Guitner, P r of. A lma Sept. '20 W . College
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VOL. 3.
Flick He:; of Department ' Edwin M. Whitney, America's est Reader of Plays, Delights ' Lecture Course Patrons. Students Elect Representation to Inter~lass Basketball Series Starts ! Students on World Problems. World Convention to be Held at With Tie Fresh-Soph GameAn unusual privilege was enjoyed LaS t Friday night in th e college Des Moines Dec. 31 to Jan. 4. chap e l. Edwin \Vhitney. r eader and Sophs Win in Extra Time. by a good-sized audience of stu d ents . d impersonator, gav e t 11e t 111r num 1Jer PROFESSOR SCHEAR WILL GO and others in the college chapel. on of the Citizen' L ec ture Course. CROWD IS ENTHUSIASTIC th Monday ev ening. Nov. 24 when ey The play read by Mr. Whitn ey was Otterbein Is Allowed Four Delegates Seniors Take Easy Victory from Jun li stened to an informal address on ..The Fortun e Hunter." a four act I -Foor, Hancock, Howe and Nich·'The Present World Situati~n·• by D r. corned~. by Wendell mith. iors-Fox Scores 31 Points-Sec A. C. Flick. of the class of 94. Cons1denng all the talent that has ols Are Chosen by Students. ond Games Next Saturday Night. Doctor Flick declared that two of appeared dur ing the last few years on Six thousand students from practiOttcrbein's basket ball season was the greatest forces at work in t h e t I1e Iec ture course. 1t. · 1s · sa f e to s_ay cal ly every college and university of ushered in Saturday night by one of world today are nationalism and in- that. from the standpo111t of entertam- the United States and Canada will the clo est and most exc iting games ternationalism. He went on to ex- ment · a t ]eas t , no t one was so th or- J meet ·m D es 'iv·l omes · for fi ve d ays this · th at has been sce11 on ~h e o;ym fl oo r • · na l state . th e oug hi y an d u111versa · II Y enJoye · d as was 1 com mg ' S even con,·en•· p lain how the nat1o 1N ew y ears. · h t. tions sim,i liar to this one have been for several ye:irs. · ]ast F n'd ay n1g wor ld's greatest blessing, may b y an the num b er given . ·t Addresses ! at Syracuse U mversi Y
As per the custom the underclass- overdrawn conv icti on of its own immen staged th e better combat and porta n ce, become a most devilish both played a hair rais:ng game. Bo th cur se. Germany is the paramount exhad trong upport from the galle r ies ample of an overstressed nationalism the class of '23 leading in noise a nd and res ult ant ruin. He showed the numbers . force of the new idea of internationThe sop hs a1jpeared in new purple ism, makiug it p lain that the peri_o d jerseys with the figures '22 in white of state isolation is forever past and on the front. OJJ account of the fail- that in the future we are to th\nk and 1lre of the freshre ' jer ey to arrive Jive in terms of afl nation . Our duty they were force d to appear in white-. today is to preserve our nationalism Peden played a st ro ng game at but to temper it right and then t o g uard and toward the finish of the promote the growth of interna tional game Wagon er bro ught the hou se to ism on a high un se lfi h standard to their fee t with eve ral perfect shots th e end that law and order, t o acquire from the ce nte r of th e floor. Collier. which we have late ly paid O high , Ranck and Priest played a fine game may be guara~teed to all th e world. for th e fr es hm e n• Ranck being everyDoctor Flick has earned for himself ' t ory ' Wh ere on the floor. Towar d t h e c 1ose high distinction in t h e fi e Id o f H 1s 0 f the gam e h e had th e mJsfortune to and Political cience. After hi s gradeverely injure his ankle. uation from Otterbein , he spent sevThe sophs Jed off the fir st half with era! years in graduate work a·t Co two field goals but th e fr eshies came Jumbia University being awarded a hack with three. Wagoner who had fellowship ther e at th e e nd of his fir t bee n out of the game the past two yea r. He i now h ead of the Depart weeks on acount of injury could not ment of History and Po litical Science locate the ha ket during this half. The of the Univer ity of yracu e. Doc Yea r!ing' Jed in the scoring the re- tor Flick has trave led extensively in m ainder of the half and the half e nded most countries of Europ e and the 24 fo 16 with the fr es hm en on t q p. Orient, having spent a year in r es iTracht wa s ubstituted for Co ll ie r de nt study in Germany. His intimate in the second half. With eight poiiJts acquaintance with world problems and to tie the oph tarted in with r eal bi inexhau tible fund of first hand dete rminati on to win, but the fresh- expe ri ence give bi r e mark a charm me n by hard playing kept ah ead by a that se rv es . to in te n i_fy th e effect of mall margin. With the core 35 to Jl: skillful 111terpretat1011 of the probof '23, Wag-) !e m of th e hour. 33 in favor of the cla 0 1'. er cag ed the tying goal in th e la t m111 ut e of pl.ay. I Henry Clay Frie. k. (C ontmued on page two. ) H en ry Clay Frick, P1ttsb_urg an d
New York, millionaire, who died TuesI • C II Second Reel.ta!. 1day ' once attended Otterb e m o hege.I IF r a ortion of 1867 he was in c oo A number of mu ic pupils of Ot-,· 0 Pd ·ember of th e Philo111 te r b em · co llege will b e pre en te d m · he re an was L't a ociety A numb er the econ d r ecital . f Id of the season W e d - phronean . 1 era ry s in We · terville and ne da y eve n ·111 g, D ecem b er 10, a t th e o. o er per . ons r emember him. 0 tterbein Con ervatory.• There will 111 co 11 ege circ 1e h $ I OOO he a vane · d wogra m con 1·stmg · · It 1s · r ecorded that e gave ' o f v10r111 numbers, voca l and ins tru me ntal to h 1s" ocie· t Y an• d later. made a mall . sel ec t·ions. The program will • begm · g1'ft t o th e s ame orga111zat1011 thr o ugh at 8 o'clock ar.d friends are invited. Ed D . Re sler.
Everyone agreed that in hearing Mr. Vlhitney they had enjoyed a rare treat. This is Mr. Whitney·s fo ur th appearance upon the p la tform in Westervi ll e. Twice h e has appea r ed a a member of the Whitney Brothers' Quartet and once before he performd alone .a a reader, The committee in charge will certainl y m ee t with hear~y approval in sec uring Mr. Whitney, if po sib le, for a performance next ye.a r. _________
held in th e pa t at four year intervals, but on account of the war, this is the first to be held in six years. This is th e first large st udent assembly since the war. It p u rpose to bring together representative del egations of students and profe!; or from all the important institutions of higher 1 rniug o.f. Canada and ru d ta e , and leader of th e hri tian ente rpri se throughout the world. The eriou ituations prevailing in all countries tod ay will be co n sidered a s well a s the problem of evange li zing "LEFT-OVERS" ENTERTAINED non-Chri tian peop le. It is to be ____ hop ed and expected that great in pirCo-eds of Cochran Hall Who Re- j ation and vi_sio n ~ii~ be gained for . H Th k . . th e world-wide mt s10nary program mam ere O ver an sgivmg I of the churh. Share Festivities with Men. An unex ce lled opportunity i be Ain't it fi erce to b e so lon e ome, lone- for e tho se s tudent who are o forome, tunate as to be chosen delegates. Opo rarin' , tearin' lone ome. lon esome. portu1ut1es to it under such leade r ever have n o peace of mind, as John R . Mott, Robert E. Speer. or We're the ones that are left be hind . Bertha Conde, do not come very often AHthe o,ther went away, in the ex pe ri e nce of the average tuAnd poor us, -we had to tay. dent. Why, every couple y ear , It significant t hat practically We shed a lot o' tear ! every co 11 ege 1· s natchfog up it full Ain't it fierce to b e so lonesome? quota of regi !ration s immedlately, Merrily the Cochran Hall "left and many are clamoring for a chan ce overs" sang this mournful ballad, as to en large their r ep r ese ntati on . th ey as se mbled, ome forty . trong, Otterb ei n people who will be there around the fe ta! board on Thank are Profe o r Schear, J osep hine Foor, giving day, to epjoy a " regular" four Be rtha Hancock, J. R. Howe and course dinner, that could hardly be Man on ichol . These delegates o utcla ed ev n by one o f mother' were cho en a the r e ult of a ve ry own. inte re ~ing popular elec tion la t wee k This was on ly the beginning o f the in w hi ch the ballo ti ng wa quite close'. day' fe tiviti'e , howeve r, for hardly wa the dinn er co mpl e ted until the College Officials Away guest of th e day, -all other College , f ,, b t . Th · le t-overs - egan o arrive. ey Pre ident W. G. lippinger and fo und the. parlors tastefully decorated P rof. J. P. We t went to Harri _ I t s. ye II ow c h ry anwi t h po t te d Pan burg, Pa., aturday to atten d a meet h d t em um an can di es, an d ye 11 ow ing of the board of education of the h a d e d 1·1ght . A J·011 Y a ft erno o n was nited Brethren church. They pent in old fa hioned game and con- spoke on un day in churches near Th f II · h · t tests. e o owmg s o r. program H _a rri b urg. President Clippinger wa given: wi ll go to New York from Harri bu rg (Continued on page two.) for a few day .
-=-;;,;-~ 'l B ur n1"fts of uy 'yoF i, .shin dg l Men s ur Ill t t, '::_ men's stores a -
o ag < Two S CLASS CONTE ST FAST GAMES ARE ' Co,,,1,, , ,,1 fro m page . ..,.) . ct of live minutes was , ,, " ' '" pmo - ct ct th e so ph's showed th ey playc a1~ . ct the nece ssary puncIh th by stil l possessc : ct · tRJ ct ropp l"g o oe •hrn og , e k W imme .a c y C Ib as hurt and ra J s has ke< . b ·"" t « d A· oo I hcc fie Id goal wa,· ~u ~t1 ure foul • s nett ed fo ur more an th e so ph s. Th e fr eshm en !l c . f 11 I <wo mo l e ~-, h· ad no chan •• ce to scor e d urmg . pom<, tra pen·o ct aiid th e gam, , .,d,d b w,,· .
s h w,· 11 g '·ve th eir live for ,I = Ipmo" ' 111111 lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 111111111111111111111111111 1 lh< spmd of · <h, g os,<1. Th, ta k ~ ...-- -----W
fo , "· wh o c,0001 go, "lo'"'" "''" earn est .,,,m mo,y p,ayc, ~•h God, fo r th ose who . have given their C · lives to thi s serv ice. D oubtl ess hnst o ft en disappointed for I when dwe pray I t th oo, ow" s,lhsh < m ao o,g <e < I h" heath en who need he p o muc · • of <h, 11 "OoC Days" will b, F <h, lop,c ext meet in g, led bv aye B yers. - - - - - -- - · · " LEFT-OVERS" ENTERTAINED · ct f )
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I t to se ec At ou, Mo« you will find •·t ,asy . lb<'' en Ties, · t " A half do z ,·ng A pair o "gU<s m,o app«m < · M to< D s Gloves. A do<<' , fou, pai, Silk Sox. Gauntlets o, a P"' m 0
•l :::: • ::
Intial Handkerchiefs.
: §: : _
= _
the ,s_ purpl e and p:nk ah ead Y six (Cont111ue rom page one. po;,, Solo-E1h,\ Euba,,ks. (35) Sophomores ( 4 l_ ) So""g-foml<d lo-Mae Sellman. F res hmen -= Th, Swe. Quuteue. P•le s< Wago"" R. F. Ma,t,,, Medley-Vl,glola Wolf< aod VI,Colli« , Trncht L. F. g :";' Taylo,. _
Men's W m
chreck C. Albright Apples and home-made candy were Ran White R. G. Ped," m,cd. ck Crabbs L. G. Fun1k6 After a short intermi sion, the same ' ., ,nd of fint hnd co« ' 11- 24 to d pany «·ass,mbi<d to 'P<"d th, mn4 of mon log. Th, am, pfrl1 of m<nlme" I ( F ,esh m,n) · Seo« " , hall-JS to 35. Fl<ld goals:--Manm 1• P<md,d all, ,s lo <h, dt«noo... The \V agom 8. Albclgh I 6. Pncs<3 S :,:• ; <vcnl "g p,og,am fott owsc lie, 4, Schmk 5,, Trncht1 · • o u3 Violin So1-v1,g1n1, s ..avcly.
Goal -A1b,lght • u'.. ;i P~:~PR<>dlng-P,.1 Hm;. t of 4 RefereeUC s J L O It 1ull Sco.m-Culle,. Tlm,k«pe,ong- . . pPe . " . R<ading-Ha,, J Pay.,,. Banc.o ft. lllus<,ated oog-A\lc, Abbou a"d n , 11olo--F. :nge,. L. Roberts. The game S<nio•-l=io, bet ween the up_Per class- Edn, Piano 1 m<" was WO" hy th, S,mo,s th by a Mo,l~"W;Jd N<i\, th, Pet of th, a rge margin . Fox · ht Yeteran I ht o\ of th<con. ree Plains."
,g 43 . ' Th, fo ,m, 1 prng,,m <nd,d m a yms was th, bng al o played andp,o,oked the rest of tth, he "'Huber ' '"""g 31 of well lh< dd"mg pom ix _s. reali whl,i tico f movie; la u,hte, _ by point to ILbe a lready sufficie nt _c~re. f evening was pent in a ilariou and ct well at guard g1v111g . f 1 . . . Meyers aye f oppo_rtunities to o,m, man~"- _1«mma1mg ."" a . t h, Jomo,s ,w g,and ma,ch l,ad,og from ""' to th co«. Tb, 1, exwi,nccd .J unt , c, 11., aod <ndlog In the dinin g rnom Chan coolde not , to hask<t w '" l were whc,, erv dooghoot aod hot cbocoJat, locat, be cont~nt offered and had d.
w,th . b "' mn, · points ' Cook makmg smn of thcs,. . , bl, difficolty get. th ball on th<tos up oo Fox h,d con ,d, a mount of Slmn "" · ting near e ' I t Both »I
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Pace tearn Fpx Ph hm R. . G. . "llpp; '. 0 3 H. ' L. G. Lmbl,tu ' : ,, atl '"d F of fi, I h,lf-16 to · Ficld go, ox 12 Oppelt l , Huber J ~!ley r 1, ch.ear 1, Cook 3, terns
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h er e. ome in and make yo ur s election de o r have § ::: e can have yo ur name plates ma !
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Card p r inted from the o ne s yo u have. ut fl er for every occa i on . Let 1V
,nail -.:1. V'Te -
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Ur friend .
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sympathl. _,wak<ned. Oo, who!< lif, § ome an brow e ar u.n ' ' • =Yb, d, ~d<d m to a 0,1 of trlan•l< S what w, " < w_bat w, hav,, aod w~a, § ~'; #> S we do. 'l'.h, m,ru[ m,y al ob, looked : • • U '!! , 1 · 'h « • : upo" , m>mg •·ct < , t,1 ,n. · l\11111 11111 IL t I th ti l th rf 111111111 1 t, " ,owth o, , ' "'"" <mo on, . <avochu,c. , ••n. 'llllt I11ltl llttt Ii 11ltl lltlt\ lllltlttt IIt\ tit II\\ 1111llt 1111llt 11111111111111111111 ,I. top • "' tttill\111 1111tl~j1 1 t« o, in a !If . fo oo • \If< bulidln g g11111111111111 Ii 1111 llttt tt \ tit tttt tt It\ It!! Ill tttl ttllltt Ill Ill llll 11111111 llltll lll ! w m <lthc, hclped o, hlndc,ed by · : , 1 th habif we form The r a on why Call Citizen 21 or Bell 147-R , for ,,. o many people doubt i b a u they : S
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v\fe ho ulo look upon do ub t onJy a , l<mpo,ary t,tc. B li f ;ng,nd« powers and kind le action. e houlct not dwelt t90 oog upoo doob t bot honId ~n ;d<, 1tho th ing that w, b<ilm. Doubting . lrin ,nd w« tiog with
ym, . at Y. W.mat,d C. A. of uob,hcf hav fa I Tu< day ";:::~ fo, con th, wodd." "Th, n«d
opp rtunit y . We have a large va n e 11o ut be o-)ad make up a o r tme _n t t o enc
I. Fool Go,! -Fox 7 out of 8---Cook do oot _think _th,_oogb a prnpo itio~ § I out4 p,c,, 0 out I. doobtmg mrnJ, ,none , ~o mind. , : ' _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . Mfas Hancock Pm,nts N,.' d . thfor Consecrated Missionanes. H k led ooc of the most B« ~ ""~' «ting of th e vitallyonmtere the uhbn_g Jeet,m"Om th, c,"
Ill::11 1111 111111~
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chm at Y. M. . . Th u, dayolgh,. th called him h>ck to try ' om. om, of < oot laodiog ' " '" " of 'jEu'L«, .'. I toone_b,· hi "To t,lk"' given b<iow, t a pext exci ting a Itheprn~, e mitta Eve rationa-lly i the gr ate t : todent boold b, '~ory • · out. · ht . b,g th p,obl,m of \If~ W e cannot 1,1ft -ba k tball ea on is 111 ig wi wi~ great prob lem and ti ll k ep our ::: nppo,t.
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d<almTknow what ry u s.
ent the h o m e fo lk a wo uld <l s the v rna pre ent f th e hn trna s car J -' 1ade a S . . f · d t 11 ::: need to marl o ut t o their n en . e l them )le ,,. dl ovely o·i f ft h enabling bl" } to decure a rt1 t l · · n et O t e o-reat pu I 1er an [I l the ty gave and _the y gave in turn, so tha_t a ·a nd
1 ,:·,un fo, atouch down _wh,n" huck'
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M,n As«mbI,d" Y. M. c . A. 1~~\, ,;;a,~ ::g1, . Bs<th fo,got op himself io th,e«t<d fi, t <xccll,n"t "Dooht"add,, wa th,giv objw • V<,y If ,nd\ow pickIog tho b,11 n by of P , of u,
p,op '
E• J • NORRIS :§
Th, hou, wa O<adog mld,,;ght : wb,n tb, gu, t dcpa,1 d ,11 «all,- § . . . mg Iha, they had b, n too busy b,v. = hom, I k. = mg a good time to be the lea t bit
tarns ? e- -- - - -. dand t0 Barthlow hold Foxwere fromquitcoe rm g t um,_'.' O " wa drnpplng them Profo, so, Sch,a, Sp,ak, to 0
1111 :1 §
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E, HANSON, The Clean-Up
: gent for Acme Laundering Company General Lau ry pressers ; - p<c,I,s, D,y Ci<anlng Go., Dry CI,an,n, ' Dym ,nd Samta• nd · y , : Headquarters-12 E C A Westerville, O. -a 1fle : Subsc,iption, tak f Th Lad«s , 11 ege ve., <n oc .< oCount,y G,nt <man, • . ,.P ! 0 :Joun,,r, S,tu,day Evening Post. ;"' 1 p I : rompt S<<vkc-Bm Smk,. = u111\\U\\I 1111
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Page Three
co llege stude nts are training for lead- tervention of any sort m ean armed er and the :r present vision will be intervention. and one of the h ealthiest / reality in the future. wars tha_t the United tates will have :'ublish ed vV ee kly in the interest of There is apparent unrest through- ever fought. Otterbein by the OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING out th e country. The true keynote ------BOARD or ba sic princip le on which it moves Westerville, Ohio i undet e rmined . What men ask for, / . Squareness. f,:ember of the Ohio College Press that :s within the pale of reason , i Sometimes a st udent is compelled to Association - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - justifiab le. However. the pre ent de- a sk o r wonder just why or how a cer1 STAFF mand by some organizations i sa n - tain election or affair was conducted. 2 Editor-in-Chief .. Ramey H . Huber, ' 0 ity run aground. It is not the natur- 1Sometimes in our relations with each 21 .\ ssi tant Editor ·········· L. E. Pace, ' al demand for rationali m, it i not other as st udents a certain function Contrib uting EditorsEsther Harley, '21 the necessity of money for a liveli- is omewhat hazy. Sometimes our Edith Bingham, '20 hood; it is some pote.11t force gradual- elect ions are "railroaded" through on Business Manag,er .. C. C. Conley, ' 22 ly transforming into a dynamic wave a cclama tion basis which seems to As : tant Bu siness ManagersElra Miller, '22 that is moving toward-I Who can be self-evidence of crookedness. W. N. Rob e rts, '22 name it? Sometimes a presiding officer recogCirculation Mgr. .. Mary Tinstman, '20 It is not an out and out anything nizes certain ones and seem fearf.u l Assistant Circu lation Manager definite . We ca n not ca ll it revolu- ·I of giving others a chance to expres Marvel Sebert, '2 1 , Harriet Hays, '22 tion. nor yet anarchy. But it has the · their opinions upon the subject under Athletic Editor .......... M. N. Funk, '22 ear-m~rks and poin_t in the same ,· discussion. The w rite r wonders . i-f Local Editor .............. Haze l Payne, '21 direction a Bo! hev1 m. we have asked ourselves frankly and Alumna! Editor .. Prof. A. Guitner, '97 You men who think and have honestly, " Have we, performed to the Exchange Editor, Mary Ballenger, ' 20 dreams of economic utopias, national best of our belief?" "Have we actuCochran Hall Editor. h id Evelyn Darling. '2 1 unity and a christ:anized nation, o ally elected one worthy of thi posiLiterary Editor, J. Gordon Howard,'22 fast to your ideals. Your very ouls tion?" Have we acted without preju are gping to be tried and men with I dice or self-intere t ?" "Have we al Address all communication to The Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 20 W . the strongest ideals will win. Grip lowed politics or under-handed dea ling the situation and prove yo urselves o to take posse sion of the busines in Main t., We te r vi ll e, Ohio. ubscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, as to be fit. hand?" Or on the other hand can we payable in advance. say we have acted in good faith. Entered as second class .matter 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!.' Have we performed in such a way that ~ept~mqer 25, 19 17, at t11~ postoffice even if we do not all agree on one tit Wt1§tefvillt1, e., µnd {!F a1,1t of ubject o r perhaps become trong op March J 1 1a;9, ponent yet each will vouch that the 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ii i\11Gtf)tanc:;t1 fPf n1ailing at _~pe.;,al other is square. Will the one esteem fillll @f po§t1rn~ pr(lvitled for tn ~ec. 'ong ressmao · Gardner once remark I!OJ, A t of O t. 3, 1917, authorized ed, ·'Pre ident Wil on would send the the other as a friend, who is oppo ing becau e of incere and hone t motive Apri l 7, 1919. Kaiser to unday chool. I would or m ust we think of each other as send him to t. Helena." being ·'c rooked" and wors e than all EDIT ORIAL The same th :ng may be said con carry in our own realization the fact cerning certain unruly Mexican , tha t we actually we re "croo ked" a nd "Life is a equence and the man Old Kin · ·pa! i. 1h rn ler af th s urren dered "p rinciple" in o r der to who · doe s great wo rk ha _ Ion~ i:J!:e·n Go4 11 tfY u~waday , and we mu t be sec ure a e lfis h end. in t rai11 i11!!' fqf it. '-The Phi\i tin ti ." . L. S. Hert, '21. c:;ar11f1-1l how we treat him, or he will glv u the cold houlder.
Seals, .Cards, Spoons,
The J unior cla i to be commended on having the initiative and indu try e ential for i su ing a y l thi year. Former ly the ibyl a biennial publication but the cl of '2 1, ha taken the forward step in making it gr~11!~~ an annual. Th e facu l
. .
en to ri1
FY~! .thi
in m h'
i~ ab
B tq
. all
il ,,i gag
Rings, Pins, Pennants, Pillows, Kodaks, Wrist Watches, F a n c y Books a n d other Suitable Articles for presents at the
University Bookstore -===============~ C. W. Stoughton, M. D. 31 W . College A v e.
Westerville, Ohio The American con ular agent who Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 wa held by the :Mexican , Mr. Jen kin , has been relea ed, and the re HOME DRESSED lation between the two countrie is a little more ati factory to tho e w1'o have at heart the peace of the I\ Spn, But the it11:i~1,l\t ha!J qr-01.1ght ll!l th MAKE GOOD EATS ol<I (HI ti n f in er-v@nti n. l thi peac~ th n1E1 t honorable o lution, Both Phones even th u h it be th mo t advan Citizen 92 tageou to our elve ? There are two B ell 46-W. side to the que tion. enator ay that intervention i the only method of putting Mexico on it feet wh 'le another maintain that uc~ cour e would cause C\l.rr nza to as ume a. ict t • • ip and control the cqmin dectio n , and bring about all kind pf t ro qle. It i tg be iHl~iH d Give them a trial and be convinced, that something mil t q d n ._ gt ln, they have the best.
G.· W . Henderson, M. D.
Hours by Appointment
Corner State Plum Sts.
G. H. Mayhugh, M. D . East College Ave. Phones From the Oven to You a Cakes, Pies, Bread and Citizen 26 Bell 84-R Delicacies. Dew Drop, The Leader DAYS' BAKERY 20 N. State St.
ember \ ere. cho en ever o and they are pendii m uch time and effort to put out elaborate book. The price will be ma po ut their ch i<?-! ·· - ·
dt!JJilrtlJl@n t,\l a<it 1\f 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111_111111111111111111111111111111111111!! Coffee, Lunches 'and Dinners are IY {l(lc;, fil~tP !ind eU !JEl~nd, Alter raduation a t o the o ur their Specialty. ,. an nua l depicting coll ege day will ; § con tntly grow in value. urely 110 Sandwiches and Pies of all k inds. tudent ,v:ll p the opportunity an€!
ing ublic · that ,yi l f t~e t i P,FIP~ in tr,eiF (}nt:erpri
wn th anf!
= = = =
We _
--------8B ST,
1111\y not i:e 111 appropriate for --=-
co lt ge
to exer!ise opin:ons
on such v itally inherent que tion as the following.
, •
= = = = = = -=
national But the f.1111111111111llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllii
0 . ENGLAND, Prop. 41 N . State St.
Page Four
,--. 'rHET
York Ci ty are r ec 1v10g congratula ti on on the birth oi a little daughter on December 2. The baby ha been named Elaine Lee.
RITTER & UTLEY Up-to-Date PJ:virmacy
Miss Harriet Raymond of Pike ton, Ohio, spent th e Thanksgiving vacatio n with friends in W este rville.
'1 9.
Profes or E. E. Lollar ha had to g :ve up his wo rk as teacher in the High School at Spokan e, Washington, on acco unt of serio us trouble with hi eyes. He and Mrs. Lollar (Flora peer). '92, have come to Auburn, In diana, for rest and recuperation.
OPTICAL DEPARTMENT . Eyes Exammed Free, E ye GIasses and Spectacles all styles.
'78. M r . S. W. Ke:ster (M ar y Nease)
of \Ne terville was called to Mt. Ve r non, Iowa, shortly before Thank giving on account of the illnes of her olde t granddaughter, Mary Eliza beth Keiste r.
A . SATIS FACT ION GUA ~A NTEE~arker Fo!~:111 Siggestions-Eastman Kodaks and Supphe? anttterbein I . e~s. , Correspondence Cards and Papetnes, and T~h~tk :i,adies and Gents' Purses. California Perfwnes, rticles of all description. LL OUR PRICES REASONABLE GIVE US A CA
Mr. and Mr . Ray J. Har mes:== - ·1·11·.,•1 !in (Rena Reyot) who were married 111111111 111111111111 at the home of th e bride on Thank _ :: lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll § giving Day, spe nt the unday follow- ~ ing at the home of Profe sor Ros elot .,
Dr. John G. Huber and family of Dayton, Ohio, were Thanksgiving gue t at the hom e of Professor J ohn H. Francis in Columbu , 0.
' 19,k '1 8.
'06, ' 07. Dr. and Mr . E. E. Burtner (M aude Truxal) of Westerville went to Braddock, Penn ylvania, last week for a hort vi it with Mrs. Burtner' parents.
iu We terville. They will make their home in Canton, Oh io, where Mr. ; Harmelink is assi tant pa tor of th l:nited Brethren church. e
' 17. Earl D. Brob t o f Findlay, Ohio, wa in Columbus on Thanksgiving Day, attending the wedding of Mi Emma A. Dorsey and Mr. George D. Schoonove r, which occurred in St. Paul' Epi copal ch ur ch.
U r. and Mrs. Ro coe H . Brane of Dayton, Ohio, entertained a · family party dur ing the Thank giving sea on. Their guests were Mr. and Mr . Thomas B. Brown and on , Thoma B., Jr., and Denny, of Madion Penn ylvania, and Mr . William L. Brown Beulah Bell) and son Will iam, of Burgett town, Penn ylvania. '13, '13.
Mrs. Carl M. tarkey (Mabel rabb ) of Akron, Ohio, wa in We terville during the Thanksgiving vaca tion, the g ue t of M: Cora A. Mc Fadden at Coch ran Hall and of Mr . L. . Weinland.
' 81. Dr. and Mrs. Rob ert M. Mateer ( fadge Dick on) have ju t returned to thei r mi · ion work in th e Shan t un P rovince orth Ch ina, after a nited tate . furlough pent i11 the They wer accompanied by Mrs. l\fat er' ister, Mr . I. A. Loo ( lice ick n) , ' 3 of Iowa ity, Iowa, and Mr . J. L. teven (Ju tina Lorenz), ' 3, of Dayton, Oh io, who exp ect to pen d a year in China. .
Qu a 11·t y Fl owe rs s §::
'17. . t seyen o'clock 011 \ edne day ev_e n111g, . ovember 26, Anthony Wa~ne . eally wa married to Miss =
For Christmas
= I= = Sweet
e returned to take up th eir abo de . a cozy little four room uite on . ;: Center Street, Willoughby Oh· : 111
whe r e Mr. Neally i publicity for th e tandard Tire company. ·
Aged Minister Dies. F uneral ervice were held la t 1; hur day afternoon and th e body of 1'.ev. R. H. Bovey- of layto11 , a mul· . l ter nearly 90 yea rs old wa I 'd · · o tterbe~n cemetery. ' at The to re· t 111 Bo:ey family i one of the in .• which there are a many a • ix 0 tte rb ein graduate . In the pioneer day a mini t . ' r Ill th . . ~ e pos1tioo of Reverend fr B h d • ovey a to ~ake uprem acrifice in order !o gi ve hi children the benefit of h1g~er ed~cation but he managed to do it. It t al o a tribut to him that all _o~ hi on ' th ree iu number are m1n1 ters Th th ree' re in argradual daughter ' all · · t.t rb •
_22 North High Street C 1· b oh· 0 um us, 10
Mar h of Marion, Ohio af the· =
n e hom~. week's honeymoon was . . .spe n t 111 N l ew y ork City and -= v1c1111ty after which. nthony a rd 111. _ "f I ~ I
":...,: "
and s "
Corsages a Specialty.
§ §
~: :
A nice line of Blooming P lants.
Mr. C. C. Conley is Our
Ma1·n 9095
w esterville AgeJl ' c·1t1ze · n 70 12
_ -
§ 111111111111111111111111
1111111 111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 111111~
111111111111111111111 11 11111111111 : llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllll
::: : :,
;;~,:!:~~~:i:~:,~:~;·:~;;:r.~ i O! der Xmas Photos at Once I 1
Re erend Mr . Bovey wa wid ly = ::: ' 11. The on born to Mr. and Mr . known and belo ved in 1 = y ::: farti11 . Pill bury. (Helen M . ein Brethren church. tie nited our Photo is the only thing your friends cannot bUY• ~ land) of Trenton, ew J er ey, atur day, ovember 22, ha been named One dozen Ph otos make 12 appreciated presents. Local Resident Dies. :::::: Iartin K. Pill bury Jr. J ~ . harle \\ · Lafever, the fa ther of § Have the best ::: '98. Mi B rtha Flick of Tarrytown, Mis nna D II Lafey r who . . : ~ . t a t •w ork, has ju t recovered from t a nt l"b 1 ranau, . died on t d :~ . D a ur ay T • wo und received a few week ago ml ornmg ec mb r 6. Mr. La£ ve r HE OLD RELIABLE ~ wh n he wa run down by an auto 1ad been a re ide nt of" ' t . -~--,...___ -., ~ ~~ "e erv11le _ ·· mobile b longing to Mr . Fin ley J. a b out twenty year . He w : , hepard who was form erly Ii June •>9 1 ' 3 . Kn a born 1: l' _V.. ~ ~ ' "1 m ox ·ounty, Ohio : ~ . • Helen Gould. ii Flick wa con 1 near Mt.Vernon. . In G-i h e ma.: ned . • _ I! fined to h r bed for about two we k J',f"1 E liza Bu k1ughanl and 11·, d • : COLUMBUS ,O. ~ Ill :I! K nox. county unt il. 1 after th accident. , 0 ,,.11en the : . . • II State and High Streets 111111111 '95. 1·r . \ . C. Whitney (Edith moved to a arm on the tate R ~ ii1111 ~a I 11111111111111111111 111111111 Turner) and two daughter of We - north about one and from \: e t ·11 one-half mile 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111 erv1 e. 1111 1111~~ t rvill p nt Thank giving vacation 111111 lllll111111111111111 11 Funeral erv· 1111111 ~ in Dayb n. W hile th re they a i ted ·t d B t e wer held in the : 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 ~ n1 e rethren church und er, ~ in eel brating the golden wedding an Rev. E E B noon. ay after: China Oil ARTISTS' SUPPLIES paP ~ ni er ary f D r. and Mr . . Whitney. urtner wa 111 • ... B , and Wa ter C O1 · · . · Color J11es, , : r ushes Burnish or Paints, Cimvas, Water Oil perfu ~ charge of the ervice and . t ' 17, '17. Mr. and Mr . ernon L. wa made at the tte ers, Palette K nives, Gold, Tinting ' ~ • m erment § Candy ~t 1 hill ip (Edna E . Miller) of \ ·11 r >e111 c mi!tery ~ terv l e. ' :: · 11 1 1 ;:: PR, KEEFER' S 11111
!~ =-
111111111!111 II ll1!1!1111
I Ill 11111!1111111 !I II 11111 II 11111111111 11 11 II I !1 I lll !III I I
Class Game Series. \ Non eniors ............ J oph s .............. I Jun iors ............ O Fre hmen ...... () Preps .............. o
Lost O I I
Sporting Notes.
Page Five
~Ill II II IllI I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I II II I I II I I I I II Ill Ill I I I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 g 1
Go rd o n Howard of this year·s j footba ll team has been chosen by the § Cleve land . · ews Leade r as Gu a rd on th e firs t All-Ohio eleven. Howard played well during the pas t season
1000 1000 000 000 000 and showed up partic ularly in the
home-coming game with vV ittenberg. : In picking his a ll-Ohio team. Go ld- § stein says he has reac hed his opinion Rev. M. H. Ba lli nger Yisited Ma r y by personal observation and by ob•la t Tuesday tainin g the opinion of coaches and officials. pe r ons in the best posi ~i~n : Pauline Daugh erty spe nt Saturday to sec ,vho 's who on th e fie ld. isiting friends here. On Monday. N"ov. 24, the freshm en Mr . S. '. Hough of Dayton and gained a point in the co ntes ts with Mr. G. C. Kahler of io nn g, town .the Sophs by winning. th e two ?n ile vi ited J o ephine Albert during race. The ave rage tim e of both § Thanksg ivin ~ vacation. clas e wa taken, the wi-nners fi nis h Glady Yocum, Rhea McConahay ing in 1 mjnutes 39 2-:1 seconds and Mary Vanc e were guests at th e w hil e the lo er's tme was 21 minutes n·tshop club for Sunday dinner. 13 4-3 3 second . : George, a sophomore, took first Mr. and Mrs. ah·in Steiner of -Olumbus were the guests of Edna place by completi ng the ci rcuit in 12 _ minute 53 seconds while Lea of the § Dellinger on Sunday. . freshmen wa second with 12 minutes The girl of Coc hran Hall will be 55 seco nd . E. a_pd L. Newell to ok sorry to ee Mary Tinstman move third and fourth places respectively out of the Hall this we ek. clo ely followed by Mignery and Dean McFadde n wa·s o-iven a din Love. ner Party, in honor of her birthday, Patronize Our Advertizers. Monday evening. The girls present ed her with a basket of ro ses a a token of their lo ve.
Th e martest-Style Men's CIoth•Ing f o_r Ch. r1stmas • ••
= = =
Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Fashion Park Hand-Tailored All-Wool Suits and Overcoats -
$40, $45, $50, $60, $65
Mr • ek.
rell vi ited Je sie \,V il on la t Corner State and Main Sts.
!loom 12 : Third Fioor was th e (en,e f a dinner party ' ucsday evenin given in honor of Marie Billrnan Hoff and Doroth)' Straw of Co lumbus.
Does Cleaning and Pressing on Short Notice.
. Florence Dixon wa ho tes at a . dinner • party Thur day eve mng. ... j THE GROCER C01·e . r we~e laid for memb er s of H. 11 H · lub mclu lin<T Mis es B eulah J ei1edict, Bonn ie Goodrich, E tella Sells Candies, Nuts, Fruits · and a full 01 n n, iolet Patter on, ara Wil line of fine Groceries. son and the h·o tes .
Through th ourte y of Pr ident nd a Mr • \>\'. G. lippin ge r fotlr Young in 11 h . ti . " o did not r eturn to t~:ir 1 tn on Thanksgiving due to ti . di tan e w e re dinner ue ts at ie1r ho the me on that day. The e "'er e Youi1g men : L. . Peart, M. St aake R ha ' ; L Robert and_ R. R. Ehr-
Mi , ,· ell e been th gu Marie eller, .
'ea er of Xenia ha of Mi es Lois and
chear and her br~hr · E. \ . E. '~an " ' N 1c . h ol and L e 11e · • • th er on 1 C O] f \ 1'ha nk . 0 • e t F i Id Ill., pe n t IT giving with her i ter M r ar ley ,-, ' · .orttnrey of Pik ton . Mi , . &ue ~ ell M ill entertained eve ral of t at dinner on Friday evening I the a~- ,veek. ove r w re laid for ?\[0 - 1 farian E lliott, H elen e Fe · 1-table' . 1111 no Bradford, Ethel Hill, L )ftchol , Hazel Hyle and Mr . · · War o n.
Comer State & College
box of good assorted Creams selected from our new st9ck. A Fine Christmas Gift . Or if you dor_i't mind she might enjoy it this even1ng.
Hoffman Drug Co.
= And All-Wool Suits and Overcoats that are = = Guaranteed Satisfactory, $30 and $35 = -== = = = = = -= = = = = = II Ill llllUII Ill lllllllll I I I I I I 111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111i1 II I I I I I I I I I 11111111111111111 lljjj 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IUI
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -= =
--::: -=
= = -= = = = = =
••.. q
at is Chris s a.Box of Cand
= = She Likes Candy = You Like Her = = Give HER a fancy box of Chocolat es and you will make a hit. A = Make your selection display of nifty boxes now at Williams'. Then why not give her a r-
= = = = = = = =
B. W. WELLS Tailor
= = = =
Th ose having ·'pu hes" were Mary Chamberlain and Alice Winebrenner, ; uby omer . Edith Bingham. Ethel ubank and Edna J o hn sou .
= = =
NOW-we will deliver it on Xmas Day. Remember, we prepay delivery charges to any place in Ohio.
= =
Both Phones No. 12.
= = ~
= = = = = = = = = =
= = 1ri 1111111111 i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Patronize Tan and Cardinal Advertisers.
Page Six
.,.- - ~--
,: t: ha~·:m. .. . ·' " 't!1 .,,, . ll1 / 111 ~-~I r, I:
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{j1it~~,~~~t~l("· •· · .·/:~;x.\11r You Can Fill Your WHOLE Christmas List in "The Big Store'' This institution stands unique in Central Ohio for the assortments it o.ff you--For the saving of time and money for those who pick from these enormo selections. Lazarus service adds a real pleasure to the choosing of Christmas gifts- And Lazarus quality is recognized and appreciated by those to whom y give, as it has been for sixty-eight busy years. Buy now---for even in "The Big Store," broken stocks cannot be repleni ed in time for Christmas. You know the shortage of production and t uncertainty of deliveries. It is to your advantage to buy HERE---and quite as much to your advan age to buy NOW!