VOL.4. I
DR. WHITE LEADS BIG CAMPAIGN Impressive Meetings and Generous Participa tion Made Student E van gelistic Movement Big Success.
Dr. Herbert L. Willett of U niversity . of Chicago to Ap-pear in Local Lyceum Course.
Ser·ous Facing of Facts and Absence of Emotional Appeal Marks Meetings
Committee Welcomes Public to Hear Great Speaker in First U nited Brethren Church.
.- \t the chapel se rvice last \V ednesday morn in g Otterhein's tud e nt evange li s tic campaign was opened. Dr. J . Ca mpbe ll Whi te. the leader of the series of m ee tings, made his fi rs t appeara nce be fore the student body a t that time. Depart ing from the usual custo m of evangelistic speaker in opening a campaign with an im portant address, Dr. White spoke ve ry · simply on the purpose of hi pre e nce here, so liciting the cooperatiou o [ eye ry individual.. \\'c<lnc · day evening Dr. \ ~ hite used as the basis of hi s discussion. t\\'o of 1 • ~ le -1.:n . l'!S ' ·h h n ~ ask tl hts studen t body to co n id er. Dr. \\' hite u ed on ly the Bib i a bi authocity an_d ci ted ariou quotation having direct bearing on the qu..e tio11s. These together with other quotation, by the audi e nce • formed the nucleu arou·nd w hich Dr. White. talked. · ( ontinued on page seven)
Doctor Herbert Will ett of rh e l·ui ver ity of Chicago will ap pea r in the· nited Brethren Church, Friday 1iigh t. December 10, at 8:15 o'clock. This j the third number on the Citizens' L ectu re Cour e. It i de in~d that a large au dience sha re in the unusual privilege of lis tening to this distinguish ed lect u rer, h_c nce the fo llo wing term of admis sion: each holder of a eason ticket i urged to bring with him or her -a fri end or neighbor who bas no ticket. !h 7n. tho e. who may 1\ot have been I invited may enter, and are urged to come, 011 condition ·that they may. ii they will, put a silver coi n into th e coll ection plate which wjil h u ar th doors. The itizen ' Lecture Course Com111ittee aim to serve the community a we ll a it can with our limitation in a public as emb ly room. It put into ( Continued on page even)
Professor Reed to Deliver Addresses-Subjectes Announced
Peden Awarded All-State DR. HERBERT L. WILLETCI' · Honors by Dayton Journal hoo l, Upiver ity of Chicago will Dr. H er bert Wil!e\t, of the Divi n ity . App a ring in three up-to-the-minute Otterbein is a o-ain honored through in tl1e Fir t Uuited Brethren addre se Professor Thomas R. Ree d appear in on of hi ma terful adclr e sc her wonderful full-back, and all hurch on next r iclay evenirrg. 0 ~ th.e department of Political ci nee, round athlete, R. F. Peden, who ba 'nive r ity of alifornia, will peak to ~================================ been selected by the staff of football Otter bein tudent and citizens of V~RSITY "O" H OLDS BANQUET expe rt of the Dayton Journal a INITIATIONS E NT ERT AI N \ e ter ille on December ,12 and 13. full-back on their LI- Ohio on The fi r t 1eeting will be held in t~1e l er R O1 Well Played By . Earnest and' Enthusiastic Occasion fere nce substitute eleven. ni ted Bretl1ren church a the ever es peaking of Pede.n's fine work regu lar churc h hour 011 Sunday mornVarsity " O " Entrants-Variety Enjoyed at Blendo n-Alumni under handi cap the J ournal ay : ing. n Monday morning Prof. Of Talents Displayed Add to Interest "P den of Otterbein i an e.xcellent Re d w ill peak' at the chapel er vic For clevern uniq_u ne and r e-al La t Tue day night iu the private. fulll ack. P laying wit h a weak team and at four Q'clo k Monday afternoon origin.ality, the -Varsity ·· " tunts dining room of the Hotel J3i ndon Peden· did no get th e har e ot the will deliver - bi fina,l addres · at a that w r e Jived through Ja t- Tue day the ar ity ·· ' .. ga,·e a,·.banquet in potLlgh that would hav e beeu hi 111 efi 11g of facu lty and udent in the by the participants ju that annual honor of th. iDcoming membe r . The had he b n a member o f one of cla 5j . wer perhap th b t that cc.a ion w.i an unqualified succe s, the leading eleven of th e con [ r coll ege chapel. Th ubj ct on which P rofe or have ever appeared on tqere being an abundance of good ence. Neverthefess P eden' work Reed will speak follow: caJ-1-1pu . From se ven in tb mo rning c he r and y c; t an undercu rrent of uch as to gain him the prai of unday Morning-" The Pilgrim. until lat in the afternoon the enter- i11 ten e for e-Yery man oppo ing comb ination p·l~yed."' Pjrit in m erica n Life.' tain e r li ve neo the _ d;iy with. th ir vre nt important _rol e Monday morn ing_!'The P res nt va ri ed and t.riking di play f tal ent. ' the ociatiou mu t Glee Club Leaves. · tatu of the I:cagu of ): afion " Dale Ph illi ppi carri d away the play in ue:.w ra of Otterbein' Men Gle lub I ave ,fouday afte.rnoon-" Law, Eo l- honor without a truggle. H e was a •. 1.1 ~ tc · . at I :30 p. m. Friday for a four day I1 evi m and ociety." dre~ ed a a cho,r u girl and wher e The banqu t itse lf a a good one trip to Canton Akron and Barberton, Dale ev-e r aw uch a piffy" charm r wa n; oyed a only thirty lu ty wb re the ong ter will J)res_ent th ii: Frosh-Soph Debate • · Tu day evening in the a he re pre en te.d · a matter of co n- youth an enjoy a real tas ty '·fe d." regular concert along with a p cia l hap el ·th Fre bmen and je tur · kipp ing. smiling a n tl After the mea l "Bob" Mar tin pre i- acred conce rt unday f}vening. Tb th d meet to cla ih "vamping man afte r . man roogh d nt of the Var ity "O', took the Club enterta in at Galena o n Tue day u1 r macy. The program will open a ll th e per£ ·tly appli ed rouge a:1 d he lm and ably conducted the evening and at St. Clair Aveue . B. chu r ch t he following night. at 7 :30 harp. (Continu e d on page even) (Contjnued on page seven.)
Page Two
I- ·•m
Splendid Contributions Will Fill Buildlng to Capacity-Stacks Will Be Extended:
I l II!: I ii 11111. 1lII 111 111111111111111111111111111111 11 111 1111 11111 1111111 Ill IIll llllllllllllllllll~
T O ILET ARTICLES-Face Powders, Tilet o :-
The Otterbein Carnegie Library has been the recipient during the past year of several valuable qnd appre ciated gift which will contribute materially to its usefuln'es . The fir t of these contr~bution came early last summer in the form of a substant ial donation of standard volumes from the library of Mr. L. C. outhard of Columbus . Following this was the gift of three hundred valuable books from the private library of Prof. Isaac A. Loos, ' 76, late of Iowa State Univer ity and now decea ed. These volume are largely along the line of the ocial cience . A number of vo lumes _along musical line wer e donated by Mr. A. Britton of ,va hington, C. H., Ohio. Most significant of all however is the plend id donation from th e lib rary of Dr. H. A. Thompson, Pre ident of Otterbein from 1872 to 1886, of about fifteen hundred volumes along a ll line of work. Dr. Thompson died during fa t summer. During his life time he was a great advocate of tem perance and other reform and his Jibr_a ry r epre en t the collection of a l ife time.
Boxes, -
Wat California F !eshers, Brushes, Etc. Perfumes, V arn Y
Eastman Kodak~ and Supplies of all kind s. FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED UP-TO-DATE PHARMACY OPTICAL DEPARTMENT .,... 3 Exa m·ne:l Free. Eye Glasses and Spectacles of all styles.
:: ::
· 1111111111111 h Ill IIIII II !I II II fI II IIII IIf II IIll II II I Ill I II II I IIll III Ill Ill II II II II I I II II II Ill IIIllll llll ~
· The e late t additions to the library will nece itate the extension of the tack room and will even then fill the bu ilding almost to ca pacity.
CLUB HOLDS FIRST MEETING International Relations Society Or. ganizes and Presents Interesting Program Last Monday. ·nder the up ervision of Dr. nav ly, an Inte rnati onal Relation lub ha been formed. The object of the club i to promote a deepe r iutere t in the tudy of international tion . the fir t meeting a con titution draw n up and igned by the ten · m mber . La t Monday •\·enin the .6.r t program wa give.n. A very in tere ting hour wa devoted to the tudy of- the Mexican (Jue tiou. ~ The cl ub meets every two week on ~londay evenin . Tho e having had twelve hour of ocial Science or hi tory are e lgible to join. The officer of the club are: President F. obe r t ; ice-pre ident, D. L. Bay; ocretary M. E . tearn ;Faculty • dvi or, Dr. navely. am-"Well, ah likes the candiBonnibel Yanney gave a pu h in da te alright, but ah don't like hi Room 20 2 Monday evening. platform." "Be~ny" Heeter ha g e to 011 Ra tu -".Platform! Platform! ay, h~me 1n \Var aw, Indiana, where niggah, don't you know that a political will remain until alter platform i ju t like the platform on a vacation. treet car? ..It ain't meant to stand on; it' ju t m ant to get in on!" Prof McCloy in a tronomy-" ow I'll let my hat represent th duel wa fought e moon · Are there any que tion -?" By Knott and hott Dellinger-" ! the moon inhabited?" Knott wa hott A nd hott wa Knott. In that ca e I'd rath e r Be hott than Knott
Peaking of having your . up own JU t think of the fello H ,, h w pumps a and-car. d
P age Three
'85. Mis Tirza L. Barnes of the '.!! Ill II IIII Ill II Ill IIll llllllll llll lll lll Ill Ill 11111111111111111 111111 111 111111111 1111111111111111111111 !.! Otterbein library pe 1Jt 1ast week in § Dayton . O hio, look in g after the books = in the library of the late Dr. Henry:\. _ Thompso n, fo rm e r president of Otter- § bein, which he left to t he coll ege _ library by bequest.
'90. Dr. Earley V. Wilcox, of Wa h ington, D. C., was in Westerville for a few hours on Saturday after Thanksgiving. He was ret urning to his home from Lansing. Michigan, :Wher e he had gone to attend the ixtieth anniversary of th e marriage of his par nts w hi ch was ce leb rat ed ?n Thanksgiving Day. Dr. Wilcox 1 now one of the taff of editors of !he "Country Gentlem,an", cont r ibut mg to its page for each is ue of the magazin e. 9 ' 2.
Dr. Otto B. Cornell of Wester-· -'< il_le , who is the regi trar ·of vital tati tic in Westerville and Blendon Town hip, wa in Salem, Ohio, one !lay Ia t week, having been r equested By the ta te depa rtment of vital tati tics- to go there to do some urvey work in con nection with the eri~us ep idemic of typhoid fever in th at little city. Dr. Co r ne ll reports tb e ituation there as ve ry serious. Out of a population of ten tho usand !here ar e at pre ent 868 well defined ca e of typhoid and th e I)hy icans timate that th·o e who are suffe ri ng from very light cases wou ld o rin g the number up to a thousand. The ca u e ha been traced to the city water upply and the present ystem of Water work will probab ly have to b ~bandoned entirely and a new one 111 tailed. '18
Mr . Alva H. Sholty (Ru th Onley) has become one of the leading D · f y n· . . D ame o th e a Ie ivm1ty ame lub of "Yale Unive r ity, w h•ere he is taking a course in I rehtgiou ducation with Mr. hoity, ' '17.
;cl~ooil. a senior in the Yale Divinity
Elmo Lingrel, Otterbein's Great "All-Stater" W rites
THE BEST BOOKS ARE =~ = THE BEST GIFTS = = = = _ -O tterbein Stationery, Crane ; stat1onery, • popular = Copyr1·ghts, Fancy Books, = Fountain Pens, Kodak = = = = Alqums, Eversharp Pencils, == = = Games, Pillows, Pennants, = = = Rings, Pins, _Ingersoll = = = = Watches, Christmas Greet = = = = ings and other useful = = = Articles suitable = = for Presents =
We print below a let ter from "Fat" = Lingrel, Otterb ein' All- tate halfback on the famou s 19 16 team, wh ich :
hows the pirit of a real Otterbein = a lumnus toward the o ld school and : her welfare. = Walla Walla, Washington, Nov . .29, 1920. : Editor Tan and Ca rdina l : I certainly have enjoyed reading the _ Tan and Cardinal this year. The Alumnals have been intere ting; I : wish there were more; and you ·ccrtainly have supported the . team as they have deserved. _ I used to wear the "Ole football suit" fo r Otterbein and I, wi th all my team mates, expected t h e chool paper to encourage u after a defeat : and to praise us after victory which = i perfectly natural for any athlete. ... I offe r my congratulation to the _ team for the splendid fighting spirit they di played _all sea on against so _ many odds. I can r ead between the lin es in the Tan and Cardinal that th e _ old Otterbein fighting spirit was there and too much credit cannot be given ~ Coach Ditmer for his efforts with the team for I am in a position to realize a coach' lot when everything goes wrong. l am a great admirer of all kinds of II I IIIIII IIII II III II II IIIII I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II 11111111111 ii, po r t and I am firm ly conv in ced that the old Al~a Ma ter will, in th e cour e IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII[ of a few years come to the fore in all lines uch as on th e ba e ba ll fie ld, : Every Body Eats- Why Not Eat at the ' : tenni co urt, track gym floor and la t _ but not lea t on the gridiron. My work is becoming very inter- = e ting and my efforts have not all = __ -been in vain, ince we won the intersc hola tic ba ke1 ball champion hip of the northwe t in 1919-20 and last - Private Dining Room-Banquets, Parties and Feeds at reasonable rates Thur day closed a very ucces ful § football sea on defeating Vancouver : High 42 to 6 which gave u the tate i § • • ' rop , championship in football for 1920. : : My be t for a winning basket ball iillllllllll lll lll rll lll llllllllll lll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltt
University Book
= =
87 - Dr. ndrew Timberman has been named a chairman of the member hi!) committee of the Optimist lub, an international noon lucheon ~lub, a branch of which a organized 111 olumbu last Tue day at a meeting I · held in the hittenden Hotel. The team, am, Yours incerely, 1111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 11!! c(u? ha a it purpo e all kind of Elmo Lingrel. civic tetterment. The club in oluin bu i the fir t one to be establishMISS KAHLER LEADS ~ ed in Ohio, though flourishing chap---= ter are fou11d jn many western and Following' tfi"e clo e of th e impre - § 0 me ea tern cities. • iv evangelistic service , the Chri tian
Peanuts, Candy, D ates and Figs P op· Corn
'91. th
Ed ar L.
einland was one of End avor meeting was conducted to : continue the same line of thought, = five member of the city council und r the topic, "Progre ive Living'',
-~~ty ol;~_bu , hio, who with other . 0 1c1al went .to ugar Grove,· 0 hio, la t Thur day to in pect the C~mpre or lation of the Ohio Fuel t .P_P Y ompany. The purpo e of the np wa to give the city official fir thand kn I • in ow edge _of some of the thod f producing ga . The ol~ubu council ha a reque t for ht her ga rate for the city before it, and member are taki11g every 0 PPortu.nity of informing th m elves about the ituation before they come to a ettlement of the matter.
led by ii Catherine Kahler. In her brief talk, the leader gave ome fundatal for progre ion. OnJy ,ve ~et:in lu-i tlike characteri tic will piritual live progress. our, ·t week Mr Leonard ewell x , . will lead the hti tma meeting.
;; _
iilllllllllllllllllllfflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii 1111 III 1111111111111 UI III III III IIIII I II III III IIIIIII II 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 !!
Mother-"Do you know where little _ boy go \Vho don't put their nnday = ch6ol money in the plate?" Jimmy-"Ye ~a'am, to the movie~.'' =
Support the _"Y's"
= =
Loose Wiles Sunshine Cakes. C. W. REED GROCERY
A complete line always in stock.
55 W. Park St.
11 IIIIIII III 1111111111111111111111111 II IIIIII IIIIII II II III II III II IIIII IIII 11111111111111111111111111111111
Page Four
gardless of neglected tudie . Inci · Thursday z. Ala ! she did, for I , Attention, Alumni! dentally that is the person who wakes · 0 th·mg 1· ~ niore appreciated · by the was umm oned to appear before the up in February to face feveri h days Alumna! edit or than the occa ional Executiv e Board. I tried to ki? Published Weekly in the interest of of regret and reparation and a semes 11 ter of squandered opportunity. But letter th at comes from the "old- self into thinking I wouldn't 01111 ? ' Otterbein by the tim er " b eann · g news items for the but I never did feel so truIY penitent db)' everyone . knows too the: person who OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING accepts the challenge of college; who alumna! co lumn. There should be • and remor efu l as when c9nfronte ll BOARD 1 n't te s holds resolutely to the self-discipline more of them. The con tant cry of that stern jury of girl · 1 wo I Westerville, Ohio th ink b ' :. Member of the Ohio College Press that ultimately bring succe s in every ~he old " grad " i for more alumnals my fo lk because they'd 111 lin e. Association We are glad to horrihly clisgraced and about to re:k a . ~he paper. It is for each of us to determine P~bh h more but you must help pro- pell ed. Oh dear! 1'll never b Won· STAFF what we will do with our college lives. vide the new . nd they hould be rule again, not eve n for Geo;ge. Editor-in-Chief .... J. Ruskin Howe, '21 We can make . or break our futures ent not to ome other taff member der what they'll do to me. As ist_a nt _Editor_ .... J. G. Howard, '22 1by o~r _decision n_o~. And we repeat but t~ the alumna! editor her elf. Friday 3 I'm not allowed to ha_ve Contnbutmg Editorsthat 1t 1s well as 1t ,s. College · d he w,11 appreciate uch help d / k and this also inEsther Harley, '21 1 an _________· an~ ates or a wee , bal cot1l· A. W . Elliott, '23 mu t be a place to develop elf-con 'CAN Y O U I MAGINE- · elude all unnecessary ver 't be Business Manager .... J. W . George, '22 ) trol. The worlq has no use for the munication . Oh! well, that won rob· A -istant Business Managers"hothouse" individual. J . P. Schutz Dale 'Phillippi hard, because it will solve. th e :ttenT. E. Newell 111 a chorus-girl !em of John's mosquito-like rd how? The Power of Truth. Circulation Mgr. .. Marvel Seber t, '21 • ·u regahigh tions-and maybe George w_i Dominating the whole erie <if A istant Circulation Managers Anyone u ii1 g a pony in Dr. Jones' me a a princess shut up 111 a • Harriet Hays, '22 meeting which Dr. Campbell obtain· Lucile Ewry, '23 White ha just clo ed ha been his Bib1e cla ~? tower, intere ting because un Athletic Editor ............ M. N. Funk, '21 emphasized conviction ~ Dr. Sherrick wearing rubber heels? able, you know. Local Editor ........ W. 0. Stauffer, '22 frequently d out Alumna! Editor ..... Alma Guitner, '97 that fundamental truth, intelligently George Heitz wearing a wh1'te Saturday 4• George founI as I·f Exchange Editor ........ P. K. Noel, '22 under tood, has permanent tran _ lar? colabout my punishment, and fee ·cest Cochran Hall Editor, Alice Abbott, '21 111 A he cau ed it so he wrote me the 1 Literary Editor ........ J. W. Seneff, '23 forming power. He believe that t he nyone " mall" enough to b urn out 200.00 motor on the . most con'l'incing argument for the letter H: writes beautifully, erY · tt r ev pipe organ? Addreas all commun ications to The religious life is not in clever logic nor . know, becau e I r ead the le e ttY Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. multiplied appeals but in the earnes·t Jack 011 imbibing too freely of V t ime I get pensive and that is pre 1 0 College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. r £ toe goto prese>1 tat ion of the simple, pra ctical tead-Conditioned hard cider? • often. It is quite a r e ie Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, truths of the gospel. Grove Gray getting "A" • F payable in advance. 111 ren ch? around with girl and not haV Now that the mee ti ng are pa t we bother your elf talking to fellows, Any. ign of life on the part f . have a Entered as second class matter can not do better than to cultivate t~ose 111 charge of our myth· I o Sun day 5. I would hkr. to get· eptember 25, 1917, at the postoffice individually the new truth that ha 111 courts? 1ca ten~ man-any man-even John. 1'01 onlY at Westerville, 0 ., under act of come to us. The upreme mistake. st March 3, 1879. wou Id b e t o a sume th. at t h e duties Gordon Howard 1osing his t emper? ting t ired of this prince s uff. d erb· Acceptance for mailing at special and privileges of this erie of meetfour more days and then I'll hol v Shook · rate of postage provided for in Sec. carrying 18 h al com;nunication. our s• work? 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized ings ended with the campaign, The April 7, 1919. imm ediate benefits of this evangeli _ CALENDAR ti c movement, fine as they may have been do not compare 111 any appreci ..DlARY EDITORIAL OF A COCHRAN Tuesday, December 7thebate jn way with the developing able HALL GIRL College and Self-Control. 7 :30 Freshman-Sophomore d good tha t wi ll re ult in futur e years College Chapel. A ' current writer ay that college if we give by " One of 'Em". incere co n idera tion hould be imply a normal continu and application to the ba ic truth that F riday, December lOthation of one' grade and high school have been brought o forcefully to our 8:15-Lyceum n umber. . Monday 29. Went to education,-that it should not be look attention. Glee Club tarts on five day trtP• cla ba ket-ball th~ Intered upon a a separate world of action John w games with Sir Sunday, December 12th· . e were on op . . 1nto which the timorou Fre hman Back the D ebaters. po 1te sides, and it ju t 'de) ' h Prof. Reed in U . B. Church, ig ted my d . c me , a total stranger. Ott rbein' pirit in athletic thi year heart to yell lu fl f ecrep1t old Monday, D ecember 13th-: )lapel. \Ve doubt it. We doubt if any ex ha been uperb. he has been boo t cowled black! s ' Y or u , while he 8 :45 a. m.-P r of. Reed 1n C el O ut team I • p nding life should be pampered and ing and backing the team every min G eorge didn't Y, take a . won Sir 4:00 p. m.-Prof. Reed in ChaP · nur, cd, or hedged in and di ciplined ute. ow com our chance to show climbed up the I dd girl, but he W ednesday December 15thby out id and artificial influences whether or not we are all-round col him elf in " B ha I er and ensconced 8 :00 p. 1~.- 0ratorical contes\JllicS ac e ors' R " lege student . after it bas reached the college age. the way. Wonder if h , 00 t across Football feed by Home Ecoo ollcge, a we ee it, i and must .be On Tuesday evening 'the Fre hman for another <lat I e 11 ever a k me D epartment. th _place where men and women ophomore debater meet in the col do e if one datee. dmu t be a bitter cure him. learn to tand or fall on their own ac lege chapel to battle for cla laurel T hursday, D ecember 16-s sessiofl . Tuesday J°o . count,-where they are thrown upon If we_ are the right kind of " port ,; 7 :00 p. m.-Ladie • Open ar 1ty "0 " I mtiation •. and I n· their own re our ce , make their own we will acco r d the de.bat r the ame Day, . ever did begillS· thmg as cap d ee uch funny Friday, D ecemb~r 17choice , fa hion their own destinie . upport that everyone ha accorded . ere arou d th 12 :00 m.-Chn tmas recess e campus ollege ha it di tr<lc.tions and it ~ea_m. True, it is a cla debate like airy-fairy 1 h n a man I bet l'de ~p ants. If I were it ' largely a preparatory event temptation . Ther e i a freedom from teSt K ernels of W isdomI got "D" · ave an "0 1' even if re traint that i entirely foreign to for the real Va r ity debate of later in all my I . Frosh GI a11111g from the alter. George h c a ses fo r ever the high cbool life. But even so and on. Come out and boo t. . f blacl' Wed as one. John_ hasn't. paper : mu ch mor o ha life and it we re bet nesday, Dec. 1 0 . " 1:no quito is the cbil<l 0 Dr. Herbert L. Willett. ter fa r that we learn to• choo e wi ely oh Th under I All . . h Bliss! And and white parent ." sters 011 and to will firmly in college than that _ It i a rare. opportu?ity that i be George walked the same breath. " mona t ry i where Ill we face the world as "hothouse" pro mg affo rded Otterbein stud ents . practice with m ome from choir are kept." . tbC duct unfit fo r the battle of life. the coming of Dr. Herbert Willett ~: too short fo e, and the way was all " ann1bal • 1. two b ro ther in • ' r me at le platform 0 Everyone can call to mind examples the. local Lyceum . ast. We were . , n next talkmg nuite Bible who killed each other." small· ... ammatedl He is a man h oi the per on who ha failed to mea - F nday evemng. Y, o we ju t . . w ose walked around a "Expo tulation i to have ure up to the demands of college, who me age is 111 demand whereve r gre t then I got reckl quare or two, and pox." . tbat a ha weakened and yielded to the easier lecturers are appreciated He elf to be es and allowed myth111 g sit . . · use no "W· "The back-bone is ome . per suaded t d 011 cour e. That is the person who a verti mg, no posters H d ,!he's," althou h o step into your hea d sit on one end all d y e nee s . " Jeep over" in tead of attending a none. be fatal to stay g I knew it ·Woul d on the other." . out after 7 ·30 I ab out 8:20 ven o'clock class simply because no Realizing the value of hear· . . mg men w h en we .· · t was Dorm, so I bade one compels 'attendance; who "cuts" like Dr. Willett the comm'tt h arrived a t t h e 1 ee as O'ui Don't Nija Ouija. .1, ful whenever the impulse comes because arranged that no one need mis th· stealthjly crept my he ro far ewell and , truw We don't believe you re up the · no-one seem to be concerned with event for pecuniary reasons. The:: met, face to facea stairs, and Ouija ; .. hi ab ence; who pends whole even hould be a capacity hou e to . t member of the 8 11s en to Street Committ I Besides we haven' t time to rbiJ.. ; d'd ee But ing at rook or in social chatter re- t h e messa e of this great speak 1 11• t realize the • . maybe she er. stealthy steps- s1gn1ficance of those And if we did, we wouldn't .!~' )I So run along for we dO n't n1J • ate .· -Columbus D1sP
P age Five
happen after the explosion. After were there, did th ey boys?" Columbus waiting for some moments in anxiety, said to his friends, and then laughed. a tremendous report occurred. Look After having a hort visit with Mr. ing down we could distinctly see a Columbus and his churn s on Mars, we (T his page will car ry each week a representa tive p r od uction from t he la rge cloud of dus t on the ear th, b ut decided to have Columbus shoot us pro rams of one o f th e f our 1·1t er ary societies, · · · suc h manne r as selected m nothing was to be seen of our back to Earth so that we might tell eac h . may det ermine. . Th e ro tation . . be regular un less censors fai l to will thousands of spectators. Possibly the our friends about the wonderfu lness su bm1t prod uc t·ions m · proper time • . . for pubhcat1on.) explosion carried them off in of it all. Hence, on December 15, A SOLILOQUY. one had stolen the keleton from his thousands of different directions to 1920, at 10 a. m., according to Dr. " Philophronea labora tory he had los t all interest in wa r d thousands of different planets, at Balboa's Inger oil watch, we left Mars for the ear th. After a few ho urs ride .Doctor Jeremiah Zebika has just biology, saying that the ske leton was the time we s tarted for Mars. tompleted h" d f . . we knew that we were with in a few 1 At 10 a. m. I was somewhat excited almo s t as dear to him a an adopted ihe won er ul invent10n, gun that will hurl a huge bullet brother, and how he had gotten into to see from one of the windows t hat thousand miles of the p lanet wliieh from t_h e earth to Mar ," I read with Washington from Virgin ia, where he we had pa sed through the tail of a we had left several weeks before. ~Aue~ mtere t and astoni hment in the had examined the manganese quarries comet. Later on during the morning This time we did not suffer from -the Consequently, we wondered erial Ag e " m · t h e P:h ilophronea " n near Cr imo ra, and how fina ll y he had we saw a number of meteors-a who le neat. what had caused t he heated con dition b ibrary early one evening in Novem- inven ted t he g un th at wo uld shoot a swa r m of t hem. T h e in te ri or of the bullet became in ou r bullet on ou r p r evious trip. er. At once I began to think of the huge bu ll e t to the . p lanets. I was greatnes of Dr. Zebika, and I imagin greatly moved. Continuing, he told quite warm at one time, caused' by Looking over on the tab le I saw a ~d .th at I could see his name written me how he had oftentimes Ii tened to fr iction t hrough some unknown gas, newspaper. ''The Deomcratic States 10 1t r a ics at the top of the n~w list of " o ll in " fly away into space in hi we thought. Dr. Zebika was sitting man," from Mars, with the name C. W ., orld' Greate t Inventor . far-fetched recitations in t he zoo logy a t th e tab le reading the '· ationa l Columb u printed on the top. T he ationa l Repub lican" was nowhere to Mr. Coll ins!", came the ound c la , and how h e ha d Jon g ince Rep ublican," wi th a h uge p lam leaf fan from omew h er e out upon t he decided tha t "Co llin " would m ake a in hi ha nd, fanning fo r a ll h e was be seen. T his seemed to a cco unt campu of Otterbein Co llege worth. Alt hough I said no thing, I fo r the d ifference of t he temperatur e in n Y • . good fe llow to expe riment upon in es, my dea r !", I was abo ut to case uch a n invention a s the one the ince re ly tru s ted t hat we wou ld find our bull et, rat her than the fr iction re~ly but happened to r eal ize t:hat t h e D oc to r h ad now m a de, co uld be per a fair r ep r esen tal ion of D emoc ra ts o n ca used by ome new g a seous sub Mar . I kn ew, if t hat we re to be sta nce a s we fo rm erly s4pposed. . vCo'.ce wa tha t of P r esi d ent W. G. fected. hppin g er. · ho r tly a fter 2 p .m . w e a rrived -. up the ca e, that Dr. Z ebika would like So, af te.r a bo ut on e- third of a o n th e earth. L ooking out of the re turn wi thout d elay, and that I ly Runni ng up the s teps a nd to th e eco nd ha d ela psed, I r eali ze d th a t Dr. windows we saw that we had s tru ck front doo r of th e lib ra r y -b uildfo g I Ze bi ka had s ummone d m e to exp eri wo uld prob ably remain fo r so m e tim e. a th ic ket pa tch.· Taki~g th e v iolin A t 1 p. m. Dr. Z ebika consulting his ~a~ght a glimp e of P resident m ent upon in d emol)strating the und er my arm I cautious ly peeretl hppinge r tanding in the doorway efficie ncy with whi ch th e inve ntion watch said th a t we w ere less than two outside. th thousand miles from M:ars, according ~f e A dm inistration b uildi ng evi- would work in the initial trip to Could it be pos ible ? We had fand en_tly very much excited, if I were Mar . Of course, I could not decline to hi s 1920 tim e table. That spunded ed near the til e mill, just outside the very encouraging, and I hastened to to Ju dge from th e way he z igzagged to go. little town of Westerville, Ohi~. As and flouri hed his red bandana That night, I lay awake for a Jong put on my new necktie, I buttoned I looked about for a path leading to nd up my coat, and put on my new silk ha kerchi ef. Hastily, I ran to the tim e thinkin g about the journey we the town, I was startled by seeing a feet of th e Pres ident, prepared for an we re to make o n th e foll owing day hat, a I wanted to look as attractive human ske leto n leanin g aga in st a expla nation. fo r D r. Z ebi ka w a s goin g wi th m e. I as possib le w hen we ar rive d at o ur tree ne arby. Calling Dr. Z eb ika, I "A de ti.nation. I in i ted th a t D r. • ve ry urgent call awaits you up- could not S"leep, I dared no1 shu my on_ t he telephon e, Mr. Collins," be eye , for this was to be my last night Zebika shave, but he argued that he bowed him the skeleton. He ran for would not have time as we were due ward, shouted a cry of delight, em aid .a '.I n ea red the doorway o f th e on earth for some time to come. braced the keleton (which was the b uild ing. I n th e morning, after having eaten to land on -"Mars at any moment. one that had been taken from his In about five minutes we felt a R emovin g th e receiver from th e om e fri ed g rasshopp ers and a half laboratory at the Hallowe'en mas ho~k, I co uld hear a v oice-a fa miliar dozen crawfish, whi ch Dr. Zebika cie light shock, and all was still. Dr. uqerade four or five weeks befor) and Z ebika said that we had landed, and voice, a lthough unr ecognizable to ofl! clared w ere neither grass-hoppe.r s nor almost kissed it, he was so fill ed with a t tha t t · that our shock absorb ers had worked off. . imc:_-apparently a Jong wa y crawfi h, w e made our way out into a joy. cleare d pace in a thi cket, some little perfectly. Dr. Zebik_a, carrying the skel eton Looking from one of the windows '?e , this i Collin s. Dr. J ere miah di ta nce from the hut, wh e( e I aw in hi a rm , aecompaioed m e into the 2 _ebika? In W a shin gton ? F riday what s eem ed to be a huge cannon . In we aw a group of m en standing not town of W e terville. We w ere almo t night? V er y we ll, D oc to r. Go o d-bye." th e upper end of this cannon-like more than a hundred and fifty feet too fi lled with pure ec tasy to keep to C ~ fter bak in g bands w ith Dr. o bj ct projected a huge bullet, about away, around an obj ect that looked lh e sidewalk of the to w n when . w e hppi nger, and bidding a ha ty far e- a large in diam eter as a ew Yor exactly like Dr. Zebika's cannon from entered. Going into th e office in the which our bullet had bee n ' sho t. :el) to hi tenographer, I we nt to ubway tube, b ut not n early so long, d m ioi tration building of Otterbein Hastening outside the bullet we Y room to pa ck m y trun k. and harp ened at the front end. Dr. Coll eg e w e met Dr. Clippinge r, who tarted a t a run toward the group of f A r r iving ;n \ a hin g ton on F r iday Z eb ika explained that the wall of was o glad to ee Profes or Schear t .ternoon, I ha te ned to earch for t:h is r ei nforced tube-like bullet w ere m en, with the violin in my hand. A t back, that he ran into the various fir t, they eemed frighten ed, thtn mco ln P lace. F indin o- it I inq uire d coo t ru cted o f a mixture of asb esto of ., ' cla rooms wh ere the tud ent w r e a n~w boy a to th e wh er ea bout and goack-a n ewly di co ve red m etal they began to look pleased. One man havi ng th eir r ecitations an d declared ~f Dr. Jeremiah Zeb ika. Grin ni ng about a t:h ou and tim e a nard as tepping ah ead of th e other said a holiday in commemoration of th e /~m o n e_ ear to th e other, the litt le tee l, and a bout even hundred and " My nam e i Chri topher Columbu . have been on the earth. In fact, prodigal profe or who had r eturn ed. e ow pointed out a hut Jn the m iddle fi fty time more e la tic. When Dr. lippinger r e turn ed to of il large gra y plot ayi ng " Dere's Looking into th e bullet throug h the although n ot boa ting, I took a canoe his office and looked at me I ride ove r to orth merica from Where d ' ' t _e guy yo u w an ( tay ." hatchway, I wa amazed! There wa M ee t my realized tha t I had gone into 'the 0 P.Pmg at th e entrance to the a regular prince's palace in ide. The Europe one morning. rou nd · friend , Eric the Red, De Soto and li brary for the purpo e of studying my d Wigwam- hap ed hut, I k nock- .floor wa covered with a large green enior Bible Jes on, and not for the Balboa ." !thoug h almost complete e upon t he door. In an in tant a drugget ? Two window were built !all, lender, dark-b earded man we~r- in th e rear of the bullet. Morris ly overcome with a toni hment, we purpo e of readin g the "Aerial g e" chairs, a reading table, a couch, finally managed to introduce our and to be carried away with the in Jn ,, no e-glas e , fi lled the deorway. ventions of Dr. Zebika. \Vhy, how do you do, Collins ?" be- picture , a violin to be used for de selve . Maurice M . ollio , 23. Continuing, Mr. Columbus aid, ga ~ the gentleman in that familiar fen ive purposes in case we landed
Literary Department
i· '
Voi ce I had Ii t ened - to o ver the among t avages on Mar , a clock, and tele? hon e, "I am o glad to see you many oth er article decorated the again. How i old Otterbein getting interior. along ''W ?" At 9 a. m. on the morning of ovoid ~I) of all thing , if it isn't my ember 27, 1920, M.r. Zebika lighted d. friend, Professor Schear! How the fuse that was to cau e our bullet id you ever happen to get down to start off into space; then we climbhere 1" 1 ed inside and clo ed the hatchway. t tfter listening to the pathetic story We s eated ourselve in chairs at the 0 d by Dr. Zebika, how, after some- w indows to see what was going to
"This i where th e di coverers live; over aero s the river there dwell the hi torian and the mini ter ; just across the hill yonder li ve the far.mers: if you gentlemen are not in too great ha te we hall be glad to show you around over Mar in my b.u llet, which I notice you too are using on Earth now." "They didn't use them when we
"Here lies th e body of Jim Lake, Tread softly all who pass. He thought hi foot was on the brake But it was on the gas." Bad Same-"I want a quarter's worth of carbolic acid." Clerk-"This is a hardware store· but we have-er-a fine line of ropes'. revolvers and razors."
Page Six
Hollin ger F . Collier-Brad rick C. Schi;eck-White Cutl er, Chapman G. 'Ranck-White (L. L.) Cava naugh G. Barn ha rt- Crabbs Class Basketeers Start. Sophs and Freshmen Win. Field Goals-Cramer, 1; Pri es t, 5; Schreck, 2; Schi:tz, 1; Col.lie r, 2; · First I nterclass Games Result In Down T riangles and Juniors in Co lfier·, 2; White, l ; Barnhart, 1. Foul V ictory for Seniors and Sopho Second Series of Inter-Class Goals~ Cut ler, 1; Priest, _3._ mores Over Rivals Games J uniors (11) Pas (15) Fresh men M~rti.n F. Anderson S'prout-Noet F. L effel Morri on G. Murphy Peden G. Patrick Geo rge G. Brown F ield Goals- nder on, 3; Murphy, 4; Martin, 5; George, 1. Foul Goals Anderson, l; Morrison, 1.
Frosh Win Cross-Country Run~ .Class Contests 3 to 2 for Sophs.
XMAS GIFTS for Mother, Sister, . Father, Brother and Sweetheart,
Dad -Hoffman's Re-Sharpening will double the life of -Your Razor Blades. Let LEICHLITER
Do It1
=======~~ WILSON . The Grocer Staple and F ancy o. I So. State St.
A. A. RICH The In uran e Man b tract , Lpans otary P ublic .
WOLFE'S MEATS Are good to eat. Phone your Order-
Toaster at banquef-''tong live. our prof~ssors I" Voice from instructor ' table-"On what?"
Page Seven
INITIATIONS ENTERTAIN VARSITY "0 " HOLDS BANQUET DR. WHITE LEADS cut p lausahle manner that he had tell BIG CAMPAIGN in g effec t. Otterbein has indeed been . (Con ti nued from page one.) (Contin ued from page one.) Continued from page one.) greatly enri ched by Dr. V,hite's brief ~amt, he was a how in him e lf. monie the r emaind er of the evening. al e' personal comment on the affair A few well-chosen word of welcome to 01-1 Thursday, Dr. 'White spoke at stay. was, "Never Again!". J. R. Howe the the new men and alumni pre en t were both sessions concern ing th e choice other s enior. · ' Mr O'Brady (on the 'phone)was dresse<l as a new~Hi rema r ks were g iven by J . Gordon Howard. Follow of a life work. . boy ' cigarette-st ub and all pedd li ng ing this J. R. Howe, '21, one of the pertinent and applicable to any one "Faith an' hello! An' is this the tale copies o f t h e ''T and ,C" among incoming men spoke in behalf of the whether their choice of life work be woman that wanted the lady to wash th today?" e gu llible bystanders. Just how new men. strictly religious o r not. The speake r many he old we do not know but he Dr. Gantz next made • a tirring" mentioned the necessity of doing New California Walnuts, New Smymia urely had the "line." As a colored something one enjoyed-he stated appeal to th e men to take Otterbein' Preacher "Sk' ,, h' mny eneff acted well athletics eriou ly and make it an in that a startling number of indiYiduals Figs, Dromedary Dates, Emperor '. Part. With that hifty amble of dividual responsibi lity to talk up never find their niche and travel, Grapes. Dill, Sweet, Sour Pickles and h1 he .. was scarcely recognizable. Otterbein "back home." through life unsatisfied. other good appetizers. J~hnnie" George represented a Friday Dr. White ce ntered his Prof. C. 0. Altman followed with Pani h chevalier and his most a: brief but highly interestin g revi ew addresses aro und questions that had MOSES & STOCK, Grocers arduou d t u Y was to propose to of the part the alumni will tak e in been asked him and Saturday he con , everal f · · . air damsels in the pre ence of putting Otterbein again on the tinued this theme. th e1r ad · · m1nng escor ts. He fina lly athletic map. Prof. R. F. Martin then Sunday wa th e concluding da y of " New Method Laundry Agency" l . f and ed o ne an d t h e weddmg wa per- spoke stating emphatically th at a the meetings. ormed at high noon on Cochran Hall new day is dawning for Otterbein Sunday morning service at the United ~Ps "Parson" Seneff. P. V. ath letics and though lo ing most of Brethren church was given ove r to r~ut, dressed as an o ld woman our games, we have the unqualified Dr. White. The sermon dealt with Special attention given to ~ar~ied a broom and helped material.' respect of every Ohio coac h and tean:i th e appalli ng need of Christianity th e Dry Cleaning and Pressing / tn keeping the wa lks cleared ol world over and a powe rful appeal and that th e future is b right. ra h and I " k' peop e during the day, 0 . Rhinehart The evening was concluded by a was g iven fo r young men and women A . Wihlborg lllny" Lehman imperso nated a rou ing talk by Coach · Ditm er who, to a nswer the chall en ge of Chris tian Agents mall boy, a lway s ucking his thumt, while cl eve rly declining some of the work. au d . Played his part well. " Perk" Sunday aftern oo n th e fi nal session Phones-Bell 95-R, Citizen 160 Pay complimentary, tributes paid him by ol11er act d h . farmer and the oth er speakers did not hesitate to was held. A fter a few remarks of his looked th e t e old-time Have laundry ready Saturday and will ·. e part, rakm g leaves on the affirm his conviction that Otterbein own Dr. White turned the meeting deliver following Friday. ca~P~s and up plying the boys with is due to "show 'em" something over to the students and the re at swig" 0 f h ard ( ?) cider from time . athletically very soon. Standing, the mainder of the time te timonals weri· fo ttme · Ed ewe II was characteri - as embly joined in singing the given as to the benefit derived from 1 ica ly dre sed as a " nutty" convict "Alma Mater" and went home feeling this evangelistic campaign. nd a played hi role without any effort Sunday evening Dr. White le ft for in pired to greater effort in helping to confining h 1' East College Av-nue to th . vocabulary for the day boost old Ofterbein to the top of the ew York having concluded an "l''II _e tngl e exp re sive word, "I uts !" Ohio Conference. eminently successful series of meet PHONES 1 ie" Frank lin wa the clown and ings. Though employing none of th e Citizen 26 Pent h' · Bell 84-R b ts hme sprinkling th e shrubThey say "Bob" Martin is turning emotional appeals commonly used by abou~ the campu As dude of oot to be quite star. Why, j u t re- col~ege eva nge15sts. ;Dr. White " occa 1011 " Hard-boiled" Mill er cently he tayed out all night. presented his messag e in sucJ;i a clearw~et . the cheese-cloth ink-well". He h · in full dre , wrist watch and all "''-I h' . 11111111111 11 III II II II III I II II II III II II IIII I III II IllIIIIIII II II III IIIII II III II III III I III II III II II III IllII!! at thee te~ duty was to make a speech 31 W . College Ave. dmner hour at Cochran Hall and to W E STERVILLE, O HIO a d e cart the fatly student to _ ~ from cla throughou t the day. _ Bell P hone 190 \ Citizen Phone 110 d ry, dre ed as a butler attended the oar for th d , a d e tu ent as they entered There are beautiful Jars, Jardineres, Vases a nd Candlesticks in the pn left the building. Melkus im- _ famous W eller A rt Pottery. onated a hqe-shioe r and waited 00 th There is Pyrex, the transparent oven ware, a piece of which any . e members of the faculty and V ar tty woman would b e proud. Includes ndividual Custards, Utility B aking "0" b ut we hardly think he . go rich. Dishes, Casserols and Pie Plates with or without stands. · A. noon l1ottr " mg · " on t h e steps of There are Gloves, Ties, Shirts, Sox and Suspenders in Xmas ochran H II d . . boxes. at th a an entertammg call 0
Blendon Hotel
C. W. Stoughton, M~ D.
= Before Making Out the Xmas List, Come In
and See What We Have to Offer for the Holidays.
b . e local High chool and many u tne pl h . th. d ace elped to while away th e ~Y. until the hour of four when th • VtCbm w ere a 11 0\Ved to remo ve e1r trange garb . The reaJ, mi · ·uation · took place at :_ 7. 30 m. in the "gym" and while it _ 1 a are not for publication we are ured by th . . wa e participant that th re no lack of "intere t '.
There are dainty Manicure and Toilet Sets, and Boxes of Station- _ ery of various colors, including Sheet Paper and Correspondence _ Cards, that are good enough for- well, even HE R . Then there is a wide assortment -of Toys and Games for small Brother and Sister. : And just the Box and Card you will need for y our Christm as package.
We invite you to come and see them at
: • Cor. W . College ana State
W esterville, O hio-
W esterville Bakery
= = = =
ii 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,
G. W . Henderson, M. D. Westerville, O hio
By A ppointment
.·· CoRoNA
W. M. Gantz, D . D. S. D ENTIST
It is portable and costs only $50. L. B. H ARMON
71 N. W est St.
15 W est College Ave.
Citizen Phone 167
Page E ig ht
Mr . . R. M iller o f O hio S tate visited L. S. He rt, War ren ogan and Jo h n ioe l t hi we k. Mr. Mi ller's home i at anton. Mo t of the t udents agree that they ought to be sent home af ter the holidays. It is perfectly natural for thing to be marke d dow n then.
THE TAN AND CARDINAL Virginia Snavely L eads Town Girls' "Y" Meeting. " We Town Girls" was the s ubj ec t discussed at the meeting of th e Y. W. C. A. last Tuesday. under th e leadership of Virginia Snavely, who se experience of being a t~wn gir l e nabl ed h er to bring out th e different a s pec t s of th e problem. It' was decided that blame could not be pla_c e d a lone on e ither town or Ha ll girls, but that neit her had gone far enoug h in th ei r effor ts to bring about th e clo se r bond of fe ll owship. The town g irl s, with their fr iends of earlier year s st ill around them could not b e expected to drop a ll to form close fri ends hip s wit h t he newco mers. And the llall gi rl s in their associations with one another, could not find tim e for vis iting: away from th e Halls. However, the gi rl s agre ed that both sides were enjoying a fair inte rmin g lin'g and that no real differenc e existed to prevent co-operation and recipr oca l benefits. DON'T ARGUE
Prof. Mc Joy has often assigned hard tasks to h is clas es, b ut ' he reach e<,I the clim ax th e o ther day w h en ask ed his ast ronomy cla s to "finish the If you come into work some morn "chapt r on the moo n. ing an d t he boss bawls you out for Mr. R. B. eide ll of Toledo ha be ing late and you1· watch says one been entertained here the pas t week minute to and he says four minutes by Mr. Zepp, bf paper fame. Mr. after-no matter how accurate your eid 11 is p lanning to be a mu ic stu-. how many years your run without lo sing a d nt here the s con d seme ter. Prof. Weinland (exp lain in g a re .econ d-and no matter if th e boss's action in chemistry) "In thi s case you watch i an Ingersoll-the boss is right-so don't arg ue! wou ld use dilut wat r." If yo u have.· a dizzy barber c ut tudent are wa tchi ng wi th a great one sicfe burn high er than th e other d l of illlerest a bo u t between one of and you call his attention to it and the student and a busines ma n. T he he says they' re straight- no matter bone of on t nfion is the m arket for how u11even they are, pl ease remem papef of val"iou k inds, a commod ity ber that it's very hard to s how a for which there is a large sale around person who is naturally coc k- eyed, school. We hardly expect a knock what is straight-he 's ri g ht, so don't out, but tbe student at pre ent seems argue. to have a bade. If you're helping your girl pick ou t "Bob' West, Ex '22, has r turned a pretty piece of brown s ilk and yo u to hi hom e from Dayton, where he say, "A h I there's a pre tty pi ece of has been employed for almost a year. dark brown material," and she says, ·• 1o, Harold, that's black,'' please · One f the prol)linent druggists of remember that no matter how brown o u r city is adverti ing a so lution it i , when a woman says a thing's which is guarante d to g ive the eyes b lack it's black! ! So don't argue! a dazz liug parl,le and to make them If you get an "E" in math and you irre isti_ble. Don't crowd girls! think you hou ld get at leas t an " •· Engineer Glaz , who has charge of and you go around and tell the " prof," the adequate heating plant, has about it and a k if he's made some uffered a ternporar;y lay-off · the past mistake and he says, " To there's no w ek be ause of illness. We are glad mistake, your work has not been up ·t report that Mir. Glaze' condition to s tandard," please rem embe r that is improving rapidly and that he " profs" are not used to being con v in c hopes to be on duty in a hort time. ed of anything and no matter how J, Gordon Howard, taking a piece of much of a math shark · you are, h e's cake from the plate at ochran Hall right, so don ' t argue !--Tartan.
...=1111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 _
I§ § :
I:: Arr ow 35c Soft Collar, at :: I§ Biggest selection 1n :: stock. ::
' ::
Try the new WALC UTT, the real low
a nd the n ew Narrow C ombination Colors.
; E: ::
I=~ I§
W a lk O ver and Queen Quality Shoe
I:= _
very m uch lower.
We will save you
Walk Over Shoes ----·-------------- --- $6.85 and Queen Qua lity -···------------ $5.85, $6.85 and _ _
E. J. NORRIS, Weste
I====·=======================~~.ti 111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111-IIIIIIIIIII IIll Ill lll!lllllllllllllllllfl
These s uits values w ith · trou er &-and the extra ers almos t each sui t. There
choose from-in dinner tab le Sunday, p la ed the same little colored boy was s tanding in his mouth and mad· fo before the church where his uncle's weaves to please every 11011-chaiant remark: "Reminds one of funeral had just been he ld. He had communion.' been there before the procession "C-Ornie"-"Prof. all that I know, I arrived and he was there after it h ad Suits at $50, $55 t o $85. left. The colored parson, upon ask owe to you." and Fashion P ark Fine ing him why he remained o long by Prof.-"Oh, it's a mere trifl ; don't the door received the sober assertion Hart, S chaffner and Marx · m n tion it." "We ll sah, I's the crepe." • • Mr ·. Stofer-"Did you get through I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111111111111111111111 Freshman (running into barber thi s mester alright, Martha?" Martha-"0. yes mother, with ea e hop)-'!How long will I have to wait for a have ?" (E's), with ease ('E's).'; Barb r (loolcing him over)-" bout Support -the '.'Y's". two year ."
Patronize T. ti O. Advertise