1921 02 07 The Tan and Cardinal

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~ : : : : : == = = = = = = = ~ P~ U~B~L;,!I,;S~H~l;;D~I~N~T~H~E~I~~TE~R~E~S~T~O~F ~ O ~T ~~ T E~R~B=E=l= 1=.C=O="L=L=E=G=E========;====~~~= VOL. 4. WESTERVILLE, OHIO, FEBRUARY 7, "1921. No. 18.

~;;:;;=-========~~~~;;;;~~;;::::=;===========~~========= EDUCATION DA y WEL~ OBSERVED




Difficulty Experienced in Selection of Students of Chaucer Organize New Dates-T~iangle With Wittenberg Body Under Name of " CanterRussell Declamation Contest, Otte,­ gn or Interest in a nd Northern Assured bury Pilgirms." li ighcr Ed ' bein's Annual Speaking Classic, ucation Culminates in · " On February. th e firste daye Work 011 ar ity debate 1- proS To Take Place Soon crvices of Sunday gressing . in fi ne style and . t h e ques- When it is night you wcnde yo ur waye tion of tbe national exec ut1v~ budget CHURCHES COOPERATE DR. RUSSELL IS FOUNDER is' developing into a highly mtere t­ With all Chaucerian s o n a pilgrimage To Lois eller·s with fulf devout S l.oca1 St d u ent Service and Special ing problem . ophomores and Freshmen only are corage.·• P rofes or C. A. Fritz ha the d Speakers at Various Points Eligible-No limitation on SeleAdd to Interest. tions to be Used Educatio I D i Otterbein' annua l Declamation Otterb . na ay was ob erved at I inaf ein and throughout the denom Con test will be held sometime during 1on on _ I che econd week of Ma rch. The Pecial . unday, l cb ruary 6. eve • ervice , both morning and prize foundation for this contest has n111g b d been e tabli hed by Dr. Howard Con id ' . a a their purpo e the llloder~ratio_n of education' part in Russell and the awal'd consi t of Dr I:! ocia I and religiou life. prizes of '15, 10 and $5 re pectively for the first, econd and third winer 111 ~ 0 ~;tn er dev~ ted hi m?rning 1 ner in declamation. tian C ' 1 Th lcnportance of hri - / u lure • t . . The competition in declarnatiou i role of 1110 ' o a d1 cu s1011 of Th dern education. limited to member of the Fre hman e evenino• . and Sopohomore classes since the e Under the a "'. erv1ce was entirely the c 11 u Pice of the tudents of / c!ass~s are not eligibl!' for participa­ o e<>e M·1 ; t1on 111 the Oratorical Con test. Pre id t"' · Bertha Hancock, "1. here 1s· no resfnction placed on • i . ~; ~f the Y. W. . . Qr ided the choice . £ · election for declamation. ing ai 1•.1 rieJ Murry fir t _poke maknter · ' 0 lteri)• in Per ons wi h iog to conf r with Pro­ e tu~g mpa,i on betw en fr sor Fritz on the matter of selection lloyd B and other college . Mr. may see him at any time. All who ex­ With O · Harm.on followed dealing Dr. Sarah M. Sherrick pect to !.'nter this conte t will report )\•hil Ltterbein's pa t achievement· Dr. . arah M. herrick, Profe sor to Profe sor Fritz or J. R. Howe at Yman II ( • ert clo ed the of Engli h Literature, ha added an early date. Ontinued 011 page three.) anotffcr attraction to the work of Prof. C. A. Fritz. NE;;;-----:.-­ ber department by the organization of ART STUDENTS ENTERTAIN Profe or Fritz ha ah ay taken CLUB ORGANIZED a Chaucer club for the promotion of .d· . th ' •or"k of hi d bater . He Orga 0tzatj . pn e 111 . intere t in Engli h literature. Delightful Party in Honor of Director Gy,.,.,_ _on of Those Interested in plan to u e thre team th1 year. .... ,as1urn D • . of Art Held at Home of Eleven "Chaucerians" including the irectmg Effectedbater hard at work OJI the mor preEl · · Marie Pruden. gu t · of honor. Doctor Sherrick, l hott 1s President exlimin ary features of the work . . and ti gathered at ··Tab~rd I nn"la t Tuesday Mary hamber la in and Marie Pruie of apt Thur day ev ning at th e · call peel soon to g ive a te en tion to ) (Continued on page seven) hy ical n· den entertained for Mis Koontz 1 (Co ntinued on page even. " en1ber irector ·:-.rai;-tin t he 0 th Director of Art, on Tuesday vening: · lllet and ~ e Boy ' Leaders cla s SPLENDID RECITAL GIVEN Jan. 25, pr viou to her leaving for NEW DIRECTOR SECURED A. \V. Ellioorm ed an organization. --F_ulton, Mi ouri. The party wa and R lt wa e lected pre. id nt D hine Dunn Assumes Duties Musical Prcgram of Unusual Variety g iven at the home of Mi Pruden the \V. N ayniond •\xline ecretary. Mrs. e1P and Interest Enjoyed by gi rl of the rt Departm ut bein.~ the J. \V'.. LRo_ bert . ..\ler"o11' a1td New Director of Departg uest . eich l ,· " tearn as Fine Audience e iter were a ppo1·11ted a ment of Art ,_ h 1 f . t d "t The big featur of t he v nin.g was a la.10co"'1111·t1 '" Tn c oo o mu 1c presen e 1 s T hi idea , a, 11 and to draw UJ:! a con titu ·d·nu to th po.ition of Dire·- regular moJ1tbly r cital in the audi- "mock" wedd ing. l'h se lect an in ignia ucc e I '.' f Mi s Koontz. carried o ut in the r fre hment w hi h i Purpo•e f · t r of .\rt 111 place the tor iu m ot Lamb rt Ha ll la t \Vedne ap litan ic r and t1a 1_to create a 11o . th organization who e r e ignation !<•Ok eff~~: ;~ ba The program wa a con i t d f wedding cake. · P 11. un1 Work f int re t in gymof tile semester, th Yari d 011.e and wa rendered in a Before the party ended tb e girl p r _ ,._~ . rom th e •in tructor's celo ur d th e en ices of ~Ir-- D lphin aiwer hi •hly t reditahl to the u1r 11 of view and . 111 ented Mi Koontz with a large box lereetor Marf111 . t as. i t I 'hy ·1ca l D 1111 I of l<u h ·ille. Ind. ch o l of rnu~1 an t tr.o e who P rof choco late a a token of th ic. re­ b lcs. M: m intra-m ura l ath- I ~ · h d very wid trai11- formed. gard and o d wi he . e Ubiectember hip in th e club will Mr ·. Dunn lta . a 1·11 thi fo1e of to a v 0 t f • I !) rei)arat1on • The re itaf op ned with a splendid e o the memh r. . 111 g a nc oil· · Juru·ors T O ff E · . t I rad -···- · o pr"ano quartet by Virgm1a Wolfe, er ntertamment 0 icI 1>,.. . --work. ·11 s t u d1ed a "-\letting A f t af the irginia Tayl r," Hazel Debnhoff and In Interest of College Annual 8 So nnounced e e o • r . 11 ue of . I I R . Tl J . I . Af uch y cietY-Coming Saturday. Tn titute, at th~ Art do I1/' tra Byron \.'\ ' ii Qll. iano o, ,y UL 1 u111or ca I de irou of givibJ &Ood h' b" ninir ity, an Brohard. g ne .Bu h •rt, He len m the tud nt body tb e be t po ic e e11ergy h w it Paper, and ,·alu- ~un ia d"1 d t 11 iv ly in Europe. chott Daniel Harri and John ble ibyl for the ub cription a,· been _pent in di ·tu . e of Art at Depau ' JI · d Th al wh"ch · 275 D bu_111 io11 a 1 1 to th d Direc tor d" Mayne were we rec iv · e voe e , · • ue to the increa 1 · activitie a equacy . . , 11 a tie. for printing and enuravui tu<J sllt oe I~ . Do .of you ttcrth U ni ver ity. I ee and Inat iana, the numb r were of a high quality and in rates I "' oc· 01 tt O . £ umber of year . wer ret;idered by B ulah Benedict, over a t year thi amount will bare-, a taJ life~ er tu, want a wider or a n rolina ollege for Women Eh I Wrigh t, . io la .Prie, t and ly cover the cot of putting out a ry 12 · aturday night F bru- )JQrth h o liua up Ull· 1 e You Will b g tven · • h at Greensboro. ~ ort ar ) (Continued on pa c ven.) < ontir.ued on page eight) ( Coor a c a.ne e to . d page three. 111 Ued on page eight.) (Con tinue 011 Campai


. Greater ·










Star Rapid IThe • Shoe Repa1r1 . ng

Pep Meeting of the " Different" Varie- Makes Week .end Trip to Logan and \\_Dr. Frank Po~tenge; '92, Presents \ ty Puts Rooters in Trim Lancaster- Fine Hosp:tality and' College w ith $10,000 Cont ribution for Cap,:tal Game.

Audiences Reported



to Endowment Fund .




.\5 the occas ion of a fina l injection V ery gra t 1fy111g success IS att·e.ndmg Otterb ein can claim few more genof pep into th e basket ball tea~ .. for the concer t seas on of th e Men, Glee erous or more consistent friends than ill tht· J.,ame with Capital on I·nday lluh. Last Friday it presented · it Dr. Frank Pottenger of th e class of 27 w . M a·n St., Westerville, Ohio, ''\. · h · · f hil you wai iight . manager \\' alter Schutz called regular progra:n to t e ci t izens o 1892. He has been a con tant su _ repa:r your shoes w e . u. l 0 h. . 1 . I. h 1 1 P · ·11 vince yo the studen t s together Thursday night Loga_n. 10, 111 t 1e:r 11g sc 100 porter o f the college. and in add ition \ G ·ve us a tr;al, 1t w 1 con . 5 me price a · · f h · I f 1 at eigh t o'cloc k in th e co ll ege c h ape l aud1torJl1m o t at city )e o r e a \ to num er ous small er gifts in recent Men's sewed half -so e sa for an o ld tim e rall y. capacity audience who evidenc~d \ y'.:ars, h as lately made two pledges of \ nailed. Ladles' 25c extra. Opening the program a quintet the'.r p leasure. by. exactmg the clubs :,OQQ each , cove rin g which th e office Shoe Shine Parlor for ladies and gents, of m a ndolin strumming girl s render- en tir e repertoire 111 demands for re- has ju t r ecei ved hi_s check for 10,000. ed a few musical numbers which ca ll - peated', enco r es . On Sat urday the Dr. Pottenger is one of the fore­ ed forth th e hearti est applause 3.nd an c'.ub journeyed to Lancaster, wher e in most medica l m en of th e Pacific Coa st , . . in sistent demand for encores. th e City H all , the same program wa . and as founde r a nd head of th e Pot.. Hardboi lcd" Mill er and "H?me- , offered t o an audi_ence even lar ger and l tenger Sanitor ium. a ho pita l and brew·• Hei t z th en came on 111 a : fully 3.S appreciative. . hea lth re ort devoted to the elimina­ comic skit. repre enting t wo colored The club with practice and ex- tion of tuberculo i . he has made a gentlemen, who ~nt.ertained the p~rien:e, a n d under the e fficie~t very great cont ribution to humanity in audience in characteristic negro style. d1r ec t1on of Professor Spes ard 1s the fight aga in t th e "Great Whit Following tl\i , Mild.red ~ eit ch a c~.uirin g a sm?o t hness and unity Plague". Otterbein i grateful t~ Y -·· ··· made a pleasing speech 111 which h e which never fail to attract co m- and proud of this generous fri end. recited an original poem written in p li menta ry notice, and place it high in fr ee verse. the ranks of r eal worth-while musiMake it the Best by .. Bones" Sanders, a local b usiness \ cal o r ga nization s. The members of man and a member of the basket- the club give glowing accounts of the M aking Selections of Fruits, Nuts and ball t eam of 1916, added to the exce ll ent treatment and unfailing hosocca ion by a few r emarks, recalling pitality accord ed th em by Otterbein Luncheon Supplies of the days of i,ld and the memorable friends in. the two cities.




This week 2Sc lb, Peanut Cand lb Nuttines ........ 4oc · at DR. KEEFE~

victories of the past. The last speaker on the program wa Coach Ditm er . He spoke briefly b ut in true " Ditmer" style, traight from the s hould er. This p eec h increased even more th e admiration and respect in which the ach is held by every loyal Otterbein tudent. Mr. Ditmer is fighti ng a hard battle against heavy odds to produce a winning t eam from this ea on' mat erial but he carries i punch with him that inspires confidence in all who know him.

State Committee of Y. M. C. A. Meets-Nichols Is Secretary At the Chittenden Hotel, Columbus, last Friday occurred th e annual meet­ ing of the State Y. M. C. A. Reviewing Committee represe nting the tudent and city As ociation of Ohio. The ch ief work of the com'miHee w the r ev iewing and revi sion o f reports of the Central Committee. \ Secretary Rhodes was in charge of the me eting and super vi ed t he review I (Co ntinued on page three.) \

"Y. M." HEARS VAN KIRK Designe r of W orld Flag Addresses Men on Subject of His Work for World Unity The Otterbein Y . M . C. A. wa for tt!nate in having as its sp eak er

i~:: d:r


MOSES & STOCK, Grocers




assortment of GinghatI1 • zgc 32 inch for .......................................- 3SC 32 inch for ------··· SoC 32 inch for .. ........................................ 9()C 32 inch for .......................... ...... g~~erY· 20% Discount on all our

WILSON The Grocer ~

tap le and Fancy

T HE OLD RELIABLE SCOFIELD STORE ·n Streets Corner of State and Mai ~


o. 1 o. State St.

C. W. Stoughton, 1\1. V,

Kbl N ;- i er ow·· Offers You·~Cl h• V I u l ot •~g a ues nheard :_ =w= ~ =1\1,~ f . Y: · ars o ID ·.. e

11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 : 111111111111111111!!


31 W. College Ave.



Bell Phone 190

;:~i':1i;~o!,~~· 6hi:· ~:; an Kir k i a man of international T pute. having traveled around th e g lob t •, ice and h e i now tarting _ ont 011 hi third trip. He i th e § ~ riginator of the fla.g which ha been § -brought about by drastic reduction on all o u 1 • ur reg ar stocks and by accepted at international conferences : spec1al purchases at half former whol . esa1e prices. a a fi tting emblem for the new wor ld b rotherhood. Mr. Van Kirk is -Our Ent'.re Stock Our Entire Stock waiting until merica shall ally herHigh Grade Wool F ine Hand Tailored If wi th th League b fore he ub - _ mit th flag for full approval. E.xcerp t fro.m hi p e h follow : ''id a govern th world or throw it : into conh1 ion . Man' thought are man' ideas whiJe Goa' thought~ are man· ideals. . ne bring coniu ion - UOWth oth r p rmanent progre . Thi : i, the gathering up tim in th § 22 30 $40 gr of the wo rld. Thi i th tim th at tbe po ti e Paul aw many y ar ago. It i the day of liberty, freedom, and right of th e individual. _ ' ;

G = .





= =

o·~:w1::\~::~~~i::va: ~;e:h::\nu~


relat io n hall be to thi world order. e are favored by our _position on




to at 7 West B road St. Store


. s.

DENTIST 15 West College


Bell Phone !,

Ave. 161 "OJIC

. • en P•• CitlZ




W. M. Gantz, p. D·


d son

en er



- now$40 and $25 at West Spring St. Store


By Appointtnent





Westerville, Ohio


(Continued on page three.)


.We liiave just received a

East College Av -nue

Citizen 26


sells4-lt pitcbfof'l',,s,__..

: "Talk about raining t cars llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltnllllllllllr I l've seen guys hailing stree


Page Th_ree


EDUCATION DAY WELL OBSERVED (Co ntinued from page one.) vice by a di sco urse on O tt e rbe in' s fu tur e. T he L adi es' Glee Clu b fur ­ ·u is hed special music fo r t he occasion . This special recogn1t10n gi ve n Education in th e loca l church was a part of an organized move ment. throu g hout the United Brethren de­ nominatio n to enlist enthusiasm for higher education. Churches t hrough­ out the co untry devo t ed t heir atten­ tio n to t his important prob lem. Special speakers goi ng out in the interest of the work were : Po rts­ mout h, D r. Sander s ; D ayton a nd Brooksvill e, P ro f. W est ; T oledo, va rio us ch ur ches, Pres. Clippinger ; Rosewood, P rof. Fritz ; Monessen a nd McKeesport, P a. Mr. Vernon



Phillip s : Columbus, Avo nda le, P rof. IRosse lot ; Ga lloway, J. R. H owe; Bo wling Gree n .a nd W illard, D r. J o nes ; As hv ille, P ro f. W ei nl and; Co nt inenta l, P rof. Schea r ; Rock ­ bridge an d Enterp rise, Prof. S na Hly:

"Y. M." HEARS VAN KIRK ( Con ti nued from page two. ) th e ea r th; we enjoy th e hig h est hope of civili zat ion, th e g reatest fr eedo m, the bes t sys tem of edu catio n of an y natio n on th e earth. "A mer ica has been g ive n a g reat place in the scheme of · t he wo rl d' s destiny. She m us t get a vis ion of her respo n sibility. Li ber ty and F rate r­ nity are twins. Jus t so th e Goddess of L iberty was no t made to li ve alon e but needs th e- co mplem en t idea and compa ni o n, th e God of vVo rld F ra ter­ nity."

reun ion was held in Canto11Otterbein Ch" D ' ma, o n the evening of Drece mb er 26 , 1920, a t t he ho me of · alld , M rs. A. D . Cook ( W ilda Dick) 12· actd· ,./ Those .oresen t in Cl' lnon to th e h os t an d ..hos t ess w e re inton E B . , Czatt B · . urns, 15, a nd w ife, V es ta Ctu urns, ex '14, F loyd A . Mcsl·ewre,( Kex h '16_, Mi's. J o hn William Ii . at erme Wai ) '18 and· Mi ss arriet Ray d ,' ' forni mon , 19. A ll th ese R.a er Otterbei n people exce pt Miss 111 wo~k ~ nd ar e engaged in mission 111 a t ligh t£ ul even· non. _They . s pent •a dedent da.ys '.ng r ecallmg happy s tuUn ited . m Westervill e and all Otterbe'.'~. ending their love back to

M W hi stler of Day to n spen t the weei\n W esterv ille, with her da-ug h· ters Marjori e and H arriet. , · M V L Phillips Otterb ein' s new r. . • ' 1 field r epresen_tati ve, led the chape servic e on Wedn eSday. · "A l" E lliot went to hisH h ome m t '=111_1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 __111111 Gallo.;.,ay, last Sunday. e repor s that one of Mo th er's " yall e r _l egged hens" suffered as a r esult of his trip. -

'12. Carl.~ R f F' O h" Who h · oop o mdlay, 10 as for a b cngag d . num er of years b een llnite; B 111 . evangelistic work in th e lervill re th ren Church wa s in WesWas sh_ort time last Mo nday. He Cotu b e nd1 ng a church m eeting in 111 Of u on Monday and Tuesday. tth e eight d 1 '1st Oh · e egates elected by • . Generat toC Co n,erence to attend the

Bea~tiful, Baffling Baffaire? . f Mi s Florence Clippinger,_~1ste r o t ng in th e P r e 7ident, !~as be;n : :~~ and W este rville durin g t e 0f attend ed chap el i n th e compan y Mrs. Clippinger on F riday. Dr . '0l . Brewbak er visited his daugl.1ter Ma ry Eliza beth o u Monday ; T d an an ,·11c1'de11taJly he visited th e

India _onierence t o be held in · May, fou r are Otterbein napolt grad s, 111 h uat T "l. Carn , · l~ y are Dr. ter fr:r 911 , ~•u;o, _of Dayton, Ohio ; Sage r erenc enntendent of t he Co nh, e, Ma fi I •varner ns e d, Ohio; Ira D . ren cb ' Pa st0 r of the United Bre th r Urch C t ellresent ~h an on, Ohio, w ho w ill terial d e confe rence as m inis1 '"" .,u, e01·te egates , an d John S. W ilhelm, Ion, Oh·or of til e " R epo itory" Ca n10 who · ' 1 a la y delegate. '87. M '

Cardinal office. M " R ts" Moo re a form er·7 s t u,,:· a _. '- · ~' ' ~ h me o'f' den t spe u t tfie-weeK-end W1t SO his chums of fo011 er days. . r ts tate that . L a tes t fi nanc1a1 repo . th . to a large in crease 111 e o wmg f · J P f d in cha rge of Pro es sor . . Wunest, busin ess at W illie's ha s uffer-

Atark1e;)· Charle R. F rankham (Ada th e tea . was 111 the i:eceiving tine at Colurnb given at the Deshler Hotel in the 'W us last Tuesday afternoon by 0tnan's R ho bl' llor of M: epu 1can Club in the Rover rs. Barry L. Davis, wife of , nor of O h " 07, '01 to. llla11, ~hM:r. a nd Mrs. E. C. Worcountry ; are returning to th.is

o n Sund ay. ~eautiful, Baffling Baffaire? . Roberts, president of th e MMr. WC. A who has been confi ned Y. · · ·, . b a t week beto his room during t e_P . ·n f illness is rapid ly m1prov1 g. cause o , G'lbert Rorna Beutler ,p1d Robert ' ' . th e new Maud e S cbetzel, a re amongster st 1 ~i::;, :~1~:~n:1:biM.se:~te~ f students have re urn o rmer le te their wo rk 1iere. comp , eve ral M enk e was seve rely ill for h steward of the Bisho p day bu t e . . . f a r•>tur n ~ · d at1ons o Club reports m ic to nor ma_ lcy. _ _ _ _ _ __


:: ~:e~\1°/~t~u r i~a~:~, jo:~::·n ;:~ b. een de! an ace,.d ent last fall have ii) ayed 111 . ' r:/ ess of ti _ Par.i , du e to th·e th ark, ir., Wh~c1r older son , Eugene e tne r,· had to spend a w eek in , can B a. 1, . l ~ U11s M: 0S[)ital 1·11 Part·


: :



Valentines! : =

· 1 := , A~ : -




1 •:


1 - , f



= -

Order any Book~you need at the = . -



ed a decided de;c_line. Mr. Ge rna ld Kahler of Denison -• d 11 1- si ter Catherin e _ 11iversity vis ite


_ : : : :


= -


: :

:;;g~~§=__== ·IJ0· u · 1··versitvJ ~ :.-~ 00 •

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I IIIIllI 1111111111 IIII II II II IH 11111 lllli111111 II 111111111111111 H1111111111111111111 II 111111 H111111111!! Centty ac ccpted argaret Gaver Ch . ' who ,re°01at G a Pos1ton in th e high DIRECTOR SECUREP 11 llibu 11 · C o 1NEW .,.. Partree fi eld ' Oh ·,o was m. one ) /ck befor of_ last week an.d th e ( Contin ued fro~1 pag1e· I s.he has '011s . e taking during w 11c 1 Oh· in co semester examina- tit the l?as t yea r t her ,0 S urses sh j . and painting a tate U . e -wa purs uing at bee n r e ting '19 n1vers·t · I y. Indiana h__o_m_e_._:;.._ _ _ __ . · ~i in" ~s B a . ao h''1.anila P h~~iett Raymond arrived - -ittee Meets : Dining Room-Banquets, Parties and Feeds at reasonable .rates State C0 11 »•• ) ' 1 ' 1ltp . ~ Priva_t_e : . PIile Islands, on th e page two. · 8,,_ of be ""II ccmbe . ( Continued f roDl t'er to her rn . r . and was going on the working 15 1011 station at San of las! year ' 5 wo rk andearis !11.nanct 0 it::~ r program . 1111· · On I1 1 elected 13 1lPine er way to the o ut of plan s fo r n~t ~ wa \'.~~hren s .h~ visited the ni ted John on o f Cinc1nnat1 h • g and A. • • 1,1111111111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111,111,11111111111,111111111111,111111111111,111'" • £ h gat en n 'Ila.. rn, siou in Japan and Chairman 1111111 o t e S tary j chols of Otterbein, ecre ..

i , rL;;;;;~ ~;;;E . 'j , I-

J. C. ROACH, Prop.





!'age Four

to school. ' dent Cl ip pinger' expressed opinion in Support th e team by all means and h o m t·. •\ t e lunch. \Vent c1 · r Read. THE OTTERBEIN . . Ate 1nne • f this connect ion. that '·good enough is ;>ack them to the limit but unless there Came 110 me. . the kind o the worst enemy of th e he t," and is an obv :011sly unjust decision do not en t to bed. That ; 'des all this, e~ rally in we beli e"e it would be a mistake to stoop to the " s mall town" tactics of diary l u eel to keep. 11 Published Weekly_ in the interest of be satisfied with a small improvement ;1abitually ·'ragging" th e referee. w e h ad a pepful basket. a CoinpanY Otterbein by the · · · d H eitz which th e Mi ll er an . and aft er . . ju st now when the ambi tion c f OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING om.eth111g to he proud of 1s th e \ starr ed in a colored dialogue, ked if every student and alumnu of th e col­ nd a~ did. BOARD . lege seems on the point of realization. manner in which the st ud ents sup- I which Geo rg e stepped up a \Vesterville, Ohio e Plans are to h e laid soon for Otter­ ported our t eam at apital last week. \ he cou ld s te p hoilse with me. Member of the Ohio College Press The old-time Otterbein pirit call ed\ E. body wants to kn~W . hein ·s Diamond Jubilee and for the Association Fnday 4. · very . B !faire , d when this a big program of expansion that i to fort h many admiring comments fro:n \ 1, ere ahn friend and foe alike. what · · w •s uo ing to be ad accf.\mpany that eve nt and urely one STAFF d "Lor 15. 1 kn o w t ere 1 0 of th e fi rst matter to receive atten­ . - ra calle . • Ch'1~ f .... J • Ruskin Howe, littl e grandiose ope h the Editor-ind '21 '22 ,, w ere tion will be this greatest of Otter­ As istant Editor .... J . G. Howar ' h U ll en·s Daug ter , ' th the DIARY O F A COCHRAN Contributing EditorsH I '21 bein's present need , a cot'nplet e · · bsc011ds wi Esther ar ey, whi skered vi\han a k t skiff, HALL GIRL · · lothes bas e A . W . Elliott, '2~ modern gymnas ium . Tho e in charge rom e 111 a c lest we fluffy h e Business Manager •··· J. W. G eorgc, '22 have cons ta ntly hown a disposition By " One of 'cm." The date is February 19•to lead out a rapidly as ci rcl)m­ Assistant Business ManagersS-h '23 J. P. c utz, forg et . Ji ey T. E. Newell, '23 stan ces would permit. and we feel d whY 1 Saturday 5. l won er when confide nt that th e biggest b low to the Circulation Mgr. ;· Marvel Sebert, ' 21 M onday 31. lo exams. It' great to mak~ this weather so darnh~' e Jt long- ought goal wou ld be the adopAs i tant Circulation Man'.'-gers, 111 Harriet Hays, 22 tion of an enlargement program at sl eep right through breakfast bell growin g things nee d suns . · · cor· L'..lcile Ewry, '23 and the u ua\ Monday morning eems that every day I grow t~~ eat· this time. Let us not co mpromise the . Ed'1tor ............ M · N · Funk ' '21 I'll have to s Athletic '?3 future for an insufficien t present re­ activities and then after a while have pulency. G•iess , Local Editor ............ H. W · T: 00 P, ,George take you to Willy's for a ing meat and potatoes. 7 li ef. Alumna\ Editor ..... Alma Gmtnel, '~2 (Co ntinued on page six.) lei urely ten o'clock b r eakfa st. Mr. Exchange Editor ........ P. K. Noe' , Cochran Ha)l Editor, Alice Abbow, The Point System. Willy is a good cook. I often ponder - - - - ----::,. · .w ould be here if Literary Editor ........ J . W. Sene ' A problem that confronts every col- o11 h ow P Iea ant it Miss Graff Leads uy· ~ d the f · · · ·h w e didn't hav e to study. olderIs an "As one becomes 'd change," Address all communicat~ons to The Jege is that o d1stnbut111g wit some 1 Tuesday l. Was examined in Logic. mind broadens, ones ea f y, WOtterbein Tan and C'.'-rdmal,. 103 W. degree of fairness the positions of 0 College Ave., Westerville, Ohio. leader hip and responsibility about Dr. Sanders alone can know what fine Miss Margaret Graff, lead~r her dis· Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, th e school. There are always a few syllogi ms and major premises I can C. A. last week stated 111 , if paid before November 15; othermen an d women w h o are Ioa d e d make. John and I took a sp rin g troll cu ion on "Freshman Ideals.ct,ool 1•5 wi e $1.75. 5 down with more than they can out to Taylor's Woods. If one shuts A Freshman coming to t but is efficiently accomplish while · other one' s eyes one can imagine that it's not concerned with the presenre des· Entered as second class matter September 25, 1917, at the postofficf with almost equal ability and much spring for ure-violets and all. lookin g ahead into the ne-" at Westerville, 0 ., under act o mor e spare time are uffered to play W troying old ideals and sde rds to be ednesday 2. Brand new semester. d t n a t March 3, 1879. . ro 1es. N I D and higher uoals an s a rs Le Acceptance for mailing at _special minor Concentration of office among a ew c asse~. r . Sherrick says we attained in ~he next few yea i ~ high rate of postage provided for m ?ec. th e b, igge st hake peare class 'd I bove us 01 re 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized few leader is an evil for two reasons. have ever and Im 0 f 'd I'll us keep our I ea s a ll ge coU April 7, 1919. It makes it impos ible for the selecta rai never get p lane and during our cdo \eok·, ng uP· . f ice e1' th er l: o fh eir · 1called o e d f ew t o d o JUS 'vV'J I ' on to tell what I know about never cease triving an 'd d . h k i ,am. -EDITORIAL many outs1 e ut1 es or to t e wor ward. ·canir.a· f the Future ? for which t~ey origina_lly came to colThursday 3. \Voke up. Got up. Ate Nex t week's topic is " n,erl O W hat . . !ege and this re ult 111 a poor foun- breakfast. Went to school Cam6 ! t' k" · ~ · · os1t1on to . . · ~ 1011 wor . ~ 0 ;11 one who . 1s 1n a P . , \ dation for later profess1onal ca reers. 1============================::::==----•••I~ en e the entiments of Otterbern s Again, it denies to a large number \ n 111111111111 :::: 1 tudent body can _fail to note th e of men va luable experience in hu man . ~llllllllllllltll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll growing dissatisfaction that naturally ' relationship and the opportunity to \: '! S









F·InaI Reduct1·on SaIe H rt s~ I= S ,1 ~-chaffner & Marx Clothes ~S

ari e from the limited accomm?d~- develop their latent abilities. I~ tion of our gymnasium. Especial y The most pratical solution . of the ~= ince th e opening of the basket-ball problem eems to be the "Point




;:c~n ~:e:e f~~ti . ~:: ~~:::·· a~d;~~~~onb: in ;:~ dent not enrolled in gymnasmm dent act1v 1ties . ar.e as 1gned ratmgs : th work prote t, and With iu st ice, at in "points" and the offices effectively S th e : 7.50 athletic fee which th ey are distribttt ed by limitin g the number required to pay doesn't repre ent of point to be held by any indi vidual ~ Yalue received when only a small at one time. ' - . t part of the tudent body .are able to The situation can not perhaps be ee the game and even · th0 Se at called a crying evil in our ca e. - . C ~ extra expen e of re erving eat· E ve rything gets - don!! and u ually ,c: It i a ituation that is not new done well. everthele there are t but one that has grown more acute tudents ,vho mu t neglect one .duty ~ with the greatly in crea ed enrollm ent to attend to other and - there ~re $ , $85, $l(i() ~ $45, $50, $55 $60• $65 , $7 5 ,S 75 -of thi year. Frankly, it is a matter others who could much better afford oqer· that come very close home to each to share the honors and responsibili Suits a nd OverSuits and OverSuits a nd ~ ~ 110 on of u . However . we believe th at ties of student leadership. We see in _ coats are now coats are now coats are tho e who are acquaint d wi th lhe the " Point y tern" the mo t practiprogram which we are a ured is cal olution of th problem. It merits the mind of the admini ration , will a trial at Otterbein. agree that thi is a time to counsel _________ :::: ::: We believe it i not out e,f place to ::= patience. Tho e who would like to see an call attention to a feature of college imm diate enlargement of our pre- spo rt man hip. that i om~times lot ent gymn~ i4m forget that uch a igbt of in the heat of an inter-collegicour e would almost certainly sacri­ ate conte t. We refer to the temptafice the great goal to which we hjive tion to "rag'' the official on eve ry adall been Jookit'lg for years and r which verse deci ion . Thi is a practice that ::= eems now to be the next big step in reffect on the sportsmanship o f the = · Iii~~"' Otterbein's expanding program, the schn_ol aed ii penisted in will lnw" ; building of a fine, modern gymnasium. We agree most heartily with Presim:~~~a~:1~dth~~ ~~~rb:!~P~~t. ¥.11111111111111111111111111111111111• §1.llllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllll~lll

= i= 'A'n unusual opportunity to buy = l

; h best e rnake S


othes made at less than it costs to em:--






$40 .


S i S

S i S


please i

ere are styles, fabrics and weaves to . d ::: bUll • S every taste- and sizes to fit men of everY . § §


1111 ='' Jj

i I

Page Five


Literary Department (This page will car ry each week a representa tive produc tion from th e Programs of one of the four li t erary societies, selected in such mann~r as eacb may determin e. The rotation will be r egular unless censors fat! to ubmit productions in proper time for publication.) Merry Christmas, Mr. Bolshe vik!

"O h, Uncle," she beamed, "I just love to go Christmas shopping. * * * * Tt's just like living in H eaven a w:1ile and oh , goody, I'm so glad I'm aliv e." " That rem ind s me. Volcano, that the Christmas spirit worked on m e a bit this afternoon ." said Uncle Hovrard as he emerged from a mos t ene rgetic bear hug. "You remember I told you about me eting Jerry Mitchell a few weeks ago?"


I d~n't remember it," said

Ja 11 e, .. g uess you be tter tell me again·• and she settled herself co mfortably on the arm of his chair. "We ll ," began Uncle Howard, " J erry is th e son of my old co llege chum and has opened a law office in th e city. You may call it the Christ­ mas spirit or whatever you wish but I got to pitying th e poor chap her e alone in a strange place and so far (Co ntinued on page six.)

l are of her bach elor brothe r the longegged a k . and ' w ward, eig ht year o ld Jane ever since that time the long1 p:gtge~ one had been his pampered . *** A ard h nd today u ncle Howcr·i· . ad actually had the nerve to i ic1ze h b h . th · er e a v1or at th e dance · b efore and to say that ,f · th e even mg h. ere. wa o he det net mg more th a n another ini'u . eS t ed it was a flirt. Oh, the Stice 0 f h "It• ~ ~t cruel thrust! th the limit, that' s all" snapped e offend d ' "I'll . e lady under h er breath. give 1 I'm nc e to understand that not t b child I O e treat ed as a naughty looke.d aw;ho have never so much as t Proper.] . a man that ha sn't been co Y introduced and highly rernmended board O f and approve d hy the it e cen ors! 1' 11 show him how em t 0 ]'1] b . own a flirtatious niece and Judge ~gin right now so-help-mea d Profa ' n with this scanda lously the ne outburst a dainty foot struck 8oor of th and nrrnJ e coach very forcibly teeth Y and two rows of pearly ing a can:ie together with a snap mak. Patnfully - t . h . ' . 01 Oth r,,.. s ra1g t hne of a pair wt e ad bl Jane st . ora e ruby lips. Should ra ightened her hat then her b er · ' ack int ' Patted a tray lock of hair from hero tace, fleck ed a bit of dust about f lllmaculate suit, and looked or her fi . . down th r t v ictim. Up and Pa rk 1· . e coach wandered those 0 n a ing ey e · and at la t they rested · right across the a1• le . new p aper J and h·ct I · ane th tng omething which * * ought · h · * * nug t be a man . * * * * * * ''G

Why it's a regu lar-a-a_:_Bolshevik variety! Gues~ a fli~,t would say something to him now. She hesi tated on ly a moment, th en smiling her moS t dimp ly smile she leaned over and said, "I .beg your ,!!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!,! pardon sir. May I look at your paper just a moment, please?" The _ A complet e line always in st ock. one of th·e ducky mouS t ache beS t OWed § a rather -withering glance on Jan e, 55 W. Park St. R. M. JOHNSON, t shoved the p-aper towa rd her ~lmoS : ST UD ENT AGENCY : roug hi Y, and turn ed his attention to ii1111111,·1,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii the snow flakes again. O ur little lady felt somewhat dashh 0 Id g111llllllllllllllll1Jlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll H!! ed by such treatment. "Why t e thing," she wailed between her teeth. " He must know I'm n?t one of those horrid professional flirts, as. Uncle h to call them. I think he · c ooses might give me a . little support. This Girls' H igh-top Basket B all Shoes, also suitable for spring tennis .. $3.30 _ isn'-t as much fun as it might be. But . ·t Mr Man. A regular Girls' Official Gum Oxfords ...................................................................... 1.75 _ Just you wai • · d. f11·rt i· sn' t so easily conquere as you Basket Ball Bloomers ............................................................... ................ 2.25 ' may t h.111 k" · • She retired behind the sheltering to plan her next mov e. newspaper d h.l the object of her plots an Men's Official Basket Ball Shoes, suction-soles ....................... .......... . 4.50 Meanw I e t !ans was trying to solve .the mys ery Men' s Varsity Blucher-Toe, suction soles ........................................... . 4.00 pof her behavior. Surely tha~ young M Jane Gymnasium and Track Shirts and Trousers, each .............................. .7S lady was non·e other than . iss ' h f th s Basket Ball Half-Hose, wool ...... ............................................................. . Whitmore the niece of ts a er '. d T he had never _ college fnen · rue, h t We can get for you anything you need in Athletic Goods, and get it m e t the lady but he had seeo er. oo c t mly quickly. Athletic Goods, a Specialty. often to be m istak en now. Ier: a she was acting very strange y or. I d of her po ition and social' young a Y , · t h ving . "Maybe shes JUS a standing. h h "If she a litrle fuµ ," thoug t e. I' ll . another cha nce gue s g ives me Ma bt '.;he'll introduce 22 North State Street ta lk to . her. ~ b I'll get : herself aJ1d again~may e . h d That would be more h~e Tiurmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii 1 soue c e · h h I thing a. girl after starting t e w o ~ . 1 lf" He glanced across t e a1s e 1111111111~- ·1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 !!, herse · M. Jane Whi!. t in time to see iss ~ Call Citize~ 21 or B ell 147-R , res idence; or Bell 8-W office, for § JUS tiny gold pencil from her more take a ds at the too •t a few wor . purse, wn e f re she handed . it of the p~per, it~e t~e most irresistible back to hun w mu t er and get off •t he could _ Agent for Acme Laundering Company, General Laundry Work and : mt e s the t rain. d read it Peerless D ry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers. and Sanitary Pressers thet paper He u11folded . '·Thankan so' much, ._ _ · Headquarters-- 12 E . C o ll ege A ve., W estervill e, 0 . sudden exci temen · you are Subscripions taken for The country Ge ntleman, Ladies' Home sorry 1 h edvt·k ·b,, I'm Journal, Saturday Evening Post. Mr. Bos T. hi·s · was getting f d um dea an · inte resting. t,, aid Mr. . : Prompt Service-Best Service. -

~~gg~etion l' l] have to try mental ton or or telepathy or concentra...,. ometh · · t Ith a Wicked thought Jan e, and 0 \\•ard th ittle smile she turn ed on her k at new paper, her elbow atnd act uanlel e, her chin in her hand, h0 e h Y. t ared at and through a rn eaditne . . . orneiit' . . uddenly, without w headline arnmg, instead of those . 1'St ra1•ght · he found herself staring . hey \V~nto a Pair .of very black eyes. Ju t now re a rfriend! Y, Iaughirtg eyes, Jane tu ittte. Questioning. c~nfu ion cned b.er face , cove red with Window and blushes toward the %ick1 and h , Y. "O caug t h-er breath to h h th ·ti er elf ,, ' ri ," she whispered ' What a ducky mustache!

" " Well,. ;:,m I th:op!o\ meet that Bolshe.v1k, u lady again some. ou g intere ting ~ h t he dismissed her day," a~d ~:~~~t:at is he to ld hint­ from his m f rse they only do self he did b.ut o Wcohu t he really did · stones. . · t t h at 111 ha le evemng JU t spend the w o f h was o h. xperience o t e d · about ts e . t won enng . h. that he m1g,it and w1s 1ng afternoon g adventuress see that b'razen youn · . ' · h.mg agam h fternoon fims Jane spent t e a • and when her Chr:i st mas shoppt~: .),ardly have eve ning came one vh,...oupetulant ycll'ng . d in her t e . recogmze . or the cond f the mornmg · la Y O . f th e afternoon. science le flirt 0


Cleiorhetea. 1:h·ane was bo th bored and angry. 1 th ing of doing the same thing ~very day of the year did not appea l ~ her and as he looked a ]oomily out 0 th e ordinary window ;f that ordinar! accomodation train at the 0rd1 nary snow flakes she could have ,creanied A 11 d no wo nd er! Ju st let · m~ tell you of th e hard life Jane \Va hvin.g and T.m su r e you will feel .sorry for her to o Twelve ' . . . m0th . yea rs ago, her frail little er had relinqui shed her weak h 1 on life and commended to the cod




= =

College Athletic Supplies = = = =

-== =


.ss =

= =


HANSON, The Clean-Up Man

= = = = =









= =

Page Six


ATHLETICS CAPIT AL COPS VICTORY Wins from Tan and Cardinal In Slow Contest Last Friday Night, In Loy Gym. F at·1·tn g to hit th e basket. ,was f the principal r eason for Otterbein s de eat by Capita l. Friday at the Loy Gymna­ sium. The contest was uninteresting frot:'1 - h · The Tan and Cardi­ start to fi ms nal quintet worked th e ball d~wn the floor many times only to lose it when they attempted t_o make a close-up shot. Bernlohr was Capital's big man . while Ranck for Otterbein showed flashes of his old-time form. Capital (38) (lS) Otterbein White, Bernlohr,

BOARDING CLUB LEAGUE Reults This Week. Priest, 14-Bishop, 2. Mattoon, 18-Cook, 13. McRill, 28-Town, 5. R~ed, 48-Blendon, 8. Games Next Week. Mattoon vs. Bishop. Priest · vs: Cook. Reed vs. Town. McRill v . Hotel.

-Standing of the Clubs. McRill .................. 4 0 Town .................... 3 I Priest ...................... 3 1 Bishop .................... 2 2 Reed ...................... 2 2 Mattoon ················ I 3 Blendon ................ '3 4 Schutz Cook .............. ........ 0

Gangloff F. Ridenour, Wiesner F. Priest Ridenour, V. C. Albright Hossier, Rickert G. B-arnhard, Ranck Lehman G· Sc ho man . Field Goals-Bernlohr, 5; Ridenour, 4; V. Ridenour, 1; Sc~oman, 2 ; Gangloff, 1; Rickert, 3; Pnest 2; Al­ bright, 3. Fouls-Bernlohr, 4; Ridenour, 1; Rickert, 1; Schutz, 3. Referee-Dunlap, Denison. Canton.-Mt. Union Trip, The next games of our basket­ ba ll schedule will be played next Friday and Saturday nights. . On Friday night the Otterbem quinte~ will oppo~e the strong Mt. U nion tea!I_l at Alliance. Following this game they will go to Canton, where they are to meet a . local independent club. But one mo,re home game remains on the schedule, that one being with apital on March 4.


1000 .750 . . .750

.500 .500 .250



"Give Me My Mountain." Mr. L . W . Warson led the Christian Endeavor meeting, d-iscussing the topic "A Surrendered Life," c'hoosing as hi s text J os hua 14; 12-15, he select~d the phrase " Give me my moui1tain" as the mo tto for those who are truly willing to serve. We do not want an easy task but one which challenges our every power, as Joshua asked for the power of over­ coming a mountain with walled cities inhabited by ..,giants: Mr. Warson ;ave. notable. illustratio.ns.. oi o former days and of our day who had conquered seemingly impassible obstacles, mentioning the revival in Otterbein when so many men and women became Christians; also the one day reviv al conducted by Billy Sunday in the University of Penn5yl­ vania in which every man was con­ <v inced. Every Christian Endeavor member felt a desire, as he Ii fened to th e talk, to beg for his mountain and for the courage to conquer it.

Merry Christmas, Mr. Bolshevik! (Continued, from page five) Friday, February 11Basket Ball at Mt. Union. from home so I called him up tonight Invited Session at Philomathea. and a ked him to. come out for Play at Philophronea. Christmas dinner." Salurday, February 12" Oh, that'll be fine," aid Jane. Basket Ball at Canton. "Is he nice? Will I like him, s'pose? C. E. Social at "Gym". ls he good looking? and, oh ncle Wednesday, February 16-­ what will you pu t on the hri tma Sibyl -Mu ical Conc,ert. tree for him ?" Thursday, February 17"That's ju t the qne tion. Jane I Glee Club at Cincinnati. want you to go into the city tomorrow Friday, February 18again and buy Jerry a Christmas preGlee Club at Lewisburg. ent. Imbibe a lot mo re of that State Orator ical Contes t at Mu Christmas spirit and we'll cheer him kingum. up regular Thursday. What do you Saturday, February 19ay, girlie?" Basket Ball at Ohio University. The next afternoon when our blackGlee Club at D.ayton. mustached friend boarded th Tuesday, February 22"Accomodation" to go back to h' Ba ket Ba ll at Cincinnati. is office. he glanced about excited ly for Diary of a Cochran Hall Girl. two things, one a little red 'hat adorn· ( Continued from page four.) ed by • j,u,ty feathec, '"' othec • Sunday 6. Today I've been think­ vacant seat. He found them to • i-ng of my career. I've deci~ed that l geth.er. There wasn't anothe r empty . I can write., and I declare that I'm go seat h 111 a 1 •that crowd of Chri tmas . was a brave person. ing to burst into print soon, even if s oppers and it who would dare appropriate that seat 'it is in such a high-c.lass publicatio'l in the face of Jane' elevated eyea the Farm Journal. b row . J ane was particular . who shared

her s_eat, eve n .on D ecemb er 24th. "'T hanks so mu ch, · Miss F lirtatious Maid. Awfully kind of you to share your seat with ;.n afflicted fri end," said a saucy voice a nd glancing up, J ane met the gaze of Mr. Bolshevik. She hes itated. She was sorry she had been so spiteful toward Uncle How­ ard the day before and how horrified he would be if he knew of her shame­ less co nduct. But it wasn't that good looking man_' fa ult, so why punish hirn? A nd besides, it was the joy of her young life to fli r t. . "Oh, don't mention it, Mr. Bol1-ievik. I was av ing it for you. Go­ ing Ch ristmas shopping?" " Where el e could I- be going ?" he a ked .evasively. "And You?" "'I'm buying a · gift for a stunn­ ing young lawyer whom I've never me t but whose heart I'm going to charm away at dinner tomorrow." " Lucky dog," said Mr. Bolshevik, "I'm jealous of that lawyer, · Miss Rfirtation ." . "Ho~v ·sweet of you! I'll have you to dinner next year." Wicked, Wicked · Jane! Mr. Bol­ shevik's heart gave one flop and was, lost f_o rever. "Take me shopping with you," humb ly begged Mr. Bolshevik as he fervently prayed that Mi5s Flirtatious Maid was the person he thought she was. Again Jan e hesitated. Where w as she allowing that ·trouble ome adventurous streak in her nature to tak her? Bu it 'll(ould be so much fun ,and certainly fa"';- enough out of the ordinary to atisfy even her. When Mr. Bolshevik added that he too must buy a Christmas gift for a person whom .he didn't k,now and ·that perspp a young lady, her good resolutions all went to mash. " Oh, that'll be ju t heaps of fun" he exclaimef . "We'll · shop t~gether. 1 really don't know much about buying presents for young men and you can ·help me select some-


That .

Cool,Clean Klenzo Feeling . - ake the for

W ANT to know ho"'. to -~ike

children lose their ~enco-th• cloanlnc their teeth ? Give t h em th•f foll.,.... new Dental Cren,e I The 'g'tn!o•s 1hOrouJh Its use la a teetlmony to en he• even th• c/eannoea-clean·neH that- reacfrom stale..­ tiny taste nervea, freelne the~h feel 1iot and cretlona that m ake the mou · . atlcky. Try a tube today

TA CR E ivtli HOFFMAN'S- ; ~ALL STORE Westerville, O.

-~ ======= A. A. RICH

The Insuran'ce Marr . ' Abstracts, Loans 1' Notary Pub lC ,


thing." Jane never forgot that afternoon- ---....: xcitement, adventure, thrills, on·e right after the other and at the end of the m9st delightful two hours she could ever remember, Ja ne went hom~ with a box: of cigars, Mr. :flol­ shevik's favorite brand, while he left an order with the fiori t for two d M kind. iss F _L irtation's special ozen ro s, " Merry hri tma b Mr. Bot hevik, remem said er Jane Your gayly invitation year' a shefor left n.ext him at the florist's . ~ "Merr I{ • M . ,, Y n 5tmas, Flirtatious aid answered he nd his heart $0.L-. k h the Possibility that she wa s an at not w O het thought she was. The d a y when Uncle Rowd . nex ~ · ar he introduced Jane. to J erry M'ttc h ell 1 Jerr;a~ pu~z ed indeed, for while mu,muceodw,,;M vecy gcadou,_ly '"' •ievt ;,, hay I , accept now, for ~ ca " = year. .t e welt po·ise d - J ane bemeh very . 'd . Pmk" and 'Ve ry f usse d and ai a 1tmg1y ' Merry Ctlri. t mas, ,M r. Bolshevik." A d h r THE TAILO~ fitt nd t eh tttle cupid on the mantle · b ow. e a not er arrow to h ts . streets

WOLFE'S ME A'fS . Are good to eat.

Phone your Or.der

Bell 46-W



~======-~ ~rs & RHODES


Thi"" College Ave 'f MEAT MARKE


S ========== B. W. W ELL

Grace Pink/ Hilt, ,



State and Main Cleanin,c aff d Prettinl

Page Seven


che tzel of Dayton has come 1111111111111111 1111 IIIII Ill IIIIIll III llllllllllllllllllllllll II Ill lllllll III IIIIIII IIll 1111111111111111~ 211aude Coc hran Hall. TOILET ARTICLES-Face Powders, Toilet _ t to live at W aters, California Perfumes, Vanity Boxes, _ Ruth nyder gave a push Friday _ Flesh Brushes, Etc. /


night. S unday dinner guests included Miss Edna Bright, Mi s Moore,. Mrs. § , Noble - and daughter Louise, and : Mes r s. Mayne, Walter :¥allace of I~ 1 Cincinnati, Jaynes, Martm, Troop, : ! Peden and Gerald Kahler of G_ranville. I=--



DC I a-r [] N



In Pired Ch Y having een "Chu Chii1 ow" at th H Ge e artma1,, Grace- Hill and ntva Br I from thi ii ey staged everal scenes r0om. ,:,_, Wonderful pageant in their <-'"1Urd · rangem ay night. A clever arPaper ~nt of library tables, waste ~Over _an ' ers t-while couch amp h orien tal rug and an oil



..::~_&r;i°:J:dani; e~e:~~~ e c;t:~!tt~t=t~ hanced 'ch~rm of it all was enand Waili .u niqu e Oriental costumes ng comb mu ic Benny la e ter pent a few days of lond\Veek With Gladys H d on. · owar at






E =

· F lowers; Quality =

everal of the girl eujoyed a candy­ making party at Peden's Thur sday _ evening. K ath erine Pollock went to her -home k d : in Mt. Gilead f,o r the wee -en · : Alice Hunter and Rose Goodman gave a pu h Wednesday night.

MK11 C.e ar Fl ower Sh op ;


~~:.fN ~- 22 N. High St.

1 SPt~~t~ ~d~~o~ ~ ! t Vaughn Bancroft whi le t~e stringed i1~strument numbers cons1St!!d of a vio lin . olo by Virginia Snavely and .a v·1olin duet by Alice Abbott and

' (Con.tinued from pa·g e one.) . f th nigh t to ce lebra te the last o e1r . hteen weeks oi. pilgrimagin g. e1g h d b n Jong Their wanderings a ~e d h d and , difficul t so with m uch an ~r I t th emselve to enthu 1a m they en . hic)l th plea ure of the evenmg w e . d f games ong and eats. co n 1ste o • g ,· .,en a favor . Ro e \ er • · · • · Th main feature of the evenrng was h ization of- a literary club t e• organ . . Jy named was unaUJmou w 1uc 11 . ,, th pu rpo e e . t " antc rbury :Pilgrrms, . I • t promot more mter J ·th of wh1 1 1 . E )i h li terature i.n genera w_1 ~; ci:t empha i on the baucerian


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Corsages a Specialty -

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T Q Ur A gent at W esterVl·11 e. ~S

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I cte.d were as (ollo~ : : ell

Earhart, ice- Pre id nt Ru Tichols, ecretary- : Pre ident, L aughn Leatberman, Trea urer, a herrick Faculty advi~or, Doctpr · K PROGRESSES

d y

Or er our


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One dozen Photos make 12 appreciated presents.


:. . f the q uestion. eet1n g O ti ne pornt k ·th rcgu. held each wee w1 are being Otterbein w ill lar cheduled debate . . the : probably have three team 111

fie ld. t ha,·e been Definite arrangem e.n f triangular debate beconclud d or a Oh·10 •orthe r n twe n vVittenberg, h Yt . b . b it no ·date a a and tter etn t I f her deevera o be 11 agreed upon. • g to un.I ding ow1n bat a re til pen · . · ad· u tu ual difficulty ·e,xpen.e nced 111 J ".A val en Ul, Baffiing Baffaire ? ______ in d tai l . -..1r1 1n . 1> line Par ty wa . l <\00 111 311 . given by th e .t es-the _ ·d of true po 11 en ' C· Uci l! Fnday night. ~r J ea . t ,.,_ho left a note sayity I e Waht 1 for the ~ra;d 11 diana b wa called to Union e cap d conv c " rd011 me ll!other. Y the death of her ing, "I hope y?u'l~, pa Ji erty I'm taking.

O Um . US,


lil Season.


DEBATE WOR ) . d from page one. l ont1nue M •



F ancy Roses , Carnations and all Fl OWerS -


he · day ll' 1rls in R00111 . Pu h f 3 5 ga e a birth~en·1 or Ag ng_ ne Tryon Tu day a~he officer

C 1


Hazel Barngrover. h A large audience listened to t e


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liele11 <it he aniµbell · r hon1 e . Pent the week-end 111 Galena .j . arJor· . "'er ie Cope!a cl \1 1- ll'ue t n and Kay ellcrnn 1e F . riday at. the h om-e of Hazel Mr night. J.tarri · vVhi ti er .. \\>eek et and Mar. of . Daytor1 v,is1ted · Jora s veral day last f>hyir. I Par Kirk . Y at Buck Patrick gave a fud"e en ' ·~ l!ho aturday njght. "' tecord nograph a fr% end f nd a bo. of Edison a Cetta· or th melodiou trafo \V 111 room It e are on third floor. Ot be 1. orry th "" n ch at .vue Loomi will 00 1 11 llcautif ext emestei:.


guest of her daughter Mabel. v elm a Hopp le went horn e to L ogan Ill Ill llllll II Ill II lll Ill Ill II 111111111111111H111111111111111111111 Ill Ill II Ill IIll II Ill lllll Ill Ill Ill II Ill ' : : for the week-end.

Beautiful .. recital and applauded the work of . , Baffimg Baffaire ? each perfarmer in a way that vouched I e &1 rl · · · .lielena ': Room 208 gave a push for their apprec1ation.



: :

Alice Flegal was calJed home to Philip burg, Pa,. because of the death of her grandfathe r. : 'Mrs. a s el· of Dayton is here thej1iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~


Gou to her a;r . Monday · night p_rereen State parture for Bowlmg i, · ormal. neJen W . \\'eek~en ct ertz and Ethe) U]ricb were enc gue t t th e Ban el . a e home of Flor13 in Logan. cautifuJ B . 11 • ' affimg Baffaire ? CI 0 Delioff 1. . Um bu h . Ill Grant Bo pjtal, 1Or a · avmg be d PPendic• . n operate upon 1t1 F'Ioreuc . Party at Be Reed gave a VaJe11tine Co h radfotd F•riday ever1ing.· c ran li ~Urio it a lt i ju t i?zliug with I . y lo hea'r . what that ''Baffaire"


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P age Eigh~



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Young Men's Stiits

at $25 and $35 Good-loo king u it , in the weights and s tvles that yo u want for wear now, and th..,e weight and tyles yo u will en joy wearing in earl y sp r ing. Good a they look, too-the fine wool­ en in them are of the qua lity that ha di t ingui hed u it ell ing late ly at very m uch higher price

A t $25, there are hairline-stripes, cas­ simeres, worsteds, ser ges- in bot h single and double-breasted styles. The favor­ ate shades, and mighty fine patter n s. Every uit tailored to meet the exact­ ino- Lazarus requirement . 11 1zes, including uits for hort, tall and tout men. (Lazarus Second Floor)

Plain-Color Shirts, with Sepa-: rate Collar to Match at $2.15 durable Linen-Fini hed cloth in choice of tan, late, helio, pink or blue. Fa t colors. The collar 1 a low pointed t r im-fitt.ing and mart. 1ze 13½ t o 16.


(Lazarus Men's Store- First Floor)

Founded 18~1

La arua I

S ial Evening Announced. which will demand and upply 'l real (Coc ntl . program. ·nued from page one.) coll ege social o . how bow much yo u want it. There ------O . t be a h-ri tian Endeavor ocial . Juniors To O ffe r Entertainment. 1 J • • the ociation parlors with eat , ( ontmued from page one.) ug ame and good fellowshtp · f or t h e book contammg · · the u ual number of . whole , chool. Let every one take an pictures. . . • • . . interest in th1 affair and go w,th the It I t he opm 1on of th taff ho,.,• J • ' · hen I' f ever tlati pictures pa rtly make th e idea of having a good t11ne.-t everyone doe have a good time, there book, and for thi rea on th ey wish is bound to b a pirit engendered to increa the izc of the book an d .

High and T own Streets

to t . . ds wi ll g~ . b rPU f Ill . It an unu ually large num- clas , s hare of th e pro ccCf the l 9i• _t o p1ctur . Th ey w1· h al o to en tire ly to the b ne fit .o rn coils15,-• xpand and, dd ome of the old depa rtm en ts ibyl. pl ea ing progra ·u tru111e\1 fu•u In a ord a new t one or t ' o. ing of band num ber and ured, I er o make th · • · s a · will be po 1ble 1t tal and voca l olos etc, w1 I 1 uppo t nece th sary for th e t udcots to ann ouncement o f pr aral11, 0 r e concert · . . announ c d f W which ha been be m a d eweek. ~next ,.., edne da Y 111g · h t. Feb- 1 .. ruary e T or h bome bre 16 ed b th We con~ert will be re nd er- 1 ~.<ot to ~ugge ted for (111 be ~ 01e ausprce e of terv1ll e_ band under thr: hound . ·'Jug no t tha\:take oot1c



he Junior clas .

Th e I jugge d.' ' :Mill er and H e-1 I

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