Guitner, Prof. Alma Sept. '20 \ . College
Tan and Cardinal Take Small End of 1 7 to 3 Score in Loosely Played Contest Saturday.
·1ry wa touched rather freely at ti111e and was put in several bad hol e by w o b b ly uppo r t.
Ohio Uni. A. B. H. \Vhi te, 2b............................. 5 0 t ckdale, 1b ....................... 5 l Ear.ich, 3b............................. ~ 2 l<ing, s. . .............................. 5 2 Bar to n, r.f. ........................ 2 Rum ey, 1.f. ······················- 5 2 Mo rgan, c.f. ........................ 5 2
~~\~;r, ::::::::::::~:=:=~::~:: ; i p~·
kennard, p. ············~····-······ 1 Otterbe:n A. B.
H. Gr;ibill. r.f. ········--·····-······ 0 Geor c, 3b. ·······-··-··---···· ➔ 1 !Continued on pa~e fiv e.)
College O rchest ra and Columbus Violin Choir Give Concert ~efore t!n Appreci2tivc A u!!k nc ~-
Page Two Quizz and Q uill Due Soon. The Q uizz and Qu ill magazine is . t ers an d w1. 11 _rn t I1c I1an d s o f t I1e prm k . d I ma e its cco_n . annua appearance om c t1111 e w,t h m th e next co upl e -weeks. The magazine will contain the be t literary productions of th e year produced by the students.
7I ,
LOCALS ! r, . . . : I~ J. \V. Fausey entc.rta 111 ed , . his. fri end, : Ruby L''v eer o f Oh10 11 1vers1ty over I th e we e k-end . I
I Anderson, who part icipated
Harold in th e High School me et for kron Centra l at Columb us on at uu rday . I vi ite d friends at Otterbe in Satu rday. •Beau tiful corsage. and bouq uets for and Sunday. Mr. Ander on is a n a ll ~ommencement. R. M . J o h n o n, i ro und ath le te and w ill be a t ude nt ;:agent.-. dv. ! he re nex t year.
N ext Issue on T uesday. 1[a ry an d Bill a nce wer e vi ited by x t wee k' s iss ue o f th e Tan and their par en t s of Gree nvi ll e, Ohio , o n <Ca r din a l wi ll app ear on T uesday on · Su nday. Th ey were a cco mpanied by -account o f Monday be ing a lega l ho li- J Mi ss H e len K e ste r. ,day fo llowing D ecoration D ay oon W a d e F· au ey wa ca 11 e d h ome u d bunday. Th e printers, o f cou r e, d en ly on Monday mo rni ng by th e erve ho lidays, so we a re put in th e critical illn es of 1-iis fa ther. agreeabl e po itio n o f be(ng co mp elled Edna and Ilo D ellinge r ent ertain ed 'to d o th e ame. the ir mother, frs . M. . D elli nger o f Sophs Win in Tennis. tt ica, Oh io, on Sunday. T h e op homore wo n in tenni from F• r e d "vv' n•g h t o f D ayton v1s1t · · ed E . . · "the F r e h m en 111 the fir s t match o f th e C L . d _ . H d d f d . oom1s on a tur ay. mter- c1a sen es. ow~r e ea te ;when it has a Ove rh ea rd a t t he dorm- ' I Ju t ha te C rabb 6 to l 6 to I w hil e B Ju e too k Leffel aero s too, 6 to 1, 8 to 6. O ~ly th e ,ta s_te ~f o1_ive a1~d !'~1 so , g la d , I j y~u know that ,one et o f do ub les wa playe d, go mg I don t hk e e m ca use 1f I liked em I d j appeal to you o th ophs 6 to 3. hav e to eat ' em a nd I ju t hat e 'e m." :,_ . ·
Everybody Likes Dainty Things-Especially to Eat
Ba cillu T ubercul o i ( in Pro£. I Have yo u een Hoffma n's J o n tee l I hear' la b.)-" I hear yo u ha d a pa rty 1 an ity a . e ? T hey're rea l piffy .dY. la t nig h t. M any th ere?" j Ba cillu P rodigio u -" a w. no t , man y. O n ly abo ut 3,000,000,000." ·Honor M em ory of Emery Farver. · h fac ulty , 1id . t ud en ts of the ni Jam e awye r of Oh io o rth crn v er sit y r e cnt ly paid hi g h hon o r to d o_ff to v i i Marth a k in11 r Emery Farv r; died 111 the ser over at u rday and unday o n the way f vice of h i country in France in J a nu - to hi home at Circlev ille, Oh io. ary, 1919. n April 23rd a tree wa ecil on ley is th e t hi rd tudent to -planted on th un iver ity camp u m mory f Mr. Farver. la e were have an inj ured ankl th i pring. He i mi d and appropriate ce reinonie di located hi left ankle Monday after accompanied the ctting out of th noon at the j umping pit w hil pole tree. Mr. Farver graduated from t vaulting.
terbein with c lass of '14 and wa a Wi llet-" You mell raduatc st uden t and in tructor in bu h:' h niver ity of lllinoi after h fin,lorri on-"Wi h I that." he re. ·lapping o qu ito t in th •'Horro , .
wrf t-
i11 th i t." o
dainty look and when '
it is as clean all through as a new pin, it a lot more-doesn' t it?
w·11· I Iams Ice Cream
~ clean. Y ou can count upon th at ab olutely. It i handled with all the care that a woman put on a lace gown.
It- ough t to be in your h ome ever y day. Th e childr n ought to have a much of it a often a they want it.
Keeps the face rosy
- smiling too
lilac '
Ii- lac
Both Phones 12
W est~ rville, O.
corge now D r bach of ircle- j . ville, h io, vi it d friend aro und I.. tterbein ov r the wr!ek-~nd. - - - -----------;-=-==~=-;--~..;:~;.~========= Dr• bach was formerly a membe r of !JUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II!! the cla of '19.
fr. I
t Antwerp. in i a Oi f r in , u.t liJ.nination · • lh per ·onuel 1 :~i•~tet :;a;a 1
dainty taste and
e11t tbi 1ite ic 1 e \
th th ( in e lab)-"I ere uch a l' ~ cadmium . ulphat ." : § .- ·'Look io your app ndi.x."
rd .{orri 1day at l er, wb I-road w · vin rapidly.
Where can you get one?
p nt aturclay t § hom in Dayton. :: in ju r d la l week • in I wa, i im- 1::
Let Joh11 on g t your A wer . - d .
a h of
: =
a t the
Boarding Club " Y" Contest I lll I I I I I II III I I I I I I I I I I I 11111111 11111 11 111111 11111111111 III III 111111111 111 1111111111 111111 1111111111 I I I({ ome oo fe llow , let' go. 100~
"Y" n xt Th u r day nig h t or "bu t". r :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;
, r port ma ur pirit.
Holfin er-"Dr. what , ould V :terville do in ca e of a fire?" " DDc" navely-"We' d be on th e -mercy of" t_hl e Lot:d, ~.s w e have .been or a goou ong unc.
•t t h; 61 w re pr eut la t ,-;; Thur day even in g . a n in r a ( I v r th p r ce din g T hur day v n in g. T h conte t tand ab out ev n w ith two mo r . n.igh t to g . p n na nt w ill be awa rd ed th w inn er. ta ndi ng fo r Th ur day, iay 20. Memb r Pre ent Pct Town ............ 30 22 .73 IMatto u ...... IS 9 .60 .60 Bradford ...... 15 9 .50 Prie t ............ I 9 7 .36 16-19 Bi hop .. .... .... 19 Pace ............ IS S .33 1-3
a rr a f ull lin an d
an li
rocen e f rui t convincecl . n e t ri d a h a
C, W. REED 21
ta te
Both P h ones N o. 6
-----= O
TTERBEI NHE D CARDINAL ~ANkly in the mteres • t b <rA ,.,.-.C.a W« · b Y the !isheed Otterbetn ISHI G
to find roo m you may kn w make them available fo
f and to th
front ·and we wond r if Otter-1 h d O ty f ' " '· hem ho"Jdo' t t,k, , defioite <,od oo a opportu of n at ~ou ay, tude_nt ? Here' th e question . 1f ever a que tion had °' . o,toP'>ct,c,t for r eal erv1ce the h boo I <iog, I , I wo id, , th; ooe ,h, . . h ; oo< 00 10 .'• PUSL fi . ' · Is ooc '"'PO , how"·" m th,s p,e ,,.,. tJ OARD orrERBEB . mg, " \Ve'« P,oud ol Ou, tioo of the m,ue, ~ u,g, '"Y dimt rville, Ohio Ima ~fate.r " but what d · I 1 We b e Ohio College Press . . ' we nee now 3Ct1on one way or another but mere y of t ' . . ' ' l,ttt, P<>ct ' " I de moom, lioo. <o p,e '"' fact ,o d , 11 ; ,e,de, to Assoc<>hon od of us fellow who ' " " " i"dgo >cco,d;ogly. 0
f New Line b d for Jewelry eVery O y d just ''"·'receive •
STAFF . • . . Chief .... J. R':;kifl H ~';';• •~ Sditor· ~ Editor.···· J. · ow ' •; i •.;::.ti.,g Ed•to,E!hu Huley, '2L o""' D. D. B<>oe '21 M ,g« .. w. N. Rob, ct,;22 st s~' ioe '22 ,si J J.P. chutz, '23 M r . .. Marvel Sebert, '2 1 C°CC,i,tionCicc! btioo M•~•glf - '22 ,' 4 c,nt E.!iy '23 F ook'. '22 th ie<i< Ed<W 0. t,offu, :22 1.,oca Ed itor ······ K I '22 I Ed1to~ ·· Ima Gu1toer, 97 1om•"' Editoc ........ P. . o • t"h",:''\,,11 Edito<; bin, Afb<ct, '22 ,he> . Jo··· ) . w. mff, '23 . ,.,,. Ed•W ···· L•~ mmonic,tioos to The ~ • ~ , ; • ,nd C,!din,f, ,1o3 W. 1
.:t:"~.'G;;;, ,,
,:t .
th,t O ""b,thm ""d , b;g "'w "gym" I Th, H ooo, y !em h, m»,y ,d- I fu, ' o, ' '" • m,.,. do,mho,y.- , h,,..,, . Th, , d,;m 1h,t to foce, , th le t how e tru tee that our town j tudent to take exam under the vigih, . •ccommod,i;Oo •·pleoty, by 1,01 <re of pcofe i to d, · · <umg "P mo« mom <h,o oo, d,o, , cdmio,t ""d" g"ud, ,h,i Commrncem,ot g""' "" fill. R><h« "ot , <he ,. , , opo" hi ' 10 00 0 01 op I 0 . • i, ... , ii? \\'h,f will '" do? owo " po" ;b;ii,,• bot to keep him Make_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ con tantly und r watch i, to put College Wor th While. cheat in 3f a premium and a · someH o w o h,,. do we " acti,1, »>d thing lo be b ' <ed of ;,. ··poll;"' 0 th ' Q"< ,;o", ··r. ol- ·om« hi"g di co ioo " nC' the prnf, o,, le ' Wo,tb While?" Th; ; , qo, tio" whma to pl,c the tode"t o" hi lh,t '"oot b '" wncd >like foe all ho..o, ,o c,11 •occh <he be t in , co ll e graduate and tudent - for trength en elf-control artd if th wo,th-while qo,lilie, of college . '"' h ,Hog by , d, m,te, c,o ·, tc,ioi" d no t com, foe m " ' ki,._, him to be , 1, ,d ' ' , p, b,t ,.,d th Y ' " oot howecd o" o like "'" o,;,1 o o<c, t scoo"d ·,hoot It to b •b ocb,d •t pie,."" No, wo old - eem, to , <ha it we """" <o wonh-wh;J, qo,liti, only com, by go ,h,oogh life wi1hoo1 b '" dilig "' ffo,t »>d hacd wo,k ,.,d w, h ,;d,d by th 1,w w h old i" colIi, tb,t w "" '" " " ··] Coll, ' 1, ' '" ;n 00, op to ·f · " ~,. k e?" fo th e affirmativ e only prop r tandard . Worth Whil 1 we nia e ollege \Vorth While." But then on th other id ay . 'rb end of th T I colleg year i comthat ch eater do exi t and be 111 g on apac • h day C3rcely reckoned with in order to d tY em to p,o . oo <h,it ~•d rught in- With <h, othe, '"''"' . 0 to th. e pa f t and a we . realize that ach w3y to mm1nl1z the ffort • L I e tt.Jng o t 1e un bring u lo r to malpractor i to watch over l,JJ m. th, end of th ye,c w top wb,t hall we do? Glob T,lk
IOur Store is
Oll"b"A"·• w,st"$,''l~· \1~,°·y"' "' ..:ub er · advance.
CoJlegiption Price, . ' P d cla s matter -'a)'able 111 ~ ----:--~=-:---::=-::::: g,te>< 25 :..----:--:::d a !917 secon,t the po toffice ternber . j 0., under act of 3
,1' W""IBA'· ,,•farch , ce f or
m ailing at .spe..:ial 1 cceptan ta e provided for m . ec. ,, , of lo!f 3, 1917, authon,cd
1' 1919.
pc>I '
EDIT ORIAL for the " Grads"
fo, obec ceficction. In pitc of all <he ,
' l•
" th
nd, w h,"'
here at Otterb in to promot
loyed pica ur e and in pite of all th e " plain fun" we hould and do have
ohi«t "
the best place to select suit ,pp, · able presents for Commence ment .
•h , y welcome. - J. G. H.
-~. ~I; • •
University Bookstore
Boost the " Y",-100 7,' this week ! WE'VE BEEN THINKIN '
A"'m week dc,w nm. fr • the fact' n»in lh,t Th,t Hmkk', poem, "G>thec Y< thom d,y to d, th 11 on>"" '"' "''"~f pcepu,tioo ,nd . , ' ' " noth , p,;m ' " " fo, rnsebud, while yoo m,y'' might >pply
B. W. WELLS "Tailor . ""'
3 r noun ce ments · ,g thick and fa t . • es re 5 co mu . •atur L "b ly can are PIannmg to nd t ie ~ig Week. Alumni .I 1 for plo II who a. h t>Y ·« th,< <hey w,I " w,t . strong. . E fcieod wn 1 u, d fo r all th1 . very one 0 r W<wan " 'stsg ;11 1 " ' , gmt I of <h, · rad f ho th I ,,8 • our mid t o r e ga a o us •·ole s1on · u t what about hth e recep-? "" will " "'"' 0 whrn , ,y com,. th 1ioo <h•Y b ,oy ,gaoi,ed ,ffo« to k \Viii ere re I that th ey r eally mean 111a ·e . t us and to the c oo . them ec h !? th s methmg b: ,b l, 10 took confidently
ouWrpre eocc ere, . to violets, which come walking into e are here how ever, to acqu1r W . . b h daily . attribute . . esterv1 e m great unc es · ce rtain of character and 1t 11 . i only by the acqui ition of th e th3t That it was "tres amusant" to hsee o<« college edos,tiou io tified. <ho gid, sc,mpe, md com up ' '_" . th, d , d,ttdhot, h d opon hmU>g <h,t • h,< w,s m With ,11 ,c- he,ds quamte an any attempt to renum r- t e orm.
\ ill ey C ,i,, enccmen t joy withdlO oo orry1ng d foutrwar . f0 abthe out week lceping accomw_ ? That c-
e sterville, Ohio if we cannot feel we have attempted That our shrubbery 1s begmmng to Bell PhoneW190 • • .. . • . b " (" . .t, . exe rt d out ma. ·11uum our b fEo rt work a transformat.:on m t e e ~ - - -Citizen - -- - - -llO Phone 111 attam1ng concentratton, 111tt1at1ve, campus. O
mod,i,oo ' M»>y of 1h, , lomoi, peod o; ,'.~ 1womc " , hesi<,te <o pl,n 011 t he occa0 both because th ey 1 . for me f iend living herehave on 10 th "o « •'"' '. impose fo, <he k5 whom ey wt, ,men<. P,s< ycm
frieod hip o, ,ny oth , o,., of , Th,< T,ytors Woods, s ;g W,Inot, <hoo >nd pdc,I, s gain from • col- M,ugec House ,nd Alum Cceek m I d I legeo education. we w 10 are un ere as men doing a rush.'ng business of late. ........
wee . ent er aut even th e hearty ho lhav e pr oven t ,a t nspeople will no t be )itality ourmee owt rooming demand , . of I lo 0 ;offi'"" · d pl,o of , tioo ;s " ' '" ' " '
1 carried out. h ss urance f rom ti e adWe ha~ e t e ha t a faculty-student min;s<nhoo '11 a b, ,ppoin<ed vccy committee wt this ituation. It now .. 1 of boon to liand le duty andhis _ pnvff1ebge ecomes ther to show stu Y coevery boo . teReport ex tra rooms that operaung. 1 e to this co mO
1111ur landlad y may ,av ' .f • Y o n orooms I poss1out. upGo ut of your way ou ble ble·ttee. an d hD e Ip
w, '"
" ' them wo old be· ope,ftooo d b .k n o a entor gaze ac up 11 th f e four Iyeard o d 0011 th to be f a book ocem , o , , ,n , cc t o o ><· ,i,w th, my;og oombec of y " pent here, it i ad if we ca1111ot fe e l that our ttm e pent ha een mi• b • oently wocthwhH,. It ; 1,m "'•bl,
Th,i ,n occuion,1 college singd · strengthens our yc ung voices an binds us closer together. . Id . sing Th,t. < htcmy woe ;s ,:, to th much m i:iot havmg op~or un 1 . read the Freshman English pub cations. . . . 11
Corner St.a te and Main Sts . Does Cleaning and Pressing on Short Notice.
C. W. Stoughton, M. D. 31 W . College Ave.
G. H. Mayhugh, M. D. East College AvCr. Phones 1 'zen 26 C"t1 ___________ ___ __ Bell 84-R
hoold .,k, b.,d, it we hm behind Th, St,ng Isn't Oocsl os ,oy ceg,ets, fo,get them ,od <omL, < c,11 fo, the ibyll Tho ' tHI mg o ur face the oth er way, re o Ive l having copies . . wa 1t1ng . . for t h em s hould to triv e o to conduct our e Ives t h at call at iby l office at once as rem ain · ' on our day of graduation we can ay ing copie , ill be put on ale oon. "A <h>t w, ha« pot fo,<h ooc be t lo Bo in, Mmgec Shot, s,ys, "M,kc College Wonh White." whole bloom;n• smeu of folk " ' - J. G. H. ' onna' be out-o'-luck if they h" don t hake a leg and g ra b off the e t i~g I --------The Hono, System. befoce we blow lap . om <he ny HOME DRESSED A subject that ha ~ecn. di cu ed office·•. Get that, o ld1er ? pro and coo for ome bme 111 the column of our variou college publica. The brai n j a g reen hou e for eed tions . i the Honor y tem in examiMAKE GOOD EATS nation . thoughts-not a mau o leum for dead idea .-As oc. Men. With emester exam on ly a few - - - -------:-kl Bell 46-W. Both Phones . again . comes Boost the " Y",-100 % this wee . week hence this que hon Citizen 92
!'age Four
CALENDAR TOILET ARTICLES-Face P o wders, Toilet May 25Waters, California Perfumes, V an ity Boxes, /c::;,--.._ :~ j 3:30-Interclass track meet. Flesh Brushes, Etc. 11. ...-....,...~ . \ I Wednesday, May 26' I ~. .\Vester\'ille High School en10r Eastman Kodaks and S upplies of all kinds. Phy, College Chapel. FILMS DE V EL OP E D AND PRINTED F riday, May 280 __0,, ' Tennis meet with Denison at GranUP-T O -D ATE P HARMACY ville. OPTICAL DEP ARTM E NT 'OS . The Reverend \Villiam E. \Vard . 1Saturday, May 29Eyes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and S p ectacles of all styles. pastor of the Coburn Street United j Track meet at St. 1[ary's. Dayton. , Satisfaction Guaranteed . . · . Wednesday, June 2Bre thr e n church oi Toledo, Oh10, has · R eci·tal, 8 :OO p. m.- G ra d uatmg . just been elected president of th e To- I School of :Xlusic. :-.,fiss Eubanks. ri al l : nion. Mr. \ Nard is . . C . ledo '[iniste ·' . , pianoforte: 1fi,s low. voice. having a very successful pastorate lll IF 'd J 4n ay, un e . . T 0 I do His church was one of the e 111 . · I h Baseball with h .enyon at Gambier. I ll lll ll llll l l l lllllllllllllll l lll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l l llllllll l lllllllllllllllllllllllllll first · · · • Lucas county to r eacC 1 t he I 8 ..00 p. m.- 1,,eci·ra I o f 'f ,,, au d e Tl r ana- : q uota 111 the recent Int er- hurc watspupis, ,1 S ClOO · _-: 1, l\'IUSic. :1 1 O f ,, 1 \\' orld campaign for fu nd s. Satur day, J une 5'08 . .At the recent meeting of the Baseball with Goodyear at Akron. Central Ohio School Masters' Club W ednesday, June 9Professor Raymond D. Bennett of Graduating Recital. School of '.\lusic. Westerville, Ohio, was elected presi Miss · Eubanks. voice: '.\11 iss Sellman. : dent for the ensuing year. Professor pianoforte. ; Bennett is a member of the faculty of Saturday, J une 12I= 22 North High Street the college of educa tion of Ohio State Baseball w ith Capital, at \\' ester- : U niv e r sity. ,·ille. ,C b oh· Tenn is meet with Capital at \\'cs ter- 1: O Um US, lO _ '03. At a special service held yester ville at 10:00 a. m . 1§ : day at th e ~lills :\le-morial church in Lancaster, Ohio. where the Reverend Sw eet Peas, Fancy Roses, V iolets and : Zoology Ciass Picnic. \Vallin E. Riebel is pastor, the mort many postponements l'rofes- 1 Corsages a Sp,ec1·a1ty. gage on the church was burned. This sorAfter Shea r's Zoology cla ss \Vas finally I: is Mr. Riebel's first year in Lancaster pri\'ileged to make a trip to the Olenand he is meeting with exce ll ent suc tangy River in the in terest of bird ~ A nice line of Flowers for commencement. cess there as this service testifies. s tud y. The class is very fortunate in : , ~
! Tuesday,
= =
i~ Qua11·ty· I§
Flowers :
I~ =
having a member who has the privi- : nd lcge of us ing a very sple id cabin, § locat ed in onr of the finest spots for § camp in g, p icn icking and nature study _ that the s urr ounciing country affords . 7012 The rain did not dampen the spirits of the zealous st ud ents and they all fe lt ~ell repaid by the rar e s1Secimens of birds that they ~ere able to st udy under the direct10n of Professor Shear. After the two hour s' tramp and bird st ud y was ovrr. all returned : to the cabin where a f-ire had been '06. Dr. \Villiam A. Weber of Day- built in the big fire place and proceded § ton, Ohio, will deliver the annua l ad to get their supper in the se If serve Ill 1111111111111111! 11111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111 II IIII IIIIII Ill llllllllll dre before the Christ ian Associa style. The menu consisted of roast tions at York College, York. Nebras weiners. buns. pickles. marshmallows II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II 111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 ll!! ka, next Sunday, a a part of the exer and good, cold spring water. cise of Commencement week: . The class is indebted· to Miss Kittle ' 77 . Dr. Edwin L. Shuey o f Dayton f r the use of the grounds and cabin, 0hio, was in \,Ve . terville la st Thurs to Professor h ear for promoting the day for an important meeting of th e trip and to th e members of th e class Your Photo is the only thing your friends executive comm ittee of the college. who furnished the transportation and Dr. hu ey i presid ent of the board made arrangements for the eats. -:: Most all expre secl a desire to go O ne dozen Photo s m ake 12 appreciated presents. of tru te es of Otterbein. again. Have th e best '1~. Mi ·s Helen Converse of Cincinnati. Ohio, was a g ue t at the hom e Y. M . C. A. E njoys Excellen t M eeting. R. W . SC HE AR, O t terbe in Representative of her grandmother, Mr . C. P. Lan We h·ad another p lendid meeting at : don, on South tate treet, last week. Y . M. C. A. Thursday night. F. L. : TH E OLD RELIABLE '19. George L. Glauner, who has be~n office secreta~y of the Young Men's Christian As ociation at C leve land, O. since last September, wilt leave that work, Jun e first to enter upon the st udy of law in Washington D. C, ' 12. Mrs. Carl O . Smith (Myrt le Sa ul ) of Germantown. Ohio, was in vVesterville last Friday renewing old acquaintances. he is expec ting to attend the s u mmer sess ion of th e t: niversity of Virgin ia next summ er.
Ray M. Johnson 1·s Our Westerv1·11e Agent.
= Main 9095
= =
'17. The littl e daughter born last Robert gave a very fine dis cussion Tue day to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie A. on the subj ect, "I Believe in God." In the first place we believe in the Merrill of :--,Cas illon, Ohio, has been existen ce of a God, but a great many named Esther Marie. of us fail to connect thi up with any'10. amuel J. Kiehl, inS t ructor for thing that we hav e. in our minds. And a tin1e at Otterbe in and later at Ohio then we believe in the personal power late and now at Columbia taking of Goel. This is a duty of all Chrishis Ph. D., has ac~epted a profes or- tian . In the th ird place we hould ship there for n xt year. beli eve ,n God's plan for red emption. ' 17. Elmo Lingrel, former Otterbein Believing all these things it i then football tar and athlete made good our d uty to do everything we can to also as coach during the past season adv!lnce his kingdom. One of the by coaching his Walla Walla, Wa h- greatest conceptions man can get is ington high school basket ball team that God i a Father and that he will to the North West championship. treat us as s uch.
= = :
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Order Your ·Photos at Once = -------Sta t e and High Streets
ii111 11111 11111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u11111111111 1 1 yea r 's senior clas M usic S enio rs Entertai ned. in m usic. Covers Thursday evening. May 20th, Coch- were laid for Prof. and M rs. G. G. ran Hall dining room was the cene of Grab ill. Prof. and M rs. Ar thur R . a very pretty dinner party when Lor- Spessard, Misses F lorence Dixon , na Clow, Ethel Eubanks and 1fay '.\!lay Sellman, Lorna Clow, E thel Sellman entertained in honor of this Eubanks and Mr. No r ris Gra bill.
. ------•
T01•1 et Articles
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fe srs.v1·sited M il d r ed P icke rin g :aJld caster 0
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Al brig ht of Ge r mantow n -
-~;,th:·:;,;t of Eve lyo Jody J,.t : ,ve,~· and Mrs. Mille r a nd Lf~ ":1ily o f ";-~1 bUS were g uests of
Co u W3ters on Sun da y.
ReaI NObby: -- = =_ -
1lhe and
§ §
r,era_ Gica La Va ug h n Cam p be ll 1 id! s;e:y Hil deb ra n t v isi tded Rh ea iJJ hey last wee k-e n . {cCona ug . s of Edna Clark a nd w e reV irgil g uestCar_Mis Mi ll ersburg of pente r Clow Saturday and Sunday. r,ori1a . . 111 Bingham v1s 1ted his sister, a the week-end. :gdith ove r c ·ghtee n g irl s were de lightfully en..,i . 1 by Ruth Hopp and Marion
Chirtaware tatione
ry All K d f B m sO
-_ : " Come in and brows e around."
all the
- : _
Glen-tee· Place I~ $35 and =j=H t
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r,Jarvel == == kfa st aturday morning in honor brea - Edythe Eby. ofPu-shes last week were g iven by llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll ll lllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllll llll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf I § De ior her mother; llino-rr Ed ia o I 1 July for he r guest, Rose Al- P resident Clipping er 1 : \ ' elma Swinger · for her . l Sophomore-P rep Game. § brig D elivers Addr esses Mo nday, May 17, the preps were 10th .. Ohla Cave for her gues,t .Miss 11 er.t c1... Evelyn . and President Clippinger is spend ing a eliminated from the interclass baseball 'fodhun R Margaret . f h . . enn 1son o busy spring. with the demand made c amp10nsh1p series when they were I§ ·fer for 1liss Sadie Pt I id. Rhea McConnaughey for 011 his time lJ h'1 b. h . defeated by the strong sophomore ag- : Cleve at · L . Y s 1g s are 111 the . b Iests and ~he oom1s. U 111't d E 11. g regat1 on y the score of tw enty to ber gu 11· k e '11 stment Movement, being one. . d floor push t I, W('e was . 1 __ _'J'hirb Ida .vlarie Snelling and Ev- tll~reased by calls for addresses at ! I he score is sufficient to tell the § of the battle. Needless to say given Y 1111g . . High chool· Commencements and story I Dar · ·1 th e yn _________ 1m1 ar occas1Qns. Last week he dee preps were no match for the fast : "Jo" Foor Leads Y . W. livered the graduating addre s at traveling second year men who are 1 § Jose phin e Foor was the leader of Edison. Ohio; he was also th e peaker mos~ly _ var ity ma terial. By the ' § bst w eek's very interesting and help. at several town hip commencements eli111111at1011 of :-.Jartin Boehm followI y \\'. Meeting. Her ubiect, in neighboring counties. Next Fri- ers the Seniors and Sophs are left in : fu . College- \V.11at ,.. . d ec d d ay even ing · -• wa 111 he add r csse the gradu- ti1e conte t f or t h e c lass title . "After . 1 11iss Fo6r concluded her re- ates of the Huntington, Indiana High Jn the interclass basketball series tunekt by quoting from Shakespeare's School and the following Tue day the Seniors prove-cl to be the tumbling ~;;lonius' Advice to L_aertes" \'ir- tho e _at Crooksville, Ohio. President bloc~ for the Soph. who ha_d already Sl1a,·lv favored \. \\'. with a C!tppmger has just ret urned from the considered that game as entirely won. gm1a . Th· . violin solo. great Sunday School Centennial at 1 . 1 game also sho_ul d be an mterest1ng one as th e Seniors also have sevN t week's meeting is to be led by Corydon . ex I I . ··11 Ewr)' her topic being. ''A - - - - - - -- era varsity men. H. h S Luci c ' \ Veil Spent." There are only ig chool Baccalaureate. "o date ha been . ct for the game ummer b u t It · f y Vv Sessions remaining this One of th e t · . . w1·11 1·k 1 e Iy b e announce d f or a ew . , . . mos impress ive se rvi ces some time this week. year so lets be there regularly. Jof the year was that of the Wester- / ·
ar '
================~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, = I : h ff C a ner I =
Marx and& = F h• I= as 100 park =
Smartest - - New MOdeIs, Fabr1·cs an· d == w·eaves --
Denn1son • 's Goods .
~ in
Graduatioll su1ts • ·for
Young Men,
c -
= =
~ ~ We1l-Tailored = : §
Cut Flowers
::p:: ·,;::·:::":::: S:•':~,:::::
fre t week-end. 1,oo!!lis 5la;ve ly n a nd Clar li1G 1e Hughe § ~{isse H end erly a nd ardn er o f
th i11ol d W rig ht of D ayton
Page Five
J. and Sunday. turdaY 11 Ja t a was delightfull y ur- : faO' O ~1~day when he r moth er ·5ed thre e broth ers , and one ~{.r ..
111111111111111111111• 11111111111111111111111111111
. M. ~ r vi it ed Edna §
I I ~-
I ville High School Baccalau reate, held . P rofessor W agoner· Impro ving. . fron1 (Continued page one.) 111 th e lJn it ed B rethren Church last , 3 1 Sunday eveni ng. The proces ional of Martin, ss. ···················· O The latest reports from the hospital Miller, lb . ........ ········· •· ········ 4 0 0 the graduates wa a very attractive indicate that Professor Wagoner is Mignery, 2b. •···············•····· 4 0 0 feature of the program: spe.c ial music much improved, that he i ga111111g fox, c.f. ................................ -l 1 0 was rendered by Mis Mills and the str ength , and will possibly be brought Albright, l. f. •············•·········· I O O choir, and the Reverend E. J. Moore, to We terville next week. From this 1 Pace, I.f. ... 0 0 D. D .. delivered a very able sermon. we assume that th e worst is over, and Ulry, p. . ········•···-- ·· ··· -l O The largt! auditor ium was crowded al- t hat h is recovery is assured. Of course eneff, c. ..... ................ 3 1 I most to its capac ity, and not -one per- Otterbein wishes him well, and looks Howe ........ 0 0 ' son. it seemed, went away without an fo rward to his return to the classroom. Young. Kennard. and Iexp r ess ion of deep sa tisfaction with R. M. J ohnson for commencement rncff. the serv ice in all its details. flowers.-Adv.
Fine Suits
= = = = = = = = = :_ = = §
= = =
1ii111111111111111111111111111111 11 111111111111111111
Special Cakes for special occasions. FELLOWS ! Get your Bread for your clubs at THE W E STER VILLE B A KERY
RHODES& SONS The College A venue
Page Six
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Central Ohio's Big Store
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-\Yeltome --- Laza·rus Straws! : -
traw are read y!
They've marched right in and tak n po e ion of the d:en' Hat tore . It took ix men 10 hour to help them line up ver in the t ck r om for the trip to the Men tore. nd b re they are-66 ver c nceivable hape. -
m happy al)d ea 1ner.
tlen tor cheerfully br ak rank for the um-
n1 rr ,, and
haro- d.
eparate tyle -
h n rably
Sailors ennit , $3. To o Panama , $3.50. Golden Brown ove lty Braid and Sennit , $4. et}nit plit traw and Fancy Braid , $5. ·plit traw , Tu can , Luzon $6. anama and Bankok ailor , $7 .50. Panama and B·alibuntal ailor , $8.50. ankok ailor , $10. Balibuntal ailor , $12. Alpine, Telescope and Other Shapes. Toy_ Panama $3.50. anama and Le ·h rn $5, $6.50, $7.50, $10, $12, $18 and $25. alibuntal and Bankok $7.50, $10, $12, $15. -
(Men's Store-First Floor)
--· -
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