. Prof trna Sept. Gu1tner , W. . olleie
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=~-~;"==============,;,,;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;~;;.;~;,;~======:"::=::':":~~:==:~::===========-================== PUBLISHED IN THE INTERf' T OF OTTERBEIN COLLEGE
No. 29.
_ VOL. 3.
OTTERBEIN WINS SPRI NG SPRr.AD ENJOYED CONTEST PRIZES AWARDED IJUNIOR PLA y IS Q p ENJNG GAME ,CJ,ioch"" Ha,-;;:lighdul Evening oi' Edi<h Bingham T akes Fies< Pri.• ,J WELL RECEJ VED E-r:tertainment, Refreshment and Annual Barnes Short Story t cnyon Across 3 to 2 in a Informal Frolic. · P resentc:d to Capacity House on Takes K ConteS . Pretty Contest- Perry Pitches "Y w such a thing in your Last Tuesday morning Otterbein Tuesday Night-Audience HighI life" as ou the never sa Cleiorhetcan Spring saw the conclusion of a contest that I Fine Ball. annual ly Pleased With ·work.
~ --·• prcad of las t Thursday night. About I has l',een the so urce of much cc njecGE LANDS WINNING HIT I a hundred and twenty-five "little girls'' ture and spec ulation for a fortnight ! ROLES ARE ABLY HANDLED
Closely C \\'ere there, in -all their starchy splen·· past when at the chapel period Dr. Leading p t T k nd B on<ested Game Is Mocked do,-som< with cud . some wi<h na,ely a""o """d ,he ,. "" ol <he ar' a en By Esthe< :y eady Pitching and Beaut:ful bobbed hair, soine with pigtails. In Barnes . Short Story Contest. After I Harley a Spencer Shank- Cast_ st Ninth Inning Punch. addition to their child_ish attire, each keeping his hearers in suspense for a Shows_Ca reful Training. 1 4 Ottcrbe' . . Cleic, whether active, honorary, cruel length of time he announced the , Last Tuescla)' night M . h 1 won the ir local openmg · epared . • , ay , A.111 t e· &ame from K f alumna!. or ass ociate, came pr wrnners of the three prizes of $40, $20 college chapel was taged th 111 3 to 2 F 'd enyon by the score o I to forget for t 1e even mg that Dull • and $10 to be Edit . 11 B'111g1nm, Helen Junior Class Play • The e cl• nnua · . 1 1 . ' nt' ay, f ~lay 7. The contest uction, Wa 1nte1;.e . Care existed. . Keller and Den111s Brane respectively. Rob11ia 111 Search of a H .pro • d'' . • . • wa not d lllg .d rom .start to finish and Mrs. Fhck111ger. w h o wa s Cle1or. 1Eight parf1c1pants entered the contest, a four act comedy by usJ)an ' was K th ninth ec; eel until e laS t half of hetea' first president presided clun_ng'l all talented writers and with special Jerome and scored a decicl ~r~•:1e . · th 1 0 hit "" w "" Ceo,ge made a dea" ,he pcognm, eve<Y num be< of wh ~h abili<y i" 1his pa«icu la, field. ·o 1ha1 I•h, audience. It eon wn: ;• ;''" Both . er, scoring eneff. was admirably uited to childish ears. , the judges had no ea y task in render- an ultra-romantic wealth< Ilia , . 10 1 hivi pitchers worked w e ll, Gregg Virginia Taylor and Virginia Wolfe ing a just decision. The story sub- lady suddenly infa~atecl 'thy. youi:g · ere d.it played a little duet, an d M r · Gantz mitted by Mavel Sebert, though not Lord Rathbone. Late r 111 wi whil ngp twelv e s t n'k·e outs to his · t a .certa111. . . f · I lled · estmg e crry 0 1 his]( was responsible for eleven I told an all-ab orb ing airy-ta e ca figuring in the awards. was ranked love by acting a a waitr R . ,.,,11 yon Play«, ,1,iking vicio"'Iy bu1 "Fafryfoo1". M• . McLeod a" d E 1hel ' high in 1he , 1ima1io" of all <he judge ge< s he, elf a"d <he o<he, \ ' ,ma connecti f Eubanks each sang a 1·it ti e son g · Mar- and deserves pec1al . notice. . ti rst se veral delicate and humo p ayer . mto the game . p ng. .At . several stages o The . . f • d Ruth f .., . rous 11 situlight erry pulled himself out o garet Frazier spoke a P_1ece an . prize story. ·'In th Heart o atabe atwns. but, as all otnedie •• 1 ·rheplaces by his perfect control. Hopp told a sto ry. Mildred D eitsch , ill be publi,hed in thi year' i sue ha it of doing it ended h s - avc a T I f LtS Bible . ·1 Tl 1 :f ' app1 y and in . ai) and Cardinal vere -fav<>rect told ever. I of 1cr a.mo o the u.1zz. and u1 l. 1 P of o ev-eryon . atisfi d uiik 't R lh,s gam, by getfo,g the bc<aks. io,ie . a"d th• p,og,am wa '"ded by ,hi to,y is laid i" a college tow" du,- ,h, "Docto<', ho woe, :,;; t :"'. .:"' " batted Pmy fo, five hit, a b,illiant piano tdo by Maude Ha~- i"g the days who" the famou "m,de<- bicd fo,bode o"IY trnub l " a a,c 0 t _ile Otterbein connected safe ly but wait Ethel Hill and· Gladys La~e. gro und railroad" operated just before The role of Robina wa s. pl d b Wice T ' inted with . • . aye Y E st h H fo · wo errors by the vi itors and Then everybody got acqua. . the C1v1l War. er arley 111 a natural yet dram t1 Ur by th t 'l ·t va time to sit · · a ro e home p layers were the everybody el e un i i ' Mi Keller's story "The eminole" ic manner, and great commendatio · · :_•h pot, of th, ,o"te,t. down o" th< •oo• a"d eat th • appe- and M•. Bea"•'• "Faint Hmt" ue d"• he, i"te,p,etacio" of th, "rt J.he pl ay IJy 111n111gs: • . . . • ·c I unc I~- the. last feature Neva · t a K ate ambett, filled pa tizmg p1cn . v of both tale of Indian days. . p rie 1 First Inn' this Spring pread which car n ~d e 11 The judge declare that the storie an important place in the pla with h_ c}(enyon- wa M' the most careworn back to ch1ldhoo c:I. ubmitted thi how a di tinct cu tomary kill, while Marjori 1 ['ll ncry wh n on ies out to ig- - - - - -year a an ambitiousI i t r • er Went on a made improvement over past years. celled in lie r ro e. - e to race, exda pretty catch.M'Saut Grr'ls' Glee Club Delights b _________ O g Sidwe[ l truck roun Perry il~er, Large Audience at Colum us. Splendid Recital Closes Spencer Shank. took . Ll}e teadmg. out.e r,No runs. to hits. , tterbein G b' L st Friday night marked th e event Successful Year's Work. mans part and m this hi fir t 0 0 lo K - ca ,II went out on a of t:, eco"d out~f-to"'." conwt fo, pma"~ i" Oil cb . . ,i - . ap' •ton elly. . Migne,Y g,ouoded fo the id ' Glee lub th, y ac, wh•" Th la t tud,"t codtal of the ym, gmtly d lighted h~"h ;;n,at.c. wo,k, 1 . er w1tli h1 fir t b · artin was tos ed out at the clul>, t gether with_ _rofe or which was given la t Wedne day drama ic kill d • Y Gregg. runs. hits. night, wa repre ntative of the plenThe 'Doctor~~ P a!~nt humor. Second0 Inning 0 ard and :Pr fes or Fritz, Journey- did work that i being done con tantly to ·i t , a harac er difficult be_fore a la_rge in the Conservatory of Mu ic. be"-en Y n-McAdclie truck out. Gal- edpe.to c' olt11ul)u . ,.,here, .. \; I.11n terpret 'th' was P" '.'~ t ray d b1Y. \ irgil rach tr and appreciative audience lll t-he Fif th e w1 rar ab1hty and h · · th0 0 d out ie to Martin Norton truck . B. church they rend r d a Lucy Kel er and John Mayne played wer greatly a p . e ort ho :uns. o hits. _ven_u . _'pro£es r Fritz the fir t numb r, hich wa a brilliant aero th footligp /te~at d by mg progi a.JU, IV~ut er em - H owe f anned. R u b us h pl d'i~nce with e era! piano duet, 'O verture to R ayroon d" . azel Payne ·a . Nert out on a slow roller, Gregg to de!igb~ed thde_ au a1nd a mandulin trio. fote re ti ng piano olo were played berry Ru el Eh 'b fr · lovei\Iuton G . lend1d rea uig , · Fl p f ' r art a to id~cll eo~ge knocked a high one c~mpo ed of Mi es Harley and b- by Mabel chott, /~ ;ce R' r c~t, lorn Horac Green] af. 1.. Pa e the n t w o dropped it. George bot and Pro_£ or pessarcl. added Jo e_p hin e hafer, n a ,char a the pompou " io., otc mon_d and thfrd in oc. th eot ,ta,n,nent. >fado,ie Mille, and Do,o1hy ow~ . Jayn a the '1 sati. fi<d • B«t 1 111 tim · oF ox missed the ball three vanety to- e ev La er Breden and France )I ankec, kli Bo l·er and William a n e , h' · dual rol run . o hit . ornetet, ea.c h ga a. par ug v10- of Dolove and Joll b h d O tterbein Defeats Kenyon ...,. Third Inning In Fast Tennis Tournament. ti 11 n umb er, a1id th e voca1 solos were which wer fi ll d • Y oy _a part "-Cnyon K { m a pra1 eworthy 1lille elley wa out, George to t b . , tenius team def_eated un g by 1,,Jargaret N eyer, peocer m ann r, and d rv g r at I t er e1n 1-, r. Bre b t . . :Mil d t.., • . commendawer wa o ut o n a f un . T reOilyoii' i·acqueters at_ Gamb ie r 0_11 hank; arne e , an. a d1,enne tion ctow e to M'll J."M 'l d ..,cl P'ck . . for their work. ""h .._ e"··h "' o e pro d uc~• 't on er.' Gregg was sa e on Saturday in an jnterest1ng match in Minton. J rcle d• ttrrng ~r1-l b iv- flt10n wa given with an ffe t which reWhiffed" ; rry error. . wan on which Ma r ti n and Bancroft ex~elledd. ian ~ a tter_on do e 1e r cita Y a ect r at credit to a ll of the ca t Ott erbe·. n oM'll run o hit . I th • igles Ma rtiJi expeneJlce to fhe coach Profes or F 'tz d o' pl a 1ng piano uet. k n e 1. , . _________ 1_ W ri , an out, Gr 1.1 er a nd Perry stra c r. arrick, stage mana r d'fficu l"" ' in ha nd ling R. Ki lgo r •J , Professor Wagoner In Hospital. ter. "tT ab11l was safe on a hit to cen- no 1 • 6 t 2 6 t z 6 neC stole secoi1d but di'ed there uand on easi ly, 3 to , o d. Jl la t Friday Prof. R. H. v't'ag--L . Al umni Meet O tterb em r Kilgore put up a good game an d b h ontin ued on page five.) vv. . bard fought on r pa se t rou a mo en tea n informal ocia l and b. . . 4 in two of local alumni and uex-m etu( defeat d Bancroft operatio;t at Grant Ho pita!, Colum- meetmg · et , 6to 4, 6 to · k in bus. Tile latest word i tbat he is dent . of Otterbein oil e will be h Id Kilgore brotther true a nag wrecked by the r ting well. He host of friends are f. rom 8 to 1O Friday evening - May e14 On No Gas! rep . account of lack of gas due to a the double , anb' • by a core of deeply~ sympathetic and hope £qr his 111 t he A ssotiation 'Par! rs. ' AP who' cl were early recovery. have attended Otterb · 0 are • :._ d Up air i !·0 I> the paper could not be set Otterbein com _m ation o to 6, 6 to 2, 6 to 2. lllVlLC • usua~ hme for printing on Monday as
. . ..
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Page Two
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.Invitations Will Soon B e Issued for Brown-Howe Wedding. 'One hundred invitations will be is :sued the latter part of May for the wedding of Miss J essie May Brown, ,daughter of Mrs. Wilber Martlin Brown , 1340 Fair av enue, Columbus and Samue l T. Howe, Jr. of lndian :apolis. which will take place in the United Brethren chu rch, Westerville, Saturday, June 5, at 8 o'clock p. 111. Rev. Dr. E. E. Burtnec, pastor of the ,church, will officiate. • Mi s Brown has served th e college very e fficiently as Director of th e c.hool of Art for the pas t four _years. During the war she was _granted a lea ve of absence to do re .construction work in th e United States army hospital at Washington, D . C. Mr. Howe is st ru ctural engineer with the Nor dyke Marmon Company at Indianapolis.
= -== = -==
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Choir Picnic Held. La t Saturday afternoon and even ing the memb·ers of th e choir e nj oyed a rar e treat in the form of a picnic along Big Walnut Creek. Base ball, fishing, wading, and most of all eating were the pleasures en joyed. The af fair was given to the choir by the Jad ies of the church in r et urn for th e faithful e rvice the · organizatio n gives each unday . Wesleyan Tied in Tennis. The tennis match between Otter in an d esleya.n la t Tuesday re sulted in• a tic. lh.ntroft lost hL ingle to W ee by the scores of 6 to 4: 6 to 4: M artin took Brubaker aero
-6; 6--3. . In th doubles .the fir t went to We I yan by 7 to 5 but 1artin and :Bancroft cam. back strong and won th ne · t et 6 to 1. Monday after11-0on, May 10, a return match will ~e played on th coll ge court with Wesleyan when thi tie match will al. o be ettlcd. The " A rt Twins'' Lead Y . W . Th intei:e t manife ted by the Y. . g irl last week a ttested to the plendicl meeting. The discu ion Oll ~'The . rt o f Being" was we ll -carried <>n by the '' rt' Twin ", Ali ce Abbott and E dna DeJLinger. The meeting wa not- throw n o~en for comment from the girls, but the two leade r very comp lete!}' covered th eir u >j cct hem e lve. Th leader for thi week i L is Clark. Let' s make th.is Y. W. s ion a.s liv ly a p ible. Gii:I , onte 011e
-= =
= ½ e have ju t received a new Oxford in the = -= = new color" -igo-er Brown". It'
John B. Garver. John B. Ga rv er , graduate of Otter- § bein in the class of 1917 and now en- 1§ rolled in th e Harvard Law School was chose n to repre se nt Harvard in th e Intercollegiate Air Meet held at M itche 11 Field, Long 1 l~n d la t week. Garver was editor of the Otterbein : Review during his senior year here. : ~uri'.1g th e world wa~ h e achi~ve~ di. ~ trnct1on a an ac e 111 menca s air : force. shooting down fo ur p lanes and : one balloon and serv in g as patrol on : the Be lg ian front for four month . H e § \-Va injured in the leg by shrapn e l and ,vas sent to Jre lan cl about ov. 1, 191 ~ tot recuperate.
a "Walkover" -
= S h oe-obvio u sly it's good .
I§ = Devon". I§
k to
LOCALS Lenore Rayot of Mt.
ernon vi ited
ee the _
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 mii
friends around the schoo I ov« the I w ee k-end. Theodor
Yalentine of
to utsville,
Loose W iles Sunshine Cakes
0 ., i vi iting here with his brother Fore t Va le1itine.
Fruit Pickles and Olives
l f one half of the chool don't know what th e other half i doing it i n't tl~e fault of-but then we mu tn't g et per onal.
. lb r t hy pent the w e.k-e nd at hi home, Dove, Ohio. Denny Brau went to hi home at Dayto 11 over the week-end.
Both Phones No. 6
1921-'Did you ee that movie called t1-;;;=============================;;;;;;;;; Oliver Twi t?" 'l.l UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!! Fro h-uYe · a11d ay wouldn't tha t :_ • -=== ma ke a pea·c.h. of a book."-Browu Jug.
Have You Tried the
James Ruelfosh , '23, quit chool Fri- : day a nd went to hi home at Dayton, '\ a. )fr. Ru bu b pcct to r t urn :
)Ir. and Mr . Jud on . iddalf and eorge Glauner ac.compani d by hi Denison Takes Track Meet. paren.t , of ~It. Gilead, Ohio, topped uneni 011' er ck track squad \\ca · loo off in \'\ e terville a few m~nule mucn. for our h ard wo·rki1¼g er w, itl day afteruo n. the econd track meet of th year, at H owa rd.1-1orri;·on wa vi iled by hi Granville last aturday, The "Bapti t fa h. r, \ . D. Aorri 011, of Dayton, on -Tolled up 71 _points wjth th aid of \i edne day. numer u entric , for each fary had a re d can whit Otter! ein was able to nd in it only room for tw nly 36. Roy eden cored, If what I know wa wb t you kn w, our point taki_11g firsts in th p le Then you'd learn to paddle, too. vaul and shot put, and broke J1i own - calper. rec.o rd ·in the poie vault, clearing the A.H. file of \ itteoberg vi ited .-od a 11 e t, 1 inch .
andall. - - - - -
A New One!~
= = = -., W H ITE F RO NT R E STAURA NT? = : = If = you eat here once you will always return. = -
: _ == -
ii1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 111111111111111111111111ff
t-..t'.ary Tryo1i n
!>.fr. and 1fr . L. A. • rtziltg r and daughter, rothy accompanied by .M r . 0. G. Burn and . G. 'Frazier of Hunting on, Ind. are.. vi iting the former' on, ' quirr I" ErtziJlger.
Pickering-Shy Engagement. Engagem nt are . the prevailing rage at Otterbein. The late t surprise i the ngagem nt of A. G. Shy and Mi s Mildr d Pickering announced to th ir friend la t week. Congratula tion are in order.
Page Three
agree as to the fairness with which V/e hope Dan Cupid isr'.'t a union _e'.1eff faked a throw to George •actua l conditions were pre,ented and man or else somebody rs gorn_g to haH / w~rle Brewer was occupying the , bl:;:-=-:--:-:::---=--=-=:...::~...:_:::::.___ we certainly heartily endorse t-~e ad- to pay an awful bill for oHrtrme work. third cushron. A moment later Brew1 u ished Ott Weekly . t h e in terest of ministration's attitt1de on a permanent b . m \Ve-' vc gone robin - hunting-we've I er was s_een emerging from a cloL;d of st 0TTERB EINernPlJBt{sHDIG ' building policy;iand on the respect due gone \'iolet picking-what's next? d~ while '" The 11arine" s t ill held the . BOARD I o ur present buildings at the hands of d" S Sh k . h pill. W t ·11 0 · Th Accor mg to pencer :in 111 t e Mcrnber £ esh erv1 e, hro thoughtless prank-players. e rea- J . Pl f f T '•X" made a '"beaut" of a catch of I o t e O hio Coll g p f h h Id be unior ay one o our amr rar ang G A . . e e ress I sonableness o t at appea 1 s ou f • • k regg's fly in the seventh d ssociation I tne sternest rebuke such acts could re- ~or s. re erring to equme nee_ gear. I • . STAFF ceive. rs by no means a local express ion . Hero of the day-George, who drove Editor-in Ch" £ f If -,1 1·cot 1·ne \'•as t I bl 'd in the winning run. As i tant- i_e .... J. Ruskin Howe, ' 21 \Ve believe that the judgement o ' a ma c 1 aze, we Contrib t'Edrtor _.... J. G. How ard, '22 the average student is oond and his say the Kenyon team wa a whole u rng Editor forest fire. Esther Harley, '21 conv iction s fair when once he i inBuaines M D . D. Brane, '22 formed on these questions, and our Ye S erenade Girls. .'\ssi tar~t Ban~ge r •· W. N . Roberts,'22 faith is borne out by the sentiment exHere's to the girls who serenade,u m e s i\fanagerspressed 011 every hand that the chapel 22 and serenading make u mere men th J. F. Blue, ' talk of Tuesday morning will be e Circuiati' A. W. Elliott, '23 f envy them the delicate grace and .\ i tan~C!,{gr. ·: Marvel Sebert, '2 1 means of a better understanding o Corner S tate and Main Sts. trculatron Managerspresent con a itions and future pros- clever charm of th eir pleasing meloHarriet Hay , '22 peels of Otterbein . Athletic Ed" Lucile Ewry, '23 die ! Soft-tripping creatures who steal Does Cleaning and Pressin g on local Ea· rtor ...... .... M. _ . Funk, '22 The H'ome Stretch Jyly beneath our windows like so Aluni nal ~ 0 : ·· ···· ·· \ V. 0. Stauffer, '22 . many dainty fairies of the night and Short Notice. Rxchang tt~r ······ Alma Guitner, '97 A students we ar e just now pas mg ent ice our not unwilling minds from Cochran eH a Id! rtor. ········ P. K. X oel, '22 / through one of the most important . o f cl u II p I11·1 osop h y or Editor The the pursurt litera . Jos ~phine Albert. '22 periods of th e colle~e year. . . meaningle . Greek by their magic harry Editor ........ J. \V. Seneff, '23 greater part of the years opportunr~re monies! ~ dr es--:-;-;------- - - - - - are 1n . t and gone; we may have tmI all h All mystic and strangely gay they 0 tterb · T communicati ons to The proved th e m well or we may ave a 5 Coiiegt•Av an and Ca_rdinal, _103 W. lowed them to slip by with care less lidc noisel ess ly about, humming the while those charming melodies that SUbscrip ti e., ~estervtll e, Ohro. Payable inOl:ld Pnce, $I.SO Per Y ear, unconcern. .)lt!y serenader can hum aright, to ~ a vance. In either case these laSI few week th e plaintive, swaying, · re istJe·ss Entered as d are full of great poss ibil ities if we will rythni of a ·'mandolin-uk e" accompaniepternb secon c Iass matter h At Wes~r 2.~• 1917, at the postoffice realize their value before t ey are ment. \Ve hang in breathless content farch 3, 0., under act of gone. To those who have been la.x from the trembling sash of an _upper Acceptan they mearr a final chance to pull to- window or cling to the treacherous rate of ce for mailing at ~pe-:ial gether the ragged ends of neglected ~dge of an uncertain porch roof, drink lJ0J, Ac~os?ge provided for in Sec. st udi es. To th e "star performer~" ing in the enchanting strains and ~ii 7., 19 _ 19 _Oct. 3, 1917, authorized they pell opportuiiity to k ee_ p th e ir braving death to e cl gc c Ioser b y an ~ tar from etting premature ly, for th e inch or two to this "chofr (almo t) in finals have a way of getting u s all visible". EDITORIA L where we lea t expect it. \ ould they peak But mysteriou It requi;e real effort and genuine th ei r na :11es or so much as allow a N A Better Understanding se lf-contro l to app ly one' " If intense stray moonbeam to reveal a glimpse 0 thin g · · I ce of more essential to the sue- ly t o scho lastic ta k at this season _of :i f their features? Not for a thou and ighing Romeos! And heartless! A Perfect any co-operative effort than a the year when warm weather, athlettc f delightful har Vario Ull d er landing between the and. all nature calls so compellingly few hort minute 1·1 be u• Part·re concerned \Vh ethe r to the outdoor l ife and tempt one to mony and away they glide, unmoved 111 bu i . . . 111ore . . ne , education or m the go the limit in cla s ''c ut ,, for the alike by appeal and applause. But we f. r11 t11nate I . rre11 d h" re atrons of per ona I ake of a ramble out-o'-doors. But thank you. you merry Serenade Girl Ucce ' rp and a sociation, lasting le t' s remember that after all our and ·we. "pect we nearly know you. Pathy niu t depend upon the ym ·tucli e are the primary object of our o here·s to the girls who serenade and ha a 111utu rniony that grows out of presence here and let' attac~ them may old Otterbein never lack their a riew vigor • determmed to kind I We're proud of them, we ap C a I Und er landing now w "th r OIJ eg J"f . . clinch the benefits of the year by preciate them and we 1- - like them, I I Particu J e not exceptional in thi and lo a~. To maintain the sound "coming trong'' in this last lap-the we'd never, never dare tell th em how much-not in the T. and C. ! the coJYJa chool pirit nece sary to home tretch of the year' work. have bcge' h"tghe t ucces we mu t "DIAMOND DUST" (AMPUS C HIT C!1AT ' 1ru tee etwe II student , faculty and wondered what the ach Oth e~ healthy appreciation of We have oft 11 It wa certainly "one bum showing" ucce i . f rnally Fe problem and purp·ose5. ,r ue ecre t of of co-liege student which turned out u w thing I earch we find t!1e . P the d iave done more to cl ear dlter laboriou re to ee the game. G"et out and sup 111 th e Oubt and quc tioning that, va rying opinion : port the team . They are worthy of all ti l!Je to rnature o f t h"rngs, arr· e f rom ··yusn", ay the button. . tbe rooting we can give them. 1111 e in r egard to the coll ege'i ..1 ak pain '', rattles the wmdo~ PoJici Howe had his finger hurt in the fifth "'A lways keep cool", quoth the ,ce. the tright.f au d pro peels, than '".!:le up to date", chime th e cale n - inning. It is not so eriou that h e 111er1t orward but considerate late will be kept out of the gan;e. talk of o ur Pre ident in hi chapel of \V d 0 oe da\~ ever lo e your head", growl the Mignery opened the game by a e ne d_ ay morning. The frank 11 th e tnann e r 111 which • he dt. cu ·scd barre l. airh pretty catch. 11 31 W. College Ave. ··i1ake light f everything", future c 01 ' pre ent ituation and the r . Outlook cannot but command the lire. Westerville, Ohio ··A pire to greater things'·, relate Of e Peet and in pire the confid ence are Very tude11 t Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 uch expre ion th nutmeg. c I tick to it,, Und a ulated to. promote a better '"l'i nd a good thing and HOME DRESSED b er ta nc1· 0 dy ar d rng between the tud i•n t co nc lude the glue. 1 tho v·1nc · charge and to conThe e aren' t original but we e 111 ~ifler 1ll all that there is littl e real think they're pretty good. lC 111 · 0 nce w o ur view and purp o cs. · .d t' candid remarks in MAKE GOOD EATS The pre I en lf e r ally under tand each other. I t \\ edne day were appre0111 v1 do e of u cannot agree as to the c I1ape I a lk f Both Phonc3 . t d . Io re straightforward ta o _faciiit; ?f enduring pre ent "gym'" era e . nducive to a C itizen 92 111 the interest of a big new that nature would be co I B ell 46-W , 11h11 round choo . · na ium I ater, we can at least bette r co-operation a
B. W. WELLS Tailor
The Best
Books are the
Best Cifts.
College Jew-
elry, Pillows,
Pennants are
suitable for-
ment presents.
C. W. Stought~n, M. D.
G. H. ~ayhugh, M. D. East College Ave. Phones Citizen 26 Bell 84-R
Page Four
THETAN AND CARDINAL have spent their winters in Florida and their summers on the Atlantic sea coast. His death last Wednesday fol. lowed an ·operation whi_ch he undel' went in_St. Petersburg.
TOILET ARTICLES-Face Powders, Toilet Waters, California Perfumes, Vanity Boxes, Flesh Brushes, Etc.
Eastman Kodaks and ·Supplies of air kinds. · ' 10. Samuel J . Kiehl , instructor in FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED chemistry in Columbia Universi ty New York City, will take his doctor's de UP-TO-DATE PHARMACY gree in June. He has accepted a proOPTICAL DEPARTMENT '16. Fred W. Kei se r, who has been fessorsh ip in the departme nt of chem Eyes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles of all styles. teacher of vocal music in Montana ist ry in Col umbia for next year. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Wesleyan College since his gradu COCHRAN HALL ation from Otterbein has just been e lec ted director of th e school of music Gladys Van Gundy, Velma Law in th e same institution. Thi s i a pro rence, Lois Hughe s, Ola Cave, Helen ·motion to which the excellent wor k of Campbell, Marjorie Miller, and Mar 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111111 111 1111111111111111 1 Mr. Kei ser th ere justly en titles him. tha Skinn er spent th e week end at '14. Edgar E. Spatz is havin"g good their homes. · success as pastor of the United BrethAlice Davison visited with J oseph in e ren ch urch in Paris, Illinois, where he Albert at her home in Dayton. is se rving for the third year. He is Miss E th e l Layland of Columbus district manager of his district in the Un ited En listm ent Movement and is visited Al ice Abbott Sunday. officia ll y connected with the young Orville Lawrence of Pittsb urg VIS people's work of the state, making his ited his sister Velma Thursday. influence felt beyond the borders of M rs. L. B. Harley of Dayton visited - his own pastor ate. her da ught er Esther several days last '87. Di-. and Mrs. Andrew Timber- wee k. = man of Colu mbus, Ohio, spent the H. D eitsch of Lima spent Sun W . week-end in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, visiting M r s. William M. McKelvey. day with hi s da ughter Mildred. On Saturday evening they attended M iss Edythe Houseman of Findlay the wedd ing of Miss Helen Randolph was the guest of Mary Ballinger, last and Mr. Thomas Montgomery Biddle. week.
Quality Flowers -
22 North High Street · Columbus, Ohio
Peas, Fancy Roses, Violets Corsages a Specialty.
'13. Clarence A. McLeod of Akron, Marjora Whistler, Juanita Foster, Ohio, spent la t Sunday with his par Faye Byers, Mary Vance, D ean Han e nts in We terville. cock, Ramey Huber, Dave Bartle '1 5, '1 6. Dainty cards brought to ba ugh, and laron Saus er had break Westerville friends last week the an fast at th e Old Ti le M ill atu-r..day nouncement of the birth of Mary J an-e morning. Klin_e, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillippi Leads Discussion. Homer B. Kline, which occurred at The Y. M. C. A. spent a profi tabl e Wilkin burg, Penn ylva nia, April 29, hour on Thursday evening by turning 1920. the meeting into a Bible discussfon '18, '18. Mr. and Mr . H . R. Brent group led by Dale Phillippi. The linger (Alice Re ler ) of Cambridge, ba _i for the discussion was Harry Massa chusetts, where Mr. Brentlinger E rn er on. Fosdick' book, "The Man i atte nding Harvard Law- chool, hood of th e Master" The men who pent the spring vacation in ew were there doubtless have a stronger York ity. \,Vhile ther e they aw conviction that Jesus was a man just Drinkwater's "Abraham incoln" with a we are, with all our emotions and Frank M'cGlynn in th title role, and temp tations, yet without sin. The heard th grand opera, ''Oberon" at hour was a very inte resting one ano the M etropoli tan Opera Hou e, be ugge ted the great value of y teside enjoyi ng the usual attractions :nati c tudy in this line. offer d by the. city.
Last Call for Quiz and Quill! '07. Mrs. Arthur M . Crumrin e (Mary Wein land) of Ea t Broad rreet, o Atte.nt-iou, Alumni! Only ten more lumbu , Ohio, wa in w York City day to send in your subscription for la t we k the gue t of Mr . Harry fi e Quiz and Quill. You will not want I{atton Mc1fahon. thi -it contains the be t of to mi '07. That Walte r D. Kring i m eting eve ry thing literary at Otterbein. If with great ucce in hi work· a as~ e einteres ted in theallold school ubu qarib at once. Send orders t~ sistant pa tor and dir ctor of religio us yo education in the Lakewo d Pre by terian Church Clevela11-d, Ohio, i at :r.e:::1~:s~o~~i;:::::s manager. test ed by th e fact that the congrega Give Dinner Party tion which he e rve has ju t g iven him a sub tantia l in crea e in 'hi alary. Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Clippinger ente r ta in ed at 6 o'clock dinner Wednes'70. Mr . T. E. Workman (Corde lia day eve ning several members of the Guitn er ) made the trip from St. faculty. Covers were laid Prof. Peter burg, F lorida, to Columbu , a11 d M r . Earle Hopkins, Columbus ; Ohio last week bringing the body of Prof. and Mr . A. R. Spessard, Prof. her hu· band, Thoma Ewing Workand Mr . G. G. Grabill, Mr·s. Nellie ' man for burial at Gree.nlawn. Mr. ob le, Mi s Lulu Bake~, Miss Jessie Workman had been in bu ines in May Brown, Mis Maude Hanawalt. Columbu for many year , out retired from active dutie on accoun t of his Becky-"What a pretty new coat health about four years ago, since you have, Evelyn." which time he and Mrs. Workman E. D.-"Oh! It's cld a th e Hills."
= = =
and : :
A nice line of Blooming Plants.
: Walter N. Roberts 1s Our Westerville Agent. -
- Main 9095 _ :
Citizen 7012 -
ii1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111
_ -:
Order Your Photos at Once Your Photo is the only thin g your friends cannot buy.
One dozen Photos make 12 appreciated presents. Have the best
R. W . SCHEAR, Otterbein Repre sentative
!_ E
• /
State and High Streets
§: ::
=1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 1111111 1
Volunteer Band "Feed" repor t a jolly good tim e. aturday morning, May 8, memb ers · ht " Doc" Johnson-"Why, ye , I mig of the Voluntee r Band enjoyed an go to that party. Who's going?" early morning breakfa t a t Schrock' Fair On e-"WeH, th e re'll be Hert ford just north of th e much frequ en ted bridge of that name. Th er e were fif and Cribbs and Fausey." teep members in attendance and all " Doc"-"Any young folks going?"
Page Five
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--M . _, N :~:~ y •:~:.:·,"~:.:. i=1 · en can := o-s.., - B », :"Y We now have our dining room equipped -~=-~= uy G 00d o" "'"""'' ;= with vitrolite top tables and bent wood chairs All• w00I -fti,; = ' § ~ and especially invite the students .to come m = ""'"· ~ s,"' = and try our regular meals at 40c, lunch 30c. == -= Han d- Ta1·1orI= Also our fountain open with a complete =_=§ -:§ ed spr1·ng = ;«, ~w, '"' en Mi
m page one.)
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booted deL W,S "•" grn, " ' .. ' "'
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«o.. lbmchflied hit o. ut to Fox. 0 nesco rind.g. OG, Norton run
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l(cny Seventh Inning field On-Brewer Ill tap. He wa s saf e o n an inade a tol e eco nd A. lb . ht lltie Pretty cat h f . . ng llro. \Vanson w c O Gregg's high •n Pp d Mig a safe wh e n Miller ' ect and st nery' toss. Perry tightw e~ II No ru ruck out S aut and idvtt ns N h. Albri chrbein- ;ut o thts. 1r g t f caug t Geo rge' fl y. -l\eJ1 Y to Nanned · umiller · was out. Orton 0 ~ E· · run . No hit . <\.Cny . tghth Inning -at fir 0 n-Perry th . to st. Ga!b rew McAddie o ut ~oshort. H e era ch wa safe on a · hit G rton tap tol e econd and third. aflberach Ped to Miller who threw ae out at h hatti 011 fir t. p ome, Norton being 1r ng wh ace ended K e nyon ' -l\elJ OY, fly.enNhe l11a d e a fin e catch of 0 run . ttcrb · No hit and ir. etn"-Perr f · . Grabill to "11 gn ery w Y anned. Norton N er e o ut on hort fl ies . N ·o ru ns. o hit . l<:eny tnth Inning 0 11 "'a h· out, -Brew p e r truck ou t. Gregg ~~ a.liner erry to Miller. wan son SautO ver first b u t ct·ted on second hit•1en t Q .,,b . n · o '" n · o s •uck o I N
= :
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On ,11 whit< chin• foe p,inting; d,cornt<d chin,, gl,ss ,nd m,ny oth« Jines. A good tim< to fu,n~h tb.t dclightlul Hop< Chest.
;; : : :
from the college, engagement, congratulation cards, announcement, shower and other cards are in demand. The cards are from the most exclusive houses and are those found in the best houses in New York. There are lovely commencement cards that send their message of good
for every occasion.
= : = := : : =
= :: = = : : = = : : :
s haffner :=
§ § &. M'arx and = § Fashion Park ~=! =~ Clothes
Judging by the numerous eng,1.gement announccm_ents coming :
=· ar
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t~·r Orton :"atsm mght G,lh,nch'si § f d. He safe on a hit over I:
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,,. rYw:~kt_ed ,,,, a,~tsro~: ,h ·, Mi~~l~~ wo '"'
Give us the once over maybe we can please
iIu. uits atf The § -: § ___ DIOD or=-= $JS ~ ~ and $40
: =
,w,d -
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Home Baked Pies a specialty.
~ '",a"'''"'"'' '"' ~t:r,:•·i1~1:n!; I ~:
line of Soft Drinks.
o,, ;,
~~~:~,: "'°" ~~~~~~
- :
cheer to the one entering on the duties of life. Cut flowers always in stock.
We ship to any part of the United
Roses, carnations, sweet peas, lilies, and other spring fl~wers
~ ~ 1n
$7_5_ ~
; :
lled by good
!-- i-- dressers· = -= = -= -
§- ,-ij
IllIll III IIIll IllIllI IIllIll II Ill 11111111111111 I
: :-
every new : II Style, Fahric ! ·II and Weave ~ Ithat is favor- ~
= - -=
-== =
Special Cakes for special occasions. . FELLOWS!
:i, JII JIJI JI II JII II II JI I J11 II Ill II J11JJIJ1111111 . JII II J11 1111 Ill II JII II II 11111 Ill Ill Ill Illll II JII Ill 11111111-
etn-M . by StoI Ga!berach artm was tossed out The picture season is here, do your c; e second · Seneff wa lked and best and ~e'll do the rest. Let us do 0rge 1, · a nd th ird. Pace walked. Sen e,, tr. scor· 1t a rme r through econd your work. Reasonable Prices. 111g O . l( S · ne run . One hit. OenYon .... core by Innings STORE lterbein ···· 0 0 O I I O O O 0-Z S 2 HOFFMAN'S REXALL ···· O O O O 2 O O O 1-3 z 4 " We Please the Hard to P lease."
" Come in and browse around."
AND PRINTED. Fenton Sterns
Get your Bread for your CU 1 b S at · THE WESTERVILLE BAKERY
.Page Six
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;Young Men's Spring Suits at _ : .. Sale Prices at -
Hundreds of spring suits with the swing and sna p college m en want, in a great sale, priced much under what t hey u sua lly would sell for. High-w aist ed, single and double-breasted
and form fittin g- all the g ood spring styles Blue, green and brown flan els, and blue serges, and scores of fancy mixtures- com\
plete choice at each price.
l> J t1t '_\Ut,
·.:•ytt . lt~;, .;\,lt, : 1
' '! '. t1,· ''. -
It's an unusual op-
portunity to get spring suits from Lazarus regular stocks, just when men want them, at less than regular prices.
( Second Floor)
·trtJ ~
. .~
. .50
~ -'
,(,.r_; tC' "1
~ ~ ~ 4,. tT
ii111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111
11111111111111111111m111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111ii . .