Guitner, Pro f. .\Ima Sept. ·20 \\·. Co ll ege
au att Grun R
ar ina
eaper Calls Well-known Universally Beloved Student to L ife Beyond.
Otterbein Affirmative Debate Team Wins 2 to 1 Decision of Judges O ver Tiffin Negative Team.
Lnprcssiv c F uneral Service . Is Held In Which Masonic Body and American Legion Has Part.
Debate Season Has Been Marked Success Having Wo-n Three Out of Four Contests.
p ·
Monday eve ning March 21!, in the nvate funera l ervice A . college chape l a goodly crowd of p Y, pnl 5, at I :30, for Harry O'tterbein t11dents and friend wit f · ook C ' on o Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. nessed th e successful termi nation of ook who d ' d acut . ie aturday, April 3 from a prosperous debating ea on wh en w e Pillai meningitis. The service th e Otterbein Affirmative team met ere held from the residence of h:i and defeated Heidelberg by a vote of Parent Dr. E on West Main s treet, Rev. Ramey H. Huber, '20. . C. C. Conley, '22. two to one. Ille 11 ' · E. Burtner officiating. A Under the ab le leader hip of The busines end of the Tan and T_he Affirmative team on the pre 4uartette furnished mu ic. ln . I Ramey H . Huber, the _co llege _paper Cardin al during the past year has ced ing Thursday night had taken 1906 We t . t 11e Cook family came to I ha enjoyed a year of lugh ment and been capably managed by C. C. Con a two to one decision from Ohio the tville to make their home that effective ervice. His ready initia- Jey. With the help o( hi faithful Northern at Ada, o friend at Ot from v t iree children might have the ad- ti·ve combined with marked literary assistants he has made possible the terbein expected big thing antage f lfa rry wa O. ah college education. ability ha held the publication at hig h degree of success that has at- them and they live d up to expecta ta:tions in every way. bein C _lll t_ e junior year, Otter- all t:J11.e s to a hi...-h tanda d of e - - tended th e past year's work deJ olle e, h1 cour having been I nee. Ray M. John on, of the home . m1·1·1tary erv1ce . . Fr ayed by I11s 111 team, opened the debate with a ancc H P hiloph ronea Delights Audience \Veste;vill e b~a: graduated from the D r. C. I. B. Brane, Hono•red With Installation Session trong speech, bowing that price are really too high and that govern entered ig schoql in ~915 and Churchman, Passes Away The Senior In tallation Se sion held men't con trol of the price of foodte 111 b co ege the fcillowing SepOn last Wednesday night, JJ nl by Philoph~onea Friday night wa stuffs Ph 1·i er. He was a nie mber of the i nece ary. The next 7, Dr. . I. B. Brane who has_ ~een a plendid succes . A large attend Affirmative peaker, Walter omathean Literary ociety. . Roth e associate editor of the Reltg1ou. ance heard the well-rendered program. berts in clear, conci e argument pre · Military Life. In I~ Telescope for many years pa sed Both the music and the oration were sented a plan for government control Colu ovember, 1917, he enli ted at de~th the nited exceptionally good. The program: · and pre ented instance after in · h the American army away. In hi for lllbus .. W1t Brethren church lose one of it Music-"Belle Is le Waltz'' n11Iita . tance where government control earl ry er v1 ce abroad. He was most :nten ely loyal denominational bas succeeded. K. L . King co,/ ~ak en over ea and was a non an extremely "'11l1ssio ne d officer in the Motor leader . Although Virgil Willet co ncluded the Orchestra l'ruck mode t and ·r~tiring man his life Affi rma peeche by graphically Fre company, o. 36 , under Critic's O ration-"The Teacher" which. exemplified the highe t bris nch setting forth th e evils of profiteering, Scott, K. J. folto . command. He was in the tian pr:nciples has had remarl<able peculation, and hoarding and how Ai Wing battle : . The omme, id ~nt' ValedictoryPr ing how governm nt control would Pa..:ee, Moutdider, oyon, Cham- influence. . " upplying a World Need" "'' ~r Doctor Brane, <!,!though he appeared cure those ill . Aisn ' ".tarne, Aisne-Marne, OiseMull in, C. E. e and I to be of a frail constitution, had been The Otterbein men came back e sive. 'fl t 1e Meuse- rgonne offen- s1·ck only a few times in his long life Music-Vocal So lo-pecially trong in the rebuttal great Ju 0 e 26e wa honorably d•ischarged of over seventy _ yea rs. H. e h a d "Longing, Dear for You" . Den more ly outcla ing the Heidelberg men 19 Oppe lt, J.. L. hilJicothe. 19, at amp herman, scarcely mi sed .a day. at bis office who in the. main peeches had cau ed lie w in the Pub li bing Ho u e and worked Cello Obligato--Prof. A . R. Spes ard considerab le competition. Mr. Wil lodge ~ a member of .Blendon early and · late. . His life was well President's Inaugurallet' work in hi final rebuttal wa of ~o. 3 ' o. 33!l, and Horeb hapter, regu la ted in .every respect. It may "America' l;'roblem" unusually high order and clinched also 1'h Royal Arch Ma on . He was . te ly be aid . that Doctor (Prize Oration at Ohio Ora torical th e deci ion for Otterbein. e ad · . •appropria Contest) of th Jutant 'Ill the local chapter B ra ne li ved a bove t he fog. ~e ~as Dr. E. A. Jone presid d at the e American Legion. unbending- in integrity and his mmd Sweazy, C. M. ession and the Judges were tanley I\ Married in August. wa of the purest an~ cleanest. He MusicLawrence, orth High School, o ing ~-Uble marriage ceremony unit- was never mercenary 111 thought, not " tar and trips Forever" Sou a lumbu · J . L. Clifton Editor of Cook I s Audrey el ou and . Mr. tricky, aJ1d unu ual in th high plane O rchestra Ohio Educational Revi w, Colum i\lta ' a nd Mr . Cook's s.ister, Mi s on which he lived. He was a gen bus ; E. · W . Wil y , In tructor in llerf elson, and Elmo Lingrell, -wa tleman of the high~ st type.. O~r Last L; ceum Number Coming. Public peaking, Ohio tate. The th e fami 1Y 111 Churorlllled at the United Brethren tl goe out to Heid Iberg · debater all ·de erve The la t JJumber of the Lyceum c 1 Au . sympa _1y riao-e gu t 26, 1919. Their mar- their bereavement. . d Cour e, the Sam Lewis Musical Co.'s prai e as they pre ented good, cl an" b rought to both of. them the trong, ffective heart· Mr . Brane survwe her hu ban . program, will be giYein 'in _the colle_ge cut arguments in 1e 5 t I Mr . Edwin egative lliun·h. congratulations of the com- Al o three daug 1 ter , . chapel on Thursday evenmg, begm style. The 'names of the hesid,,eJ' · !he young widow survives, Roop Mi Gi:ac~ and . Miss D net~e, ning at 8:10. T~is is an ~xception~l men were: · H . H. Dudrow, A. Ro coe and en111s. h '· b 1drs. t.T · 1 parents, and one ister, and two oys, entertainment being the h1ghe t paid Buehler, E. T. · Grether. uow d d d .., 111 be taken to Benevo 1a, Otterbein has witne ed thj year One b ar Elliott of kron, an The bo y vv h • number in thi year's course. Every _rotber, Dr. A. Cook, who Md ., where :Qoctor B_rane spent is one is urged to attend. (Continued on page two.) boyhood day , for burial. (Co n t·mued on page two.)
H is Life Exemplifies Finest Christian Qualities- Although Short in Dur a medical m : sionar'y in Siu Lam, ation Is Full In Content. h.ina. under the appointment of th e On April 3. there came to the Foreign M:ssionary board of the friends of Harr y P. Cook news that I l ' nited Brethren church. was a lmost un be lievabl e. The facts Masons Attended. The Masonic body in :ts funeral re befo re th em we re that he had been galia w it h wh·te apron and gloves. called from the ir midst. The ir minds 1• wearing the acacia pray, and mourn cou ld comprehe nd such a thing but ing bands, marched from th e home their h earts cou ld not. How co uld it to the grave, preceding th e funeral be po sible that he, o universally , carriage which was escorted by a loved he of so much wor th , he so re squad of the American Legi:o n, com cen tl y in apparent good health , -how ma,nded by Lieutenant H. vV. Miller. co uld it be possible that he had been A Masonic ceremony was held at the snatched from them, that they would . grave. The casket was draped in an no longer see him going quietly about American Aag presented by the local the campus, no more have the joy of a sociating with him! Surely there post of the American Legion.
·O tterbein Folks
( ontinued fr om page one.)
We ca n furnish you with Name Cards, Printed
or E ngraved.
P rices on Application.
Get Your Sta tionery H ere. Both Phones No. 4.
The Buckeye Printing Co.
le.===========~~~ I
Pail bearers were Homer mith, Dayton ; Harold Cru'tt. Chillicothe; Homer Frank, Akron; Lyle Michael, Bryan; \Vatter -Schutz. Pandora; Richard Bradfield, \Af est Jefferson.
was some mistake! PUPILS IN ORGAN RECITAL But no, there was no mi take. His friend s have only a memory of him. 1 Splendid Program of Organ Numbers \ Only a memory, but what 3. memory! and Several Vocal Selections Delt is one which any man might be 1 light Local Music Lovers. I proud to leave behind. It is not a memory of wonderful feats accomOn Thur day evening, April 8th, I My Creed. plished or of a great name won but a I in the college chapel, the advanced (T his was Harry's favorite poem memory of a life well lived and stude>11ts in the organ department. and his rule of life; it hung above his of unselfish erv1ce humbly and faith- as i ted by Beulah Benedict '21, so tudy de k.) fully performed. prano and Raymond Hollinger '21. To live as gently as I can Many traits of Christian character baritone, gave a very intere ting re To be, no matter where, a man; endea red him to his a sociates. cital. The program was a varied To take what comes of good or ill One of these was his readiness to one and was a splendid repre en ta- 1 And cling to faith and honor still. help when there was work to be done. tion of th e work done in this de To do my best and let that tand No matter what the task, he wa never partment. The record of my brain al}d hand; found wanting. He gave not only The opening number was played \ And then, should fai lure come to me, what was required o( him but stood by May Sellman '20. Two well con till work and hope for victory. ready to g ive hi all. Wh en tliere wa tra ted movements from the onata anythiog disagreeable to b e don e, h e in D Flat by R ei nherger· and th e To have no ecret place where in was always willing to undertake it. " Xuptial Maren" by Gui lmant were I stoop unseen to shame or sin; And when that wa finished, one very ably handled. orris Grabill To be the same when I'm alone would hear, "Is there anything el e?" '20, howed marked abi lity in the A when my very deed is known. A real man indeed i he who can so performance o-f hopin-Sh elley's To live undaunb d, una fraid serve. "Largo'' and ' Grand Choeur in B Of any tep that 1 have made; To be without preten e or ham T hi s ervice, o freely given, was Flat" by Duboi . Exactly what men think I am. A beautiful suite from the pen of rendered without thought of reward. He wa 011e of tho e rare persons who Charle Wakefield Cadman, consi t To leave qme simple work behind help merely for the joy of helping. ing of " Meditation," "Caprice" and To keep my .having lived in mi.nd; He wanted no unnece ary how "Legend" was artistically played by If enmity to aught I how. about what he did. In all hi actions Florence Dixon '20. To be an hoJie t, generou foe; he was quiet and uno tentatiou . The la t group, played by Esther To play my little part nor .vhine ot least among hi characteristics Harley '21, brought out many re gi That greater honors are uot mine. wa that of loyalty. He was loyal to tration , and was very well received. Thi I believe, i all f n ed hi country to hi friend , to hi col- Her numbers were "Salute D ' Am For my philo ophy and creed. lege, loyal to every thing with which our"-Federlim, "Chanson D' Am-Edgar . Guest from "A Heap o' Livin' ", he was connected. We, a his a o- our"-l3ecker, and "March from the ciat , ha e een thi qualit.y time and Third ymphony''-Widor. again. The organ numbers were -interCard of Tb.auks. o one could a ociate with him pe r ed by two vocal group . The \\" e wi h to express o ur great appre ciation to our many friend for their long without leai:nin.g that he wa a first con i ted of "Rolling Down to a nd hen You kind wo rd and letter of ym_pathy, man who loved his home. Home ties Rfo"-German trong w.ith him. This doesn't Co:me Borne"- quire, and was ung lo e an.d h e lp in th.i o ur ore bereave wer s usual ment, dui:ing the . ickne and death mean that he wa not a whole mall. by R. K. Bollinger '21. of o ur loved one; al o th repre enta H e wa . He wa red-blooded clear Mr. Hollinger' rich baritone voice tive body of the American Legion, to through. Fond of our-door life, fond wa ve ry pleasing to his audience. Mi Beulah Benedict '2i delighted the Ma onic order a1td to fhe male o-f athl tic , h wa all t ha t any one w edi h quartet and our pa tor, and variou co uld wi h. But when all this was everyone with a group of cla es, organization and individuals over and his work done, he liked to Folk song , " orrow" and " hen r eventeer;i." for their many, many wonderful flow go back and enjoy hom life, an_d we wa er , bringing a mes age of Ea ter lov e him the more for it. Ye , we mi Harry. We know hi HEID ELBERG GO E S ti.m e. Mr . Harry P . Cook. worth and are proud to have called DOW·N IN DEFEAT Mr. and rs. R. 0. Cook. him friend . While he wa here, he (Continue·d from page one.) · Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Elliott. erved faithfully and welt. ow that a d bating f b' h h h . he can ea on o w 1c e a gone, h~ contmue to serve. b e proud of h er record tand 'hi h Glee Club Concert. He has lef t behmd many au example th e Aflirmab· t k" b h g ' ve aI mg · h w1·11 b e an msp1rat1on · · · ot debates p,ril 22, th e wt1'- 1c Ou. Thur day night, to us and a nd the t· · . h ega 1ve o mg two to one at Men's Glee Club will give the ir an w1 1I elp u to do our tasks the better. Mu kingum b t · · ·· ly u wmnmg unammou nual · local concert in. the college_ from Mt. Union at home. Out of chapef. Ticket will go on sale next For Sale-Dress suit in excellent t 1 we ve v otes cast during the sea on condition. Call Citizen 318. O Monday. tterbein ecured eight, a commen-
On t eeI
Select the tint of your powder and rouge as carefully as you choose its quality-a tint _which blends softly, invisibly; that gives beauty without the que stionable s u g g e s t i o n of " mak e-up" .
tints of Fate Powder Jonteel and Rouge'Jonteel, you wili fi nd the perfect match for your skin, and you 'will find a soft, clinging, invisible quali!Y that will charm you-as
bewitching Just
" We please the bard to please"
dable record. . g of a Profes or F ritz is deser vtJl t ing ou large share of credit in turn . of three two ucce sful teams as the the ix debaters were new ~o was co llege d ebatin g game, and it fe _ f Pro only through the efforts _0 of de· or Fritz that the fine points · er. were P argumen tation atio'nal Edith Cave attended the eW tudent Council Convention in York City last week, h Jones Keith Hill and Mrs. Blanc e gill of Cranesville, Pa. visited Grace over Easter vaca tion.
Page Three
\Ne do no t co nte m.plate any rao1-
Ica l cha nge :n t he P" licy of th e paper.
.'ub li hed W eeklf 1n . the interest of OTTEi?tterb e1n by th e - BEi T PU8L1SH1 G BOARD :ember W e te rvill e, Ohio of th e O hio College Press ------=A:s~so~c::i~a..'.::ti~o'..'..n'..__ _ _ __
STAFF tor-in-Chief . ···· J. Ruskm Howe '21 Cvntributii;g 1Etodr _.... J. G. Howard ' '27 • 1to r ' B . Esth er Harley, '2 1 '\usiness Mana D . D. Brane. '20 · · istant B . ger ·· W. N . Roberts '22 u me Managers' c· ]. F . Blu e, '22 A. W . E lliott, ·23 /rcuJation M r sistant Cir g · ·: Marvel Sebert, '21 culat1on ManagersA H a rri et H ays '22 L~h letic_ Editor· Lucile Ewry'. '23 A cal Editor ······-- .. M· 1 . Funk. '22 "'lurnnal Ed· .......... W. 0. Stouffer '22 i:.xch ange Ed· itor ······ Al ma Gurtn . e r ' '97 COch ran Hall rtor Ed· ········ p . K . ,.. .,oel.· '22 L· rto r, iterary Editor J o ep hin c A lb er t, '22 -:----__ ········ J. 'v\/. eneff '23 Alldre ' Ott com mun 1·cat1•ons to The M .er beinallTan a111 t., W an~ Cardinal, 20 W . ub tript· e tervrlle Oh1'0 Pa ion p · • • Yable in d nee, $ I.SO Per Year, ~ a vance. Entered - : : ; - - - : - - - - - - - - a?ternber econd class matter ~la \I, e tervilie 17 , at th e postoffice rch 3, 187 ' 0., under act of 9 Acee . rat Plance for .. 1103 of po tage marlrn g at ~pe..:,al !\p .' Act of provided for in Sec ~ 19. O ct. 3, 1917, authorized
A s1 tant Ed ·
We have a deep apprecia tion for th e high s tan dard o[ exce llence set for us hy past a dm:ni trati ons. lf fr o m time to tim e we see opportunity for improvement we shall surely spare no effo rt to br•: ng it about. We mean to tand squarely and unree rvedly for what we believe to be O tt erbe in' hi g h es t good, whil e of cou rse g r a nfng to o ther the ame privi lege . We do no t expect th at a ll w ill agree with us in all thing , bu t we do dare hope that we can differ ho nes tl y and with mutual repect. Ou r tr-'.a ls will probably be man ywe expec t that. Our accomplish· ments will probably fall hort of our ambition ,-we promise nothing b ut our best effo rt . But we olicit your coope rat' on in making the Tan and Cardinal car ry out it particular mis :o n of expre sing impartially and boo ting without lim :t every worthy int ere t and activity of Otterbein.
25 19
athletics on a sound and pe rma nent basi s that will do cred it to th e sc hool and make im po sibl e th e recurrence of uch a itua t ion as we hav e in the present tra ck delay. In the m ea ntime the least that our athletes have a right to expec t is that ome rea l ini tiativ e be displayed in pushing the track to an early com ple tion. We do not know who is r e sponsible for pre ent cond ition but if · th ere ·i any reasonable excuse fo r our track grounds lying untouched fr om la st spring to this, it is not kn own to· our tra ck men and th ey are wondering why.
er r ofe new th t a ff pre en ts to the r ead· ir t i t;eT la~ and Ca rdin a l their f er111g of · h t. r no t without some the e nn e 1tan cy that we ta ke up ,w d f ,t,on hilitie u re . k11owi!1g th e ree rear which th ey in volve ~ I~ ~l h . . . L IVork Y I e impo rta nce of 1Je requir and ti • ie acn fices that will d 0ur . i own r of . u · F eeL,ng ke e nly ; Uflicienc/~rtation and our own et hav e • or the ta k ahead we \\ Iect th1i1gh hope 111 . the co n fi den ' ce 0111 Y th hat the paper wr.ll halve no ' Our laff he t th ought and e ff or t of t11d ent , ut the u111ted . upport of 1'o th. Ia ulty and alumni · tUp Port e itend th at ·it may merit th a t 1 . ro Ill ak.e th iaJl be our co n tant am1 /Pre e11 taf Tan and Cardinal truly alert t aboutve hof every worthy in th\\ray to t ~ college. We want . . ere . ch001• con ider th e publrcat1on 1·1ce paper at the chool' IJJan llor ' and not ·111 ' any ense a one...,. 1th h. er t at ade one . • t a ff affai r. In line Op that it ire we a ure our r eadop·en. to th colum 11 w1.1l be alway. te 1111 0 11 and e xpr e ·ion o f tudent con VJC . 1·ion on any matj r • of gc 11 ra t nv11 'the Your cf .c~ 11 ege intere t. We Yot ey Will h i~1c1 m and your view .1. that wl e P u, and we a ure 1 1 P · •.,,r11 th ey eneve . r g.ven in a fair ..,e . a d tna 1111 wr 11 be received in the 11 a h u&ge ti r. We want your idea n / 1ter Papen ,-they will make thi 0 &iv hop to ~ and though we could co e th I" a opt th e m all we hall n 1·d ratio ·• ou r clo e. and ' impartial n.
The Coming Track Season. Otterbein has les than a week in which to prepare for her first track mee t o f the eason; yet she finds her· e lf without the semblance of an adeq uat e track up on which her m e n may train for the comiug conte t . It i highly deplorable, to put it mildly, that with the abundance of fine track naterial on hand this year, there s hould hav e been o tardy an effort to g iv e our athl e te an opportunity to ,how their best wo rk. Perhap never befor - certainly not for several ye a s pa t, ha th e coll ge had a more promising array of pote ntial track tal ent than it ha thi pring. Yet th e pro peel i auything but encour aging. With the actual chedule only a few wee k away the training effo rt o f o ur m en are confined to cro co untry run or jaunt around the two-mile quare, when by all the prin ciple of winning athletic . they hould be well along in their intenive training. 1 o one love a knock er. We have f uo patience with the ch ronic . kicker. But we b lieve th ere are occa ron or rea e nabl e constructive critici m and f Ot we believe the track men oin th eterbein havethat a real grievance p re ent ituation. It tak a deal of ·ch ol pirit to iJiduce an athlete who
Our Deep Sorrow. To O tterbe in in th e midst of the glad Easter sea on ha co me a do uble grief. Within th e week wr. are called upon to mourn th e loss ot one of our mo t be loved tud en t and th e passing of one of the Chu rch' and of tterbein' taun-
B. W. WELLS Tailor Corner State and Main Sts. Does Cleaning and Pressing on Short No tice.
Stationery We can snit your person
che t fri ends. In the sadne of thi be rea,·ement o ne has no hea rt for profu e eul ogie or multiplied word . uch liv es a th ose we mo urn ar e their own best mo num ents. Yet by the ve ry deep ne s o f our lo we are shocked into a new appr-eciation of tho e fine qualitie that, in their lives, we had come to take a matter-of-fact. That fine yo un g life o full of loyalty and of prom.: e and that faithful patriarch of the hurch a nd of our school, how keenly we hall mis them! But in thi ad week while we doubly mourn , lives yet !in within u . and hall ever li ve there, to encourag u to tho e fine attai n m ent of character and u e fulne s which to us will immortalize their memory. Delegates Attend State "Y" Meet. Otterbein- wa repre ented at the ta le conference of college Y. M. C. . men, held at Alliance Ohio, pril 9.11 by V alter . Robert and John
design "Celestine" Ask to see this new popular design. Athletic Goods Tennis Rackets Tennis Balls Base Balls Bats UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE
W. We've Been Thinkin' That banquet-tim e draw on apace. Fellow I there are till a few nice · I • ochran Hall who are pretty gir m datele .
C. W. Stoughton, M. D. 31 W. College Ave. Westerville, Ohio
The po y-hunting expedition along the er ek have bee n delayed on ac Bell Phone 190 count o fthe tardin e of pring. But
care to develop hi ability to pen~ in about a weekhi coll ege caree r under uch hand 1That ome folk mu t be omni cap when chool all over the coun.- pre ent to be able to attend five dif try ar e offering real inducement to ferent m eeti ng aft r chapel simulattract uch men . e beli ve Otterb in' limit.ed • t ~"d provi iou for athletic eq pmen in U1the pa ..... t ha lo t for her, many worthy tud nt both among alh l te and among tudent iu gen ral. ifany are here t,ecau e of love for .th. c.hool h feel ke nly pr ent limitation · w /live tudent body i indifferent to the pirit of int rcollegiate . conteS t, and winning athletic are a brg draw-
al l.i king .in color and
taneou ly. That the Junior Play i not far away. Buy your ticket early and avoid that a, ful la t minute crambl~ That we enjoyed immen ely that flowery, eff.u i e account of the en ior-J unior et-to in chapel and that the Junior may ha ~ omething to ay when p.ace pern:11 . That the £acuity were pretty good port in allowing u •two e:x,tra day
ing card for any college. . t vacatio n. e all hope that th e new mtere That those who went home early man1·r e t e d by tho e in control of the . d late did not _make it any college' athletic policy i th e beginthe faculty to do o in the . h. It hould lead nrng of better t mgs. . , to th e tabli hment of Otterbem
Citizen Phone 110
G. H. Mayhugh, M. D. East College Ave. Phones Citizen 26 Bell 84_R
Both Phones Citizen 92
Page Four
l~~~n~:.=, ~A;, :N~A~N~D~::C:= A= ;~iRfD ~;l;N ;;A ;;L;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;:.,
Jesus Christ ou~l=o:,:f=l=,~~s~~~)
Mr. and Mrs. E . M . Counseller of Westerville, Ohio, are spending several weeks, including the Easter season, visiting relatives and friends in and near Lima, Ohio. Mr. Coun seller's health 1-ias improved some what but he is not yet able to take up his work in the ministry.
The el ection of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: President-Rob erts, w.
TO ILET ARTICLES-Face Powders, Toilet W aters, California Perfumes, V anity Boxes, Flesh Brushes, E tc.
Vice Pre s idenr-Howe, J. R. Recording Secretary-Noel, P. K. Cor. Secretary-George, J. W . Treasurer-Howard, J. G.
Eastm an Kodaks and Supplies o f all kinds. FILMS DEV EL O PED AND PRI N T ED UP-T O -D ATE PH ARMA CY O PTICAL DEPARTME NT Eyes Exam ined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles of all styles. Sat isfaction Guar anteed.
P articipants In D eclamation Contest a re A nnounce_d One evening in the school year is given over to the d eclaiming of sophomores and participants beingfreshmen, chosen the fromfewa
[!)_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!;;;; =
large 11 umber by a pre! iminary con- !! 1111111 111111 11 11111 11111111111111111111111111 111 111 111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 IH 1111111111 test. This ann ua l Declamation Con- : '18. Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Roose of test wi ll occur on the evening of Fri- _ Akron, Ohio, have annou nced the day, Apri l 16 at 8:00 o'clock in the § birth of a little son, Robert Stair college chapel under the direction of Professor Fritz. The program pro1nRoose, March 12, 1920. ises to be both educational and enter' 11, '11. The Tan ahd Cardinal ex tain ing. tends sincere sympathy to Mr. and Music-Mandolin Cl ub Mr s. W . L. Mattis (Bessie Daugh erty) on account of the death of their H is Bad Ang-e l R. H . Davis § Daniel A . Harris little son Richard, which occurred at their home in Dayton, Ohio, la~t The Reprisa l F. Britten Austin Tuesday morning. J ohn C. Mayne §
Qua 11·ty FI Owe· rs -
= = = = = =
22 North,High Street
Omer H. Frank of Akron, Richa r d Bradfield of Columbus, and Lyle J. Michael of Columbus were in Westerville last Monday to a tte nd the funeral Sf rvices of Harry P. Cook. '15, ' 17. Mr. and Mrs. Carl E . Gif ford (Eth e l Meyers) of Middletown , Ohio, and Mr.· a nd M rs. Ray W. Gif fo rd (Marie V ago ner, '18) of Akron, hio, we r e in W ester vill e over Eas ter to assi t in ce leb rating the thirty-eighth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mr s. J esse Gifford at the ir home on P lum street .
'17, '17, '19.
= =
= Sweet
Peas, Fancy Roses, V iolets Corsages a Specialty.
ALUMNI HAVE BANQUET T he little son born to M r. and Mrs. L eslie T . Lincoln of Ob'i, ew D ayton Alwnni M ee t In R ike-KumYo rk on March 22 ha been named ler Dining Room In Anqual Gath'harles Raymond. · ering-Sh uey, I s Toastmas ter. '14. Mt. a nd Mrs. Gladden F. Evans On Mo nday eve n ing, Apr il 5, more (Esther Van Bu kirk) of Colum bu s, Ohio, were guests of Mrs. E vans' th an 1SO O tte r bein A lu mni and paren ts, D r. and M rs. F . M . V a n fr:ends me t in t he Rike-Kum ler dining roo m in Day ton fo r the annual Buskirk on Easter Sunday. d inne r a nd m eeti ng o f th e Dayton ' 13, ' 15. Miss B la nche Keck of A k A lu mn a! As ociatio n. Am id beauron, Ohio, a nd M iss Bessie K eck of ti fu l deco ratio ns of tan and cardinal D eG raff, Ohio, spent the Eas ter va a nd _ many fl owe rs, th e different ca tion a t t he ho me of thei r paren t classes vied wi th o ne another in nea r Westervi lle. ong a nd ye ll . Mi s E thel Hi ll of We t erv ille A fte r a n excellent menu was served spent Ea ter week-end v isiting a progra m in the na tu re o f a motion friends in Piketon, Oh io. picture show wa g ive n. ML E. L. ' 99. Walter . :Bak er of Canton , S huey, '77, acted as toas tmast er for hio wa the gue t of his _p ar ents, th e 0ccasio n. The fi rst n umbe r w a s Mr. and Mrs. Vi/. 0 . Baker on Wes t a sple ndid one-r ee l success fea tu ring ollege Avenue one day last week. th e well k no wn Day to n lawyer, W. G. Powell. T he next fi lm was of th e mas es and the classes, a mo t '.Pr ofessor Cometet Leads Y. M. s pectacular. three- reel produ ct ion C. A.-O ffi cer s are Elected featuring the combined e fforts of P rofe or Cornetet was th e leader the charming S usan Ku m ler F unkat Y . M. C. . Th ur da y nig h t a nd ho user, the sprightly Ma rjorie gave an excellent talk. Wh i tier, '24; a nd the clever Edna "Man i compl and the u niverse is Mille r P hi1J ip , '17. A qua rtet m ade compo ite. _Among the attr ibutes that up of M is e E llswo r th, W a rner, '17, to make his wo rk Whi ti er a nd F ri e e;- '1 then ang a man m ust po of chai;-acter building uccessful are th e " Otter bei n L ove Song" with incer ity, integr ity, inten ity, inven Miss te lla K urtz, i1 ·, at the piano. tiveness, op.t.imism, hope a nd faith . A heart . rending tragedy w a s man or woman can make th e then pre ented in th e film featuring 0 greate t success of his life who leaves "Up I n Prexy's Roo m" by Fred W.
A nice line of Blooming Plants.
Helen Bennett :
M ild red M. Adams T he Whirlig ig of Life 0 . Henry --Pau l J. Harris Mqsic-Mandolin Club Decision of Judges
' 16.
' 17.
Columbus, Ohio
Anne of Green Gab les L. W. Montgomery Sara L. Wi lson Music-Mandolin Clu b Land of the Blue Flower Frances H. Bennett :: Mary G. Tryon The L ittlest· Re be l .
Walter N. Roberts
Our Westerville Agent. :
M ain 9095
= = =
Citizen 7012
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 111111111 111111
1111111 lllllllllllllllllllllllllttlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIIII -
Order Your Photos at Once
Y our P h ot o is the only thing your frie nds can not buy.
_ -
O ne dozen Photos make 12 appreciated presents. H ave the best
R. W . SCHEAR, O tterbein R eprese n t ativ e
= _
S S -
State and High Streets
ii11111 11 m
§ 111111111111
llllllll Ill II lllll lllllllll II llllllllllll llllllllll llll Ill Im I llllll Ill Ill II IIll ll
solo mu ical following officers were electe d fo r . Fred number appeared on the program . th e ensuing year: President, . resident. One by Mr. Wendell Camp and an W . f-ansher, '10; nee P _ . ·11· secre other by Mrs. ·Je ie Landi Funk Sarah Hoffman Robinson, · Rohouser, '99. tary, Ruth F6es, '18; treaStt rer. . At the close of the program th e bert D. Funkhouser, ' 99.
Fan her,
Page Five
Philomath eans Honor Deceased. Following th Philomath e regular session of 3.n appro ea on last Fr iday evening held · priate memorial service was ,vho 1t1 mem ory O f Harry P. Cook so sudden! Y passed a way during the E Prayer aster va ca f wn. Scr ipture and Phillippiwas af off ere d_ b Y Chaplain D. M. read a b ter which Gi lbert E. Mills . . tory of eaut1ful t n·b ute and life hisI favorite )tie deceased member. His wh·1ch con I oemd was read b Y J - R • L ove . ervice. c Iu ed this very impres s ive
SPORT DOPE G rab ill , Pace, R ueb ush, L effe l, We lls 11111111111111 With a track meet schedule d fo r and Alb righ t. W ith such an a rray of § llflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!1
The New and =
Sat urday, Ap ril 17, prospects a r e excellent that the candidates w ill have at least one day in which to get 111 condition. Otte r bein st udents are singing a new marching song these days entitled, "Where is our track, track, track?"
ta lent we can hope for a winning team. -Ba seball enth us iasts were not "chill ed" even by the weathe r man. So far, no " holdo uts" have been r eported on the baseba ll squad. Tennis wi ll soon be getting its • share of attent ion. A ll we need lS th With stakes to g uide them the e cou rts. C(?CHRAN HALL track men should not have any trouble find ing their way aro und the : course. Mild red Shull and Lillie Waters, We note one very encouraging spent part of this East vacation with -thing in the track situation. The Helen Campbell. best that Alexander of State could do Pushes this week were given by : in the pole vault against Wesleyan, Gladys Howard for Catherine Ells- =: in which he took a first, was JO feet, worth, of West Carol ton, -0.; Lois 6¼ inches. Roy Peden in his first Bickelhaupt for Mabel Walter of Totry out of this year cleared the bar Jed o; Juanita Foster for her roomeasi ly at 11 feet. We have no doubt mates, :VIarjora ·whistler and Edna that before the eason ends, Roy will Hooper; Lois Clark and Bertha Hanhave shattered his previous records. cock for Catherine Ellsworth; Mildred --= Saturday, April 17. Don't forget Deitsch, Gladys Van Gundy and Alice that date. We must beat Denison. Abbot. = They have won from us twice this year in other sports, and we are due Velma. Lawrence, Velma Swinger, ~ Aline Mayne, and Mildred Pickering for a comeback. No one on the base bail squad, has with their gentlemen friends went out rd t his position cinched. We will allow you to breakfaS Satu ay. :_ to pick your own team from this arGerald C. Kahler of Youngstown ray: Miller and Fox at first base, visited Josephine Albert last week-
J. J.
stop; George and Dew at third; Howe,
J.effccson City, Peden and Scneff, behind the bat;
Men,s and =_ _ = youn M , g en S _-
ad"" on
"Don't t this k being . vacation Oick\e., ' e Sua,te":;"" "Look
C E Society dected offims Sun- _=
Ill 1111111111111111111 II 111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIII IIII 1111111111111111111111111111 ll
= _ -
m any wooden : out foe Canock ;
R. Mis W SHI e en
Bovee accompanied )_:l hiladei • chea • home at New _ h" r to his W p ia over the Easter vacation. § e. b arbers in raising the Priceestervill of taken a f hair-cuts have evidently : 1P from the city barbers. And th en ma ssages, too-but that al\\lay Was a skin game. liomer S1111. Old Cr . th of Dayton and Harfunerat~: ~f Chillicothe attended the M arry Cook last Monday. anager "Cliuck" Mullin has had a ection gang working on the new track . field. The site 1. con,on the at l1Ietic . ome P1etely s t a k ed off and there is · · con solat 1011 111 the fact that the rack •. t two Yeis as near completion as it was .finishedars ago. The jumping pit is _ Mrs. Bess· day night ie _Hays entertained TuesOr of M: at sir o'clock dinner in honB. Tayt· S. A Yokum and Mrs. J. &ue ts or of Elkins, W. Va. Other ,,., . t•«an M:Present were M r s. M . O . Tms lor 'v· a~y T instman V irginia T ay· ' M: 1rg 1n,a M:ary Wolfe, 'G ladys Yoku m, tiet I{ eyers, He len Bovee and H ar ayes. There · that tw is a rumo r ab out the campus and a O teams of horses a scraper ously couple workmen we'r e mysteriOn th \~ay- laid a few days ago while 'IVork e1r w ay to th e athletic field to 'Shows Onhth e tr ack. If this is true it does t at th e person responsible not h av e the best interests of . at 0 tterb e in heart.
Gibson Art Goods, for the whole family and all holidays. Letter Wax De Luxe, made by D ennisons-"enuf said." Enarnelac, com plete assortment of colors. Novelties, presents for ch ildren and grown-ups. Largest display of beautiful repro ductions of fa mous paintings. Everything to make your room more livable. Easter Greeting Cards, largest display in town.
party favors, something for every occasion.
Linois Linen Correspondence Cards, everybody needs Art Materials, full line of Brushes, Paints, Etc•
crane' s Purity Linen, Extra Fine Stationery. Early orders for Banquet flowers coming in.
; : Fashion Park ~ : Fine Clothes at -~~ $45, $50 to $75
- = == = == == =
Glen-Lee Place
nfflffi~• RHODES&SONS
= =
The College Avenue
ijj IIll Ill 11111111111 II 11111111 Ill I111111111111111 I
= = = =
_ = _ II Ill I IIII I II Ill I Ill I Ill II II II I II II Ill I Ill II II UIIIUIIIII Ill I Ill Ill I Ill II II II Ill Ill ll111111111111111 : 11
= =
Every New Style ~ ~ Fabric and Weave =~ Sizes to Perfectly ' : § Fit Every Man, and § = the Largest, Finest = ~ ;; Stock in Central §§Ohio =
" Come In and Browse Around."
Hart, Schaffner & Marx and
§ ;
coming back'
~1111 . t ea d . e mS
H1·gh Grade = Spr1·ng Su1·ts = =are Ready == Now at The == uDIOD • at === $35 up to -$G5 § = •th th WI e = famous -==
ays Ill Westerville Perry, Willburg, Corsen, Cribbs, day evening, but d ue to lack of space erly a :vrr. ~f undhenk was form- Scheid ler, Ulry and Ranck on the fir- notice cannot be given this week but · · 1· · th tfield Killinger the next issue will g ive the results. st udent here ather's . 1111g me; 111 e ou , '
F from
= =~
~ ID
Attends Al umm. M ee t in g. Professor ed the . J,. A. \,\ •. e1nland. attend111eet111g 0 i t1 1e alumni co un c il , • Dayton 1)ranch · · "irst l__;n1ted · at ti1e ,,. Brethr Chur c I1· D ayton, ::Vlonday eveningen Ti Was · ,e Alumni Council which . last e1ected . b ), the alumni. associallon . spring \\·a s organ 1zed, . com111 ittees nam ed an d officers • 0. Ci elected. F Presidentement s· O f D ayton was named aine cit and .· L · H : 'l •' cl·- adden of the land Y ,ice president; L. A. \,Vein. , secretar of And . . Y, and H. 1:'. Lambert e, son I d 11 Ou co . · -, treasurer. Vari· report to the alun, · 1111111tt:es will 111 asso · and the Board of Truste · ciation es at commencement time. L OCALS Mignery at second, Martin at short- end .
I hio, '""' a ;"' O ast week. ew
correct Styles.
Page Six
========== ~~•1••u~ ==========n
Lazarus Spring Clothes Have the Style College Men Like College meh demand spring clothes styles that reflect correct fashion with pep. Such are Lazarus spring suits High-waisted stylesSingle and double-breasted effects- . Trim, clean-cut, upstanding spring suits in the big sat isfying assortments men aiways find at Lazarus. The stocks are at their peak now, and NOW is the time to choose. All tailored by Lazarus standard makers, which means good looks that will last. Reasonably priced at
$35, $40, $45 and More Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes in Columbus only at Lazarus'. (Lazarus Second Floor-Mail Orders Filled)
ite Oxford Shirts With Collars Attached They are a big style feature- for spring. The collar buttons down. Mighty comfort able and dressy for campus wear, and smart for "dress up." A large assortment at $4. Shantung Silk Shirts with Collars Attached, $6
Narrow Black Knit Ties Men who set the fashions in New York sponsor the narrow shapes for spring wear. Men like them with button-down collar shirts. There's a big assortment to choose from, in cluding all the good colors, at $2.50 to $6.
Spring Hats that Re• fleet Correct Style Narrow or wider bands, with slightly curled brims-spring, 1920, shapes. In assortments so large men will smile with satisfaction at the bigness _of choice, Moderately priced at $S and more.
(Men's Store-First Floor)
-COLUMBUS Banister Shoes for Men ;-
Dobbs Hats for Men