1919 10 27 The Tan and Cardinal

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VOL. 3.





Philalethea Alumnae O ccupy Chair O ffices and Perform O ther Duties Students To Enjoy a Rare Privilege , -Social Time Follows Program. of Hearing th is Great Speaker In Phil a le th ea n . bo th a nc ie nt a n d


No . G. I





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Both Teams are W eakene d by Ah s ence of Star Players from Lineups- Peden is Out.


mode rn , a s nc alumna phrase d 1t . j enjoyed a r a 1·c treat. in th e alum nat· OTTE RB E IN STA_=:TS ST R ON G IS HUMAN DYNAMO ses sio n wh ic h w a s h e ld in Philu-1 math ca n H a ll , T h u r ·clay cv nin g, Tide Changes and Long E nd Run s Deals With All Student Problems- I O c tobe r t wenty-t h ird al sc ,·en I and P asses Score fo r He id elbe rgPuts "Pep" Into His Meetings and o'c lock. Mrs. Ger t rud e "l a te r a ,:- 1 F ina l Score- 19-0. / cle r ' 77 p r e id e cl. w hil e Mr s. Mar y D el ivers the Goods Firsthand. I .11 cw it t Bea l ·06 occ upi e d th e s e e r ·-, tl c rb c i11 °s fo unh foot ba ll g am e Wh o is ··D a el" E ll io tt ? T h is qu sta r y ·s ha ir and M iss A li na c; ui!ll er I e nd e d in def ea t las t Saturd ay ,Yhcn tt e rb e in . t ion intere s t s '!l7 full i ll ecl t he d utie s of the criti c"s th e Ti fl in agg r eg ati 01i ,t'rc1: c ckd in Mr. 1\. J. Elli o tt. c m mo nl y kn ow n o flicc. M r s. Ed ith T urn e r \\' h itn e y, sco rin g t hr ee t ou r hcl o1-.· 11' a nd 011 c a , ''Dael" is r ecog niz e d thr<;> ug ho ut ' !l.3 d is play e d h er p r ofi c i~ncy a s cc n - i go a l whil e th e Tan an d l'a rd in ..d th e co untr y a s o ne f th e g r ea t es t r e- or. e lc \'e 11 scarce ly th reate n ed a ,co 1·,·. lig io u · lea d e r s in A m e ri can co ll ege J 11 th e co ur se o f t he · e ve nin g t ' 1e l! o t h t ea m s we r e ha nd i ·appc d hy t h ; wo rk. H e is a fa rm e r b y fr m llli fo ll ow in g- p r og r a m was r r ncler e d : lo ss o f s ta r p laye r s. J ean o f I l e iclc l­ n o is, a g radu a t e fr m G rand Prairi ' bcr g wa s 11 ff th e tca 111 b eca use o i . minary in 1897 and fr 111 t h e • o rth - Pia n o lo-T' r c lu cl c D_ F lat ·11 o pi ·1 a cti o n h y fac ulty and Shi ck clu e to a w s te rn li ege f Lib e r a l . rt s in Paulin e \ Va tts Bea l, ' t '.l f1 ac t u r e cl co llar ho ne. P c cl e11 and 19 2. As a co lle ge man " D a d" wa s Paper11 c r t wer e o ff t h e Ot te rbei n lin c u;i " the r e". Hi s athletic r eco rd wa s ··Opportuni t ies of the Li b r a r ian·• h ·cau se o f s prained ank l s rc cci,·t cl marvrl us, includin g four y ear s o f M a r y ~ - !:l a k e r , 'OCi in c ri mm age about \\ 'ed nes d a y an d Vars ity football and track w o rk. The Read in g-\\'a y nc a t to r my I o in t. tterb1: i11 t he ir ab s ence weake ned d a,he s a11d bro ad jump wf.'r hi s Maud e Brad1-ick Pilkin g to n, 'U:l pe r ce p t ibl y . Especia ll y the groun d pecialties in th latter. l n 1901 Elli-\ cal So toga inin g ab il ity o f P e d e n an d hi s ck ­ o tt wa nam e d an A ll -\ es t e rn e ncl \ (a) M a mma, elites m o i- vVe k e rl a n g fe n s i,·e wo rk wa s m iss ing and th ..: a nd captain e d th e tra c k t eam th e fol (b) L es Bell es M a ni e r s-Fe r e ra n big gpard, H e r t. was need e d II th c lo wing spring. He al o rank e d high Ruth B run da ze, 'l:l Roy F . Peden lin e. ( on tinu cl 011 page tw o .) Paper-Serv ice in -Fran ce Ac tin g ap tai n F oo tb a ll . 19 19. Mearlc M a rtin , ·1-1 I 11 th e li r s t q ua r te r n eit he r t e:u,1 Pian Duc t-Val s e p. 2.30 X o. -! ma cl c se,·er a l sco r e d. O tt e rbe in Boh m SE.NI ORS HA VE PUSH g ain s th rou g h th e lin e a nd o u t-p lay t•cl .fr s. Fran c is a ge S tin er E x. ' 18 the T iAin warri o r s until th ey wt'r c Mr s. E lizab e t h oopcr Res ler '!l.l Class of '20, Holds Dinner Party at fo r ce d to p unt. During th e las t par t Phila1e tt1 ca Worthington Hotel-Professor and o f th e tirs t pe ri o d t he ti d e · hang ~ 1 " Y " Campaign of Nov. 6, 7 and 8.








Th e cx t e mporan eo u . s p ea ki :10- w as mad e Ye ry e nj o yab le by Dr. Sarah M. Sher ri c k 99, Rut h Frie s '18. Mr - . Ha n e r ft and Mi s Brown , es pec ia l attenti o n be in g call e d t o the num brr o f a lt; mn a c who ha\'c bee n e ngag ed in war w o rk both in thi s co unt r y a nd ove r ea . 0

A ft e r aclj o ur11111 e nt, th a lumna e; prese nt day Philai e th ca n s a:1d ,·i~i­ t o r s e nj oye d a d e lig htful lun c hco 11 of c hi ck e n sal a d , brea d a nd butter san d w ich es a nd c offee. Otte rbein I s Represented At State Y . M. C . A . Conference



" Dad" Elliott.

New Staff Members Elected. In o rd er to r p lace certain m e mbers of the staff of th Tan a nd arclina l, w h o hav not r turned thi s year to school, the P ubli cation Board h e ld its elect ion Wednesday eve nin g. T h e fo ll ow in g per a n s w e r e e lected : Coc hran Hall Editor __ Eve ly n Darling 1st Assi tant Bu . Mgr. .. E lr a M ill er 2nd Ass t. Bu s. Bgr. .... vV. r . Roberts

\,Vit te 11b c1·g Co ll ege, prin g fi c lcl . Ohio. e nt e rtain ed th e d e le g at es t o th e S tate tucl e nt Conv e nti o n he ld th e r e Oc t o b e r 25, 26 and 27. Ot te r ­ be in had a r e p re . e ntati o n o f s ix m e n : M ess r s. Harm o n . E lli ott, Jayn es, J o hn so n, Bay and Halclerma n. A sso­ c iation plan s for the co ming year w e re discu ssed and a state-wide pro ­ g r am was adopt e d. Among th e sp eak ­ ers were "Dael" E ll io tt, H. L. E ll iott. Ha r ry F. Ward of e w York, Char les D. Hurrey and Dean Edward I. Bo worth of Oberlin Co ll ege.

Mrs. Weinland Are Gue sts. \ i\l it h o ut qu c ti o n th e w e ll e s t s o c ial e ve nt o f th e p as t w ee k wa s th e seni o r dinn e r parl y h e ld at \ i\l o rthington H o t e l o n Mond a y ni g ht. O ct o be r 20. At s ix o ' c loc k tw e nty -s ix sedate sc n ­ io i· · with Profes so r a nd Mr s. \,Ve in ­ lancl a s g ues t s o f h o n o r s tart ed fr o m th e d o rmito ry in Mr. L o n g h c nry' s tru ck . s umptu o us fea s t w as wa it ­ in g fo r th e m a t th e h ote i w it h e ve r y­ th in g fro m so u p to nu ts. It was a de ­ li cio us ch i ke n di nn er .

a nd H eicl e lhc r g 1~1a de lo ng e n d n 111~ and fo rward passe s whi ch wo n th <.' g am e fo r th e m . O tt e rb e in was 0 ,1 th e d efe ns i,·e m os t of th e game. Tw o to uchd o wn s w e r e sco r ed ·•!~ th e eco nd quart e r, o n e o n a lo ng p:iss b y Sayger to L y n n a nd t h·~ o th e r a pass by M ye r of Otterbein inte r cepted by Mi c ha els of Tl cicki( o ntinu e d o n page t wo .)

Masquerade Saturday N ight.

/\ 11 s tu ckn t a r e in vit ed to a m a,­ T he eve n ing was sp e n t in ga m es q u rrad e p a rty to he he l I in t h r g y m a nd st unt s in th e h o :e l pa rl o r s. Ea ch o n Sat u rday n ig ht , ~ o v. 1, u nd e r t he pe r so n was r e ady wit h so m et h,i ng a us pice s of th e C hr is tian .'\ ssoc iati o n . o ri g in a l. T he r e was m us ic, r ecita­ Quartet Gives Concert. t io n, ji gg in g , a c t ing a nd o th e r tal e nt d isp la ye d. Profe sso r a nd 1frs. W ei n ­ \\"ha t is sa id to he th e fi nes t ,in~­ lan d s h owed h ow s tud e nt s a c t befo r e ing m a le quartet in .\ meri ca is and af te r rpar r iage cl ay and thi s sc he dul ed fo r a ·o nct rt he r e F ri day br o ug h t fo rth pea ls of lau g ht e r. e,·c nin g, Oc t. :i t , in th e co ll ege C lose t o mid - ni g ht. alth o ug h gr ea t ­ c ha pe l. Th e O r p h e us F o ur , a t h e ly aga in s t th ei r w is hes. th e merry ­ qua rte t is ca ll ed, is fr o m L o 1\ n gck s mak e r s r e turn e d to W es t e rviJ le sin g­ a nd is th e officia l qu a rt e t of th e O r­ ing so ngs and yel lin g a s th ey a rriv e d. ph eus Clu b o f th a t c ity , th e 6 rga n i 7 lt wa s a d e li g htf ul affai'r th ro ugh o ut zati o n th a t w o n th e Int e rn a ti o na l and V. E. Cribbs a s c hairman o f the Grand Pri ze o f $3.000.00 fo r th e bes t so cial co mmitt ee wa s giv e n a vo t e o f ma le c ho ru s at th e Pan a ma -Pa c ifi c thank s for planning th e occa sio n. Exp o iti o n .





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1111111 1111111111. the defeat was du e to poor playir, g lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll § " DAD" ELLIOTT To c 1 d Meats . 1 VISIT OTTERBEIN I on the part of tten e111 . oac.1 Pimento Cheese otte § \Vatts has been putt111g th e t ea m : :: . through stiff practi ce the la t wec:k ( on tinued from page on ~.) a, a debater and o rator dunng h i f with a good second team out ~a,,1 § . § coll ege career. H e was p_resid ent ~ night for sc rimma;:;e. H e has given the tudent Y. M. C. A. 111 both his th em ffect i,·e plays an d fo rmatio_n ;. § . § Junior and Sen ior years. He wa a T he o ld fighting sp: rit wa lackmg : member of the Delta Tau Delta fra· \ Talk it up from now on till Xovem• § ternity and of Dero, an honorary fra- ber. Thi wa - H eid elberg' fourth § tcrnity for all-around coll e_ge men. s trai ght victo r y of th e eason. After grad uati on Mr. Elliott became \ Heidelberg (19) (0) O tterbein : : Religious W ork ec retary of th e McDermott . L. E. Tracht § B kl n (N y .) Y. 11. C. A., where \ G I hardt L T Harris 11111111111111 . rodo YI ed. a very large and effec- 'le) L. . avanaugh llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ he eYe op f " e1er • •· tive re ligious ,,,,,ork among men ~r Lon sway Howard 111111111!1 Revera \ year . H e taught classes. 111 :\lasuda R. G. Tro up lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ~ hv1\le 1Hou,er H owe :: per ona l eva nge \ .ism a t the R. 1' . :: and L. Geneva tudent onfere nce · \ 1'.l o rle g e R. E. Powell wh ere he promoted pe rso nal work and I ayger Q. B. :Martin : § e,·an ge li sti c campaign among ·th e col· 1:\lichael L. H. Barnhardt \ § : \e g e·. . . . W elker R.H. Cutl er : :'.: "D.a<l" i , th e m ost po pul ar Chn , t1an Lynn F. B. :\[yers : wo rk er in th e colle g e of_ th e ,~e t. H eid elberg ........................ ll 13 0 6-19 § §.,. Hi , pop ularity i du e to hi · trai ght· Otterbein ························ 0 0 0 0- 0 : Drop in and ee the cl ver Hallowe'en fo rwa rd mes sage. hi ge nuin e earn es t- \ l1e ::: ll t;'S , , a nd hi , per so nal int ere t i1\;iu- Mrs. Cook's Sunday School feet . They con1e fron1 e r y quart r f t

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Grape Ju1ce h. C kes Loose-Wiles Suns 1ne a Fruit


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Make Our Store your Store.






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Fun andFr 1•1C: §

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de nt liie. A a speaker to co eg_c Class Has Masquerade. g l o be and n1eet eve r y need. Nifty and n o hhY • ; men, ).tr. Elliott stand ' o ut I re~c 1::'.· Grote <•.l•en css and in congruit y § §::.. 11 e 11 t. Hi vigor o f bo dy . aucl spit it reign ed l· riday ·,·enin " in the chur ch \ : pe netral:i the hearts au<l mm d s 0 '. col- 1pa rl or ' whe11 all so rt of masked heThen there are candie o'.reetino- carc.L' \ege men in a mo t extrao~dmary in gs appeared, having been um- , § b l \a)' ':: card of ,J · n1pathv , birt 1C. c manner. H e 1· s ·int eres t c.d 111 the m oned to the party for the girls oi \: nouncen1ent J ::: human ra c_c a s a ~ho\le an~ Ill ~~:le~: Mr. Cook·s unday_ .- ho_o l cla,s. , ~ card ever J thing a c u l t i ated ta te demand § tudcnh 111 particu ar. _e · They ranged from t11111d little R ed : · \ te ::: nap and da hand go" which ta 1:1P Riding Hood to jolly Jack TarsThe be t arti t the co u nt r ) affo r d c o ntn )U § . f purpo e Elliott \U ' him a · a man more from tately gho t · to tout unt of their kill and b r a i n to o·ive y u what §~ never wa te a mmute, cover Jemima down to a solitary re pre- : _ ground, interviews more men, 1:1akes entative of Racine tires. 1= w a n t fo r eve r y OC C a i o n. : eats up mor e 1111\eage • m re speec I1e , . ..\fter the f un of g uess111g who wa books, wri tes mo re letter' ~nd eng1- who, and th en fi nding out th..e truth e a r e p u tt 1· ng· 1·11 a 1·111e of t l1e I1·v ·111 ::- P '1 tt ::: . . ~ ~ neer n1 ore co llege und e rtakin g than by unma k'· mg eYery) 1 d y 10111eo in ., f u ordi nar y mortals can . . ' t p · 11 f 11· e "'~ t \ t 1e mo o a iew hilanou o-ame . The mo~t : 1 '\ e O < , 1 e r , n exe , _. t c . CO t: compre hend . b lie\ absorbing one proved to he the In- : In hort ·: D ad" po se ·:,s a" uf og doorAthletic Meet, in which man·cl- 1§ nm o n i t oo \,\ e ll kn o n for 111 r t h an ~:: ·1 h c 11 take on ly ye or an . . _ d _ h. \ . ! OU skill wa d1 played hy the fair r . Th ey have mad e me ri ca fa m o u . , t cnac1 Y W I ' an wer and goe aft er 1· 9 ut1ons t \ .. • moral and spiritual conte tan s. . : ~ of th e s .,ide nt s . ,. The fortune tell er hidden away T l n e :: proble1~1s with ~1~e " kick tl:at chalr- a dark onie hower, told unb elie,·ahly 1 e pe n yo u u e at t h e b ank , t 1 e .. u o· • e cl hi ·s gnd1ron en at1on . b t good fortune to all th o e who wish. (le C l< l1e \ 1 e :::' ac tenz e ld en· e \ \ ' l·11 ( 1e 1·l {! llt yo u . • · d ed a rar e good fortune to o 1 111 e . ed to know the future. l tl 1 · ::: . la 111an of uch caliber. . . . la \ l e e xc u 1v e a o·e nc y . ::: tauFollowing i th e program o f M After a hort bu mess e 1011 111I r. . . ' . • , dd e during the thr ee· clud111g th e election of officer , 111 : Elliott a re . day campaign: . wh1ch Berl:ha H':!.n ock was chos en : Thur day morning- .. onv_ocation of to ucceed Ma n ·el chert a Pre i- : enti re st u~ ent body. ocial Forces dent of the cla , refreshment of a'l : • ::: in l:ni\'er ity Life th_at Must b_e Made tructi,·e· : even111g. meeting for acceptab le nature f r a chill y cto- : ~ 0 11 and women. "Things that n· ber night, were sen ·ed . ,11111111 d~e/~,ine 3 tudent' Efficiency.'.' _ __ _ _ llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ Friday morning- onvocati_on of Sup port the Bond I ssue . entire ,tud ent body. "The Acid T_e t f Religion ." Afternoon, me et111g The que tion of an i uan ce of Quick Service SPECIALS women only. "The \Voman' bonds for 40,000 for b tter water and J;oblems from a Ma~• Pfoint of fire protection will have to be ettl d THE HOP Evening d' mt's eet 111greateor t men . d ay, l • ovemb r 4. \,,.1ew. " ··Th En· on regular e Iect1on y only e tu en . " cl h I . · 11 d how to vercnme 1t. .\11 tu ent ou d be 111forme J LAUNDRY cmy : day mo r ning-Convocatio_n . of Oil this matter and vote intelligently. entfr:rstudent body. "~,?es H.ehg:ion Tan and r ardinal upport this bond Hose , Shirts , Make a Bett r tudent. Eve:~mg, i sue and favor thi expenditure Box Paper for ·-·-··---··· 29c me eting for men and women . . Tht> Collars, Etc. Co t of D evelopment or the P nce of Success." This week at Open Afternoons at1





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"The1ma " or " Blue M , oon ' Perfume.









Saturday. • t DR. KEEFER'S All Colors All Designs (Contin ued from page one.) Also the N yal Remedies. Get on our D e l i v e ~ berg who ran 25 yard for a touch• All Prices down. ayger k icked the e onJ From the Oven The th ird quar ter wa core1 goa · · · h I t Also Pillows, Arm Bands, Class Caps. Cakes Pies Bread ayge r cored agam 111 t e a · le . RHODES&SONS quar te r .011 a r un a rou. nd left end an..! Delicacies. then kicked goal-Fm al . score 19-0. The College Avenue \ Vithout que tion He1delbe:g was DAYS ' BAKERY the weakest team O tt_e rbem ha . Phone 290 20 State MEAT 1'.' IARKET played against O far tl11 year and 94 W. Park St.





Wilbur Getting



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Page Three

something mis ing in that life, name- service in carrying the football team ly; the lov e of Him in whom there is to nearby railroad tation . Thi of no guide. the old "pep".

1'ublished \,V ee kly in the intere t Otterbein by the .!,! I I I I I I I I I I I I 111111111111111111111111111111111111!.! OTTERBEI PUBLI HI G THINK! BOARD We tervi ll e, Ohio Member of the Ohio College Press H 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I I I Iii Association The Labor question will not be Every adverti er in thi · paper i a STAFF et tied until two thing happen: Until loyal upporter of Otterbein. They Editor-in-Chief .. Ramey H. Huber, '20 the labor leader learn that they can't make it po ible for you to get this Assistant Editor .......... L. E. Pace, '21 run thi country forever, and until paper. Contributing Editor E ther Harley, '21 labor it elf learn that happines and Do you support them? Edith Bingham, '20 the dollar mark are not ynonymou. . Read every ad and then ay you Business Manager .. C. C. Conley, '22 saw it in the Tan and ardinal. Thi Treaty Reservations. Circulation Mgr . .. Mary Tinstman, '20 Assi tant Circulation ManagerIt i obvious that we have approach­ is your paper. "Boo t it." Marvel ebert, '21 Think it over. Harriett Hays, '22 ed the show-down in the treaty fight. Thank you. Local Edito r .............. Hazel Payne, '21 The fact that th e Foreign Re lations -Busine s Manager. Alumna! Editor .. Prof. A. Guitner, '97 Committee, by vote of 11 to 6, adopt­ Exchange Editor. Mary Ballenger, '20 ed a re ervation platform, i sufficient Literary Editor, J. Gordon Howard,'22 proof that the Administration force C. W. Stoughton, M. D. Addres all communication to The are waning in strength. The vote of Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 20 W. the committee Senators is worthy of 31 W . College Ave. :Vf ain t., Westerville, Ohio. ubscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, our scrutiny. In the ca e of nearly Westerville, Ohio all the amendments which had been payable in advance. proposed by the committee, they were Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 Entered a second cla s matter eptcmbe r 25, 1917, at the postoffice adopted by a vote of 9 to 8· th at Westerville, 0 ., under act of Democrat voted against the ;i.1;1end­ ments so lid ly, and epi\ttir McCumb­ G. W. Henderson, M. YI' arch 3, 1879. er, Repuq ligan, etecl with them. B ut Acceptance for mailing at pecial rate- of po~tage provide{! fgf' in Sec. novr the tables ar!! t1.1rned, Thi time Hours by Appointment 1IQ3; Aq gf Oct'. 3, 19 17, 111.1thgriz d Mr-, Mc umber- join with hi$ col­ Appl 1, 1919, league , and ince he i the leader of Corner State Plum Sts. the mo t con rvative Republican EDITORIAL gro1.1p, we can now look for a olid G. H. Mayhugh, M. Republican vote on the reservations East College Ave. "Tu life, a In a football game, th e when they come to the enate floor principle to follow is, hit th e line hard, for approval. More than this, en­ Phones don't foul and don't shirk, but hit the ator Shields, Democrat, voled with Citizen 26 Bell 84-R lin e hard."-Colone l Roosevelt. the majority in the com mitt ee. He says he will not vote for the treaty Sincerity. unl ess the reservations ar ,1 l11µted. incerity is a virtue for which the Other Democrati!l radical such a B, W . WELLS, The Tailor people of thi world seem to care little:: Senators {:lor-e and Reed, will likely for. What a (!iffrrllm ~ Of!{\ ~1'\i~ vote the s~me way. All of thi i:irqv.e th~t thtir~ il! 111qre ~JO~\\(! t1e if t;v~ryP,!~t! "',04!9: qe in­ Corner State and Main Sts. !!er@! Ngt Q!1ly ~inct:re ~o ;\ cer-t-1iq than a majortty in t11vt>r- of the re er­ j!xt nt, l11.1t §inaer-!! i11 ever-ythiq () va1ion§, A~IT\ini tration leaders in• th11t \ •e eoH ld say, "'PHH n,.~n 1§ sin­ tend ta fight a11y modifkations, hut Does Cleaning and Pressing on €!!Fti in ~l't:fYttii,,i h~ €!oti "· l\1.1t il:A they c11n har-ctly hoµ(' \~ wh1, !\S i\ m;iy l~e, !Jven i11 01.1r p-Qalll!d Short Notice. "A~r of Progrns ;rnd · ivitil!allttn," wht!rt cto w find thti man who io rcttlly i11tcre In everything he does? Why not spend an hour each afterInstead we find that this wor ld is full noon on the football field from 4 to $ of hypocrites. A person may seem o'clock? What d'ye .ayr lt wlll bo - -- - - - - - - - -- - - ­ to be inccrc in hi work, he may ac- good for ~' 0\A fi!hl thti ~ · y will appre­ complish some-thing: ht! ffii\Y act cite it, !{1!111t<lllber they spend from WILSON frirndh', AHi ~till l>t tht. ·amt! ttrnt: he twc, tt> three hours out there every may not really be sincere. His ac- day, they aren't heroes. just regular THE GROCER tions are covered with a robe of fellows . You might ay it i ftir per­ hyprocrisy. Back of his friendly son al glory-hut tih 111y I It comes looks and face, th\"re i !\ f~~lin ~) f light ill times, Proffer not excused. Sells Candies, Nuts, Fruits and a full P!!v¥ rt!HI J!,a lµ~ 1~y. Fiv _ ut you loose all your credit line of fine Groceries. Prt'lt~lr clt'l n \ trus each other. in JOO ~ · Otterbeinism or Otterbein­ They are not sincere in what they ities. do. They arc a lways trying to get The word "Pep" cannot be found Corner State & College the better of each other. You can in the dictiQn;in·, Dr. Jones says so, never trust another person until you but it Is 1\S essential for a winning are thoroughly 11c;,1uaintl'IP. , ith him. team a iodine is in the army, lf you fl @111!\Y sl)erri to q!! good, kind and don't get the signific11nce a k some ~tint!~ !:mt yet not sincer1,. Why all ex-soldier (!r marine, this µnrest 1111d discQnt~nt i,mpng peo­ HOME DRESSED We t irginia 'vVe leyan defeated plt1 roct11yf 'l'hteY lac~ · ii1aeFity. We Lebanon RIiey aturday at the lat11 . i111livipuf!IS foFg!!t th11,t we are re­ ter's gridiron with the ame score Ot­ . po11 iqle for mi\\iil\g thi world what terbein lost to them last week; 68-0. it i , To hti l11~t!~ ll Wll must start The Methocli ts will begin to think vilh et1r elv es, Know yo1.1rself, for MAKE GOOD EATS that the United Brethren arc poor by !mowing yo~1rs r lf yo~ will know football players. others, heart lhi\t 13 ~111cere with Both Phones Itself is a heart that is ready to be You ought to know that Professors sincere to others. One which lacks Schear, \Ve t, Rosselot and Pre ident Citizen 92 incerity proves to us that there i Clippinger are running a regular taxi Bell 46-W.




Squizerink­ tums

For Hallowe'en.

R i n g s for N o t e Books, P 1 a i n and Ruled Fillers, Place Cards, Crepe Paper, New Stationery just 1n, Waste Baskets, Pillows,


Otterbein Lavaliers, Rings, Pins, Inger­ sol Watches, Alarm Clocks, Mazda Elec­


tric Light Bulbs, Gas Mantles,


E x p e n s e Books, Laundry Cases and Popular Copyrights.


University Bookstore


Page Four



returning for the fifth year as pastor of the l.Jnited Brethren church in that city.




'00. Dr. John D. 1,[iller, who volun­ Up-to-D ate Pharmacy teered for service in the medical corps soon aft er the nited States Eastman's Kodaks and Photographic Supplies. ent ered the war and who was ent to Films D eveloped and P rinted at lowest prices. France shortly afterward, returned to this country last month. He expect SATISFACTION GU ARANTEED , 14_ Mr. and Mrs. Gladden F. Evans to remain in the se rvice for a time and OPTICAL D EPARTMENT (E ther Van Buskirk) of Columbu s, is now stationed at Camp Dix, Ohio, are in Chicago attend11~g ~he \Vri ghtstown, New Jersey. Eyes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles all styles. convention of American lllummatmg OUR PRICES REASONABLE GIVE US A CALL Electrical Engineers. 1Ir. Evan was In addition to th e name of alumni during the recent war a i_na,ter ele~­ I ished in former sues the fo 1- :•::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;; ~I trical engineer of the junior grade 111 pub lowing persons will bei in \,Vesterville the United States Army. for Homecoming. The complete I is t !!Ill IIll II IIll IIll Ill I I Ill Ill Ill Ill lllll Ill IIllII II II II Ill Ill I II Ill II Ill II II Ill I I I II I I II i 1111111 IIIIIII~• '18. Miss Ruth Frie s of Dayton, Ohio, came to \,Vestervillc last Thurs­ day to attend the Philalcthean alum­ na] ession and to visit friends over the week-end . She is ju t recovering from an automobile accident and still walks with a decided limp. '99. Walter E. Baker of Canton. Ohio. spent aturday and unday at the home of his parents. 1Ir. and 1Irs. W. O. Baker on West College avenue.

' I~fi(rtr,'\;"' Lydia Garver, ' 16. G. R. }.lyers, ' 17. R. J. Harmelink, '1 9.


E. Giffon:I, 'IS. Ethel 1leyer Gifford, '17. ~Iary idda11 , Ex '19.

Quality Flowers

i==_ _





22 North High Street

§ :: S

Columbus, 01?-io




'7 4, '08. Mrs. Louis H. McFadden Sideline Slants-By " Slim". (Harriet Zent) of Dayton, Ohio, and If you don't think ·'Perk" Coll ier }.li s Edna M. treich of Portsmouth. has ome Varsity stuff in him-Well Ohio, were in Cleve land , Ohio, the you haven·t been watching him that's middle of this month ·a delegates to all. th e convention of the Federation of :: ''Kid" Cutler can plow that line Women's Clubs of Ohio. about as hard a any one out there. §., '18, '17. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Brent\\' e're for you "hard boy" even though linger-nee Alice Res !er, entertained vou did pa s the ball to " cuffy•· be- : t ; Rob ert Kline and John B. Garver, and , lS cau e he yelled at yc,u when you were " Mr. Brentlingcr's brother, who is tak:: going through. L o t .· o f fellows would e: ing a co ur e in Harvard, to a umptu. have "b•.:,t out. cry1,1." o us feast in their apartment at 352 Harvard Ave., Cambridge, Mas ., If a re t will do 'em all a much : ::: Saturday evening, October 18. The good as it did Myers, we say let 'em : evening wa spent in eating and re- all r e t for a ~eek. \Vh en Herb hit 'O ::: calling old day at Otterbein. "Brent" that line now th re is a wish like a ~ and K line are taking their second D. I. Can coming through the air but ; year of law while Garver is beginning we gue s it i ju st the wind going his first year of law. Mr. Garver through :Myers' whiskers. ~ writes that, " they took Kline a ride in Lym Hert ay : "Football i all the pring wagon again, ducked 'em right for boy but after a fellow p lays iillllllllllllllllllllllll 11111111 nd 111 both in Alum creek a tacked five o r ix year it get just a hit lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!IIIIIU~ ochran Ha ll's chair in th e barn." monotonous. ~ He a lso wr ites that, "Alice is 'so m e 11111111111111111111111111111 11111111~ If we don't get Wittenberg it w0n't : IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ~ cook'." be my fault! 'v ho said that? Every~ '98. Mr . W. B. Gantz (Ma.ude Barnes) of Detroit, Michigan is visit­ ing h e r . i ter, Mi s Tirza L. Barne : : : . : : ; : : : : : ' . , R,ised ; of West rville. Mrs. Gantz is on her at Y. W. C. A. Meeting Tuesday. _ :::: way home from a visit with her "Our Budget'' \vas the ubject ~ daughter, Miss Eleanore, who is at­ tending college at Oxford, Ohio. under di cu sion in Y. W. C. A. Tue - day night . Glady Howard, chair- _ ~ '1 8. Mi s Rena Rayot of ardinia, man of the finance committee pre~ Ohio, spent la t week in Westerville, ented the budget for the yea r and \'17• ~ a guest at the hom e of her uncle, Pro­ the plan of sy tema tic giving. When ,·v 1 ~ fc so r A. P. Rosselot. the pledge cards were pa eel o ut _ ~ there was a ood re ponse. ' :::: '96. Frank 0 . Clements Ohio, was in Detroit, Michigan, meeting ~ ; _Afteall r the ;~::~: : girls wenthort down to theupstair ''gym" the for __ week on a bu ine s trip. "The Frolic" . ice juicy apple were '87. Dr. Andrew Timberman of Co­ pa ed out and games were eni· o ye. d lu mhu , Ohio, is a memb er of the building committee for the new half­ _ ;,¢OlUMBU§.,0_; ~ Ehrhart Leads "Y" on Subject million building to be erected by the "The Morning Watch" Columbus Young Men's hri tian A 1111111111111111111111111111 I11111111 1111111111111111111 sociation at Long and Front street . . "T he l\Iorning \,Vatch" wa the ub­ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ Ject of the I ader Mr Eh h t • · r ar , at '15. Arthur . VanSaun and family Y. M. C. A. Thur day safety, it will . J,lolY night. soon become a burde11 · t 0 us. · of Sewickley, Penn y lvania, were O f IN ecret 1s only by the teaching d ,,,h3t Mr. Ehrhart brought out these d prayer proves whether given an enthu ia tic reception by the thought : t pirit that we can underS an we elight in fellow h. . ,, 't ip with Chri t people of their church on the evenor not I "lf we think of prayer as d 11 God means by His vVord. dcd as 1 . · e we beware the W a uty or ing of ctober 2. Mr. an aun i a a mean of our own ha . .t h at I meant t d' • ore! "Y" was not as well atte!l 111 e 0°1 o 1rect u to G d PPmcs and . intervene and k o may hould have been. Let's all co ecp us from him. It next Thursday.



= Chrysanthemums, Fancy Roses and Corsages ::




§ "

a Specialty.


= M C C C 1 · r. · · on ey Our Westerville Agen ' ; e M • 9095 Ql "'

= ~=







s·aoP ,.:

0 tt e r b e i n St u d e n t s i Remember the folks at hOme th a PlCtUre • ~


Citizen 7 2 § §




P age Fi ve



Otterbein Join s the O hio Inter-col­ An officer wa s s howing an o ld lady legiate Oratorical A ssociation. over th e battle sh ip. "This," said he, \\ c are tru ly be co min g a '' jin e r!'' " is wh e re o ur ga ll ant co mm a nd er This ti me it is t he Oh:o Tnte r col­ fe ll," po inting to an ins crib ed plate o n lt•g1a te O ratorica l A soc ia tion whi ch t h e deck. "No wo nder. rep li cl th e ( lttc.:rhe in •'ji ne ." This as soc iati o n o ld lady, ·•r near ly s lipp ed o n it my ­ co 1h1, ts p f Hiram, M u1skin g u 111, sc i f."-E verybody' s. 1\'on,;te r, Ohio l:niver sity , Ba ldwin \\ al lace , and Heidelberg. Its objc,t i, to cl e ,·elop oratorical tal e nt by holding a nn ual contests in o ratory and hy en ga ging in co nt es ts with lik ,· a;s ociations o f other stat es.. I 11 the a nnua l co nt es t s each co ll cg,arc ;i,,ot·i,t tion s hall h e r ep r ese nted hy t h,· ,uccess fu l co nte s ta nt at it s r egular ann ua l contest. prn \' iclccl h e he an


F o uncl-S weatc1· in gy m loc ke r at close of ta t co llege year. D o na ld Durant.




I: Hart · : §



s haffner & ,

und erg raduate s tud e nt in a co ll e!!c of the state assoc ia ti o n at th e time I~ of the s tat e contest. The contest : th is yea r will he he ld at I Ii ram Co l- I§ lcge. _l .. riday . Feb., 1:lth. To get I§ ready tor thi s ,t w ill he n ccssa ry 1u lul\' c a lo al co nt est during th e ~e oncl week in De cember. For thi, loca l co nt s t Dr. Russ e ll , o ffr.-,


Marx an d Fash•10n park =



Clothes are

prizes o f $., .00, $ 10.00 an d ,' 1.i .')0 : \\'hi ch ha\'c h re-to-fore been g i,·v n 111 prohibition con test . .\'o\\' t h,· o rations ca n be o n a ny sub ject. Juni ors and se:1 io rs und er 27 years of ag~ are eligib le. The winne1· from § th e tcfcal co nt e t will he se nt to t lw Int erco ll egia te co nte st at 11 iram. § J t ,s ti m e to tleg!n now ft>r a11y u1«.: wi shin g t o enter th e co nt e$t. :





the first I= I: choice of men = = GfillD'MA!~ BROTHERS who know JEWELERS good style No.. 8 5 NoRrn Sr. § and good = = = ii = values---

11111111111111111111 111 111111111111111111111111111111 11 1111111 11111111 111 11 1111111 11111 11111111111 11 111111

Main Events in the Life of Theodore Roo sevelt The main point s of hi s life wer e t he se. viz: I. Bo rn in New York Ci ty October 27. 1858. raduat ed fr o m Harvard in 1880. 2. 3. :\Iemb e r N. Y . Legi slature 18821884. 4. Lived on hi s ranc h e in N Or t h Dakota a ll t h e tim e from 1884 t o 1886 but o ften went there afterwards . 5. U . S. iv il ... c rvi cc on1n1issioi1 1889 to 1 95. 6. Po lice om missioner in New Y o rk 1895 t o 1897. 7. A s i tant ec retary o f the avy 1897 a nd 1898. 8. 'o lone l of "Rough Rid er s" 1898 111 panis h-A m e rican War. 9. ovc rno,· o f New Y o rk State, 1899 and 1900.

IO. Vice-President of th e

. S. 190 1.


= =

= = = =




II I III III III I II III 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1

= =







$40 to $65



$35 to $125

11. President fr o m I 90 I to 1909. 12. African hunt 1909 to 1910. 13. Brazi lian hunt 19 14. 14. :. fagaz in c w r ite r 191 I to 191 9. Died at Oyster Bay, th e Ro oseve lt o ld fami ly summ e r honJ c, Januar y 6, : 19 19.

= = = =

Be Sure of What -=== -= = You Buy = Suits and Overcoats

STYLEPLUS All the nobby new models, fabrics, = $25.00 to $45.00 weaves--= He wrote 34 book s of 43 volum es. in sizes to fit men of which t he best for boy s arc t h ese, = =1= of every build = I. Ranch Life and the Hunting

·Nationally Known

-= = = KUPPENHEIMER = $30.00 to $65.00 == = = =

V I Z.:

T rai l. 2. The \,Vi lclerne ss Hunter. 3. African Game Trai ls . 4. T he Stren uous Life. S. Autobiog r aphy. 6. Fea r Goel a n d Take Part.

Other GoodSuitsand Over~ [coats $25, $30 and $35

= =


The Capitol Clothing Co.

= 601 = = = == = = LOOK =

Hi . g r ca te t book is T he W in n in g of t he vVe t. and h is fi nes t book is h is la st, wr it te n ju t before hi s dea th , : T he Grea t Adven tu re. ii i 11111111111111111111 I II I III II II III III I III III IIIiii

to 615 North High St.

= = -= =




ii 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I IIIll IIII III III II Ill II IIIIII I II IIIII III I I1ii1

T H E T .-\

Page Six "Y" TO HAVE OCCUPANT Committee Is Investigating Proposition of Having Student Secretary Stationed in "Y" Building. P lans are und er way at the present time to se ·ure a tud c nt secre tary or r;ther a h o u e man for th e Young 1 fen' Chri stian Association who wi ll li\·e in th e two sma ll r oo m s up sta irs and who will ha ve char ge of the lit er­ aturt'. music. stat io n ery and a lso e that the building is kept open till late in the evening. l;nder th e present co nditi on of affairs the janit ors lock the Association Building at s ix o'c l ck un lc,<;s th ere is a m ee tin g sche duled for the evening. in which ca,e it is locked immediately fo ll owing dismi sal. Jf a ,a nci ent is quartered in the building better u. e may be made of the A,sociation eq uipm ent and a distinct ne d in st ud ent life may be md. A co mmitt ee compo eel of 1-lc,sr . Phil li pi. Fox and \\"e ll s is wo r king in conjunction with the college oftice on thi propo,ition and wi ll put th e plan into effect as 0011 as possib le.

)J ..\

X D C _<\ R D I :-J A L

11111111111111111111111 I Ill II II II IIIII II I HI 11111 11111 11 I I II II II


111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111


-.-0 ~

= = =

( )uccn Uuality Shoes need no introd uc­ tion . Th cY arc t. h e last v rd in style, workmansf1ip ancl ,Yearin 0 · qualitie Our pri ·cs arc lo \,·- a real ·a int:>· t you of $2.:iO to $,;_oo o n t.hc pair.


= :

Please Compare Prices for Yourself. Black Kid and Calf, Military Heel, at ·-····················· ··· ·····-- $5.50, $7.50, $7.90 Brown Kid Cloth Tops, Louis Heel, at ····· ····· ····· ·· ·• ··· ··· ·······--····-····--·-······· $8.00 Black Kid, Louis Heel, A, B, C widths, at _.... . -· ... .. . _.. ·- . ·-.... _.--·--·-. ·--- ····--··-···... $8.50 Gray Kid, Louis Heel, A, B. C widths, at .. ... .. .·-· ··-. ·-. --· ..... ·- ... -· ··-··- ··--·--·--··-·- $9.50

'1 :

~ :

= :


Freshman Take Hayride.


Walk-Over and Bostonian Shoes

lt's \\' eclnesday e\·cning ! .\ 11 aboard ! Giddap ! FOR MEN \\"ith a whoop an d a sh out the F r es hmen were off. Down the 4ui-:t _\ t price s lo w e r 111anufact ur e r s' pric streets of \\ ' es tcn·ille rumbled tl11· 1~ four "etl-tillccl hay wagon . Schovl : todaY -·-·--- ··-···-··-• ·••···-·--··-·· ·----·-··------··-· yells and popular song:5, ace m- : paniecl by ukeleles and mandolins, ga, e e,·idencc f th e line cla spirit. 'e1n i- E11°·1i ·h , outh 0 11 State str eet and acro5 Alum ·r ek Bridge went the proc e•­ O ur prices sh o uld induc e you t buy shoe to la yoq sion ; then 0 11 furt h er abo ut thrPc miles t th e 11 udd leso n Farm. l I ere t h e g irl s and fe ll ow cli mbed down fr o m th eir lofty sea ts and proceecltd to enjoy the games of the e Yenin is. fter "S kip to the Loom.'' "M y Dar­ ling'' and "M ill Ra ce'' had been played fo r so me tim e th e refr es h me nt s were se rYed. Big lu sciou do ugh nu ts. II III II III I Ill llll II I I II I I Ill I II I I I II I I I I I I II II IIII II II II I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11111111111111111111111 U 111 111 111 1111111111111111111111111111111III ho m e made pumpkin pie, juicy ap­ p les, and co ld sp icy cid er served to LOCALS fo rm e rly a m e mb er of the c lass of ;20. I::dith ~a \·c attende d the Vol1111•·f r cs h e11'' up th e Frc hman . A r ound . R. \ \/ . Schl'ar ~p en t Saturd ay ni gh t tee r nion nferc nce at Sprint a b ig r oa rin g ti re marshmallows wer e Mr. a nd Mrs. Gifford l'lltcrta111 cd c r. · wit · h I held · S aturclay. . an<I ,7 tlIHIay at 1• rcc111011t. 0 1110 t oas ted . a l di n ne r Saturday e,·c nin g , ,Hut n hi s brot h er. I A ni ce lo ng hay rid e afte r th e Va11Kirk, Mary Myers, Mary Tin~> \\ ' ho sa id "good ea t !" Just ask Pu h gave a plea sa nt ti ni h to t h m a n and \\'. 0. Stauffer. Richard St·ndl and l ·.rnes t Russel l the g irl who enjoyed the pusblt memorable affair. . advance men for the Anti-Sa loo 1'. gi\·en by Mae Loomi , .E"elyn Ju,, J{uth Van Kirk is s pending ,l I League an' home after se \·e1·a l we e k s J . ·, \\" I \! ' t t\11 ott Leob few clays in \ \'csten·ill e. . . ,. cs 1c 1 n, . 1c . J > • \\'Ork 111 ~la111c. I hey arc both fo rm - \11 ,f L t d Mi'l'....1 PEDEN MAKES ATHLETIC , - • , H SI I I f '17 . .- e n , ary anc a s er an urn .-.. . 10 ty. c ass o , a n c1 ., 111- j e r O tt erbe111 ,tud c nt s . D 't RECORD IN ARMY SERVICE 1 1 ton Czatt. ' 16, are a tt ending th e Yak · e i ~c · • \ \\". 11. \'ancc of (;rccm·illc () is I Otterbein i always g lad of distinc­ 1 1 o f re rig1on. abo ut Otte r b ·in "H"ll'' '1 'j . :.\.1i ld red Deit ch's father spell 1 ti on it s s tud ents attain ei th er m snoo Fred S hu pe. Leslie Dano. and l' au l 1 k' c. · . :says i e las I Sunday with her 1 )Cl'11 wor · 11 1" 111 l)ct ro1( .H e 1s · 11 , , · ' · sc h oo l o r o ut , and we hav e 110 right Spro u t spe nt the wcek · end at th e I . to be p r ud e r o f anyone than Roy ho m e of the latter at F ostoria. Th ey co n ~Idl 1ing rcma 1111 ng 111 Co lumbu s . \ Jo sey(1111e Albe rt we nt _to Col~ Peden, tt crbein's sta r half•back a nd attenckd the game at Tiffin Saturcla\'. ll ar lie \\ 'alter ., ' lll' nt Sat urd ay in bus l·nday. The att raction beill po le vau lter. · Springlil'id. o. · 'I a Y. \\' . C. co nvcnti n and a \Vh en p laying for th e Tan and Ca r ­ _ _ _ _ _ ____ [)arty . 1'i orence Reese of Col u mbus, 0 .. dina l he receive d univer sa l recogni ­ was in \\' esterv ill e Friday. and SatCOCHRAN H ALL NOTES .\ Bache lor' lub in a girls' tion from prominent new papers and urda y, the g u est of Ottcrhc111 fnends. Cl 1 · bat 'ady s _l lo_\~ arc! spent Sunday wi t h dormitory i a s tartl in g tung hi s cxperi nee in the army wa s 110 F lorence wa s a former Art st u dent 1 relat1\'l·s 1n l 1rclcville. O . 11 c,·erthe l s . ochran Hall b exception. H e wa chosen as r ight here . Severa l of the gir ls spe nt the of o ne, Friday eveni ng. half-ba ck 011 th e first E l Paso Di tri ct l-L K. Smi th o[ Dayton, O .. was th e we e k- e!! d at their I1 \ Gra c e· Moore v;sited Marjory A rm y tea m and wa s laud ed time and o m c 5 . • mong , again by n ewspapers for his brilliant week-end g u est of ~Jr. and 1' 1rs. H. thci,1 \\ ere 1'1ary Baliinger, l{uth ' o p e land thi wetk. s ~K ff.:... w o rk. Then in hi s other specia lt y, P. Cook. - ,ee 1y. ,n art h a Sk inner, Lo is BickelE lla J a ne \\' ilhelm is sue,.... po le vau ltin g, h e a lso gained s ig nal lra D . 11a yne who is a tt e 11cli11 g O . hat:pt, E,·e ly n and Margaret P ifer. fro m th e r es ult s of a fa ll at Y. W,(.. honor s. In th e A. E . F. Track and S. U. ha s b een s u ccessf ul in making The lma \\"arc spent the \ •eek-cn L I .\ . fro li c. Field me et, Peden took third p lace th e G lee C lub and th e s trin ged c1u ari11 Akron, 0. \Ve wonder why Gladys V~ and in the Inter-Alli ed Meet at Pari s tet t e which accompa ni es the Glee C lub G undy, li ce \ Vineb renner, JualiU he attained fo urth. Otterbe in is proud 0 11 it ann ua l to ur o f Ohio. This i .\li ce .\ bbo tt' m ot her Yis ited he r Foster had uc h happy faces on to hav e been so w ell r e pre sen ted. hi s seco nd year on th e c lu b. Ira was la s t w eek.



t. han

$4.50 t o $9.90 SPECIAL-~\ young m an's 1 r own alfEngli sh and at ----- -·----··-··-----··· $7.75 t fo r two year .

E. J. NORRIS, Westerville I I




. , .·







. ·



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