fo r defi11i te religiou s work. I p roperty inva ded, reputation s sla nder He also exp lai11ed t he need fo r church .ed, li fe and liberty en dangered The leader i11asmud1 a th e re a rc twenty lawyer comes as near a~ any ma n can tit u , and vacant pu lpit in the "C nited to eeing the human hear t com plete ·tate. and more t han fif ty in the LI nited Brethre n Church. Be ides. he ly unveiled. Again there is t he . t imulu and the c:aimcd, th ere are many incompetent rewarrl of the fon 1111 Here he meets and inefficient preacher, occupying J,i s antagonist in pen battle. Here [>uipi · today.
Quality Flowers
for all Occasions Fancy Cut Flowers a nd Blooming P lants.
McKellar Flower Shop 22 N . High St.
Columbus, Ohio
Fancy Roses, Carnations, Sweet Peas, Etc.
Mr. H. F . Moore is our agent in Westerv·lle. You will do well to see him.
Patronize Tan and Cardinal A dvertisers.
Ichoice especially graduates, in making their of a life-work and he or she is
Page Three
Ca mpus Is Greatly Improved.
C. W . STOUGHTON, M . D . indeed fortunate w ho leaves Otterbein Everyone is remarking how much m o re beautiful Otterbein's campus is' 31 W . Colleg e Av.e . Publ i hed Weekly in the inte r es t Of prepared in mind and th o ught for so me definite course JJ1 life. Of since the r ecent improvements have O,tterbein by the Weste r ville, O hio co urse it is easy to offer advice. A rneen made ._ :"-·e did not realize how O TT E RBEI .PUB LISH! G cla ss room is largely given over to ad ba r e t h e bmld1ngs looked before agi Bell P h one 190 Citizen Phone 110 BOARD , vi ce and sugge stion but after a ll the / tat on was m:ide and attention was We stervi lle, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press big broad world is th e real class room called to the need for decoration . \\·e where folks study and struggle and . a_re certain !~ thankful t o the ExecuAssociation G. H . MAY HUGH , M . D . finally achieve. live Committee and especia ll y the STAFF H Id b f men who took uch active interest in East College A ve. Edito r-in -Chief .. Ramey H. Huber, '20 e wou e a poor sort ~ a lu- 1the project. den t who leaves Ottc-rbe 1n next .-\ s i rant Editor .......... L. E. Pa ce, '2 1 . . . The firm that wa, 1n charge of ti 1 P hones-Citize n 26 month w1thou1 a career 1n .mind . A panting Coiitri'buti'iig Ed .i torsBall 84-R 1 . too k· several photo, before" • H. 1 '?I college co ur,e sh o uld cer t a inl y have E ther ar ey, cl fi . . . . . . they began work and arc expec t ing to • B. h '20 ome e n1t e aim 111 view e1 e 1t 1s E d1th mg am , . fi f 'f return a t a later date to take ot her · ess M anager .. C ar I L . S m1t · h , ,20 sca r ce 1y going to t anyone or It e. . be very 1nter . . Busm DR. W . M. GANTZ _____ ____ will es t1ng and will A si, tant Busines s ManagersWhat I s Our Business ? I ur e ly s how a ,t rik ing co ntrast. Dentist \\'h en the shrubs and planb are in H . F . Moore, '21 I . C. . Conley, '22 \\ hen we pea k of "our bu sine s s" I bl m they will be even more beautiB ell P h o ne 9 . tman , '20 we have at lt>a t a vague idea of the I f u I t 11an now. hut a s th ey are the camcl.rcu Ja t·10n Mgr. .. Mary T ms 15 W . College A ve. W es terville • tant • Ja 1·10 11 '"anag<!rsl meaning of the J)hrasc. :ind yet we I, pus ·1s ce rt ainly improved. ,,., . s1> 1rcu yfarve l Sebe r t, '2 1 do not ecm to agree on what the Genev ieve M u llin, '22 limits of our husines might be . Fo1· VISIT I NG SE CRBTARY SPEAKS Athletic Editor ........ \i . H . Vance . '2 1 in s tan ce, if we want to tell ~omeon c Local Editor ........ .... Haze l Payne , 2 1 else what to do, o r talk about his or Mi~s Frieda Klink, State Collegiate ·oc hran Hall Edi tor. Myrna Fran k,'2 1 I her alfa_irs. we proceed to do so wi th Secreta ry of Y . W . C. A., Sketches T h e College Avenue Alum iial Eclitor .. P r of. A. Gu it ne r, '97 1 o ut asking a question about its being ) W o rk of Women's Asrn:iation. MEAT MARKET Ex •hange Ed itor, Ma r y Ba ll enger, '20 o ur bu s ines s. Usually. when we want Li terary E d itor, J. Gordon Howard,'22 to s tart right on any subject, we go / " \\'hy, I never k n°•.v ho_ ·., big the to th e H o ly Writ for a ut ho r ity and Y. \ V. C. A. wa ~!" c ,: ·!a im cl o ne o f Address a ll comm u nication to The guidance. \Vh a t do we fi nd in thi s the gir l, to :\li ,s Friula h:J'nk la st Otterbein Tan a n d ardina l, 20 W . case? "Study to show thyself ap- I Mon day night. after ,he had add res · (HOved unt o God." 11 Timothy 2-15. 1eel the girls. :\I is · Klink is a \' o ung :\[ain t., \ Ve terville, Ohio. Choice Cut Flowers a nd Corsage Sub,c r ip t ion !'rice. $ 1. 50 Per Year. This i, th e s tud y for everyone . \\' omen 's· hr is ti an Association \ \' or k- J Bouque ts . payable in adva nce. \ Ve spend so littl e tim e 011 intro- er who ,uccceds nobly in her task of Quality Best- Prices Righ t spect ion , or rather. a laborator)· di · - gi ,·_ ing the co ll ege girl s a vision . h S. S tate S t. Citizen 345 Ente red as second class matter ecting of o ur own chara cters and yet pointed out that the Y. \\/ . •. A. wa September 25, 19 17, at the postoffice we spend so much tim e on viewing not a mer e cl u II p r ayer meeting group. at Weste r ville, 0., under a ct of t h roug h t h e mi cro cope the c hara ct- I1c s I1owecI t I1e va t res po n ·1bility · Ma rch 3, 1879. er of our fellow s tudent s. lf we con- w I11· cl1 it had as umed. especia lly in Accep ta nce for m a ilin g a t pecial tinu a ll y studied our e lves to find o ut war work. It ha s been a ctive among ra te of pos ta ge p r ovi de d fo r in Sec. whet her we are approved unto od . muniti n w rkers abroad as wel l a HOME DRESSED 11 03, Act of Oct. 3, 191 7, a ut horized we wou ld have no time to ay o me in o ur cou ntry. It tands behind April 7, 19 19. unkind or cutting remarks co ncern- law fo r women' · labo r un io n s and ' ing our brothers and •,i ·ter o f Ot- all law for improv ing their work :ng terbein ollege. h ! ther e are a few conditio n s. EDIT ORIAL people who will never be able to ee :\Ii Klink ketched the work witt, 1~.'d" E GOOD EATS Wisdom any fault in them se lve s beca us e th ey foreign girb and mothers in our counBoth Phones ,, Happy i· the man that findet h wi ,- are so bu sy in di covering the faults try. and the activity among profesin other peopl e. The,e ()eoi)le ,ional women. co untry girls and colorBell 46-W . Citizen 92 dom, cie ty and their ed w m en. Then she put UJ) the " r- a re 1nra ite on .'\nd the man t hat ge tt e t h ll lld ~ cnt1c1sm i always de tru ctiv e. In - chall enge to th e co llege girls to get s tanding. For the me r cha n di e of it is better te ll igence and hard work amount to behind the Y. \ V. C. A. in all it s bignot h ing if the student ha . not learned nes . for it i the co ll ege trained than t he m erc ha nd i e of si lver, to keep his tongue o ut of other peo- women who must a sume the re pon And th e gai n th e r eof tha n fi ne go ld. ple' s bu sine s and to refrain from de-, ibility. The girls were enth u ia s ·1i e is more p r ecio us t han ru bie : s t ructive co mment. co ncerning hi s tic ove r th ta lk. A vo cal olo wa And none o f t he t hings t ho u can · t fe ll ow s t udent . wa, given by Ethel Eubanks. de ire An· t be compared unto her."
Rhoades & Sons
----------~=---- ---
For Nuts Fruits and Candies
After College, What? Fo rt y-t h ree yo un g me n and women a r c s hor tl y t o be grad ua ted from O t t rbe in 'o ll cge. Im m edi ate ly t hey wi ll fi nd th e m se lves co nfr o nt ed wi th a s tern un yie ldi ng so rt o f a w r id t hat wan t to kn ow w h a t ki nd of a part they are goi ng to p lay. There wa a time when y ung folk might ca t about for evera l years to find ju t w he r e t hey co ul d be, t fi t in; where t ht:y co u ld ma ke t he JllO s t money: wher e their ta lents could be he t appreciated. Time . have changed so mewhat in this re s pect. Drifters are not ge t ting very far in bus iness affairs, and no con cern cares to ta ke on a yo ung man or a young wom:in who has no t some pecia l idea regarding t he ir fut ure . \ Ve are running a erie of article with the view of as sis t ing s t udent s,
o to t he
WINTER GARDEN Fo r ~.; oo d pa ti m In ry Ev ·nin g-.-Ex I t .\ clrn i::ion 1 an d l.1c
"THELMA" PERFUME Is an unusually pleasi ng, del ica t e a nd r efin ed odor. P erfume, at
Staple and Fancy Groceries see WILSON, THE GROCER South State St.
N\ E A T S
Try this exquisite
N yal Remedies
See DAD HOFFMAN For Your Graduating Gifts.
H. E. Michael Arranges for High School Boys to Hear What
I\ I
Sub scribe fo r Quiz an d Quill.
Up-to-Date Pharmacy
Otterbein Offers.
Eastm!ln's Kodaks and Pho_tographic Supplies. . Films Developed and Printed. at lowest prices.
Thursday e_vening the Y . . I. C. A. had a most. interesting meeting led by Mr. H . E. 11 ichael. The topic wa that of --Advertising Orterbein." This was a meeting particularly for
Satisfaction Guaranteed OPTICAL DEPART MENT Eyes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles all styles.
'72. T he E m, the 1919 A nnual of the I the h_igh sc hool tudent s. '.\lorristown. Indiana, High S chool is .. B,ll" Evans represented the athlet de dicated to P rof. John Lemmon ic life of the school. "Bill" told of Shauck, S ui5erintendent o f the '.\[ o rris- I the great succe~s of the teams o f a town choo ls. 1 few years ago and e_xpressed the beliei that in a hort time we would be '87. r. An drew T imberman was re - back to the o ld s tatu · . The final d e ' It'd a trustee of the Columbus I word that he left wa that above all \ '(mng '.\I en's C hri,tian Association at I we must have --pep" and discipline. 1h e ,~le ction held last week. L. J. '.\Ii chacl ·poke for the musical 1 '11. Rev. Ira D. \\'arner. pa tor of intere ts of the school. He · poke a the l' nited Brethren church at · an- word a bout all the different musical ton. O hio. recently delivered th e o rganizations. High Sc hool addrc,s at Ylarlboro, Ramey Huber if, speaking o f the O hio. an d at the Randolph Township literary societies said, "They stimuHigh :chool. late lo yalty and devotion. They train . ~ f D individual s to us effectively the '13 · l'ev ay- knowledge they gain in the cla ·s· 1'.001) o ' . · Carl \ erp"'~•1 ton, O hio. w l_10 for tw _years l~as been ro oms."' ;\lr. Huber gave an inter '.\fiami Co nterence EvangehSI. ha e, ting history of the societies. ju~t clo · ed_ a_ very ~ucces_sful camI(. J . Scott told of the spiritual life pa,gn at '.\l1llv1lle. Ohio. :'hich re sult- o f the school. "\,\'e arc a school to ed in forty-five accessions to tl~e train Christian leaders." he aid . He church there. He i, now engaged 111 spoke e pecially o f th e work o f the a cr ies of meeting al th e Fairview --y" and o f the Chri ~tian Endeavor. L"nitt:<l Brl'lhrrn Church, Dayton, and Ray Harmelink in his talk about gut's fr 111 that place to .'.'Jewport. the faculty spoke particularly of their l'entucky . . ·ext year Mr. Roop will pe rsonal influence 011 the student' se rve as e vangeli t in andusky con- life. By comparing our faculty and fcrence. l le is at the head of an effi- . urriculum with tho e of other cient party o f fi ve a nd has been very chools. he showed that in nothing succes ful in evangelistic work. vere we deficient. '16. Re,·. Lehr \V. Bidd le of E lida , 1 L. J. Wood told of the opportun Ohio, and :\Liss Hazel l' earl 11athi j ·tie for . elf help around Otterbein. of Parson,. Kan-as, were married in He showed that although one did lack Euclid ,\ venue l' nited Brethren I noney he need not despair of going Lhurch. :\lay I. 1919. The couple are to college if he had the energy and 1 now a t ho111e at N" ew '.\I adison, Ohio. will p wer. ,, hen~ :\Ir. 13icldle is pa tor of the Ot"Rats" :\loo re' · peecl, on the social t,·rbein L'nited B r ethren hur ch. life of ttcrbein wa full of striking ~tatement·. '.\Ir. Moore said, --one '11. Jame s 0. ·o x o f Valpara is o. In of the greate t factors in having a diana. has been in \ Vestervi ll e the good time i women. \,\' e haven't any µa t few clays representing the Lewis "sticb'' aro und here either. The so L. '.\lyers and ·omp:iny, makers of the cial li fe i witha l uplifting." Chautauqua De,k. The keynote of the whole meeting '06. Dr. E. 1:::. 11urtncr f \\le,,terville ,ccmc<l 10 ht· expressed 111 these wa, in Celina. Ohio. last Tue,day to w rds. " ·s talk it up!" ddivcr the High Schoo l con1111e11ce . \ friendly ·ocial time with p lenty ment address at that pla ·e. of fine cat · was enjoyed in the club
I l
l'rofr so r L \\' . \ \/arson. who has hcen in verscas service for the Young '.\I ·n's Christian Associa ti on, received from his commanding ollicn. Chaplain R. H. Gear hart. a letter of ;•ppreciation of the work he:: is do in g. ,\111011!-{ other things hapl ain Gear-
Name Cards for College
Folks Printed Cards for either men or women, $1 for 50, or $1.25 for 100. Prices for Engraved Stock on Applic ation.
The Buckeye Printing Co. Both Telephones
West Main St.
Otterbein Remember the folks at home with a picture .
room after the services. Plays at Memorial S ervice. l'rofe sor G. ·. Grabill played 111 11 e111o rial Hall, Columbu last Fri tlay when the '.\l asonic people of th at ·ity held their memorial service and
hart say, : "To you i. di rec t Iy ch a rge- gave '.l cl inn c r to a 11 /\! a · o 11 ic so Id ier :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: able the fact that m ore than five and ,a il o rs. l'rofcssor G ra bi ll i the 1 thou sand men will return to civil life. :1ccompa11ist for .'\ laddin Temple 1 broadened and hdter through their · "horu,. having been enlist cl in tht' educati n- 1 al work of this division." Doctor J ones at Massillon.
See the Quality Shop For Up-to-Date Cleaning and Pressing. 81 West Main Street
'13. :gt. Law·on E. Troxell · poke at In vi t a t ion comes from the Daugh- 1 thc forty-eighth annual com111c11ce- ter. oi \"eterans in behalf f the mcnt of the :\liami·burg high scho I Heart l'o,t, G. ,\. R. for Doctor Edn last Thursday when thirty-two , :nund . . J o ne s to . peak in :\las illon, 1 ~-ere graduated. ;\[ r. Troxel l repre- Ohio at their '.\lemorial Day ervice . Boys Are Give n Feed. in the gymnasi um Ia t a tu rday morn 1 Doctor Jone, wa sented the oldier . superintendent of\ Beca use of inclement weather. ii\ ing. Abou t eig ht een boys were presthe :\las , ill o n · chool for many years place of the usual picnic, thi year' ent. ~ext year regula1· cla ses W411 Get your cakes and cookies at and th is invitati n i fitting recogni- Boys' \ Vork ommittee of th e Y. :\L be arranged fo1· the e boys from 12 to Days'.-Adv. ti on f his faithful ~ervice the re. C. A. gave a feed for the town boys 16 year of age ge t gym work.
Busch, Senior, Demons t rates and Explains Mysteries of Hypnotism Under Auspices of " Y" .
Athletes In Pros pect. Orvil le \\' . Briner . a· field ma nage r of t h e campa ign for new · tu clent . re- \ po r ts favo rab le p ros p ec t s. "'.\r r. Brin- 1 er has spe n t e vera l wee ks in t he Nort h wes t ern dis tri c t of Sand us k y I Confere nce Yisiting yo un g peop le who arc expec t ing to enter co ll ege next fal l. He left 011 last F r iday I morning for the eastern ter r itory of t he a m e conference. It is e peci ally gra t ifying to hear that th ere are everal good a t hlete, among the pros- I pective st uclen h from this ection of I the sta t e.
i Power Controls The power to do thino-s adequately o·et wealth. Culture tame the arroo-ance of
helby. 0 .. was th e sto pp ing p lace "for e ve ral Otte rh einitcs fo r t he pa t \ fe w days . H az le Pay ne. L eora Goc h - 1 e nou r, " R a t s" :\Ioore and H e rb 1Ieyers w e r e g ues t s a t t he h ome of Emil y an d K e nn e th Arnold . fo rm er O tt e r bein s t ude n ts.
Mother nature \\'3.S the h ,te s at a ' basket luncheon enjoyed by Irene 1 Campbe ll . :\[ary Siddall, Fred Gray ' and '·J ud" icldall S u nday evening. La st S u nday the Sunday Afternoon . wimmi n g Club held it' · first meeting of th e sea,on ·ome whcre alon A lum creek.
Elegant Pillows, Memo Books and Stationery
-Sennits -Soft Straws -Split Straws - Leghorns -Panamas -Balibuntals
U niv·e rsity Bookstore·
Smart, snappy, li ve ly tyle , t o please every m an's ta te-
$2. 50 to $20 ~
LL KIND OF IT C ome in and ee u s. O ur price are right.
THE ._________,
II ~========================================================~ ====================================:=!!.! I=============== ~--------------... For F ine Candies Goto
Columbus was the scene of sn·eral O tte rbein partic, last aturclay e,·en ing. A\\' now ! Dry up. A new rec o rd was broken at Otter hein last week end. "Rats''. says he reached hi s !eventeenth hea\'eu of
Are Ready, Men, at The Union Bio·, unequalled a . ortmentEv ry '·o·oo d" ·hape an 1 every de iral le ·tra,v-
.A g lorio us ( Vt! rl a nd) tr ip to Da y ton (and Mid d le tow n) wa-, e nj oye d by 1:viyrna Frnnk. -G ladys Y o ku m . Go r do n H o ward a n d H er m a n :\I ic hae l. 1' T he party left Friday a nd r et u rne d l fro m their ,·is it un cla y e \' e11i11g. \
·wealth and make it y ield to ociety in propor t ion to it s r efinement. Culture come throuo·h a ociation with the fine t thing G cl ha ennything ab lecl cultivated mind to creat~. 1 ~ detract and finally de tr oy ' . Get lo v ly th ino· - or o-et n thino-.
The Nobbiest New
Elme r l:3 arnh a rt wa a welcome g uest in \\' este r \'i lle 0\'e r the week - I e ncl .
Reed's Grocery Rus~ell Gi lb e rt of Greenville, 0 ., visited Otterbe in friend last week. I' '·G:l" j us t came back from France.
o to Day '. -Adv.
Page Five
Ton ight at 8:00 o'cloc k in t he co llege c hap e l w e ar e to ee unv ei led at t he h a nd of Mr. C. R . Bu ch. o ur en- . te rtaini_ng e 1;io r , all th e m ys t e ri e o f hyp no t is m . ' Beezle bub." a he i 1 common ly kn ow n. i a ma te r a t thi art. 1u th e ro le o f h yp no ti t. :.Ir. Bu c h ca u e a e nsati o n with hi ;; long fl ow in g hair a nd h i~ s hining ' tee t h. Psyc h o log ically ~t r a nge and wierd i B u,ch' pre e n ce o n the tage. An d can h ~ do th e s tun ts that are clai m ed fo r h im ? \\·c ·11 \' Ouch t hat th e m e n he uses fo r hi s subject w ill be c ut ting a ll so rt , of , capers. Th e r e is a l,o a n e du ca ti nal side to th ' e nt e rta inme nt whic h \\' ill be ins t r uc ti ve and inte r e, t ing. Th i is i\l r. B u~c h's fi r st appea rance in t he pu b lic light at Ot terbein. He do na t ing hi · er\' ice, to the I ca l Y. M. C. A. . ;, m a ll ad m is~ io n will be c har ged w h ic h mone y wi ll g int t he "Y " budge t.
bliss. F o r fine cakt
New Model Restaurant SODA FOUNTAIN Any Kind of Sandwiches, Home-Made Pies Special Orders any Time Regular Lu :1c hes or Dinners Cigars, Cigaret tes and To bbacco . Orders ove r the Pho:ie Tellings' Spe :ial Bric k Ice C ream
North State S t.
Westerville, 0 .
Page Six
I ..
?:. .
--For Graduation Wear·
OFFER YOUNG MEN 'THE WORLD'S BEST CLOTHING VALUES' IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE 'STYLE FEATURE' Regardless of what you pay-you can't get more style than is embodied in Kibler Young Men's Clothes. The Style-Of-The-Hour eel \i\Taistline .
the Single and
o u ble Brea st-
- You Will Save about 10 to 15 if you take the time t o compare what yo u get f r y our m oney in Kibl er ,;1,·ith all ther at even hi g h er prices.
loth e
$15 to $20
$22.50 to $30
22 W. Spring
7 W. Broad I
COC HRAN HALL NOTES Roger ivl il ls. \ Loi 'lark visited a friend a t D la- 1 ing wc_re prese n t: ~leo Coppock, T · II · I ·th · !most I S d . t f GI d ware over the week-end. ~lary S1dcla ll, Mary T 1n~tman, Josc1 wenty JO )' g1r S _w1 an a . _un ay C inner gues S O • a ys )hine Foo1· Harriet Ha ·s. Genevieve equal number of guitars , 111andol111s Swigart were Lois and Mary CatherPaul Lyon, of P1ckenngto11 was the 1 . . · ) )I N . :M . S ne 11111g . S un d ay. :M ul1111 ' 1lo I e Hoff anc . e 11 1e , ae · H e If er. f 1 -i,, 1-ane an d ·,u k·es " ma d c l ots o f f un an cl 111e 1guest o 1ca noi e, on la . t ),londay evening, at a I . j\[ oon. Mrs · Keister gave a dinner 1rnrty j\fr. and 1lrs. D. B. \ Vh1stler and ' f ew co II ege f o lk·s su rpn.. e d M r. "push" given by Edythe Eby and f, ' , .. I 1 r 1· k Friday evening· for the fol lowing daughters j\[arJone and Barnet '1 rs. \ "'v 111. C o unse II or 'fl 1u1. · d ay Lillie \A' aters. for :tli1ss I- reec a•"- 111 ancI _,, . h t at t_1eir . ,ome on t a t c t ree t . the visiting Y. \V. C. .A . ecretary. g irls•· Ruth Drury · May Freeman • El- motored up .from Dayton . to spend the n1g 1 1 ma Lybarger Harriet Raymond week-end with E ther Harley. 11 ·1 f I The magical disappearance o t 1e . ·. . . • 1ose present we re: I·l e I en E nso r, . "cats" spoke volumes for their part in Genevieve Illullin, Vida Vvilhelm, a nd Edna Dellinger and Esther Ha rl ey Katheryn \\"arn er. Gladys Howard. th e eYening's program. Florence Loar. entertained about twenty-five girls in Florence Loa r, Fay ·Morrison, BerThe din ing room annex of ochMrs. S. . Hough and daughter room 11, Fourth floor, Saturday even- nice Hee ter. Ra lp h Smith. F red Grey, Pa ul Sp ro ut. R o ll in D un-a nt, Herman ran Hall was the scene of a very J sephine Albert of Dayton, Mr . ing, in honor of their g ues ts. pretty dinner party, Sunday noon . Davis and family and Faith iegfried 11is Florence Reese entertained Lehman a nd Lesl ie Dano . The gue ts were Miss Arabelle amp were gue t. of Dean :McFadden at with a six 'clock dinner at h er home Eda Bo ll inbacher of Nor wa lk is the bell , Ru$sell Palmer, Robert \ Ve. t and Sunday dinner. in Columbus Saturday. The fo llow- week-end gue t of Edna D ell inger. 0
, ,