1919 06 09 The Tan and Cardinal

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.....:ception by Preside nt Is Pleasant Occasion fo r Many. One of the mos t enjoyab le affai rs of the en tire week o f Co mmencem e nt PresiC:ent Clipp inger Preaches Ba::::i­ is the reception by Presiden t a nd 1Irs. E . L. Shuey '77, Presents Attractiveness of Young M n's Christian As- ­ lnurea te Sermon-Senior Class of Clippinger; a nd that of la t Saturday eve ning was no excep tion . In spite sociation Work as Life-Career, Forty-th::ee Enter Church. o f the inclemency o f the wea ther. an , _ ___ unusually large number o f g raduates., OPPORTU NITY FOR SERVICE ., E.]. PACE DELIVERS ADD ~~S:3 pa rents, friends, and a lumni were Annual Association Service Is Held , p reEent to enjoy the ho spitality of the Broadest Organization of ChurchI P resident a nd his wife. Takes Account of Social Physical in Evening-Professor Pace, '05, T he decorations were exce ptionally E ducational and Spiritu~l Need . ' · Gives In teres ting Address. s bea utiful. co nsi~ting of large bas kets a nd bo wl o f p ink a nd white peonies. To be_ ··a s peJ1cl th rift o f life'" is wh at Pres ident\\". G. Clippinger deliverP ink roses a nd candles we re combined · a p romment author c:i lls the le-so n ed the Baccalaureate er mon for the with peonies in the rece ption room. o f th e pa, t few ye.irs, but the te ach­ senion on Sunday morning. Miss A group of underclass g irls had mg began many ge n rati ns ago and Ru th Brun dage sang. ·'The Lord is cl1arge of the r e freshment , and se rved nearly a ll really u ·s ful me n an d ,\ly Lig ht." a nd the choir re:idered the neapolita n ice cream and wa fer to the wom en have been illu , tration of its "Festival Te De um.'" adding m uch to truth. g ue ; ts. the bea uty and impre ~i,·e1H.>ss of th e ln recent y.e ars, many men have W. 0. Thompson, D. D., LL. D. D uring the entire ev ning an o r­ ervice. PreEident Ohio State University. chestra of Profe,sor Grabill an d ''Obedience to the !-O U!' great Yi~­ ion" was the text chosen by t he peakThe week"s events will close Tbur-­ -·1,e- .:rd. .\[is Agnes \\"right, a nd er. ''There are "i,ions of the se n es d:iy morn'ng with the six y-third an­ .\1:·s. .\Jary Griffith Ream. furni hed and v's ions of the pirit. b ut n t until n ual comme n ement. to be held in delightfu l m usic. they a re wor kC'd o ,·cr in th e h uman t!:e l' nited BH thren chu r ch at 10 hi:art arc they true ,·i ion r .·• aid o'clock. D r. \\". O. Tho:npson will Va:sity " O " Men Are Initiated. -c ;-di,n~ crupin def1,·a the add re. s. Fri(iay >,IX mo re men were adckd t .h ~ ro ll cf the \ 'ars:ty •·o·• A oc· a"Be ide, ,·i ion . op timis ,tic fait 1 in ______________ :ion by the initiation o f the baseball God i. neces,ary. Too many vi 'o n , :':'rnfes: or Earl F opt~:n J and idea~~ fa ll Jifelc to the ground W'll St . I Ch" men. The men tak en 111 we re J. C. uoy n 1cacro , - · . _ · . · 1 hcca u e o f th e lack of faith. To .l o e . :ddal l. R. ~- Martin, L. E. Dano, C. fait h in man ;, a Im o t equal to to~ing P rof. E arl Hopk ,n · Head . f . th e ir. _weazy. L. E. P ace and E. N.1 E. L. Shuey, '77, A. B., A. M., LL. D. . ·111 od ." I \. iolin D_epartment of Otte rbe111.__ w1_II .\liller. M. . Wells wa g ranted an Mr. h uey was inten se ly interested fa 1tl1 f JI I '"G I t'. d prospec- 1study ,nth the greate,t o a , io 111 "'O'' but did not take the initiation . n the work o f the Yo ung Me11' Ch r·, 1 et t 1e perspec ' e an teacher Leopold Auer who teaches tive bv looking at life through the I . . p f Three o ld Varsity '"O" men ~, er bac k tian sociatio n w hile in coll ege and 11,cago t 111 ' • h 111 um mer. ro cs o r to take part in the initiation. '"Chu ::k" 1 1 m icro cope-then look a t 11 t roug f Hoi>kins lea ves th e latter 1, art of June ha main tained that interest for many 1 Campbell. '· Fat" Lingrel and "Pug" tt I · • /\ · · b t h e te Ie~c pe to catc I1 t I1e rca t ne O and his ,ister ~lis, )Jorma Hopkin . a yea r . ene1n s ssoc,at1o n uild- ----. inb was co nstructed largely through it. g raduate f the Damro~ch • chool in Ihle. Otterbeinites in Japan. hi e fforts. He ha for a number of ... -eYer lose ,-ight of yo ur mo un_- ', :'.\"ew York City will con duct hi . work tai n- top experience • . fo r lo,·e, d .t1 t~ . . 11 the um me r chool. y ears been a me mber o f t h e tate anrl 11 La t mon th si.· tterbein grad udt s I n terna t·1ona J · hope a nd ambition arc things that I _________ om m1ttc ' o f ,, , . ;\,C, spent some day toget her in Kyoto, C A ct 1· t i1 · I ,. r I cannot be measured by any materia Club Deserves Commendation · · · an · on at1ona v\ ar standards. Japan. T hey we re B. Fra nk hive- \,\"o rk Co uncil. For Successful Publication. l_v. •o·. and ~Irs. hive ly (Grace Re ' ·Be able to , ay with l'aul, ·r wa~ no t di o bedient to the heavenly ,isongra tulations to the Q uiz and ler), '06, who were ho t an d ho s te Qui ll ' lub! It. member~ have ~uc- for the company; \Varren H. Hayes, been learning this truth as never be­ lon'." 1 ceeded in p utting o ut a pub lication "13. and l\ lrs. Haye (I la Ba le). ' 12. fore in this genera ti n. In the New E. J. Pace, '05, Speaks. which fi lls a di tanct ne d at Otter- o f Tokyo, J_a pan; and Don C. hu­ Yo rk office of the 'vVar Work ou ncil "hristian s o­ I n the evening er vice the addre, bein, that o f put ting into the hand . m aker. ' 11 , and .\1r ·. humaker ( Lillie of the Y ung Me n' wa~ de livered by Rev. E. J. Pace of of tudcnt and a lumni. ome of the Re !e r ) . '10. of Bombay, India. Mr. ciation for a y a r o r 111 r ha been a the .\foody Bib le In titute of Chicago. representa ti,·e literary prod uction of hive ly wa a t that time at ho me fo r prominent bu in ss man who ha de(Con tinued o n page two.) w ho g raduated from Otterbein in the the sc hool. ho rt furlough fro m Vla divo tok, cla of 1905. The Quiz and Q uill, an a ttractive iberia, w here he ha. been si 1ce Elect Athletic Officers. · Mr. Pace ba ed hi addr · son thee b oklet of one hundred page wa put December I. 191 , in charge of the even wo rds-'·Y e in me and I in 011 a le la t week. The splendid a le Inte rnational H ut of t he Young T he ann ual elccti n f the A thletic hri tian A ociation. The Board wa held las t Thursday mo rn­ ·yo u." T he Bib le abound in pictures of the boo klet speak for it wo rth; ~fen' for those w ho a re ab le to ce them. and do ubtles s it wi ll be an ann ual p ub- Unite d B rethren mi ion in Japan re­ ing in the chapel. The report o f the T he rig ht hand i by fa r the more licati o n. leased him fo r ix month · to engage nominating committ e ompo ed o f u e ful of t he two. T he prayer of G ra ce A rmentrout and Helen Bovee 111 thi impo rtant war work. hairman. Her­ I rofcs o r Ro se lot, peop le today should be-"O Lore!, a editor and leo Coppock a bu i­ be rt Myers a nd Wendell o rnetet wa Dr. Jones Speaker at 0 . S. T . A. make me a right hand." Tn all e n­ nc manager, de erve a great deal of accepted. The board as cho en by Dr. Edmund A. Jones of Otterbein them consi t of: F. D. Gray, presi­ deavor , the e even wo rd hould be credit for their hard wo rk. P rofe so r to record hi appre­ college will deliver the memorial ad­ dent; H. H. Myers, vi e pre idcnt; remembe red, ·'Ye in me an d I in yo u." a t the eventy-second annual Helen Keller, tr a ur r; G lady How­ H. H. Meye r , Pre id ent o f the Y. ciation of the cordial upport of thi dre M. C. A. pre ided at the eveni ng er­ publication by the tudent , faculty anq e ion o f the Ohio State Teachers' ard, ecretary; C. L. mith, \; ende lT vice. Mi !i Edith Bingham, P re ide nt alumni who have ub cribed and par­ A ociation. which i to be held at the o rnetct and Miss s Hoope r and of Y. M. . A. read the crip ture les­ ticularly to tho e o rganization which Breaker I Cedar Point, June 24, 25 and e bcrt a lay m m bers. The placing so n and o lan R. Be_t f New York ma de pecific con tribution of money 26. The memorial ervice will be of girl upon the A thl eti Board is a. new experiment. or ma terial. o ffered prayer. held Wednesday afternoon.









Y. M. C. A. CALLS FOR to a fu ll k nowledge of the relationship ! .ff.==================================================================='iil EXPERT LEADERS o f Jesus C hri t and the ch urch to a ll


pre~en t d ay problems. Doe s it pay? leaving o ut co n ider­ voted lo ng hom s each day to the a li~)ll of t he _piritual re - ults and e n­ h ardest kin d o f la bor-dealing on mat­ joyment, the reco rds sho w that while t res of fi nance w ith m en going ove r, there are no unlimited increases in s eas. A fter mo n t h s of s uch experiin co mes. as in ,some li nes o f bus ines., ence t his bus iness ma n sa id that he the a verage s alary i. generou a nd had learn ed a great lcsson,-that t he the poss ible income is attractive to thing that cou n ts in life is se rvice . s tro ng men . The que tion today. her e T en o r fi fteen years ago in a large a · e lsew he re, in not how much, but , city. two me n di e d within o ne week of w hat can you do ? 1 eac h o ther. One was a leading busiDoes the secretaryship offe r a life ne ~s ma :1 o f fi ne c haracter, who had wo rk is t he que tion that na t urally deYoted hi s s tre ng t h to build ing a co mes? There is but one an wer­ busines s a nd he was recognized as an Ye ,-to the m a n w ho will devote him- , unu s ually . uccessfu l man. The 0th e r ·e lf whole heartedly to it as he would wa ~ . ecre ta ry o f t he Yo ung de n's to a ny o ther p rofession. T he con ­ Christian As:oc ia t ion o f th e city. hav- s tantly broadening cope of t he work ing fo r yea rs cl voted hi life to help- and t he increasing responsibility o f ib ing young men. H e was th e confi- co nduc t. call for men o f age and e x­ dant o f leaders in b u in es: as we ll as pe1·ience. The secretaries o f mo t of the h u mb le t worker. A ll came to the leadi ng A s ociations are m e n past h im with pe r fec t co nfi d e n ce th a t h e "the p r im e o f life' ' who are p rovi n g wou ld giv<' th e m hi s b s t e nd eav o r. tha t th e re is no rea l a ge lim it fo r men Toda)· •the fo r me r is rarely men ti o n- .,,·ho \V alli t o wor k· 111 · t,11 , · 11gs wo r t h , e d ; t he la tter . a ft er a ll th e s e year , is whi le. spoken of a lm os t d ai ly a nd in e ve r y There i~ no t , p:).ce her~ to spea k o f co rn er o f t h e wo rld b y me n wh o r e- th e eco nd fie ld of usef uln e -th e call t h e he lp th e y ha d fro m t h a t ~cc- vo lun tee r. The w r ite r of thi s arti c le reta ry whose grca te St aim wa s to s p e:i ks part ic ula rl y fr o m th is standp en d hi . li fe f r th e 0 th e r man . po int. For many y ear s he ha s fo un d It i th is e lem e nt in life that make in th e Yo lunte e r serv ice of th e Y o ung work in an org anization like the ·M e n's Chri t ia n As s o ciation a fie ld Y o ung d<!n'. Chri s ti a n Association so that call for d e ve lo pm e nt of man' attr a cti ve. whet h e1· that work be st r onges t qualit ies, that o ffer the fin­ d o ne a s a pa id officer or as a volunt ee r est friendship and the mo s t delightful worker. L iving in con. tant tou ch associat ions. that affords opportunity '1 with m e n, knowing that evei·y day af-1 for fullest development of the power ford o pp o rt unit y of proj e ct in g one's I o f servic<'. Th e fact that thou and s life in to the e nd., o f th e cart!i t ~:-o :.:;;l~ o f ~trong busi11 ess men in ever y co un­ many y ea r s. forming friend s hips w ith try of the world volunte er their s er­ the tronge · t men-this is enough to vic es and gla d ly continue it through many y ears . i eviden ce of its valu e . attract any man who plan his life. o more attra ctive fi e ld for life can The Young Men 's Chri s tian A ssociation is the broade s t and strongest be offer ed to a young man t o day than of the o rganization of th e chur ch to i, . presented in this great united work me e t th e n eeds of th e world t o day . It of th e prese nt day C hri s tian Churc h. 'is broades t, becau se from the begin- Any young ma n in t erested s hould take ning of it histor ,, particularly in thi s up the qu e t io n and foll o w it fully . countr y, it has been projecting itself M r. C. K. Ob e r , 3-t7 :\Iadiso n av e nue, int o e ,·c r y ne e d of all c la ses of men- ~ c w York Ci t y wil be a ble to g iv e o cial. p h ysical , du cational and pir- expe rt ad vi ce to any o ne desiring it. 1t11 a l. I t is s tr nges t hecau ·e th is Team Loses to Denison. v ery bread t h appe a l t o str o n g m e n a n d th e d ir ection f it~ wo rk in ci ty Ot erbe in w a de fe a ted in her last a nd nat ion has e nl is ted t h e w isest, te nni s mee t of t he · ea on. against m os t cflic_:en t m e n in e ve ry com m u n­ De n i on, a t u r day. ity. In th e d ou bl e. O tterbe in s tar t e d o u t The m an wh chooses the sec re- in fine ha pe b u t t h e t id e soon t urn ed tary hip a a life wo1·k s oon finds that a nd th e m a t c h en d ed 4-6. 2-6. his profe s ion call s for the thorough Bancro ft wa s off co lo r and dropped 1:ra·ming of th e co ll e e man ; the busi­ th e · ingl es t o hi s o pp onen t by a score n ess ability of the success ful man of o f 1-6, 2-6. affair ; t h e fri e ndly loyalty and re­ In :.la rtin 's si n g le- the ga m e wa ligious leadership of th e bes t pas to r c lo , e r but du e t o ba d pl ayin g a nd th e 1 and mi11i s ter; th e organizing a bility we t co nd iti o n o f the co u r t th e g am e 1 of the trained e fficiency engin ee r that wa s s lo w. M a 1·ti11 fi nall y los t h i, will e nable him to do th e mo s t , ofte n m atch with th e score 4-6, 3-6. with littl e material; the teaching and training ability of hi favorite college Miss Helen Vance Gave Organ Recital Monday Nigh t. 1 profe or ; the promoting abi lity and initiati,·e of the mo s t wide awake ad ­ :,li Helen \'an ce. cla o f '19. cotverti ing man ; the admini trative and leagu e of the American Gui_ld of Or- I executive ability of the trained offi ce gan1 t s, gave an organ recital :\I o n­ 1 man; th e broad ympathy, capacity day evening at 8 o'clock on the Henry for social diagno s is and it rem edy, of Gar t mem o ri a l organ, assi s ted by , the ocial engineer ; the wisdom of [-i s Ethel Eubank -, ' 20, contralto, I :year to help him guide young men in­ and Mis Lorn a Clow, '20, contralto to their be t place in life, and abov e with violin obligato by Profes or :all a real love for h e lping young men Earl Hopkin o f the chool of Mu ic :in every w ay p ssihle.,_.)cading them with Mis s Wright, '19, at th e piano. ( o ntinued fr om page one.)




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Mr. H. F. Moore is our agent in Westerville. You will do well to see him. LEAVE ORDERS EARLY

Patronize Tan and Cardinal Advertisers.


TAN AND CARDINAL Published Weekly in the interes t of O.tterbein by the OTTERBEI PUBLISH! G BOARD, Westerville, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press Association STAFF Editor-in-Chief .. Ramey H. Huber, '20 As i tant Editor ............ L. E. Pace, '21 ontributing Editor Esther Harley, '21 Edith Bingham, '20 Business Manager .. Carl L . Smith, '20 A si tant Business ManagersH . F. Moore, '2 1 C. C. Con ley, '22 Circulation Mgr . .. Mary Tinst man, '20 A ·si, tant irculati o n Manager Marvel Sebert, '21 Genevieve l\Iullin. '22 Athletic Editor ........ \V. H. Vance, '21 Local Editor ............ Hazel Payne, 21 Cochran Hall Editor, Myrna Frank,'2 1 Alumna! Editor .. Prof. A. Guitner, '97 Exchange Editor. Mary Ballenger, '20 Literary Editor, J. Gordon Howard,'22 Address all communications to The Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 20 W. :-.Iain St., \ e terville, Ohio. Subscription I rice. I.SO Per Year, payable in advance. Entered as second class matter . eptember 25, 1917, at the postoffice at ·we terville, 0., under ac_t oi March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized April 7, 1919.

1 co llege mate who have le s fore- f Howard. Marvel Sebert, Edna Hoop -Ir , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • - ight. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ / er, Evelyn and :-.Iargaret Pifer, and C. W. STOUGHTON, M. D. Esther Harley. The conference per- 1 31 W. College Ave. In the past few years the School of iod covers ten day , from June 27 to Music has been enlarged in various July 7, and the girls are anticip;iting I Westerville, Ohio ways but particularly in the addition I ten days full of the best times possi- j of the organ department. Profe sor ble. Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 Grabill reports that this year there were many applicants for organ work, Freshmen Make Up Fine Papers some of whom could not be accom-Show Good Lite rary Ability G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. modated becau e of lack of time for 1 practice on the chapel organ . An- 1 Freshmen papers have been pub­ East College Ave. other intrument could be u ed to ad- lished in year heretofore but never vantage. V,/e can all be ju tly proud have they been uch a uccess as this Phones-Citizen 26 Bell 84-R of the .work of this department as year, due to the efforts of the Fre h, hown in the recital throughout the I man English · Department. Thi s year and hope for greater enlarge- 1 speaks well for literary tal_ent in t_he DR. W . M. GANTZ ment in the future . Freshman la . The editors with



Itheir staffs have worked hard on their

High School Graduates Are


.. I

paper and th~ Fre hmen may well be proud of their effo rts. The papers with their editor were: ·• craps"Harold Freeman: " almagundi"Edna Hooper: "The Rambler"-H. G. Leiter; "Smart et"-C. K . Pulse; '·Brain \Vaves"-Bernice Heeter; 'The Outcome"-P. V. prout: "Lat­ esf'-R. . Martin; "M ay-bee"-Lois .. Sellars: "The Retro pect"-J. Gerdon Howard .

Bell Phone 9

Breakfasted by Associations. 1S W . College Ave. W este rville Saturday morning at eight o'clock l the As ociation Building wa~ the cene of a delightful breakfa t given in honor of the \Vestervill e High . chool graduating cla . The• affair The College Avenue was given under the direction of l\!iss Helen Ensor, a sisted by th e Home MEAT MARKET Economics Department and the Y. .\L and Y. W. C. A. I Herbert H. Meyer acted as toa t- , Graduates of School of Music ,.-----------------.. master and welcomed th~ guests. Give Pleasing Recital ! Clarke Cornell, cla pre ,dent. reTl d d th d t· . 1 10 e .w I10. atten e e \ grad ua dmg Choice Cut Flowers and Corsage • spon ded for the graduates. The vanBouquets. . . . rec1ta 1 111 piano on 1a t e nes ay ous college act1vtt1e were then repre- 1 . • I · 11 1 11 ented. Glady Lake, ocial; arl enJoyec ~ e ,Pecia Y p e~ mg ~roQuality Best-Prices Right · h hi • . FI L . gra :11. .\I 1ss \ ance :ind ~I I s \Vn ght S m1t , ~t. et1c, orence oar,__11ter- are two of the fine t piani ts that S. tate St. Citizen 34S ary oc1et1e ; Carl weazy, reltg1ou . . . p •d r Otterb e:n ha graduated 111 recent A f k b . ew remar ·s Y re I ent ip- year . Their program was an unp111ger clo ed the program. u ually heavy one, the preparation of I which mu t have necessitated both Y. W . C. A. Sends Splendid . I ta Ien t and lots of l,ard exccpt10n:i Delegation to Eaglesmere. work. HOME DRESSED Otterbein wi ll have a re ord-break- j The comp 1t: ns of Grey. Brahm . ing delegation at the Y. \V. C. A. , c~opin. Friml. Grainger, Raff and um mer conference at Eagle mere, Bel 1hove11 were u · ed; and the pro­ Pennsylvania this year. An unusual gi-am was so a r ranged a ' to empha­ MAKE GOOD EATS amount of enth usia m ha been arou - izc the varied theme u ed by the e Both Phones ed, with the re ult that nine girl are compo ers. The Beethoven number attending. They are Edith Bingham, were especially fine, with the orche Bell 46-W. Citizen 92 Josephine Foor. Helen Keller, Glady tral parts on the e ond piano.

Rhoades & Sons






EDITORIAL a ts A ingle sentence ometime an odium on a man' character that year ' of integrity will not efface. -Rousseau.


Exams Are Over. Our exams are over and we are glad r ~orry as the ca ·e may be. Just before the e fin:il te ting days th ere wh a decided tone of disfavor. Student whined about the advanced lesson . "Aren't we going to get any review?" was rhe cry. ln very few case we did. Then came the era h­ and what reviewing had been done wa done each for himself. Then all at once it eemed co llege ~ta ndard had been increased-with no warning. Thi where the hon­ es t worker hown forth. Hi re­ viewing was but a refre hing of his present knowledge. But the one who had let things tide and who had de­ pended on obtaining a term· wi cl m in three or four days of review I a, left •·out of luck". And now let u profit by thi in the future. lf you're a lacker you'll be found out ooner or later- and there i no te lli ng when that will be. o do your work honestly and promptly and you wi ll find it ea y at the final exam­ ination and you can quietly pity the di comfort and inconvenience of your

Page Three

New Model Restaurant SODA FOUNTAIN Any Kind of Sandwiches, Home-Made Pies Special Orders any Time Regular Lunches or Dinners Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobbacco. Orders over the Phoae Tellings' Special Brick Ice Cream North State St. Westerville, 0.



cl pa time. Eve ry Evening-Except dn dmi ion 10c an I 15c

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\ e thank yo u fo r y )Ur patronao-e


wish yo u su ·ccs · thr u hout t h



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We thank you for your patronage dur­ ing the school year-and hope to see your smiling countenances next Sep­ tember. MOS ES & STOCK, Grocers



~I iss lla Grinde ll of \ Vesterville attended the Anti-Saloon League Con1 vention in \Va hington, D. C., last week.

Ex ' 16.

Rus sell Ray Caldwell of Swa nton, ebraska arrived at noon }-!on day. H e vi ited Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Sando in Indianapolis on Sa tur day and \ V. Rodney Huber in Dayton Sunday. \ Ve a re a ll g lad to see "Caldy"' again.

'01, '06. Dr. and Mrs . Frank Oldt (O ra ~laxwell). who returned to Ohio la s t week after a term of se r vice in the Un ited Brethren Mission in 1u Lam. China, were in \Ves tervill e for the bacca laurea te e n ·ices on und ay. T hey are now vi iting Mrs. Oldt's s i ter in Co lumbus. '87 '12 '10. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. i\l~rri;on and Mr. and Mrs. H omer P. Lambert ( Lu ci le .Morri so n) of An-

RITTER & UTLEY'S Up-to-D ate Pharmacy

'OS, '07. Professor and Mrs. E. M. Hurs h, who re tu rned from their mis­ sion work in Freetown, \Vest Africa early la t spring, are Commencemen t guests at the home of Professor and Mrs. L. A. \Veinland on East College Aven ue. ' 15. " Chuck" Campbell returned to his hom e in \Veste r vi lle last \i\Tednes­ day. He is mighty glad to be out of th e service and •we are · a ll g lad to ee him again.

Eastman's Kodaks and P h otographk Supplies. Films Developed and Printed at lowest p rices.

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Alumnal Day. The corner -tone of the new scie nce hall wi ll be laid \ Vednesday morning. al um na ! day, a t 10 o'clo ck. At noon th e ann ual dinner of th e alumna! association will be held in th e United B rethr en church . The a lumni will de m o bili ze the se rvice flag in a m eeting in the col­ lege chapel at 3 o'clock.

JEWELER.S ;\lo.. 8 5 No Rm

derson, Ind ian a, motored to W es ter- I S OC IET Y GI VES OP E R E TTA ville early la st week as the gue · ts of :-[r. :\,forri son ·s sis ter , Mr . J . \ ;\/_ College Chapel is Scene of Charming J ones (O li ve Morrison), '88. Japan ese O peretta-All Parts ' 12, '13. On April 24, a littl e son was Well Inter p r eted. bo rn to Dr. and Mr . A. D. ook (Wi lda Dick) of the Philippine The coll ege chap el was th e sce ne lands. where Dr. Coo k is engaged in of much jollity and en thusiasm, medical miss io n work. The baby ha s Thursday eve ning. whe1: Clei hor etea I been nam ed Robert Penrose. gave a he r open se s1011 program th e operetta, P rinc ess hysanthem um. '11. D on C. Shumaker. wh o with Mrs. When the curtain went up on the Shumaker (Li llie Re !er ) , '1.0, and fi rst act. th e happy J apanese maidens their little son John , wa o n hi. way sa ng the openi ng choru s. how th e home after serv ing a term in Ind ia court chambe rl ain strutted and waved under th e Young Men' hri stian As­ ociation . went from Japan to V ladi- hi s gaudy fa1~. anno un cing the comvostok, where he wi ll be engaged in 111g of the fair Princes Then hav­ the war work of the Yo u ng Men's ing recover ed from the shock of dishri sti an Association for thre e covering thi freaki sh comed ian to months. be Alice Abbott, th e a udi ence gazed in admira tion at the beautiful l rinI:x. '17. Roth E. \ Veimer of_ Pitt - ce hy ·anth em um. It was not diffi­ burg, Pa., is back to \ t: tervdle for cult to re cog niz e Audrey el on, a s ·o mmencemcnt week. leading lad y, wear ing a gorgeou red '03. lyde S. Yoth ers o f Mt. Plea s- , kim o na. and attended by her fo ur ant, Pa ., h::i accepted the pos iti o n of maidens. a ud itor f r the co tnpany operating 'harming Prince o-Tru who won th e chain of Mi lls Restaurants in . th e hearts of a ll. \ a s easily r ecogleYeland. Co lumbu s, and Cincinnati, ni za ble. as Ethel Eubank . \Vho hi o. lJ i headquarters will be in wo uld ha ve uspected Esther Harl ey -o lumbu s. of be in g th e Cunning Prince So- li?



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Otterbein Sltudents


Remember the folks at home with a picture.



'17. At tht: home o f the bride in \ Ves- 1But th e ro le wa s well inte ~J re ted._ Saucer Eyes and_h1 1mp1 h sp rite te rvill e la s t \ ed n day evening Mi s Marie \,\/ag o ncr became the bri·de o f i wlere mucl'., apprec 1_at eld , f~v en I :~10ugh Ray \V. Gifford. Th t: rvice was l t 1ey wer e up to m isc ~1e anc nev er read by the Reverend Earl C. \\'eav e r, happy, only_ wl~en thmgs go wro ng. ' 10, of J ohnstown, Pa .. bro ther-in-law Freda i::raz 1e r 1n her bla ck cat co of th e groom. The g ue t . were t_u me portrayed the pe_r o nality of the immediate relativ e · of the young au ce r Eyes very realisticall y.

couple. i\lr. home and ~Iinrs. make their

ifford kron .



wi ll , ' iiToand off-set e e vil working ·o- -,__ -• hio, aucethr-Eyes, ca me the of!·airy _ _ ______________________________..,

where Mr. Gifford is managing edi- 1~l oo nb ea m and he r fairie . · 1eo Cop-1 tor of the 'ircle, the pub licati o n of pock tcrn k thi s part. and her . o ng of the ·oo dric h Rubber ·ompany. chee r to Prince I 'hyr santhcmum. impri soned. by ·auc~r Eyes, wa '14. i.\ l iss i\lary_Alkirc of North ta tc v ry bea utiful. S tr i:e t. \\'es tervdle, wa ho st e s a t a But we have not vet mentioned picnic party la 5t :\,f nd ay evening. hi 1110 t tran sce ndent, nob le, high The g ue s t were member s of t~e j and mighty imperial majesty, the il­ Two-in-One club of th e Me th odi,t \ lu trious Emperor \ Vhat-for-Whi . To church. I believe that ~fay ell man wa be­ 'l 8. "Betty" Fries ca me ~londay. h ind that fierce mu tache and enor­ She is ju s t a s jolly as ever. mou fan, that it wa she who parad-


I 1

See the Quality Shop F or Up-to-Date Cleaning and Pressing. 81 West Main Street

eel abo u t in that dignifi ed black ro be, J Mi ss H e len Van ce wa s the piani st and ang tho e boast ing songs o f and th e opere tta was put on on the mer cy. clemency a nd jus ti e, wa al­ dir ec ti o n o f Mi ss Hanawalt and Mr S\ mos t impo ssible. Orr o f olumbus.


l'age Five


Western Reserve University

Philomathea Has Commendable Pro­ gram at Commencement O pen S es­ sion Enjoyed by Many Friends. r aduati n g five se ni or,. Philoma­ t hca pre ented a splendid Commence­ ment Ope n ess i 11 la s t Friday even­ ing. The ~cs i n was well attend cl an d enjoyed by a ll. Alumni who were in t he audience cxpre s cd their co m­ mendation o f the work o f the present b dy . ,. E. ;d ill s. produced cxcell nl thought in his address. "Real Li\'inp;". He e111ph1sizccl th importance of a careful but complete life fo r the col­ lege stude n t. In his va ledic tory. "The l'as,ing f American Iso la ti on" the ret1n ng p r esicl •nt. L. K . Replogle dwelt upon the closer relationshiµ of th e 'nited tatcs and E urope due to the existing c nditions. R. IT . Huber in hi s inaugural, " Burning Il art" so und ed th e 11 te whi c h. sti1·s men to g rea t deeds. An acldres . ''Haste ry of Fate"' giv­ en by H . F. ~l o re closed th e r eg u­ lar progra m . ~Ir . 1[oore e mpha ·iz cd th e fact th a t man di ctat es, in la r ge measure, hi s o wn fate. In th e extemporaneo us s pea k ing, J arl iffo rcl of the cla of '15. spoke a few word t . ociety. Mi s Vi r ­ gin ia Burtner poke for th girls, plea ing the audience by a n appropri­ ate pe ech. Dr . navely again favor­ ed us in an ope n sc sio n wit h so me tim e ly remark s. !ie s_oun~ed th e key- I note of the m ee tin g 111 111 referen ce , to th e pred o minant t r ain" th e prepar- 1 ation for se rvi ce t o hum an ity" which / idea wa s clearly brought fort h by a ll the pea kers.




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GRADUAT ES PRESENT FARCE Senio~s Will Present " Green S tock­ ings" in C hapel W ednesday-Fritz Coaches Well-Rounded Cast.

Dixie Weave Suits $20 and $25

" h. Evelyn- " "Yes. :vtadgc." "I do want th i. letter to my hu, .\ wonderful Yaricty of real 1>and to catch the Indian mail. D o vou kn ow anything about th e postal 11obhy ,tyle,- in s ize s to fit • ervice in this benighted village?'' man and young man . e,·cry Doe1,n't th a t s ound en ticing? 1f yo u want to h ear so me 111 r e of it. \ come to th e • enio1· Play, entitled "Green to kin g~" to be given in th e j ollegc ha pe l o n th e evening o f \Ve dnesday. June 11. If y u come. yo u will s ee so :nc the Dignifi ed Seniors di gu ised in the io llowing manner: Ge o r ge Glauner take s the part o f Admiral Grice. a testy old ge ntl eman with the manner of an o ld sea-dog. You wi ll see Jud o n idda ll as W ill­ iam Faraday, a well-pre erved man o f 65, fa,hi o nable and superficial. an you imagine Ray Harm clink a s a dign ified. dryly humorou s man o f .I day. a young woman with '.l si.:n,e o t I a nd p retty. militar y bearin g ? Florence Loar will re present Aunt I The two "~like~" wi ll he Henr y humor. tellc and Jam es Ra leig h , two young .\fadgc and E,·elyn. \ ' irginia Burt- Ida. a florid, quick-tempered. warm- I 1 men o f abou t 30 and 35 respectivel y. nc1· a nd Helen Bovee. will be ha nd- hearted ... untie . ' - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - _ . , ome and . cc which is which. o me, well-dressed women. :-.'ow! Co met sec the eniors p,cLawren ce Rep logle w ill be a digni­ Phyllis. Freda Frazier, w ill take the] -;e nt '' G reen tocking ", Wednesday [ See "Bill" Evans for tickets f r the fied old family serva nt. I ·cnior · P lay - dv. Vida Wilhelm will be Celia Fara- par t of the yo un gest · ister, c harming nig ht.




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P age Si~


STUDENTS TO GIVE CONCERT Tuesday N ight Students of School of Music Give Ann ual Concert-Ladies' Glee Club to Appear. Tue<day night in the college chap el a l 7:30, ~t ud en t s f the ..:chool of l\1u.-ic will give th eir annu~I co111111e11c~111c11t concert a. si ted by the Ladies' Glee Club which will be on the program for thr ee double 11 imbcr,:. The "Finale'' from tl1e Pathetic y mph ne by Tscha'kowsky will be played by Mi~s :\gnes \,\ ' right, ' 19. who brings from th e orga n with mo. t pleas 'ng effect the orchestral color of thi won lcrful compo ition. }.[rs. 11amie Gro,·e Gantz, a gradu:ite of p:ano in 19{V. render:.. the fir,t number· "}.Iarche Russe" by Sch ninke. ·..'\.. Hahn. '17. will play an or.ginal numbtr which i~ uititled "Su ,1set". H A VE DELI GH T F UL SESSION P hila letheans Have Inter esting and V aried P r ogram- F-ifteen Seniors are A wa rde d Diplomas. F1·i en ds and alumnae of Philalcth a were delighted with the program . at the Commencement Open Se sion Thursday night. Every number wa . 'f interesttng and well rendered. he p~ogram was as fo ll ows: P1ano Duet·'Grand Palka De Concert" Myrna !• rank and Faye Byer Oration"Democracy and Immigration" Gladys Howard Vocal 'olo-"Come ing to Me'' Jack Thompson r· h Bea trice r i er ProphecyElizabeth i\lc abe Reading"Ble,._ ed are the Poor in • pirit" "Rosa" Fay Morri on Pian o S lo-"S hephercl 's Hey" Percy Grainger Agnes v\'right tory-" It'. !ways Nancy" Joseph in Foor During the extcmporaneou$ speak­ ing three former Philaletheans spoke to the socie ty: }.{iss • mith and Mr s. Hover tock of the cla~s of '99 and Mrs. arl Gifford oi the clas of '17, Mr. J I. E. "Michae l spoke in behalf f t he men present. Fifteen Seniors were pre . cnted with diplomas fr 111 the society in r ognition of the work they have done in Philalethea.

''l'ntil''-hy . anderson. He \\"as a~·­ com panicd by 1li,s Fisher. The !'re ident's Val e,l ictory-"}.l ak' ng American. "- was · next in order. This .vi r. G. L. Glauner ga\'C with his 1ccustomed ease and eloquence. · 1tt1 - cue · l so, A ,·10 1 t next en t er t amec · cl s. "~1 I c1e· t y an cl f nen r . . A s k·ew ancI S prou t p I aye d- '"~ .ne Io d y ·111 F -a 1 , 1 a rap 1uase. ,, l'h e regu 1ar e,·enmg · , program wa Iclo eel by the _Pre. idenfs Tna11gura.~"The l rofe s1onal 8 11 me Man de livered by K. J. Scott. D uring extemporaneou peaking Mi ·s i\lerle Black. Prof. E. Vv. E. chcar and J. J. Sander , '01, poke.


"Good-Bye till we meet again" It i: with hO'enuine r hcrret that we ·e vou ). l o st o f you, we hope, " · i 11 1· et urn an cl fin go . ish you r work here. 1 t is 't h·oocl co ll eg 111 a good tov.rn and we \\·an t you with us. 1ay you r vacat ion b a happy and p r ope r o u one a n d ma) y u r et ur n f u ll of hi gh co urage, en­ thu sia rn an d e nclur anc to fi ni h t h e cour e be un.



COCHRAN HALL NOTES. . . . Eleanor \\'h1tney. Pauline tubbs, Helen Becktolt and Rena Rayot wer guests at Cochran Hall Friday e,·ening for dinner. _l\ 111 mber of girls enjoyed a slum­ berlc . party at the home of Annette l3rane las t Friday night.

"Yum! Y um! Day, make good cakes. -Adv. ochran Ha ll i · proving ju t how hospitable and how accommoda ti ng she can be. One of the bes t proofs i the fact that 59 guests took u nday dinner there. Gladys .. Grace Agnes \ V., Helen K., Virginia B. , Elizabeth i\l. entertain cl their mothers at a break­ fa t Saturday a. m. The "eat " wer e wonderful.

:Mrs. N e"a Ander on Mertz of \ \'a­ bash. Tnd .. is vi iting her cou in, ·u ar­ tha Skinner and the rest of her SP LEND I D P ROGRAM GIVEN friend . Have you tried Day ' baked good ? Lar ge Audience Enjoys Philophron­ -A<h·. ea's Varied Display of TalentFive Seniors R eceive Diplomas. Rena Rayot and Roma Ber . chi er are visiting Lenore during omLast Friday night Philophronea was me nc ment. favored by nc of the best open se I [ clen Sanders and II arriet Hayes sion programs th at it ha s enjoyed th is year. A large nu mber of visitors fi ll - cl ·lig h tf ull y en ter t ained a large n umed the ha ll to capacity and all to k bc r f girls last at u rday afternooii. • · th · , An informal program wa rendered e ev e nmg great tntereS t 111 pro- and a two-cou rse luncheon erved. gram. ~ h · a ' •'[ "'·c omrnencement guest w o were . Th e fi r t nu m ber gn·en w s. cl d b y th e Ph"1lo - presen t were :.Iary Garver i\lt ll .er, · " E ven1ng _ tar ren ere 'fl b a R ut h Koo n tz. Ru th Cogan . Bonito p h ronean ore hes t ra. 1e num er w s . bl y g ·iven a n cl encore cl fo r J ami . on, H elen McDermo t t and ere cl ita 1 which "Till We 11eet Again" wa Nettie L ee Roth. played. Amo ng t he fo r me r tuden t r e t urnT he re tiri ng critic. B. C. Pe ter s, e el to spend Commence m en t week are next de liv red hi s orat ion, "The New A lice R es !er Brentlin ge r a nd Iva Mc­ Patr io ti sm" w ith chara cteristic fini sh Mac ken. a nd fo rce fuln ess. Ca rd s ar e ut for a lun cheo n to be Mr. R. C. v\ ri gh t then favored o- g iven by Mi Virg inia Blagg in h nciety wi th a de ligh tful vocal so lo- o r o f Mi Kathe r y n W a rn er an d Mis

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Florence Loar. Other guests will be Glady · Howard, Bernice Heeter. He len Ensor, frs. Wm. Coun el ler Fay Morri on, Mrs. V,.. T. Hicks 0 ; Charles t on, W. Va.; Cath e r ine L. Loar of Mt. P leasant, Pa., a n d Martha Stofer of Be ll evi ll e. Mr . and Mrs. J.

. \

ton. hio, are spendi n g o mmence· ment week wi t h th e ir dau g ht e r Vida. Days than k yo u fo1· yo ur patronage. C a ll aga in. -Adv. Ge n eva gradua t .

Harp e i·


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