. r p ro£. ,\Im a Sept. :., Gu1tn e ' W. College
ttll Utt
No. 23 .
Tcams ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hopkins Give Re- !
0tterb . ---~ I Ready for Action- Clash at Home I cital in Philophronean Hall to j towein Glee Club Visits MiddleThursday and Monday. Many Cleiorhetean Friends. Old and New Cabinet Members of the 5 ' Ch n· t1an · Association · · Take Sun, Arcanum an d D ayton On \f• ~r .. ,.. ,_ .. o f •ono )'ear. Otter- / Cle·orhetea had the hon o r of pre- W omens 5. ·,is again cces ful T ~ree-day Tnp. . ~ -,·represented - by two well 1 ent111g • • • • bcin 1[r. and 1Irs. Earle Hopkins Outmg at Worthington. ALU ~n-n ARE
organized debate team , who will be- 1in a \ 'iolin Recital. to a. very large ENTHUSIASTIC I gin their work in earnest this week. audience assembled_ 111 Ph1lophronean l.lany "Old G - - I Virgil w·11et is captain of the affirma- Hall Thur day even ng. Attend C rads" and Ex-Students tive team-the other member being Mr . Hopkins, who is an honorary p oncerts and are Greatly 11. John so n and W. . Roberts member of Cleiorhetea. 1Ir. _Hopkins, 1' leased With Programs . with Eugene Hahne a s alternate. J . _R. and.MI s Frances Beall. their accomhc . fen' Howe head the negative team with pan 1st. gave a program the type of 1 Unday aft GJ_ee Club return1·rl , O • Ja ne and Gordon Howard which has not been heard :n V. esterful three der 1nak1 ng a very succes3· ·'"'· t' gY •t J R Love erve as ville for years. The three were 1.11 . . ':\ rcanu - ay tr·1P to Middletown. comp It 1et 111 1 . uch perfect accord that eve r y numa rov. ally 111recand D t erna e . . ay on. They wer.:: T . t b debated i . "Re- wa exqu isite. We r ente erved at each place an<l he que · h t10nh o f ed . It i very eldom that t h e peop Ie 1 government 1 Ille rnber rta1ned · . . f Ill t 1e home oi solved · t at t e he era • of food of We terv1lle have t 1e opportu111ty 1 1 . . . th e conce o th e c h urches m . which . shou ld cont Th ro t be price f the teams of hearing the e Columbu mus:c1ans. . d program was ta ndpointrt wa given. . e mem I-_rom e,·erv tuff ·" t der I oof time and so the bright and vane and , th t · · have put a grea ea . . . d . t th •r preparation 011 this I e pec1all y 111terestmg. . tterbe· . np was a success 1n thO e e cit' 111 1 m uc h h etter known stu y . 111 o d e1wi ll doubtle make a I Fau t Fantasia Gounod-Sara ate ed 1e vhere th e c u ) appear- good question, an in the com ing contests. Movement Mu 1cal . howing . c h u b ert 11 \ery h d I · J de Mr and Mrs. Hopkm tei"ed number of th . h b W ' Jh I t pre ent the sc e u e me u c u ert- 1 e m great e programs re f h team and proIle ard' applau e and Professor two debate or eac f. b t m Tirind Iii olo r ading M H lli . .·. vid for th appeara nce o eac ea hubert-El=a11 and th · r. o ng l ~ I The nega- radle ong u• 1 h a_PPlaud e Glee lub were loud! once in the loca c ape. . Popper-Aver hllle ed and called b k . f Y tive team goe to Mu kmgum on Gavotte Mabel Dunn Hopkins d M h 23 and meets Mt. Pianoif . At M: 'dd a c time a er 11:ht th ' I letown on Thursday T ues ay. arc ' C . .d t A llegro Con Brio Cyril cot t U nion her e o n March 2. .,.a e United B omci en t crowded rethren chu r ch . M . , coming h er e, . th e Paderewski t Evening trbe' . The with , t. 111011 s Hungarian Dance o. 7 . Brahm the People in ; we1 e _ma ny Ot- affirmative team will go to Ada and Mi Frances B eall l'h· were . e audience anc! h Oh ' orthern team. Then . . t ..c·. meetMt e h 10 t he affirmative 1{ 1 concert e peeiall Y en t h us1as have dagio Concert Etude . ol Cohen 29 Al: Fout Ewa promoted by Paul ohn . arc m ~nt with Heidelberg. egro Dance, unaccompaJ1ied . evern • x 'I I , pre 'Id ent. an d t e1r e ngage d 1 I ellie ,; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mr. and Mrs. Hopkin Ehrich .'nt of w~ae Moon vice re i· tie,,,, of ththe M hri t·1an E' ndeavorP oPlays Will Be Given.. }.i· pirit of Love I 1.fo e iddletown U. B. churrh. Following a custom , which was olturn and Intermezzo . . b k l t year du e to N' ht' D (C on sold 1xty-three ti ckets nece anly ro e n a . d b Mid ummer 1g s ream the unu ual condition occa Jone Mendels ohn 0 ntinued on page two) p ---:....:.:.... · the war the French Department wi Mr. and Mr . Hopkin UbJic · Mi' F B JI t th p· ' · f lay next atur4 tW ation Board Elects give an evening o P . h ranee ea a e 1ano 1_ lro1 o cdne da . . day n ight. ,[arch the 27th in t e co alld f the "T Y the Board of Con· Jege chapel at 8 o'clock. Quiz and Quill Meeting. J' ear.elected thean taff and f Cardinal" met • t h e O Jd and well · Five members of th e Qmz · and th . The fir t play 1s . l'he I or e ensmng known tory of Blue Beard with a_11 its ·Quill who li ve in Cochran Hall entero.. e ecr 011 finally d f exciting features. The econd . ' Id a tained the other mem b er· o f t h e clu 1J I" : 1 1> r u 1te a o I• modern play h avmg to do with a oc. the reception · • "-dito . . . Friday evening m room . f a ylum for the 111. I\ r-111. h' i ta nt i_ef-J . R. Howe, '21. tor, ke p_er an s to vi it him, ome of the important bu tne . leyContrib urE:d1tor-J. G Howard '22 sane. His. friend co;\ ti ere are in· wa the election of the remainder ·f '2J; l) iDng 'Editor ther Har~ and on finding out bt a l frighten · the Quiz and Quill Magazine taffoU . • 13 . b d le about ecomes '21 Ille }. . rane, '22. an e p op . ' bod about the Helen Keller havmg een ma e ~ fanager-W. Robert ed and believe evHery h' y If i al o Editor-in-Chief at the la t meeting. i in ane. . . . , h e im e n,11~s 81. tant 13 . . OU e . b the maid and by EdiJh BinghamI tant Editor. '• A ~- Elliott u inc M taken for in ane cy 11 Jo ephine Foor-Bu ine Manager. bCircui '23 anager -J. F. the mother-in-law of the doctor.. . trt, '21at1011 Man ' . of which lead to quite an exc1tmg pecial Feature Editor-Violet ager- Marvel Sc. . 'ti a pleasant de nouement. . f Patter on. It A. I. ta• mix-up w1 1 arriet ~t Circulation M Th th ird play i the fa'.ry _tale o Mr . Mary E. Lee, who is one o f e terville' A.thief ay ''22· Luc'! E ana~;; - the B auty and the Bea t :"1th it d~a unu ual personage nd t ' c action rich costuming, a e- ti n gave a v itally intere ting talk ¼cal ; Editor-M I e Fwry, · 1 ma ' eme nt. 1 the profes ion of wntrng, . . 'n...\1 U111 <:.di tor-w O· . unk . '22 . 1· I tfu l denou and thE' ,, · nat .c. -r.-d.1tor-P · . f touffer· ' .'22 · 1 1 •• · d uce, t; ca t ha been h ar d at on '£old opportu111tie an d in t:ltcha ro . . Gu1tner, Th e n .r\fecting their individual man1t which are confronting the nge E work on pe . t be men f h C .A.1 Othra1 ditor-P K , that the affai r prom1 e o he oung author to -day. ter t e h,rt 221 lla1t Ed't. . Joel , ~2. part foth b st of it. kind ever hown t -~ g of r efreshments the club adit ' . I or osephme on e o e cordially erv1 1. l Crary Ed· at Otterbein. Everyone journed. 1to r-W tt d esley Seneff, '23. urged to a en ·
CROWD DAY WITH SPORT Ladies Take Advantage of I deal Weather Wh ich Made It Pleasant for all Amusements. Our sunshiny day. ei ghteen jo lly girls. one large straw co,·ered truck, add a dozen camera . prinkle \\'ith ukes and mandolins and mix well to gether. The result :s one good time . This recipe is a tried and proven one and is warranted not to fail. ' If you are at all inclined to he skepti~al. just ask any g irl on the old or new Y . W. . A. cabi1Jet what kind of a time he had aturday. You see the Y. W. C. A. cabinet members are firm believers that work should be in t r:sper d i h .recr ation. Hence they ha.- e tabli hed a littl cu tom of treating themselve . to an annual holiday about thi time of year. Saturday morning even Old ol himself. after a vacation of several days. acqu'seced with the plan of the g :rl and showed hi face. At eight o'clock Longhenry' truck drew up before Cochran Hall, a nd the holi day hunters pi led on, a dozen ·a nd a half trong. Their de tination wa Hotel Ce ntral. Worthington-that scene of o many good tim es to every Otterbei n tudent. The day wa o crowded with fun that only th e ma in features can be mentioned in the e co lumn : a five m ile hik e to Clintonville in earch of a ~ertain greenhouse. an intere ting prmt when three girl hailed the Marion local at the wrong corner th e di covery of a newly acquired a:ticle of jewelry. a party w ith game and mu ic. etc., a big box of fudge pro vided by a well known P rofe or' wife, an abundant of ea t a la Hote( Central, troll , kodakin .-oh, w elf (pa u e fo r breath) if you waut · d tail , hunt omebody up who can tak e a half a day off and te ll you about it all! As a fitting climax. the obliging ~hauffe ur was cajoled into piloting hi pa enger about on a erenade tour. Wh en at la t that truck wa again park d in front of Cochran Hall the hour was late and th e tars hon e brightly a the un had done before. Eighteen maiden confe sed to a en sation of fatigue, but all prote ted stoutly that "they would not have missed it for anything."
Page Two
MEN' S GLEE CLUB \ l:ttle later it was di covered that the MAKES BIG HIT i ·'eat " were of Iri h o ri gin, fo r th er e was an ice cream shamrock on each (Continued from page one.) and th e fi nan cial suc ces.s of t he con - plate. cert i large ly due to her effort . Before the party end ed, Miss Brown T he concert on Friday ni g ht w.>.s an d Mis Pettit were each presented gi •: e n i11 the opera iiouse at r c:\- wit h a basket of fl ower , the gifts of nt>m. Th ere was a large audien ce th e st ud ents. pre -e nt and Otterbein wa well r ep- - -- - -- re ~~n ted. Many high· school tu COCHRAN HALL NEWS <lent were prese nt . and seemf'<I · t t d 111 · Otterbe1·n MarJ· o ri e Whi t ier, Faye Byers. I 111 grea e tion of th e peopl-! • .-\ tt Ythe eres ugges 171orence Perf.ect, A li ce Hunter and who promoted th e concer t, R. H. Gladys Van Gu ndy pent th e week -
Ath lete will find many helps in the "Mr. J oseph Kuhn of 0. • u. vi. it~ way of running belt . s ho ul der slings, ed hi s cou sin. Gladys Howa rd atsupporters, etc., at Hoffman's.-Adv. urday evening. ·
Huber, manager of the club made a end at their homes. few remark on th e coll ege life at Dr. M. R. B.allinger visited his Otterbe in and urged th e hi g h school daughter Mary las t Monday. grad uat es to consider Otterbein :n deciding th eir future co ll ege. Mary Vance vis ited fri ends at The conce rt wa preceded in rca- Miami , last week. num by a conce rt by 'vVes leyan and Mr. V\' . R. Conner of Ohio \\'csMiami club and person who we re leyan ,·isited Bertha Hancock Thur5well able to judge the relati ve merits day. oi these organization . said that the . _ _ · c Iu b gave b Y far the better The beauty que tton 1s an Otter b em , swered O • m k of Profc sor \ every bottle of Gourand s nental Th program. e wor , Ad v. d Prof • ~" · C ream . G et :,t a t H o ff mans.d d. t pe ar irec o r. an - · Grab ' ll, accompani t, is largely reMr . F. R. Perfect and Dwight ponsible for thi commendab le fa,•. Houston _of Sunbury' vi sited F lorence Their long experi ence in GI e lnb Thursday. work and their unquestioned ability Catherine "M inton, L era Waters, a mu l·cians of a high order, is of Mae Sellman and Mary Ballinger th line adva(ltage to e ~lub. , were entertained by Mr . U . P. Dayton turned out m hund:ed :o Havermale with a "taffy-pull" at h':!r hear th e club on Saturday night !n S d th e Fai rview nited Brethren churrr. ,· 1,ome, atur ay evening.
A lin e Ma y ne was th e gu est of Mrs. He len ampbell and Viv ian Pa;Hannah May ne at dinner Sunday. I te rso n spen t the week-end at He len s
Ma rjora Whis q er, Mar tha 1Skin - home in Galena. ner. Be t.ty Mc Cabe. Mary Vance, \,Ve under tand that more D' were Faye ~ye r • and Juanita Fo ter wen~ awarded in panish th an in foo t ball. ente rtained at a lumb er party giv ~n -The Deni onian.
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]. E. HANSON, The Clean-Up Man .
Ad . E mits onlyb college degree students and seniors in absentia. k 11 xce 11 ent 1a oratories and facilities for research and advanced wor · I[ Large clinical material. Sole medical control of Lakeside, City, Charity and Maternity Hospitals, and Babies' Dispensary, Clinical Clerk Services and individual instruction. I[ ~ide cho_ice of hospital appointments for all graduates. (T Fifth op .. onal 1 d" 11 " year ea mg to A. M. in Medicine. If Vacation courses facilitating transfer of advanced students. \[Session opens Sept. 30, 1920; closes Jun~ 16, 1921. Tuition, $150.00. 11
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For catalogue, information and application blanks, address THE R E GISTRAR, 1353 East 9th St., Cleveland.
§ I
__.-: : :
llllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ~
April 4 Is Easter Buy our a ter card here before leaving for a:ation. e have a complete line of ca rd pnce_d fr m 3 cent to 1.00. 1 many favor and noveltie for" Ea t r partie .
Hr J
1111 11111 111111111111111 1111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111n11111111111 111111111111111111 1111
:: :
Call Citizen 21 or Bell 147-R, for
some peopIe
un1ve . rs1·ty :-_
, hen the Otterbein Marching o 1g Faith Seyfried v isited at 0. wa ung at the conclusion of th e Wednesday afternoon. program nearly half of the audience rose to their feet and joined in ing- , in g th ir oil e. ong. fter til e I program "old grads" met th e 11H'll of the club and expres ed their arpr ciatiou of the concert. Many\ made the remark t~at uch c~ncert do mor to ad erh e Otterbein aad olicit more tudent than any three Live to eat, others fi Id men could do in weeks of tim · The adverti ing valu and th influeat to live. n e of th e e concert i unque tion ahlv worth hile and it i hoped that No matter which the- club caJ1 ive everal oth e r con e rt b fore commencement. class you belong Art Department Has Party. \n' did ye hear the o w that' goin' to, you will ? Patr:ck' night the rt ut a birthday party in be satisfied at Brown, Director of T in' of the green was the muc in evidence, and who would ed that the e fau:, colleens • tr:ck wer after aJJ only and their ue t ? e the "stunt" program 0£ mu ica l and lit rary n 1d they were I,ri h too. Even th game were Irish and a
western R
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Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Laundry Work and _ Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers Headquarters-12 E . College Ave., Westerville, O. Subscriptions taken for The Country Gentleman, Ladies' Home Journal, Saturday Evening Post.
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mething to 1nake ur room more cl1e r · o·d 1 you ev r n tice ur toe 1c f beautiful reproduction of famo u painting ? in and 1 ok them over· it i a plea ure to ho them to you. Come in and browse around.
-(il:lEN~LEE PLACE ===S=t=a=t=e==S=t=r=e=e=t~,=W==e=s=t=e==rv=1=·=1=1=e=~
Page Three
lege m en, sixteen of th e eightee11 overlooked, and _h ad he been judged were from Chri tian co ll eges. [ by his grad es alone. on his examina Eigh teen of th e tw enty -s ix r ecogT~~ tion papers, Leland Stanford's most 11ized mast er in A m e ri can letters ·- - 1'ubr1 h ed Weekly in the intere t of distinguished on would no t have been wer e co llege men. seventeen of th em O Otterbein by the a m ember of th e p :o nee r clas at graduates fr o m Chri ti an colleges. TTERBEI PUBLISHING least, and perhap would have never Of the members of Co ngr ess in BOARD Corner State and Main Sts. entered Stanford niversity. 1,7embe Westerville, Ohio 1905 who had r ecei\' ed a co lle ge edu There was a teach e r who recognized r of the Ohio College Press ca tion. and who e achie ve m ents, or Does Cleaning and Pressing on Association the r e lative importance in ed ucation prominence, gave th e m a place in of the letter and the spi rit. By the ''Who's Who in America," two Ed' . STAFF Short Notice. t:me h e reached the junior class th e ,~or-in-Chief R , Assistant Ed. ·· amey H . H uber, 20 thirds were g raduates of denomin a Contrib t ' ,tor_ .......... L. E. Pace, '21 unprepared boy, who soon developed u 111 g Editorsinto a good scholar, though obliged tion a l coll ege . Of the hin e e ass embly at );'an -Esther Harley, '21 to ea rn his own way through college, kin, which in l912 voted th e Chinese Business M Edith Bingham, '20 had becom e th e most powerful in A sistant an'.1ger .. C. C. Conley, '22 Re publi c into ex isten ce to succeed 8 us111ess Managersfluence in the under 0 graduate body Elra Miller, '22 and now, Jes than 29 years later, h e the o ld Man chu m o narchy. three Circulation M W. . ~obert , :22 is among the most interes ting and fourths of its members we r e prn duct s of Christian schools, and th e I\ i tant C- gr.··. Mary Tinstman, 20 most influent :al men in the world. ir culat,on ManagersPre ident, Dr. Sun Yat Sen, himself Marvel Sebert, '21 a Christian , led th e assembly in pro Ethics of the School Paper. Harriet Hays, '22 Athletic Ed· Local E . ,tor .......... M. . Funk, '22 There are a great many sc hool pa test again s t a policy of ve ngeance on Alu d1tor .. .............. L. S. Hert, '21 per published in this county. These tht Man chu . giving as his reason Exc~!1; 1 Edit?r .. Prof. A . Guitner, '97 are mostly und e r student control. that be was a Christian. ochraife E d 1tor,_Mary Ballenger, '20 These ar e some of the answers t o Professor Willard Grosvenor Bl eyer, 8 a 11 Editor, th e question: '"Why the Chri sti an Literary Ed' Evelyn Darling, '21 of the niversity of Wi consin chool 1tor, J. Gordon Howard,'22 of Journalism , believes that these Co ll ege ?'' Add rc s 11 school papers may be made a gr eat Otterbeina T communications to The Main t Wan and Cardinal , 20 W. means of training in th e eth ics of journalism and the function of th e ub cri '', . e terville, Ohio. Payabt/~ 1011 Price, $1.50 Per Year, press. He writes in the English Jour111 advance. nal: o me fo lks eem to con 1der 1t unEntered "S tudent often do not r ealize that epteinbe 11 econd cla s matter at We { 2,5, 1917, at the postoffice what they write for publication influ jus_t that Pre i_dent Wilson is ,th~ only Mar h 3 ef ~_e, 0., under act of ence , directly or indirectl y, ever_y obJeCt of •· Poltt1cal Comment' tirad e , 1 reader of the paper in which their and think we o ught to pick on someAcceptan .. ' rate of Cl! f or 111a1hng at ~pe.:,al work app ear . Only wh e n th e eff~~t body els e. W e beg of th em to tell 0 · tage provided for in ec. l lOJ, of the news stories, editorials, cnt1- ~;. whom th e tirades should belong ~II 7 \ Oct. 3, 1917, authorized 1 9 ci and humor that they write for 111 the 'school paper has heen clearly The re ce nt revolution in Germany demon trated to them do th ey appre wa on ly a matter of cour e, and w e EDITORIAL ciate the power of the printe~ word. can possibly look for IJ10re before the The responsibility of every wnt~r f~r gov ernm en t in that co untry will be Student Days of Hoover. what he writes and how he wnte it sufficiently table for it to be recog 0 ne of the d' . . a recent e 1tonal 111 need to be emphasized con tantl~-0 hio n ·zed a a fir t rate power. We ar e lhe tate Journal called attent:on to "In connection with the ed iting and btudent day of H erbe rt Hoover and publi hiug of ~chool paper~ prob g lad this one was of uch hort dura ti o n, for it was aid that Von Hind e n !:loo/ought to light the fact that Mr. lem are alway ari :ng that inv o lve burg had a hand in it and wa per lelan~r work d his way throug;h the elhics gf j urnalisn1 . Inter cholhap conspiring to be the High T e u om . tanford U niv er ity after . t t a· iid chool politics often tonic Mogul. Whether this wa s true asttc con e .. e difficult . . . · h' i . ... • '! m gn1n111~ entrance. furni , h o<: a ion for unfair, o :ased or not, we mu t ay for Hindenburg new . tori ' a do imilar truggle that he very ea ily could have filled !if~ gf t:i \l ll\ 1Tl!l!1Pi\1:Jl11 ~\H\~qre in date f r fofem~~l Repul:Jhcan cand1- in the world at large. To pre ent the Presidential chair. i\ ~tr ~ the pr-es1ge1igy, It will have both ide fairly i a important in !~ c. · ilflPllill t@th,;i st"pe nl yote of school paper a it i in the daily enator Pomerene's open break , !Jntry i..,.~ II . . d &<i ll@ge q""i\us11_ii yntv r tty an w :th the Pre ident on the treaty que II pre , f . ni~ .Olk ha e htgh r@ pect for the Becau the new paper pro e ,on tion may m ean a lot in the annals of 11 ·• Whp ' th · ·me offers temptation to dev1- the document. Mr. Bryan i contin ent Qr ' ' •. !ll\t 11ppon fr m parsome t 1 31 W. College Ave~ Way t 1111 '! !'Int el~e, earn his own ate from the traight path of truth, ually urging ju t uch action, and we @ il- {I !Iftl@, . Mr. Bleyer believe tha~ _e veryone hould not be surpri ed to ee ome W esterville, Ohio . 1. called spe ial atten- , ho a pire to a journalistic ~areer thing .actually happen on e of the e lion leto thdit.@r ta ntinually think of hi s re- bright pring day . the t e exceptional di cernment of B ell P hone 190 Citizen Phone 110 . "E very h ou Id·b ' Co J'tie to oc:ety. &ain eacher who helped Hoover to pons1 1 1 There i a bill up in Congre proaper reader no le than· every al tentran ce to the univer ity and O new -1 1-. de to viding for univer al Physical Educa P allliua~ th e belief that entrance e.x newspaper writer hou 1" 1,1(1 _ma . . that , h"f\ tl er new i fak:ed , tion in tead of Military Training. If Ver it' 1011 to our colleges and uni- rea 1ze " -ed, our food for thi I ,1 nf uppr . 1es 11 ee d to be u ed with discrimmean "James" and "Jame 111atio co1ore"', "' • d . d Theory" clas e until we are Senior , n. B age oover, wh en 17 year of thought i adulterated an poi one I I.so va Working a q Gqrgenter at and we are depr iv d of ~he mental the party who put in its platform a a day · . nouri hroept without w_h1ch ound plank again t the bill will get our en ~If for, ·•. , h en he pm \H1~P l11mthu ia tic upport. qf ~arnin exn111inntion. 'fhe nect;l ity public opin ion annot ex1 t. I
B. W. WELLS Tailor
Art Materials, Easter Novel ties, Stationery, .!.!1111111,,,,,11,,1,,,111,111,11111111,,,,,,1,,,,,y Denn· § POLITICAL COMMENT § 1son fi,1111111111111111111111111111111,111_1"'"'.11111rr Crepe Paper Co 11 ege Jewel ' ry Penn an t S, Pillows and other School Supplies, is the old Reliable.
1· .
C. W. Stoughton, M. D.
G. H. Mayhugh, M. D. East College Ave. Phones Citizen 26 Bell 84-R
\Y With ij
~ijn tly hnd interferred
lltdgtg Q hi _ arly _e ducation and, h~ va Y rlct and literal tandards,
"~.r~it-;. ~ prep!\red to nt r the uni ality .ilOg ll_l €! me bi~1~ In hi per on ~en.trsti ht Yid nt power f on l~lll fr @n ii h11 hibored ov~r prob ~6Qnietr-m the fo1.1rth l}ook of plau llnly th y, illtho11gh he had tudied l entl()~Jl fiF t two l}_o Pk ' attracted the ilnrj I d h 'gf th e instr1.1ctor In charge lhc boy ~m to train a po :nt and let Cr' exe t ~o1.1gh. Had H rbert Hoavt!pt,onal personal qualitie been 11
Your iniluence count for ome thing in life whether you r ealize it few year a go an invest'.gat1on "ith a view to learning the 6r not, and your least action may be H O ME DRE SSED wa ma de \ • 1· d the rnean of strengthening or wea!< proportion of leading m:n upp ie else.-Monmouth omeone by hri tian colleges, with the fol - ening College Oracle. io\ in re ult. . . of th e tudent that pends bi coll ege E'ght of the nine JU uce MAKE GOOD E ATS 1 Cou rt of the United tates days in purely pre cribed study i upreme · ht Both Phones were college men, even of the e1g . apt to become warped and jiis ta k will oon be a drudgery."- nivet·ere from hristian college_. w t pre 1B ell 46-W . Citizen 92 sity News (Cincinnati). Eighteen of the twen y- ix d nts of the nited tate were col-
Why the Christian Colleg~ ? .
Page Four
authorities as a Coach of athletics in th-e Walla Walla High chool at Walla Walla, Washington. His team in footba ll won eight out of ten games and his basketball team is lead ing in the state basketball tournament. Walla Walla papers h'ghly praise Mr. Lingrell's work. Mr. and Mrs. Lin grell (Alta elson) have purchased a '06. Mrs. Frank Oldt (Ora Maxwell) touring car with camping equipment and children, who have been spe nd - and expect to tour the west during ing some months of their furlough the summer vacation, taking in the from Siu Lam, China, with Mrs. San Jose Missions, Seattle, San Fran Oldt's mother near Mansfield, Ohio, cisco, Los Angeles , Spokane and other have joined where Dr. 0 Id in taking Bal ti- points in more, now Maryland, het is Oregon of and interest California. th post-graduate work in e medical
E astm an K odaks and Supplies of all kinds. FILMS D EVELO PED AND PRINTED UP-TO -DATE P H ARMA.CY OPTICAL D E PARTME NT E yes E xamined Free, Eye Glasses and Specta cles of all styles. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Washington ~
~?-=~;:; ,; , ~;:~,;,~~~:~: ;~:~' tw:; : t~;,; ~;~~~·~~!~:: ::: • ing several weeks assisting m an evangelistic campaign in the Unite1 Brethren church at El Dorado, Ohio. R. Miller nd M '14 '14. Mr. a rs. J . (Hazel Cornetet) of Huntington, West Virginia, have announced the birth of a daughter, Kathryn Ann, on
TOILET ART I CLE S-Face Powders, Toilet . Waters, California Perfumes, Vanity Boxes, F lesh Blushes, Etc.
their care and so licitude of th"e flag.
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II 1111111111111111111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II IIIIII 111111111
It strikes us that Prof. Weinland's "lab" and Prof. Fritz's "debate program" prepare the indulgers for that : I = ong rest camp. Rayot has been on the ick list this week. =-
March 11.E. E. Burtner of Westerville were We going wonder Cave :_ '06. Dr. as where we sawScott themand walking has been chosen as denominational campaign director for the United Brethren church in Franklin county to have charge of the work of the Inter-Church World Movement in the county. '12. Charles F. Sanders of Chicago, Illinois, visited his parents in We st er-
U al 1· ty
down Grove street last Friday after- noon . It looked suspicious, friend . § L et us support our debaters.
22 North H1' gh Street Columbus, Ohio
Roses ,
A nice line of Blooming Plants. Walter N. Roberts
t Our Westerville Agen '
S :
About thirty men responded to Coach Watt ' call for candidate for tbe baseball team. The number is encouraging but more men are needed. Every man who has any ability ho uld report to the coach. :
C1't1'zen 7012 ~-
letter men remain from la t a nucleus for the sq uad. If can be relied upon, they will step to hold down their posi
and ' §= = = =
Corsages a Specialty.
= Main 9095
Harry E. Richer of Peru, Indiana, are Eight bereft of their father, Christian Rich year as er, who died at the fam ily home near reports Peru on farch 7. have to '15. Penrose M. Redd, pastor of the tions.
' 97. Dr. D. Ira.Lambert, who was for several years pastor of the PresbyterW ith the basketball season com- _ ian church at Rushville, Indiana, has pleted, attention is now being centeraccepted a call to Concordia, Kansas, ed on the spring sports. and ha already begun a very suece sful pastorate there. ' 13. Miss Mary Randall and her father of ewton, 'Kansas, are spending the winter in F lorida. ' 11, '14. Benjamin F. Richer and
_ _ :::
= :
The reports of the judicial systems § of the literary societies show that "Hamlet" had a big delegation from Otterbein College.
ville last Thu rsday.
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:··order. Your Photos at ·once~ -
nited Brethren church at Ea t Pales A few men have been working out tine, Ohio, ha ju t clo ed a very uc in the gymnasium but no real work c s fol eries of evangelistic meetings can be done until the weather opens in his church:I.IP sufficiently to permit out-door '04. The First United_ Brethren work.
Your Photo is the only th ing your friend& cann~t buy.
One dozen Photos make ,12 appreciated presents, Church of alina, Kansas, 6f which With the first track meet but a Have the best . B. Brubaker i pastor, celeb rated month away cons :derable doubt is the tenth anniver ary of it fo unding being expre ed as to our succe s in R. W. SCHEAR, Otterbein Repr esen tative on the la t Sunda-y in F bruary and this port unles work i immediately THE OLD RELIABLE raised money on that day to clear the started on the track. It i im- : par onage of. d bt. possible for. t11e men to work out with- _ ' 12. Mrs. Charles F: anders (Ruth out adequate facilities. Thi branch Detwil er) and little daughter of Oak of sport need hard and long train ing Park, Chicago, Illinois, are visiting. and --the. track hould be completed at : Mrs. Sanders' parents near Connels- the earlie t date. ~ COLUMBUS,O. ville, Penn ylvania. · The girl ' ba ketball eries has State and High Streets 'l5. Emory H. ichol , pastor of the now be n definitely arranged. Tues : ij 11111111111 111111 III II III II IIII United Brethrerl church at Bradford, day, March 23; Friday, March 26; Penn ylvania, wa confined to his Tue day, Marth 29 are the date for =====:==:l=:ll:ll:=ll:ll=:ll:11!!:ll=:11=:ll=:11=:l=:ll~ll~ll~ll~ll~ll~ll~ll~ll:11~11~1:11:ll~ll~ll~ll~ll~ll~ll~ll~ll:==ll:==Jl~IIIII ~ home for everal week last month the game . T~e _Fre hman- opho e tea n1. with rheumatism, but is now able to _more contest will like!y be the first ig~ed a candidate for that job on wea~e t place on any colleg the ha eball team. game played. The sene promi e to . g on be out again. rely1n be an exceptionally interesting one. Hancock and Rgost ar Iv ' for the , 17 _ Mr. E lma Lingrell better known _Fr~m the appearance the men who th e honesty of Dayton PeoP- e t · ?-rt Fir t ba e eem to b the ideal around here as "Fat" is making a will li~ely get berth on the squad arc return of their suitcase. ,, trong impres ion among Western position a seven men have already the h1tte, . That i generally the confident they will get 1• bac~-·
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Deaominafon,1 C ' . · olle ges IJI 1,1 I II Ill II II II III II IIIIIII Ill Ill llllll lllll IIIII III II IIII IIIll IIII IIIll IIIIII II III III III111111111111111 Must B, M,in,ained.
Page Five lllll llllll lllllll lUIIIII II Ill II lllll I llllllll!!
The New and : = Eats for feeds yo u'll find them here =: C sI = ~ § : :§ orrect ty es ~ = = ==• M ' C. w. REED, GROCERY ~ ID en s and = Spri n ° is here with all its cheer
be. lo,e ne dtha,, 100.000 new workers will ;; ~ear i: ;ie !~rr\~g the _comi;1g five E, --~ _§ 1can p campa ign of Amer- : lhe I ; ' ' "1•nt ehucch<s united in )lfore n t~;t~tio nOaOIO W orlrl ~Io:,eme~ t. 9 '. t be •1 ew m,ss,onan< field I >wmt,d fo, <he fo>ei gn § Workera O~e and thousands of o th er § _§ obtained a nd clnical, are to be Organizaf or _c hur che and affiliated :§ . =ar the ton 111 this co untr v Where It o ed ,;0 ; • from? TI 11111111111 1111Ill 11 11111 111 111 11111 II 1111 111II111111 11 11m m 11111111 11111111111 11111111111111111111 ii
Young Men's = ~ H• · : ============================== g ~ 1ghGrade : = = --~ ~ Spr1·ng Su1·ts = = --...ii;iiiiiH' L t y ~ es OU are Ready = § . ~ Fordet II Now at The === O --u § : : nion at § §- ~- $J 5 up t0 $65 = Ea ter i only a fe k wee . -~ -~ - ----- WI•th the = = 1n tl1e f u t ure, pn·14tl1, an d === -= ,=--;: = = § Ea ter to2· are £"Oing to be § :- f amous = -11111111111111111111111111111111 II llllllllllllll 1111111111 lllllllll II lllll 1111111111111111111111111111\!)
O prnposed to de- _ cthhe. cl:ur:h was a _§
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n. ze that whil :1~t1an1ty recoge spmtual consecra- : t10n i a b ''."' it,'. .::::·~ indispen ibl, p>e· 1ghly . . e supplemented by quires aspec .ahzed training. It re - : 11 :
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successful clergyman P;:-odern Iii,. in ,11 its 1 tory. The a ~s. _as well as Biblical b~ o u,Hy do,~':'.;~n»y, dealing ,s Othered b . . I ?eople who are % t oft y th, Oeta,ls of e,istenee. or hyen . teach agriculture, carpentr thYe Way · · · · f gien-e and sa111tat10n to pave
o, the Gospel.
I g _ thquestion · n perso IS,! have
our co l.ary to att nne and eq uipment : n- and ract the kind of yo ung to &tve · thwomen th e C I1urch needs. and : >od '" eood·. em th, ,.m d o f t»iniog th•t 1:: · · ' of '~hon, d,m,nd? Tt is • I aoy deoo . mmon knowledge that e e tru m11nattonal schools and colllltce
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place your order soon-
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tat or bys large 1tutio ns .supported by the Nece »ii Pnvat, eodowment.
\al r3ining ~t: ~~dhyet in no schoo ls • •g quality o men0 V~]he Inter-Chur h s .
_§ -~
h ar d to get un Ie
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P "-dent in t· ••d faeolty with
gg u ffi e · alo ng, ymto' "compete " food
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yo u
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arx and -=-=Fashi p k §§ 00 ar
Have a look at our line .
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Mens' Furn1·sh1·ngs and Shoes. = =
" t ' '"d that i t'"•gem,nt P»t ,; § ••;•m.,t wil o be eolleet,d by th, ii111II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ;; and ng the de I .be . apportwned . '<>Ueg nom, n, hooa1 schools I llll i 11111II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\!) § 111111111111111111111111111 Partictp '."Ppo,t,d by th, ,hutch· § '\eco attng · I • • 1 · t "11 b ~:,•-;:•lion, •: :':, w1 11 fi 11 Ution eans of putting church in- na . on a _ _ '"I b . P«mmnlly ,oond : : 11
Br~~~t:~ ~~
For every socia occasion your gues s del1°ghted if you serve
= ,o
bright en up your last rear's straw hat. We and de . ave all the popular W·illiamsired , s h ades in Sherwin ~ Hat Brite. O FFMAN ' S
~'W :R.E:,c ALL STORE e Please th e hard to please"
g/e {Jpeqm
$45 $50 to $75 :
h , an = tS e Largest, Finest k toe in Central § ~ _Qhio
f 1·ne Clothes at = =
, §-__ = [ verr New Style -f b d Weave § § a nc an ==s· t p f ' § § izes O er ectly = §- f 1t Every Man = d
t' Chaffner §-=§= ar - & M =§ § __
ti om, f ' omy will ><· a e ia tica! ~d the. weak spots in ec- § . h, i f UC,hon ,nd will ,ffocd lnh ClJ.rricu~a' sogg, tiog impcovem,nt ef and -
only really e e ~011s1dered that the <d by • P<,so:""t eq • ip men t n«d>ote his "call".
: :
: :
,11,i\A • II 11€1i6HI ~•
1111 1111 1111 " '" ""11"""'11lllllllllllllllli
§ §
In Bricks, Bulk, _and Fancy Moulds. §
The College Avenue
I II IIII IIII II III II 111111111111111II111111111111111111111111 If 11111111II111111111111111111jj
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Patronize Tan and Cardinal Advertisers.
Page Six
Lazarus 69th Anniversary Sale Buy Your Spring Suit Now While You Can Get Anniversay Prices 1-Stein-Bloch Spring Suits at $49.69 The big chance to get finely tailored clothes, true in quality, and the fresh spring styles.
Priced much below their value.
2-New Suits of Good Fabric, at $39.69 Single and double-breasted, the new high-waisted styles for spring included. Solid saving in every suit.
3-Remarkable Suits for $34.69 A great Anniversary Sale Offering-good suits, at such a price! will buy more than one!
Far-seeing men
4-New Spring Top Coats at $37 .69 The plck of the good-looking spring styles, single and double-breasted, £~rm-fitting, Most of them craven etted. Every one is much higher regular value. (Lazarus Second Floor-Mail O rders Filled.)
Great Sale Savings on Shoes
Foresighted M en Are Buying S upplies of th ese
Men's Brogue Oxfords, $12.69 Men's Tan Calf Oxfords, $7.69 Silk-Str iped and Woven Mad Dark tan lace oxfords, blind eyelet welted Full brogue with exten ion wing tip and ras Shirts a t $3.69 leather sole , long narrow English la t: aw tooth edge . Th y are mighty popular.
Remarkably fine shoe , and great big ing . All sizes.
Men's Brogue Shoes, $10.69
Exten ion wing ti;>s and saw tooth edge . Fine for wear right now.
Men's Oxfords, $4.69
Young Men's Tan English Shoes, $9.69 and $13.69
Brown chrome lace oxford. nappy EngIi h model. Welted neo lin sole, rubber heel . All sizes, 5½ to 11. AA to D la t . Unusual v:i:tue becau e every pair ha met Lazarus exacting tandard for quality, making and fit. (Lazarus Second Floor- Mail Orders Filled)
Mighty fine hoe . olid leather through. The aving can't be duplicated.
Remarkably fine quality material , and un· usually big choice of attractive patterns. 0
hirts like thi are elling ordinarily for much more, that thi is an opportunity men are eagerly taking advantage of. · ht in F .me t of' workman hip. Exactly rig . every particular. Cut full and roomy. ize 14 to 17½. M en's Store- F irst F loor-Mail O rders Filled.