nu au
VOL. 3.
No. 3.
SECOND TEAM I R~JPONSE Is ENCOURAGING I Y. w. c . A. s~cRETARY TALKS lsoPHOMORES · WINS GAME Alumni Send in Subscriptions to Tan , M ::;s Klent Urges Students to Send I . GAIN VICTQRY
I \ and Ca?:-dinal at rate of Six Delq!n!es to Internat:onal Conto Ten Daily. vention of Students. Freshmen F;nally D efeated by Soph o Season's First Victory When Deaf more 's After H ard Fought Con Mute s Are Defeated by ~liss Mary Tinstman, circulation Miss Frieda Kl enk, s tu dent Y. 'vV. test, on Scrap Day. Second Team, 14 to 8. manager of this paper, reports that C. A. ecr etary, again v isited Otter the alumni have re ponded in a most bein the latter part of la t w e.!k. SCRUBS SH O W ABILITY co mmendable way to the si x hund re d Mi ss Klenk says that she feel s she is TUG-OF-WAR IS HARD FI GHT le tt ers sent out soliciting sub scrip- w ell a cq uainted with Otterbein fo lk s, Forward Passes and Long End Runs tion to the Tan and Cardina l. On and that a visit he re, m ea ns a Yisil Facult y , Student Bod y and Towns peop le Turn Out to See ClaEs Feature in Game-Otterbein the fir t day that return ma il came in with o ld friends . ertain it is, that Sup remacy Decided. Successful in Line Plunging. there were ten paid subscription and those of u who made her acquainln a hard fought game Saturday, since that time of ten days ago they tance last year, loo k fo rward with Freshie Rah! Soph Rah! Rah! the Otterbein second tea m distin- have come at the rate of six to eight pleasure to her visits now. Rah! for everybody and everything! gui h ed th e mse lves by a victory over and even ten daily. Although a great Her ch ief purpose in coming at People co:ning, pe op le going-run the Deaf Mutes from Columbu by a many alumni have already sent in thi s time, was to present to the stu- n :ng here , runn:ng th e re-the "hurly core of 14 to 8. th e ir dollar and a half for th e y ear, dent body the big International on- burly·• and a regular mob. Long end runs and succe ·sful pa s there ar e qu ite a numb e r to be heard vention of Student which will me:!t That o- i,·e only a fa.int idea of the iug were the features of the game. - from yet. in Decembe r at Des Moin es. John appe,irance of the Ath le tic Field la t Fi her and Brown s tarred for the Wi th every st udent a 11d faculty R. Mott wi ll be at the head of this Wedne day mornin o- when•the Soph '·D ummi es'', their end runs bringing member a s ub sc rib e r and with a large gathering. which will consist of Fresh Scrap Day opened. A li tt!e numb e r of alumni in addition it i ccr- se Yen or e1g · t1t t h ousan d d e 1egatcs; most of their gains. tain that th is year's mailing list wi ll d I·t · t · t I ti b' r---------------~ Otterbein's back field worked csan ts ce r am 0 Je ie igg~<;t exceed that of any former year. · t· I 1 pecially well. Cut le r at left half eve nt 111 t 11s sc 100 yeor. s ho wed real footba ll ability hi lin e ·~\ few loca l subs cription . arc not After ome preliminary conferpaid up to date but th ey wi ll be col'[ . Kl k d l . ' plunging and runs on forward passe s . cnc e , .v 1ss en pre ente t 1e I lected 111 the near future . · · . . . netting large gain for the "scrubs" matter at chapel on Fnday mornm ·{, l . d 1,· : Alum111, you have not mailed the ,., .. ery fo:-c fu l way, . tterbcin , .. , r r 1 1 . a q-ua tc • Paye usual 6lank, properly filled in together with · · · con 1stent game. His work in pass. f h 1s entitled to send three, or po s1bly . t 11e price or t e year, do so at once. f 111g wa especia ll y noticeable. Han_ ________ our, student delegates and one cock, right-half, to re through the y W C A G. T . Faculty representative. repr -!- L-~.::::::~!:E.=<.:a£::i~~a!.:!:;e!!~....:...-.;;.:..._J "D umm 1.es ,, 1.me agam . an d aga 111 . , an d , . . . . tr 1sT . ake a Umque sen t a t·1ve s t u d en t com1n1'tt"' r-e on in the third quarter by running back np to Eaglesmere". "'vVays and Means'' will be appointed past ten o·c lock arrangements wc-e 1 an intercepted forward pass he made' Tuesday night was the tir.ie and 0011; and with every st ud ent back- fi nally completed and e,·erything was th e longe t run of the game. Loomis, th e c hapel the ce.ie of a Yery uni 1 1ue ino- the propo 1t10n, we are sure of in read in e s for the fir t e,·ent, th e r ela y race. at fu ll back also did much to we ll Y. \V. C. A. meeting of which the ending a full de legation. the home te,am's sco re. ubject wa "Eaglesmere.·1 The Mignery and Ranck are Captain<;. Co llier, rig h t end, played excell ent- seven girl who were privileged to Girls Have Relay Race. Captain Mignery marshalled th e ly. He lost his head on one occa ion, attei1 d th e laS t Eagle mere conferThe girls, too. had to decide Who's- force of the Sophom or e , while however, and slugged Fisher, which ence in June, acted out four shoi't \Vh o so decided the question by a r eaptain Ranck comma nd ed the put him out of th e game. ketches, which viv idly portrayed th e lay race. Onlookers found the run Freshman runner . The distance was Ook alld Tl·ot1tn1a11 were botl1 ·111- th rill a nd in piration which eve r yo n e exc1t 111 g. · Th e F re I1111a11 g ·ir 1 provecI -9 00 yar ds , a goo di Y s t re t c h f o r m e n at Eagl mere. The t h e1r · mett 1e b y wmnmg · · · t ram111g, · · b u t t h e parttc1pa · · r. ,s J·ured o IJadly tl1 cy were 1·et1'red to expe ri ences over t h e no t 111 Eagle mere o-irl were: Edit h Bing- S op h omore , am1'd I1outs o f encour- d'd · . the l·de -li·,1 e. 1 we II . E xc1tement ran l11gh along ham, Josephin e Foor, Helen Keller, agement from th eir re pectivc clas c . the ide lin e . As the racer sr,cc! Line-up. M arve l Sebert, Gladys Howard, The participants were: Fre shmen- up and down the fie ld the on looker5 O tterbein Deaf Mutes Esther Harley and Edna Hooper. · C ope land, Alice Mayne, (C ontm · ued on page fiv e.) J'IIarJOrie Cook C. Schrieniff The fir t cene tep re ented the hi- A lice 'vVe inbrenner, \Vra y Richardson. Hitt L. G. ut ton lariou trip up the mountain in the ophomore -A lice Hunter, J o ephine A. R. Shaw Visits Otterbe:n Troutnian R. G. Neff littl e narrow gauge railway coach. Alber.t, Mildred hull, La Vaugh Conway L. T. Terry \ Vith the aid of the very trong im- Leatherman. In Interest of I. P. A. Adam R. T. Bui t agination of t he audience each scene On Thur day. Prof. A. R. haw. of Freeze L. E. Fis h er appc.ared real to them. h icago, wa with u in the intere "t Y. M. C. A . Raise Funds. R. E. Stettler Co llier ?\ext occurred a night cene in of the Inter- o ll eg:ate Proh ibiti on Monday morning the prout Q. B. Brown the Raymond Hote l, when li ghts A ociation . He gave u a very in period wa turned over to the Y. · Hancock L.H. Ho singer wer e uppo ed to be out and the te re tin g and enthu - ia tic talk in . A. The ob ject of the me e ting wa Cutter R. H. H ill corridor quiet. .\ sma ll ene1·getic chapel. During th e day he met and Loomi F. B. Hubay bell -hop appeared, clangin g his !:\,ell to raise the annual budget of $600 . talked with severa l of the fellows. Profe s or chear opened with ap Touchdown : Loomis I, Co lli er 1, and making vigorou attempt at propriate remark , then ca ll ed for After Y. ).,f. C. A. Thur. day night an tottle 1. Goal from touc hdown : qu ie ting the hall . s ub scription . Within twenty min organization wa completed in which Collier 2. ub titutions-: Otterbein, The third was an Eagle mere Lake ute the amou10t wa over ub cribed. L. A. Hert wa e lected president, J. R. Yan 11a on for Troutman, Schreck for cene. canoe wayed idly in the Love, vice president: J . L. Appelt, Fr cze, Rife for Hitt, Freeze for oi- waves on the chape l platform whi le in piration of Eagle mere wa re secretary, and A. \V. E lliott, trea urer. lier, Hitt for Rife, avanaugh the me rry occupant ·chattered and ceived. Helen Keller, taking the Quite a few fe ll ow igned blank for Cook. Referee-\ Vatts. a ng th eir old Otterbein song , which part of Mi s Thoburn, who was Co n memb er in the I. P. A . .T h ur day echoed back and forth on the quiet ference leader, led the en- ice. The night. The purpo e of the organ iza F red hupe-"I'm a elf-made evening waters. meeting clo ed with ilent prayer and ti o n i to help in every way po ible man." The fou rt h and la t repre ented a a chord from the piano after the to defeat th e wets in t h e coming No Cha rli e Fox-"You quit work too ch apel ervice in · th e large, open-air fa hion of the Eagle mere chapel vember e lect :on and to prom ulgate soon." t he prohibition intere ts in general. auditorium, where the r eal thrill and se r vice .
rage T·wo
I PHILALETHEA ENTERTAINS . LOCALS liot t Speaks at Y . M. · · . -~ ' One Hundred and Twenty Girls E,1.T_a a c n1er e v, ar , ·· th I " . d of Bo 1ing - -Old MAen Our .. Y"And meeGives t in gs co nt inu e Advice·· Mrs. Hanby Jone s_ o pens Home to joy Unique Program at Helen Grten, O ., pent t J e we ek - end ~,, · to grow Members and Alumnae of Keller's Home. vV cs terville fri e nds. 1 · in inter es t and atten an · ., r ·d M Hanby H e d ce Tho<Sd,y Cleio,h«oa. On Wednesday m nin g th e new Pcof. and M<S. S ch m. M<S. ,Selli• . ht '1 EIEott s po ke o " I" On last F,id,y night, ' "· hom e of Helen Ke llee on West o m e '-oble nml stndmts ol ,c,cnc ' Brother." . I ·1d \ Street, was the scene off a de li ghtful l and o tl er interested in th euuuSual d a nig ' · J ones opened h er lovtly ho me on (la , po kc of th e mflnrnce Bm,dway stceet to th e mem " ' •• ... puty, th e , n nn,l gat h «i ng of Phil,. pecimen M,. E ll iott lonnd thm co m pcise 1 nd th il y txerting ove r thod Oe alumn ae of Cleiorhetea, .!i, = leth eans in honor of the new gir· b . . party wh ich went t o Fulton Satur a we wer e hoot The f a· 1 · d .,,d how we o ogh< to goe ts, th e1 new g" s ,n sc · About ooe hondced wd twenty g,. s day aftern oo n. Th e ho"" o aroun u · t fo r . 11 r · g ro o m and sun · I · 1 / · 1 d two b , to mak e o ne 1.m co nn cm pl>on '" , ,,-n . , wm pcesent to en Joy t " nn,q., , , mammoth whi ch wee, nnoatt ,c 11 ga ve u s some examp 11 les f 1mos 0the o ur est • kHe parlor were taste fully deco ra ted ~ vit n en tertainm ent which had been p lan week ago at th a t place a1·e now on d d h d d !"ghts fhe · · h 1 d- fa ll flower an s a e d 1 b · Ed·t . h ned by the comm ittee m c arg ~. e x 1. ).1t.1on . 1 10w a 1· d word. a hearty an k fri endly s lap on the back " guests wm welcome Y - ' Altec mml elem tnnt had be,n . .ff d f Mid· 11 1 s 1a e. ah 11 means of creating deep Bin a ham Mr . E. M. Hu rs h, Mrs. pulled off in which everyone pa rti ci- ) Mr. and Mr . Ca rl G1 orl o ents 1 been · d "' inger ' Mrs. H an I)y Jo 1e ' Mrs· pated a short program was g iven . d i e,'c w 11 , O ·, are ,· isitin g t .e parJes se 1 lr Elliott a l o1 a dvise li pp . d tI .e 1 ' Mr s · F ay ' Byers played a piano fnen s . tp · o ur se·lves up wit · 1 a 11 the Burtner Mrs. ' E_ar I e H 0 pk·n · f t h e fo r 11 er , Mr · a nd Mrs so lo. I G"tf Ch 1 . u to me 1) ' M. H cl . • organiza ti ons aTound sc hoo · ch ea r Mrs. M cCloy, iss ana- H e len Kelle r ga ve an ente rtain ing O o r · 1 rt t1an · , ' h 0 tood in . . p .. ne I d Tl m eet: ng was then thr ow n open wait and Mr • Altman. w read ing and :'.\Tell1e Mile sang two The M i se Helen and au.t ed the cmi,i;;g line.h an "qu,,, e , few of th e m,,,k expce . d t eatt were as- 1"""i · ite · o" g with bee · nsnal M kill L I Da;,ghecty who ' " ' cect;; tl·1y1 mo,·ed Pa thei, ,p,eciatio" of the "' ' As soo;; • · t ' gnes . and beaohfnl tone colo nn g. , . . to Col"mh s from A,Hm c, ' ·• me;;t ','hey bad cmi,ed ,nd of the sembled, the following . delightful A. Wei;;la nd, • n ''"mn, of Pb,1,. spe,,t mcc, I days the past week 0 fri,,.dly spicit that pcmils h m . p,ogcam was g i, en, _P"" solo, lethe,, gm a n in tem ting ta lk i, . w it h fri,,,d of 11·, tmill e H«·
i-iazel Denhoff; reading, arr te which he to ld omethi ng of the his- ' Daugherty Miles; , ocal solo, Adci,_ Mayhugh ; tocy and the standacd of thi the pa to,.
coll ege
explaining the lawa I p1arod~ 1-1t~berD spet nt the \\·eek-end .\ professor was S .d he "vVhen ti rs. ar~:a~:~k~~h~r:1\o:\o~~~k~r1~?• . M E I ~ tst~rtin: ociety to be orga niz ed :n t R~mey I I of compensation. at . ' - a lway Hanawalt; Yiolin group, r · ar Delicious refre hment planned i11) a its ome ay on .. . 11 · 1d hi hearing t I I f D t J O' 1 111 pmo" " '" , Hopki,,s. the colo" o f Phil, ethea, cose and Mc . H. L. \\ eight o ,,. o, · · moce ,_,,joyed by wm all ; wfhitite, efi·:ening. tting ly dima,ed lhe "'"" II spent unday w ith her _on Robert: · a \\' cst--e ofte cl "' membec Hopkins numbers 1 t 111s n t ,wticed I Ewy I '·F • t at• .facnte." man ha J'vone s I1or 1~• noltn Her 0 1 leg the I an iv,rs. . . e .\11 Elliot spent the week-enc a , ,. , ,, we especi,lly c mmmg. .; The he"se w, bca"til"lly deco- home in Ga ll oway otbec is ,iw,ys longec. I "i"g pmo,,,lity and m,n·dons sk,I, cated with , P<olnsio" of , tee, ' "" D. I B B•· iate editor 111 tl1e , ,·10 11·n took the girl by .. • . . 1. . . . . ane , as oc . · h Cl b "I hear 1 1 1 that ~ o ccis ll is "mdmg gas stocm, .,,d she cc ponded ag,rn Wethe tmille. Hmd at Gcabi B>s op - . w, · "' d coloci " " "ng. " n-y '" ' spl,,,d,d '"1""'n 'I of ··Tele cope· pe,,t Sunday '"
I. I
meter ." .. , again to encoc · · Th, p,ny alw,y one of 1, A l El liott. C hief J e tc r-_Thatr~ r\t the close of_t~e form~! prog~aml , the pret ti e t and most en joyable Dr. Shupe edito r of th e ' \\ -~~y: , "icc job. f soppose he "" mete , <he goes! pa,t,c,pated m • · lott ' I oci,I c,•,nts of the yea ,, P<o.ed .,.,,, wo,d" motoced thcongh from in " th e cellar. cu lmin ated cha 111 thcle preHerb" 1leyers te 11 Us that he's I contest ei1rationwhich , of some clever rade • cl m or e ent erta inin g than former one . . ton with a party of frien d .
bl growing cc for our e1 ve 1·11 a few a mou tache. \V e' ll all be a e to weeks. tu b wittici m)(Ano th fer I Bi hop P r acher ?" "Is vo ur at 1er a ot tiy more.'" . '·\Vl1at' he doing now, making a
. t Y two course buffe t unc 1 a d a111 The dinin g room wa opene l,· an! llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllg se r ved to about one hun~red ant1 : si··xty gue t . Table deco rati onsJ conI isted of Op h elia_ ro e and a o,·e Y j § ilv er coffe e ernce. ,: ,-\ t a late hour, th e gue ts de_p ar ted . 1 :: with ma ny exp r ess ion of delight t_o
living?'" -------=:--A Cochran Hall Tragedy.
Mrs. J ones and
A student of o ld Otterbein Lay dying in Cochran Ha ll ; :\n d a her breath came h ort and fa · he uttered low a call.
For Den
·1eiorh('tea for their ,1§
Tell her I'm canning· poet ry Within th e golden ga te. Tc11 her th a t l'n1 tr ul y hoping,
§ I§
Si ll y a it oft n eem ' O h Dean ;,f cFadden ! ome t me I' ll find some ne here who kn~w ., nd bathe my fevered brow. For though I've been a dreadftll ca ·e How to sca n "Jackdaw of Rhetm : ~ly repo se wou ld not be peaceful, You mu t forgive me now. It wou ld lack weet harmo ny, And as I 'm growing ve ry weak , If no mu s ic oft were ch anted Oh p lea e to me draw n ea r ; The word I am ab~ut to ~pea k Tel ).Ii ssso Brown to G. pa int my P?rtra1t, By lProfe r G. G. . -== I'm anxiou . you shall hear.
n1e new !-Iallowe en ticker_ are in. t 1. cl l ])} o, .au umn nn , an 1err oad ea wi ona good Ia·rgena1)hipmen t onotthe ll be '-" abunda nce of time for the re,...-ular holiday :::
I've a m e age T will give Y?U, For the e many friends of m 1~1e. Who he lped to hap~ my de s tiny 1n dea r old tterbem.
event • t· 11 atch fo r them. l 1. e l 1ave caleb<lula , a ter , nape ragon in fyar d.J hy anthemum \ ill be in latter
. t o f all ee Dr. ander F 1rs , b' T ell him that no more I 11 . e, Happily gazing ? ut th e window, Dreaming in l'htl sophy. Take to Dr. J one my Bible, how to him it covers w~rn, T urn to J o ·hua and to Dame!, how him ther e it page torn . Have M rs. Ob ie, prcciou fri e nd, To make a hroud for me. And hem it with the late t hem A neat as neat can b . If Dr. herri ck then you About fifteen till e ight,
And hang to it 011 wall, , A a to t ribute th ethe memory f my work in Lambert Hall.
There' ln tho se anoth dear eor,ld noto llat egeacher, clays,
With whom f ' "" ' ' c,mpn t<y In lleve ry minute Te him that to phase. the bridge again
With him I ne'« shall stcoll, Nor root m at Delaware When he for ha hikicked the goa l.
: -
Tell him not to grow despondent
;'.'h ·:: :::'roi1;'gi;; f:';, , nty, Waiting yet in Cochran Hall. Tell t thit'e re t l ' Im soon growing weary, Th clear wi ll be, the ,,,sw« to life's pmblems 1Iay be written " QED · . · ·" ,
--Lillie Water , ZO.
part O wee C If you have a pecial color Y U wi h let me kno twenty-fo ur hour in • ad\ ance O a to ~et the ha<le <le ired . h1te pink and ellow predominate and the tock 0 ·ood.
... ::
Everything in office, <len an<l home lin e
: :-
§ ==== : ==== : =:= _
111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1tllllllllltll lll lllllllllll ll ll lllll ll ll lll
Pub lished Weekly in the interest of Otte rb ein by th e OTTERBE JN PUBLISH! G BOARD W e stl:!rvi ll e. O hi o M ember of the O hio College Press Association
Pag e T hr ee
Conspicuous By Abs~nce. M uch has been sa id reguding the use of tobacco and the effect that 31 W . College Ave. army life had upon men who prev i Westerville, Ohio o us to th eir induction into service did not u e it in any form . Many were B ell P hone 190 Citizen Phone 110 disc ha rged as cigarette fiends and many more became frequent u ers of the "we e d" in one form or another. We can not refute these tatemcnts fo r they are true in ome places. But we know condition at Otte rb ein and here such is not the case. Of course these ar e some who use tobacco but they are s ur prisingly in the minority thi s school yea r.
C. W. Stoughton, M. D.
G. W . Henderson, M. D.
STAFF Editor-in-Chief .. Ramey H . Huber, ' 20 Hours by Appointment A ssistant Editor ·········· L. E. Pace, ' 21 Con tributing EditorsEs th er Harley, '21 Corner State Plum Sts. Edith Bingham , '20 Busine ss Manager .. Carl L . Smith, '20 A sistant B usine s ManagerG. H. Mayhugh, M. D. C. C. Conley, '22 Severa l new st ud e nts who have Circulation Mgr. .. Mary Tins tman, '20 East College Ave. Assistant Cir culati o n Managercome fr o:n o th er Ohio co lleges and Phones Marvel Sebert, '21 also from ot her United Breth ren in Local Editor·············· H aze l Payne, ' 21 stit uti on s have commented to us on Citizen 26 Bell 84-R Alumna! Editor .. P r of. k. Guitner, '97 . Exc hang e Editor. Mary Ballenger, '20 the ab enc e of the cigarette on the Literary Editor, J. Gordon H owa rd.'22 1st ree t and in stud e nt rooms. One Address all comm uni cations to Th e .11an purpo sed ly watched for ten day Otte rb e in Tan and ard ina l, 20 \V. and did not see a single student with SPECIAL ~fain St.. \/1/e terville. Ohio. a c igarette anywhere about WesterSub criptio n P ri ce, $ I.SO Per Year, ville. On the fo urth day of the in A fi ne, fr es h line of Box Paper, Tabpayab le in advance. ves t igation so m eo ne was seen sm okE nt e red as second cla s matter ing o n th e foo t ba ll field but on inquiry lets a nd E nv elopes jus t in with a full Septem ber 25. 1917, at the postoffice he was fo und to be an a lu mn us. at "v,' esterv1· 11e ' O ., tii1d er act of • This • s ituation • • f or t I1e speaks well :March 3, 1879. , · f .. . 1 cla ss of men at Otterbein this year. !in:: of Toilet Articles at .A. cceptance or ma1 1lllg at pecia1I I • f rat e o f postage provided for in ec. mproper language I not .o ten 1 1103, Act o f Oct. 3, 19 17, authorized heard. In fact the type of men 1s ex DR. KEEFER'S April 7, 1919. cee dingly high. W ith no refl ect ion o n tho e of past year we wish to say j tha t Otterbein student life is making E DITORIAL · 1 a forward step. It is prepo te rou to RHODES&SONS "To be commended by t hose who pres um e that th e pre ent_ students are might blame without fear gives great :no ll ycodd les to o. Let 1t be under The College Avenue plea , ur e."-Agesilaus. s to o d that th e cigare tte i not in4i cat;ve o f trong character.
The Best Place to Buy
Stationery, Rook, Checkers, Flinch, Fountain Pens, C a r d s, Pencils, K o d a k Albums, Kodak Supplies,
"O ne foolish act may undo a rnan I • d M . . ., nJure en. and a timel y o ne m ake hi s fortune. b • f b h be ex-Gae li c. I 0 ~te r e m oot a 11 m en av e . I ::ept1on ally un fo rtunat e o far th1 1)'.ear in th e numb er o f injurie uf1 Valleys and Hills. , fered. Of co u rse th e early part of Doctor Charle s na ve ly a fter . ea<:I . . . 1the sea on, before the men hav e hardm g an appropriate scripture les r,0!1 1 ~ne d up , 1s • a 1way a b a d t·nn e f o r • made ome co mment on the valk ys · pra1ns . an d b ru1· es, so pro b a bl y t l1e and .hil ls of wish here to I worst 1s · · · ur• pas t . Th ose s u ff er111g . lifelogy · Wea little . further. 111J con • " t1uue hi s ana . . :e o f ar are R oger ( F a t) p owe II , Al I he be t view I always .from th~ EIJ:ott. J. L. Oppelt, Herb :Meye rs and top of th e hill, and the hi g her tJ, e L. Barnhardt. hill o r mountain the fa_rther an,! liner the \·iew. It is the difficulty , ,[ College O rchestra Rehearses. achie\·eme nt that make the ultimat e Otterbein Co llege Orche s tra 1 co nque t more satisfying. If one again holding practices. Last Mon walks up a sm all hi ll the reward i~ :lay night a good ly numb er of mu i fliffiffi. ffiffietaon shrd lu cmfwy bgkk cians wer e pr<: e nt and a few e lec ap t to be a ra ther o rdinary \·iew, but tio n were tri ed. everal fami liar if one labo rs up a long, steep climb. faces arc een in the orche tra and th e r ward i - one of mi les and mik s thes e will form a nucl eu around of sp lendid \'icw. The lo:1g ta k which to build a stro ng organziation . pron'. well v:orth whi le and fatigur Profc or Earle Ho1) kins, in tructis rewarded . r in tringed and band instrument , Th re are many peop le who are has charge of the orche tra th is year, a ti . lied with the v a 11 e y s-tl1c and hopes to work up to a recital later mooth, pica ant, easier way of !if'.!. in th e season. There is ti ll room for Th ey are sati fied-but, then, they good musi cian s and all that fee l quali ne\'er attain the he igh ts to r ealize fied hou ld try o ut. wh a t t hey have m issed. T he pe r son O tte r-bein Meets Denison. who gets the mos t out of li fe is not the one who stick to the sequc N xt aturday Otterbein meet tered Yalleys, b ut who charges the D e nis o n on th e gridiron at Granvil le. height ; lipping, perhap , in th e This will be one of the hard es t game . teep places and receiving many a o f th e sea son and the team will need tumble, but till plugging upward tin- upport. All that can, go, wa lk, ride til, at la t, the ummit i r eached. o r stea l your way. Thi week oach And, when the summit i reach ed . \,Vatts will put hi men through who is to be envied-the man whos~ gruelling practice and it i a big help life i limited in the valley or th e to have encouragement from the side man on the h ill , befo re wh o m th e lines. ome out and help keep up the the entire world tretches? pep.
Athletic Goods, Clocks, Ingersoll
H.L.WAGNER TAILOR At Your Service Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dyeing. W esterville 33 State St.
From the Oven to You Cakes, Pies, Bread and Delicacies. DAYS' BAKERY 20 N. State St. Meals to Suit Any Appetite. Also Candies, Pop and other Confections at the DEW DROP INN RESTAURANT Give Us a Trial.
Watches, Dictionanes, Waste Baskets, S t u d e n t s' Expense B o o k s, Electric Bulbs, India Ink and Magazines is the
At the DEW DROP INN RESTAURANT 31 N . Sta t e St. W e 're here to serve you.
First Class Shoe Repairing at R eas onable Rates. Rubber Heels Attached. D . COOPER Sta te St.
Scofield Bldg.
P ay Mary Tin st man, Cir. Mgr. Cardinal Now.
i Subscribe for Tan and
University Bookstor
Page Four
III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I II II I I I I I I I II II I I I I I II II II I I I I I II I I I II II III IIll Ill llll llllllllt
COCHRAN HALL Girls pending the week-end at home were Marjora Whisler, J oseph ine lbert, Phyllis Stuart, Estl~er Harley, Bernice Heeter, 13 lan che Wi lliamson, Louise Horne and Loi ,; Hu g hes.
Fay M. Bowman of Pioneer, Ohio, and Mi s Lola F . Moore of I(unkl e, Ohio, were married on the evening of September 9 by Bishop G. M. Mathews in Galion, Ohio. Mr. . Bow1nan was tran £erred at th e recent meeting of andusky Conference from th e pastorate at Pioneer to t~at at Mt. Zion . '18.
'1 5. Penro e M. Redd , who has been pastor of the nited Brethren churc h at East Palesti ne, Ohio, since last January , and Miss Gladys reeger of Bascom, Ohio, were married at high noon on W edne day, September 24, They went at once to Ea t Ea lestine, where the par onage was a lready furnished for them. Mr. Redd pent some time in the service of the Young Me11's Christian Association during the war, re<;eiving hi di scharge last December.
Mary Vance spent Saturday and unday with friends in o lu mbus.
'06, '06. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J . Lesh er (Henrietta Dupre) of Detroit, Michigan, have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Lesher's parents in 'Co lumbus, Ohio.
= = = =
Mary Loui e Can1pbe ll is th e new e t dorn1 girl. § Lucille Ewry, live Given, Evel y r : Darling \.Vere ill during the week. Lois Clarke entertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. C larke of Williard, 0., ov_er S und ay. Thelma \1\/are and Gl,\dy Howard
Sunday guests. Miss Bertha Luak, of Ironton, 0., ~pent Sunday with Edith Bingham. :
Walk-OverShoes for Men
= _ = =
The Latest at Saving Prices
I Queen QualityShoes for Ladies ! § $6.50 to $9.90
= _
We Save y OU Money
_ -
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-------------5 ~
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= =
< ntertained
The so und of uk es and s inging seve ral nights this week s how ed t hat pushes were in full swing. Tuesday night May Sellman and Mary Ballinger had an announcement pu h that is, they announced thems e lves to be the P~rkins twin s, Mix anll Dix.. A myst e rious package from \ Ve t Virginia Thursd.\y proved. t '06. Miss Mary . Baker arrived in be a box of eats for Lillie and Lera vV stervi lle ear ly last week for a vi sit Waters, which, several guests assisted with her parents, tvlr. -and Mr . W. 0. them to dispose of that night. FriBaker of West Co ll ege aven ue. Miss day evening Faith Seyfried and Baker ha been engaged in library He len B rhtolt showed their guests work in the General Reconstruction the be t fun of the w~ek, and p len ty Hospital on taten Island for the last of good ea ts. Gladys Howard and months, having gone into war work of "Benny,, Heeter served a two-course the merican Library Association a breakfast in their room at :30 Satyear ago. She wi ll remain in Wes urday morning, whi ch was pron uncterville a 111011 th before taking up cd very much mo-re enjoyable than a work in th e univ ersi ty branch of the even o'c lock breakfast ever could be! public library in Seattle, Washington. _evera l alumni visited during the race Brane of 'OS, '07. Professo r and Mrs. E. M. week, including Dayton and her cou in, Lana Chen y Hursh of A nderson, Indiana are g uests at the home of Professor L. A. of Hagerstown, Md., a lso Lenore Weinland. Mrs. Hursh gave a very Rayot, of Mt. Vernon, Merle Black, interesting talk on mis ·ion work and of Verona, l\'ettie Lee Roth, of o needs in Africa at the meeting of th e lumbus and Myrtle Winterhald of vVom an's Mi ionary ociety of th e Dayton. nited Brethren church last Thurs day.
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Quality Grocery The Home of E ; : Service, System, Satisfaction ~ Make Our Store Your Store. _ Both Phones No. 6 21 North State St. 5
ii II II II 11111111111111111 1111111111111fllI11111111111111111111111111
1111111111111 i I IIJ Ill 111111111111110
'10. F. D . Zuerner of Braddock, Silk Hose, Shirts, Sox, Collar s , E c. !!11111111111 i Ill II II II II II Ill II III II II 11111111111111111111111111111 Ill Ill 11111111111111111111111111111111 Penn ylvania, wa s in \Ne terville last Op.en Afternoons and Saturday. Wedne day. He wa expecting his di sc harge from the army on Thur day.
= s
'00. Prof. Glenn rant Grabill pre se nted a pl asing program on August 22 at the Galion nited Brethren hurch . Profe sso r also played at the orga n dedicatory se rvi ce on the following unday morning.
Ex '20. Fred D. Gray ha entered 'the chool of Law, Columbia University and his addres i 420 West 121 t t., pt. 35, New York City. ' 16. Fr cl \V. Keiser, who wa di charged from the army la t s pring, has re urn ed his work as director of music in Montana Wesleyan allege at Helena, Montana.
Quick Service
\NOLF'S = = = =
= i
Otte rbein Stud ents: R emember the folks at home ,vith a picture
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Both Phones
Bell 46-W.
Ci tizen
ffm II I111111111111111 1111 II II II II II II II II III 111 II II 111111111 ;Ill I1111111 ;I IIII II I
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Page Five
SOPH OMORE CLASS GAINS V I CTORY (Co ntinu ed from page one.) cheered and shouted encou ra gement. At fi r s t, th e year lin gs appeared t .:> ha"e the edge on the second y ea ~ men, bu t slowly t he Sophs ate up We can furnish you with Name Cards, Printed the diffe rence and grad ually nos ed or Engraved. Prices on Application. ahead. Amid hoots and ye ll s th e ra;:e closed, the Sophs ahead by al Get Your Stationery Here. mo t half a lap. This defeat d:sap pointed the Fre shmen but by no Both Phones No. 4. means disheartened them. Th c y merely tightened their bel:s anrl [ ,·owed to do better the next tim e. Sophs are Outclassed in Tie-Up. ): ext o n the program was the ti -;: up. The first year warriors were <:aptained by Al Elliott, who instill ed th e necessary pep and enthusiasm. Roy Peden wa the guiding force ; ::. r the defender of th e Purp le and Pink. There they tood. rope in hand. , The Freshman blood thirsty for re Up-to-Date Pharmacy Yenge and each Soph eager to ha!1 6 another scalp to his be lt. At th~ Eastman's Kodaks and Photographic Supplies. word ··go" the tw o lines quic!,lv Films Developed and Printed at lowest prices. transformed into a melee ·of rolli:1g, kicking, ye lling humanity. The af SATISFACTi O N GUARANTEED fair was short li \'ed for the Fresh men were there with the good r:1i, OPTICAL DEPARTMENT time. The Soph fought like fiends, Eyes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles all styles. hut to no a\'ai l, th e F r eshman Ind their goat, o th:.t ended it. OUR PRICES REAS O N A BLE GIVE US A CALL This clo ed th e morning prograni. Exci tement was intense as the corn I stood 1-1 and e,·erybody looked with = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = interest to the fina l e\'en t, the tu o--of- !!II II Ill II II Ill Ill I Ill II II Ill Ill II IIII II Ill Ill IIll Ill IIll II Ill II Ill II Ill I Ill II Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill IIll Ill Ill L! war which wa to take place ju ~t south of ..\ Iurn Creek Bridge. Tug-of-W ar Proves Keen Fight. Tweh·e thirty saw the road to the J ~ The a r iety tore welcome all reek crowded . To thi e,·en t th.! : Prof , their wive and the whole Otterbein tudent . tudent body turn ed out. The score wa fifty-fifty and clas upremacy e have a fine line of 111erchandi e that 1 ure ,va yet to be decided. . One thirty saw a new inch rope to plea e. Come in and look it over. § taut aero tne reek with twen ,y expectant hu ki es at each end. Bill _
Otterbein ·F olks
The Buckeye Printing Co. RITTER & UTLEY
= = = =
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tau ff er wa the le ad ing pi ri t on the 1 7' 111 11111111 Ill Ill Ill Ill I II Ill II Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill llllll Ill I IIIIII IIIIII Ill Ill II IIll Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill II Ill l ophomore side while \Vil bur oon· or 0 anized the Fre hman. Ready! train! I ull ! The fight MIIIIIIIIIIII III III III IIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ: wa on. For a econd not a ound : Call Citizen 21 or Bell 147-R, for i ued, a,·e the straining of the rope. : Then ·uddenly cheer and word of 1 § ]. E. H ANSON, The Clea n-Up Man encouragement rent the air. Back and forth th e rope went, a fe,v inches Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Laundry Work and at a ti111e, both ides showing great Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers ; relt1 ctancc for a ducking. The 111en heaYed and tu ged guidr,I _ Headquarters..:..12 E. College Ave., Westerville, 0 . _ by official a nd uppercla smen. _ Subscriptions taken for The Country Gentleman, Ladies' Home Friends he lped by rubbing ro in on Journal, Saturday Evening Post. torn hand , wiping weaty face a1ir! p romp t service· B es t s erv1ce. · . . · fann111g tired ath le te.. For twenty mi 11 ute th i continued when t1:e fil II III II II II II III III I IIII I IIII I IIII I II II II III II III Ill Ill l III II IIIl I IIll II Il II III II IIII II III I IIl Il III II 1Ti referee· whi tie called a trw ~
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I: = = I=
Sophs Finally W in Lau rels. The team now changed ir!e,. The Fre hman taking the east bank and the oph th e west. After ;)~ ing refr eshed as much as blistered handed, mud cove red men could hi!, the co nte tant again took the rop e. A t the word "pull'' the rope tightened, to od · till momentaril y_' and then slowly but urely crept to the ide held by the Sophomores. A •1other heave, and again another, th e fir t Fre hrnan touched the water ,inrl simultaneou ly pandemonium broke
loo e. Th e ophs were on the jump now and the Fre hman came spla b ing and plunging through the water. The Sophomores had won and crap Day was_o_ v_·e_r_._ _ _ _ __ ( H er e's one that i o old it's good ). A gang of men were putting up a tel e phone pole. The pole fell accidently on several of th e men, one of whom call ed. "Go get the po tmaster." "What for?'! calle d another. '·To take the "post office", he re plied.
B. W . WELLS, The Tailo r Corner Sta te and Main Sts. Does Cleaning a nd P r e ssing o n Short N otice.
You GET more and
SAVE more, men, in our Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Fashion Park· Fall Clothes AT
$30 · To
$60 More Style; more Value; more Service; and greater variety, too. Other Good Suits too, $25 and $30
Page Six
)LAJA:JJ!i'Ui:S . Both Ph6nes 100
Pick from Lazarus Styles and Get Lazarus Quality Both are the best you can findFor we choose both with "know-how" of 68 years' -experience. And both m ust come up to the exactin:::,· standards that have made this the bio- Men' s tore of Central Ohio. Only a store a big as this could carry such immense stocks and offer such practically un limited choice. The be t of the beltarouncls and pleated back uit , single and double-brea ted, for -young men who want to appear well-dress ed-in the new Fall clothes. Or plenty of dignity in the fi.ne ly-tailore _l conservative styles, in so many original and exclusive patterns.
Good Suits Reasonably Priced at $25, $30, $35 $40 and More The home of Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes. (Lazarus econd Floor)
Columbus, Ohio