Guitner, Prof. .\ Ima Sept. 'to \,\:. Co ll ege
ar ina COLLEGE ~ PUBLISHED I ~OLL.~3~_= == = = = = = = = ~ ~ ; ; : : ; , ;W,;;;E;S; T=E;R~VilL~~LE= , ~O~H~I~O~,=A~P~R~_~ IL~l~9.~1~9~20~.==================---~ -====~=~============c=====~,;;;;;;;;:;;,;:;;,;,;;;=== ~ ==--==========================-==~N~o~.~2~6~-= LYCEUM NUMBER PLEASES CONFERENCE AT ALLIANCE Sam L ewis and A ssisting Members of I Mt. Union College Entertains Student Company Delight Large Audience Freshmen and Sophomores Compete Officers of State Christian Asso In College Chapel. Sophornores E ntertain Seniors in for F irst Honors In Annual Rus ciations-Otterbein Represented. B Sam L ewis and Co mp any presented eautiful an d W ell-Arranged sell Declamation Contest. ~t. U nion College, Alliance, Ohio, an eve ning of entertainment last Evening Social Function. wa th is year the h ost of the Annual Thursday, Ap ril 15, whi ch was ac P. J. HARRIS WINS FIRST Officer ' Tra ining Co nference of the co unt ed one of the best of th e ea son's J. R. LOVE IS TOASTMASTER Lyceum Course. T h e company was Ohio tud ent Y. M .· C. A. The repre composed of fo ur tal ent ed member s, Six Persons Appear O n Program and Tables Are .. Artistically Set in Enclo- se ntative fr o m Otterbein were W. who p layed,· a ng and read with such . All Perform Creditably-Mandosure of p urplc and Gold-Music Rob erts president, and J. W. George, p leasing ability that the audience lin Club Furnishes Music. reco rdin 1g secreta ry, o f Otte rbein "Y''. Is Pl · ca ll ed th em back time after tim e. L easmg Feature. The con fe re nce wa h eld from Apnl Mr. Lewis himse lf wa th e possessor In th e co ll ege chape l, las t Friday a t Tue d 0cial room ay night, pril 3, 111 th e 9 to 11 and was highly beneficial Of a high, trong tenor voice and hi night, Apr il ! 6, was h eld the ·a nnual church s of th e united Bre thr en throughout. The co nfe ren ce was uniqu e in that vari ed selection of class ical and mod- R u sse l Declamation Con tes t. Th ere rnore- wa held th e annua l Sophodiscu ssio nal and clinical methods were em so ng s immediately appealed to were six compet ito r , a ra Wil o n, .hr t of en1or B th a nqu et. Th is was th e sophomore, and Dani e l Harris, John Proved e an nual cla s banquets a n d almost wholly emp loyed in place of his hear er s. the usual inspirational addr e e . M iss Hopkins de lighted the :i.udiMayne, Mary Tryon, Mildred Adams Tl a th o ro ugh uccess. with h er read ings, which conI>ette r . k 11 O \.v 11 ence ie banqu t I decorat Harrison . Elliott, and P au I H arn· , all fr e hm en . The is ted of p . oems, a hort play, and d . e 1all was ta stefully I e 111 th e S en10 · r colors, purple in "Y" circl e a ·'Sunny" El 1ott ~as musica l and child readings which were rivalry . wa ke en and no one env·ied and 1:old h I hung f · tr eamers of th e e co lo r s of th e meeting leading . p irit of the w o e se ries Mr. Elliott i secretary unus ual in their charm and rendition . the judges the duty of ch oo ing the th ·1· I ingrom Pea !:it . e ce1.111g forming a of the In te rnational Committee of the M r. Arment, the violinist, was one three prize winne r . Th e p ri zes were overh tl ce work while a ca nopy Y. M. C. A. Other men w ho led in of th e best that has appeared on the finall! award ed, how ever, to Paul J. ead co I Plant mp eted the effect. Fem s th e discussions and poke were Ivan c~a_p e l p l~tfor:r1 t_his year, and he ex- Harns, Sara L. Wilson and John C. da11t!y •a11d fl owers we r e used abu n -' B. Rhode , tate general e.cret~ry, h1b1ted h1 skill m solos a1td accom- _¥ayne, who received the um of tion 111 both table and room decoraDr. P hillip Hitti, ec re tary 0£ foreign paniment • 15, 10 and 5 re pe.ctively. work in ew York ity. Al O WalAs p ianist, th e company offered th e Th i conte t, a yearly event, though The ma d . 1111 lli h d 'n and g uitar club fur- ter James of th e Oberlin y_ M. C. A. ta lented Miss Boyd. Besides her per- held under the ausp ices of th e coll nu " et eP delightful . music as the ban - and H. L. eam en s, State tude.nt fee t accompa nim en ts,11 he ~layded two Publ_ibcl peaking Department, i m::: tirn e a~~gressed, and was called back Secretary. so lo which were we -rece ive . poss1 e on ly through the beneficence J. R l again. . T h e entire program was one of de- of Dr. Howard Ru se ll we ll k d . One O fthe mo t outstan 111g es- li ght, because eac h member was an benefactor of the college , n ho w n b over ·thLo ve • a toas tm as ter, presided h L k . , Y w om a re donated. entert . ~ ce remonies cleverly and 1-0 11 of the co nference was t e a - e arti t in h i or her own way, and t h e prize dent -,a1n1ngly . ! Ha_r_ri appeared fir t 0 11 the B · T h c two clas pre 1.- Gene va Banquet which had. for it fu rni hed ente rtainm ent of the high- D ante e t clas progra m, _g ivrng a se lection by Ri'ch Stauffer ·, B. My ers, '20, and W . O. aim th e arou in g of en thusi k aG m to the Mu La ch e eneva _ _ __ _ _ ·_ _ _ 1'heir ' 22, eac h spoke in order. en list delegate f for ence go od ~~ d HHa rd ~ng Davi , "Hi Bad Angel." C on er · . . Ladies' Concert Postponed. lvH. arn did we ll and de erves comWell r pe~c h es were inter es ting and Summer • , mendation . then "'a ceived. Hel en Keller, '20, come of these Officer Traming Co n and with t wo uch wor th y j The concert of the Girl Glee Club 1· tic "chve av oca I so lo wi th characte r- fer e nce b . hould profit whic h wa ched ul ed for Wednesday, . "T he Repri al" by F. Beitten Austoast "Garm after wh ich was g ive n a delegates Otter he111 . ·ration and pril 2 1 ha be n postpo n ed until tm wa th e number cho en by th e next "'~hen f o 1.P" b Y Sara Wilson, '22. greatly from_ ~ e I ms:i uld mean a pril 29, at which time the Men's and ?eaker, J ohn _C. Mayne. T hi , a di _ "chop o 11 owed .in turn the toasts, m ethods obta1n e .. t . o cabinet of Girl ' Cl ub s will appear in a joint trn c~ly dramatic tory with a late war concert. etttng, was read sp lendidly in pite ''l'her , uey," E d ith B ingham, '20 ; great h elp to the mcoming of th e fact that it wa a mo t difficult chear• ,a Rea on. Prof. E . W. E . the local association. number to give killfully. Pox, ,2~ dd a nd E nd s," C ha . L. . • ara L. Wil . on n ext appeared , g1v mg a , elect ion from L • W . M on tF'or the love c 11 extemporaneous toasts :Mr. gomery d e lightfut book , "Anne itd, ,2~ ed upon Mis Gladys How of. Green. Gabl es". nne' conver a· · ht bad e of Cae ar, A lexander, PreJ1.-y "1Vh0 With h~nd . Pre ident Clippinger, t1on, wh1~h formed the major part of evening, so me n1g 1 wife wa a guest of honor. Profes or, and other famou men! That Otter- the r~admg . was excellently handled " On a balmy At b ein hould ever live to ee th e day by Mt s W1l on. h e wa well de' 0 ,,, dec)are a certain ag th e "O a late ·h our the affair closed . with when such carou al, uch di ipation (Continued on page two.) " wbile · strolling pa t Profe ~Cn iort~rb~in Marching Song", the domicile on East College •hould be indulged in und er t he ve ry 1"1tnen Endeavor Society Elects Offic crs. I aving enjoyed the evening hea rd re-echoing through the town hadow of the college. Th \Veil Pl e Y, and th e ophs not only certain combination of number tl~at ection of the 1oca 1 The profe or at the window was E e tudent . for th/ased but -feel ing amply repaid are u ually thought of a football s1g- duD1bfound ed. If he hadn't see n it - : oc1ety elected offi ce r for the nUa! cl tr effo · promotmg . . anyear on unday eve1nng . · r t s in this l -60-70-8 0--85- r ang out and he would n ver have b e li.eved that a en u111g . a function . pnl 11. The ~ote wa by ballot o~ na ted around the neighborhood on fellow profe sor would allow his home fl oa ,, to be d secrated by two debat ing th e do ub!e n_o mmation pre ented by O t t ~·- - - the gentle zephyrs. Fo!Jo . cm Tennis Schedule. team actually p lay ing rook and th e no11:matmg committee, and the The profe or topped, amazed i sh . . c edu!eW111g .is t h e Varsity Tennis Otte rbein had not taken uch a gorging th mselves with sandwiche , re ult wa a follow : I · f oo t - coffee , and other daintie . He hesi land for thr. sea on a it now s ure. YI t p a to have pnng P~e ident-Lloyd B. Harmon. ra d 1ca · h H tated wheth er or not to call the police, Vice P resident-Manson E • IC . h0 1 ball practice in the moonh~ t. e April 23~ay 1_ Ca~ital at Columbus. ecre taryMary hamberlain. · began to reconnoitre and . but decided that after their ardu ous tea It h I1Y d in the direct10n • • fr om lfay 8- Den, on at Westerville. Trea urer-Paul K. Noel. tabor the debater of Otterbein were foote pus y. _ M:ay 15 I<ei~yon at Gambier. Cor. ec'y.-A lice Davi on which th e strange sound~ were e cap enti tled to a midnight spree so crept 1ttenberg at Springfield. . · . ~ay 2 g· pur ui led him to mo unt away with dinning in his ea r the PChor . .is ter-Dale w. Phil('1pp1. 1 ·d 1an1st-Loi Hughe . ~ay 28-:Wit~enberg at Westerville. mg. the Fritz veranda and to gaze_ w1 e- words, "I bid 70-l'll make it 80-85-90." June 1~emson at Granville. eyed through the front wmdow. Capital at We terville.
Page Two
New Version of An O ld Story as Set (Continued from page one.) ervi ng of a p r iu. Forth By Venerable Sage of the An allegorical story, "The Land of Tribe of the Juniors. N . . h h• d h f h the Bl ue Flower" by Frances H. Burnett. :vfi s Mary G. Tryon gave in an ow it was 111 t e t tr mont O t e \ eleventh year of the reign of P re . interesting manner. Then followed Mildred M. Adam . Clippinger and the season of th e year }"ho read, "The Litt lest Rebel", by was draw ing nigh when the trib~ of H e len Bennet, a charming little Civil the enior shou ld array them elves War story wi th an ab undance of m strange gowns a~d pea_k queer human inte r.est. Miss Adams per- speeches and proclaim their g lory formed exce ll ently and ranked high. throughout the land of Otterbein. The evening's program wa conBut there dwelt a l o in th is same cludc.>d by Paul J. Harris who had land a tribe, mig h ty in batt le, and se lected fo r his number that hu morous grea t of deeds. wh ic~ was cal led the story, "The Whir ligig of Life" by 0. tribe of the J unio r . And they a id H enry. To be properly given onath is selection demanded good i:11per ti on and in this Mr. Harri s excelled . Though hav ing a hard place on th e program, Mr. Harris held the intent intere t of the audience throughout. He well deserved the r ecog nition granted him by the judges. The college Mandolin Club furni sh -ed music at intervals during the even· d I· ti ·· t d mg an t 11s was grea y appr ec1a e by the audience. The judge were Mr. Ray Bennett. Westerville, Ohio; Mr. Pilkington, W este rville, O.; M. \,\'illiams, Columbus, 0.
untobr_them se Ive . "Beho Id , boasters?"' hall not we i ng to naught these Then rose up the chief of th e Junior , one \Valt er, whose urn a m e was chutz and he took counsel w ith the wise men and the sages of th e trib e and they planned what they would do. And when the day of g lorification should have d·rawn nigh. th e tribe of the eniors heard rumor of ill omen · and they wer e sore afraid. And th e king of the Senior whose name was Herb ert. a man .of the hou se of Meyers, tremb led for his people. And he called his kinsman of 75 together and he ummoned them to many and divers meeting that they might devi e
Sibyl Making Good Progress. According to Editor-in-Chief Phil lippi, the ibyl, our college yea r book, prog re sing fin"t! ly a nd from a ll pre ent indications will be off the pre and ready for delivery by May 10. The proof has all been received for final correction and is uow in the printer ' hand in its final form. The editor wa j ust able to recall enough of the copy to enter in the book a tribute to our lamented fellow tudent Harry P. Cook, who wa athletic editor of the publication. The printing work on thi year's annual is being done by the Findlay Publi bing Co., Find lay, Ohio. B u i ne manag r ch utz declare him elf well ati fi d with the contract he has secur d and ay the new venture i no, an a ured ucces . Tho e who have not paid up their initial in tallment hou ld do o at one , o a to enable the taff to meet th ir obligation in a busine s-like mann r.
whereby to circumvent their foe and behold they were greatly wrought up.
Otterbein Folks We can furnish you with Name Cards, Printed or Engraved. Prices on Application. Get Your Stationery Here. Both Phones No. 4.
The Buckeye Printing Co. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ _
ow when they had coun elled· tog ether for, many day they a id to themse lve , "Let u now set a nare for th e Juniors and let make as if we would ce lebrate our g lory at1cl behold when our enem ie have et abo ut to mock u , then will th ey be ridiculed before all th e congregation". Therefore the ho ts of the en1or made a great ado and feign ed a great occa ion , but th e wisdom of th e Juniors wa a the wisdom of the erpent, and they knew what wa in th e hea rts of their enemie and th ey at every one in his place in the tabernacle u n til a ll the congregation knew that the p lan of the enior had been brought to naught. And behold the laugh was on the enior ! Then indeed did the ho t of the enior wax exceeding wroth and they aid, " Let u verily have our day of glorification I" And again they coun elled much together. But it came to pa s that when they would have glorifi d them elves and would Announce Winners Next Week. have at before all the congregation Mo11day, pri l 19, the Barnes hort toi;y nte t wa clo ed for the year in their trange robe that the men of th re being eight contestant . An the tribe of Schutz had taken their nd they were sore dismayed nouncement will be made next week place . and knew not what to do. And when regarding the winner of the prizes. Thi prize cholar hip of 2000 wa they would have routed the tribe of e tablished by Mr. J . . L. Barnes of the Junior , behold the Junior would Welle ley, Ma ., class of '94, the in not rout and there aro e a great conprevailed come of which i to be u ed for prizes fusion. And the Junior over the Senior and made of them a of 40, 20 and 10 each for the be t slorie on Good Citizen hip. This orry ight. There upon rose up the sch lar hip i e tablished in the mem high prie t of the tabernacle and dis ad ory of Mr. Barnes' brother, Walter mi sed all the congregation. again the la ugh was on the enior I Barne , of the cla s '98. Then did the hosts of the tr ibe of The contestants this year are Mi e Helen Keller, Marvel ebert, Meyer gna h their teeth in very rage E ther Harl y, Edna Hooper, Edith and they aid, " o, the jou rnal of the Bingham, Mildred Dietsch and Jose land have p ublished our u ndoing, even phine Foor. Dennis Brane is the only the great journal of the land like unto the Columbu Dispatch, and truly male conte tant. 0
w.: are m a sorry plight. Now therefore let u wrik a great tale and let us ay that we ar e mighty lest thi thing come to the ea rs of the people THE GROCER and they ay, "The tribe of the house of Meyers are a pygmies before the hosts of th e tribe of the Junior . And they summoned the sages of the Sells the BEST of everything tribe and th e skillfu l writers, and they ca t lot among them to determine who hould defend their fai r name. Corner State & College And the lot fell upon two fair maidens who dwelt among their number. And the fir t was very tall and of a clever mind and th e econd wa like unto the fir t but mall of tature. And they both did posse the gift of flowing word . And they wrote kill If you want a bargain in good -grade, fu ll y and tr ov we ll and p ubli h d Shoes and O xfords see ·th eir ta le among the peop le of the land of Otterbein. And they wou ld REESE GRIFFITH have deceived the peop le. But there arose among the Juniors a prophet who poke true things. And he wrote Agent for the tale as it wa , even a it happen·ed W. A. Wicher s Shoe Co., wrote he it. And likewise he publis hed hi tal e among the people a~d Elizabethtown, Pa. all the people cried out and ho uted w •ith a great voice and aid, "Veri ly thi man peaketh true thing !" And the enior could not answer them, b ut t I1ey h e Id their peace, and kept ilence forever after. Selah.
B. W. WELLS Tailor
Cast of Junior Play Selected.
Corner State and Main Sts. Profe or Fritz has turned magician. Hi fir t performance took place sev Does Cleaning and Pressing on eral week ago·, after he had looked into the play "Robina in Search of a Short Notice. Hu band". By the imple act of po t ing a white lip of paper on the bulle- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tin board, he tran form d several mem ber of the Junior lass into the fol lowing charming character , who will H OME DRESSED behave according to their evera l ro le in the annua l Junior Cla P lay to be pre ented in the college chapel, about May 1 t.
Lord pencer hank Rathbone. Horace Ru ell Ehrhart Greenleaf. mo Bert Jaynes Jordan. Doctor Virgil Willet. In pector Leland Pace FlanellyJ one . Policeman W-ill iam Vance. 'William ance D ulove. Robina E ther Harley Pennicuycque. u an Marjorie Mi ller Raffi.eton. Kat e eva Prie t Gambett. Report has it that Professor F ritz is practicing daily with the above ca t
MAKE GOOD EATS Both Phor. :~
Bell 46-W.
Citizen 92
p reparation for the ir performance and a ll ign point towa rd an enter tainment of un usual variety.
It alway give us plea ure to quote price and give you any information abo ut urgica l goods. Hoffman's. dv.
~ ~ ~ ~; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ = = , , , ~ ~= = ~ ~ ~T~H~E~T~A~N~A~NrDiC~A~R~D~I~N~A ~ L~ = = ~ = =~ = = = = = = == ~Pag.c ~ ~ Three ~~ THE OTTERBEI spiration and jollification, Jane 10 to grievances, all unpleasant pha es oi WE'VE BEEN THINKIN'17. You will ever be glad you we re here college life. eldom is any rem edy \V e. the girl of Cochran Hall -'ubJi hed W k . and you will be howi11g the highest suggested ; eldom is the ques tion ee I)'. m the inte re. t OTTER0 tterbe 111 by th e pirit o f appreciation for your Alma thought through y tematically to hav e bee n ' that the masculin~ BE! P U BLJ Hr G Mater and her alunini by helping disco er the fundamental causes of el e1"'.1ent o f the school held a music:il W BOARD make this annu I occa ion the greatest the evil and how it could be correct- fe t, val out under the trees last at •.~cmber f e terville, Ohio uccess. ed. ~o. such effort is seldom shown, urday night. 0 th e Ohio College Press --.... Association . W e remind you now, before you but on goe the knocking. Everyone ~hat the Rowers that bloom in the hav e made your plan for the pring ha a hammer, o to speak, and taps, pnng, tr a ! la! will oon be di _ Ed· STAFF that you will alway regret it if you bangs, sma he at random,anything co ura ged and re treat. itor-in-Ch. f !\ i tant Ed1~ ·· ·· J. Rus kin Howe, '21 do not leav e a place in them for Ot- and everything. Th a t the robin in thi part of the Contributing Eodr_ ···· J. G. Howard, '22 terb e in' Commencement week. Ju t a th e con tant dropping of •tor country will 0011 di appear if th e water will wear away a tone. so thi E th er Harl ey '21 youth of Ott erbein doe n't to p con tant "knocking-critici m" will B11aincs8 Ma D . D . Bran e'. '20 A · Worthy Precedent. hunting the poor creature . A i lant _s n:3ger ·· W . N. Roberts,'22 \Ve doff our editorial hat to the wear away and undermin e the firmest under-eta men of 1919-20! They chc>0l patrioti m. u me Manager That we had better all fa t un ti! c·trcuJation M A ]. F. Blue, ' 22 have set for futur tudent generthe tir t of May o that we can During the late war, criticism of • W. Elliott, '23 A i tant Cir gr. ·: Marvel Sebert, '21 ation a precedent that reflect honor our government was in disfavor and th o roughly enjoy our breakfast in culation Manage rsto the college and that commends even unlawful. Why? imply be Cochran Hall. Harriet Hay '22 th e ir own good e n e and dignity of cau e critici m, at least the bitter, Athletic Edito Lucile Ewry'. '23 , Roundabout Conclusion: "It' an ex local Editor r ........., M. . Funk, '22 principle. By a o r t of "genllemen s vitriolic brand that wa pre valent, AluinnaJ Edit ·-······ W. 0. tauffe r. '22 agreement" Fre hmen and opho threatened the morale of the nation. tend ed corridor that ha no ultimate fltchange Ed?r ······ Alma Guitner, '97 more cla ses have thi yea r made The ame i true here;thoughtle s. te rmination," mu ed the ab ent-mind Ochra11 Hall •~dit~;··· P. K. oel, '22 pos ihle the celebration of the an- un ound, haphazard criticism of our ed college profes or, a he patiently literary Ed· Jos~phin e Alb ert. '22 nual class ba.nq uet as occa ions of Alma Mater is dangerous to our plodded around the revolving doorway. :--:--____ •tor ........ J. W. en eff, '23 dignity and beauty, rather than as op- morale or chool pirit, a thing with Addre all portunities for a childi h di play of out which any in titution worthgtterbein T communication to The "roughneck'' tactic -. le . olle e A an and Cardinal , 103 W . This is a it should be. Of all the Come, let' di card our hammers ub cripti;:·• pw_ e terville, Ohio. aoc1·a1 occa ion of the year, the class and grab a lever, a jack, or anything Payable in d nee, $1.50 Per Year, ~ ~ a vance. banq uet hould be h Id above petty- that boo t and pushes upward. If Enteredi - : : - - - - - - - - - - - - c la 5 feeli1i"g and made an event of we have ome fault to find, ome eptemb a econd cla matter · I d at \V er 25, 1917 at ecor- cnt.Jc1 m to make, let us first di e t , the po toffice beauteous and in piring soc1a cover a remedy, analyze it carefully, 11arch J, ;~e, 0 ., under act of um. Jt require a very keen senfse Acee · 1 humor to detect anything o t e make sure of it oundness then forma l publi h to the world !lot only the 0t~~n~e for mailing at ~pe.:,al a mu ing, in degrading thi IOJ! Act s tge provided for in c. function to the level of an inter-class grievance but the remedy a well. ~ I 7, J. G. H. 9 . Oct. 3, 1917, authorized scrap and those who can find del.ight in uch a degradation only manifest their own lack of a en e of propriety. Hat to fit the mo t fastidious. Will EDITORIAL With the provision which we have fit your purse too. E. J. orri .-Adv. had this year, for a de ignated and I . 800st Commencement! regulated day of cla - crap activities, (AMPUS (HIT (HAT not too I . the la t excu e for uch fia co a have abolut• that ear y to be thinking . event greate t of all the year' marred the annual banquet during Though it may not be exactly ac F'1 ter th College Commencement. the pa t few year ' di. ap!) ar . Too cording to Hoyle we'll all agree that appr th~n mo t of us realize, we are . much credi t cannot be given the ·'Mart" toffer and ' i " Bingham are un· oach1ng that glad f ' cla m n of thi year for recogn1zmg sea on o re. •f h 1011 howing signs of real common en e n01 r autl fe tivity. th eir opportunity to digni Y ese in wearing plebian rubb er boot dur 0 one who ha •ved th f • T h y have r e-estab h hed can rough such an experience unction • e ing thi moi t weather. enth re~Jize fully the in piration and a precedent which for !ear pa t \~e Ju t to take a look at the ball dia lllo P~ •a rn that pervade the very at- had lo t and one which sh~uld mond la t week we would almost say . com ier~ ,of the entire college and futur be cheri hed a a sacre tra lthat oach Watt ought t,o call for ion in~11 1t! on thi glad annual oc a- tion of Otterbein. d d for the Varsity crew ni11~ t t • a gala-week from beginThen here' to the new or er an candidate l'he ,,o nd. Coll ege pirit runs high. it succe ! May the day neve~. com - rather than ball team. and old grad " bring back the ze t when a "knock-down, drag-?ut per eeing Dale Phillippi at work in the ~~Yalty of other days to add to forrnance hall again b con idere: an the ba emen t " ibyl" office tilt. the d •gh-pitched e th . f e entia l part of the annual clas anent £ n us1a m o tuhat i off to "\ ee hour " remind u of the old C~~ acuity. and friend . quet! Again we ay, our hymn, "Let the tower light be burnPromi ernencernen ing." · t W ee k th1·s year thr undcr-cla men l Otterbe · to b the greate t r union of · - - -- - -- ome lower upper eta men (you 111 alum . . h f h Watch Your Criticism. ch 001 T m 111 t e history o t e ·r the know who we mean) would have u Unu u ·, . h pre ent year ha been Every pt>r on i a born en. ic, . b lieve that the Freshmen have no a 111 it de ire to critize being a thmg 1.nachiev record of attendance, h. h t we pep becau they allowed a banqu~t e here11t 1 · 11 mo t of u , a t rng t a the , 111 nt and intere t. Many oJ to pa without a general turmoil. · grad " h mu t con trol. . . . . lin1e in f1r w o were still marking ometime . of cour e, cnt1c1 m • Ju t t he ame, they can't kid u , the lllence anc during. la t year's comf Fre hmen are g ntL meo. . n1e11t ·11 b an aid and timulus to greater e fr1end wi e here to meet old k ow 've finally el ct d our Y. M. C. r II fo rt but it i o only when one .n. . their ca old tim and have , h tic 1 . and . E. office r so now we mu t the e .ar in the general gaiety of wh re-of he P ak , when- t e en •ght b one who e judgment we ca~~t turn our att ution to matter of mere 31 W. Collece Av,. alread , u Y day . lumni are h cnt1 national importance. ) Pr · doubt. Too often. thoug , . d tructive in purpo e rath er .la r Uni:pnanng bf~r the occa iorr. . Westerville, Ohio Ciety b are erng planned. o- ci 111 1 f It Th re wa once a pla ce known a grarn a1~quet and a ociatfoo pro- than con tructive and i mere a~ o. C. Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 Will be th b. findi ng rathe r than an hone t d.e ire That wanted a track, believe me, Xo t d e igge t ever. to 11 Ip. and o in t.ead of mflu- Jlut the way they fooled 'round great u nt can afford to mis the n1e11 good. f llo w hip of thi Com- encing for the bett r it only In digging the ground ure made u cu a\ ful, "Oh Gee." h ern nt rancor and .malice. . t tru O a _on. Then one feel More . frequently than it bould love f lterbCJ11 pirit-the gripping tha t or Al ound Otterbein, it happens Have you worn the 11 W Liberty Ph aer0 h ma Mater that bring men arh en aoy group of indjvidual gather, fine. E. J. It' Qu t b t e continent to it at the band to Collar? Try it. h Oard f f co11VH ation ba a ten ency orri .dv. oe~ riend and eta mate . th ., 1·n n · a rehear a I o f a ti 1 ow to plan for a week of in- develop into
Pocket Books Kodak Albums College Jewelry
Theme Pads Crane Stationery and
Athletic Goods University Bookstore
C. W. Stoughton, M. D.
G. H. Mayhugh, M. D. East College Ave. ones Citizen 26 Bell 84-R
I l
Page Fopr
THE TAN AND CARDINAL at Co lumbia the year following his graduation from Otterbein and then return ed to the Ph ilippin es where he has been serving in the government schoo ls and has had succe s in his work.
TOILET ARTICLES-Face Powders, Toilet Waters, California Perfumes, Vanity Boxes, Flesh Brushes, Etc. Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all kinds. FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED
CLUB TALK Mrs. James W. Harbaugh (Meta McFadd en) of Toledo, Ohio, was the guest last week of Mrs. George B. Kauffman of orth High Street, Co lumbus, Ohio.
Stanton W. B. Wood of Wheel ing, West Virginia, wno has been trav eling in the interest of th e An ti Saloon League, was in Westerville part of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Perz N. Ben nett (A lmira Buttermore) of Atlantic, Iowa, have gone to the Nor th west on account of Mrs. Bennett's health. They ar e a t present visi ting Mr. Ben nett's sister in Casper, _Wyoming.
' 10, '10.
'07. Mrs. Arthur M. Crumrine (Mary Weinland) of Columbus, Ohio, en tertained wi th a lun cheon at Hotel Deshler last Thursday, honorin g Mrs. James W , Harbaugh (Meta McFad den) of Toledo, Ohio. Covers we r e laid for fourteen. Miss Helen Converse of Cin cinnati, Ohio, director of publicity of _ the Young Women's Christian Asso ciation in the Ohio and West Vir ginia field attended the national con vention at Clevelan,d, Ohio which was held last week. '12.
Dr. W illiam E . Lloyd of Co lumbus took dinner Sunday of last week at the home of his brother, Senator E. G. Lloyd in Westerville.
(This column is open to students, faculty and alumni for the expression of views and opinions on any matter of gene ral college interest. Limit, 175 words. At your service 1) Editor Tan and Cardinal : Otterbein is a coll ege of arts and science. But the liberal arts as represen ted by our numerous lit erary organization s, are relegating science to the background. In former years science was repreented by a society holding bi-mon thly meetings to discuss matters of interest in th e fields of astronomy, biology, chemistry and physics. But this year there eems to be little interest manifested for science outside of the clas room. ew ideas and discoveries in Science are numerous these days, but our necessarily rigid co urses prevent giv ing these matters much attention in class. The thing to do is to have a society, properly recognized by the Science Department, where those who are interested may meet for study and discu' sion. Such a society could be made a source of great pleasure and profit to the students. If eno ugh people are interested, there is no rea on why a Science Club shoul d not be organized. The col lege is giving us a fine new building, and our professors are the · best of their kind. Let's ag itate for a Science Cl ub and make next year a record one 111 Otterbein. Student, '21.
OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Eyes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles of all styles. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
:~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~ ~
IIIII Ill Ill Ill Ill IIll II II Ill Ill II II Ill lllll Ill Ill Ill llllll 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!!
Qua 1•tty F Iowers -
= =
22 North High Street Columbus, Ohio
_ :
Peas, Fancy Roses, Violets Corsages a Specialty.
A nice line·of Blooming Plants.
- Walter N. Roberts 1s Our Westerville Agent.
= Main 9095 = =
Citizen 7012
Mrs. 0 car H. Charles, who has Howe Leads Helpful Meeting. been in •Westerville during her fur The Y. M. C. A. had a most inter~ lough from the government chools in the Philippines, gave an address esting and helpful meeting, Thursday • on mission work at the Presbyterian night. The speaker, J. R. Howe, had a his subject, "Students' Problem ." church in Westerville la t evening. ii111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iit "A long with. the privileges that ' 17. Miss Inez L. Bowers and her come to a college student come also mo th er returned recently to their certain dai1gers and problem . We IIIIII IIll Ill II 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Ill II home in W~ste rville afte r spending must watch ourselves very carefully the winter in Florida. that we do not allow our time to b e '19. Miss Miriam George taking come so occupied that little, insidious pecial work at the cafeteria of the things crowd out tho e that are larger Your Photo is the only thing your friends cannot buy. olumbu oung Women's hd tian and mo re essential." The speaker re- _ ferred to a tatement made by Dr. A ociatio'n, preparing herself for the Miller, "There i a great university O ne dozen Photos make 12 appreciated presents. po ition of cafe,t eria director. of which we all are a part, the univer- Have the best Dr. John H. Francis, '92, Dr. An ity of li fe; in it we have but one drew Timberman, ' 7, and Edgar L. study, character; we have but one R. W . SCHEAR, Otterbein Representative Wein land, '91, of olumbus, Ohio, textbook, the Bible ; but we have al- ~ THE OLD RELIABLE were recently appointed by former w'ay be id e u o ur great teacher, Governor Jame E. Campbell as J e u , who is ever ready and willing to members of the large general com he lp us." "One of the things that mittee which will have charge of the how in every man's life is his atti campaign for a bond i ue of . 00,- tude toward the reputation of his 000 for a Victory Park memorial to fellowmen. Be too interested in the fine thing of your fe ll ow-students, to the oldiets of Columbus. knock and pick flaw and harp upon State and High Streets ' 17. Manuel S. Manongdo. i this their fai ling . Fina ll y, tand sincere year uper-i:ntendent of school in ly and quarely for tho e princip le ii11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u11111iii Leopdz Di trict in the province of of li fe and policie of cond uct, that ~================================ Tayabas, Philippine I lands. Re has yo ur better elf tells you are right. Mandolin and Hats Off to Our Musicians I Orche tra and th the upervision pf chool in three Have conviction and hold to them. town , Lopez, Gumaca, and the Too little recognition has u sually Guitar lub deserve pecial mention Jsland 'of babat, in which ther e are Headquarters for Interwoven Hose been given the variou musical organ and prai e, and too much can not be eighty-nin e teacher and m~re than for 111.en. Longest wearing silk sox aid in appreciation of th e plen did thirty-two hundred pup il . Mr. on t~e market. Price $1.25. E. J. ization which, at different time , have entertainment which th y have given added so greatly to the many chool M anoqgdo took his Master' degree orn .-Adv. ...... .... functions throughout the year. The us. '01 .
s·H oP
~ Order Your Photos at Once I-
= =
= = =
~esterville Will Give Welcome to " Pussyfoot" Johnson · prepa rm . g to welcome herWes b tervill e is es t . kn ow 11 c1t1zen · • . 111 a g r eat ho mecon11ng • \" ·1i· occas ion on next Fr iday ,,1 13.m E J . • tiv,e F .d · oh n on will p r obab ly arrun n ay ab o ut noon. Be ll s wi ll be g and . en t is exPected t eve ry Ioca 1 resid Leag 1 ga th er on the Anti-Sa loo n Collue awn for th e formal" r eception . mi sede~:rcl~s~es will probably be dis nite a F rid ay aft e rnoon b ut defi. by Mr.rrangem J en t s_ will be anno un ce d itizen' · H. Larimore. Cha irman of 1'h Committee 111 chape l on ursd3.y or F ri·ct ay morni , ing. All Ha·! h Al umni : td e Quizz . 2.nd Q U!ll! Will Wei an friends of Otterbein come the h
IcThe News and ~
Cap tain s ha,·e been ,c hosen and prepara t ions begu n for the in ter -class co nt es t s. in th e various fo rms o f sp rin g sport. We print below th e na m es of those who will be depend ed upon to pilot their classes to ,·ic t o r y in t hese seve r al ac ti vi ti es. Cap tai n s of various teams for inter<:lass contests are:
We see by th e Mt. U nion --Dyna m o•· th a t th e tenn is cou rt s t he r e a r e in much th e ame co ndition as o ur own. O ld Ju pi ter P lu,·iu is p rov- : mg a •:jinx" to spring spo r ts in genera ! thi s year. :
Grabill-Baseba ll. Fox.-Tenn is. Oppelt-Track. Juniors. Hert-Base ball. Stearns-Track. · · p ace-T enn is. Sophomores Martin-Tenni . George-Baseball. Freshmen
The plan was initiated by the co lle ge
facHueltrye. is _Se ball. C neff-Base bb T 11 ·s the " mo t unkinde t cut of ra s- e1 I I . = White-Track. all", and we th o ught our girls were Date of contests to be announced strong for Otterbein's debaters! Read -== later. . th is from the Heidelberg "Kilikilik":
would do well to look into the nature of that "grap e-ju ice booze party" held by ewells, Staacke and "Shorty" . Rumor has it that the eve ning was passed in characteristic army tyle. A dandy e lection of la dies' pumps and oxfords-and priced reasonably. · Ad
girls you know?" Doc adly) :" They must not re- --=_ member me." Then when our debaters we re leaving. a rushing noise was heard and _· ' s f airer · thr ee o f O tter belll sex from Toledo p layed a repetition of the _ Prodiga l son, w ith .Doc acting as so n. §
G ibson Art .Goods, for the whole family and all h O I'd l ays.
1sh -was h er s for one Orning f lvho wi ho the year. Ho! A ll of you -
Letter Wax De Luxe, made by Dennisons,-" enuf said.''.
thatting t? en joy a breakfast while tharge with congenia l friends I Ii all onYe all . h to b e present at Cochran
Enamelac, complete assortment ·o co ors.
Novelties, presents for children an d grown- uPs •
: 0 of Satmday, e anct all . ay ay, th a t ye may f f . . ated ab enJoy the delights enumer- - . Largest display of beautiful reproductions O amous pamtmgs.
C . Orne one-come a ll to
Jesse w·1 1 son Leads Meeting Mo . 'i · \V t Cunusu a I in · mte • r es t was t he ! e e · 1 A. meeting conducted by ~h e ub •i son o 11 T uesday eve mng. . Onie " Ject wa "Th L C t . tart!" e eper o I00 cernin mg facts were r evealed and the g. thi-s c Iass of unfortunates 1 toine. acqgir_ who were present be of hotne uai~ted with certain phase ne Ver b 1111 s iona · ry work that had f een ade quately presented be.or e. 1n ing i p~ a_ttendance at the Y meet!ttateful 1ck1ng L up, for which we are · et's boost for Y. W.
Junior G" 1'he . iris Champions. ;halllPio::~1. inter-class basketball 1P which was decided 0 11\e f the ·[airirne c sin ce, went th is year to o-ed. s Of the Junior class. J;' 'l'h e Pre!'
to make your room more livable.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx and
: ;
= __ - -
th, ~•• .•frts of Cochc,, Hat! ;, w . Pactty of tna1tre e and ct· cooks, decorators.
rnmg Breakfast!
:= =
- - -- - Grether (down at Otterbein) : "Hey, :==\1\/e suggest that federal inspectors D oc, where are all those Toledo
to eel b · ay th3.t ooets write about. = t:, e raofte May Day-that merry :'lO! AU tharof you who wish to see th e
Ye ,, ,11ay ove M:~
ad'()p ted one of the most demo cratic = forms of student gover nm ent, in the Middle West. O th er co lleges will I · h ·
:;;,, i,n t :.,
Berea Coll ege in Kentucky. Ernns,·ille Co llege has recently _
delici~u O you who enjoy a meal so E. J. Norns.v. Prepared /~at the gods might have l &lad 0111.e Ho! all of you who wish 11111•1111111111111111111111111111111111111•11111111111111111111111111111111111111•111•11111111111111111111
of th e recent Life vVork Recruit = ca m paign here, has r esigned his po- _ sition as Profes or of Homiletics a t Obe rl in, to accep t the presidency of
~:":: :~mbec o;::: ~:::~:;cg~;: Lo,e-Trnck.
h th e press so metime dur ing nt of M I . erary 1113.gaz1· 11 ayh. t_ IS the on ly litO tterb . e t at · ein and · · 1s pub lished at I Prod contams the best that 0tterb u_ce d along all diff erent lines at e1n Get b once · ·F·ill at your ubscription in elow t out and mail the blank llanagero Jo sep hin e Foor. Business 1 of the h.ereb Y_subscribe for PerQ uiz 3.nd Quill at c~~I::: copy_ ··-... Deli . ·· ·-·········· Name cious Breakfast Being 1::, Planned for May First "1.0I all f ·
orrect .tyles § • M , d§ ID en s an Young Men's = =High Grade s • sUl•ts == -:§ . pr1ng = = = :~"~,;"':f ,::'~;;~';:::,:~:dw;::, =are Ready Now at The uDIOD • at = $35 up to $65 :_ c w1·th the = = famous = = P rof. Wm . J. Hutchins. who will be remembered as_ a leading speake r
the mo
Interclass Athletic Contests.
Page Five
,_ = = _ -
§ _
Fasbi00 Park Fme • Cotbes at· $45 $50 to $75 ,
-- --
=; Every New Style f b • dW -
_§ .
a nc an eave Sizes to Perfectly '
= vno;, Lll>•n eomspondenc< C.,d,, '.v,cybody need, th,m. =
Art Materials, full line of Brushes, Pamts, Etc.
crane's purity Linen, Extra Fine Statio~ery..
£arly orders for Banquet flowers commg m.
Easter Greeting Cards, largest display in town.
P"'' favo•~ something foe <V<'Y oc,a,;on.
-~ l-ttl 1111111111111111 II 111111111 I111111111111111 = = = =
Glen-Lee· Place "Come In and Browse Around.''
teshtnan irnmary game between th e lilted i a nd Sophomore girls r e11 · t1on • thoph Otnor the e 1·Imrna of the e Winn es, th e ,Juniors defeating ••·•••• ••••111111 •1111111 •111 ••11 •••11 •11 •••11 •••111• ••••111 •••••••111 •11 •1••11 •••n ers for the season's honors. 11111111111 •IIIll 1111
-= -= = = = == =
-.--.. -
E§ Fit Every Man, and § the Largest, Finest ; ; Stock in Central
= -== = =
= = = =
RHODES&SONS The College Avenue
THETANANDCC~A~R~D;;;I~N~A~L;,,,,,================~~ ~ ~ P~a~g~e~ S~ix~===========p====~~~~~~~~~~=~= llllllllllllllllllllt L OCALS SELECTS GOOD TALENT Ill II II Ill II II II Ill II II Ill II II II 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 Ill II II II II III II
Prof. R. H. Wago ner's many fr iends Excellent Course Co ntracted for the are g lad to know that he is ab le to s f 1920 1921 W ith -
~;,::;::.:1~:::::i' h:i~~.:~; him• The :::.:::~~•~~,~::•~~""' co,) 0
.·0 0DMAN
p : r~pe~: :::e r:~d;:yth!r: h :~t~t~~~ ~:\\~e~:tesu 1~ai:;::: f:!t~ht:t r~ 1~:: his so ns. A rthur ~nd Roy. He was ac est a nd most vaned co urse bo ught 1~ co mpanied by hi s daughte rs, Be r th a : rece nt year for a Wes tervi ll e a udi- : NORTH HIGH ST. . and Ne ll ie. \ ence. The co ~r se, co n s istin g of lee- , § _ . 1ss111 · · g tur ers ' ente r ta me r s and mu sical co m-f ::P rof-" tude nts I am d 1sm · · ' I to da P lease pan ies, ha bee n bo ught a t a cost o : . _ yo0 uout ten q mmu ui etl ytesso eaasr Ynot to y.k wa · e th e $740 ne t · T he over head expe nses will ttlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll g ,, bring the tot al cost at abo ut 840 . other classes. Mar k a nd D wight Schea r of New P hilade lphia, O hio, pe nt seve ral days la t wee k visitin g th e ir broth e r, R. Vv.
T he season ti cke ts wi ll proba bly be so ld next fall a t $1.50 each wi th a part of th e chap e l sea ts res~ rve d each tim e fo r the nu mbe r as 1t 1s scheduled.
Ill II Ill Ill IIll IIll IIll Ill II Ill IIll Ill Ill II Ill Ill Ill II Ill Ill Ill Ill II II Ill Ill 111111111111111 Ill IIll llllll~ _ _ § Call Citizen 21 or Bell 147-R, for : 1: :
Shear. Both ar e pros pec tive stud en t s Am o ng th e pe r fo rm ers will be a I§ for Ott erbe in year afte r next. we ll kn own lec tur er, Dr. Her be rt
L ev i H o we (afte r be in g qu es tio ned as to hi s ban q uet da te)-"W ell, I gu ess I can Swin ge r without Killing,, er. M iss H a rri et Ha ys entertain ed Saturd ay ni g h t in ho no r of Mark a nd D wig ht Shear of N ew P hiladelphia, Ohio. Oth er g ueS t s prese nt wer e H elen Bovee. Ilo D e H off, R. W. Sh ear a nd J. Go rd o n H owar d. W e ha ve th e best lin e of hirt 111 town at $1.50 and up . E. J. orri .Adv. Chocolate sundaes, phospates, a nd p ie. N o wonde r that living is so hi g h. The rea so n th en is ve ry clear Why the boys call th e co-eds " dear" . (I t' s awful, but it's our ve ry own.) P aul V. prout, w ho is taking a onese me ter recess, s pent seve ral d a ys
Will ett, o f th e univ er sity of Chi cago; B ish op Francis J. McCo nn ell of th e Me th odi t church ; P hi de lah Ri ce, ma ster reader o f th e Le la nd Po wers Schoo l, Bos to n; th e Landis Singin g o rches tra of mal e a nd m i...x ed quartet s, vo cal sex tette and orch eS t ral mu sic; th e L om ba rd ent erta iner s, a
J. E. HAN so N' The Clean-up Man
= §
Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Laundry Work a nd :
= · Peer less D ry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary Pressers = = Headquarters-12 E . College Ave., W esterville, 0 . = Home = Subscriptions taken for The Country Gentleman, Ladies' $:=:_
§ _
Journal, Saturday Evening Post. Prompt Service-Best Service.
cos tum ed du o, and "Th e Climax", a -lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh _ dram a ti c masterpi ece o f co medy and mu sic. Th e pla ye rs we re se lected an d 111111 coached by Edmo nd L oc k e, t h e 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 ===a uth o r. Ne w Y o rk was thrilled with == this pla r t wo eat ly o ns,plafive co m pa niyes fo con sequ en yi ngroad to ca pacit y a ud ien ces. COCHRAN HALL
~ = = = -=
_ Th e Mises Meryl Black a nd D oro th y M ill s visi ted fri end s oYer _ th e week-en d.
The rainy weath er, though having a da mpening e ffect on our spirits in view of th e can celled athletic events, ha s bee n ve ry be neficial to th e appeara nce of th e campus. Martha S. (coming down tairs at th e dorm )-"There is qu ite a bunch of fe llows here tonight." Sprout (looking at Franklin)-"Ye , but only ~>ne for you ."
A large number of the Freshman and Junior girls we re interested spec tators outside the ch urch door at the banq uet Tuesday night. Some enter prising Sophomore or Senior should be able to pr.ofiteer quite profitably by roping off the space outside the window and selling standing room for the coming banquet.
= =
J C ROACH Prop •
[llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll_lllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll_ 1111 All th e new and pop ular odors H ffin perfum es a nd to il et waters. o man's.- Ad v. Mrs. Beatri ce Snyder a nd <laugh - : ter R uth a nd Miss Ma bel Ca sse l visited fri e nds o ver th e week-end.
Gladys H owa rd sp ent Saturday and Sunday in Columbus.
Bertha Han cock was at D elaware Sh e-" I s that on e of thos e horrid o ve r the week-end. cla s crap again?" Edith Cave has returned from her He-"Naw, one of the A. E . F. "vets" wa s discovered to have in his t r ip to N . Y. city. possession a copy of "La Vie PariMildred Pickering spent Saturday sienne". nd a Su nd ay at her home· in LancasThe othe r day a certain tudent wa ter. wo rrying where be was going to get Miss Margaret Ocias of Ohio the money for flowers, dress suit, We leyan was th e guest of Velma etc., for the banquet. Rummaging around in a clos et he fo und about $30 Swinger over the week-end. They weren't
If you want a good meal go to the
A Neat Comfortable Place- Come In:
h ere ove r th e week-e nd. Mr. Spro ut A s lum be r party was enjo yed by i em ploye d at Fo toria, Ohi~. 18 g irls in roo m 211. :
in bills in an old coat. receip ted eithe r I
No.. 8 5
Pushes this week, were given by Edith Bingh am and Ethel E ubanks for Meryl Black and Dorothy Mills; Velma Swinger and Velma Lawrence for th eir gues t Margaret Ocias. Breakfast w as .serveJ in Room 207 . S to 18 people on unday mornmg. We have some new pennants and stunt books. See them at Hoffman's. -Adv.
= : = = _
= = § = =
Demonstration and Sale Look, Taste and be Convinced. APRIL 24
:: = ::
Miss Cave Attends National Meeting.
O h, for a Sh erlock Holmes
Mis Edythe Cave spent a week in " Hat ! L id s ! Bo nnets ! Headge;: '.\ ew York where she represented the variou I Oh I wh e re are you at Central and Southeastern Ohio College at the first mee ting of th e Student Coun cil of the Volunteer Movement. The purpose of this Council is to
compose an ex ecutive body which · will act as a medium between th e indi vidual student and the great leaders of the movement. The meetings, which were held p rincipally in Wallace Lodge, Yonke rs, furni shed a Schreck says, "Tenni is all right if Caps are the right thing th is season. they wo ul dn' t ay 'love 30' and 'love g reat deal of in piration for the deleWe have 'em from $1.50 to $3.00. E . 40'; that may be alright for Mormon gates. M\is Cave will . bring a full report of the Conference before the but I don't believe in it." J. orris.-Adv. local V olunteer Band soo n.
This mournful wail floated towa rd the ce le tial reg ion s Monday afte r chapeL Gentle me n who cam e wearing uptn th e ir " dome s" new Easter r ega 1~ departed with their "pates" expose to th e fury of the elements. m Oh I thou thi·ef robber, pilfe rer, e , t youbezzl e r, kidnapp er I if we ge be ware ! d It must ha ve bee n some grat1e sc hool infant wh o did th e deed, -~te~ no college per o n would be gut Y . . st unt. A n d we hop.d e s uch a Juve111le the ir fond parent put them on brea and wa ter if t hey' re discovered!