Guitner, Prof. Alma ept. ' 20 W. College
Page Two
New Athletic Board Elected. \ Two Music Recitals. Freshmen Issue Papei:s. "The Tmpos Sybyl" ........ A. W. Elliott Friday morning in cha pel was l~eld Lambert Hall was open twice this It has been an annual custom for "The Co-Ed" .......... Martha L. Skinne r "the annual election of th e members of week to audiences who listened to the past several years. for the students "Patent Sense" ............ C. L. Bowman 1he Athl eti c Board for the ensuing so me of th e best music of the year. in Freshman Eng lish to put o ut orig- ''The Cornet'' .. Ma r y Tryon year. R . W. Schear, president of this The first occasion was a Sen ior recital inal publications representing the work "The ;(utshell'' ................ H. V. Troop year's athletic board had charge of given by ss Clow, Contralto. and of their classes during the year. ·the meeting. Prof. Rosselot, a mem- i .\1 iss Eoba.nks. pian~forte. . Miss C low The productions of this yea r's class I ber of the nominating committee . read rendered 111 sp lendid fashwn several I which are now on the library shelves "the report of the committee which was I classical sel:ctions, deli~h;} 1;g th e a udi: are full of inter~st and or iginality , and as follows: 1ence with Fay F o st ers . Honorable express by th e ir literary quality, th e 1 Chop Sticks", and concluding th e pro- I results of the year's training. President-D. M. Phillippi. ":7ice President-Roy F. P_eden. [gra. with "'.\arcissus·•. with ce ll o I . The f?llowing li st .of. titles. gives , Secretary-Bertha Hancock. . I obl i~ato. . . _ ! Just an id ea of th e ong1nahty of the 1 Lay-members - Esther Hade y, , .\I, ss Eubanks exh1b1ted tl_1e 1.esults ! publications: Elizabeth .McCabe, M . L. Howe, J. G. of long and careful preparat1011 111 her )''The Squee ze and Squear· Howard, Lym Hert. · technique and interpretation. The M. L. H owe number were also more or --The Exper im ent" .. .. .... B. C. Carlson 1 pianofort HOFFMAN 'S Git your summer straw or panama less classical. Her first was Chopin's 1 --~untius" .......................... L. D . Gordon from E. J .-Adv. .. .\hzurka", and the last group includ- "The FireAy'' ... ......... ........ A. A. Luther "We p lease the hard to please." cd an interesting study from Tschai- ''Dites-Donc !'" ............ ...... J. \\'. Send!' th CALENDAR kowsky. ·•\'alse a cinq temps." Bo ''The Ladies' Lamp" .... :Yiary C. Vance j WednesdaY, June 9of these graduates have our co ngrat- 1 Graduating Recital, School of Music. I 1 1011 · l O 111 11 d t'10 0 11 a c crecital n: e was a given · Ill Ill 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Ill -_ll ·Miss Eubanks, voice; Miss S e llman, I u a_fhe 'other by the I ..; pianoforte. \ pupils of ~liss Hana,~alt on. Friday ; ~ Thursday, June 10. . I ncning. l t was very 111terest111g, ex- :: . . · ::
'-'-;;==============__.; ; .,, ================~================
I= =
Western Reserve University
7 :00 p. 111.-0pen Sess10_ns, C~eior- 1ce llently carried out. From. the § hctean and Phi lalcthcan Literary So- youngest of the younger generation to cieties. the most ad,·a11ced of the college stu- j Friday, June 11 den ts, c-ach performer rendered his , :: : 7:00 p. m.-Open Sessions, Philoma- or her particular selection with excel- :: Only Medical School in thean and Philopronean Literary . So- lent aptness and exactitude. It was ' § _ 1 · · The City of Cleveland __ c1ehes. origina ll y planned that this recital :: Saturday, June 12-sho uld be given in two programs and :: Ba eba ll and Tennis v~. Capital. as a conseq uence it was rath er long, !§ 8 p. m.-Reception by President. but it was one of such a nature that Admits only college degree students and seniors in absentia. ;; Sunday, June 13 everyone gave the mu icians their Excellent laboratories and facilities for re search and advanced work. 10:1 a. m.-Baccalaureate Service. best attention up to the very last : Large clinical material. Sole medical control of Lakeside, City : 7:30 p. m. -Y. M .-Y. W. Anniver- number. Charity and Maternity Hospitals and Babies Dispensary, Clinical : sary.l Clerk Services and individual instruction. Monday, June 14 COCH RAN HALL : Wide choice of hospital appointments for all graauates. 10:00 a. m.-Reception by Cleiorhe~lis Hazel Steely of \V estervi ll e, Fifth optional year leading to A . M. in Medicine. tean Literary Society. vis ited her sister, Ruth over the v.1 eek- : Vacation courses facilitating transfer of advanced students. 2:00 p. m.-Exh ib ition . by School of end. Session opens S ept. 30, 1920; cbses June 16, 1921. Tuition, $200.00. FiJ1e Art and H ome Economics DeEdna Dellinger and Alice Abbott partment. were dinner guests at the Bradford § 4:00 p. m.-Annual Dinner of Cleior Club Sunday, For catalogue, informati:m an application blanks address lletean Literary Society. Bertha Han cock attended a "Sig Ep" : . 8:00 p. m.-Concert hy Choral So ciety. party at Delaware last Monday.Tuesday, June 15th st Lill ian Carlson was laste wee guek -en odf. TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII II' 9 :00 3. m.-l\•f ee ting of Board of Mary Bayle of Galena iru tee s. 1 1 10:00 a. m.--Recep tion by Philale Lois Clark was ca I led home car Y I Ill II Ill Ill II IIII IIIIII Ill Ill I Ill Ill I IIIIII Ill Ill I Ill 11111111 111111111111111111 11111111111111111 Ill II II IIII becau se of the illness of her father. : § thean Literary Society. 1 4:00 p. m.-Annual Dinn er of Phila Mr. and Mrs. c. B. Clow and th e § § lethean Literary Society. .\,(isscs Ada Duncan, and Lena Harbi6 7 :30 p. m.-Annual Concert by Stu son of Kilbuck were guestts of Lorna tlents of chool of Music. Clow Wednesday. 8 :30 p. m,-Annual Banquets of Mary Vance wa dinner guest of Philomathean and Philophronean Lit Bancroft's on Sunday. erary Societies. A picn ic at Round Stone Hollow !§ ~ VJedtresday, June 16, Alumni Day. was enjoyed by Edythe Cave, Flor- : _ .8:00 a. m,-Alumni Council. 10:00 a. nf.-Dcdication of Science ence Perfect, May Sellman, Kenneth Scott, Raymond Axline, and Bert Hall. 12:00 m.-Alumui' Anniversary Ban , Jaynes. : quet. Lillie and Lera Waters were un 7111IIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II I I I I I I I II IIll I I Ill 3:00 p. m,-Alumni program. day dinner guest of Mr. and Mr . C. 8:0: _p. m.-Senior P lay, "Fanny and W . Mille r of Columbu . Her ervant Prob lem." Thursday, June 17 Pi:ep-Soph. Tennis Match 40 :00 a. m.-Sixty-fo ur th Ann ual aturday afternoon, June 5, the Comm ncement. Ad.cires by the Hon. ophomore tennis team took the amn e1 icCalt; LL. D ., Ex-Gov- Prep over ea ily in both the ingles ernor J Ma sachusett . and doubles. Howard. took both ets from Ho l Ladies Pboerux Silk Hose, at $1.80 linger, 6-3; 6-0 while Blue beat Brown t.o 3.50. E. J . Norri .-Adv. to the tune of 7 to 5, 6 to 3. The ·doubles resulted in the core "Al" Elliot made "a flying busine s of 7 to 5; 6 to O with Sophs on top. 1:1:ip . according to ,hi own statemest, This leave th e Seniors and Sopho to his 'home at Galloway, Saturday. mores to play for the class champion ship. 'Stay for Commencement!
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I§ The Registrar, 1353 East 9th St. Cleveland §
It's Gett1· nd Late
= = =
But not TOO late to get a good meal at
= =
Eats for Your Feeds at The C. W. Reed Grocery
21 N. State St.
· Both Phones 6
What Is Your Attitude? You ha ve read "Po1lyanna" of cou rse You have con~tasted her re t'ublished Weekly in the inte rest o f sis tles ~ op t imism an d genial go_od Ot terbein by the chee r wi t h the g loomy pessimism and OTTERBEIN PUBLISHI G the so rd id self-interest of som e less BOARD \ Vesterville, Ohio enviable character of your acquaint Member of the Ohio College Press ance. Bu t have you paused to reflect A sso ciation that all the joy and blessing of !'uch STAFF a life as "Poll y's", is on ly th e natural E ditor-in-Chief .... J. Ruskin Howe, '21 and inevitabl e r es ult o f a wholesome Assistant Editor .... J. G. Howa rd, '22 attitude to wa rd life an d fellow m en. Contribu tin g EditorsE sther Harley, '21 F ew hav e more ca us e for gloom than D. D . Brane, '21 had s he. Y et did anyone enjoy life Business Ma nager .. W . N . Roberts,'22 mor e, or have mo re fri end s,-or do Assistant B usiness Ma nagersmor e good,-or reveal more genuine John W . George, '22 J. P. Schutz, '23 human love liness ? And all because Circulation Mgr. .. Marvel Sebert, '21 she deliberately and dete rmin edly se t Assistant Circu lation Manage r s about to keep th e " glad" attitude to· Harriet Hays, '22 ward life ! Lucile Ewry, '23 \ Ve a re he re learn in g to live a nd Athl et1·c Ed.1tor .......... M . N • Funk, '22 Local Editor ........ W. 0 . Stauffer, '2 2 training ourselves for he lpful and Alu mna! Editor ...... A lma Guitner, '.97 happy careers in real life. Th en Exchange Editor ........ P. K. Noel, 22 doesn't it seem that one o f th e bigges t , Cochran Hall Ed itor, Josephine Albert, 22 things w e can g et fr om our college Literary· Editor ........ J . W . Senef'f, '23 education is a right attitud e, a cheery, hope ful o-u tlook on life? W e d o no t Address a ll comm unicati ons to The m ean th e sha llow artificial effe rv es Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W . cence that trie s to pass itself off as a Coll ege Ave., Westerville, Ohio. Subscri ption Price, $1.50 Per Year, evidence of a magnanimous sp irit. We m ea n th e r eal inner faith in the payable in advance. goodness of human kind , a confid ence Entered as secon d class matter in the ultimate triu mph of what September 25, 1917, a t the postoffice shou ld-b e that find s its natural expres at Westerville, 0., und er act of sion just in the joy of living and se rv March 3, 1879. Acceptance fo r mailing at _~peda l ing. W e n eed to cultivate the attitud e of rate of postage provided for 111 ?ec. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authonzed faith and good chee r. .R ejoice in the April 7, 19 19. good that's abo ut yo u. Count your ne ig hb o r s' virtues, no t his faults, and re o lve to rej o ice in tho se virtue and E DITORIAL to make them yo ur ow n. Encourage th e good in eve ryo ne yo u kn ow. Ap T ha t O tt erbein Spirit. preciate the beauty of the lives about Do we have it ? 'Deed we do! Can yo u and let th em know you appre we kee p it thr o ug h fo ur mon th ' va ca- ciate it. Be o busy he lping other tion? Of co ur se w e can I Then . if and develop ing th e g ene ro us and use that's true here is what we ar e gomg fu l in yo ur own life that yo u have no to do next fall. We're co m ing t ac~ tim e to !am en t yo ur ill s o r review the O to '·O Jd Otterbein" wi th a fau lts of fri ends. o matter wha t life and pep and en th u ia sm a nd make ·troub les ma y come your way, they wi ll the new arriva ls r ea lize th at th ey a re be half ove rcome wh en you fac e th e m - to the " live t" litt le college m . with a con fi den t mil. e a nd th e "glad" gettmg I· Id globe We are gorng to attitude that co m e from a wholesome on t ,h1 ow ho le pla.ce an at mosp here of give t e . r We phi losop hy of life. - -- - - - - - g lad o pe n-h eart ed ho sp1ta ity. ' ar e every o ne_ of us. going to have th ' e Stay for Commencement ! • • an d w he th e r . we re recep ti on sp 1nt · '·Pr Company Dismissed ! en1o rs or - eps"' we're gomg tod meet st reet cars, car r y suit case ' ank Co ll ege i out I A day o r tw o o f · t O ma e ·'exa m " , a wee· k o f co I ely-c rowded do anything and eve ryt I,mg our new fri e nd s welcome . festivities and we go our Not by way of cen sur e but did you leaving th e fr iend and The re is know that the re w ere ne\V m en la t we have learne d to cheri fa ll wh o walked o ur streets alon e at a tinge of regret in th e b rea king of nine o'clock at night hunting for co ll ege ti e , e ven though for mo t of roo111 - t ha t some fe II ows l ived at the us th ey arc not broken for long. We ' three days for Iac k o f a little ar e orry to leave loyal fri end and hote l for fri endly intere t ? We admit th~t con- co mpan ions who hav e hared the triditions were u n usual ; we · admit tha t umph and the failur e o f our col lege . everal st ud en ts worke d no bl Y· Yet year. . Y et th e e ve ry .regret will b e th e I h e fact remains t 1nt mu ch was left me a ns of bringing us back to another undone that m ig h t have b een done · S . . I ve PIan s a 11 a nd a greate r ye ar at Otterbein. They • ocia l comm ittee 1a t fail to will reveal to u what it ha meant to 1 aid to mee t every ca r nexf ' • be in uch a choo l. T hey will mak e keep open- hou e at t he "Y" or ar;tv- u r eally want to ee our friend als, to meet stranger a t Colu m us. choo e Otterbe in a th e"ir Alma Mate r. It · . f us to back • And fo r tho e who e work i fin i hed remams for each o ne O t~em up. One comm it tee ca n' t e~l- they will furni h a con tant incentive liven th e who le town. It takes us a · • t to high ach ieve m en t, that their live Remember that Otte r bein sp irit nex may do credit to their school,-that fa ll, and let's g ive the new m en a t heir futur e loyalty may be found reception that sha ll be wo rth y of Otas compl ete as the ir pa t devotion. terb ein .
Page Three
WE'V E BEEN THINKIN' T hat our new Science looks m ight;' in vit ing.
T hat t he good W estervillers will be lonely with out .us when we are gone away. That we will miss the aforesaid good Westervillers and will come back to them smiling next fall. T hat we'd better recuperate now because Commencement week is go ing to be a vhirl of gaiety. "How can we bear to leave the e", noble seniors? But if we must, we must, thougil tears flow copiously. Coad Soon To Be Hired. A lth o ugh no definite news on th e coac hing situation can yet be release d, th e matter ha bee n und er consider ation by th e Presid ent and the Com mittee for so m e tim e past and an nouncement of th e new coa ch will be mad e within ten days. Severa l fine prospects are being considered and eve ry effo rt is being mad e to in ur e a high g rade of coa chin g for th e tea m s of the co miJg year. Help, Delivery Service! We reg re: that some loca l sub sc rib e r did no•t receive their papers until Friday last week. As previously an nounced th e paper wa iss ued a day la te becau e of holiday but that hardly exp la ins its de livery in o ne part of town two day later than in another. If yo u were o ne of the late o nes do not b lame th e Ci rculation Manager; yo-u r pape r en t to the po t office with th e rest. 'Tenshun! W ill You Help? Th e comrai tt ee o n rooming fa cilities for Commencem ent vi itor ha been appo inted by P residen t Clippinge r as fo ll ow : J. R. Love, Bertha Hancock and Profes,o r Weinland. They ar e waiting for your co-ope ration . Don ' t expect them to intervi e w you. Lin e up some a•railabl e rooms and go to them wit h yo ur information. Let's go!
- -- -
Unique Station ery, Spoons, Otterbein Pins set with pearls, Fobs, Vanity Cases, Books, Booklets and Pillows. Paper Cups, Plates and Napkins. University Bookstore B. W. WELLS Tailor Corner State and Main Sts. Does Cleaning and Pressing on Short Notice.
C. W. Stoughton, M. D.
D inner Party . Mr . Ha7s and daughter Harriet 31 W . College Ave. entertained w ith a dinner party at their hom e Friday evening. T he Westerville, Ohio gu e ts were Prof. a nd Mrs. Grabi ll , w ith two yo un g Grabill , R. \V. Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 • chea r. and Mis Helen Bovee.
Mattoon Club Leads " Y" Contest. T he Y. M. C. A . co nte t which clo ed w ith la t week' me eting was ve ry ucce.sful, the average attendance fo r th four Thur day evening being a li ttle ove r 50. Thi breaks all records for thi time of the year. Th e Mattoon cl ub, which won the prize IQQ M pennant, ucceeded in having a , , attendance for one eve·ning. The teams ar to be congratulated on the interest hown. The r e ult I a fo l low :
G. H. Mayhugh, M. D. East College Ave. Phones Citizen 26 Bell 84-R
Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Ave. Mattoon 60 60 84 100 76 Town ........... 53 73 60 63 62 MAKE GOOD EATS Bradford ..... 29 60 47 33 42 Bi-shop ......... 21 37 54 55 41 Both Phones Prie t ........... 21 39 28 34 Pace . ..........•.. 40 33 27 33 33 Bell 46-W . Citizen 92
P~ge Four
'18, '17.
The marriage of Miss Ruth Conley o"f Johnstown , Pennsylvania, and Alva H. -Sholty of Claypool. In diana, occurred last Saturday, June 5, at the hom e pf the . bride . The cere mony wa performed by Dr. T . J. Sanders, '78, of Otterbein. The couple will sp~nd the summer in Indiana and then go to ew Haven, Connecticut, where Mr. Sholty will complete his course irt" the Divinity Schoo1 of Yale Un iversi_ty. Early in the morning of June 1, deatl; claimed the Reverend Emlin M. co·unseller at his home in Wester ville. He had been in frail health for about two_years and ha9 been obliged to give up his active ministry a year and a half ago. Fu11-eral services were held in the United . Brethren churi::h at Westerville Thursday afternoon, cond ucted by Dr. M. R. Ballenger of Findlay, his confe rence uperinten dent, and participated in by a num ber of his ministerial friends. Inter ment w-as at Winche ter Ind. Friday. '87.
14. Ii Gladys the Public Library diana, i pending cation at the home \Ve terviUe.
ichol , librarian in at outh Bend, In a three weeks' va of her parents near
Girls Hold Eagles Mere Rally. Weiners? .Great steaming kettles of TOILET ARTICLES-Face Powders, Toilet Waters, California Pe rfumes, Vanity Boxes, them! And besides ,there were heaps of good sandwiches. nice juicy pickles. Flesh Brushes, Etc. piping hot baked b ans, bananas. Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all kinds. and strawberry ice cream and raisin I FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED cookies. Yes, the Eagles-11ere Rally that the Y. \V. C. A. girls had in the UP-TO-DATE PHAR'MACY Gym last Tuesday was a success. I OPTICAL DEPARTMENT After the gi_rls had eaten heartilr_of Eyes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and Spectacles of all styles. th e above-mentioned victuals "they wete grouped off according to the Satisfaction Guaranteed. initial letter of their middle name. Each group was in tructed to write a I parody on some song that wou Id be l!l:======================~==================================:Eii suitab le for the Eagles Mere delegates =~=============================~ to take with them to the ummer con !!llllllll llll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfll Ill II lllllll 111111111111111 ference. H ere are two sample of the poetry submitted: (Tune-"Every Evening") Every ummer, after our chool 1s _
Qu a 1l•t y Flowers-I =
We t~~;l~g~:-om Otterbein come out § here too: We go hiking, climbing and boating § here And we're bound to declare there's no § place to compare, With o ld Eagles M e re.
= 22 North High Street = Columbus, Ohio = = Sweet Peas, Fancy Roses, Violets and : = Corsages a Specialty. = = = A nice line of Flowers for commencement. = =
(T un e-"If You Want to ee a Girl That's Pretty".) "If you want to see a School that's a humdinger, That's snappy and full of pep Just turn your lamp 011 Otterb ein. The School with a peach-of-a-rep; The girls are all good-lookers. The fellow have lot of kale, The <loin's arc fa t and jazzy And there' nothing in the place that' stale." §
-== =
= = = Ray M. Johnson is Our Westerville Agent. = = = Main 9095 Citizen 7012 -=
Many more equall y a, clever ve r es '08. frs. . \ . Baxter (Clora Cou·nwere compo ed but space doesn't per- eller) wa in e terville la t Thursmit tl1eir printing. day to atttend the funeral of her uncle, Each o{ th e hundr ed girl pr ent at E. M. oun eller. the supper and Rally voted a good § '95. Mr . John A. boemake r (Daisy time and we will separate at the close u ter) of ittsl:lurgh P nnsylvania of th.i year feeling that Y. W. C. will repre ent Otterbein olleg thi has meant much to them. week at the eel bration of the fiftieth anniver ary f the founding of the Stay for Commencement! Penn y lvania College for Women. 11111111111III111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Bet a ortment soft collars, 30 to = ==::==:===========================~ ' 17. tanton W. B. \Vood of Wheel q rr is.-Adv. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllll lll l ing, We t Virginia, i in We terville S0c. E. J. and expect to r main until aft r om Junior Push § me11cement. He ha b n trav ing in The \Ve t rville ar s r ice wa a - : the int re t ot th.e An ti- aloon League, but i grving up that work to toni h d a lmo t beyond mea ure· when ·: fifty hilarious oung peopl yelling go into bu in ss in Whe Jin . Your P hoto is the ortly thing your friend s cannot buy. ib 11" tepped on the ' 13, '12. Th wedding of Mi El i Limit d at Home : One dozen Photos make 12 appreciated presents. Jan Dill and Guy E. McFarland, evening. The Have the best which occurred at \\' estervill la t nduc eco frc;im hi a ton- _ \,Vedne da Y;- has be en announced. hmen ·cie1 I t- l:he picnickR W . SCHEAR, O tterbein Representative '92. Nolan R. B t, editor of "The er ff the car at 1ifinerva Park. ontinenc'' and now re iding at MontIn a d lightful op n gra THE OLD RELIABLE clair T. J. ha jut an noun ci h.i the hitherto dignified you.ti ge.i1tlemeu. indulged in o candidacy for ogre . game wjt.h Prote or an leo oppock of \,\ est ' 19, '18. 1'fis man for intere ted p ctat Milton, Ohio, a11d Thoma B. Brown full moon r ut ot Madi 011 Penn ylvania, were mar lumine .th j c ri d at the home of the ~rid on Fri ne of the i1 g day. May 2 . They are now at home State and High Streets ev 11.1ng o n ar Burg lt vi lle, Penn Tlvania. lippi and chu ii11111111111111111 I I I I II II I I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II llllll '04. Rolla . Calle.nd c, a pr .mi I lined the· Jt hardwar 111 r bant of ngola, 111d each with a iJv , Prof. Grabill As Examiner. Thur day evening. Two grad ua t?S of diana, di d at hi horn la t Thur day inve in T11e Director of the Con ervatory the local Conservatory were among the after an illne of five . Funer , a on of the examiner in the try applicant . Otterbein ha a number al ervice. will be h.eld today at Hick ennis Goodsat , Wh1fe ou of applicant · for member hip in of alumni in the guild. viil hio, hi chi ld hood home. Hi k Pant , Whi ie.ry, port the American Guild of o ·rgani t . The wife (Annabel Remaley, '05) and a try-out were held in Columbus Ja· t rt , Etc. E. Adv. Stay for Commencement! little daughter survive him.
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Order Y otir Photos at Once =
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Page Five
VARSITY WINS : III I I I I 111111111111111III~11111111111111 I 111111111111111 III I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11111111111111111 ~ I ~Ill 11111 I I I I I I I I 11111111111111111111111111111111 ~ TWO VICTORIES Continued from page one.) The Irving-Pitt note book and Goodyear did her only scoring in the eighth when they managed to get :: three run s; Uhlry then tightened and Denni o n Handy Boxe make excelstopped their rally.
!~ Real Nobby
= = = =
Martin ended the game with a speedy double play. unassisted. His Work in this game was spectacular, :: and his swift fielding and accurate throwing. broke up seve ral incipent rallie .
Uhlry allowed but three hits the : -Whole way and got a two ba e hit him- self as a side issue. -
. Next Saturday Otterbein _plays Cap- , ~ tal at \V esterville. Capital has defeated us onc e this year and with our § team bo wling along in such fine shape : an interesting game. is assured. §
Otterb e in Kenyo n .
Otterb e in Goodyear
Scores 1234567891011 .. 0 O 2 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2. O O O O O O O O O 123456789 ............ I I 2 0 0 l O O O ...... ...... O O O O O O O 3 0
Tate the lovely Venetian necklaces
that have just come in . If we do not have what yo u want it
.:BIG PLANS FOR COMMENCEMENT '<Continued from page one.) though always in a new way. The Society Open Se sion , always an oc- _ <casion fo r the alumn i to visit and com J)are present day literary work with :
tnat in the past the Baccalaureate unday morning, at which President : Clippinger as usua l speaks; the Sen- : ·o Pl"}, always an affair furnjshing an I: abundance of amu emeiLt· the ded ica- :
Well-Tailored :=-=Graduation = : § Suits for i: Young Men, §~in all the ~: Smartest -r -i New Models, -= ;- =Fabrics and = --Weaves -E -
will be a plea ure to get it for you. Jay your _vacation be a happy and
: 5 -
: = =-
lent gifts.
5 4
pro perou
one and may you come
back to old Otterbein full of energy, high hope and good cheer. Good bye and Goel ble
you all.
" Come in and browse around."
= == == =
GIen-Lee Place ;:$35 .·
..,-·_ -
Hart, = = Schaffner & --= Marx -and Fashion Pi rk Fine -Suits ==
tion of th e new Scince Hall, \\.'.ednes- ·iilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf -day, when Prof. L. H. McFadden _ former~v professor of Science at Ot terb e in · will speak together with a . LOCALS represe ntative from Ohio State and R. ~1. John on i navigating on Editor Tan and Cardinal: t~o local speakers. Moving into the A few sop~omore girls and some § crutche these days a a re ult of a building has already begun and this others having assumed themselves to event will be unique in this year's sprained ankle. be responsible for Otterbein College Program. Then, too, there is Alum A nine-pound chicken wa the al and its good nam.e should submit na! Day. Wednesday. a da_y devoted luring feature for Miss Helen Bovee omething like the following to the to renewing friendships and also the and R. v,.r. Schear last Monday noon at public: u ual Commencement events, ban the home of Professor and Mrs. E. W. "V.'c the girJ · of the upper classes <iuets, receptions, concerts and the E. Schear. have taken a deep intere t in the _ core of o ther thing that make Com Herbert Meyers was called to his freshman girls and we feel respon men ce ment \\'erk the rare treat that it sible for their welfare. We know 1 . ( A complete list can be found in home at John town. Pa. on business that they arc incapable of taking care la t Friday. _ He returned unday, ac th e cal endar. ) ,l.. of themselves and have no sen e of companied by hi sister Blanche, who Arrangements have been underway propriety and good judgment. We see 'for weeks and it only ·awaits the com will re-main for commencement activ~ by the re ult of thi year that we pleting of exam . and the adve11t of itie · have not had our share of date and alumni and friends for the an1rnal hlr . Hays and daughter Harriet thi i not right. We propose that § Tound of Commencement ev nt . hav~ .recently moved from th eir Flu\11 the £re b.ma11 and ophomore girls be street home to the Cherrington flats re tricted next year and that their on ~nivc,- r ity trc t. plea ure and .hour for date be o Alumnus Presides. Frank D. \Vilsey of the cla of '76 Talk about moonlight o.n the Rud- limited that we can get our hare of : -Who ha for several years erved a Orne of our :_ V ou! That' all right, ..uut w ven- dat or g tall of th 111. ice Pre ident of the ew York ity ture tJiat Al um Creek would be a number hould have been marr ied JO"" -1 chool board is also taking an active famou if it were for the '"ru l e " • ""' ago but this will be remedied by iihlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii ntere. t in the teacher • organization our new I gi lation." there as may be noted from the folJ H. L-. 1'.!orri on e11lertained hi tudent, '23. Special Cakes for special occasions. lowing article from one of the l ew father, mo her and brother of Dayton FELLOWS! York dailies. a fe wday la t week. Quiz and Quill Elects Officers. R nL ''Ro ky") omer of olum"About 1,400 member of the city' La t Friday v ning at the hom of Get your Bread for your clubs at teaching staff attended the on h un- b vi ited Ott bein frj nd u11 day M.i H le11 Uer the Quiz and THE WESTERVILLE BAKERY ·dred and . thirty-eighth annual dinner :ternoon. Quill ub met aud le eel meml> r of Hoi Scbola tikoi, a teacher ' or- a lt· L e Roth and Helen McDer- for the nsuiug year. Pre jde.11 g 1· · c ieat ed over· from Columbu E ther Harley ; VJCe · pre I·dent, iolet an zat1on formed when t h e D u tch controlled Manhattan last night at t h e motdt m fotr 110011 Patter on and treau.r r, Marjorie }{ I ' . ur1 ay a er . b I d , ote Astor. A mes age expte 1ve , who is teach- Miller. ew mem ers e ecte were 1 1 19 <of appreciafion of the in tructor ' ef- R. K. _Rep og e, H . '11 ·sited Otter- Ruth Deem, Edna Dellinger and M. L. f Orts, sent by Govenor Smith, . · 1 g• in Middletown igd , vi 11 was • Howe. read by i.drn.t Frank D. Wil cy. bem friend over un ay.
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The College Avenue MEAT MARKET
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You'd stop in to look them over, wouldn't you?
That is what we are telling you now,
No!hing the matter with the suits-they're worth regular price to
SUITS THAT WERE $55, $60, $65, $70
you-but we have too many of them.
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SUITS THAT WERE $75, '$85, $100
The figures tell their own story-and you will find a big propor tion of these suits that were originally at the higher prices.
en's Store-Second Floor)
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