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VOL. 3.
No. 1.
F ootball Outlook Is Bright With Seve ral Men of Former Years Christian Associations Hold First Back and Last Year's Men. Formal Occas ion of Year In Ot te rb ein is on the threshold of anAssociat ion Parlors. o ther st1 cce·s_ful footbal l year. ·Let-/
All Previous Re<?ords in Attendance Are Surpa : s:d by La r ge Enroll ment F1:-st Two Days.
' te r'' men arc in , idence . Th:s e:<on . t hey wi_ll form a good
r he se a~t• Smnh . Meyer. . E. L. Shuey, '77, and E. E. Burtner, ' 06 .'eden . He\\" · and How:ird. T hen too there a re . tho se f·om former Make Ope ning AddressesTrustees Send Greeting. I years. \\'ho. thou t,h n ot "'letter'' men 1 n 'Wednesday, Septemb er ti. O t-1 'l"--~•-4'~ an• oa a pa, · w ::h th e be 5t o f th em. tcrhein entered upon the ~e\·e nty- 1 Among th e,c are Hert, Elliot and Huber. second yea r in its history when t'1c I It is upon new recruits that the ch ape 1 \\·a crowded wi~!1 s tu d~ ,~~-- 1 :rnd when .\1r. E. L. ..,huey, , ,. I future o f Ot!t'rbein' . fo otball rest . o Pre ident Roa rd 0£ Tru · i<:e ,;, all' I 1 l~ c\·. Elmer E. Burtner. 'O!\, A. M .. : t h ey form a decidedly imp rtant faclJ. 0., ·o lle"e Pa · tor. \\·as a speaker tor. Amon~ th ese arc Frank in , Cut!er. at the o pening \\'edne day. I tecl th at l·ranklin. who was makmg - -- - - - - - - - -•- - - ~ - - ' tde that Franklin, who wa making LADIES HAVE RE,CEPTION ~oo~l at ce1_1ter. ufferLd a~ hroken • collar hone 111 practice. h ut 111 nth 1 Cochran Hall Is Scene of D elightful · hould see h im lit again. O ccasion When Girls Get Ac/ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
Hundred Assemble
re n ree and Get Acquainted- Delightful
Decorations an d Refreshments.
One of the biggc:t event attending the opening of each ~chool year at Otterbein is the reception fo r new s tud ents given · · · · unc1er t h e. 10111t auspice of the y_ M. . A. and y_ Vv. C. A. On la t aturday nir~ht practically the entire tudent body and faculty gath ered in the parlor ' of the. ssociation. Building for this affair. Th~ room were ta tefully decor:1~::<1 111 st reamers of tan and cardinal and red sh aded light ~. Each tudent was tagged with his name, and a plea~ant hour was -r,,nt in getting acq uainted by means f a fac ulty re, ~"'-;:"'f-.-"1°'-illg lii!t" _i 1 lte'lrf "gl:l a<::! quainted ircle". · The econd part of the evening's ent er tainment took place dowti stai r in t he gymna ium, w h re informa lity I i wa th e rul e. hort ·sp eeche of welcome were made by Edith Bi ngham, Y. v\'. C. A. p re s id n I, Herbert Mye rs. Y . M. C. A. preside n t, and President C lipp inger. 1 Deliciou r fr es hmen ts of )s' eapo litan ice cream ancl wafers were er\'ed and swee t strain of music Ray E. \\'all h a been cho ·en for from the orche tra a dd ed to th e e\·eucoach of all athletics for the )·ear. · ' 1 mg • P easure. "·cuffy" is well known to all. His Man•el Sebrrt anrl Gordon Howfootball abi li ty \\as shown in the fall arc!, ·ocial chairmen of the hri tian f '13, • w I1cn O ttcr J)L'ttl • I1a d a trong .'\, ociations planned the funct · , tt 1011 team. :\I ng with his ability as a and arc largely rt:sponsible for its sueplayer he has the ability to train new cc, . The ~tudents disbanckd, each men and he has the "pep" too. There feeling happier and better acquainted is · \ ery indication that athletics will than before. boom this yt•ar. ince Saturday n ights's reception the new Cochran llall girls are u. ing those l9ng interesting white strip. of LET'S GET WESLEY AN paper, filled with m an ly nam~ , for Otte r bei n' foothall team tacks up prayer-list . again t its old time riYal, Ohio \V c leyan, next aturday. eptembcr 27. Football Schedule. "Down with \\·e leyan" i a battle ep t 27-Ohio We !cyan at D<:lacry handed down with the tradition ware. of th e school, o the team d fending Oct. 4- Antioch at Westerville. the Tan and ardinal i going into Oct. 11-Deni o n at Granvil le. the Hed and Black camp with the Oct. 1 -W. Va. We leyan at determination to hang t o its belt the Buchannon. first calp of the ea Oh. Oct. 23-Heidelberg at Tiffin . The team is working hard under Nov. 1-Open. oach \Vatts and Capt. Smith and Nov. -Wittenberg Westerth ey will fight to the la t ditch, but vi lle. rooters hould be on hand a r ein No v. Hi-Muskingum at New Con forcement at the critical moment. cord. Let all that can, go to Delaware and Nov. 22--Marietta at Mari etta. ring out the battle cry " Down with Wesleyan."
quaintcd and Enjoy Program.
Mr. Edwin L. hu ey, '77, :\. !vI., L. L. D., wa e lec t ed Pre ident of t he Ott r bei n Boa rd o f Trns tee at their annu a l meeting last Jun e. Mr. hney spoke a t th e o pening a ssembly 'of tud ent on la t \\' edne day. Rev. E. E. Bu rt ner. '06. college pas tor we:r e th e peakers for t he occasion. Dr. S. \\' . 1'-ei ter, '7 . led in pr, yer after appropriate remarks hy l'r('·,i(Contin u cd on page tw o.) Public Speaking Professor Is Urged t o Hold Position.
•.1vre ra 1'.rn .. · ,.-~ embled .It the dormitory la t Frida y even in_g for . .the ~nnual ochran Hall recepti o n g, n : n 111 honor f the new girls. Mi s Glady ~ Howard. ocia l chairman of the Coch ran Hall association wa mi · tr ess of ceremonie : and much of the e,·ening's succes wa duc to he r clt'\'Cr p la nnin g. 0011 afte r their arri \·al. the gue ts wert: set to work at a conte t whi ch req i ired the making- and reciting of a sho rt ,·e r e by each of the en!ral group into which the girl· had been <li\'ided. a
.-\ short program wa~ then gi\·en follow :
Old . tudents returning \\'ere ,ur- elcction-"The Director's Choice" prised and gratifird to see the face o f .\fandolin and Guitar ' )uh. Profcs · or Fritz of the Public pcak-1 · De ·oppah Moon'' ing Department among the facult). The I n\·erted Quartette. All faculty , student· and alumni are olo-".\ Red, Red Rose·• glad to welcome him back to OtterEthel Eubank . bein to take up hi, former position. Pantominc-"The Coquette'' Characters: Chair of Mathematics is Filled by Uernice Heeter, the coquette. Prof. B. C. Glover. Ruth Deem, the maid. Prof. Be nj a min Curti Glo\·cr, B. uitors-Hele n Keller, Loi. lark, ., ha. been ec nred to ti ll t he Dr Martha kinner. Edit h Bingham. bach 'hair o f Mathemati cs to uc "The Two C locks'' ceed the late Dr. Frank \\'. Miller. The Rever eel Qua rtette. Profe. or Glo\'er re ceived his deS e lection- ''The Prin ce s Schottishe" gree from :-Jorthwe tern n1ver ity Mandolin and Guitar lu b. in 1907 and later took po t-graduate A t th e close of th is program, old work at th e ni\'er ity o f Minn e ota and Chicago Un iver ity. a nd new girls lin ed up epa rately for Since 1915 he has been Profe soi a gra!l d march, in such a w:iy th at of Mathematics at Missouri Wes- each o ld girl had a new one for her leyan .;\nd for four year ' from 1916- partner; a nd after th e march, every 19 was Pean of that institution. girl t~ok her original partner to the reception room , where refreshments Get Wesle,an. I of punch and wafers were served.
Get 'Wee1e:,an.
Page Two
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WELCOME The c liege bell i the mo t welcome o un l in month It an in piration t ee o many face f ull of a ~piration and hope and dar ing. We bid yo u a mo t h eart y welcome. Tn ou r hop you will find t h e th in g cu ltivated taste , need. Vases, ba sket s, seals, ribb on in co llege color , ca ndie , a ll the acce · ·orie for s pead r fo rmal banquet; art goods, greeting· card , cand le , ferns, potted plant and cut flower and a thou and and o n e t hin gs yo u will need in y ur daily co llege life. '· O :\ l EI X _ 1 DBR WE ROUND."
H. F. Martin, ' 14, who wa s a m em ber of the facu lty, 1913- 17 and coac h in sc vernl sports has been sec ured to head lhe deJlartmen t of physica l edu cation. It wo uld be impossib le to get an ab ler gym nasium instructor than _ Mr. Martin and we welcom e him back •to hi s former p lace at Otterbein. Professo r Mart in will assist st ud ent ii111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii managers in booking gam e and wi ll also help wit h t he coac hin g.
Schear Elected Manager. Manager elecl of this year' s foot ball team, H . F. Moore, '2 1. i · not in schoo l thi year. He is succeeded by R. W. Schear, '20. Mr. Schear is fi ll ing his place in a co nscie ntiou s man ner and wi ll co n tribute much to the success of the team.
Doctor Jones Honored With Life Membership in Association Doctor E. A. Jone s was ignall y honored by being elec ted a life mem ber of th e Ohio ·tale Teachers' As so ciation at Ce dar l 'oint. By resolut ion thi s body authorized the executive committee to e lec t three distinguish ed educators eac h year for this high honor. Each Jl erson e lected to the high pos ition mu st have rendered s ignal serv ice to ed ucation. Dr. Jon es, Miss Margare t uth erland of Columbus and P.-of. Bennett of Cov ington were t he chosen ones.
Peden Elected President. ·
At a Vars ity "O" As ociation meet ing held Monday, the officer for the O TTERBEIN'$ GRAND STAND ON NEW ATHLETIC FIELD en . uing year were e le cted. R . F. This o ld gra nd sta nd ha s witncs~cd some thrilling victories in th e past I This year we are al l hoping that Peden, President; J. R. Love, Vice President; J. G. Howard, ecretary it wi ll see quite a few more. ln football the first ch ance wi ll be 011 October 4 when th e Tau and Card inal will meet Antioch here. 'We want so m e good yelling to issue from this o ld land mark to . and Trea urer. The Varsity "O" is planning to oming" to take boo t the "Home the co lle ge. n ext and drew some co mpari son!> 1,e - intellio-ent ·onfi d e nce.'' Mr . S huey place overnber S. Doctor Burtner poke next and l•ad tween the ope ning of sc hool in hi s tated that co ll ege is a time oi d0 ubt Child Dies. for hi s sub j ect the '·Jm ponann" '> f tim e and the pre se nt ope ning. a nd inve tigation. lf thi s period is Friend will regret to hear that the the Freshman .'' He claimed that \:um lier · were mailer and couri.es pas e el safe ly th future wi ll t urn o ut child of Joseph M. humak er . B., fre hmeu are of more importance were of a different ort. lcle call,.,t all ,·ight and the individ ua l st udent '16, and his wife (lna Ethel Fulton, than the older and wiser prufe sso r s att e nti n to many ad\'antages 0f the will ha\'e tronger c nvictions than A . B., '15) was killed recent ly by a fall here. l lis address was full oi witti- prese nt time whi h were ia-: king e\'er before for ha v ing 1 ;1 nu~ht I from a building in Philade lphia, Pa. cism but witha l had a seriotts s;dc . then. things thr o ugh for her e lf nr for He e mphasized lhe importan,e of Mr . huey reca lled a st,l'.<·111cn, him e lf. CHAPEL IS F ULL learn_;ug to thi'.1k ~nd o_f m as teri1:~ made b~ Doctor _Gar ·t ':1any year~ I Mr._ hucy reprcsente~ the Tru ON OPENING DAY th e ,a nous subJec t tud1ed. Du I t ago whi ch he aid appltcd to the tee m a w o rd of greetmg ·ind ex(Continued from page two.) Hurtner also mentioned th e s \'nal student of today a well a · t o the pres cct th e hope of the Boan! tltat dent Clippinger. The Pre!<idcnt probable motives tfiat brought :he young people of that day. " Yol•ng the ensuing- year hall b marked by spoke a w o rd of welcome t:> both freshman here and urged the im- people, you who are co miPg here- the development of real manhood old and n ew students. He stated that portance of a worthy purpose in pnr- today for th e first time, a re pa ~,: n, g I and womanhood able to meet a11d the registratio n of th e first two day uing work now that they are hLi!!. fr om a state of an unque s tioning succe·s fully ·ol"e the problen,s that wa larger than any in the hi tory of .\fr. E . L. huey wa · introdu ced, tru t to a time when you ha!! '.1ave I come wi th such force in these t; 1m· ·. ·1
TAN AND CARDINAL P1,1blished Weekly in the interest of OJterbein by the OTTERBE I N PUBLIS H ING ·· B O AR D Westerville, O hio ·Member of ·t he Ohio College Press ;.Association
STAFF E ditor-in-Chief .. Ramey H . Huber, '20 Assistant Editor .... ...... L. E. Pace, '21 Con tributing EditorsEsther Harley, '2 1 . Edith Bingham, '20 Business Manager .. Carl L. Smith, '20 Assistant Busines s Manager. C. C. Conley, '22 Circulation Mgr. .. Mary Tinstman, '20 Assistant Circulation Manager. Marvel Sebert, '2 1 Local Editor .............. Hazel Payne, '21 Alumna! Editor .. Prof. A. Guitner, '97 Exc hange Editor, Mary Ballenger, '20 Literary Editor, J. Gordon Howard,'22 Address all communications to The Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 20 W. Main St., 'W esterville, Ohio. Subscription Price, $1.50 Pe r Year, payable in advance. Entered as second class matter Sept ember 25, 1917, at the postoffice at Wes terville, 0., und er act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized April 7, 1919.
EDITORIAL 'LK:uow, not for knowing's sake, B ut to b come a star to men foreve r:
Why Are You Here ? · Why did we come to college? Some students arc here because their friends came, or just because it is the thing to do. Some think it will help them make a living. Some are looking for information, others for discipline, others for cul t ure. Some are deter mined to prepare themselves in the best way for the largest social ser vice. Ce rtainl y each individual stu dent has been moti,·ated by some worth-while purpose. It is sometimes said that the new students in a short time forget their fi r st purposes and become indifferent with regard to study, regular hours, economy, ch ur ch attendance and many other important affairs of col lege life. Some are led to either modify· or de fini tely change all their future plans. Of course these per sons may come back to their former ambitio ns but often it is not the case. We want to urge every new student to be true to th eir own good jud g men t and to th e persons who have influenced them to seek courses in higher education. Choose congen ial friends among the students and co un sel with members of the faculty fr om time to time. Enter into all the student activ iti es with enthusiasm and push. It is in doing things that one makes the most rapid developm en t and Otterbein offers ab und ant opportunity for all to have il part.
Know for the gain it gets, the praise Subscribe for _Tan and Cardinal Now. it brinS'S,~ - -- ------r--= The wonder it in sp ire., the love it breed s." -Browning: Increase In Atttndance. Universiti e and colleges are for Greetings. mally openino- th eir fall terms now The Tan and Car.dinal wishes to and all with an en rollm ent that extend a hearty greeting to a ll new promises to eclipse any previou an d old s tud en ts. We wish for all year. In fact many of the in titu a pleasant and profitable year. We tions are taxed to capacity. Ot ter hope sincerely tl)at all Otterbein bein will undoubtedly have an in fo lks will be regular recipients of crease of no less than ten percent this paper. It is your paper and we over the best of any former year wi ll be pleased to have your criti und er normal · con ditions. There are cisms and suggestions. We invite severa l reasons for this in crea e in you to count yourself one of us and interes t in ed ucation. The wa r em solici t your co-op eration in promot pha ized the importance of education ; ing Otterbein activities. parents as we ll as young folks have been prosperous and are planning What We Are. now to put their money to this wor The Tan and Cardinal is the week thy purpose ; soldier have r etu rned ly co llege paper at Otterbein. The and are re-entering their coll eges. regular issues consist of six pages of This in crease in attendan ce is very li ve, up- to-date college news an d are significant and is indica ti,·e of better published each Monday during the time ahead. college year. We give recognitio n Who Can T ell? to every college department and all college activities. We wan t this paper to be your paper, representa tive of the ideals of Otterbein and the voice of the student body. If you are to know of Otterbein, its present and future, you should read it and support it. All Otterbein students, fa culty, alumni and friends sho uld be regular subscribers. When ·you receive a letter containing a sub - cription blank or wh en you are so licited in person. fill in the blank promptly and in this way help the Circulation Manager and secure this publication for the entire school year.
Get Wesleyan.
Boost For a Glee Club. Otterbein must have a glee club this year. There is no dearth of m;;terial and with faithful practice an organ ization of. the first rank should be whipped into shape. A glee club is a source of benefit and enjoyment to its members and would be justi'fied from only that view point. But it is more. It is an excel lent advertisement for the college. By a single performance in a city or town it can do more good than a thousand do11ars of advertising or great efforts on the part of co llege agents. Let's a11 boost the glee club 1
Subscribe for Tan and Cardinal Now. Pay Mary ~instman, Cir. Mgr.
Y. M. C. A. attendance was un usually large last Thursday night when one hundred and twen~y men were present. It was like ol d times to see the room crowded. Nex t week Lyman Hert will lead in a dis cussion of the history and traditions of Otterbein and every man in school should be present.
It look like old times to see Pro fe sor Royal F. Martin helping Coa.ch \~alts with the second team aga111 th, year, He has the 'old time pep.'' A good fi rst team de pends on the econd tring men and we want to see every man ti ck with football ti ll the last of the season. Th e bull e tin board has a sta tem ent the Doctor ltcister Gree rizes which are awarded annua lly. These prizes are the most generous Otter bein has to offe r. '\Ve shall watch with inte rest to s~e who the best Greek tude nts are this year.
The editor is gratified at the begin ning of th e year with th e manner in which the staff mcmber.s are co-oper ating. A good paper is possible on ly when tho c res(>on ible for the vari ou departments get their material in s hape and in our hands on tim e. Pro peels are favorab le at the present time. Freshman and Sophomores Will Scrap for Class Honors Following a precedent set seve ral years ago, Otterbein i to ha,·e a "Scrap Day" this year. \,\.ithin the next two weeks a day will be et aside for this event. The participants will be the Soph and th e F resh ies and judging by the abundance of hu ky Freshmen the ophs will have th eir hands full. The upper clasi,inen are anticipating a hilarious dme watching th e lower classmen light it out and they will not be di appointed. Thi is an exI h h. I cellent - way in w 1c1 to ett e t e tim e honor d grudge between the two lowe r cla se and a thrilling time i assured.
H isto r y was begun in Westerville las t Wed nesday. Maybe out of the man y F reshma n who crowded th e old ha11s some are destined for the world's most coveted honors. Perhaps a president of the nited States e ntered O tterbein for the first time Wednesday. Maybe a future mistress of th e White House is making her first bid for collegia te education. Who knows what futures are wrapped up in these verdant young lives ? Subschribe for Tan and Cardinal A t any rate they a r e a fine looking bunch and we sha ll expect big things through Mary Tinstman, Circulation Manager. Write out check now. from th em.
Get W esleyan.
Get Wesleyan.
Waterman, Conklin, Holland
and Par-
ker Fountain Pens, Pillows, Kodak
Pennants, A 1 b u m s,
C ran e Stationery, Pencil , Ink, Paste, Note-Books, T lets.
See our Bibles
and Testaments. Let us finish your pietures.
University Bookstore
Page· F1:>ur
large reception at their home to which '18. Edna M. Farley of Pitcairn, NEW BUILDING PROGRESSES guests were invited from four t o elev- Pennsy lvania, was married on Sepen o'clock. tember 10 to John C. Griffins. Science Building to be Ready for
All subscribers are pleased to read . so many items in t h e a lum na ! column , not only this week but in every issue of the Tan and Cardinal. Professor Guitner is responsib le for these col umn s and her work is greatly appre ciated. '1 4. Mis s Myrt le Metzger, of Wes terville, Ohio, sailed from Victoria, British Columbia, last Monday, Sep tember IS, for her work as teacher in ihe Unit ed Brethren mi ssion in San Fernando, Phi lippine I slands. '74, '75. Judge and Mrs. Charles A . Bowersox and their son and da ughter of Bryan, Ohio, were summer visitors in We stervi ll e. They were taking an extended motor tr ip.
' 17. Charlie E . Merrill, who returned during th e summer from service over seas, is principa l of the township High Schoo l at Doylestown, Ohio. '86. B. Edgar Cassell of Chula Vi sta, California, visited re latives in Cleve land and Dayton , Ohio, during the summer. '88. Dr. J . G. Hub er was called to Crestlin e, Ohio last week by the death of an older broth er. Th e funeral was on la t Tu e day.
Occupa~ion by January Fint ' 17. C. A. Hahn is in accounting '16. -Blanche Groves of E lkhart, In Saum '"Hall to be Beautified.· work with the Western E lectric C.o., diana, was ma r ried July 14 to 0. M. Every student , fa.c ul ty mem ber and Chicago, Ill. Huffman -of Logansport, Indiana. T-he a lu mn u s of Otterbein is vi tally con 'll , 10. Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Shu father of the bride, the Reverend J . cerned in the progress of t he Science A. Groves, officiated at the wedding. maker ( Lillian Resler ) and son John Building. In the early part of the have arrived in .the Uni ted States '12. Hazel Codner was married on s u mmer the work was rapi d , b ut now, on furlough after spending five years June 19 to Ardie B . Weiser at her beca u se of labor conditions t he brick in work for the Young Men's Ch r is- home in Cana l Winches ter, Ohio. work is not progressing so rapidly. tian Association in India. On t h eir They wi ll live in Canal Winchester, The installa t ion of fu rni tu re fo r the way home Mr. Shumaker gave six where Mr. Weiser is s uperintendent different departments wi ll occ ur the months to special war work for the of schoo ls. latter part of October. T hi s to Association in V la<livostok. ' 10. On August 26 C larence F. Wi ll gether with eq u ipment and appa ratus '15. Miss Mabe l M. Nicho ls of Wes- iams of Westerville and Edna Hutch wi ll amo u nt to $24,0000. No ne of the terville went to Annville, Pennsyl inson of \,Ve s t Unity, Ohio, were mar old furniture except c h airs w ill be vania, early in August. She was ried in Bryan, Ohio. They wi ll make used in this new b u ilding. Especially maid of honor at the marria g e of their home in \Ve s terville, Ohio. has the Physic Department been en Mi s Myrtle Daugherty and Mr. larged and improved. T he desks, 'Ex . '16. Rus s ell R. Caldwell of George M. Haverstock, which occur Swanton, Nebraska was married to tables and sinks which a r e o f th e best, ed August 6. Mis s Taylor at her home in Hastings, have been procured from the Leonard ' 17. Stanton W . B. Wood, who reebra ska on September seventeenth. Peters and Company. Every modern convenience will be turned during the ummer from ·s e r They wi ll be at home in Swanton after found in thi s up - to -date build ing, in vice with t h e army of occupation in October first. cl u ding hot and cold rooms for the Germany, is now trave ling for the '01. Jame s G. Sanders of Harrisburg, Biology Department, offices an d pri Anti-Saloon League. Penn sy lvania, who has serve d for s ev vate laboratorie s for the professors. '15. Miss Carrie Miles has res igned era l years a s aconomic zoologist in A ll the space on the three ~tories has her position as teacher in the town the state of Penn sy lvania, was sent by been a s signed. The base m en t will be ship High School at Doylestow n , the government to Europe in August u se d for th e overflow of t he depart Ohio, to accept a similar po~ition in to study method s of prevention of the ments. A part of it may be used to potato wart. Mr. Sanders found the High School a~ Ga lena, Ohio. accommodate a new agric ultural de some p e cimens of the potato wart partment. WEDDINGS this s ummer and the United States It is hoped that it wi ll be re ady for '18. R. Li le Roo e of East Pittsgovernment ha s already sent out burgh , P e nnsy lvania, and Vera tair, warnings regarding it and is trying occupation by the first of Jan uary. As for aum Hall, tha t o ld a nd re· ex '17, of Barberton , Ohio, were to prevent its spread in this co u ntry. married at the home of the bride on It is a well -merited honor to Mr. liab le structure, it will b e st uccoed th e 19th of June, immediately after and beautified on t h e ou tside, and a-.rd-cr that he has been ' elecr ct for every mocfern conve111ence wm be in the return of the groom froi:n overthi s important work. sta ll ed, in order to ma k e a co m fo rt ea s. Mr. Roo e expects to attend m edica l s chool this year. abl e home- like dormito r y to be used Subscribe for T ~n and Car~inal Now. for girls who cannot be accommo'16. Mary A. Nichols of W es tfield, Pay Mary T instman, Cir. Mgr. dated in Cochran Ha ll. Illinoi s, was marri ed June 26, 19 19, to I H . H. Brunny of Piketon , Ohio. Mrs. Brunny is serving this year a s prin cipal of the Piketon High School. ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.
'87. The Reverend E . M . Counseller, who has been obliged to give up ac tive pa stora l work for a time on ac count of ill health, ha moved to Wes tervill e and is living on Sout h State street.
'07. Elm er L. Porter, who spent last year in ove rseas' service of the Young Men ' s Christian Association, ha s been ' 19. Vida Wilhelm of Canton, Ohio , elected superint endent of school s at was marri ed to Avery T . Brunn er of Canton, August 2. They are at home Mt. Gilead, Ohio. to th e ir fri e nds in Canton. '15. William N. Deller and family of On the e vening of Augu t 26th in Flandrean , So uth Dakota, motored to olumbus, Ohio, in Ju ly to attend the the Fir st United Brethren Church of Methodist Centenary. They visited West ervill e, Ohio, occurred th e mar fri end in \Ve terville, Ohio, and riag e of E lmo Lingrell, '17, and Alta orth Manchest er, Indiana, before re N e! on , '17, and Harry P. Cook and Audrey N e lson, ' 19. Th e e rvice was turning to Dakota. r ad by th e Revere nd Doctor E. E . '11, '12. Mis es Gra ce and Edith Cob Burtner in the prese nc e of a large lentz of Galio n, Ohio, p ent their numb er of gue sts. Mr. and Mr . Lin va cation at Chautauqua, New York. grell left at once for Wall a Walla, '92. Dr. John H. Fra nci s, up erinten - \Va s hington. where Mr. Lingrell has de nt of sc hool s o f o lumbu s, Ohio, a position a s director of athletics in returned to hi s work th ere this fall the High School. Mr. and Mrs. Cook after a year' s ab se nce o n furlough , are living in W est erville. during whi ch tim e he wa s at th e head '19. H erman E. Michael of Dayton , of the national sc ho ol g a rd en mov e- Ohio, and Myrna M. Frank, ex-'19, men!. we r e married at the home of the bride '12. Miss Margare t Gav er of W ester- in Middl town , Ohio. Augu t 19. vill e spent July and Au g u t at Old Th ey will liv e in Tiro, Ohio, where Orchard, Main e. Mr. Michae l i superintendent of chool s and Mrs. Michael a teacher in '65, '71. Miss rilla a nd Ada Guitn er th e fourth grade. of Washington, D. C., visit ed r e lative a nd friend in Westerville and '1 5, '1 6. Home r B. Kline and orma Columbus, Ohio, during July. McC ally were married at the bride's '85, '92. Mr. and Mrs. F. A . Z . Kum hom e in Dayton. Ohio, on the 23rd of ler (Mattie Bender) of Dayton cele June and went at once to their new brjlted the twenty-fifth anniv rsary of home at Sil Rosedale Str. et, Pittstheir m~rriage last Saturday with a burgh, Pennsylvania.
_ _ -
TOILET ARTICLES fo r Ladies a n d Gentlemen.
CAMERAS and SUPPLIES Developing a n d Printing. STATIONE RY a good a ortn1ent Loose Leaf NOTE BOOKS
State St. and College Ave.
ii11111111111111m111m m11111111 111111111111 111111111
iI 5
•111 11111111111111 n Imn 11111111111111111111111,
2QO NEW REGISTRATIONS Numerous New Students Enter O tter bein-Many Ret urn After Y ear or M o re A bsence.
Page Five
Newell, Leonard, Loveland, Colo. ~I I II II I III I I I I III I III I I I I I I I I I I I II 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ Olson, H enry, ·Pittsburg. Powell, Robert, Westerville. Powe ll, Fred, Circleville. Pries t, Kenneth, Westerville. Ranck. Jos ep h, W este rville. Reed, Tom, W esterv ille. Roose, Arthur E., Pittsburgh, Pa. Rife, Harry, Co lumbu . Rife, Boyd. As hvill e: :::: Roberts, Floyd, Lisbon, Ia. Ruebu h, Jam e . Dayton, Va. Rupert, G lenn, Roanoke, Ind. ,_ Schoenberger, Walter, Upper San-
= =
T he following list of names was sec ured from Prof. N. E. Cornetet, Registrar. \Ve are pub li shing it be cause we be liev e you are interested to know the personne l of Ott erb e in this y ear. dusky. Schreck. Rob e rt, Galion. § RETURNED MEN chutz, John, Pando ra. Carl on , Be nj .. Tamna, Fla. S eneff, \Ves ley. vV esterville. ii,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ill I I I I I II II I I I I II Ill I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111111111111111111111 Coo k, Harry, Westervi~le. . Shan k, Daniel, Arcanum. Cri bbs, Vance, ew P h1lad e lph1a. Sh e id ler. Dewey, Old Fort. E ll iott, A. W .. Ga ll oway. Shupe. Fred , Dayton. .!.! IIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I II I II I I I II II I II II I I II I I I I I I 111111111111111111111111111111111 111111!!1 Falkenberg, Ray, W es tervill e . Shy. A lbe rt. Dove. Fausey, Wade, Gibsonburg. Studebaker, Ernest, Lewisburg. Grabill, Norris, W este:v,lle. Toy, J o hn . Rousevi lle, Pa. Gray, Gr o ve. Mon tpeh er. Idah?. T racht, Home r, W este rvill e. Harri s, Pau l Joseph, We terv1lle. Troop, Horace, Dayton. Hert Lyman, Canton. Troutman, A llen, Farmersville. Hill, ' Ross , Adrian , Mich . Va lentine, H enry. Stoutsville. Howe, Merrill, Custar. Warrick, Dwight. Howe, Ruskin, Cus ta r. W eaver. St. Pa ul , Torensburg, . Y. : Lea, Arch, Bucyrus. White, Laurence, Wes terville. Lincoln, Gordon, W e tervill e. vVhite, Jacob . W es tervi lle. Love, Raymond, Westervill e. Wihlborg, ils, Jam es town , Myers, Herbert, W estervi ll e. Wilson , Byron, W es te rvi lle. Nichols, Alb ert. Jame stown, N. Y. Winkle. Wendell, Mowrystown. Appelt, Ja mes, Man s field. U lrey, Evera rd , Galena. Peden, Roy, Johnstown, Pa. Recob, Francis, Westervill e. RETURNED WOMEN iii111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii Roach, Je sse, Columbus. Grinde 11. Ila. Westerville. Schutz, Walter, Pandora. :M iles, Carrie. vVesterville. Stauffer, William, Barberton . Peden, Mabel. W e terville. Stearns. Fenton. Sugar Grov e. Pa. §111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ Priest, Neva , We sterville. Stockslager, Ear l, W es t Alexandria. tofer. Mary. Belleville. Van Ma so n, Cha rl es , Montpelie r. Stofe r, Martha, Bellville. Wagon er, \,Vilbur. W es tervill e. Warrick, E lvin, Montpelier. Wenger, Robert. Rittman . NEW WOMEN Willet, Virgil. Hicksv ille. . Adams, Mildred . Westervill e. L et us se rve you w ith Toilet Ar ticles, T o o t h B ruhes, Pastes, Pow"\.\,indom, l n ·in Guy, Weste rville. Albert, J osephine. Dayton. Allen, Leota. alem. W. Va. d ers, Creams, T alcum, F ace Crea m s, Soaps, P erfumes, Stationery, N E W MEN Anderson. Helen. Elida. Purses, Candy, Cameras, Films, Medicines, Courteous Treatment. Arlam , D e ln o . \V e tervill e. Bale. Y!ar y , Ga! Pna. Anderson-. · ~- B., W~sten illc. Bam::-r. arvl'iln:-;- -5=,.,,..,""""..,..... · - ----. Be nedict. Beulah. \V estervi lle. The best in each line. Arnold, Dwight. Arcanum. Axline. Raymond. West e rv ille. Braley. Ge n eva , Wellston. _ : Bay Clifford. Westerville . • : Bruner. Eth e l. Arcanum. Bowman , Charles. Circleville. Ca llo way. Estella, 'Marysville. Bradrick, Thoma . Westerville. Carl on, Lillian. Tampa, Fla. : : Bradrick, John, \,Y es tervill e. Cave. 0 h la_. La 11 caster. . II I II I I I I I I I I II I II I I I I I I II I II I I I I I I II I II I I I I I I I I I I I II II I I I Ill I I II IIll I I II I I I I I II I I I II II II I I I I I I I Ill II llllii Breden , Ca lvin, Westerville. Chamberlain. Mary, Hunt111gton, 1 ================~ ==== === = = = ===== = Brown, Ray. Louisville. Ind. , Bue hl e r. Grether. Beaver. Cope lan d, Marjorie, Galion. }3. Confe r ence delegates. D octo r FulBurtner, heldon, Ca nal Win che ter Coy, Fern, Anderson, Ind. Daw on, Alice. Canton. to n, ~ho wa r e-elected Conferen_ce Cava nagh, E lvin , Tampa, Fla. Co hage n . . m os . 0 trander . D e lk. Letha. Greenville. Supermtcndent, s howed ch aractensCo le, Emory. Grafton, vV. Va. Demore t. Cat h erin e, W e te rville. ti c inte r es t by saying that he expected Collier, Lawrence . vVeste rvill e. Ewry. Lu cile, Dayto n . to vi · it Otterbein in October and Conway. Homer, \Ve tervi lle . Finley, Thelma, Westerville. · 1 · F oster, Beatrice, McKee port. Pa . W I 1ed_ e pec,ally to meet th e PennCoon, Wilbur. \ e terville. Crabb . Burnett. Fremont. Frazie r, Margare t, \V estervill e . ylva111a s tudent en r olled here. Cutler, Torrence. Punxsutawny, P a. Freese, Galdys, Brookville. It i intere ti ng to know that quite Dew, Robert. \,Ve terville. George. Loi . Okeana. Tryon, :.\fary, Man field. a rrumber of Otterbein Alumni and Ehrhart. Russell. vVarren, Pa. Gould. Margu erite. \Ve stervi lle. Vance, Mary, Greenville. d · · Van Gundy, Gladys, Lancaster. H e . E li zabeth. Lititz , Pa. ex_-stu en_ts received appomtments at Ertzinge r. Earl, Huntington , Ind. Ewing. D e, ey, C levelan d. Hill. Grac e. Cranesvi ll e, Pa. \ \Tare, Thelma, alein, W. Va. th, sess ion of Allegeheny Confe r-Frankli n. Ray , Fostoria. \ Vate r s, Lera. Grafton , W. Va. Hopp, Ruth, Kirklin, Ind. ence. They a r e a s follow : Frea . Phi lip. P unx utawn ey, Pa. Horne. Louise. Dayton. Waxbom, Alice, W~sterville. Alumn i Garrison. Jame . Tampa, Fla. Hughe . Lois. ew Pari . \V eaver, Mrs. Altce, Frewsburg, A lt oona, First-R. Penick. George, John , Hoytville. James, Ruth, \,Ve t ervill c. N. y_ Altoona, econd-E. B. Learish. Gettig, Wilbur, Braddock. Pa. Johnson. Edna. L ee burg. \Vhisl e r, Marjora, Dayton. Gehres, Robert, Circleville. Jones, Ellen, \Veste rville. \Vilh elm, Ella, Beach City. H o l opple-J. D. Good. Gilp n, Harold, Decatur, Ill. Tudv. Evelvn, Germantown. Williamson. Blanche, Dayton. J ohns town , First-E. C. Weaver. Gilpen, Hubert, Decatur, Ind. Knipe, Nellie, Petroleum, Ind. Winebrenner, Alice, Huntington, Johnstown, Barron ve.-C. W. Goodrich . Richard pokane, Wash. Lambert, Pauline, We terville. Ind. Hendrick. Go_rdon , Lester, Huntington, Ind. Lanca ter, Mary, Parkersburg, W . Winterhalter, Margaret, Dayton . Griffith. Reese, W este rvill e. J o hn stown , Southmont-]. I. L. Va. Wolfe. Virginia, Elkins, V.7• Va. Hancoc½, Dean. Philip burg, Pa. Lawrence. Velma, ew Madi on. Yanney, Bonnibel, Bryan. Re sler. Hanks, Zena . Conneautville Pa. L eatherman , LaVaughn , N. BaltiMt. Plea ant-T. C. Harper. Harris, Daniel Alfred, We terville. more. PROFESSOR WEST SPEAKS S ewickley-A. C. VanSaun. Harri , John. \ esterville. Loomis, Mae. Dayton. Heitz, Geo. (ansfield. Mayne, Aline, 0 born e. Ex-Students. Horlacher. :Maurice, Dayton. McConaughv. Rhea. Dayton. Allegheny Conference Hears Address Bellefonte-G. E. mith. Jack on, Jam es. Jan e Lew,\ . Va. :McDonald, E ther. Springfield. Dunlo-E. P. Kratzer. By Prof. J. P . West on Otterbein Johnson. Leo. :\.IcClure. McLeod , Glady , We terville. McKeesport, Shumaker Memorial Keim, Owen, Old Fort. Mever . Mary E.. J ohn town, Pa . -Alumnae Are Represented. Lamb, Lawrence, Warren, Pa. :.\Iiddlekau ff, El ie, Fairplay, Md. £ . A. Sharp. Lerew. ha .. H e r hey, Pa. ~files. Hazel. \,Ve te rville. Prof. J . P. W e t r e turn ed Friday Portage-B. F. Bungard. Loomis, Elmer, Dayton. Minton, Catherine, Jone ville, Va. from Tyronne, Penn ylvania, where Youngwood-]. L. \ Vatson. Mayne, J o hn , \Ve terville. Pa tte rson, Mari e, Bucyru . th e Allegheny Ann ual Conference wa McEntire. Frank. Geneva, Pa. P icker ing. Mildred, Lanca ter. in e ion. P rofe or We t de li ver S ubscribe for Tan and Cardinal Now. Miller, Hom e r. Mansfield. Richard, Frieda. Peru, Ind. Mile , Perry, Westerville. ome r . Ruby. Brookville. ed an addre aturday even ing in the Pay Mary Tinstman, C ir. Mgr. Miller, Powell, Mendon. tee ly, Ruth. tout ville. intere t of Otterbein. He report un Myer , Erne~t, Attica. Taylor, Virginia, Elkins, W. Va. Get Wesleyan. usual enthu iasm on the part of the ewe II, Thoma ·, Loveland, Colo. Thompson , Edythe, Smithton, Pa.
= 33 State St .,
= = = = = A Good Place to Eat-Lunch at All Hours. = = = All Dopes and Sodas ------································ 1lc = = = Sc = = = = = We Use Telling's Ice Cream -=
= =
Students Welcome
= =
DR. KEEFER, The Druggist
37 N. State St. Shop closed at 8 o'clock except Saturday.
= = = = = =
.T fl E TAN AND c ·A RD I NA L
Page Sbc
Otterbein Students Are Our Custo111ers We cater to their wan ts and are pleased at all times to give them the best p ossible service. and our store is yours for mutual benefit.
Come in, be at home and let us serve you
Get Them While We Have Them
Your Gym Suit and Shoes are Ready. .
r, '
COAT SWEATERS Ladie' Phoenix Silk Hoes
' ·,
:\l ost econo mi cal ga rm ent yo u
Loads of New Ties
can bu y a n cl mos t pop ul a r.
Just received. You will be surprised at our 50c and 7Sc values . Prices range .... .................. 50c to $2.50
Co ll e!:te Co l r L,
!\ o t aseme a nd B lack Cat in silk li sle. .:\ Je n 's 'i lk __ 6 Oc to $ 1.50
$1 0 to $13 50 .:\L e n '· L isle •
2 5c to 50c
Franklin, ce nt e r, is o u t w ith a bro k e n in g t o k eep apace with her in creased co ll a r b o n e . Powe ll a nd S hr ec k a r e fa mil y . Mi ss J ess ie Ma y Brown, A. B., o ut o n a,cco unt o f s p r ain e d a nkle s. \ Ve re pre e nt m o r e Direc t o r of t he .'\ r t D e partm e n t has tat e than retu rn ed af ter a lea ve of abse n ce. E D oro thy S traw and Arr y C u r ry o f o m e fo lk s co uld co unt , and predict a t o n , 0 . w e r e th e wee k -e nd g u es t 111 a 11 y a 111·,n a t e d argum e nt in the LOCALS of Ad ri a May hu g h . M iss S traw, a n-.:x t f cw mon th . S u c h a ru s h as we Tl cl . ept m b er 12 forme r Coc h ran Ha ll g ir l is attend in g I1a,·e fo r t he se win g ,·o om! Why? 1 0 11 1urs ay n1g1t D. E A J ' . . · 0. S. . t h is fall. 01 , di . . .I oC nesl gabve al patrio t ic ad1, we r e ma k in g d aint y curtain s and ress at t 1e o um u s )a rr ac k Fore t Jacobs of Find lay, 0. wa s in fi lmy d r ap \\"ou ld n ' t y u like to · vV t Tom Brown of t he class of 19 18 eS ervi ll e for a few h o ur s Friday · i:e u s t u c hing up pe nn an t s a nd
Miss Brown Returns.
VARSITY BEATS SECONDS Coach Watt s I s Well Pleased With First P r actic e Game of Sea son. · On last atu r day th er e was a cr immage game between t he fir t . and . . . second teams and 1t was an exh1b1t1on of r eal foo t ba ll. Of co ur e the fir t
Our time
team won but they had to fight for every inch they made. They were held for downs three time in fift ee n minult's. This shows that ther is some goo d material on the secon ds. Now Jet us hope they ~lay out and give the· regulars some good scr im mage from time to time. T hi s practi ce gamc'proved that all the men out arc badly in need of endurance ancl thi~ wil l come a~ a _result of consta nt tra1111n g and caretul diet. Also 1t must be r emembered that ,· aturday was a mighty h o t day. Each day this coming week we ma y expect to se :111 improvc- mcnt and ne.· t week Otter· ·I b em wil beat \Veslcyan. Doctor Sna vely O ffe rs Course . Among other in tere ting improve me n t. and additions in the cour e of stu dy at Otterbe in. is the B u ines Co ur se of w h ic h Doctor nave ly has charge. Thi s w ill be a eneral stu dy o f th e di ffe re nt fo rm o f bu in ess o r g a nizati o n, bu sin ess a dmin is tration an d th e methods of opening up n ew m ark ets. T here ha a lway been a n eed fo r such a cou rse, which prom ises now t o be intere t ing and profi t a ble.
spent seve ra l days w it h \ i\Te s terv ille e \' ~ning. "J ake" is a former Otter- I hangill g pictu r e • and-well, j u s t ar th friends at the opening of school. Tom b e in Slud c nt. ran g-ing e prettic t r oo ms yo u ever has spent tlP larger part of the sum Lyle 11ichacl, class of ' 19, spe nt th e saw? .\r e we bu sy? \Ve il I hou ld nd th mer with Fred and Grove Gray at week-end with Otterbein friend:-. ! ay! .\ e happiest girls in the th ei ,· home in ).[ ontpelier, Idaho. I "Mike" is taking post-graduate work· " ·o i-ld! "Duke" Halderman at Club-" I am at 0. S. L·. I '·Dry tatistics", did you say? Not \\' arrcn -''l oore of · Cana l \\'in chester thl' Cochran Il all kind . Of the 94 ta k.111g pub li c speaking and :inging lesson .'' took Thur 5 day afternoon from his girls regi!>ten·d ➔ I a1·e o ld and 52 n ew; Drnnis Branr....:..."Thcn let u s h P work at o. S . L'. to look OYer Otter- thl'n' a r c 12 Seniors, 24 Junio r, 11 that ,,,1·11 "les son ., y ur s .111 g111g. . ., bein. Sophomore.. 35 Freshmen, the rest in __________ othe r dt>partments o r 11 t su1·e of thei r . On ua d ay th e 31 t of .1\ug u t, D o Coch ran H all. standing. \,\' e r epresent eig h t tate 68 from Ohio. nine fr om Vlfest tor Jon es pr eac hed the annual ermon irat ti B A · I B I Bunip! Bang-! Ther e goes the ,e urgess ve. nitec ret 1 ren g in ia . _sev_e n from Pennsy lva nia, s ix Church whe r e tiie R everen cl 'f " r. trunk s up sta ir , and her e co 111es tl1at f rom I11cl1ana. one eac h fr 111 M ichi\\'hite is tl1e p a t or. j o ll y, no isy I un c h o f girls a -~ 1r, ,·11. gan, F lorida. Vir ignia a nd Wi sconsi n. Beatrice Fishe r of Rittman, O., The,·e ·ire so many th at SOITit' of the And names ! "Mary" h ea d the Ii t was the gue , t of He len Ke ll er last I rooms are tret c hing to accommodate with se ,·e n; then co m es four eac h of week. · .. Bee" w ill atte n d Dana's I th r~e. at1 d n e w dre ser an d bed and Edi t h. G lady , He le n and Loi s; th ere Musical Instit u te a t \ Varr en, O . this j cha ir s a r e fi n cl in g t h e ir way t o t he are three ac h o f Marj o rie R uth o m e o f 11s liad A 11·ce . E•vey I n an d M ildred ; ' two of' D rm every day. Year. t o s leep o n comfo rt unti l n e w m at- Edna, M artha, Virg inia, M argaret, K nne t h A rn o ld. a fo r me r m em be r tr esses s h o uld a rri v e, and th e oth e r E th e l, L illian, May. Jo e p hi ne, Esther of th e class o f 1920, pent the w ek ni g ht two girl s ev e n sha r ed tl1 e s am e an cl V e Ima. T l11· s I aves 36 names nd in Wes tervi lle. Mr. Arn o ld go es pillow! You shou ld see u s in the without d u p lica t e s. to arn egie T ech to tak e further d ining room! We sq u eeze in t we lve . It was jo ll y to g e t toge th e r Sunday work in engine e ring. at a tab le, and ke ep th e coo k b u sy n ig ht fo r lun c h in o ur room s. Pros We have alrea dy noticed a few cas fin d in g no ug h fo r u s t o eat. Dea n ~ec t s ind icat e as m u c h Sunday even ua lties among the foo tb a ll men . M cFad d en is t he b u sie st of a ll, try- mg cocoa and fun a s ever.